Hidden Wealth in B2B Brands

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Hidden Wealth in B2B Brands

by James R. Gregory and Donald E. Sexton

C onsumer marketers obsess about brand equity, as well they should. B2B companies
would be wise to follow suit. Our quantitative, 16-year study of more than 450 rms
shows that billions of dollars are locked up in B2B brands, yet managers consistently
skimp on brand building. Thats an expensive mistake.

Every corporation reaps the value of brand equity in two ways: as revenue, when it drives
customer purchases, and directly, as a rise in market capitalization. Using a tool weve developed
that gauges the relationship between brand perception and performance measures like revenue,
prots, and cash ow, we have ranked the brand equity of all of our study companies and have
statistically linked it with their nancial data. The result is a measure of a corporate brands
impact on stock performancewhat we call brand equity as a percentage of market
capitalization, which we refer to simply as brand equity. Weve found that for B2B companies,
the corporate brand is responsible for, on average, 7% of stock performance for the 47 industries
we track.
How Much Are B2B Brands Worth? What percentage of a B2B companys stock price is due to its
brand equity? When we looked at more than 450 B2B rms over 16 years, we found that some
brands were far more valuable than others in the same industry, indicating a great deal of room
for improvement. A fraction of a percent of brand equity can mean hundreds of millions of
dollars in value.

That gure may seem small, but bear two things in mind: First, its an average; the range spans
from a low of 0.5% for new or unmanaged brands, such as electricity distributor PPL, to a high of
nearly 20% for the best-managed B2B brands, like FedEx. The current dollar value for B2B
companies brand equity ranges from a few million to tens of billions. This implies that with more
strategic brand management, total brand equity for B2B companies could be worth billions of
dollars more.

B2B companies shouldnt try to become consumer brands, of course, but they should seek to
attain the maximum value possible within their industry. The average brand equity for B2B
medical suppliers, for example, is 5.99%. However, the best-managed brands in that eld are
worth nearly 20%. If you are a medical supplier and your brand equity is 6%, then you know your
brand management is only average, and you can reasonably set your sights on a goal of 20%. If
youre in the paper and forest products industry, on the other hand, 20% is probably
unattainable. The best performers in your industry achieve brand equity levels just under 7%, so
that would be an ideal target.

B2B brand equity, when used as a dashboard measure, should be updated quarterly. It provides
both a market cap percentage and a dollar-value metric that everyone in the company, especially
the CEO and CFO, will understand. Most important, it can eliminate any doubts among B2B
managers that brand equity matters.

A version of this article appeared in the March 2007 issue of Harvard Business Review.

James R. Gregory (jgregory@corebrand.com) is the CEO of CoreBrand, a global brand consultancy in Stamford,

Donald E. Sexton (des5@columbia.edu) is a professor of business at Columbia Business School in New York.
This article is about BRANDING


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