ANNA UNIVERSITY Lecture Notes and Study Material
ANNA UNIVERSITY Lecture Notes and Study Material
ANNA UNIVERSITY Lecture Notes and Study Material
Civil Engineering
1st Semester
Engineering Mathematics I - MA615K1
2nd Semester
Technical English - HS6251
3rd Semester
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations - MA6351
Surveying I - CE6304
4th Semester
Numerical Methods - MA6459
Surveying II - CE6404
5th Semester
Structural Analysis I - CE6501
6th Semester
Design of Reinforced Concrete and Brick Masonry Structures - CE6601
7th Semester
Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - CE6701
8th Semester
Principles of Management - MG6851
Mechanical Engineering
1st Semester
Engineering Mathematics I - MA6151
2nd Semester
Technical English - HS6251
3rd Semester
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations - MA6351
4th Semester
Kinematics of Machinery - ME6401
5th Semester
Computer Aided Design - ME6501
6th Semester
Design of Transmission Systems - ME6601
7th Semester
Power Plant Engineering - ME6701
Mechatronics - ME6702
2nd Semester
Technical English - HS6251
3rd Semester
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations - MA6351
4th Semester
Probability and Queueing Theory - MA6453
5th Semester
Discrete Mathematics - MA6566
6th Semester
Distributed Systems - CS6601
7th Semester
Cryptography and Network Security - CS6701
8th Semester
Multi - Core Architectures and Programming - CS6801
Elective - Elective
IT - Information Technology
1st Semester
Engineering Mathematics I - MA6151
2nd Semester
Technical English - HS6251
3rd Semester
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations - MA6351
4th Semester
Probability and Queueing Theory - MA6453
5th Semester
Computer Networks - CS6551
6th Semester
Distributed Systems - CS6601
7th Semester
Information Management - IT6701
8th Semester
Service Oriented Architecture - IT6801
2nd Semester
Technical English - HS6251
3rd Semester
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations - MA6351
4th Semester
Numerical Methods - MA6459
5th Semester
Power System Analysis - EE6501
6th Semester
Communication Engineering - EC6651
7th Semester
High Voltage Engineering - EE6701
8th Semester
Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation - EE6801
2nd Semester
Technical English - HS6251
Engineering Mathematics II - MA6251
3rd Semester
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations - MA6351
4th Semester
Probability and Random Processes - MA6451
5th Semester
Digital Communication - EC6501
6th Semester
Principles of Management - MG6851
7th Semester
RF and Microwave Engineering - EC6701
Elective II
Elective III
Elective IV
8th Semester
Wireless Communication - EC6801
2nd Semester
Technical English - HS6251
3rd Semester
Enterprise Resource Planning - BA8301
4th Semester
Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance - BA8401