REL 531 - Application Manual - 1MRK 506 107-UEN
REL 531 - Application Manual - 1MRK 506 107-UEN
REL 531 - Application Manual - 1MRK 506 107-UEN
REL 531*2.3
High speed line distance protection terminal
REL 531*2.3
High speed line distance protection
Document No: 1MRK 506 107-UEN
Issued: June 2003
Revision: A
ABB Automation Technology Products AB
Substation Automation
SE-721 59 Vsters
Telephone: +46 (0) 21 34 20 00
Facsimile: +46 (0) 21 14 69 18
Features............................................................................................... 6
Application ........................................................................................... 7
Design.................................................................................................. 8
Requirements ...................................................................................... 9
Terminal identification........................................................................ 16
Application .................................................................................... 16
Calculations .................................................................................. 16
Functionality................................................................................ 318
Design......................................................................................... 321
Calculations ................................................................................ 322
Thermal overload protection (THOL) ............................................... 324
Application .................................................................................. 324
Functionality................................................................................ 324
Calculations ................................................................................ 325
Stub protection (STUB).................................................................... 328
Application .................................................................................. 328
Functionality................................................................................ 329
Design......................................................................................... 329
Calculations ................................................................................ 330
Breaker failure protection (BFP) ...................................................... 332
Application .................................................................................. 332
Functionality................................................................................ 334
Design......................................................................................... 337
Calculations ................................................................................ 338
This chapter introduces you to the manual as such.
Introduction to the application manual &KDSWHU
The complete package of manuals to a terminal is named users manual (UM). The 8V
HUVPDQXDO consists of four different manuals:
Introduction to the application manual &KDSWHU
The application manual is addressing the system engineer/technical responsible who is
responsible for specifying the application of the terminal.
The system engineer/technical responsible must have a good knowledge about protec-
tion systems, protection equipment, protection functions and the configured functional
logics in the protection.
First revision
Introduction to the application manual &KDSWHU
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the terminal in general.
Features &KDSWHU
Open terminal with extensive configuration possibilities and expandable hardware
design to meet specific user requirements
Full scheme phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth distance protection with three to five
Application &KDSWHU
The main purpose of the REL 531 terminal is the protection, control and monitoring of
overhead lines and cables in solidly earthed networks with high requirements for fast
operating times (less than one cycle). The REL 531 terminal is suitable for the protec-
tion of long heavily loaded lines and multi-circuit lines, and where the requirement for
tripping is one-, two-, and/or three-pole. It is also specially suitable for series compen-
sated networks. The terminal may also be used to provide back-up protection for power
transformers, busbars, etc.
Design &KDSWHU
Type tested software and hardware that comply with international standards and ABBs
internal design rules together with extensive self monitoring functionality, ensure high
reliability of the complete terminal.
The terminals closed and partly welded steel case makes it possible to fulfill the strin-
gent EMC requirements.
All serial data communication is via optical connections to ensure immunity against
Requirements &KDSWHU
The operation of a protection measuring function is influenced by distortion and mea-
sures need to be taken in the protection to handle this phenomenon. One source of dis-
tortion is current transformer saturation. In this protection terminal, measures are taken
to allow for a certain amount of CT saturation with maintained correct operation. This
protection terminal can allow relatively heavy current transformer saturation.
Protection functions are also affected by transients caused by capacitive voltage trans-
formers (CVTs) but as this protection terminal has a very effective filter for these tran-
sients, the operation is hardly affected at all.
Magnetic or capacitive voltage transformers can be used.
The protection terminal has an effective filter for this transient, which gives secure and
correct operation with CVTs.
The performance of the REx 5xx terminal depends on the conditions and the quality of
the current signals fed to it. The terminal REx 5xx has been designed to permit relative-
ly heavy current transformer saturation with maintained correct operation. To guarantee
correct operation, the CTs must be able to correctly reproduce the current for a mini-
mum time before the CT will begin to saturate. To fulfil the requirement on a specified
time to saturation the CTs must fulfil the requirements of a minimum secondary e.m.f.
that is specified below.
There are several different ways to specify CTs. Conventional magnetic core CTs are
usually specified and manufactured according to some international or national stan-
dards, which specify different protection classes as well. However, generally there are
three different types of current transformers:
Requirements &KDSWHU
7KHKLJKUHPDQHQFHW\SH has no limit for the remanence flux. This CT has a magnetic
core without any airgap and a remanence flux might remain for almost infinite time. In
this type of transformers the remanence flux can be up to 70-80% of the saturation flux.
Typical examples of high remanence type CT are class P, TPS, TPX according to IEC,
class P, X according to BS (British Standard) and nongapped class C, K according to
7KHORZUHPDQHQFHW\SH has a specified limit for the remanence flux. This CT is made
with a small airgap to reduce the remanence flux to a level that does not exceed 10% of
the saturation flux. The small airgap has only very limited influence on the other prop-
erties of the CT. Class TPY according to IEC is a low remanence type CT.
The rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. Eal according to the IEC 60044-6 stan-
dard is used to specify the CT requirements for REx 5xx. The requirements are also
specified according to other standards.
The requirements are a result of investigations performed in our network simulator. The
tests have been carried out with an analog current transformer model with a settable
core area, core length, air gap and number of primary and secondary turns. The setting
of the current transformer model was representative for current transformers of high re-
manence and low remanence type. The results are not valid for non remanence type CTs
The performance of the distance protection was checked at both symmetrical and fully
asymmetrical fault currents. A source with a time constant of about 120 ms was used at
the tests. The current requirements below are thus applicable both for symmetrical and
asymmetrical fault currents.
Requirements &KDSWHU
The remanence in the current transformer core has been considered for critical fault cas-
es, for example fault in reverse direction. The requirements below are therefore fully
valid for all normal applications. It is difficult to give general recommendations for ad-
ditional margins for remanence. They depend on the performance and economy re-
When current transformers of low remanence type (TPY) are used, practically no addi-
tional margin is needed.
For current transformers of high remanence type (e.g. TPX), the small probability of a
fully asymmetrical fault, together with maximum remanence in the same direction as
the flux generated by the fault, has to be kept in mind at the decision of an additional
margin. Fully asymmetrical fault current will be achieved when the fault occurs at zero
voltage (0). Investigations have proved that 95% of the faults in the network will occur
when the voltage is between 40 and 90.
The current transformer requirements are based on the maximum fault current for faults
in different positions. Maximum fault current will occur for three-phase faults or single-
phase-to-earth faults. The current for a single phase-to-earth fault will exceed the cur-
rent for a three-phase fault when the zero sequence impedance in the total fault loop is
less than the positive sequence impedance.
When calculating the current transformer requirements, maximum fault current should
be used and therefore both fault types have to be considered.
The current transformer saturation is directly affected by the voltage at the current
transformer secondary terminals. This voltage, for an earth fault, is developed in a loop
containing the phase and neutral conductor, and relay load. For three-phase faults, the
neutral current is zero, and only the phase conductor and relay phase load have to be
In the calculation, the loop resistance should be used for phase-to-earth faults and the
phase resistance for three-phase faults.
The current transformer ratio should be selected so that the current to the protection is
higher than the minimum operating value for all faults that are to be detected. The min-
imum operating current is 10-30% of the nominal current.
All current transformers of high remanence and low remanence type that fulfil the re-
quirements on the rated equivalent secondary e.m.f. Eal below can be used. The current
transformers should have an accuracy class comparable to 5P or better. The character-
Requirements &KDSWHU
istic of the non remanence type CT (TPZ) is not well defined as far as the phase angle
error is concerned, and we therefore recommend contacting ABB Automation Products
AB to confirm that the type in question can be used.
The current transformers must have a rated equivalent secondary e.m.f. Eal that is larger
than the maximum of the required secondary e.m.f. Ealreq below:
Ikmax I sn
E al > E alreq = ------------------------ a R CT + RL + -----------
Ipn 2
(Equation 1)
I kzone1 I sn
E al > E alreq = ---------------------------- k R CT + RL + -----------
Ipn 2
(Equation 2)
Ikmax Maximum primary fundamental frequency current for close-in forward and reverse
faults (A)
Ikzone1 Maximum primary fundamental frequency current for faults at the end of zone 1
reach (A)
Requirements &KDSWHU
RL The resistance of the secondary cable and additional load (). The loop resistance
should be used for phase-to-earth faults and the phase resistance for three-phase
a This factor is a function of the network frequency and the primary time constant for
the dc component in the fault current.
k A factor of the network frequency and the primary time constant for the dc compo-
nent in the fault current for a three-phase fault at the set reach of zone 1. The time
constant is normally less than 50 ms.
All kinds of conventional magnetic core CTs are possible to be used with REx 5xx ter-
minals if they fulfil the requirements that correspond to the above specified according
to the IEC 60044-6 standard. From the different standards and available data for relay-
ing applications it is possible to approximately calculate a secondary e.m.f. of the CT.
It is then possible to compare this to the required secondary e.m.f. Ealreq and judge if
the CT fulfils the requirements. The requirements according to some other standards are
specified below.
A CT according to IEC 60044-1 is specified by the secondary limiting e.m.f. E2max. The
value of the E2max is approximately equal to Eal according to IEC 60044-6.
E al E2max
(Equation 3)
The current transformers must have a secondary limiting e.m.f. E2max that fulfills the
Requirements &KDSWHU
A CT according to BS is often specified by the rated knee-point e.m.f. EkneeBS. The val-
ue of the EkneeBS is lower than Eal according to IEC 60044-6. It is not possible to give
a general relation between the EkneeBS and the Eal but normally the EkneeBS is 80 to 85%
of the Eal value. Therefore, the rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. EalBS for a CT
specified according to BS can be estimated to:
The current transformers must have a rated knee-point e.m.f. EkneeBS that fulfills the
A CT according to ANSI/IEEE is specified in a little different way. For example a CT
of class C has a specified secondary terminal voltage UANSI. There is a few standard-
ized value of UANSI (e.g. for a C400 the UANSI is 400 V). The rated equivalent limiting
secondary e.m.f. EalANSI for a CT specified according to ANSI/IEEE can be estimated
as follows:
ZbANSI The impedance (i.e. complex quantity) of the standard ANSI burden for the specific C
class ()
UANSI The secondary terminal voltage for the specific C class (V)
Requirements &KDSWHU
The current transformers must have a knee-point voltage UkneeANSI that fulfills the fol-
Terminal identification &KDSWHU
Serial number, software version and the identification names and numbers for the sta-
tion, the object and the terminal (unit) itself can be stored in the REx 5xx terminal. Also
the ordering numbers of included modules are stored in the terminal. This information
can be read on the local HMI or when communicating with the terminal through a PC
or with SMS/SCS.
The base currents, voltages and rated frequency must be set since the values affect many
functions. The input transformers ratio must be set as well. The ratio for the current and
the voltage transformer automatically affects the measuring functions in the terminal.
Internal events
Disturbance reports
Events in a disturbance report
Events transmitted to the SCS substation control system
This implies that the internal clock is very important. The clock can be synchronized
(see Time synchronization) to achieve higher accuracy of the time tagging. Without
synchronization, the internal clock is useful for comparisons among events within the
REx 5xx terminal.
Uxr and Ixr (x = 1-5) are the rated voltage and current values for the analog input trans-
formers within the REx 5xx terminal. UxScale and IxScale are the actual ratio for the
main protection transformer at the protected object. These values will be used to calcu-
late the present voltage and current in the protected object. Uxb and Ixb defines base
voltage and current values, used to define the per-unit system used in the terminal for
calculation of setting values.
Terminal identification &KDSWHU
- Is
Is SEC = ------------
(Equation 10)
The relay setting value IP>> is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
Ixb, associated to the current transformer input Ix:
IP>> = -------------- 100
(Equation 11)
- Us
Us SEC = ---------------
(Equation 13)
Terminal identification &KDSWHU
The relay setting value UPE< is given in percentage of the base voltage value, Uxb, as-
sociated to the voltage transformer input Ux:
- 100
UPE< = ------------------
(Equation 14)
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter presents the common functions in the terminal.
Time synchronisation (TIME) &KDSWHU
Use time synchronisation to achieve a common time base for the terminals in a protec-
tion and control system. This makes comparision of events and disturbance data be-
tween all terminals in the system possible.
Two main alternatives of external time synchronization are available. Either the syn-
chronization message is applied via any of the communication ports of the terminal as
a telegram message including date and time, or as a minute pulse, connected to a binary
input. The minute pulse is used to fine tune already existing time in the terminals.
The REx 5xx terminal has its own internal clock with date, hour, minute, second and
millisecond. It has a resolution of 1 ms.
The clock has a built-in calendar that handles leap years through 2098. Any change be-
tween summer and winter time must be handled manually or through external time syn-
chronization. The clock is powered by a capacitor, to bridge interruptions in power
supply without malfunction.
The internal clock is used for time-tagging disturbances, events in Substation monitor-
ing system (SMS) and Substation control system (SCS), and internal events.
The time is set with year, month, day and time. Refer to the ,QVWDOODWLRQDQGFRPPLV
VLRQLQJPDQXDO for information on the setting procedure.
When the source of time synchronization is selected on the local HMI, the parameter is
called TimeSyncSource. The time synchronisation source can also be set from the CAP
tool. The setting parameter is then called SYNCSCR. The setting alternatives are:
Time synchronisation (TIME) &KDSWHU
Minute pulse positive flank
Minute pulse negative flank
The internal time can be set manually down to the minute level, either via the local HMI
or via any of the communication ports. The time synchronisation fine tunes the clock
(seconds and milliseconds). If no clock synchronisation is active, the time can be set
down to milliseconds.
Setting group selector (GRP) &KDSWHU
Different conditions in networks of different voltage levels require high adaptability of
the used protection and control units to best provide for dependability, security and se-
lectivity requirements. Protection units operate with higher degree of availability, espe-
cially, if the setting values of their parameters are continuously optimised regarding the
conditions in power system.
The operational departments can plan different operating conditions for the primary
equipment. The protection engineer can prepare in advance for the necessary optimised
and pre-tested settings for different protection functions. Four different groups of set-
ting parameters are available in the REx 5xx terminals. Any of them can be activated
automatically through up to four different programmable binary inputs by means of ex-
ternal control signals.
Select a setting group by using the local HMI, from a front connected personal comput-
er, remotely from the station control or station monitoring system or by activating the
corresponding input to the GRP function block.
Each input of the function block is configurable to any of the binary inputs in the ter-
minal. Configuration must be performed by using the CAP configuration tool.
Use external control signals to activate a suitable setting group when adaptive function-
ality is necessary. Input signals that should activate setting groups must be either per-
manent or a pulse longer than 200 ms.
More than one input may be activated simultaneously. In such cases the lower order set-
ting group has priority. This means that if for example both group four and group two
are set to activate, group two will be the one activated.
Setting group selector (GRP) &KDSWHU
The GRP function block has four functional inputs, each corresponding to one of the
setting groups stored within the terminal. Activation of any of these inputs changes the
active setting group. Four functional output signals are available for configuration pur-
poses, so that continuous information on active setting group is available.
Setting lockout (HMI) &KDSWHU
Unpermitted or uncoordinated changes by unauthorized personnel may cause severe
damage to primary and secondary power circuits. Use the setting lockout function to
prevent unauthorized setting changes and to control when setting changes are allowed.
By adding a key switch connected to a binary input a simple setting change control cir-
cuit can be built simply allowing only authorized keyholders to make setting changes.
Security can be increased by adding SA/SMS overrides that prevents changes even by
Activating the setting restriction prevents unauthorized personell to purposely or by
mistake change terminal settings.
The HMI--BLOCKSET functional input is configurable only to one of the available bi-
nary inputs of a REx 5xx terminal. For this reason, the terminal is delivered with the
default configuration, where the HMI--BLOCKSET signal is connected to NONE-
The function permits remote changes of settings and reconfiguration through the serial
communication ports. The setting restrictions can be activated only from the local HMI.
All other functions of the local human-machine communication remain intact. This
means that an operator can read all disturbance reports and other information and set-
ting values for different protection parameters and the configuration of different logic
Setting lockout (HMI) &KDSWHU
R e x 5 xx
H M I--B L O C K S E T
W IT H K E Y &
S e ttin g R e s tric t= B lo c k R E S TR IC T
e n 01 0 00 1 52 .vs d
I/O system configurator (IOP) &KDSWHU
The I/O system configurator must be used in order to recognize included modules and
to create internal adress mappings between modules and protections and other func-
The I/O system configurator is used to add, remove or move I/O modules in the REx
5xx terminals. To configure means to connect the function blocks that represent each I/
O module (BIM, BOM, IOM,IOPSM, DCM and MIM) to a function block for the I/O
positions (IOP1) that represent the physical slot in the rack.
An REx 5xx terminal houses different numbers of modules depending of the casing size
andwhich kind of modules chosen.
The 1/1 of 19-inch size casing houses a maximum of 13 modules. But when Input/
Output- or Output modules are included, the maximum of these modules are six .
The maximum number of mA Input modules are also limited to six.
The 3/4-size casing houses a maximum of eight modules. The limitation is four
modules for Input/Output- or Output modules. The maximum number of mA Input
modules are three.
The 1/2-size casing houses a maximum of three binary modules or one analogue
mA Input module.
It is possible to fit modules of different types in any combination in a terminal, but the
total maximum numbers of modules must be considered.
Each I/O-module can be placed in any CAN-I/O slot in the casing with one exception.
The DCM-module has a fixed slot position that depends on the size of the casing.
I/O system configurator (IOP) &KDSWHU
To add, remove or move modules in the terminal, the reconfiguration of the terminal
must be done from the graphical configuration CAP tool.
Users refer to the CAN-I/O slots by the physical slot numbers, which also appear in the
terminal drawings.
If the user-entered configuration does not match the actual configuration in the termi-
nal, an error output is activated on the function block, which can be treated as an event
or alarm.
The IOP1 (I/O position) function block is the same for the different casings, indepen-
dent of the number of slots available. Anyway, it looks different depending of actual
configuration. All necessary configuration is done in the configuration CAP tool.
The Snn outputs are connected to the POSITION inputs of the I/O Modules and MIMs.
The I/O-configuration can only be performed from CAP tool, the graphical configura-
tion tool.
I/O system configurator (IOP) &KDSWHU
First, set the function selector for the logical I/O module to the type of I/O module
that is used, BIM, BOM, IOM, MIM, IOPSM or DCM.
Secondly, connect the POSITION input of the logical I/O module to a slot output
of the IOP function block.
IOP1- IO01-
,2326,7,21 ,202'8/(
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
Different protection, control, and monitoring functions within the REx 5xx terminals
are quite independent as far as their configuration in the terminal is concerned. The user
cannot enter and change the basic algorithms for different functions, because they are
located in the digital signal processors and extensively type tested. The user can config-
ure different functions in the terminals to suit special requirements for different appli-
For this purpose, additional logic circuits are needed to configure the terminals to meet
user needs and also to build in some special logic circuits, which use different logic
gates and timers.
Logical function blocks are executed according to their execution serial numbers. To
get an optimal solution select their execution serial numbers in consequtive sequence.
The INV function block is used to invert the input boolean variable. The function block
(figure 4) has one input designated IVnn-INPUT where nn presents the serial number
of the block. Each INV circuit has one output IVnn-OUT.
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
,1387 287
1 0
0 1
The GT function block is used for controlling if a signal should be able to pass or not
depending on a setting. The function block (figure 5) has one input, designated GTnn-
INPUT, where nn presents the serial number of the block. Each GT circuit has one out-
put, GTnn-OUT. Each gate further has a Operation On/Off which controls if the INPUT
is passed to the OUT or not.
Operation = On
The output signal from the GT function block is set to 1 if the input signal is 1 and Op-
eration = On elsewhere it is set to 0. See truth table below.
0 Off 0
1 Off 0
0 On 0
1 On 1
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
OR function blocks are used to form general combinatory expressions with boolean
variables. The function block (figure 6) has six inputs, designated Onnn-INPUTm,
where nnn presents the serial number of the block, and m presents the serial number of
the inputs in the block. Each OR circuit has two outputs, Onnn-OUT and Onnn-NOUT
The output signal (OUT) is set to 1 if any of the inputs (INPUT1-6) is 1. See truth table
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
AND function blocks are used to form general combinatory expressions with boolean
variables. The function block (figure 7) has four inputs (one of them inverted), desig-
nated Annn-INPUTm (Annn-INPUT4N is inverted), where nnn presents the serial
number of the block, and m presents the serial number of the inputs in the block. Each
AND circuit has two outputs, Annn-OUT and Annn-NOUT (inverted).
The output signal (OUT) is set to 1 if the inputs INPUT1-3 are 1 and INPUT4N is 0.
See truth table below.
0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 0 1
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
0 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 0
The function block TM timer has outputs for delayed input signal at drop-out and at
pick-up. The timer (figure 8) has a settable time delay TMnn-T between 0.00 and 60.00
s in steps of 0.01 s. The input signal for each time delay block has the designation
TMnn-INPUT, where nn presents the serial number of the logic block. The output sig-
nals of each time delay block are TMnn-ON and TMnn-OFF. The first one belongs to
the timer delayed on pick-up and the second one to the timer delayed on drop-out. Both
timers within one block always have the same setting.
Time delay 0.00-60.00s
The function block TL timer (figure 9) with extended maximum time delay at pick-up
and at drop-out, is identical with the TM timer. The difference is the longer time delay
TLnn-T, settable between 0.0 and 90000.0 s in steps of 0.1 s.
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
Time delay 0.0-90000.0s
The input variable to INPUT is obtained delayed a settable time T at output OFF when
the input variable changes from 1 to 0 in accordance with the time pulse diagram, figure
10. The output OFF signal is set to 1 immediately when the input variable changes from
0 to 1.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 V
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
The input variable to INPUT is obtained delayed a settable time T at output ON when
the input variable changes from 0 to 1 in accordance with the time pulse diagram, figure
11. The output ON signal returns immediately when the input variable changes from 1
to 0.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 V
If more timers than available in the terminal are needed, it is possible to use pulse timers
with AND or OR logics. Figure 12 shows an application example of how to realize a
timer delayed on pick-up. Figure 13 shows the realization of a timer delayed on drop-
out. Note that the resolution of the set time must be 0.2 s, if the connected logic has a
cycle time of 200 ms.
Pulse INPUT3
0.00-60.00s T NOUT
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
0.00-60.00s T
The function block TS timer has outputs for delayed input signal at drop-out and at
pick-up. The timer (figure 14) has a settable time delay TSnn-T between 0.00 and 60.00
s in steps of 0.01 s. It also has an Operation setting On, Off which controls the operation
of the timer.The input signal for each time delay block has the designation TSnn-IN-
PUT, where nn presents the serial number of the logic block. The output signals of each
time delay block are TSnn-ON and TSnn-OFF. The first one belongs to the timer de-
layed on pick-up and the second one to the timer delayed on drop-out. Both timers with-
in one block always have the same setting.
Operation = On
Time delay T=0.00-60.00s
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
The pulse function can be used, for example, for pulse extensions or limiting of opera-
tion of outputs. The pulse timer TP (figure 15) has a settable length of a pulse between
0.00 s and 60.00 s in steps of 0.01 s. The input signal for each pulse timer has the des-
ignation TPnn-INPUT, where nn presents the serial number of the logic block. Each
pulse timer has one output, designated by TPnn-OUT. The pulse timer is not retrigga-
ble, that is, it can be restarted first after that the time T has elapsed.
Time delay 0.00-60.00s
The function block TQ pulse timer (figure 16) with extended maximum pulse length, is
identical with the TP pulse timer. The difference is the longer pulse length TQnn-T, set-
table between 0.0 and 90000.0 s in steps of 0.1 s.
Time delay 0.0-90000.0s
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
A memory is set when the input INPUT is set to 1. The output OUT then goes to 1.
When the time set T has elapsed, the memory is cleared and the output OUT goes to 0.
If a new pulse is obtained at the input INPUT before the time set T has elapsed, it does
not affect the timer. Only when the time set has elapsed and the output OUT is set to 0,
the pulse function can be restarted by the input INPUT going from 0 to 1. See time pulse
diagram, figure 17.
T=3s 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The function block exclusive OR (XOR) is used to generate combinatory expressions
with boolean variables. XOR (figure 18) has two inputs, designated XOnn-INPUTm,
where nn presents the serial number of the block, and m presents the serial number of
the inputs in the block. Each XOR circuit has two outputs, XOnn-OUT and XOnn-
NOUT (inverted). The output signal (OUT) is 1 if the input signals are different and 0
if they are equal.
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
The output signal (OUT) is set to 1 if the input signals are different and to 0 if they are
equal. See truth table below.
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
The function block Set-Reset (SR) (figure 19) has two inputs, designated SRnn-SET
and SRnn-RESET, where nn presents the serial number of the block. Each SR circuit
has two outputs, SRnn-OUT and SRnn-NOUT (inverted). The output (OUT) is set to 1
if the input (SET) is set to 1 and if the input (RESET) is 0. If the reset input is set to 1,
the output is unconditionally reset to 0.
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
The function block Set-Reset (SM) (figure 20) with/without memory has two inputs,
designated SMnn-SET and SMnn-RESET, where nn presents the serial number of the
block. Each SM circuit has two outputs, SMnn-OUT and SMnn-NOUT (inverted). The
output (OUT) is set to 1 if the input (SET) is set to 1 and if the input (RESET) is 0. If
the reset input is set to 1, the output is unconditionally reset to 0. The memory setting
controls if the flip-flop after a power interruption will return to the state it had before or
if it will be reset.
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
The MOVE function blocks, so called copy-blocks, are used for synchronization of
boolean signals sent between logics with slow execution time and logics with fast exe-
cution time.
There are two types of MOVE function blocks - MOF located First in the slow logic
and MOL located Last in the slow logic. The MOF function blocks are used for signals
coming into the slow logic and the MOL function blocks are used for signals going out
from the slow logic.
The REx 5xx terminal contains 3 MOF function blocks of 16 signals each, and 3 MOL
function blocks of 16 signals each. This means that a maximum of 48 signals into and
48 signals out from the slow logic can be synchronized. The MOF and MOL function
blocks are only a temporary storage for the signals and do not change any value between
input and output.
Each block of 16 signals is protected from being interrupted by other logic application
tasks. This guarantees the consistency of the signals to each other within each MOVE
function block.
Synchronization of signals with MOF should be used when a signal which is produced
outside the slow logic is used in several places in the logic and there might be a mal-
function if the signal changes its value between these places.
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
Synchronization with MOL should be used if a signal produced in the slow logic is used
in several places outside this logic, or if several signals produced in the slow logic are
used together outside this logic, and there is a similar need for synchronization.
Figure 21 shows an example of logic, which can result in malfunctions on the output
signal from the AND gate to the right in the figure.
Function 1 Function 2
Function 3
Figure 22 shows the same logic as in figure 21, but with the signals synchronized by the
MOVE function blocks MOFn and MOLn. With this solution the consistency of the sig-
nals can be guaranteed.
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
MOFn and MOLn, n=1-3, have 16 inputs and 16 outputs. Each INPUTm is copied to
the corresponding OUTPUTm, where m presents the serial number of the input and the
output in the block. The MOFn are the first blocks and the MOLn are the last blocks in
the execution order in the slow logic.
For the AND gates, OR gates, inverters, normal SR (Set-Reset) flip-flops, XOR gates
and MOVE elements no settings exist.
For the normal On/Off delay timers and pulse timers the time delays and pulse lengths
are set from the CAP configuration tool.
Both timers in the same logic block (the one delayed on pick-up and the one delayed on
drop-out) always have a common setting value. Setting values of the pulse length are
independent of one another for all pulse circuits.
For the controllable gates, settable timers, SR flip-flops with/without memory the set-
ting parameters are accessible through the HMI and SMS.
The configuration of the logics is performed from the CAP configuration tool.
Execution of functions as defined by the configurable logic blocks runs in a fixed se-
quence in two different cycle times, typical 6 ms and 200 ms.
Logic function blocks &KDSWHU
For each cycle time, the function block is given an execution serial number. This is
shown when using the CAP configuration tool with the designation of the function
block and the cycle time, for example, TMnn-(1044, 6). TMnn is the designation of the
function block, 1044 is the execution serial number and 6 is the cycle time.
Execution of different function blocks within the same cycle follows the same order as
their execution serial numbers. Always remember this when connecting in series two or
more logical function blocks. When connecting function blocks with different cycle
times, the MOVE function blocks can be used. These function blocks synchronize bool-
ean signals sent between logics with slow execution time and logics with fast execution
time. The MOVE functions are available as additional configurable logic circuits.
Self supervision (INT) &KDSWHU
The REx 5xx protection and control terminals have a complex design with many includ-
ed functions. The included self-supervision function and the INTernal signals function
block provide good supervision of the terminal. The different safety measures and fault
signals makes it easier to analyze and locate a fault.
Both hardware and software supervision is included and it is also possible to indicate
possible faults through a hardware contact on the PSM and/or through the software
Internal events are generated by the built-in supervisory functions. The supervisory
functions supervise the status of the various modules in the terminal and, in case of fail-
ure, a corresponding event is generated. Similarly, when the failure is corrected, a cor-
responding event is generated.
Apart from the built-in supervision of the various modules, events are also generated
when the status changes for the:
The internal events are time tagged with a resolution of 1 ms and stored in a list. The
list can store up to 40 events. The list is based on the FIFO principle, that is, when it is
full, the oldest event is overwritten. The list cannot be cleared and its content cannot be
The list of internal events provides valuable information, which can be used during
commissioning and fault tracing.
The information can only be retrieved with the aid of the SMS. The PC can be connect-
ed either to the port at the front or at the rear of the terminal.
Self supervision (INT) &KDSWHU
The self-supervision status can be monitored from the local HMI or via the PST Param-
eter Setting Tool or a SMS/SCS system.
Under the Terminal Report menu in the local HMI the present information from the
self-supervision function can be viewed. A detailed list of supervision signals that can
be generated and displayed in the local HMI is found in the Installation and Commis-
sioning Manual.
In the PST under Terminal Report these summary signals are available:
When an internal fault has occurred, extensive information about the fault from the list
of internal events can be retrieved from the PST under the menu Terminal Report - In-
ternal Events.
A self-supervision summary can be obtained by means of the potential free alarm con-
tact located on the power supply module. The function of this output relay is an OR-
function between the INT--FAIL signal (figure 25) and a couple of more severe faults
that can happen in the terminal (figure 24).
Some signals are available from the function block InternSignals (INT), see figure 23.
The signals from this function block can be connected to an Event function block,
which generates and sends these signals as events to the station level of the control sys-
tem. The signals from the INT-function block can also be connected to binary outputs
for signalization via output relays or they can be used as conditions for other functions
if required/desired.
Individual error signals from I/O modules and time synchronization can be obtained
from respective function block of IOM-, BIM-, BOM-, MIM-, IOPSM-modules and
from the time synchronization block TIME.
Self supervision (INT) &KDSWHU
Main CPU
Supply fault Fault
Parameter check
Self supervision (INT) &KDSWHU
Checksum OK
A/D Converter
Module & INT--ADC
Node reports OK
Remote NO RX Data
terminal >1
communication NO TX Clock
Check RemError
Watchdog OK
Watchdog OK &
Flow control OK
I/O node FAIL
Blocking of functions during test &KDSWHU
This blocking function is only active during operation in the test mode, see example in
figure 26. When exiting the test mode, entering normal mode, this blocking is disabled
and everything is set to normal operation. All testing will be done with actually set and
configured values within the terminal. No settings etc. will be changed. Thus no mis-
takes are possible.
The blocked functions will still be blocked next time entering the test mode, if the
blockings were not reset.
The blocking of a function concerns all output signals from the actual function, so no
outputs will be activated.
Each of the terminal related functions is described in detail in the documentation for the
actual unit. The description of each function follows the same structure (where appli-
Blocking of functions during test &KDSWHU
Block TUV=Yes >1
Function enable
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the line impedance functions in the terminal.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The distance protection function is the most widely spread protection function in trans-
mission and subtransmission networks. It is also becoming increasingly important in
distribution networks. The main reasons for this are:
Its independence on communication links between the line ends, because for its op-
eration, it uses information about the locally available currents and voltages.
The distance protection forms a relatively selective protection system (non-unit
protection system) in the power network. This means that it can also operate as a
remote back-up protection for other primary elements in the network.
The basic requirements for modern line protection, such as speed, sensitivity and selec-
tivity, with their strict requirements for dependability and security (availability), are
getting more stringent. In addition, modern distance protections must be able to operate
in networks with existing distance relays, which are mostly designed in a different tech-
nology (static or even electromechanical relays).
Older distance relays protect in many cases power lines only at phase-to-phase and
three-phase faults. Some other protection is used for phase-to-earth faults.
The flexibility of modern distance protection is for this reason very important. This es-
pecially applies when it is used in a complex network configuration, for example, on
parallel operating multicircuit lines and on multiterminal lines.
The selective operation of the distance protection does not depend on communication
facilities between two line ends. At the same time, the distance protection can detect
faults beyond the current transformers at the remote terminal. This functionality makes
it an ideal complement to the line differential protection function that cannot detect
faults beyond the current transformer at the opposite terminal.
The distance protection function in REx 5xx line protection, control, and monitoring
terminals consists of three to five independent distance protection zones, each of them
comprising three measuring elements for phase-to-earth (Ph-E) faults and/or three mea-
suring elements for phase-to-phase (Ph-PH) faults. Different terminals suit different re-
quirements in different networks on various voltage levels. For this reason, some
Distance protection &KDSWHU
characteristic parameters of the distance protection function differ from terminal to ter-
minal. For detailed information, please refer to ordering particulars for each line pro-
tection terminal REx 5xx separately.
Distance protection zone five differs from other zones with respect to its speed of oper-
ation. It starts faster than other distance protection zones and might have for this reason
higher overreaching for different system transients. It is for this reason suggested to use
it only for the applications, which permit higher overreaching, (i.e. switch-onto-fault
function) or as a time delayed distance protection zone with time delay longer than
100 ms.
The distance protection function can become optional protection in some line differen-
tial protection terminals (REL 561, for example). At the same time it represents the pri-
mary protection for faults beyond the current transformers at the opposite terminal. This
functionality is achieved by the time delayed overreaching zone (generally zone 2),
which covers at least the adjacent busbar and thus forms a primary or back-up protec-
tion for the busbar. So the overreaching zone should be continuously in operation.
An underreaching zone (generally zone 1) can form a back-up to the line differential
protection. There is no need for this function as long as the differential protection is in
operation. To minimize the risk of unwanted operation from zone 1, this function can
be activated only when the differential function is out of operation. The most likely
cause to lose the differential protection is a failure within the communication system.
The communication scheme used with the distance protection should for this reason use
another communication channel than the one used by the line differential protection.
Each distance protection zone comprises basically completely independent setting pa-
rameters for phase-to-earth, and for phase-to-phase measurement. This is an application
advantage in complex network configurations and in networks, where it is required to
adjust the newly applied distance protection functions to the existing other types of re-
lays (overcurrent earth fault, for example).
The distance protection function, as built into the REx 5xx line protection terminals, is
a full-scheme distance protection. This means that it has individual measuring elements
for different types of faults within different zones.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Depending on the type of terminal, it consists of up to five (for details see the corre-
sponding ordering details) independent, impedance-measuring zones, each has a quad-
rilateral characteristic, as symbolically illustrated in figure 27, RL and XL represent line
resistance and reactance and RF represents the resistive reach of a protective zone.
Z L =R L + jX L
ArgDir R
The static characteristic in reactive direction is a straight line, parallel with the R-axis.
The measuring algorithm used for the reactance part of the characteristic for phase-to-
earth faults compensates for the influence of the load current on the impedance mea-
surement for distance zone 1. So the static characteristic has no declination against the
R-axis. Setting of the reach in a reactive direction is independent for each separate zone.
It can also differ for ph-ph and for ph-E measuring elements.
A straight line limits the reach of the distance protection zone in resistive direction. It
is generally parallel with ZL, the line-impedance characteristic. This means that it
forms, with the R-axis, a L line-characteristic angle. Setting of the reach in resistive
direction is independent for each separate zone. Different setting values are also possi-
ble for phase-to-earth faults (RFPE) and for phase-to-phase faults (RFPP).
With the X-axis, the directional characteristic in the second quadrant forms an
ArgNegRes settable angle (default value 25). With the R-axis, the corresponding part
forms a settable ArgDir angle in the fourth quadrant (default value -15), as in figure 27
and figure 28. All distance protection zones have the same directional characteristics.
The characteristics of the distance zones are independent of one another as far as their
directionality and reach in different directions are concerned. One can program the di-
rectionality of each distance zone. Figure 28 shows a typical example of the character-
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The set value of a reach in resistive direction determines whether the directional line in
the second quadrant meets, as first, the reactive or the resistive characteristic. Compare
the characteristics in figure 27 and 28
The values of the reaches in reactive and resistive direction for a particular zone are the
same for forward and reverse impedance-measuring elements and for the non-direction-
al mode of operation.
The terminal automatically adapts the line characteristic angle according to the line pa-
rameters. Thus, the measurement of different faults follows the real conditions in a
power system. Figure 29 shows an example of an operating characteristic for the ph-E
fault, which faces the forward direction. Here, a Zloop, phase-to-earth loop measuring
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Z 1 =R1PE+jX1PE
Z loop
The earth return impedance follows for each particular zone the expression:
Z N = --- ( Z0 Z 1 )
(Equation 15)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Z 1 = R1PE + j X1PE
(Equation 16)
Z 0 = R0PE + j X0PE
(Equation 17)
It is possible to make the characteristic independent of line angle by setting the corre-
sponding line resistances R1PE and R0PE to their minimum possible values. For more
details see setting instructions.
In long line applications, the margin to the load impedance (to avoid load encroach-
ment) is usually a major consideration. Quadrilateral characteristics with independent
settings of the reach in reactive (to cover sufficient length of a line) and resistive (to
avoid load encroachment) direction greatly diminish the conflict that is very character-
istic for circular characteristics.
A wide setting range of the reach in a reactive direction, which one set independently
for each zone with good current sensitivity down to 10% of the rated current is
an important factor that improves the performances of the distance protection when
used on long transmission lines.
High-voltage power cables have two main characteristics that make them, from the dis-
tance protection perspective, different from overhead lines:
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The separate and independent setting of the parameters that determine the value of
earth-return compensation for different distance-protection zones, enables the compen-
sation of the influence of the zero-sequence, mutual impedance on the measurement of
the impedance-measuring elements for single-phase-to-earth faults.
Separate, optional, phase selectors usage, with their reach setting independent of the
reach of the zone measuring elements, greatly improves the performance of distance
protection on the multicircuit parallel operating lines. At the same time and to the low-
est possible level, these selectors reduce the influence of the heavy load current, that is
present during a fault, on the phase selection function within the terminals.
For the selective operation of distance protection on tied and multiterminal lines, flex-
ibility in scheme communication logic associated with the distance protection function
is a great advantage. Scheme communication logic built into the REx 5xx line protec-
tion terminals enables the adaptation of any communication scheme to the existing sys-
tem conditions. The free selection of overreaching and underreaching zones, with the
free selection of a conditional zone, and independent settings of the reach for different
zones, makes the REx 5xx line protection terminals extremely flexible for such appli-
The REx 5xx line protection terminals can employ two different impedance measuring
systems: the "conventional" impedance measurement (ZMn-) with up to five distance
protection zones and the high speed functions (HS--), see document (High speed pro-
tection). The HS-- function has two measuring zones: an under-reaching independent
Distance protection &KDSWHU
tripping zone and an overreaching zone used for the communication scheme. Both the
conventional and the high speed line protection functions are affected by the series
compensation on power lines.
The reach is affected both by the steady state influence by the series capacitance, and
the (non fundamental frequency) subsyncronus oscillation caused by the capacitor,
which interferes with the system inductances. The high speed measurement is less in-
fluenced then the conventional impedance measurement due to the time window the
measurement is performed during. But the series compensation requires to be paid at-
tention to, at the setting of both the high speed and the "conventional" impedance mea-
suring zones.
The basic requirements for modern line protection, such as speed, sensitivity and selec-
tivity, with their strict requirements for dependability and security (availability), are
getting more stringent. In addition, modern distance protections must be able to operate
in networks with existing distance relays, which are mostly designed in a different tech-
nology (static or even electromechanical relays).
Fault loop equations use the complex values of voltage, current, and changes in the cur-
rent. Apparent impedances are calculated and compared with the set limits. The calcu-
lation of the apparent impedances at ph-ph faults follows the equation (example for a
phase L1 to phase L2 fault):
Zap = -------------------------
I L1 IL2
(Equation 18)
Here represent U and I the corresponding voltage and current phasors in the respective
phase Ln (n = 1, 2, 3)
The earth return compensation applies in a conventional manner for ph-E faults (exam-
ple for a phase L1 to earth fault):
Distance protection &KDSWHU
U L1
Z ap = -----------------------------
I L1 + K N I N
(Equation 19)
Here IN is a phasor of the residual current in relay point. This results in the same reach
along the line for all types of faults.
The apparent impedance is considered as an impedance loop with resistance 5and re-
actance ;, as presented in figure 30.
The measuring elements receive information about currents and voltages from the A/D
converter. The check sums are calculated and compared, and the information is distrib-
uted into memory locations. For each of the six supervised fault loops, sampled values
of voltage (8), current (,), and changes in current between samples (,) are brought
from the input memory and fed to a recursive Fourier filter.
The filter provides two orthogonal values for each input. These values are related to the
loop impedance according to the formula:
U = R I + ------ -----
0 t
(Equation 20)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
X Re ( I )
Re ( U ) = R Re ( I ) + ------ ------------------
0 t
(Equation 21)
X Im ( I )
Im ( U ) = R Im ( I ) + ------ -----------------
0 t
(Equation 22)
0 = 2 f 0
(Equation 23)
The algorithm calculates 5Pmeasured resistance from the equation for the real value
of the voltage and substitute it in the equation for the imaginary part. The equation for
the Xm measured reactance can then be solved. The final result is equal to:
Im ( U ) Re ( I ) Re ( U ) Im ( I )
R m = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Re ( I ) Im ( I ) Im ( I ) Re ( I )
(Equation 24)
Re ( U ) Im ( I ) Im ( U ) Re ( I )
Xm = 0 t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Re ( I ) Im ( I ) Im ( I ) Re ( I )
(Equation 25)
The calculated 5P and ;P values are updated each millisecond and compared with the
set zone reach. The adaptive tripping counter counts the number of permissive tripping
results. This effectively removes any influence of errors introduced by the capacitive
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The directional evaluations are simultaneously performed in forward and reverse direc-
tions, and in all six fault loops. Positive sequence voltage and a phase locked positive
sequence memory voltage are used as a reference. This ensures unlimited directional
sensitivity for faults close to the relay point.
The impedance measurement for the phase-to-earth faults is performed on the loop ba-
sis by comparing the calculated 5P resistance and ;P reactance with the set values of
the reach in the resistive and reactive direction:
Rm R1PE + --- ( R0PE R1PE ) p RFPE
(Equation 26)
R m R1PE + --- ( R0PE R1PE ) p + RFPE
(Equation 27)
X m X1PE --- ( X0PE X1PE )
(Equation 28)
Xm X1PE + --- ( X0PE X1PE )
(Equation 29)
The S factor represents the relative fault position (-1p1) within the reactive operating
limits in forward and reverse direction.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
X1PE + --- ( X0PE X1PE )
= atan -----------------------------------------------------------------------
R1PE + --- ( R0PE R1PE )
(Equation 30)
Equation 27 represents for the same conditions a straight line (right side operating limit)
passing the R axis in set point % 5)3(M and is parallel to the left side operating
characteristic. Equations 28 and 29 represent in the impedance plane the operating lim-
its in reactive direction (see figure 31). For faults on radial lines equation 28 represents
in impedance plane (loop domain) a straight line, which is parallel with the R axis and
passes the point
C = 0 j X1PE + --- ( X0PE X1PE )
(Equation 31)
Similarly represents equation 29 a straight line, which is also parallel with the R axis
and passes the point
A = 0 + j X1PE + --- ( X0PE X1PE )
(Equation 32)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
ArgDir B
C en00000383.vsd
The impedance measurement for the phase-to-phase faults is performed on a phase ba-
sis by comparing the calculated 5P resistance and ;P reactance with the set values of
the reach in the resistive and reactive direction:
R m R1PP p --- RFPP
(Equation 33)
Rm R1PP p + --- RFPP
(Equation 34)
X m X1PP
(Equation 35)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
X m X1PP
(Equation 36)
Here represents S factor the relative fault position (- 1 < p < 1) within the reactive zone
reach. Parameters 533, ;33 and 5)33 are the reach setting parameters for the ph-
ph and three-phase faults. The first two equations represent the left and right side oper-
ating boundaries, see figure 31. For the faults on radial feeders represent these two
equations straight lines in impedance plain, which cross the R axis in points:
D = --- RFPP + j0
(Equation 37)
B = --- RFPP + j0
(Equation 38)
Both operating limits are parallel and form with the R axis an angle of:
= atan ---------------
(Equation 39)
The third and the fourth equations represent the reactive operating boundaries in for-
ward and reverse direction, see figure 31. They cross in impedance plain the X axis in
operating points: $ ;33 and & ;33 respectively. For the faults on radial feeders
this two boundaries are straight lines, parallel with the R axis.
The results of impedance measurement are combined in and combination with the di-
rectional measurement, to obtain the desired directionality for each distance protection
zone separately, see figure in Phase-to-earth measurement.
The directional overcurrent function, TOC3, uses the results of the directional imped-
ance measuring element to create the directional overcurrent function.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The directional measurement is based on the use of a positive-sequence voltage for the
respective fault loop. For the L1-N element, the equation for forward direction is:
(Equation 40)
ArgDir is the setting for the lower boundary of the forward directional character-
istic, by default set to 15 (= -15 degrees) and
ArgNegRes is the setting for the upper boundary of the forward directional character-
istic, by default set to 115 (degrees)
For close-in three-phase faults, the 8/0 memory voltage, based on the same positive
sequence voltage, ensures correct directional discrimination.
The memory voltage is used for 100 ms or until the positive sequence voltage is re-
stored. After 100 ms, the following occurs:
If the current is still above the set value of the minimum operating current (between
10 and 30% of the terminal rated current Ir), the condition seals in.
If the fault has caused tripping, the trip endures.
If the fault was detected in the reverse direction, the measuring element in the re-
verse direction remains in operation.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
If the current decreases below the minimum operating value, the memory resets un-
til the positive sequence voltage exceeds 10% of its rated value.
The control of the memory for polarising voltage is in the basic distance protection
function performed by low voltage control. A voltage reversal will give a relatively high
voltage also when the memory must be locked and thus this type of voltage memory
control can not be used in case of voltage reversal. In the option for series compensated
network the polarising quantity and memory are controlled by an impedance measure-
ment criteria.
The polarising voltage is a memorized positive sequence voltage. The memory is con-
tinuously synchronised via a positive sequence filter. The memory is starting to run
freely instantaneously when a voltage change is detected in any phase. A non-direction-
al impedance measurement is used to detect a fault and identify the faulty phase or phas-
es. The faulty phase or phases voltage are disconnected from the positive sequence filter
not to cause a change of the polarising voltage phase angle by a reversed voltage in a
faulty phase.
When the output voltage from the positive sequence filter is higher than 5% of its rated
value after the memory has run freely for 80 ms, the memory is allowed to synchronise
again to the output voltage from the positive sequence filter. At a three phase fault when
no positive sequence voltage remains (all three phases are disconnected) the memory is
used for direction polarisation during 100 ms.
The memory is predicting the phase of the positive sequence voltage with the prefault
frequency. This extrapolation is made with a high accuracy and it is not the accuracy of
the memory that limits the time the memory can be used. The network is at a three phase
fault under way to a new eqvibrilum and the post-fault condition can only be predicted
accurately for a limited time outgoing from the prefault condition.
In case of a three phase fault after 100 ms the phase of the memorised voltage can not
be relied on and the directional measurement has to be blocked. The achieved direction
criteria are sealed-in when the directional measurement is blocked and kept until the im-
pedance fault criteria is reset (the direction is stored until the fault is cleared).
This memory control allows in the time domain unlimited correct directional measure-
ment for all unsymmetrical faults also at voltage reversal. Only at three phase fault
within the range of the set impedance reach of the criteria for control of the polarisation
voltage the memory has to be used and the measurement is limited to 100 ms and there-
after the direction is sealed-in. The special impedance measurement to control the po-
larisation voltage is set separately and has only to cover (with some margin) the
impedance to fault that can cause the voltage reversal.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Up to three digital signal processors execute algorithms for up to five, full-scheme dis-
tance protection zones, depending on the type of the REx 5xx line protection terminal.
Figure 32 presents an outline of the different measuring loops for the basic five, imped-
ance-measuring zones when both, ph-E and ph-ph fault measuring loops are included
into the terminal.
The first digital-signal processor (DSP) measures different fault loops for different sin-
gle-phase-to-earth faults and for different zones. This way, it forms the resistive and re-
active part of a characteristic for single-phase-to-earth faults. The second DSP performs
the same task for the phase-to-phase fault loops. The third DSP separately performs the
directional measurement for all types of faults in forward and reverse directions. The
presence of the first or the second DSP within the terminal depends on its type and the
fault type, for which the distance protection is ordered (see ordering particulars for each
REx 5xx terminal separately).
The parallel execution of measurements in up to three different DSPs permits the sep-
arate evaluation of each impedance measuring loop for each zone every millisecond.
This gives the distance protection function the same features as those known for the
full-scheme design of conventional distance relays (REZ 1, RAZFE). So each distance
protection zone performs like one independent distance protection relay with six mea-
suring elements.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The design of distance protection zone 1 is presented for all measuring loops: phase-to-
earth as well as phase-to-phase. Different terminals REx 5xx have built-in different
measuring circuits, dependent on ordering details. In the following description consider
only the phase-to-earth related signals, if only phase-to-earth measurement is included
in terminal. Similarly consider only the phase-to-phase related signals, if only phase-to-
phase measurement is included in terminal.
The phase-to-earth related signals are designated by LnE, where represents n the corre-
sponding phase number (L1E, L2E, and L3E). The phase-to-phase signals are designat-
ed by LnLm, where n and m represent the corresponding phase numbers (L1L2, L2L3,
and L3L1).
Fulfillment of two different measuring conditions is necessary to obtain the logical one
signal for each separate measuring loop:
Zone measuring condition, which follows the operating equations described above.
Group functional input signal (ZM1--STCND), as presented in figure 33.
The ZM1--STCND input signal represents a connection of six different integer values
from other measuring functions within the terminal, which are converted within the
zone measuring function into corresponding boolean expressions for each condition
separately (see ZMn--STCND functional input in Basic configuration).
Distance protection &KDSWHU
& STNDL1L2-cont.
ZM1L2L3 &
& STNDL1N-cont.
& STNDL2N-cont.
ZM1L3N &
>1 STNDPE-cont.
>1 &
Composition of the phase starting signals for a case, when the zone operates in a non-
directional mode, is presented in figure 34.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
STNDL2N-cont. 15 ms
& t ZM1--STL1
STNDL1L2-cont. >1 15 ms
& t ZM1--STL2
15 ms
STNDL3L1-cont. & t ZM1--STL3
15 ms
& t ZM1--START
Results of the directional measurement enter the logic circuits, when the zone operates
in directional (forward or reverse) mode, see figure 35.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
>1 STZMPE-cont.
STNDL2N-cont. &
STNDL3N-cont. 15 ms
>1 ZM1--STL1
& & t
& 15 ms
DIRL1L2 >1 ZM1--STL2
& t
DIRL2L3 15 ms
>1 ZM1--STL3
STNDL3L1-cont. & t
>1 STZMPP-cont.
15 ms
& t
Tripping conditions for the distance protection zone one are symbolically presented on
figure 36.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Phase related starting and tripping signals are available only in case, when the 1/2/3
phase tripping unit is ordered within the terminal. Please, refer to ordering particulars
for each REx 5xx terminal separately.
Distance protection zones two and three have the same composition as distance protec-
tion zone 1. All descriptions for the distance protection zone 1 are for this reason valid
also for the distance protection zones two and three. It is only necessary to replace the
ZM1- designation with corresponding designations ZM2- for zone two and ZM3- for
zone three respectively.
Distance protection zones four (ZM4-) and five (ZM5-) are based on the same princi-
ples as the other distance protection zones. The only difference is in the presentation of
phase selective signals, belonging to these two zones. The phase selective signals are
not available with distance protection zones four and five.
The setting values of all parameters that belong to distance protection within the REx
5xx line-protection terminals, must correspond to the parameters of the protected line
and to the selectivity plan for the network.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Before starting the setting activities for the distance protection function, check that the
setting values of the secondary rated current within the terminal correspond to the cur-
rent transformers used for the same purposes for a specific REx 5xx terminal.
Convert the primary line impedances to the secondary sides of the current and voltage
instrument transformers. The following relation applies to these purposes:
U sec I pri m
Z sec = -------------- ------------ Z prim
U prim I sec
(Equation 41)
An impedance seen by the distance protection might differ from the calculated values
due to:
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The effect of a load transfer between the terminals of the protected line. When the
fault resistance is considerable, the effect must be recognized.
Zero-sequence mutual coupling from parallel lines.
Usually, these errors require a limitation of the underreaching zone (normally zone 1)
to 85-90% of the protected line. For the same reason, it is necessary to increase the reach
of the overreaching zone (normally zone 2) to at least 120% of the protected line to
ensure that the overreaching zone always covers a complete line. The zone 2 reach can
be even higher, but in general it should never exceed 80% of the following impedances:
The impedance corresponding to the protected line, plus the first zone reach of the
shortest adjacent line.
The impedance corresponding to the protected line, plus the impedance of the max-
imum number of transformers operating in parallel on the bus at the remote end of
the protected line.
The back-up overreaching zone (normally zone 3) must never exceed 90% of the short-
est zone 2 reach of any of the lines connected to the remote end bus. It must be at least
2 times the zone 1 reach.
The reverse zone is applicable for purposes of scheme communication logic, current re-
versal logic, weak-end-infeed logic, and so on. The same applies to the back-up protec-
tion of the busbar or power transformers. It is necessary to secure, that it always covers
the overreaching zone, used at the remote line terminal for the telecommunication pur-
In the case of a long line followed by a short line, or by a large bank of low impedance
transformers, the mandatory 120% setting might overreach zone 1 of the adjacent line,
or reach through the transformer bank at the other line end. In such cases, one must in-
crease the zone 2 time delay and thus secure the selectivity. The zone 2 reach must not
be reduced below 120% of the protected line section. It must be covered under all con-
In networks with lines tied at an intermediate location, consider an increase in the mea-
sured impedance due to the fault current fed into the system at the teed point.
If a fault occurs at point F (see figure 37 "Network with line tied at an intermediate lo-
cation" on page 77 also for the explanation of all abbreviations used), the relay at point
A senses the impedance:
Distance protection &KDSWHU
IA + I B I B
Zm = Z AC + ---------------- ZC F = Z AC + 1 + ----- Z CF
(Equation 42)
Assume that the reach of zone 1 of the relay in C covers 85% of ZCD, and the reach of
zone 2 of the relay in A covers 80% of (ZAC + 85% of ZCD).
The impedance from station A up to the reach limit of the first zone at C corresponds to:
Z AC + 0.85 1 + ----- Z CD
(Equation 43)
The reach of zone 2 can not be longer than 80% of the apparent impedance at the limit
of the first zone at C, which means that:
Z2 = 0.8 Z AC + 0.85 1 + ----
- Z CD
(Equation 44)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Also consider the apparent increase of measured impedance due to the power fed into
the system for the zone 3 setting.
When calculating the setting, consider the lowest value of the current ratio from two
sources that can occur when only one group of setting parameters is used for all oper-
ating conditions.
The distance protection function performs best in the power system with its setting val-
ues optimized to specific system conditions. So use different pre-set and pre-test groups
of setting parameters for different expected system operating conditions.
REx 5xx terminals have a built-in memory capacity for four groups of setting parame-
ters, all completely independent of one another. It is possible to set and pre-test all of
them during the commissioning. Their activation is possible:
Distance protection &KDSWHU
A simplified measuring loop at the single-phase-to-earth faults consists of three imped-
ances, as shown in figure 38 "Equivalent circuits for measurement at single-phase-to-
earth faults." on page 78.
Rf Fault resistance
ZN Earth-return impedance
ZN = --- ( Z 0 Z 1 )
(Equation 45)
a) b) Z1
L1 I
I F L3 U Rf
Z loop = Z1 + Z N + R f = --- ( 2 Z1 + Z 0 ) + R f
(Equation 46)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The reach of distance protection zone is related to the positive sequence line impedance.
So an earth-return compensation factor has been introduced into the measuring algo-
rithm. Its value is equal to:
(Equation 47)
(Equation 48)
The impedance measuring algorithm within the REL 5xx terminals calculates automat-
ically the complex value of the earth-return compensation factor KN on the basis of the
set values for the
The performance of distance protection for single-phase-to-earth faults is very impor-
tant, because normally more than 70% of the faults on transmission lines are single-
phase-to-earth faults.
At these faults, the fault resistance is composed of three parts: arc resistance, resistance
of a tower construction, and tower-footing resistance.
28707 L
R arc = ------------------------------
(Equation 49)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
L represents the length of the arc (in meters). This equation applies for the distance
protection zone 1. Consider approximately three-times arc foot spacing for the
zone 2 with time delay of 0.7 seconds and wind speed of approximately 50 km/h.
Calculate or measure the tower-footing resistance for the specific case, because the
variation of this parameter is very large.
The distance protection cannot detect very high-resistive earth faults, because the load
impedance and load transfer limit its reach. For faults with resistance higher than those
that can be detected by the impedance measurement, an optional earth-fault overcurrent
protection can be included in the REx 5xx terminals.
When calculating the settings for distance-protection ph-E fault measuring elements,
one must consider zero-sequence mutual coupling between the circuits of the multicir-
cuit lines. The positive and the negative-sequence mutual coupling generally have no
significant influence on the operation of the impedance-measuring protection schemes.
The distance protection within the REx 5xx terminals can compensate for the influence
of a zero-sequence mutual coupling on the measurement at single-phase-to-earth faults
in the following ways, by using:
The possibility of different values that influence the earth-return compensation for
different distance zones within the same group of setting parameters.
Different groups of setting parameters for different operating conditions of a pro-
tected multicircuit line.
Most multicircuit lines have two parallel operating circuits, as shown in figure 39 "Dou-
ble-circuit parallel operating line" on page 81. The application guide mentioned below
recommends in more detail the setting practice for this particular type of line. The basic
principles also apply to other multicircuit lines. The Application Guide on Protection of
Complex Transmission Network Configurations describes the problems in more detail.
The CIGRE Working Group 04 of Study Committee 34 (Protection), published the
guide in November 1991.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
REL 5xx
Figure 40 "Equivalent zero sequence impedance circuit of the double-circuit, parallel,
operating line with a single phase-to-earth fault at the remote busbar" on page 81 rep-
resents an equivalent zero-sequence impedance circuit for the double-circuit parallel
operating line. Input terminals A and B are related to the input terminals of each circuit
close to the busbar A in figure 39 "Double-circuit parallel operating line" on page 81.
Terminal C is related to the F fault point, moved towards the B busbar.
Z 0 Z m0
Z m0
Z 0 Z m0
Distance protection &KDSWHU
A I0 Z 0 Z m0
Z m0 I0
B Z 0 Z m0
2 2
Z 0 Z m0
Z 0E = -----------------------
(Equation 50)
This influences the value of the total loop impedance as measured by the distance-pro-
tection function, thus causing it to overreach. It is necessary to compensate for this over-
reaching by setting the compensated zero-sequence impedance for the particular
underreaching zone.
All expressions below are proposed for practical use. They assume the value of zero-
sequence, PXWXDOUHVLVWDQFH5P equals to zero. They consider only the zero-sequence,
mutual reactance ;P.
Calculate the equivalent X0E and R0E zero-sequence parameters according to the equa-
tions below for each particular line section and set them for the particular underreaching
zone of distance protection function.
R 0E = R 0 1 + -------------------------
R0 + X0
2 2
(Equation 51)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
X m0
X 0E = X 0 1 --------------------------
R0 + X0
2 2
(Equation 52)
When the parallel circuit is out of service and not earthed, it has the equivalent zero-
sequence impedance circuit for faults at the remote busbar as shown in figure 42
"Equivalent zero-sequence impedance circuit for a double-circuit line with one circuit
disconnected and not earthed" on page 83. The line zero-sequence mutual impedance
does not influence the measurement of the distance protection in a faulty circuit. This
means that the reach of the underreaching distance-protection zone is reduced if, due to
operating conditions, the equivalent zero-sequence impedance is set according to the
conditions when the parallel system is out of operation and earthed at both ends.
I0 Z 0 Z m0
Z m0 I0
Z 0 Z m0
--- ( 2 Z1 + Z 0E ) + R f Zm0
KU = ------------------------------------------------------- = 1 ----------------------------------------------------------
--- ( 2 Z 1 + Z0 ) + Rf Z0 ( 2 Z 1 + Z0 + 3R f )
(Equation 53)
This means that the reach is reduced in reactive and resistive directions. If the real and
imaginary components of the constant $ are equal to:
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Re (A ) = R 0 (2 R 1 + R 0 + 3 Rf ) X 0 (2 X 1 + X0 )
(Equation 54)
Im ( A ) = X 0 ( 2 R 1 + R 0 + 3 R1 ) + R 0 ( 2 X 1 + X0 )
(Equation 55)
Re ( A ) X m0
Re ( K U ) = 1 + -----------------------------------------------------
2 2
[ Re ( A ) ] + [ Im ( A ) ]
(Equation 56)
Im ( A ) X m0
Im ( KU ) = -----------------------------------------------------
2 2
[ Re ( A ) ] + [ Im ( A ) ]
(Equation 57)
Ensure that the underreaching zones from both line ends will overlap a sufficient
amount (at least 10%) in the middle of the protected circuit.
The zero-sequence mutual coupling can reduce the reach of distance protection on the
protected circuit when the parallel circuit is in normal operation. The reduction of the
reach is most pronounced with no infeed in the line terminal closest to the fault. This
reach reduction is normally less than 15%. But when the reach is reduced at one line
end, it is proportionally increased at the opposite line end. So this 15% reach reduction
does not significantly affect the operation of a permissive underreach scheme.
Overreaching zones (in general, zones 2 and 3) must overreach the protected circuit in
all cases. The greatest reduction of a reach occurs in cases when both parallel circuits
are in service with a single-phase-to-earth fault located at the end of a protected line.
The equivalent zero-sequence impedance circuit for this case is equal to the one in fig-
ure 40 "Equivalent zero sequence impedance circuit of the double-circuit, parallel, op-
erating line with a single phase-to-earth fault at the remote busbar" on page 81.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The components of the zero-sequence impedance for the overreaching zones must be
equal to at least:
R0E = R0 + R m0
(Equation 58)
X 0E = X 0 + Xm0
(Equation 59)
Check the reduction of a reach for the overreaching zones due to the effect of the zero-
sequence mutual coupling. The reach is reduced for a factor:
Z m0
K0 = 1 -----------------------------------------------------------
2 Z 1 + Z0 + Z m0 + 3R f
(Equation 60)
If the real and imaginary components of the B constant are equal to:
Re ( B ) = 2 R1 + R 0 + Rm0 + 3 R f
(Equation 61)
Im ( B ) = 2 X1 + X 0 + Xm0
(Equation 62)
The real and the imaginary value of the reach reduction factor for the overreaching
zones are equal to:
Xm0 Im ( B )
Re ( K0 ) = 1 ----------------------------
[ Re ( B ) ] + [ Im ( B ) ]
(Equation 63)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Xm0 Re ( B )
Im ( K 0 ) = -----------------------------------------------------
[ Re ( B ) ] + [ Im ( B ) ]
(Equation 64)
Each of the REx 5xx line-protection terminals has a built-in possibility for setting and
activating four different groups of setting parameters according to the system condi-
tions. Different setting groups can also suit different operating conditions of a multicir-
cuit, parallel operating line.
The advantage of such an approach is a better coverage of the line during normal and
abnormal operating conditions.
Apply the same measures as in the case with a single set of setting parameters. This
means that an underreaching zone must not overreach the end of a protected circuit for
the single-phase-to-earth faults. Set the values of the corresponding zone (zero-se-
quence resistance and reactance) equal to:
R 0E = R 0 1 + -------------------------
R0 + X0
2 2
(Equation 65)
X m0
X 0E = X 0 1 -------------------------
R0 + X0
2 2
(Equation 66)
Normally, the underreaching zone of distance protection underreaches for the single-
phase-to-earth faults located closer to the opposite end of the circuit. To overcome this
underreaching and trip without a sequential tripping for the faults along the greatest
possible percentage of a line, increase the value of the equivalent zero-sequence imped-
ance to the one also recommended for the overreaching zones. This means that the val-
ues of the equivalent zero-sequence resistance and reactance are equal to:
Distance protection &KDSWHU
R0E = R0 + R m0
(Equation 67)
X 0E = X 0 + Xm0
(Equation 68)
The same rules apply to the overreaching zones as in cases with a single set of setting
parameters. Ensure that they will always overreach. So increase the setting of the zero-
sequence resistance and reactance to the values that correspond to at least:
R0E = R0 + R m0
(Equation 69)
X 0E = X 0 + Xm0
(Equation 70)
Instructions for overreaching zones are applicable for normal network configurations.
Always reconsider their settings if any special lines or other elements (cables, power
transformers, etc.) follow the double-circuit, parallel operating line.
Pay special attention to the distance protection of double-circuit, parallel operating mul-
titerminal or tapped lines.
Set the resistive reach independently for each zone, and separately for phase-to-phase,
and phase-to-earth loop measurement.
Set separately the expected fault resistance for phase-to-phase faults (RFPP) and for the
phase-to-earth faults (RFPE) for each zone. Set all remaining reach setting parameters
independently of each other for each distance zone.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The final reach in resistive direction for phase-to-earth fault loop measurement auto-
matically follows the values of the line-positive and zero-sequence resistance, and at the
end of the protected zone is equal to:
R = --- ( 2 R1Zn + R0Zn ) + RFNZn
(Equation 71)
The blinder in the resistive direction forms an angle with the R-axis equal to:
2 X 1 + X0
loop = arctan ---------------------------
2 R 1 + R0
(Equation 72)
Setting of the resistive reach for the underreaching zone 1 should follow the condition:
The fault resistance for phase-to-phase faults is normally quite low, compared to the
fault resistance for phase-to-earth faults. Limit the setting of the zone 1 reach in resis-
tive direction for phase-to-phase loop measurement to:
RFZ1 3 X1Z1
(Equation 74)
Check the maximum permissible resistive reach for any zone to ensure that there is a
sufficient setting margin between the relay boundary and the minimum load impedance.
Z loadmin = -------
(Equation 75)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The load impedance [/phase] is a function of the minimum operation voltage and the
maximum load current:
Z load = ---------------------
3 Imax
(Equation 76)
Minimum voltage Umin and maximum current Imax are related to the same operating
conditions. Minimum load impedance occurs normally under emergency conditions.
To avoid load encroachment for the phase-to-earth measuring elements, the set resistive
reach of any distance protection zone must be less than 80% of the minimum load im-
This equation is applicable only when the loop characteristic angle for the single-phase-
to-earth faults is more than three times as large as the maximum expected load-imped-
ance angle. More accurate calculations are necessary according to the equation below:
2 R1PE + R0PE
RFPE 0.8 Zloadmin cos --------------------------------------------- sin
2 X1PE + X0PE
(Equation 78)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
is a maximum load-impedance angle, related to the minimum
load impedance conditions.
To avoid load encroachment for the phase-to-phase measuring elements, the set resis-
tive reach of any distance protection zone must be less than 160% of the minimum load
This equation is applicable only when the loop characteristic angle for the phase-to-
phase faults is more than three times as large as the maximum expected load-impedance
angle. More accurate calculations are necessary according to the equation below:
RFPP 1.6 Z loadmin cos --------------- sin
(Equation 80)
All this is applicable for all measuring zones when no power swing detection element
is in the protection scheme. Use an additional safety margin in cases when a power-
swing detection element is in the protection scheme; see document Power swing de-
Minimum operating fault current IMinOp defines the sensitivity of the distance protec-
tion as built in REx 5xx terminals. Default setting value, which is 20% of basic terminal
current, proved in practice as the optimum value for the most of applications.
The minimum operating fault current is automatically reduced to 75% of its set value,
if the distance protection zone has been set for the operation in reverse direction.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The required time delays for different distance-protection zones are independent of
each other. Distance protection zone 1 can also have a time delay, if so required for
selectivity reasons. One can set the time delays for all zones (basic and optional) in a
range of 0 to 60 seconds. The tripping function of each particular zone can be inhibited
by setting the corresponding Operation parameter to Off. Different time delays are pos-
sible for the ph-E (tnPE, n = 1...5) and for the ph-ph (tnPP, n = 1...5) measuring loops
in each distance protection zone separately, to further increase the total flexibility of a
distance protection.
ArgDir and ArgNegRes setting parameters define the position of the directional lines in
impedance plane (see figure 43 "Directional lines define the forward and reverse oper-
ating area for each distance protection zone" on page 92). Their default values are 15
and 25 respectively and should not be changed unless the simulation studies for the ap-
plication on very long and heavilly loaded transmission lines show the need to change
them accordingly.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
ArgDir R
Distance protection operating characteristic follows with its reach in resisitive direction
automatically the line charcateristic angle. The R1PP setting parameters influences the
line characateristic angle for the phase-to-phase measurement while R1PE and R0PE
influence the characteristics for the phase-to-earth faults.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
All statements presented under this subject apply also in case when the set of simplified
setting parameters has been ordered instead of a complete set. It is only necessary to
consider the fact, that in this case the reactive reach setting is equal for the phase-to-
phase as well as for the phase-to-earth measuring elements. This way the setting param-
eter X1 replaces the parameters X1PP and X1PE. Similarly replaces X0 the X0PE pa-
The directional function which is able to cope with the condition at voltage reversal,
shall be used in all terminals with conventional distance protection and HS function.
This function is necessary in the protection on compensated lines as well as all noncom-
pensated lines connected to this busbar (adjacent lines). All protections that can be ex-
posed to voltage reversal must have the special directional function, including the
protections on busbar where the voltage can be reversed by series compensated lines
not terminated to this busbar.
The parameters for the distance protection functions are set via the local HMI or PST
(Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parame-
ters and path in local HMI.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The directional function is controlled by faulty phase criteria. These criteria must iden-
tify all forward and reverse faults that can cause voltage reversal. Setting of the corre-
sponding reach of the impedance measuring elements is separate for reactive and
resistive reach and independent of each other for phase-to-earth and for phase-to-phase
The positive sequence reactive reaches for ph-ph (X1PP) and for ph-E (X1PE) faults
are generally set to the same values. The recommended value is calculated according to
the equation:
X1PP = X1PE = 2 X C K
(Equation 81)
The zero sequence reactance, which influences the reach at ph-E faults, is recommend-
ed to be set according to the formula:
X0PE = 1.6 X C K
XC is the maximum capacitive reactance the relay can be exposed to, transformed to
the secondary side of the current and voltage instrument transformers used.
The influence of the side infeed of fault current must be taken in account for lines that
can be influenced by voltage reversal.
The factor K in the equation above is the enlarging factor caused by the side infeed of
fault current:
( I 1 + I2 )
K = -------------------
(Equation 82)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The set resistive reach has to consider the reactive reach setting and the zone 2 resistive
reach setting for both, phase-to-earth (RFPEZM2) as well as for phase-to-phase
(RFPPZM2) faults:
(Equation 83)
(Equation 84)
(Equation 85)
A voltage reversal causes an artificial internal fault (voltage zero) on the adjacent lines.
This artificial fault will always have a resistive component, this is however small and
can mostly not be used to prevent tripping of a healthy adjacent line.
On the adjacent line the voltage will reverse on bus B, figure 45. The directional polar-
isation for series compensation implemented together with the conventional distance
protection zone prevents a false trip in B. Assuming that the voltage in A is not reversed
the protection in A will see an artificial fault in the forward direction on the healthy line
and trip when this fault is within the reach of zone 1.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Zone 1
Due to side infeed of fault current the apparent fault will move toward the bus A or fur-
ther out in the net. The worst condition will normally be achieved at three phase fault
and mostly only this condition have to be checked.
An independent tripping zone 1 facing a bus which can be exposed to voltage reversal
have to be set with reduced reach with respect to this false fault. When the fault can
move and pass the bus A the zone 1 in this station must be blocked. Protection further
out in the net must be set with respect to this apparent fault as the protection at bus A.
Due to the subharmonic oscillation swinging caused by the series capacitor at fault con-
ditions the reach of the under-reaching zone 1 must be further reduced. Zone 1 can only
be set with a percentage reach to the artificial fault according to the curve in figure 46
Distance protection &KDSWHU
0 C
20 40 60 80 100 %
(Equation 86)
p is the maximum allowable reach for an under-reaching zone with respect to the sub-
harmonic swinging related to the resulting fundamental frequency reactance the zone is
QRW allowed to over-reach.
The compensation degree in earth return path is different than in phases. It is for this
reason possible to calculate a compensation degree separately for the phase-to-phase
and three-phase faults on one side and for the single phase-to-earth fault loops on the
Distance protection &KDSWHU
other side. Different settings of the reach for the ph-ph (R1PP, X1PP, RFPP) and ph-E
loops (R1PE, X1PE, RFPE) makes possible to minimise the necessary decrease of the
reach for different types of faults.
X1PP = ( X 1 K X negative ) ---------- = X1PE
X1PP = ( X 1 X C ) ---------- = X1PE
(Equation 87)
It is necessary to apply similar conditions to the line zero sequence reactance X0PE.
X1PP = ( X 1 X C ) ---------- = X1PE
(Equation 88)
Distance protection &KDSWHU
X1PP = ( X 1 X C ) ---------- = X1PE
(Equation 89)
The same value apply usually for phase-to-phase and for phase-to-earth faults.
R 1 X1PP
R1PP = --------------------------
- = X1PE
(Equation 90)
R1 ( X1PP + X C )
R1PP = --------------------------------------
------- = R1PE
(Equation 91)
It is necessary to apply similar conditions to the line zero sequence resistance R0PE.
The R0PE is set according to the X0PE setting on all type of lines:
Distance protection &KDSWHU
R 0 X0PE
R0PE = ---------------------------
(Equation 92)
The resistive reach is for all affected applications restricted by the set reactive reach and
the load impedance:
(Equation 93)
(Equation 94)
(Equation 95)
In series compensated network where independent tripping zones will have reduced
reach due to the negative reactance in the capacitor and the subharmonic swinging the
tripping will to a high degree be achieved by the communication scheme.
With the reduced reach of the under-reaching zones only over-reaching schemes like
permissive overreach transfer trip (POTT) or blocking scheme can be used.
Thus it is of very importance that the zone 2 can detect faults on the whole line both
with the series capacitor in operation and when the capacitor is bridged (short circuited).
It is supposed also in this case that the reactive reach for phase-to-phase and for phase-
to-earth faults is the same. The X1PP and X1PE are for all lines affected by the series
capacitor set to:
Distance protection &KDSWHU
X1PP 1.5 X 1
(Equation 96)
X1PE 1.5 X 1
(Equation 97)
X1 is the whole line positive sequence reactance without the series capacitor
The safety factor of 1.5 appears due to speed requirements and possible underreaching
caused by the subharmonic oscillations.
X1PP and X1PE setting shall not be used giving a reach on the primary side < 5 ohm.
The increased reach related to the one used in non compensated system is recommended
for all protections in the vicinity of series capacitors to compensate for delay in the op-
eration caused by the subharmonic swinging.
Setting parameters R1PP, R1PE, R0PE, and X0PE are using the line data without the
capacitor for the set reaches X1PP and X1PE. The line values are thus enlarged with the
X1PP X 1
(Equation 98)
Settings of the resistive reaches are limited according to the minimum load impedance:
Distance protection &KDSWHU
(Equation 99)
The reverse zone that is normally used in the communication schemes for functions like
fault current reversal logic, weak-in-feed logic or issuing carrier send in blocking
scheme must detect all faults in the reverse direction which is detected in the opposite
terminal by the overreaching zone 2. The maximum reach for the protection in the op-
posite terminal will be achieved with the series capacitor in operation.
It is supposed also in this case that the reactive reaches for phase-to-phase and for
phase-to-earth faults are the same.The X1PP and X1PE are set to:
(Equation 100)
(Equation 101)
The X0PE, R1PP, R1PE, and R0PE are set according to the line data multiplied with a
Distance protection &KDSWHU
X1PP X 1
(Equation 102)
Settings of the resistive reaches are according to the minimum load impedance:
(Equation 103)
(Equation 104)
When some additional distance protection zones (zone 4, for example) are used they
must be set according to the use of that zones taken in account the influence of the series
Each distance protection zone comprises different functional inputs, which influence its
operation in different ways.
Logical one on ZMn--BLOCK functional input blocks completely the operation of the
distance protection zone. The input should be connected to the functional outputs of
those protection and logic functions, which are supposed to block instantaneously and
completely the operation of the zone. Functional output PSD--START of the power
swing detection function is a typical example.
The operation of the distance protection function must be blocked in cases of different
faults within the secondary voltage measuring circuits. The ZMn-VTSZ functional in-
put should be configured to the functional output FUSE-VTSZ of the fuse-failure su-
pervision function or to the binary inputs of a terminal, connected to the output contacts
of external fuse-failure relays and MCBs.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
The ZMn--BLKTR functional input blocks only the tripping function of each particular
distance protection zone, but it does not block its measurement and starting output sig-
nals. It is possible to use it in different cases together with internal logic circuits for dif-
ferent application purposes.
The ZMn--STCND functional input brings into each distance protection zone informa-
tion on external measuring conditions, which influence the zone operation. It is neces-
sary to configure it to one of the following functional outputs within the terminal:
The ZMn--START functional output becomes logical one at any detection of the mea-
sured impedance within a particular distance protection zone. It is not time delayed. It
is possible to configure it as an input signal to the scheme communication logic (as a
carrier send signal) or for a signalling purposes.
Distance protection &KDSWHU
Phase selective starting signals (ZMn--STL1, ZMn--STL2, and ZMn--STL3) are avail-
able in units with built-in single pole tripping function. They have the same functional-
ity as the general starting signal ZMn--START with the addition, that they always relate
to a specific faulty phase.
The ZMn--TRIP functional output represents a time delayed operation of a particular
distance protection zone. It is generally used for tripping purposes. It is also possible to
configure the trip output signals of time-delayed distance protection zones to the inhibit
conditions of the autoreclosing function, when used within the terminal.
Informs about the non-directional start of the distance protection zone (see figure in
Basic characteristics). It is possible, among others, to configure it to the functional
input SOTF-NDACC functional input of the switch-onto-fault function.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
To avoid transient instability in a heavily loaded transmission network in case of three-
and two-phase faults, the fault clearing time must be short. The allowable loading of the
network depends on the fault clearing time. Fast protection allows for this reason a high
load transfer with maintained stability.
The high speed, impedance measuring function (HS--) in REx 5xx terminals, which
achieves very short operating times, is an additional function to a basic, impedance-
measuring function (ZMn-).
The basic line distance protection function in REx 5xx line protection terminals enables
high dependability and security for application in high-voltage transmission systems.
The high speed function operates generally in three quarter of a cycle, inclusive output
relays capable to operate the breaker.
The high speed function is equipped with an underreaching tripping zone (zone 1) and
an overreaching forward directed zone for issuing a fast carrier send signal for permis-
sive overreach transfer trip scheme (POTT). The carrier send function is also comple-
mentary to the basic line distance protection carrier send function.
To enable fast, single-pole tripping, the high-speed function has a complementary high
speed phase-selection function.
An increase of one of these properties will decrease the other one. This is valid for any
type of measuring principle.
In a high voltage transmission system, unwanted operations will jeopardize the whole
network and can not be allowed. So the fast measurement must generally favour the se-
curity against unwanted tripping.
Measuring functions with an operate time of one cycle can evaluate information for a
decision, which is enough to fulfil the requirement of both security and dependability
in high voltage network. Note that a one cycle measuring time will give an operation
time, including logic function and trip relays, of about 1,25-1,50 cycles.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
A measuring function with an operate time of a half cycle can not (without complemen-
tary protection functions) have the dependability required for a sufficient protection
function on high voltage lines when the necessary security is achieved.
The REx 5xx line protection terminals can employ two different impedance measuring
systems: the conventional impedance measurement (ZMn-) with up to five distance
protection zones (see document Distance protection) and the high speed functions
(HS--, see document High speed protection). The HS-- function has two measuring
zones: an under-reaching independent tripping zone and an overreaching zone used for
the communication scheme. Both the conventional and the high speed line protection
functions are affected by the series compensation on power lines.
The reach is affected both by the steady state influence by the series capacitance, and
the (non fundamental frequency) sub synchronous oscillation caused by the capacitor,
which interferes with the system inductances. The high speed measurement is less in-
fluenced than the conventional impedance measurement due to the time window the
measurement is performed during. But the series compensation requires to be paid at-
tention to at the setting of both the high speed and the conventional impedance measur-
ing zones.
The HS under-reaching zone, which has a measuring window of 10-15 ms, is not affect-
ed very much by the negative reactance of the series capacitor. The energy, stored in the
series capacitor needs some time to fully influence the fault current and voltage distri-
bution. Therefore only some reduction of the reach is required for the HS under-reach-
ing zone to avoid an overreach.
The high speed function measures the three loops phase-to-earth and the three loops
phase-to-phase. In case of three-phase faults the trip command is issued by the phase-
to-phase measuring loops (operation of one of the loops is sufficient for a three phase
The measurement is a full scheme measurement. The three phase-to-earth loops and the
three phase-to-phase loops are calculated in parallel. In REx 5xx terminals, a new set of
samples is issued every one ms. All calculations are repeatedly performed on each new
set of samples and a result is available every one ms. The trip and the carrier-send func-
tion require that the operation criteria has been fulfilled during several calculations. The
results are accumulated in a trip counter.
The phase-to-earth loop measurement is allowed to trip or send a carrier signal when
the phasor of a residual current fulfils the condition:
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
I N > 0.2 Ir
(Equation 105)
The residual current must at the same time fulfil also the following condition:
(Equation 106)
The phase to phase measurement is allowed to issue a tripping command when at least
one of the following changes in measured currents compared to the values measured
during the previous cycle fulfils one of the following conditions:
(Equation 109)
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
(Equation 110)
The measurement is performed during a time window of 15 ms. See also the directional
measurement for the phase-to-phase faults and phase selection.
For operation, the four different measuring criteria above must be fulfilled. Besides this
criteria, a phase-selection measurement is required.
The inductive part from the solution of the line model equation below (example is pre-
sented for phase L1 to earth measuring loop) is used for the reactive measurement:
dI L1 dI
- + LN -------N- + R fN IN
UL1 = L ---------
dt dt
(Equation 111)
The solution of this line model is accurate with minimum overreach for transients in
current and voltage that are coupled to each other over the line impedance. The equation
is valid for fundamental and non-fundamental frequency quantities.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
- < (X + XN)
(Equation 112)
With a relatively minor filtering, this equation restricts the overreach caused by voltage
transformer transients. On the other hand, this equation can cause extensive overreach
for transients (harmonics) coupled over the line impedances. This way both equations
supplement each other.
The resistive measurement is performed by solving this equation:
dI L1 dI
- + LN -------N- + R fN IL1
UL1 = L ---------
dt dt
(Equation 113)
This equation limits resistive overreach in healthy phases in a better way than the equa-
tion used for the reactive measurement.
The high speed distance protection function performs the directional measurement with
full-cross polarization. The polarizing voltage is taken entirely from the healthy phases.
The change in the phase current is used for the directionality to eliminate the influence
of the load current. The change in current is calculated by subtracting the healthy phases
current after a 90 degree phase shift (derivation) from the faulty phase current.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
U L2 L3
dl L2 dl L3
IL1 ------- ---------
- ----------
3 dt dt
(Equation 114)
For the forward direction the argument of this quotient must be within the set values for
the directional lines ArgDir and ArgNegRes, which are normally set by default to -15
deg and 115 deg.
An operation requires that three measuring criteria and a phase selection are fulfilled.
For operation, the criteria must be fulfilled during a minimum of two calculations.
The algorithm defines the reactive and the resistive part of a measured impedance by
solving the following equation:
UL1 L2 = L ----- ( I L1 I L2 ) + Rf ( I L1 I L2 )
(Equation 115)
This equation has the same limitations as the equation used for phase-to- earth measure-
ment, which is affected by the voltage transformer transients if the voltage is not prop-
erly filtered. The algorithm follows for this reason also the following additional
UL1 U L2
IL1 I L2
(Equation 116)
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
The phase-to-phase measurement applies also for the three-phase faults. This approach
does not allow the cross-polarization, as used for the phase-to-earth measurement. A
memory voltage is used instead. It is achieved from a phase and frequency locked mem-
ory that is synchronized with the positive sequence voltage.
The change in current is achieved by subtracting the current from a phase and frequency
memorized, one-cycle, prefault current. This is a transient measurement and cannot be
continuously performed. The measurement is blocked after 15 ms.
UmemoryL1 L2
I L1 L2
(Equation 117)
The argument of this quotient must be within the set values for the directional lines
ArgDir and ArgNegRes, which are normally set by default to -15 deg and 115 deg.
The algorithm performs the phase selection commonly for both phase-to-earth and
phase-to-phase faults.
The phase selection compares the changes in the differences between different phase
currents: (IL1 - IL2), (IL2 - IL3), and (IL3 - IL1).
Besides the comparison of quantities, the change must be above certain operation lev-
Because the change in phase-to-phase currents can not be measured continuously, the
phase selection for all type of faults must be blocked after 15 ms.
Figure 47 describes the characteristic. Due to the transient character of the measuring
principle, no characteristic can be verified by static measurements. It is possible to dy-
namically verify that no operation will occur outside the characteristic, within the guar-
anteed accuracy.
It is also possible to identify the different measuring criteria in the characteristic. All
criteria must be fulfilled for operation.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
The characteristic is principally identical for all type of faults. The reactive and resistive
reach setting is individual for the phase-to-earth and the phase-to-phase measuring
These basic setting instructions are not valid completely for applications in series com-
pensated networks. When the network contain series capacitor in the vicinity of the pro-
tection, the setting must be adopted to this conditions.
Make all settings in secondary values of impedances. The primary line impedance must
be converted to secondary values.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
The conversion of primary line impedance to secondary values is described in the set-
ting instruction for the ordinary distance protection functions, see the document Dis-
tance protection. This chapter defines the different line impedances and the influence
of mutual coupling from a parallel line.
It is possible to set different reactive and resistive reach for the phase-to-earth and for
the phase-to-phase measuring elements. This way it is possible to adjust the reach also
in cases, when different line parameters, like the zero sequence mutual impedance, in-
fluence the reach at earth faults.
The high speed underreaching zone (zone 1) trips directly and must underreach the pro-
tected line.
The reactive reach for zone 1 is set to a maximum of 75% of the entire line.
In case of extremely short lines where the resistive reach cannot be set to cover the es-
timated minimum fault resistance (the tower footing resistance), the value of the under-
reaching zone 1 is practically useless. So block its operation.
The reactive reach for the phase-to-phase and the phase-to-earth measurement is set
generally to 75% of the secondary positive-sequence impedance for the entire line.
The X0PE setting is the compensation for the earth return to also achieve full reach for
earth faults.
The calculation of the earth return impedance for compensation is made internally in
the protection.
For lineQRW influenced by mutual coupling from parallel lines, the X0PE is set to 75%
of the secondary zero-sequence line impedance. This gives the same reach for all type
of faults.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
In case of parallel lines, the zone 1 with the above X0PE setting overreaches the line
when the parallel line is out of operation and earthed at both terminals. When an over-
reach can not be accepted during these conditions, the X0PE setting must be reduced to:
X m0
X0PE = 0.75 X 0 ------------
(Equation 118)
The resistive reach must include both the line resistance and the fault resistance. In the
high-speed function, these quantities are not set separately as they are in the basic dis-
tance protection function.
The nominal fault-resistance, 5f coverage at the reactive reach on a per- loop base for
zone 1 with 75% reach is:
R f = RFPP 0.75 R 1 2
(Equation 119)
2 R1 + R 0
Rf = RFPE 0.75 ---------------------------
(Equation 120)
R0 is the zero-sequence line resistance for the entire line (both parameters
are presented with their secondary values)
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
Coverage of the entire line by the CS zone must be set with a reach according to the
p = ------------- + 150%
(Equation 123)
The reactive reach for phase-to-phase fault is set according to the p factor from the
above formula.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
X1CSPP = ---------- X 1
(Equation 124)
The reactive reach of the phase-to-earth measuring elements for the carrier-send zone
is set according to the formula:
X1CSPE = ---------- X 1
(Equation 125)
The zero sequence reactive reach for the overreaching HS zone is set according to the
X0CSPE = ---------- ( X 0 + X m0 )
(Equation 126)
The nominal fault-resistance, 5f coverage at the reactive reach on a per- loop base for
an overreaching (CS) zone is for the phase-to-phase faults:
R f = RFCSPP ---------- R 1 2
(Equation 127)
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
The nominal fault-resistance, 5f coverage at the reactive reach on a per- loop base for
an overreaching (CS) zone is for the phase-to-earth faults:
P 2 R1 + R 0
Rf = RFCSPE ---------- ----------------------------
100 3
(Equation 128)
(Equation 130)
The output signals (carrier-send, trip etc.), which indicate the operation of high-speed
overreaching and underreaching zone are configured by means of a CAP configuration
It is possible to:
Configure these signals directly to the corresponding binary outputs (relay con-
Configure these signals within the internal logic circuits as all other functional out-
put signals, to obtain the corresponding operation of the trip function (TRIP-).
It is also possible to use the event report for testing (connect the DREP signals to
the corresponding HS function output).
There is the possibility to configure these signals to the same binary outputs (output
relays of a terminal) as the output signals from the TRIP function. See the document
High-speed binary output logic.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
The operation of the high speed function overruns all logical circuits within the terminal
and activates without any time delay the corresponding binary outputs (output relays)
which are configured over the HSBO logic. The same relays can be activated also by
the normal functional outputs of some other built-in functions (TRIP function, for ex-
The parameters for the high speed and instantaneous phase overcurrent protection func-
tions are set via the local HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical
reference manual for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
The reactive reach for the phase-to-phase and the phase-to-earth measurement can be
set to <50% of the positive sequence reactance of the entire line. The influence of the
series capacitance is taken in account with the maximum compensation factor equal to
50% of the line reactance. This setting shall be applied on all lines affected by the series
compensation, also on non compensated lines in the vicinity of a series capacitor.
X1PP = 0.5 X1
X1PE = 0.5 X1
(Equation 131)
When the X1PE and X1PP can not be set to cover more then 1,5 on the primary side,
the HS under-reaching zone is recommended to be blocked permanently.
The zero sequence reactance X0PE, which applies for the total reach at phase-to-earth
faults, is the compensation for the earth return reactance to achieve the same reach for
all types of fault.
The calculation of the earth return reactance is made internally in the relay from the set
X0PE and X1PE values.
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
X m0
X0PE = 0.5 X 0 ---------
(Equation 132)
With these settings the independent tripping zone will not over-reach the line in case
the parallel line is out of operation and grounded at both terminals.
The resistive reach setting for the underreaching (RFPE) HS zone at earth faults must
include both: the line resistance, ground return resistance, the apparent fault resistance
and additionally.
0.34 X c
(Equation 133)
The nominal apparent fault resistance covered will at phase-to-phase faults be:
(Equation 134)
The nominal apparent fault resistance covered will at phase-to-earth faults be:
(Equation 135)
High speed protection (HS) &KDSWHU
The resistive setting must also fulfil the following load impedance conditions:
(Equation 136)
(Equation 137)
Mostly the settings are determined by the load impedance. Consider the secondary val-
ues of the fault resistances and load impedance within the last presented equations.
Consider setting instructions as presented for the HS overreaching zone in document
High-speed protection
The same conditions apply for the settings of the resistive reach parameters RFCSPE
and RFCPP as for the corresponding parameters for the HS underreaching zone RFPE
and RFPP respectively
Automatic switch onto fault logic (SOTF) &KDSWHU
The switch-onto-fault function is a complementary function to impedance measuring
functions but may make use of information from such functions.
With the switch-onto-fault (SOTF-) function, a fast trip is achieved for a fault on the
whole line, when the line is being energized. The SOTF tripping is generally non-direc-
tional in order to secure a trip at fault situations where directional information can not
be established, for example, due to lack of polarizing voltage when a line potential
transformer is used.
Automatic activation can be used only when the potential transformer is situated on the
line side of a circuit breaker.
The switch-onto-fault function can be activated either externally or automatically, in-
ternally, by using the information from a dead-line-detection (DLD) function (see fig-
ure 48).
S O T F -B C 1000 m s
S O T F -D L C N D 200 m s >1 t
& t 15 m s
S O T F -N D A C C S O T F -T R IP
& t
S O T F -B L O C K &
e n 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 2 .vs d
After activation, a distance protection zone (usually its non-directional starting signal)
is allowed to give an instantaneous trip. The functional output signal from the distance
protection zone to be used, should be connected to the SOTF-NDACC functional input
of the SOTF function, see figure 48. The distance protection zone used together with
the switch-onto-fault function shall be set to cover the entire protected line. Always use
distance protection zone 5 as a criteria for the SOTF function, if the high-speed protec-
tion function is used in the REx 5xx line protection terminal. It is also suggested to use
Automatic switch onto fault logic (SOTF) &KDSWHU
the distance protection zone 5, when faster operation of SOTF function is required. The
non-directional instantaneous condition is maintained for 1 s after closing the line cir-
cuit breaker.
The external activation is achieved by an input (SOTF-BC), which should be set high
for activation, and low when the breaker has closed. This is carried out by an NC aux-
iliary contact of the circuit breaker or by the closing order to the breaker.
The internal automatic activation is controlled by the DLD function and its functional
output DLD--START. The DLD--START functional output is activated when all phase
voltages and phase currents have been below their set operate values. The DLD--
START functional output is usually configured to the SOTF-DLCND functional input.
It activates the operation of the SOTF function, if present for more than 200 ms without
the presence of a non-directional impedance starting signal SOTF-NDACC.
The parameters for the switch-onto-fault function are set via the local HMI or PST (Pa-
rameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters
and path in local HMI.
The low voltage and low current criteria for automatic activation is settable under the
DLD-- function. Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters and
path in local HMI.
This setting is not critical as long as it is lower then the lowest operation voltage during
normal and emergency conditions.
The distance protection zone used for a switch-onto-fault criterion (SOTF zone) have
to be set to cover the entire protected line with a safety margin of minimum 20%.
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
The main tasks of all protection systems are to quickly isolate the faulty part from the
rest of the power system to maintain its stability. A total disconnection of the transmis-
sion or subtransmission line always endangers the stability of one or more power sys-
tems. This is because transmission lines transport the electric energy between the
production and consumption parts of the power systems, and because their disconnec-
tion always causes unbalance in the produced and consumed energy in the disconnected
A large majority of line faults on the overhead lines are single-phase-to-earth transient
faults, which disappear after a short interruption of the power supply. For this reason,
the single-pole automatic reclosing is introduced into the power systems and if the
faulty phase is disconnected for only a short time, the risk of losing the stability of a
power system is minimized to the lowest possible level.
A reliable phase selection function, associated with the distance protection function,
plays for this reason a very important role. An independent phase selection function, as
available optionally into some REx 5xx line-protection terminals (for details refer to the
ordering particulars), operates as a complement to the impedance-measuring elements.
This secures a correct phase selection in cases of single-phase-to-earth faults on heavily
loaded, long, transmission lines.
The settings of the phase selection function are independent of the settings of different
distance-measuring zones. They have nothing in common with the starting elements of
other distance relays, also used for phase-selection purposes. It is possible to set the
reach of the phase-selection elements to cover with sufficient margin only the protected
line and secure tripping of a correct phase for the faults on the protected line only. A
much shorter reach, compared to the reach of starting elements in transmission net-
works with long lines, thus prevents the load current to influence the operation of the
phase-selection elements on heavily loaded healthy phases.
The operation of the phase selection elements also depends on the direction of the fault
in the network. This enables correct phase selection on the multicircuit parallel operat-
ing lines and on multiterminal lines within the complex network configurations.
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
The basic algorithm for the operation of the phase-selection measuring elements is the
same as for the distance-measuring function (see the document Distance protection).
The difference, compared to the zone measuring elements, is in the combination of the
measuring quantities (currents and voltages) for different types of faults.
The measurement ignores the residual current at single-phase-to-earth faults. Fault loop
equations for different phase-to-earth (ph-E) faults are as follows:
U L1
Z L1 N = ---------
I L1
(Equation 138)
Z L2 N = ---------
(Equation 139)
U L3
Z L3 N = ---------
I L3
(Equation 140)
RFPE R e ( Z Ln N ) RFPE
(Equation 141)
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
--- ( 2 X 1 P E + X 0 P E ) I m ( Z L n N ) --- ( 2 X 1 P E + X 0 P E )
1 1
3 3
(Equation 142)
Here n represents the number of the corresponding phase. RFPE, X1PE, and X0PE are
the reach setting parameters for the ph-E measuring phase selection elements.
Besides this, the 3I0 residual current must fulfil the following conditions:
3 I 0 0.5 IMinOp
(Equation 143)
3 I0 ------------------------------------ Iphmax
(Equation 144)
INReleasePE is the setting for the minimum residual current needed to enable
operation in the ph-E fault loops (in %)
Fault loop equations for phase-to-phase faults are as follows:
ULm UL n
X Lm L n = Im ---------------------------
IL n
(Equation 145)
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
U Lm ULn
R Lm Ln = Re ---------------------------
(Equation 146)
The following conditions apply for the operation of ph-ph measuring loops in reactive
2 X1PP XL m Ln 2 X1PP
(Equation 147)
The following conditions apply for the operation of ph-ph measuring loops in resistive
(Equation 148)
And where:
X1PP and RFPP are the reach setting parameters for the ph-ph measuringloops.
3 I 0 < 0.2 I r
(Equation 149)
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
3 I 0 < ---------------------------- I phmax
(Equation 150)
INBlockPP is the setting for the residual current level below which operation of the
ph-ph fault loops is allowed.
When the current conditions for both single-phase-to-earth and phase-to-phase mea-
surement are fulfilled, both measuring elements operate. Note that the ph-ph measuring
loops operate also at three-phase faults.
Figure 49 presents schematically the creation of the phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth
operating conditions. Consider only the corresponding part of measuring and logic cir-
cuits, when only a phase-to-earth or phase-to-phase measurement is available within the
15 ms
,< ,U 10 ms 20 ms & t PHS--STPP
& t t
RU IRELPP - cont.
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
INDL1N - cont.
INDL2N - cont.
INDL3N - cont.
15 m s
>1 t
IRELPE - cont.
& 15 m s
>1 t
15 m s
>1 t
15 m s
& >1 t
& INDL1L2 - cont.
INDL2L3 - cont
INDL3L1 - cont.
IRELPP - cont.
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
Composition of the directional (forward and reverse) phase selective signals is present-
ed schematically in figure 52 and figure 51. The directional criteria appears as a condi-
tion for the correct phase selection in order to secure a high phase selectivity for
simultaneous and evolving faults on lines within the complex network configurations.
Signals DFWLn and DFWLnLm present the corresponding directional signals for mea-
suring loops with phases Ln and Lm (m and n are running betwen 1 and 3). Designation
FW (figure 52) represents the forward direction as well as the designation RV (figure
51) represents the reverse direction. All directional signals are derived within the cor-
responding digital signal processor.
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
INDL1N - cont.
INDL1L2 - cont. 15 ms
& >1 t
INDL3L1 - cont.
DRVL3L1 15 ms
INDL2N - cont. >1 t
INDL1L2 - cont. 15 ms
& >1 t
INDL3L1 - cont.
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
INDL1N - cont.
& 15 ms 15 ms
& >1 t t
INDL1L2 - cont. 15 ms
& >1 t
INDL3L1 - cont.
DFWL3L1 15 ms
INDL2N - cont. >1 t
& 15 ms
INDL1L2 - cont. PHS--STFWL2
& >1
15 ms 15 ms
INDL2L3 - cont. PHS--STFW2PH
& >1 t t
INDL3N - cont.
& &
DFWL3N 15 ms
INDL2L3 - cont.
& >1
15 ms
INDL3L1 - cont. PHS--STFW3PH
& t
Generally, the phase selection elements need not cover all distance-protection zones
within the terminal. The main goal should be a correct and reliable phase selection for
faults on the entire protected line. This way, a single-phase and two-phase auto-reclos-
ing function has the best possible effect. So the phase selection measuring elements
must always cover the first corresponding overreaching zone (in most application cases:
zone 2) for different fault loops. A safety margin between 10% and 15% is recommend-
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
Figure 53 presents together the operate characteristics for the zone measuring elements
and for the phase selection element at ph-E fault. The characteristic is presented in per
loop domain.
The phase selection characteristic should cover with sufficient margin the complete dis-
tance protection zone. Parameters X1PE, R1PE, X0PE, R0PE and RFPE are the zone
setting parameters. Please, see the document Distance protection for more informa-
tion. The following definitions apply according to figure 53:
Z L = R1PE + j X1PE
(Equation 151)
ZN = --- ( Z 0 ZL )
(Equation 152)
Z 0 = R0PE + j X0PE
(Equation 153)
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
1 . .
RFPEP HS > --- ( 2 R1PE ZM + R0PE Z M ) + RFPEZ M
(Equation 154)
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
(Equation 155)
The same conditions apply also for the measurement in reverse direction as well as for
the non-directional measurement.
Index PHS designates the parameters related to the phase selection elements. Index ZM
designates the parameters related to the distance protection zone measuring elements.
Phase selection elements for ph-ph faults have the operate characteristic, as presented
together with the characteristic of the zone measuring elements in figure 54
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
angle RFPEZM
In this case it is necessary to set the reactive reach of the phase selection element for the
ph-ph faults according to the condition:
Setting condition for the reach in the resistive direction depends on the line angle, as set
by zone setting elements:
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
l ine = atan ------------------------
(Equation 158)
The following condition apply, if the line angle is greater than 70 degrees:
The following condition apply, when the line angle is less than 70 degrees:
Figure 55 presents an operate characteristic of phase selector for a three phase fault. The
characteristic is presented together with the zone operate characteristic in loop domain.
Phase selection elements for ph-ph faults operate also at three-phase faults. Their oper-
ating characteristic is in this case rotated anti-clockwise 30 degrees and expanded with
the factor (2/3).
This applies for the operate characteristic of the phase selection element, but not to the
directional characteristics.
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
30 PH
line 30 100
angle RFPPZM
It is also necessary to check the limit operate conditions at three-phase faults, when set-
ting the reach of the phase selection elements for the ph-ph faults. It is necessary to se-
cure the following relation:
Phase selection logic (PHS) &KDSWHU
Index PHS designates the parameters related to the phase selection elements. Index ZM
designates the parameters related to the distance protection zone measuring elements.
It is also necessary to secure sufficient margin towards the minimum load resistance
RLmin (see the document Distance protection for more detailed definition of the load
impedance). The following condition applies in this case:
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
Various changes in power system may cause oscillations of rotating units. The most
typical reasons for these oscillations are big changes in load or changes in power system
configuration caused by different faults and their clearance. As the rotating masses
strive to find a stable operate condition, they oscillate with damped oscillations until
they reach the final stability.
The extent of the oscillations depends on the extent of the disturbances and on the nat-
ural stability of the system. The oscillation rate depends also on the inertia of the system
and on the impedance between different generating units.
These oscillations cause changes in phase and amplitude of the voltage difference be-
tween the oscillating parts of the power system. This causes changes in power flow be-
tween two oscillating parts of the system - the power swings from one part to another -
and vice-versa.
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
Distance relays see these power swings as the swinging of the measured impedance in
relay points. The measured impedance varies with time along a locus in an impedance
plane (see figure 56). This locus can enter the operate characteristic of a distance pro-
tection and causes, if no preventive measures have been considered, its unwanted oper-
The power swing detection function (PSD) is optionally available in most of the REx
5xx terminals, which include also the line distance protection function. Please, refer to
the ordering information for each terminal separately.
The PSD function detects reliably power swings with periodic time of swinging as low
as 200 ms (i.e. slip frequency as high as 10% of the rated frequency on the 50 Hz basis).
It detects the swings under normal system operate conditions as well as during dead-
time of a single-pole reclosing cycle.
The function is able to secure selective operation for internal faults during power
swings, when used together with optional power swing logic (PSL) and some additional
functions, available within the REx 5xx terminals. The operation of the distance protec-
tion function remains stable for external faults during the power swing condition, even
with the swing (electrical) centre on the protected line.
The operation of the PSD function is based on the measurement of the transition time
needed for the transient impedance to pass the area between the outer and the inner im-
pedance characteristic of the PSD function, see figure 57.
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
.; ; 1,1
; 1,1
.5 51,1
; 1,1
.; ; 1,1
The impedance measuring principle is based on the same impedance measuring algo-
rithm as used by the distance protection zone measuring elements (see the document
Distance protection).
The impedance measurement within the PSD function is performed by solving the fol-
lowing equations (n = 1, 2, 3 for each corresponding phase):
U L1
Re ---------- R se t
IL 1
(Equation 163)
U L 1
Im ---------- X se t
I L1
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
Xset corresponds to the reactive reach setting values X1IN for the internal and
(KX . X1IN) for the external operate characteristic of the PSD function and
Rset corresponds to the resistive reach setting values R1IN for the internal and
The PSD function can operate in two operating modes:
The 1-of-3 operating mode is based on detection of power swing in any of three
phases. Figure 58 presents a composition of a detection signal PSD-DET-L1 in this
particular phase. The internal signal PSD-CONS.-int. is related to the same signal
in figure
The 2-of-3 operating mode is based on detection of power swing in at least two
out of three phases. Figure 59 presents a composition of the detection signals
DET1of3 and DET2of3.
Signals ZOUTLn (external boundary) and ZINLn (internal boundary) are related to the
operation of the impedance measuring elements in each phase separately (Ln represents
the corresponding phase L1, L2, and L3) They are internal signals, produced by the cor-
responding digital signal processors (DSPs).
All tP1 timers in figure 58 have the same settings. They serve the detection of initial
power swings, which are usually not as fast as the later swings are. The tP2 timers be-
come activated for the detection of the consecutive swings if the measured impedance
exits the operate area and returns within the time delay, set on the tW waiting timer. All
tP2 timers in figure 58 have the same setting.
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
& t
PSD-CONS.-int. & t
PSD-DET-L2 DET1of3 - int.
DET2of3 - int.
& 1
Figure 60 presents a simplified logic diagram for a PSD function. The internal signals
DET1of3 and DET2of3 relate to the detailed logic diagrams in figure 58 and figure 59
Selection of the operating mode is possible by the proper configuration of the functional
input signals PSD--REL1PH, PSD--BLK1PH, PSD--REL2PH, and PSD--BLK2PH
(see the signal list in the appendix to this document).
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
t &
10 ms
& t
PSD--BLKI01 & t
DET1of3 - int.
PSD--BLK1PH PSD - CONS. - int.
DET2of3 - int. 1 t
There are four different ways to form the internal INHIBIT signal:
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
The INHIBIT internal signal becomes logical 1 after the time delay, set on tR1 tim-
er, if the power swing appears before the functional PSD--I0CHECK becomes log-
ical 1. It is possible to disable this condition by connecting the logical 1 signal to
the BLKI02 functional input.
The INHIBIT logical signals becomes logical 1, if the functional input PSD--
I0CHECK appears within the time delay, set on tEF timer and the impedance has
been seen within the outer characteristic of the PSD operate characteristic in all
three phases. This function prevents the operation of the PSD function in cases,
when the circuit breaker closes on persistent single-phase fault after single-pole
auto-reclosing dead time, if the initial single-phase fault and single-pole opening of
the circuit breaker causes the power swing in the remaining two phases.
The parameters for the power swing detection functions are set via the local HMI or
PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting pa-
rameters and path in local HMI.
Set the reach of the inner characteristic R1IN in the resistive direction (see figure 61)
as well as X1IN in the reactive direction, so that the inner operate characteristic com-
pletely covers all distance protection zones, which are supposed to be blocked by the
PSD function. It is recommended to consider at least 10% of additional safety margin.
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
- R1IN
Set the reach of the outer characteristic as a multiple of a reach for the inner character-
istic. KR and KX are the setting parameters, expressed in percentages of the set reaches
in resistive (R1IN) and reactive (X1IN) direction for the inner operate characteristic.
K R = 100 ---------------------
(Equation 164)
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
KX = 100 ---------------------
(Equation 165)
R1OUT and X1OUT are the calculated values of the reach for the outer characteristic.
Also observe the fact, that the minimum values for KR and KX are equal to 120%.
The reach in the resistive direction should not exceed more than 80% of the minimum
load resistance RLmin. This stands for both the reach of the inner as well as for the reach
of the outer characteristic.
R L mi n
KR 80 ---------------
(Equation 167)
The resistive transition area, which is equal to:
(Equation 168)
should be set as wide as possible, considering the limitations for covering the desired
distance protection zones and not entering the load impedance area. At the same time,
it depends on the maximum required initial speed of the impedance, which should still
be recognised as a power swing and not as a fault. The initial speed of impedance must
be determined by the system studies. It is recommended to try the first iteration with the
default time delay for the tP1 timer, which is 45 ms, and calculate, if the set speed of
the transition impedance corresponds to the condition:
------------------------------------------ > -------
tP1 t req
(Equation 169)
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
The expression:
( Z t ) req
(Equation 170)
represents the maximum required speed of impedance, which should still be recognised
as an initial power swing. Reduce the setting of the tP1 time delay only, if the upper
condition can not be satisfied with the resistance settings on their specified minimum
and maximum possible values.
System studies also determine the maximum possible speed of the transition imped-
ance. Set the tP2 timer so, that the maximum detectable speed of the transition imped-
ance satisfies the condition:
> -------
tP2 t max
(Equation 171)
The expression :
( Z t ) max
(Equation 172)
represents the maximum required speed of impedance, which should still be recognised
as a power swing within the developed stage.
The reactive transition area should generally be equal to the resistive transition area. If
supposed, that the reactive reach of the inner characteristic is determined by the distance
protection zone reach and equal to X1IN, then the reactive multiplication factor must
be equal to:
Set the KX to 120%, if the calculation requires a value less than 120%.
Power swing detection (PSD) &KDSWHU
System studies should determine the settings for the hold timer tH (see Functional-
ity). The purpose of this timer is, to secure continuous output signal from the PSD
function during the power swing, even after the transient impedance leaves the PSD op-
erate characteristic and is expected to return within a certain time due to continuous
swinging. Consider the minimum possible speed of power swinging in a particular sys-
The tR1 inhibit timer delays the influence of the detected residual current on the inhibit
criteria for the PSD function. It prevents operation of the function for short transients in
the residual current measured by the terminal.
The tR2 inhibit timer disables the output PSD--START signal from the PSD function,
if the measured impedance remains within the PSD operate area for a time, longer than
the set tR2 value. This time delay was usually set to approximately two seconds in older
power-swing devices.
The setting of the tEF timer must cover, with sufficient margin, the opening time of a
circuit breaker and the dead-time of a single-phase auto-reclosing together with the
breaker closing time.
Power swing logic (PSL) &KDSWHU
Power swing logic (PSL) is a complementary function to the power swing detection
(PSD) function, see section Power swing detection. It enables a reliable fault clearing
for different faults on protected lines during power swings in power systems.
It is a general goal, to secure fast and selective operation of protection scheme for the
faults, which occur on power lines during power swings. It is possible to distinguish be-
tween the following main cases:
A fault occurs on a so far healthy power line, over which the power swing has been
detected and the fast distance protection zone has been blocked by the PSD element.
The power swing occurs over two phases of a protected line during the dead time
of a single-pole auto-reclosing after the Ph-E fault has been correctly cleared by the
distance protection. The second fault can, but does not need to, occur within this
time interval.
Fault on an adjacent line (behind the B substation, see figure 62) causes the mea-
sured impedance to enter the operate area of the PSD function and, for example, the
zone 2 operating characteristic. Correct fault clearance initiates the power swing so
that the locus of the measured impedance continues through the zone 1 operating
characteristic and causes its unwanted operation, if no preventive measures have
been taken, see figure 62.
Power swing logic (PSL) &KDSWHU
impedance at initital
fault position
Zone 2
Zone 1
The power swing logic and the basic operating principle of the power swing detection
(PSD) function operates reliably for different faults on parallel power lines with detect-
ed power swings. It is, however, preferred to keep the distance protection function
blocked in cases of single-phase-to-earth faults on so far healthy lines with detected
power swings. In these cases, it is recommended to use an optionally available direc-
tional overcurrent earth-fault protection with scheme communication logic. It is also
possible to use a time delayed directional O/C EF protection without communication or
even a time delayed non-directional O/C EF protection.
Power swing logic (PSL) &KDSWHU
REx 5xx series line distance protection terminals comprise generally up to five distance
protection zones. It is possible to use one or two of them for selective fault clearing dur-
ing power swings. Following are the basic conditions for the operation of so called (un-
derreaching and overreaching) power-swing zones:
Their operation is conditioned by the operation of the PSD function. They operate in
PUTT or POTT communication scheme with corresponding distance protection zones
at the remote line end. It is preferred to use the communication channels over the op-
tionally available remote end data communication module and the binary signal
transfer to remote end function. It is also possible to include, in an easy way (by means
of configuration possibilities), the complete functionality into a regular scheme com-
munication logic for the distance protection function. The communication scheme for
the regular distance protection does not operate during the power-swing conditions, be-
cause the distance protection zones included in the scheme are normally blocked. The
power-swing zones can for this reason use the same communication facilities during the
power-swing conditions.
Only one power swing zone is necessary in distance protection at each line terminal, if
the POTT communication is applied. One underreaching power swing zone, which
sends the time delayed carrier signal, and one overreaching power swing zone, which
performs the local tripping condition, are necessary with PUTT schemes.
The operation of the distance protection zones with long time delay (zone 3, for exam-
ple) is in many cases not blocked by the power swing detection elements. This allows
the distance protection zone 3 (together with the full-scheme design of the distance pro-
tection function in REx 5xx terminals) to be used at the same time as the overreaching
power-swing zone.
A special part of the PSL is provided to control the operation of the underreaching zone
(zone 1) for the power swings developed by the faults on remote lines and their fast
clearance by the corresponding relays, see figure 62. The logic prevents the zone 1 for
a certain period, to issue a tripping command, if the fault impedance has been initially
Power swing logic (PSL) &KDSWHU
detected only within the reach of a higher distance protection zone and afterwards en-
tered the zone 1 without being detected outside the external operating boundary of the
PSD element.
Communication and tripping logic as used by the power swing distance protection
zones is schematically presented in figure 63.
PSD--AR1P1 &
PSL--BLOCK & t &
tBlkTr &
tTrip t
The complete logic remains blocked as long as there is a logical one on the PSL--
BLOCK functional input signal. Presence of the logical one on the PSD--STDEF func-
tional input signal also blocks the logic as long as this block is not released by the log-
ical one on the PSD--AR1P1 functional input signal. The functional output signal PSL-
-BLKZMPP remains logical one as long as the function is not blocked externally (PSL-
-BLOCK is logical zero) and the earth-fault is detected on protected line (PSD--STDEF
is logical one), which is connected in three-phase mode (PSD--AR1P1 is logical zero).
Timer tBlkTr prolongs the duration of this blocking condition, if the measured imped-
ance remains within the operate area of the PSD function (PSL--STPSD input active).
The PSL--BLKZMPP could be used to block the operation of the power-swing zones.
Logical one on functional input PSL--CSUR, which is normally connected to the ZMn-
-TRIP functional output of a power swing underreach zone, activates functional output
PSL--CS, if the function is not blocked by one of the above conditions. It also activates
the PSL--TRIP functional output.
Power swing logic (PSL) &KDSWHU
Initiation of the PSL--CS functional output is possible only, if the PSL--STPSD input
has been active longer than the time delay set on the security timer tCS.
Simultaneous presence of the functional input signals PSD--CACC and PSD--CR (local
trip condition) also activates the PSL--TRIP functional output, if the function is not
blocked by one of the above conditions and the PSL--STPSD signal has been present
longer then the time delay set on the trip timer tTrip.
Figure 64 presents the logical circuits, which control the operation of the underreaching
zone (zone 1) at power swings, caused by the faults and their clearance on the remote
power lines.
PSL--BLOCK & t >1
The logic is disabled by a logical one on functional input PSL--BLOCK. It can start
only if the following conditions are simultaneously fulfilled:
PSL--STPSD functional input signal must be a logical zero. This means, that the
PSD function must not detect power swinging over the protected power line.
PSL--STZMPSD functional input must be a logical one. This means that the imped-
ance must be detected within the external boundary of the PSD function.
PSL--STZMH functional input must be a logical one. This means that the fault must
be detected by the higher distance protection zone, for example zone 2.
Power swing logic (PSL) &KDSWHU
The PSL--STZMLL functional output, which can be used in complete terminal logic in-
stead of a normal distance protection zone 1, becomes active under the following con-
If the PSL--STZML signal appears at the same time as the PSL--STZMH or if it ap-
pears with a time delay, which is shorter than the time delay set on timer tDZ.
If the PSL--STZML signal appears after the PSD--STZMH signal with a time delay
longer than the delay set on the tDZ timer, and remains active longer than the time
delay set on the tZL timer.
The PSL--BLKZMH functional output signal can be used to block the operation of the
higher distance protection zone, if the fault has moved into the zone 1 operate area after
tDZ time delay.
Time delay for the underreaching power swing zone should be set shorter (with suffi-
cient margin) than the time delay of normal distance protection zone 2 to obtain selec-
tive time grading also in cases of faults during power swings. The necessary time
difference depends mostly on the speed of the communication channel used, speed of
the circuit breaker used, etc. Time difference between 150 ms to 200 ms is generally
Set the reactive reach for the power swing zones according to the system selectivity
planing. The reach of the underreaching zone should not exceed 85% of the protected
line length. The reach of the overreaching zone should be at least 120% of the protected
line length.
( Z t ) m in
(Equation 174)
of the power swings in secondary ohm/s. Calculate the maximum permissible resistive
reach for each power swing zone separately according to the following conditions.
Consider in all cases also the usual setting limits, as specified for the normal distance
protection zones. See the document Distance protection.
Power swing logic (PSL) &KDSWHU
Setting of the resistive reach should follow the expression:
(Equation 175)
RFPE1 = ------- tnPE ( R1PE + 0.5 X1PE )
t min
(Equation 176)
R FPE2 = -------
t nPE
t min 2
(Equation 177)
Parameters RFPE, R1PE, X1PE and tnPE are the zone n setting parameters, see the doc-
ument Distance protection .
Setting of the resistive reach should follow the expression:
RFPP 1 = 2 ------- tnPP ( R1PP + 0.5 X1PP ) and
t min
RFPP2 = ------- tnPP
t m in
Power swing logic (PSL) &KDSWHU
Parameters RFPP, R1PP, X1PP and t1PP are the zone n setting parameters, see the doc-
ument Distance protection.
Time delay for the overreaching power swing zone is not an important parameter, if the
zone is used only for the protection purposes at power-swings.
Consider the normal time grading, if the overreaching zone serves as a time delayed
back-up zone, which is not blocked by the operation of the PSD function.
Settings of the timers within the PSL depend in great extent on the settings of other time
delayed elements within the complete protection system. These settings differ within
different power systems. The recommended settings consider only the general system
conditions and the most used practice at different utilities. It is always necessary to
check the local system conditions.
The tCS timer is used for safety reasons within the logic. It requires continuous pres-
ence of the PSL--STPSD signal, before it can issue a carrier send signal. A time delay
between 50 and 100 ms is generally sufficient.
The timer is used for safety reasons within the logic. It requires continuous presence of
the PSL--STPSD signal, before it can issue a tripping command during the power-
swings. A time delay between 50 and 100 ms is generally sufficient.
The tBlkTr timer prolongs the presence of the PSL--BLKZMPP output signal, which
can be used to block the operation of the power swing zones after the detected single-
phase-to-earth faults during the power swings. It is necessary to permit the O/C EF pro-
tection to eliminate the initial fault and still make possible for the power swing zones to
operate for possible consecutive faults. A time delay between 150 and 300 ms is gener-
ally sufficient.
Setting of the tDZ timer inf0luences in great extent the performance of the protection
during the power swings, which develops by occurrence and clearance of the faults on
remote power lines. It is necessary to consider the possibility for the faults to occur
close to the set reach of the underreaching distance protection zone, which might result
in longer operate times of zone 1 (underreaching zone) compared to zone 2 starting time
(overreaching zone). A setting between 80 and 150 ms is generally sufficient.
Power swing logic (PSL) &KDSWHU
The tZL timer permits unconditional operation of the underreaching zone, if the mea-
sured impedance remains within its operate characteristic longer than the set time tZL.
Its setting depends on the expected speed of the initial swings and on the setting of the
time delay for the overreaching zone 2. The release timer must still permit selective trip-
ping of the distance protection within the complete network. A setting between 200 and
300 ms is generally sufficient.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Sudden events in an electrical power system such as large jumps in load, fault occur-
rence or fault clearance, which disturb the balance of energy in the system, can cause
oscillations of mechanical masses referred to as power swings. In a recoverable situa-
tion the oscillations will decay and stable operation will be resumed; in a non-recover-
able situation the power swings become so severe that the synchronism is lost between
the generators of the system, a condition referred to as pole slipping. In the case of pole
slipping, the excitation of the machines is generally intact, but there are strong oscilla-
tions of real and reactive power.
Even though the modern power systems are designed and operate with high degree of
security against power swings and even more against pole slipping, these two phenom-
ena may occur especially during abnormal system conditions.
If the pole slipping condition is allowed to persists in smaller parts of a power system
than other machines may follow and the stability of a system as a whole is in danger.
Apart from the electrical phenomena, oscillations of mechanical masses also expose the
generators and other equipment to considerable pulsating mechanical stresses.
Available technology and the costs of the corresponding protection devices dictated in
the past the use of the pole slip protection relays only close to the power generators.
They were for this reason treated as a part of a generator protection scheme. Their use
deeper in the network was not so common. Such approach resulted often in unselective
splits of already troubled power systems, which have lost some valuable generating ca-
Modern, functional library oriented approach within the microprocessor based protec-
tion terminals makes it possible to utilize the pole slip protection function more often
and deeper in the power network. This way it enables better selectivity of the pole slip
protection and intact power generation in different islands. A separate pole slip protec-
tion function still remains as a dedicated generator protection in the vicinity of synchro-
nous machines, to protect them against the oscillations which could harm in great extent
their functionality
The Pole Slip Protection (PSP) function as built in REx 5xx protection, control and
monitoring terminals, and described in this document comprises all functionality nec-
essary for the detection, evaluation and corresponding reaction on the pole slipping phe-
nomena in power systems. It is applicable together with different line protection
functions (distance protection, line differential protection) deeper in the power network
as well as a part of a generator protection system in power plants.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Figure 65 presents a two machine system with a power line between busbars A and B.
The electromotive forces EA and EB can differ in their magnitude. It is important, that
their relative phase angle
= A B
(Equation 179)
(Equation 180)
changes in its magnitude and direction and causes this way the current between both
generators to change accordingly.
A= const B= f(t)
a a
Figure 66 presents an example of the voltage and current measured in one phase of a
line between two generators during the oscillations caused by the changing of the rela-
tive angle . The minimum value of current corresponds to the minimum angle between
the electromotive forces. The maximum value of the current corresponds to the condi-
tion when the voltages
(Equation 181)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
(Equation 182)
30 .iL1
e AL1 ( t ) 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7
100 100
0.9 t 1.75
Oscillations in measured voltage and current reflect naturally also in impedance, mea-
sured by the impedance (distance) relays.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
M; M;
($ (%
5 5
($(% 99001021.vsd
The recoverable oscillations are understood under the expression "power-swing". The
generators in a two-machine system remain during the disturbance in synchronism.
They only change their relative angle from one to another value over a transient peri-
od. The impedance locus might enter the operating characteristic of the distance relay
(see Figure 67 b), but generally does not cross the complete R-X plain.
In a non-recoverable situation the oscillations are so severe, that the synchronism is lost
between the generators of a system. The condition is referred to as a pole-slip. At least
one generator starts to change its frequency and the resulting slip frequency may in-
crease up to 10 Hz (in 50 Hz system).
The measured impedance usually enters the distance relays operating characteristic and
crosses the complete impedance plain, as presented schematically on Figure 67 a.
Modern power systems operate very close to their technical limits but are also built with
higher security against the mechanical oscillations than ever before. Today it is nearly
impossible to start the oscillations only by very big difference in produced and con-
sumed power. At the same time some short oscillations are much more frequent than
before. They are initiated by some bigger events (faults) in power systems and disap-
pear relatively fast after the normal operating conditions have been restored (e.g. single-
pole autoreclosing).
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
90 3 112.829
120 60
150 30
4 1
ZPS L2 25.451
t 180 0
0 50 100
210 330
240 300
270 99001022.vsd
arg ZPS L2
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The oscillation in power system should be recognized preferably by the measuring ele-
ments, if detected simultaneously in more than one phase. The operating logic, which
requires the detection in two out of three phases increases in great extent the security
and dependability of an applied protection scheme in special operating conditions, like:
A special logic circuit, as applied in the pole slip protection used by the REx 5xx termi-
nals makes possible an adaptive use of the so called "one out of three" or "two out of
three" phase detection criteria. This possibility becomes important for the correct detec-
tion of the oscillations in power systems with multipole tripping and reclosing function
applied on double-circuit parallel operating EHV transmission lines.
Figure 69 presents informatively the phase currents as recorded at one end of the pro-
tected 500 kV transmission line during the pole-slip situation in a power system. The
oscillations have been initiated by a single-phase-to-earth fault in phase L1 (increased
magnitude of the phase current).
i L1s
i L2s
t 2
i L3s
3.238 4
10 t 940
The pole-slip frequency is in most cases not constant. The initial oscillation speed is
generally low and increases with time if the system starts the non recoverable oscilla-
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The described dependency might influence the dependability of the distance protection
scheme at slowly developing single-phase-to-earth faults. It can at the same time jeop-
ardize the security of the same protection scheme when the oscillations obtain higher
speed. The pole slip protection in REx 5xx terminals uses the adaptive criteria for the
impedance speed to distinguish between the slow initial faults and increased speed of
the measured impedance at consecutive oscillations.
Two, generally contradictory requirements apply today on the protection systems when
mechanical masses in power systems start to oscillate. The requirements depend on the
general role, which the protected element plays within the power system.
Figure 70 presents a transmission line connecting a big production (power plants) with
the rest of the power system, which depends very much on the delivered electric energy
from the external resources.
The goal in such case is to keep the protected element (power line) of a power system
in operation under all system conditions as long as possible. This requirement is extend-
ed even to emergency conditions, i.e. two phase operation of power line during dead
time of a single-pole autoreclosing. It is at the same time expected from the line protec-
tion system to operate selectively for all line faults, which may occur during the oscil-
lations. In such case it is recommended to use within the REx 5xx terminals the so
called Power Swing Detection (PSD) function together with Power Swing Logic (PSL).
1 a
$5 a 75$160,66,21/,1(6 32:(5
(1 6<67(0
Generator protection must prevent damages to the generators in the power plant inde-
pendent of all other system conditions. The pole slip protection is in such case used
closed to the generators.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The goal in this particular case of a pole slip situation is to trip selectively (from the
power system point-of-view) the connecting element(s) between two different systems.
The disconnection of a healthy power line is not selective in a classical way of under-
standing, but prevents the total collapse of at least one independent system. The pole
slip protection is in such case installed on the interconnection lines and sometimes even
deeper in each power system.
It has been already mentioned that the oscillations in modern power systems appear as
the consequences of sudden changes, caused either by big changes of a load or by dif-
ferent faults. Faults on different elements may appear also during the mechanical oscil-
lations. Very high demands are put today in such cases on modern protection
equipment. The modern power utilities permit no more any decrease of either depend-
ability or security of the protection systems for the faults in primary system when their
mechanical masses oscillate due to one or another reason. The protection system must
remain stable for all kinds of external faults and must operate reliably for all internal
faults. Some longer operating times are acceptable but should not jeopardize the com-
plete system selectivity.
Integration of different protection functions within the same modern numerical protec-
tion terminals makes it possible to combine their operation and program their interde-
pendence under different system operating conditions. Fast development of modern
digital communication systems increases additionally the application of such adaptive
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Measured impedance in relay point on a protected power line (see figure in Applica-
tion) may follow different trajectories when the generators of a two machine system
start to oscillate. Some of the most characteristic trajectories are presented on figure 72.
5 2
ZL 3
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The impedance measuring device is located in the origin of the R-X plane. The ZSA
source impedance is located behind the relay. The ZSB source impedance presents the
continuation of the line impedance ZL. The complete impedance between the ends of
vectors ZSA and ZSB is called a system impedance ZS. The magnitude and the position
of the system impedance within the impedance plain determines the electrical centre of
the possible oscillation. The electrical center ZCO is located in the middle of the system
impedance, when both EMFs have the same magnitude.
Z S = ZS A + Z L + ZS B = R S + jX S
(Equation 183)
Z CO = --- Z S Z SA = RC O + jXCO
(Equation 184)
The following equation apply in general conditions, when the EMFs at both generators
are not equal:
ZCO = -------------------- ZA
1 + --------- -
(Equation 185)
The oscillation detection characteristics 1 and 2 in figure 72 are in their resistive part
parallel to the system impedance as long as its characteristic angle S exceeds 75 de-
grees. The same applies also to the resistive tripping characteristics 3 and 4.
S = atan ------S-
(Equation 186)
The reactive tripping characteristics 5 and 6 (see figure 72) are rectangular on the sys-
tem impedance characteristic and form with the R axis an angle of
S 90
(Equation 187)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
as long as
S 75
(Equation 188)
Impedance trajectories 9, 10, 11, and 12 on figure 72 are characteristic for the pole slip
conditions. They pass the system impedance line and complete impedance plain. Their
shapes depend on particular system conditions. The measured impedance would follow
the 12 trajectory only in case, when EA and EB voltages have exactly the same magni-
tude. Trajectory 9 is characteristic for the case when
EA > E B
(Equation 189)
The results of system studies should determine the necessary operating conditions for
the pole slip protection in different situations.
The operating principle used for the detection of the oscillations over the protected pri-
mary element is based on a well proven
( Z ) ( t )
(Equation 190)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Power swing and pole slip are not only a three-phase phenomena. It is for this reason
necessary to monitor the impedance in each phase separately. The pole slip protection
in REx 5xx terminals has built-in oscillation detectors in each phase separately.
Impedance may change relatively slow also at developing high resistive faults, which
might influence the unwanted operation of the oscillation detectors, when set to detect
the oscillations with the highest possible speed (slip frequency up to 10Hz). The pole
slip protection in REx 5xx terminals has a built in adaptive criterion. The operation of
this criterion is based on the fact that the initial oscillations are usually slow. They in-
crease their speed after a certain number of slips. First oscillations are this way detected
by a timer (see figure 73) with longer set time delay. The consecutive oscillations are
detected by an additional timer, which has its operating time set shorter to be able to
detect also the high speed oscillations
=(;7 'W
W 26&,//$7,21
The oscillation is recognized as a transition only, if the transition impedance enters the
impedance operating characteristic (see figure 72) at one side of the impedance plane
and leaves it on the other side. Two different transitions are recognized by the PSP:
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Transition from forward to reverse (FwRv), when the measured impedance first en-
ters the right side (R) or upper part (X) and leaves at the left (-R) or bottom (-X) part
of the oscillation detection characteristic.
Transition from reverse to forward (RvFw), when the measured impedance first en-
ters the left (-R) or bottom (-X) part and leaves at the right (R) or upper (X) part of
the oscillation detection characteristic.
It is not always necessary to trip the circuit breaker after that the first pole slip has been
detected. This especially applies to recoverable slips, which occur during the abnormal
system conditions. If one slip occurs during the dead time of a single pole autoreclosing
on a power line it is still possible that the system will recover after the circuit breaker
reconnects the third phase (see example in figure in Oscillations during abnormal sys-
tem conditions in Application). However, if more consecutive slips occur, than it is
better to disconnect the line and prevent this way the collapse of a complete system as
well as big electrical and mechanical stresses of the primary equipment. The PSP in
REx 5xx terminals has built in counters, which count the number of the consecutive
slips in the system. Separate counters count:
The slips which enter the impedance area between the reactive tripping characteris-
tics 5 and 6 (see figure 72).
The slips with remote electrical centers, which enter the inner boundary of the os-
cillation detection characteristic (boundary 2 on figure 72), but remain outside the
first operating area.
Settings of the resistive reach for the external and for the internal boundary of the os-
cillation detection element depend on the minimum load impedance ZLmin of the pro-
tected element, which is calculated according to the equation:
( U min )
Z Lmin = --------------------
S max
(Equation 191)
The resistive reach of the external boundary depends on the line length as follows.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
R1EXT = Z L m in K L
(Equation 192)
The KL factor depends on the line length and has the following values:
ZS A + Z L + ZS B
ext = 2 atan -------------------------------------------
2 R 1EXT
(Equation 193)
Maximum frequency fsi of the initial slips is mostly between 2Hz and 3Hz. It should be
known from the system stability studies. The suggested setting value for the initial timer
tP1 is 45ms. The corresponding value of the internal load angle is this way equal to:
int = 360 fsi tP1 + e xt
(Equation 194)
Z SA + ZL + Z SB
R1INT = ------------------------------------------
2 tan --------
(Equation 195)
Setting for the tP2 timer, determining the maximum slip frequency for the consecutive
slips, follows the equation:
i nt ext
tP2 = --------------------------
360 f sm
(Equation 196)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
fsm is a maximum slip frequency of the consecutive slips, which are still supposed to be
detected by the pole slip protection.
The PSP issues a tripping command after any of counters reaches the set number of con-
secutive slips and the measured impedance passes one of the resistive tripping charac-
teristics (3 and 4 on figure 72).
The PSP protection in REx 5xx terminals has built-in two resistive tripping character-
istics (see figure 74):
Right tripping characteristic, which passes in the impedance plain the first and the
fourth quadrant.
Left tripping characteristic, which passes in the impedance plain the second and the
third quadrant.
4 ZS
|EA| = |EB|
L 3
Both tripping characteristics are parallel with the system impedance Zs as long as the
system characteristic angle
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
S 75
(Equation 197)
The resistive tripping characteristics make possible to control the tripping angle be-
tween the EMFs of both generators and this way prevent extremely high electrical and
mechanical stresses of circuit breakers. Two operating modes are available, dependent
on which characteristic is selected for tripping at particular type of the impedance tran-
sition. If we simplify the expressions and equalize the characteristics with their resistive
reach settings R1LTR and R1RTR respectively, than the following operating modes are
Operation on way in for the transition from forward to reverse (FwRv). The PSP
will issue the tripping command, if the necessary number of FwRv transitions has
been detected and the measured impedance enters the area left of the R1RTR oper-
ating characteristic (3 in figure 72 and figure 74).
Operation on way out for the transition from forward to reverse (FwRv). The PSP
will issue the tripping command, if the necessary number of FwRv transitions has
been detected and the measured impedance enters the area left of the R1LTR oper-
ating characteristic (4 in figure 72 and figure 74).
Operation on way in for the transition from reverse to forward (RvFw). The PSP
will issue the tripping command, if the necessary number of RvFw transitions has
been detected and the measured impedance enters the area right of the R1LTR op-
erating characteristic (4 in figure 72 and figure 74).
Operation on way out for the transition from reverse to forward (RvFw). The PSP
will issue the tripping command, if the necessary number of RvFw transitions has
been detected and the measured impedance enters the area right of the R1RTR op-
erating characteristic (3 in figure 72 and figure 74)
It is possible to activate each operating mode separately, to suit the operation the best
to the particular system conditions.
Setting of the resistive reach for the left resistive tripping characteristic follows the
R1LTR = Re ( Z1LTR ) + Im ( Z1LTR ) tan ( 90 S )
(Equation 198)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
1 j
Z1LTR = --- ZS 1 + ---------------------------------------- ZS A
2 L
tan 180 -----
(Equation 199)
Setting of the resistive reach for the right tripping characteristic follows the equations:
R 1RTR = Re Z1RTR Im ( Z1RTR ) tan ( 90 S )
(Equation 200)
1 j
Z 1RTR = --- Z S 1 --------------------- Z SA
2 R
tan ------
(Equation 201)
E A = EB
(Equation 202)
This calculation satisfies also in great extent the system requirements, when both EMFs
differ in their magnitude.
The number of slips usually permitted by the pole slip protection is lower for the slips
with electrical center closer to the relay point (within the protected element) and higher
for the slips with electrical center deeper in the network (external to the protected ele-
ment). The PSP in REx 5xx terminals has for this reason built-in a possibility to distin-
guish between the slips with close-in and remote electrical centers as well as to
distinguish the number of slips required for the tripping command in one or another re-
gion. Two reactance characteristics (5 and 6 in figure 72) divide the complete operating
area into two different parts.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The first area is a so called close-in operating area. This area is limited in the impedance
plain by four operating characteristics (3, 4, 5, and 6 in figure 72). The number of re-
quired slips for tripping within this area is usually lower than the number of slips re-
quired for tripping in the remote tripping area.
The second area is a so called remote tripping area. This area is limited in the impedance
plain by the operating characteristics 2, 3, 4, and 5 in forward direction as well as 2, 3,
4, and 6 in reverse direction (see figure 72).
PSP also provides a delayed back-up trip (TRIPSUM) for oscillation in close-in oper-
ating area or remote tripping area. This trip will work when the center of the oscillation
is detected either on the protected line or on the neighbor line or next zone. In both cases
PSP compares the number of slips to nDel, therefore, to enable this functionality TR-
Fast and TRDel should be set to ON.
The pole slip protection in REx 5xx terminals measures the phase impedance separately
in each phase according to the following equation:
U Ln
ZmLn = ----------
(Equation 203)
Figure 75 presents the operating characteristic for the pole slip protection in impedance
plane with all the corresponding setting parameters. For detailed information on setting
parameters see the setting parameters in the Technical reference manual.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
X1PSLRV 99001029.vsd
The phase impedances are calculated in a digital signal processor and the following bi-
nary signals are used later on within the functional logic:
ZOUTPSLn when the measured impedance enters the external impedance detection
boundary in phase Ln (n = 1, 2, 3). See figure in Application.
ZINPSLn when the measured impedance enters the internal impedance detection
boundary in phase Ln (n = 1, 2, 3). See figure in Application.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
FwRvLn when transition from forward to reverse direction has been detected in
phase Ln.
RvFwLn when transition from reverse to forward direction has been detected in
phase Ln.
Additional signals, which determine the position of the measured impedance re-
garding all specified operating characteristics. The positioning is performed in each
phase separately.
The oscillations are recognized, if detected in one or two out of all three phases. The
user can select by the configuration, which of the operating modes is active during dif-
ferent system conditions. It is possible to have the one out of three mode active during
normal three-phase operating conditions and switch to two out of three mode during
the dead time of the single pole autoreclosing on a protected line
& t
& t
DET1of3 - int.
& t >1 >1
& t
The oscillation is detected in one out of three operating mode (see figure 76 and 77)
if in at least one phase the time difference, when the measured impedance enters the ex-
ternal (ZOUTPSLn) and the internal (ZINPSLn) impedance boundary, is longer than
the time set on the tP1 timer. The output signal DET1of3 remains logical one as long as
the measured impedance in at least one phase remains within the external boundary.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The oscillation is recognized as the consecutive one, if the measured impedance re-en-
ters in at least one phase the external boundary within the time interval set on tW wait-
ing timer. In such case the tP2 timer becomes the relevant one for the determination of
a consecutive oscillation. This makes it possible to detect the consecutive slips with
higher speed than the initial one.
Figure 77 presents a simplified logic diagram for the two out of three operating mode
of the oscillation detection logic. The basic operating principle is the same as for the
one of three operating mode with the difference that the initial oscillation must be de-
tected in at least two phases, before the DET2of3 output signal becomes logical one.
& >1
& tW
& t
& t
& t DET2of3 - int.
& >1 >1
& t
& >1
& xx01000253.vsd
It has already been mentioned that the transition impedance might enter the operating
area of the line distance protection function and cause its unwanted operation, if the
necessary counter measures have not been provided. The pole slip protection detects the
transient impedance and can be used as a disabling function for the line distance pro-
tection function within the same REx 5xx protection and control terminal.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Figure 78 presents in simplified form the logic diagram used for the cooperation with
the associated line distance protection, when necessary.
The PSP-START output logical signal can be used within the terminal configuration, to
block the operation of different distance protection zones. Its appearance depends on
the selection of the one out of three or two out of three operating mode, which is
possible by the corresponding connection of the following functional input signals:
The following conditions block the PSP--START output signal and might this way re-
lease the operation of the distance protection function even during the oscillation con-
PSP--BLOCK - input functional signal, which blocks the operation of the complete
pole slip protection
The PSP--START signal is disabled, if the measured impedance remains within the
external impedance boundary for the time, which is longer as the time interval set
on tR2 timer. It is possible to disable this functionality by the continuous presence
of a logical one signal on functional input PSP--BLK1.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
t &
10 ms
& t
PSP--BLK1 & t
DET1of3 - int.
DET2of3 - int. &
>1 t
The PSP--START output signal is disabled after the time delay set on the tR1 timer,
if the oscillation appears before the functional input signal PSP--I0CHECK be-
comes logical one. This way it is possible to block the PSP function and release the
operation of the line distance protection, if for example, an earth fault appears in the
network during the oscillations. This functionality can be disabled by the logical
one signal on the PSP--BLK2 functional input.
The PSP--START functional input is disabled, if the measured impedance have
been detected within the external operating boundary in all three phases and the
PSP--I0CHECK functional input signal became logical one within the time interval
shorter than the time delay set on timer tEF after the PSD--TRSP logical input
changed from logical one to logical zero. This function prevents the appearance of
the PSP--START output signal in cases, when one pole of the circuit breaker closes
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
on persistent single phase fault after the single pole autoreclosing dead time, if the
initial single phase fault and single pole opening of the circuit breaker causes the
power swinging in the remaining two phases.
The complete impedance operating area is divided on two detection and two trip regions
as presented schematically on figure 79. Detection area is divided on forward-reverse
detection region i.e transition from forward to reverse (TRANFwRv) and reverse-for-
ward detection region i.e transition from reverse to forward (TRANRvFw). Trip area is
divided on fast trip region and delayed trip region.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
7 en01000062.vsd
5 System impedance
The flow charts on figure 80 and figure 81 present completely the operation of the PSP
for the FwRv transitions and the RvFw transitions respectively.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
PSP also provides a delayed back-up trip (TRIPSUM) for oscillation in fast or delayed
region. Summation trip will work if the center of the oscillation is detected either on the
protected line (fast region) or on the adjacent line (delayed region). In both cases PSP
compares number of slips to nDel, therefore to enable this functionality TRFast and
TRDel should be set to On. Summation trip operation is shown on figure 82 and figure
83 for the FwRv transitions and the RvFw transitions respectively.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
New FwRv
oscillation detected
Impedance NO Impedance NO
within fast within delay
region region
TRFastFwRv=On TRDelFwRv=On
TROutFwRv=On TRIncFwRv=On TRIncFwRv=On TROutFwRv=On
Impedance passes Impedance passes Impedance passes Impedance passes
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
New RvFw
oscillation detected
TRRvFw =On
Impedance NO Impedance NO
within fast within delay
region region
TRFastRvFw=On TRDelRvFw=On
TROutRvFw=On TRIncRvFw=On TRIncRvFw=On TROutRvFw=On
Impedance passes Impedance passes Impedance passes Impedance passes
TRIP en00000718.vsd
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Impedance NO Impedance NO
within fast within delay
region region
TRFastFwRv=On TRDelFwRv=On
YES Oscillation NO
nSum=nSum+1 FwRv nSum=nDelFwRv
TROutFwRv=On TRIncFwRv=On
Impedance passes Impedance passes
TRIPSUM en00000719.vsd
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Impedance NO Impedance NO
within fast within delay
region region
TRFastRvFw=On TRDelRvFw=On
YES Oscillation NO
nSum=nSum+1 RvFw nSum=nDelRvFw
TROutRvFw=On TRIncRvFw=On
Impedance passes Impedance passes
TRIPSUM en00000720.vsd
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The parameters for the pole strip protection functions are set via the local HMI or PST
(Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parame-
ters and path in local HMI.
These setting instructions are prepared as a setting example for the power network re-
duced to the two machine system as presented on figure 84.
A= const B= f(t)
a a
U r = 400kV
(Equation 204)
Um in = 380kV
(Equation 205)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
f r = 50Hz
(Equation 206)
---------- [ kV ]
Up 3
------- = -----------------------
- = 3636
Us 0.11
----------- [ kV ]
(Equation 207)
---- = 1200 [ A ]-
--------------------- = 1200
Is 1[ A]
(Equation 208)
Line length:
L = 210km
(Equation 209)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Maximum expected load in forward direction (at minimum system voltage Umin).
Sm a x = 1000MVA
(Equation 213)
f smax = 8Hz
(Equation 215)
f si = 2.5Hz
(Equation 216)
The required tripping angle at pole slip conditions must be between the following val-
ues (determined by the system studies and electrical characteristics of the used primary
trL 115
(Equation 217)
tr R 245
(Equation 218)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
It is supposed that similar pole slip protection device will be used on the remote line
end. In such case it is suggested to program the operation of the pole slip protection for
the slips in forward direction only.
It is possible to have one slip over the remaining two phases between both systems
during the dead time of the single pole autoreclosing. It is a high probability that the
system will remain stable after the successful single pole autoreclosing.
The second slip, if detected on the protected line, should be disconnected as fast as
possible. For this reason the trip in incoming mode of operation is suggested.
The selective operation of the pole slip protections in the complete network is ob-
tained, if the number of the remote slips is less than four, before the system is split
by the pole slip protection in the observed point.
System data are generally presented by their primary values. This is also the case for
this setting example. The corresponding impedance transformation factor is equal to:
---- 1200 [ A -]
Is 1 [ A ]
KIMP = ------- = ------------------------ = 0.33
Up 400
---------- [ kV ]
Us 3
----------- [ kV ]
(Equation 219)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
Minimum load impedance appears in forward direction and is calculated according to
equation 223:
( Um in )
ZL m in = -------------------- KI MP = 47.63ohm
S m ax
(Equation 223)
The system impedance is according to equation 219 equal to:
S = atan ------- = 83.7
(Equation 225)
SCA = 83.7
(Equation 226)
Z CO = --- Z S Z SA = ( 2.45 + j11.19 )ohm
(Equation 227)
The external boundary for the oscillation detection characteristic in forward direction
(right side boundary) has its resistive reach equal to (equation 224).
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
K L = 0.9
(Equation 229)
Z SA + ZL + Z SB
--------------------- = 61.88
e xt = 2 atan ----------------------
(Equation 230)
We assume the setting of the first transition timer tP1 = 45ms. This brings the necessary
load angle for the right internal boundary of the oscillation detection characteristic
(equation 225):
int = 360 f si tP 1 + ext = 102.4
(Equation 231)
Z SA + ZL + Z SB
R1RINT = ------------------------------------------- = 20.69o hm
2 tan --------
(Equation 232)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
R Fp = --------------- R1RI NT 0.95 = 59.5ohm
(Equation 233)
This resistive reach satisfies in most practical cases for the resistive covering of the dis-
tance protection zones one and two. Factor 0.95 in equation 233 is considered as a safe-
ty factor. In this way we can keep the setting of the first transition timer to tP1 = 45ms.
The tP2 timer serves the detection of (generally faster) consecutive slips. Its setting is
calculated according to equation 228 and the specified value of the maximum expected
slip frequency:
i nt ext
tP 2 = -------------------------
- = 14ms
360 f sm
(Equation 234)
The required value is well over the minimum suggested value of 10ms. The maximum
detectable slip frequency with setting of the tP2 timer equal to tP2min = 10ms and with
unchanged settings of the impedance oscillation detection boundaries is equal to:
in t ex t
f smax = ------------------
------------------ = 11.25Hz
360 tP2m in
(Equation 235)
This is a very high value, which usually does not appear in a real power system.
It has been mentioned that the similar pole slip protection device is intended to be used
at the remote line end. The maximum load in reverse direction is also much smaller than
in forward direction. The system requirements require this way only the operation for
the pole slips with their electrical center in forward direction. The reverse (left side) re-
sistive reach of the oscillation detection characteristics can be for this reason equal to
the one in forward direction:
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The necessary setting of the resistive reach for the right tripping characteristic is calcu-
lated according to equation 232 and equation 233:
1 j
Z1RTR = --- Z S 1 ------------------------- Z SA = ( 18.72 + j9.38 )ohm
2 trR
tan ----------
(Equation 238)
R 1RTR = Re Z1RTR Im ( Z1RTR ) tan ( 90 S )
(Equation 239)
R 1 R T R = 17.68 o h m
(Equation 240)
Necessary setting of the resistive reach for the left tripping characteristic is calculated
according to equations.
1 j
Z1LTR = --- Z S 1 + -------------------------------------------- ZS A
2 trL
tan 180 -------- -
(Equation 241)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
R1L TR = Re ( Z1LTR ) + Im ( Z1LTR ) tan ( 90 S )
(Equation 243)
R1LTR = 19.76ohm
(Equation 244)
The reactive operating characteristics are presented in Application, figure 1, and
marked by 5 for the operation in forward direction and by 6 for the operation in reverse
Since it is required to operate only for the pole slip situation with centers of slips in for-
ward direction, and because a similar device will be used at the remote line terminal,
only the operation for the transition from forward to reverse direction (FwRv) is re-
quired. This kind of operation does not require any reverse reach. It is recommended for
this reason to set the corresponding setting parameters to their minimum values.
R 1 P S L R v = 0.1 o h m
(Equation 245)
X1PSLRv = 0.1oh m
(Equation 246)
The tripping characteristic in forward direction should cover the slips with their electri-
cal center on the protected power line. 10% of safety margin is sufficient in order not to
overreach for the slips with their centers on the adjacent power lines. The necessary set-
tings are equal to:
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The reactive reach of the oscillation detection characteristic should cover in forward
and in reverse direction with sufficient margin (10 to 15%) the power lines and other
elements, for which the pole slip protection should provide also the back up protection
for the slips with remote centers of the oscillations. System studies should determine
the necessary reach as well as the number of permitted remote slips more in details.
We assume in this example that the pole slip protection should also block the operation
of the distance protection zones one and two. Zone two must be set to at least 120% of
the protected line. The necessary reactive reach of the internal boundary in the forward
direction is this way equal to:
Reactive reach of the external oscillation detection boundary should permit the same
speed of detected slips as the one determined in the resistive direction. We can even pro-
vide some additional margin (5%).
X1FEXT = 57.73ohm
(Equation 251)
Setting of the reactive reach in the reverse direction depends on the system conditions.
In our case we do not need to cover any special distance protection zone. It is also not
necessary to operate for the slips with their center in the reverse direction, since the re-
mote end pole slip protection takes care of such cases.
It is anyway suggested to set the reactive reach in reverse direction to at least 10% of
the one in forward direction. The impedance difference between the internal and the in-
ternal boundary should also in this case permit detection of the same slip frequency as
in the forward direction. The necessary values are:
X 1 R IN T = 0.1 X 1 F IN T = 3.44 oh m
(Equation 252)
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
X1REXT = 26.75ohm
(Equation 254)
Setting of the waiting timer influences the detection of the consecutive slips. The tW
timer must be set higher than the time the measured impedance needs after leaving the
impedance detection area and entering it again on the other side of the impedance plain.
It is necessary to consider the minimum possible speed of the oscillations, which might
occur in the system. The time necessary for the impedance to move from the internal
left impedance boundary (after the FwRv transition has been completed) to the external
right impedance boundary (to start the detection of the new oscillation) is calculated ac-
cording to the equation:
Rext + (360 L int )
tW = 1.3 ---------------------------------------------------------
- = 1.79 s
360 fsmin
(Equation 255)
Rext Corresponding load angle at the right external resistive boundary (in our
case they equal to 61.9 deg)
Lint Corresponding load angle at the left internal resistive boundary (in our case
equal to 298.1 deg)
fsmin Minimum expected slip frequency in a system (should not be considered less
than 0.2 Hz)
Factor 1.3 is a safety factor, which could be considered also in most other cases, when
the exact technical characteristics of the system are not known.
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
The pole slip protection should according to the system requirements operate only for
the slips with their electrical center on the protected power line and for the transitions
from the forward to the reverse direction. It is for this reason necessary to set the pa-
rameters related to the reverse to forward (RvFw) transition to the following values:
TrRvFw = Off
TrIncRvFw = Off
TrOutRvFw = Off
TrFastRvFw = Off
TrDelRvFw = Off
nFastRvFw = 10
nDelRvFw = 10
According to the results of the system studies the following settings are applicable for
the transitions detected from forward to the reverse direction:
TrFwRv = On
TrIncFwRv = On
TrOutFwRv = Off
TrFastFwRv = On
TrDelFwRv = On
nFastFwRv = 1
nDelFwRv = 3
Timers tR1, tR2, tEF, and tHZ are used in the oscillation detection logic (see figure in
Design) to suit the oscillation detection to different system conditions. Their settings
must be co-ordinated with the time delays set on different protection devices, like dis-
tance protection, directional or non directional residual overcurrent protection, dead
time of the single pole autoreclosing, etc.
The tHz hold timer prolongs the duration of the PSP--START signal, which can be used
for blocking the distance protection zones. Its setting should be with a certain margin
(10 to 15%) longer than the time required for the detection of the consecutive slips with
fastest slip frequency in a system. In our case the required value is equal to:
Pole slip protection (PSP) &KDSWHU
tHZ = 1.15 -------- = 144ms
f sm
(Equation 256)
The tR1 inhibit timer delays the influence of the detected residual current 3I0 on the
inhibit criteria for the PSP function. It prevents the operation of the function for short
transients in the residual current as measured by the terminal. The time delay of 50 ms
is suggested as default, when the residual current criteria is used.
The tR2 inhibit timer disables the output PSP--START signal, if the measured imped-
ance remains within the impedance detection area for more than the set time. This time
delay is generally set to 2 seconds, when used in the protection.
The setting of the tEF timer must cover with sufficient margin the opening time of the
associated circuit breaker and the dead time of the single pole autoreclosing together
with the circuit breaker closing time.
Radial feeder protection (PAP) &KDSWHU
The most common application of Radial feeder protection is to provide tripping at the
remote end of lines with passive load or with weak end infeed.
The radial feeeder protection function must be included in the terminal at the weak in-
feed end of the feeder.
Permissive communication schemes can basically operate only when the protection at
the remote end of a feeder can detect the fault. The detection requires a minimum of
fault current, normally > 20 % of Ir.
The fault current can be low due to absence of generated power or low short circuit cur-
rent of the source.
The fault current can initially be too low due to the fault current distribution.
In this case the fault current increases when the breaker opens at the strong line end, and
a sequential tripping is achieved.
To avoid sequential tripping as described or when zone1 is not avaible, the protection
terminal must be provided with the radial feeder protection function.
The radial feeder protection function performs phase selection using the measured volt-
The selection logic is common for both fast and delayed tripping. The fast tripping
makes use of scheme communication whilst the delayed tripping operates independent-
ly. The latter is activated in case of failure of the communication channel.
On reception of the communication signals, the phase selective tripping outputs are ac-
tivated on the relevant faulty phases. At single-phase fault the tripping can be subject to
residual current check. The delay time is independently settable for single-pole and
three-pole tripping. Furthermore it is possible to select or not the three-pole tripping as
well to select three-pole tripping also for single-phase fault. Fault on more than one
Radial feeder protection (PAP) &KDSWHU
phase will always result in a three-pole tripping. In case of fuse failure, the normal sin-
gle and three-phase operation is inhibited, but three-pole tripping will anyhow occur if
the residual current exceeds the set level for a longer time than the three-pole trip delay
time tT .
The function consists of two subfunctions.
The inputs for the measuring function are the three-phase voltages UL1 , UL2 , UL3
and either the three-phase currents IL11, IL2 , IL3 or the residual current IN
The phase selection is based on voltage measurement. The logical flow for phase L1 is
shown in figure 85 "Phase selection function" on page 204:
U L2
U : 3 *k
= 1 - 6 0 (1 )s k= 0 .5 -1 (0 ,0 5 )
+ PH SL1
UL1 -
Radial feeder protection (PAP) &KDSWHU
The phase selection for phase L2 and L3 is performed in the same way.The function
operates by comparing each phase voltage e.g. UL1 with the perpendicular main volt-
age UL2 UL3.The magnitude of phase phase voltage is monitored by feeding the
full-wave rectified signal through a filter . This updates continuously the output voltage
if it is lower than the input voltage but when the intput signal is lower than the output
this twill decrease according to an exponential function with a time constant settable be-
tween 1 and 60 s. See figure 86 "Filtering function" on page 205:
The phase selection time becomes <40 ms when the phase voltage drops below 70 %
of the setting for phase phase voltage.
The magnitude of the neutral current IN is obtained by summing the three-phase cur-
rents or it is directly detected by an appropriate monophase current transformer. See fig-
ure 87 "Residual current measurement" on page 205:
IL3 t=600 ms
Setting t
Is=0.2 - 1,0(0,1)*Ir
The choice between using the sum of phase currents or the residual current is made by
setting.The residual current detection time is <40 ms when the current exceeds 150 %
of the set level.
Radial feeder protection (PAP) &KDSWHU
The logic diagram for this function is shown in figure 88 "Function for fast fault clear-
ing" on page 206:
CR &
From STL2
phase PHSL2 &
Tripping at the remote end of lines with passive load or with weak end infeed is ob-
tained with the following criteria: The fault clearing is initiated by a received signal
from the remote end terminal. The function is enabled for 650 ms after the signal is re-
ceived.This is a one shoot circuit, i.e. once the pulse element is triggered it will emit
a single pulse regardless of successive triggering under the set time.If no blocking sig-
nal is present, (BLOCK + VTSU where VTSU is fuse failure detection signal ), the
and circuits, will generate the start signals STL1 , STL2 or STL3, depending on the
status of the phase selection outputs PHSL1, PHSL2, PHSL3. The presence of either
the signal BLOCK or VTSU will ihibit the operation.
This function entails a slower tripping than the remotely initiated tripping time. See
figure 89 "Function for delayed fault clearing" on page 207:
Radial feeder protection (PAP) &KDSWHU
1 1
& t STL1
phase PHSL2 &
& t STL2
selection 1
& t STL3
VTSU & 1
P1 &
1 t
2 tT=0,00-60,00(0,01)s
The inputs BLOCK (block of radial feeder protection) BLKDEL (block of delayed
fault clearing) and COMOK (telecommunication link healthy) inhibit the delayed func-
tion.In case of fuse failure , signal VTSU high , the normal single and three-phase op-
eration is inhibited. If during a fuse failure the residual current signal STIN is high for
a longer time than the three-phase trip time tT , a three-phase tripping will occur.The
settings P1 , P2 , P3, control the operating mode of the delayed fault clearing according
to table 1 Selection of operating mode.
Radial feeder protection (PAP) &KDSWHU
P3 Del3PhTrip Time delayed trip for three- No time delayed trip for
phase fault three-phase fault
For a better understanding of figure 89 "Function for delayed fault clearing" on page
207 see also tables 2.3.4 in section 4 Appendix
This function indicates the presence of residual current when its value exceedes the set
level for a longer time than the set time tPIR, see figure 91 "Trip and autorecloser start
logic" on page 209:
tPIR=0,00 - 60,00(0,01)s
The start signals STL1, STL2, STL3, are generated in the function for fast fault clearing
and delayed fault clearing. A trip signal will be issued in the relevant faulty phase(s),
TRL1, TRL2, TRL3. The general trip signal TRIP will also be issued.These output sig-
nals will activate the standard trip functions included in the protection terminal.Both
the minimum length of the trip pulse and the command for a three-phase trip at two
phase start are controlled in the logic of the normal trip circuitry.The single/three-phase
operation of the autorecloser depends on the status of the C.B signal CBCLOSED and
on the existence of pole discrepancy signal POLDISC. If the conditions for a reclosing
are fulfilled, a start signal will be issued in the concerned phase(s) ARSTL1, ARSTL2
Radial feeder protection (PAP) &KDSWHU
and ARSTL3. A general start signal, ARSTART will also be issued. In the case of mul-
tiphase fault the issued signal will be ARST3P. The functional diagram of the relevant
logic is shown in figure 91 "Trip and autorecloser start logic" on page 209.
t=100 ms
1 1
The parameters for the radial feeder protection functions are set via the local HMI or
PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting pa-
rameters and path in local HMI.
Scheme communication logic for distance &KDSWHU
To achieve fast fault clearing for a fault on the part of the line not covered by the instan-
taneous zone 1, the stepped distance protection function can be supported with logic,
that uses communication channels.
One communication channel in each direction, which can transmit an on/off signal is
required. The performance and security of this function is directly related to the trans-
mission channel speed, and security against false or lost signals. For this reason special
channels are used for this purpose. When power line carrier is used for communication,
these special channels are strongly recommended due to the communication distur-
bance caused by the primary fault.
The logic supports the following communications schemes; blocking scheme, permis-
sive schemes (overreach and underreach) and direct intertrip.
Depending on whether a reverse or forward directed impedance zone is used to issue
the send signal (ZCOM-CS), the communication schemes are divided into Blocking
and Permissive schemes, respectively.
In a blocking scheme, the received signal (ZCOM-CR) carries information about the
fault position, which specifies that it is outside the protected line, on the bus or on ad-
jacent lines. Do not prolong the sent signal, so set tSendMin to zero. The sending might
be interrupted by operation of a forward zone if it is connected to ZCOM-CSNBLK.
In case of external faults, the blocking signal (ZCOM-CR) must be received before the
tCoord elapses, to prevent a false trip.
Scheme communication logic for distance &KDSWHU
In a permissive scheme, the received signal (ZCOM-CR) carries information from the
protection terminal at the opposite end of the line. It indicates detected faults in the for-
ward direction out on the line. The received information is used to allow an overreach-
ing zone to trip almost instantaneously for faults on the protected line.
The permissive scheme principle is further subdivided into two types, underreaching
and overreaching, where the names indicate that the send signal (ZCOM-CS) is issued
by an underreaching or an overreaching zone, respectively.
The signal (ZCOM-CR) must be received when the overreaching zone is still activated
to achieve an instantaneous trip. In some cases, due to the fault current distribution, the
overreaching zone can operate only after the fault has been cleared at the terminal near-
est to the fault. There is a certain risk that in case of a trip from an independent tripping
zone, the zone issuing the carrier send signal (ZCOM-CS) resets before the overreach-
ing zone has operated at the remote terminal. To assure a sufficient duration of the re-
ceived signal (ZCOM-CR), the send signal (ZCOM-CS), can be prolonged by a
tSendMin reset timer. The recommended setting of tSendMin is 100 ms. A ZCOM-CS
signal from an underreaching zone can be prolonged during all circumstances without
Scheme communication logic for distance &KDSWHU
drawbacks, but a ZCOM-CS signal from an overreaching zone must never be prolonged
in case of parallel lines, to secure correct operation of current reversal logic, when ap-
At the permissive overreaching scheme, the carrier send signal (ZCOM-CS) might be
issued in parallel both from an overreaching zone and an underreaching, independent
tripping zone. The ZCOM-CS signal from the overreaching zone must not be prolonged
while the ZCOM-CS signal from zone 1 can be prolonged.
There is no race between the ZCOM-CR signal and the operation of the zone in a per-
missive scheme. So set the tCoord to zero. A permissive scheme is inherently faster and
has better security against false tripping than a blocking scheme. On the other hand, a
permissive scheme depends on a received ZCOM-CR signal for a fast trip, so its de-
pendability is lower than that of a blocking scheme.
Z C O M -C R
tS e c u rity Z C O M -C R L
1 t
Z C O M -C R G
200 m s 150 m s
t >1 t
Z C O M -L C G
e n 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 1 .v s d
The ZCOM-CR signals are always transferred directly to ZCOM-CRL without any de-
Scheme communication logic for distance &KDSWHU
In the direct inter-trip scheme, the carrier send signal (ZCOM-CS) is sent from an un-
derreaching zone that is tripping the line.
The parameters for the scheme communication logic function are set via the local HMI
or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting
parameters and path in local HMI.
Configure the zones used for the ZCOM-CS carrier send and for scheme communica-
tion tripping by using the CAP configuration tool.
Phase segregated scheme &KDSWHU
communication logic for /LQHLPSHGDQFH
distance protection functions (ZC1P)
To achieve fast fault clearing for a fault on the section of the line that is not covered by
instantaneous tripping zone 1, the stepped distance protection function can be supported
with logic that uses communication channels.
The phase selector must be set to cover the whole line and will also detect a fault on the
parallel line. Instantaneous phase-selective tripping is not possible with the information
that is available locally in the remote terminal relative to the faults.
The terminal near the faults detects the faults on the protected line as a forward fault,
and on the parallel line in reverse direction. The directional phase selector in the termi-
nal near the faults can discriminate between the faults and issue correct single-pole trip-
ping command.
By using phase-segregated channels for the communication scheme, the correct phase
information in the terminal near the faults can be transferred to the other terminal. A
correct single-pole trip can be achieved on both lines and at both terminals.
Phase segregated scheme &KDSWHU
communication logic for /LQHLPSHGDQFH
distance protection functions (ZC1P)
When the communication does not allow the simultaneous transmission of more than
one of the channels, four channels are required (one additional). The additional channel
is activated instead of activating two or three channels simultaneously.
When only one channel is available in each direction, use the optionally available three-
phase communication scheme logic (ZCOM; see the documentScheme communica-
tion logic for distance protection). Note that this logic can issue an unwanted three-
pole trip at described simultaneous faults.
The phase-segregated communication logic can be set for one or three communication
channels. A three-channel setting is only of value at parallel operating lines when cor-
rect single-pole tripping is also required at simultaneous faults.
For this reason special channels are used for this purpose. When power line carrier is
used for communication, these special channels are strongly recommended due to the
communication disturbance caused by the primary fault.
Depending on whether a reverse or forward directed impedance zone is used to issue
the send signal (ZC1P-CSLn; Ln designates the corresponding phase), the communica-
tion schemes are divided into Blocking and Permissive schemes, respectively.
When an additional channel is used for two and three phase faults this channel is acti-
vated by the signal ZC1P-CSMPH.
In a blocking scheme, the received signal (ZC1P-CRLn) carries information about the
fault position, which specifies that it is outside the protected line on the bus or on adja-
cent lines. Do not prolong the sent signal, so set tSendMin to zero.
Phase segregated scheme &KDSWHU
communication logic for /LQHLPSHGDQFH
distance protection functions (ZC1P)
In case of external faults, the blocking signal (ZC1P-CRLn) must be received before the
tCoord elapses, to prevent a false trip.
Z C 1 P -C A C C L n tC o o rd
& Z C 1 P -TR L n
Z C 1 P -C R L n t
en 00 0 00 2 95 .vsd
In a permissive scheme, the received signal (ZC1P-CRLn) carries information from the
protection terminal at the opposite end of the line. It indicates a detected fault in the for-
ward direction out on the line. The received information is used to allow an overreach-
ing zone to trip almost instantaneously for faults on the protected line.
Z C 1 P -C A C C L n tC o o rd
Z C 1 P -T R L n
Z C 1 P -C R L n & t
e n 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 6 .v s d
The permissive scheme principle is further subdivided into two types, underreaching
and overreaching, where the names indicate that the send signal (ZC1P-CSLn) is issued
by an underreaching or an overreaching zone, respectively.
Phase segregated scheme &KDSWHU
communication logic for /LQHLPSHGDQFH
distance protection functions (ZC1P)
The signal (ZC1P-CRLn) must be received when the overreaching zone is still activated
to achieve an instantaneous trip. In some cases, due to the fault current distribution, the
overreaching zone can operate only after the fault has been cleared at the terminal near-
est to the fault. There is a certain risk that in case of a trip from an independent tripping
zone, the zone issuing the carrier send signal (ZC1P-CSLn) resets before the overreach-
ing zone has operated at the remote terminal. To assure a sufficient duration of the re-
ceived signal (ZC1P-CRLn), the send signal (ZC1P-CSLn) can be prolonged by a
tSendMin reset timer. The recommended setting of tSendMin is 100 ms. A ZC1P-CSLn
signal from an underreaching zone can be prolonged during all circumstances without
drawbacks, but a ZC1P-CSLn signal from an overreaching zone must never be pro-
longed in case of parallel lines to secure correct operation of current reversal logic,
when applied.
At the permissive overreaching scheme, the carrier send signal (ZC1P-CSLn) might be
issued in parallel both from an overreaching zone and an underreaching, independently
tripping zone. The ZC1P-CSLn signal from the overreaching zone must not be pro-
longed, while the ZC1P-CSLn signal from zone 1 can be prolonged.
There is no race between the ZC1P-CRLn signal and the operation of the zone in a per-
missive scheme. So set the tCoord to zero. A permissive scheme is inherently faster and
has better security against false tripping than a blocking scheme. On the other hand, a
permissive scheme depends on a received ZC1P-CRLn signal for a fast trip, so its de-
pendability is lower than that of a blocking scheme.
Phase segregated scheme &KDSWHU
communication logic for /LQHLPSHGDQFH
distance protection functions (ZC1P)
The ZC1P-CRLn signals are always transferred directly to ZC1P-CRLLn without any
In a Direct intertrip scheme, a carrier signal is sent when the impedance protection trips
the breaker in phase Ln. The ZC1P-CRLn carrier received signal is allowed to trip the
breaker in phase Ln without any local criteria. The security against false tripping due to
disturbance in the communication is entirely achieved in the communication equip-
ment. Thus the transmission requires coded signals.
Phase segregated scheme &KDSWHU
communication logic for /LQHLPSHGDQFH
distance protection functions (ZC1P)
Because of the transmission, the send signal is mostly prolonged some 30 ms with the
timer tSendMin. There is no need to have any coordination time (tCoord) to delay the
tripping when the signal is received.
The parameters for the scheme communication logic for distance protection functions
are set via the local HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical ref-
erence manual for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
The zones used for carrier send and for scheme communication tripping is configured
in the menu:
For further information see the Input and output signals in the Technical reference
Current reversal and WEI logic for &KDSWHU
distance protection (ZCAL) /LQHLPSHGDQFH
To achieve fast fault clearing for a fault on the part of the line not covered by the instan-
taneous zone 1, the stepped distance protection function can be supported with logic,
that uses communication channels. REx 5xx line distance protection terminals have for
this reason available a scheme communication logic (ZCOM - see the document
Scheme communication logic for distance protection) and a phase segregated scheme
communication logic (ZC1P - see the document Phase segregated communication log-
ic for distance protection).
Different system conditions, in many cases, require additional special logic circuits,
like current reversal logic and WEI, weak end infeed logic. Both functions are available
within the additional communication logic for the distance protection function (ZCAL).
The contents of the additional communication logic is always adjusted to the needs of
each communication logic, ZCOM or ZC1P respectively, whichever included in
REx 5xx terminal.
If parallel lines are connected to common buses at both terminals, overreaching permis-
sive communication schemes can trip unselectively due to current reversal. This un-
wanted tripping affects the healthy line when a fault is cleared on the other line. This
lack of security results in a total loss of inter-connection between the two buses.
To avoid this kind of disturbance, a fault current reversal logic (transient blocking logic)
can be used.
The fault current can also be initially too low due to the fault current distribution. Here,
the fault current increases when the breaker opens in the strong terminal, and a sequen-
tial tripping is achieved. This requires a detection of the fault by an independent-trip-
ping zone 1. To avoid sequential tripping as described, and when zone 1 is not available,
weak end infeed tripping logic is used.
Current reversal and WEI logic for &KDSWHU
distance protection (ZCAL) /LQHLPSHGDQFH
Figure 99 and figure 100 show a typical system condition, which can result in a fault
current reversal. Note that the fault current is reversed in line L2 after the breaker open-
In terminal A:2, where the forward zone was initially activated, this zone must reset be-
fore the carrier signal ZCOM-CRLn, initiated from B:2, arrives. The carrier send
ZCOM-CS or ZC1P-CSLn from B:2 is therefore held back until the reverse zone
ZCAL-IRVLn has reset and the tDelay time has elapsed; see figure in Design, Current
reversal logic .
Strong L1 Weak
source source
A:1 B:1
A:2 B:2
Strong L1 Weak
source source
A:1 B:1
A:2 B:2
The WEI function sends back (echoes) the received carrier signal under the condition
that no fault has been detected on the weak end by different fault detection elements
(distance protection in forward and reverse direction).
Current reversal and WEI logic for &KDSWHU
distance protection (ZCAL) /LQHLPSHGDQFH
The weak end infeed logic function can be extended to trip also the breaker in the weak
terminal. The trip is achieved when one or more phase voltages are low during an echo
function. In case of single-pole tripping, the phase voltages are used as phase selectors.
Weak end infeed logic is generally used in permissive schemes only. It is also possible
to use it together with the blocking teleprotection scheme. Some limitations apply in
this case:
Only the trip part of the function can be used together with the blocking scheme. It
is not possible to use the echo function to send the echo carrier signal to the remote
line terminal. The echo signal would block the operation of the distance protection
at the remote line end and in this way prevent the correct operation of a complete
protection scheme.
It is not possible to use the carrier receive signal from the remote end to start the
WEI function. Start the operation of the WEI function by connecting the TUV--
START output signal of the time delayed undervoltage function to the ZCAL-CRL
functional input. In this way, the operation of the undervoltage protection will start
the WEI logic.
Configure the carrier receive signal from the remote end to the ZCAL-WEIBLK
functional input together with an OR combination of all fault detection signals, used
within the terminal to detect the fault in forward or reverse direction. Do not use the
undervoltage protection signals for this purpose.
The current reversal logic (IREV) uses a reverse zone (connected to the ZCAL-IRVLn
input signal), which in terminal B:2 recognises the fault on the L1 line (see figure in
Functionality, Current reversal logic. When the reverse zone is activated during the
tPickUp time (see figure 101), the logic is ready to issue a ZCAL-IRVLLn output sig-
nal. This signal prevents sending of a ZCOM-CS (or ZC1P-CSLn) signal and activation
of the ZCOM-TRIP (or ZC1P-TRLn) signal for a time as set on a tDelay timer, when
connected to the ZCOM-BLOCK (or ZC1P-BLOCK) functional input of the ZCOM (or
ZC1P) function.
Current reversal and WEI logic for &KDSWHU
distance protection (ZCAL) /LQHLPSHGDQFH
tPickUp 10 ms tPickUp
ZCAL-IRVLn t t t
The tDelay timer makes it possible for the carrier receive signal, connected to the
ZCOM-CR (or ZC1P-CRLn) functional input, to reset before the ZCOM-TRIP (or the
ZC1P-TRLn) signal is activated due to the current reversal by the forward directed
zone, connected to the ZCOM-CACC (or the ZC1P-CACCLn) functional input.
The WEI function returns the received carrier signal (see figure 102), when:
The functional input ZCAL-CRLLn is active. This input is usually connected to the
ZCOM-CRL or to the ZC1P-CRLLn functional output.
The WEI function is not blocked by the active signal connected to the ZCAL-
BLOCK functional input or to the ZCAL-VTSZ functional input. The latest is usu-
ally configured to the FUSE-VTSZ functional output of the fuse-failure function.
No active signal has been present for at least 200 ms on the ZCAL-WEIBLKLn
functional input. An OR combination of all fault detection functions (not undervolt-
age) as present within the terminal is usually used for this purpose.
Current reversal and WEI logic for &KDSWHU
distance protection (ZCAL) /LQHLPSHGDQFH
WEI = Trip
ECHOLn - cont.
>1 >1
STUL2N & t
STUL3N 15 ms
& t
15 ms
& t
15 ms
& t
When an echo function is used in both terminals, a spurious signal can be looped round
by the echo logics. To avoid a continuous lock-up of the system, the duration of the ech-
oed signal is limited to 200 ms.
The parameters for the current reversal logic and the WEI functionare are set via the
local HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual
for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
Set the tDelay time in relation to the reset time in the communication equipment for the
ZCOM-CR (ZC1P-CRLn) signal. Set the tDelay at the maximum carrier reset time plus
30 ms. A minimum tDelay setting of 40 ms is recommended. A long tDelay setting in-
Current reversal and WEI logic for &KDSWHU
distance protection (ZCAL) /LQHLPSHGDQFH
creases security against unwanted tripping, but delay the fault clearing in case of a fault
developing from one line to involve the other one. The probability of this type of fault
is small. So set the tDelay with a good margin.
Set the pick-up delay tPickUp to <80% of the breaker operate time, but with a minimum
of 20 ms.
Set WEI = Echo to activate the weak end infeed function. Set WEI = Trip to obtain echo
with trip.
Set the voltage criterion for the weak end trip to 90% of the minimum operation voltage
and consider also the emergency conditions.
Current reversal and WEI logic for &KDSWHU
distance protection (ZCAL) /LQHLPSHGDQFH
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the current protection functions.
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
Long transmission lines often transfer great quantities of electrical power from produc-
tion to consumption areas. The unbalance of the produced and consumed electrical
power at each end of the transmission line is very large. This means that a fault on the
line can easily endanger the stability of a complete system.
The transient stability of a power system depends mostly on three parameters (at con-
stant amount of transmitted electrical power):
The type of the fault. Three-phase faults are the most dangerous, because no power
can be transmitted through the fault point during fault conditions.
The magnitude of the fault current. A high fault current indicates that the decrease
of transmitted power is high.
The total fault clearing time. The phase angles between the EMFs of the generators
on both sides of the transmission line increase over the permitted stability limits if
the total fault clearing time, which consists of the protection operating time and the
breaker opening time, is too long.
The fault current on long transmission lines depends mostly on the fault position and
decreases with the distance from the generation point. For this reason the protection
must operate very quickly for faults very close to the generation (and relay) point, for
which very high fault currents are characteristic.
The conventional distance protection can manage the fault clearance of earth-faults in
most of the cases. In some applications, especially applications with long lines, the
clearance can be improved by use of an instantaneous earth-fault protection. Those are
for instance:
In the case of high infeed of fault current from the opposite end of the line, this
might increase the fault resistance seen by the distance relay to such a value that the
instantaneous step of the distance protection will not operate.
In applications with series compensated lines, where the capacitor is located at the
end of the line and very strong infeed of fault current from that end, will result in a
difficult problem for the distance protection to perform a selective fault clearance.
This due to the voltage reversal that might occur.
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The use of instantaneous overcurrent earth-fault protection is most suitable for long
lines in meshed transmission systems. It can also be used for radial lines with low fault
current infeed from the opposite end of the line.
The current-measuring elements within one of the built-in digital signal processors con-
tinuously measure the current in all three phases, and compare them with the IP>> set
value. The logical value of each phase current signal on the output of the digital signal
processor (STIL1, STIL2 and STIL3 respectively) is equal to 1 if the measured phase
current exceeds the preset value.
The measuring technic is based on measuring of the incoming residual current to the
The current-measuring elements within one of the built-in digital signal processors con-
tinuously measure the zero sequence current, and compare it with the IN>> set value.
A recursive Fourier filter filters the current signals, and a separate trip counter prevents
high overreaching of the measuring elements. The logical value of the signal on the out-
put of the digital signal processor (IOC--STIN) is equal to 1 if the measured zero se-
quence current exceeds the pre-set value.
The simplified logic diagram of the instantaneous phase overcurrent function is shown
in figure 104.
The terminal is in TEST mode (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockIOC=Yes)
The input signal IOC--BLOCK is high.
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
When the instantaneous phase overcurrent function is enabled, the output tripping sig-
nals IOC--TRL1, IOC--TRL2, IOC--TRL3, IOC--TRP and IOC--TRIP can operate.
The duration of each output signal is at least 15 ms. This enables continuous output sig-
nals for currents, which go just a little above the set operating value.
The single phase trip signals IOC--TRL1, IOC--TRL2, and IOC--TRL3 are related to
L1, L2, and L3 phases and therefore also suitable for the single phase tripping with sin-
gle-phase auto-reclosing.
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The signal IOC--TRP is the logic OR of the three single phase trips. It can be used to
trip the circuit breaker if only three phase operation is desired.
The IOC--TRIP output signal behaves as general instantaneous overcurrent trip when
in the REx 5xx terminal also the instantaneous residual overcurrent function is imple-
mented; i.e. this signal will be activated in case of any single phase overcurrent or re-
sidual overcurrent detection. If only the instantaneous phase overcurrent function is
installed in the terminal, then this signal behaves exactly as the signal IOC--TRP and
can be used for signalization.
The simplified logic diagram of the instantaneous phase overcurrent function is shown
in figure 105 "Simplified logic diagram of instantaneous residual overcurrent protec-
tion." on page 232.
The terminal is in TEST status (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockIOC=Yes)
The input signal IOC--BLOCK is high.
The IOC--BLOCK signal is a blocking signal of the overcurrent function. It can be con-
nected to a binary input in order to receive a block command from external devices or
it can be configured (software connection) to other internal functions within the termi-
nal itself, in order to receive a block command from internal functions. Through OR
gates it can be connected to both binary inputs and internal function outputs.
When the overcurrent function is enabled, the output tripping signals IOC--TRN and
IOC--TRIP can operate. The duration of each output signal is at least 15 ms. This en-
ables continuous output signals for currents, which go just beyond the set operating val-
The IOC--TRIP output signal behaves as general instantaneous overcurrent trip when
in the REx 5xx terminal also the instantaneous phase overcurrent function is imple-
mented. I.e. this signal will be activated in case of residual overcurrent detection or in
case of any single-phase overcurrent detection (IOC--STIL_: IOC--STIL1 or IOC--
STIL2 or IOC--STIL3). If only the residual overcurrent function is implemented in the
terminal, then this signal behaves exactly as the signal IOC--TRN and can be used for
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
This protection function must operate only in a selective way. So check all system and
transient conditions that could cause its unwanted operation.
Only detailed network studies can determine the operating conditions under which the
highest possible fault current is expected on the line. In most cases, this current appears
during three-phase fault conditions. But also examine single-phase-to-earth and two-
phase-to-earth conditions.
Also study transients that could cause a high increase of the line current for short times.
A typical example is a transmission line with a power transformer at the remote end,
which can cause high inrush current when connected to the network and can thus also
cause the operation of the built-in, instantaneous, overcurrent protection.
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The following fault calculations have to be done for three-phase, single-phase-to-earth
and two-phase-to-earth faults. With reference to figure 106, apply a fault in B and then
calculate the relay through fault phase current IfB. The calculation should be done using
the minimum source impedance values for ZA and the maximum source impedance val-
ues for ZB in order to get the maximum through fault current from A to B.
I fB
~ ~
Then a fault in A has to be applied and the through fault current IfA has to be calculated
(Figure 107). In order to get the maximum through fault current, the minimum value for
ZB and the maximum value for ZA have to be considered.
I fA
~ ~
The relay must not trip for any of the two trough fault currents. Hence the minimum
theoretical current setting (Imin) will be:
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
A safety margin of 5% for the maximum protection static inaccuracy and a safety mar-
gin of 5% for the maximum possible transient overreach have to be introduced. An ad-
ditional 20% is suggested due to the inaccuracy of the instrument transformers under
transient conditions and inaccuracy in the system data.
The minimum primary setting (Is) for the instantaneous phase overcurrent protection is
Is 1, 3 I min
(Equation 258)
The protection function can be used for the specific application only if this setting value
is equal to or less than the maximum fault current that the relay has to clear (IF in figure
~ ~
Is SEC = -------------- Is
(Equation 259)
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
Where ISEC is the secondary rated current of the main CT and IPRIM is the primary rated
current of the main CT.
The relay setting value IP>> is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
I1b, associated to the current transformer input I1. The value for IP>> is given from this
IP>> = --------------- 100
(Equation 260)
The parameters for the instantaneous overcurrent protection functions are set via the lo-
cal HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for
setting parameters and path in local HMI.
In case of parallel lines, the influence of the induced current from the parallel line to the
protected line has to be considered. One example is given in figure 109 where the two
lines are connected to the same busbars. In this case the influence of the induced fault
current from the faulty line (line 1) to the healthy line (line 2) is considered together
with the two through fault currents IfA and IfB mentioned previously. The maximal in-
fluence from the parallel line for the relay in figure 109 will be with a fault at the C point
with the C breaker open.
A fault in C has to be applied, and then the maximum current seen from the relay (IM )
on the healthy line (this applies for single-phase-to-earth and two-phase-to-earth faults)
is calculated.
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
Line 1
~ Fault M ~
Relay Line 2
The minimum theoretical current setting for the overcurrent protection function (Imin)
will be:
Where IfA and IfB have been described in the previous paragraph. Considering the safe-
ty margins mentioned previously, the minimum setting (Is) for the instantaneous phase
overcurrent protection is then:
Is 1, 3 Im in
(Equation 262)
The protection function can be used for the specific application only if this setting value
is equal or less than the maximum phase fault current that the relay has to clear.
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
- Is
IsS EC = -------------
(Equation 263)
Where ISEC is the secondary rated current of the main CT and IPRIM is the primary sec-
ondary rated current of the main CT.
The relay setting value IP>> is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
I1b, associated to the current transformer input I1. The value for IP>> is given from this
- 100
IP>> = --------------
I 1b
(Equation 264)
The parameters for the instantaneous overcurrent protection function are set via the lo-
cal HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for
setting parameters and path in local HMI.
The residual overcurrent protection is very sensitive to the change of zero source im-
pedance. Since it must operate only in a selective way, it is necessary to check all sys-
tem and transient conditions that can cause unwanted operation.
Only detailed network studies can determine the operating conditions under which the
highest possible fault current is expected on the line. In most cases, this current appears
during single-phase fault conditions. But also examine two-phase-to-earth conditions,
since this type of fault can be higher than single-phase to earth fault in some cases.
Also study transients that can cause a high increase of the line current for short times.
A typical example is a transmission line with a power transformer at the remote end,
which can cause high inrush current when connected to the network and can thus also
cause the operation of the built-in, instantaneous, earth-fault protection.
The following fault calculations have to be done for single-phase-to-earth and two-
phase-to-earth faults. With reference to figure 110 "Through fault current from A to B:
IfB" on page 238, apply a fault in B and then calculate the relay through fault residual
current IfB. The calculation should be done using the minimum source impedance val-
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
ues for ZA and the maximum source impedance values for ZB in order to get the maxi-
mum through fault current from A to B. The zero sequence source impedances are of
great importance.
I fB
~ ~
Then a fault in A has to be applied and the through fault residual current IfA has to be
calculated (Figure 111 "Through fault current from B to A: IfA" on page 238). In order
to get the maximum through fault current, the minimum value for ZB and the maximum
value for ZA have to be considered.
I fA
~ ~
The relay must not trip for any of the two trough fault currents. Hence the minimum
theoretical current setting (,PLQ) will be:
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
A safety margin of 5% for the maximum protection static inaccuracy and a safety mar-
gin of 5% for the maximum possible transient overreach have to be introduced. An ad-
ditional 20% is suggested due to the inaccuracy of the instrument transformers under
transient conditions and inaccuracy in the system data.
The minimum setting (Is) for the instantaneous residual overcurrent protection is then:
Is 1, 3 Imin
(Equation 266)
The protection function can be used for the specific application only if this setting value
is equal or less than the maximum fault current that the relay has to clear (IF in Figure
112 "Fault current: IF" on page 239).
~ ~
- Is
IsS EC = -------------
(Equation 267)
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The parameters for the instantaneous overcurrent protection functions are set via the lo-
cal HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for
setting parameters and path in local HMI.
In case of parallel lines, the influence of the induced current from the parallel line to the
protected line has to be considered. One example is given in figure 113 "Two parallel
lines. Influence from parallel line to the through fault current: IM." on page 240, where
the two lines are connected to the same busbar. In this case the influence of the induced
residual fault current from the faulty line (line 1) to the healthy line (line 2) is consid-
ered together with the two through fault currents IfA and IfB mentioned previously. The
maximal influence from the parallel line for the relay in Figure 113 "Two parallel lines.
Influence from parallel line to the through fault current: IM." on page 240 will be with
a fault at the C point with the C breaker open.
A fault in C has to be applied, and then the maximum current seen from the relay (IM)
on the healthy line (this applies for single-phase-to-earth and two-phase-to-earth faults)
is calculated.
Line 1
~ Fault M ~
Relay Line 2
The minimum theoretical current setting for the residual overcurrent protection func-
tion (,PLQ) will be:
Instantaneous overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
I m in M A X ( I fA, I fB, I M )
(Equation 268)
Where IfA and IfB have been described in the previous paragraph. Considering the safe-
ty margins mentioned previously, the minimum setting (Is) for the instantaneous phase
overcurrent protection is then:
Is 1, 3 Imin
(Equation 269)
The protection function can be used for the specific application only if this setting value
is equal or less than the maximum residual fault current that the relay has to clear.
IsS EC = -------------- Is
(Equation 270)
Time delayed overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The time delayed phase overcurrent protection can be used as independent overcurrent
protection, particularly for radially fed systems, or as back-up protection to the main
distance or line differential protection functions. In the first case the protected zone of
the time delayed overcurrent protection reaches upto the next overcurrent protection
and works in its zone as back-up protection. The programmable time delay (definite
time) of the function allows the time selectivity through an appropriate time grading
among the overcurrent relays protecting the system.
Where the function acts as back-up for the main line protection, the trip from the over-
current protection can be activated when the main protection function is blocked (e.g.
by the fuse failure protection) or it can be active all the time.
In some cases, where it could be difficult to achieve a selective trip, the function can be
used as a helpful overcurrent signallization for the post-fault analysis.
The time delayed residual overcurrent protection (TOC) which is an earth-fault protec-
tion, serves as a built-in local back-up function to the main protection function. In most
cases, it is used as a back-up for the earth-fault measuring in distance protection.
The time delay makes it possible to set the relay to detect high resistance faults and still
perform selective trip.
The protection, which is non-directional, is included in some of the REx 5xx terminals.
Refer to the ordering information for more details.
The current-measuring elements within one of the built-in digital signal processors con-
tinuously measure the current in all three phases, and compare them with the IP> set
value. A recursive Fourier filter filters the current signals, and a separate trip counter
prevents high overreaching of the measuring elements. The logical value of each phase
current signal on the output of the digital processor (STIL1, STIL2 and STIL3 respec-
tively) is equal to 1 if the measured phase current exceeds the set value. These signals
will instantaneously set their respective output starting signals (TOC--STL1, TOC--
STL2, TOC--STL3), if the function is not blocked.
Time delayed overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
If any of the three phase currents exceeds the set value for a period longer than the set
time tP, then a three phase trip is generated from the output signal TOC--TRP.
The current-measuring element within one of the built-in digital signal processors con-
tinuously measures the residual current (3I0), and compares it with the IN> set value.
A recursive Fourier filter filters the current signal, and a separate trip counter prevents
high overreaching of the measuring element. The logical value of the signal on the out-
put of the digital signal processor (TOC--STIN) is equal to 1 if the measured residual
current exceeds the pre-set value. This signal will instantaneously set the output start
signal (TOC--STN), unless the function is blocked (see Design).
If the residual current exceeds the set value for a period longer than the set value, then
a three phase trip is generated from the output signal TOC--TRN.
The simplified logic diagram of the time delayed phase overcurrent function is shown
in figure 114.
The terminal is in TEST mode (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockTOC=Yes).
The input signal TOC--BLOCK is high.
The TOC--BLOCK signal is a blocking signal of the time delayed phase overcurrent
function. It prevents the activation of any trip or starting output signal. It can be con-
nected to a binary input of the terminal in order to receive a block command from ex-
ternal devices or can be software connected to other internal functions of the terminal
itself in order to receive a block command from internal functions. Through OR gate it
can be connected to both binary inputs and internal function outputs. The TOC--
BLOCK signal blocks also the time delayed residual overcurrent protection, if this is
installed in the same REx 5xx terminal.
When the function is enabled, there is still the possibility to block the output trips only,
without affecting the start signals, that will always be active. This can be obtained with
the function input TOC--BLKTR. Similarly to the TOC--BLOCK signal, also the time
delayed residual overcurrent protection, if present in the terminal, is blocked from
The duration of each output signal is at least 15 ms. This enables continuous output sig-
nals for currents, which go just a little above the set operating value.
Time delayed overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The output trip signal TOC--TRP is a three phase trip. Single phase information is avail-
able from the starting signals, that are phase segregated.
The TOC--TRIP output signal behaves as general time delayed overcurrent trip when
in the REx 5xx terminal also the time delayed residual overcurrent function is imple-
mented; i.e. this signal will be activated in case of any time delayed overcurrent or time
delayed residual overcurrent trip. If only the time delayed phase overcurrent function is
installed in the terminal, then this signal behaves exactly as the signal TOC--TRP and
can be used for signallization.
& t
BlockTOC= Yes
The simplified logic diagram of the time delayed earth-fault protection is shown in fig-
ure 115.
The terminal is in TEST status (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockTOC=Yes).
The input signal TOC--BLOCK is high.
The TOC--BLOCK signal is a blocking signal of the earth-fault function. It blocks the
whole function and prevents the activation of any trip or starting output signals.
Time delayed overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
It can be connected to a binary input in order to receive a block command from external
devices or it can be configured (software connection) to other internal functions within
the terminal itself, in order to receive a block command from internal functions.
Through OR gates it can be connected to both binary inputs and internal function out-
When the residual overcurrent protection is enabled, there is still a possibility to block
the trip output only, without affecting the start signals, which always will be active. The
input which provides this function is TOC--BLKTR.
The duration of each output signal is at least 15 ms. This enables continuous output sig-
nals for currents, which go just a little beyond the set operating value.
The TOC--TRIP output signal behaves as general time delayed overcurrent trip when
in the REx 5xx terminal also the time delayed phase overcurrent function is implement-
ed. I.e. this signal will be activated in case of delayed residual overcurrent trip or in case
of time delayed phase overcurrent trip. If only the residual overcurrent function is im-
plemented in the terminal, then this signal behaves exactly as the signal TOC--TRN and
can be used for signalization.
& t
BlockTOC= Yes
TOC--STIN en01000076.vsd
Time delayed overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The current setting value must be selected to permit the detection of the lowest short
circuit current without having any unwanted tripping or starting of the function under
normal load conditions. The following relation has to be considered for the setting of
the primary operating current (Is) of the function:
1.2 ----------------- < Is < 0.7 If min
(Equation 271)
The settable time delay tP allows the time selectivity of the overcurrent function, ac-
cording to the time grading plan of all the other overcurrent protections in the system.
The time setting value should also consider transients that could cause a high increase
of the line current for short times. A typical example is a transmission line with a power
transformer at the remote end, which can cause high inrush current when energized.
Where the time delayed overcurrent function is used as back-up of impedance protec-
tion, normally the time delay is set higher than the time delay of distance zone 2 (or 3)
in order to avoid interferences with the impedance measuring system.
If Is is the primary setting operating value of the function, than the secondary setting
current (,V6(&) is:
I sS EC = -------------- Is
(Equation 272)
Time delayed overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The relay setting value IP> is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
I1b, associated to the current transformer input I1. The value for IP> is given from this
IP> = --------------- 100
I 1b
(Equation 273)
The parameters for the time delayed overcurretn protection functions are set via the lo-
cal HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for
setting parameters and path in local HMI.
The residual overcurrent protection is very sensitive to the change of zero source im-
pedance. Since it must operate only in a selective way, it is necessary to check all sys-
tem and transient conditions that can cause unwanted operation.
The settings should be chosen in such a way that it can detect high resistance faults on
the protected line and still be selective to other residual time delayed protections in both
forward and reverse directions. The time setting value should also consider transients
that can cause a high increase of the residual line current for short times.
A typical example is a transmission line with a power transformer at the remote end,
which can cause high inrush current when being energised.
In well transposed system, the false earth-fault current is normally lower than 5% of the
line current. For non transposed lines a considerably higher false residual current may
be found.
Time delayed overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
In case of extremely short or not fully transposed parallel lines, the false residual current
must be measured or calculated when maximum sensitivity is desired. Generally, 80 A
is recommended as a minimum primary operation value for the residual overcurrent
General criteria for the primary current setting value of the time delayed residual over-
current protection is given in the formula below:
(Equation 274)
IRmax is the maximum permissive residual current flowing in the protection unit during
normal service conditions and
IFmin is the minimum residual fault current that the relay has to clear.
1.3 and
If Is is the primary setting operating value of the function, then the secondary setting
current (IsSEC) is:
- Is
Is SEC = -------------
(Equation 275)
where ISEC is the secondary rated current of the main CT and IPRIM is the primary rated
current of the main CT.
The relay setting value IN> is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
I4b, associated to the current transformer on input I4. The value for IN> is given from
the formula:
Time delayed overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
IN> = --------------- 100
(Equation 276)
The parameters for the time delayed overcurrent protection functions are set via the lo-
cal HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for
setting parameters and path in local HMI.
Two step time delayed phase overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (TOC2) &XUUHQW
The time delayed phase overcurrent function is to be used as short-circuit protection in
three phase networks operating at 50 or 60 Hz. It is intended to be used either as primary
protection or back-up protection for differential functions or impedance measuring
In radial networks it is often sufficient to use phase overcurrent relays as short circuit
protection for lines, transformers and other equipment. The current time characteristic
should be chosen according to common practice in the network. It is strongly recom-
mended to use the same current time characteristic for all overcurrent relays in the net-
work. This includes overcurrent protection for transformers and other equipment.
There is a possibility to use phase overcurrent protection in meshed systems as short cir-
cuit protection. It must however be realized that the setting of a phase overcurrent pro-
tection system in meshed networks, can be very complicated and a large number of fault
current calculations are needed. There are situations where there is no possibility to
have selectivity with a protection system based on overcurrent relays in a meshed sys-
The measuring function contains one current measuring element for each phase, each
of them with a low set and a high set measuring step. The low set step can have either
definite time or inverse time characteristic. The characteristics available are extremely
inverse, very inverse, normal inverse or RI inverse. The high set step has definite time
The settings are common for all phases but both the low and high set step can be set On/
Off individually and also have individual inputs for blocking.
The time delayed overcurrent protection is used as short-circuit protection in power sys-
tems, either as the primary protection or as a back-up function for selective differential
protection or impedance measuring protection.The protection function comprises of
measuring circuits for the three phase currents, each with a low and high current setting.
The low current setting has definite or inverse time-delay while the high current setting
has only definite time-delay. The measuring circuits share common settings for all
phases, however, both the low and high current settings can be blocked or enabled in-
dependent of the other setting.
Two step time delayed phase overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (TOC2) &XUUHQW
Figure 116 shows a simplified logic diagram for the two step phase overcurrent protec-
& t
I>High tHigh
& t & TOC2-TRHS
50 ms
The parameters for the two step definite and inverse time delayed overcurrent protec-
tion function are set via the local HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the
Technical reference manual for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
Two step time delayed phase overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (TOC2) &XUUHQW
The phase overcurrent protection can be used in different applications. In most applica-
tions it is required that all short circuits within a protected zone shall be detected and
cleared and the fault clearance shall be selective. As the protection can be used in sev-
eral applications only some examples are discussed.
The phase overcurrent protection is suitable to use in radial systems without any fault
current infeed from the radial feeders.
The pick up current setting (inverse time relays) or the lowest current step (constant
time relays) must be given a current setting so that the highest possible load current does
not cause relay operation. Here consideration also has to be taken to the relay reset cur-
rent, so that a short peak of overcurrent does not cause operation of the relay even when
the overcurrent has ceased.
I max
I s 1.2 -----------
(Equation 277)
The maximum load current on the line has to be estimated. From operation statistics the
load current up to the present situation can be found. Also emergency situations must
be considered.
There is also a demand that all faults, within the zone that the protection shall cover,
must be detected by the phase overcurrent relay. The minimum fault current Iscmin, to
be detected by the relay, must be calculated. Taking this value as a base, the highest pick
up current setting can be written:
Is 0.7 I s c min
(Equation 278)
Two step time delayed phase overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (TOC2) &XUUHQW
1.2 ----------- I s 0.7 I s cmin
(Equation 279)
The high current function of the overcurrent relay, which only has a short or no delay
of the operation, must be given a current setting so that the relay is selective to other
relays in the power system. It is desirable to have a rapid tripping of faults within as
large portion as possible of the part of the power system to be protected by the relay
(primary protected zone). A fault current calculation gives the largest current of faults,
Iscmax, at the most remote part of the primary protected zone. Considerations have to
be made to the risk of transient overreach, due to a possible dc component of the short
circuit current. The lowest current setting of the most rapid stage, of the phase overcur-
rent relay, can be written:
kt is a factor that takes care of the transient overreach due to the DC component of
the fault current. kt is less than 1.05 if the power system time constant is less
than 100 ms.
Iscmax is the largest fault current at a fault at the most remote point of the primary pro-
tection zone.
Two step time delayed phase overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (TOC2) &XUUHQW
The operate times of the phase-overcurrent protection have to be chosen so that the fault
time is so short that equipment will not be damaged due to thermal overload, at the same
time selectivity is assured. For overcurrent protection, in a radial fed network, the time
setting can be chosen in a graphical way. This is mostly used in the case of inverse time
overcurrent protections.
The current setting can be made in the same way as for radial networks but observe the
possibility to get high fault currents in the reverse direction if the adjacent station have
low source impedance.
If inverse time characteristics are used with equal current and time setting for all phase
current protections in the system the selectivity is assured as long as there are more than
two bays carrying fault current to each substation. Sometimes this is however impossi-
ble due to the fault current distribution between the different lines.
If definite time characteristic is used the co-ordination between the different phase over-
current line protections is done by means of current setting.
As the phase overcurrent protection often is used as a back-up protection of lines, where
a distance protection is the main protection, relatively long operation times are accept-
able for the phase overcurrent protection.
The following formulas are valid for the inverse time characteristic:
Normal inverse
0, 14
t = -------------------- (Equation 281)
0, 02
I 1
Extremely inverse 80
t = ------------ (Equation 283)
I 1
RI inverse
t = ------------------------------------------------------ k (Equation 284)
0, 339 ( 0, 236 ) I
Two step time delayed phase overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (TOC2) &XUUHQW
The decisive factors for the setting of inverse time characteristic are the allowable time
for disconnection of fault at minimum fault current that the function shall operate for
together with selectivity at maximum fault current.
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
The time delayed phase overcurrent function is to be used as short-circuit protection in
three phase networks operating at 50 or 60 Hz. It is intended to be used either as primary
protection or back-up protection for differential functions or impedance measuring
In radial networks it is often sufficient to use phase overcurrent relays as short circuit
protection for lines, transformers and other equipment. The current time characteristic
should be chosen according to common practice in the network. It is strongly recom-
mended to use the same current time characteristic for all overcurrent relays in the net-
work. This includes overcurrent protection for transformers and other equipment.
The measuring function contains one current measuring element for each phase, each
of them with a low set and a high set measuring step. The low set step can have either
definite time or inverse time characteristic. The characteristics available are extremely
inverse, very inverse, normal inverse or RI inverse. The high set step has definite time
The settings are common for all phases but both the low and high set step can be set On/
Off individually and also got individual inputs for blocking.
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
The current measuring element continuously measures the current in all phases and
compares it to the set operating values for the two steps. If the current is above set value
the corresponding output signal will be set. If the current is above both the setting
I>Low and I>Inv the inverse time evaluation according to choosen characteristic starts
and the INV signal sets after corresponding time. A filter ensures immunity to distur-
bances and DC-components and minimizes the transient overreach. A simplified block
diagram is found in figure 117. The function is true phase segregated. This means that
there are identical measuring elements in each phase.
Characteristic= Def/NI/VI/EI/RI NI, VI, EI, RI
k, I>Inv STINVL1-int (L2,L3)
IL1 (IL2, IL3) STLSL1-int (L2,L3)
STHSL1-int (L2,L3)
The inverse time delay can be set for different characteristics by the setting Character-
istic = x, the x is choosen from the following:
With setting Characteristic = Def the signal INV will be set to zero.
The different inverse time characteristics are defined in the Technical reference man-
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
The directional overcurrent function uses the information from the current measuring
elements as described in title and the directional impedance measuring element as de-
scribed for the distance protection function, to create the directional overcurrent func-
In order to use correct directional information during all types of faults the function is
provided with a simple phase selection. The phase selection is assigned to distinguish
between phase to earth faults and phase to phase faults.
The criteria for the two indications that are regarded in the function are:
3 I 0 0.5 IMinOp
(Equation 285)
3 I 0 < 0.2 Ir
(Equation 287)
If the criteria for PE FAULT are fulfilled the phase to earth directional indications are
used and if the criteria for PP FAULT are fulfilled the phase to phase directional indi-
cations are used. If all criteria are met, then only the directional indications for phase to
phase are released. The aim is to preserve the phase to phase measurement also during
two-phase to ground faults with high residual current (at least as long as the criteria al-
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
lows, see equations above). However, the directional indications will appear also for
healthy phases and in the phase to phase case the indications would overlap in an un-
wanted manner because the overcurrent evaluation is performed per phase only (both
forward and reverse can be indicated for one phase, simultaneously). So in order to es-
tablish a complete directional phase selection the one and only faulty loop must be sin-
gled out. This is done by means of releasing the directional indication with the
corresponding overcurrent indications (overcurrent in two phases is required, figure
& L1
PP FAULT & L1L2 DFWL1 - int.
DIRFWL1N - int L3L1
DIRFWL1L2 - int
L1L2 DFWL2 - int.
STLSL1 - int >1
STHSL1 - int >1
STLSL2 - int
STHSL2 - int >1
DFWL3 - int.
Consider the case where a reverse fault is cleared and the prefault forward load condi-
tions are retrieved. So, in order not to issue a false trip if the reversal indication is de-
activated (or the forward indication becomes active) before the overcurrent indication
drops, the reversal of direction is actually held back during 50 ms according to the logic
of figure *** Current reversal logic for one phase and one set step on page 260 ***.
Each phase and each set stage is provided with an individual logic circuit (six circuits
in all) to allow operation during simultaneous earth faults (one forward, one reverse).
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
D FW L1 - int 50 m s FW L1 - int.
& t
S TLSL1 - int
50 m s
DR VL1 - int & t RVL1 - int.
The low and high set steps can individually be set directional or non-directional. If set
in non-directional mode the overcurrent function only uses the signals from the current
measuring elements as seen from figure 117. In directional mode there are two modes
of operation, forward release and reverse block denoted ForwRelease and RevBlock re-
spectively. The principles of these three modes of operation are illustrated in figure 120.
In forward release operation mode a criteria that indicates that the fault is in forward
direction is needed for tripping. Since the directional function needs voltage for the di-
rectional check it will not be able to operate when switching in a line against a persistent
close-up three phase fault if voltage is measured on the line side of the breaker. A solu-
tion to this might be to use the SOTF function for the distance protection, with output
TOC3-STND as acceleration signal.
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
In reverse block operation mode a criteria that indicates that the fault is in reverse di-
rection is used for blocking the function. In this case there is no problem switching in a
line against a persistent close-up three phase fault even if voltage is measured on the
line side of the breaker since the directional function will not issue any reverse signal.
The general principles of time delay for the two steps of the overcurrent function is dis-
played in the following figure 121.
High set step
General trip signals are derived from the phase segregated starts according to figure
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
TOC3--BLOCK 50 ms
With setting Characteristic = Def (figure 121) the signal TOC3-TRLS will be active if,
at least, one of the phase currents exceeds the set value I>Low for the low set step, and
if the directional criterion is fulfilled for a longer time than the set delay tLow.
With setting Characteristic = NI/VI/EI or RI (figure 121) we have the following: If, at
least one of the phase currents exceeds the set value I>Low, the timer circuit tMinInv
is activated together with the inverse time measuring circuit (figure *** Simplified
block diagram for definite and inverse time delayed phase overcurrent functionon page
257 ***) in order to calculate the operating time. The operating time is determined by
the magnitude of the current, characteristic choosen, set characteristic current I>Inv and
time multiplier k. When both the inverse time and tMinInv have elapsed the timer tLow
will be activated and after its time is elapsed the signal TOC3-TRLS is activated. It must
be observed that the time delay of operation, if inverse time characteristics is used, will
be the sum of the inverse time delay and the tLow setting.
The timer circuit tMinInv (figure 121) can be used to achieve a defined minimum op-
erating time at high fault currents. The timer circuit tLow can be used for adding an ad-
ditional time delay to the inverse time characteristic.
The signal TOC3-TRHS will be active if one of the phase currents exceeds the set value
I>High for a longer time than the set delay tHigh at the same time as TOC--BLKTRSH
and TOC--BLOCK are not present.
An external signal connected to TOC3_BLKTRLS will block tripping from low set
step. The step can also be blocked with the setting Operation Low= Off.
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
An external signal connected to TOC3_BLKTRHS will block tripping from high set
step. The step can also be blocked with the setting Operation High= Off.
An external signal connected to TOC3_BLOCK will block both low and high set steps.
STHSL1-int >1 TOC3--STNDL1
STHSL2-int >1 TOC3--STNDL2
STHSL3-int >1 TOC3--STNDL3
FW L1-int & L2
FW L2-int >1 TOC3--STFW
L3 &
FW L3-int
RVL1-int & L2
RVL2-int >1 TOC3--STRV
L3 &
50 ms
As the phase segregated start signals are non directional, and used for indication only,
there is no possibility to use a phase segregated transfer trip scheme. A three-phase
transfer trip scheme will be applicable using the output TOC3-STFW or TOC3-STRV,
keeping in mind the performance expected during simultaneous faults on parallel lines.
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
The directional phase overcurrent protection can be used in different applications. In
most applications it is required that all short circuits within a protected zone shall be
detected and cleared and the fault clearance shall be selective. As the protection can be
used in several applications only some examples are discussed.
The directional phase overcurrent protection is suitable to use in radial systems with
generation connected out in the system. In such a network the fault current can be fed
both in the forward and reverse direction. Normally the protection will detect and trip
faults in the forward direction.
The pick up current setting (inverse time functions) or the lowest current step (constant
time functions) must be given a current setting so that the highest possible load current
does not cause operation of the function. The reset ratio of the function has to be taken
into consideration, so that a short peak of overcurrent does not cause operation of the
protection even when the overcurrent has ceased.
I max
I s 1.2 -----------
(Equation 289)
The maximum load current on the line has to be estimated. From operation statistics the
load current up to the present situation can be found. Also emergency situations must
be considered. The current setting must be valid also for some years ahead.
There is also a demand that all faults, within the zone that the protection shall cover,
must be detected by the phase overcurrent relay. The minimum fault current Iscmin, to
be detected by the relay, must be calculated. Taking this value as a base, the highest pick
up current setting can be written:
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
Is 0.7 I s c min
(Equation 290)
1.2 ----------- I s 0.7 I s cmin
(Equation 291)
The high current function of the overcurrent protection, which only has a short or no
delay of the operation, must be given a current setting so that the protection is selective
to other protections in the power system. It is desirable to have a rapid tripping of faults
within as large portion as possible of the part of the power system to be protected by the
relay (primary protected zone). A fault current calculation gives the largest current of
faults, Iscmax, at the most remote part of the primary protected zone. The risk of tran-
sient overreach, due to a possible DC component of the short circuit current has to be
taken into consideration. The lowest current setting of the most rapid stage, of the phase
overcurrent relay, can be written:
kt is a factor that takes care of the transient overreach due to the DC component of
the fault current. kt is less than 1.05 if the power system time constant is less
than 100 ms.
Iscmax is the largest fault current at a fault at the most remote point of the primary pro-
tection zone.
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
The operate times of the phase overcurrent relay have to be chosen so that the fault time
is so short that equipment will not be damaged due to thermal overload, at the same time
selectivity is assured. For overcurrent protection in a radial fed network, the time setting
can be chosen in a graphical way. This is mostly used in the case of inverse time over-
current protection.
The current setting can be made in the same way as for radial networks.
If inverse time characteristics are used with equal current and time setting for all phase
current protections in the system the selectivity is assured as long as there are more than
two bays carrying fault current to each substation. Sometimes this is however impossi-
ble due to the fault current distribution between the different lines.
If definite time characteristic is used the coordination between the different phase over-
current line protections are done by means of current setting.
As the phase overcurrent protection often is used as a back-up protection of lines, where
a distance protection is the main protection, relatively long operation times are accept-
able for the phase overcurrent protection.
The setting parameters and ranges are shown in the setting table.
Normal inverse
0, 14
t = -------------------- (Equation 293)
0, 02
I 1
Extremely inverse 80
t = ------------ (Equation 295)
I 1
RI inverse
t = ------------------------------------------------------ k (Equation 296)
0, 339 ( 0, 236 ) I
Two step time delayed directional phase &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (TOC3) &XUUHQW
The decisive factors for the setting of inverse time characteristic are the allowable time
for disconnection of fault at minimum fault current that the function shall operate for
together with selectivity at maximum fault current.
The parameters for the two step time delayed directional phase overcurrent protection
functions are set via the local HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Tech-
nical reference manual for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
This earth-fault overcurrent protection is intended for solidly earthed networks.
In case of single-phase earth-faults, the primary fault resistance varies with the network
conditions, the type of fault and location of the fault. In many cases, the fault resistance
is much higher than the resistance that can be covered by an impedance-measuring dis-
tance protections. This can be the case with a phase to earth fault to a tower with large
tower footing resistance.
Earth-faults with high fault resistances can be detected by measuring the residual cur-
rent (3I0).
The inrush current can cause unwanted tripping of the earth-fault overcurrent relay
when energizing a directly earthed power transformer. The earth-fault overcurrent pro-
tection is therefore provided with second harmonic restraint, which blocks the operation
if the residual current (3I0) contains 20% or more of the second harmonic component.
To minimize the operate time, in case of closing the circuit breaker to a fault, the resid-
ual overcurrent protection module is provided with a switch-onto-fault logic, which can
be activated at breaker closure. The tripping time will temporarily be reduced to
300 ms.
In order to achieve the most sensitive earth fault protection the non-directional function
can be used. As the residual current is normally very small during normal operation the
setting value can be set very low. In case of small residual currents, due to high resis-
tance phase to earth faults or serial faults, the residual voltage in the system can be very
low. A serial fault can be caused by broken phase conductor(s) with no contact to earth,
or pole discrepancy in a circuit breaker or a disconnector. The most common type of
serial fault is pole discrepancy at breaker maneuvers.
As the residual voltage is often very small at high resistance earth faults and serial
faults, any directional element can not be used.
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
The function can have different types of time-current characteristics; definite time delay
or different types of inverse time delay. By using the inverse time delay characteristics
some degree of selectivity between non-directional residual protection can be achieved.
Directional earth-fault protection is obtained by measuring the residual current and the
angle between this current and the zero-sequence voltage (3U0).
It is possible to obtain the polarizing voltage (-3U0) from an open delta winding in the
voltage transformer or via summation of the three phase voltages supplied to the termi-
The 3I0 current lags the polarizing voltage (-3U0) by a phase angle equal to the angle
of the zero-sequence source impedance. In solidly earthed networks, this angle is in the
range of 40 to nearly 90. The high value refers to stations with directly earthed trans-
formers with delta winding. To obtain maximum sensitivity at all conditions, the for-
ward measuring element should have a characteristic angle of 65.
It is not possible to measure the distance to the fault by using the zero-sequence com-
ponents of the current and voltage, because the zero-sequence voltage is a product of
the zero-sequence components of current and source impedance. It is possible to obtain
selectivity by the use of a directional comparison scheme, which uses communication
between the line ends.
If a communication scheme can not be used, the best selectivity is generally obtained
by using inverse time delay. All relays, in the network, must have the same type of in-
verse characteristic. An earth-fault on a line is selectively tripped if the difference be-
tween the residual current (3I0) out on the faulted line and the residual current (3I0) out
on the other lines gives a time difference of 0.3-0.4 seconds. A logarithmic characteris-
tic is generally the most suitable for this purpose, because the time difference is constant
for a given ratio between the currents.
In the directional comparison scheme, information of the fault current direction must be
transmitted to the other line end. A short operate time enables auto-reclosing after the
fault. During a single-phase reclosing cycle, the auto-reclosing device must block the
directional comparison earth-fault scheme.
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
A communication logic block for residual overcurrent protection can be included in the
REx 5xx terminal to provide this feature. The function contains circuits for blocking
overreach and permissive overreach schemes. See the section &RPPXQLFDWLRQORJLF
Also an additional communication logic block for the communication can be included.
It contains logic for the weak-end-infeed and current-reversal functions, which are used
only in the permissive overreach scheme. See the section &XUUHQWUHYHUVDODQGZHDN
This protection measures the residual current (3I0) and the residual voltage (3U0). Fig-
ure 124 shows the current measuring, time delay and logic circuits (both with and with-
out directional check) of this protection function.
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
300ms &
Operation = ON
>1 t &
k &
= Directional
2fn 100% FORW ARD & &
cos (-65)
0.01Un &
Activate the independent time-delay function by setting &KDUDFWHULVWLF= Def (or inverse
time delay according to the setting table). The t1 timer starts when both the definite/in-
verse time characteristic and the tMin timer operate. The tMin timer starts when the 3I0
current to the relay is equal to or higher than the set operate value for IMin and the con-
tent of the second harmonic in 3I0 is less than 20%.
The inverse time calculation starts when 3I0 is equal to or higher than the set operate
value for IMin and the content of the second harmonic in 3I0 is less than 20%. The in-
verse time delay is determined by the selection of the characteristic (NI, VI etc.) in the
Characteristic setting and the setting of the characteristic IN> current.
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
The t1 timer is normally set to zero. Use it to add a constant time to the inverse time
delay. Figure 125 shows the effect of the IMin and tMin settings on the inverse charac-
t (s)
5 Normal
4 (k=0,4)
1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 50 x IN>
The switch-onto-fault function is used to minimise the operate time in case of pole dis-
crepancy at breaker closing and in cased of closing on to a fault. The function is released
by activating the TEF--BC binary input. The function is activated for 1 second after the
reset of the TEF--BC binary input.
Activating the TEF--BLKTR blocks the definite/inverse delay trip outputs TEF--TRIP
and the switch-on-to-fault trip TEF-TRSOTF.
The 3I0 current lags the polarising voltage (3U0) by a phase angle equal to the angle of
the zero-sequence source impedance. The forward measuring element operates when:
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
3I 0 cos ( 65 ) IN>Dir
(Equation 297)
is the angle between 3I0 and 3U0 (positive if 3I0 lags 3U0)
Upol = -3U0
IN Operation
The change in operate value is small when the phase angle deviates moderately from
65. A deviation of 20 increases the operate value by only 6.5%.
The polarising voltage, normally obtained from the broken delta windings of the VTs,
can have a high content of harmonics relative to the fundamental frequency when the
output voltage is low, particularly when capacitive VTs are used. To secure a correct
measurement, the directional function must have an effective bandpass filtering of the
voltage. In the module, the filtering secures a correct function for fundamental frequen-
cy polarising voltages down to 1% of the rated voltage.
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
In case of an external fault, the capacitive current generated on the line decreases the
current to the earth-fault relay situated at the line end towards the fault. So the reverse
direction comparator must have an increased sensitivity to secure reliable blocking in
case of external faults when a directional comparison or a blocking communication
scheme is used. The operate current of the reverse direction measuring element in the
module is, as a fixed ratio, set at 0.6 IN> Dir.
To detect high resistive earth-faults, a low operate current is required. On the other
hand, a low setting increases the risk for unwanted operation due to imbalance in the
network and the current transformer circuits. Set the minimum operate current (IN>
*IMin) of the earth-fault overcurrent protection higher than the maximum false earth-
fault current. If the directional function is chosen, set the start level of the directional
function (IN> Dir) higher than the maximum false earth-fault current.
The imbalance in the network that causes false earth-fault currents is caused mainly by
untransposed or not fully transposed parallel lines with strong zero-sequence mutual
coupling. There might also be high imbalance currents for non-transposed single circuit
lines if the zero sequence source impedance is low at both line ends. This false earth-
fault current is directly proportional to the load current.
In case of not fully transposed parallel lines, measure or calculate the false earth-fault
current at maximum load.
The choice of time delay characteristics - definite time, normal inverse, very inverse,
extremely inverse or logarithmic inverse - depends on the network. To achieve opti-
mum selectivity, use the same type of characteristic for all earth-fault overcurrent pro-
tections in the network. This means that in networks already equipped with earth-fault
overcurrent relays, the best selectivity is normally achieved by using the same type of
characteristic as in the existing relays.
The following formulas for the operate time (in seconds) apply to the characteristic used
within the REx 5xx terminal with line protection, see table 13 "Operate time formulas".
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
Extremely inverse 80
t = -------------
k (Equation 300)
I 1
All inverse time characteristic settings are a compromise between short fault clearing
time and selective operation in a large current range. The main determining factors are
the maximum allowed fault-clearing time at the maximum fault resistance to be covered
and the selectivity at maximum fault current.
Set the minimum operate current (IMin) of the earth-fault overcurrent protection to one
to four times the set characteristic quantity (IN>) of the inverse time delay. So an in-
verse characteristic with a low set IN> set to get a short operate time at minimum fault
current can be combined with a higher set IMin minimum operate current, to avoid un-
wanted operation due to false earth-fault currents.
Set the minimum operate time independent of the inverse time characteristic. Normally,
set this time longer than the time delay of distance zone 2 in REx 5xx to avoid interfer-
ence with the impedance measuring system in case of earth-faults with moderate fault
resistance within zone 2.
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
The earth-fault overcurrent protection has a built-in second harmonic current stabiliza-
tion, which prevents unwanted operation if the inrush current has a second harmonic
content of 20% or more. This is normally the case. On rare occasions, it may be neces-
sary to increase the setting of the operate value for the residual earth-fault overcurrent
protection to avoid unwanted operation due to transformer inrush current.
When single-phase auto-reclosing is used, the minimum time of the inverse time de-
layed residual overcurrent protection (tMin) should be set to be longer than the time
from the occurrence of the fault to the reclosing of the breaker at both line terminals.
An alternative method is to block the earth fault protection by the autorecloser during
the dead time. This avoids unwanted three-phase tripping during a single-phase auto-
reclosing cycle controlled by the distance protection.
The polarizing voltage for directional earth-fault overcurrent protection is normally ob-
tained from the broken delta windings of instrument voltage transformers or by internal
calculation. The voltage contains a certain amount of harmonics, especially when the
protection is connected to CVTs.
Due to the bandpass filtering a polarizing voltage down to 1 percent of the rated voltage
will provide correct directional functionality. This is also valid when the protection is
connected to CVTs.
The minimum polarizing voltage to the protection (Umin) is calculated from the formu-
U sec
U m in = IF m in Z0 min --------------
U p r im
(Equation 302)
Usec, Uprim are the rated phase voltages of the broken delta connected CVTs (VTs)
Observe that when a blocking scheme or a permissive scheme with current reversal or
weak-end-infeed logic is used, IFmin represents the primary operate current of the re-
verse-looking directional element which is 60% of the forward element.
Definite and inverse time-delayed &KDSWHU
residual overcurrent protection (TEF) &XUUHQW
To even secure operation in unfavorable cases, Umin must be equal to at least 1 volt
plus the maximum network frequency false voltage, due to measuring errors in the VT
If not blocked, the directional comparator operates during the dead time in case of a sin-
gle-phase auto-reclosure. So the TEF--BLOCK blocking input must be activated during
the single-phase auto-reclosing cycle.
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
In some solidly earthed networks the 4-step earth fault overcurrent protection is used.
The function can be used in a similar way as the distance protection. Below is described
one example of the normal application of the 4-step earth fault overcurrent protection.
Step 1 has directional function and is set to give instantaneous trip in case of phase to
earth faults on the protected line, with large earth fault current. Due to selectivity re-
quirements step 1 can not be set to cover the whole length of the line.
Step 2 has directional function and is set to give a trip with a short delay (~ 0.4 s) for all
remote phase to earth faults on the protected line. Step 2 will also serve as main or re-
mote back-up protection for phase to earth faults on the remote busbar.
Step 3 has directional function and is set to give a trip with a medium delay (0.8 - 1.2
s) for phase to earth faults with some fault resistance. Step 3 can also serve as remote
back-up protection for phase to earth faults on other lines, out from the remote busbar.
Step 4 has non-directional function and is set to give a trip with a long delay of 1.2 s or
more. The current setting is chosen so that high resistive phase to earth faults will be
detected and cleared. Also most series faults will be detected and cleared after operation
of step 4. To achieve selectivity also for earth faults with small residual current, step 4
can have inverse time characteristic.
The four step earth fault protection can also be used in a communication scheme togeth-
er with the communication logic for residual overcurrent protection (EFC). Blocking or
permissive overreach schemes can be used. One possibility is that step 2 or step 3 is
used in an overreach mode. If the overreaching step 2 (3) starts, an acceleration signal
is sent to the remote line end. If an acceleration signal is received step 2 (3) will give an
instantaneous function.
In case of applicationt on a double circuit line or small infeed of residual current, the
additional logic for Current reversal and weak-end-infeed logic for residual overcur-
rent protection (EFCA) should be used in permissive overreaching scheme.
To assure dependable and secure function of the 4-step residual overcurrent protection,
extensive network calculations are required.
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The 4 step earth-fault overcurrent protection has three current steps with independent
time delay and a fourth current step with independent time delay or inverse time char-
acteristics (Normal inverse (NI), Very inverse (VI), Extremely inverse (EI) and one log-
arithmic inverse characteristic (LOG)).
The formulas in table 14 "Inverse characteristics formulas" are valid for the different
inverse time characteristics in the four-step earth-fault protection.
Normal inverse 0 , 14
t = -------------------------------
0, 02
k (Equation 303)
(I I B ) 1
Very inverse
13 5 ,- -------- k
-------------- (Equation 304)
t =
(I I B ) 1
Extremely inverse
t = --------------------------- k (Equation 305)
( l lB) 1
Logarithmic inverse
t = 5.8 ( 1.35 ln ( l l B ) )
(Equation 306)
The simplified logic diagrams in figure 127 to 128 show the circuits for the four over-
current steps and the directional function. The diagrams also include the logic of the
switch-onto-fault function.
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
Oper.mode Check of operation
mode and conditions
strv-int t1
& t EF4--TRIN1
& EF4--STIN1
50 ms
t step 2 and 3 same as step 1.
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
50 ms
Check of operation EF4--TRIP
t4Min >1
mode and conditions
t t4
stfw-int & t
e-int EF4--TRIN4
Def. &
3I0 EFCh
k block-int
IN> &
2fn & e-int
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
50 m s
3I0 & EF4--STFW
3I0x 100% FORW ARD &
3fn cos(-65) stfw-int
& strv-int
0.01 Un
For all four current steps, one of the following operate modes can be selected, indepen-
dently of the other steps:
The forward direction measuring element (STFW) operates when:
= phase angel between the current and the voltage (positive if the current lags the volt-
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The operate current can be set between 5 and 40% of the base current (Ib) of the REx
5xx terminal.
The operate current is very little influenced by moderate phase angle differences. A de-
viation of 20 from the characteristic angle 65 only increases the operate value by
The operate value is practically independent of the magnitude of the polarising voltage
in the interval from 0.5 to 100% of nominal value. When the voltage is less than 0.5%,
the measuring circuit is blocked.
In special cases when the polarising voltage is too low, current polarising can be used
by inserting an external unit which converts the zero sequence current into a voltage.
The polarising voltage is normally obtained from the broken delta winding of the VTs.
When the voltage is low, it can have a high content of harmonics - especially third har-
monic - relative the basic frequency component. This is specially the case when capac-
itive VTs are used. To secure correct directional function down to a polarising voltage
of 0.5% of rated voltage, the measuring circuit is provided with a filter which has a
damping factor of >20 for the third harmonic component of the voltage.
The directional function has two comparators, one operates in the forward direction
(STFW) and one operates in the reverse direction (STRV). The operate current of the
reverse directional comparator is 0.6IN>Dir, i.e. 40% lower than that of the forward di-
rectional. The increased sensitivity is used to compensate for the influence of the capac-
itive current generated by the faulty line, which in case of an external fault decreases
the current fed to the earth-fault protection situated at the line end towards the fault. By
increasing the sensitivity, reliable blocking from the reverse directional measuring ele-
ment is obtained for the directional comparison system.
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
65 U pol = -3U0
I set 99000061.vsd
When the current exceeds the set operate value for IN1> and no blocking is applied to
input EF4-BLOCK, the &-gate operates and the start flag EF4-STIN1 is activated.
When the setting )RUZ5HOHDVH is selected, the forward directional element must also
operate in order to start the timer t1.
When the setting 5HY%ORFN is selected, the timer t1 is not activated if the reverse di-
rectional element is activated.
When the setting 5HVWUDLQHG is selected, the timer t1 is not activated if the second har-
monic content in 3I0 is higher than the set blocking value (20 or 32%).
The overcurrent steps 2 and 3 have the same functionality as step 1.
With setting Characteristic = Definite, the function of step 4 with current detector
IN4> and timer t4 is the same as for overcurrent steps 1 3.
When logarithmic inverse time characteristic is selected the inverse time calculation
starts when the current exceeds the set operate value of current detector IN4> (see figure
129). For the NI, VI and EI characteristics the inverse time calculation starts when the
current exceeds the set characteristic current (IN>Inv). The inverse time delay is deter-
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
mined by the selection of the characteristic (NI,VI etc.), the setting of the time
multiplier (k) and the characteristic current (IN>Inv). The timer t4 starts when both the
inverse timer and the timer t4Min operate. Hence, the setting IN4> determines the min-
imum operate current and the setting t4Min determines the minimum operate time.
The influence of the setting of minimum operate time and minimum operate time on the
inverse time function is shown in figure 132.
Observe that when inverse characteristic NI, VI or EI is selected, the second harmonic
restrain is a fixed value=20 %, independent of the setting.
t (s)
l min (IN4>)
5 Logarithmic inverse
4 Normal inverse
1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 50 x IN>Inv
Timer t4Min is normally set to zero. It can be used to add a constant time to the inverse
time delay.
The functions ForwRel, RevBlock and Restrain are applicable also when inverse time
is selected.
To release the switch-onto-fault function, the input EF4--BC is activated when the
breaker is closed. The function remains released 5 seconds after reset of the input signal.
When the operation mode SOTF is set to IN2>, the current stage IN2> activates the out-
put EF4--TRSOTF with a fixed time delay of 300 ms. With the setting SOTF =
IN4>Res, the current stage IN2> activates the output with a fixed time delay of 300 ms
and the current stage IN4>Res activates the output EF4--TRSOTF with a time delay
t4U. Nevertheless, a condition is that the second harmonic content in 3I0 is less than the
set blocking value. Both time steps are blocked when input EF4--BLOCK is activated.
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
When the setting BlkParTransf = On is selected and the second harmonic content in the
current 3I0 is higher than the set restrain value 70 ms after the operation of current de-
tector IN4>Res, the &-gate after the timer seals in and gives second harmonic blocking
until the current detector resets. The function is used for parallel connected transform-
ers, for which the second harmonic content of the inrush current may become substan-
tially reduced within fractions of a second after breaker closure.
Only detailed network studies can determine the operate conditions under which the
highest possible fault current is expected on the line. In most cases, this current appears
during single-phase fault conditions. But to examine two-phase-to-earth conditions is
also needed, since this type of fault can give larger earth fault current than single-phase
to earth fault in some cases.
Also transients, that could cause a high increase of the line current for short times,
should be considered. A typical example is a transmission line with a power transformer
at the remote end or at a line tap, which can cause high inrush current when connected
to the network and can thus also cause operation of the residual overcurrent protection.
As the reach of each step is dependent on the operation conditions, fault calculations for
the settings should be done with various switching states in the network.
The settings for step 1 is described in the following sections. Section "Meshed network
without parallel line" on page 286 and section below are valid for both directional and
non-directional operation. For non-directional operation, also section "Meshed net-
work non-directional" on page 289 on page must be considered.
This section describes the setting calculation for Step 1 for both directional and non-
directional operation. But when non-directional operation is selected, an additional
fault calculation, with a fault applied in A, has to be done. See section. "Meshed net-
work non-directional" on page 289.
The following fault calculations have to be done for single-phase-to-earth and two-
phase-to-earth faults. With reference to figure 133, apply a fault in B and then calculate
the relay through fault residual current IfB. The calculation should be done using the
minimum source impedance values for ZA and the maximum source impedance values
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
for ZB in order to get the maximum through fault current from A to B. For most protec-
tions a network switching state, with one of the lines out from the remote busbar taken
out of service, will give the largest residual fault current to the protection.
I fB
~ ~
A safety margin of 5% for the maximum protection static inaccuracy and a safety mar-
gin of 5% for the maximum possible transient overreach have to be introduced. An ad-
ditional 10% is suggested due to the inaccuracy of the instrument transformers during
transient conditions and inaccuracy in the system data.
The minimum setting (Is) for the residual overcurrent protection, step 1, is then:
Is 1, 2 I fB
(Equation 309)
In case of parallel lines, the influence of the induced current from the parallel line to the
protected line has to be considered. One example is given in figure 134, where the two
lines are connected to the same busbar. In this case the influence of the induced fault
current from the faulty line (line 1) to the healthy line (line 2) is considered together
with the through fault current IfB mentioned previously. The maximal influence from
the parallel line for the relay in figure 134 will be with a fault at the C point with the
breaker C open.
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
A fault in C has to be applied, and then the maximum current seen from the relay (IM)
on the healthy line (this applies for single-phase-to-earth and two-phase-to-earth faults)
is calculated. The through fault current IM is the sum of the induced fault current from
line 1 and the fault current that would occur in line 2 if the mutual impedance M would
be zero. Also in the case with fault at a parallel line, the case with one of the lines out
from the remote busbar taken out of service, should be considered.
Line 1
~ Fault M ~
Relay Line 2
The minimum theoretical current setting for the residual overcurrent protection func-
tion (Imin) will be:
Im in MA X(I fB, I M )
(Equation 310)
Considering the safety margins mentioned previously, the minimum setting (Is) for the
protection, step 1, is then:
Is 1, 2 Imin
(Equation 311)
The protection function can be used for the specific application only if this setting value
is equal or less than the maximum residual fault current that the relay has to clear.
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
First do the calculation according to section "Meshed network without parallel line" on
page 286.
Then apply a fault in A and calculate the through fault residual current IfA (Figure 133
"Through fault currency from A to B: IfB" on page 287). In order to get the maximum
through fault current, the minimum value for ZB and the maximum value for ZA have
to be considered.
I fA
~ ~
A safety margin of 5% for the maximum protection static inaccuracy and a safety mar-
gin of 5% for the maximum possible transient overreach have to be introduced. An ad-
ditional 10% is suggested due to the inaccuracy of the instrument transformers during
transient conditions and inaccuracy in the system data.
The minimum setting (Is) for the residual overcurrent protection, step 1, is then:
Is 1, 2 Imin
(Equation 313)
The protection function can be used for the specific application only if this setting value
is equal or less than the maximum fault current that the relay has to clear (IF in figure
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
~ ~
For parallel lines, the minimum theoretical current setting for the residual overcurrent
protection function (Imin) will be:
The calculation of the settings for step 2 and 3 differs from step 1. However, the method
to calculate the values are the same for step 2 and 3. First it is necessary to apply the
faults as in figure 137, one at a time, and measure the residual currents and calculate the
settings for step 2. Phase to earth faults out on each line out from the remote busbar, are
calculated. In these calculations the circuit breaker at the remote end of the faulted line
is open (instantaneous trip).
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
A B 3I0B-C
3I0A-B 3I0B-D
Use the values for step 1 to calculate minimum residual current setting for step 2. Sim-
ilarly, use the values from step 2 to calculate the settings for step 3.
3I02 1 = s a 1 3I01 B C
(Equation 315)
3 I0 2 2 = s a 2 3I01 B D
(Equation 316)
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
3I0 A B
a 1 = -------------------
- (Equation 318)
3I 0B C
For step 2 there is normally a requirement that faults on the remote busbar shall be de-
tected and cleared. Calculations are done where a phase to earth fault is applied at the
remote busbar. In this calculation the zero sequence source impedance, behind the re-
lay, shall be minimized. This is normally done by taking one line out of service.The step
2 setting should be chosen according to:
In case of a blocking scheme step 3 can be given reverse direction. This step will be
used as blocking criterion. The reverse step 3 must overreach the overreach step 2 in the
remote line end.
In case of a permissive overreach scheme it must be assured that the step to be used for
sending and accelerated trip, must overreach the line. This can be done as described
above for step 2 and 3.
To detect high resistive earth-faults, a low operate current is required. On the other
hand, a low setting will increase the risk for unwanted operation due to unbalance in the
network and the current transformer circuits. The minimum operate current of the earth-
fault overcurrent protection must be set higher than the maximum false earth-fault cur-
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The unbalance in the network that causes false earth-fault currents is caused mainly by
untransposed or not fully transposed single circuit or parallel lines. This false earth-fault
current is directly proportional to the load current.
In well transposed systems, the false earth-fault current is normally lower than 5% of
the line current.
In case of extremely short or not fully transposed parallel lines, the false earth-fault cur-
rent must be measured or calculated when maximum sensitivity is desired. Generally,
80 A is recommended as a minimum primary operate value for the earth-fault overcur-
rent protection.
To achieve optimum selectivity, the same type of inverse characteristic should be used
for all earth-fault overcurrent protections in the network. Therefore, in networks already
equipped with earth-fault overcurrent relays, the best selectivity will normally be
achieved by using the same type of inverse characteristic as in the existing relays.
The following formulas are valid for the inverse characteristics in the four-step earth-
fault protection in REx 5xx:
Normal inverse 0 , 14
(Equation 321) t = -------------------------------
0, 02
(I I B ) 1
Very inverse
13 5 ,- -------- k
t = (Equation 322)
(I I B ) 1
Extremely inverse
t = --------------------------- k (Equation 323)
(l lB) 1
Logarithmic inverse
t = 5.8 ( 1.35 ln ( l l B ) )
(Equation 324)
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
The determining factors for the inverse characteristic settings are the allowed fault
clearing time at the maximum fault resistance to be covered, and the selectivity at max-
imum fault current.
The minimum operate current IN4> of the inverse current step can be set in the range
of one to four times the set characteristic current IN>Inv. Hence, an inverse character-
istic with a low set IN> to get short operate time at minimum fault current can be com-
bined with a higher set minimum operate current in order to avoid unwanted operation
due to false residual currents.
The minimum operate time t4Min is set independent of the inverse time characteristic.
This time is normally set longer than the time delay of impedance zone 2 in the line pro-
tections, in order to avoid interference with the impedance measuring system in case of
earth-faults with moderate fault resistance within zone 2.
The polarising voltage for directional earth-fault protection is normally obtained from
the broken delta connected secondary windings of instrument voltage transformers or
interposing voltage transformers. The voltage contains a certain amount of harmonics,
especially when the protection is connected to CVTs.
Due to the efficient band-pass filtering within REx 5xx, a polarising voltage down to
0.5% of the rated voltage will provide correct directional functioning. This is also valid
when the protection is connected to CVTs.
The minimum voltage to the protection (Umin) is calculated from the formula:
U sec
U m in = IF m in Z0 mi n -------------- (Equation 325)
Upr im
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
Z0min is the minimum zero-sequence sources impedance at the relay site and
Usec is the rated secondary phase voltage of the broken delta connected winding of the
voltage transformers
The operate value of the forward direction function (IN>Dir) should with some margin
be set lower than both:
Check according to the formula above that the necessary polarising voltage is obtained
for the directional function.
Observe that when the current reversal or weak-end-infeed logic is used, Ifmin repre-
sents the primary operate current of the reverse directional element.
To secure operation in unfavorable cases as well, Umin should be equal to at least 0.5
volts plus the maximum network frequency false voltage, due to measuring errors in the
VT circuits.
If not blocked, the directional comparator will operate during the dead time in case of
a single-phase auto-reclosure. Therefore, the blocking input EF4-BLOCK should be ac-
tivated during the single-phase auto-reclosing cycle.
Due to the flexibility of the 4 step earth-fault protection, different protection schemes
according to the customers preference can be realised. One established scheme is to use
Step 1-3 as directional steps and the inverse time delayed step 4 as a low set, non-direc-
tional back-up step. A selectivity plan for the different current steps is presented in fig-
ure 138.
Four step residual overcurrent protection &KDSWHU
In systems with 3-phase tripping from the distance relays in case of earth-faults, no time
delay is normally used for step 1.
Step 2 is set to operate for all earth-faults on the entire line and at the remote end station,
even with a certain additional fault resistance. The calculated minimum earth-fault cur-
rent is multiplied with a safety factor of 0.9 to get the current setting of step 2. The time
delay of step 2 is normally set to 0.4 s.
Step 2 shall also be selective to step 2 in the adjacent station, see figure 138. It may,
therefore, be necessary to compromise and accept a higher current setting than accord-
ing to the above for the protection in station A.
Directional current step 3 is set to operate for earth-faults with additional resistance or
for the minimum current at which sufficient polarising voltage is obtained. The time de-
lay of step 3 is normally set to 0.8-1.5 s.
The inverse time delayed, non-directional step 4 is in this scheme used as a back-up
function which shall trip the line in case of earth-faults with so high additional resis-
tance that the directional steps cannot operate. Step 4 is normally given the same setting
for all lines in the network with a time/current characteristic that normally gives selec-
tivity towards the directional steps.
Desirable values of the fault resistances for the different current steps are ~ 15 for
RI2 , ~ 25 for RI3 and ~ 50 for RI4. If these values cannot be fulfilled, another pro-
tection function should be considered, for example current differential protection.
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (WEF1) &XUUHQW
In networks with high impedance earthing, the phase to earth fault current is significant-
ly smaller than the short circuit currents. Another difficulty is that the magnitude of the
phase to earth fault current is almost independent of the fault location in the network.
Directional residual current can be used to detect and give selective trip of phase to
earth faults in high impedance earthed networks. The protection uses the residual cur-
rent component 3I0 cos , where is the angle between the residual current and the re-
sidual voltage, compensated with a characteristic angle.
In an isolated network, i.e. the network is only coupled to earth via the capacitances be-
tween the phase conductors and earth, the residual current always has -90 phase shift
compared to the residual voltage. The characteristic angle is chosen to -90 in such a
In resistance earthed networks or in Petersn coil, with or without a parallel resistor, the
active residual current component (in phase with the residual voltage) should be used
for the earth fault detection. In such networks the characteristic angle is chosen to 0.
As the amplitude of the residual current is independent of the fault location the selec-
tivity of the earth fault protection is achieved by time selectivity.
When should the sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection be used and when
should the sensitive directional residual power protection be used? We have the follow-
ing facts to consider:
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection gives possibility for better sen-
Sensitive directional residual power protection gives possibility to use inverse time
characteristics. This is applicable in large high impedance earthed networks, with
large capacitive earth fault current
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (WEF1) &XUUHQW
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection function (WEF1) has two analog
inputs, residual current and residual voltage. The main functionality goal is to measure
the residual current component 3I0cos .
The reference for the directional check is the voltage 3U0. Depending on the earthing
of the network the angle of the voltage 3U0 must be adjusted with the relay character-
istic angle, RCA.The reference voltage, see figure 139 "RCA with regard to compen-
sated or isolated network" on page 299, is
Uref = 3 U0 ej (RCA )
(Equation 326)
RCA is usually equal to zero in compensated network (Petersn coil) and 90 degree in
isolated network.
Precondition for the calculation is the availability of high enough residual voltage and
residual current respectively.The sum of and RCA (called ANGLE) is used in the pro-
tection algorithm, see figure 139 "RCA with regard to compensated or isolated net-
work" on page 299.
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (WEF1) &XUUHQW
Isolated network
-3U0 , Uref
Compensated network
The compensated angle is used for directional detection and for input of the calculation
of the fault current component, 3I0 cos .
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (WEF1) &XUUHQW
A start signal from the function is given if both residual voltage, (UN>) and residual
current component, 3I0 cos (cosPhi>) exceeds the setting values, see figure 140
"Logic for sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection function (WEF1)" on
page 300.
A trip signal from the function is given if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
The current component, 3I0 cos (cosPhi>) exceeds the setting value.
The residual voltage, (UN>) exceeds the setting value.
The fault is detected in the chosen direction (FW = forward or RV = reverse).
The time delay tTrip has elapsed.
& t
In the setting of earth fault protection, in a high impedance grounded system, the neutral
point voltage (zero sequence voltage) and the earth fault current will be calculated at
the desired sensitivity (fault resistance). The complex neutral point voltage (zero se-
quence) can be calculated as:
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (WEF1) &XUUHQW
V phase
V 0 = -----------------------
1 + -------------f
(Equation 327)
Vphase is the phase voltage in the fault point before the fault,
3 V phase
I j = 3I 0 = --------------------------
Z0 + 3 Rf
(Equation 328)
3 V phase
Z0 = jX c = j --------------------------
(Equation 329)
In a system with a neutral point resistor (resistance grounded system) the impedance Z0
can be calculated as:
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (WEF1) &XUUHQW
jX c 3R n
Z 0 = -----------------------------
jX c + 3R n
(Equation 330)
In many systems there is also a neutral point reactor (Petersen coil) connected to one or
more transformer neutral points. In such a system the impedance Z0 can be calculated
j ( 3X n Xc ) 3R n
Z 0 = ----------------------------------------------
j ( 3X n Xc ) + 3R n
(Equation 331)
The characteristic angle RCA of the function is chosen to 0 degree in a system with a
neutral point resistor and/or a Petersen coil. The characteristic angle is chosen to -90
degrees in an isolated system.
The start current Iset is chosen smaller than the smallest residual current, in the charac-
teristic angel, to be detected by the protection function. In a system with resistive
grounding the Iset can be chosen according to:
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent &KDSWHU
protection (WEF1) &XUUHQW
Iset IRn ------------------
V phase
(Equation 332)
I set ( Icback Ic forw ) -----------------
(Equation 333)
Icback is the capacitive earth fault current contribution behind the protection at
a non-resistive fault and
Icforw is the capacitive earth fault current contribution forward to the protection
at a non-resisitive fault
The Uset is set to a voltage to be sure to detect resistive earth faults at desired sensitiv-
The time delay is chosen according to the selectivity plan of the system.
Sensitive directional residual power &KDSWHU
protection (WEF2) &XUUHQW
In networks with high impedance earthing, the phase to earth fault current is significant-
ly smaller than the short circuit currents. Another difficulty is that the magnitude of the
phase to earth fault current is almost independent of the fault location in the network.
Directional residual power can be used to detect and give selective trip of phase to earth
faults in high impedance earthed networks. The protection uses the residual power com-
ponent 3I0 3U0 cos , where is the angle between the residual current and the residual
voltage, compensated with a characteristic angle.
In an isolated network, i.e. the network is only coupled to earth via the capacitances be-
tween the phase conductors and earth, the residual current always has 90 phase shift
compared to the residual voltage. The characteristic angle is chosen to -90 in such a
In resistance earthed networks or in Petersn coil, with or without a parallel resistor, the
active residual current component (in phase with the residual voltage) should be used
for the earth fault detection. In such networks the characteristic angle is chosen to 0.
As the amplitude of the residual current is independent of the fault location the selec-
tivity of the earth fault protection is achieved by time selectivity.
When should the sensitive directional residual current protection be used and when
should the sensitive directional residual power protection be used? We have the follow-
ing facts to consider:
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection gives possibility for better sen-
Sensitive directional residual power protection gives possibility to use inverse time
characteristics. This is applicable in large high impedance earthed networks, with
large capacitive earth fault current
In some power systems a medium size neutral point resistor is used. Such a resistor
will give a resistive earth fault current component of about 200 - 400 A at a zero
resistive phase to earth fault. In such a system the directional residual power protec-
tion gives better possibilities for selectivity enabled by inverse time power charac-
Sensitive directional residual power &KDSWHU
protection (WEF2) &XUUHQW
Sensitive directional residual power protection function (WEF2) has two analog inputs,
residual current and residual voltage. The main functionality goal is to measure the re-
sidual power 3U0 3I0cos .
The reference for the directional check is the voltage 3U0. Depending on the earthing
of the network the angle of the voltage 3U0 must be adjusted with the relay character-
istic angle, RCA.The reference voltage, see figure 141 "RCA with regard to compen-
sated or isolated network" on page 306,
Uref = 3 U0 ej (RCA )
(Equation 334)
RCA is usually equal to zero in compensated network (Petersn coil) and -90 degrees
in isolated network.
Precondition for the calculation is the availability of high enough residual voltage and
residual current respectively.The sum of and RCA (called ANGLE) is used in the pro-
tection algorithm, see figure 141 "RCA with regard to compensated or isolated net-
work" on page 306.
Sensitive directional residual power &KDSWHU
protection (WEF2) &XUUHQW
Isolated network
-3U0 , Uref
Compensated network
The compensated angle is used for directional detection and for input of the calculation
of the fault power component, 3U0 3I0cos .
Sensitive directional residual power &KDSWHU
protection (WEF2) &XUUHQW
A start signal from the function is given if all the following conditions are fulfilled, see
figure 142 "Logic for sensitive directional residual power protection function (WEF2)"
on page 308.
An inverse time trip function for the Sensitive directional residual power protection is
implemented in the algorithm for WEF2.
A trip signal from the function is given if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
Sensitive directional residual power &KDSWHU
protection (WEF2) &XUUHQW
IN> &
Consider a MV system with a medium size neutral point resistor connected to the neu-
tral of the transformer feeding the system. A phase to earth fault occurs on a line in the
system, as shown in figure 143 "Equivalent of power system for calculation of setting"
on page 309.
Sensitive directional residual power &KDSWHU
protection (WEF2) &XUUHQW
Source impedance
Zsc (pos. seq)
V0A Substation A
ZlineAB,1 (pos. seq)
ZlineAB,0 (zero seq)
V0B Substation B
3 Vph
3I 0 = -----------------------------------------------
2 Z1 + Z 0 + 3 R f
(Equation 336)
Vph is the phase voltage in the fault point before the fault
Sensitive directional residual power &KDSWHU
protection (WEF2) &XUUHQW
is the total zero sequence impedance to the fault point and Rf is the fault resistance.
V0A = 3I0 ( ZT , 0 + 3 R N )
(Equation 339)
S 0A = 3 V 0A 3I0
(Equation 341)
S 0B = 3 V 0B 3I0
(Equation 342)
The residual power is a complex quantity. The protection will have a maximum sensi-
tivity in the characteristic angle . The protection will use the component with the char-
acteristic angle for measurement and as base for the inverse time delay.
S0A,prot = 3 V 0A 3I 0 cos A
(Equation 343)
S0B,prot = 3 V 0B 3I 0 cos A
(Equation 344)
The time delay for the two protections in A and B will be:
S 0A,prot
t A = k -------------------
(Equation 345)
Sensitive directional residual power &KDSWHU
protection (WEF2) &XUUHQW
tB = k ----------------
S ref
(Equation 346)
The network calculation should be used to find the base for setting of the parameters.
Scheme communication logic for residual &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (EFC) &XUUHQW
This communication logic is intended for residual overcurrent protections.
To achieve fast fault clearing for a fault on the part of the line not covered by the instan-
taneous zone 1, the directional residual overcurrent protection function can be support-
ed with logic, that uses communication channels.
One communication channel in each direction, which can transmit an on/off signal is
required. The performance and security of this function is directly related to the trans-
mission channel speed and security against false or lost signals. So special channels are
used for this purpose. When power line carrier is used for communication, these special
channels are strongly recommended due to the communication disturbance caused by
the primary fault.
In the directional comparison scheme, information of the fault current direction must be
transmitted to the other line end.
With directional comparison, an operate time of 50-60 ms, including a channel trans-
mission time of 20 ms, can be achieved. This short operate time enables rapid automatic
reclosing function after the fault.
During a single-phase reclosing cycle, the auto-reclosing device must block the direc-
tional comparison earth-fault scheme.
The communication logic module for the REx 5xx terminal contains circuits for block-
ing overreach and permissive overreach schemes. The module also contains logic for
the weak-end-infeed and current-reversal functions, which are used only in the permis-
sive overreach scheme.
The directional comparison function contains logic for blocking overreach and permis-
sive overreach schemes.
Scheme communication logic for residual &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (EFC) &XUUHQW
The circuits for the permissive overreach scheme contain logic for current reversal and
weak-end-infeed functions. These functions are not required for the blocking overreach
Use the independent or inverse time functions in the directional earth-fault protection
module to get back-up tripping in case the communication equipment malfunctions that
prevents operation of the directional comparison logic.
Connect the necessary signal from the auto-recloser for blocking of the directional com-
parison scheme, during a single-phase auto-reclosing cycle, to the EFC--BLOCK input
of the directional comparison module.
In the blocking overreach scheme, a signal is sent to the other line end if the directional
element detects a fault in the reverse direction. When the forward directional element
operates, it trips the line after a short time delay if no blocking signal is received from
the other line end. The time delay, normally 30-40 ms, depends on the communication
transmission time and the chosen safety margin.
One advantage of the blocking scheme is that only one channel (carrier frequency) is
needed and the channel can be shared with the impedance-measuring system, if that also
works in the blocking mode. The communication signal is transmitted on a healthy line
and no signal attenuation will occur due to the fault.
If the fault is on the line, the forward direction measuring element operates. If no block-
ing signal comes from the other line end via the EFC--CR binary input (carrier receive)
the EFC--TRIP output is activated after the tCoord set time delay.
Scheme communication logic for residual &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (EFC) &XUUHQW
EFC-BLOCK 0-60 s 25 ms
& t t
t Coord
50 ms
In the permissive scheme, the forward directed measuring element sends a permissive
signal to the other line end if a fault is detected in the forward direction. The directional
element at the other line end must wait for a permissive signal before giving a trip sig-
nal. Independent channels (frequencies) must be available for the communication in
each direction.
Common channels can not be used when the weak-end-infeed function is used in the
distance or earth-fault protection.
In case of an internal fault, the forward directed measuring element operates and sends
a permissive signal to the remote end via the EFC--CS output (carrier send). Local trip-
ping is permitted when the forward direction measuring element operates and a permis-
sive signal is received via the EFC--CR binary input (carrier receive).
Scheme communication logic for residual &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (EFC) &XUUHQW
The total operate-time for the system is the sum of the Pick-up time (of the measuring
element) and the Transmission time (of the permissive signal)
25 ms
0-60 s t
50 ms
t Coord
In the blocking scheme, a signal is sent to the other line end if the directional element
in TEF function, connected to the EFC--CSBLK input signal, detects a fault in the re-
verse direction. When the forward directional element operates, it trips the line after a
short time delay if no blocking signal is received from the other line end. The time de-
lay, normally 30-40 ms, depends on the communication transmission time and the cho-
sen safety margin.
In the permissive scheme, the forward direction measuring element in TEF function,
connected to the EFC--CSPRM input, sends a permissive signal to the other line end if
a fault is detected in the forward direction. The directional element at the other line end
must wait for a permissive signal before giving a trip signal. Independent channels (fre-
quencies) must be available for the communication in each direction.
Scheme communication logic for residual &KDSWHU
overcurrent protection (EFC) &XUUHQW
The parameters for the scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent protection
function are set via the local HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Tech-
nical reference manual for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
In the blocking scheme, set the tCoord timer to the channel transmission time during
disturbance conditions. Add a margin of 20-30 ms. Two times the nominal value of the
channel transmission time is recommended when a power line carrier is used.
In the permissive communication scheme, the security against unwanted operation
caused by spurious carrier receive signals can be increased by delaying the tripping out-
put with the tCoord timer. Set the timer in the range of 0.000 to 60.000 s. In most cases,
a time delay of 30 ms is sufficient.
Current reversal and weak end infeed &KDSWHU
logic for &XUUHQW
residual overcurrent protection (EFCA)
This additional communication logic is intended for the Communication logic for resid-
ual overcurrent protections.
To achieve fast fault clearing for a fault on the part of the line not covered by the instan-
taneous zone 1, the earth-fault protection functions can be supported with logic, that
uses communication channels. REx 5xx terminals have for this reason available a
scheme communication logic. Different system conditions require in many cases addi-
tional special logic circuits, like current reversal logic and weak-end-infeed logic. Both
functions are available within the additional communication logic for earth-fault pro-
If parallel lines are connected to common buses at both terminals, overreaching permis-
sive communication schemes can trip unselectively due to fault current reversal. This
unwanted tripping affects the healthy line when a fault is cleared on the other line. This
lack of security can result in a total loss of interconnection between the two buses.
To avoid this type of disturbance, a fault current-reversal logic (transient blocking log-
ic) can be used.
Permissive communication schemes can basically operate only when the protection in
the remote terminal can detect the fault. The detection requires a sufficient minimum
fault current. The fault current can be too low due to an opened breaker or low short-
circuit power of the source. To overcome these conditions, weak end infeed (WEI) echo
logic is used.
The fault current can also be initially too low due to the fault current distribution. Here,
the fault current increases when the breaker opens in the strong terminal and a sequen-
tial tripping is achieved. This requires a detection of the fault by an independent-trip-
ping zone 1. To avoid sequential tripping as described and when zone 1 is not available,
weak end infeed tripping logic is used.
Current reversal and weak end infeed &KDSWHU
logic for &XUUHQW
residual overcurrent protection (EFCA)
The directional comparison function contains logic for blocking overreach and permis-
sive overreach schemes.
The circuits for the permissive overreach scheme contain logic for current reversal and
weak end infeed functions. These functions are not required for the blocking overreach
Use the independent or inverse time functions in the directional earth-fault protection
module to get back-up tripping in case the communication equipment malfunctions and
prevents operation of the directional comparison logic.
Figures 148 "Simplified logic diagram, current reversal" on page 320, 149 "Initial con-
dition" on page 320 and 150 "Simplified logic diagram, weak end infeed - echo." on
page 321 shows the logic circuits.
Connect the necessary signal from the auto-recloser for blocking of the directional com-
parison scheme, during a single-phase auto-reclosing cycle, to the EFCA-BLOCK input
of the directional comparison module.
Figures 146 "Initial condition" on page 318 and 147 "Current distribution after the
breaker at B:1 is opened" on page 319 show a typical system condition, which can result
in a fault current reversal; note that the fault current is reversed in line L2 after the
breaker opening. This can cause an unselectiv trip on line L2 if the current reversal logic
does not block the permissive overreach scheme in the terminal at B:2.
Strong L1 Weak
source source
A:1 B:1
A:2 B:2
Current reversal and weak end infeed &KDSWHU
logic for &XUUHQW
residual overcurrent protection (EFCA)
Strong L1 Weak
source source
A:1 B:1
A:2 B:2
The fault current reversal logic uses a reverse directed element, connected to EFCA-
IRV, which in terminal at B:2 recognises the fault on the L1 line. See Figure 149 "Initial
condition" on page 320. When the reverse direction element is activated during the
tPickUp time, the EFCA-IRVL signal is activated, see figure 148 "Simplified logic di-
agram, current reversal" on page 320. The logic is now ready to handle a current rever-
sal without tripping. EFCA-IRVL will be connected to the block input on the
permissive overreach scheme.
When breaker in B:1 operate, the fault current is reversed in line L2. The terminal at
B:2 recognises now the fault in forward direction. Together with the remaining carrier
received signal it will trip the breaker in B:2. To ensure that this does not occur, the per-
missive overreach function need to be blocked by EFCA-IRVL, until the carrier receive
signal is reset.
When the fault current is reversed in line L2, EFCA-IRV is deactived and EFCA-
IRVBLK is actived. The reset of EFCA-IRVL is delayed by the tDelay time, see figure
148 "Simplified logic diagram, current reversal" on page 320. This ensures the reset of
the carrier receive EFCA-CR signal in terminal B:2.
In terminal A:2, where the forward direction element was initially activated. This direc-
tion element must reset before the carrier send signal is initiated from B:2. The delayed
reset of EFCA-IRVL also ensures the carrier send signal from terminal B:2 is held back
until the forward direction element is reset in terminal A:2.
Current reversal and weak end infeed &KDSWHU
logic for &XUUHQW
residual overcurrent protection (EFCA)
0-60 s 10 ms 0-60 s 0-60 s
t t t & t
Figure 146 "Initial condition" on page 318 shows a typical system condition, which can
result in a missing operation; note that there is no fault current from node B. This cause
that terminal at B cannot detect the fault and trip the breaker in B. To cope with this
situation, a selectable weak end infeed logic is provided for the permissive overreach
The weak end infeed function can be set to send only an echo signal (WEI=Echo) or an
echo signal and a trip signal (WEI=Trip). See figures 150 "Simplified logic diagram,
weak end infeed - echo." on page 321 and 151 "Simplified logic diagram, weak end in-
feed - Trip." on page 321.
Strong Weak
source source
A L1 B
The weak end infeed logic uses normally a reverse and a forward direction element,
connected to EFCA-WEIBLK via an OR-gate. See figure 150 "Simplified logic dia-
gram, weak end infeed - echo." on page 321. If neither the forward nor the reverse di-
rectional measuring element is activated during the last 200 ms. The weak-end-infeed
logic echoes back the received permissive signal. See figure 150 "Simplified logic dia-
gram, weak end infeed - echo." on page 321.
If the forward or the reverse directional measuring element is activated during the last
200 ms, the fault current is sufficient for the terminal in B to detect the fault with the
earth-fault function that is in operation.
Current reversal and weak end infeed &KDSWHU
logic for &XUUHQW
residual overcurrent protection (EFCA)
200 ms
t &
& t t
WEI = Echo
With the Trip setting, the logic sends an echo according to above. Further, it activates
the EFCA-TRWEI signal to trip the breaker if the echo conditions are fulfilled and the
neutral point voltage is above the set operate value for 3U0.
The voltage signal that is used to calculate the zero sequence voltage is set in the earth-
fault function that is in operation.
200 ms
t &
& t t
WEI = Trip &
The weak end infeed echo sent to the strong line end has a maximum duration of 200
ms. When this time period has elapsed, the conditions that enable the echo signal to be
sent are set to zero for a time period of 50 ms. This avoids ringing action if the weak
end echo is selected for both line ends.
The complete EFCA additional logic for the directional residual OC protection is con-
sisting of two parts: Current reversal logic and weak end infeed logic. Each of them has
its own setting parameters and possibility for its own configuration.
Current reversal and weak end infeed &KDSWHU
logic for &XUUHQW
residual overcurrent protection (EFCA)
Figure 152 "Simplified logic diagram, current reversal" on page 322 presents a simpli-
fied logic diagram for the current reversal function. The reverse directed signal from the
TEF directional residual OC function should be connected to the EFCA-IRV functional
input, to start the operation of a logic. The EFCA-IRVL signal will be activated, if the
fault has been detected in reverse direction for more than the tPickUp time set on the
corresponding timers.
0-60 s 10 ms 0-60 s 0-60 s
t t t & t
The tDelay timer delays the reset of the output signal, when the current reversal occurs
and the fault is detected in the forward direction. This prevents the TEF function to op-
erates unnecessarily during the current reversal conditions.
The weak end infeed function can be set to send only an echo signal (WEI=Echo) or an
echo signal and a trip signal (WEI=Trip). The function is released with either of the
WEI=Echo or WEI=Trip settings in the menu.
The weak end infeed logic uses normally a reverse and a forward directional element,
connected to EFCA-WEIBLK via an OR-gate. The weak-end-infeed logic echoes back
the received permissive signal, if neither the forward nor the reverse directional mea-
suring element is activated during the last 200 ms.
With the Trip setting, the logic sends an echo according to above. Further, it activates
the EFCA-TRWEI signal to trip the breaker if the echo conditions are fulfilled and the
residual voltage is above the set operate value for 3U0>.
The parameters for the current reversal and weak end infeed logic for residual overcur-
rent protection functions are set via the local HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Re-
fer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
Current reversal and weak end infeed &KDSWHU
logic for &XUUHQW
residual overcurrent protection (EFCA)
The Current-reversal function is set on and off by setting the parameter CurrRev = On/
Off. Time delays shall be set for the timers tPickUp and tDelay.
tPickUp is chosen shorter (<80%) than the breaker opening time, but minimum 20 ms.
tDelay is chosen at a minimum to the sum of protection reset time and the communica-
tion reset time. A minimum tDelay setting of 40 ms is recommended.
The weak end infeed can either be set off or to echo or trip by setting the parameter WEI
= Off/Echo/Trip. (Echo = Echo, Trip = Echo + Trip). Operate zero sequence voltage for
WEI trip is set with Ugr = xx % of Ub.
The zero sequence voltage for a fault at the remote line end and appropriate fault resis-
tance is calculated.
To avoid unwanted trip from the weak end infeed logic (if spurious carrier signals
should occur), set the operate value of the broken delta voltage level detector (3U0)
higher than the maximum false network frequency residual voltage that can occur dur-
ing normal service conditions. The recommended minimum setting is two times the
false zero-sequence voltage during normal service conditions.
Thermal overload protection (THOL) &KDSWHU
When the load currents exceed the permitted continuous current there is a risk that the
conductor or the insulation will be subject to permanent damage due to overheating.
Even moderate overloads under long time give appreciable temperature increase. For
example, a current of 1.2 times rated load current gives a temperature rise of 1.2 x 1.2
= 1.44 times rated value.
The temperature rise as a function of time for a fixed load is determined by the so called
thermal time constant of the element. Moderate overloads are normally not detected
by current or impedance measuring relays. A current thermal overload protection can
prevent damage caused by excessive temperature increase due to moderate or heavy
current overloads.
Electrical cables which can be loaded up to the permissible load current should be pro-
vided with thermal protection. For cables surrounded by air, the thermal time constant
can vary from some few minutes for 10 kV cables with small cross-sectional area to
more than one hour for high voltage cables with large cross-sectional area. The shorter
time constant valid for cables in air is decisive if some part of the cable is surrounded
by air.
For overhead lines and cables placed in the air, the ambient temperature will normally
vary considerably. Since the temperature of the element is the sum of the ambient tem-
perature and the temperature rise, the thermal protection for heavily loaded lines should
be provided with compensation for the ambient temperature. The heating effect of ra-
diant power from the sun can also be appreciable in some areas.
The function includes a memory that is continuously updated with the heat content of
the line based on the RMS value of the line current and the ambient temperature. The
current used in the function is the phase current having the highest RMS value out of
the three phase currents. The function has two settable operating levels for temperature,
one intended for alarm and one intended for tripping. For the tripping function a reset
hysteresis is included that can be set between 5 and 30C while for the alarm function
it is fixed at 5C hysteresis.
For the alarm there is an output denoted ALARM which is active as long as the temper-
ature is above alarm level. For the tripping there are two outputs, one denoted TRIP
which gives only a 50 ms pulse at operation and one denoted START which is active as
long as the temperature is above tripping level.
Thermal overload protection (THOL) &KDSWHU
The function also includes a possibility for ambient temperature compensation through
a mA transducer input. The upper and lower value for the input range can be set between
-25 and +25 mA and corresponding temperature between -1000 and + 1000C. If trans-
ducer for ambient temperature is not available the function uses a +20C reference val-
ue instead. This value will also be used if a fault is detected in the transducer circuits or
mA input module.
The parameters for the thermal phase overload protection function are set via the local
HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for set-
ting parameters and path in local HMI.
The settings can also be made by aids of the SMS or PST setting tools.
For temperature compensation, input No. 1 on the MIM module No.1 is always used
(fixed configuration). Necessary settings for the MIM module are On/Off for activation,
time intervals for measuring of current, upper and lower value for the current input and
temperatures corresponding to max. respectively min. current. These settings can only
be made via the SMS or PST setting tools.
To make the correct settings, the following data are required for the protected object:
Final temperature rise after continuos load with specified load current
Max. permissible continuous temperature and thermal time constant of the object
Max. ambient temperature
Max. temperature rise due to radiant power from the sun - if significant
The time constant can be found if a curve is available which shows the temperature rise
as a function of time for a given load current. At load current Iload and final temperature
rise Tfin the following is valid:
7LPH 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x
If different values of are calculated from the curve, select the lowest value of to ob-
tain the best protection.
Thermal overload protection (THOL) &KDSWHU
I - 2
---------- 2
t = In --------------------------------------------------------
I 2 Ttrip T amb
------------ -----------------------------
I base Tbase
(Equation 347)
p is Ip/Ibase
For other parameters: see description in the setting table in the Technical Reference
Assume the following data:
I1b: 5 A
Temperature increase of the conductor: 90C at continuous load current 4.5 A.
Max. permissible temperature of the conductor: 125C
Time constant = 20 min
Max. ambient temperature: 30C
Max. temperature increase due to radiant power from the sun: 5C
Ibase = 4.5 A = 4.5/5 x 100 = 90% of I1b
The thermal function assumes 20C ambient temperature as a fixed value instead of the
actual value 30C. Also, the 5C temperature increase due to the sun radiant power is
not included in the calculated temperature increase. Hence, the function calculates con-
tinuos conductor temperature 20 + 90 = 110C at 4.5 A whereas the max. value is 30 +
90 +5 = 125C. Hence the setting should be TTrip = 125 - (125 - 110) = 110C.
Thermal overload protection (THOL) &KDSWHU
Assume temperature measuring elements with output 4 mA at -20C and 20 mA at
100C. Settings of Ibase, Tbase and same as above.
The influence of the ambient temperature is included in the calculated values. The 5C
temperature increase due to the sun radiant power, however, is not included. Hence the
setting should be Ttrip = 125 - 5 = 120C.
Stub protection (STUB) &KDSWHU
Line protection also includes the area between the two current transformers (CTs),
when the line is supplied via two circuit breakers in a 1 1/2 breaker or a ring-bus ar-
rangement. However, when the line disconnector is open, the line voltage transformers
for the distance protection can not provide the correct voltage for the stub end (the area
between the line disconnector and the CTs), if connected to the line side of a disconnec-
Some REx 5xx terminals are equipped with the optional stub protection function, to
provide protection for a fault in this area. The protection gives an overcurrent trip if the
line disconnector is open and the current exceeds the set value in any phase. A separate
binary input has to be configured for the connection of a line disconnector auxiliary
contact (NC contact).
Figure 153 "Typical connection for stub protection in 1 1/2 breaker arrangement." on
page 328 shows the application of the stub protection in 1 1/2 breaker arrangement.
C.B. 1
C.B. 2
C.B. 3
Stub protection (STUB) &KDSWHU
The current-measuring elements continuously measure the three-phase currents , and
compare them with the set values. Fouriers recursive filter filters the current signals,
and a separate trip counter prevents overreaching of the measuring elements.
The logical values of signals STIL1, STIL2 and STIL3 become equal to 1, if the mea-
sured current in the respective phase exceeds the pre-set value. If the function is en-
abled, the line disconnector is opened and the current exceeds the set value in any phase,
than after a short delay a three phase output trip signal is emitted from the function.
The simplified logic diagram of the stub protection function is shown in figure 154
"Simplified logic diagram of stub protection." on page 330.
The terminal is in TEST mode (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockSTUB=Yes)
The input signal STUB-BLOCK is high
The STUB-BLOCK signal is a blocking signal of the stub protection function. It can be
connected to a binary input of the terminal in order to receive a block command from
external devices or can be software connected to other internal functions of the terminal
itself in order to receive a block command from internal functions. Through OR gate it
can be connected to both binary inputs and internal function outputs.
The duration of the trip signal STUB-TRIP is at least 25 ms. This enables continuous
output signals for currents, which go just a little beyond the set operating value.
The STUB-RELEASE signal input has to be connected to the N.C. auxiliary contact of
the line disconnector. It will be high when the disconnector is open and it allows the
overcurrent trip.
Stub protection (STUB) &KDSWHU
BlockSTUB = Yes
STIL2 >1
The parameters for the stub protection functions are set via the local HMI or PST (Pa-
rameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters
and path in local HMI.:stub protection function
The parameter list and their setting ranges are shown in the appendix.
It is common practice to set the overcurrent primary setting to 130% of the rated pro-
tected line current IL. The primary set value IsPRIM will be:
(Equation 348)
Stub protection (STUB) &KDSWHU
Is SE C = -------------- Is PRIM
(Equation 349)
The relay setting value IP> is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
I1b, associated to the current transformer input I1. The value for IP> is given from this
IP > = --------------- 100
(Equation 350)
Breaker failure protection (BFP) &KDSWHU
This function issues a back-up trip command to trip adjacent circuit breakers in case of
a tripping failure of the circuit breaker (CB), and clears the fault as requested by the ob-
ject protection.
The breaker-failure function is started by a protection trip command, from the line and
busbar protection through the breaker-related trip relays. A general START input is al-
ways available that starts the measurement in all appropriate phases. In some imple-
mentations also phase selective START signals are available. For retrip there is always
a general RETRIP output available and in applications with phase selective START sig-
nals also phase selective RETRIP output signals are available. Correct fault current
clearing or failure is detected by a current check in each phase. The current level can be
set at 0,05 to 2 times the rated current.
Retrip of the faulty CB can be done with or without current check. A delay, 0-60 s, can
be set for the retrip.
The use of retrip, limits the impact on the power system if the breaker-failure protection
function (BFP) is started by mistake during testing or other maintenance work.
A second time step is used for the back-up trip command. It should be connected to trip
the adjacent breakers, to clear the busbar section and intertrip the remote end, if so re-
quired. The time setting range is 0-60 s.
By using separate timers for each phase, correct operation at evolving faults is ensured.
The timer setting should be selected with a certain margin to allow variation in the nor-
mal fault clearing time. The properties of the BFP function allow the use of a small mar-
Breaker failure protection (BFP) &KDSWHU
Block BFP=Yes
t tp
t1 tp
STIL1 & t
t1 tp
& t
t1 tp
& t
Breaker failure protection (BFP) &KDSWHU
CB Opening time Margin
30 ms 40 ms 20 ms
Time CB Opening time
<10 ms 40 ms Marginal
20 ms BFP
<10 ms
The breaker-failure protection will be started by a general signal, or in some cases phase
selective signals, either from an external protection, or internally from a protection trip
signal in the terminal.
The breaker receiving the original protection trip command can be retripped from the
BFP. The retrip can be controlled by a current check, or carried out as a direct retrip
without any current check. The direct retrip can be used, because the breaker-to-trip has
already received a tripping command, and the direct retrip does not cause any unselec-
tive tripping
The use of retrip, limits the extent of unwanted power disconnection in case of an acci-
dental start of the BFP at work in the initiating circuits, with the primary circuit in ser-
vice and the load above the set current level.
The back-up trip is sent to the adjacent circuit breakers in order to clear the fault and
disconnect the failing circuit breaker.
Breaker failure protection (BFP) &KDSWHU
External start
The connectable inputs are connectable by configuration to the binary inputs of the ter-
minal or to other internal functions outputs. The outputs are connectable by configura-
tion to the binary output relays. Connectables and outputs can be connected to the
free-logic functions of the unit, OR gates, and in that way add connection links
The breaker-failure protection can be started either internally or externally. The start
pulse is sealed-in as long as the current exceeds the preset current level, to prevent a
restart of the BFP timers in case of a chattering starting contact. The preset current level
may be set to (0.05 - 2.0) Ir where Ir is 1 or 5 A.
The current is filtered through a specially designed high-pass filter to obtain the re-
quired suppression of the dc components.
High-pass filtering is performed basically for two reasons, i.e. to remove the:
Breaker failure protection (BFP) &KDSWHU
dc component that is a part of the fault current. This is done to achieve a correct base
for both ASD and RMS calculations.
The frequency limit of the filter is very close to the service frequency, to obtain a max-
imum suppression of the above dc components.
The intention of the adaptive signal detection (ASD) concept is to achieve indepen-
dence from the absolute filtering requirement, when dealing with extremely high fault
currents in combination with low preset values. This is obtained by creating a new sta-
bilizing signal to compare the current with.
The ASD works continuously, regardless of if the BFP was started. Its result is however
considered only when the BFP has started and the pre-set time has elapsed.
As the current exceeds the previously stabilized sample, it adapts the value of the cur-
rent and when it does not, it decays. This adaptive behaviour makes it possible to rap-
idly and securely detect a breaker failure situation after the pre-set time has elapsed.
Continuously and in parallel, the RMS value of the post-filtered signal is calculated and
compared with a preset current level. As the RMS value decreases below the preset cur-
rent level, the breaker-failure function is momentarily reset.
At normal operation of the circuit breaker, the stabilizing signal exceeds the post-fil-
tered signal for a consecutive period of maximum 10 ms before it is reset. Resetting oc-
curs before the back-up trip timer t2 has timed out.
At a breaker failure situation, the post-filtered current exceeds the stabilizing signal, re-
sulting in a trip from the breaker-failure function within 10 ms after the trip timer t2 has
The breaker-failure protection works totally separated when comes to current measure-
ment and timers. The back-up trip is always non-segregated.
Current detector
ASD Back-up trip
& t
t t
Breaker failure protection (BFP) &KDSWHU
through RMS
The retrip function of the original circuit breaker is set at one of three options:
The back-up trip delay timer t2 can be set between 0 and 60 s.
The breaker failure protection is initiated by the trip commands from the protection
functions, either internal to the terminal or from external commands through binary in-
puts. The start can be initiated by a general signal, or in some cases phase selective sig-
Breaker failure protection (BFP) &KDSWHU
The operating values of the current measuring elements are settable within a wide set-
ting range. The measuring is stabilised against the dc-transient that can cause unwanted
operation at saturated current transformers and correct breaker operation. Time mea-
surement is individual for each phase. Two independent timers are available, t1 for re-
peated tripping of own breaker and t2 which operates trip logic for adjacent breakers.
The parameters for the breaker failure protection function are set via the local HMI or
PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting pa-
rameters and path in local HMI.
The configuration of input and output signals to the function is made with the CAP con-
figuration tool.
The inputs and the outputs to and from the breaker-failure protection are presented in
the signal list.
The breaker failure protection shall be set by means of a current limit for detection of a
breaker failure. The current setting shall be chosen in relation to the protection func-
tions, initiating the breaker failure protection. Normally the current setting should be
equal to or lower than the most sensitive setting of a residual overcurrent protection.
If the retrip function is used a time delay before retrip has to be set. In most cases this
time delay can be set to zero.
The time delay of the back-up trip function shall be chosen so that selectivity is main-
tained. Consider the following:
Breaker failure protection (BFP) &KDSWHU
t2 t1 + t br + margin
(Equation 351)
At the same time it is desired that the back-up trip is done so fast that remote protections
will not trip.
Breaker failure protection (BFP) &KDSWHU
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the voltage protection functions.
Time delayed undervoltage protection &KDSWHU
Undervoltage protection prevents the sensitive elements from running under conditions
that could cause their overheating and thus shorten their life expectancy below the eco-
nomical limits. In many cases, it is a useful tool in circuits for local or remote automa-
tion processes in the power system.
Figure 160 shows a simplified logic diagram of the undervoltage protection function.
The trip output signal TUV--TRIP changes from logical 0 to logical 1 if at least one of
the signals TUV--STUL1N, TUV--STUL2N or TUV--STUL3N remains equal to logi-
cal 1 for a time longer than the set value on the corresponding timer. The TUV--VTSU
signal, that is normally connected to the fuse failure supervision function, can inhibit
the operation of the undervoltage protection. Any external signal, connected to the
TUV--BLOCK input also blocks the operation of the undervoltage protection. Trip out-
put signal TUV--TRIP is blocked by any signal connected to TUV--BLKTR input.
Time delayed undervoltage protection &KDSWHU
Block TUV=Yes >1
Function enable
The voltage measuring elements within one of the built-in digital signal processors con-
tinuously measure the phase-to-neutral voltages in all three phases. Recursive Fourier
filter filters the input voltage signals and a separate trip counter prevents high over-
reaching or underreaching of the measuring elements.
The parameters for the time delayed undervoltage protection function are set via the lo-
cal HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for
setting parameters and path in local HMI.
Time delayed undervoltage protection &KDSWHU
All the voltage conditions in the system where the undervoltage protection performs its
functions should be considered. The same also applies to the associated equipment, its
voltage and time characteristic.
Time delayed overvoltage protection &KDSWHU
The application areas of the overvoltage protection functions are different in distribu-
tion and transmission networks.
The overvoltage protection is used to protect the equipment and its insulation against
overvoltage. In this way it prevents damage to the equipment in the power system and
shortening of their life time.
The phase overvoltage protection function continuously measures the three phase volt-
ages and initiates the corresponding output signals if the measured phase voltages ex-
ceed the preset value (starting) and remain high longer than the time delay setting on
the timers (trip). This function also detects the phases which caused the operation.
The residual overvoltage protection function calculates the residual voltage (3U0) from
the measuring three phase voltages and initiates the corresponding output signals if the
residual voltage is larger than the preset value (starting) and remains high longer than
the time delay setting (trip).
Figure 161 shows a simplified logic diagram of the overvoltage protection function.
The time delayed residual overvoltage protection and the time delayed overvoltage pro-
tection share some input signals and logical elements. For this reason and for the sake
of better overview both the protections are shown in the figure.
Time delayed overvoltage protection &KDSWHU
Block TOV=Yes 1
& t TOV--TRN
Time delayed overvoltage protection &KDSWHU
Block TOV=Yes
The TOV--TRIP and TOV--TRPE output signals changes from logical 0 to logical 1 if
at least one of the logical signals TOV--STUL1N, TOV--STUL2N, TOV--STUL3N re-
mains equal to logical 1 for a time longer than the set value on the corresponding timer.
The signal TOV--TRPE will be high, to indicate that the overvoltage protection caused
the trip
Any signal connected to the TOV--BLOCK input blocks the operation of the time de-
layed overvoltage protection. Similarly any signal connected to TOV--BLKTR will
block the trip output from the time delayed overvoltage protection.
Time delayed overvoltage protection &KDSWHU
& t TOV--TRN
Block TOV=Yes
The TOV--TRIP and TOV--TRN output signal changes from logical 0 to logical 1 if
TOV--ST3U0 remains equal to logical 1 for a time longer than the set value on the cor-
responding timer. The signal TOV--TRN will be high, to indicate that the residual ov-
ervoltage protection caused the trip.
Any signal connected to the TOV--BLOCK input blocks the operation of the time de-
layed residual overvoltage protection. Similarly any signal connected to TOV--BLKTR
will block the trip output from the time delayed residual overvoltage protection.
The time delayed overvoltage protection function are set via the local HMI or PST (Pa-
rameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters
and path in local HMI.
All the voltage conditions in the system where the overvoltage protection performs its
functions must be considered. The same also applies to the associated equipment, its
voltage-time characteristic.
The overvoltage protection should be set higher than the expected maximum system op-
erate voltage that is in a particular part of a network. A safety margin of at least 10%
should also be considered due to the inaccuracies in the instrument transformers, calcu-
lation methods, and the inaccuracy of the measuring elements in the terminal.
Time delayed overvoltage protection &KDSWHU
The residual overvoltage protection should be set higher than the expected maximum
system operate voltage that is in a particular part of a network. A safety margin of at
least 10% should also be considered due to the inaccuracies in the instrument transform-
ers, calculation methods, and the inaccuracy of the measuring elements in the terminal.
Time delayed overvoltage protection &KDSWHU
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the power system supervision functions.
Broken conductor check (BRC) &KDSWHU
Conventional protections can not detect the broken conductor condition. In REx 5xx
terminals this detection is achieved through the broken conductor check function
(BRC), consisting of continuous current unsymmetry check on the line where the ter-
minal is connected. The detection might also concern possible interruptions in the con-
necting circuits between the instrument current transformers and the terminal.
The current-measuring elements continuously measure the three-phase currents. The
current unsymmetry signal STI is set to 1 if :
Any phase current is lower than 80% of the highest current in the remaining two
The highest phase current is greater than the minimum setting value IP>
If the unsymmetrical detection lasts for a period longer than the set time t, a three phase
trip signal BRC--TRIP is issued.
The simplified logic diagram of the broken conductor check function is shown in figure
The terminal is in TEST status (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockBRC=Yes)
The input signal BRC--BLOCK is high
The BRC--BLOCK signal is a blocking signal of the broken conductor check function.
It can be connected to a binary input of the terminal in order to receive a block command
from external devices or can be software connected to other internal functions of the ter-
minal itself in order to receive a block command from internal functions. Through OR
gate it can be connected to both binary inputs and internal function outputs.
The output trip signal BRC--TRIP is a three phase trip. It can be used to command a trip
to the circuit breaker or for a signallization.
Broken conductor check (BRC) &KDSWHU
BlockBRC = Yes
& t
The operating values for the broken conductor check function are set via the local HMI
or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting
parameters and path in local HMI.
The minimum operating current is usually set to about 15% of the rated protected line
The time delay must comply with the selectivity planning of the protection in the whole
network if the function is used for tripping the circuit breaker. The time delay might be
longer if the function is intended for alarming purposes.
For the parameter list and their setting ranges, please see Setting parameters in the
Technical reference manual.
If the rated current of the protected line is IL, then the primary set value IsPRIMwill be:
Broken conductor check (BRC) &KDSWHU
IsP RIM = 0, 15 I L
(Equation 352)
Is SE C = -------------- Is PRIM
(Equation 353)
The relay setting value IP> is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
I1b, associated to the current transformer input I1. The value for IP> is given from this
IP> = --------------- 100
(Equation 354)
Broken conductor check (BRC) &KDSWHU
So it is obtained:
-------------- Is PRIM
IP> = - 100
I 1b
(Equation 355)
----------------- 0, 15 IL
1.4 I L
- 100 = 10.7 %
IP> = -------------------------------------------
(Equation 356)
Set the time delay of the function, t, under the setting menu:
on the value t.
Loss of voltage check (LOV) &KDSWHU
The trip of the circuit breaker at a prolonged loss of voltage at all the three phases is
normally used in automatic restoration systems to facilitate the system restoration after
a major blackout. The loss of voltage check function gives a trip signal only if the volt-
age in all the three phases is low for more then 7 seconds. If the trip to the circuit breaker
is not required, then the function can be used for signallization through an output con-
tact or through the event recording function.
The voltage-measuring elements continuously measure the three phase-to-earth voltag-
es, and compare them with the set values. Fourier recursive filter filters the voltage sig-
The logical values of the following signals become equal to 1, if the related phase mea-
sured voltage decrease under the pre-set value:
The 150 ms output trip pulse is issued if all the three phase voltages are below the set-
ting value for more than 7s. The function can be blocked from the fuse failure supervi-
sion function intervention and when the main circuit breaker is open.
The simplified logic diagram of the loss of voltage check function is shown in figure
The terminal is in TEST status (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockLOV=Yes)
The input signal LOV--BLOCK is high
The LOV--BLOCK signal is a general purpose blocking signal of the loss of voltage
check function. It can be connected to a binary input of the terminal in order to receive
a block command from external devices or can be software connected to other internal
Loss of voltage check (LOV) &KDSWHU
functions of the terminal itself in order to receive a block command from internal func-
tions. Through an OR gate it can be connected to both binary inputs and internal func-
tion outputs.
enables the function (signal latched enable in figure 165 is set to 1) when the line is
restored; i.e. at least one of the three voltages is high for more then 3 seconds (signal
set enable in figure 165).
disables the function (signal latched enable in figure is set to 0) if the signal reset
enable in figure 165 is set to 1 (reset of latced enable signal).
The latched enable signal is reset (i.e. the function is blocked) if:
the main circuit breaker is opened. This is achieved by connecting a N.C. contact of
the main circuit breaker to a terminal binary input connected to the function input
the fuse failure supervision function has tripped. This is achieved by connecting the
output signal of the fuse failure supervision, FUSE-VTSU, to the function input
not all the three phase voltages are low for more then 10 s (only one or two phase
voltages are low).
Loss of voltage check (LOV) &KDSWHU
BlockLOV = Yes
)XQFWLRQ(QDEOH 7s 150 ms
STUL1N & t
10 s
>1 t
The parameters for the loss of voltage check function are set via the local HMI or PST
(Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parame-
ters and path in local HMI.
For the parameter list and their setting ranges, please see Setting parameters in the
Technical reference manual.
The low voltage primary setting should be lower than the minimum system operating
voltage. A reasonable setting will probably be 20-50% of system nominal voltage.
For a primary set value UsPRIM the secondary setting value UsSEC is:
Loss of voltage check (LOV) &KDSWHU
Us SE C = ----------------- Us PRIM
(Equation 357)
The relay setting value UPE< is given in percentage of the secondary base voltage val-
ue, U1b, associated to the voltage transformer input. The value for UPE< is given from
this formula:
- 100
UPE< = -----------------
(Equation 358)
Overload supervision (OVLD) &KDSWHU
The overload supervision function sends an alarm signal when the current exceeds the
set level for longer than a pre-set time. The operating level of the current measuring el-
ement can be set to the maximum, accepted, continuous current. So operators are alerted
if the primary system operates in a dangerous overload mode. A typical application is
the signalling of the overload of the current transformers connected to the terminal, as
they usually can withstand a small current beyond their rated current.
The current-measuring elements continuously measure the three phase currents, and
compare them with the set values. Fouriers recursive filter filters the current signals.
The logical values of the following signals become equal to 1, if the measured current
in any phase exceeds the pre-set value:
If any of the three phase currents exceeds the set value IP> for a period longer than the
delay time t, then the trip signal OVLD-TRIP is emitted.
The simplified logic diagram of the time delayed phase overload function is shown in
figure 166.
The terminal is in TEST status (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockOVLD=Yes)
The input signal OVLD-BLOCK is high
Overload supervision (OVLD) &KDSWHU
The output trip signal OVLD-TRIP is a three-phase trip. It can be used to command a
trip to the circuit breaker or for a signallization.
BlockOVLD = Yes
& t
STIL2 >1
The parameters for the overload supervision function are set via the local HMI or PST
(Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parame-
ters and path in local HMI.
The current level set should be above the maximum permissible load current. Consider
the accuracy class of the used instrument current transformers and the specified accu-
racy of the current measuring elements in the REx 5xx terminals.
The corresponding time delay must comply with the selectivity planning of the protec-
tion in the whole network, and with the permissible overloading of the conductors, if
the function is used for tripping the circuit breaker. The above settings might change to
a lower current value and longer time delay if the function serves only for alarming and
not for tripping purposes.
Overload supervision (OVLD) &KDSWHU
The relay setting value IP> is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
I1b , associated to the current transformer.
If IsSEC is the secondary current operating value of the function, then the relay setting
value IP> is given from this formula:
IP> = --------------- 100
(Equation 359)
Dead line detection (DLD) &KDSWHU
The dead-line detection function (DLD) detects the disconnected phase(s) of a protect-
ed object. The output information serves as an input condition for some other measuring
functions within the REx 5xx terminals. Typical examples of such functions are:
For this reason, always configure the DLD--START output signal to the corresponding
inputs of the above functions.
Figure 167 presents a simplified logic diagram of the function. Phase L1, L2 and L3
currents and voltages are measured by one of the built-in digital signal processors. Log-
ical signals STMILn become logical one, if the measured current in the corresponding
phase (n = 1..3) decreases under the set operating level.
Logical signals STULnN become logical one, if the measured voltage in the corre-
sponding phase (n = 1..3) decreases under the set operating level.
Dead line detection (DLD) &KDSWHU
& &
A complete line is determined as a dead-line, when the voltages and the currents in
all three phases decrease under the set operate values. A DLD--START output informs
about this operating condition.
Dead line detection (DLD) &KDSWHU
The parameters for the dead line detection function are set via the local HMI or PST
(Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parame-
ters and path in local HMI.
Set the minimum operate voltage UP< (phase value) with a sufficient margin (at least
15%) under the minimum expected system operate voltage.
Set the minimum operate current with sufficient margin (15 - 20%) under the minimum
expected load current. In many cases the minimum load current of a line is close to 0 or
even 0. In such cases a setting must be chosen so that signals DLD-STILn are given dur-
ing normal operation. The operate value must however acceed the maximum charging
current of an overhead line, when only one phase is disconnected (mutual coupling to
the other phases).
Dead line detection (DLD) &KDSWHU
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the secondary system supervision functions.
Current circuit supervision (CTSU) &KDSWHU
The correct operation of a protection depends on correct information about the primary
value of currents and voltages. When currents from two independent 3-phase sets of
CTs, or CT cores, measuring the same primary currents are available, a reliable current
circuit supervision can be arranged by comparing the currents from the two sets. If an
error in any CT circuit is detected, the protection functions concerned are to be blocked
and an alarm given.
In case of large currents, unequal transient saturation of CT cores with different rema-
nence or different saturation factor may result in differences in the secondary currents
from the two CT sets. Unwanted blocking of protection functions during the transient
period must be avoided.
The supervision function must be sensitive and have short operate time to prevent un-
wanted tripping from fast-acting, sensitive numerical protections in case of errors in the
current circuits.
Note that the same current input transformer (I5) in REx 5xx is used for the reference
current Iref of the CT supervision, the residual current from the parallel line for the fault
locator and, dependent on setting I4 or I5, maybe for the earth-fault protection function.
Hence, when the CT supervision function is used, the other functions mentioned can not
be used. Also the settings Xm0 = 0 and Rm0 = 0 must be used for the fault locator.
The supervision function compares the numerical value of the sum of the three phase
currents |Iphase| (current inputs I1, I2 and I3) and the numerical value of the residual
current |Iref| (current input I5) from another current transformer set, see figure 168.
The CTSU-FAIL output will be set to a logical one when the following criteria are ful-
The numerical value of the difference |Iphase| |Iref| is higher than 80% of the nu-
merical value of the sum |Iphase| + |Iref|.
The numerical value of the current |Iphase| |Iref| is equal to or higher than the set
operate value IMinOp (5 - 100% of I1b).
No phase current has exceeded 1.5 times rated relay current I1b during the last 10
The current circuit supervision is enabled by setting Operation = On.
Current circuit supervision (CTSU) &KDSWHU
The CTSU-FAIL output remains activated 100 ms after the AND-gate resets when be-
ing activated for more than 20 ms. If the CTSU-FAIL lasts for more than 150 ms a
CTSU-ALARM will be issued. In this case the CTSU-FAIL and CTSU-ALARM will
remain activated 1 s after the AND-gate resets. This prevents unwanted resetting of the
blocking function when phase current supervision element(s) operate, e.g. during a
I L1
I L2 -
I L3
+ +
Iref + x 0,8 -
1,5 x I r
10 ms >1 CTSU-FAIL
20 ms 100 ms
150 ms 1s
Current circuit supervision (CTSU) &KDSWHU
| I phase | - | I ref |
Slope = 1
Slope = 0.8
I MinOp
| I phase | + | I ref |
Note that due to the formulas for the axis compared, |Iphase| - |Iref| and |Iphase| + |Iref|
respectively, the slope can not be above 1.
The function is activated by setting Operation = On.
The minimum operate current (IMinOp) should as a minimum be set to twice the resid-
ual current in the supervised CT circuits under normal service conditions and rated pri-
mary current. The setting range is 5 100% of I1b
The CTSU-FAIL and CTSU-ALARM outputs are connected to the blocking input of
the actual protection function and output alarm relay respectively via the internal logic
programming of the REx 5xx relay.
Fuse failure supervision (FUSE) &KDSWHU
Different protection functions within the REx 5xx protection, control and monitoring
terminals operate on the basis of the measured voltage in the relay point. Examples are:
distance protection function, undervoltage measuring function and voltage check for
the weak infeed logic.
These functions can operate unnecessarily if a fault occurs in the secondary circuits be-
tween the voltage instrument transformers and the terminal.
The fuse-failure supervision function as built into the REx 5xx terminals can operate on
the basis of external binary signals from the miniature circuit breaker or from the line
disconnector. The first case influences the operation of all voltage-dependent functions
while the second one does not affect the impedance measuring functions.
The zero sequence detection algorithm, based on the zero sequence measuring quanti-
ties, a high value of voltage 3U0 without the presence of the residual current 3I0, is
recommended for terminals used in directly or low impedance earthed networks.
A criterion based on delta current and delta voltage measurements can be added to the
FUSE function in order to detect a three phase fuse failure, which in practice is more
associated with voltage transformer switching during station operations.
The current and voltage measuring elements within one of the built-in digital signal pro-
cessors continuously measure the currents and voltages in all three phases and calcu-
comparing them with their respective set values 3I0< and 3U0>.
Fuse failure supervision (FUSE) &KDSWHU
Fouriers recursive filter filters the current and voltage signals, and a separate trip
counter prevents high overreaching of the measuring elements. The signal STZERO is
set to 1, if the zero sequence measured voltage exceeds its set value 3U0> and if the zero
sequence measured current does not exceed its pre-set value 3I0<.
Fuse failure supervision (FUSE) &KDSWHU
20 ms
$OOYROWDJHV )86(6725(3+
& t
150 ms
t & 1
BlockFUSE= Yes
Fuse failure supervision (FUSE) &KDSWHU
The current and voltage measuring elements within one of the built-in digital signal pro-
cessors continuously measure the currents and voltages in all three phases and calcu-
comparing them with their respective set values I< and U>.
The delta current and delta voltage algorithm, detects a fuse failure if a sufficient neg-
ative change in voltage amplitude without a sufficient change in current amplitude is
detected in each phase separately. This check is performed if the circuit breaker is
closed. Information about the circuit breaker position is brought to the function input
CBCLOSED through a binary input of the terminal.
The signal STDUDI is set to 1, if the measured voltage change exceeds its set value
DU> and if the measured current change does not exceed its pre-set value DI<. If the
voltage is low in any phase (STUL1N, STUL2N or STUL3N=1), the STDUDI signal
is sealed in.
IL2> &
& STDUDI >1 t
& 1
150 ms
200 ms
t >1
BlockFUSE= Yes
Fuse failure supervision (FUSE) &KDSWHU
Signals STUL1N, STUL2N and STUL3N are related to phase to earth voltages and be-
come 1 when the respective phase voltage is lower than the set value. The set value (U<)
is chosen in the dead line detection function, that is always present in the terminal when
the fuse failure supervision is present.
The terminal is in TEST status (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockFUSE=Yes)
The input signal FUSE-BLOCK is high
The FUSE-BLOCK signal is a general purpose blocking signal of the fuse failure su-
pervision function. It can be connected to a binary input of the terminal in order to re-
ceive a block command from external devices or can be software connected to other
internal functions of the terminal itself in order to receive a block command from inter-
nal functions. Through OR gate it can be connected to both binary inputs and internal
function outputs.
Function input signal FUSE-MCB is to be connected via a terminal binary input to the
N.C. auxiliary contact of the miniature circuit breaker protecting the VT secondary cir-
Function input signal FUSE-DISC is to be connected via a terminal binary input to the
N.C. auxiliary contact of the line disconnector.
The function output FUSE-VTSU can be used for blocking the voltage related measur-
ing functions (undervoltage protection, synchrocheck etc.) except for the impedance
Function output FUSE-VTSZ can be used for blocking the impedance protection func-
The FUSE-MCB signal sets the output signals FUSE-VTSU and FUSE-VTSZ in order
to block all the voltage related functions when the MCB is open. The additional drop-
off timer of 150 ms prolongs the presence of FUSE-MCB signal to prevent the unwant-
ed operation of voltage dependent function due to non simultaneous closing of the main
contacts of the miniature circuit breaker.
The FUSE-DISC signal sets the output signal FUSE-VTSU in order to block the voltage
related functions when the line disconnector is open. The impedance protection func-
tion is not affected by the position of the line disconnector.
Fuse failure supervision (FUSE) &KDSWHU
The function input signal FUSE-DLCND is related to the dead line condition detection.
It has to be connected to the output signal of the dead line condition function DLD-
STPH (dead phase condition detected). This signal is activated from the dead line con-
dition function when the voltage and the current in at least one phase are below their
respective setting values. It prevents the blocking of the impedance protection by a fuse
failure detection during dead line condition (that occurs also during single pole auto-
reclosing). The 200 ms drop-off timer prolongs the dead line condition after the line-
energization in order to prevent the blocking of the impedance protection for unequal
pole closing.
If a fuse failure condition is detected, the signal FUSE-VTSU is turned high, and if there
is no dead line condition also FUSE-VTSZ is high. If the fuse failure condition remains
for more then five seconds and at least one of the phases has a low phase to earth volt-
age, then the fuse failure condition is latched.
The output signal FUSE-VTF3PH is high if the fuse failure condition is detected for 5
seconds and all the three measured voltages are low (STUL1N = STUL2N = STUL3N
= 1).
Fuse failure condition is unlatched when the normal voltage conditions are restored
(STUL1N = STUL2N = STUL3N = 0).
Fuse failure condition is stored in the non volatile memory of the terminal. In the new
start-up procedure the terminal checks the VTF3PH (STORE3PH) value in its non vol-
atile memory and establishes the corresponding starting conditions.
The operating value for the voltage check functionare set via the local HMI or PST (Pa-
rameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters
and path in local HMI.
The zero sequence voltages and currents always exist due to different non-symmetries
in the primary system and differences in the current and voltage instrument transform-
ers. The minimum value for the operation of the current and voltage measuring ele-
ments must always be set with a safety margin of 10 to 15%, depending on the system
operating conditions.
Pay special attention to the dissymmetry of the measuring quantities when the function
is used on longer untransposed lines, on multi circuit lines and so on.
Fuse failure supervision (FUSE) &KDSWHU
The relay setting value 3U0> is given in percentage of the secondary base voltage value,
U1b, associated to the voltage transformer input U1. If UsSEC is the secondary setting
value of the relay, then the value for 3U0> is given from equation 360.
3U0> = ------------------ 100
(Equation 360)
The parameters for the fuse failure supervision function are set via the local HMI or
PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting pa-
rameters and path in local HMI.
The relay setting value 3I0< is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
I1b, associated to the current transformer input I1. If IsSEC is the secondary setting val-
ue of the relay, then the value for 3I0< is given from equation 361.
- 100
3I0< = --------------
(Equation 361)
The relay setting value DU> is given in percentage of the secondary base voltage value,
U1b, associated to the voltage transformer input U1. If UsSEC is the secondary setting
value of the relay, the value for DU> is given from equation 362.
DU> = ------------------ 100
(Equation 362)
The parameters for the fuse failure supervision function are set via the local HMI or
PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting pa-
rameters and path in local HMI.
The relay setting value DI< is given in percentage of the secondary base current value,
I1b, associated to the current transformer input I1. If IsSEC is the secondary setting val-
ue of the relay, the value for DI< is given from equation 363.
Fuse failure supervision (FUSE) &KDSWHU
DI< = --------------- 100
(Equation 363)
Voltage transformer supervision (TCT) &KDSWHU
If a capacitor element in a capacitive voltage transformer breaks down, that is the ele-
ment is short circuited or interrupted an unbalance appears. This unbalance occurs as a
false residual voltage on the capacitive voltage transformer terminals. If the capacitor
element is interrupted the corresponding phase voltage will be undefined, and if the ca-
pacitor element is short circuited the corresponding phase voltage is increased. This
false voltage change might affect different functions, such as distance protection, un-
der voltage, overvoltage and voltage check for weak infeed logic.
After a settable time delay, the voltage transformer supervision function activates the
TCT_START signal, if the residual voltage exceeds the set value. This signal can be
used as an alarm to the operator that the capacitive voltage transformer is not in a good
condition and/or as a blocking signal for certain relays that rely on any phase voltage or
the residual voltage.
To ensure that the function is not activated while the protected object is out of operation,
it is required that at least one of the phase to phase voltages exceeds 80% of nominal
Fuse failure supervision is a related function, but is activated only when a secondary
voltage totally disappears, i.e. goes to approximately zero. The TCT function can act on
smaller residual voltages.
UL1 Phase L1
UR Residual voltage
Voltage transformer supervision (TCT) &KDSWHU
The algorithm of the Voltage transformer supervision function is rather straightforward.
The phase voltages pass a fourier filter. The magnitude of phase-to-phase voltage, UPP
is measured. An indicator signal STUPP will be issued when the magnitude of phase-
to-phase voltage passes the set value of nominal phase-to-phase voltage. See figure 172
"Phase-to-phase voltage and residual voltage measurement" on page 380.
Residual voltage pass a frequency adjusted fourier filter. The magnitude of residual
voltage, UR is measured. An indicator signal STUR will be issued when the magnitude
of residual voltage passes the set value of residual voltage.
Following modules for the TCT are described:
Start logic
Block and VTSU logic
The logic consists of two different functions, one for detection of lower limit phase-to-
phase voltage and one for detection of over limit residual voltage.
Voltage transformer supervision (TCT) &KDSWHU
STUPP3 tDelay
The START signal shall be issued when all the conditions below are fulfilled:
Residual voltage 3U0 passing the set value for residual voltage limit UN>. At least
one of the phase-to-phase voltage is higher than 80% of the rated voltage phase-to-
phase, see figure 173 "TCT logic" on page 381.
Time delay tDelay has elapsed.
The START signal shall be reset when at least one of the conditions below is fulfilled:
Residual voltage is lower than the set value for residual voltage limit UN>.
All of the phase-to-phase voltages are lower than 40% of the rated voltage phase to
All binary outputs shall be reset when the input BLOCK or VTSU is set.
Note that the BLOCK or VTSU only blocks outputs. All measuring functions are still
executing. Disabling the input BLOCK or VTSU can trip the TCT instantaneously.
There are only two parameters to set for the TCT function: the residual overvoltage lim-
it, and the time delay.
Voltage transformer supervision (TCT) &KDSWHU
1 1 1 1
V a = V a V a = --------------------------- V A ------------- V A = ---------------------V A = --- V a
(n 1 ) + 1 n+ 1 n (n + 1 ) n
(Equation 364)
9$ 9% 9&
9D 9E 9F
The corresponding vector diagram is shown in figure 175 "The residual voltage will be
equal to the voltage increase in the phase with the broken capacitor element." on page
383, where also the residual voltage is shown. The residual voltage will be equal to the
voltage increase in the phase with the broken capacitor element.
Voltage transformer supervision (TCT) &KDSWHU
9& 9%
With a security margin of about 15% the suitable setting for the residual overvoltage
limit should be:
UN> = 0.85 1 n
(Equation 365)
(n+1) is the total number of capacitor elements in one phase of the capacitive voltage
transformer, having one element feeding the magnetic voltage transformer.
The time delay is set in such a way that high speed protective functions, not sensitive to
the residual voltage caused by the insulation break-down of one capacitor element, are
not affected. Sensitive delayed protective functions, that are sensitive to this change in
residual voltage could be blocked by this voltage transformer supervision function.
Voltage transformer supervision (TCT) &KDSWHU
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the control functions.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The synchrocheck function is used for controlled closing of a circuit in an interconnect-
ed network. When used, the function gives an enable signal at satisfied voltage condi-
tions across the breaker to be closed. When there is a parallel circuit established, the
frequency is normally the same at the two sides of the open breaker. At power swings,
e.g. after a line fault, an oscillating difference can appear. Across the open breaker,
there can be a phase angle and a voltage amplitude difference due to voltage drop across
the parallel circuit or circuits. The synchro-check function measures the difference be-
tween the U-line and the U-bus, regarding voltage (UDiff), phase angle (PhaseDiff),
and frequency (FreqDiff). It operates and permits closing of the circuit breaker when
the following conditions are simultaneously fulfilled:
The voltages U-line and U-bus are higher than the set value for UHigh of the base
voltage U1b.
The differences in the voltage and phase angles are smaller than the set values of
UDiff and PhaseDiff.
The difference in frequency is less than the set value of FreqDiff. The bus frequency
must also be within a range of +/-5 Hz from the rated frequency.
The function can be used as a condition to be fulfilled before the breaker is closed at
manual closing and/or together with the auto-recloser function.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
U-Line U-Bus
The voltage circuits are arranged differently depending on the number of synchrocheck
functions that are included in the terminal.
In terminals intended for one bay the U-line voltage reference phase is selected on the
human-machine interface (HMI). The reference voltage can be phase-neutral L1, L2,
L3 or phase-phase voltage L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1. The U-bus voltage must then be con-
nected to the same phase or phases as are chosen on the HMI. Figure 177 shows the
voltage connection.
In terminals intended for several bays, all voltage inputs are single phase circuits. The
voltage can be selected for single phase or phase-to-phase measurement on the HMI.
All voltage inputs must be connected to the same phase or phases.
The circuit breaker can be closed when the conditions for FreqDiff, PhaseDiff, and
UDiff are fulfilled with the UHigh condition.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
L1,L2,L3 8 UL1
U L12,L23 8 UL2
L31 U-Line
SYN1 8 UL3
8 U
The energizing check is made when a disconnected line is to be connected to an ener-
gized section of a network, see figure 178. The check can also be set to allow energiza-
tion of the busbar or in both directions.
U-Bus U-Line
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The equipment is considered energized if the voltage is above the set value UHigh (e.g.
80% of the base voltage), and non-energized if it is below the set value, ULow (e.g. 30%
of the base voltage). The user can set the UHigh condition between 70-100% U1b and
the ULow condition between 10-80% U1b.
A disconnected line can have a considerable potential due to, for instance, induction
from a line running in parallel, or by being fed via the extinguishing capacitors in the
circuit breakers. This voltage can be as high as 30% or more of the rated voltage of the
The energizing operation can be set to operate in either direction over the circuit break-
er, or it can be permitted to operate in both directions. Use the AutoEnerg and ManEn-
erg HMI setting to select the energizing operation in:
The voltage check can also be set Off. A closing impulse can be issued to the circuit
breaker if one of the U-line or U-bus voltages is High and the other is Low, that is, when
only one side is energized. The user can set AutoEnerg and ManEnerg to enable differ-
ent conditions during automatic and manual closing of the circuit breaker.
In the manual mode it is also possible to allow closing when both sides of the breaker
are dead. This is done by setting the parameter ManDBDL = On and ManEnerg to
DLLB, DBLL or Both.
The voltage selection function is used for the synchrocheck and energizing check func-
tions. When the terminal is used in a double bus, the voltage that should be selected de-
pends on the status of the breakers and/or disconnectors. By checking the status of the
disconnectors and/or breakers auxiliary contacts, the terminal can select the right volt-
age for the synchrocheck and energizing check functions. Select the type of voltage se-
lection from the synchrocheck, Uselection, SingleBus or DbleBus on the HMI. When
using voltage selection, some extra binary inputs are required.
The configuration of internal signal inputs and outputs may be different for different
busbar systems, and the actual configuration for the substation must be done during en-
gineering of the terminal.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Bus 1 Bay 1
U-Line 1
U-Line ULx ULx
Single bus is selected on the HMI. Figure 179 shows the principle for the connection
arrangement. One terminal unit is used for one bay. For the synchrocheck (SYN1) and
energizing check function, there is one voltage transformer at each side of the circuit
breaker. The voltage transformer circuit connections are straight forward, no special
voltage selection is needed.
For the synchrocheck and energizing check, the voltage from Bus 1 (U-Bus 1) is con-
nected to the single phase analogue input (U5) on the terminal unit.
The line voltage (U-line 1) is connected as a three-phase voltage to the analog inputs
UL1, UL2, UL3 (ULx).
The external fuse-failure signals or signals from a tripped fuse switch/MCB are con-
nected to binary inputs that are configured to inputs of the synchrocheck functions in
the terminal. There are two alternative connection possibilities. Inputs named OK must
be supplied if the voltage circuit is healthy. Inputs named FF must be supplied if the
voltage circuit is faulty.
The SYN1-UB1OK and SYN1-UB1FF inputs are related to the busbar voltage. Config-
ure them to the binary inputs that indicate the status of the external fuse failure of the
busbar voltage. The SYN1-VTSU input is related to the line voltage.
The user can use the FUSE-VTSU signal from the built-in optional fuse-failure function
as an alternative to the external fuse-failure signals.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
In case of a fuse failure, the energizing check (dead line-check) is blocked via the inputs
Bus 1 Bay 1
Bus 2
U-Line 1
Select DbleBus on the HMI. Figure 180 shows the principle for the connection arrange-
ment. One terminal is used for one bay. For the synchrocheck (SYN1) and energizing
check function, the voltages on the two busbars are selected by the voltage selection in
the terminal unit. The bus voltage from Bus 1 is fed to the U5 analog single-phase input,
and the bus voltage from Bus 2 is fed to the U4 analog single-phase input. The line volt-
age transformers are connected as a three-phase voltage UL1, UL2, UL3 (ULx) to the
input U-line 1.
The selection of the bus voltage is made by checking the position of the disconnectors
auxiliary contacts connected via binary inputs of the voltage selection logic inputs,
SYN1-CB1OPEN (Disconnector section 1 open), SYN1-CB1CLD (Disconnector sec-
tion 1 closed) and SYN1-CB2OPEN (Disconnector section 2 open), SYN1-CB2CLD
(Disconnector section 2 closed).
The external fuse-failure signals or signals from a tripped fuse switch/MCB are con-
nected to binary inputs configured to inputs of the synchro-check functions in the ter-
minal. There are two alternative connection possibilities. Inputs named OK must be
supplied if the voltage circuit is healthy. Inputs named FF must be supplied if the volt-
age circuit is faulty.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The SYN1-UB1(2)OK and SYN1-UB1(2)FF inputs are related to each busbar voltage.
The SYN1-VTSU input is related to the line voltage. Configure them to the binary in-
puts that indicate the status of the external fuse failure of the busbar respectively the line
voltage. Only the fuse failure of a selected voltage causes a blocking of the relevant en-
ergizing check unit.
The user can use the FUSE-VTSU signal from the built-in optional selectable fuse-fail-
ure function as an alternative to the external fuse-failure signals.
In case of a fuse failure, the energizing check (dead line-check) is blocked via the inputs
The voltage circuits are arranged differently depending on the number of synchrocheck
functions that are included in the terminal.
In terminals intended for one bay the U-line voltage reference phase is selected on the
human-machine interface (HMI). The reference voltage can be phase-neutral L1, L2,
L3 or phase-phase L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1. The U-bus voltage must then be connected to
the same phase or phases as are chosen on the HMI. Figure 181 shows the voltage con-
In terminals intended for several bays, all voltage inputs are single phase circuits. The
voltage can be selected for phase-neutral or phase-to-phase measurement on the HMI.
All voltage inputs must be connected to the same phase or phases.
The circuit breaker can be closed when the conditions for FreqDiff, PhaseDiff, and
UDiff are fulfilled with the UHigh condition.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
L1,L2,L3 UL1
U L12,L23
L31 UL2
SYN1 8 UL3
8 UN
U-Bus 1
Setting AD U
L1,L2,L3 8 UN
U-Bus 2
U L12,L23
SYN2 99000079.vsd
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Bus 1 Bay 1
Bus 2
U-Bus U5 U5 U-Bus 1
U-Bus 2
U-Line ULx U4
U-Bus U4
U-Line 1
U-Line ULx ULx
The principle for the connection arrangement is shown in figure 182. One terminal is
used for the two circuit breakers in one bay. There is one voltage transformer at each
side of the circuit breaker, and the voltage transformer circuit connections are straight-
forward, without any special voltage selection.
For the synchrocheck and energizing check, the voltage from Bus 1 (U-bus 1) is con-
nected to the single-phase analog input (U5) on the terminal and the voltage from Bus
2 (U-bus 2) is connected to the single-phase analog input (U4).
The line voltage transformers are connected as a three-phase voltage to the analogue in-
puts UL1, UL2, UL3 (ULx).
The synchronism condition is set on the HMI of the terminal, and the voltage is taken
from Bus 1 and the Line or from Bus 2 and the Line (U-line 1). This means that the two
synchrocheck units are operating without any special voltage selection, but with the
same line (U-line 1) voltage.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The configuration of internal signals, inputs, and outputs may be different for different
busbar systems, and the actual configuration for the substation must be done during en-
gineering of the terminal.
The external fuse-failure signals or signals from a tripped fuse switch/MCB are con-
nected to binary inputs configured to inputs of the synchro-check functions in the ter-
minal. There are two alternative connection possibilities. Inputs named OK must be
supplied if the voltage circuit is healthy. Inputs named FF must be supplied if the volt-
age circuit is faulty.
The SYN1(2)-UB1OK and SYN1(2)-UB1FF inputs are related to the busbar voltage.
Configure them to the binary inputs that indicate the status of the external fuse failure
of the busbar voltage. The SYN1(2)-VTSU input is related to the line voltage from each
The user can use the FUSE-VTSU signal from the built-in optional selectable fuse-fail-
ure function as an alternative to the external fuse-failure signals.
In case of a fuse failure, the energizing check (dead line check) is blocked via the inputs
(SYN1(2)-UB1OK/FF or SYN1(2)-VTSU).
The phasing function is used to close a circuit breaker when two asynchronous systems
are going to be connected. The breaker close command is issued at the optimum time
when conditions across the breaker are satisfied in order to avoid stress on the network
and its components.
The systems are defined to be asynchronous when the frequency difference between bus
and line is larger than an adjustable parameter. If the frequency difference is less than
this threshold value the system is defined to have a parallel circuit and the synchro-
check function is used.
The phasing function measures the difference between the U-line and the U-bus. It op-
erates and enables a closing command to the circuit breaker when the calculated closing
angle is equal to the measured phase angle and the following conditions are simulta-
neously fulfilled:
The voltages U-line and U-bus are higher than the set value for UHigh of the base
voltage U1b.
The difference in the voltage is smaller than the set value of UDiff.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The difference in frequency is less than the set value of FreqDiffSynch and larger
than the set value of FreqDiff. If the frequency is less than FreqDiff the synchro-
check is used. The bus and line frequencies must also be within a range of +/-5 Hz
from the rated frequency.
The frequency rate of change is less than 0.21 Hz/s for both U-bus and U-line.
The closing angle is less than approx. 60 degrees.
The phasing function compensates for measured slip frequency as well as the circuit
breaker closing delay. The phase advance is calculated continuously by the following
(Equation 366)
Closing angle is the change in angle during breaker closing operate time.
U-Line U-Bus
UHigh>70-100% Ur
UDiff<5-60% Ur Fuse fail
|dFbus/dt|,|dFline/dt|<0.21Hz/s Line
Fbus,Fline=Fr U-Line
PhaseDiff<60 Fuse fail voltage
The reference voltage can be phase-neutral L1, L2, L3 or phase-phase L1-L2, L2-L3,
L3-L1. The U-bus voltage must then be connected to the same phase or phases as are
chosen on the HMI. Figure 184 shows the voltage connection.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
L1,L2,L3 8 UL1
U L12,L23 8 UL2
SYN1 8 UL3
8 U
f UN
SYN1 99000085.vsd
The voltage selection function is used for the phasing and synchronism (SYN1) and en-
ergizing check functions. When the terminal is used in a double bus, the voltage that
should be selected depends on the positions of the breakers and/or disconnectors. By
checking the position of the disconnectors and/or breakers auxiliary contacts, the termi-
nal can select the right voltage for the synchronism and energizing function. Select the
type of voltage selection from the Synchro-check, Uselection, SingleBus or DbleBus on
the HMI.
The configuration of internal signal inputs and outputs may be different for different
busbar systems, and the actual configuration for the substation must be done during en-
gineering of the terminal.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Bus 1 Bay 1
U-Line 1
U-Line ULx ULx
Single bus is selected on the HMI. Figure 185 shows the principle for the connection
arrangement. For the phasing, synchrocheck (SYN1) and energizing check function,
there is one voltage transformer at each side of the circuit breaker. The voltage trans-
former circuit connections are straight forward, no special voltage selection is needed.
For the phasing, synchrocheck and energizing check, the voltage from Bus 1 (U-Bus 1)
is connected to the single phase analog input (U5) on the terminal.
The line voltage (U-line 1) is connected as a three-phase voltage to the analog inputs
UL1, UL2, UL3 (ULx).
The external fuse-failure signals or signals from a tripped fuse switch/MCB are con-
nected to binary inputs configured to inputs of the synchrocheck functions in the termi-
nal. There are two alternative connection possibilities. Inputs named OK must be
supplied if the voltage circuit is healthy. Inputs named FF must be supplied if the volt-
age circuit is faulty.
The SYN1-UB1OK and SYN1-UB1FF inputs are related to the busbar voltage. Config-
ure them to the binary inputs that indicate the status of the external fuse failure of the
busbar voltage. The SYN1-VTSU input is related to the line voltage.
The user can use the FUSE-VTSU signal from the built-in optional fuse-failure function
as an alternative to the external fuse-failure signals.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
In case of a fuse failure, the energizing check (dead line check) is blocked via the inputs
Bus 1 Bay 1
Bus 2
U-Line 1
Select DbleBus on the HMI. Figure 186 shows the principle for the connection arrange-
ment. For the phasing and synchrocheck (SYN1) and energizing check function, the
voltages on the two busbars are selected by the voltage selection in the terminal unit.
The bus voltage from Bus 1 is fed to the U5 analog single-phase input, and the bus volt-
age from Bus 2 is fed to the U4 analog single-phase input. The line voltage transformers
are connected as a three-phase voltage UL1, UL2, UL3 (ULx) to the input U-line 1.
The selection of the bus voltage is made by checking the position of the disconnectors
auxiliary contacts connected via binary inputs of the voltage selection logic inputs,
SYN1-CB1OPEN (Disconnector section 1 open), SYN1-CB1CLD (Disconnector
section 1 closed) and SYN1-CB2OPEN (Disconnector section 2 open), SYN1-
CB2CLD (Disconnector section 2 closed).
The external fuse-failure signals or signals from a tripped fuse switch/MCB are con-
nected to binary inputs configured to inputs of the synchro-check functions in the ter-
minal. There are two alternative connection possibilities. Inputs named OK must be
supplied if the voltage circuit is healthy. Inputs named FF must be supplied if the volt-
age circuit is faulty.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The SYN1-UB1(2)OK and SYN1-UB1(2)FF inputs are related to each busbar voltage.
The SYN1-VTSU input is related to each line voltage. Configure them to the binary in-
puts that indicate the status of the external fuse failure of the busbar respectively the line
voltage. Only the fuse failure of a selected voltage causes a blocking of the relevant en-
ergizing check unit.
The user can use the FUSE-VTSU signal from the built-in optional selectable fuse-fail-
ure function as an alternative to the external fuse-failure signals.
In case of a fuse failure, the energizing check (dead line check) is blocked via the inputs
The reference voltage can be phase-neutral L1, L2, L3 or phase-phase L1-L2, L2-L3,
L3-L1. The U-bus voltage must then be connected to the same phase or phases as are
chosen on the HMI. Figure 187 "Connection of the phasing and synchrocheck function
for one bay." on page 400 shows the voltage connection.
L1,L2,L3 UL1
U L12,L23
U2 UL2
SYN1 U3 U-Line
f U-Bus 1
SYN2 Setting
L12,L23 99000092.vsd
SYN2 L31
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Bus 1 Bay 1
Bus 2
U-Bus U5 U5 U-Bus 1
U-Bus 2
U-Line ULX U4
U-Bus U4
U-Line 1
The principle for the connection arrangement is shown in figure 188. One terminal unit
is used for the two circuit breakers in one bay. There is one voltage transformer at each
side of the circuit breaker, and the voltage transformer circuit connections are straight
forward, without any special voltage selection. For the synchrocheck and energizing
check, the voltage from Bus 1 (U-bus 1) is connected to the single-phase analog input
(U5) on the terminal and the voltage from Bus 2 (U-bus 2) is connected to the single-
phase analog input (U4).
The line voltage transformers are connected as a three-phase voltage to the analog in-
puts UL1, UL2, UL3 (ULx).
The synchronism condition is set on the HMI of the terminal unit, and the voltage is tak-
en from Bus 1 and the Line or from Bus 2 and the Line (U-line 1). This means that the
two synchrocheck units are operating without any special voltage selection, but with the
same line (U-line 1) voltage.
The configuration of internal signals, inputs, and outputs may be different for different
busbar systems, and the actual configuration for the substation must be done during en-
gineering of the terminal.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The external fuse-failure signals or signals from a tripped fuse switch/MCB are con-
nected to binary inputs configured to inputs of the synchro-check functions in the ter-
minal. There are two alternative connection possibilities. Inputs named OK must be
supplied if the voltage circuit is healthy. Inputs named FF must be supplied if the volt-
age circuit is faulty.
The SYN1(2)-UB1OK and SYN1(2)-UB1FF inputs are related to the busbar voltage.
Configure them to the binary inputs that indicate the status of the external fuse failure
of the busbar voltage. The SYN1(2)-VTSU input is related to the line voltage from each
The user can use the FUSE-VTSU signal from the built-in optional selectable fuse-fail-
ure function as an alternative to the external fuse-failure signals.
In case of a fuse failure, the energizing check (dead line- check) is blocked via the input
(SYN1(2)-UB1OK/FF or SYN1(2)-VTSU).
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Connectable inputs
SYNx x=1, 2 or 3
Description of input and output signals for the synchrocheck function.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
SYNx-BLOCK General block input from any external condition, that should block the
SYNx-UB1FF External fuse failure input from busbar voltage Bus 1 (U5). This signal
can come from a tripped fuse switch (MCB) on the secondary side of
the voltage transformer. In case of a fuse failure the energizing check is
SYNx-UB2FF External fuse failure input from busbar voltage Bus 2 (U4). This signal
can come from a tripped fuse switch (MCB) on the secondary side of
the voltage transformer. In case of a fuse failure the energizing check is
SYNx-AUTOOK Synchrocheck/energizing OK. The output signal is high when the syn-
chrocheck conditions set on the HMI are fulfilled. It can also include the
energizing condition, if selected. The signal can be used to release the
auto-recloser before closing attempt of the circuit breaker. It can also
be used as a free signal.
SYNx-MANOK Same as above but with alternative settings of the direction for energiz-
ing to be used during manual closing of the circuit breaker.
SYNx-PHDIFF Difference in phase angle is less than the set difference limit.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
50 ms
UBusHigh & t 0.00-60.0s
ULineHigh & t 1 & SYN1-AUTOOK
FreqDiff t Sync
DBLL 50 ms 0.00-60.0s
1 t & t
UL High &
UL Low
UB High
UB Low
50 ms 0.00-60.0s MANENERG1
1 &
t t
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
& 1 SYN1-VSUB1
& 1 SYN1-VSUB2
Description of the input and output signals shown in the above simplified logic dia-
grams for voltage selection:
SYNx-UB1FF External fuse failure input from busbar voltage Bus 1 (U5). This signal
can come from a tripped fuse switch (MCB) on the secondary side of
the voltage transformer. In case of a fuse failure, the energizing check
is blocked.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
SYNx-UB2FF External fuse failure input from busbar voltage Bus 2 (U4). This signal
can come from a tripped fuse switch (MCB) on the secondary side of
the voltage transformer. In case of fuse failure, the energizing check is
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Connectable inputs
SYNx x=1, 2, 3 or 4
Description of input and output signals for the synchrocheck function.
SYNx-BLOCK General block input from any external condition, that should block the
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
SYNx-UB1FF External fuse failure input from busbar voltage Bus 1 (U5). This signal
can come from a tripped fuse switch (MCB) on the secondary side of
the voltage transformer. In case of a fuse failure the energizing check is
SYNx-AUTOOK Synchrocheck/energizing OK. The output signal is high when the syn-
chrocheck conditions set on the HMI are fulfilled. It can also include the
energizing condition, if selected. The signal can be used to release the
auto-recloser before closing attempt of the circuit breaker. It can also be
used as a free signal.
SYNx-MANOK Same as above but with alternative settings of the direction for energiz-
ing to be used during manual closing of the circuit breaker.
SYNx-PHDIFF Difference in phase angle is less than the set difference limit.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
50 ms
UBusHigh & t 0.00-60.0s
ULineHigh & t 1 & SYN1-AUTOOK
FreqDiff t Sync
DBLL 50 ms 0.00-60.0s
1 t & t
UL High &
UL Low
UB High
UB Low
50 ms 0.00-60.0s MANENERG1
1 &
t t
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Connectable SYN1
Initiate Phasing
Fbus,Fline = Fr 5 Hz
FreqDiffSynch < 50-500 mHz
|dFbus/dt| < 0.21 Hz/s
UHigh > 70-100 %
UDiff < 5-60 %
PhaseDiff < 60 deg Connectable
Fbus,Fline = Fr 5 Hz
FreqDiff < 50-300 mHz
PhaseDiff < 5-75 deg
UDiff < 5-60 %
UHigh > 70-100 %
ULow < 10-80 %
Description of input and output signals for the phasing and synchrocheck function.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
SYN1-BLOCK General block input from any external condition, that should block the
phasing and the synchrocheck.
SYN1-VTSU The SYNC function cooperates with the FUSE-VTSU connected signal,
which is the built-in optional fuse failure detection. It can also be con-
nected to external condition for fuse failure. This is a blocking condition
for the energizing function
SYN1-START The signal initiates the phasing operation. When initiated the function
continues until the SYN1-CLOSECB pulse is submitted or it is stopped by
the SYN1-BLOCK signal. In test mode (SYN1-TESTCB) ends the phas-
ing operation.
SYN1-TESTCB Output when the function is in test mode. In test mode a complete
phasing sequence is performed except for closing of the circuit
breaker. The output signal SYN1-TESTCB indicates when the SYN1-
CLOSECB signal would have been submitted from the phasing func-
tion or when the conditions for paralleling are fulfilled, from the syn-
chro-check function
SYN1-CLOSECB Close breaker command from phasing. Used to the circuit breaker or to
be connected to the auto-reclosing function.
SYN1-INPROGR The signal is high when a phasing operation is in progress, i.e from the
moment a SYN1-START is received until the operation is terminated.
The operation is teminated when SYN1-CLOSECB or SYN1-TESTCB
has been submitted or if a SYN1-BLOCK is received.
SYN1-AUTOOK Synchrocheck/energizing OK. The output signal is high when the syn-
chro-check conditions set on the HMI are fulfilled. It can also include
the energizing condition, if selected. The signal can be used to release
the autorecloser before closing attempt of the circuit breaker. It can
also be used as a free signal.
SYN1-MANOK Same as above but with alternative settings of the direction for energiz-
ing to be used during manual closing of the circuit breaker.
SYN1-PHDIFF Difference in phase angle is less than the set difference limit.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
50 ms & SYN1-CLOSECB
UBusHigh & t
ULineHigh 1
FreqDiffBlock 1 SYN1-TESTCB
dF/dt Bus
dF/dt Line
Fbus 5 Hz
Fline 5 Hz
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
50 ms
UBusHigh & t 0.00-60.0s
ULineHigh & t 1 & SYN1-AUTOOK
FreqDiff t Sync
DBLL 50 ms 0.00-60.0s
1 t & t
UL High &
UL Low
UB High
UB Low
50 ms 0.00-60.0s MANENERG1
1 &
t t
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
S YN 1 -C B 1 O P E N
S Y N 1 -C B 1 C L D 1 S Y N 1 -V S U B 1
U5 S Y N 1 -U -B U S
S YN 1 -C B 2 O P E N
& 1 S Y N 1 -V S U B 2
S Y N 1 -C B 2 C L D U4
S Y N 1 -U B 1 O K
1 &
S Y N 1 -U B 1 F F 1
S Y N 1 -U B 2 O K
1 &
S Y N 1 -U B 2 F F
S Y N 1 -V TS U
9 9000089.vsd
Description of the input and output signals shown in the above simplified logic dia-
grams for voltage selection:
SYN1-UB1FF External fuse failure input from busbar voltage Bus 1 (U5). This signal
can come from a tripped fuse switch (MCB) on the secondary side of
the voltage transformer. In case of a fuse failure, the energizing check
is blocked.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
SYN1-UB2FF External fuse failure input from busbar voltage Bus 2 (U4). This signal
can come from a tripped fuse switch (MCB) on the secondary side of
the voltage transformer. In case of fuse failure, the energizing check
is blocked.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Connectable SYNx x = 1 or 2
Initiate Phasing
Fbus,Fline = Fr 5 Hz
FreqDiffSynch < 50-500 mHz
|dFbus/dt| < 0.21 Hz/s
UHigh > 70-100 %
UDiff < 5-60 %
PhaseDiff < 60 deg Connectable
Fbus,Fline = Fr 5 Hz
FreqDiff < 50-300 mHz
PhaseDiff < 5-75 deg
UDiff < 5-60 %
UHigh > 70-100 %
ULow < 10-80 %
Description of input and output signals for the phasing and synchrocheck function.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
SYNx-BLOCK General block input from any external condition, that should block the
phasing and the synchrocheck.
SYNx-VTSU The SYNC function cooperates with the FUSE-VTSU connected sig-
nal, which is the built-in optional fuse failure detection. It can also be
connected to external condition for fuse failure. This is a blocking con-
dition for the energizing function.
SYNx-UB1FF External fuse failure input from busbar voltage Bus 1 (U5). This signal
can come from a tripped fuse switch (MCB) on the secondary side of
the voltage transformer. In case of a fuse failure the energizing check is
SYNx-START The signal initiates the phasing operation. When initiated the function
continues until the SYNx-CLOSECB pulse is submitted or it is stopped
by the SYNx-BLOCK signal. In test mode SYNx-TESTCB ends the
phasing operation.
SYNx-TESTCB Output when the function is in test mode. In test mode a complete
phasing sequence is performed except for closing of the circuit
breaker. The output signal SYNx-TESTCB indicates when the SYNx-
CLOSECB signal would have been submitted from the phasing func-
tion or when the conditions for paralleling are fulfilled, from the syn-
chro-check function.
SYNx-CLOSECB Close breaker command from phasing. Used to control the circuit
breaker or to be connected to the auto-reclosing function.
SYNx-INPROGR The signal is high when a phasing operation is in progress, i.e from the
moment a SYNx-START is received until the operation is terminated.
The operation is teminated when SYNx-CLOSECB or SYNx-TESTCB
has been submitted or if a SYNx-BLOCK is received.
SYNx-AUTOOK Synchrocheck/energizing OK. The output signal is high when the syn-
chrocheck conditions set on the HMI are fulfilled. It can also include the
energizing condition, if selected. The signal can be used to release the
autorecloser before closing attempt of the circuit breaker. It can also be
used as a free signal.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
SYNx-MANOK Same as above but with alternative settings of the direction for energiz-
ing to be used during manual closing of the circuit breaker.
SYNx-PHDIFF Difference in phase angle is less than the set difference limit.
50 ms
UBusHigh & t
ULineHigh >1
FreqDiff >1 SYN1-TESTCB
dF/dt Bus
dF/dt Line
Fbus 5 Hz
Fline 5 Hz
PhaseDiff=closing angle
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
50 ms
UBusHigh & t 0.00-60.0s
ULineHigh & t 1 & SYN1-AUTOOK
FreqDiff t Sync
DBLL 50 ms 0.00-60.0s
1 t & t
UL High &
UL Low
UB High
UB Low
50 ms 0.00-60.0s MANENERG1
1 &
t t
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The parameters for the synchrocheck function are set via the local HMI or PST (Param-
eter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters and
path in local HMI.
Release There are fixed, high output signals SYNx-AUTOOK = 1 and SYNx-MANOK = 1.
On The function is in service and the output signal depends on the input conditions.
The measuring phase of the UL1, UL2, UL3 line voltage, which can be of a single-
phase (phase-neutral) or two-phases (phase-phase). (Only available in terminals intend-
ed for one bay).
Selection of single-phase (phase-neutral) or two-phase (phase-phase) measure-
ment.(Only available in terminals intended for several bays).
This setting is used to compensate for a phase shift caused by a line transformer be-
tween the two measurement points for UBus and ULine. The set value is added to the
measured phase difference. The bus voltage is reference voltage.
The URatio is defined as URatio=UBus/ULine. A typical use of the setting is to com-
pensate for the voltage difference caused if one wishes to connect the UBus phase-
phase and ULine phase-neutral. The Input phase-setting should then be set to phase-
phase and the URatio-setting to sqr3=1.732. This setting scales up the line voltage to
equal level with the bus voltage.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Selection of single or double bus voltage-selection logic.
Two different settings can be used for automatic and manual closing of the circuit
DLLB The line voltage U-line is low, below (10-80% U1b) and the bus voltage U-
bus is high, above (70-100% U1b).
DBLL The bus voltage U-bus is low, below (10-80% U1b) and the line voltage U-line
is high, above (70-100% U1b).
If the parameter is set to On, closing is enabled when Both U-Line and U-bus are be-
low ULow and ManEnerg is set to DLLB, DBLL or Both.
Two different settings, which define an energize condition, UHigh, and a non-energized
condition, ULow, for the line or bus.
Three different settings for differences between line and bus regarding frequency, phase
angle and voltage respectively.
This setting defines which side, line or bus, that leave three-phase connection of the VT.
This setting is available only for single breaker arrangement for one bay.
Operation delay time of the synchrocheck information.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The parameters for the synchrocheck function are set via the local HMI or PST (Param-
eter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters and
path in local HMI.
Release There are fixed, high output signals SYN1-AUTOOK = 1 and SYN1-
MANOK = 1.
On The function is in service and the output signal depends on the input con-
The measuring phase of the UL1, UL2, UL3 line voltage, which can be of a single-
phase (phase-neutral) or two-phases (phase-phase). (Only available in terminals intend-
ed for one bay).
Selection of single-phase (phase-neutral) or two-phase (phase-phase) measurement.
(Only available in terminals intended for several bays).
This setting is used to compensate for a phase shift caused by a line transformer be-
tween the two measurement points for UBus and ULine. The set value is added to the
measured phase difference. The bus voltage is reference voltage.
The URatio is defined as URatio=UBus/ULine. A typical use of the setting is to com-
pensate for the voltage difference caused if one wishes to connect the UBus phase-
phase and ULine phase-neutral. The Input phase-setting should then be set to phase-
phase and the URatio-setting to sqr3=1.732. This setting scales up the line voltage to
equal level with the bus voltage.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Two different settings can be used for automatic and manual closing of the circuit
DLLB The line voltage U-line is low, below (10-80% U1b) and the bus voltage
U-bus is high, above (70-100% U1b).
DBLL The bus voltage U-bus is low, below (10-80% U1b) and the line voltage
U-line is high, above (70-100% U1b).
If the parameter is set to On, closing is enabled when Both U-Line and U-bus are be-
low ULow and ManEnerg is set to DLLB, DBLL or Both.
Two different settings, which define an energize condition, UHigh, and a non-energized
condition, ULow, for the line or bus.
Three different settings for differences between line and bus regarding frequency, phase
angle and voltage respectively.
Operation delay time of the synchrocheck information.
The parameters for the synchrocheck function are set via the local HMI or PST (Param-
eter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters and
path in local HMI.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Release There are fixed, high output signals SYN1-AUTOOK = 1 and SYN1-MANOK
= 1.
The measuring phase of the UL1, UL2, UL3 line voltage, which can be of a single-
phase (phase-neutral) or two-phases (phase-phase).
This setting is used to compensate for a phase shift caused by a line transformer be-
tween the two measurement points for UBus and ULine. The set value is added to the
measured phase difference. The bus voltage is reference voltage.
The URatio is defined as URatio=UBus/ULine. A typical use of the setting is to com-
pensate for the voltage difference caused if wished to connect the UBus phase-phase
and ULine phase-neutral. The Input phase-setting should then be set to phase-phase
and the URatio-setting to sqr3=1.732. This setting scales up the line voltage to equal
level with the bus voltage.
Selection of single or double bus voltage-selection logic.
Two different settings can be used for automatic and manual closing of the circuit
DLLB The line voltage U-line is low, below (10-80% U1b) and the bus voltage U-
bus is high, above (70-100% U1b).
DBLL The bus voltage U-bus is low, below (10-80% U1b) and the line voltage U-
line is high, above (70-100% U1b).
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
If the parameter is set to On, closing is enabled when Both U-Line and U-bus are be-
low ULow and ManEnerg is set to DLLB, DBLL or Both.
Two different settings, which define an energize condition, UHigh, and a non-energized
condition, ULow, for the line or bus.
Three different settings for differences between line and bus regarding frequency, phase
angle and voltage respectively.
Off The phasing function is disabled and all outputs are low.
On The phasing function is in service and the output signals depends on the
input conditions.
Off The closing pulse issued to the circuit breaker will be of length=tPulse.
On The closing pulse issued to the circuit breaker will be of length=one cycle
time in the internal logic.
Setting for frequency difference between line and bus for the phasing function.
The length of the breaker closing pulse. See also the setting ShortPulse, which sets the
length to one cycle timer of the internal logic.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Closing time of the breaker.
This setting defines which side, line or bus, that have three-phase connection of the VT.
This setting is available only for single breaker arrangement for one bay.
Operation delay time of the synchrocheck information.
The setting can be set ON or OFF. Setting ON enables the phasing function even if the
frequency difference is lower then set value of the setting FreqDiff for the synchrocheck
function. Both the phasing function and synchrocheck function will operate in parallel.
When the setting is OFF the phasig function will be blocked if the frequency difference
is lower than the set value of the setting FreqDiff. The synchrocheck function operates
when the value is below the set value and the phasing function starts to operate when
the value is above the set value.
The parameters for the synchrocheck function are set via the local HMI or PST (Param-
eter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters and
path in local HMI.
Release There are fixed, high output signals SYN1-AUTOOK = 1 and SYN1-MANOK = 1.
On The function is in service and the output signal depends on the input conditions.
The measuring phase of the UL1, UL2, UL3 line voltage, which can be of a single-
phase (phase-neutral) or two-phases (phase-phase).
This setting is used to compensate for a phase shift caused by a power transformer be-
tween the two measurement points for UBus and ULine. The set value is added to the
measured phase difference. The bus voltage is reference voltage.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
The URatio is defined as URatio=UBus/ULine. A typical use of the setting is to com-
pensate for the voltage difference if UBus phase-phase and ULine phase-neutral is used.
The Input phase-setting should then be set to phase-phase and the URatio-setting
to sqr3=1.732. This setting scales up the line voltage to equal level with the bus voltage.
Two different settings can be used for automatic and manual closing of the circuit
DLLB The line voltage U-line is low, below (10-80% U1b) and the bus voltage U-bus
is high, above (70-100% U1b).
DBLL The bus voltage U-bus is low, below (10-80% U1b) and the line voltage U-line
is high, above (70-100% U1b).
If the parameter is set to On, closing is enabled when Both U-Line and U-bus are be-
low ULow and ManEnerg is set to DLLB, DBLL or Both.
Two different settings, which define an energize condition, UHigh, and a non-energized
condition, ULow, for the line or bus.
Three different settings for differences between line and bus regarding frequency, phase
angle and voltage respectively.
Setting for frequency difference between line and bus for the phasing function.
Synchrocheck (SYN) &KDSWHU
Off The phasing function is disabled and all outputs are low.
On The phasing function is in service and the output signals depends on the input
Off The closing pulse issued to the circuit breaker will be of length=tPulse.
On The closing pulse issued to the circuit breaker will be of length=one cycle time
in the internal logic.
The length of the breaker closing pulse. See also the setting ShortPulse, which sets the
length to one cycle timer of the internal logic
Closing time of the breaker.
Operation delay time of the synchrocheck information.
The setting can be set ON or OFF. Setting ON enables the phasing function even if the
frequency difference is lower then set value of the setting FreqDiff for the synchrocheck
function. Both the phasing function and synchrocheck function will operate in parallel.
When the setting is OFF the phasig function will be blocked if the frequency difference
is lower than the set value of the setting FreqDiff. The synchrocheck function operates
when the value is below the set value and the phasing function starts to operate when
the value is above the set value.
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
Automatic reclosing (AR) is a well-established method to restore the service of a power
line after a transient line fault. The majority of line faults are flashover arcs, which are
transient by nature. When the power line is switched off by operation of line protection
and line breakers, the arc de-ionises and recovers voltage withstand at a somewhat vari-
able rate. So a certain line dead time is needed. But then line service can resume by the
auto-reclosing of the line breakers. Select the length of the dead time to enable good
probability of fault arc de-ionisation and successful reclosing.
For the individual line breakers and auto-reclosing equipment, the Auto-reclose open
time (AR open time) expression is used. At simultaneous tripping and reclosing at the
two line ends, Auto-reclose open time equals approximaltely the dead time of the line.
Otherwise these two times may differ.
In case of a permanent fault, the line protection trips again at reclosing to clear the fault.
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
Instat of fault
Contacts separated
Contact closed
Close command
Are extinguishers
Trip command
AR reset
In a bay with one circuit breaker only, a terminal is normally provided with one AR
Single-phase tripping and single-phase reclosing is a way to limit the effect of a single-
phase line fault to system operation. Especially at higher voltages, the majority of line
faults are of the single-phase type. The method is of particular value to maintain system
stability in systems with limited meshing or parallel routing. It requires individual op-
eration of each phase of the breakers, which is common at the higher transmission volt-
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
There is also a possibility to trip and reclose two of the circuit breaker poles, in case of
faults when two out of the three phases are involved and parallel lines are in service.
This type of faults is less common compared to single phase to earth faults, but more
common than three phase faults.
In order to maximize the availability of the power system there is a possibility to chose
single pole tripping and auto-reclosing at single phase faults, two pole tripping and
auto-reclosing at faults involving two phases and three pole tripping and auto-reclosing
at three phase faults.
During the single pole open time there will be an equivalent series-fault in the system.
As a consequence there will be a flow of zero sequence current. Therefor the residual
current protections must be co-ordinated with the single pole tripping and auto-reclos-
The reclosing function can be selected to perform single-phase, two-phase and/or three-
phase reclosing from six single-shot to multiple-shot reclosing programs. The three-
phase auto-reclose open time can be set to give either high-speed auto-reclosing
(HSAR) or delayed auto-reclosing (DAR). In the reclosing programs the delayed auto-
reclosing (DAR) is always a three pole trip and reclosing, even if the first high-speed
reclosing is a single pole action.
The AR function is a logical function built up from logical elements. It operates in con-
junction with the trip output signals from the line protection functions, the OK to close
output signals from the synchrocheck and energizing check function, and binary input
signals (for circuit breaker position/status, or from other external protection functions).
In the AR logic a number of parameters can be set to adjust the auto-reclosing function
to the desired requirements. Examples are:
Number of AR attempts
AR programs
Open times for different AR attempts
The mode of operation can be selected by setting the parameter Operation to ON, OFF
or Stand-by. ON activates automatic reclosing. OFF deactivates the auto-recloser.
Stand-by enables On and Off operation via input signal pulses.
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
The automatic operation of the auto-reclosing function is controlled by the parameter
2SHUDWLRQ and the input signals as described above. When it is on, the AR01-SETON
output is high (active). See Function block diagrams.
There are a number of conditions for the start to be accepted and a new cycle started.
After these checks, the start signal is latched in and the 6WDUWHG state signal is activated.
It can be interrupted by certain events.
The purpose of this function is to adapt the length of the AR Open time to the possibility
of non-simultaneous tripping at the two line ends. If a permissive communication
scheme is used and the permissive communication channel (for example, PLC, power-
line carrier) is out of service at the fault, there is a risk of sequential non-simultaneous
tripping. To ensure a sufficient line dead time, the AR open time is extended by 0.4 s.
The input signal AR01-PLCLOST is checked at tripping. See Function block diagrams.
Select this function (or not) by setting the Extended t1 parameter to On (or Off).
During normal circumstances, the trip command resets quickly due to fault clearing.
The user can set a maximum trip pulse duration by tTrip. At a longer trip signal, the AR
open dead time is extended by Extend_t1. If the Extended t1 = Off, a long trip signal
interrupts the reclosing sequence in the same way as AR01-INHIBIT.
The reclosing programs can be performed with up to maximum four reclosing attempts
(shots), selectable with the NoOfReclosing parameter. The first program is used at pure
3-phase trips of breakers and the other programs are used at 1-, 2- or 3-phase trips of
The three-phase reclosing program can be performed with up to maximum four reclos-
ing attempts (shots), selectable with the NoOfReclosing parameter.
For the example (see Figures in Function block diagrams and Sequence examples), the
AR function is assumed to be 2Q and 5HDG\. The breaker is closed and the operation
gear ready, manoeuvre spring charged etc.
AR01-START is received and sealed-in at operation of the line protection. The AR01-
READY output is reset (Ready for a new AR cycle).
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
Immediately after the start-up of the reclosing and tripping of the breaker, the input (see
figure in Function block diagrams) AR01-CBCLOSED is low (possibly also AR01-
CBREADY at type OCO). The AR Open-time timer, t1, keeps on running. At the end
of the set AR open-time, the three-phase AR time-out (see figure in Function block di-
agrams) is activated and goes on to the output module for further checks and to give a
closing command to the circuit breaker.
3-phase reclosing, one to four attempts (NoOfReclosing parameter). The output AR01-
P3P is always high (=1).
A trip operation is made as a three-phase trip at all types of fault. The reclosing is as a
three-phase reclosing in program 1/2/3ph, described below.
1-phase, 2-phase or 3-phase reclosing in the first shot.
For the example, one-shot reclosing for 1-phase, 2-phase or 3-phase, see Figures in
Function block diagrams. Here, the AR function is assumed to be On and Ready. The
breaker is closed and the operation gear ready (manoeuvre spring charged etc.). Only
the 1-phase and 3-phase cases are described.
AR01-START is received and sealed-in at operation of the line protection. The AR01-
READY output is reset (Ready for a new AR cycle).
low, the timer for 1-phase reclosing open time t1 1Ph is started and the AR01-1PT1 output
(auto-reclosing 1-phase, shot 1, in progress) is activated. It can be used to suppress
Pole disagreement and Earth-fault protection during the 1-phase open interval.
high, the timer for 3-phase AR open time, t1, is started (instead of t1 1Ph) and AR01-T1 is
set (auto-reclosing 3-phase, shot 1, in progress). While either t1 1Ph or t1 is running,
the output AR01-INPROGR is activated.
Immediately after the start-up of the reclosing and tripping of the breaker, the input (see
Function block diagrams) AR01-CBCLOSED is low (possibly also AR01-CBREADY
at type OCO). The AR Open-time timer, t1 1Ph or t1, keeps on running.
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
At the end of the set AR open time, t1 1Ph or t1, the respective SPTO or TPTO (single-
phase or three-phase AR time-out, see Function block diagrams) is activated and goes
on to the output module for further checks and to give a closing command to the circuit
At any kind of trip, the operation is as already described, program 1/2/3ph. If the first
reclosing attempt fails, a 3-phase trip will be issued and 3-phase reclosings can follow,
if selected. Maximum three additional attempts can be done (according to the NoOfRe-
closing parameter).
1-phase or 2-phase reclosing in the first shot.
At 3-phase trip, TR2P low and TR3P high, the AR will be blocked and no reclosing
takes place.
1-phase or 2-phase reclosing in the first shot.
At 1-phase trip (TR2P low and TR3P low), the operation is as in above described ex-
ample, program 1/2/3ph. If the first reclosing attempt fails, a 3-phase trip will be issued
and 3-phase reclosings can follow, if selected. Maximum three additional attempts can
be done (according to the NoOfReclosing parameter).
At 2-phase trip (TR2P high and TR3P low), the operation is similar as above. But, if the
first reclosing attempt fails, a 3-phase trip will be issued and the AR will be blocked.
No more attempts take place!
At 3-phase trip, TR2P low and TR3P high, the AR will be blocked and no reclosing
takes place.
1-phase, 2-phase or 3-phase reclosing in the first shot.
At 1-phase or 2-phase trip, the operation is as described above. If the first reclosing at-
tempt fails, a 3-phase trip will be issued and 3-phase reclosings can follow, if selected.
Maximum three additional attempts can be done (according to the NoOfReclosing pa-
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
At 3-phase trip, the operation is similar as above. But, if the first reclosing attempt fails,
a 3-phase trip will be issued and the AR will be blocked. No more attempts take place!
1-phase, 2-phase or 3-phase reclosing in the first shot.
At 1-phase trip, the operation is as described above. If the first reclosing attempt fails,
a 3-phase trip will be issued and 3-phase reclosings can follow, if selected. Maximum
three additional attempts can be done (according to the NoOfReclosing parameter).
At 2-phase or 3-phase trip, the operation is similar as above. But, if the first reclosing
attempt fails, a 3-phase trip will be issued and the AR will be blocked. No more attempts
take place!
2ph 3ph
3ph 3ph
2ph 3ph
2ph No
2ph 3ph
3ph No
2ph No
3ph No
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
A new start of a reclosing cycle is blocked for the reclaim time after the selected number
of reclosing attempts are performed.
An AR open-time time-out signal is received from a program module. At three-phase
reclosing, a synchro-check and/or energising check or voltage check can be used. It is
possible to use an internal or an external synchro-check function, configured to AR01-
SYNC. If a reclosing without check is preferred, configure the input AR01-SYNC to
FIXD-ON (set to 1).
Another possibility is to set the output from the internal synchro-check function to a
permanently active signal. Set Operation = Release in the synchro-check function. Then
AR01-SYNC is configured to SYNx-AUTOOK.
At AR01-CBREADY signal of the Close-Open (CO) type, it is checked that this signal
is present to allow a reclosing.
The synchrocheck and energizing check must be fulfilled within a certain period of
time, tSync. If it does not, or if the other conditions are not fulfilled, the reclosing is in-
terrupted and blocked.
The Reclaim-timer defines a period from the issue of a reclosing command, after which
the reclosing function is reset. Should a new trip occur within this time, it is treated as
a continuation of the first fault. When a closing command is given (Pulse AR), the re-
claim timer is started.
There is an AR State Control, see Function block diagrams, to track the actual state in
the reclosing sequence.
The circuit breaker closing command, AR01-CLOSECB, is made as a pulse with a du-
ration, set by the tPulse parameter. For circuit breakers without an anti-pumping func-
tion, the closing-pulse-cutting described below can be used. It is selected by means of
the CutPulse parameter (set to On). In case of a new trip pulse, the closing pulse will be
cut (interrupted). But the minimum length of the closing pulse is always 50 ms.
At the issue of a reclosing command, the associated reclosing operation counter is also
incremented. There is a counter for each type of reclosing and one for the total number
of reclosings. See Function block diagrams.
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
After the reclosing command, the reclaim timer keeps running for the set time. If no
tripping occurs within this time, tReclaim, the auto-reclosing function will be reset. The
circuit breaker remains closed and the operating gear ready (manoeuvre spring is re-
charged). AR01-CBCLOSED = 1 and AR01-CBREADY = 1.
After the reclaim time, the AR state control resets to original rest state, with AR01-SE-
TON = 1, AR01-READY = 1 and AR01-P1P = 1 (depending on the selected program).
The other AR01 outputs = 0.
Normally the signal AR01-UNSUC appears when a new start is received after the last
reclosing attempt has been made. See Function block diagrams. It can be programmed
to appear at any stage of a reclosing sequence by setting the parameter 8QVXF0RGH =
On. The UNSUC signal is attained after the time tUnsuc.
If a new trip takes place after a reclosing attempt and a new AR01-START or AR01-
TRSOTF signal appears, the AR01-UNSUC (Reclosing unsuccessful) is activated. The
timers for the first reclosing attempt (t1 1Ph, t1 2Ph and t1) cannot be started.
Depending on the PulseCut parameter setting, the closing command may be shortened
at the second trip command.
After time-out of the reclaim timer, the auto reclosing function resets, but the circuit
breaker remains open (AR01-CBCLOSED = 0, AR01-CBREADY = 1). Thus the re-
closing function is not ready for a new reclosing cycle. See Function block diagrams
and Sequence examples.
The auto-recloser can be programmed to continue with reclosing attempts two to four
(if selected) even if the start signals are not received from the protection functions, but
the breaker is still not closed. See figure in Function block diagrams. This is done by
setting the parameter $XWR&RQW = On and the wait timeW$XWR:DLWto desired length.
The signals are configured in the CAP configuration tool.
The parameters for the automatic reclosing function are set via the local HMI or PST
(Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parame-
ters and path in local HMI.
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
See figure 202 "Recommendations for I/O-signal connections" on page 441 figure 203
"Recommendations for I/O-signal connections" on page 442 and the default configura-
tion for examples.
Should be connected to the protection function trip output which shall start the auto-re-
closer. It can also be connected to a binary input for start from an external contact. A
logical OR gate can be used to multiply the number of start sources.
May be connected to binary inputs for external control.
Can be connected to binary inputs, to block the AR from a certain protection, such as a
line connected shunt reactor, transfer trip receive or back-up protection or breaker-fail-
ure protection.
Must be connected to binary inputs, for pick-up of the breaker signals. If the external
signals are of Breaker-not-ready type, uncharged etc., an inverter can be configured be-
Is connected to the internal synchro-check function if required. It can also be connected
to a binary input. If neither internal nor external synchronizing or energizing check
(dead line check) is required, it can be connected to a permanent 1 (high), by connection
Can be connected to a binary input, when required.
Can be connected to the internal line protection, distance protection, trip switch-onto-
Start of thermal overload protection signal. Can be connected to OVLD-TRIP to block
the AR at overload.
Are connected to the function block TRIP or to binary inputs. The protection functions
that give two-phase or three-phase trips are supposed to be routed via that function.
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
The other input signals can be connected as required.
See figure 202 "Recommendations for I/O-signal connections" on page 441 figure 203
"Recommendations for I/O-signal connections" on page 442 and the default configura-
tion for examples.
Can be connected to the Zone extension of a line protection. It can also be used for in-
dication, if required.
1-phase and 2-phase reclosing in progress is used to temporarily block an Earth-fault
protection and/or a Pole disagreement function during the 1-phase or 2-phase open in-
Connect to a binary output relay for circuit breaker closing command.
Prepare 3-phase trip: Connect to TRIP-P3PTR.
Permit 1-phase trip: Can be connected to a binary output for connection to external pro-
tection or trip relays. In case of total loss of auxiliary voltage, the output relay drops and
does not allow 1-phase trip. If needed to invert the signal, it can be made by a breaking
contact of the output relay.
The other output signals can be connected for indication, disturbance recording etc., as
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
xx xx
xx xx
xxxx-TRIP >1 START
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
xx xx
xx P1P xx
xxxx-TRIP >1 >1
ZM1--TRIP >1
Sequential reclosing at multi-breaker arrangement is achieved by giving the two line
breakers different priorities. Refer to figure 204 "Additional input and output signals at
multi breaker arrangement" on page 443. At single breaker application, 3ULRULW\ is set
to 1R, and this has no influence on the function. The signal 6WDUWHG is sent to the next
function module. At double breaker and similar applications, 3ULRULW\ is set +LJK for the
Master terminal and 3ULRULW\ = /RZ for the Slave.
While reclosing is in progress in the master, it issues the signal -WFMASTER. A reset
delay ensures that the -WAIT signal is kept high for the breaker closing time. After an
unsuccessful reclosing, it is also maintained by the signal -UNSUC. For the slave ter-
minal, the input signal -WAIT holds back a reclosing operation. A time W:DLW sets a
maximum waiting time for the reset of the Wait signal. At time-out, it interrupts the re-
closing cycle by a WM-INH, wait for master inhibit, signal.
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
Terminal Master
Priority = High
Terminal Slave
Priority = Low
*) Other input/output signals as in previous
singel breaker arrangements
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
Number of reclosing attempts: 1 to 4 attempts can be chosen. In most cases 1 attempt is
sufficient as the majority of arcing faults will cease after the first reclosing shot. In pow-
er systems with many faults caused by other phenomena than lightning, for example
wind, it can be motivated with more than one reclosing attempt.
There are six different possibilities in the selection of reclosing programs. What type of
first shot reclosing shall be made, and for which types of faults? In completely meshed
power systems it is often acceptable to use three pole auto-reclosing for all fault types,
as first shot. In power systems with few parallel paths single pole auto-reclosing should
be considered, in order to avoid reclosing in a phase opposition situation. In such sys-
tems auto-reclosing should be allowed for single phase faults only. It must be remem-
bered that there will be zero sequence current flow in the power system during the
single pole reclosing open time.
If a permissive channel is used between the line ends, and the availability of the com-
munication channel is considered to be low, extended dead time in case of loss of the
channel should be used.
Due to the secondary arc at single pole trip and auto-reclosing, the extinguishing time
for the arc will be longer than for three pole trip and auto-reclosing. Typical required
dead time for single pole trip and reclosing is 800 ms. Typical required dead time for
trip and reclosing is 400 ms. Different local phenomena, such as moisture, salt, pollu-
tion, etc. can influence the required dead time. The open time for the first auto-reclosing
shot can be set for single pole (t1 1Ph), two pole (t1 2PH) and (t1).
The open time for the delayed auto-reclosing shots can be set individually (t2, t3 and
t4). This setting can in some cases be restricted by national regulations.
In case of reclosing based on synchrocheck a maximum wait time (tSync) can be set. If
the synchrocheck does not allow reclosing within this set time there will be no autore-
closing. This setting must be matched against the setting of the synchrocheck function.
The operate time of the synchrocheck is mainly dependent on the setting angle differ-
ence. A typical operation time is about 200 ms. If the system will start to oscillate during
the dead time, there can be some time before the synchronizing quantities can be ac-
cepted for reclosing. This can be checked by means of dynamic simulations. As a base
recommendation tSync can be set to 2.0 s.
The breaker closing pulse length (tPulse) can be chosen with some margin longer that
the shortest allowed pulse for the breaker (see breaker data).
The tReclaim setting must be chosen so that all autoreclosing shots can be completed.
Automatic reclosing function (AR) &KDSWHU
The setting tTrip is used for blocking of autoreclosing in case of long trip duration. This
can be the consequence of an unwanted permanent trip signal or a breaker failure.
In case of two or more autoreclosing modules only one shall be chosen as master (pri-
ority high). The others should have priority low. In case of one breaker only priority
none is chosen.
Single command (CD) &KDSWHU
The terminals may be provided with a function to receive signals either from a substa-
tion automation system or from the local human-machine interface, HMI. That receiv-
ing function block has outputs that can be used, for example, to control high voltage
apparatuses in switchyards. For local control functions, the local HMI can also be used.
Together with the configuration logic circuits, the user can govern pulses or steady out-
put signals for control purposes within the terminal or via binary outputs.
Figure 205 shows an application example of how the user can, in an easy way, connect
the command function via the configuration logic circuit to control a high-voltage ap-
paratus. This type of command control is normally performed by a pulse via the binary
outputs of the terminal. Figure 205 shows a close operation, but an open operation is
performed in a corresponding way without the synchro-check condition.
CDxx Configuration logic circuits
OUTy 200 ms
User- &
Figure 206 and figure 207 show other ways to control functions, which require steady
On/Off signals. The output can be used to control built-in functions or external equip-
Single command (CD) &KDSWHU
CDxx Function n
Function n CmdOuty
CDxx Configuration logic circuits
Device 1 CmdOuty
User- &
The single command function consists of one function block, CD01 for 16 binary output
Single command (CD) &KDSWHU
The output signals can be of the types Off, Steady, or Pulse. The setting is done on the
MODE input, common for the whole block, from the CAP tool configuration.
0 = Off sets all outputs to 0, independent of the values sent from the station level,
that is, the operator station or remote-control gateway.
1 = Steady sets the outputs to a steady signal 0 or 1, depending on the values sent
from the station level.
2 = Pulse gives a pulse with one execution cycle duration, if a value sent from the
station level is changed from 0 to 1. That means that the configured logic connected
to the command function block may not have a cycle time longer than the execution
cycle time for the command function block.
The outputs can be individually controlled from the operator station, remote-control
gateway, or from the local HMI. Each output signal can be given a name with a maxi-
mum of 13 characters from the CAP configuration tool.
The output signals, here OUT1 to OUT16, are then available for configuration to built-
in functions or via the configuration logic circuits to the binary outputs of the terminal.
The setting parameters for the single command function are set from the CAP configu-
ration tool.
Parameters to be set are MODE, common for the whole block, and CmdOuty - includ-
ing the name for each output signal. The MODE input sets the outputs to be one of the
types Off, Steady, or Pulse.
Multiple command (CM) &KDSWHU
The terminals may be provided with a function to receive signals either from a substa-
tion automation system or from other terminals via the interbay bus. That receiving
function block has 16 outputs that can be used, together with the configuration logic cir-
cuits, for control purposes within the terminal or via binary outputs. When it is used to
communicate with other terminals, these terminals have a corresponding event function
block to send the information.
One multiple command function block CM01 with fast execution time also named %L
QDU\VLJQDOLQWHUED\FRPPXQLFDWLRQKLJKVSHHG and/or 79 multiple command function
blocks CM02-CM80 with slower execution time are available in the REx 5xx terminals
as options.
The output signals can be of the types Off, Steady, or Pulse. The setting is done on the
MODE input, common for the whole block, from the CAP configuration tool.
0 = Off sets all outputs to 0, independent of the values sent from the station level,
that is, the operator station or remote-control gateway.
1 = Steady sets the outputs to a steady signal 0 or 1, depending on the values sent
from the station level.
2 = Pulse gives a pulse with one execution cycle duration, if a value sent from the
station level is changed from 0 to 1. That means that the configured logic connected
to the command function blocks may not have a cycle time longer than the execu-
tion cycle time for the command function block.
The multiple command function block has 16 outputs combined in one block, which can
be controlled from the operator station or from other terminals. One common name for
the block, with a maximum of 19 characters, is set from the configuration tool CAP.
The output signals, here OUT1 to OUT16, are then available for configuration to built-
in functions or via the configuration logic circuits to the binary outputs of the terminal.
The multiple command function block can also be used to receive information over the
LON bus from other REx 5xx terminals. The most common use is to transfer interlock-
ing information between different bays. That can be performed by an Event function
Multiple command (CM) &KDSWHU
block as the send block and with a multiple command function block as the receive
block. The configuration for the communication between terminals is made by the LON
Network Tool.
The MODE input is set to Steady at communication between terminals and then the data
are mapped between the terminals.
The command function also has a supervision function, which sets the output VALID
to 0 if the block did not receive data within an INTERVAL time, that could be set. This
function is applicable only during communication between terminals over the LON bus.
The INTERVAL input time is set a little bit longer than the interval time set on the
Event function block (see the document Event function). If INTERVAL=0, then VAL-
ID will be 1, that is, not applicable.
The setting parameters for the multiple command function are set from the CAP con-
figuration tool.
The multiple command function has a common name setting (CmdOut) for the block.
The MODE input sets the outputs to be one of the types Off, Steady, or Pulse. INTER-
VAL is used for the supervision of the cyclical receiving of data.
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the logic functions.
Trip logic (TR) &KDSWHU
All trip signals from the different protection functions shall be routed through the trip
logic. In its most simple alternative the logic will only link the trip signal and assure a
sufficient duration of the trip signal.
The tripping logic in REx 5xx protection, control and monitoring terminals offers three
different operating modes:
The three phase trip for all faults gives a simple solution and is often sufficient in well
meshed transmission systems and in sub-transmission systems.
As most faults, especially on the highest voltage levels, are single phase to earth faults,
single phase tripping can be of great value. If the faulted phase is tripped only, power
can be transferred on the line also during the dead time before reclosing. The single
phase tripping at single phase faults must be combined with single pole reclosing.
Two phase tripping can be valuable on lines running parallel to each other.
To meet the different single, double, 1 and 1/2 or other multiple circuit breaker arrange-
ments, one or more identical TR function blocks may be provided within a single ter-
minal. The actual number of these TR function blocks that may be included within any
given terminal depends on the type of terminal. Therefore, the specific circuit breaker
arrangements that can be catered for, or the number of bays of a specific arrangement
that can be catered for, depends on the type of terminal.
One TR function block should be used for each breaker, if the line is connected to the
substation via more than one breaker. Assume that single pole tripping and auto-reclos-
ing is used for the line. The breaker chosen as master must in that case have single pole
tripping, while the slave breaker could have three pole tripping and auto-reclosing. In
Trip logic (TR) &KDSWHU
case of a permanent fault only one of the breakers has to be operated at the second en-
ergising of the fault. In case of a transient fault the slave breaker reclosing is made as a
three pole reclosing onto the non-faulted line.
The same philosophy can be used for two-pole tripping and auto-reclosing.
The minimum duration of a trip output signal from the TR function is 150ms. This is to
secure the fault clearance.
The three-pole TR function has a single input through which all trip output signals from
the protection functions within the terminal, or from external protection functions via
one or more of the terminals binary inputs, are routed. It has a single trip output for
connection to one or more of the terminals binary outputs, as well as to other functions
within the terminal requiring this signal.
& t
Operation = On
The expanded TR function for single- and two-pole tripping has additional phase seg-
regated inputs for this, as well as inputs for faulted phase selection. The latter inputs en-
able single- and two-pole tripping for those functions which do not have their own
phase selection capability, and therefore which have just a single trip output and not
phase segregated trip outputs for routing through the phase segregated trip inputs of the
expanded TR function. Examples of such protection functions are the residual overcur-
rent protections. The expanded TR function has two inputs for these functions, one for
impedance tripping (e.g. carrier-aided tripping commands from the scheme communi-
cation logic), and one for earth fault tripping (e.g. tripping output from a residual over-
current protection). Additional logic secures a three-pole final trip command for these
protection functions in the absence of the required phase selection signals.
Trip logic (TR) &KDSWHU
The expanded TR function has three trip outputs, one per phase, for connection to one
or more of the terminals binary outputs, as well as to other functions within the termi-
nal requiring these signals. There are also separate output signals indicating single pole,
two pole or three pole trip. These signals are important for the cooperation with the
auto-reclosing function.
The expanded TR function is equipped with logic which secures correct operation for
evolving faults as well as for reclosing on to persistent faults. A special input is also pro-
vided which disables single- and two-pole tripping, forcing all tripping to be three-pole.
In case of multi-breaker arrangement, one TR function block can be used for each
breaker, if the breaker functions differ. This can be the case if single pole trip and auto-
reclosing is used.
The function consists of the following basic logic parts:
A three-phase front logic that is activated when the terminal is set into exclusive
three-phase operating mode.
A phase segregated front logic that is activated when the terminal is in 1ph/3ph or
1ph/2ph/3ph operating mode.
An additional logic for evolving faults and three-phase tripping when the function
operates in 1ph/3ph operating mode.
An additional logic for evolving faults and three-phase tripping when the function
operates in 1ph/2ph/3ph operating mode.
The final tripping circuits.
Figure 209 shows a simplified block diagram of a three-phase front logic. Descriptions
of different signals are available in signal list.
Trip logic (TR) &KDSWHU
Program = 3ph
Any of active functional input signals activates the RSTTRIP internal signal, which in-
fluences the operation of the final tripping circuits.
The following input signals to the single-phase front logic influence the single-phase
tripping of the terminal see figure 210:
Phase related tripping signals from different built-in protection functions that can
operate on a phase segregated basis and are used in the terminal. The output signals
of these functions should be configured to the TRIP-TRINLn (n = 1...3) functional
Internal phase-selective tripping signals from different phase selection functions
within the terminal, like PHS (phase selection for distance protection) or GFC (gen-
eral fault criteria). The output signals of these functions should be configured to the
TRIP-PSLn (n = 1...3) functional inputs. It is also possible to connect to these func-
tional inputs different external phase selection signals.
Single-phase tripping commands from line distance protection or carrier aided trip-
ping commands from scheme communication logic for distance protection, which
initiate single-phase tripping. These signals should be configured to the TRIP-
1PTRZ functional input. It is also possible to configure a tripping output from an
earth-fault overcurrent protection, to initiate the single-pole trip in connection with
some external phase selection function. This signal should be configured to the
TRIP-1PTREF functional input.
Trip logic (TR) &KDSWHU
>1 >1
& &
TRIP-1PTREF & 50 ms
If any of these signals continues for more than 50 ms without the presence of any phase
selection signals, three-phase tripping command is issued.
It is possible to configure the TRIP-1PTREF signal to the output signal of the EF---
TRIP overcurrent, earth-fault, protection function (directional and nondirectional). This
enables single-phase tripping when the faulty phase is detected by some other phase-
selection element such as the phase selection in distance protection.
Figure 211 presents the additional logic when the trip function is in 1ph/3ph operating
mode. A TRIP-P3PTR functional input signal activates a three pole tripping if at least
one phase within the front logic initiates a trip command.
Trip logic (TR) &KDSWHU
150 ms
L1TRIP - cont. >1
t RTRIP - cont.
2000 ms
150 ms
L2TRIP - cont. >1
t STRIP - cont.
2000 ms
150 ms
L3TRIP - cont. >1
t TTRIP - cont.
2000 ms
>1 &
If only one of internal signals LnTRIP is present without the presence of a TRIP-P3PTR
signal, a single pole tripping information is send to the final tripping circuits. A three-
phase tripping command is initiated in all other cases.
Built-in drop-off delayed (two second) timers secure a three-phase tripping for evolving
faults if the second fault occurs in different phase than the first one within a two second
interval after initiation of a first tripping command.
Figur 212 presents the additional logic, when the trip function is in 1ph/2ph/3ph oper-
ating mode. A TRIP-P3PTR functional input signal activates a three pole tripping if at
least one phase within the front logic initiates a trip command.
Trip logic (TR) &KDSWHU
150 ms
L1TRIP - cont.
t >1 RTRIP - cont.
2000 ms
150 ms
L2TRIP - cont.
t >1 STRIP - cont.
2000 ms
t &
150 ms
L3TRIP - cont.
t >1 TTRIP - cont.
2000 ms
The logic initiates a single-phase tripping information to the final logic circuits, if only
one of internal input signals (LnTRIP) is active. A two phase tripping information is
send in case, when two out of three input signals LnTRIP are active. A three phase trip-
ping information requires all three LnTRIP input signals to be active.
The built in drop-off delayed (two seconds) timers secure correct three-phase tripping
information, when the faults are detected within two seconds in all three phases.
Figur 213 present the final tripping circuits for a tripping function within the REx 5xx
terminals. The TRIP-BLOCK functional input signal can block the operation of a func-
tion, so that no functional output signals become logical one. Detailed explanation of
functional output signals is available in signal list.
Trip logic (TR) &KDSWHU
& &
& 10 ms
& t
& 5 ms
& t
Pole discordance protection (PD) &KDSWHU
Circuit breaker pole position discordance can occur on the operation of a breaker with
independent operating gears for the three poles. The reason may be an interruption in
the trip coil circuits, or a mechanical failure resulting in a stuck breaker pole. A pole
discordance can be tolerated for a limited time, for instance during a single-phase trip-
auto-reclose cycle.
The pole discordance logic (PD) detects a breaker pole position discrepancy not gener-
ated by a single pole reclosing and generates a three phase command trip to the circuit
breaker itself.
The operation of the contact based pole discordance logic is based on checking the po-
sition of the circuit breaker through six of its auxiliary contacts: three parallel connected
normally open contacts are connected in series with three parallel connected normally
closed contacts. This hard-wired logic is very often integrated in the circuit breaker con-
trol cabinets and gives a closed signal in case of pole discordance in the circuit breaker.
This signal is connected to the PD---POLDISC input of the pole discordance function.
If the function is enabled, after a short delay, the activation of this input causes a trip
command (PD---TRIP).
Figure 214 shows the typical application connection for the contact based pole discor-
dance function.
Pole discordance protection (PD) &KDSWHU
OD 5
( 5
The simplified logic diagram of the contact based pole discordance logic is shown in
figure 215.
Pole discordance protection (PD) &KDSWHU
BlockPD = Yes
/RJLF(QDEOH t 150 ms
The terminal is in TEST status (TEST-ACTIVE is high) and the function has been
blocked from the HMI (BlockPD=Yes)
The input signal PD---BLOCK is high
The input signal PD---1POPEN is high
The PD---BLOCK signal is a general purpose blocking signal of the pole discordance
logic. It can be connected to a binary input of the terminal in order to receive a block
command from external devices or can be software connected to other internal func-
tions of the terminal itself in order to receive a block command from internal functions.
Through OR gate it can be connected to both binary inputs and internal function out-
The PD---1POPEN signal blocks the pole discordance operation when a single phase
auto-reclosing cycle is in progress. It can be connected to the output signal AR01-1PT1
if the autoreclosing function is integrated in the terminal; if the auto-reclosing function
is an external device, then PD---1POPEN has to be connected to a binary input of the
terminal and this binary input is connected to a signallisation 1phase auto-reclosing in
progress from the external auto-reclosing device.
Pole discordance protection (PD) &KDSWHU
If one or two poles of the circuit breaker have failed to open or to close (pole discor-
dance status), then the function input PD---POLDISC is activated from the pole discor-
dance signal derived from the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts (one NO contact for
each phase connected in parallel, and in series with one NC contact for each phase con-
nected in parallel). If the pole discordance function is enabled, a 150 ms trip pulse com-
mand (PD---TRIP) is generated, after a settable time interval t (0-60 s).
The parameters for the pole discordance protection function are set via the local HMI
or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting
parameters and path in local HMI.
The parameters and their setting ranges are shown in the appendix.
Time delay , t: The time delay is not critical because the pole discordance logic
operates mainly with load conditions. The time delay should be
chosen between 0.5 and 1 s.
High speed binary output logic (HSBO) &KDSWHU
The high-speed binary out logic (HSBO--) is included as basic and is used as a supple-
ment to the high-speed protection function (HS--) and the distance protection zone 1
function (ZM1--) in the REx 5xx terminals.
Depending on the terminal type (actually the set of included functions) the following
description will be valid entirely or partly.
Together with the high-speed binary out logic, the high-speed (distance) protection and
the (main) distance protection zone 1 obtain even shorter operate times since the critical
connections to/from binary output/input are established in a more straightforward way
than in the case of using the regular I/O-modules.
The high-speed binary out logic also includes trip scheme logic employing the same
fast connections. The HSBO trip scheme logic will run in parallel with the regular trip
scheme logic configured within the terminal (ZC1P and ZCOM). In fact, information
from these two functions will be used in the HSBO function.
The operation of the high-speed binary out logic overruns all other logical circuits with-
in the terminal and activates, with minimum time delay, the binary outputs (output re-
lays). The same relays should also be activated by the normal functional outputs of
corresponding built-in functions (TRIP function, for example). The reason for this is
that the fast (phase segregated) outputs of the HSBO function should bring forward
an earlier activation of trip and carrier send signals that are supposed to be continued by
the regular functions (TRIP, ZC1P and ZCOM function). For example, the trip signals
that are issued by the high-speed protection function through the HSBO function are
presented as short pulses (20ms) and therefore they need to be extended (continued). In
the general case, this would be provided for by the intervention of the TRIP function.
The operation is dependent upon other functions within the terminal. To achieve correct
functionality, it is absolutely necessary that all depending functions are configured cor-
rectly, set on and not blocked. With respect to the employed distance protection transfer
trip scheme the HSBO function will retrieve the necessary information from the regular
communication functions (ZC1P or ZCOM) in order to determine the mode of opera-
tion. The HSBO function will support intertrip, permissive under-reach and permissive
overreach scheme. There is, however, one exception to the possible use of these
schemes. A delayed operation within the communication functions (ZCOM or ZC1P)
High speed binary output logic (HSBO) &KDSWHU
(i.e. tCoord > 0) is not allowed. In this case the trip scheme logic within the HSBO func-
tion should be blocked through activating input HSBO-BLKZCTR. Do not use the de-
fault value for tCoord of 50ms.
The main configuration for the function is shown in figure 216 below.
High speed binary output logic (HSBO) &KDSWHU
.... HSBO-
Binary inputs
BIx +6%2&5/Q +6%275/Q
Binary output contacts
+6%2&6/Q BOx
BIz +6%2
&503+ BOy
=&3 +6%2&603+
& +6%2&5
Fast Trip/CS outputs
configured through ,2[[
+6%2 settings:
& =&3&$&&/Q
7(67%/2&. 75P/Q287
&6/Q287 BOy
75,3 +6%2 &603+287
=&20&$&& BOz
& ....
7(67%/2&. +6%2
=0 +6%2
High speed binary output logic (HSBO) &KDSWHU
According to the presented internal configuration input will be brought in from the
HS, ZM1, ZC1P, ZCOM and TRIP functions.
In the case of carrier receive signals, the input will be attained directly from binary input
overriding the binary I/O-modules. This is obtained by means of looking up and con-
necting to the input contacts used for the carrier receive inputs of the ZC1P and/or the
ZCOM function. This calls for that the carrier receive inputs of the latter functions must
be connected GLUHFWO\WRDELQDU\,2PRGXOH, with nothing in between. In figure 216
this is illustrated with ZC1P-CRLn and ZCOM-CR connected to arbitrary binary in
(BIx, BIy,...).
Shown connections to in and outputs of the other function blocks (ZC1P-, ZCOM-,
TRIP-, HS- and ZM1-) can not be re configured. They are so called KDUGFRQQHFWLRQV
in the software and done during manufacturing.
The output signals (trip and carrier send) must be configured to appropriate binary out-
put contacts during engineering. This is done through configuring the corresponding
parameters of the HSBO-function in CAP tool (IOMOD, TRmLnOUT, CSLnOUT and
It should be noted that trip output from the HSBO-function can be issued either from
the HS-function or the ZM1-function, or both in parallel, depending on terminal type
and setting. As specified above the common trip outputs are configured through param-
eters TRmLnOUT.
It is possible to configure the output of all three phases to one binary output contact in
order to obtain direct three-phase tripping for all kinds of faults.
The blocking input signals (HSBO-BLKZCTR, -BLKHSTR and -BLK-HSCS) are nor-
mal function input signals. The configuration is done with the configuration tool CAP
tool as usual.
High speed binary output logic (HSBO) &KDSWHU
The error output signal (HSBO-ERROR) indicates if the present configuration of fast
trip and carrier send output does not correspond to actual hardware (binary output
cards). The signal can be used for indication or as wanted.
The internal design of the functional block is shown in figure 217 below.
>1 IO-card
+6%2&503+ configuration error +6%2(5525
>1 &
1 15ms
Regular function block in
and ouput
>1 Internal in and output
+6%2+675/Q 15ms
& +6%2&6/Q
+6%2+6&6/Q 15ms
& +6%2&603+
High speed binary output logic (HSBO) &KDSWHU
HSBO-CRLn Carrier receive signal, for phase n (n=1..3), connected to the binary input.
These inputs use the same signals as the inputs to the communication
logic ZC1P-.
HSBO- Carrier acceleration signals, for phase n (n=1..3). They are connected
ZC1PCACCLn internally to the input of the communication logic ZC1P- and cannot be
HSBO-ZCOM- A carrier acceleration signal. Is a hard connection to the input of the com-
CACC munication logic ZCOM-.
HSBO-ZM1TRLn Trip signal, of phase n (n=1..3). Is a hard connection to the output of the
distance protection zone 1 function block ZM1-.
HSBO-HSTRLn Trip signal, of phase n (n=1..3). Is a hard connection to the output of the
high-speed function block HS---.
HSBO-HSCSLn Carrier send signals, of phase n (n=1..3). Is a hard connection to the out-
put of the high-speed function block HS---.
High speed binary output logic (HSBO) &KDSWHU
IOMOD Parameter for selecting the binary out card supposed to transfer the fast
outputs of the HSBO function.
TRmLnOUT Parameter for selecting the specific binary output contact intended for trip
signal m of phase n. m is either 1 or 2. Both the TR1LnOUT-output and
TR2LnOUT-output carry the same signal, for a possible double-breaker
arrangement. It is recommended that these trip outputs are configured to
the same contacts as the corresponding regular trip outputs (of the TRIP
function). If three-pole trip is required all three trip outputs should be con-
figured to the same contact (i.e. TRxL1OUT=TRxL2OUT=TRxL3OUT).
Consider that the trip signals can be issued from the HS function and/or
the ZM1 function.
CSLnOUT Parameter for selecting the specific binary output contact intended for
carrier send signal of phase n. Like in the trip output case above, it is rec-
ommended that these carrier send outputs are configured to the same
contacts as the corresponding regular carrier send outputs (of the ZC1P
or ZCOM function).
CSMPHOUT Parameter for selecting the specific binary output contact intended for the
multi-phase carrier send signal. If it is applicable, connect it to the same
contact as the regular multi-phase carrier send signal (of the ZC1P func-
Status of the output signals can be viewed on the local HMI under menu:
Communication channel logic (CCHL) &KDSWHU
The security of the protection system can be influenced by the performance of commu-
nication channels. In many applications spurious signals or absence of signals can cause
malfunction of the protection system. One example is when direct intertrip is used
where a false signal will cause unwanted tripping.
In order to increase security double communication channels between the line ends can
be used. For the combination of two channels the communication channel logic
(CCHL) is used. CCHL is intended to be used together with the system protection and
control functions. This logic combines the two received signals to one CR signal in the
terminal. The logic will accept the two channel signals as simultaneous only if they ap-
pear both during a settable time. Further the logic detects faults in the communication
channels and blocks or changes the decision mode from two-channel-out-of-two into
CCHL is used together with different sub-functions of a system protection function. It
has an independent function block with two independent channels (four independent in-
put channels). Their cooperation with different measuring functions will be determined
by means of a terminal configuration tools (CAP 531, for example).
The CCHL logic receives channel received, channel guard received and channel failed
signals from both communication channels. The unblocking logic is not incorporated in
the logic for the receipt of both channels. To have this output, the actual signals for both
channels must be simultaneously received. The logic for the receipt of one-channel-out-
of-two is enabled by way of an input signal. Furthermore, the one-channel-out-of-two
output can only be given if one of the communications channels has failed, as this logic
is supervised by the failure of either channel. When selected, the unblocking logic is in-
corporated within this one-out-of-two logic.
The CCHL logic incorporates a number of security timers to make absolutely sure that
no erroneous outputs are given for spurious channel received signals.
Communication channel logic (CCHL) &KDSWHU
The CCHL logic also provides, for each channel, a communications channel failed out-
Each communication channel has three basic output signals, which are used as inputs
to the logic:
If one communication channel has been detected as faulty (see section "Detection of a
failed communication channel") and the operating mode has been permitted to change
from two-of-two to one-of-two, a CCHL-CR appears after a time delay, set on tSec1
timer in case, that the second channel is healthy and the CRn signal appears without the
presence of a CRGn signal.
For an illustration of an unblocking logic within each separate signal, see figure 218. If
none of signals CCHL-CR1 and CCHL-CRG1 is present for a time longer than the one
set on a tSec1 timer and no CCHL-COMF1 signal has been detected, an unblocking log-
Communication channel logic (CCHL) &KDSWHU
ic for a particular signal channel is permitted to operate. The operation of this logic is
additionally conditioned by the Unblockn setting parameter, which must be set to Un-
blockn = On, if the logic is intended to operate. The logic is practically the same as used
together with the communication logic for the line distance protection (ZCOM func-
tion). The difference is that the tReSt restart timer and the tSig signal timer are settable.
For an illustration of a simultaneous presence of two carrier receive signals, see figure
219. If both carrier receive signals (CCHL-CR1 and CCHL-CR2) are present at the
same moment and both guard signals go to logical zero, the output signals CCHL-CR
goes high after a time delay, which is settable on the security timer TSecC. The most
common setting for this timer is 0 ms, because the high enough security is obtained al-
ready with serial connection of two communication channels. This mode of operation
is also indicated by the appearance of CCHL-CRL2CH output signal.
C C H L -C R 1
C C H L -C R G 1
tS e c C
C C H L -C R L 2 C H
C C H L -C R 2
C C H L -C R G 2
e n 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 .v s d
For an illustration of a combination of two communication channels, see figure 220.
The communication channel is understood as faulty under the following conditions:
- If CR1 and CRG1 signals are present simultaneously for more than 20 ms and no
COMF1 signal has been present
- If non of the three input signals (CR1, CRG1, and COMF1) appears for more than the
time delay set on a security timer tSec2.
The logic detects the faulty channel and sets high the corresponding CCHL-CH1FAIL
output signal.
In all three cases the logic checks also the CCHL-2TO1OK input signal, which is com-
mon to both communication channels. This signal determines whether it is possible to
switch the operating mode from two-of-two to one-of-two or not. This means that the
user can influence this change by configuring the CCHL-2TO1OK to FIXD-ON
(change permitted) or to FIXD-OFF (switch not permitted).
Communication channel logic (CCHL) &KDSWHU
The CCHL-CRL1CH output signal goes high, if a fault has been detected on one com-
munication channel and the second communication channel has operated correctly and
transmitted the corresponding carrier signal.
C C H L -C R 1
tS e c 2
C C H L -C R G 1
! t
C C H L -C O M F 1
20 ms
t ! C C H L - C H 1 F A IL
e n 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 5 .v s d
There are some time settings to be made:
tSecC: the time for which the signals from both channels must be simultaneous received
before a CR signal is given as an output from the logic. In most cases this timer can be
set to 0.
tSec1: Security time to ensure definite, and not spurious, receipte of the channel signal.
This time delay shall be about the same as the shortest puls time of the CS signal from
the remote line end.
tSec2: Security time following the loss of guard signal before activation of the unblock-
ing logic. The setting shall be longer than the possible time difference between the
change of CR and CRG signals. 50 ms is recommended.
Communication channel test logic &KDSWHU
Many applications in secondary systems require testing of different functions with con-
firmed information on successfully completed test. &arrier FKannel West (CCHT) func-
tion serves primarily testing of communication (power line carrier) channels in
applications, where continuous monitoring by some other means is not possible due to
technical or economical reasons.
The logic initiates sending of some impulse (carrier send signal), which starts the oper-
ation of different functions outside the logic, and checks the feedback from the external
function. It reports the successful or non-successful response on initiated test. It is also
possible to abort the test with some external signal, which overrules all internal process.
It is possible to initiate the logic manually or automatically. Manual starts are possible
by means of external push-button, connected to the binary input of a terminal. Automat-
ic starts are possible in long time intervals with their duration dependent on setting of
the corresponding timer.
Figure 221 presents a simplified logic diagram for the CCHT function. Logical one on
CCHT-BLOCK functional input disables completely the operation of the logic.
Communication channel test logic &KDSWHU
15 ms &
Selection of an operating mode, which determines the automatic (internal) or manual
(external) start is possible by setting the Operation = Aut and Operation = Man re-
spectively (see figure 221). The automatic starting requires continuous presence of log-
ical one on CCHT-START functional input. Setting of the tStart timer determines the
time intervals for the automatic starts logic.
Any presence of the logical one signal on the CCHT-START functional input starts the
function, when in manual operating mode.
Manual or automatic start initiates the pulse, which is 15 ms longer than the time set on
a tWait timer. This pulse initiates the CCHT-CS functional output signal in duration as
set on a tCS pulse timer.The same pulse starts also the time measurement by the tWait
timer. The CCHT-ALARM output signal appears, if the CCHT-CR input does not be-
come logical one within the time interval, as set on the tWait timer. The appearance of
the CCHT-CR signal is safeguarded by a 15 ms timer, to prevent influence of the dis-
turbances on a communication link.
Communication channel test logic &KDSWHU
The appearance of the CCHT-CR signal within the tWait time interval activates the
CCHT-CHOK output signal. It remains active for the period as set on the timer tChOK
or until the CCHT-ALARM appears at new start of a CCHT function.
The tCh timer, which is delayed on drop-off, prevents ringing of a complete system. It
is possible to reset the CCHT-ALARM output signal by activating the CCHT-RESET
functional input.
Activation of a CCHT-CR functional input activates instantaneously the CCHT-CS
functional output, if the timer tCh has not been activated or the function has not been
blocked by the active CCHT-BLOCK functional input. Duration of the CCHT-CR in-
put signal must be longer than 15 ms to avoid operation at different disturbances on
communication link.
Binary signal transfer to remote end &KDSWHU
The binary signal transfer function is preferably used for sending communication
scheme related signals, transfer trip and/or other binary signals required at the remote
end. Up to 32 selectable binary send signals, internal or external, and 32 selectable bi-
nary receive signals can be transmitted.
Together with the binary signals internal to the terminal, the function is utilising binary
inputs and outputs. The function can be provided with various 56/64 kbit/s communi-
cation modules for optical fibre or galvanic connection.
The communication can be done via direct galvanic communication line for shorter dis-
tances, via dedicated optical fibres up to around 30 km and via a communication net-
work for longer distances.
The function Binary signal transfer to remote end consists of two function blocks,
RTC1 and RTC2, each handling 16 inputs (SEND01-16) and 16 outputs (REC01-16).
Figure 222 shows the signal diagram for RTC1. This diagram is also valid for RTC2
since the signal inputs and outputs are the same.
A signal applied to an input of one function block, e.g. RTC1-SEND01, in one terminal
will be transmitted, via a data communication link, to a remote terminal and there ap-
pear at the corresponding output of the corresponding function block, that is in the ex-
ample RTC1-REC01. The transmission takes 10 - 25 ms plus communication link
delay. No additional security actions to that included in the communication handling,
that is CRC-check, checking length of telegram and addressing, are incorporated.
Both function blocks have an input BLOCK, which is available to block the operation.
When the input is energized, all 16 binary input signals of that function block will be
sent as zeroes. Incoming signals from remote end are not affected.
Binary signal transfer to remote end &KDSWHU
User defined names can be applied to the inputs and outputs.These identities are set
from the CAP configuration tool.
A service report provides information of the status of all function block outputs as well
as inputs. The status can be viewed on the local HMI. Refer to Technical reference man-
ual for outputs and path in local HMI.
Binary signal transfer to remote end &KDSWHU
The Binary signal transfer to remote end function uses the same communication func-
tionality and hardware for communication with remote end as used for the line differ-
ential function. These items are described in the chapter Data communication in the
application manual. The settings that has to be made for these items are also described
in each chapter respectively.
Status information of the Remote end data communication is available on the local
Event function (EV) &KDSWHU
When using a Substation Automation system, events can be spontaneously sent or
polled from the terminal to the station level. These events are created from any available
signal in the terminal that is connected to the event function block. The event function
block can also handle double indication, that is normally used to indicate positions of
high-voltage apparatuses. With this event function block, data also can be sent to other
terminals over the interbay bus.
The events can be created from both internal logical signals and binary input channels.
The internal signals are time tagged in the main processing module, while the binary
input channels are time tagged directly on each I/O module. The events are produced
according to the set event masks. The event masks are treated commonly for both the
LON and SPA channels. All events according to the event mask are stored in a buffer,
which contains up to 1000 events. If new events appear before the oldest event in the
buffer is read, the oldest event is overwritten and an overflow alarm appears.
The outputs from the event function block are formed by the reading of status and
events by the station HMI on either every single input or double input. The user-defined
name for each input is intended to be used by the station HMI.
Twelve of the event function blocks are executed with fast cyclicity. That means that
the time-tagging resolution on the events that are emerging from internal logical sig-
nals, created from configurable logic, is the same as the cyclicity of this logic. The time
tagging resolution on the events that are emerging from binary input signals have a res-
olution of 1 ms.
Two special signals for event registration purposes are available in the terminal, 7HUPL
As basic, 12 event function blocks EV01-EV12 running with a fast cyclicity, are avail-
able in REx 5xx. When the function Apparatus control is included in the terminal, ad-
ditional 32 event function blocks EV13-EV44, running with a slower cyclicity, are
Event function (EV) &KDSWHU
The inputs can be used as individual events or can be defined as double indication
The inputs can be set individually from the Parameter Setting Tool (PST) under the
Mask-Event function as:
No events
OnSet, at pick-up of the signal
OnReset, at drop-out of the signal
OnChange, at both pick-up and drop-out of the signal
Also an input PrColxx (xx=01-44) is available on the function block to define on which
protocol the events shall be sent.
The event function blocks EV01-EV06 have inputs for information numbers and func-
tion type, which are used to define the events according to the communication standard
IEC 60870-5-103.
Double indications are used to handle a combination of two inputs at a time, for exam-
ple, one input for the open and one for the close position of a circuit breaker or discon-
nector. The double indication consists of an odd and an even input number. When the
odd input is defined as a double indication, the next even input is considered to be the
other input. The odd inputs has a suppression timer to suppress events at 00 states.
To be used as double indications the odd inputs are individually set from the SMS under
the Mask-Event function as:
Double indication
Double indication with midposition suppression
These states of the inputs generate events. The status is read by the station HMI on the
status indication for the odd input:
Event function (EV) &KDSWHU
The BOUND and INTERVAL inputs are available on the event function block.
The BOUND input set to 1 means that the output value of the event block is bound to
another control terminal on the LON bus. The event function block is then used to send
data over the LON bus to other REx 5xx terminals. The most common use is to transfer
interlocking information between different bays. That can be performed by an event
function block used as a send block and with a Multiple Command function block used
as a receive block. The document $SSDUDWXV&RQWUROdescribes how to transfer the in-
terlocking information. The configuration of the communication between control ter-
minals is made by the LON Network Tool.
The INTERVAL input is applicable only when the BOUND input is set to 1. The IN-
TERVAL is intended to be used for cyclic sending of data to other control terminals via
the LON bus with the interval time as set. This cyclic sending of data is used as a backup
of the event-driven sending, which always is performed. With cyclic sending of data,
the communication can be supervised by a corresponding INTERVAL input on the
Multiple Command function block in another control terminal connected to the LON
bus. This INTERVAL input time is set a little bit longer than the interval time set on the
event function block. With INTERVAL=0, only event-driven sending is performed.
The event reporting can be set from the PST as:
8VHRIHYHQWPDVNV is the normal reporting of events, that is, the events are reported as
defined in the database.
An event mask can be set individually for each available signal in the terminal. The set-
ting of the event mask can only be performed from the PST.
All event mask settings are treated commonly for all communication channels of the
Event function (EV) &KDSWHU
5HSRUWDOOHYHQWV means that all events, that are set to OnSet/OnReset/OnChange are re-
ported as OnChange, that is, both at set and reset of the signal. For double indications
when the suppression time is set, the event ignores the timer and is reported directly.
Masked events are still masked.
These parameters are set from the CAP configuration tool. When the BOUND param-
eter is set, the settings of the event masks have no meaning.
Event counter (CN) &KDSWHU
The function consists of six counters which are used for storing the number of times
each counter has been activated. It is also provided with a common blocking function
for all six counters, to be used for example at testing. Every counter can separately be
set on or off by a parameter setting.
The function block has six inputs for increasing the counter values for each of the six
counters respectively. The content of the counters are stepped one step for each positive
edge of the input respectively. The maximum count up speed is 10 pulses per second.
The maximum counter value is 10 000. For counts above 10 000 the counter will stop
at 10 000 and no restart will take place. At power interrupt the counter values are stored.
The function block also has an input BLOCK. At activation of this input all six counters
are blocked. The input can for example be used for blocking the counters at testing.
The content of the counters can be read in the local HMI. Refer to Operators manual for
Reset of counters can be performed in the local HMI. Refer to Operators manual for
Reading of content and resetting of the counters can also be performed remotely, for
example via SPA-communication.
The parameters for the event counter function are set via the local HMI or PST (Param-
eter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters and
path in local HMI.
Event counter (CN) &KDSWHU
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the monitoring functions.
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
The LED indication module is an additional feature for the REx 500 terminals for pro-
tection and control and consists totally of 18 LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes). It is located
on the front of the protection and control terminal. The main purpose is, to present on
site an immediate visual information on:
actual signals active (or not active) within the protected bay (terminal).
alarm signals handled as a simplified alarm system.
last operation of the terminal. Here we understand the presentation of the signals ap-
peared during the latest start(s) or trip(s) since the previous information has been
The user of this information is the technician in substation or the protection engineer
during the testing activities. The protection engineer can also be able to read the status
of all LEDs over the SMS in his office as well as to acknowledge/reset them locally or
Each LED indication can be set individually to operate in six different sequences; two
as follow type and four as latch type. Two of the latching types are intended to be used
as a protection indication system, either in collecting or re-starting mode, with reset
functionality. The other two are intended to be used as a signaling system in collecting
mode with an acknowledgment functionality.
Each LED can show green, yellow or red light, each with its own activation input. If
more than one input is activated at the time a priority is used with green as lowest pri-
ority and red as the highest.
LEDs which are used in collecting mode of operation are accumulated continuously un-
til the unit is acknowledged manually. This mode is suitable when the LEDs are used
as a simplified alarm system.
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
In the re-starting mode of operation each new start resets all previous active LEDs and
activates only those which appear during one disturbance. Only LEDs defined for re-
starting mode with the latched sequence type 6 (LatchedReset-S) will initiate a reset and
a restart at a new disturbance. A disturbance is defined to end a settable time after the
reset of the activated input signals or when the maximum time limit has been elapsed.
The active indications can be acknowledged/reset manually. Manual acknowledgment
and manual reset have the same meaning and is a common signal for all the operating
sequences and LEDs. The function is positive edge triggered, not level triggered. The
acknowledgment/reset is performed via the C-button on the Local HMI according to the
sequence in figure 223.
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
Screen scrolling
Text on HMI:
C=Clear LEDs
E=Enter menu
& (
& (
Acknowledge/Reset Go to menu
The active indications can also be acknowledged/reset from an input (ACK_RST) to the
function. This input can for example be configured to a binary input operated from an
external push button. The function is positive edge triggered, not level triggered. This
means that even if the button is continuously pressed, the acknowledgment/reset only
affects indications active at the moment when the button is first pressed.
It is also possible to perform the acknowledgment/reset remotely from SMS/SCS. To
do that, the function input (ACK_RST) has to be configured to an output of a command
function block (CD or CM). The output from these command function blocks can then
be activated from the SMS/SCS.
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
The automatic reset can only be performed for indications defined for re-starting mode
with the latched sequence type 6 (LatchedReset-S). When the automatic reset of the
LEDs has been performed, still persisting indications will be indicated with a steady
The sequences can be of type Follow or Latched. For the Follow type the LED follow
the input signal completely. For the Latched type each LED latches to the correspond-
ing input signal until it is reset.
The figures below show the function of available sequences selectable for each LED
separately. For sequence 1 and 2 (Follow type), the acknowledgment/reset function is
not applicable. Sequence 3 and 4 (Latched type with acknowledgement) are only work-
ing in collecting mode. Sequence 5 is working according to Latched type and collecting
mode while sequence 6 is working according to Latched type and re-starting mode. The
letters S and F in the sequence names have the meaning S = Steady and F = Flash.
At the activation of the input signal, the indication obtains corresponding color corre-
sponding to the activated input and operates according to the selected sequence dia-
grams below.
This sequence follows all the time, with a steady light, the corresponding input signals.
It does not react on acknowledgment or reset. Every LED is independent of the other
LEDs in its operation.
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
If inputs for two or more colors are active at the same time to one LED the priority is
as described above. An example of the operation when two colors are activated in par-
allel is shown in figure 226.
signal GREEN
signal RED
This sequence is the same as sequence 1, Follow-S, but the LEDs are flashing instead
of showing steady light.
This sequence has a latched function and works in collecting mode. Every LED is in-
dependent of the other LEDs in its operation. At the activation of the input signal, the
indication starts flashing. After acknowledgment the indication disappears if the signal
is not present any more. If the signal is still present after acknowledgment it gets a
steady light.
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
When an acknowledgment is performed, all indications that appear before the indica-
tion with higher priority has been reset, will be acknowledged, independent of if the low
priority indication appeared before or after acknowledgment. In figure 228 is shown the
sequence when a signal of lower priority becomes activated after acknowledgment has
been performed on a higher priority signal. The low priority signal will be shown as ac-
knowledged when the high priority signal resets.
signal GREEN
signal RED
If all three signals are activated the order of priority is still maintained. Acknowledg-
ment of indications with higher priority will acknowledge also low priority indications
which are not visible according to figure 229.
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
signal GREEN
signal YELLOW
signal RED
signal GREEN
signal YELLOW
signal RED
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
This sequence has the same functionality as sequence 3, but steady and flashing light
have been alternated.
This sequence has a latched function and works in collecting mode. At the activation of
the input signal, the indication will light up with a steady light. The difference to se-
quence 3 and 4 is that indications that are still activated will not be affected by the reset
i.e. immediately after the positive edge of the reset has been executed a new reading and
storing of active signals is performed. Every LED is independent of the other LEDs in
its operation.
That means if an indication with higher priority has reset while an indication with lower
priority still is active at the time of reset, the LED will change color according to figure
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
signal GREEN
signal RED
In this mode all activated LEDs, which are set to sequence 6 (LatchedReset-S), are au-
tomatically reset at a new disturbance when activating any input signal for other LEDs
set to sequence 6 (LatchedReset-S). Also in this case indications that are still activated
will not be affected by manual reset, i.e. immediately after the positive edge of that the
manual reset has been executed a new reading and storing of active signals is per-
formed. LEDs set for sequence 6 are completely independent in its operation of LEDs
set for other sequences.
A disturbance is defined to last from the first LED set as LatchedReset-S is activated
until a settable time, tRestart, has elapsed after that all activating signals for the LEDs
set as LatchedReset-S have reset. However if all activating signals have reset and some
signal again becomes active before tRestart has elapsed, the tRestart timer does not re-
start the timing sequence. A new disturbance start will be issued first when all signals
have reset after tRestart has elapsed. A diagram of this functionality is shown in figure
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
length control 1 New
per LED 1 disturbance
set to
sequence 6
& t
In order not to have a lock-up of the indications in the case of a persisting signal each
LED is provided with a timer, tMax, after which time the influence on the definition of
a disturbance of that specific LED is inhibited. This functionality is shown i diagram in
figure 234.
Activating signal
Activating signal
Activating signal
1 To disturbance
& length control
Figure 235 shows the timing diagram for two indications within one disturbance.
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
t Restart
signal 1
signal 2
Figure 236 shows the timing diagram for a new indication after tRestart time has
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
Disturbance Disturbance
t Restart t Restart
signal 1
signal 2
Figure 237 shows the timing diagram when a new indication appears after the first one
has reset but before tRestart has elapsed.
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
t Restart
signal 1
signal 2
LED indication function (HL, HLED) &KDSWHU
t Restart
signal 1
signal 2
The parameters for the LED indication function are set via the local HMI or PST (Pa-
rameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters
and path in local HMI.
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
Use the disturbance report to provide the network operator with proper information
about disturbances in the primary network. Continuous collection of system data and,
at occurrence of a fault, storing of a certain amount of pre-fault, fault and post-fault da-
ta, contributes to the highest possible quality of electrical supply. The stored data can
be used for analysis and decision making to find and eliminate possible system and
equipment weaknesses.
The function comprises several sub functions enabling different users to access relevant
information in a structured way.
The disturbance report is a common name for several facilities to supply the operator
with more information about the disturbances in the system. Some of the facilities are
basic and some are optional in the different products. For some products not all facilities
are available.
The whole disturbance report can contain information for up to 10 disturbances, each
with the data coming from all the parts mentioned above, depending on the options in-
stalled. All information in the disturbance report is stored in non-volatile flash memo-
ries. This implies that no information is lost in case of loss-of-power supply
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
Disturbance report
The indications, the fault locator result (when applicable), and the trip values are avail-
able on the local HMI. For a complete disturbance report, front communication with a
PC or remote communication with SMS is required.
Disturbance index
Date and time
Trip signals
Trigger signal that activated the recording
Distance to fault (requires Fault locator)
Fault loop selected by the Fault locator (requires Fault locator)
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
The date and time of the disturbance, the trigger signal, the indications, the fault locator
result and the trip values are available, provided that the corresponding functions are
Indications is a list of signals that were activated during the fault time of the distur-
bance. A part (or all) of these signals are automatically scrolled on the local HMI after
a disturbance.
The event recorder contains an event list with time-tagged events. In the Station Mon-
itoring System, this list is directly connected to a disturbance.
The fault locator contains information about the distance to the fault and about the mea-
suring loop that was selected for the calculation. After changing the system parameters
in the terminal, a recalculation of the distance to the fault can be made in the protection
Trip values includes phasors of currents and voltages before the fault and during the
The disturbance recorder records analog and binary signal data before, during and after
the fault.
The disturbance report records information about a disturbance during a settable time-
frame. The recording times are valid for the whole disturbance report. The disturbance
recorder and the event recorder register disturbance data and events during W5HFRUGLQJ,
the total recording time. Indications are only registered during the fault time.
tRecording = tPre + tFault + tPost or tPre + tLim, depending on which criterion stops the
current disturbance recording
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
tPre tPost
1 2 3
1 Pre-fault or pre-trigger recording time. The time before the fault including
the operate time of the trigger. Use the setting tPre to set this time.
2 Fault time of the recording. The fault time cannot be set. It continues as
long as any valid trigger condition, binary or analog, persists (unless limited
by tLim the limit time).
3 Post fault recording time. The time the disturbance recording continues
after all activated triggers are reset. Use the setting tPost to set this time.
tLim Limit time. The maximum allowed recording time after the disturbance
recording was triggered. The limit time is used to eliminate the conse-
quences of a trigger that does not reset within a reasonable time interval. It
limits the maximum recording time of a recording and prevents subsequent
overwriting of already stored disturbances.Use the setting tLim to set this
Up to 10 analog signals (five voltages and five currents from the transformer module)
can be selected for recording and triggering if the disturbance recorder function is in-
stalled. If fewer than 10 signals are selected, the maximum storing capacity in the flash
memories, regarding total recording time are increased.
A user-defined name for each of the signals can be programmed in the terminal.
For each of the 10 analog signals, 2SHUDWLRQ 2Q means that it is recorded by the dis-
turbance recorder. The trigger is independent of the setting of 2SHUDWLRQ, and triggers
even if operation is set to 2II. Both undervoltage and overvoltage can be used as trigger
condition. The same applies for the current signals.
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
The check of the trigger condition is based on peak-to-peak values. When this is found,
the absolute average value of these two peak values is calculated. If the average value
is above the threshold level for an overvoltage or overcurrent trigger, this trigger is in-
dicated with a greater than (>) sign with the user-defined name.
If the average value is below the set threshold level for an undervoltage or undercurrent
trigger, this trigger is indicated with a less than (<) sign with its name. The procedure
is separately performed for each channel.
This method of checking the analog start conditions gives a function which is insensi-
tive to DC offset in the signal. The operate time for this start is typically in the range of
one cycle, 20 ms for a 50 Hz network.
The analog signals are presented only in the disturbance recording, but they affect the
entire disturbance report when being used as triggers.
Up to 48 binary signals can be selected from the signal list, where all available signals
are grouped under each function. The 48 signals can be selected from internal logical
signals and binary input signals. Each of the 48 signals can be selected as a trigger of
the disturbance report. It is also possible to set if the trigger should be activated on a
logic 1 or a logic 0. A binary signal can be selected to activate the red LED on the local
A user-defined name for each of the signals can be programmed in the terminal.
The selected 48 signals are presented in the event list and the disturbance recording. But
they affect the whole disturbance report when they are used as triggers.
The indications, that are to be automatically scrolled on the HMI when a disturbance
has been recorded are also selected from these 48 signals with the HMI Indication
The trigger conditions affect the entire disturbance report. As soon as a trigger condition
is fulfilled, a complete disturbance report is recorded. On the other hand, if no trigger
condition is fulfilled, there is no disturbance report, no calculation of distance to fault,
no indications, and so on. This implies the importance of choosing the right signals as
trigger conditions.
Manual trigger
Binary-signal trigger
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
A disturbance report can be manually triggered from the local HMI, a front-connected
PC, or SMS. When the trigger is activated, the manual trigger signal is generated. This
feature is especially useful for testing. Refer to Operators manual for procedure.
Any binary signal state (logic one or a logic zero) can be selected to generate a trigger.
The binary signal must remain in a steady state for at least 15 ms to be valid.
When a binary signal is selected to generate a trigger from a logic zero, the selected sig-
nal will not be listed in the indications list of the disturbance report.
All analog signals are available for trigger purposes, no matter if they are recorded in
the disturbance recorder or not. But the disturbance recorder function must be installed
in the terminal.
Under certain circumstances the fault condition may reoccur during the postfault re-
cording, for instance by automatic reclosing to a still faulty network. In order to capture
the new fault it is possible to allow retriggering during the PostFault recording.
The parameters for the disturbance report function are set via the local HMI or PST (Pa-
rameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters
and path in local HMI.
5HFRUGLQJ7LPHV Recording times for the Disturbance Report and the event/indication
logging, including pre-fault time, post-fault time, and limit time for the
entire disturbance
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
The user-defined names of binary signals can be set with the CAP configuration tool.
The analog and binary signals appear with their user-defined names.
Binary sig- Trigger operation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
nals and trigger level
Operation can be set to On or Off. If Off is selected, note that no disturbance report is
registered, including indications, fault locator, event recorder, and disturbance recorder.
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
Disturbances are stored, disturbance data can be read from the local HMI and from
a front-connected PC or Station Monitoring System (SMS).
LED information (yellow - start, red - trip) is stored.
The disturbance summary is automatically scrolled on the local HMI for the two lat-
est registered disturbances, until cleared.
Normally, this setting option is seldom used. Each disturbance is assigned a number in
the disturbance report. The first disturbance each day normally receives 6HTXHQFH1R
. The value of 6HTXHQFH1R that can be read in the service report is the number that will
be assigned to the next disturbance registered during that day.
In normal use, the sequence number is increased by one for each new disturbance until
it is reset to zero each midnight.
The different recording times for the disturbance report are set (the pre-fault time, post-
fault time, and limit time). These recording times affect the disturbance recorder and
event recorder functions. The total recording time, tRecording, of a recorded distur-
bance is:
tRecording = tPre + tFault + tPost, or tPre + tLim, depending on which criterion stops the
current disturbance recording.
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
Up to 48 binary signals can be selected from the signal list, where all available signals
are grouped function by function. The 48 signals can be selected among internal logical
signals and binary input signals. Each selected signal is registered by the disturbance
recorder, event recorder, and indication functions during a recording. The CAP config-
uration tool is used to configure the signals.
A user-defined name for each of the signals can be entered. This name can comprise up
to 13 characters and is set with the CAP configuration tool.
For each of the 48 signals, it is also possible to select if the signal is to be used as a trig-
ger for the start of the disturbance report (7ULJ2SHUDWLRQ), and if the trigger should be
activated at a logical 1 or 0 level (7ULJ/HYHO).
The indications in the disturbance summary, that are automatically scrolled on the HMI
when a disturbance is registered, are also selected from these 48 signals using the indi-
cation mask.
For each of the 10 analog signals (five voltages and five currents), Operation = On
means that it is recorded by the disturbance recorder. If fewer than 10 signals are select-
ed, the maximum storing capacity in the flash memories for total recording time be-
comes longer.
Both undervoltage and overvoltage can be used as trigger condition. The same applies
for the current signals. The trigger is independent of the setting of 2SHUDWLRQ and trig-
gers even if 2SHUDWLRQ 2II.
A user-defined name for each of the analog input signals can be entered. It can consist
of up to 13 characters and is a general setting valid for all relevant functions within the
When the terminal is set to test mode, the behavior of the disturbance report can be con-
trolled by the test mode disturbance report settings 2SHUDWLRQ and 'LVWXUE6XPPDU\
available on the local HMI.
Disturbance report (DRP) &KDSWHU
Indications &KDSWHU
The indications from all the 48 selected binary signals are shown on the local human-
machine interface (HMI) and on the Station Monitoring System (SMS) for each record-
ed disturbance in the disturbance report. The LEDs on the front of the terminal display
start and trip indications.
The indications shown on the HMI and SMS give an overview of the status of the
48 event signals during the fault. The indications for each recorded disturbance are pre-
sented on the HMI.
All selected signals can be internally produced signals or emerge from binary input
The indications are registered only during the fault time of a recorded disturbance, as
long as any trigger condition is activated. A part or all of these indications can be auto-
matically scrolled on the local HMI after a disturbance is recorded, until acknowledged
with the C button on the HMI. They are selected with the indication mask.
The signal name for internal logical signals presented on the screen follows the signal
name, which can be found in the signal list in each function description of the Techni-
cal reference manual. Binary input signals are displayed with their user-defined
Indications &KDSWHU
Steady light Trig on binary signal with HMI red LED option set
The parameters for the disturbance report function are set via the local HMI or PST (Pa-
rameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters
and path in local HMI.
Disturbance recorder &KDSWHU
Use the disturbance recorder to achieve a better understanding of the behavior of the
power network and related primary and secondary equipment during and after a distur-
bance. An analysis of the recorded data provides valuable information that can be used
to improve existing equipment. This information can also be used when planning for
and designing new installations.
The disturbance recording function in the REx 5xx terminals is characterized by great
flexibility as far as starting conditions and recording times, and large storage capacity
are concerned. Thus, the disturbance recorders are not dependent on the operation of
protective functions, and they can record disturbances that were not discovered by pro-
tective functions for one reason or another.
The disturbance recording function in the REx 5xx terminals is fully adequate for the
recording of disturbances for the protected object.
Use available software tools to retrieve the recordings and the evaluation software RE-
VAL to analyze, evaluate and print recordings.
Disturbance recording is based on the continuous collection of network data, analog
values and binary signals, in a cyclic buffer. The buffer operates according to the FIFO
principle, old data will be overwritten as new data arrives when the buffer is full. The
size of this buffer is determined by the set pre-fault recording time.
Disturbance recorder &KDSWHU
Upon detection of a fault condition (triggering), the data storage continues in another
part of the memory. The storing goes on as long as the fault condition prevails - plus a
certain additional time. The length of this additional part is called the post-fault time
and it can be set in the disturbance report. The above mentioned two parts form a dis-
turbance recording. The whole memory acts as a cyclic buffer and when it is full, the
oldest recording is overwritten.
A user-defined name for each of the signals can be programmed in the terminal.
The recording function can record all analog inputs in the transformer module and up
to 48 binary signals. To maximise the use of the memory, the number of analog chan-
nels to be recorded is user-selectable by programming and can be set individually for
each analog input. The recorded binary signals can be either true binary input signals or
internal logical signals created by the functions.
The maximum number of recordings stored in the memory is 10. So depending on the
set recording times and the recording of the enabled number of channels, the memory
can contain a minimum of six and a maximum of 10 disturbance recordings comprising
of both header part and data part. But the header part for the last 10 recordings is always
The terminal has a built-in, real-time clock and calendar. This function is used for time
tagging of the recorded disturbances. The time tagging refers to the activation of the
trigger that starts the disturbance recording.
The processing of analog signals is handled by a dedicated DSP (digital signal proces-
sor). Other functions are implemented in the main CPU. The memory is shared with
other functions.
The numerical signals coming from the A/D conversion module in serial form are con-
verted to parallel form in a dedicated DSP. The analog trigger conditions are also
checked in the DSP.
A check of the start conditions is performed by searching for a maximum value. This is
a positive peak. The function also seeks a minimum value, which is the negative peak.
When this is found, the absolute average value is calculated. If this value is above the
set threshold level for the overfunction on the channel in question, an overfunction start
on that channel is indicated. The overfunction is indicated with a greater than (>) sign.
Disturbance recorder &KDSWHU
Similarly, if the average value is below the set threshold level for underfunction on the
channel in question, an underfunction start on that channel is indicated. The underfunc-
tion is indicated with a less than (<) sign.
The procedure is separately performed for each channel. This method of checking the
analog start conditions gives a function that is insensitive to DC offset in the signal. The
operating time for this start is typically in the range of one cycle, 20 ms in a 50 Hz net-
The numerical data, along with the result of the trigger condition evaluation, are trans-
mitted to the main CPU. The main CPU handles these functions:
The numerical data for the analog channels are stored in a cyclic pre-fault buffer in a
RAM. When a trigger is activated, the data storage is moved to another area in the
RAM, where the data for the fault and the subsequent post-fault period are stored. Thus,
a complete disturbance recording comprises the stored data for the pre-fault, fault, and
post-fault period.
The RAM area for temporary storage of recorded data is divided into sub-areas, one for
each recording. The size of a subarea is governed by the sum of the set pre-fault (tPre)
and maximum post-trigger (tLim) time. There is a sufficient memory capacity for at
least four consecutive recordings with a maximum number of analog channels recorded
and with maximum time settings. Should no such area be free at the time of a new trig-
ger, the oldest recording stored in the RAM is overwritten.
Merging the data for analog channels with corresponding data for binary signals
stored in an event buffer
Compression of the data, which is performed without losing any data accuracy
Storing the compressed data in a non-volatile memory (flash memory)
The recorded disturbance is now ready for retrieval and evaluation. The recording com-
prises the stored and time-tagged disturbance data along with relevant data from the da-
tabase for configuration and parameter set-up.
Disturbance recorder &KDSWHU
Some parameters in the header of a recording are stored with the recording, and some
are retrieved from the parameter database in connection with a disturbance. This means
that if a parameter that is retrieved from the parameter database was changed between
the time of recording and retrieval, the collected information is not correct in all parts.
For this reason, all recordings should be transferred to the Station Monitoring System
(SMS) workstation and then deleted in the terminal before any such parameters are
The recordings can be divided into two parts, the header and the data part. The data part
contains the numerical values of recorded analog and binary channels. The header con-
tains clearly written basic information about the disturbance. A part of this information
is also used by REVAL to reproduce the analog and binary signals in a correct and user-
friendly way. Such information is primary and secondary instrument transformer rat-
Sequence number x
CT earthing x
Signal name x
Disturbance recorder &KDSWHU
Signal name x
Trig operation x
The parameters specific for the disturbance recording function are set via the local HMI
or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting
parameters and path in local HMI.
The list of parameters in the Technical reference manual, explains the meaning of the
abbreviations used in connection with setting ranges.
Remember that values of parameters set elsewhere in the menu tree are linked to the
information on a recording. Such parameters are, for example, station and object iden-
tifiers, CT and PT ratios.
The sequence number of the recordings is a specific parameter for the disturbance re-
corder and is used to identify the different recordings. By combining the date and the
sequence number for a recording, the recording can be uniquely identified.
Disturbance recorder &KDSWHU
The read value on the local human-machine interface (HMI) display is the sequence
number that the next recorded disturbance receives. The number is automatically in-
creased by one for each new recording and is reset to zero at each midnight. The se-
quence number can also be set manually.
Event recorder &KDSWHU
When using a front-connected PC or Station Monitoring System (SMS), an event list
can be available for each of the recorded disturbances in the disturbance report. Each
list can contain up to 150 time-tagged events. These events are logged during the total
recording time, which depends on the set recording times (pre-fault, post-fault and limit
time) and the actual fault time. During this time, the first 150 events for all the 48 se-
lected binary signals are logged and time tagged. This list is a useful instrument for
evaluating a fault and is a complement to the disturbance recorder.
To obtain this event list, the event recorder function (basic in some terminals and op-
tional in others) must be installed.
When one of the trig conditions for the disturbance report is activated, the events are
collected by the main processing unit, from the 48 selected binary signals. The events
can come from both internal logical signals and binary input channels. The internal sig-
nals are time tagged in the main processing module, while the binary input channels are
time tagged directly on each I/O module. The events are collected during the total re-
cording time, W5HFRUGLQJ, and they are stored in the disturbance report memory at the
end of each recording.
The name of the binary input signal that appears in the event list is the user-defined
name that can be programmed in the terminal.
The time tagging of events emerging from internal logical signals and binary input
channels has a resolution of 1 ms.
The parameters for the event recorder function are set via the local HMI or PST (Param-
eter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters and
path in local HMI.
The settings of the event recorder consist of the signal selection and the recording times.
It is possible to select up to 48 binary signals, either internal signals or signals coming
from binary input channels. These signals coincide with the binary signals recorded by
the disturbance recorder. The disturbance summary indications that are to scroll auto-
matically on the local human-machine interface (HMI), can only be selected from these
48 event channels.
Event recorder &KDSWHU
Each of the up to 48 event channels can be selected from the signal list, consisting of
all available internal logical signals and all binary input channels.
For each of the binary input and output signals, a user-defined name can be pro-
Fault locator (FLOC) &KDSWHU
The main objective of line protection and monitoring terminals is fast, selective and re-
liable operation for faults on a protected line section. Besides this, information on dis-
tance to fault is very important for those involved in operation and maintenance.
Reliable information on the fault location greatly decreases the downtime of the pro-
tected lines and increases the total availability of a power system.
The distance to the fault, which is calculated with a high accuracy, is stored for the last
ten recorded disturbances. This information can be read on the HMI or transferred via
serial communication within the Station Monitoring System (SMS) or Station Control
System (SCS).
The distance to fault can be recalculated for the latest 10 disturbances by using the mea-
suring algorithm for different fault loops or for changed system parameters.
The distance-to-fault locator (FLOC-) in the REx 5xx terminals is an essential comple-
ment to different line protection functions, since it measures and indicates the distance
to the fault with great accuracy. Thus, the fault can be quickly located for repairs.
The calculation algorithm considers the effect of load currents, double-end infeed and
additional fault resistance.
The function indicates the distance to the fault as a percentage of the line length, in ki-
lometers or miles as selected on the HMI.
The accuracy of measurement depends somewhat on the accuracy of the system param-
eters as entered into REx 5xx (for example source impedances at both ends of the pro-
tected line). If some parameters have actually changed in a significant manner relative
to the set values, new values can be entered locally or remotely and a recalculation of
the distance to the fault can be ordered. In this way, a more accurate location of the fault
can be achieved.
In order to compensate for the influence of the zero-sequence mutual impedance Zm0
on the distance-to-fault calculation in case of faults on double circuit lines, the terminal
has a special current transformer input for the residual current from the parallel line.
Fault locator (FLOC) &KDSWHU
Any start of the disturbance reporting unit also starts the operation of the FLOC- func-
tion. The distance to the fault automatically appears on the local HMI, if the fault is also
detected by the phase selection elements within the terminal. The currents and voltages
before and during the fault are available via SCS/SMS. The terminal saves, in any other
case, the pre-fault and fault values of currents and voltages for a particular disturbance.
At any time a calculation of the distance to fault for a selected fault loop can be initiated
The information on distance to fault automatically appears on the local HMI for the first
fault only, if more than one fault appears within a time shorter than 10 seconds. Auto-
matic reclosing on persistent faults enables this. In such a case the first set of data is
more accurate than the second set. The unit also stores the phasors of currents and volt-
ages for the last faults. A calculation can be initiated locally or remotely.
The percentage value is also binary coded, thus the distance to fault value can also be
read on binary outputs of the terminal.
For transmission lines with voltage sources at both line ends, the effect of double-end
infeed and additional fault resistance must be considered when calculating the distance
to the fault from the currents and voltages at one line end. If this is not done, the accu-
racy of the calculated figure will vary with the load flow and the amount of additional
fault resistance.
The calculation algorithm used in the distance-to-fault locator in REx 5xx line-protec-
tion terminals compensates for the effect of double-end infeed, additional fault resis-
tance and load current.
Fault locator (FLOC) &KDSWHU
Figure 241 shows a single-line diagram of a single transmission line, that is fed from
both ends with source impedances ZA and ZB. Assume, that the fault occurs at a dis-
tance F from terminal A on a line with the length L and impedance ZL. The fault resis-
tance is defined as RF. A single-line model is used for better clarification of the
ZA IA pZL IB (1-p).ZL ZB
U A = I A p Z L + IF R F
(Equation 367)
IA is the line current after the fault, that is, pre-fault current plus current
change due to the fault,
Fault locator (FLOC) &KDSWHU
IF = --------
(Equation 368)
DA is a fault current-distribution factor, that is, the ratio between the fault cur-
rent at line end A and the total fault current.
( 1 p ) Z L + ZB
DA = -----------------------------------------
Z A + Z L + ZB
(Equation 369)
In case of phase short circuits, the change in the line currents is used directly. For earth
faults, the better defined positive-sequence quantities, which eliminate the influence of
the zero sequence currents of the network are used.
Thus, the general fault location equation for a single line is:
U A = I A p Z L + -------
- RF
(Equation 370)
)DXOWW\SH 8$ ,$ ,)$
Fault locator (FLOC) &KDSWHU
)DXOWW\SH 8$ ,$ ,)$
The KN complex quantity for zero-sequence compensation for the single line is equal
Z0 L Z 1L
K N = ------------------------
3 Z1L
(Equation 371)
I is the change in current, that is the current after the fault minus the current before the
In the following, the positive sequence impedance for ZA, ZB and ZL is inserted into
the equations, because this is the value used in the algorithm.
U A = I A p Z 1L + -------- RF + I 0P Z 0M
(Equation 372)
( 1 p ) ( ZA + ZA L + ZB ) + Z B
DA = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Equation 373)
2 ZA + Z L + 2 Z B
Fault locator (FLOC) &KDSWHU
Z0L Z 1L Z 0M I 0P
K N = ----------------------- - -------
- + ----------------
3 Z1L 3 Z1L I 0A
(Equation 374)
From these equations it can be seen, that, if Z0m = 0, then the general fault location
equation for a single line is obtained. Only the distribution factor differs in these two
p p K1 + K2 K3 RF = 0
(Equation 375)
K 1 = ---------------- + --------------------------- + 1
(Equation 376)
K2 = --------------- --------------------------- + 1
(Equation 377)
K 3 = ---------------- --------------------------- + 1
I A Z L Z 1 + ZA DD
(Equation 378)
Fault locator (FLOC) &KDSWHU
For a single line, Z0M = 0 and ZADD = 0. Thus, equation 375 applies to both single
and parallel lines.
p p Re ( K 1 ) + Re ( K 2 ) R F Re ( K 3 ) = 0
(Equation 379)
p Im ( K1 ) + Im ( K 2 ) R F Im ( K3 ) = 0
(Equation 380)
If the imaginary part of K3 is not zero, RF can be solved according to equation 380, and
then inserted to equation 379. According to equation 379, the relative distance to the
fault is solved as the root of a quadratic equation.
Equation 379 gives two different values for the relative distance to the fault as a solu-
tion. A simplified load compensated algorithm, that gives an unequivocal figure for the
relative distance to the fault, is used to establish the value that should be selected.
If the load compensated algorithms according to the above do not give a reliable solu-
tion, a less accurate, non-compensated impedance model is used to calculate the relative
distance to the fault.
In the non-compensated impedance model, IA line current is used instead of IFA fault
U A = p Z 1L IA + R F IA
(Equation 381)
Fault locator (FLOC) &KDSWHU
When calculating the distance to fault, pre-fault and fault phasors of currents and volt-
ages are filtered from disturbance data stored in digital sample buffers.
When the disturbance report function is triggered, the fault locator function starts to cal-
culate the frequency of the analog channel U1. If the calculation fails, a default frequen-
cy is read from the database to ensure further execution of the function.
Then the sample for the fault interception is looked for by checking the non-periodic
changes. The channel search order is U1, U2, U3, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5 and U5.
If no error sample is found, the trig sample is used as the start sample for the Fourier
estimation of the complex values of currents and voltages. The estimation uses samples
during one period before the trig sample. In this case the calculated values are used both
as pre-fault and fault values.
If an error sample is found the Fourier estimation of the pre-fault values starts 1.5 period
before the fault sample. The estimation uses samples during one period. The post-fault
values are calculated using the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) method. The calculation
starts a few samples after the fault sample and uses samples during 1/2 - 2 periods de-
pending on the shape of the signals.
The pre-fault time (tPre) should be at least 0.1 s to ensure enough samples for the esti-
mation of pre-fault trip values.
The phase selectors from the distance protection function provide the necessary infor-
mation for the selection of the loop to be used for the calculation. The following loops
are used for different types of faults:
The parameters for the fault locator function are set via the local HMI or PST (Param-
eter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters and
path in local HMI.
Fault locator (FLOC) &KDSWHU
The list of parameters (see the setting parameters in the Technical reference manual) ex-
plains the meaning of the abbreviations. Figure 242 also presents these system param-
eters graphically. Note, that all impedance values relate to their secondary values and
to the total length of the protected line. The conversion procedure follows the same
rules as for the distance-protection function.
R1A+jX1A R1B+jX1B
R1L+jX1L en01000131.vsd
For a single-circuit line, the figures for mutual zero-sequence impedance (X0M, R0M)
are set at zero.
The source impedance is not constant in the network. However, this has a negligible in-
fluence on the accuracy of the distance-to-fault calculation, because only the phase an-
gle of the distribution factor has an influence on the accuracy. The phase angle of the
distribution factor is normally very low and practically constant, because it is domi-
nated by the positive-sequence line impedance, which has an angle close to 90. Always
set the source impedance resistance to values other than zero. If the actual values are
not known, the values that correspond to the source impedance characteristic angle of
85 give satisfactory results.
Trip value recorder &KDSWHU
The main objective of line protection and monitoring terminals is fast, selective and re-
liable operation for faults on a protected object. Besides this, information on the values
of the currents and voltages before and during the fault is valuable to understand the se-
verity of the fault.
The trip value recorder in the REx 5xx series of terminals provides this information on
the HMI and via SCS/SMS. The function is an optional software module in the terminal.
The function calculates the pre-fault and fault values of currents and voltages and pre-
sents them as phasors with amplitude and argument.
Pre-fault and fault phasors of currents and voltages are filtered from disturbance data
stored in digital sample buffers.
When the disturbance report function is triggered, the trip value recorder function starts
to calculate the frequency of the analog channel U1. If the calculation fails, a default
frequency is read from database to ensure further execution of the function.
Then the sample for the fault interception is looked for by checking the non-periodic
changes. The channel search order is U1, U2, U3, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5 and U5.
If no error sample is found, the trig sample is used as the start sample for the Fourier
estimation of the complex values of currents and voltages. The estimation uses samples
during one period before the trig sample. In this case the calculated values are used both
as pre-fault and fault values.
If an error sample is found the Fourier estimation of the prefault values starts 1.5 period
before the fault sample. The estimation uses samples during one period. The postfault
values are calculated using the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) method. The calculation
starts a few samples after the fault sample and uses samples during 1/2 - 2 periods de-
pending on the shape of the signals.
The pre-fault time (tPre) should be at least 0.1 s to ensure enough samples for the esti-
mation of pre-fault trip values.
Trip value recorder &KDSWHU
The parameters for the trip value recorder function are set via the local HMI or PST (Pa-
rameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual for setting parameters
and path in local HMI.
Customer specific names for all the ten analog inputs (five currents and five voltages)
can be entered. Each name can have up to 13 alphanumeric characters. These names are
common for all functions within the disturbance report functionality.
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Fast, reliable supervision of different analog quantities is of vital importance during the
normal operation of a power system.
Different measuring methods are available for different quantities. Current and voltage
instrument transformers provide the basic information on measured phase currents and
voltages in different points within the power system. At the same time, currents and
voltages serve as the input measuring quantities to power and energy meters, protective
devices and so on.
Further processing of this information occurs within different control, protection, and
monitoring terminals and within the higher hierarchical systems in the secondary power
The REx 5xx protection, control, and monitoring terminals have as basic the function-
ality to measure and further process information about up to five input currents and five
input voltages. The number of processed alternate measuring quantities depends on the
type of terminal and built-in options. Additional information is also available:
Mean values of measured currents I in the first three current measuring channels
(I1, I2, I3).
Mean values of measured voltages U in the first three voltage measuring channels
(U1, U2, U3).
Three-phase active power P as measured by the first three current measuring chan-
nels (I1, I2, I3) and the first three voltage measuring channels (U1, U2, U3).
Three-phase reactive power Q as measured by the first three current measuring
channels (I1, I2, I3) and the first three voltage measuring channels (U1, U2, U3).
Three-phase apparent power S as measured by the first three current (I1, I2, I3) and
the first three voltage measuring channels (U1, U2, U3).
Frequency f.
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
The accuracy of measurement depends on the requirements. Basic accuracy satisfies the
operating (information) needs. An additional calibration of measuring channels is nec-
essary and must be ordered separately when the requirements on accuracy of the mea-
surement are higher. Refer to the technical data and ordering particulars for the
particular terminal.
The information on measured quantities is then available for the user at different loca-
Each measuring channel has an independent measuring range from the others. This al-
lows the users to select the most suitable measuring range for each measuring quantity
on each monitored object of the power system. This gives a possibility to optimize the
functionality of the power system.
Users can continuously monitor the measured quantity in each channel by means of four
built-in operating thresholds (figure 243). The monitoring has two different modes of
Overfunction, when the measured current exceeds the HiWarn or HiAlarm pre-set
Underfunction, when the measured current decreases under the LowWarn or Low-
Alarm pre-set values.
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
HIWARN = 1 Hysteresis
The logical value of the functional output signals changes according to Figure 243.
The user can set the hysteresis, which determines the difference between the operating
and reset value at each operating point, in wide range for each measuring channel sep-
arately. The hysteresis is common for all operating values within one channel.
The actual value of the measured quantity is available locally and remotely. The mea-
surement is continuous for each channel separately, but the reporting of the value to the
higher levels depends on the selected reporting mode. The following basic reporting
modes are available:
Periodic reporting.
Periodic reporting with dead-band supervision in parallel.
Periodic reporting with dead-band supervision in series.
Dead-band reporting.
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
If a measuring value is changed, compared to the last reported value, and the change is
larger than the +/- Y predefined limits that are set by user, then the measuring channel
reports the new value to a higher level, if this is detected by a new measuring sample.
This limits the information flow to a minimum necessary. Figure 244 shows an example
of periodic reporting with the amplitude dead-band supervision. The picture is simpli-
fied: the process is not continuous but the values are evaluated with a time interval of
one second from each others.
After the new value is reported, the +/- Y limits for dead-band are automatically set
around it. The new value is reported only if the measured quantity changes more than
defined by the +/- Y set limits.
The measured value is reported if the time integral of all changes exceeds the pre-set
limit (figure 245), where an example of reporting with integrating dead-band supervi-
sion is shown. The picture is simplified: the process is not continuous but the values are
evaluated with a time interval of one second from each other.
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
The last value reported (Y1 in figure 245) serves as a basic value for further measure-
ment. A difference is calculated between the last reported and the newly measured value
during new sample and is multiplied by the time increment (discrete integral). The ab-
solute values of these products are added until the pre-set value is exceeded. This occurs
with the value Y2 that is reported and set as a new base for the following measurements
(as well as for the values Y3, Y4 and Y5).
< A1 >=
A >= pre-set value
A2 >=
pre-set value pre-set value
< A3 + A4 + A5 + A6 + A7 >=
pre-set value
< $ $
$ $
Value Reported
< $ $ $
Reported Value
< Reported
The user can select the periodic reporting of measured value in time intervals between
1 and 3600 s. The measuring channel reports the value even if it has not changed for
more than the set limits of amplitude or integrating dead-band supervision. To disable
periodic reporting, set the reporting time interval to 0 s (figure 246).
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Value Reported Value Reported Value Reported
Value Reported
< <
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
Value 5
6HWYDOXHIRUW5HS,QW 99000528.vsd
The newly measured value is reported:
The amplitude dead-band and the integrating dead-band can be selected. The periodic
reporting can be set in time intervals between 1 and 3600 seconds.
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
< Value Reported Value Reported
Reported Value
Value Reported Value Reported Value
(1st) Reported
Y Value Reported
< Y
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
Value 5
Periodic reporting can operate serially with the dead-band supervision. This means that
the new value is reported only if the set time period expired and if the dead-band limit
was exceeded during the observed time (figures 248 and 249). The amplitude dead-
band and the integrating dead-band can be selected. The periodic reporting can be set
in time intervals between 1 and 3600 seconds.
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Value Reported
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
Value 5
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
A1 + A2 >= pre-
A1 < set value
pre-set value
Value QRW
< Reported Value
Value Reported Reported
$ $
t (*) t (*)
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
The reporting of the new value depends on setting parameters for the dead-band and for
the periodic reporting. Table 23 "Dependence of reporting on different setting parame-
ters:" on page 542 presents the dependence between different settings and the type of
reporting for the new value of a measured quantity.
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
* Please see the setting parameters in the Technical reference manual for further explanation
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
The design of the alternating quantities measuring function follows the design of all
REx 5xx-series protection, control, and monitoring terminals that have distributed func-
tionality, where the decision levels are placed as closely as possible to the process.
The measuring function uses the same input current and voltage signals as other protec-
tion and monitoring functions within the terminals. The number of input current and
voltage transformers depends on the type of terminal and options included. The maxi-
mum possible configuration comprises five current and five voltage input channels.
Measured input currents and voltages are first filtered in analog filters and then convert-
ed to numerical information by an A/D converter, which operates with a sampling fre-
quency of 2 kHz.
The numerical information on measured currents and voltages continues over a serial
link to one of the built-in digital signal processors (DSP). An additional Fourier filter
numerically filters the received information, and the DSP calculates the corresponding
values for the following quantities:
Five input measured voltages (U1, U2, U3, U4, U5), RMS values
Five input measured currents (I1, I2, I3, I4, I5), RMS Values
Mean RMS value, U, of the three phase-to-phase voltages calculated from the first
three phase-to-earth voltages U1, U2 and U3
Mean RMS value, I, of the first three measured RMS values I1, I2, and I3
Three-phase active power, P, related to the first three measured currents and volt-
ages (I1, U1, I2, U2, I3, U3)
Three-phase, reactive power, Q, related to the first three measured currents and
voltages (I1, U1, I2, U2, I3, U3)
Three-phase apparent power, S, related to the first three measured currents and volt-
ages (I1, U1, I2, U2, I3, U3)
Mean value of frequencies, f, as measured with voltages U1, U2, and U3
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
The parameters for the monitoring of AC analog measurements function are set via the
local HMI or PST (Parameter Setting Tool). Refer to the Technical reference manual
for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
The user can determine the rated parameters for the terminal.
Rated frequency fr
Position of the earthing point of the main CTs (CTEarth), which determines wheth-
er the CT earthing point is towards the protected object or the busbar
The other basic terminal parameters, related to any single analog input, can be set under
the configuration menu.
The user can determine the base values, the primary CTs and VTs ratios, and the user-
defined names for the analog inputs of the terminal.
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
The names of the first 10 quantities automatically appears in the REVAL evaluation
program for each reported disturbance.
The PST Parameter Setting Tool has to be used in order to set all remaining parameters
that are related to different alternating measuring quantities.
In the settings menu it is possible to set all monitoring operating values and the hyster-
esis directly in the basic units of the measured quantities for each channel and for each
Monitoring of AC analog measurements &KDSWHU
The dead-band limits can be set directly in the corresponding units of the observed
quantity for the:
IDBS = ----------------------------- = IDe adB ts
(Equation 382)
The setting value for IDBS is IDeadB, and is expressed in the measuring unit of the
monitored quantity (kV, A, MW, Mvar, MVA or Hz). The value is reported if the time
integral area is greater than the value IDBS.
If a 0.1 Hz variation in the frequency for 10 minutes (600 s) is the event that should
cause the reporting of the frequency monitored value, than the set value for IDeadB is
60 Hz.
Alarm and warning thresholds have to be set respectively under the settings HiAlarm
(LowAlarm) and HiWarn (LowWarn).
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Fast, reliable supervision of different analog quantities is of vital importance during the
normal operation of a power system. Operators in the control centres can, for example:
Different measuring methods are available for different quantities. Current and voltage
instrument transformers provide the basic information on measured phase currents and
voltages in different points within the power system. At the same time, currents and
voltages serve as the input measuring quantities to power and energy meters.
Further processing of the direct currents obtained on the outputs of different measuring
converters occurs within different control, protection, and monitoring terminals and
within the higher hierarchical systems in the secondary power system.
The REx 5xx control, protection and monitoring terminal have a built-in option to mea-
sure and further process information from 6 up to 36 different direct current information
from different measuring transducers. Six independent measuring channels are located
on each independent mA input module and the REx 5xx terminals can accept from one
up to six independent mA input modules, depending on the case size. Refer to the tech-
nical data and ordering particulars for the particular terminal.
Information about the measured quantities is then available to the user on different lo-
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Remotely over the SPA port to the station monitoring system (SMS)
The measuring range of different direct current measuring channels is settable by the
user independent on each other within the range between -25 mA and +25 mA in steps
of 0.01 mA. It is only necessary to select the upper operating limit I_Max higher than
the lower one I_Min.
The measuring channel can have a value of 2 of the whole range I_Max - I_Min above
the upper limit I_Max or below the lower limit I_Min, before an out-of-range error oc-
curs. This means that with a nominal range of 0-10 mA, no out-of-range event will oc-
cur with a value between -0.2 mA and 10.2 mA.
User can this way select for each measuring quantity on each monitored object of a
power system the most suitable measuring range and this way optimize a complete
functionality together with the characteristics of the used measuring transducer.
The user can continuously monitor the measured quantity in each channel by means of
six built-in operating limits (figure 251). Two of them are defined by the operating
range selection: I_Max as the upper and I_Min as the lower operating limit. The other
four operating limits operate in two different modes:
Overfunction, when the measured current exceeds the HiWarn or HiAlarm pre-set
Underfunction, when the measured current decreases under the LowWarn or Low-
Alarm pre-set values
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
HIWARN = 1 Hysteresis
RMINAL = 0 99000532.vsd
The logical value of the functional output signals changes according to figure 251.
The user can set the hysteresis, which determines the difference between the operating
and reset value at each operating point, in wide range for each measuring channel sep-
arately. The hysteresis is common for all operating values within one channel.
The actual value of the measured quantity is available locally and remotely. The mea-
surement is continuous for each channel separately, but the reporting of the value to the
higher levels (control processor in the unit, HMI and SCS) depends on the selected re-
porting mode. The following basic reporting modes are available:
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Periodic reporting
Periodic reporting with dead-band supervision in parallel
Periodic reporting with dead-band supervision in series
Dead-band reporting
If the changed value compared to the last reported value is larger than the +/- Y
predefined limits that are set by users, and if this is detected by a new measuring sample,
then the measuring channel reports the new value to a higher level. This limits the in-
formation flow to a minimum necessary. Figure 252 shows an example of periodic re-
porting with the amplitude dead-band supervision.
The picture is simplified: the process is not continuous but the values are evaluated at
time intervals depending on the sampling frequency chosen by the user (SampRate set-
After the new value is reported, the new +/- Y limits for dead-band are automatically
set around it. The new value is reported only if the measured quantity changes more
than defined by the new +/- Y set limits.
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Value Reported
Value Reported Value Reported
Value Reported
< Y
< Y
The measured value is updated if the time integral of all changes exceeds the pre-set
limit (figure 253), where an example of reporting with integrating dead-band supervi-
sion is shown. The picture is simplified: the process is not continuous but the values are
evaluated at time intervals depending on the sampling frequency chosen by the user
(SampRate setting).
The last value reported (Y1 in figure 253) serves as a basic value for further measure-
ment. A difference is calculated between the last reported and the newly measured value
during new sample and is multiplied by the time increment (discrete integral). The ab-
solute values of these products are added until the pre-set value is exceeded. This occurs
with the value Y2 that is reported and set as a new base for the following measurements
(as well as for the values Y3, Y4 and Y5).
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
< A1 >=
A >= pre-set value
A2 >=
pre-set value pre-set value
< A3 + A4 + A5 + A6 + A7 >=
pre-set value
< $ $
$ $
Value Reported
< $ $ $
(1st) Value
$ Reported <
Reported Value
Reported Value
< Reported
The user can select the periodic reporting of measured value in time intervals between
1 and 3600 s (setting RepInt). The measuring channel reports the value even if it has not
changed for more than the set limits of amplitude or integrating dead-band supervision
(figure 254). To disable periodic reporting, set the reporting time interval to 0 s.
Value Reported Value Reported Value Reported
Value Reported
< <
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
Value 5
6HWYDOXHIRUW5HS,QW 99000528.vsd
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
The newly measured value is reported:
After each time interval for the periodic reporting expired, 25;
When the new value is detected by the dead-band supervision function.
The amplitude dead-band and the integrating dead-band can be selected. The periodic
reporting can be set in time intervals between 1 and 3600 seconds.
< Value Reported Value Reported
Reported Value
Value Reported Value Reported Value
(1st) Reported
Y Value Reported
< Y
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
Value 5
Periodic reporting can operate serially with the dead-band supervision. This means that
the new value is reported only if the set time period expired $1' if the dead-band limit
was exceeded during the observed time (figures 256 and 257). The amplitude dead-
band and the integrating dead-band can be selected. The periodic reporting can be set
in time intervals between 1 and 3600 seconds.
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Value Reported
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
Value 5
A1 + A2 >= pre-
A1 <
set value
pre-set value
Value QRW
< Reported
Value Reported Reported
$ $
t (*) t (*)
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
The reporting of the new value depends on setting parameters for the dead-band and for
the periodic reporting. Table 1 presents the dependence between different settings and
the type of reporting for the new value of a measured quantity.
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
* Please see the setting parameters in the Technical reference manual for further explanation
The design of the mA input modules follows the design of all REx 5xx-series protec-
tion, control, and monitoring terminals that have distributed functionality, where the de-
cision levels are placed as closely as possible to the process.
Each independent measuring module contains all necessary circuitry and functionality
for measurement of six independent measuring quantities related to the corresponding
measured direct currents.
On the accurate input shunt resistor (R), the direct input current (from the measuring
converter) is converted into a proportional voltage signal (the voltage drop across the
shunt resistor is in proportion to the measured current). Later, the voltage signal is pro-
cessed within one differential type of measuring channel (figure 258).
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
Measuring A
Converter I R U D
The measured voltage is filtered by the low-pass analog filter before entering the analog
to digital converter (A/D). Users can set the sampling frequency of the A/D converter
between 5 Hz and 255 Hz to adapt to different application requirements as best as pos-
The digital information is filtered by the digital low-pass filter with the (sinx/x)3 re-
sponse. The filter notch frequency automatically follows the selected sampling frequen-
cy. The relation between the frequency corresponding to the suppression of -3 dB and
the filter notch frequency corresponds to the equation:
Using optocouplers and DC/DC conversion elements that are used separately for each
measuring channel, the input circuitry of each measuring channel is galvanically sepa-
rated from:
A microprocessor collects the digitized information from each measuring channel. The
microprocessor serves as a communication interface to the main processing module
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
All processing of the measured signal is performed on the module so that only the min-
imum amount of information is necessary to be transmitted to and from the MPM. The
measuring module receives information from the MPM on setting and the command pa-
rameters; it reports the measured values and additional informationaccording to
needs and values of different parameters.
Each measuring channel is calibrated very accurately during the production process.
The continuous internal zero offset and full-scale calibration during the normal opera-
tion is performed by the A/D converter. The calibration covers almost all analog parts
of the A/D conversion, but neglects the shunt resistance.
Each measuring channel has built in a zero-value supervision, which greatly rejects the
noise generated by the measuring transducers and other external equipment. The value
of the measured input current is reported equal to zero (0) if the measured primary quan-
tity does not exceed +/-0.5% of the maximum measuring range.
The complete measuring module is equipped with advanced self-supervision. Only the
outermost analog circuits cannot be monitored. The A/D converter, optocouplers, digi-
tal circuitry, and DC/DC converters, are all supervised on the module. Over the CAN
bus, the measuring module sends a message to the MPM for any detected errors on the
supervised circuitry.
The PST Parameter Setting Tool has to be used in order to set all the parameters that are
related to different DC analog quantities.
Users can set the 13 character name for each measuring channel.
All the monitoring operating values and the hysteresis can be set directly in the mA of
the measured input currents from the measuring transducers.
The measured quantities can be displayed locally and/or remotely according to the cor-
responding modules that are separately set for each measuring channel by the users
(five characters).
The relation between the measured quantity in the power system and the setting range
of the direct current measuring channel corresponds to this equation:
ValueMax ValueMin
Valu e = ValueMin + ( I IMin ) --------------------------------------------------------------
IMax IMin
(Equation 384)
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
I_Min is the set value for the minimum operating current of a channel in mA.
I_Max is the set value for the maximum operating current of a channel in mA.
ValueMin is the value of the primary measuring quantity corresponding to the set value of
minimum operating current of a channel, I_Min.
ValueMax is the value of the primary measuring quantity corresponding to the set value of
maximum operating current of a channel, I_Max.
Figure 259 shows the relationship between the direct mA current I and the actual value
of the primary measured quantity, Value.
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
,0D[ ,
The dead-band limits can be set directly in the mA of the input direct current for:
I DeadB
IDBS = ------------------------------ = IDeadB t s
(Equation 385)
Monitoring of DC analog measurements &KDSWHU
IDeadB is the set value of the current level for IDBS in mA.
If a 0.1 mA variation in the monitored quantity for 10 minutes (600 s) is the event that
should cause the trigger of the IDBS monitoring (reporting of the value because of
IDBS threshold operation) and the sampling frequency (SampRate) of the monitored
quantity is 5 Hz, than the set value for IDBS (IDeadB) will be 300 mA:
The polarity of connected direct current input signal can be changed by setting the
ChSign to On or Off. This way it is possible to compensate by setting the possible
wrong connection of the direct current leads between the measuring converter and the
input terminals of the REx 5xx series unit.
The setting table lists all setting parameters with additional explanation.
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the metering functions.
Pulse counter logic (PC) &KDSWHU
The pulse counter function provides the Substation Automation system with the number
of pulses, which have been accumulated in the REx 5xx terminal during a defined pe-
riod of time, for calculation of, for example, energy values. The pulses are captured on
the Binary Input Module (BIM) that is read by the pulse counter function. The number
of pulses in the counter is then reported via LON to the station HMI or read via SPA as
a service value.
The normal use for this function is the counting of energy pulses for kWh and kvarh in
both directions from external energy meters. Up to 12 binary inputs in a REx 5xx can
be used for this purpose with a frequency of up to 40 Hz.
The registration of pulses is done for positive transitions (0->1) on one of the 16 binary
input channels located on the Binary Input Module (BIM). Pulse counter values are read
from the station HMI with predefined cyclicity without reset, and an event is created.
The integration time period can be set in the range from 30 seconds to 60 minutes and
is synchronised with absolute system time. That means, a cycle time of one minute will
generate a pulse counter reading every full minute. Interrogation of additional pulse
counter values can be done with a command (intermediate reading) for a single counter.
All active counters can also be read by the LON General Interrogation command (GI).
The pulse counter in REx 5xx supports unidirectional incremental counters. That means
only positive values are possible. The counter uses a 32 bit format, that is, the reported
value is a 32-bit, signed integer with a range 0...+2147483647. The counter is reset at
initialisation of the terminal or by turning the pulse counter operation parameter Off/
The reported value to station HMI over the LON bus contains Identity, Value, Time,
and Pulse Counter Quality. The Pulse Counter Quality consists of:
Pulse counter logic (PC) &KDSWHU
The transmission of the counter value by SPA can be done as a service value, that is,
the value frozen in the last integration cycle is read by the station HMI from the data-
base. The pulse counter function updates the value in the database when an integration
cycle is finished and activates the NEW_VAL signal in the function block. This signal
can be connected to an Event function block, be time tagged, and transmitted to the sta-
tion HMI. This time corresponds to the time when the value was frozen by the function.
The function can be regarded as a function block with a few inputs and outputs. The
inputs are divided into two groups: settings and connectables (configuration). The out-
puts are divided into three groups: signals (binary), service value for SPA, and an event
for LON.
Figure 260 shows the pulse counter function block with connections of the inputs and
Pulse counter value:
1.Operation = Off/On 0...2147483647
2.Cycle time = 30s...60min
3.Analog Event Mask = No/Report
( M_PC_T)
*Pulse Counter Quality
Pulse counter logic (PC) &KDSWHU
The BLOCK and TMIT_VAL inputs can be connected to Single Command blocks,
which are intended to be controlled either from the station HMI or/and the local HMI.
As long as the BLOCK signal is set, the pulse counter is blocked. The signal connected
to TMIT_VAL performs one additional reading per positive flank. The signal must be
a pulse with a length >1 second.
The BIM_CONN input is connected to the used input of the function block for the Bi-
nary Input Module (BIM). If BIM_CONN is connected to another function block, the
INVALID signal is activated to indicate the configuration error.
Each pulse counter function block has four output signals: INVALID, RESTART,
BLOCKED, and NEW_VAL. These signals can be connected to an Event function
block for event recording.
The INVALID signal is a steady signal and is set if the Binary Input Module, where the
pulse counter input is located, fails or has wrong configuration.
The RESTART signal is a steady signal and is set when the reported value does not
comprise a complete integration cycle. That is, in the first message after terminal start-
up, in the first message after deblocking, and after the counter has wrapped around dur-
ing last integration cycle.
The BLOCKED signal is a steady signal and is set when the counter is blocked. There
are two reasons why the counter is blocked:
The NEW_VAL signal is a pulse signal. The signal is set if the counter value was up-
dated since last report.
From the PST Parameter Setting Tool under SETTINGS/PC01-12 (Pulse Counter) in
the terminal tree, these parameters can be set individually for each pulse counter:
Operation = Off/On
Cycle Time = 30s / 1min / 1min30s / 2min / 2min30s / 3min / 4min / 5min / 6min /
7min30s / 10min / 12min / 15min / 20min / 30min / 60min.
Pulse counter logic (PC) &KDSWHU
The configuration of the inputs and outputs of the pulse counter function block is made
with the CAP configuration tool.
On the Binary Input Module, the debounce filter time is fixed set to 5 ms, that is, the
counter suppresses pulses with a pulse length less than 5 ms. The input oscillation
blocking frequency is preset to 40 Hz. That means that the counter finds the input os-
cillating if the input frequency is greater than 40 Hz. The oscillation suppression is re-
leased at 30 Hz. From the PST under CONFIGURATION/Binary I/O-modules/
Oscillation in the terminal tree and from the local HMI, the values for blocking/release
of the oscillation can be changed.
Pulse counter logic (PC) &KDSWHU
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the data communication and the associated hardware.
Remote end data communication &KDSWHU
The hardware communication modules (or modems) for the Remote end data commu-
nication are available in basically three different versions:
All systems are designed to be able to work at 64 kbit/s. Some of them can also work at
North American standard of 56 kbit/s. This is especially pointed out in the description
under each module.
If the protection terminal is located at a long distance (>100 m for V.36, X.21 and
RS530 and >10m for G.703) from the communication equipment or multiplexer or if
the cables run through a noisy area, optical communication should be used to intercon-
nect the protection terminal and the communication equipment. In this case the protec-
tion terminal contains module used for optical fibre communication and a suitable
optical to electrical converter is installed close to the communication equipment due to
the fact that there exists no standard for optical connections to communication equip-
ment. The optical-to-electrical converters that can be used are FOX6Plus (and FOX20)
from ABB and 21-15xx or 21-16xx from FIBERDATA. The FOX6Plus together with
optical fibre modem supports the G.703 co-directional interfacing and with restrictions
for X.21 and V.36. 21-15xx supports V.35 and V.36 while 21-16xx supports X.21,
G.703 and RS530 co-directional and contra-directional. For 21-15xx and 21-16xx short
range optical fibre modem is needed.
Remote end data communication &KDSWHU
The Remote end data communication consists of two parts, one software part that han-
dles the message structure, packing different pieces together, activate sending of the
messages, unpacking received messages etc, and one hardware part forming the inter-
face against external communication equipments. The hardware part, or built-in mo-
dems, can have either galvanic or optical connection. To ensure compatibility with a
wide range of communication equipment and media, the terminal is designed to work
within the signalling bandwidth of a standard CCITT PCM channel at 64 kbits/s. To en-
able the use in North American EIA PCM systems working at 56 kbits/s, some of the
interfacing modules can be adapted to this bit rate.
The message is based on the HDLC protocol. This is a protocol for the flow manage-
ment of the information on a data communication link that is widely used. The basic
information unit on an HDLC link is a frame. A frame consists of:
The start and stop flags are 8 bit each and the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 16 bits.
The data field differs if between a message sent from a slave to a master and a message
sent from a master to a slave. The principle design is according to figure 261 "Data mes-
sage structure" on page 571.
Start Stop
Information CRC
flag flag
Remote end data communication &KDSWHU
The start and stop flags are the 0111 1110 sequence (7E hexadecimal) defined in HDLC
standard. The CRC is designed according to standard CRC16 definition.
The optional address field in the HDLC frame is not used, instead a separate addressing
is included in the data field.
The address field is used for checking that the received message originates from the cor-
rect equipment. There is always a risk of multiplexers occasionally mixing up the mes-
sages. Each terminal is given different terminal numbers. The terminal is then
programmed to accept messages only from a specific terminal number.
If the CRC function detects a faulty message, the message is thrown away and not used
in the evaluation. No data restoration or retransmission are implemented.
Optical fibre communication module &KDSWHU
The optical communication module is designed to work with both 9/125 m single-
mode fibres and 50/125 or 62,5/125 m multimode fibres at 1300 nm wavelength. The
connectors are of type FC-PC (SM) or FC (MM) respectively. Two different levels of
optical output power are used. The level of optical power is selected with a setting. Low
power is used at short fibers in order not to saturate the receiver and thereby jeopardiz-
ing the functionality, and high power is used for long fibers to handle the high attenua-
tion that follow. The optical budget of the modem, at high output power, is 16dB for
single mode fiber and 21dB for multi mode fiber. This means that the total loss has to
be less than the optical budget. The losses in the connection in the protection terminal
are not to be included in the optical budget since they are already accounted for. The
maximum reach will depend on the properties of the used optical fiber but be around 20
km for multi mode fibers and about 30 km for single mode during normal conditions.
Example: The attenuation in the fibres is normally approximately 0.8 dB/km for multi-
mode and 0.4 dB/km for single-mode. Additional attenuation due to installation can be
estimated to be 0.2dB/km for multimode and 0.1 dB/km for single-mode fibres. For sin-
gle-mode fibre and high output power this results in a maximum distance of 32km. With
lower attenuation, a longer distance can be achieved.
Optical fibre communication module &KDSWHU
O pt
to converter
Op ever
ci & control
Fail indicator
Backplane connector
Galvanic data communication module &KDSWHU
These interface modules are intended for connection to commercially available com-
munication equipments or multiplexers and can be used both with 56 and 64 kbit/s data
Even if the standard claims that the reach for these interfaces are up to 1 km at 64 kbit/
s it is not recommended to use that distance for protection purposes where the commu-
nication has to be reliable also under primary power system faults. This is due to the
low level of the communication signals which gives low margin between signal and
noise. If the protection terminal is in the same building as the multiplexing equipment
and the environment is relatively free from noise, the protection terminal may be con-
nected directly to the multiplexer via shielded and properly earthed cables with twisted
pairs for distances less than 100 m.
Modules are available for the following interface recommendations, specifying the in-
terconnection of the digital equipment to a PCM multiplexer:
Galvanic data communication module &KDSWHU
V.35, V.36,X.21, RS530
56/64 kbt/s
REx5xx MUX to the
other end
Process connector X3
Backplane connector
Opto isolation
Process connector X2
Short range galvanic module &KDSWHU
The short range galvanic modem is used for point to point synchronous data transmis-
sion at 64 kbit/s at distances up to 3 km. Transmission is performed simultaneously in
both directions, full duplex, over four wires in a communication (pilot wire) line ac-
cording to figure 265.
pair cable
REx5xx REx5xx
Compared to normal data transmission standards, for example V.36, X.21 etc., the short
range modem increase the operational security and admits longer distances of transmis-
sion. This is achieved by a careful choice of transmission technology, modified M-3
balanced current loop and galvanic isolation between the transmission line and the in-
ternal logic of the protection terminal.
The reach will depend on the used cable. Higher capacitance between conductors and
higher resistance will reduce the reach. The use of screened cables will increase the ca-
pacitance and thereby shorten the reach but this will often be compensated by the re-
duced noise giving a better operational security. Maximum ranges as a function of cable
parameters are given in the diagram in figure 266.
Short range galvanic module &KDSWHU
Short range optical fibre module &KDSWHU
The short range optical fibre modem is used for point to point synchronous 64 kbit/s
data transmission at distances up to 5 km, the principle is according to figure 267. It can
also be used together with optic fibre transceiver type 21-15xx/16xx from FIBERDA-
TA in order to get an optical link between the protection terminal and a remotely located
communication equipment as in figure 268.
21-15xx supports interfaces according to ITU (former CCITT) standards V.35 and V.36
co- and contra-directional. 21-16xx supports interfaces standards X21 and G.703 ac-
cording to ITU (former CCITT) and RS.530 according to EIA co- and contra-direction-
Transmission is performed simultaneously in both directions, full duplex, over two op-
tical fibres. The fibres shall be of multi mode type, 50/125 m or 62.5/125 m.
The optical budget of the modem is 15dB. This means that the total loss in the fiber op-
tic communication path including splices, connectors and also ageing and other margins
of the fiber has to be less than 15dB. The losses in the connection for the protection ter-
minal are not to be included in the optical budget since they are already accounted for.
The maximum reach will depend on the properties of the used optical fiber but is be-
tween 3 and 5 km during normal conditions.
REx5xx REx5xx
Short range optical fibre module &KDSWHU
fibres 21-15X/16X V.35/36 (15X)
REx5xx X.21 (16X)
G.703 (16X)
G.703 module &KDSWHU
This interface module is intended for connection to commercially available communi-
cation equipments or multiplexers with G.703 interface. It can only be used with trans-
mission rate of 64 kbit/s. Furthermore it only supports co-directional operation. Contra-
directional and centralised clock are not supported.
Even if the standard claims that the reach can be rather long at 64 kbit/s, it is not rec-
ommended to use this for protection purposes where the communication has to be reli-
able also under primary power system faults. This is due to the low level of the
communication, signals only 1 V, which gives low margin between signal and noise. If
the protection and the communication equipment are located in the same room and the
environment is free of noise, the protection terminal may be connected directly to the
multiplexer via shielded and properly earthed cables with twisted pairs, same as shown
in figure for V.36 etc, for distances up to 10 m.
Carrier module &KDSWHU
Use the carrier module with the appropriate galvanic or optical communication sub-
module for short range communication of binary signals. Use the optical communica-
tion module when connecting a FIBERDATA 21-15X or FIBERDATA 21-16X
optical-to-electric modem. The 21-15X model supports V.35 and V.36 standards, and
the 21-16X model X.21, RS530 or G.703 standards.
The carrier module is used to connect a communication sub-module to the platform. It
adds the CAN-communication and the interface to the rest of the platform. By this the
capability to transfer binary signals between for example two distance protection units
is added.
The following three types of sub-modules can be added to the carrier module:
The carrier module senses the type of sub-module via one of the two connectors.
Carrier module &KDSWHU
Backplane connector
Serial communication &KDSWHU
The serial communication can be used for different purposes, which enable better ac-
cess to the information stored in the terminals. The serial communication is also used
for communication directly between terminals (bay-to-bay communication).
The serial communication can be used with a station monitoring system (SMS) or with
a substation control system (SCS). Normally, SPA communication is used for SMS and
SCS; LON communication is used for SCS. Additionally, LON communication can
also be used for SMS 510. SPA communication is also applied when using the front
communication port, but for this purpose, no special serial communication function is
required in the terminal. Only the software in the PC and a special cable for front con-
nection is needed.
The rear SPA-port can alternatively be set up for IEC 60870-5-103 communication.
IEC 60870-5-103 is a standard protocol for protection functions.
Serial communication, SPA &KDSWHU
The SPA protocol V2.5 is an ASCII-based protocol for serial communication. The com-
munication is based on a master-slave principle, where the terminal is a slave and the
PC is the master. Only one master can be applied on each optic fibre loop. A program
is needed in the master computer for interpretation of the SPA-bus codes and for trans-
lation of the settings sent to the terminal.
When communicating locally with a Personal Computer (PC) in the station, using the
rear SPA port, the only hardware needed for a station monitoring system is:
Optical fibres
Opto/electrical converter for the PC
When communicating remotely with a PC using the rear SPA port, the same hardware
is needed plus telephone modems.
The software needed in the PC, either local or remote, is CAP 540.
When communicating to a front-connected PC, the only hardware required is the spe-
cial front-connection cable.
The parameters for the SPA communication are set via the local HMI. Refer to the
Technical reference manual for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
The SPA and the IEC use the same rear communication port. To define the protocol to
be used, a setting is done on the local HMI. Refer to the Installation and commissioning
manual for setting procedure.
When the type of communication protocol is defined, the power to the terminal has to
be switched off and on.
The most important settings in the terminal for SPA communication are the slave num-
ber and baud rate (communication speed). These settings are absolutely essential for all
communication contact to the terminal.
Serial communication, SPA &KDSWHU
These settings can only be done on the local HMI for rear channel communication and
for front channel communication.
The slave number can be set to any value from 1 to 899, as long as the slave number is
unique within the used SPA loop.
The baud rate, which is the communication speed, can be set to between 300 and 38400
baud. The baud rate should be the same for the whole station, although different baud
rates in a loop are possible. If different baud rates in the same fibre optical loop are used,
consider this when making the communication setup in the communication master, the
PC. The maximum baud rate of the front connection is limited to 9600 baud.
For local communication, 19200 or 38400 baud is the normal setting. If telephone com-
munication is used, the communication speed depends on the quality of the connection
and on the type of modem used. But remember that the terminal does not adapt its speed
to the actual communication conditions, because the speed is set on the HMI of the ter-
Serial communiction, IEC &KDSWHU
The IEC 60870-5-103 is an unbalanced (master-slave) protocol for coded-bit serial
communication exchanging information with a control system. In IEC terminology a
primary station is a master and a secondary station is a slave. The communication is
based on a point to point principle. The master must have a software that can interpret
the IEC 60870-5-103 communication messages. For detailed information about IEC
60870-5-103, refer to the IEC60870 standard part 5: Transmission protocols, and to the
section 103: Companion standard for the informative interface of protection equipment.
The protocol implementation in REx 5xx consists of the following functions:
Event handling
Report of analog service values (measurands)
Fault location
Command handling
- Autorecloser ON/OFF
- Teleprotection ON/OFF
- Protection ON/OFF
- LED reset
- Characteristics 1 - 4 (Setting groups)
File transfer (disturbance files)
Time synchronization
When communicating locally with a Personal Computer (PC) or a Remote Terminal
Unit (RTU) in the station, using the SPA/IEC port, the only hardware needed is:
Serial communiction, IEC &KDSWHU
The events created in the terminal available for the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol are based
on the event function blocks EV01 - EV06. These function blocks include the function
type and the information number for each event input, which can be found in the IEC-
document. See also the description of the Event function.
The measurands can be included as type 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and type 9 according to the
The fault location is expressed in reactive ohms. In relation to the line length in reactive
ohms, it gives the distance to the fault in percent. The data is available and reported
when the fault locator function is included in the terminal.
The commands defined in the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol are represented in a dedicated
function block. This block has output signals according to the protocol for all available
The file transfer functionality is based on the Disturbance recorder function. The analog
and binary signals recorded will be reported to the master. The eight last disturbances,
that are recorded, are available for transfer to the master. A file that has been transferred
and acknowledged by the master can not be transferred again.
The binary signals, that are reported, are those that are connected to the disturbance
function blocks DRP1 - DRP3. These function blocks include the function type and the
information number for each signal. See also the description of the Disturbance report.
The analog channels, that are reported, are the first four current inputs and the first four
voltage inputs.
The parameters for IEC communication are set via the local HMI. Refer to the Techni-
cal reference manual for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
The SPA and the IEC use the same rear communication port. To define the protocol to
be used, a setting is done on the local HMI. Refer to Installation and commissioning
manual for setting procedure.
Serial communiction, IEC &KDSWHU
When the type of communication protocol is defined, the power to the terminal has to
be switched off and on.
Each command has its own blocking setting and the state can be set to OFF or ON. The
OFF state corresponds to non-blocked state and ON corresponds to blocked state.
The type of measurands can be set to report standardised types, Type 3.1, Type 3.2,
Type 3.3, Type 3.4 or Type 9.
The use of main function type is to facilitate the engineering work of the terminal.The
main function type can be set to values according to the standard, this is, between 1 and
255. The value zero is used as default and corresponds to not used.
The setting for activation of main function type can be set to OFF or ON. The OFF state
corresponds to non-activated state and ON corresponds to activated state. Upon activat-
ed the main function type overrides all other settings for function type within the termi-
nal, that is, function type settings for event function and disturbance recorder function.
When set to OFF, function type settings for event function and disturbance recorder
function use their own function type settings made on the function blocks for the event
function and disturbance recorder respectively. Though for all other functions they use
the main function type even when set to OFF.
The baud rate, the communication speed, can be set either to 9600 bits/s or 19200 bits/s.
Information command with the value one (1) blocks all information sent to the master
and abort any GI procedure or any file transfer in process. Thus issuing the command
with the value set to zero (0) will allow information to be polled by the master.
The dialogue to operate the output from the BlockOfInformation command function is
performed from different state as follows:
Serial communiction, IEC &KDSWHU
Up arrow, and then New: 0 changes to New: 1. The up arrow changes to the
down arrow.
E button, and then the Yes box activates.
2. Yes box active; select the:
C button to cancel the action and return to the BlockOfInfo window.
E button to confirm the action and return to the BlockOfInfo window.
Right arrow to activate the No box.
3. No box active; select the:
C button to cancel the action and return to the BlockOfInfo window.
E button to confirm the action and return to the BlockOfInfo window.
Left arrow to activate the Yes box.
For each input of the Event function there is a setting for the information number of the
connected signal. The information number can be set to any value between 0 and 255.
In order to get proper operation of the sequence of events the event masks in the event
function shall be set to ON_CHANGE. For single-command signals, the event mask
shall be set to ON_SET.
In addition there is a setting on each event block for function type. Refer to description
of the Main Function type set on the local HMI.
As for the commands defined in the protocol there is a dedicated function block with
eight output signals. The configuration of these signals are made by using the CAP tool.
To realise the BlockOfInformation command, which is operated from the local HMI,
the output BLKINFO on the IEC command function block ICOM has to be connected
to an input on an event function block. This input shall have the information number 20
(monitor direction blocked) according to the standard.
For each input of the Disturbance recorder function there is a setting for the information
number of the connected signal. The information number can be set to any value be-
tween 0 and 255.
Furthermore there is a setting on each input of the Disturbance recorder function for the
function type. Refer to description of Main Function type set on the local HMI.
Serial communication, LON &KDSWHU
An optical network can be used within the Substation Automation system. This enables
communication with the terminal through the LON bus from the operators workplace,
from the control center and also from other terminals.
Station HMI
such as Control Center
LON-bus with LIB 520
REx 5xx
REx 5xx
REx 5xx
1 en01000081.vsd
The LON protocol is specified in the LonTalkProtocol Specification Version 3 from
Echelon Corporation. This protocol is designed for communication in control networks
and is a peer-to-peer protocol where all the devices connected to the network can com-
municate with each other directly. For more information of the bay-to-bay communica-
tion, refer to the sections Event function and Multiple command function.
Serial communication, LON &KDSWHU
The hardware needed for applying LON communication depends on the application,
but one very central unit needed is the LON Star Coupler and optical fibres connecting
the star coupler to the terminals. To communicate with the terminals from MicroSCA-
DA, the application library LIB 520 is needed.
The HV/Control and the HV/REx 500 software modules are included in the LIB 520
high-voltage process package, which is a part of the Application Software Library with-
in MicroSCADA applications.
The HV/Control software module is intended to be used for control functions in REx
5xx terminals. This module contains the process picture, dialogues and process data-
base for the control application in the MicroSCADA.
The HV/REx 500 software module is used for setting and monitoring of the terminal
via the MicroSCADA screen. At use of this function the PST Parameter Setting Tool
(of v1.1 or higher) is required.
The parameters for the LON communication are set via the local HMI. Refer to the
Technical reference manual for setting parameters and path in local HMI.
Use the LNT, LON Network Tool to set the LON communication. This is a software
tool applied as one node on the LON bus. In order to communicate via LON, the termi-
nals need to know which node addresses the other connected terminals have, and which
network variable selectors should be used. This is organised by the LNT.
The node address is transferred to the LNT via the local HMI by setting the parameter
ServicePinMsg=YES. The node address is sent to the LNT via the LON bus, or the LNT
can scan the network for new nodes.
The speed of the LON bus is set to the default of 1.25 MHz. This can be changed by the
If the LON communication from the terminal stops, caused by setting of illegal com-
munication parameters (outside the setting range) or by another disturbance, it is possi-
ble to reset the LON port of the terminal.
By setting the parameter LONDefault=YES, the LON communication is reset in the ter-
minal, and the addressing procedure can start from the beginning again.
Serial communication, LON &KDSWHU
There are a number of session timers which can be set via the local HMI. These settings
are only for advanced use and should only be changed after recommendation from
Serial communication, LON &KDSWHU
About this chapter &KDSWHU
This chapter describes the different hardware modules.
Platform &KDSWHU
The REx 5xx platform consists of a case, hardware modules and a set of basic functions.
The closed and partly welded steel case makes it possible to fulfill stringent EMC re-
quirements. Three different sizes of the case are available to fulfill the space require-
ments of different terminals. The degree of protection is IP 40 according to IEC 529 for
cases with the widths 1/2x19 and 3/4x19. For case size 1/1x19 IP 30 applies for the
top and bottom part. IP 54 can be obtained for the front area in flush and semiflush ap-
plications. Mounting kits are available for rack, flush, semiflush or wall mounting.
All connections are made on the rear of the case. Screw compression type terminal
blocks are used for electrical connections. Serial communication connections are made
by optical fibre connectors type Hewlett Packard (HFBR) for plastic fibres or bayonet
type ST for glass fibres.
A set of hardware modules are always included in a terminal. Application specific mod-
ules are added to create a specific terminal type or family.
The basic functions provide a terminal with basic functionality such as self supervision,
I/O-system configurator, real time clock and other functions to support the protection
and control system of a terminal.
Platform &KDSWHU
Power supply module (PSM) Available in two different versions, each includ-
ing a regulated DC/DC converter that supplies
auxiliary voltage to all static circuits.
Main processing module (MPM) Module for overall application control. All infor-
mation is processed or passed through this
module, such as configuration, settings and
Human machine interface (LCD-HMI) The module consist of LED:s, a LCD, push but-
tons and an optical connector for a front con-
nected PC
Milliampere input module (MIM) Analog input module with 6 independent, gal-
vanically separated channels.
Binary input module (BIM) Module with 16 optically isolated binary inputs
Platform &KDSWHU
Binary I/O module (IOM) Module with 8 optically isolated binary inputs,
10 outputs and 2 fast signalling outputs.
Transformer input module (TRM) Used for galvanic separation of voltage and/or
current process signals and the internal cir-
A/D conversion module (ADM) Used for analog to digital conversion of analog
process signals galvanically separated by the
Optical receiver module (ORM) Used to interface process signals from optical
instrument transformers.
SP1 Out
32-bit controller
HMI unit
Platform &KDSWHU
bus SPM
bus HMI
CAN-bus (1 Mbit/s)
HMI serial communication links
Platform &KDSWHU
REx 5xx
S1 S7 S9 S11 S13 S15 S17 S19 S21 S23 S25 S27 S29
REx 5xx
S1 S7 S9 S11 S13 S15 S17 S19
Transformer input module (TRM) &KDSWHU
Current and voltage input transformers form an insulating barrier between the external
wiring and internal circuits of the terminal. They adapt the values of the measuring
quantities to the static circuitry and prevent the disturbances to enter the terminal. Max-
imum 10 analog input quantities can be connected to the transformer module (TRM). A
TRM with maximum number of transformers has:
The actual configuration of the TRM depends on the type of terminal and included func-
tions. See figure 275 and figure 276.
Transformer input module (TRM) &KDSWHU
Current Input connector
Backplane connector
Transformer input module (TRM) &KDSWHU
Current Input connector
Voltage Input connector
Backplane connector
A/D-conversion module (ADM) &KDSWHU
The incoming signals from the intermediate current transformers are adapted to the
electronic voltage level with shunts. To gain dynamic range for the current inputs, two
shunts with separate A/D channels are used for each input current. By that a 16-bit dy-
namic range is obtained with a 12 bits A/D converter.
The next step in the signal flow is the analog filter of the first order, with a cut-off fre-
quency of 500 Hz. This filter is used to avoid aliasing problems.
The A/D converter has a 12-bit resolution. It samples each input signal (5 voltages and
2x5 currents) with a sampling frequency of 2 kHz.
Before the A/D-converted signals are transmitted to the signal processing module, the
signals are band-pass filtered and down-sampled to 1 kHz in a digital signal processor
The filter in the DSP is a numerical filter with a cut-off frequency of 250 Hz.
The transmission of data between the A/D-conversion module and the signal processing
module is done on a supervised serial link of RS485 type. This transmission is per-
formed once every millisecond and contains information about all incoming analog sig-
A/D-conversion module (ADM) &KDSWHU
logic &
Backplane connector
1-5 Voltage
Analog filters &
current shunts 1-5 Current
Optical receiver module (ORM) &KDSWHU
The optical receiver module (ORM) is used to interface signals from optical instrument
transformer platform (OITP) to the terminal. The ORM will replace the conventional
analog input modules. Either 50 or 60 Hz signals is handled by the module. Only one
of the frequencies must be selected and used for all inputs.
The optical receiver module has four optical input channels that handles data from op-
tical instrument transformer platform (OITP). It converts the OITP data to a format used
in the terminal. The received data is processed in different ways depending on the set-
ting of the eight pole dip-switch of the module.
v er DSP
cie PLD
O pto
r ec
O pto PLD
er DSP
r ec
Backplane connector
r ec
O pto
Signal processing module (SPM) &KDSWHU
All numerical data is received in all of the up to 12 (16 bits) digital signal processors
(DSP). In these DSPs, the main part of the filtering and the calculations take place. The
result from the calculations in the DSPs is sent every millisecond on a parallel bus to
the (32 bit) main controller on the Main processing module.
MPM-connector DSP2
Input/Output modules &KDSWHU
The number of inputs and outputs in a REx 5xx terminal can be selected in a variety of
combinations depending on the size of the rack. There is no basic I/O configuration of
the terminal. The table below shows the number of available inputs or output modules
for the different platform sizes.
A number of signals are available for signalling purposes in the terminal and all are
freely programmable. The voltage level of the input/output modules is selectable at or-
Figure 280 shows the operating characteristics of the binary inputs of the four voltage
Input/Output modules &KDSWHU
Guaranteed operation
Operation uncertain
No operation
The I/O modules communicate with the Main Processing Module via the CAN-bus on
the backplane.
The design of all binary inputs enables the burn off of the oxide of the relay contact con-
nected to the input, despite the low, steady-state power consumption, which is shown
in figure 281.
Input/Output modules &KDSWHU
50 100 [ms]
Input/Output modules &KDSWHU
Process connector
Opto isolated input
Backplane connector
Opto isolated input
Process connector
Input/Output modules &KDSWHU
Process connector Relay
Backplane connector
Process connector
Relay Micro-
Relay Memory
Two single output relay contacts can be connected in series (which gives a command
output) in order to get a high security at operation of high voltage apparatuses.
Input/Output modules &KDSWHU
The output relays are provided with a supervision function to ensure a high degree of
security against unwanted operation. The status of the output circuits is continuously
read back and compared with the expected status. If any discrepancy occurs, an error is
reported. This function covers:
Input/Output modules &KDSWHU
Opto isolated input
& isp
Opto isolated input
Backplane connector
Process connector
Relay controller
Relay Memory
Relay Relay
Power supply module (PSM) &KDSWHU
The power supply module (PSM) contains a built-in, self-regulated DC/DC converter
that provides full isolation between the terminal and the external battery system. The
wide input voltage range of the DC/DC converter converts an input voltage range from
48 to 250V, including a +/-20% tolerance on the EL voltage. The output voltages are
+5, +12 and -12 Volt.
The PSM, used in the 1/2x19 and 3/4x19 platforms, has built-in binary I/O with four
optically isolated inputs and five outputs. One of the binary outputs is dedicated for in-
ternal fail. The PSM can provide power up to 20W.
input Memory
Opto isolated
Opto isolated Micro-
Relay controller
Relay PW
Relay M
Backplane connector
Power supply
mA input module (MIM) &KDSWHU
The mA input module (MIM) has six independent analog channels with separated pro-
tection, filtering, reference, A/D-conversion and optical isolation for each input making
them galvanically isolated from each other and from the rest of the module.
The analog inputs measure DC and low frequency currents in range of up to +/- 20mA.
The A/D converter has a digital filter with selectable filter frequency. All inputs are cal-
ibrated separately and the calibration factors are stored in a non-volatile memory and
the module will self-calibrate if the temperature should start to drift. This module com-
municates, like the other I/O- modules, with the Main Processing Module via the CAN-
mA input module (MIM) &KDSWHU
Backplane connector
A/D Converter Opto-
Protection isolation
& filter
Volt-ref DC/DC
Memory Micro-
Human-machine interface (HMI) &KDSWHU
The local HMI module consists of three LEDs (red, yellow, and green), an LCD with
four lines, each containing 16 characters, six buttons and an optical connector for PC
Optical connector C
Push buttons
for local PC
The PC is connected via a special cable, that has a built-in optical to electrical interface.
Thus, disturbance-free local serial communication with the personal computer is
achieved. Software tools are available from ABB for this communication. A PC greatly
simplifies the communication with the terminal. It also gives the user additional func-
tionality which is unavailable on the HMI because of insufficient space. The LEDs on
the HMI display this information:
Human-machine interface (HMI) &KDSWHU
Steady In service
Serial communication modules (SCM) &KDSWHU
The serial communication module for SPA/IEC is placed in a slot at the rear part of the
main processing module. The serial communication module can have connectors for
two plastic fibre cables or two glass fibre cables.The incoming optical fibre is connected
to the RX receiver input and the outgoing optical fibre to the TX transmitter output.
When the fibre optic cables are laid out, pay special attention to the instructions con-
cerning the handling, connection, etc. of the optical fibres. The module is identified
with a number on the label on the module.
The serial communication module for LON is placed in a slot at the rear part of the Main
processing module. The serial communication module can have connectors for two
plastic fibre cables or two glass fibre cables The incoming optical fibre is connected to
the RX receiver input and the outgoing optical fibre to the TX transmitter output. Pay
special attention to the instructions concerning the handling, connection, etc. of the op-
tical fibres. The module is identified with a number on the label on the module.
Data communication modules (DCM) &KDSWHU
The remote terminal communication modules are used both for differential line protec-
tion applications and for binary transfer of up to 32 signals to remote end (RTC), for
example for distance protections. The following hardware modules are available:
Short-range galvanic module
Fibre optical communication module
Short-range fibre optical module
The galvanic data communication modules according to V.36, X.21 and RS530 can be
used for galvanic short range communication covering distances up to 100 m in low
noise environment. Only contra-directional operation is recommended in order to get
best system performance.These modules are designed for 64 kbit/s operation but can
also be used at 56 kbit/s.
The galvanic data communication module according to G.703 is not recomended for
distances above 10 m. Special attention must be paid to avoid problems due to noise in-
terference. This module is designed only for 64 kbit/s operation.
The short-range galvanic module can be used for communication over galvanic pilot
wires and can operate up to distances between 0,5 and 4 km depending on pilot wire
cable. Twisted-pair, double-screened cable is recommended.
The fibre optical communication module can be used both with multi-mode and single-
mode fibres.The communication distance can typically be up to 30 km for single mode
fibre, with high quality fibres even longer. This interface can also be used for direct con-
nection to communication equipment of type FOX from ABB.
The short-range fibre optical module can only be used with multi-mode fibre .The com-
munication distance can normally be up to 5 km. This module can also be used for direct
connection to communication equipments of type 21-15xx and 21-16xx from FIBER-
Data communication modules (DCM) &KDSWHU
1MRK 506 107-UEN