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Chromosome structures and func0ons

How long DNA fit in small space in eukaryotes

Dr Joanna Ho
Email: joannaho@hku.hk

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Learning Objec0ves

Appreciate the structural organisaHon of chromosomes

Understand the organisaHon of chromosomal segregaHons at
Describe major categories of chromosomal aberraHons

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Learning Objec0ves

Appreciate the structural organisa1on of chromosomes

Understand the organisaHon of chromosomal segregaHons at
Describe major categories of chromosomal aberraHons

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
circular DNA

DNA fibers

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circular DNA (not found in human)

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BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
L28 double hetax

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Learning Objec0ves

Appreciate the structural organisaHon of chromosomes

Understand the organisa1on of chromosomal segrega1ons at
Describe major categories of chromosomal aberraHons

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BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
23 pairs = 22autosome + 1 sex chromosome (sex-linked)

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23 chromosome from sperm

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
cant be seen > phenotype (hair colour)
genotype level

A: dominant
a: recessive

(F) (M)
A a
A: black hair
a: brown hair
Their offsprings X brown hair

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Learning Objec0ves

Appreciate the structural organisaHon of chromosomes

Understand the organisaHon of chromosomal segregaHons at
Describe major categories of chromosomal aberra1ons

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Chromosomal Aberra0ons

The somaHc (2n) and gameHc (n) chromosome numbers of a species

ordinarily remain constant.
This is due to the extremely precise mitoHc and meioHc cell division.
SomaHc cells of a diploid species contain two copies of each
chromosome, which are called homologous chromosome.
Their gametes, therefore contain only one copy of each chromosome,
that is they contain one chromosome complement or genome.
Each chromosome of a genome contains a denite numbers and kinds of
genes, which are arranged in a denite sequence.

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Chromosomal Aberra0ons

SomeHme due to mutaHon or spontaneous (without any known

causal factors), variaHon in chromosomal number or structure do
arise in nature. - Chromosomal aberraHons.
Chromosomal aberraHon may be grouped into two broad classes:
1. Structural
2. Numerical

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Structural Chromosomal Aberra0ons

Chromosome structure variaHons result from chromosome breakage.

Broken chromosomes tend to re-join; if there is more than one
break, rejoining occurs at random and not necessarily with the
correct ends.
The result is structural changes in the chromosomes.
Chromosome breakage is caused by X-rays, various chemicals, and
can also occur spontaneously.

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Types of structural aberra0ons

There are four common type of

structural aberraHons:
(a) DeleHon or Deciency
(b) DuplicaHon or Repeat
(c) Inversion
(d) TranslocaHon

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Varia0on in chromosome number

Organism with one complete set of chromosomes is

said to be euploid (applies to haploid and diploid

Aneuploidy - variaHon in the number of individual

chromosomes (but not the total number of sets of

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO

Generally during gametogenesis,

the homologous chromosomes of
each pair separate out (disjuncHon)
and are equally distributed in the
daughter cells.
But someHme there is an unequal
distribuHon of chromosomes in the
daughter cells.
The failure of separaHon of
homologous chromosome is called
This can occur either during
mitosis or meiosis or

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO

Mito1c non-disjunc1on: The failure of separaHon of homologous

chromosomes during mitosis is called mitoHc non-disjuncHon.
It occurs a]er ferHlizaHon.
May happen during rst or second cleavage.
Here, one blastomere will receive 45 chromosomes, while other will
receive 47.
Meio1c non-disjunc1on: The failure of separaHon of homologous
chromosomes during meiosis is called mitoHc non-disjuncHon
Occurs during gametogensis
Here, one type contain 22 chromosome, while other will be 24.

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO
Varia0on in chromosome number:

Aneuploidy not generally well-tolerated in animals; primarily detected a]er
spontaneous aborHon.

Four main types of aneuploidy:

Nullisomy = loss of one homologous chromosome pair.

Monosomy = loss of a single chromosome.

Trisomy = one extra chromosome.

Tetrasomy = one extra chromosome pair.

Sex chromosome aneuploidy occurs more o]en than autosome aneuploidy
(inacHvaHon of X compensates).

e.g., autosomal trisomy accounts for ~1/2 of fetal deaths.

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO

VariaHon in chromosome number:
21st chromosome
Down Syndrome (trisomy-21, OMIM-190685):

Occurs in 1/286 concepHons and 1/699 live births.

Probability of non-disjuncHon trisomy-21 occurring varies with age of ovaries
and testes.

Trisomy-21 also occurs by Robertsonian translocaHon joins long arm of

chromosome 21 with long arm of chromosome 14 or 15.

Familial down syndrome arises when carrier parents (heterozygotes) mate

with normal parents.

1/2 gametes are inviable.

1/3 of live ospring are trisomy-21; 1/3 are carrier heterozygotes, and 1/3 are

BMSN2202_For 2015-16_J HO

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