Ules For The Ntra Niversity OOT Ourt Ompetition
Ules For The Ntra Niversity OOT Ourt Ompetition
Ules For The Ntra Niversity OOT Ourt Ompetition
1. The Intra University Moot Court Competition, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the
IUMCC) is a qualifying competition to select individuals who shall be allowed to
represent the University in all national and international moot court competitions till the
next IUMCC is conducted.
2. The IUMCC shall be conducted by the Core/Co-opted Committee (hereinafter referred
to as the CC) which shall consist of the non-participating members of MCC and such
other members as will be subsequently notified.
3 For instance, if an individual/participant of a team gets 50 in the oral rounds and another individual/participant of
the same team gets 90 in the oral rounds and the team gets 30 in the memorials, then the total scores of each of the
individuals will be 80/200 (50+30) and 120/200 (90+30) respectively.
6.2 After the completion of all the rounds, a consolidated rank list based on
individual marks from all the qualifying oral rounds and memorial marks will be
6.3 The consolidated rank list will be categorized into 3 lists- List of speakers; list of
researchers; list of participants.
6.4 The list of speakers shall consist of participants who have obtained a rank within
the range of 1-64 in the consolidated rank list. Similarly, the list of researchers
shall consist of participants who have obtained a rank within the range of 65-90
in the consolidated rank list. All other participants will be categorized under the
list of participants.4
7. Allocation of moots:
7.1 Allotment of moots shall take place as and when a moot is notified by the MCC
(Moot Court Committee). All the participants listed under the List of speakers
have the privilege of appearing either as a Speaker or as a Researcher and also
choosing members from within the List of speakers or list of researchers.
7.2 All the participants listed under the List of Researchers will be qualified only to
become researchers and accompany the speakers from the List of speakers. Only
in case, a moot is not preferred by anyone in the List of Speakers, the participants
from the List of Researchers are eligible to participate as speakers.
7.3 Further, in case of any moot that is not taken up by any participant in the
abovementioned lists, individuals from the list of participants are allowed to form
a team among themselves.
7.4 Therefore, those who do not participate in the IUMCC may not be eligible to
represent the University till the IUMCC for the next academic year is conducted.
8. Awards:
On the basis of the consolidated rank list, the following citations shall be awarded on the
(i) Best Team: the team with the highest total score (oral and memorial scores) in
the preliminary rounds.
(ii) Winner: the individual who obtains the first rank in the consolidated rank list.
(iii) Runners up: the individual who obtains the second rank in the consolidated rank
4 The range will be subject to change depending upon the number of registrations.
(iv) Best memorial: the team which obtains the highest score in the memorials.
(v) Best young advocate: a participant from the 1st year who reaches the highest
round or scores the highest in a round from amongst all 1st year students.