Sixth Schedule of The Companies Ordinance, 1984

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(See section 466 and 470)


In case of In case of
Item online physical
submission submission
of of
documents documents
Rs. Rs.
1[I. By a company having a share capital:-
(1) For registration of a company whose nominal share capital
does not exceed 100,000 rupees, a fee of .. 1,000 2,000

(2) For registration of a company whose nominal share capital

exceeds 100,000 rupees, the additional fee to be determined
according to the amount of nominal share capital as follows,

(i) For every 100,000 rupees of nominal share capital or 500 1,000
part of 100,000 rupees, up to 10,000,000 rupees, a fees
of .

(ii) For every 100,000 rupees of nominal share capital or 400 750
part of 100,000 rupees, after the first 10,000,000
rupees, upto 5,000,000,000 a fee of

(iii) For every 100,000 rupees of nominal share capital or 150 250
part of 100,000 rupees after the first 5,000,000,000
rupees, upto any amount of fee of

Provided that a company which is wholly owned by

the Federal Government and has been notified by the
Federal Government in the official Gazette for exemption
from paying fee shall be charged a fee of Rs. 10,000/-:

Provided further that the fee payable at the time of

registration of company shall not exceed forty million
rupees in case of online submission and fifty million
rupees in case of physical submission.

(3) For registration of an increase in the share capital made after

the first registration of the company, an amount equal to the
difference between the amount which would have been

Inserted by the S.R.O. 448(1)/2016, dated 24 th May, 2016.
payable on registration of the company by reference to its
capital as increased and the amount which would have been
payable by reference to its capital immediately before the
increase, calculated at the rates given under clause 2:

Provided that no such fee shall be applicable on

registration of an increase in authorized share capital of a
transferee company after merger consequent to sanction of
application for compromises, arrangements or
reconstruction for merger of companies by the Court
pursuant to Section 284 to 287 of the Ordinance, to the
extent of aggregate of authorized capital of the transferor
and transferee companies.

Explanation For the purpose of calculation of fee for

registration of an increase in the share capital of the
company which was originally formed on the basis of
physical submission now opting online submission, the
difference of fee shall be calculated on the basis of rates
applicable to a company treating as formed on online

Provided further that a company which is wholly

owned by the Federal Government and has been notified by
the Federal Government in the official Gazette for
exemption from paying fee shall be charged a fee of Rs.
10,000/- irrespective of amount of share capital.

(4) For registration of any existing company, except such

companies as are by the Ordinance exempted from payments
of fees in respect of registration under this Ordinance, the
same fee as is charged for registration a new company.

(5) For filing, registering or recording any document notifying 5,000 7,500
particulars relating to a mortgage/charge or other interest
created by a company, or any modification therein or
satisfaction thereof, a fee of.

(6) For filing, registering or recording any document other than

that at Sr. No. (5) above, required to be filed, registered or
recorded under the Ordinance or making a record of any fact
under the Ordinance, a fee to be determined according to the
amount of nominal share capital as follows, namely:

(i) For company having a nominal share capital of upto.

100,000 rupees, a fee of . 250 500

(ii) For company having a nominal share capital of more than

100,000 rupees but not more than 1,000,000 rupees, a fee
300 600
of .
(iii) For company having a nominal share capital of more than
1,000,000 rupees but not more than 10,000,000 rupees, a
400 800
fee of .

(iv) For company having a nominal share capital of more than

10,000,000 rupees but not more than 100,000,000 rupees,
500 1000
a fee of .

(v) For company having a nominal share capital of more than

100,000,000 rupees, a fee of . 600 1200]

II. By a company not having a share capital, other than a

company registered under a licence granted under
section 42.

(1) For registration of a new company, a fee of. 20,000 30,000

(2) For registration of any existing company, except

such a company, which is, by the Ordinance,
exempted from payment of fee in respect of
registration under the Ordinance, the same fee as is
charged for registering a new company.

(3) Companies limited by guarantee and having share

capital shall be charged registration fee as
mentioned at item I above.

(4) For filing, registering or recording any document 5,000 7,500

notifying particulars relating to a mortgage/charge
or other interest created by a company, or any
modification therein or satisfaction thereof a fee
[(5) For filing, registering or recording any document 600 1,200]
other than that at Sr. No. (4) above, required to be
filed, registered or recorded under the Ordinance
or making a record of any fact under the
Ordinance, a fee of

III. By a company registered under a licence granted under

section 42 and not having a share capital:-

(1) For an application seeking grant of licence or its 15,000 25,000

renewal, a non-refundable processing fee of

(2) For registration, a fee of .. 25,000 50,000

Inserted by the S.R.O. 448(1)/2016, dated 24 th May, 2016.
(3) Companies limited by guarantee and having share
capital shall be charged registration 3[ ] fee as
mentioned at item 4[I] above.

(4) For filing or recording any document notifying 5,000 7,500

particulars relating to a mortgage/charge or other
interest created by a company, or any modification
therein or satisfaction thereof, a fee of ..
[(5) For filing, registering or recording any document 250 500]
other than that at Sr. No. (4) above, required to be
filed, registered or recorded under the Ordinance or
making a record of any fact under the Ordinance, a
fee of ..

IV. By a company established outside Pakistan which has a

place of business in Pakistan:-

(1) For filing, registering or recording a document 25,000 50,000

containing charter/statute/ memorandum and
articles, etc. for registration by a foreign company
under the Ordinance required or authorized to be
filed, registered or recorded a fee of ..

(2) For filing, registering or recording any document 5,000 7,500

notifying particulars relating to a mortgage/charge
or other interest created by a company, or any
modification therein or satisfaction thereof, a fee
[(3) For filing, registering or recording any document 600 1,200]
other than that at Sr. No. (2) above, required to be
filed registered or recorded under the Ordinance or
making a record of any fact under the Ordinance, a
fee of ..

V. For inspection of documents and register kept by the 200 500

registrar in respect of a company, a fee ..

(1) For a certified copy of the certificate of 100 200
incorporation or a certificate of commencement of
business or a certificate of registration of mortgage
or charge, a fee of.

(2) For a certified copy of the Memorandum and 250 500

The word of omitted while correcting the typographic mistake by Corrigenda, dated March 30, 2011.
The figure I corrected by Corrigenda, dated March 30, 2011.
Inserted by the S.R.O. 448(1)/2016, dated 24 th May, 2016.
Inserted by the S.R.O. 448(1)/2016, dated 24 th May, 2016.
Articles of Association of private limited
company, a fee of

(3) For a certified copy of the Memorandum and 500 1,000

Articles of Association of other than a private
limited company, a fee

(4) For a certified copy of any return of private limited 100 200
company, a fee of

(5) For a certified copy of any return of other than a 200 300
private limited company, a fee of

(6) For a certified copy or extract of any other 20 20

document or register, calculated at the rate, per
page or fractional part thereof required to be
copied, subject to a minimum fee of one hundred
rupees, a fee of.

(7) For providing list of companies registered with the Rs, 2 per Rs. 2 per
Commission, a fee calculated at the rate per data data field data field
field, subject to a minimum fee of five hundred
rupees, a fee of

(8) For a corporate registration and compliance system 200 200

generated company profile, per company, a
fee of

[Provided that fee prescribed under item No. VI
shall not be charged for certified copies of one set of
incorporation documents consisting of Certificate of
Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association,
Form 1, Form 21 and Form-29, to be issued one time only
at the time of registration of company:
Provided further that upon registration of any
return (i.e. statutory forms) one certified copy of the said
return shall be issued along with the acknowledgement of
filing without charging any copying fee.]

VII. For seeking approval of the Commission or the

registrar in the following matters, as the case may be a
non-refundable application processing fee of:

Application for:-

(1) alteration in memorandum of association under 5,000 10,000

section 21, a fee of

Inserted by the S.R.O. 448(1)/2016, dated 24 th May, 2016.
(2) availability of any proposed name for registration 200 500
of a company from the registrar under section 37, a
fee of

(3) approval for change of name from the registrar 2,500 5,000
under section 38 and 39, a fee of

(4) conversion of status of company from a public 2,500 5,000

company to a private company under section 44, a
fee of

(5) conversion of status of a company from a private 2,500 5,000

company to a single member company under Rule
9 of Single Member companies Rules, 2003, a fee
[(6) approval to issue, circulate and publish the
prospectus from the Commission under section 57
or 62, a non-refundable fee in the following

(i) For issue of shares: 100,000

(a) In case of post IPO paid-up capital of the
issuing company is upto Rs. 1 billion, a
fee of
(b) In case of post IPO paid-up capital of the
issuing company is above Rs. 1 billion, a
fee of 200,000

(ii) For issue of debenture: 100,000

(a) In case of total issue size including green
shoe option, if any, is upto Rs. 1 billion, a
fee of
(b) In case of total issue size including green
shoe option, if any, is above Rs. 1 billion,
a fee of 200,000]

(iii) Size of total issue including all types of 100,000

securities more than Rs. 1000 million, a fee
(7) issuance of shares at discount under section 84, a 10,000
fee of
[8(i) Issuance of further share capital, otherwise than Rs.50,000
right under first proviso of sub-section (1) of or 0.1% of
section 86, a fee of the
further issue

Sub-Item (6) substituted by Notification No. SRO 320(I)/2012, dated 29.03.2012.
Sub-Item (8) substituted by Notification No. SRO 282(I)/2011, dated 30.03.2011.
of share
whichever is

8(ii) For approval of Employee Stock Option Scheme Rs.50,000/-

under second proviso of sub-section (1) of section in addition
86, a fee of to the fee as
in column 3
of item 8(i)
(9) relaxation from the requirements of the Companies
(Issuance of Capital) Rules, 1996 under rule 10
(i) For share capital proposed to be issued / increased 25,000
upto Rs. 50 million, a fee of

(ii) For share capital proposed to be issued / 37,500

increased above Rs. 50 million to Rs. 100
million, a fee of

(iii) For share capital proposed to be issued / 50,000

increased above Rs. 100 million, a fee of

(10) issuance of shares with different rights and 50,000 or

privileges under section 90 read with Companies 0.1% of the
Share Capital (Variation if Right and Privileges) proposed
Rules, 2000, a fee of capital
[Provided that in case of a financial whichever
institution in which the Federal Government is higher
owns not less than 90% shares, only a fixed
amount of Rs. 50,000 as application
processing fee shall be charged.]
(11) rectification in the particulars of mortgages / 5,000 7,500
charges or extension in time for filling the
particulars of mortgages/ charge under section 131,
a fee of

(12) extension in the prescribed period for holding

annual general meeting under proviso of sub-
section (1) of section 158, a fee of

(i) By a public company, a fee of 15,000 15,000

(ii) By a private company, a fee of 5,000 5,000

Inserted by S.R.O. 649(I)/2016 dated 27 th July, 2016.
(13) permission to hold annual general meeting by a 2,500 5,000
listed company at a place other than the town in
which the registered office of the company is
situated under the proviso of sub-section (2) of
section 158, a fee of

(14) permission to hold an Extra Ordinary General 2,500 5,000

Meeting at a shorter Notice under the proviso of
sub-section (7) of section 159, a fee of

(15) direction for holding annual general meeting/ Extra

Ordinary General Meeting under section 170:

(i) By a public company, a fee of 15,000 15,000

(ii) By a private company, a fee of... 5,000 5,000

(16) election of directors by a listed company under 5,000 10,000

section 178A, a fee of

(17) approval of loan to director under section 195, a 5,000 10,000

fee of

(18) exemption from the applicability of provisions of 10,000 20,000

section 206 under clause (b) of sub-section (2)
thereof, a fee of

(19) approval for the appointment of any sole purchase, 10,000 20,000
sale or distribution agent under sub-section (3) of
section 206, a fee of

(20) preparation of accounts of more than twelve 2,500 5,000

months under section 233, a fee of

(21) special audit under section 234A, a fee of 10,000 20,000

(22) exemption from the applicability of fourth 2,500 5,000

schedule or 5th schedule under sub-section (5) of
section 234, a fee of

(23) exemption from the applicability of section 237 2,500 5,000

under sub-section (8) thereof, a fee of...

(24) appointment of auditor under sub-section (7) of 2,500 5,000

section 252 in any of the situations arising under
sub-section (1) and (6) thereof, a fee of...

(25) appointment of cost audit under section 258, a fee 1,000 2,000
(26) investigation into the affairs of a company under 10,000 20,000
the second proviso of section 263, a fee of

(27) restoration of a company struck off by the 5,000 10,000

Registrar under sub-section (9) of section 439

(28) application under the Companies Easy Exit 5,000 10,000

Scheme launched by the Commission, a fee of...

(29) for an application to the Commission seeking 200,000

approval to issue securities outside Pakistan, a fee

VIII. For an application other than those specified in part VII 500 1,000
above or an appeal submitted to the registrar or the
Commission under the Ordinance by or on behalf of a
company, a fee of
IX. For an application/appeal /complaint submitted to the
registrar or the Commission under the Ordinance:-

(1) By a member of the company or any other person 500 500

having dealing with the company, a fee of

(2) By any creditor of the company, a fee of 500 1,000

[XIV. For processing under Fast track Registration Services
(FRS), the FRS fee shall be in addition to normal fee and charged
as given below:
Equal to Equal to
(a) For incorporation of a company normal fee normal fee
but subject but subject
to maximum to maximum
of Rs. of Rs.
10,000 20,000
(b) For availability of any proposed name for registration
of company Rs. 500 Rs.1000

(c) For seeking approval of Change of Name Rs. 2,500 Rs.5,000

(d) For filing, registering or recording any documents

notifying particulars relating to a mortgage/charge or Rs. 5,000 Rs. 7,500
other interest created by a company, or any
modification therein or satisfaction thereof
(i) The online fee shall be applicable in the cases where online submission facility has been
provided by the Commission.

Inserted by Notification No. SRO 195(I)/2012 dated 22nd February, 2012.
Substituted by Notification No. SRO 282(I)/2011, dated 30.03.2011.
(ii) Where no fee has been prescribed for online submission, the documents can be submitted
in physical form only.]

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