High Volt
High Volt
High Volt
Applications, Advantages Fundamentals
Resonant Test Systems, types WR and WRM are The connection of an HV reactor (inductance L) to a capacitive
applied for the generation of a continuously variable test object (C) forms an oscillating circuit with the natural
alternating (AC) voltage of a fixed frequency (mainly 50 or frequency
60 Hz) for high-voltage (HV) routine, type and develop- f = 1/2 LC.
ment testing of capacitive test objects. They can also be By a variable inductance this frequency can be tuned to that of
applied for HV on-site tests, but HIGHVOLT offers for that the power supply (e. g. 50 Hz) which means resonance (Fig.
application the more economic solution of frequency- 1). The capacitive test power S exceeds the feeding power P
tuned resonant test systems (see Catalogue Sheets 8.02, according to the quality factor Q. The quality factor Q of the
8.03 and 8.04). whole circuit is the combination of that of the test system QA
and that of the test object QP by
Capacitive test objects are cables, capacitors, gas- Q = QA QP / (QA + QP) (1)
insulated switchgear (GIS), but also large rotating ma- For the more important series resonant circuits (Fig. 1a)
chines, instrument and power transformers (for applied resonance is connected with the increase of the voltage from
voltage tests). Resonant test systems enable not only the exciting voltage Ue to the test voltage U
HVAC tests at 50/60 Hz, but also at higher frequency (e. U = Q Ue. (2)
g. at > 100 Hz for instrument transformers) and dynamic Parallel resonant circuits can be understood as HV current
tests with fast voltage changes (e. g. for capacitors). compensation by a variable inductance in parallel to a HV test
Because of their precise sine-wave, resonant test sys- transformer (Fig. 1b). In that case the voltage is determined by
tems are very well suited for the combination of HVAC the ratio of the HV transformer. Parallel resonance is only
withstand tests with partial discharge (PD) measurement. applied if capacitances or losses of the test object are not
HIGHVOLT adapts the resonant test systems to the re- stable (e. g. at rotating machines) or if the tests include dy-
quirements of the relevant standards and the customers namic processes.
demand. The inductance of the HV reactor can be varied only in a
certain range (e. g. Lmax = 20 Lmin), for series resonance
The main advantage of resonant test systems is the low circuits the load capacitance can be varied in a corresponding
power demand, because only the losses in the test circuit limited load range (Cmax = 20 Cmin). The system must be
must be replaced by the power supply. The quality factor equipped with a basic load capacitor CO > Cmin which enables
Q which is the relation between the test power S and the no-load operation, but reduces the test object capacitance to
loss power P ranges between Q = 10 and values up to (Cmax CO). Fig. 2 shows the load-voltage characteristic for a
100, this means only 10 to 1 % of the test power must be system with two taps at the reactor, each corresponding to a
supplied. A resonant test system is remarkably lighter, certain inductance and voltage. In the double logarithmic load-
cheaper and more economic than an AC transformer test voltage characteristic (Fig. 2) both, powers S and currents I,
system and should be applied if the test objects are ca- are given by straight lines. When the system is e. g. be de-
pacitive. In case of a disruptive discharge the test object signed according to the constant current of I1, the hatched area
is not destroyed, because the system goes out of reso- cannot be used because of too high current I2. A clear defini-
nance. HIGHVOLT resonant test systems are character- tion of the necessary load-voltage requirement including duty
ized by a very modern system configuration and have cycle is the basis for an economic selection of a resonant
proven highest reliability. circuit.
I1 I2 Currents
Output Voltage / kV
100 Tap 1
Tap 2
10 S2
Cmin Cmax
Cmin2 Cmax2
0,01 0,1 1 10
Load Capacitance / F
The HV reactor of variable inductance (Fig. 3: no. 5; Fig. For control and measurement three HIGHVOLT control
4 and 5) is completed by numerous components to a and measuring systems are available (see Data Sheet
comfortable resonant test system (Fig. 3). The system is 1.52; types BC 5 R, CMS 22 R and CMS 23 R).
supplied with the feeding power P from the power network The basic control, type BC 5 R is based on one univer-
via a switching cubicle (Fig. 3: no. 1), a voltage regulator sal operator device, type BG5 (no. 11, Data Sheet 1.54),
(no. 2, for lower and medium power a regulator trans- with a SIMATIC software package for controlling the pro-
former (Data Sheet 1.26), for high power a Thoma regula- grammable logic controllers (PLC, type SIMATIC) via an
tor (Data Sheet 1.27)) and an exciter transformer (no. 4). optic PROFIBUS connection (no. 18). The PLCs are
The exciter transformer is equipped with several taps for mainly arranged in the switching cubicle (no. 1) as well as
an optimum adaptation of the output voltage of the regu- the peak voltmeter (no. 13, see Data Sheet 5.56). The BC
lating transformer to the characteristic of the test object 5 R control enables manual and simple-automatic opera-
and the requested test voltage level. In case of tank-type tion of the test system including automatic tuning to reso-
reactors (Fig. 4) the exciter transformer (Data Sheet 1.29) nance (also during a test), preselection of voltage cycles,
is built into the tank of the HV reactor. Different taps can automatic switch-off in case of breakdown, digital meas-
be switched by a tap-changer (optionally motor-driven). In urement of actual test voltage and test system parame-
case of modular reactors (Fig. 5) the exciter transformer ters. Partial discharge (PD) (no. 14) and tan delta (no. 15)
is a separate unit (Data Sheet 1.28). For the reduction of measurements are separated from the control.
high-frequency noise signals which may disturb sensitive
PD measurement a low-voltage filter (no. 3) can be at- The computer control, type CMS 22 R uses an indus-
tached to the tank of the HV tank-type reactor or to the trial personal computer (IPC; no. 12) instead of the opera-
enclosure of a Faraday cage. tor device. It is connected to the PLCs via ETHERNET.
The HV reactor (no. 5) varies its inductance by a gap of The software package WGMS 22 R (see Data Sheet
adjustable distance of the magnetic core arranged inside 1.55) enables both, manual and automatic testing includ-
the winding. The moveable part of the core is driven by a ing PD and tan delta recording, evaluation and presenta-
frequency-controlled motor via a suitable gear. tion. In that case the operator device (no. 11) is reduced
The test object (no. 9) is connected via a HV filter (no. 6, to the very simple plug-in type BG6 to control power
7, 8). The filter consisting of a blocking impedance no. 7 on/off and emergency-off.
(Data Sheet 1.35) and HV capacitors (no. 6 and no. 8)
has several functions: It reduces the conductor-connected The advanced computer control, type CMS 23 R, is the
HF noise for PD measurement, protects the HV reactor in combination of BC 5 R and CMS 22 R controls. The op-
case of a breakdown, the two capacitors (no. 6 and 8) act erator device, type BG 5 (no. 11), is considered as the
as a basic load which guarantees resonance if no test redundancy to the IPC (no. 12). This computer control
object is connected, capacitor no. 6 is a divider for volt- enables the printing of test records and can be connected
age measurement (Data Sheet 5.20) and capacitor (no. via the remote diagnostics and access module (no. 16,
8) (Data Sheet 1.31) is the coupling capacitor for PD see Data Sheet 1.56) to the local area network (LAN) of
measurement. If the test object is a cable, it should be the user as well as via INTERNET to the HIGHVOLT
connected via a suitable cable end termination (see Data Service Center for technical support, software updates
Sheet 7.90 respectively 7.71). For very precise voltage or and trouble shooting.
tan delta measurement a compressed-gas standard ca-
pacitor (no. 10, see Data Sheet 5.31) can be added. The control and measuring system can be delivered in a
rack or a desk (see Data Sheet 7.31).
Test systems with tunable metal tank reactors are avail- Tunable reactor modules for series resonant circuits are
able for rated voltages between 50 and 350 kV with test available between 250 and 400 kV and test power between
power between 300 and 6000 kVA. A typical duty cycle 1000 and 14000 kVA per unit. As a standard up to three
for metal tank reactors is 1 h ON / 1 h OFF eight times modules can be combined to a reactor cascade (see cover
per day. They are mainly applied in series resonant cir- photo), which enables the extension of the rated voltages up
cuits for testing medium and high-voltage cables (see to 1200 kV and test power up to 28000 kVA (higher parame-
Data Sheet 1.23). For testing capacitors and rotating ters on request). Typical duty cycles are 1 h ON / 1 h OFF six
machines special reactors, provided for series and paral- times per day or 1 h ON / 2 h OFF three times per day for
lel resonant circuits, are supplied (see Data Sheet 1.24). larger types. The smaller types (1000 and 1600 kVA per
In combination with shielded test rooms (Faraday module) are mainly applied for testing of GIS, power and
cages) for sensitive PD measurement, the metal tank instrument transformers (see Data Sheet 1.21). The larger
enables the cost-saving arrangement of the reactor out- types (up to 14000 kVA per module, see Data Sheet 1.22)
side the test room with only the bushing inside. are designed for testing EHV cables.
The modular type reactors are designed with two HV coils on
The tank type reactors (Fig. 4) are equipped with a so a horizontally arranged magnetic core consisting of two parts
called plunger core with one moving limb in its centre with exactly adjustable gaps in between (Fig. 5). One of the
surrounded by four return limbs with the related yokes. U-shaped core parts can be moved by a gear and an exter-
The moving limb can be positioned by a motor drive and nal drive via insulating rods. The core as well as the outer
a special spindle arranged on the core itself. This design steel tube is connected to the middle potential between the
of high mechanical stability guarantees both, a stable gap two HV coils. The external electrodes of the modules and
(that means a stable inductance and consequently a reactor cascades are adapted to the requirements of their
stable voltage) and low acoustic noise. The exciter trans- own air insulation as well as to those of their environment. A
former is incorporated in the tank. special mechanical design of the modules for mobile on-site
test systems is also available.
a) b) a)
Fig. 4: Tunable metal tank reactor (a) Fig. 5: Tunable reactor module (a)
and its active part (b) and its active part (b)