Philo 1

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Background in Philosophy

In most schools, philosophy is offered as a subject in their curricula. In such a

case, many of the students may not have a background in Philosophy, Therefore,
to help the students in the subject Philosophy of Human Person/Philosophy of Man
gain insight on this subject, it is deemed necessary to orient them first on the
background in Philosophy.

Meaning of Philosophy

The term philosophy is derived from two Greek v ords"philos" or"philein" (to love,
to desire) and"sophia Putting chem together have"philo" (wisdom). we sophia"
(love of wisdom). Thus, a philosopher is a"lover of wisdom". Wisdom knowledge
knowledge directed to the fundamental and pervasive concerns of existence.
Wisdom in philosophy is in how you help yourself think more clearly, precisely and
systematically. It was Pythagoras(580-500 BC), a Greek mathematician and
philosopher, who coined the word"love of wisdom". In one of his travels in an
ancient Greek kingdom, he was asked by the king if he was a sophos(a wise man);
he said that he was not but only a"lover of wisdom" Various authors define
philosophy according to what they think, what they believe, and what they think
ought to be done in the subject. Philosophy is the sum all men's beliefs and views
about the world which guide their actions(Ariola, 1989) Philosophy is the love of
pursuit of wisdom; the search for basic principles(The New Webster's Dictionary
of the English Language, 1995). According to Encyclopedia Americana, 2003,
philosophy is a rational critical thinking of a more or less systematic kind about
the conduct of life, the general nature of the world, and the justification of belief.
Pnilosophy is the science of things by their ultimate principles and causes, as
known by natural reason alone(Pinon, 1995).
Branches of Philosophy
Philosophy may be categorized into major(main) and minor(sub-branch)
Major Branches of Philosophy
1. Metaphysics(ontology)
is concerned with the nature of being
itself, its origin and essence.

2. Epistemology
is concerned with knowledge and the
problems of knowing.

3. Axiology(teleology)
is concerned with the problem of
purpose and values It is divided into
ethics(deals with the problem of good and
evil, right and wrong and their bearing
on morality) and aesthetics(deals with
the problem of beauty and value as
applied to art).
Minor Branches of Philosophy
These branches(sub-fields) have particular doctrine in answering key questions
1, Philosophy of Art
deals on art, aesthetic value, expression, and other
concepts that the critic employs

2. Philosophy of Education
deals with speculation and application of
Philosophical methods in the study of educational
issues and problems.

3, Philosophy of History
deals with the description of events actions of man's
past happenings and those that are to happen in man.

4. Philosophy of Language
deals with languages, their meanings and how
to use and manage the language to man's
5. Philosophy of Law
deals with the formulation of theories and concepts
in law to help man understand the nature of law,
its sources of authority role society.

6. Philosophy of Mathematics
is concerned on the critical examination of basic
mathematical entities, mathematical theories and
number system,

7. Philosophy of Nature
deals with whatever issues regarding the actual
features of nature as reality. It is divided into
Philosophy of Physics and Philosophy of Biology

8, Philosophy of psychology
deals with actual theories and research efforts of
contemporary psychologists,

9. Philosophy of Politics
deals with the question of the origin of the state
and authority and the law of the land.

10. Philosophy of Religion

deals on situation, experience, issues and
problems relating to religion and its
11. Philosophy of Science
provides intellectually and accurately satisfying
explanations of a broad range of natural

12. Philosophy of Society

deals with questions about personal morality in
relation to man's existence as member of society.

13. Philosophy of Man

is concerned on the study of human nature, purpose,
existence, destiny including his relationship with people
society and God. It is sometimes referred to as Philosophy of
Human Person. The main aim in the study of Philosophy of
Human Person is to see human life as a meaningful whole.
Since the study of philosophy are universality, unity, and
synthesis, the Philosophy of Human Person seeks to obtain a
unified and consistent world view of the human person.

Various schools of philosophy such as Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism,

Hedonism, Epicureanism, Utilitarianism, Rationalism, Realism, Humanism,
skepticism, Positivism, scholasticism, Monism, Pluralism, Determinism, and
Phenomenology, have different views and analysis on the nature of human person
In closing, let us pose this question: "What is certain in life?" According to Mark
Twain, an American writer, it is death and taxes. On the other hand, Bertrand
Russell l872-1970); a British philosopher contended that what is certain in life is
uncertainty itself that there is very little, if anything can be considered certain.
The Philosophy of Human Person is of little worth and strength if everything is
certain in this world. There is nothing more to study and philosophize. Therefore,
the most enduring importance in the study of Philosophy of Human Person lies in
the"vision of things large enough to generate a life plan, a direction" on the
purpose and essence of the human person.



An assignment presented to Dra. Marisa F. Cardema

Professor at Philippine Maritime Institution

College Inc.

In partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the subject in

Humanities ll, In the college of Customs

Administration 2nd Semester





May 8, 2017

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