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Recent Advances in Financial Planning and Product Development

Communication cycle:
Definition, process, models and examples
Technological Institute of Western Macedonia

Abstract: Communication is the act of conveying information for the purpose of creating a shared under-
standing. It's something that humans do every day. In other words, Communication is the activity of conveying
information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing,
or behaviour. Pragmatics defines communication as any sign-mediated interaction that follows combinatorial,
context-specific and content-coherent rules.

Key-words: Communication, information, linguistic, non-linguistic forms, sender, message, recipient, re-
ceivers attitude, psychological noise, diagonal communication.

1. Introduction: The Definition of One definition of communication is "any act by

Communication which one person gives to or receives from another
person information about that person's needs, de-
The term "communication" has been derived sires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states.
from the Latin "communis," that means "common" 1. Communication may be intentional or unintentional,
Thus "to communicate" means "to make common" may involve conventional or unconventional sig-
or "to make known", "to share" and includes verbal, nals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms,
non-verbal and electronic means of human interac- and may occur through spoken or other modes." 3
tion. Scholars who study communication analyze This act of making common and known is car-
the development of communication skills in humans ried out through exchange of thoughts, ideas or the
and theorize about how communication can be made like. The exchange of thoughts and ideas can be had
more effective. by gestures, signs, signals, speech or writing. People
It is the meaningful exchange of information be- are said to be in communication when they discuss
tween two or a group of people. Communicative some matter, or when they talk on telephone, or
competence designates the capability to install inter- when they exchange information through letters.
subjective interactions, which means that communi- Basically, communication is sharing information,
cation is an inherent social interaction 2. whether in writing or orally 4.

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Humans convey information through a variety of tion often hold highly influential positions as jour-
methods: speaking, telephones, email, blogs, TV, nalists, editors, university professors, public rela-
art, hand gestures, facial expressions, body language tions officers, marketing consultants, speech writers,
and even social contexts 5. Communication can oc- filmmakers, motivational speakers and political
cur instantaneously in closed, intimate settings or campaign managers. To communicate is to shape
over great periods of time in large public forums, the world.
like the Internet. However, all forms of communica- Communication requires a sender, a message,
tion require the same basic elements: a speaker or and a recipient, although the receiver doesn't have to
sender of information, a message, and an audience be present or aware of the sender's intent to commu-
or recipient. The sender and recipient must also nicate at the time of communication; thus communi-
share a common language or means of understand- cation can occur across vast distances in time and
ing each other for communication to be successful. space. Communication requires that the communi-
As such, a study of communication often examines cating parties share an area of communicative com-
the development and structure of language, includ- monality 6. The communication process is complete
ing the mathematical languages used in computer once the receiver has understood the message of the
programming. sender 7.
The act of communicating draws on several in- Language issues and Cultural Differences: the
terpersonal and intrapersonal skills. These include receiver(s) may not (fully) understand the language
speaking, listening, observing, questioning, process- used by the transmitter. This may occur if the
ing, analyzing and evaluating. Recipients of a mes- transmitter's language is foreign to the receiver.
sage must be able to identify the sender's intent, take There may also be language problems (that the
into account the message's context, resolve any mis- communication process) if the message contains
understandings, accurately decode the information technical information and the receiver's is not famil-
and decide how to act on it. Such skills are essential iar with the technical terms used. Cultural differ-
to learning, forming healthy relationships, creating a ences created by an individual's background and ex-
sense of community and achieving success in the perience affect their perception of the world. Such
workplace. cultural differences may affect the interpretation
As a field of study, communication spans a (decoding) of the message sent 8.
broad, rich array of subjects, including sociology, Environmental issues: If the environment that
psychology, philosophy, political science, linguis- the transmitter or receiver are in, is noisy and full of
tics, history, literature, criticism and rhetoric. Al- sound, the sounds may prevent the message being
though much of the field's subject matter is theoreti- fully understood. Background noise is often created
cal in nature, communication studies have proven by colleagues or machinery 9.
applicable to business, film, theatre, composition, Channel issues: If the channel used to transfer
advertising, education, foreign policy and computer the information is poor it may prevent all or some of
science. the information being transferred. Examples include
In today's globalized, media-driven world, com- a faulty fax machine, a crackling phone, handwriting
munication studies have become more relevant and that cannot be read or in the case of oral messages
exciting than ever. Web developers seek new, inven- incorrect facial gestures.
tive ways to draw Internet users to their websites. Receivers Attitude and behaviour: If the re-
Public policy writers debate society's most pressing ceiver(s) is not interested in the message (or unable
issues. Through linguistics, computer scientists are to give their full attention to decoding) this may re-
developing programming languages that may some- duce the amount of information received or the ac-
day allow humans to interact directly with com- curacy of the information transmitted to them. Simi-
puters. Students who earn degrees in communica- larly the receiver(s) may misinterpret the message

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by "jumping to conclusions" or reading the message 3. Internal / Organisational Com-

in a manner that suits their own interests/objectives munication
and distort the true meaning of the message 10.
Transmission journey: i.e. steps in the message. This is communication that takes place within (or
If the message is complicated or there are lots of across) an organisation. In addition to the usual face
steps taken to transfer the message it may affect the to face, telephone, fax or mail; modern organisa-
accuracy or interpretation 11. Comparing with the tions may use technology to communicate inter-
leaky bucket if the leaky bucket has to carry water nally. Technology may be used for e-mails or a
over a longer distance more water will probably lost linked internal communication system such as the
than if the journey was shorter. intranet which is an internet system designed solely
for use by those working for the organisation 13.
2. Interpersonal Communication
4. External communications
This is defined as communication between two
or more people and involves the transfer of informa- Conversely external communication is commu-
tion (or message) from one person to the other(s). nication between the organisation and those outside
The person transferring the information is called the the organisation. Modern organisations may design
sender or transmitter. The people receiving the mes- technological systems so that they can communicate
sage are known as receivers. The transmitter will with customers and undertake e-Commerce. Alter-
need to send the information in a format that the re- natively they communicate with other businessess
ceiver(s) will understand. Converting the informa- through the internet or similar systems and under-
tion into a format that the receivers will understand take e-Business.
is known as Encoding.
Messages can be encoded into a variety of for- 5. Functions of Internal and Exter-
mats oral, written or visual. After encoding the mes- nal Communications
sage is transferred via a medium called a channel,
for example a letter, fax, phone call, or e-mail. After Technology has rapidly expanded the types of in-
transference the information will need to be inter- ternal and external communication available to or-
preted by the receiver. This process of interpretation ganisations. The diagram illustrates the vast array of
is known as decoding. Finally the receiver will send internal and external communication available 14.
a message back to the transmitter confirming Combined together internal and external types of
whether the information sent has been understood. communications allow various sectors of the local,
This back check is known as feedback 12. national and international community to interact,
liaise and conduct business 15.

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External Internal Although there are advantages to downward

communication communication communication organisations have began to encour-
Letters Team breafings age upward communication. This is communication
Fax Notices which originates at the lower level of the employ-
Direct mail Reports ment hierarchy and is then communicated up
Internet Memos through the line. Organisations encouraging upward
Video Face to Face communication believe that everybody is capable of
Telephone Email generating thoughts and ideas which may help the
Advertisement organisation to progress, particularly when they are
Websites working closely in the area that the idea applies to.
Upward communication may increase motivation
6. Formal and Informal Communi- and make employees feel valued and respected
cations whilst enabling managers to understand how em-
ployees are feeling. Furthermore if problems occur
Formal communication is defined as communi- at they are more likely to be identified earlier by
cation which occurs through the official organisa- those working closely in the area that they occur.
tional channels or is undertaken by an employee to Types of upward communications include sugges-
do their job. For example official meetings, letters tion schemes, feedback forums / surveys, grievance
and a manager asking an employee to carry out a procedures and employee-manager discussions.
particular task. Conversely informal communication
is that which occurs outside the recognised commu- 8. Lateral Communication
nication networks such as talking in the lunchroom
or hallways between employees. Informal commu- This is communication that occurs between em-
nication can be productive or negative. It has the po- ployees on the same level in the organisation. As
tential to build teams, improve working relation- this can involve decision making it can create effi-
ships and generate ideas as employees are in a re- ciency as employees do not have to wait for mana-
laxed environment. gerial approval. On the other hand if the manager is
not kept informed or if the manager fails to set
7. Upward and Downward Commu- boundaries there is potential for conflict.
9. Diagonal Communication
Downward communication is communication
created by directors and managers and passed down This occurs when communication occurs be-
the hierarchy of workers in the organisation. In tra- tween workers in a different section of the organisa-
ditional organisations this is the preferred method of tion and where one of the workers involved is on a
communication i.e. Managers decide what the sys- higher level in the organisation. For example in a
tems, rules and procedures will be and then they bank diagonal communication will occur when a
pass these down to employees they manage and su- department manager in head office converses with a
pervise. Downward Communication can increase cashier in a branch of the bank based on the high
efficiency by synchronising organisational proce- street.
dures and can ensure that everybody is working to-
wards the same overall aims and objectives. Types 10. Oral communication
of downward communication include job descrip-
tions, appraisals / evaluations, organisational policy, Human spoken and pictorial languages can be
and organisational systems 16. described as a system of symbols 17 (sometimes

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known as lexemes) and the grammars (rules) by clude chronemics, haptics, gesture, body language
which the symbols are manipulated. The word "lan- or posture, facial expression and eye contact, object
guage" also refers to common properties of lan- communication such as clothing, hairstyles, archi-
guages. Language learning normally occurs most tecture, symbols, infographics, and tone of voice, as
intensively during human childhood. Most of the well as through an aggregate of the above. Speech
thousands of human languages use patterns of sound also contains nonverbal elements known as paralan-
or gesture for symbols which enable communication guage. These include voice lesson quality, emotion
with others around them. Languages seem to share and speaking style as well as prosodic features such
certain properties although many of these include as rhythm, intonation and stress. Research has
exceptions. There is no defined line between a lan- shown that up to 55% of spoken communication
guage and a dialect. Constructed languages such as may occur through non verbal facial expressions,
Esperanto, programming languages, and various and a further 38% through paralanguage. Likewise,
mathematical formalisms are not necessarily re- written texts include nonverbal elements such as
stricted to the properties shared by human lan- handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words and
guages. Communication is the flow or exchange of the use of emoticons to convey emotional expres-
information within people or a group of people 18. sions in pictorial form.
A variety of verbal and non-verbal means of
communicating exists such as body language, eye 12. Oral communication
contact, sign language, haptic communication,
chronemics, and media content such as pictures, "The ability to communicate effectively through
graphics, sound, and writing. speaking as well as writing is highly valued and
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Dis- demanded in business." Oral communication, while
abilities also defines the communication to include primarily referring to spoken verbal communication,
the display of text, Braille, tactile communication, can also employ visual aids and non-verbal elements
large print, accessiblemultimedia, as well as written to support the conveyance of meaning. Oral com-
and plain language, human-reader, augmentative munication includes speeches, presentations, discus-
and alternative modes, means and formats of com- sions, and aspects of interpersonal communication.
munication, including accessible information and As a type of face-to-face communication, body lan-
communication technology 19. Feedback is critical to guage and choice tonality play a significant role, and
effective communication between participants. may have a greater impact upon the listener than in-
formational content 20. This type of communication
11. Nonverbal communication also garners immediate feedback 21.

Nonverbal communication describes the process

of conveying meaning in the form of non-word mes-
sages. Some forms of non verbal communication in-

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13. Business communication ing, analyzing, gestures, and evaluating enables col-
laboration and cooperation 22.
A business can flourish when all objectives of Misunderstandings can be anticipated and solved
the organization are achieved effectively. For effi- through formulations, questions and answers, para-
ciency in an organization, all the people of the or- phrasing, examples, and stories of strategic talk.
ganization must be able to convey their message Written communication can be clarified by planning
properly follow-up talks on critical written communication as
part of the every-day way of doing business. A few
14. Written communication and its minutes spent talking in the present will save valu-
historical development able time later by avoiding misunderstandings in
advance. A frequent method for this purpose is reit-
Over time the forms of and ideas about commu- erating what one heard in one's own words and ask-
nication have evolved through the continuing pro- ing the other person if that really was what was
gression of technology. Advances include commu- meant.
nications psychology and media psychology, an
emerging field of study. 15. Effective communication
The progression of written communication can
be divided into three revolutionary stages called "In- 15.1. The meaning
formation Communication Revolutions".
During the first stage, written communication Effective communication occurs when a desired
first emerged through the use of pictographs. The effect is the result of intentional or unintentional in-
pictograms were made in stone, hence written com- formation sharing, which is interpreted between
munication was not yet mobile. During the second multiple entities and acted on in a desired way. This
stage, writing began to appear on paper, papyrus, effect also ensures the message is not distorted dur-
clay, wax, etc. with common alphabets. The third ing the communication process. Effective communi-
stage is characterized by the transfer of information cation should generate the desired effect and main-
through controlled waves of electromagnetic radia- tain the effect, with the potential to increase the ef-
tion (i.e., radio, microwave, infrared) and other elec- fect of the message. Therefore, effective communi-
tronic signals. cation serves the purpose for which it was planned
The medium most widely used for communica- or designed. Possible purposes might be to elicit
tion affects what people think about themselves and change, generate action, create understanding, in-
how they perceive other people, so this can be used form or communicate a certain idea or point of
to divide the civilizations of world history into five view. When the desired effect is not achieved, fac-
"ages" or epochs: Ideographic writing produced the tors such as barriers to communication are explored,
first civilization; alphabetic writing produced the with the intention being to discover how the com-
second civilization; printing produced the third civi- munication has been ineffective.
lization; electronic recording and broadcasting pro- Effective communication involves talking and
duced the fourth civilization; and computer commu- listening.
nication produced the fifth civilization.
Communication is thus a process by which 15.2. Components
meaning is assigned and conveyed in an attempt to
create shared understanding. This process, which The act of communication begins with internal
requires a vast repertoire of skills in interpersonal processing about information or feelings you want
processing, listening, observing, speaking, question- to share with someone else (called encoding). After
encoding, the message is sent through either spoken

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or written words, which completes encoding. At the Effective communication requires that content
other end of communication is receiving and inter- and body language give the same message.
preting what was sent (called decoding). The recipi-
ent can and should confirm receipt to the sender to 15.5. Interference
close the communication loop.
Emotions can interfere with effective communi-
15.3. Context cation. If the sender is angry, his ability to send ef-
fective messages may be negatively affected. In the
Considering the context of communication im- same way, if the recipient is upset or disagrees with
proves its effectiveness. Context takes into consid- the message or the sender, he may hear something
eration the age, region, sex and intellectual abilities different that what was intended by the sender. Con-
of the recipient. It is also useful to assess receptivity sidering emotions, language and conceptual barriers
and the emotional state of the sender and receiver at is essential to effective communication.
the time of communication. For example, when
speaking to an elementary school child about the 15.6. Active listening
importance of brushing teeth, you should choose
different words and examples than you would when Effective communication is a reciprocal process
talking to a teenager or an adult. that includes listening. Successful listening requires
eye contact, objective processing and feedback to
15.4. Body language the speaker. Active listening may involve asking
clarifying questions or restating what was heard to
Also called nonverbal communication, body lan- assure that the intent of the message sent was cor-
guage includes posture, position of hands and arms, rectly received. Active listening becomes particu-
eye contact and facial expression. Children learn to larly important when the communication includes
read body language as a way to enhance understand- emotional content.
ing of the speaker's intent. Body language that is
consonant with the verbal content improves under- 15.7. Barriers to effective human communica-
standing. tion
Body language that is inconsistent with content
creates a question in the mind of the listener about At each stage in the process encoding, transfer-
the real message. For example, someone may be ence, and decoding there is the possibility of inter-
saying, "I really want to hear your opinion on this." ference which may hinder the communication proc-
However if the person is looking away, has his arms ess. This interference is known as noise. Often a
folded or is typing a text message at the same time, comparison is made between communication and a
his body language communicates an entirely differ- leaky bucket. If you use a leaky bucket to carry wa-
ent message. ter, water will be lost at various points in your jour-

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ney from the water tap to your destination. It is not which is too hot or cold can all affect people's mo-
possible to stop losing water because the bucket rale and concentration, which in turn interfere with
contains holes. The amount of water you will lose effective communication.
will be determined by the number of holes in the
bucket, the size of the holes, the route you take to 15.7.2. System design
your final destination and length of time it takes you
to get to your destination. There may also be other System design faults refer to problems with the
events that occur during your journey which in- structures or systems in place in an organization.
crease the amount of water lost. Examples might include an organizational structure
Similarly when information is transferred from which is unclear and therefore makes it confusing to
the transmitter to the receiver not all of the informa- know whom to communicate with. Other examples
tion may be received by the receiver because of could be inefficient or inappropriate information
holes called noise. Each of the noise may be affect systems, a lack of supervision or training, and a lack
the amount of information transferred. Just as in a of clarity in roles and responsibilities which can lead
leaky bucket, more holes decrease the amount of to staff being uncertain about what is expected of
water, more noise decreases the amount of correct them.
information received. Noise can take a variety of
forms including. 15.7.3. Attitudinal barriers
Barriers to effective communication can retard or
distort the message and intention of the message be- Attitudinal barriers come about as a result of
ing conveyed which may result in failure of the problems with staff in an organization. These may
communication process or an effect that is undesir- be brought about, for example, by such factors as
able. These include filtering, selective perception, poor management, lack of consultation with em-
information overload, emotions, language, silence, ployees, personality conflicts which can result in
communication apprehension, gender differences people delaying or refusing to communicate, the
and political correctness 23. personal attitudes of individual employees which
This also includes a lack of expressing "knowl- may be due to lack of motivation or dissatisfaction
edge-appropriate" communication, which occurs at work, brought about by insufficient training to
when a person uses ambiguous or complex legal enable them to carry out particular tasks, or just re-
words, medical jargon, or descriptions of a situation sistance to change due to entrenched attitudes and
or environment that is not understood by the recipi- ideas, it may be as a result delay in payment at the
ent. end of the month.

15.7.1. Physical barriers 16. Ambiguity of words / phrases

Physical barriers are often due to the nature of Words sounding the same but having different
the environment. An example of this is the natural meaning can convey a different meaning altogether.
barrier which exists if staff are located in different Hence the communicator must ensure that the re-
buildings or on different sites. Likewise, poor or ceiver receives the same meaning. It is better if such
outdated equipment, particularly the failure of man- words are avoided by using alternatives whenever
agement to introduce new technology, may also possible.
cause problems. Staff shortages are another factor
which frequently causes communication difficulties
for an organization. While distractions like back-
ground noise, poor lighting or an environment

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17. Individual linguistic ability

21. Animal communication
These may result from individuals' personal dis-
comfort, caused -for example- by ill health, poor The broad field of animal communication en-
eyesight or hearing difficulties. compasses most of the issues in ethology. Animal
communication can be defined as any behavior of
18. Physiological barriers one animal that affects the current or future behavior
of another animal 24. The study of animal communi-
The use of jargon, difficult or inappropriate cation, called zoo semiotics (distinguishable from
words in communication can prevent the recipients anthroposemiotics, the study of human communica-
from understanding the message. Poorly explained tion) has played an important part in the develop-
or misunderstood messages can also result in confu- ment of ethology, sociobiology, and the study of
sion. However, research in communication has animal cognition. Animal communication, and in-
shown that confusion can lend legitimacy to re- deed the understanding of the animal world in gen-
search when persuasion fails. eral, is a rapidly growing field, and even in the 21st
century so far, a great share of prior understanding
19. Presentation of information related to diverse fields such as personal symbolic
name use, animal emotions, animal culture and
Presentation of information is important to aid learning, and even sexual conduct, long thought to
understanding. Simply put, the communicator must be well understood, has been revolutionized.
consider the audience before making the presenta-
tion itself and in cases where it is not possible the 22. Plants and fungi
presenter can at least try to simplify his/her vocabu-
lary so that the majority can understand. Communication is observed within the plant or-
ganism, i.e. within plant cells and between plant
20. Nonhuman communication cells, between plants of the same or related species,
and between plants and non-plant organisms, espe-
Every information exchange between living or- cially in the root zone. Plant roots communicate in
ganisms -i.e. transmission of signals that involve a parallel with rhizome bacteria, with fungi and with
living sender and receiver can be considered a form insects in the soil. These parallel sign-mediated in-
of communication; and even primitive creatures teractions are governed by syntactic, pragmatic, and
such as corals are competent to communicate. Non- semantic rules, and are possible because of the de-
human communication also include cell signaling, centralized "nervous system" of plants. The original
cellular communication, and chemical transmissions meaning of the word "neuron" in Greek is "vegeta-
between primitive organisms like bacteria and ble fiber" and recent research has shown that most
within the plant and fungal kingdoms. of the microorganism plant communication proc-

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esses are neuronal-like 25. Plants also communicate 24. Models of communication:
via volatiles when exposed to herbivory attack be- Communication cycle
havior, thus warning neighboring plants. In parallel
they produce other volatiles to attract parasites 24.1. Linear Communication Model
which attack these herbivores. In stress situations
plants can overwrite the genomes they inherited The first major model for communication was in-
from their parents and revert to that of their grand- troduced by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver
or great-grandparents from similar, related, or non- for Bell Laboratories in 1949 27.
related species, and even filter out "noise", i.e. simi- The original model was designed to mirror the
lar molecules without biotic content 26. functioning of radio and telephone technologies.
Fungi communicate to coordinate and organize Their initial model consisted of three primary parts:
their growth and development such as the formation sender, channel, and receiver. The sender was the
of fruiting bodies. Fungi communicate with their part of a telephone a person spoke into, the channel
own and related species as well as with non fungal was the telephone itself, and the receiver was the
organisms in a great variety of symbiotic interac- part of the phone where one could hear the other
tions, especially with bacteria, unicellular eukaryote, person. Shannon and Weaver also recognized that
plants and insects through biochemicals of biotic often there is static that interferes with one listening
origin. The biochemicals trigger the fungal organ- to a telephone conversation, which they deemed
ism to react in a specific manner, while if the same noise 28.
chemical molecules are not part of biotic messages, In a simple model, often referred to as the trans-
they do not trigger the fungal organism to react. mission model or standard view of communication,
This implies that fungal organisms can differentiate information or content (e.g. a message in natural
between molecules taking part in biotic messages language) is sent in some form (as spoken language)
and similar molecules being irrelevant in the situa- from an emisor / sender / encoder to a destination /
tion. So far five different primary signalling mole- receiver / decoder. This common conception of
cules are known to coordinate different behavioral communication simply views communication as a
patterns such as filamentation, mating, growth, and means of sending and receiving information. The
pathogenicity. Behavioral coordination and produc- strengths of this model are simplicity, generality,
tion of signaling substances is achieved through in- and quantifiability. Social scientists Claude Shannon
terpretation processes that enables the organism to and Warren Weaver structured this model based on
differ between self or non-self, a biotic indicator, the following elements 29:
biotic message 1. An information source, which produces a mes-
23. Bacteria quorum sensing 2. A transmitter, which encodes the message into
Communication is not a tool used only by hu- 3. A channel, to which signals are adapted for
mans, plants and animals, but it is also used by mi- transmission
croorganisms like bacteria. The process is called 4. A receiver, which "decodes" (reconstructs) the
quorum sensing. Through quorum sensing, bacteria message from the signal.
are able to sense the density of cells, and regulate 5. A destination, where the message arrives.
gene expression accordingly. This can be seen in Shannon and Weaver argued that there were
both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. three levels of problems for communication within
this theory.
The technical problem: how accurately can the
message be transmitted?

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The semantic problem: how precisely is the another entity (such as a corporation or group of be-
meaning "conveyed"? ings).
The effectiveness problem: how effectively Communication can be seen as processes of in-
does the received meaning affect behavior? formation transmission governed by three levels of
Daniel Chandler 30 critiques the transmission semiotic rules:
model by stating: 1. Syntactic (formal properties of signs and sym-
It assumes communicators are isolated individu- bols),
als. 2. Pragmatic (concerned with the relations be-
No allowance for differing purposes. tween signs / expressions and their users) and
No allowance for differing interpretations. 3. Semantic (study of relationships between signs
No allowance for unequal power relations. and symbols and what they represent).
No allowance for situational contexts. Therefore, communication is social interaction
In 1960, David Berlo expanded on Shannon and where at least two interacting agents share a com-
Weaver's (1949) linear model of communication and mon set of signs and a common set of semiotic
created the SMCR Model of Communication 31. The rules. This commonly held rule in some sense ig-
Sender-Message-Channel-Receiver Model of com- nores autocommunication, including intrapersonal
munication separated the model into clear parts and communication via diaries or self-talk, both secon-
has been expanded upon by other scholars. dary phenomena that followed the primary acquisi-
Communication is usually described along a few tion of communicative competences within social
major dimensions: Message (what type of things are interactions.
communicated), source / emisor / sender / encoder In light of these weaknesses, Barnlund proposed
(by whom), form (in which form), channel (through a transactional model of communication 33. The ba-
which medium), destination / receiver / target / de- sic premise of the transactional model of communi-
coder (to whom), and Receiver. Wilbur Schram also cation is that individuals are simultaneously engag-
indicated that we should also examine the impact ing in the sending and receiving of messages.
that a message has (both desired and undesired) on In a slightly more complex form a sender and a
the target of the message 32. Between parties, com- receiver are linked reciprocally. This second attitude
munication includes acts that confer knowledge and of communication, referred to as the constitutive
experiences, give advice and commands, and ask model or constructionist view, focuses on how an
questions. These acts may take many forms, in one individual communicates as the determining factor
of the various manners of communication. The form of the way the message will be interpreted. Com-
depends on the abilities of the group communicat- munication is viewed as a conduit; a passage in
ing. Together, communication content and form which information travels from one individual to
make messages that are sent towards a destination. another and this information becomes separate from
The target can be oneself, another person or being, the communication itself. A particular instance of
communication is called a speech act. The sender's

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personal filters and the receiver's personal filters Forms of communication noise include psycho-
may vary depending upon different regional tradi- logical noise, physical noise, physiological and se-
tions, cultures, or gender; which may alter the in- mantic noise. All these forms of noise subtly, yet
tended meaning of message contents. In the pres- greatly influence our communication with others
ence of "communication noise" on the transmission and are vitally important to anyone's skills as a
channel (air, in this case), reception and decoding of competent communicator.
content may be faulty, and thus the speech act may
not achieve the desired effect. One problem with 25.1. Psychological noise
this encode-transmit-receive-decode model is that
the processes of encoding and decoding imply that Psychological noise results from preconceived
the sender and receiver each possess something that notions we bring to conversations, such as racial
functions as a codebook, and that these two code stereotypes, reputations, biases, and assumptions 38.
books are, at the very least, similar if not identical. When we come into a conversation with ideas about
Although something like code books is implied by what the other person is going to say and why, we
the model, they are nowhere represented in the can easily become blinded to their original message.
model, which creates many conceptual difficulties. Most of the time psychological noise is impossible
Theories of coregulation describe communica- to free ourselves from, and we must simply strive to
tion as a creative and dynamic continuous process, recognize that it exists and take those distractions
rather than a discrete exchange of information. Har- into account when we converse with others.
old Innis 34 had the theory that people use different
types of media to communicate and which one they 25.2. Physical noise
choose to use will offer different possibilities for the
shape and durability of society 35. His famous exam- Physical noise is any external or environmental
ple of this is using ancient Egypt and looking at the stimulus that distracts us from receiving the in-
ways they built themselves out of media with very tended message sent by a communicator. Examples
different properties stone and papyrus. Papyrus is of physical noise include: others talking in the back-
what he called "Space Binding". It made possible ground, background music, a startling noise and ac-
the transmission of written orders across space, em- knowledging someone outside of the conversation.
pires and enables the waging of distant military
campaigns and colonial administration. The other is 25.3. Semantic noise
stone and "Time Binding", through the construction
of temples and the pyramids can sustain their au- This is noise caused by the sender. i.e., the en-
thority generation to generation, through this media coder. This type of noise occurs when grammar or
they can change and shape communication in their technical language is used that the receiver (the de-
society 36. coder) cannot understand, or cannot understand
clearly. It occurs when the sender of the message
25. Communication noise use a word or a phrase that we don't know the mean-
ing or which we use differently than the speaker
Communication noise refers to influences on ef- does.
fective communication that influence the interpreta-
tion of conversations 37. While often looked over, 25.4. Environmental noise
communication noise can have a profound impact
both on our perception of interactions with others Environmental noise is the summary of noise
and our analysis of our own communication profi- pollution from outside, caused by transport, indus-
ciency. trial and recreational activities.

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The legislative regulation intended to avoid, pre- cannot interact with each other without communica-
vent or reduce the harmful effects of environmental tion. In the absence of communication, everything
noise. The main target is an integrated noise man- would grind to a halt.
agement. In the first step the competent authorities Examples:
in the European member states had to produce stra- The workers in an organisation would not know
tegic noise maps for major roads, railways, airports the organisation's objectives so they would not
and agglomerations. The second step is to inform strive to achieve the organisation's objectives.
and consult the public. The third step is producing The workers in an organisation would not know
local action plans to reduce noise. what their roles and responsibilities were, so they
would not be able to carry out their daily tasks and
25.5. Physiological-impairment noise duties.
The managers would not be able to train their
Physical maladies that prevent effective commu- workers reports so the workers would not possess
nication, such as actual deafness or blindness pre- the skills they needed to carry out their jobs.
venting messages from being received as they were The managers would not be able to inform work-
intended. ers of changes
The organisation would not be aware of their
25.6. Syntactical noise competitors activities.
Poorly structured communication can prevent the
Mistakes in grammar can disrupt communica- receiver from accurate interpretation. For example,
tion, such as abrupt changes in verb tense during a unclear and badly stated directions can make the re-
sentence. ceiver even more lost.

25.7. Organizational noise 25.8. Cultural noise

Organisations can not operate without communi- Cultural noise refers to impediments to success-
cation. Communication can take various forms but ful communication between people of different cul-
all forms involve the transfer of information from tures. Sources of cultural noise include differences
one party to the other. In order for the transfer of in- in language (e.g., the same words have different
formation to qualify as communication, the recipient meanings), values (e.g., importance of being on time
must understand the meaning of the information or setting work schedule times in a culture), non-
transferred to them. If the recipient does not under- verbal cues (e.g., interpretation of body language),
stand the meaning of the information conveyed to and many others. Persons involved in international
them, communication has not taken place. communication (or domestic, if communication in-
Communication is the life source of organisa- volves other cultures) should be aware of any barri-
tions because organisations involve people. People ers which may affect the message from being inter-

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