Technical Paper 17443.edited
Technical Paper 17443.edited
Technical Paper 17443.edited
Noor Syazwani binti Azmi
Chemical Engineering Department
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Seri Iskandar, 32610 Perak, Malaysia
Abstract This research investigate scales issue in hard water 2HCO3- + heat CO3= + CO2 (gas) + H2O (1)
issues in pipeline system. Basically the purpose of this project is The carbornate then reacts with calcium
to reduce the scale formation in hard water flow using magnetic
field influence. Scaling always give a big issue in industry Ca++ + CO3= CaCO3 (solid) (2)
especially in the condition of hard water medium mostly found in Ca++ + 2HCO3- CaCO3 (solid) + CO2 (gas) + H2O (3)
the fertilizer application. Calcium carbonate scaling in the
pipeline was induced using carbon dioxide bubble and the scale Anti-scale magnetic treatment for hard water flow has a
was formed after expected period of observation. Neodymium long controversial history, [2]. The phenomenon of water
magnet was installed to influence the water in reducing the
treatment with an applied magnetic field has been known for
scaling and observation was made to see the different after
passing through magnetic field. To gain the details insight on the many years and has been reported as being effective in
precipitation produced, the sample will be characterized by SEM numerous instances and has been established that the
and XRD for the phase identification of precipitation formed. crystallisation of calcium carbonate, CaCO3 in hard water can
The previous result found on some article shown that there were be influenced by the magnetic field. Strong neodymium
changes on the crystalline characteristics of the precipitation magnets, the most widely used rare earth magnet are often used
between the hard water that undergo magnetic treatment and the in magnetic water treatment to prevent or reduce scale
non-treated hard water. For this experiment, it shows the positive formation in hard water distribution [3]. The magnetic field
result where the amount of calcium carbonate was decrease in the effect the molecules of the hard water, the ion of the calcium
magnetic water treatment by using different pole of magnet. The carbonate that can reduce the scaling formation after the hard
XRD result shown the amount of the calcite in the magnetic
treated water also decrease by 36.61% and the SEM result shown
water flow through the magnetic bar. The different polarity of
different crystalline characteristics of the calcium carbonate of the magnet give different result in terms of the scaling
hard water and the magnetic treated water. formation. Magnetic water treatment does not remove any
calcium from the water [4]. This work investigate the effect of
I. INTRODUCTION magnetic field on scaling prevention by using neodymium
magnet, to determine the magnetic polarity effect on scaling
The scaling problem in hard water arises because of the development and to characterize the carbonate crystallization
solubility of calcium carbonate, CaCO3 decreases with minerals in the pipeline if any deposits still exist. However, the
increasing temperature, [1]. Huge amount of energy and cost anti-scale magnetic treatment has had a long and controversial
wasted because hard scale forms in the equipment in plant such history in example, either effective or ineffective operating
as heat exchanger, boilers and domestic hot water system can have been reported [5]. However, conflicting results also exists
lead to many problems such as corrosion, pipe blocking and in the literature. For example, the magnetic field would supress
economics impacts to the industry and waste water treatment. [6][7][8][9], or have no effect [10][11] on the CaCO3 growth,
CaCO3 crystallises in three different crystals forms that are hence creating a widespread controversy as to the credibility of
calcite, aragonite and vaterite. Calcite is usually associated this type of water conditioning, such as the conclusion of [12]
with a hard scale whereas aragonite and vaterite give rise to a that the effectiveness of a magnetic water treatment device was
softer type of scale that is easily removed. attributed to the contamination of solution by Fe ions, which
dissolved from the device and inhibited the build-up of scale.
Scaling is a phenomenon occurs when the water contain
calcium and magnesium and also known as hard water react We can analyzed the effect of magnetic field on the CaCO 3
and form precipitation. It can occur when the concentration of precipitation crystals formed using x-ray diffraction analysis
calcium or magnesium ion (salt) is higher in the water. The [13]. The aragonite form of precipitation found in the
presence of heat also contribute to the formation of scales. The precipitation more than the formation of calcite when using
scale will be formed when calcium ion react with bicarbonate magnetic field. Many studies were published on the effect of
ion when heating. The equations 1 to 3 show how scaling is magnetic field on the crystallization of CaCO 3 [14][15]. He
formed: concluded that the hard scaling that is calcite can be prevent
successfully using magnetic field.
I. METHODOLOGY D. Characterization of CaCO3 using XRD
The X-ray powder diffraction was used for phase
A. Preparation Hard Water identification in the precipitation of the calcium carbonate.
Sample solutions of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 were Data were collected in the 2 angle mode from 20 to 70 o in
prepared by dissolving finely ground calcium hydroxide steps of 0.04o; the integration time was 30 s per step. The
powder of analytical purity in deionised water and then let the divergence and anti-scatter slits were fixed within 10 and the
solution to fully dissolve overnight. This solution provide the front slit was 0.2 mm wide.
hard water with the pH of 12.
C. Magnetic Water Treatment (different poles of magnet The using of magnetic field with repulsion force (same
attraction) pole) does give the best result for this experiment. The
magnetic field force the positive and negative ions to repel
each other. The ions do not have the opportunity to collide
The neodymium magnet with strength of 1400 mT were each other and resulting in less formation of precipitate than
used with different number of magnet for five run using the attraction force by using different pole of magnet.
different pole of magnets means using attraction force. First
we used a pair of magnet then increase the number of magnet
by two for five run. For every run, the hard water was passed
aragonite forms of crystals when there is the magnetic force. It
can be easily remove from the pipeline since it is not stick to
each other and really hard to stick to the pipeline.
F. XRD Result