The Rules of The Conduct For The Jury Round I of The Guitar Masters 2016 Competition
The Rules of The Conduct For The Jury Round I of The Guitar Masters 2016 Competition
The Rules of The Conduct For The Jury Round I of The Guitar Masters 2016 Competition
1. The Jury of I Round of the Competition will assess the recordings in compliance
with these Rules.
2. The assessment of the recordings as part of I Round of the Competition will
take place from 1st to 30th August 2016.
3. The members of the Jury will assess the recordings made by the contestants
remotely, using specially made electronic forms.
4. The members of the Jury cannot assess a contestant who qualifies as student.
5. The term student means:
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Classical Guitar category
7. All Jurors are obligated to write the word student in the assessment form
near the surname of a contestant who qualifies as student.
8. The Jurors undertake to assess the Competition contestants in a fair way, in
all good conscience, using their experience and knowledge.
9. The Jurors will assess the contestants of I Round of the Competition based on a
scale consisting of whole numbers from 1 to 25. 1 point is the lowest rating
and 25 is the highest rating.
10. After conducting the assessment the Secretary will calculate the arithmetic
mean of the number of points that the Jury has given to each contestant. Next,
the Secretary will present to the Jury a list of contestants, based on the
calculated arithmetic mean (to two decimal places) - from the highest to the
lowest. The arithmetic mean will provide a basis for the contestants to
qualify to the next stage of the Competition.
11. Based on the Jurys assessment from 36 to 40 contestants will qualify to II
Round of the Competition, and the final number of contestants will be decided
by the Chairperson of the Jury. Also, the winner of the Online competition
Choose your master will qualify to II stage of the Competition.
12. If the winner of the Choose your master Online competition may qualify to II
Round of the Competition also based on the Jurys assessment. In this case the
organisor has the right to allow following participant form the Jury list to
enter to the II Round of the Competition.
13. In the case where more than one contestant (ex aequo) is in the 40th place on
the list mentioned in subclause 10, the decision as to which contestant
qualifies to II Round of the Competition will be made by the Chairperson of
the Jury.
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