Annotated Bibliography-Mental Health

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Emily Crilley

Miss Burke
Honors English 11
May 16, 2017
Annotated Bibliography

Borinstein, A. B. "Public Attitudes Toward Persons with Mental Illness." Health Affairs
(1992): 186-96. Project Hope. Web. 16 May 2017.

The goal of this article was to help raise public awareness toward people who suffer from

any form of mental illness. The main objective was to shed light on the struggles many

face in the public eye. As deinstitutionalization rapidly grew, the public began to take

more of a varied stance when it came to mental health. The data showed a divide amongst

philosophies in approaching mental health. One side showed sympathy toward those with

a mental illness. The other was ignorant of the topic or took a stance against the belief of

existing mental health issues. The research presented in this journal was found based on a

study of several cities in America. The results of this survey show that the average

American is closer to mental instability than they realize, as the number of people

diagnosed increased rapidly. This study also shows the publics opinion on mental health

in society. The article concludes, leaving the reader directions on how to continue a study

such as the one they performed. This article almost perfectly describes Americas attitude

toward those with a mental illness in the late nineties. It goes in depth and presents many

different mathematical charts, graphs, and surveys to help the reader understand the

public opinion. This source is idea for people to read when trying find the tone of public

opinion on mental health illnesses.

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Cocozza, Joseph J., and Kathleen R. Skowyra. "Youth with Mental Health Disorders: Issues and
Emerging Responses." Juvenile Justice 7.1 (2000): 3-13. ERIC. Web. 17 May 2017.

Over the past few years, juveniles have seen an increase in delinquency and mental health

issues. These two issues seemingly go hand in hand. As these topics are being brought

forward to the state and federal levels, more questions are being asked about delinquency

and disorders. Youth in the juvenile systems experience more mental health disorders.

There are many ways to correct these issues and allow children to experience more

normalcy. With proper medication and proper care, these children could lead close to

normal lives. In the public eye, mental disorders and bad behavior have gone together.

This is largely because of the negative things the children are doing to receive attention.

To prevent bad behavior, the article provides numerous treatments and ways to care for

children suffering. The author provides hope for these delinquents through various

treatments and prevention methods. Overall, this article provides one authors view and

extensive research they put in to discover said view. The article could assist one who may

be indecisive about the topic, but it mostly provides one stance on mental health issues.

Franta, Connor. Note to Self. New York: Keywords, 2017. Print.

This book is significantly different from the other mentioned sources. This book offers

many different views on mental health. First, for people without mental health issues, this

book offers insight into the mind of someone who faced and faces mental health issues.

The book offers insight and perspective that you could only get from someone facing

challenges themselves. Above all of the things it offers to those without mental health
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issues, it offers help to those with mental health issues. It allows them an outlet to express

how they are feeling to others. It also shows them that they are not alone in their thoughts

and feelings. Most importantly, it can help someone with a mental illness in many ways

that are not easily understood by those who do not have mental illnesses. It shows that as

time progresses, things change. The more time passes, the more mental illnesses are

becoming accepted. They are also being talked about much more. This is important

progression for those with mental illnesses and those constantly being diagnosed. This

book shows a step in the right direction.

Link, B. G., J. C. Phelan, M. Bresnahan, A. Stueve, and B. A. Pescosolido. "Public Conceptions

of Mental Illness: Labels, Causes, Dangerousness, and Social Distance." American

Journal of Public Health 89.9 (1999): 1328-333. American Public Health Association.

Web. 18 May 2017.

In this journals study, the authors wanted to gauge the public opinion on recognizing

mental illnesses and how they treat those with mental illnesses. A selected group were

given specific profiles of five individuals. Four of these five profiles met the doctors

criteria for a mental disorder. One was just a troubled person. This study showed that

the majority of people could easily identify major depression and schizophrenia as mental

illnesses. The minority said that alcohol and drugs were factors that could lead to a

disorder. The study showed the researchers that people in society associate a mental

disorder with violent behavior. This sheds light into the negative perception of those with

mental illnesses. The study also mentions that this belief of mental disorders and violent
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behavior being related causes many to isolate the ill person. This precautionary action

sought as a solution by many could have negative effects on the mentally ill individual.

The isolation makes the individual even more of an outcast than they may have felt

already. The journal suggests that before society can move forward, they must overlook

the perceived danger of mentally ill individuals. This article give s hope of a slowly

opening society where people with mental illnesses are not outcast or looked down upon.

The study gives more hope of an accepting culture. This article shows a progressive

change in societal perceptions.

Skloot, Rebecca. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. New York: Broadway, 2017. Print.

This book provides another key view into mental health. The contrast between this book

and Note To Self by Connor Franta, is that this book talks about the old view on mental

health. In the book, we are shown Elsie, Henrietta Lacks first daughter. She is different

than Henriettas other children because she had a mental illness. When she became too

much for Henrietta to handle, she was institutionalized. The view on mental health was

not friendly, and Elsie was treated horribly. She was experimented on and was most likely

killed in an epilepsy experiment. She was also treated differently because of her ethnicity,

which is another theme in the book. This terrible treatment sets the tone for the majority

of the book and reading what happened to people in mental institutions was challenging.

For research purposes, one might compare and contrast this book and the graphic

descriptions to now. The changes are easily visible to the reader. With this comparison,

one could really see how far the public view on mental health has transformed.
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