Q2 (b) Discuss the major accomplishments of radar after World War II.
Q3 (a) A radar has a bandwidth B = 50 kHz and an average time between false
alarms of 10 minutes.
(i) What is the probability of false alarm?
(ii) If the pulse repetition frequency (prf) were 1000 Hz and if the first
15 nmi of range were gated out (receiver is turned off) because of the use
of a long pulse, what would be the new probability of false alarm?
(Assume the false-alarm time has to remain constant.)
(iii) Is the difference between (i) and (ii) significant?
(iv) What is the pulse width that results in a minimum range of 15
(i) PRT=1/PRF=2R/v=2X200X103/3X108=1.333 ms
(ii) PRF=1/PRT=1/1.333X10-3=750 Hz
(iii) Range resolution=v/2B=3X108/2X1X106=150m
(iv) Pulse Width=2(range resolution)/v=2x150/3x108=1micro Sec.
(i) Page Number 118 119 of Textbook I
(ii) Page Number 105 of Textbook I
(iii) Page Number 113 - 115of Textbook I
(iv) Page Number 172 173 of Textbook - I
Q5 (a) What is meant by automatic Detection and explain its four basic aspects.
In the automatic detection (sometimes called adaptive detection) algorithm in [1], the
detection cells surrounding the cell under test for the presence of a target are used to
estimate the background clutter power. The threshold is made proportional to this clutter
power estimate and under ideal conditions the resulting false alarm probability is
independent of the clutter power and is constant from cell to cell. One notices however,
that the target location is not known with certainty and the potential target location cannot
be taken as fixed as was done .Indeed it is clear that target echoes can interfere with, or
bias, the clutter power estimate. We consider a threshold control scheme based on a priori
target information concerning the p and q cells to compensate for this bias. We call this
mode of threshold control, threshold compensation. A procedure for doing this was
earlier considered in but it was not for a random target location model. The detection
probability can be returned to a reasonable value from its degraded value due to clutter
power estimate bias. However, they do not comment on the effect on false alarm
probability of their procedure. We have found control of the false alarm probability to be
very sensitive. To calculate the detection and false alarm probability we generalize a
method presented to include the case of integration of an arbitrary number of pulses after
square-law detection.
Q5 (b) Define matched filter and give its frequency response function.
Q6 (b) (i) Why does the image show rain and there is no rain in the area?
(ii) What are the limitations of Doppler Weather radars in rainfall
(i) Most likely the radar station is in the clean air mode and is echoing off of buildings,
trees, and other local obstructions. In the clean air mode, the radar is very sensitive and
can pick up a flock of birds or even jet airplanes
(ii) Radar observations are very effective tool for detecting tracking and monitoring their
growth, decay and movement of weather system and issuing reliable forecast and
warnings for severe weather events which can cause huge loss of life and property. These
observations also provide rainfall distribution due the weather systems within effective
range around the radar. However, the use radar observations shall be used with much care
as these are influenced by propagation through the atmosphere, earth curvature, blockage
of radar beam by permanent structures, bright band occurrence, radar resolution etc.
which may lead to erroneous conclusions. Some of the factors are explained below:
(a) Propagation effect -The atmosphere around the earth is non-uniform. There is
gradual decrease in refractivity with height which causes the radar waves to bend down
wards. The bending depends on gradient refractivity instead of its absolute value. When
the bending of radar waves due decrease in refractivity is equal to the earth curvature, the
wave will travel parallel to the earths surface. Such an atmosphere is called standard
atmosphere and the bending is called normal. The standard atmospheric conditions are
not always present. Therefore, the bending depending on refractivity gradient is some
times grater or less than the normal.
When the downward banding of the radar waves is stronger than normal this condition is
called supper refraction. Under supper refraction conditions radar receives returns from
ground which gives false indication of precipitation echoes. It also causes over estimation
of cloud heights. In case the radar waves are not bent down ward as much as usual
(normal reflection), under extreme conditions may bent upward. This condition is called
sub refraction. This decreases the radar detection range. Under such condition radar under
estimates the echo heights.
(b) Radar resolution problem -The radar beam width and thus the sampling volume
increases with range. Therefore, radar resolution at long distances is poorer. This leads to
distorted echoes at long ranges non-detection of multi trip echoes, tornado signatures.
Two approaching echoes may appear as one and the receding echoes may appear to
merge in one.
(c) Attenuation due to rain -The attenuation of radar waves (especially for short
wavelengths 5 cm or less) by rain at close distances may obscure precipitating echo at
long ranges. The stronger echoes at long distances may appear weak. Also, the
precipitation area observed by radar may be less than actual.
(d) Partial beam filling -In case the radar beam is not completely filled by
hydrometeors, the echo will be displayed as if it is from entire beam. As such the values
displayed will not be true representative of the sampling volume.
(e) Bright band -In clouds, the precipitation particles are in the form of ice/snow above
the freezing level and liquid water below it. When ice / snow particles fall through the
freezing level, they start melting gradually and get coated with water but retain their large
surface area. Thus, to the radar melting snow will look like large drops. As the water
coated ice particles fall further and melt, their size decreases. Further, the reflectivity
from ice is less than that from water for particles of the same size because the dielectric
constant for ice is less than the water. Therefore, the radar observes slightly higher
reflectivity below freezing level. Differential fall velocity of solid and liquid particle,
aggregation and coalescence of particles play role in increase of reflectivity in this layer.
The identification is of practical importance in rainfall estimation. Attenuation and
reflectivity values from a bright band are high. Radar estimates of precipitation are
required to be corrected if the radar beam cuts the bright band.
(f) Beam blockage -If the beam is obstructed by man made or natural objects (building,
trees, hills etc), the radar will not be able to probe beyond the range of obstruction. If the
beam is partially blocked, observations will not true representative of the area. As we
probe with distance, the bin volume increases with range. A small obstruction which
completely blocks a range bin very close to the radar causes no data beyond that
obstruction for the rest of the range in that particular elevation. Therefore, the data in
respect of these bins is needs correction before processing it for computation of rainfall
It is NOT possible to discriminate details smaller than the radar resolution cell, but, in
presence of relative (tangential) motion between radar and target, this angular
resolution is NOT necessary the same as the physical aperture of the antenna beam.
The improvement can be achieved using a technique called "synthetic aperture". If proper
coherent processing of the echoes is provided, observing the target from different points
can be considered like "sampling" different points of a "virtual antenna" as long as the
distance traveled by the radar during the observation time.
The same effect can be understood by thinking at a radar (supposed operating in
continuos wave for simplicity) moving wrt a point target at about 90 deg from its velocity
vector. The echo will have a positive Doppler shift when the target is at <90 deg (closing)
and negative Doppler shift when target is at >90 deg (receding).
Analysing the target Doppler history, it is then possible to localise the target with a
resolution better than the antenna beam aperture.
Independently from the approach used to model this effect, the conclusion is that, for a
so-called "stripmap" (i.e., side-looking with no antenna steering) synthetic aperture radar
(SAR) the resolution (in m) is independent from the target range and is proportional to
the antenna dimensions. For an antenna of lenght L, the resolution is L/2.
This because a smaller antenna provides a larger beam, which allows longer illumination
times and then a larger "synthetic antenna", thus improving the angular resolution.
Increasing the target range also produces an increasing of the synthetic antenna aperture
and then an improvement of angular resolution, compensating for the degradation due to
the increased distance.
Even if the principle is simple, practical implementation of this technique is very
complex. The correlation to be performed on each individual pixel requires huge
computing resources, and several disturbing effects need to be accounted for and
compensated. Anyway, several systems of this kind are currently operational on both
airborne and space platforms.
Q8 (b) What are Radar displays? Explain their principle of Operation with
examples and sketches.
The A-scope display, shown in the figure, presents only the range to the target and the
relative strength of the echo. Such a display is normally used in weapons control radar
systems. The bearing and elevation angles are presented as dial or digital readouts that
correspond to the actual physical position of the antenna. The A-scope normally uses an
electrostatic-deflection crt. The sweep is produced by applying a sawtooth voltage to the
horizontal deflection plates. The electrical length (time duration) of the sawtooth voltage
determines the total amount of range displayed on the crt face.
B-scope displays were common in airborne and fire-control radars in the 1950s and 60s,
which were mechanically or electronically scanned from side to side, and sometimes up
and down as well. The center of the bearing usually is movable through hand wheels in
fire-control radars. The antenna turntable then is turned into the new direction. The
screens middle is defined as the main reception direction of the antenna normally. The
bearing area is covered through an electro-mechanical or electronic beam steering.
The used designation B-scope is ambiguous sometimes. The term refers to two
completely different types of scopes. In radar devices without measurement of the
azimuth angle, the term B-scope is also used (e.g.: Ground Penetration Radars). The
abscissa is a time coded scale then, and shows a history of the pulse periods.
The PPI-scope shown in this figure, is by far the most used radar display. It is a polar
coordinate display of the area surrounding the radar platform. Own position is
represented as the origin of the sweep, which is normally located in the center of the
scope, but may be offset from the center on some sets. The ppi uses a radial sweep
pivoting about the center of the presentation. The sweep rotates on the display just as fast
as the radar antenna. This results in a map-like picture of the area covered by the radar
beam. A long-persistence screen is used so that the targets remain visible until the sweep
passes again.
Q9 (a) What are the various factors which determine the accuracy of tracking
The angular accuracy of tracking radar will be effected by such factors as the properties
of the radar antenna and pedestal, the method by which the angular position of the
antenna is measured, the quality of ,phase the stability of the electronic circuits, the noise
level of the receiver, the antenna beamwidth, atmospheric fluctuations, and the reflection
characteristics of the target. These factors can degrade the tracking accuracy by causing
the antenna beam to fluctuate in a random manner about the true target path. These
noiselike fluctuations are sometimes called tracking noise, or jitter.
simple radar target such as a smooth sphere cause degradation of the angular tracking
accuracy. The radar cross section of a sphere is independent of the aspect at which it
is viewed; consequently, its echo will not fluctuate with time. The same is true, in
general, of a radar beacon if its antenna pattern is omnidirectional. However, most radar
targets are of a more complex nature than the sphere. Tlle amplitude of the echo signal
from a complex target may vary over wide limits as the aspect changes with respect to the
radar. In addition, the effective center of radar reflection may also change. Both of these
effects-amplitude fluctuations and wandering of the radar center of reflection-as well as
the limitation imposed by receiver noise can limit the tracking accuracy. These effects are
discussed below.
Amplitude fluctuations. cornplex target such as an aircraft or a ship may be considered
as a nuniber of independent scattering elements. The echo signal can be represented as
the vector addition of the contributions from the individual scatterers. If the target aspect
changes with respect to the radar-as might occur because of motion of the target, or
turbulence in the case of aircraft targets-the relative phase and amplitude relationships of
the contributions from the individual scatterers also change. Consequently, the vector
sum, and therefore the amplitude, change with changing target aspect.
Amplitude fluctuations of the echo signal are important in the design of the lobeswitching
radar and the conical-scan radar but are of little consequence to the monopulse tracker.
Both the conical-scan tracker and the lobe-switching tracker require a finite time to
obtain a measuremerlt of the angle error. This time corresponds in the conical-scan
tracker to at least one revolutiorl of the antenna beam. With lobe switching, the minimum
time is that necessary to obtain echoes at the four successive angular positions. In either
case four pulserepetition periods are required to make a measurement; in practice, many
more than four are often used. If the target cross section were to vary during this
observation time, the change might he erroneoilsly interpreted as an angular-error signal.
The monopulse radar, on the other ttand. detern~ines the-angular error on-the-.basis of a
single pulse. Its accuracy will therefore riot be affected by changes in amplitude with
An ILS consists of two independent sub-systems, one providing lateral guidance
(localizer), the other vertical guidance (glide slope or glide path) to aircraft approaching a
runway. Aircraft guidance is provided by the ILS receivers in the aircraft by performing a
modulation depth comparison.
The emission patterns of the localizer and glideslope signals. Note that the glide slope
beams are partly formed by the reflection of the glideslope aerial in the ground plane.
A localizer (LOC, or LLZ until ICAO designated LOC as the official acronym) antenna
array is normally located beyond the departure end of the runway and generally consists
of several pairs of directional antennas. Two signals are transmitted on one out of 40 ILS
channels between the carrier frequency range 108.10 MHz and 111.95 MHz (with the
100 kHz first decimal digit always odd, so 108.10, 108.15, 108.30, and so on are LOC
frequencies but 108.20, 108.25, 108.40, and so on are not). One is modulated at 90 Hz,
the other at 150 Hz and these are transmitted from separate but co-located antennas. Each
antenna transmits a narrow beam, one slightly to the left of the runway centerline, the
other to the right.
The localizer receiver on the aircraft measures the difference in the depth of modulation
(DDM) of the 90 Hz and 150 Hz signals. For the localizer, the depth of modulation for
each of the modulating frequencies is 20 percent. The difference between the two signals
varies depending on the position of the approaching aircraft from the centerline.
If there is a predominance of either 90 Hz or 150 Hz modulation, the aircraft is off the
centerline. In the cockpit, the needle on the horizontal situation indicator (HSI, the
instrument part of the ILS), or course deviation indicator (CDI), will show that the
aircraft needs to fly left or right to correct the error to fly down the center of the runway.
If the DDM is zero, the aircraft is on the centerline of the localizer coinciding with the
physical runway centerline.
A glide slope (GS) or glide path (GP) antenna array is sited to one side of the runway
touchdown zone. The GP signal is transmitted on a carrier frequency between 328.6 and
335.4 MHz using a technique similar to that of the localizer. The centerline of the glide
slope signal is arranged to define a glide slope of approximately 3 above horizontal
(ground level). The beam is 1.4 deep; 0.7 below the glideslope centerline and 0.7
above the glideslope centerline.
These signals are displayed on an indicator in the instrument panel. This instrument is
generally called the omni-bearing indicator or nav indicator. The pilot
controls the aircraft so that the indications on the instrument (i.e., the
course deviation indicator) remain centered on the display. This ensures
the aircraft is following the ILS centreline (i.e., it provides lateral
guidance). Vertical guidance, shown on the instrument by the glideslope
indicator, aids the pilot in reaching the runway at the proper touchdown
point. Many aircraft possess the ability to route signals into the autopilot,
allowing the approach to be flown automatically by the autopilot.
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