Organic Chemistry - Lesson 2

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Optical Isomerism

Isomerism of Organic Molecules: Optical Isomerism

Structural isomers:
Different compounds; all properties
like boiling points, melting points,
and solubilities are different

Geometrical isomers:
Different compounds; all properties
like boiling points, melting points,
and solubilities are different

all properties like boiling points,

melting points, and solubilities are same

Are they different compound?

What is the distinguishable property?

They interact differently with polarized light. These are called optical isomer
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: Optical activity

Polarized light

Achiral Molecule: does not rotate the plane of the polarized light
A compound that does not rotates the plane of polarization is said to be optically


Isomerism of Organic Molecules: Optical activity

Chiral Molecule: rotate the plane of the polarized light

A compound that rotates the plane of polarization is said to be optically active.


If an optically active compound rotates the plane of polarization clockwise, it is
called dextrorotatory, indicated by (+) or Dextro or d

If an optically active compound rotates the plane of polarization

counterclockwise, it is called levorotatory, indicated by (-) or Levo or l
In other words, chiral compounds are optically active and achiral compounds are
optically inactive.
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: Enantiomer
How do we find that a given molecule will rotate the plane of a polarized light or Not?
how do we know that which molecule is chiral and which is achiral?



A chiral molecule/ object has a nonsuperimposable mirror image.

An achiral molecule/ object has a superimposable mirror image.
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: Chirality
What is the key difference between a chiral molecule and an achiral molecule ?

This carbon has

This carbon has all two same groups
different groups

Carbon is called
asymmetric carbon
or chiral center
Chiral Molecule Achiral Molecule

Optically active or Chiral Molecule should have

1. one asymmetric center or chiral center and 2. nonsuperimposable mirror image
Mark the following molecule as chiral or achiral
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: Enantiomer
As chiral or optically active molecule with one chiral center will have two isomers
One isomer rotate the plane of a polarized light to right and other will rotate to left.

nonsuperimposable mirror image

Two isomers are called


Need a way to name the individual stereoisomer

Cahn, Ingold, and Prelog devised R,S System of Nomenclature to indicate the
configuration (arrangement) of the atoms or groups about the asymmetric carbon.

pair of enantiomers with one asymmetric carbon, one will have the R configuration
and the other will have the S configuration.
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: R,S Nomenclature

1. Rank the groups (or atoms) bonded to the asymmetric carbon in order of
priority. The atomic numbers of the directly attached to the asymmetric carbon
determine the relative priorities.
The higher the atomic number, the higher the priority.

2. If the two substituents bonded to the asymmetric carbon start with the same
atom (there is a tie), you must move outward from the point of attachment and
consider the atomic numbers of the atoms that are attached to the tied atoms.
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: R,S Nomenclature

3. If an atom is doubly bonded to another atom, the priority system treats

it as if it were singly bonded to two of those atoms. If an atom is triply bonded to
another atom, the priority system treats it as if it were singly bonded to three of
those atoms.

4. If two atoms have substituents of the same priority, higher priority is assigned
to the atom with more of these substituents.
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: R,S Nomenclature

A larger group (i.e., more atoms) may not necessarily have a higher priority over
another (smaller) group.

5. In the case of isotopes (atoms with the same atomic number, but different
mass numbers), the mass number is used to determine the relative priorities.
CHD has higher priority than CH2


(1) (1)

(2) (2)
(4) (4)

(3) (3)
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: R,S Nomenclature

Draw a curved arrow from 1 to 2 to 3 and back to 1 and note which direction this
arrow goes, clockwise (cw) or counterclockwise (ccw)

If the lowest priority group in behind the plane of the molecule, clockwise is R
and counter-clockwise is S

If the lowest priority group is in front of the plane of molecule, then the
assignment is reversed: clockwise is S and counterclockwise is R

(1) (1)
(2) (2)
(4) (4)

(3) (3)

lowest priority group is behind of the plane clockwise
lowest priority group is behind of the plane
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: R,S Nomenclature
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: Specific rotation
optically active compound will rotate the plane of polarization

Observed rotation () is
measured in degrees.

The observed rotation depends on the concentration of the sample and the length
of the sample tube. The observed rotation also depends on the temperature,
the wavelength of the light source and solvent.

For a given temperature T and given wavelength

Ovserved rotation is related with specific rotation as
l = length (dm) of sample tube
c = concentration (g mL-1 )of molecule
The specific rotation is the number of degrees of rotation caused by
a solution of 1.0 g of the compound per mL of solution in a sample
tube 1.0 dm long at a specified temperature and wavelength.
Specific rotation is specific to the molecule.
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: Specific rotation
A solution of 2.0 g of (+)-glyceraldehyde in 10.0 mL of water was placed in a 10
cm polarimeter tube. Using the sodium D line, a rotation of +1.74o was observed
at 25 oC. Calculate the specific rotation of (+)-glyceraldehyde.

= + 1.74/(0.2 X 1) = + 8.7

R or the S configuration does not tell us the direction the compound rotates
the plane of polarization

For some compounds with the R configuration rotate the plane to the right
and some rotate the plane to the left

We can tell by looking at the structure of a compound whether it

has the R or the S configuration

One can tell whether a compound is dextrorotatory or

levorotatory only after measurement of optical rotation
in a polarimeter
Isomerism of Organic Molecules: Optical Purity
a 1:1 mixture of opposite enantiomers is called a racemic mixture
a racemic mixture is optically inactive( = 0)

a optically inactive sample can be either an achiral substance or a racemic


If the mixture contain one of the enantiomer in excess to other, the mixture will
show optical activity

Excess in the enantiomers is quantified by enantiomeric excess (ee)

If a subtance contain exclussively one enantiomers, the substance is called optically

pure substance

enantiomeric excess = % optical purity = X 100

Isomerism of Organic Molecules

(-)-2-butanol has a specific rotation of - 13.5o while the specific rotation of (+)-2- butanol is
+13.5o. Calculate the optical purity of a mixture containing (+) and (-)-2-butanol if the
mixture has an observed rotation of 8.10o.

Does the mixture contain more (+) or more (-)-2- butanol?

What is the enantiomeric excess (ee) of the mixture?

What is the ratio of two enantiomers in the mixture?

Looking forward

Optical Isomerism:
compounds with more than one chiral center

compounds having chiral center and alkene

importance of chirality

conformation vs configuration

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