NASA 142932main Dale Space Transportation 2006-02-10
NASA 142932main Dale Space Transportation 2006-02-10
NASA 142932main Dale Space Transportation 2006-02-10
U.S. Department of Transportation
Shana Dale
Deputy Administrator
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
open up new avenues for commercial participation in this great
adventure that is unfolding.
Before I get to the topic at hand, I would like to give you a brief
overview of where we are as an agency as we implement the Vision for
Space Exploration. Two years ago, President Bush came to NASA
Headquarters to announce a new strategic direction for the space
program. In announcing the Vision the President said, “We have
undertaken space travel because the desire to explore and understand is
part of our character. And that quest has brought tangible benefits that
improve our lives in countless ways.” Today, we are well engaged in
productive work to advance the goals of the Vision, including the
resumption of Shuttle flights to the International Space Station, and the
development of a new generation of spacecraft, space launch, and cargo
On February 6, the White House released the proposed Fiscal Year
2007 budget request. We’re grateful that NASA’s budget contains a
healthy 3.2 percent increase in funding over the Fiscal Year 2006
appropriated level (not counting emergency funding for Hurricane
Katrina) especially within the context of the non-defense, non-homeland
discretionary budget. The five-year run-out allows the agency to: (1)
assemble and utilize the capabilities of the International Space Station;
(2) transition the United States’ human spaceflight capability from the
Shuttle to our new Crew Exploration Vehicle; and (3) lay the foundation
that will enable humans to extend our reach beyond Low Earth Orbit,
beginning with the renewed exploration of the Moon, continuing on to
Mars and the rest of the solar system.
It also has been a little over a week since the President in his State
of the Union Address focused on the contributions of science and
technology to American competitiveness. The President’s emphasis on
this important national priority is quite gratifying as I believe that
leadership in space is an important driver for American competitiveness.
Throughout NASA’s history and now through the Vision for Space
Exploration, NASA advances technological innovation and scientific
progress. Through our exciting missions and specific education
programs, we inspire the brightest among our youth to pursue careers in
science and engineering.
In returning to the Moon, and in preparing for the incredibly
demanding voyages to Mars, it is clear that NASA cannot do the job
alone. We have initiated dialogue with some of our international
partners to discuss how we might approach Moon and Mars exploration
activities together. I visited heads of agencies in Europe a couple of
weeks ago and I plan to visit other international partners soon so that the
dialogue can be continued. We are planning for an exploration
workshop at the end of April to include international participants,
commercial industry, and the academic community. But that is a
discussion for another day.
We also are interested in a strategy for lunar exploration that opens
up the door for opportunities in commercial space. As Mike Griffin has
stated, “if we are to make the expansion and development of the space
frontier an integral part of what it is that human societies do, then these
activities must assume an economic dimension as well. Sooner rather
than later, government space activity must become a lesser rather than a
greater part of what humans do in space. To this end, it is up to us at
NASA to use the challenge of the Vision for Space Exploration to foster
the commercial opportunities which are inherent to this exciting
Among commercial opportunities that come to mind are such
activities as in-space fuel delivery, lunar resource prospecting, and the
development and maintenance of lunar surface systems and
infrastructure, including lunar habitats, power and science facilities,
surface mobility units such as rovers, logistics and resupply,
communications and navigation, and in situ resource utilization
equipment. With these opportunities in mind, it is our goal, working
with international partners along with the commercial sector and the
academic community, to develop a decadal lunar exploration strategy by
the end of the year.
Before these markets open up, however, NASA is doing something
very exciting right now to encourage the development of new
commercial markets in space. One of our most important needs is to
provide cargo and crew services to the International Space Station,
which has had permanent crews for over five years, and which we intend
to operate for another decade. It is a service that looks very promising
for reliance on the commercial space sector and that is why we’ve
devoted so much funding to this effort.
Last month, NASA issued a challenge to U.S. industry, both the
established aerospace companies and the emerging entrepreneurial
companies. Through our Commercial Orbital Transportations Services
Demonstrations announcement or COTS, we are challenging all
interested parties to demonstrate through competitive proposals that they
can establish capabilities and services to safely and reliably support the
Space Station’s cargo and crew transportation needs.
This initiative establishes a precedent. For the first time ever,
NASA is seeking non-government vehicles and commercial services to
provide these capabilities for human space flight. When this happens,
hopefully by the end of the decade, our colleagues at the Federal
Aviation Administration’s OCST will have a role in determining safety
requirements for the commercial providers’ launch vehicle.
For what we hope will result in a Space Act agreement or
agreements, we are putting up about a half-billion dollars over the five
years of our current budget runout for those companies that have the best
proposal for Earth-to-orbit space flight demonstrations of any one or
combination of four capabilities: first, external un-pressurized cargo
delivery and disposal; second, internal pressurized cargo delivery and
disposal; third, internal cargo delivery and return, and fourth, crew
transportation. Given the probable need for (1) logistics support during
International Space Station assembly, (2) the need for cargo and crew
transport during the time between Shuttle retirement in 2010 and the
Crew Exploration Vehicle coming online, and (3) the ongoing need for
this capability even after the CEV comes online, this is a substantial
opportunity for the commercial sector.
Phase One proposals for the COTS demonstrations are due in
March, and we expect to announce and award one or more Space Act
agreements this summer. We hope that successful flight demonstrations
of the selected capability will occur in the 2008-2010 timeframe.
During the first phase of this technology demonstration initiative, NASA
intends to provide capital and assistance similar to an investor to help
provide the necessary stimulation to ensure the success of this venture.
The second phase of the technology demonstration initiative is the
possible purchase by NASA of commercial transportation services to
and from the Space Station on a purely commercial basis relationship
with the transportation suppliers.
There are several features of this COTS initiative that are much
different than a typical NASA procurement and which will provide
maximum flexibility for commercialization. Under this initiative, the
space transportation systems that result from this project shall be owned
by the companies that develop them, not by NASA. With COTS we will
have a limited negotiated right to purchase back the property at a
reduced cost. We also will have limited rights to terminate the contract
once it is underway. NASA also typically requires specific cost
accounting standards from our contractors and has certain audit rights.
In this case, our only interest is in whether the milestone is met. If they
hit a milestone, they will get a check.
There are other features of the initiative worth mentioning. We
also will have our NASA Centers offer to provide reimbursable support
to participants, such as wind tunnel testing. The bidders for this
announcement are allowed to have the participation of foreign suppliers
of parts and services, subject to current U.S. laws and policies such as
the Iran Syria Nonproliferation Act and ITAR.
All of these policies are designed to minimize NASA requirements
and oversight. It will truly be up to the participant to get the job done to
our satisfaction. Once a demonstration of a service is proven, we plan to
buy the service in a commercial transaction, subject to the normal rules
of congressional authorization and appropriation. The provider will be
free, of course, to also provide these new services to non-NASA
customers. And this should (1) help spread development costs, thereby
reducing the price paid by the government customer; and (2) further
enhance this portion of the commercial space industry.
We believe NASA has structured a business arrangement that will
promote genuine competition and one that is good for the private sector
as well as the public interest. I’m confident that this kind of financial
incentive for purely commercial industry will encourage serious
providers to emerge.
Obviously, this represents a significant and welcome departure in
the way that NASA conducts business. We should remember, however,
that NASA has been purchasing commercial launch services for our
space and Earth science missions for a long time. We are committed to
expanding the agency’s base of launch service providers to include
emerging U.S. companies. One way we’ve approached this goal is to
change the entry requirements to no longer require the provider to
demonstrate a proven flight history. Our colleagues in the Defense
Department deserve credit for paving the way for this policy, through
their decision to allow an unproven launch vehicle to send up a satellite
built by Air Force Academy Cadets. Now, by encouraging a more
competitive market, NASA seeks to help lower launch costs and provide
a better return on investment to the taxpayer.
There’s another NASA initiative to spur commercial enterprise that
I’d like to mention. NASA’s Centennial Challenges Program, for
example, will use the tool of prize competitions, so successfully
demonstrated by the X PRIZE, to plant the seeds of these future
commercial activities. Although the dollars involved are currently
smaller than the Commercial Crew/Cargo Project, over the next couple
years, you should expect to see NASA roll out multi-hundred thousand
dollar to multi-million dollar prize competitions for demonstrations of
projects such as subscale orbital fuel depots, human lunar rovers, oxygen
production from lunar regolith, advanced power storage and
transmission, non-toxic rocket engines, platforms for communications
relays, low-cost space pressure suits, lunar lander analogs and
telerobotic construction.
These initiatives are the first steps along the path of creating a
robust and enduring commercial space economy. For those of you who
know Mike Griffin and me, you know that we both very much want the
commercial space industry to be successful. When one tries something
novel like this, there may be a few bumps in the road. But at the end of
this path, we hope that by opening NASA’s space flight needs to a
broader community of commercial providers NASA will encourage the
growth and diversification of the commercial space sector while also
enabling solutions that allow NASA to focus its resources on extending
the frontier of space exploration.
I thank you for your hospitality today, and for your commitment to
expanding commercial enterprise in the space frontier. Thank you very