Structure of A Tragedy

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4. Crisis: This is the turning point in the fortunes of the

tragic protagonist, the consequence(s) of hamartia
serving to compound the tragic situation. After the crisis
3. Hamartia (errors of judgement): The tragic the tragic figure seems more controlled by events
figure suffers from a tragic flaw in character. As a than in control of them, the situation as a direct
result of this flaw s/he makes errors of judgement result of his/her previous action(s).
that are later directly responsible for the hero/ines
tragic downfall, leading to the catastrophe of the
play. At this point the protagonist still seems in
control of his/her fate.
5. Tragic Force: Following closely after the
crisis, this incident intensifies the downfall of
the tragic hero or heroine and sets in motion
the falling action or denouement of the play.

2. Inciting Force: An
incident that introduces the
conflict and sets in motion
the rising action of the play. 8. Glimpse of Restored Order:
Shakespeares tragedies never end
with the death of the protagonist; there
6. Moment of Final Suspense: For is always the introduction of a new
a brief moment it appears as though social order, a new harmony in
the protagonist will actually escape society. For this reason they are not
his or her tragic downfall after all. considered nihilistic or depressing.

1. Exposition: Since Shakespeares stage had no central

curtain and few stage props, the exposition reveals the
setting (time and place) and sometimes highlights a
theme; it has the important function of providing the 7. Catastrophe: The death of the protagonist.
appropriate mood and atmosphere for the play, also All of Shakespeares tragic figures die, their
acting as a hook to engage the audience. Shakespeare deaths serving to give a note of finality to
rarely introduces his tragic figure at this stage. tragic plays.

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