Ingles Basico II

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Ingles Basico II

Planning and predicting.

You will achieve the following learning objects.

You will achieve the following learning objects.

Plans for the future.

To be verb going to.

Auxiliary will

Time expression to be future.

Grammar Be going to for the future

Next year, i am going to have a baby

He is going to have to Italy
Are you going you study architecture?
Yes, I am / No, I am not.
When are you going to have a children?
I do not know.

Announce Good News and Bad News

GRAMMAR. Be going to for intentions

Be going to is used for talking about what we intend to do (often in the near future)

A: What are you going to do this afternoon?

B: I am going to write some letters.

For Questions
A: Are you going you come to the party tonight?

Of course! / No, I am not, sorry.

Be going to begins with a form of the verb BE, and is followed by an INFINITVE (to +

I am have a meal in town

She is going toi do the washing

We are go shopping

Example questions or statements with be going to:

1. Are you going to use the computer this afternoon?

2. Is she going to go to South Africa soon?
3. Are you going to play tennis?
4. Where are you going this holiday?
5. Are we going to have dinner now?
6. Are you going to study French?
7. Are you going to play this game?
8. How much money are you going to spend?
9. Is Jennifer going to have breakfast?
10. What are you going to do?

Ask about Free-time Activities

1. He is going to go camping
2. She is going to go fishing
3. They are going to do nothing
4. She is going to sleep late
5. He is going to Paint
6. He is going to relax

GRAMMAR. Yes/No and Wh1-question for the future

Yes/No question

Are you going to finish on time?

Yes, I am/No, I am not.

Is she going to come with you?

Yes, she is/No, she is not.

Are they going to buy a new house?

Yes, they are/No they are not.

With What

A: A: What are you going to do tonight?

B: I am going you stay at home

With Where

A: Where are you going to go?

B: We are going to go to the gym.

Witch When

A: When is she going to come back?

B: She is going to come back next Sunday.

With Which

A: Which one are they going to choose?

1 Wh-questions: What, Where, Who, Which, When.

B: They are going to buy the cheapest.

(Saslow & Ascher, 2013)


Ask about free-time activities.

Pamela: What do you like to do in your free time?

Katy: Well, I like to hang out my friends.

Pam: So, are you going to do that this weekend?

Katy: Maybe.

Ilustracin 1. Personas platicando

GRAMMAR. Be going to for the future

Use be going to + the base form of a verb to talk about the future.
Be going to base form

Im going to rent a car in New York

Shes going to be at the airport

Are they going to get a round-trip ticket? Yes, they are. / No, they arent

Whos going to make the reservation? We are.

When are you going to call? At 8:00.

Remember: The present continuous and the simple present tense can also express
future actions.

Were flying to Madrid, The plane leaves at 6:00.

There is no one 'future tense' in English. There are 4 future forms. The one which is
used most often in spoken English is 'going to', not 'will'.

We use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the future.

I'm going to see him later today.

They're going to launch it next month.

We're going to have lunch first.

She's going to see what she can do.

I'm not going to talk for very long.

Notice that this plan does not have to be for the near future.

When I retire I'm going to go back to Barbados to live.

In ten years time, I'm going to be boss of my own successful company.

We use 'going to' when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see

Look out! That cup is going to fall off.

Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon.

These figures are really bad. We're going to make a loss.

You look very tired. You're going to need to stop soon.

(Anonimo, Woodward, 2016)

There is no one 'future tense' in English. There are 4 future forms. The one which is
used most often in spoken English is 'going to', not 'will'.

We use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the future.

I'm going to see him later today.

They're going to launch it next month.

We're going to have lunch first.

She's going to see what she can do.

I'm not going to talk for very long.

Notice that this plan does not have to be for the near future.

When I retire I'm going to go back to Barbados to live.

In ten years time, I'm going to be boss of my own successful company.

We use 'going to' when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see

Look out! That cup is going to fall off.

Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon.

These figures are really bad. We're going to make a loss.

You look very tired. You're going to need to stop soon.

We can replace 'going to go' by 'going'.

I'm going out later.

She's going to the exhibition tomorrow.

The structure BE GOING TO is normally used to indicate the future in English. We use
this structure:

1. When we have already decided or we INTEND to do something in the future.

(Prior Plan)

The decision has been made before the moment of speaking.

I'm going to India next year.

We talked about it yesterday and I'm going to quit my job tomorrow.

2. When there are definite signs that something is going to happen. (Evidence)

Something is likely to happen based on the evidence or experience you have.

MODULE 4 (Actividad de aprendizaje)

Planning and Predicting

LESSON 1 Announce Good News and Bad News

1) What are your plans for the following months? Write four sentences. Look at the
pictures and the verbs in the box for ideas or use your own.

Move Have children Meet

Study Go See
Graduate Learn Buy
Get married

Example: __I am going to go to Acapulco_____________________________

1. ________I am going to study math________________________________

2. ________I am going to buy a videogame___________________________

3. ________I am going to meet someone_____________________________

4. ________I am going to learn to play piano__________________________

2) Write your responses to good news and bad news

1. Im going to graduate this year

A: Congratulations! Thats great.

2. My parents are going to get divorced

A: Im sorry to hear that

3. My grandfather died two days ago

A: Im really sorry to hear that

4. My wife and I are going to have a baby

A: Thats great! Im happy for you!

5. I met a nice, good-looking man. Were going to get married

A: Thats great! Congratulations!

6. Im going to move to London for work. I dont want to go

A: Thats very bad! Sorry to hear that.


El uso del going to puede ser muy complicado ya que tiene muchas formas de
plantearlo. Es muy importante dominar los otros tiempos para tener facilidad al usar
going to.

El uso del pasado en especfico hace ms fcil entender el tema y hace que el
estudiante pueda dominar tanto futuro como pasado.

En el ingls, el uso de los tiempos verbales es de los temas ms importantes, y abarcan

una gran cantidad de informacin y en algunos casos son muy difciles de estudiar,
debido a que cada tiempo verbal tiene sus reglas y sus estructuras, complicando el
estudio de estos.

Algunas recomendaciones para facilitar el estudio del going to seran perfeccionar los
dems tiempos verbales y practicar oraciones en forma de pregunta, respondindolas
de forma afirmativa y negativa, con esto se conseguira una idea ms acertada de como
formular oraciones con going to y su estructura.
As como nos servir de gran ayuda en viajes de estudio, para aprender el idioma
ingls, para ser ms cultos, ser personas ms aptas para ciertos temas, que algunos no

Tambin nos servir para conseguir trabajo en otro pas, ya que dominar ms idiomas
significa tener ms oportunidades en la vida para conseguir lo que uno quiere.

Going to sin duda es de gran ayuda en nuestra materia, porque necesitamos dialogar
en ingls y a veces se le complica a uno el hablar el ingls, as que es bueno empezar
por lo bsico, tambin nos ayuda de manera indirecta en otras materias como
informtica para redactar temas en ingls, etc.,

Sin duda una gran herramienta que nos servir en el futuro cuando tengamos un trabajo
que requiera hablar ingls, para ser personas ms competentes en esta vida que es
cada vez mas competitiva,
iCuando empleamos "going to" en una oracin para referirnos al futuro, la construccin se
compone de tres elementos:
el verbo "to be" conjugado conforme al sujeto + "going" + el infinitivo del verbo principal

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