Finding God A Catholic Perspective

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Conversion is of course intended to be only the As committed Catholics we need to reach many

first stage of a lifelong walk with God. A major classes of people both within the Church and Finding God:
fault in fundamentalist groups is to assume that
after a quick ritual of accepting Christ as personal
outside it. We need to reach out to the morally
depraved but also to the indifferent and worldly.
A Catholic perspective
Savior the major work of conversion is done. In We need to touch those in the spiritual darkness of
the USA, for example, some 40% of the population non-Christian religions, as well as to the many Introduction
claims to be born again but this far exceeds the agnostics and atheists in the world today. Finally We live in an era of great crusades for spiritual
number of committed Christians All areas of our we need to make contact with those outside the renewal. We are assaulted continually by calls
lives need to be turned over to Christ for deeper Catholic Church who have a faulty knowledge and from born-gain Christians to commit our lives
to Jesus or accept Jesus as personal Savior.
healing and renewal. On a daily basis all of us appreciation of what Christ has left us, especially
need to repent of our sins and redirect our lives and in the sacraments the Blessed Virgin Mary and Now Catholics have always been exhorted by
actions to God. Every day we must experience other aspects of Catholic Christianity which our powerful preachers to change their lifestyles, often
Gods work saving and renewing us. Every day we critics consider unbiblical. to avoid spending eternity in hell. What Catholics
need to be filled anew with the Holy Spirit. are not used to is the notion that unless they make
Besides daily spiritual renewal we need to make a personal commitment to Christ, regardless of
The fullness of faith is in the Catholic
time for God to touch us more deeply by taking a having been baptized or confirmed they are not
few days off periodically to pray and reconsider We should not conclude this pamphlet without really Christians at all!
what is happening in our lives. We need to read stating very clearly that in it is in the Catholic
Scripture and spiritual books, make friends with Church that the fullness of Christs redemption and Conversion in the Church
spiritual people and frequent the sacraments as Gods love will be found. To be converted and to Of course, undergoing conversion is nothing new.
encounters with Christ in a devout and sincere find Christ in all his fullness means becoming a The history of the Church is full of those who have
fashion. Catholic. Whatever other Christians possess they found God for the first time or have had a
profound spiritual encounter that changed their
have in some way derived from the Catholic
Church: which was originally the only Christian lifestyle. Scripture tells of the story of St Paul,
Converts to non-Christian religions
Another issue we have to deal with is people who church. Many have converted to Catholicism from struck blind and cast on the ground, and who later
leave Christianity altogether and claim to meet other churches and especially today there are those became perhaps the greatest Christian evangelist of
God in a non-Christian religion. Here for example who are rejoicing that the fullness of Christian all time. Christs own ministry was an awesome
we find people who have become disillusioned truth is to be found in Catholic Christianity. Our spectacle of conversions and miracles (see Acts
with an apparent lack of clear moral principles and task is to appreciate fully comprehend and spread 9:1-6). So were the first days of the Church after
practice and join Islam, or people who seeking abroad what we have as Catholics and share it with Pentecost Sunday (Acts 2:41).
mystical encounter with God and join an eastern other Christians (Mt 10:32, 28:18-20).
religion. Again we have to rejoice that people have Ultimately, all who want to be known as Christians
found God who were very weak Christians before: Written by John Lee and Frank Bompas. Printed do have to make a personal decision for Christ,
better a committed believer in another faith than an with ecclesiastical approval. whether they have been baptized as infants or
uncommitted Christian. However, in many cases confirmed as children. And that is what many good
Catholics do: they decide to follow God with all
these people have joined another faith because The Evangelization Station
they have not understood or appreciated their hearts. Some will say that this occurred at a
Hudson, Florida, USA definite time in their lives. Others will not be able
Christianity, and it is the role of apologists to E-mail:
dialogue powerfully with these on the mission of to say that at a definite point in time they made
Christ and his work. These people have not Christ the centre of their lives.
rejected Christ but a weak and uninspiring
masquerade of what he is. Pamphlet 444 Christ himself is very forthright about the need to
follow him. He actually has little to say about
undergoing a religious ceremony and a lot to say
Reaching those who need conversion
about putting him first in life and living the
lifestyle that he lays down. However, in the early experienced spiritual renewal through Catholic people who have committed their lives to Christ,
Church the point of conversion was marked by renewal movements, such Charismatic Renewal, perhaps after a attending an evangelistic crusade.
baptism (on Christs own command: Acts 2:28, which is estimated to have reached some 75 People seem to change for a while and then lapse
John 3:5). As time went by, the Church became million, or a tenth of all Catholics worldwide. In into their old ways and are now much more
filled with millions of people who went through addition a trail of healings and conversions have difficult to reach. Here we may say that Christ
the ritual of baptism without ever undergoing any marked modern Marian apparitions, such as warned about this in the parable of the Sower.
personal conversion. It is not that the Church Lourdes, and Fatima. In fact one of the main aims People can be caught up in a very worldly way of
encouraged this state of affairs: throughout the of the modern Church is spiritual renewal, a desire life. Others may not get support from friends.
ages the Church has ceaselessly campaigned for for which is echoed in many Church documents. Others may just not be willing to make the
renewal and conversion, perhaps never more so The Church wants everyone to have a deep sacrifices necessary to change their lifestyle. On a
than today personal relationship with God that spills over into pastoral level it is important for leaders in the
all aspects of life, and not simply to be a Sunday Church to nurture those who have had a
Finding God and leaving the Church Christian who goes to church out of habit. conversion experience and not make light of it.
Today fundamentalist groups are preaching Indeed conversions should be the main thrust of
conversion. They insist that people undergoing Problems in conversion for the Catholic pastoral ministry, because most Catholics are not
conversions use formulas of commitment that From a pastoral point of view conversion truly evangelized. Many of our parishes are not
Catholics are not familiar with and they claim however can be difficult for the Church, warm, friendly communities.
explicitly or imply that those who do not use their particularly if people have already become known
formulas of commitment are not Christians at all. as staunch Catholics. They now claim to know Religious experiences and conversion
For example, they insist that one must accept Jesus or have accepted him as Savior. What Another area of difficulty is religious experience
Jesus as personal Savior, an expression were they before? And why do some of these associated with conversion. While profound
not found in the Bible. And because the Catholic undergoing a conversion move out of the Catholic religious experiences often accompany conversion,
church does not use their terminology Catholics Church? We have to admit that a lot of what we this is not necessarily always the case.
are not seen as Christians and the Catholic church sometimes regard as piety is not really evidence of Overwhelming joy in finding Christ or great
is not regarded as Christian. False preaching and a very deep relationship with God. A real sorrow for sin is not something to be ashamed of,
evangelizing of this nature has caused untold appreciation of Christ as Savior and Lord seems and those in pastoral ministry should not be
damage to the Church, causing many to leave the often lacking amongst Catholics and a real living surprised or alarmed when people get emotional.
Catholic Church or create in them serious doubts. relationship with him in all the activities of life. Neither should they be suspicious when people
While it is wonderful that many non-practicing Rather than having a deep faith in Christ Catholics talk of visions of Christ or supernatural voices. It is
Catholics have entered into may have their devotion centered in Mary or the upon experiences of God that the Church is built
a relationship with Christ it is tragic that they have saints or in receiving the sacraments regularly and these have occurred in every society and
left the Catholic Church in order to do so. The without being evangelized. In other words, throughout the history of the Church. Great saints
entire function of the Church is to place men in an Catholics may focus upon secondary aspects of the have often had great conversion experiences and
ever-deepening relationship with Christ, and it has redemption instead of the primary ones, or fail to their teaching and example has led countless
all the resources to do this. Fundamentalists and understand that these secondary aspects have no thousands to God in wonderful encounters with the
born again churches have lost or distorted so much meaning apart from their value of imparting the love and forgiveness God gives us in Christ.
of what Christ offers men that what they teach is redemptive work of Christ to us. We have been Conversion may be neither sudden nor very
but a pale reflection sacramentalized rather than evangelized. dramatic and neither may one have visions or
of the fullness of Christs legacy to the Church. speak in tongues. It is very wrong to put pressure
The need to look after converts on people to display these signs because it opens
Finding God in the Catholic Church However, this is not the only difficulty we have to the door to fraud, and it makes conversion a matter
The first correction one has to make is to debunk face in the subject of conversion. Many who find of emotion rather than commitment to Christ.
the idea that one has to join a born-again church God do not seem to have a very deep or lasting
to be spiritually renewed. Today many have conversion. This is particularly true in the case of Spiritual growth after conversion

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