Seventh Schedule Companies Act Table of Fees
Seventh Schedule Companies Act Table of Fees
Seventh Schedule Companies Act Table of Fees
For For
Item submission of submission
documents of documents in
electronically physical form
Rs. Rs.
I. By a company having a share capital:-
(1) For registration of a company whose nominal
share capital does not exceed 100,000 rupees, a fee of …. 1,000 2,000
(ii) more than Rs. 5.0 million and up to Rs. 10.0 million, a 2,000 4,000
fee of ….
10,000 15,000
(i) by a public company, a fee of ….
(ii) by a private company, a fee of …. 3,000 5,000
3,000 5,000
(ii) by a private company, a fee of ....
(27) easy exit of a company by striking its name off 5,000 10,000
the register under section 426, a fee of ....
(28) registration as intermediary under section 455,
a fee of ….
i. For Individuals:
Registration Fee 10,000 10,000
Correction/ Update Fee 2,000 2,000
Renewal Fee 5,000 5,000
Filing Fee 500 500
ii. For Firms/Companies/Limited Liability Partnerships:
Registration processing Fee 50,000 50,000
Correction/ Update Processing Fee 5,000 5,000
Renewal Fee 25,000 25,000
Filing Fee 500 500
(i) The fee for submission of documents electronically shall be applicable only for the documents for
which the facility of filing or lodging the documents electronically has been provided by the Commission.
(ii) Where no fee has been prescribed for submission of documents electronically, the documents can
only be submitted in physical form.