Parking Problem at Vadodara Railway Station: Kinjal Jain, Prof. Krupa Dave

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2015

Parking Problem at Vadodara Railway Station

Kinjal Jain, Prof. Krupa Dave

Abstract Rapid growth in vehicles population has put

enormous strain in all million plus cities. Due to high vehicle
ownership and poor public transport facilities specially in the Baroda is the third largest city of Gujarat state. The
cities where population between 1 to 2 million. This study population in Baroda city is increasing year to year rather than
concerned with Vadodara city. Development of a city or of a decreasing. It is one of four cities with population over 1
region can only take place if proper atmosphere and
million. Baroda is one of the cities having high literacy rate
infrastructure is made available. Besides the majestic view of its
elevation, one more thing catches our eye, People parking and (78%) of Gujarat. The Vadodara Railway Station belongs to
taking out their vehicles from most congested place is Railway the Western Railway zone of Indian Railways and is a major
station. This region has been already more congested because of Junction on the Western Railway Main Line. Vadodara
hustle bustle of people more congested from account their junction is Gujarat's Busiest Junction with almost 150 trains
vehicles. Main objectives of this study is to identify the passing every day. One can travel to almost all the The
problems in existing parking area by collecting parking survey strategic location of Vadodara is so that it is a connecting link
data. This study can help to find innovative solution to the between Surat and Ahmedabad, the growth engines of
current problems such as increasing vehicle density, capacity of Gujarat. Also, it lies in DMIC (Delhi Mumbai Industrial
parking area and poor parking facility etc.
Index Terms Vehicle ownership, Congested parking, IV. PARKING PROBLEM AT VRS
Vehicle density, Urban development, Parking surveys
A. Indian standards are not followed and this leads to
I. INTRODUCTION haphazard parking to the a great extent.

Urbanization is increasing globally including developed and B. Due to haphazard parking more time is waste for parking
developing countries. India is also facing this phenomenon and accessing the Parked vehicles. So the reason is
due to migration of population in search of employment and Vehicle often get damaged in the process of parking and
better quality of life. The population has already surpassed accessing the vehicles.
1.2 billion and it continues to grow at a heady rate. The new
development due to this migration is not taking care of C. If people have to keep their vehicles in unlocked condition,
integration of infrastructure facilities and there is a increasing this is not at all correct from safety point of view.
gap in demand and supply. Due to continuous increase in
number of vehicles , parking problem arises in big cities. D. One does not get proper facility even on paying the amount
There are different options available to transport planner. and this is not justified.
Alternate may be multistory or basement parking. The
multi-storey or basement parking is require to be provided to E. Platform no 7 is situated at a fair distance from the entrance
reduce time to park and unpark vehicles The aim of this study of the main railway station. So people have to walk for a
is to identify the problems related to parking in existing area distance of about 600m- 700m for parking after their
by collecting parking survey data and to give alternative vehicles to reach middle of Platform no.1 During peak
solution and to carry out modification for smooth flow of hours bottleneck condition is experienced in the area near
vehicle. the exit of main station due to narrow approach roads
towards platform 7. IS are not followed and the parking of
II. OBJECTIVES vehicles unsystematic.
The specific objectives of the research work are as follows.
A. To identify the problems related to parking in existing area
by collecting parking survey data. To achieve the objectives a methodology is framed. For this
B. To carry out modification for smooth traffic flow. work study area is to be identified for collecting data. Main
C. To find out benefits of project. stretches of the study are identifying the problems on existing
D. To carry out impact study of project. parking area by the conducting different surveys. After the
E. Benefit from future economic and trade growth selection of study area the objective of work should be
decided. For achieving that goal the data collection and data
analysis results some remedial measure for road safety is
going to be suggested. Last step is to give conclusion of this
whole work done.
Manuscript received April 12, 2015.
Kinjal Jain, Student of M.E Civil, LDRP-ITR, Gandhinagar, India,
Prof. Krupa Dave, Assistant professor of Civil, LDRP-ITR,
Gandhinagar, India, 9429205386

Parking Problem at Vadodara Railway Station


C. Platform no 7 Parking
Table 1. Statistics of no. of vehicles parked at various parking facilities
Platform no 7 is situated at a fair distance from the entrance of
the main railway station. So people have to walk for a distance
Name Area(Sq.m) Types of Staff Regular No. of vehicle
of about 600m- 700m for parking after their vehicles to reach
Vehicles during peak hrs
middle of Platform no.1 During peak hours bottleneck
condition is experienced in the area near the exit of main
P -7 4309 2 wheelers 648 1620 1566
station due to narrow approach roads towards platform 7. IS
4 wheelers 22 33 16
are not followed and the parking of vehicles unsystematic.
Cycles - 108 81

RMS 1065 2 wheelers 140 1944 1510

Cycles - 162 54
A. The current scenario clearly suggests that redesigning has
IFMS 2100 4 wheelers - 594 65
to be implanted at the earliest using the available resources.
Rickshaw - 217 70
The parking area available near railway station is very limited
Taxi - 120 38
and precious. The land acquisition for this purpose is very
difficult hence they are occupied by private sector ages.
Hence the only land owned by municipal corporation and
HB 347 2 wheelers 108 541 520
railway authorities can be put up to use.
B. The current geography leads us to two directions, either
reach up to the sky or below the ground. It means to provide
multilevel parking or underground basement parking or
combination of both. The extent of penetration in both the
directions may increase the parking area to such extent that
1800 the Indian standards for parking would be satisfied and fair
amount of vehicles would be accommodated.
1200 cycles VIII. CONCLUSION
1000 Rickshaw The most Severe and foremost problem of parking provision
800 2 wheelers
would be eliminated. Indian standards of Parking would be
600 followed. The damage to vehicles caused due to Haphazard
4 wheelers parking would be avoided. The time taken to reach the
platform for far away parking area would be reduced. Traffic
200 congestion occurring due to haphazard on street parking
0 would overcome. Current Traffic Problem near platform no.7
P7 RMS IFMS HB during peak hours would be reduced. The decrease in parking
load on platform no.7 would greatly affect the congested
Fig (i) Comparison of flow of Vehicle at Various movement of ST buses. The aesthetic beauty of surrounding
Parking Area of Railway Station would be greatly enhanced. The state of
art Parking facility, would give an everlasting impressions on
the travelers residing in the city or visiting station first time.
A. RMS Parking Prof. Krupa Dave for her co-operation throughout the work. I
am very grateful to express sincere thanks to Dr. Gargi
Vehicles parked at RMS at present, with the parking to be Rajpara, Principal, LDRP institute of technology and
done with Indian standards. As presented above no of vehicles research, Gandhinagar and Dr. A.M Jain, Associate Professor
parked here are 1564 and calculating number of vehicles of Civil Engineering Department, SVIT, Vasad for their
parked according to Indian standards are 532 vehicles. So the support.
number of vehicles which are parked at present its thrice from
the original capacity. REFERENCES
[1] Yousif and Purnawan (1999) and Valleley (1997) Influence of On-Street
B. HB Parking Parking on infrastructure system.
[2] Calthrop (2001) Off street parking policy
[3] Bhaskar vijaykumar bhatt and Fenil Rajeshkumar Gandhi (2014) A
The number of vehicles parked here are 520 and according to Study on Parking needs at intersections: A Case of Surat T.P scheme
Indian Standards 172 vehicles are parked. So the number of [4] Shweta J. Chauhan, Dr. L.B Zala, Prof. Amit A Amin (2014) Traffic
vehicles which are parked at present its thrice from original Studies For Selected Road Corridor Of Anand City: Ganesh
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2015
[6] Association for European Transport Making Car Parking Management
an Effective Tool in Travel Planning

RA Railway Authority
VRS Vadodara Railway Station
RMS Railway Mail Service
HB Hiral Baug
IFMS In Front Of Main Station


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