Linkedlist Cormen

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236 Chapter 10 Elementary Data Structures

Whereas a stack allows insertion and deletion of elements at only one end, and a
queue allows insertion at one end and deletion at the other end, a deque (double-
ended queue) allows insertion and deletion at both ends. Write four O.1/-time
procedures to insert elements into and delete elements from both ends of a deque
implemented by an array.

Show how to implement a queue using two stacks. Analyze the running time of the
queue operations.

Show how to implement a stack using two queues. Analyze the running time of the
stack operations.

10.2 Linked lists

A linked list is a data structure in which the objects are arranged in a linear order.
Unlike an array, however, in which the linear order is determined by the array
indices, the order in a linked list is determined by a pointer in each object. Linked
lists provide a simple, exible representation for dynamic sets, supporting (though
not necessarily efciently) all the operations listed on page 230.
As shown in Figure 10.3, each element of a doubly linked list L is an object with
an attribute key and two other pointer attributes: next and pre. The object may
also contain other satellite data. Given an element x in the list, x:next points to its
successor in the linked list, and x:pre points to its predecessor. If x:pre D NIL,
the element x has no predecessor and is therefore the rst element, or head, of
the list. If x:next D NIL , the element x has no successor and is therefore the last
element, or tail, of the list. An attribute L:head points to the rst element of the
list. If L:head D NIL , the list is empty.
A list may have one of several forms. It may be either singly linked or doubly
linked, it may be sorted or not, and it may be circular or not. If a list is singly
linked, we omit the pre pointer in each element. If a list is sorted, the linear order
of the list corresponds to the linear order of keys stored in elements of the list; the
minimum element is then the head of the list, and the maximum element is the
tail. If the list is unsorted, the elements can appear in any order. In a circular list,
the pre pointer of the head of the list points to the tail, and the next pointer of
the tail of the list points to the head. We can think of a circular list as a ring of
10.2 Linked lists 237

prev key next

(a) L:head 9 16 4 1

(b) L:head 25 9 16 4 1

(c) L:head 25 9 16 1

Figure 10.3 (a) A doubly linked list L representing the dynamic set f1; 4; 9; 16g. Each element in
the list is an object with attributes for the key and pointers (shown by arrows) to the next and previous
objects. The next attribute of the tail and the pre attribute of the head are NIL , indicated by a diagonal
slash. The attribute L: head points to the head. (b) Following the execution of L IST-I NSERT.L; x/,
where x: key D 25, the linked list has a new object with key 25 as the new head. This new object
points to the old head with key 9. (c) The result of the subsequent call L IST-D ELETE.L; x/, where x
points to the object with key 4.

elements. In the remainder of this section, we assume that the lists with which we
are working are unsorted and doubly linked.

Searching a linked list

The procedure L IST-S EARCH .L; k/ nds the rst element with key k in list L
by a simple linear search, returning a pointer to this element. If no object with
key k appears in the list, then the procedure returns NIL. For the linked list in
Figure 10.3(a), the call L IST-S EARCH .L; 4/ returns a pointer to the third element,
and the call L IST-S EARCH .L; 7/ returns NIL.


1 x D L:head
2 while x NIL and x:key k
3 x D x:next
4 return x

To search a list of n objects, the L IST-S EARCH procedure takes .n/ time in the
worst case, since it may have to search the entire list.

Inserting into a linked list

Given an element x whose key attribute has already been set, the L IST-I NSERT
procedure splices x onto the front of the linked list, as shown in Figure 10.3(b).
238 Chapter 10 Elementary Data Structures


1 x:next D L:head
2 if L:head NIL
3 L:head:pre D x
4 L:head D x
5 x:pre D NIL

(Recall that our attribute notation can cascade, so that L:head:pre denotes the
pre attribute of the object that L:head points to.) The running time for L IST-
I NSERT on a list of n elements is O.1/.

Deleting from a linked list

The procedure L IST-D ELETE removes an element x from a linked list L. It must
be given a pointer to x, and it then splices x out of the list by updating pointers.
If we wish to delete an element with a given key, we must rst call L IST-S EARCH
to retrieve a pointer to the element.


1 if x:pre NIL
2 x:pre:next D x:next
3 else L:head D x:next
4 if x:next NIL
5 x:next:pre D x:pre

Figure 10.3(c) shows how an element is deleted from a linked list. L IST-D ELETE
runs in O.1/ time, but if we wish to delete an element with a given key, .n/ time
is required in the worst case because we must rst call L IST-S EARCH to nd the

The code for L IST-D ELETE would be simpler if we could ignore the boundary
conditions at the head and tail of the list:


1 x:pre:next D x:next
2 x:next:pre D x:pre

A sentinel is a dummy object that allows us to simplify boundary conditions. For

example, suppose that we provide with list L an object L:nil that represents NIL
10.2 Linked lists 239

(a) L:nil

(b) L:nil 9 16 4 1

(c) L:nil 25 9 16 4 1

(d) L:nil 25 9 16 4

Figure 10.4 A circular, doubly linked list with a sentinel. The sentinel L: nil appears between the
head and tail. The attribute L: head is no longer needed, since we can access the head of the list
by L: nil: next. (a) An empty list. (b) The linked list from Figure 10.3(a), with key 9 at the head and
key 1 at the tail. (c) The list after executing L IST-I NSERT0 .L; x/, where x: key D 25. The new object
becomes the head of the list. (d) The list after deleting the object with key 1. The new tail is the
object with key 4.

but has all the attributes of the other objects in the list. Wherever we have a ref-
erence to NIL in list code, we replace it by a reference to the sentinel L:nil. As
shown in Figure 10.4, this change turns a regular doubly linked list into a circu-
lar, doubly linked list with a sentinel, in which the sentinel L:nil lies between the
head and tail. The attribute L:nil:next points to the head of the list, and L:nil:pre
points to the tail. Similarly, both the next attribute of the tail and the pre at-
tribute of the head point to L:nil. Since L:nil:next points to the head, we can
eliminate the attribute L:head altogether, replacing references to it by references
to L:nil:next. Figure 10.4(a) shows that an empty list consists of just the sentinel,
and both L:nil:next and L:nil:pre point to L:nil.
The code for L IST-S EARCH remains the same as before, but with the references
to NIL and L:head changed as specied above:


1 x D L:nil:next
2 while x L:nil and x:key k
3 x D x:next
4 return x

We use the two-line procedure L IST-D ELETE 0 from before to delete an element
from the list. The following procedure inserts an element into the list:
240 Chapter 10 Elementary Data Structures


1 x:next D L:nil:next
2 L:nil:next:pre D x
3 L:nil:next D x
4 x:pre D L:nil

Figure 10.4 shows the effects of L IST-I NSERT 0 and L IST-D ELETE 0 on a sample list.
Sentinels rarely reduce the asymptotic time bounds of data structure operations,
but they can reduce constant factors. The gain from using sentinels within loops
is usually a matter of clarity of code rather than speed; the linked list code, for
example, becomes simpler when we use sentinels, but we save only O.1/ time in
the L IST-I NSERT 0 and L IST-D ELETE 0 procedures. In other situations, however, the
use of sentinels helps to tighten the code in a loop, thus reducing the coefcient of,
say, n or n2 in the running time.
We should use sentinels judiciously. When there are many small lists, the extra
storage used by their sentinels can represent signicant wasted memory. In this
book, we use sentinels only when they truly simplify the code.


Can you implement the dynamic-set operation I NSERT on a singly linked list
in O.1/ time? How about D ELETE?

Implement a stack using a singly linked list L. The operations P USH and P OP
should still take O.1/ time.

Implement a queue by a singly linked list L. The operations E NQUEUE and D E -
QUEUE should still take O.1/ time.

As written, each loop iteration in the L IST-S EARCH 0 procedure requires two tests:
one for x L:nil and one for x:key k. Show how to eliminate the test for
x L:nil in each iteration.

Implement the dictionary operations I NSERT, D ELETE, and S EARCH using singly
linked, circular lists. What are the running times of your procedures?

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