Epistemology in Physiotherapy Verdadero

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Ep istemo lo gy in p h ysio th er ap y However, the new epidemiological

profile and the new logic of the

Epistemologa En La Fisioterapia Organization of the health systems in
RES UMEN Latin America and the world suggest
that a restructuring of the internships
En este trabajo quiero mostrar la should be made and the redefinition of
epistemologa en la fisioterapia, fields of action of the physiotherapist,
demostrando que lo ms importante es health professional education has been
la rehabilitacin del paciente, donde directed to a better quality of life, for
muestra que tiene diferentes ramas, epistemology in physiotherapy studies
donde tambin nos demuestra que la the human being from the holistic
fisioterapeuta es una ciencia muy understanding it to be a bio-psycho-
importante en la salud anthropo-socio-cultural The concept of
body has been associated with the
ABS TRA CT functional interpretation of the
In this work I want to show the movement and has deepened about its
mechanical, physiological and
epistemology in the physiotherapy,
neurological ability.
demonstrating that it more important
is the rehabilitation of the patient, Currently, there is an emphasis on the
where shows that has different understanding of physiotherapy from a
branches, where also us shows that the field not only biological but also social.
physiotherapist is a science very This merger, although nascent, focuses
on incorporating new categories to the
important in the health
biological hegemonic gaze, noting two
I n tr o d u ctio n : aspects: the first based on a
functionalist movement concept and
therefore the role of physical therapy
Physical therapy is a profession in the in the care of that capacity and in
area of health, which has traditionally attention to the deviation of the
been seen as that studies, prevents and patterns of normal (7-12) and the
treats kinetic disorders in organs and second, focusing on approach the
systems of the body the social elements and define what
physiotherapist since its inception as a physiotherapy performance transcends
profession has devoted his attention the control of functional and biological
mainly to the treatment and alteration of the body movement
rehabilitation of patients with disorders
of the human body movement.
the body movement of the human about their physiological, neurological,
being in addition to the movement that and mechanical ability. For
we know exists the intention, physiotherapy, its interpretation has
instrument of growth, maturation and been more focused on understanding
learning and this is very important for this physical capabilities and the ways
human evolution. how it behaves with regard to the
functionality of the movement, in the
identification and study of the body in
For physiotherapy, its interpretation relation to the construction of identity
has been more focused on and language in people. Thing from a
understanding this physical capabilities social line becomes relevant in the field
and the ways how it behaves with of knowledge and action of
regard to the functionality of the physiotherapy
movement, in the identification and
study of the body in relation to the MA TERI A L A ND METH OD S
construction of identity and language
in people. Thing from a social line
becomes relevant in the field of In the database Pubmed a search was
knowledge and action of performed on August 14, 2013 with
physiotherapy. Cerebral Palsy words combined with
Exercise, 1024 items were obtained.
After applying the filters Free Full Text
Available, 10 years publication dates
and Humans species list was reduced
The movement, in this sense, is a
to 127 articles. Of which manually 6
dimension of existence that enables
items were selected. The same day we
the expression, the notion of the self
searched with words/Cerebral Palsy
and others, the possibility of building
combined with Aquatic. The same
projects and therefore, development
filters were used, and 2 items were
processes. Body, and as his expression
obtained. On August 24, 2013 Bireme
movement, availability refers to the
was carried out a search in the
attitude of the subject in relation to its
database, we used the keyword
body, which in turn is determined by
hydrotherapy. Applied filters: available
the experience and whose nu-cleo is
full-text, topic main hydrotherapy and
the notion of consciousness. The
limit human. Be obtained 191 articles
concept of body has been associated
of which by selection manual is rescued
with the functional interpretation of
6 articles. In the same database the day
the movement and has deepened
25 of August of 2013 is carried out a
search with the words paralysis experience in the aquatic environment.
Cerebral, is applied them filters: text By the observation is found the
full available, theme main: therapy by presence of tremors and difficulties in
exercise and modalities of therapy the control postural and in the talks.
physical. Be obtained 197 articles and However it could move independently.
through a selection manual is selected The subject was subjected to a
3 articles. The inclusion criteria used program of aquatic exercises with the
were that the items were related to the aim of achieving autonomy in the
treatment of cerebral palsy through
physical exercise and aquatic therapy.
And those who use aquatic therapy to
treat cerebral palsy related
complications. Items that were
excluded were for not being related to
the aquatic exercise or physical activity. 7 studies, 5 were performed on
In addition to those involving invasive children and adolescents, one about a
treatment for the complications of group of premature babies and the
brain injury. We conducted a other was a case study on a 78-year-old
systematic review retrospective, patient, had in common that analyzed
descriptive and qualitative. effects of aquatic exercise
interventions, although with different
approaches and objectives. There is
RES ULTS : heterogeneity in the results, so it
7 items have been selected to develop becomes difficult to carry out an
the present work, the themes and analysis of the knowledge (3). In terms
of age to carry out therapeutic
objectives of the studies selected for
intervention is known to how much
this are varied, but all have as common
earlier is made more likely is of
denominator the physical activities in successful changes. Currently is
the aquatic environment. Below is the thought to be possible some neuronal
analysis of the level of evidence recovery in the PC. A cortical
according to the scale (Scottish reorganization as response to training
Intercollegiate Guidelines Network) is possible in patients with brain
SIGN: lesions, these changes allow functional
gains. Advances in neuroscience give
great importance to motor activity for
Case study, on a child of 10 years of the establishment and strengthening of
age with PC of ataxic type that had no the nerve pathways. If the activity is
reduced neuronal recovery is not activity involving strength exercises
possible. The neural reorganization and improves resistance and can lead to a
growth again neural tissue is better functional ability of children
dependent on use, repetitive activity with PC.
stimulates growth, why are important
early and intense therapies. The
potential for both positive and negative
It is necessary that aquatic exercise
changes is higher the younger is the
individual. This causes the need to act programs include muscular strength
urgently, with optimal strategies to training, to increase the postural
promote change. Not act properly or stability. Accordingly is expected an
do it late favors the onset of secondary increase of the capacity functional and
disorders to injury. improves of the March in land. It is
necessary for researchers to focus on
Most of the programs had a frequency defining more important to develop
of 2 sessions per week, duration of physical abilities and load parameters,
between 45 and 60 minutes, and the to create well structured physical
total length of the intervention was 2 activity programs to promote the early
months. Similar results were found by involvement of children with CP in
J.W. Gorter and S. J. Currie (3). Studies order to minimize the side effects of
on patients PC reflect improvements in
the disease, and should be evaluated
balance and posture through muscle
with measures objective to determine
strengthening and gain flexibility. As
well as an increase in aquatic skills. This the effectiveness of the intervention.
differs from the results obtained by Treatments through physical activities
J.W. Gorter and S. J. Currie (3) which can only be justified if they produce a
were based on aerobic work. Adequate change in the quality of life and
levels of muscular strength and functionality of the person who
flexibility are key to a functioning receives them. It must be scientific
Musculoskeletal and joint preservation. evidence that supports the efficacy or
The reduction of these levels leads to effectiveness of physical therapy, and
the loss of functionality and autonomy thus justify the often used in this
(1). Formerly considered inappropriate population
force exercises for patients with PC
with component spastic, believing that
they would cause even more spasticity
and abnormal patterns of movement.
Now research suggests that physical

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