Paper HAGI Telisa
Paper HAGI Telisa
Paper HAGI Telisa
Shidqi A. Diria 1,a), Junita T. Musu 1,b), Meutia F. Hasan 1), Widyo Permono 1), Jakson
Anwari 1) , Humbang Purba 1) , Shafa Rachmi 1)
Ory Sadjati 2) Iyep Sopandi 2) Fadli Ruzi 2)
PPPTMGB "Lemigas" Jakarta
BOB PT. Bumi Siak Pusako - Pertamina Hulu Energi
Upper Red Bed, Menggala Formation, Bangko Formation, Bekasap Formation and Duri Formation are considered as the major
reservoirs in Central Sumatera Basin (CSB). However, Telisa Formation which is well-known as seal within CSB also has potential as
reservoir rock. Field study discovered that lenses and layers which has low to high permeability sandstone enclosed inside low
permeability shale of Telisa Formation. This matter is very distinctive and giving a new perspective and information related to the
invention of hydrocarbon potential in reservoir sandstone that isolated inside low permeability shale.
This study has been conducted by integrating seismic data, well logs, and petrophysical data throughly. Facies and static model
are constructed to estimate hydrocarbon potential resource. Facies model shows that Telisa Formation was deposited in deltaic system
while the potential reservoir was deposited in distributary mouth bar sandstone but would be discontinued bedding among shale mud-
Besides, well log data shows crossover between RHOB and NPHI, indicated that distributary mouth bar sandstone is potentially
saturated by hydrocarbon. Target area has permeability ranging from 0.01-1000 mD, whereas porosity varies from 1-30% and water
saturation varies from 30-70%. The hydrocarbon resource calculation approximates 36.723 MMSTB.
Keywords : Telisa Formation, low permeability, Central Sumatra Basin, deltaic system.
Hydrocarbon is one of the primary energy fuels that has been used all over the world. Since the world crude oil price
shows declining trend recently, selling price become lower compare to production and operational cost. Therefore, it
became economically not-efficient. One of the options to minimize this efficiency problem is by re-evaluate active
oil/gas field, to find another reservoir productive layer.
Central Sumatra Basin (CSB) is one of the biggest productive hydrocarbon field in Indonesia. In CSB, main
reservoir formations are Upper Red Bed, Menggala Formation, Bangko Formation, Bekasap Formation and Duri
Formation. However in Rokan Block (South Balam Sub-Basin), Telisa Formation as reservoir Formation has producing
hydrocarbon. Even Telisa Formation dominated by shale regionally (Yarmanto, et al., 2010) it still has potential as
reservoir rock.
CSB is synrift graben that located under postrift sequence (William and Eubank, 1995 in Dovist and Noble,
2008). Generally, hydrocarbons accumulated above or close to the synrift graben, caused the accumulation is shallow
and post rift sequence remain immature (Figure 1).
FIGURE 1. Tectonostratigraphy of Central Sumatra Basin (Heidrick and Aulia, 1993)
There are five productive grabens in CSB (Figure 1), include Bengkalis Through, Aman Through, Balam Through,
Tanjung Medan Through and Kiri/Rangau Through. The grabens have relatively proximal stratigraphic succession,
formed along the trend of the Pra-Tersier structure (N-S and WNW- ESE). Those graben originally are half graben that
formed at oblique extension stress regime (William and Eubank, 1995 in Dovist and Noble, 2008). The
tectonostratigraphy events that form the basin are:
Early Synrift (Early Eocene - Oligocene) : Pematang and Kelesa Formation that consists of composed by
association of alluvial, lacustrine and fluvial deltaic environment, with lithology of laminated shale, silt and
sand with coal and conglomeratic rock. The best reservoir quality located at fluvial deltaic sand
environment, with total porosity up to 17% and permeability up to 100 mD.
Late Synrift - Early Postrift (Late Oligocene Early Miocene): this sequence equivalent with Sihapas Group,
including some of paralic facies which record gradually transgressive event. Menggala Formation deposited
at fluvial environment and the upper part at sandy shallow marine environment (Bekasap Formation)
and argillaceous (Bangko Formations), which forming a cap rock. Bekasap and Menggala Formation contain
the best reservoir quality in CSB with total porosity up to 25% and permeability up to four Darcy.
Early Postrift (Early Miocene Middle Miocene): Distal marine facies from Sihapas Group, then at the end of
the transgressive event, sand and clay in upper delta front facies from Duri Formation are deposit, followed by
Tertiary maximum flooding period (shale and silt of Telisa Formation).
Late Postrift (Middle Miocene - Quarternary): this stage represents the basin filling process at Late Tertiary,
including regressive deltaic and alluvial sediments with some unconformity. At deepest part of this
sequence (Petani Formation with marine shale, sand and coal), which has potential for petroleum accumulation.
Data that used in this study are:
a) Seismic Data
c) Well report
Well log data of 36 wells (Figure 2.a) consist of gamma ray, caliper, neutron porosity, density, resistivity and sonic.
While seismic data is Post Stack Time Migration with 235 seismic line (Figure 2.b) with different vintage seismic and
some lines has been reprocessed by vectorization process.
a b
On the seismic data especially 2D, amplitude difference often found in the process of composites one seismic line to
another. Therefore, the pattern of reflector must be consideretely noticed. Validation of analyses and interpretation of
well log data using well report data such as description of core, cutting, mud log and side wall core (SWC) to improve
the accuracy of interpretation.
Well to seismic tie use checkshot data and synthetic seismogram was made to determine characters of Top Formation
on well logs in reflector of sesimic. After the seismic well tie done, horizon could be picked to know lateral development
and also picking of geological structure.
Petrophysical evaluation was done after analysis and the interpretation of well log data, using deterministic
approach. Workflow of petrophysical evaluation following these number:
Depth Structure Map
a b
FIGURE 3. Telisa Formation depth structure map (a) and Bekasap Formation depth structure map (b).
The results that obtained from seismic data is depth structure map in Top Telisa Formation (Figure 3.a) and Top
Bekasap Formation (Figure 3.b), for observing Telisa Formation lateral continuity, depth and thickness of the
Formation. The map built by horizon which picked in each of Top Formation that exist in each seismic line, while Top
Formation on seismic line obtained from Top Marker in well log with seismic reflector (well-seismic seismic tie). The
results of correlation between well-seismic tie is 0.61
Horizon in the seismic still in time domain, to change it into the depth domain required velocity model. In this
research, velocity model obtained on top of Telisa Formation is 2300 m/s and on top of Bekasap Formation is 2850 m/s.
From time to depth conversion, the depth of Top Telisa Formation is 600 - 1200 feet and Top Bekasap Formation located
at depth of 1200 - 2000 feet. On the west, present fault zone with N-S trend
a b
FIGURE 4. Paleoenvironment map (modification of Barber, et al., 2005; Cameron, 1983; Yarmanto, et al., 2010; Lemigas
Unpublished Report) (a) and Well log interpretation (b)
Based on paleoenvironment model that was built by outcrop sample, few refferences and facies model map,
depositional environment of this study located in deltaic system (Figure 4.b) consisting of distributary mouth bar, inter
distributary mouth bar, distal delta front and prodelta. Facies that being the target of this study is distributary mouth bar
facies, because the area dominated by sandstone with good enough porosity. Based on facies model, sand in delta front
area may be the distributary mouth bar facies which have good total porosity and good permeability that isolated
between shale which have bad porosity and bad permeability (Figure 5).
From well log correlation, Zone 1 potential to be hydrocarbon reservoir. Delta front facies in Zone 1 thicker than
lower zone. Distributary mouthbar sand in this zone also become thicker and widely spread, it shows supply of sediment
in this zone has increased. Generally distributary mouth bar sand in Zone 1 has the thickness between 30 - 69 feet and
delta front facies which considered as a distributary mouth bar between 35 - 55 feet. In Zone 1, delta front facies and
mouth bar facies gradually thickening from north to south trherefore it shows the direction of the sedimentation
relatively dominant from north to south.
Zone 1 has crossover between NPHI log (49-59%) and RHOB (1.75 - 1.95 gr/cc). The log response indicate Zone 1
possible contain hydrocarbon, because crossover RHOB and NPHI log built by high hydrogen atoms medium therefore
NPHI values high and RHOB relatively low because bulk density () of sandstone which contains hydrocarbons tend to
have low value. That suspect supported by resistivity log pattern which tend to be high between 1.34 - by 2.09 m,
because the hydrocarbons resistance the flow of electricity (resistive). In Zone 1 the value of gamma ray is relatively
low (59.75 - 72.8 API), generally reflect lithology with coarser grain size.
Petrophysical Analysis
50 % value of Vshale is used as cutoff parameter. Petrographic analysis shows that for 50% clay content, porosity
value is about 22%. Therefore, 22% value of porosity is used as cutoff parameter. Pickett plot curve were used for
determine cementation factor (m), saturation exponent (n) and tortuosity factor (a).
Cementation factor (m) represent the relation between pore connection and water resistivity, usually ranging from
1.7-4.1, where m value for shally sand is 1.33. Exponential saturation (n) potrays the presence of non-conductive fluid at
pore space and related with rock wettability. Value of n that usually used is 2 and tortuosity factor (a) used for correcting
variety of compaction, structure, and grain size. Water saturation calculated using Indonesia Equation because clay type
in the study area is dispersed clay.
Fluid contact obtained from resistivity log trend of Beruk-14 well at depth of 1840 ft, since that depth shows trend or
low resistivity (1 Ohm.m). Therefore, at depth of 1180 ft interpreted as oil-water contact (OWC) ( Figure 5a).
Petrophysical analysis result (Figure 5.a) shows that the study area has porosities ranging from 1-30% (Figure 5.b).
a b
Permeabilities varies from 0.01-1000 mD (Figure 6.a), saturation water varies from 0.3-0.7 (Figure 6.b). Shale
permeability value ranging from 0.01-10 mD and classified as low permeability rock (Widarsono et al, 2007),
meanwhile permeability of distributary mouth bar sandstone is about 10-1000 mD. Zone -1 as potential zone of study
area has potential about 32.760 MMSTB.
Zone 1 that located at distributary mouth bar facies with gamma ray value varies from 59.75-72.8 API, resistivity
varies from 1.34 2.09 m, crossover between NPHI log with value varies from 49 - 59 % and density log with value
varies from 1.75 1.95 gr/cc. Petrophysical evaluation at zone 1 shows permeability value ranging 1-10 mD, water
saturation varies from 30-40% and porosity value varies from 10-20%, with volumetric estimation of 32.760 MMSTB. It
conclude that Zone 1 of study area has potential as low permeability hydrocarbon reservoir.
Routine core, Special Core Analysis (SCAL) and Drill Steam Test (DST) from Upper Telisa Formation will be
needed to prove the accuracy of static reservoir modelling.
The authors wish to thank to PPPTMGB LEMIGAS and BOB PT. Bumi Siak Pusako for the permission to
publish this study results.
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