Individual Self Reflection Assignment: Registration Number: 201560245
Individual Self Reflection Assignment: Registration Number: 201560245
Individual Self Reflection Assignment: Registration Number: 201560245
EIBE was a kind of experience that I have never had before & the concept of
scenario planning was very enlightening. The very thought of thinking how the
future can unfold and preparing for it but not by predicting it, appeared to be
challenging. Traditional forecasting techniques have not been serving their purpose
well and have miserably led to crisis situations. On the other hand, scenario
planning forces us to think out of the box and we come across several minute
factors, which are normally unnoticed and in rare situations, have the potential to
create a huge impact. Being aware of these factors helps us to prepare for the
After the intense session on scenario planning by Ron, I was set to start my scenario
planning journey with my group members. Personally, I felt my group was pleasant
to work with. We had a quick break the ice conversation before we began iteration
1. To achieve the goal, several hurdles had to be faced. Working with people from
different industries and learning a new process at the same time was a task itself. In
iteration 1, one of the major challenges was placing the clusters on impact and
predictability matrix. The conversation turned out to be an argument where each
member had different reasons to place the same cluster in different quadrants.
We winded up iteration one with multiple learnings. Firstly, we learnt in order to
complete the process, neither do we have to skip any steps nor do we have to find
short cuts as it adds more trouble later and we may need to go back to rectify it. We
learnt that when it is specifies to describe the driving force in 5-6 words, it aids us to
write the outcomes and helps in clustering. For example, we had two driving forces
which said education, but four outcomes were unrelated to education. Later we
realized one member had meant education & rural areas and the other person
meant impact of education on economy
We went ahead with iteration 2 and many more challenges were thrown at us. After
a good period of research done, we discussed with each other our findings and then
I realized the benefit of performing scenario planning with group of members who
come from different backgrounds. Though we were given the same country to
research about and same amount of time, each of our findings were unique and
highlighted concerns of the areas that mattered most to us. The first thought that
struck me is about the impact created when people from various levels of
organization do scenario planning together. Considering a situation where a group
chosen to perform this exercise includes stakeholders, contractors, technical
specialists, supervisors and normal staff ,we could be utmost sure that driving
forces would be exclusive and will bring out high quality scenarios that would help
the organization to prepare for unseen future.
It is in the 2nd iteration, where we had to face many challenges associated with
group work. One of the commonly observed challenge throughout the 2 nd iteration
was miscommunication. I realized that one needs to ensure that message is well
received and understood by the end user when he or she communicates. Assuming
the other person has understood your message could land you in great trouble.
Another learning that I had is related to assigning tasks among the group members.
I learnt that when tasks are assigned based on the key skills of team member, like
some may be good at assembling things, while the other would be great in writing
or presenting facts, often tasks get over easily. On the other hand, if an individual
finds the assigned task tough in nature and time consuming, drastic instances can
occur - it can hurt his or her ego and productivity of the team gets affected. Another
learning that I consider important is regarding the workload. It would be preferable
if all the members have similar workload thereby ensuring not even a single
individual feels an extra pressure and clearly no free loaders should be entertained.
To achieve the goal, I believe that patience play a crucial role. It took me some time
to realize the fact that certain ideas that seem to be very direct to me may appear
tangled to others and they might need some time to express their views on such
ideas. In such situations, the best option is to wait patiently for them to speak up.
I clearly understood the meaning of practice makes perfect since there was a vast
difference in the quality of work of the two iterations. The driving forces of Iteration
2 had more substance than the first one and our forces were not limited to
stirdeeper framework
Upon completing the exercise on scenario planning, today I feel it is a precious tool
and can be a great game changer. When we look around us, the downfall of
blackberry and nokia teach us the same lesson. I strongly believe scenario planning
must be incorporated in every enterprise or company and should involve people
from all levels of organization.