Dark Eldar Wych Cult Kill Teams: Syren
Dark Eldar Wych Cult Kill Teams: Syren
Dark Eldar Wych Cult Kill Teams: Syren
Like all Dark Eldar, Wyches revel SYREN Kill Team Leader Cost to recruit: 150 points
in the pain and suffering of others. M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Their martial skills are honed to Syren 6" 4 4 3 3 1 6 3 9
razor-sharp perfection in the arenas
of Commorragh, and unleashed upon Each Wych Cult kill team is lead by a Syren, a murderous exemplar whose wicked
the denizens of realspace in terrifying blades have shed blood across dozens of worlds.
pirate raids.
Wargear: A Syren has a Wych knife and Wychsuit. In addition, a Syren can
WYCH CULT SPECIAL RULES be armed with items chosen from the Dark Eldar Hand-to-Hand Weapons,
The following special rule applies to Gladiatorial Weapons, Pistols, Ammunition, Grenades and Miscellaneous
all of the members of a Dark Eldar Equipmentlists.
WYCH Trooper Cost to recruit: 80 points
Combat Drugs: Dark Eldar fighters M WS BS S T W I A Ld
use a heady cocktail of stimulants and Wych 6" 4 4 3 3 1 6 1 8
performance enhancers. To see which
particular drug has taken their fancy Tenacious and cruel beyond comprehension, Wyches often leave their defeated
for this fight, roll on the table below foes alive so that they may savour the screams of torment for days to come.
before deployment. This applies to
the whole kill team (except for any Wargear: All Wyches have a Wych knife and Wychsuit. In addition, a Wych can be
Haemonculi or Scourges who may have armed with items chosen from the Dark Eldar Hand-to-Hand Weapons, Pistols,
joined the team). Ammunition, Grenades and Miscellaneous Equipment lists.
USING A WYCH CULT KILL TEAM Wargear: All Debutantes have a Wych knife and Wychsuit. In addition, a
A Wych Cult kill team follows Debutante can be armed with items chosen from the Dark Eldar Hand-to-
all of the normal rules, with the Hand Weapons, Pistols, Grenades and Miscellaneous Equipment lists.
BLOODBRIDE Specialist Cost to recruit: 100 points
Dark Eldar Wyches regularly carry M WS BS S T W I A Ld
the ritual weapons of the arena with Bloodbride 6" 4 4 3 3 1 6 2 9
them on their raids into realspace.
Items of equipment from the Having proven their brutality in the gladiatorial pits time and again, Bloodbrides
Gladiatorial Weapons list count as are always seeking new foes whose flesh they can rend.
hand-to-hand weapons in all regards.
In addition they take up both of a Wargear: All Bloodbrides have a Wych knife and Wychsuit. In addition, a
fighters hands, so may not be used in Bloodbride can be armed with items chosen from the Dark Eldar Gladiatorial
combination with any other weapons, Weapons, Grenades and Miscellaneous lists.
and count as two weapons for the
purposes of the fighting with two
weapons rule.
They come for your souls, Ive seen it. Theyve come to feed on your souls
- Oelle Blackwinter, Primaris Psyker
DARK ELDAR WEAPON AND EQUIPMENT LISTS Chainhook............................................................... 10 points
Ammunition Agoniser*................................................................. 45 points
Soul-seeker rounds*................................................ 15 points Power sword*........................................................... 50 points
* Can be purchased for splinter pistols only * Syren only
Grenades Pistols
Plasma grenades...................................................... 25 points Splinter pistol.......................................................... 20 points
Blast pistol*.............................................................. 50 points
Miscellaneous * Syren only
Blade venom............................................................ 10 points
Mirrorhelm.............................................................. 20 points Gladiatorial Weapons
Weapon reload...........................Half cost of weapon in points Hydra Gauntlets...................................................... 30 points
Razorflails................................................................ 30 points
Hand-to-Hand Weapons Shardnet and impaler............................................. 35 points
Wych knife (knife).................................................... 5 points
When wielded by a skilled user, these exquisitely crafted
polearms can bisect even armoured foes with ease.
Range Strength Damage Save Mod.
Close Combat As user +2 1 -3
Chainhooks are swung in vicious arcs that are almost
impossible to defend against.
Range Strength Damage Save Mod.
Close Combat As user 1 -3
Poisoned: This weapon will always wound enemy fighters on Armour Save: A fighter wearing gnarlskin has a basic
a 4+, regardless of their Toughness. armour save of 6+.
Wychsuits are flexible and primarily protect one side of the
body, making them perfect for close-quarters fighting.
The concentrated burst of a plasma grenade is far more Armour Save: A fighter wearing a Wychsuit has a basic
devastating than other, cruder explosive charges. armour save of 6+.
Strength Damage Save Mod.
Dodge: A fighter wearing a Wychsuit has an invulnerable
4 1 -2 save of 4+ in the hand-to-hand combat phase.
These gladiatorial helms contain sense enhancers that
reflect the subtlest movements of the opponent, allowing
the wearer to anticipate their attacks.
A splinter weapon can be fitted with shards of corrupted
wraithbone that pierce its victims, body and soul.
Succubi are the ruling elites of the Wych Cults. Lithe and famously lethal, they are collectively known as the brides of
death. Competition between Succubi is fierce, as they try to outdo on another with spectacles of violent excess.
Champion of the Arena: If a Succubus is attacked by multiple opponents in hand-to-hand combat, she uses their numbers
against them. The enemy fighters dont gain the multiple combat bonuses to their Attacks and Combat Score.
Haemonculus 5" 5 5 3 4 3 5 3 9
Haemonculi are deranged flesh-sculptors that dwell in the dark bowels of Commorragh. Torturers, poisoners and
alchemists, they seek ever more captives with whom they can craft long symphonies of agony.
Master Alchemist: if your kill team includes a Haemonculus, you may roll 2 dice on the combat drugs table and apply
Multi-limbed horror: A Haemonculus may roll one extra Attack dice in hand-to-hand combat. In addition, a Haemonculus
causes fear.
Scourge 5" 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
The winged mercenaries known as Scourges are masters of manoeuvrability, having perfected their aerial attacks along the
jagged minarets and twisting spires that puncture the skies above Commorragh.
Wargear: A Scourge has a shardcarbine, combat blade and ghostplate armour. They may also do one of thefollowing:
Exchange their shardcarbine for a blaster or shredder.
Exchange their shardcarbine for a dark lance, haywire blaster, heat lance or splinter cannon.
Evade: Any enemy shooting at a Scourge from short range suffers a -2 To Hit modifier, while any enemy shooting at
long range suffers a -1 modifier. This penalty only applies if the fighter is in the open and is not benefitting from a
Winged Killer: A Scourge may use its wings in the movement phase instead of moving normally. The Scourge may move up
to 12" in any direction, ignoring the normal restrictions for terrain, however you may not end this move in impassable
ground. The Scourge may use this move to charge an enemy fighter, but does not double its movement distance when
doing so.
The skill tables are used to determine what skills your specialists have access to different skills that reflect their
fighters gain as they advance. Your fighters are restricted different roles to those of troopers in a kill team. New
to specific skill tables depending upon their faction and recruits, meanwhile, are still too green to pick up anything
whether they are a trooper, specialist or kill team leader. but the basics they need to fight alongside the other
members of their kill team. New recruits cannot gain skills.
The different characters of the factions mean that they
each have contrasting areas of strength and weakness. For When a fighter gains a skill, pick a skill type that is available
example, the Dark Eldar of the Wych Cults are vicious to them, roll two dice and consult the relevant table. You
masters of hand-to-hand combat, while the Genestealer Cult can choose one of the skills that correspond to the numbers
Hybrids are highly adept at stealth and guerilla warfare. rolled your fighter gains that skill. If you roll the same
number, re-roll one dice until you get another number. A
Similarly, a fighters role counts for a great deal in terms fighter cannot gain the same skill twice if the only skills
of what skills they are able to learn. Kill team leaders and you roll are skills they already have, re-roll the dice.
ROLE Combat Ferocity Guerilla Agility Muscle Shooting Stealth
Dark Eldar Wyches