The Actual Situation of Sexuality Education in Japan

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J. Saitama Univ. Fac. Educ.

, 601
: 9 222011

The Actual Situation of Sexuality Education in Japan

and its Problems
Fact-f inding f or teachers interested in Sexualit y Education

Faculty of Educa tion, Saitama University
Faculty of Educa tion, Utsunomiya Universi ty
Faculty of Li tera ture , Tsuru Unive rsity, part-time lectu rer

Background: In recent years, sexuall y trans mitted infections have increased rapidly
among young people i n Japan. Nevertheless, conservati ves have att acked sexuality
education (SE). As a r esult, SE in Japan was forced into retreat, and the positioning
of SE in the school has become unclear and ambi guous .
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to clarify the actual situation of J apanese SE
and to establish the t ype of problems Japanese SE faces.
Method: A questionnaire survey was sent to about 850 persons, who are members
of The Council for Education and Study on Human Sexuality, which has many
teachers among its members.
Result: The questionnaire collection rate was 40.5% (n = 344). The rate by gender
was 87.6% women and 11.5% men. Of these, 68.1% were schoolteachers, and most
of them were pri mar y schoolteachers. In particular, they included many Yogo
teachers (who are si mi lar to school nurses). The percentage of schools that had SE
classes was about 60% . The average ti me spent by each grade in SE classes was 3.08
hours at the elementary school level and 2.93 hours at the j unior high school level.
More than 80% of SE classes were a part of the health and physical education class.
The maj ority of responses about the problems in undertaking SE were Finding
enough ti me for classes and Insufficiency of training programs for teachers.
Conclusion (This is only a partial list of conclusions): In J apan, t he class hours of
SE are much more li mited than in other countries. Health and physical education
teachers and Yogo teachers have i mportant roles in SE. The teachers interest in SE
is reflected in the cont ents of SE.

Keyw ord: Sexuality Education, Schoolteachers

1. Introduction
1.1 Background of Sexuality Education in Japan
In recent years, the sexual behaviour and consciousness of chi ldren and youth
in J apan have under gone maj or changes. For example, the age of first sexual
intercourse has decreased, the number of sexual partners has i ncreased, sexual
behaviour has di versi fied, the period of association before engaging in sexual
relations has shortened, the gender gap in s exual behaviour has reduced and the
proportion of prostitution in the younger generation has increased. In addition, the
number of youths with a negati ve i mage of sex has increased (K IHARA, 2006). There
are also situations in which we cannot deci pher the sexual activit y of the youths
simpl y by watching t heir sexual behaviour . In addition, situations in which the
media seek out children and youths have increased greatl y, and the media has had
a great influence on the sexual behaviour and consciousness of children and youths
since the second half of the 1990s, when the Internet began to spread (ASAI,
2009)(CESHS, 2009).
Further more, sexuality education (SE) t hat guarantees the sexual securit y and
sexual health of children is lacking. This is an i mportant characteristic of the sexual
environment that surrounds Japanese children. J apanese SE made progress onl y after
World War II. Nevertheless, even as the 21st centur y began, neo-conser vatives
attacked the s uperior SE provided by those teachers who deal with the developmental
stages of children and with their needs. As a result, SE in J apan was f orced to retreat.
More precisely, SE in and around Tokyo collapsed, with instructions such as, Dont
teach the names of the sexual organs, or about sexual intercourse and condoms. It
is said that there is a school in which not even menstruation is taught, because the
teachers are afraid of being attacked.
However, SE that teaches a concrete contraception method and knowledge of
prevention against sexually transmitted infections (ST I) is essential. The children
themsel ves demand SE. The children want to avoid the danger of sexual activities.
According to The National Investi gation about Life St yle and Consciousness of Hi gh
School Students, (2004) (The Association of National Hi gh School PTA, 2004),
among things that hi gh school students wanted to learn in SE, the hi ghest percentage
(7080%) was for The danger associated wi th sex. The next hi ghest, The way of
thinking of the opposite sex, accounted for 6070%, Usage of t he condom for
4548% and Usage of the pill for around 60%. In an investi gation in 2005 by the
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, it was confir med that about 60% of
respondents thought that by age 15 children should know how t o use condoms .
Moreover, 71.8% thought that children should be gi ven knowledge about The
prevention of HIV/ AIDS and 65.7% thought that children should be gi ven
knowledge about Sexual intercourse.
Moreover, SE is not an independent statutory subj ect in classes. As a result, SE

in each school differs. For example, SE is taught as a part of a vari ety of subj ects,
and there are no special teachers for SE. Instead, the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and T echnology (MEXT) operates in a manner that increases the
confusion in schools.

1.2 The MEXT survey

In such a situation, the schools and teachers have demanded that MEXT should
clarify the policy. However, MEXT has had no concrete policy on SE since The way
of thinking on how to advance SE in the school, which was publis hed in 1999. A
typical example of t his literature is Fact -finding of Sexuality Education in
compulsor y education: different kinds of studies of schools carried out in April
2005 (an MEXT investigation). The 2004 MEXT survey is a t ypical example: A
factual sur vey on SE at compulsor y schools i n J apan. (The results were published
in 2005.)
The purpose of the MEXT investi gation was stated as f ollows: In recent years,
the build of children has i mproved and sexual maturit y is reached earlier. There is
a flood of infor mation about both sex and the sex industry. The soci al environment
surrounding children has changed greatly. In addition, the younger population has
been facing the problems of ST I. On the other hand, it is also pointed out that there
are schools in which SE is not based on developmental sta ges or in which students
ability to understand what is being taught has been tested only recentl y. We
investi gate such situations to establish t he actual situation of SE in public
compulsor y schools, and we want to contribute to effecti ve SE in future schools.
From this statement, we can see that MEXT has responded to the neoconser vatives
attack on SE in an uncritical manner.
These findings were announced in December 2004. However, the media reports
of the findings were not fair. A certain newspaper published only a part of the
findings, selecti vel y reporting onl y the complaints, such as Parent s are not gi ven
an explanation, A total of 155 public schools received a complai nt from parents
about SE and The MEXT survey has revealed the serious situati on of excessi ve
SE. This is one-sided and unfair news , because the following facts were not
mentioned: There wer e 314 answers stating that the parents were gi ven s ufficient
explanation and they understood it and There was no complaint by parents about
SE in the j unior high school. To begin with, the 155 schools that made a complaint
constitute about 0.47% of the 32,431 schools included in the investigation.
We can also clarify the next points made by the MEXT survey. If MEXT aims
at Contributing to the substance of SE in future schools, it should be able to obtain
the facts and causes that result in SE being placed outside school e ducation.

1.3 Purpose
On the basis of the above sur vey results , we ai m to clarif y the actual situation
of J apanese SE, and what kind of problems it experiences. Therefore, we undertook
a quantitative investi gation of the member s who belonged to The Council for
Education and Study on Human Sexualit y (CESHS), which has many teachers
among its members, a total of about 850 pers ons.
Our research is based on two other studi es. One cites the M EXT survey. The
other is the Provision of SE at Junior Hi gh Schools in J apan with Grant -in-Aid for
Scientific Research from 2006 to 2008 (j unior high school investi gation)
(HASHIM OTO, 2009). Using this report, we also analyse our findings by comparing
them with the findings of these investi gations. A si mple comparison is i mpossible
because the obj ectives differ, but it should be able to provide some common
This research is part of a three-year research proj ect, started in 2008, titled A
study on the actual situation and the effectiveness of SE in J apan, with a
Grant -in-Ai d for Scientific Research (proj ect leader, Mieko TASHIRO, proj ect No.
20530718) s upported by JSPS.

2. Method
2.1 Subject
The subj ect of our research is The Council for Educati on and St ud y on Hu man
Sexuality, which was established in 1982. CESHS is a pri vate SE s tudy group led
by a teacher. The group recognises SE as a part of human ri ghts, gi ves i mportance
to human relationships, including gender equality, and ai ms to cons truct a
comprehensi ve SE. It should be noted that CESHS promoted the development of
Japanese SE. There are about 850 members all over J apan, and they organise circles
in each area in which t hey are acti ve. It cannot be said that all members understand
the SE policy of CESHS, but they are at least interested in SE. They also have many
opportunities to participate in seminars about SE and to obtain new infor mation
about it. So it is thought that our investi gation subj ects may learn about and teach
SE comparati vel y eagerly.
We choose members of CESHS as the subj ects of investi gation because we want
to clarify what kind of contents and methods dedicated teachers use to teach SE and
what problems SE presents for them. From t he situation mentioned above, we expect
to find that SE is not taught sufficientl y in J apanese schools . Regrettably, the MEXT
survey does not i mprove our understanding of the concrete content of SE.

2.2 Research f ramework and Plan

We devised our framewor k by comparing it with The MEXT survey and the
Junior high school investi gation (Table 1).

Table 1 Research framework

Large category Small category

Characteristics of responder Gender/Age/The situation of the circle activity/
Current occupation/Location/Kind of school/Career
The situation of SE Curriculu m po sition/Su bjec t/C las s hou rs /
in the school Person in charge/Training courses
Personal situation Contents /Materia ls /Me thod/Coope ration /Tra in ing
on SE teaching course /Problems/Worth/Promoting factor/Obstacles

The investi gation period was SeptemberDecember 2008. We sent postal

questionnaires not onl y to each indi vidual but also to each local ci rcle. Therefore,
the number of questionnaires sent has some uncertainty. We distri buted about 850
questionnaires, of whi ch 344 were returned (response rate 40.5%). We used SPSS
ver17.0j for statistical analysis.

3. Res ults and Discussion

In this report, we report mainl y the actual situation of the teachers. Of course,
some members of CESHS are not teachers.

3.1 Subject attributes

First, we report the sex (gender identit y) distribution of the subj ects. Woman
accounted for 87.6% , men for 11.5% and others for 0.9% of the responses (We
made the choice other s from the situation in acknowledgment of sexual di versity).
This suggests that women are keener on SE than men. Concerning age, people in their
40s accounted for 32.8% and those in their 50s for 38.2%. These two groups are much
larger than any of the other age groups. The ratio of teachers (incl uding uni versit y
teachers) is about 65%. The largest group of teachers wor ks in elementar y schools
(39.6%). The proporti on of Yogo teachers among teachers is hi gh( Fig. 1).

n = 93

n = 42

n = 76

n = 18

F ig ure 1 . P e rce nt a g e o f Yo g o t ea c her s ( sc ho o l h ea lt h t ea c her s ) a mo n g a l l t e a c h e r s

In the elementar y and j unior high schools , t he ratio of Yogo teachers is over
50%. Yogo teachers contribute to promote health in the schools. A Yogo teacher is
similar to a school nurse, except that Yogo teachers are teachers, not nurses, and
they have a teachers license. This system is unique to J apan. The maj or finding of
this investi gation suggests that the role of the Yogo teachers is i mportant and that
they are key persons i n SE.

3.2 SE in schools
The first question we asked was In your school, is SE currently in the
curriculum? (n = 229), and 60.3% answered Yes. In the MEXT survey, the
percentage of schools that created an SE year plan was 53.8%. There is a difference
between making a plan and actuall y teaching SE. However, we think that it is hi ghl y
likel y that our result reflects the nationwide situation.

Table 2. Class hours of SE

Year grade Average hours Minimum Maximum Number of Res
1 2.6 1 10 57
Elementary 2 2.9 1 20 56
School 3 2.8 1 11 53
4 3.4 1 9 56
5 3.5 1 14 55
6 3.2 1 8 57
Class for special 2.3 0 10 21
1 3.4 1 15 58
Junior High 2 2.9 0 10 57
School 3 3.6 1 10 58
Class for special 2.3 0 5.5 11
1 8.3 1 50 18
Senior High 2 3.9 1 8 14
School 3 2.6 1 6 12
Night class 4 1.3 1 2 3
School for Elementary 2.2 0 5 5
Special Needs Junior High 5.0 2 10 3
Education Senior High 4.5 0 6 4

In response to the question, How many hour s of SE does your school have for
each grade this year? on average 3.08 hours are assi gned to SE in elementar y school,
2.93 hours in j unior hi gh school and 3.12 hours in senior hi gh school. In j unior hi gh
school, we see that fewer hours are assi gned to the s econd grade SE. This may be

because the course of study in the second grade (health and physical education)
includes fewer elements that are relevant to SE. The first grade covers physical
changes during pubert y, and the third grade covers ST Is, including HIV/AIDS.
In response to the question In which subj ect is SE taught? ( Fig. 2), most SE
classes are taught under health and physical education. SE is also t aught during the
time f or class activities. One-third of respondents teach SE during comprehensi ve
education and one-fourth during morality. In j unior high school, class activit y
accounts for a hi gher percentage (62.7%) than health and physical education
(59.3%). Comprehensi ve education became st atutory in J apan in 2003. The contents
of teaching are left entirely to each school or its teachers. Some teachers use this
time for SE. In senior high school, home economics accounts for a higher percentage
(40.7%) among subj ects under which SE is taught.
In response to the question Did your school plan training or learning about SE
in 2007 and 2008?, 36.0% answered Yes, and 63.6% had an opportunity of training
in SE once a year. The Yogo teacher conducted about 60% of these cl asses. It is clear
that Yogo teachers play an i mportant role.

3.3 SE of personal
Next is the personal situation on SE teaching. In response to Do you teach SE
yourself? (n = 231), 79.2% answered Yes . This number is hi gher by nearly 20
points than the percent age of schools that ans wered Yes. This suggests that many
teachers practice SE in their school without an SE curriculum. Cons idering onl y the
Yogo teachers, 77.0% answered Yes (n = 113). This rate is lower than the total rate.
This reflects the fact that Yogo teachers do not usually teach a class by themsel ves.
Nevertheless, many Yogo teachers are invol ved in SE. We see that Yogo teachers
are key persons for SE.
Regarding class hours for SE, the hours increase from the elementar y school
upper grades to j unior hi gh school, but they then show a tendency si milar to the
overall school situation.
The results of responses to In which subj ect is SE taught? s uggest that most
SE classes (44.0%) ar e taught as a part of class activities. Healt h and physical
education is the next largest subj ect for SE ( 35.1%). Comparing the responses for
personal situation and those for school, the percentage of SE taught as a part of
health and physical education is lower in the personal situation. We assume that
class teachers use class activit y ti me for SE (Fig. 2). We think that this result also
reflects the subj ects of this investigation, because there are many Yogo teachers who
basically do not teach i n a classroom. However, as we will show later, Yogo teachers
cooperate with class t eachers for teaching SE.


Fig u re 2 . Co mp a ri so n bet w ee n per so na l a n d s cho o l s u bj e ct s o f S E ( mult ip le a n sw er)

Table 3. Contents that are included in SE ( mu lt i p le a nsw e r)

Elementary Junior high Senior high
school school school
1. Sexual organs/Private zone 67.7 51.3 16.7
2. Reproduction/Birth 69.9 50 28.6
3. Change of body at puberty/Menstruation/ Ejaculation 74.2 55.3 33.3
4. STIs 16.1 44.7 52.4
5. HIV/AIDS 35.5 38.2 42.9
6. Sexual Desire/Sexual Behaviour 7.5 32.9 26.2
7. Masturbation 10.8 21.1 11.9
8. Sexual intercourse 25.8 32.9 28.6
9. Contraception 6.5 40.8 47.6
10. Abortion 5.4 30.3 35.7
11. Gender 28 18.4 16.7
12. Sexual diversity 18.3 21.1 31
13. Relationship 18.3 28.9 38.1
14. Dating DV/Love 6.5 21.1 38.1
15. Marriage/Family 12.9 18.4 21.4
16. Internet dating site/telephone club 4.3 15.8 7.1
17. Prostitution 1.1 10.5 11.9
18. Sexual harassment 4.3 10.5 21.4
19. Sexual abuse 18.3 13.2 23.8
20. Sexual information 14 21.1 11.9
21. Others 4.3 6.6 7.1
n = 82 n = 57 n = 29

Next, we consider the contents of SE (Table 3). The question was Which topics
do you teach in SE classes? The topics often covered are Change of body at
puberty/Menstruation/ Ej aculation, Reproduction and birth of new life and
Sexual or gans/pri vat e zone. According t o school stage, the Nos.1, 2 and 3
topicsSexual or gans/Private zone, Repr oduction/Birth and Change of body at
puberty/Menstruation/ Ej aculation appear at a hi gh rate in both el ementar y school
and j unior high school. The Nos.6, 7 and 8 topics Sexual desire/Sexual
behaviour, Masturbation and Sexual intercourse and the No.16 and 20
topics Internet dating site/telephone club and Media literacyare also covered
well in j unior high school. The Nos. 4 and 5 topicsST Is and HIV/AIDSare
covered in senior hi gh school. I compar e this with The j unior high school
investi gation, which i nvesti gated SE in onl y j unior high school. In that study, the
topic Sexual di versit y was covered in onl y 6.8% of the schools and Sexual abuse
in onl y 3.1% (n = 703). In our results, Sexual di versity was covered in 21.1% of
the schools and Sexual abuse in 13.2%. A r eason for this large dif ference may be
that the s ubj ects of our investi gation are members of CESHS. They are more li kel y
to obtain new infor mat ion than other teacher s.
In res ponse to Do you use textbooks or ot her materials f or SE t eachings? (n
= 166), 91.6% answer ed Yes; 39.0% of responders use textbooks and more than
50% use dolls and models, DVD and video. Picture books are also us ed in many cases


F ig u re 3 . M a t eria l s ( mult ip le a n sw er s)

In response to Do you arrange an opportunity for student interchanges (e.g.

group discussion) to occur during SE teaching? ( n = 179), 14.5% answered Ever y
time while 43.0% answered Someti mes.
Regarding whether the genders were mixed or separated in SE class (as ked onl y

in gender -mixed schools), 74.1% of teachers teach all topics under SE in
gender -mixed classes, 23.2% teach some topi cs in mixed classes and 9.3% teach all
topics in separate classes. We then asked the Partially mixed group, What topics
are taught in separate classes? The answer Menstruation appeared most (70.7%),
because it is often the case in Japan that the lessons under menstrual medical
treatment in an elementary school are intended onl y for girls. There is also the
backgr ound of partiall y mixed classes in j unior high school and senior high school,
where some classes ar e separated into males and females, but onl y when health and
physical education is t aught, because it is taught separatel y from the beginning.
We have already mentioned this, but SE has no definite place in J apanese school
education. Despite thi s, many teachers wor k hard to teach SE. We then asked Why
do you teach SE? ( mul tiple answers, n = 187) , and the responses wer e Its essential
for students (79.1%), There was a necess ary (problem) situation for students
(47.8%) and There were fellow wor kers to t each together (26.5% ).
In response to What are the benefits of teaching SE? ( multiple answers, n =
180183), Own knowl edge and understanding about sexualit y deepened accounted
for 84.7%. Of these r esponses, Students came to take sexuality seriousl y and
Students were able to understand sexuality as an i mportant thing that was relevant
to them accounted for about 60%. Moreover, 58.2% of those as ked replied that
Relationship of mutual trust with the students deepened.

3.4 Cooperation
Regarding cooperation in SE, in response to Do you cooperate with other
teachers on SE? ( n = 181), 74.3% answered Yes. We then as ked t he Yes group,
With whom do you cooperate? and 62.0% of them ans wered Clas s teachers. This
is a reflection of ther e being many Yogo t eachers in our investigation. In other
words, most Yogo teachers help class teachers in teaching SE. The form of
cooperation invol ved i s Team teaching with 76.5%, followed by Interchange of
infor mation and mater ials, with 58.7% and Making a teaching plan with 44.9%
( multiple answers, n = 136137) .
Regarding Cooperation or connection with the percents, 74.6% replied Yes,
I do (n = 173). The percentage of Yogo teachers responding Yes , I do was 82.3%,
higher than that of other teachers. Regarding the t ype of cooperation, 71.8%
responded Tell about the SE class after doi ng it, and more than 50% responded
Tell about the SE before doing it and Show the SE class ( multiple answers, n =



Fig u re 4 . W it h w ho m do y o u co o pera t e? ( mu l t ip le a n sw er s)

3.5 Training
About training for SE, we asked Did you attend the training courses for SE
organised by the Boar d of Education from 2007 to 2008? (n = 328). Although most
of the respondents are interested in SE, onl y 18.6% ans wered Yes . We then as ked
the Yes group, Wer e the training courses useful for you? No accounted for
56.0% and Yes for 44.0% (n = 50). We as ked the No gr oup, W hy did you not
attend? The maj ority answered We didnt get new infor mation (54.8%) and
Didnt match the actual situation of the students (58.1%).
On the other hand, for the question Did you attend training courses for SE by
the Council for Educati on and Study on Human Sexuality from 2007 to 2008?, Yes
accounted for 78.2% ( n = 330).
Then the same question was asked of the Yes group: Were the training courses
useful for you? and 99.2% answered Yes (n = 243). Further mor e, we as ked the
Yes group, What ki nd of points were usef ul to you? (n = 241). They have new
infor mation accounted for 92.5% of the res ponses, They were able to make good
use of it for SE class for 36.1% and It matched the actual situation of the students
for 26.7%. These results will be helpful to deduce what kind of infor mation teachers

3.5 For promotion SE

The question, What is necessary to promote SE at school? is i mportant because
our subj ects are eager to promote SE. About 80% answered Common understanding
of SE ( multiple answers, n = 230234), while An actual situation and the needs
of students accounted for 70.9%, Evaluat ion of the SE of students for 53.4%,
Training in own school for 54.9% and Training out of school for 60.3%.
Conversel y, we asked What are the obstacles when you promote SE? (n = 230234).

Nearly 70% answered To find enough ti me for SE is difficult. The lack of an
opportunit y for traini ng accounted for 39.2%, Difficulty of cooperating in the
school for 35.7% and Worry about the criticis m of SE accounted for 25.1%. This
reflects the situation surrounding current SE in J apan.


F ig u re 4 . W it h w ho m do y o u co o pera t e? ( mu l t ip le a n sw er s)

4. Conclusion
On the basis of the results and discussion presented above, we now introduce
some ar guments about the problems of SE in J apan.
First, teaching hours for SE in Japan are far from sufficient, and it is difficult
to find enough ti me. On the other hand, most t eachers think that SE is ver y i mportant
and necessar y for students. We must devise a way to secure the necessary ti me for
SE. Actuall y, accordi ng to the results of this investigation, each teacher makes a
considerable effort to teach SE. However, it is desirable for students to be safe and
secure in the entire school. This will make i t possible to teach SE in ever y subj ect
and ever y grade.
Second, in connection with the above pr oblem of ti me, we mus t also devise the
contents and methods of SE. This investi gation revealed that, in pr actice, one grade
for SE requires onl y around 3 hours on average. In addition, the di vision of the
contents of SE differed according to the school. Of course this ref lects the course
of study and the contents in each subj ect, but teachers selection of what knowledge
and infor mation are necessary for students i n each stage should al so be reflected.
It is i mportant how we choose the contents and methods that students really need in
a li mited number of hours. Thus, the teachers identification of students needs is
Third, the infor mation that the teacher has reflects the contents of SE. Teachers

who are eager to teach SE need new infor mation that matches the actual situation
of the students. These f indings show that the t eachers among our sur vey subj ects find
it easier to obtain infor mation for SE, in comparison to other teachers, because our
survey s ubj ects are members of CESHS. It is clear that the contents of SE are
affected by both whether information is provided and from where we obtain
infor mation. Actuall y, in the j unior high school investigation, onl y 6.8% of teachers
taught about Sexual diversit y. However , this investi gation found that 21.1% of
teachers teach it. This large difference occurs because the contents of Sexual
diversit y are available in the information shar ed by members of CESHS. In contrast,
the general teachers opportunit y to study and know Sexual di versity is li mited.
Therefore, it is i mportant to spread new infor mation to help teach SE positi vel y. This
will influence the mot ivation of teachers.
Fourth, the actual situation, that a woman teacher is keener on SE than a man,
became clear in our investi gation. In addition, many teachers teaching SE are Yogo
teachers. This means that the contents of SE tend to emphasise the aspect of
reproduction. As a result, boys do not have much interest in the cont ents, and SE for
boys is apt to be inadequate. On the other hand, SE is mostl y taught in the subj ect
of health and physical education, which is taught mainl y by male teachers. Therefore
it will be an i mportant task to promote SE conducted by male teachers.
Lastl y, we emphasise that cooperation is i mportant in SE. In thi s investi gation,
about 25% answered There were fellow wor kers to teach together as the reason to
teach SE. Also, Yogo teachers are key persons in SE in J apan. Their cooperation
with other teachers, especially health and physical education t eachers, is ver y
important in deter mi ning the qualit y and quantity of SE.
We have already noted that school SE was attacked by neo-conservati ves in
J apan after 2000. Even now, such attacks ar e someti mes obser ved. However, it is
necessary for ever yone, not onl y the children, to learn about sexuality, sexual health
and sexual rights. Such a recognition of SE is i mportant because many J apanese ha ve
a wrong i mage of sex, sexuality and SE, as a result of the influence of pornography.
I think that the conser vati ve people who attack SE are unable to dis tinguish SE
from pornography, and that SE is necessar y f or adults in J apan.

Ref erences [ i n J ap a n es e]
KIHARA, Masako (2006), A Teenage Sexual Behavior and Japanese Society (Kyoto,
Minerva Shobou).
ASAI, Haruo / SUGITA, Satoshi / MURASE Yuki hiro ed. (2009), Poverty of
Sexuality and Sexual Education as Hope (Tokyo, J ugatsu sha).
The Council for Education and Study on Human Sexualit y (CESHS) ed. (2009),
Quarterly Sexuality No. 42 , (Tokyo, Eidel K enkyuj o).

The Association of National Hi gh School PTA (it is a corporate j udicial person)
(2004), The National Investigation about Life Style and Consciousness of High
School Students (2004).
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (2005), The Investigation about Life
Style and Consciousness of Men and Women ( The investi gation was carried out from
October to November i n 2005. The subj ects were 3,000 men and women 1649 years
of age; 1,580 valid answers were obtained ( 52.7%).).
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport s, Science and Technology (MEXT)
(2005), A Factual Survey on SE at Compulsory Schools in Japan
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HASHIMOTO, Nori ko ed. (2009), A collection of reports on the Study about an
Actual Situation and Problems of Sexuality Education in Japan under Rapidly
Increasing Teenage STI (This proj ect was supported by a Grant -in-Aid for Scientific
Research by J SPS, proj ect No. 18330172, with HASHIM OTO, Noriko as the Proj ect
Leader. The authors of the present paper wer e members of this research.).
TASHIRO, Mieko (2008), Provision of SE at J unior Hi gh Schools in J apan, A
collection of reports on the Study about an Actual Situation and Problems of
Sexuality Education in Japan under Rapidly Increasing Teenage STI, pp. 829 ( In
this investi gation, the subj ects are 5158 J unior high schools [including a pri vate
j unior high school] wi th more than 330 students. The investi gation was conducted
in Februar y 2007. We sent out postal questionnaires to principals of these schools.
We received 703 responses [response rate 13.6%].).
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CESHS (199697), Sexual Education of sci ence / human rights / independence /
symbiosis, All 8 series (Tokyo, Ayumi syuppan).
CESHS (19901995), Monthly Human Sexuality (Tokyo, Hi gashi yama s yobou).
CESHS (19962000), Monthly Education of Sexuality and Life (Tokyo, Ayumi

(Received September 30, 2010)

(Accepted October 15, 2010)


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