14EC801 - Radar Engineering: Unit I
14EC801 - Radar Engineering: Unit I
14EC801 - Radar Engineering: Unit I
Unit I
1. What is radar?
Radar is an electromagnetic system for the detection and location of reflecting objects such as
aircraft, ships, spacecraft, vehicles, people, and the natural environment. It operates by
radiating energy into space and detecting the echo signal reflected from an object or target.
3. What is a PPI?
A typical radar display for surveillance radar is the PPI or Plan Position Indicator. The
PPI is a presentation that maps in polar coordinates the location of the target in azimuth and
5. What are the main reasons for the failure of the simple form of the radar
equation? The failure of the simple form of the radar equation is due to
the statistical nature of the minimum detectable signal
fluctuations and uncertainties in the targets radar cross section
the losses experienced throughout the radar system
Propagation effects caused by the earth surface and atmosphere
2. What is clutter?
When detecting targets radars have to deal with more than receiver noise since they
can also receive echoes from the natural environment such as land, sea and weather. These
echoes are called clutter since they can "clutter" the radar display.
3. Write the four methods for reducing the effects of blind speeds.
Operate the radar at long wavelengths.
Operate with a high pulse repetition frequency
Operate with more than one pulse repetition frequency
Operate with more than one rf frequency.
9. State the properties of single DLC that limit the utility of simple Doppler filter.
The frequency response function also has zero response when moving targets have
Doppler frequencies at the prf and its harmonics .
The clutter spectrum at zero frequency is not a delta function of zero width, but has a
finite width so that clutter will appear in the pass band of the Delay Line Canceler.
10. Define blind speeds.
The limitations of single DLC results in target speeds called blind speeds, where the
target will not be detected and there will be an uncancelled clutter residue that can interfere
with the detection of moving targets.
11. Why VHF is not considered as a desirable frequency choice for a long range air
surveillance radar?
Resolution in range and angle are poor due to narrow bandwidths and large beam
This portion of electromagnetic spectrum is crowded with other than radar services.
Low altitude coverage ally poor.
14. State the methods for employing multiple prfs to avoid losing target echoes due to blind
The prfs can be changed
Scan to scan
Dwell to dwell or
Pulse to pulse(usually called stagered prf).
15. State two methods proposed for finding the effect of stagger periods.
The two methods are computer search and analytic formulation. The effect of the
stagger periods on the depth of the null is based on computer search and the MTI
improvement factor is based on analytic formulation.
Unit III
1. What are called linear beam tubes and Cross field tubes?
The electric field and magnetic field are parallel to each other in linear beam tubes
and they are perpendicular to each other in cross field tubes.
9. What are the basic radar measurements that can be achieved from a point target?
Radial velocity
Tangential velocity.
10. What are the basic radar measurements that can be achieved from a Distributed target?
Size and shape
Radial Profile
Tangential Profile.
11.What are the factors affecting the transmitted waveform by a radar?
Target detection
17. What are the disadvantages of low frequency four course radio ranges?
Limited number of courses (four)
Poor signal/noise ratio
Fatigue caused by listening to the tones
Difficulty of identifying the course