Language Assistance Plan (LAP) Accommodating Persons With Limited English Proficiency in NASA/KSC-Conducted Programs and Activities
Language Assistance Plan (LAP) Accommodating Persons With Limited English Proficiency in NASA/KSC-Conducted Programs and Activities
Language Assistance Plan (LAP) Accommodating Persons With Limited English Proficiency in NASA/KSC-Conducted Programs and Activities
Kenny E. Aguilar
Director of Equal Opportunity Office
NASA Kennedy Space Center
Approved by:
Section Page
1 Purpose……………………………………………………………….….1
2 Scope…………………………………………………………………….1
3 References………………………………………………………….……1
4 Background…………………………………………………..………..…2
6 Definitions……………………………………………………..……..….3
7 Responsibilities……………………………………………………….….4
8 Core Principle.…………………………………………………….…......5
9 Process…………………………………………………………………6-8
1 Purpose
The NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Language Assistance Plan (LAP) is prepared
in compliance with Executive Order 13166, August 11, 2000, entitled “Improving Access
to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency.” The purpose of the executive
order is to improve access to federally-conducted and assisted programs for persons who,
as a result of national origin, are limited in their English Proficiency (LEP).
KSC will use this LAP as a guide when preparing its federally conducted programs and
activities to ensure access by LEP persons and to assist in fulfilling its responsibilities to
LEP persons.
2 Scope
This LAP, administered by the KSC Equal Opportunity Office (EO), has examined the
services it provides and will, on an on-going basis, develop and implement a system by
which LEP persons can meaningfully access those services consistent with, and without
unduly burdening, the fundamental mission of the Center.
This LAP will focus on the LEP population nationally, in the State of Florida, and in
Brevard County (where KSC is located). Nationally, the LEP population consists of 12.5
percent Hispanics and 3.7 percent other (from the 2000 U.S. Census). In Florida, the
LEP population that interface with KSC, LEP is comprised of 16.8 percent Hispanics and
1.8 percent other. In Brevard County population, which is where KSC is located, is
comprised of 4.6 percent Hispanics and 1.6 percent other. The Hispanic population is the
largest LEP in our demographic area, but we will review and consider our over all
visitors and customer requirements.
3 References
• Section 601 of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 964, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000d.
• Regulations implementing Title VI, provided in part at 45 C.F.R. Section 80.3 (b).
• Executive Order 13166 entitled “Improving Access to Services for Persons with
Limited English Proficiency.”
• NASA Policy Directive 2090.5B, effective October 17, 1997 (Nondiscrimination
in Federally Assisted and Federally Conducted Programs of NASA-Delegation of
Authority), expires October 17, 2002.
• NASA Language Assistance Plan for accomodating persons with limited English
• 14 CFR 1250
• Department of Justice, “Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Receipiants”.
Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against Orgin Discrimination Affecting Limited
English Proficient Persons.
4 Background
For most people living in the United States English is their Native language, or they have
learned to read, speak, and understand English. There are others for whom English is not
their primary language. If they also have limited ability to read, speak, or understand
English, then they are limited English proficient, or “LEP”. For them language can be a
barrier to accessing benefits or services, understanding and exercising important rights, or
understanding other information provided by federally funded programs or activities at
This policy guidance is consistent with a Department of Justice (DOJ) directive, noting
that recipients of federal financial assistance have an obligation, pursuant to Title VI
regulation issued by Department of Justice (DOJ) in 1976, “Coordination of Enforcement
of Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs, “28 C. F. R. Part 42, Subpart F.
That regulation addresses the circumstances in which recipients must provide written
language assistance to LEP persons. Executive Order 13166 requires federal agencies to
adopt the same principles and requirements applied to federal recipients of financial
assistance in the conduct of their respective programs and activities.
On January 12, 2001, NASA Administrator Dan Goldin signed the NASA Language
Assistance Plan for Accommodating Persons with Limited English Proficiency in NASA-
Conducted Programs and Activities. The plan establishes the goal for each NASA center,
including Headquarters, to provide quality language assistance to LEP persons, as
appropriate, in its respective programs and activities. Each center has the responsibility
to prepare a LAP for LEP persons by April 30, 2001.
A person who lives in the U. S. who cannot speak, read, write, or understand the English
language at a level that permits him/her to interact effectively. Because of these language
differences and their inability to speak or understand English, LEP persons are often
excluded from programs, experience delays or denials of services, or receive care and
services based on inaccurate or incomplete information.
The KSC plan is prepared in compliance with Executive Order 13166, entitled
“Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency.”
The SCWG was initiated in 1995 by the NASA Chief Scientist in response to
suggestions from a forum chaired by NASA Administrator and Dr. Carl Sagan, in which
several participants raised concerns that NASA’s scientific knowledge was difficult to
obtain. The resulting report acknowledged the work of the group and demonstrated
where their work fit in the scope of NASA’s communication efforts within Zone 1:
Public-Laymen, Interested/Knowledgeable, Unknowledgeable; Zone 2: Government- -
Libraries/Museums/Planetariums, Education, Publishers, Media; Zone 3: Industry
Applications/Technology Transfer; and, Zone 4: Research Community/Science Institutes.
6.4 Vital
The DOJs define programs and activities that are a matter of life or death versus
programs and activities open to the public and considered informational/background only
and are therefore not vital.
7 Responsibilities
The following organizations have primary responsibility for the preperation and
dissemination of information.
KSC employees are responsible for seeking reasonable avenues available to them to
comply with LEP requirements.
• The EO Office will administer the LAP and will be responsible for updating the
plan, as required, and will assist in finding KSC employees who will volunteer to
assist LEP persons.
• The External Relations & Business Development Office has a variety of
services and products designed to present and distribute information to the public,
including media services, Web site development, and maintenance. Programs to
support Educational and Outreach to the community.
• The Workforce and Diversity Management Office develops, uses, and
disseminates recruitment materials.
• The Spaceport Services Directorate provides institutional web & computer
services and advice in the development and implementation of electronic
communication systems, including those to the external community.
8 Core Principle
By implementing the LAP, KSC will respond to requests for language assistance in a
manner that ensures equal access by LEP persons to KSC programs and activities. In
order for the LAP to be effective, KSC will adhere to the following:
KSC review of LEP needs and their impact on programs/activities are grouped by
“information” and “education.” The following is the list of those programs/activities, the
nature and proportion of LEP recipients/beneficiaries, frequency of contact, nature and
importance of the benefit/program, and resources available. We have determined all of
these to be non-vital.
Informing the Public: Communication with the Public as Part of On-going Agency
*KSC expectation is that less than 5 percent of participants in these programs may expect
LEP assistance.
Educating the Public: Public contact Administered by the Agency for the Program
Beneficiaries and Participants
9.2 Inform staff and public of its LEP services and policies by
• Prepare and present training for appropriate personnel responsible for LAP
9.4 Oversight