Calcium Carbonate Scale Formation in Cop
Calcium Carbonate Scale Formation in Cop
Calcium Carbonate Scale Formation in Cop
1051/ matecconf/20165801029
Calcium carbonate is commonly precipitated as a scale in the transportation pipes of water. The presence of this mineral
deposit becomes problematic, because it can block the pipes and lead to a decline in piping performance. Calcium
carbonate precipitation from the synthetic solution was experimentally investigated in the present study. The aim of
research was to predict the occurrence of precipitates and characterize the scale precipitated from the solutions. The
synthetic solutions were prepared using CaCl2 and Na2CO3, which was mixed with distilled water (H2O). The
concentrations of Ca2+ at 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 ppm. in the solution were adjusted and the solution flow in the Cu
pipes at the different flow rate of 30, 40 and 50 ml/min. It was found that in all the experiments, the conductivity decreased
abruptly after a certain induction period. Higher temperature produced more mass of the scale indicating that the increasing
temperature promote scale formation. SEM analysis showed that the scale was rhombohedral, while EDS revealed that the
elemental composition of the scale consisted of Ca, C and O. The crystalinity of the scale was found to be mostly calcit as
shown by the XRD
Keywords: calcium carbonate, induction time, prototipe scale formation, scale morfology
Scaling is one of the main serious engineering to scale growth and agglomeration (Rabizadeh et al.,
problems in process industries as the scales my hinder 2014). This is due to the random collision of ions with
the flow of solution in industrial pipes or tubes. Accurate particles and secondary crystallization occurs on the
estimation of scale formation is thus very important. surface of these foreign bodies present in the bulk phase
Calcium sulphate, carbonate potentionaly deposited add (Alice et al., 2011).
clogged pipping system (Azimi and Papangelakis, 2010). In electrolyte solutions, the transition temperature
The calcium carbonate scale formation was of calcium carbonate solubility may vary because of
influenced by several aspects such as flow rate, variation in the water activity (Fathi et al., 2006). The
concentration of solution, pH value, temperature, solubility of common scales in water is shown in Figure
pressures, and ionic strength (Bahadori, 2010). In 1, solubility of CaCO3, BaSO4 and CaSO4 as a function
laminar turbulence,the higher flow rates,the more of temperature.
calcium carbonate scale mass indicating the fluid flow
enchances the scale formation (Muryanto et al., 2012).
Previous studies done by Gourdon, have shown that
CaCO3 scale formation can be found in fully laminar and
fully turbulent. In fully laminar the formation was in a
slow growth while in fully turbulent the formation was
easily found in the angels (Amor et al., 2004). The flow
of the fouling is described as having pronounced rippling
and surface waves of partially laminar and partially
turbulent nature.As the turbulent also will enhance the
mass transfer,the rate of crystal deposition can also be
promoted (Gourdon, 2011).
Other researchers indicated that scale growth does
not always remain linear with time,as higher velocity can
sometimes reduce scale deposition (Basim et al., 2012).
Crystallization occurs due to the lateral growth of the Figure-1. Solubility of Common Scalesas a function of
scale deposit on the membrane surface, resulting in flux temperature (Amer, 2009).
decline and surface blockage (Zhang, 2002). Thus,the The aim of the present research was to examine the
scaling formation is actually the crystallization nucleation and growth of calcium carbonate crystals, and
phenomenon.Bulk crystallization arises when crystal identify calcium carbonate formation and the scaling
particles are formed in the bulk phase through potential in pipes. In the present study, calcium sulfate
homogeneus crystallization and my deposit on crystals were grown by the prepared solution containing
membrane surfaces as sediments/particles to form a cake calcium carbonate composition and then characterized
layer that leads to flux decline (Zhen et al., 2010). In by XRD for the mineral determination and SEM analysis
addition, supersaturated scale forming conditions leads with EDX for elemental analysis and morphology.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (
MATEC Web of Conferences 58, 01029 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20165801029
Induction Time of crystallization
Induction time can be defined as the time required
for between the generation of supersaturation and
appearance of nucleic detected through concentration
change. This can be seen since the onset of nucleation
showing a reduction in the concentrations of
crystallizing ion and molecules take place due to their
association into the solid phase, thus the conductivity
which is proportional to the concentration will undergo a
reduction. This reduction in conductivity could be
measured as the induction time. However, the measured Figure-3 Variations of conductivity during the course of
induction time presents the sum of the nucleation time precipitation
for appearance of critical size nuclei. Additionally, Experimental results showed that the induction
growth time of nucleic from critical size to the size time was essentially under the influence of carbonate
possessing enough mass at solid phases makes a concentration. As Figure 3 shows, the induction time
MATEC Web of Conferences 58, 01029 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20165801029
MATEC Web of Conferences 58, 01029 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20165801029