Human Resource Management 2 Nemakonde Masala STUDENT NUMBER 201508420 Individual Assignment
Human Resource Management 2 Nemakonde Masala STUDENT NUMBER 201508420 Individual Assignment
Human Resource Management 2 Nemakonde Masala STUDENT NUMBER 201508420 Individual Assignment
Nemakonde Masala
Individual Assignment
Table of contents
Glossary of terms
Question 1
Most company used team to achieved the goal on the levels of performance and
innovation due to the team and the groups
Groups and Teams work to gather to allow for the greater participation increase
performance and change of the team can affect the result of the hole group or the team
objective. The group has task interdependence meaning group member
Group and Team may seem to sound similar but the term group and team are very
different from each other. Though they may often be used interchangeably but it is
important that we can distinguish one from the other so as to accurately provide the
proper definition. A group is usually composed of 2-4 members that work
interdependently with each other to a significant degree. They are committed to work
together and willing to be handled by a leader. Though they are interdependent with
each other but still they have individual responsibility that they have to perform, and that
specific accountability, when done well, can help the group accomplish their goals.
they would divide the work amongst their skills, they can easily get the job done. A team
on the other hand works best for long term projects, since they work together as a
whole equally distributing the tasks at hand regardless if they have the proper skills or
not. This paves the way for each member of the team to have ample time to develop
abilities that can further enhance their performance as a whole. Due to the span of time
that the members spend with each other, its a good ground as well for camaraderie
within the team. It all boils down to the need for skills and performance. It may also be
dependent on the complexity of a certain project, as to which would be more
appropriate to form to have the end result delivered.
Group Structure
Groups are not unorganized mobs. They have a structure that shapes the behavior of
Formal Leadership
Roles psychological contracts are important in organizations
Size -social loafing
Composition -diversity, group demography
Understand the relationship between group cohesiveness, performance norms, and
productivity Highly cohesive groups with high performance norms are best
Group Processes
Synergy a term used in Biology, is an action of two or more substances that result in
an effect that is different from the individual summation of these substances.
Most people prefer to communicate with others at their own status level or a higher one.
Large groups are associated with lower satisfaction.
Teams typically outperform individuals when the tasks being done require multiple skills,
judgment, and experience.
Work Group the goal is to share information, neutral synergy, individual accountability,
random and varied skills
Work Team the goal is collective performance greater than the sum of individual
inputs, positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, complementary skills
The Sac State womens basketball team needs interdependence. The golf team does
not they just add all the scores of each individual
Creating Effective Teams
The value of teams can be powerful! Consider these four general categories.
Be sure to understand cultural difference and prior reward systems prior to introducing
teams into your organization. If you do introduce teams, consider
Care should be taken to ensure that candidates can fulfill their team roles as well as
technical requirements.
A large proportion of people raised on the importance of individual accomplishment can
be trained to become team players.
Reward systems needs to be reworked to encourage cooperative efforts rather than
competitive ones.
Mature teams are particularly prone to groupthink, and as a result team members
become reluctant to express their thoughts and less likely to challenge each other.
The value of teams is now well known. The following are benefits that can result from
the introduction of work teams.
Increased employee motivation.
Higher levels of productivity.
Increased employee satisfaction.
Common commitment to goals.
Improved communication.
Expanded job skills.
Organizational flexibility.
A critical look at four assumptions which seem to underlay this team ideology.
Mature teams are task oriented and have successfully minimized the negative
influences of other group force
Individual, group, and organizational goals can all be integrated into common team
The team environment drives out the subversive forces of politics, power, and
conflict that divert groups from efficiently doing their work.
Group and the teamwork do not guarantee higher performance levels many
company structural and interactional factor influence the effectiveness of groups
The factor should be identified and manager continuously and high performance
teams are teams that continuously strive to improve what they do and how they do it.
Question 2
Response of the two factor motivation theory in generally consistent and based on the
Herzberg developed the two factor theory of motivation and job satisfaction and he
called the one set of the factors hygiene factor and the other motivators hygiene factor
are close related to the working environment
Hygiene factors- Hygiene factors are those job factors which are essential for existence
of motivation at workplace. These do not lead to positive satisfaction for long-term. But if
these factors are absent / if these factors are non-existent at workplace, then they lead
to dissatisfaction. In other words, hygiene factors are those factors which when
adequate/reasonable in a job, pacify the employees and do not make them dissatisfied.
These factors are extrinsic to work. Hygiene factors are also called as dissatisfies or
maintenance factors as they are required to avoid dissatisfaction. These factors
describe the job environment/scenario. The hygiene factors symbolized the
physiological needs which the individuals wanted and expected to be fulfilled. Hygiene
factors include:
advancement opportunities in an organization to motivate the employees to perform
Responsibility - The employees must hold themselves responsible for the work.
The managers should give them ownership of the work. They should minimize
control but retain accountability.
An average employee intrinsically does not like work and tries to escape it whenever
Since the employee does not want to work, he must be persuaded, compelled, or
warned with punishment so as to achieve organizational goals. A close supervision
is required on part of managers. The managers adopt a more dictatorial style.
Many employees rank job security on top, and they have little or no aspiration/
Employees can perceive their job as relaxing and normal. They exercise their
physical and mental efforts in an inherent manner in their jobs.
Employees may not require only threat, external control and coercion to work, but
they can use self-direction and self-control if they are dedicated and sincere to
achieve the organizational objectives.
If the job is rewarding and satisfying, then it will result in employees loyalty and
commitment to organization.
An average employee can learn to admit and recognize the responsibility. In fact, he
can even learn to obtain responsibility.
The employees have skills and capabilities. Their logical capabilities should be fully
utilized. In other words, the creativity, resourcefulness and innovative potentiality of
the employees can be utilized to solve organizational problems.
Motivated people exert a bigger effort than what is expected of them in achieving
goals. Motivators also called growth factor are closely related to the nature and
content of the work done. It includes the following
Progress or Growth
According to Herzberg the answer to the motivation problem lies in the design of the
work itself. Job enrichment is based on the application of the Herzbergs ideas.
The critical incident technique to identify factor that made employee feel
exceptionally good or exceptionally bad about the jobs. Herzberg developed the two
factor theory of motivation and two sets of factor that influenced motivation and job
Question 3
1. Keep their ego in check
It is easy to let ego take over when you are in a position of power. However, in
transformational leadership, it is important for the leader to keep their ego under
control and not let it interfere with the best interest of their team or the
organization. By keeping their ego in check, the transformational leader is able to
put the organization before their own personal gain and also elicit the best
performance from others.
2. Self-management
Transformational leaders typically dont need much direction from others, and are
able to manage themselves well. They are also highly internally motivated, and
they use this motivation to direct the organization to the right path. These leaders
do what they love, and the values are aligned with those of the organization that
they lead.
fostering a climate that favors critical examination of commonly held notions, beliefs,
and the status quo
creating an environment conducive to the creation and sharing of knowledge
encouraging innovation and creativity
heightening sensitivity to environmental changes
encouraging the suggestion of radical and controversial ideas without fear of
punishment or ridicule
empowerment and imposition of the leader's idea only in the absence of viable ideas
from the followers
6. Inspirational
People seek to be inspired and transformational leaders are perhaps the most
inspiring of all. They have the ability to motivate others to rise to the occasion.
Their style of inspiration is not just limited to formal acknowledgement of a job
well done, rather they treat each employee as a valued individual and take the
time to understand what motivates them. The transformational leader inspires
followers toward the new ideas or goals through inspirational motivation.
7. Entertain new ideas
Transformation can rarely be achieved if the leader is not open or receptive to
new ideas. Transformational leaders understand the truth that success is
dependent on the effort of the entire team, and growth happens only in an
organization with a culture of openness to new ideas from all levels. A
transformational leader makes deliberate efforts to solicit new ideas from team
members, and also use their insights in making decisions.
8. Adaptability
The leader knows that it is important to constantly adapt to changing market
conditions to keep moving forward. They are ever willing to adapt to new
situations, and seek creative ways to respond to the dynamic business
9. Proactive
These leaders are proactive in their approach. These leaders take risks, and take
an active role in growing the organization.
Question 4
Role conflict can happen in different ways. When the roles have two different statuses,
the result is called status strain. When the conflicting roles both have the same status,
role strain results. Role conflict can also ensue when people disagree about the
expectations are for a particular role or when someone has trouble fulfilling the
expectations of a role because their duties are difficult, unclear or unpleasant.
Initiator Coordinator
Coordinator Peacemaker
Evaluator Gatekeeper
Role Conflict
Role conflict happens when there are contradictions between separate roles that a
person takes on and one role becomes incompatible with the another. This can result in
opposing obligations, such that it becomes difficult to satisfy either responsibility in an
effective way.
A role conflict can occur, for example, when a parent coaches a baseball team that
includes that parent's son. The role of the parent can conflict with the role of the coach
who needs to be objective when determining the positions and batting lineup, for
example, along with the need to interact with all the children equally. Another role
conflict can arise if the parent's career impacts the time he can commit to coaching as
well as parenting.
As business owners we cannot control the external factors facing the economy and our
employees. The economy is a national conflict out of our control. What we can do is
minimize the gossip and rumors within our companies therefore reducing some fear
among our employees. Communication is the key factor, and top down communication
is the best method. Never promise things that are speculative or unknown and base
your communication on facts. In almost all instances it is better to know the truth even if
it means "bad news". Employees can process that information and join together in one
thought to solve problems or help one another overcome the fear. When you are
managing a diverse group of people you will always have conflicting opinions, but when
you communicate one truthful message it is much more difficult for everyone to twist the