Audio Dictionary (3rd Edition)
Audio Dictionary (3rd Edition)
Audio Dictionary (3rd Edition)
Glenn D. White
Gary J. Louie
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American
National Standard for Information SciencesPermanence of Paper for Printed
Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.
This edition contains several entries from Larry Blakes Glossary of Film Sound
terms. The complete version of which is only available on his Swelltonelabs website
To Naomi Pascal,
who rst suggested that I write this book,
and who, with characteristic enthusiasm and good humor,
inspired me to nish it.
Although the second edition of The Audio Dictionary is enjoying healthy sales,
friends, acquaintances, and strangers have asked me now and then when a
third edition would be published. When my good friend Naomi Pascal, now
Editor-at-Large at the University of Washington Press, who inveigled me to
write the book in the rst place, asked me the same question, I decided it
was time. I realized at once that putting a new edition together would be a
daunting task to tackle because of the new audio-related technologies such
as the explosion of the home theater systems market, and the upgrades in
motion picture sound. I asked Gary Louie, who gave me many suggestions
and lots of information when I was preparing the rst two editions, if he
would like to cowrite this new edition. Gary, a longtime friend and crack
audio/video electronics technician, experienced recording engineer, and avid
collector of audio memorabilia and arcana, agreed, and the present volume
is the result.
Gary and I were amazed at the magnitude of changes the audio industry
has undergone in the last ten years. This third edition contains over 400 new
entries, the second edition entries and appendices have been thoroughly gone
over and in some cases enlarged and brought up to date, and two new appen-
dixes have been added.
Glenn White
audience, from the nontechnical stereo set owner to the semiprofessional who
needs a ready source of information. We hope that the former may be stim-
ulated to dig deeper into the subject, and the latter may nd that the intuitive
approach will increase understanding. The appearance of a capitalized word
within an entry signies another entry with that heading. Thus, one may be
led in a zigzag path through the dictionary by looking up unfamiliar words
as they are encountered.
AAC, Advanced Audio Coding A high-quality perceptual audio coding
technology appropriate for many broadcast and electronic music distribu-
tion applications. Coding efciency is superior to that of MP3, providing
higher-quality audio at lower bit rates. Developed and standardized as an
ISO/IEC specication by four industry leaders (AT&T, Dolby Laboratories,
The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, and Sony Corporation),
AAC is supported by a growing number of hardware and software man-
ufacturers as the logical successor to MP3. It was declared an international
standard by MPEG in April 1997. It is used by Apple Computer for their
music downloading service begun on April 28, 2003.
A Battery The low-voltage battery that supplied current for the tube
heaters of early radios. One of the earliest types of A battery was the No. 6
dry cell, which gave 1.5 volts. Later, 6-V lead-acid storage batteries were
used, which of course were rechargeable. Standard automobile batteries of
the day would work, but special radio A batteries were said to provide
smoother current! The rst power supplies to provide heater current from
the ac line were called A eliminators and had to have very effective lter-
ing to avoid 60-hertz hum.
ABS, ABS-Time, A-Time, Absolute Time Most digital recorders provide
a means for recording a time count along with the audio. Recorders such
as DAT and ADAT will start the time count at 00:00:00 at the beginning of
the tape, and advance in real time as the recording is made. CD-Rs have a
similar method of timing using a pre-made signal groove, known as ATIP,
for Absolute Time In Pregroove. The rst generation of DAT recorders did
not have A-Time implemented, thus a tape recorded on such a machine will
not show A-Time. A-Time is not the same as SMPTE time code, although
some machines can work with A-Time in an SMPTE environment.
Absolute Phase A sound system that preserves the actual polarity of the
original sound waves being recorded. In other words, care is taken that there
is no polarity reversal anywhere in the recording/reproducing chain. Thus,
a compression wave at the recording session is reproduced as a compres-
sion wave at the listeners location, rather than a rarefaction. There are those
who claim there is no audible difference if the polarity of both channels is
reversed and others who claim there is a vast difference. In any case, the
term should be absolute polarity.
Absolute Pitch Some people, not necessarily musicians, on hearing a
sound have the ability to accurately identify its position or note on the musi-
Absolute Polarity
cal scale. Absolute pitch is simply an accurate pitch memory, and persons
who have it almost always acquire it at an early age. Nobody is born with
it, but there may be a genetic factor that facilitates its learning. It is also some-
times called perfect pitch.
Persons with absolute pitch vary in their precision, and some have been
shown to be remarkably accurate. Such a person can tell immediately what
key a particular piece is being performed in, and whether it is sharp or at.
These people usually insist on having a phonograph turntable with vari-
able speed so they can adjust it to the exact pitch desired.
Many musicians have the ability to recognize musical intervals very
quickly, and this is called relative pitch. It does not seem to be related to
absolute pitch.
Absolute Polarity A condition where the polarity of a musical signal is
not reversed no matter what devices are used in the signal path. When a
musical sound reaches the ear, the rst sensation the ear will feel will be
either a compression or a rarefaction of the sound wave. An example is a
bass drum. If you are situated facing the side of the drum that is struck by
the heavy drumstick, the onset of the audible sound will be a rarefaction
of the air pressure since the drum head initially moves away from you when
struck. This is called a negative polarity at the instant of the sounds arrival
at the ear. However, if you were on the other side of the drum, your rst
arriving sound will be a compression, or a positive polarity. There is some
controversy about whether the human hearing mechanism can tell the dif-
ference between positive and negative initial polarity, and under what con-
ditions. One faction says the initial polarity of music must be preserved in
music reproduction systems. This means the polarity of the audio signal
would have to be maintained throughout the path from the microphone
through preampliers, cables, signal processing equipment, the delivery
medium, the playback amplier, loudspeakers, and the loudspeaker wires.
Even more important, the relative polarity between the stereo channels must
be the same in order to maintain directional realism (a condition sometimes
referred to as being in phase). It is generally agreed that a positive pres-
sure into a microphone will produce a positive voltage at its output con-
nector, but there is no guarantee that all audio devices maintain absolute
polarity in themselves.
Absorption Coefcient A measure of the relative amount of sound energy
that will be absorbed when a sound strikes a surface. It is a pure dimen-
sionless number ranging from 0 to 1, and is represented by the Greek let-
ter (alpha). The actual percentage of sound absorbed by a surface is equal
to the surface area multiplied by the absorption coefcient and is expressed
in units called sabins, after the well-known Harvard professor and acousti-
cian Wallace Sabine.
An absorption coefcient of one means that all the energy striking the
absorber will be absorbed and none reected. An open window has an
absorption coefcient of one. If the absorption coefcient is equal to zero,
then all the sound would be reected and none absorbed. This is never pos-
A-B Testing
sible in practice, for all materials absorb some sound energy. The absorp-
tion of any material will vary with frequency; that is, a material will have
a different absorption coefcient for different frequencies.
In order to predict the reverberation time of a room, the engineer
must know the total absorption of all the inside surfaces of the room, and
for this reason, many common materials have been measured and the
absorption coefcients have been published for a wide frequency range.
The measurement of alpha is not simple, and there are several techniques
recognized by various standards organizations and carried out by approved
testing laboratories.
A-B Stereo A-B stereo is a method of recording whereby two omnidi-
rectional microphones are spaced several feet apart and placed in front
of the sound source. This was the system used by Harvey Fletcher in his
historic demonstration of stereophonic reproduction of a symphony
orchestra in 1933. It is also known as spaced microphone stereo or spaced
omnidirectional microphones.
Two omnidirectional microphones placed in front of an orchestra pro-
vide the stereo listener with differences in loudness, differences in arrival
time (or phase), and to a certain extent, differences in spectral content, or
timbre, between the two channels. These cues are used by our hearing
mechanism to detect the locations of sources of sounds.
The exact placement of the microphones in an auditorium is very
important to obtaining the best balance of direct and reverberant sound.
No amount of equalization or other signal processing can correct
for poor microphone placement.
A-B stereo recording generally has more ambience, or room sound, than
other methods of recording, and if well done, has a musically satisfying
perspective. It is especially successful when done in an auditorium with
excellent acoustics. See also stereophonic.
A-B Testing A-B testing is the comparison of one audio device with another
by switching between the two while listening to the same signal being
processed by the devices.
A-B testing is thought by many to be a valid way of evaluating audio
components, but it is fraught with pitfalls. One problem in comparing one
device with another is that the test can say nothing about how accurate either
device actually is. In comparing two loudspeakers, for instance, one should
compare each with reality, i.e., with live music. This is not completely pos-
sible because the loudspeaker must be used in conjunction with other
components (amplifiers, recorders, microphones) in order to reproduce
music, and it is impossible to isolate the effects of each link in the chain.
Over the years, various live-vs.-recorded comparisons have been staged,
with interesting if not conclusive results. A great deal of effort is required
to make such a comparison useful.
Another problem with A-B tests is that the volume levels of the two sounds
being compared must be identical. Otherwise, the louder one will generally
be judged to be better, or at least as having a wider frequency range.
ABX Test
AC-3 The audio coder capable of a large amount of data compression used
in Dolby Digital audio was called Audio Coder 3, or AC-3. Dolby Labo-
ratories denes AC-3 thus: AC-3 is the technical name for the digital decod-
ing technology upon which Dolby Digital is based. The terms AC-3 and
Dolby Digital are generally used interchangeably, and the company now
usually refers to AC-3 by its trademarked name, Dolby Digital.
It is used in NTSC DVDs, some laserdiscs, and certain special CDs for
5.1 multichannel home theater use and has been adopted for atsc hdtv
broadcasting. AC-3 competes with dts Consumer.
The AC-3 codec has been designed to take maximum advantage of
human auditory masking in that it divides the audio spectrum of each chan-
nel into narrow frequency bands of different sizes optimized with respect
to the frequency selectivity of human hearing. This makes it possible to
sharply lter coding noise so that it is forced to stay very close in frequency
to the frequency components of the audio signal being coded. By reducing
or eliminating coding noise wherever there are no audio signals to mask
it, the sound quality of the original signal can be subjectively preserved. In
this key respect, a coding system like AC-3 is essentially a form of very selec-
tive and powerful noise reduction. Additional features include the trans-
mission of metadata, that can control playback parameters such as
dialogue-keyed playback level, and the ability of two-channel decoders to
down-mix multichannel soundtracks.
AC Bias See bias.
Accidental In a musical scale, the accidentals are the extra sharp and at
notes that are not part of the diatonic series. In the key of C on a piano, the
accidentals are the black keys.
It is surprising that these notes are called accidentals, so important
are they to music. In no way can one say that they exist simply by accident.
See also Appendix 8.
Acetate In the making of phonograph records, the rst step is called mas-
tering, and this consists of recording the audio signal onto a metal disc
coated with a thick lacquer made of cellulose nitrate with some castor oil
added as a plasticizer. This disc, either before or after recording, is often
called an acetate, which is a misnomer since it is not made of acetate. Sub-
sequent discs, or pressings, are replicated from the master record. It con-
sists of a 14-inch diameter aluminum disc, which is coated with a special
formulation of cellulose nitrate. The master tape is played while con-
nected to a recording lathe, which has a cutterhead that cuts the
groove in the nitrate material. The disc is then electroplated with several
layers of silver and pure nickel.
Finally, the nickel plating is carefully stripped away from the disc, a pro-
cedure requiring considerable skill and experience, and becomes a nega-
tive replica of the original disc. It can be used as a stamper to press records,
or it can be subjected to further plating in three-step processing, if many
hundreds or thousands of records are to be pressed. The acetate is also com-
monly referred to as the lacquer master.
Cellulose acetate is one of the older magnetic tape base materials, and
has been largely replaced by polyester material with the trade name mylar
in professional applications. Cellulose acetate is a little unstable under
changing humidity, becoming brittle when very dry.
Acousta-Voice A trademark owned by the Altec Lansing company for
the rst commercial one-third octave equalizer designed for sound sys-
tem equalization. It was a graphic equalizer and was introduced in about
1967. Since then, many other similar units have appeared on the market.
Acoustic Feedback Acoustic feedback refers to the introduction of acoustic
energy from a sound system back into the same system.
One form of acoustic feedback is the disturbance of a record player sys-
tem by the sound produced by the system. For example, if a turntable play-
ing a record is placed directly on top of a loudspeaker cabinet, vibration
from the cabinet caused by the sound being reproduced will be picked up
by the cartridge and amplied along with the music. If the gain is suf-
ciently high, the level of the feedback sound will increase, nally causing
the amplifier, loudspeaker, or both to be overloaded. The result is a
loud rumble, or low-frequency tone.
Even before the feedback signal becomes regenerative, that is, before it
begins to increase in amplitude, the reproduced sound will be colored by
the feedback, causing muddiness in the low-frequency range. For this
reason, turntables must be very well isolated from vibration and should be
a relatively long way from the loudspeakers.
Another form of acoustic feedback is familiar to most people as the
howl of a sound reinforcement system when the volume control is set
too high. The amplied sound enters the microphone where it is amplied
again, making repeated trips around the loop and becoming louder and
louder. Acoustic feedback is the limiting factor in the gain of a sound sys-
tem, and much effort has been expended in developing techniques to reduce
it. Sound system equalization is one such technique.
Even if the gain is not high enough to cause a continuous howl, the fre-
quency response of the sound system will be distorted when the gain
nears the feedback point, and the apparent reverberation will be
increased also.
Acoustic Labyrinth A type of loudspeaker baffle popular in the 1950s in
which the rear of the woofer cone is coupled to a folded duct about 6 to
8 feet long. The inside of the duct is lined with sound-absorbing material
to reduce the tendency for the duct to resonate, and to absorb the energy
radiated from the back of the cone. The labyrinth acts as a load on the loud-
speaker, providing some control over the cone motion at the low-frequency
resonance. Reasonably good low-frequency performance can be obtained
from a well-designed system of this type, but it will be rather more bulky
than an infinite baffle of comparable performance.
Acoustic Lens An acoustic lens is a device sometimes placed in front of a
high-frequency horn loudspeaker to spread out the sound wave in order
to make it less directional. In this way, the angular coverage of the loud-
Acoustic Suspension
Ader, Clement
In the ADAT system, the tape is formatted (an operation that can be
done before or during recording) with a proprietary Alesis time code that
is much more accurate than SMPTE, and it time-stamps the tape to the
single-sample accuracy; that is, 1/48,000th of a second. Because of this tight
synch, multiple ADATs are virtually free of incoherent phase between tracks
playing on different machines. This means that if you lock 2 or more ADATs
together, you create the equivalent of one large digital tape recorder and
one very wide, seamless piece of tape.
The ADAT was somewhat of a landmark product; it accelerated the home
and project studio market with affordable digital multitrack recording capa-
bility. It and others like it are sometimes described as Modular Digital Mul-
titracks (mdm).
ADC, or A/D Converter Abbreviation for analog-to-digital
Additive Synthesis The generation of complex musical waveforms in
electronic music synthesizers by the linear addition of sine wave com-
ponents whose frequency relationship is a harmonic series.
The rst musical instrument to use additive synthesis was the ill-fated
telharmonium of Thaddeus Cahill. The idea was very successfully
exploited by Laurens Hammond with the introduction of the rst Ham-
mond Organ in the early 1930s. A limitation of the Hammond scheme was
that the sine wave components added together were taken from an equally
tempered musical scale and, other than the octave components, are not pre-
cisely in tune with a harmonic series. This gives the Hammond Organ a
particular timbre that is easily recognized and, in some cases, highly prized.
The advent of the digital computer has greatly expanded the possibili-
ties of using additive synthesis with precisely controlled frequencies of the
components. However, fm synthesis is more economical of hardware, and
although somewhat more limited in the range of waveforms generated, it
is much more commonly used than additive synthesis in electronic music
Ader, Clement A Parisian engineer who, in 1881, led a patent in the Ger-
man Imperial Patent Ofce covering Improvements of Telephone Equip-
ment for Theaters. This is no doubt the worlds rst patent having to do
with two-channel transmission of sound. In fact, it essentially covers a bin-
aural sound system for listening from the comfort of ones home to a musi-
cal performance taking place in a remote auditorium. Ader states in his
patent: The transmitters are distributed in two groups on the stage, a left
and a right one. The subscriber has likewise two receivers, one of them con-
nected to the right group of microphones and the other to the left. Thus,
the listener is able to follow the variations in intensity and intonation cor-
responding to the movements of the actors on the stage. This double lis-
tening to sound, received and transmitted by two different sets of apparatus,
produces the same effects on the ear that the stereoscope produces on the
The apparatus was demonstrated in the Paris opera house as a part of
impressed on the generated note. The sustain part of the envelope can be
set to be as long as the key is held down, providing an organ-like timbre
to the signal. The shape of the envelope has a great deal to do with the tim-
bre of the signal, even if the waveform of the signal is the same. The ADSR
is also called an envelope generator.
Advance Ball A small highly polished ball, usually made of sapphire, which
is mounted on a cutterhead assembly of a cutting lathe used in the cut-
ting, or mastering, of vinyl records. The advance ball rests on the uncut
surface of the rotating acetate disc during the cutting process. Its pur-
pose is to control the depth of cut of the stylus. It must be kept scrupulously
clean to avoid damaging the disc surface, and it is usually polished with a
small leather pad before each cut is begun.
Not all cutterheads use an advance ball and instead control the depth
of cut with an electronic servomechanism.
Advance Head See preview head.
AES The Audio Engineering Society is a worldwide professional society
of audio people somewhat analogous to the Society of Motion Picture and
Television Engineers in the U.S. It was formed in 1947 in the U.S. and its
headquarters are in New York City. The AES is active in the setting of stan-
dards, research, and education. The riaa de-emphasis curve was origi-
nally formulated by the AES, and was known as the AES curve before record
manufacturers agreed to standardize. The standard de-emphasis curve for
30 ips analog tape recorders is from the AES.
AES3 Interface A digital audio transmission standard created by the AES
and standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI
S4.40-1985) and the iec (IEC 60958-4). AES3 transmits two channels of dig-
ital audio data on a single twisted-pair 110-ohm balanced cable using XLR-
3 (IEC 268-12) connectors. An unbalanced conguration also exists.
Previously known as the aes/ebu digital interface, a term which is still com-
monly used. The consumer version is called S/PDIF.
AES/EBU, Audio Engineering Society / European Broadcast Union. See
aes3 interface.
AF, or A.F. Audio frequency (AF) means having frequencies within the
audible range, usually taken as 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz. This frequency
range is only an average for a large number of people. Many people hear
tones below 20 Hz, and some people hear above 20 kHz, although most
people are virtually deaf above 15 or 16 kHz. The audibility of a given fre-
quency depends on its level. See also fletcher-munson effect.
AFL, After Fader Listen A pushbutton sometimes found on older audio
mixing consoles. When the AFL button is pressed, the monitor output is
affected by the volume control, or fader.
AGC An Automatic Gain Control (AGC) circuit adjusts the gain of an
audio device in inverse proportion to the signal level entering the device.
An example is a portable tape recorder that is designed for speech record-
ing. When the talker is close to the microphone, the gain is reduced so
as not to overload the tape. As the level from the talker decreases, for instance
because of a greater distance, the gain increases to keep the recorded level
the same.
This type of machine is often used for radio interviews, and usually the
gain changes can be plainly heard as the background noise rises each time
the speaker pauses for a few seconds, only to suddenly fall the moment the
next syllable is uttered.
Another use of AGC is in radio receivers, where the gain is adjusted to
keep all stations at about the same level even though the signal strength
from the transmitter varies widely depending on distance.
AGC is also called AVC, for automatic volume control, or ALC, for auto-
matic level control.
AIM See amplitude intermodulation distortion.
Air Coupler A type of woofer system that consisted of a woofer mounted
on a wall near the oor or ceiling facing into the wall and centered between
two wall studs. About 8 feet below or above the speaker, a rectangular hole
was cut into the wall to let the sound out. The system was like a speaker
in an 8-foot-long organ pipe, which is resonant at about 30 Hz, giving a
pronounced peak in the response at this frequency. The air coupler was pop-
ular among some do-it-yourself audiophiles in the late 1950s, but its appeal
has mercifully waned.
Air-Motion Transformer A proprietary type of loudspeaker developed by
Oscar Heil. The air-motion transformer resembles a miniature accordion-
fold door in a strong magnetic eld. The folds contain conductors that carry
the amplied audio current, and the interaction with the magnetic eld
causes the folds to alternately squeeze together and move apart, generat-
ing a radiated sound wave. The system is said to be quite linear and low
in distortion.
Aliasing Aliasing refers to the production of spurious frequency com-
ponents in a digital audio system due to the presence of frequencies in
the signal that are higher than one-half the sampling frequency.
Visual aliasing can sometimes be seen in motion pictures, especially
westerns. If a wagon is moving at a speed where the spokes in a wheel are
passing by faster than the frame rate of the camera (24 frames per second),
the spokes will be seen to move backward, or forward at an incorrect speed.
This is also the principle of the stroboscope, which is a quickly ashing light
used to examine rotating machinery. When the lamp ashes at the correct
rate, corresponding to the rpm of the machine, the moving parts will appear
Alignment Adjustments of various characteristics of audio devices are
loosely grouped together and called alignment procedures. Alignment is
somewhat analogous to tuning a car engine. Some of the steps in the align-
ment of an analog tape recorder are properly adjusting the head azimuth
angle and adjusting the playback de-emphasis and record pre-emphasis
and bias level circuits for optimum response.
Alignment Tapes The adjustment of an analog tape recorders many cal-
ibration controls is a painstaking and delicate job if the best results from
Alkaline Cell
Alligator Clip
chief engineer for the BBC, in the 1930s. Interestingly enough, nearly all
the subsequent research and development has also occurred in Britain.
Ampere, abbr. Amp or A The ampere is the si unit of electric current; it
is dened as that current that, if existing in two parallel wires 1 meter apart,
will cause an attractive force between them amounting to 0.2 millionths of
a newton per meter of length. The ampere is also equal to a current of 1
coulomb of charge per second, or 6.2414 million million million electrons
owing past a point in 1 second. Incidentally, one should not speak of the
ow of current. The current exists; the charge ows. This is analogous
to the current in a river, which consists of the ow of water.
The mathematical symbol for current is I. The relationship between cur-
rent, voltage, and impedance is quite complex for alternating cur-
rent, but for direct current it is a simple proportion. The current I is
equal to the voltage V divided by the resistance R. See ohms law.
Amplier A device for increasing the amplitude of the voltage, current,
impedance, or power of a signal. An amplier is an active device and
strictly speaking should always increase the power of a signal (some ampli-
ers, such as certain distribution ampliers, may only reduce the imped-
ance level of the signal for the purpose of driving long lines).
The amount of amplication that an amplier provides is called its gain.
The gain is a ratio of its input signal level to its output signal level and is
simply a multiplier or a pure number. For instance, an amplier that dou-
bles the voltage of its input signal is said to have a voltage gain of 2. If its
output current is 10 times its input current, its current gain is 10, etc. An
amplier may have almost any combination of voltage gain, current gain,
or power gain, and some of these quantities may be negativesome
power ampliers can have a negative voltage gain but a large current gain
and thus a large power gain.
Amplier gain is also commonly expressed in decibels, or dB, and this
causes some potential (and actual) confusion because dB always expresses
a power ratio by denition, and one should not express the voltage gain of
an amplier in dB unless the input and output impedances are equal. The
confusion arises because the voltage gain of a typical amplier is not related
to its power output capability. For instance, if an amplier has a voltage
gain of 10, one is tempted to say the amplier has a gain of 20 dB because
it actually would raise the power level of a signal by 20 dB if the input and
output impedances were the same. In practice, however, this is very sel-
dom the case, and the true power gain is usually very much different from
what would be predicted by the voltage gain. For instance, a power
amplier could have a 1.6-megohm (M) input impedance and could
deliver 400 watts (W) to a 4-ohm load. Its output and input voltages could
be the same, leading one to say it had a voltage gain of 1, or 0 dB. But its
voltage output is 40 volts (V) when delivering 400 W into 4-ohm, and its
input voltage is also 40 V. The 40 V of input delivers only 1 milliwatt (mW)
to the input (402 divided by 1,600,000), so the power gain is actually 400
divided by .001, or 400,000. This is a true gain of 56 dB.
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
AM Stereo
Analog-to-Digital Converter
Analytic Signal
Analog-to-Digital Conversion
8. Scale error: The departure of the actual input voltage required to attain
a full-scale output code from its design value.
Analytic Signal An analytic signal is by denition a signal that has two
partsthe so-called real part, that is the same as a conventional signal, and
an imaginary or quadrature part that is always 90 degrees out of phase
with the real part. The analytic signal is very useful in several types of sig-
nal analysis. For instance, a conventional signal is represented by its wave-
form, which is simply a graph of the signal amplitude vs. time. The
waveform (and the signal itself) has positive and negative parts, and for
this reason it cannot be graphed on a logarithmic or decibel scale since log-
arithms of negative numbers are not dened. The waveform can be viewed
on an oscilloscope to see its overall shape, but it is difcult to see very small
components of the signal. However, the analytic signal can be transformed
by squaring the real and imaginary amplitudes, adding the squared val-
ues together, and then taking the square root of the result. This is the RMS
value of the signal vs. time, and is always positive. It is called the magni-
tude of the signal, and can be expressed in a decibel scale, where extremely
Anti-Aliasing Filter
small components and variations in the signal can be easily seen. The ana-
lytic signal is also used in plotting the so-called heyser spiral.
Anechoic Literally, without echo. An anechoic room, or chamber, as it is
usually called, is designed to have as short a reverberation time as pos-
sible. This means the sound in the room will disappear as soon as the source
of sound is stopped. It is impossible to build a completely anechoic cham-
ber because there is no perfect sound absorber, but at high frequencies,
nearly anechoic conditions can be obtained. Low frequencies present a much
greater problem because the absorption of a surface is wavelength
dependent. The absorber must be at least as thick as one-half wavelength
to be effective. The wavelength at 100 hertz is about ten feet, so the problem
is obvious: it takes a very large chamber to accommodate low-frequency
Anechoic chambers are useful for the testing of loudspeakers and
microphones where reverberation would confuse the measurement. For
low frequencies, a good pseudo-anechoic environment is a parking lot on
a Sunday morning, provided no buildings or trees are nearby. This is actu-
ally a semi-anechoic space because of the reecting surface of the pavement,
but it can still be useful if the test object is placed at the pavement level so
no delayed reections will be measured. The effect of the so-called ground
plane is predictable and can be subtracted from the data.
Anhysteretic Literally, without hysteresis. In analog magnetic tape
recording, the hysteresis inherent in the process of magnetizing the tape
represents a large nonlinearity, and this causes harmonic distortion. The
use of bias in the recording process reduces the effect of the hysteresis
(makes the magnetization anhysteretic) and reduces the distortion.
Anode The anode in any electronic component, such as a silicon diode or
a vacuum tube, is the electrode normally connected to the positive volt-
age or, in a battery, the positive terminal. In vacuum tubes, the anode is
often called the plate, and its positive charge attracts electrons emitted by
the cathode or negatively charged element.
ANSI The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is an organiza-
tion engaged in the establishment of standards.
Anti-Aliasing Filter Before a signal is subjected to the process of a/d con-
version, it must be passed through a low-pass filter to remove any com-
ponents that are higher in frequency than one-half the sampling
frequency. This is because it requires at least two samples per cycle to deter-
mine the existence and strength of a frequency component, that is, it would
require at least one hundred samples per second to encode a tone of 50
hertz. The A/D process will create spurious signals, called aliased com-
ponents, if this rule is not followed.
The frequency corresponding to one-half the sampling rate is some-
times called the nyquist frequency, and the requirement to limit sig-
nals into an A/D to below this frequency is sometimes called the nyquist
In order to affect the audible signal as little as possible, an anti-aliasing
Anti-Imaging Filter
Aphex Aural Exciter A trade name for a device that adds even-order har-
monic distortion to a signal for the purpose of making it more audi-
ble in the presence of other sounds. The Aphex system is used in multitrack
popular music recording, generally on only one or two signals. Voice tracks
are commonly so treated. The added even harmonics make the signal a lit-
tle brighter and crisper, with minimal change in loudness. Vocal lines stand
out more from the rest of the mix.
It is interesting that even-numbered harmonics have this effect, while
odd-numbered harmonics cause a closed-in, or covered, sound.
Apodize Literally, to remove the foot. To apodize is to remove a sharp
discontinuity in a structure, a signal, or a mathematical function.
One example of apodization is the rounding of the edges and corners
of loudspeaker cabinets to reduce the diffraction of sound waves from
them. Diffraction in this case results in a reection of the wave, and the
reected wave will interfere with the direct wave from the loudspeaker
cone, causing irregular frequency response. The rst proposed cabinet
apodization was probably by Harry F. Olson, of RCA Research Labs. Other
forms of cabinet apodization are the placement of sound-absorbing mate-
rial on the cabinet front around the speaker cone, especially helpful in the
case of tweeters.
Another example of apodization is the system of absorbing-wedges on
the walls of an anechoic chamber, which eliminate the effect of the acoustic
boundary at the walls.
of the tape, but most are not. Asperities are numerous in all tapes and pro-
duce asperity noise in tape-recorded signals. The author, in a previous
life working in a data analysis lab at a well-known airplane company, heard
a loud low frequency burp when listening to a reel of 12-inch-wide tape
with vibration data recorded on it. There was a relatively well-preserved
and well-attened mosquito embedded in the oxide surface! The name of
the tape manufacturer is withheld at the request of the American Anti-
Agony Society.
Asperity Noise Low-frequency noise in analog magnetic tape recordings
caused by asperities in the surface of the tape. Asperity noise is a type
of modulation noise.
Assemble Editing Editing of an audio or video program by making a mas-
ter copy of the various takes, rather than physically splicing the pieces of
tape together. Virtually all digital editing is done this way.
Assigns Push buttons on the input modules of a control console (audio
mixer), that connect, or assign, that particular input to any of the output
busses of the console.
Asymmetrical Limiter A special type of limiter that is used mostly in am
broadcasting to reduce the distortion caused by overmodulation. The
asymmetrical limiter limits the negative-going peaks of the audio wave-
form more than the positive-going peaks, and this helps to prevent the
degree of modulation from going below zero. In amplitude modulation,
there is no theoretical limit to positive-going peaks, but there can be no mod-
ulation below zero carrier amplitude. Any attempt to modulate more than
this results in hard clipping and gross distortion. This distortion is some-
times called splatter, which is quite descriptive of what it sounds like.
Asymmetrical Response This refers to the spectral shapes of the boost and
cut response curves of certain equalizers. Usually, the cut response curves
are quite a bit sharper than the boost response curves. The purpose of sym-
metrical response is to improve the subjective quality of the equalizers in
ATIP, Absolute Time In Pregroove All CD-R and CD-RW discs have a pre-
embossed spiral groove that wobbles slightly. The groove keeps the laser
assembly tracking properly, and the wobble (sinusoidal with a frequency
of 22.05 kHz) provides timing information to the recorder. The wobble is
frequency-modulated with a +/-1kHz signal, which creates an absolute time
clocking signal, known as the Absolute Time In Pregroove. In addition, the
ATIP area has other encoded data, which purports to contain the CD-R man-
ufacturer, length of disc, and dye strategy.
ATRAC, Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding A lossy, split band per-
ceptual coding and compression scheme, invented by Sony, for reduc-
ing the amount of data to be written on a MiniDisc. ATRAC offers a 5 to 1
data reduction ratio in the case of MiniDisc, employing the equivalent of
52 lter bands for spectral analysis and re-quantization. Later versions of
ATRAC vary the size of the sample blocks dynamically between 11.6ms
and 1.45ms according to the input signal to allow for temporal masking.
time of the compressor and the expander must be exactly the same in order
to preserve accurate dynamics of the signal. In this case, these times are
selected for minimum audibility of noise pumping.
Attenuation Reduction in amplitude or level of a signal is called atten-
uation. It is usually measured in decibels. resistance in transmission
line wires, among other things, causes attenuation of signals. Sometimes
signal attenuation is desired, and attenuators are used to achieve it.
Attenuator An attenuator is a device for reducing, or attenuating, the
amplitude of a signal. A common example is the volume control. Many
times, attenuators are specially designed to reduce signals by various
numbers of decibels. Such attenuators may be either xed or variable. Inex-
pensive attenuators can affect the frequency response of a signal under
some conditions, and high-quality attenuators are never cheap.
Attenuators are sometimes called pads, or loss pads. We have wondered
for many years why the term pad came to be used to describe an atten-
uator, but we havent discovered the source of this usage.
Audio Literally, I hear in Latin. The term pertains to any signal, sound,
waveform, etc., that can be heard, as distinguished from ultrasonic
sound, radio-frequency signals, or video signals. In some peoples
minds, audio is nearly synonymous with stereo, or hi-.
Audio Analgesia A technique, introduced in the 1950s, for reducing sen-
sitivity to pain in dental patients. The patient wore a headset that repro-
duced a specially equalized pink noise signal at a relatively high level.
Usually, stereo music was added to the noise signal to further distract the
listeners attention from the violence being done in his mouth. The theory,
according to Dr. J. W. Gardner and Emory Cook, two of its developers, was
that the nerves carrying the pain impulses to the brain were effectively
jammed by the music and noise. The audio analgesiac, as it was called,
enjoyed some temporary popularity among dentists, but the novelty
apparently soon wore off, as did the analgesia.
Audiometer An audiometer is a device for measuring the hearing acuity
of a person. It actually measures the auditory threshold at various fre-
quencies, usually from 100 hertz to 8 kilohertz. The resulting fre-
quency response curve is called an audiogram. There are several accepted
ways to measure hearing threshold, the most common using calibrated ear-
phones. See also headphones.
Audion Audion is the name given the rst triode (three-element vacuum
tube) by its inventor, Dr. Lee DeForest in 1906, the year of the invention.
In an article on the history of the electronic age that DeForest wrote for the
ftieth-anniversary issue of Popular Mechanics magazine (January 1952),
appears the following paragraph: As a growing competitor to the tube
amplier comes now the Bell Laboratories thermistor, a three-electrode ger-
manium crystal of amazing amplication power, of wheat-grain size and
low cost. Yet its frequency limitations, a few hundred kilocycles, and its strict
power limitations will never permit its general replacement of the audion
The thermistor is of course the transistor we know today. This
shows again the futility of trying to predict the future, even by so knowl-
edgeable an authority as Dr. DeForest. That 1950s issue of Popular Mechan-
ics makes fascinating reading today.
Audiophile Audiophile stems from Latin and Greek roots and means, lit-
erally, a lover of hearing. There are many vernacular synonyms for audio-
phile, including hi- nut, audio weenie, sound freak, etc.
The true dyed-in-the-wool audiophile is interested in the (real or imag-
ined) perfection of the reproduction of music. The music itself is of minor
importance; it serves merely as a vehicle for the apparatus. (In fairness, it
must be said that there are many music lovers and musicians who qualify
as audiophiles.) In contrast, many musicians are not extremely concerned
with the accuracy of the reproduction of the sound, but are able to listen
Auto Reverse
to the music through the medium. I have been frequently amazed that
some musicians can put up with gross distortions of sound from their sound
Audio Taper A type of potentiometer designed for use as a volume con-
trol in audio equipment. Its resistance varies more in a logarithmic, rather
than linear, fashion with rotation of the knob. This gives a better correla-
tion between control rotation and subjective loudness of the signal.
Auditory Perspective A phrase used by the Bell Telephone Laboratories
engineers in the early 1930s meaning stereophony. According to John
Frayne, who was one of the engineers at the Western Electric company at
the time, the term auditory perspective was thought too cumbersome for com-
mercial use, and Western Electric held a contest among its employees to
coin a better term. Someone suggested stereophony and stereophonic, and these
names have been accepted usage ever since.
Auralization The use of computer modeling to simulate the sound eld in
a virtual space. The result is the ability to hear, via special headphones, the
acoustical properties of an auditorium that has not been built, allowing archi-
tects and sound system technicians to make changes in proposed designs
and hear the results. Some auralization programs are quite sophisticated,
and allow the modeling of different types of sound systems and different
locations in virtual rooms of varying designs. A very important feature of
these programs is the simulation of binaural sound in the earphones in order
to gain a semblance of directional realism.
Autocorrelation Function, or ACF A measure of how much a signal resem-
bles a delayed version of itself. It is a function of time delay and can vary
from 1 to -1, always having a value of 1 for zero delay.
The ACF of music is a signicant statistical parameter, especially the time
delay required for a given selection to decrease to one-tenth of its maxi-
mum value. This is called the effective duration of the ACF. Music with a
short effective duration of ACF requires a relatively short reverberation time
to maintain clarity, whereas music with a long duration of ACF (such as
organ music) sounds better with long reverberation times. Speech has a short
ACF, and this explains why intelligibility is reduced when it is heard in
very reverberant spaces.
Some years ago there was a single-pass noise reduction unit on the mar-
ket called an autocorrelator. It was actually a dynamic filter and had
nothing to do with autocorrelation. This was an unfortunate and mislead-
ing use of terminology.
Automated Mixdown, Automation See mixdown.
Auto Reverse Tape recorders that can play a tape in either direction, elim-
inating the need to ip the tape to play the other side. Virtually all recent
automobile cassette players are auto reversing. The mechanisms that
evolved could be quite interesting. Some machines used dual capstans, some
a central capstan. Separate heads were usually used for each side, although
some machines moved one head and some simply have one head with cores
for all tracks. Some machines sensed the end of a side by the application
of a metal foil to the ends of the tape, sensed by an electrical contact. Some
machines used a photocell and looked for clear leader tape. Some cassettes
simply sensed the tension of the end of the tape. Professional tape machines
never record on 2 sides and thus are never auto reverse.
Autotransformer A transformer which has only one winding. The
winding will have taps along its length as well as terminals at each end.
Autotransformers are used in some multiple-loudspeaker sound systems
to couple the individual loudspeakers to a wire coming from the ampli-
fier. Selection from the various taps determines how much power the
speaker will accept from the line. The autotransformer does not provide
electrical isolation between the input and output signals as does a con-
ventional transformer, and cannot be used where this is required, such as
microphone preamp input transformers.
Back Coat
Back Coat Back coat is an electrically conductive coating on the back or
nonrecording side of recording tape, for the purpose of preventing static elec-
tricity from collecting on the tape and improving tape handling by provid-
Back EMF
ing a bit of friction on the normally smooth plastic. It is only seen on open
reel tapes, and always black in color from the conductive carbon particles.
Back EMF A voltage that is induced in a loudspeaker voice coil due
to the coils motion in the magnetic eld. The back EMF is in opposite
polarity to the voltage driving the coil, and so opposes that voltage. See
also motional impedance.
Back Plate The surface behind the diaphragm in a condenser micro-
phone. The exact spacing, conguration, and features of the back plate,
such as vents, determine many of the microphones characteristics.
Bafe An enclosure, or a large panel, into which a loudspeaker is
mounted in order to improve its low-frequency efciency is called a bafe.
Originally, the bafe was simply a at panel of wood that effectively
separated the radiation coming from the front of the speaker cone from
the rearward radiation, preventing cancellation at low frequencies. An ideal
at bafe would be of innite size so none of the rear wave would reach
the front regardless of the frequency. This would be a true innite bafe.
A practical innite bafe is a totally closed box that isolates the rear radi-
ation, although it also raises the low-frequency resonance of the speaker.
This effect can be used to advantage in certain loudspeaker designs.
There are a great many different designs for loudspeaker bafes, and it
seems that several new ones are patented each month. Many of these designs
are popular for a while and then rapidly fall into disfavor, but some, such
as the bass reflex, acoustic suspension, and horn, and their varia-
tions, have endured for a long time.
Balanced, Balance Balanced refers to audio lines in which the signal cur-
rent is not carried by the shield.
To transmit information electrically, whether by telegraph, telephone,
or an audio signal, two wires, or conductors, are needed. The current is
in the opposite direction in the two conductors. In most audio circuitry and
in interconnecting cables, one conductor of the signal is connected to the
chassis, or ground. This conguration is called single-ended. The chas-
sis thus carries signal current. Wires interconnecting audio devices are com-
monly shielded, with the shield grounded, or connected to the chassis. The
shield prevents electrostatic elds from inducing noise voltages in the inner
conductor. The shield carries audio current in such a cable.
The problem with this arrangement is that any noise induced in the shield
will be added to the signal. Typically such noise is 60-hertz hum induced
by magnetic elds produced by power lines, and it is troublesome in audio
cables that are more than a few feet long.
The way to prevent this type of noise interference is to use two conductors
for the signal and enclose them together in a shield, with neither conductor
connected to the shield. This is called a balanced conguration, and the
shield carries no audio current. The conductors in the shield are also twisted
together, which helps in reducing magnetically induced hum. The wires
change places every half-twist, and this reverses the direction of the induced
current, causing it to effectively cancel itself over the length of the cable.
Also, any hum induced in a balanced circuit will be equal in the two
conductors, i.e., in phase, whereas the signal currents will be out of phase
in the two conductors. This in-phase noise induced in the two conductors
is called a common-mode current, while the signal current is called dif-
ferential. At the receiving end of the cable, it is not desirable to pick up the
common-mode current, so a differential amplifier is used. It is sen-
sitive only to the difference in voltage between the two conductors, and
rejects the common-mode part of the signal. This characteristic of differ-
ential circuits is called common-mode rejection.
Most long audio cables are balanced. Probably the most familiar exam-
ples are microphone cables. One way to balance an audio circuit is to use
a transformer at each end because the transformer is not sensitive to
the common-mode currents. This is the usual practice for microphones. It
is also possible, by using differential solid-state ampliers and audio
opamps, to construct balanced circuits without using transformers.
Sometimes the center tap of the input transformer primary is
grounded, which does not affect the balance. If it is not grounded, the cir-
cuit is said to be oating and balanced. See also differential ampli-
fier and Appendix 6.
Balanced Line See Appendix 6.
Balanced Power Mains AC power supplied to power audio equipment that
is congured as a transformer secondary with a center tap grounded. Such
a powering scheme can reduce power line induced noise by isolating the
audio equipment from the power line ground. While the neutral con-
ductor supplied by the power line is technically grounded, it can have a
lot of different kinds of electrical noise riding on it, and this noise can become
audible in audio systems. The U.S. National Electrical Code (NEC) recog-
nizes the scheme, but it is somewhat obscure and requires knowledgeable
Ballistics The dynamic behavior of the needle in a meter such as a VU meter
is called the meters ballistics. Such things as the time it takes for the meter
to read full scale after a 0 VU signal is applied, the distance the needle
will overshoot the 0 VU mark, and the time it takes to fall back when the
signal is removed are examples of ballistic specications.
The ballistics of a meter are very important because music and speech
are such irregular signals, having large peaks lasting only short times. Meters
with different ballistics will read quite different levels of such signals. It is
interesting that American VU meters have different ballistics from similar
meters on European equipment. Even the reaction of nonmechanical level
indicators may have their response described as ballistics. See also ppm.
Balun A transformer connecting a balanced circuit to an unbalanced circuit.
The Balun was originally used to connect radio transmitters to their anten-
nas. A common use is to connect a 75-ohm antenna coaxial cable to a 300-
ohm twinlead TV or radio receiving antenna input. They are also often
used to connect balanced audio lines to unbalanced lines or audio compo-
nents, although the term is seldom heard in this application. Nowadays,
Banana Plug
Bandpass Filter
Basilar Membrane
ing the ear drum is transmitted through the middle ear to the cochlea, where
it causes the basilar membrane to vibrate. This vibration excites the hair
cells, which emit impulses into the auditory nerve.
Bass Bass is that portion of the audible frequency which encompasses
the lower pitches. The bass range is generally considered to be from 30
hertz or so up to about 200 Hz. Sometimes frequencies around 200 to 300
Hz are called mid-bass.
Bass Intermodulation, or BIM Bass Intermodulation is a type of distor-
tion caused by the modulation of audio frequencies by subsonic
noise. The term is not universally recognized, but the effect is real.
Examples of low-frequency noises that cause BIM are flutter, wow,
and tonearm resonance. It might be thought that noises that are below
the frequency range of human hearing should be of no concern, but this
is far from the case. If an audible signal is amplitude modulated by a
subsonic waveform, the modulation will add sidebands to the signal,
and they are closely spaced in frequency to the signal. In some cases, these
sidebands can be as little as 10 decibels lower than the signal itself. This
constitutes 30% distortion.
Tonearm resonance can be a major offender, for the amplitudes of
the cartridge response due to it are frequently at levels comparable to
the actual signal level from the record. If the phono preamp is not lin-
ear in this low-frequency region, BIM will occur. The audible effect is a
general muddying of the sound and an imprecise or smeared stereo
Bass Management A function built in to many surround-sound processors
in home theater systems that route the low-frequency content of the pro-
gram to the subwoofer. If the system has no subwoofer, the bass man-
agement function can be adjusted to route the bass to the full-range
speakers in the system.
Bass Reex The term bass reex was a trademark of the Jensen company
in the 1930s and referred to a type of loudspeaker enclosure that was
sealed except for a rather large hole, or port, below the speaker itself.
Such enclosures are now called vented systems, and the theory behind
their operation has been thoroughly investigated by two workers named
Neville Thiele and Richard Small. In essence, a vented enclosure is a reso-
nant box (a helmholtz resonator), even without the loudspeaker in it.
The loudspeaker will also have a low-frequency resonance, caused by
the springiness of the cone suspension and the mass of the cone and voice
coil assembly. Each one of these resonances results in a peak in the fre-
quency response. If the two resonant frequencies are made the same and
then are coupled by mounting the speaker in the box, an odd thing hap-
pens: the two resonances effectively cancel each other and two more res-
onances appear, one higher in frequency and one lower in frequency than
the originals. The lower of these two peaks helps to extend the response
of the system to a lower frequency than it would achieve without the
What actually happens is that the air in the port is moving out of phase
with the speaker at the original resonant frequency, partially canceling its
output. Below this frequency, the air in the port is in phase with the cone
motion, adding to the output and extending the lower limiting frequency
An important characteristic of such a system is the damping, because
if it is under-damped, the lower resonance will cause the response to hang
on after the signal stops. Some under-damped early Bass Reex systems
were called boom boxes for good reason. An example of a boom box
is the juke box, popular in the 1950s. See also hangover; thiele-small
Bass Trap A bass trap is a low-frequency sound absorber specially
designed to reduce the effects of standing waves in recording studios. It
is a tuned absorber, and may have a narrow or wide range of frequencies
over which it operates. It usually consists of resonant wood panels with
absorptive material behind them, or suitably shaped slots in a wall or ceiling.
Battery A device for storing electrical energy and making it available for
powering electrical devices. Strictly speaking, a battery is two or more elec-
tric cells connected in series. Thus, a ashlight battery is really only a
There are many types of batteries available, and the variety can be bewil-
dering to the uninitiated. The least expensive type uses carbon and zinc as
the active elements, but the more common alkaline cell provides more power
and longer life at a somewhat higher cost. Lithium cells provide very high
energy density at high cost.
Many batteries are rechargeable, the most common of which are nickel-
cadmium (NiCad or NiCd) or nickel-metal hydride (NiMH). The NiCad
battery can be damaged if it is recharged when less than completely dis-
charged, although this has been disputed. To best prolong its useful life, it
should periodically be completely discharged and then fully charged. The
NiCad battery, even when fully charged, does not contain as much elec-
trical energy as the alkaline battery, so if the application requires long con-
tinuous use between replacements, the alkaline battery is a better choice.
Under high power draw conditions, the NiMH battery can deliver even
more energy. Lithium Ion batteries are rechargeable and have very high
energy capacity, but are tricky to handle safely.
Baud The speed of digital data transmission is measured in baud. One baud
roughly corresponds to one-half dot cycle per second in Morse code, or one
bit per second in a train of binary signals.
In the case of a modem, where digital data are modulated onto a car-
rier for transmission over a telephone line, the baud rate may be differ-
ent from the bit rate. In such a situation, the baud rate is equal to the
reciprocal of the shortest modulation element duration in seconds, and thus
may be faster than the actual bit rate if the bits have variable spacing.
The term comes from Baudot, a French engineer who devised a ve-level
code for telegraphs.
Baxandall Tone Controls
Baxandall Tone Controls A type of bass and treble tone control circuit
invented in Britain by Peter Baxandall in the 1950s. Baxandall tone controls
work by inserting variable frequency-selective elements in the negative
feedback loop of an amplier stage. To achieve treble boost, the feed-
back at high frequencies is reduced, and to achieve treble cut, the high-fre-
quency feedback is increased. The action is similar for low frequencies.
Baxandall circuits were very popular for many years, but they are not ideal.
The variable feedback causes the distortion to vary with the tone control
settings, and the inevitable noise added to the signal is higher than with
some other circuits and has a spectrum that varies with tone control settings.
Baxandall tone controls can be easily realized using circuits based on
opamps and are still used.
B Battery The relatively high voltage battery used to supply the tube plates
in the radios of the 1920s was called the B battery. At rst, B batteries were
made of a series of small 1.5-V leclanche cells, but later, rechargeable
B batteries became available. Usually these consisted of 60 or so edison
cells in test tubes connected in series. Every so often, the cells needed to
be relled with distilled water, which was no small bother. Few people today
realize the difculties involved in listening to the radio in the 1920s. It was
in 1938 that Robert Eichberg asked: Is the radio listener of today as happy
as the fan of yesteryear? I doubt it, for though programs have improved with
the equipment, the old thrill is largely gone. No more does one wonder, every
time the set is switched on, whether it will actually work! Perfection has
replaced chance in radio reception (Radio Craft magazine, March 1938).
The nomenclature lingers on, however, for we still call the power sup-
ply voltages in modern audio equipment the B+ and B. See also b plus.
BBC Over the years, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been
responsible for much research, innovation, and improvement in the qual-
ity of broadcast audio, from the days of Alan blumlein, to digital audio
and the ambisonics system.
Beam Bottle Amateur radio operators slang for beam power tube.
Beam Power Tube A type of tetrode vacuum tube in which a set of plates
is so arranged that the electron stream from the cathode forms two beams
directed at the plate of the tube. The effect is to increase the efciency of
the tube, increasing its power output for a given size of tube. One of the
rst beam power tubes, and also the most commercially successful, was
the 6L6. All the modern power output tubes, such as the EL-34, EL-84, KT-
66, KT-88, 6550, and 5881, are derived from the 6L6 design. Incidentally,
the KT in the British type designations stands for kinkless tetrode,
ostensibly because of a relatively smooth characteristic curve.
Beats When two periodic signals or sounds are less than 30 hertz or so
apart in frequency, and if they are mixed together, the amplitude of the
combined signals will uctuate as they alternately reinforce and cancel each
other. These amplitude uctuations cause loudness uctuations and are
called beats. They can most easily be heard when two sounds of equal
strength are mixed.
Bessel Crossover
ues throughout the passband). Linear phase response (e.g., a linear plot
of phase shift vs. frequency produces a straight line) results in constant
time-delay (all frequencies within the passband are delayed the same
amount). Consequently the value of linear phase is it reproduces a near-
perfect step response, i.e., there is no overshoot or ringing resulting from
a sudden transition between signal levels. The drawback is a sluggish roll-
off rate. For example, for the same circuit complexity a Butterworth
response rolls off nearly three times as fast. This circuit is based upon Bessel
polynomials; however, the lters whose network functions use these poly-
nomials are correctly called Thompson lters [W.E. Thomson, Delay Net-
works Having Maximally Flat Frequency Characteristics, Proc. IEEE, part
3, vol. 96 (Nov 1949): 487 490]. The fact that we do not refer to these as
Thompson crossovers demonstrates, once again, that we do not live in a
fair world.3
Beta The second letter of the Greek alphabet, . The current gain of a bi-
polar transistor is called the beta. A beta of 100 means that X amount
of base current will result in 100 times X of collector current in a transistor.
Beta Hi-Fi Beta Hi-Fi is a method of recording high-quality stereo sound
on Beta format video recorders. The technique was introduced by the Sony
Corp., using the same platform as the Sony betamax video recorder sys-
tem. The signal is companded (see compander) and frequency modulated
onto a carrier that is recorded in a gap in the bandwidth between the
chrominance and luminance portions of the video signal. The speci-
cations for Beta Hi-Fi are similar to those of most digital systems, offering
more than 90 decibels signal-to-noise ratio and no wow or flutter,
etc., even though it is entirely analog. The system was developed as an
improvement to the original linear audio tracks on videotape.
A similar but incompatible system was developed for the VHS video
format recorders invented by JVC. It is called VHS Hi-Fi.
Betamax The rst popular method of home video recording, introduced
by Sony, now abandoned. See also beta hi-fi.
Biamplication Some loudspeaker systems with multiple drivers do
not contain a crossover network, and they require a separate ampli-
fier for each frequency range. Such a system is called a biamplied loud-
speaker, and the technique is called biamplication.
Because each amplier in a biamplied system is called on to amplify
only a limited frequency range, it will generate less intermodulation
distortion, and the system can sound cleaner than a conventional loud-
speaker with internal crossover. The biamplied system still requires a
crossover network, but it precedes the ampliers and does not handle the
power amplier output. It thus can be of higher impedance and can be
made variable in its crossover frequency. This allows a choice of crossover
frequency to optimize the performance of the speaker system. Most high-
Bias Trap
Bidirectional Microphone
Binaural Recording
ferent. Listeners tend to prefer environments where the sound has a high
binaural dissimilarity rather than low.
Binaural Recording A system of sound recording where the binaural
localization cues are preserved, and the listener is able to achieve localiza-
tion of sounds as if he were actually at the site where the recording was
made. Advertising hype notwithstanding, stereophonic techniques, espe-
cially two-channel stereo, do not come close to sounding as realistic and
natural as properly made binaural recordings.
A binaural recording system consists of a dummy head, complete with
pinnas, with microphones at the entrances to the ear canals. These micro-
phones are sensitive to the differences in level, arrival times (phase), and
spectral content that a persons ears would sense if at the same location.
The microphones are connected to a two-channel recorder in the same
manner as if a stereo recording were being made. When listening to the
resulting recording, each ear must hear only the sound picked up by the
corresponding microphone in the dummy head, and for this reason head-
phones are used.
The effect of listening to a true binaural recording is completely differ-
ent from listening to a stereophonic or monophonic recording via head-
phones. Stereo through headphones gives a greatly exaggerated sense of
spaciousness and reverberation that is quite unnatural. A monophonic
recording heard via headphones sounds like it originates inside the head
instead of in front of the head. Binaural recording has neither of these defects.
It has been found that a binaural recording and reproducing system must
have the two channels identical in frequency response and particularly
phase characteristics within very narrow limits, especially over the mid-
range of frequencies from about 500 Hz to 3 kHz. It has also been found
that noise reduction systems (see compander) such as Dolby A, Dolby B,
Dolby C, and dbx degrade the localization ability because of slight varia-
tions in gain, noise, and frequency response between the two channels due
to mistracking. Cassette recorders do not provide very good binaural
effects because they rely on noise reduction techniques to achieve a satis-
factory signal-to-noise ratio. A good digital recorder, with a minimum of
signal processing devices between the microphones and the recorder, prob-
ably provides the best available medium for true binaural recording. The
headphones used must also be extremely well matched if the effect is not
to be compromised.
There have been many attempts to convey the binaural effect by using
stereophonically recorded material, with varying degrees of success. The
ster-bin developed by Benjamin Bauer was probably the rst of these. It
was further rened by Martin Thomas and others. These systems reduce
the exaggerations present in stereo recordings when heard via headphones
but do not eliminate the basic incompatibility of stereo and binaural
Likewise, there have been many attempts to provide binaural hearing
Binaural Synthesis
recover the audio signal, all one needs to do is to average the pulses; this
is accomplished with a simple analog low-pass lter of moderate slope,
which minimizes any phase shift problems that occur in conventional anti-
imaging filters.
The Bitstream system is more linear than conventional digital-to-
analog conversion, especially at very low signal levels, and the distor-
tion plus noise is said to be at least 106 dB below the maximum signal level.
Biwire or Bi-wire Biwiring amounts to having a passive loudspeaker
system with the inputs to the high-pass (going to the tweeter) and low-
pass (going to the woofer) sections of the crossover separated; they appear
at separate terminals on the rear panel. Normally, there are shorting bars
across them, in which case the speaker works conventionally (attaching
speaker wires to either section drives them both). BUT, if you want, you
can remove the shorting bars and attach a pair of wires separately to the
two lter inputs. This means that you can select the wiring for each sec-
tion of the speaker according to their sonic needs (ha!). Similarly, three-
and four-way systems can use triwiring or quadwiring. With these sys-
tems, you have further options possible in terms of which portions of the
system you leave strapped together, and/or you wire (and possibly drive)
them separately.
At the amplifier end, you have other options, depending upon the
depth of your pocketbook, or the volume of your bank vault.
1. You can just parallel the wires again and drive them from the same
2. You can buy a second (or third or fourth if you are triwiring or quad-
wiring) power amp, parallel its input with your existing amplier, and drive
each section of the speaker from its own amplier. Youll note that both
ampliers are operating full range, just that one is not loaded at the high
frequencies and one is not loaded at the low frequencies. I dont think that
anyone has gured out that you stand to gain more if you lter the inputs
to the power amps rst. Of course, that would probably interfere with the
internal crossovers anyhow but it would still be benecial even if the lters
were somewhat removed from the internal crossover frequency. By elimi-
nating the unneeded signals from the ampliers input you minimize a poten-
tial source of intermodulation distortion.4 See also biamplification.
Black Box An electronic circuit of unknown or secret design is sometimes
called a black box.
Black Vinyl Black vinyl is a pseudonym for the lp stereo record, some-
times used to distinguish it from the compact disc. Vinyl need not be
black, but it hides bubbles and aws that might otherwise bother the con-
Bleeder A large resistor connected across the big power supply capaci-
tors in audio amps. The bleeder draws current from the supply and pre-
vents the capacitor charging current from climbing too high. In tube
Breakout Cable
Brickwall Filter
Bridge Disc A compact disc that contains information that can be read
by CD-ROM/XA drives and also CD-I players. The specications for the
Bridge Disc were released in the White Book in 1991. The Kodak Photo
CD is an example of a Bridge Disc, and it can be played on a Photo CD
player, a CD-I player, and a CD-ROM/XA player.
Bridging In a sense, bridging is the opposite of matching. When the input
of an audio device is connected to the output of another device, it is a bridg-
ing connection if the second device does not appreciably load the previ-
ous device and essentially no power is transferred. The second device is
sensitive to the output voltage of the rst device, and this is maximized
when the loading is minimized. This is an example of deliberately mis-
Bucket Brigade
sampled signal. If the signal has been digitized before entering the delay
line, then the amplitude accuracy of each charge is not important, because
each charge simply represents a binary digit, or bit, rather than an instan-
taneous magnitude of the signal itself. For this reason, shift registers are
much better at delaying digital data than analog data.
Bucket brigades are used in some relatively inexpensive audio delay
devices such as reverberators.
Bucking The cancellation of one signal or frequency component of a
signal by another signal with equal amplitude but opposite polarity is
called bucking. See also hum bucking; phasing; flanging.
Buffer A temporary location in a computers or digital signal processors
memory for temporarily storing digital data that is being processed or
Bulk Eraser See degausser.
Burst A burst is a test signal that lasts only a short time, typically a few
milliseconds. A burst of a sinusoid is called a tone burst, and a burst
of white or pink noise is called a noise burst.
The term burst has a special meaning in television systems. The NTSC
color burst is a short burst of a high-frequency carrier that is included
as a part of the video signal. It is modulated with the color information.
Burst Error In the reading of the individual bits from a compact disc
(CD) or a digitally encoded tape, two types of erroneous readings can occur.
Individual bits can be misread at random; these are called bit errors and
are caused by tiny imperfections on the CD or tape surface. Errors that occur
in groups of adjacent symbols are called burst errors. They are caused by
dirt and scratches in the medium.
Error correction schemes in digital tape and CD systems depend on
knowing the data adjacent to the burst. The maximum correctable burst
error is a very important specication for such an error-correction method.
Bus A bus is a point in an electronic circuit where many connections are
brought together. For instance, a ground bus is a common connection for
all the grounds in a device. The bus will then be connected to the chassis
at one point, usually near the signal input connector. A mixing bus is the
point in an audio mixer where the various signals from different micro-
phone preamps are connected. It is the point at which the mixing is actu-
ally done.
Sometimes the term is used for a bundle of wires that are not connected
but are used for parallel transmission of digital data, sometimes in two
directions. This is called a data bus.
Butterworth Filter A multiple-section filter designed in accordance with
the so-called Butterworth polynomials.
The Butterworth lter is usually an RLC lter, meaning it contains resis-
tors, capacitors, and inductors, although it can be realized as an
active lter using capacitors, resistors, and amplifying stages. Because of
its lack of any peak in its response curve, it is sometimes called a maxi-
mally at lter. It usually contains more than two sections and is made
Cannon Connector
Calendering In order to reduce the asperities in the surface of magnetic
tape, the tape is squeezed between giant polished metal rollers. This
process is called calendering, and is derived from the paper industry, that
uses a similar process of the same name to make very smooth shiny paper.
Cakebox When ordering bulk quantities of blank CD-R discs or other opti-
cal storage media, they often are packed on a spindle and covered with
shrink-wrap plastic. These units are called cakeboxes, although they usu-
ally are rather tall and thin compared to a standard edible cake unless they
are packed fty discs or fewer at a time.
Cans Slang for headphones.
Cannon Connector, Cannon Plug Literally any connector made by Can-
non, but popular usage usually means an XLR-3 connector, a type that was
introduced by Cannon. This is the most common connector used on micro-
phone cables. XLR-3 connectors are made by many manufacturers and are
a worldwide standard. See also xlr connector.
Cantilever The tiny rod, usually of light tubular metal, that holds the sty-
lus in a phonograph cartridge and couples its motion to the sensing ele-
ments that generate the output signal. The cantilever must be very light
and stiff to ensure that it has a resonant frequency above the audible range.
See also cartridge.
Cap Short for capacitor.
Capacitance Capacitance is the quantitative measure of the electrical effect
of a capacitor, and its unit is the farad (in honor of Michael Faraday, the
brilliant English investigator who studied electrostatic effects), abbreviated
F. Capacitors are able to store electric charge; the amount of charge is the
voltage across the capacitor times the capacitance in farads. 1 volt would
impress 1 coulomb of charge on a capacitor of 1 farad.
The farad is a very large unit, and the more convenient microfarad (F,
or one millionth of a farad), and picofarad (pF, or one million millionth of
a farad) are commonly used in practice.
Capacitors react to alternating currents in a somewhat complex way, and
this characteristic is called capacitive reactance.
Capacitive Reactance Capacitive reactance is the part of impedance that
is due to capacitance in a circuit. Capacitors have some resistance,
and the current in this resistance obeys ohms law, but the current in
the capacitive portion of the capacitor does not. The current in a capacitor
is equal to the capacitance times the rate of change of voltage across it.
In other words, at a constant voltage, as frequency goes up, the current
in a capacitor also rises. (This is the opposite of what happens in an
Because the capacitor has an impedance that varies with frequency, it
can be (and is) used in equalizers. The value of capacitive reactance is
calculated as follows:
where Xc = Capacitive Reactance,
and F = frequency in hertz
The capacitor passes very rapid changes in current with ease but has
difculty in passing very slowly changing currents and will not pass DC
at all. The voltage across a capacitor lags behind the current by 90 degrees;
i.e., the capacitor has 90 degrees of phase shift.
Capacitor An electronic component that has capacitance. It used to be
called a condenser, but modern usage favors the more accurate term.
Some capacitors, however, still use the old terminology, such as condenser
microphone and tuning condenser.
Capacitors accumulate electrical charge according to the law that says
the charge Q equals the voltage V times the capacitance C. See also capac-
itive reactance.
There has been a great deal of raising of eyebrows (an exercise much
practiced in the audio industry) about the relative merits of different types
of capacitors for use in audio circuits. On the surface, it seems that a capac-
itor is a capacitor, and as long as its capacitance and voltage ratings are cor-
rect for an application, it will do its job perfectly; many people adhere to
this view. After all, it only has to separate AC signals from direct voltages
in most applications, or in some cases its variable reactance with frequency
is utilized. However, if one looks more closely, the capacitor is subject to a
host of potential problems. For instance, capacitors that are made by rolling
up strips of conducting foil with the dielectric in between will also have
some inductance, and this can cause problems, mostly at high frequen-
cies. Many such capacitors will actually resonate by themselves, as if they
were wired in an lc circuit. See also q. Some capacitors also exhibit non-
linearity in the sense that their capacitance and leakage current vary a
little with the signal level.
Another type of nonlinearity possessed by some capacitors is nonsym-
metry, meaning their capacitance is different for positive and negative
swings of the signal. These nonlinearities add distortion to the signal,
especially if the offending capacitor is in a feedback loop of an amplifier.
Capstan In a tape recorder, the rotating part that drives the tape past the
heads is the capstan. Usually, the tape is squeezed between the capstan and
a rubber wheel known as the pinch roller or puck.
One would expect the tape speed to be equal to the surface speed of the
capstan, but this is not exactly true. If the capstan has a small diameter, so
that the tape makes a signicant curve where it makes contact, it will actu-
ally move faster than the surface speed due to the belting action of the
tape. Furthermore, thick tapes will move faster than thin ones. The effect
is quite small, but can be measured. This means that a tape with a splice in
it will move faster as the splice goes over the capstan, causing a slight rise
in pitch. This change in speed can be heard in some recordings, especially
if very thin tape is used.
Capstan Drive Motor A motor drives the capstan in a tape recorder. Most
professional-quality tape recorders will have a separate motor to turn the
capstan, traditionally an ac synchronous motor, which means its speed is
determined by the line frequency rather than the voltage. Thus, it will run
at a constant speed regardless of voltage uctuations. Most modern tape
recorders use dc motors, which are servo-controlled, to drive the capstan,
and this facilitates varying the speed. See also vari-speed.
Capstan Idler Synonymous with pinch roller, or puck.
Capsule The business end of a condenser microphone is sometimes
Capture Ratio
called a capsule. The capsule is the transducer, and it contains all the
microphones elements except the preamplifier. In some microphones,
the capsule is removable and interchangeable with others having different
directional characteristics.
Some manufacturers use the term cartridge for the same device, but
cartridge is more commonly used for a phonograph transducer.
Capture Ratio The ability of an fm receiver to lock onto, or capture, a
broadcasting station in the presence of an interfering signal near the same
frequency. Capture ratio is expressed in decibels, and the smaller the
number, the better. A capture ratio of 1.5 dB means the receiver will lock
onto a signal only 1.5 dB stronger than the unwanted one.
Carbon Microphone The carbon microphone was one of the earliest types
of microphone to be devised and is still widely used in older telephones.
It consists of a metal diaphragm, one side of which makes contact with some
small carbon granules contained in a small receptacle. When the diaphragm
moves in response to sound pressure, the granules are alternately com-
pressed and relaxed, and their combined resistance to an electric cur-
rent changes. This causes the current to vary in response to the sound
pressure waveform, and this constitutes the signal from the microphone.
This arrangement is not a perfect transducer, and it suffers from notice-
able distortion and noise compared with most modern microphone
types. However, the carbon microphone is very well suited to telephone
usage because its sensitivity increases with sound pressure level. This makes
it more sensitive to a nearby voice and much less sensitive to background
sounds in the room. This peculiar effect has been called a serendipitous
nonlinearity by our friend John Bareham.
The carbon microphone was developed by Thomas Edison while he was
under contract with Alexander Graham Bell, who patented the design. It
was also used in the early days of radio broadcasting, but it has long been
obsolete in this application.
Carbon Microphone
Card A small printed circuit board is often called a card, from its sim-
ilarity in size and shape to a playing card. Cards are often designed so they
plug into a socket, which may be mounted on another circuit board. This
larger board is called a mother board, and the cards are then called
daughter boards. (This may be an example of the essential lack of sex-
ism in the audio world.)
Cardioid Cardioid literally means heart-shaped, and any microphone
that has a heart-shaped polar pattern is called a cardioid microphone.
The cardioid is most sensitive to sounds arriving from the front, is 6 deci-
bels less sensitive to sounds from 90 degrees to the sides, and, theoreti-
cally, is completely insensitive to sounds coming from the rear. In practice,
the directional qualities of a cardioid are not fully realized due to reected
sounds from room walls and ceiling entering the sensitive area of the micro-
The most important attribute of the cardioid is its ability to discriminate
between direct sounds (coming from the direction in which the microphone
is pointed) and reverberant sounds, which are coming from all other
directions at random. Compared to an omnidirectional microphone,
the cardioid will give a direct-to-reverberant ratio about 4.5 dB higher. That
is, the direct sound will be about 4.5 dB stronger than the reverberant sound,
and this improves the subjective clarity of the received sound.
Another way to state the same fact is that a cardioid may be placed 1.7
times as far from a sound source in a room as an omni and it will give the
same subjective ratio of direct and reverberant sound. This is an advantage
when the microphone should not be seen, such as in motion picture record-
ing, etc. In most real cases, however, an omni microphone can be placed
about two-thirds as far away as a cardioid, and not only will the reverber-
ant balance be the same, but the quality will usually be better because omni
microphones are usually smoother and have a wider sound range than car-
dioids. Also, cardioids suffer from proximity effect when they are near
sound sources, while omni microphones do not.
One of the most important uses of cardioid microphones is in sound re-
inforcement, where the directivity allows the system gain to be higher
without generating acoustic feedback. See also supercardioid; hyper-
Carrier The high-frequency signal transmitted by a radio or television sta-
tion after having been amplitude modulated or frequency modu-
lated by the audio or video signal. Theoretically, the carrier could be any
frequency, and in broadcasting the carrier frequencies are chosen based on
considerations of ease of generating high power output, required antenna
size, etc. In the U.S., the am radio band has carriers between 550 and 1650
kilohertz, and the fm and television bands use frequencies between 54 and
806 megahertz.
The carrier itself does not transmit any information; all the intelligence
is in the modulation sidebands, which are in a band of frequencies on either
side of the carrier frequency. The carrier is used by the receiver to aid in
the demodulation, or detection, of the signal.
Some signals, such as fm stereo, involve more than one carrier to en-
code the information. The lower frequency carrier is called a subcarrier, and
it is mixed with certain parts of the audio signal and used to modulate the
main carrier. In the receiver, the subcarrier is recovered by demodulation
of the main carrier, and it is then demodulated to recover its signal.
Cart Machine Broadcasters slang for tape cartridge machine, which is
a playback machine that uses endless loops of tape in plastic cartridges.
Commercials and announcements are recorded on carts, and some of the
playback machines can handle a dozen or so of them, something like a record
changer. Now obsolete, they were replaced by minidiscs and other digi-
tal storage systems.
Cartridge, Phono Cartridge The cartridge is the transducer that converts
the motion of the phonograph stylus into an electrical voltage. This volt-
age is the output signal of the cartridge.
There are several kinds of phono cartridge, but the moving magnet
and moving coil types are the most common. In the moving magnet car-
tridge, a very small magnet is made to vibrate in response to the modu-
lation of the record groove. This motion induces a current in two nearby
coils of wire, one for each stereo channel. The moving magnet cartridge is
characterized by relatively high output voltage and relatively low cost,
although some good-quality examples are quite costly. Almost all such units
are made to operate correctly when connected to a 47,000-ohm load. Vir-
tually all phono preamps thus have an input impedance of 47,000
The moving coil cartridge contains two tiny coils of wire, which are made
to vibrate in accordance with the record groove modulation. They are in
Cathode Bias
Cathode Follower
on the accelerating voltage used in the CRT, so large CRT computer screens
and TV screens make X-rays that would be harmful to computer users and
TV watchers. To prevent X-ray exposure, the glass in the business end of
the CRT contains a fairly large quantity of lead, which is a good X-ray
absorber. The larger the screen, the more lead required, and this causes large-
screen TVs and large CRT computer screens to be inordinately heavy for
their size.
Cats Whisker See crystal set.
CAV, Constant Angular Velocity When a phonograph or laserdisc main-
tains a constant RPM, the linear velocity at the pickup decreases as the
diameter gets smaller. The problem with a phonograph disc is that since the
actual speed of the disc surface past the stylus is faster at the outer edge of
the disc and much slower at the inside of the disc, the frequency response
declines and distortion increases as the record is played. In the case of
the laserdisc (Laser Video Disc, LVD), this is not a problem, and CAV
refers to an original formatting of the disc that places each video eld on
exactly 12 of the diameter no matter where on the disc. This design sim-
plied slow motion and stop frame effects on early players with electro-
mechanical control. It also limited playing time to 30 minutes per side, so
a constant linear velocity laserdisc was introduced with an hour of play-
ing time per side. The introduction of digital video buffer memory allowed
decent still frame and slow motion effects on CLV discs. See also clv.
C Battery In the early days of radio, receiving sets were all battery pow-
ered if they were not crystal sets. The low-voltage, high-current A bat-
tery supplied power to the tube heaters, and the high-voltage, low-current
B battery supplied the voltage for the tube plates. An addition in the mid-
1920s was the C battery, which supplied a low voltage at very low current
to provide bias to the tube grids. The bias reduced the distortion consid-
erably, but most set owners thought the major benet of the C battery was
to reduce plate current, allowing the B battery to last much longer.
CCD See bucket brigade.
CCIR CCIR was an international organization concerned with the setting
of standards and practices for audio and broadcast equipment. CCIR stood
for Comit Consultatif International Radio and was analogous to the
National Association of Broadcasters (nab) in the United States. The
CCIR joined the itu in 1992 and became ITU-R, the division dealing with
radio communications and standards. CCIR standards are generally now
iec standards.
Many European tape recorders use CCIR-designed pre-emphasis and
de-emphasis curves; tapes made on them are incompatible with ones
recorded in the United States. It is interesting to note that a good case can
be made for the idea that U.S.-made tapes are more suited to CCIR equal-
ization, while European tapes are better optimized by the nab curves.
This is an example of the Law of Probabilistic Adversity.
CD, Compact Disc. The original 120 mm digital optical disc format
invented by Sony and Philips in 1982. It is fully specied in the red book,
and all other CD formats are derived from it. It was originally known as
cd-da for Compact Disc-Digital Audio.
CD-DA, Compact Disc Digital Audio The original name of what we
know today as simply the cd, or compact disc.
CD Horn EQ See constant directivity horn.
CD+G A special compact disc format that allows simple graphics and
text to be stored in the subcodes of an audio CD. A special player is needed
to display the data, such as a special karaoke player.
CD-I Acronym for Compact DiscInteractive. A digital disc system for stor-
ing video, audio, and graphics information in such a way that the user can
control the presentation of the various media. The CD-I standard was
released by Philips and Sony in the Green Book in 1987.
CD-MIDI A cd format that stores midi information in the subcode area.
CD-R, Compact Disc Recordable A recordable optical disc with the same
physical dimensions as the normal compact disc. CD recorders are com-
mon in computers, and many stand-alone units are available for home use.
CD-Rs can be used for recording music or recording computer data as in
cd-roms. CD-R audio recorders for home use usually require a special
music CD-R that has a special code on the blank. Extra fees for music
CD-R blanks go to a music industry fund.
CD-ROM Acronym for Compact DiscRead Only Memory. The compact
disc medium modied to store computer information rather than audio.
This is analogous to a magnetic hard drive in a computer, except the stor-
age is by optical means and once created, the CD-ROM can only be read
from and not written to. The CD-ROM must be used in conjunction with
a computer to retrieve the data.
CD-ROM XA A CD specication dened in 1988 by Philips, Sony, and
Microsoft as an extension of the Yellow Book standard. The XA stands for
Extended Architecture. The format shares many traits of the CD-I.
CDS See cinema digital sound.
CD-Single A small compact disc that can record 20 minutes of stereo
music. It is 80 mm in diameter. The record industry will sometimes make
a standard size CD with one or two songs on it and call it a CD single.
CD-V Acronym for Compact Disc-Video. The compact disc medium
modied to record video signals as well as digital stereo audio signals. The
video information is recorded in analog form rather than digital. The sys-
tem was compatible with the laserdisc system and is similarly obsolete.
Not to be confused with Video CD, which is a digital audio/video format
compatible with many DVD players.
CEDAR, Computer Enhanced Digital Audio Restoration CEDAR Audio
began as a research project between the British National Sound Archive and
Cambridge University in the mid-1980s for restoring the sound of old media
such as discs, cylinders, and lm. Now a commercial enterprise, they man-
ufacture CEDAR noise reduction products and offer denoising and
restoration services on existing recordings.
Cell A single unit of an electrical battery is a cell, even though cells are often
Characteristic Curves
Cinema Digital Sound
metal pipe beside the cutterhead. The cutting stylus is heated with a small
coil of resistance wire, and because the chip is ammable care must be taken
that it does not catch re on contact with the heater. In Britain, the chip is
called the swarf.
The term chip is also used to mean an integrated circuit, probably
because a small chip of silicon is the basis of the device.
Choke, Choke Coil Obsolete term for inductor. The term probably
stems from the idea that an inductor chokes alternating currents
in proportion to their frequency. The most common usage of the word
has been and is in connection with power supply inductors, which are used
to reduce ripple. Otherwise, inductors are generally so called.
Chorus An electronic music effect that modies the sound of a single instru-
ment to simulate a large group of the same instruments, for example, a vocal
chorus or a string section. The subjective effect of a real chorus is caused
by the fact that the many sound sources being mixed together all have
slightly different frequencies and also do not have precisely steady fre-
quencies. The mixture becomes extremely complex as the relative phases
of the signals cause partial cancellation and reinforcement over a broad fre-
quency spectrum.
The synthetic chorus effect was rst attained by subjecting the input
sound to a series of very short time delays and mixing the delayed sounds.
The delays were then randomly varied, or modulated, to increase the
uncertainty of the combined pitch. This could be called the time domain
chorus synthesis and can be quite expensive if enough delay times are used
to ensure a satisfactory result. Another type of chorus device operates in
the frequency domain and is somewhat simpler and at the same time more
convincing. The signal is split into many frequency bands by a series of band-
pass lters, and each band is randomly varied in phase and amplitude,
after which they are recombined.
Chromium Dioxide Tape Chromium dioxide can be used as a magnetic
medium in recording tapes, in addition to the usual oxides of iron. Chrome
tape, as it is sometimes called, has better high-frequency performance and
less noise than iron oxide tape. It is especially useful with very short recorded
wavelengths, i.e., when the tape speed is low, as in cassettes.
It requires more bias current than conventional tapes, and a different
pre-emphasis curve; therefore, cassette decks designed for chrome tape
will have a switch to change these parameters, or the machine may do the
switching automatically via standardized slots in the cassette shell.
Some specially formulated iron oxide tapes are similar in their charac-
teristics to chrome tape and are called chrome compatible. Although
DuPont owns the patent for chromium dioxide and the tradename, crolyn,
the iec has a standard for chrome and chrome-compatible tapes and calls
them Type II cassette tapes. They contain cobalt-doped gamma ferric
oxide, which has similar magnetic characteristics, but avoid using any
chromium dioxide.
Cinema Digital Sound A system of digitally recording motion picture
sound onto the lm via a laser beam, that reportedly combines the dynamic
and frequency ranges and low distortion of the compact disc on six
discrete channels. It was a joint project between the Eastman Kodak com-
pany and Optical Radiation Corporation of Azusa, California. Five chan-
nels encompass the full audio bandwidth, and the sixth is designated a
subwoofer channel and contains only the lowest frequencies. The CDS-
encoded lm was capable of being shown with conventional stereo opti-
cal sound but required a special sound system to reproduce the six
channels digitally. The 1990 feature Dick Tracy in 70-mm format was the
rst production to use CDS. The system succumbed to other digital cin-
ema sound systems.
CinemaScope The trademark of the rst true stereophonic motion pic-
ture sound system that had the sound tracks on the same lm with the pic-
ture. The system was developed and introduced by 20th Century Fox, and
the rst lm to use the process was The Robe, in 1953. The process used a
wide screen with a 2.35 to 1 aspect ratio. The image was compressed side-
ways by a factor of 2 to 1 onto the lm by a special cylindrical lens and was
then expanded to full width by a similar anamorphic lens on the pro-
jector. (This system could be thought of as an optical compander!)
The rst CinemaScope movies were produced with full stereophonic
three-channel sound, with a fourth channel for ambience effects reproduced
from loudspeakers in the rear and sides of the theater. This proved to be
very expensive in practice, and later lms had stereo music but dialogue
and sound effects panpotted to the various channels from a monaural
source. The early CinemaScope movies were very painstakingly made and
had a three-dimensional audio realism that was quite remarkable in 1953,
and is seldom exceeded today!
There were four independent magnetic sound tracks on the lm, two
on each side of the rows of sprocket holes. To accomplish this, Fox reduced
the width of the holes to allow enough space for the mag tracks. This meant
that special sprockets had to be installed in the projectors (sometimes called
Fox-hole sprockets), but these new sprockets were still usable with stan-
dard non-CinemaScope lms, and virtually all projectors have them today.
Cinerama A motion picture format introduced in 1952 that used three sep-
arate synchronized 35-mm projectors simultaneously to produce three
images that fused on the screen into one very wide panorama. The sound
system consisted of ve channels of amplifiers and loudspeakers (later
seven channels) and ve or seven magnetic sound tracks on a separate 35-
mm magnetic lm. The synchronization of the projectors and sound repro-
ducer was quite complex and entailed precise threading of the machines.
The sound system was capable of very high quality results for the time,
but the problems in producing ve- or seven-channel stereophonic sound
tracks were formidable and turned out to be prohibitively expensive, as
was the production of three simultaneous 35-mm picture lms.
Circuit An arrangement of electronic components for performing a par-
ticular task is called a circuit. Literally, a circuit is a path through which the
signal current exists. The circuit path is always in the form of a loop,
although it may be very convoluted. Most audio circuits are formed on
etched circuit boards, where the wires consist of a copper plating on the
berglass board.
Circuit Board See printed circuit board.
Circumaural A circumaural headset has a large cushion that surrounds the
ear and makes contact with the head. Such headsets exclude external noise,
unlike supraaural designs.
Clapboard See slate.
Class A, Class AB, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class G, Class H See power
Click Track A click track records a series of clicks, like a metronome
sound, on one channel of a multitrack tape recorder. The click track is used
to synchronize the recording of subsequent tracks by playing it back via
headphones to the musicians while they are playing for the added tracks.
A midi sequencer is sometimes used to generate clicks. This has the advan-
tage of easy on the spot editing and control over such things as varying
Clipping If a signal waveform is passed through an amplifier or other
device that cannot accommodate its maximum voltage or current
achieve a constant translational velocity to the laser pickup beam. The pur-
pose of CLV is to conserve disc space. The laser videodisc can also utilize
CLV as well as cav.
CMRR Acronym for Common-Mode Rejection Ratio. See common mode;
Appendix 6.
Coaster A popular term for a damaged recordable audio CD, named after
the round object you rest your drinking glass on so that it doesnt mark the
Coaxial Loudspeaker A coaxial loudspeaker is a two-way system (woofer
and tweeter) combined into one unit such that their centers are in line.
Coaxial literally means coincident axes. The tweeter in a coaxial speaker
is usually a horn-loaded unit with the throat of the horn formed by bor-
ing out the center of the woofer magnet. The advantage of the coaxial
arrangement is that at the crossover frequency, the phase irregularities are
One manufacturer some time ago introduced a three-way loudspeaker
in one unit and called it triaxial, literally, with three axes, but this did
not describe the loudspeaker in questionan example of the misuse of
Cockpit Trouble Often problems with recording or reproducing equipment
are not actually in the equipment but are caused by an inept user. This is
referred to by some professionals as cockpit trouble, sometimes also called
a short between the earphones.
Cocktail Party Effect A psychoacoustic effect that allows us to localize
the sources of sounds around us. It arises because we have binaural hear-
ing. When a person is in a sound eld where sounds are arriving from many
directions at once, it is possible to direct ones attention in a particular direc-
tion and ignore sounds from all other directions. For instance, at a crowded
cocktail party, one can concentrate on a talker at a certain location in the
room to the exclusion of all the others; the other voices merge into amor-
phous background noise. If, on the other hand, a single-channel (monau-
ral) recording is made at the same party, it is not possible to isolate
individual voices in the playback. A binaural recording and playback
restores the ability.
The effect contributes greatly to the sonic clarity one experiences in lis-
tening to live music in an auditorium and explains why monaural record-
ings must be recorded to exclude much of the reverberation of the room to
help increase the clarity of the playback. Stereophonic recording restores
part of the localization ability, but only a true binaural recording is com-
pletely effective.
The cocktail party effect was investigated and so named by Irwin Pol-
lack and J. M. Pickett in 1957. They reported it in an article in the Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America in February 1958.
Code In digital audio devices, the signal exists in the form of binary
words, and this digital information is called code. The analog audio
signal is sometimes said to be encoded. The set of instructions that make
mer, actuated like the hammer on an electric doorbell, which rattled the
particles around, breaking them apart and readying them for the next spark
reception. It was called, obviously enough, the decoherer.
Coil Literally, a coil of wire. Coils abound in audio devices; most loud-
speakers have voice coils as active elements; transformer primaries
and secondaries are coils; a phono cartridge contains coils in which
the signals are induced.
A coil has electrical inductance, the amount of which is determined,
among other things, by the number of turns of wire in the coil. The induc-
tance of a coil is not linearly related to the number of turns, however, but
is proportional to the square of the number of turns. Thus, two coils whose
turns differ by a factor of 2 will have inductances differing by a factor of 4.
Coil Former The cylindrical structure on which the voice coil of a
dynamic loudspeaker is wound is called a coil former or simply a for-
mer. The design of the coil former has a great deal to do with the perfor-
mance of the loudspeaker. In olden days, it was made of paper impregnated
with varnish or shellac, but such a voice coil is not very tolerant of heating
at high signal levels. A former made of metal, such as aluminum, is much
better from a temperature tolerance standpoint and also conducts the heat
away from the coil, but it is also an electrical conductor, so it behaves as a
shorted turn, or the secondary of a transformer with the voice coil as
primary. Its motion in the magnetic eld would also be greatly impeded
by eddy currents induced in it. To reduce these effects, a metal former
must be slotted so it does not make a complete turn.
In some loudspeakers, especially tweeters, the voice coil is simply
glued together without a former. This saves space in the magnetic gap, elim-
inates eddy currents in the former, and increases the sensitivity or efciency
of the speaker.
Coincident Microphones In the recording of intensity stereo, where
all the directional cues are caused by differences in loudness of the sig-
nals in the two channels, the two microphones must be at the same place
to avoid response differences between the two signals. This is impossi-
ble in practice, but the microphones are placed as close together as possi-
ble and they are called coincident microphones. They must be directional
microphones if each is to pick up its side of the stereo image, and they
are usually cardioids or bidirectional microphones.
In a special case of intensity stereo one of the coincident microphones
is a bidirectional (figure 8), and the other one is an omnidirectional,
or cardioid. By combining the outputs of the two microphones in vari-
ous ratios, the apparent width of the stereo image can be changed. This is
called ms stereo standing for mid-side stereo: the bidirectional microphone
is the side and the cardioid the mid.
Coloration Coloration is a term for subtle distortion that results in a
change in the timbre of a sound, without that sound being noticeably
Compact Cassette
to itself. Frequencies where the time delay is one-half the period and mul-
tiples of these frequencies are canceled when the signals are combined
because they have opposite polarity. If the signals are of equal strength,
the cancellation is perfect and the notches are innitely deep on a decibel
scale. See also flanging.
Comb Filter
Compact Disc
Compact Disc The compact disc system, also sometimes called the DAD,
for digital audio disc, or CD-DA, for compact disc-digital audio, was the
rst truly digital audio system to be widely available for home use. It
is an outgrowth of the laserdisc technology, although the laserdisc is not
a digital system (It would later gain digital audio capabilities).
The system consists of a fast-rotating, variable-speed, aluminized disc
with a very ne spiral pattern of extremely small pits in its surface, which
are detected by a laser beam. The pit depth is one-quarter wavelength
of the laser light. The spiral is oriented as it is played from the inside out.
The disc is scanned by a low-power laser focused onto its surface and a
photodetector, which receives the reected light. The existence of a pit will
cause the reected laser light beam to be delayed by one-half wavelength
(one-quarter wavelength each way), causing cancellation. (For this system
to operate, the distance between the laser and the disc surface must be very
closely controlled. This is done by a special servo system that continuously
adjusts the position of the laser lens.) The pattern of the pits in the disc cor-
responds to the digital bits of the encoded audio signal, which consists of
the audio signal and a series of extra bits that are used in the decoding
process for error correction. In playback, the coded series of bits is
decoded with a complex program that checks the recovered digital signal
from the disc for errors caused by mistracking, scratches, or foreign mate-
rial on the disc surface and corrects the errors if they are not too severe. The
error-corrected digital signal is then passed through a digital-to-ana-
log converter to recover the original audio signal waveform.
All optical storage systems for digital information use a laser beam to
read the data. The beam is generally a small gallium arsenide semicon-
ductor laser. To read the information, the laser beam is focused on the
spiral track consisting of microscopic pits. The laser light is reected in
different ways by the pits and the surface land between the pits. On strik-
ing a pit, the light is diffracted while light striking the land is reected
back to the laser and is detected by a photo detector. To do its job, the laser
must be focused down to a tiny circular spot. The pits are 0.6 microns wide
and 0.12 microns deep. (A micron is one millionth of a meter!) The length
of the pits and lands can vary between 0.833 microns and 3.56 microns,
and the track density on the disc is about 16,000 tracks per inch. The length
of the track on a compact disk is about 4 miles. To illustrate what these
gures mean, if the diameter of a CD were enlarged to 120 meters (about
the size of a baseball diamond), the tracks would still be less than 0.5 milli-
meters wide!
Compactron A multiple-purpose vacuum tube introduced by the General
Electric company in 1960. Some types had as many as three separate tubes
in one small glass envelope. The advent of the integrated circuit and
the increasing popularity of the transistor doomed the compactron.
Compander A shortened version of compressor-expander. A compander
is a device for reducing noise in audio devices such as tape recorders and
is actually a type of lossless codec. The compander will reduce the
Complementary Symmetry
Compression Driver
Compression Driver
diaphragm must be large enough to handle high power levels but must
be small enough to avoid the phase problems. The solution is the phas-
ing plug, which consists of a series of annular or tangential slits through
which the sound passes.
In high-power compression drivers, it is possible to attain such high
sound pressure levels in the throat of the horn that nonlinearities in the com-
pression of the air are introduced. This causes very signicant harmonic
distortion and is partly responsible for the objectionable sound of some
high-power horn systems.
Compressor An audio device that reduces the dynamic range of a sig-
nal. The compressor is the rst part of a compander.
The effect of the compressor is to make the loud parts of a signal softer
and to make the very soft parts louder. Compressors are frequently used
in recording popular music and in radio broadcasting, where very soft pas-
sages may be lost in the background noise of the listening environment.
For instance, when music is playing on the radio in a car, the cars noise
level will easily mask the quieter musical passages.
The limiter acts something like a compressor but operates only at the
top end of the dynamic range. The subjective audibility of a compressor
depends strongly on its time constants, and they are selected with care
to minimize obvious pumping of the volume. To restore the original
dynamics to a compressed signal, a volume expander can be used, but
great care must be taken that the time constants match those of the
COMTRAK According to its developer, the late John Mosely, COMTRAK
stood for Combined Academy Monophonic and Compatible Four-Track
Stereophonic Photographic Sound Track. Among the myriad of audio-
related acronyms and abbreviations this is surely the most obscure.
The COMTRAK system was a form of optical motion picture sound track
that provided four independent stereo channels (left, center, right, and sur-
round) plus a conventional variable area monaural track. The stereo
channels were recorded alongside the monaural track and were of constant
area and so were not picked up by the standard photocell in a conventional
projector. A special reproducer that looks at only the edge of each track was
used to recover the stereo information. In addition to the four stereo tracks,
there was a control track that could be frequency modulated with very
low frequencies for special effects. To attain good dynamic range, the four
channels were companded.
The COMTRAK system was attractive from several standpoints, not the
least of which was that it was compatible with the then-widespread con-
ventional monaural theater sound. It also provided four independent
channels of audio, whereas other sva systems used matrixing to encode
four channels onto two. COMTRAK was developed in the late 1970s and
was never used commercially. Mr. Mosely lamented that acceptance and
commercialization of the system was a classic chicken and egg situation.
See also colortek.
Condenser Microphone
Condenser Microphone
Control and Display Symbols
Control Track
Control Track One track of a multitrack magnetic tape recorder used for
recording special signals that provide control information to the recording
console during automated mixdown. Also, VCRs and some VCR-based
digital audio recorders record a linear track of timed pulses to synchro-
nize the tape speed and helical scan head tracks, which is called a control
Control Voltage A direct voltage, usually varying, used in electronic
music synthesizers to control various parameters of the signal being pro-
duced. Control voltages are used for envelope control, frequency con-
trol, and lter bandpass and cutoff frequency control, etc. Suitable control
voltages can be generated in various ways, one of the most straightforward
of which is by a standard keyboard.
Convolution In any linear system or device, the output signal is a func-
tion of the input signal and the characteristics of the device. The interac-
tion between the input and the device is described by a mathematical innite
integral called convolution. The output is the input convolved with the
impulse response of the device. The mathematical operation of convo-
lution is complex, and it is not generally easy to ascertain the characteris-
tics of a device by looking at the output signal directly. However, a fortunate
circumstance is that the Fourier transform converts the convolution into a
simple multiplication. This is why spectrum analysis is used so much in
audio measurements. The spectrum of the output of a device is simply the
spectrum of the input multiplied by the frequency response of the device.
The Fourier transform is easy to implement with modern fft analyzers.
See also deconvolution.
Copper Loss A loss of power in a circuit because of heating due to the
resistance of the wire. The term is most commonly used in conjunction with
power transformers and power supplies.
Copy Code A technique, proposed by CBS in 1982, that puts a narrow deep
notch at 3.8 kHz in the frequency response of compact discs and a
circuit in r-dat recorders to sense the absence of signal at this fre-
quency. If any signal exists at this frequency, the dat machine will not
enter the record mode. The idea was to prevent the unauthorized copying
of CDs. CBS claimed that the notch was inaudible, which of course was
nonsense, and no one ever adopted the system. See also scms.
Core The magnetic material in a transformer around which the coils are
wound. The cores of most audio transformers are made of thin laminations
of a high-permeability material such as iron or mumetal. The central
metal part of a magnetic tape head is also called the core.
Corner Frequency The frequency at which the response of an equalizer
or other audio device is reduced by 3 dB. This is also sometimes called the
half-power point and can refer to both low-pass and high-pass response
curves. The term probably comes from the appearance of the frequency
response graph, which bends or turns a corner near this point.
Cosine Pattern The polar response curve of certain loudspeakers and
microphones can be expressed mathematically as a polar plot of the
Cosine Pattern
Cross-Field Head
Crossover Distortion
It is on the back side of the tape opposite the audio recording head, and
applies the bias eld through the plastic backing.
Normally, the bias is mixed with the signal and applied to the record
head. This conguration causes self-erasure of high frequencies due
to the strong bias eld in the record head gap. The cross-eld method
reduces this tendency, and allows the recording of higher levels of high
frequencies. One disadvantage is that the position of the head is some-
what critical, and different tape thicknesses result in different effective bias
Crossover Distortion Crossover distortion is a type of distortion present
in some amplifiers that increases for low-level signals. In many
ampliers, the output devices (usually transistors) are so connected that
one of them is active during the positive half of the waveform and the
other one is active for the negative half. There is thus a region near zero
current where the signal is transferred from one to the other. If this is not
done smoothly, there will result a small discontinuity in the output wave-
form. This discontinuity causes high-order harmonic distortion, and,
being constant in value, it is more noticeable with low-level signals than
with stronger ones.
Crossover Distortion
Crossover Network
Crossover Network
The high- and low-pass lters of a crossover network may have various
rates of attenuation outside their passband, and values of 6, 12, and 18 dB
per octave are common. The larger rates of attenuation are generally
required for speaker systems using horn-loaded, high-frequency drivers
rather than direct radiators because horn-loaded units will not han-
dle very much power below their cutoff frequency.
Crossover network design is somewhat complicated because lters
cannot be designed that have the needed frequency response charac-
teristics without also having signicant phase shift near the crossover
frequency. This prevents the sounds from the individual drivers from adding
together to form a coherent sound. This phase nonlinearity can be heard
in many speaker systems, especially those with crossover frequencies near
the middle of the ears most sensitive range of about 1,000 to 4,000 hertz.
The crossover network is usually built into the speaker system, where
it must handle the entire power output of the amplifier. It is then called
a passive crossover. It also may be placed before the amplier, in which
case a separate amplier is needed for each frequency range and driver.
This is called an active crossover. Such a system is often called bi-
amplied, or triamplied in the case of a three-way system. Such a crossover
need handle only very small signal levels, and many units of this type use
active electronic components (transistors or integrated circuits),
which is why they are called active crossovers. Many of them are able to
provide variable crossover frequencies to tailor the response to suit vari-
ous different loudspeaker congurations.
Crosstalk In multichannel audio transmission systems, such as tape
recorders, record players, or telephone lines, a signal leaking from one
channel to one or more of the others is called crosstalk. The term comes
from early telephone company usage.
Crosstalk is almost always measured as a power ratio and is expressed
in decibels, dB. channel separation in stereo systems is the inverse
of crosstalk and is also expressed in decibels. Channel separation of 30 dB
is the same as saying the crosstalk between the channels is minus 30 dB.
Phono cartridge performance is ordinarily stated this way. Crosstalk usu-
ally varies with frequency, so a simple number does not tell the whole
story. Crosstalk can be reduced by using balanced lines, proper shield-
ing, and correct equipment design.
In a stereo music system, there is not a great need for extremely low
crosstalk, for crosstalk of less than 20 dB or so cannot be heard because of
the similarity of the two channels and because of masking of each chan-
nel by the other. But if the adjacent channels carry different programs, such
as is the case with quarter-track tape recordings that are recorded in both
directions, the crosstalk must be much lower to be inaudible, on the order
of 60 dB or better.
CRT See cathode ray tube.
Crystal The frequency-determining device in radio or television transmit-
ters and digital clocks is a small vibrating piezo-electric crystal, usu-
ally of quartz. Small pieces of such crystals will naturally vibrate at a certain
frequency when an alternating voltage is applied across them. The frequency
of vibration can range from kHz to GHz, and it depends on the size and
dimensions of the crystal. All digital audio systems use a crystal to gener-
ate the high-frequency clock signal used to time the events involved in
analog-to-digital converters and digital-to-analog convert-
ers. See also crystal set; crystal synch.
Crystal Set An early type of radio receiver, known as a crystal set, used a
small crystal of galena, or lead sulde, as a detector. The galena crystal
DA See distribution amplifier.
DA-88 The rst in a family of modular digital multitrack tape recorders
introduced by Tascam in 1993. It uses Hi-8 video tape cassettes to record 8
tracks of PCM digital audio, and units can be added to create up to 128
tracks. DA-88 and its siblings, the DA-38 and DA-98, are also called
DTRS for Digital Tape Recording System. The format was also offered
by Sony, and is considered a competitor to the similar but incompatible Ale-
sis adat system.
DAC Abbreviation for digital-to-analog converter.
DAD Short for Digital Audio Disc, also known as CD-DA, for Compact
Disc-Digital Audio. See compact disc.
Damp, Damping Damping is the addition of friction to a resonance to
remove energy from it and thus reduce its magnitude. For example, a clock
pendulum is a resonant system with very little friction. If it is placed in a
jar of molasses, it will no longer vibrate because of the frictional damping
of the molasses.
Almost all mechanical systems have resonances, and they tend to vibrate,
or ring, at the resonant frequencies. This is desirable in a bell, but not in
a loudspeaker or phono cartridge, which should not contribute any
sound of its own to the music. Therefore, speakers and cartridges have fric-
tional damping added to them, sometimes without complete success.
instead. The same cassette format is used for data recording, but should be
called DDS (Digital Data Storage) in that application and not DAT. DDS
tapes are functionally the same as audio DATs, however, they are labeled
in tape length in meters rather than time, and come with some data for-
matting already recorded. The 60 meter DDS tape is equivalent to the 120
minute audio DAT, and many people nd the lower price of the DDS and
equal performance attractive. Longer DDS tapes are not recommended for
audio use as the tape and coating is thinner, and the audio transport is not
designed to accommodate that. However, it is one way to get 3 or more
hours on an audio DAT if one is careful.
The rst consumer digital audio tape recorders were actually adapters
to allow audio recording on videocassette recorders. Examples are the Sony
PCM-F1 processor and the dbx 700 system. In these devices, the signal
must be formatted so it resembles a video signal (in other words, broken
up into frames so the recorder will accept it). This also puts certain con-
straints on the sampling rate.
There are two general DAT technologies: the R-DAT, which uses a rotat-
ing head assembly similar to a VCR; and the S-DAT, which uses a station-
ary head. The R-DAT records diagonally across the tape while the S-DAT
records several linear parallel tracks of digital signals. The R-DAT is more
complex mechanically and the S-DAT requires more electronics. The eiaj
rst issued a standard for R-DAT and later issued one for S-DAT. The R-
DAT standard includes a four-channel format that would permit record-
ing of ambisonics, although it is seldom seen. The standard 4mm DAT
format utilizes the rotating head system, and is always called simply DAT
instead of R-DAT. S-DAT systems are usually referred to by their trademark
format such as DASH or ProDigi.
DAW Acronym for Digital Audio Workstation. A DAW consists of a com-
puter with a large amount of disc storage space and specialized software
for editing and modifying digitized audio signals. It usually also includes
high-quality analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog convert-
ers. DAWs vary in their complexity and capabilities, and the best (and most
expensive) ones can perform many modications to audio signals such as
editing, noise reduction, frequency equalization, adding reverberation
and/or echo, dynamic range compression and expansion, etc. on many
tracks. DAWs can be assembled from personal computers, or can be bought
as a manufactured product.
dB See decibel.
dBA Sound pressure level measured using an a-weighting lter. See also
a weighting.
dBf Literally, decibels referred to 1 femtowatt, or 10 to the minus fteenth
power watts. The dBf is used to specify signal levels at the RF inputs to
fm tuners.
dB FS The absolute digital signal level referenced to full scale on a digi-
tal level detector.
dBk The signal level in decibels referred to 1,000 watts. dBk is most often
used in radio and television transmitting stations.
dBm Literally, decibels referred to 1 milliwatt. The term dBm is now obso-
lete, and was replaced by dB (mW). Strictly speaking, the 1 milliwatt must
be dissipated in a load of 600 ohms. The dB (mW) is used in stating power
levels of signals in broadcast, recording consoles, and in tape recorders. 1
dB (mW) into 600 ohms will result in .775 volts rms. This causes some
confusion. The dB (mW) is a power level and only results in .775 V when
the load impedance is 600 ohms. See also decibel.
DBS, Digital Broadcast Satellite A digital satellite system that uses geo-
synchronous earth satellites to broadcast more than 200 channels of high
quality audio and television programming to home subscribers using small
dish antennas. Both DISH Network and DIRECTV use the DBS system.
dBu Formerly the signal level in decibels referenced to one microwatt into
an impedance of 600 ohms. The term has been redened in recent years to
the signal voltage level referenced to 0.775 Vrms with no load impedance
specied. The new dBu (perhaps as in dB unterminated) is equivalent to
dBv with a lower case v. The use of dBv is discouraged due to likely con-
fusion with dBV.
dB The signal level in decibels referred to 1 microwatt.
dBv See dBu.
dBV Literally, decibels referred to 1 volt rms. This is an unfortunate
usage because decibels cannot properly compare simple voltages unless
their impedances are the same. See also decibel.
dBW Literally, decibels referred to 1 watt. Power amplier output lev-
els are sometimes specied in dBW, a 100-W amplifier is then 20 dBW.
Power rating in dBW is numerically equal to ten times the common log-
arithm of the power output in watts. See also decibel.
DC Short for direct current (see also alternating current). Direct cur-
rent always has the same direction, namely, from the positive terminal
(anode) to the negative terminal (cathode). This convention of describing
electricity owing from positive to negative was established by Benjamin
Franklin, who hypothesized that charge consisted of tiny units of positive
electricity, and the convention has been retained to the present day. How-
ever, it has been known for a very long time that an electric current usu-
ally consists of a ow of electrons, which are negatively charged and move
from negative to positive. Sometimes in a semiconductor the current can
consist of positive charges, called minority carriers or holes, and in these
cases, Franklins convention was right. In any case, it would be inconven-
ient to reverse the convention, for all the shortcuts engineers like to use,
such as right-hand rules would have to be changed.
DC Amplier An amplifier whose frequency response extends all the way
to zero frequency, or to DC. Such an amplier is also called direct cou-
pled, meaning there are no capacitors in the signal chain. An example
of a DC amplier is an opamp in its raw state with no input or output capac-
itors. Some audio power ampliers are direct coupled, and it is true that a
DC amplier will not have any phase shift caused by the low-frequency
rolloff that capacitive coupling provides. However, if the bandwidth
of an AC amplier extends to sufciently low frequencies, this phase shift
is negligible.
DC Bias See bias.
DCC See digital compact cassette.
Dead In acoustics of rooms, the effect of very little reverberation is
called a dead room. A dead recording is one with very little or no recorded
reverberation or ambience of the space where the recording was made.
Debouncing The removal of noise and multiple making and breaking of
switch contacts used for voltage-controlled switching. Switches, especially
push-button switches, do not usually make a clean contact when they are
closed but tend to bounce, causing ambiguous or erroneous signals to
be sent to the controlling elements. Debouncing can be as simple as shunt-
ing various combinations of resistors and capacitors across the switch
or can become quite complex with the use of pulse-forming and shaping
integrated circuits.
Decade A frequency ratio or interval of 10 to 1, as opposed to an octave,
which is a 2 to 1 ratio. Sometimes the rolloff of a lter or equalizer is
expressed in decibels per decade rather than in decibels per octave. A
rolloff of 20 dB per decade is equal to a rolloff of 6 dB per octave. The decade
interval has no musical signicance.
Decay Time Decay time is a synonym for reverberation time, or the
time it takes a sound to decay to one millionth of its former strength. This
is a 60-decibel reduction in level.
Decca Tree A three-microphone array for two-channel stereo recording
originally devised by Decca Records in England. The microphones used
are omnidirectional, making the Decca tree a special case of spaced omnis,
or a-b stereo. The right and left microphones are spaced about 2 meters
apart, and the third, or center, microphone is on the center line between the
other two but is located about 1.5 meter in front of them. The signal from
the center microphone is mixed into both of the stereo channels. The for-
ward location of the center microphone distinguishes the Decca tree from
more conventional AB placement. The location results in the center micro-
phone picking up sounds from the center of the stereo eld slightly earlier
than the side microphones, and this tends to emphasize centrally located
sources due to the haas effect, essentially eliminating the hole in the
middle sometimes exhibited by AB recordings.
Decibel, or dB Literally, one tenth of a bel. The bel is named after Alexan-
der Graham Bell, and the number of bels is dened as the common loga-
rithm of the ratio of two powers. Thus, two powers, one of which is ten
times the other, will differ by 1 bel; 10 watts are 1 bel higher in level than
1 watt. A 360-horsepower car is 1 bel more powerful than a 36-horsepower
motorcycle. Any power ratio may be expressed in bels, and it is important
to note that only power ratios are allowed. A bel is a pure number with no
The bel had its origin in the Bell Telephone Labs, where workers needed
a convenient way to express power losses in telephone lines as power ratios.
Because the bel is a power ratio of 10, and this is a rather large ratio, it is
convenient to divide it into tenths of bels, or decibels, abbr. dB. Ten dB is
1 bel; thus the decibel is ten times the common log of the ratio of two pow-
ers. The decibel was originally called the transmission unit, or TU, by
the Bell Labs people.
Because of the properties of logarithms, it is easy and convenient to form
some rules of thumb about decibels. The common log of 2 is .301, so a
power ratio of 2 is 3.01 dB, normally taken as 3 dB. Therefore, any two pow-
ers differing by a factor of 2 will be 3 dB apart, and this applies to any type
of power whatever, so long as it is power. Two light bulbs of 100 W and 50
W differ by 3 dB, just as electric motors of 1 horsepower and 2 horsepower
differ by 3 dB. So, any time a power is doubled, it is increased by 3 dB. An
increase of 6 dB represents two doublings of power, or a power ratio of 4.
If an orchestra increases its sound pressure level by 3 dB, its acoustic
power output will be doubled.
Another rule of thumb that is useful to remember is that 10 dB is a power
ratio of 10. Any time a power is increased tenfold, it is increased by 10 dB;
thus, a 200-W power amplier will put out 10 dB more electrical power than
a 20-W amplier, and its sound power output will also increase by 10 dB.
Another way to think of decibels is to think in terms of percentages. We
all know what 10 percent means, and nobody thinks of percentages as being
quantities of anything. A decibel is nothing more than a power change of
27 percent, 3 dB is a power change of 100 percent, and 10 dB is a power
change of 1,000 percent.
Decibels have caused untold confusion among audio people, and most
of this is due to the failure to realize that decibels are not quantities of any-
thing and can represent only power ratios. The trouble starts when we mea-
sure audio signals in volts rather than watts. If we note that power is
proportional to the square of voltage, then a power ratio would be the
same as a ratio of two squared voltages. Then, because the log of a squared
ratio is twice the log of the simple ratio, we can see that the number of deci-
bels is twenty times the log of the voltage ratio between two signals. There-
fore, we can still measure in volts and express power ratios in decibels simply
by multiplying the log of the voltage ratio by 20 instead of 10. Thus,
dB = 10 log10 1 = 20 log10 1
P2 V2
by the CIA and other clandestine operatives for power-off indicators in their
electronic equipment.7
De-emphasis The complementary equalization that follows pre-
emphasis is called de-emphasis. The riaa phono equalization curve is
a de-emphasis. See also pre-emphasis.
De-esser A de-esser is a special type of compressor that operates only at
high frequencies, usually above 3 or 4 kilohertz. It is used, especially in
the broadcast industry, to reduce the effect of vocal sibilant sounds, which
are normally too strong when singers and announcers use very close-up
microphones. When the high-frequency energy exceeds a preset thresh-
old, the compressor starts to operate to reduce the high-frequency response.
Low-level high-frequency sounds are not reduced.
De-essers are not used for nonvocal music.
Degausser Degaussers are used to erase tape recordings and to demagnetize
metallic objects such as tape recorder capstans and tape guides and heads;
syn., demagnetizer. Magnetized components such as these will add noise
to tape recordings, although modern tapes have sufcient coercivity that
they are not so sensitive to the effect as were older formulations.
Degaussers consist of a coil of wire wound on an iron core. The coil is
designed to accept the 120 volt line, and this produces a strong magnetic
eld pulsating at 60 times per second, which corresponds to the 60 hertz
line frequency. This pulsating eld alternately magnetizes the part being
degaussed in one direction and then the other. As the degausser is pulled
away from the part, the eld strength gradually diminishes and the part is
left with no net magnetization. There is a battery-operated degausser that
contains an oscillator to supply the pulsating eld. It is used for
degaussing cassette recorder heads.
A tape degausser (or bulk eraser) usually takes the form of a box with
a very large and powerful coil/core assembly inside. Tape reels or cassettes
are passed over the eld and are erased while leaving the eld. These
degaussers are very strong and can erase wide tapes (up to 2 inches), and
come with warnings to avoid use if wearing a pacemaker. They also affect
wristwatches, possibly magnetizing mechanical watches and affecting
their accuracy, or affecting the stepping motor on electric watches. Purely
digital watches are not affected. A tape recorder head degausser takes the
form of a wand where the core extends out to form a tip and the hand grasps
the encapsulated coil.
It is possible to erase tape by passing it over a strong permanent mag-
net. This saturates the magnetization of the tape in one direction, wiping
out any remnant of the recording. This is actually a gausser rather than a
degausser, and it results in a relatively high barkhausen noise level on
the tape.
Deglitcher When a dac is called upon to move from one voltage state
Delay Line
mation at a very high rate and in a format that a digital lter can process
to extract higher resolution (such as 20-bits) at a lower sampling rate.
Dematrix To separate signals that have been combined by matrixing. Gen-
erally, dematrixing is actually another form of matrixing.
Demodulation See detection.
Demodulator A demodulator is a device that recovers the audio signal from
a modulated waveform. It is also called a detector. See also amplitude
modulation; frequency modulation.
Depth In stereophonic reproduction of music, depth refers to the appar-
ent distance between the listener and the various instruments in the sonic
image. The perceived depth also has to do with the high-frequency con-
tent of the instrument in question as well as relative time delays between
it and other, nearer instruments. Also important is the perceived size of the
reproduced ensemble, a small group seldom exhibiting a large amount of
depth and vice versa.
Derating The reduction in a theoretical rating, such as power-handling
capacity, due to some environmental factor such as high ambient temper-
ature. For instance, a 1-watt resistor may be derated to .5 watt if it is used
at an elevated temperature.
Differential Amplier
scale. Most Western music is built on diatonic scales, but there are many
other possibilities, such as the pentatonic scale with ve tones in an octave
used in some Chinese music.
DI Box See direct box.
Dichotic Dichotic refers to headphone listening where each ear hears a
different signal, as opposed to diotic, where the same signal is presented
to both ears. binaural listening is an example of dichotic presentation.
These terms are used mostly by researchers into psychoacoustics.
Dielectric An electrical insulating material, as opposed to an electric con-
ductor. The term is most commonly used to mean the material between
the plates of a capacitor, where it serves as a spacer/insulator and
increases the capacitance of the capacitor. The relative amount the capaci-
tance is increased by using a dielectric between the plates rather than by
placing the plates in a vacuum is called the dielectric constant of the mate-
rial, and this can vary from about 2 to over 50 for various materials.
The dielectric strength of a material is the highest electric eld the mate-
rial can stand without breaking down, and this determines the highest volt-
age that a given capacitor will tolerate before shorting.
Difference-Tone IMD See twin-tone.
Differential Amplier Normally, one of the signal input terminals of an
amplifier is connected to the chassis of the amplier; in common parl-
ance, it is grounded. This is sometimes called a single-ended connec-
tion. The amplier is then sensitive to the voltage existing between one
input terminal and ground.
It is possible to build an amplier that has neither input terminal
grounded and is sensitive to the difference in voltage between the two input
terminals. This is called a differential input, and the amplier is called a
differential amplier. Before the advent of integrated circuits, differ-
ential ampliers were made by adding a transformer to the input and
not connecting either side of the primary to ground; this is still done in the
case of some microphone preamplifiers.
Integrated circuit differential ampliers without transformers are com-
monly available. They allow balanced congurations to be easily built
at lower cost than using a good transformer.
Differential Amplier
Digital Signal Processing
sharing transmitters in the multiplex, and concerns that DAB would intro-
duce new competition.
The iBiquity Digital Corporation has now developed a more limited in-
band solution (originally named IBOC, for In Band On Channel, but now
trademarked HD Radio), utilizing existing FM and AM transmitters. See
also iboc.
DAB signals can also be broadcast by satellites, and two such compet-
ing systems named SIRIUS and XM are now in operation.
These systems are not compatible with one another, and each requires
a special receiver to pick up its signals.
Digital Compact Cassette, DCC A consumer recording format announced
by Philips in 1990 that either failed in the marketplace or was never ade-
quately marketed, depending on how you look at it. DCC was an interesting
system designed to compete with the r-dat format and allow compati-
bility with analog cassettes. The DCC was a tape cassette the same size
as a standard analog compact cassette, and its tape speed was the same. It
utilized several linear (as opposed to helical scan in the R-DAT) digital tracks
in each direction to encode the audio signal at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz,
the same as used in the compact disc. The DCC was quite similar to the
s-dat format.
This system had some interesting characteristics. Since it used the same
sampling rate as the CD, it could be used to make direct digital copies from
CDs without going through digital-to-analog conversion. It contained a ver-
sion of scms to prevent unauthorized proliferation of digital copies. The
system also allowed for the recording and playback of analog cassettes as
well as DCCs on the same machine. A major advantage of the DCC format
was that it allowed high-speed duplication of prerecorded cassettes, which
would have reduced production costs. The system used Precision Adaptive
Sub-band Coding (PASC) to reduce the recorded bit rate compared with the
CD format. The PASC is a European standard for digital radio broadcast-
ing. The dynamic range was said to be 110 dB although the audibility of the
bit rate reduction could be questioned. The DCC has been discontinued.
Digital Dubber A motion picture sound post-production term for a
specialized multitrack audio recorder with removable media used to mix
lm sound tracks. Older analog dubbers usually used 35mm sprocketed
Digital Equalizer An equalizer that operates in the digital domain; that
is, it operates on signals that have undergone analog-to-digital conversion
and uses digital signal processing techniques. The rst commercially
available unit of this type was the Yamaha DEQ7, introduced in 1987.
Digital Signal Processing, or DSP The manipulation and modication of
signals in the digital domain (after having undergone analog-to-digital con-
version). A great many electronic music instruments use DSP, as do certain
test equipment types such as the fft analyzer. DSP devices have a micro-
processor inside them to do most of the work.
Digital Time Delay
Direct Box
Direct Coupling
Direct Coupling A connection between two devices that allows both direct
current (DC) and alternating current (AC) between them. Direct coupling
is by a simple wire rather than through a series capacitor. See also dc
Direct Current, abbr. DC An electric current that is always in the same
direction, such as the current supplied by a battery, is called direct cur-
rent. In classic electricity theory, the direction of the current was thought
to be from positive to negative. It has since been learned, however, that cur-
rent almost always constitutes a ow of negative charges, or electrons, and
they ow from negative to positive.
Thomas Edison was the great champion of power distribution to homes
via direct current, and he built up such a power distribution network, some
of which is still in use in some eastern cities. It seems he never was con-
vinced that this was a mistakeone of his few lapses of judgment. DC
power has many disadvantages compared to alternating current, one
of the most important of which is that DC voltage cannot be changed by
the use of transformers.
Nicola Tesla, the famous Yugoslavian-born physicist, was convinced very
early that AC was the only practical way to distribute power, and of course
history has proven him correct.
Directivity Factor A measure of the directionality of the sound output from
a loudspeaker. See also q.
Directivity Index, DI A measure of how directional a particular loud-
speaker is, as compared with a completely omnidirectional one. To deter-
mine DI, an omnidirectional loudspeaker connected to an amplifier and
variable-frequency signal source is placed in a free field. The sound
pressure level is measured at a xed distance as a function of frequency.
Then the dut is put in the same place and its input power adjusted so its
sound power output is the same as that of the omnidirectional speaker.
The DUT is aimed directly at the measurement microphone. Because it is
directional, the resulting measured SPL will be higher by a certain number
of decibels, and this number is the directivity index for that loudspeaker
as a function of frequency. Accurate measurement of DI is quite involved
and time-consuming. Certain highly directional speakers, such as high-fre-
quency horns, may have DIs of 15 dB or so. For another denition of loud-
speaker directivity, see also q.
Direct Radiator A loudspeaker that does not have a horn between the
moving element and the air is called a direct radiator. Most loudspeakers
for home use are direct radiators, and most commercial loudspeakers for
sound reinforcement are horn-loaded types. Direct radiators generally pro-
vide smoother, more uniform response, while horns are much more efcient,
providing greater output level for a given power input. Also, horns are more
directional, which is desirable in sound reinforcement systems.
Direct-to-Disc Direct-to-disc is a type of vinyl LP disc mastering in which
a master tape is not used. The signal directly from the control console is
used to cut the original acetate disc. This means a direct-to-disc record-
9. This entry is copyright 19912003 by Larry Blake and is reprinted with permission.
sensitivity that varies with frequency and with loudness level (see
fletcher-munson effect), a musical ensemble must be reproduced at
the same loudness as the listener would experience at the actual event if
frequency distortion is not to occur. For example, if a symphony orchestra
is reproduced at 70 phons loudness level, whereas the concertgoer in a seat
in the auditorium would experience 90 phons, the apparent bass response
will be decreased by about 10 dB. On the other hand, if the reproduced level
is above that of the original, the bass (and to a lesser extent, the extreme
treble) will be too loud.
6. frequency modulation distortion. Examples of this are flutter
and wow, and doppler distortion caused by the motion of loudspeaker
There are other factors that cause music reproduction to be untrue to
the original, but are not considered distortion. An example is background
noise. Another is lack of directional realism and proper ambience due
to the use of too few channels of reproduction.
There have been many subjective terms used for describing the sound
of reproduced music, some of which are summarized below:
Frequency range
Extreme lows: below 40 hertz
Lows: 40 to 300 Hz
Mid-range: 300 to 4,000 Hz
Highs: 4,000 Hz to 10,000 Hz
Extreme highs: 10,000 Hz to 20,000 Hz
Nonlinear: dirty, strident, rough, metallic, harsh
Intermodulation: thick, bassy, fuzzy, wiry, brittle
Noise: frying, sizzle, popping
Transient distortion: hangover, loose, slow
General terms
Source size: live, broad, dead, at, compressed
Detail: veiled, transparent, clear, opaque, focused
Realism: presence, canned, natural, thin, muddy, dead
Diversity Receiver
Dolby, Ray
Dolby Stereo
in the past has also awarded him its Samuel L. Warner Memorial Award,
Alexander M. Poniatoff Gold Medal, and Progress Medal. The Academy
of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voted him a Scientic and Engineer-
ing Award in 1979 and an Oscar in 1989, when he was also presented an
Emmy by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. In 1986
Dolby was made an honorary Ofcer of the Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire (OBE).
In 1997 Dolby received the U.S. National Medal of Technology, the IEEEs
Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award, and the American Electronic
Associations Medal of Achievement. That year he also received an hon-
orary Doctor of Science degree from Cambridge University, and in 1999 he
was awarded an honorary Doctor of the University degree by the Univer-
sity of York. He holds more than 50 U.S. patents and has written papers on
video tape recording, long wavelength X-ray analysis, and noise reduction.11
Dolby Stereo Dolby Stereo is an analog matrix 4 channel sound system
Dome Tweeter
Double System Sound
for movie theaters that produces three channels of sound in the front (left
and right for music and effects and center for dialog) and a surround chan-
nel for effects. It was introduced in the late 1970s and effectively revolu-
tionized motion picture sound. The lm sound track consists of two optical
channels that have the original 4 channels matrixed into them, somewhat
similar to the QS and SQ matrixing systems used in the quadraphonic
systems sold in the early 1970s.
Dome Tweeter A high-frequency loudspeaker that uses a small hemi-
spherical dome as a radiating surface is called a dome tweeter. It was intro-
duced by Acoustic Research Inc. and has been widely used by others since
the 1960s.
It is characterized by smooth frequency response and relatively wide-
angle dispersion. It suffers from quite low efciency and so is not suited
for large auditorium sound systems. The dome may be made of different
materials such as aluminum, titanium, cardboard, or coated textile and so
may be called hard or soft dome. Each has unique characteristics.
Dome tweeters are often covered with a protective metal grill, which
degrades their performance by reections.
Dongle A small device that must be plugged into a computer communi-
cation port to allow certain software to run. It contains a small amount of
Read Only Memory (ROM) that contains code that authenticates the
legality of the software. It is very effective in preventing software piracy.
Sometimes any small device or adapter with a short cable may be called
a dongle.
Doppler Distortion The Doppler effect, named after a German physicist,
is the apparent change in the pitch of a sound when the source of the sound
is moving with respect to the listener. A car horn sounds higher in pitch as
the car approaches and lower in pitch after the car passes us. If a loud-
speaker cone is reproducing both low and high frequencies at the same
time, the low frequencies will cause the cone to move alternately toward
and away from the listener. While the cone is moving toward the listener,
the high frequency will rise in pitch, and when the cone is moving the
other way, the high frequency will fall in pitch. This is actually a frequency
modulation of the high frequency by the low frequency, and it is called
Doppler distortion.
In cases where small cones are producing the full range of music,
Doppler distortion is audible as a general muddying of the sound, but in
multi-speaker systems, where low, mid, and high frequencies are produced
by different drivers, the effect is very small. Some loudspeaker design-
ers, notably the late Paul Klipsch, are very much concerned about Doppler
distortion, while others seem to pay little attention to it.
Doppler Effect See doppler distortion.
Double System Sound Any of several methods of producing sound
motion pictures where the sound track is recorded on a magnetic tape
recorder that is synchronized with the movement of the lm in the cam-
era. The synchronization is done by recording a special tachometer signal
on one track of the tape. This synch signal is generated by the camera
and is 60 Hz when the camera runs at 24 frames per second. When the
tape of the sound track is played back, the synch signal, or pilot signal,
is sensed by a device called a resolver, which adjusts the speed of the
tape player to exactly match the speed of the movie projector. In this way
the playback of the track will always be at the correct time to match the
action in the picture. There have been many different types of systems to
do the synchronization, but the one most commonly used until the advent
of crystal synch and the smpte time code system was the Neopi-
lot system invented by Stefan Kudelski, maker of the Nagra tape recorders.
SMPTE time-code synchronization of audio recorders and cameras is
almost universally used today.
Doublet A loudspeaker system with both sides of the transducers open
to the air, such as an electrostatic or planar speaker. Also sometimes called
a dipole radiator. See also loudspeaker.
Double Tracking Originally, double tracking meant the recording of a vocal
track on one tape recorder track, then listening to this while recording
another similar track. The two tracks are combined and re-recorded into a
single track, which will sound more diffuse due to slight differences in the
two original tracks. Double tracking gives a slight chorus effect to voices,
and is frequently used in recording popular music.
In the 1980s double tracking could be done with digital signal proces-
sors, which introduce small randomly varying time delays to one signal
and then combine it with the original signal.
Doublet Response Literally, the imaginary, or quadrature, part of the
impulse response. The impulse response is a time-dependent function
and can be either positive or negative in value. Its phase increases uniformly
with time. Another function can be created by simply adding a 90-degree
phase shift to the impulse response. This process is called the Hilbert trans-
form, after the mathematician David Hilbert, and the new function is called
the doublet response. If the doublet response is squared and added to the
square of the impulse response, and the square root of the sum is extracted,
this quantity will always be positive, and thus it can be expressed on a log-
arithmic, or decibel, scale. This is called the magnitude of the impulse
response and is also known as the energy-time curve. The log conver-
sion allows a much greater dynamic range to be visible on a graph.
Doubling If a loudspeaker is driven too hard in its low-frequency range,
it will produce second harmonic distortion, sometimes with greater
amplitude than the fundamental. This is called frequency doubling,
or simply doubling.
The doubled frequency sounds one octave higher than the fundamental
and is therefore not musically annoying to the casual listener, greatly eas-
ing the task of the loudspeaker designer.
It may also refer to a studio technique of playing a track twice in a mul-
titrack recording and using both in the nal mixdown. One musician can
make a sound like two bass players or two singers, etc.
Drop-Frame Time Code
DPDT Acronym for Double Pole Double Throw. This refers to a switch that
simultaneously routes each of two independent inputs to one of two outputs.
DPST Acronym for Double Pole Single Throw. This refers to a switch that
turns two independent current paths off or on.
Drain One of the terminals of the field effect transistor, the other
two being the source and the gate.
In some audio cables, the shield is in the form of an aluminum-coated
mylar wrap which surrounds the signal conductors. This plastic mate-
rial cannot be effectively connected to other circuit elements, so a bare
wire is enclosed inside the shield for the connection. This is called a drain
DRAW Acronym for Digital Read After Write (we have also heard Direct
Read After Write), which applies to an erasable compact disc that can
be re-recorded. The CD-RW (Compact DiscRead Write) is the commercial
implementation of the idea. The term DRAW is seldom used except for some
digital tape systems that offer the ability to monitor the actual recording
quality during recording.
Driven Shield A technique by which the shield of an audio cable is not
grounded but rather is connected to an audio voltage that is essentially
the same as the signal being carried by the cable. By driving the shield
at the signal voltage, the effective shunt capacitance between the sig-
nal conductor and the shield is much reduced, allowing much longer lines
to be used without high-frequency attenuation. Driven shields are some-
times used for low-level high-impedance circuits, such as the output of
magnetic tape heads when the amplifier is some distance from the head
Driver Individual loudspeakers are often called drivers, especially if they
are in a system where several are used. Also, in the case of a horn-type loud-
speaker, everything except the horn is called the driver.
In an audio amplifier, the stage before the power output stage is called
the driver.
DRM Digital Rights Management. The sale of music is poised for change
as distribution changes from physical formats such as cds to online les
distributed over the internet. Integral to the change is some way to pro-
tect the rights of the music performer or owner, and the needs of the con-
sumer. Digital rights management schemes encoded in the les provide
various ways of reducing unauthorized copying while allowing fair use
by the consumer.
Drop-Frame Time Code This code is a version of the smpte time code
and is used for color video recording. The original time code labeled each
frame of a motion picture or videotape with a precise time. The frame rate
of movies is 24 per second and that of black and white television is 30 per
second in the U.S. With these formats, the time code follows real time; that
is, it runs in synch with the clock on the wall. The introduction of ntsc
color television required the frame rate to be changed to 29.97 frames per
second to prevent the color carrier from interfering with the video and
sound carriers, which were xed in frequency. This means there are 108
extra frames in a 1-hour color program, and the time code frame count
would add up to 3.6 extra seconds of time in the hour. To avoid this, the
drop-frame time code was introduced to drop two frames at the begin-
ning of each minute, except at the beginning of every tenth minute. This
gets rid of the extra 108 frames, and the frame times run in synch with
the wall clock. The term may be abbreviated DF or DFTC. If a sound
recordist on the set does not properly set his time code for DF or non-
DF, his synch will be audibly off. The editors might be able to x it in post-
production, however.
Dropout In analog magnetic tape recording, the quality of the
recorded signal depends on the uniformity of the magnetic coating of
the tape. If its sensitivity varies from place to place on the tape, the sig-
nal level will be reduced periodically, and these reductions in level are
called dropouts.
A dropout seldom is complete, causing only a few decibels of signal
reduction, but the combined effect of small dropouts is an increased noise
level in the reproduced signal. Newer recording tapes are much more free
from dropouts than older tapes were.
In digital recording, dropouts cause momentary loss of data and would
result in very strong noises in the audio if it were not for error correc-
tion schemes, which either correct the error or make an approximation or
prediction of what the data would look like if they were there. A serious
digital dropout may simply mute the audio.
Dry Lacking in reverberation; dead.
DSD Direct Stream Digital, a proprietary audio codec developed by
Sony and Philips for use in the Super Audio Compact Disc (sacd). DSD
bandwidth is normally 2.8224 Mb per channel (64 times 44.1 kHz), with
optional sampling rates of 32 or 128 times 44.1 kHz. DSD uses a delta-sigma
adc to generate a 2.8224 MHz, 1-bit signal, a rate chosen as a simple mul-
tiple of the lowest common high-fidelity pcm sampling rate, 44.1 kHz.
The 1-bit data stream is recorded directly to disc, inherently improving the
resultant audio quality by doing away with anti-imaging brick wall fil-
ters, and simplifying error correction. Sony claims that the sampling
rate is so high that it more nearly approximates the original analog sig-
nal, allowing equalizers and other effects processors to better simulate
analog effects. A number of dsp algorithms are available that allow the opti-
mization of either bandwidth or dynamic range.
The delta-sigma digital-to-analog converter uses a negative feed-
back loop to accumulate the audio waveform. If the input waveform,
accumulated over one sampling period, rises above the value accumulated
in the negative feedback loop during previous samples, the converter out-
puts a digital 1. If the waveform falls relative to the accumulated value,
a digital 0 is output. As a result, full positive waveforms will be all 1s.
Full negative waveforms will be all 0s. The zero point will be represented
by alternating 1s and 0s. Because the instantaneous amplitude of the ana-
Ducted Port
Dummy Head
a tube, or duct, is placed internally over the hole in the cabinet. The pur-
pose is to reduce the frequency of the helmholtz resonance, allow-
ing a smaller cabinet than a standard bass reex would require. However,
the ducted port has a higher q, i.e., it has less damping, and can therefore
sound more boomy than a conventional bass reex. In some ducted port
systems, the air velocity is quite high, and it can produce audible sound,
called port noise.
Dynamic Headroom
DVD audio discs can handle digital quantization of 16, 20, or 24 bits at
sampling rates of 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 167.4 kHz, and 192
kHz. The DVD is also sometimes called the Multi Media Compact Disc
(MMCD) or the Multi-Media Video File (MMVF). The digital audio on a
DVD movie is dolby digital in the countries conforming to the ntsc
television standard. Variants of the DVD format for data have been intro-
duced into computers.
DX Slang for distance as applied to radio reception. In the early days of
radio, hearing a station more than 20 miles away or so was called DX
Dynagroove A proprietary system for adding a certain amount of har-
monic distortion to signals recorded on analog stereo records in such
a way that the tracing distortion caused by the playback stylus is effec-
tively cancelled out. It was introduced by RCA, but was not very effective
because of the lack of standardization in playback stylus dimensions.
Dynamic, Dynamics When applied to microphones, headphones, and
loudspeakers, the term dynamic means that the operating principle is
a coil of wire moving in a magnetic eld. It seems strange that the term has
not been applied to moving coil phono cartridges, which are called
moving coil cartridges.
The magnetic eld is nowadays always provided by a permanent mag-
net, but in earlier times, electromagnets were used, especially in loud-
speakers. Such loudspeakers were called electrodynamic.
The term dynamics refers to the changes in loudness in a piece of
Dynamic Filter A dynamic lter is a type of single-pass noise reduction sys-
tem that uses one or two filters whose cutoff frequencies are controlled
by the level of the signal. As the signal level falls during soft passages, the
high-frequency response is reduced (like turning down the treble tone
control), and when the signal level is high, the full bandwidth is restored.
The effective operation of such a system depends on the fact that the
noise will be masked by the signal during loud passages, and this is true
in many, but by no means all, cases.
A key element in the design of dynamic lters is the time constants
during which the bandwidth is changing. If they are too fast, distortion
will result, and if too slow, the noise will be heard to swish in and out as
the signal level changes.
There are several manufacturers making such noise lters. The rst one
to be placed on the commercial market was H. H. Scotts dynaural system.
Dynamic Headroom The dynamic headroom of a power amplifier is a
measure of its ability to handle short bursts of power without overload.
Such strong short signals are common in music.
According to the EIA, it is to be measured as the ratio of the level of a 1-
kilohertz tone lasting 20 milliseconds, which is at the clipping point, to
the average continuous sine wave power output. In other words, it
Dynamic Microphone
Dynamic Microphone
sive and quite highly damped, this type of microphone does not respond
as readily to transient sounds as do condenser microphones, and the
result is a certain lack of smoothness. Dynamic microphones are quite
rugged and will stand up to a lot of punishment. They are easy to use
because no power supply is needed, as contrasted with most condenser
Dynamic Range The dynamic range of a sound is the ratio of the strongest,
or loudest, part to the weakest, or softest, part; it is measured in decibels.
A full orchestra may have a dynamic range of 90 dB, meaning the softest
passages are 90 dB less powerful than the loudest ones. Dynamic range is
a power ratio, and has nothing to do with the absolute level of the sound.
An audio signal also has a dynamic range, which is sometimes con-
fused with signal-to-noise ratio. Rarely is the dynamic range of an
audio system as large as the dynamic range of an orchestra because of sev-
eral factors. The inherent noise of the recording medium determines the
softest possible recorded sound, and the maximum signal capacity of the
system (clipping level) limits the loudest possible sound. Many times an
extremely wide dynamic range is not desirable (e.g., in radio broadcasting
for listening in cars) and broadcasters frequently use compressors and
limiters to reduce the dynamic range of the signals before they are trans-
mitted. This type of signal processing distorts the music in a more or
less noticeable way, symphonic music being the most sensitive to it.
The dynamic range of recorded signals can be increased by volume
expanders, such as the ones made by the dbx company.
Dynaural Dynaural was the trade name for a noise-reduction system
introduced by H. H. Scott in the 1940s. It was a dynamic filter that
reduced the high-frequency response as the signal level became lower.
Then, in loud passages, full response was restored. The theory of opera-
tion is that low-level music does not need as full a range of reproduction
because of the fletcher-munson effect, i.e., our ears become less sen-
sitive to high frequencies as the level is reduced. The loud passages of the
music, which require full range, effectively mask the high-frequency noise.
This type of noise-reduction system is called a dynamic lter, and several
others have been marketed in recent years.
The psychoacoustic phenomenon of louder sounds masking softer
ones is the basis upon which all noise-reduction systems operate. If the
music does not mask the noise during loud passages, then no noise-reduc-
tion scheme will work.
Dynaural was what is today called a single-pass system in that the sig-
nal was processed only after being recorded. Other systems, such as com-
panders, process the signal before and after being recorded in order to
reestablish the proper dynamics to the music. One problem with the
Dynaural was that its high-frequency reduction was all too audible during
softer passages, and the lter could be heard swishing up and down with
the dynamics of the music.
Earbuds Small, lightweight earphones that t into the concha at the
entrance to the ear canal of the outer ear. They are typically used with
portable cd and mp3 players and radios.
Earphones See headphones.
Earth See ground.
EBU European Broadcasting Union. An international professional society
that, among other things, helps establish audio standards. Active mem-
bership of the EBU is open to broadcasting organizations or groups of such
organizations from a member country of the International Telecommuni-
cation Union (itu) situated in the European broadcasting area.
Echo Commonly used incorrectly to mean reverberation, echo, techni-
cally, is a discrete sound reection arriving at least 50 milliseconds after the
direct sound. It also must be signicantly above the level of the reverber-
ation at that time.
Echo chambers are reverberation rooms, which are carefully designed
to be without echoes. If an actual echo is desired in a recording, a digital
time delay device is used, where the time delay is variable. An analog
tape recorder has sometimes been used to add a time delay, the delay rep-
resenting the time it takes the tape to move between the record and repro-
duce heads. This was called tape echo, and is appropriate usage.
Eddy Currents Eddy currents are induced in electrical conductors by uc-
tuating magnetic elds in the conductors. These currents are localized, and
they circulate in rather small areas of the material. Iron, being a reasonably
good conductor, as well as having a large magnetic permeability, has eddy
currents induced in it when it is used as a core of a transformer. The
eddy currents cause the iron to heat due to its electrical resistance, and this
represents a power lossthe higher the frequency and the more rapid
the changes in the magnetic eld, the greater the loss. To reduce the effect,
the transformer core is made up of many layers or sheets of iron, which are
insulated from one another. This keeps the eddy currents down to small
areas, reducing the power loss from heating and raising the efciency of
the transformer.
Some magnetic materials, such as ferrite, have high resistance, so eddy
currents are small in strength. Ferrite is a very efcient material for trans-
former cores as a result.
There is a type of electric motor, called the eddy current motor, which
uses copper rotors in which eddy currents are induced. The magnetic eld
set up by the eddy currents opposes the magnetic eld that generated them,
causing the rotor to turn. The eddy current motor was used in some early
78-rpm phonographs, where a mechanical governor controlled its speed.
Edge A subjective impression of a certain roughness in the reproduced
sound of a musical instrument. It is usually caused by nonuniform high-
frequency response in the loudspeaker or other audio device.
Edge Slotting Edge slotting is the cutting of small grooves in the surface
of an analog tape recorder head where tape edges would otherwise con-
tact a ledge caused by wear. This allows tape to always maintain contact
with the head surface in spite of wear or wider than normal tape. As an
analog tape recorder head wears, it creates a trough in the face of the head
surface that is nominally the width of the tape used. The width of tape varies
slightly within a tolerance, and it is possible to get a portion of wider than
normal tape. When wider tape tries to go through the wear trough, the
edges of the tape may ex or the tape may move away from the surface of
the head. Edge slotting alleviates this problem. Inexpensive consumer heads
would never be slotted, but use a felt pressure pad to keep the tape against
the head. Pressure pads cause many other problems, though. Also known
as head slotting.
Edison Cell A type of storage cell developed by Thomas Edison. It uses
nickel and iron electrodes and an alkaline electrolyte consisting of
a solution of potassium and lithium hydroxides. Edison cells are somewhat
complex to build but are very rugged and difcult to damage, and they
have an energy storage capacity much greater than the same weight of lead-
acid cells. However, they have a higher internal resistance, making them
unsuitable when high current is required, such as for starting cars. Edi-
son cells found much use as current sources for railroad switching appli-
cations and also were sometimes used in early radio b batteries.
Edison Effect The ability of a vacuum diode to carry a unidirectional elec-
tric current was originally called the Edison effect, after Thomas Edison,
who rst investigated the phenomenon. In working with his newly invented
light bulb, Edison conducted many experiments to determine why it dark-
ened with use and why the negative end of the lament was always where
it burned out. He noted that if another electrode were introduced into
the bulb, and if it were connected to the positive terminal of a battery, a
unidirectional current was established. Edison could not explain it, nor did
he envision a practical use for it, but, being Edison, he immediately
patented it, calling it an electrical indicator. This patent, issued in 1884,
is considered the worlds rst electronics patent. William Preece, an English
investigator, visited Edison and obtained some of his mysterious bulbs. It
was Preece who coined the term Edison effect. See also fleming valve.
Edit Decision List, EDL When editing a sound or video recording or
motion picture, the various takes are auditioned and a list of the desired
ones is created, along with notes telling exactly where the cuts are to be
made. This could be done manually written on paper, but today a com-
puterized list of the desired takes is created in the proper sequence, along
with information telling exactly where the cuts are to be made and any pro-
cessing to be done when assembling the entire list. The resulting document
is the EDL, which the computer follows to assemble the edited result. Note
that one can control analog recorders with digital edit controllers.
Editing Intercutting of several recordings of a musical selection in order
to make an improved apparent performance.
and one to minimize the power of the bit stream signal at low frequen-
cies. This procedure forces the pits and lands on the disc to be between
3 bits and 11 bits long, and their repetition rate is more nearly optimized
to the time constant of the laser detector. Thus, 17 channel bits (14 EFM
plus 3 merging) are used instead of the 8 original audio bits for each block.
Eight-Track Cartridge A slim plastic box containing 14-inch magnetic tape
in an endless loop conguration so it could be played continuously if
desired. It had four separate stereo pairs of tracks and a moving head played
any of the four stereo programs. Performance was not very good, and the
endless loop precluded rewinding or fast forwarding, but it was widely used
in cars before the advent of the cassette. It was developed by the Lear com-
pany, of William Powell Lear, the man who invented a business jet.
EIN, Equivalent Input Noise Also called input referred noise. EIN is how
noise is specied on mixing consoles, stand-alone mic preamps and other
signal processing units with mic inputs. The problem in measuring mix-
ing consoles (and all mic preamps) is knowing ahead of time how much
gain is going to be used. The mic stage itself is the dominant noise gener-
ator; therefore, the output noise is almost totally determined by the amount
of gain: turn the gain up, and the output noise goes up accordingly. Thus,
the EIN is the amount of noise added to the input signal. Both are then
amplied to obtain the nal output signal.
For example, say your mixer has an EIN of -130 dBu. This means the
noise is 130 dB below a reference point of 0.775 volts (0 dBu). If your micro-
phone puts out, say, -50 dBu under normal conditions, then the S/N at the
input to the mic preamp is 80 dB (i.e., the added noise is 80 dB below the
input signal). This is uniquely determined by the magnitude of the input
signal and the EIN. From here on out, turning up the gain increases both
the signal and the noise by the same amount.12
Elastomer A synthetic rubbery substance that has a high degree of damp-
ing and high compliance. It is used in phono cartridges to damp vari-
ous mechanical resonances. In the old days natural rubber was used for
mechanical damping of phonograph moving parts, but it gradually hard-
ened over time.
Elcaset Elcaset was a type of audio tape cassette containing 14-inch tape
and running at 334 inches per second tape speed. The standard cassette uses
tape only a little wider than 18 inch and runs at 178 inches per second.
The Elcaset was introduced in the late 1970s as a high-quality alterna-
tive to the compact cassette, and it did have relatively impressive char-
acteristics. However, it was introduced so late that the compact cassette had
already been widely accepted as a music recording medium and had been
developed to the point of very ne performance. The typical consumer was
simply not willing to invest in a different machine and in the higher costs
of the Elcasets, and the system died in the marketplace.
Electret Microphone
The electrolytic capacitor has a much greater capacitance for its size
and cost than a conventional capacitor and is therefore desirable for use
in audio circuits. As long as it has the proper voltage across it (i.e., it is
properly biased), it works correctly in audio circuits, but if the bias is
lost, the capacitor will cause harmonic distortion in the signal it is
Electrolytic capacitors are used extensively in audio power amplifiers,
especially for power supply filtering, where their very large values of
capacitance are needed. Small ones are also much used as coupling capac-
itors between the stages of ampliers.
There are available today so-called bipolar electrolytics, which have two
capacitors connected in series back-to-back in a single housing. They do
not need to be polarized and are often used in loudspeaker crossover
Electrolytic Detector The rst diode detector, invented by the American
engineer Reginald Fessenden around 1901. Fessendens detector used a
small aluminum cup containing a mixture of acid and water, and a small
silver wire that dipped into the acid. This arrangement allows current
to pass in one direction only and thus can be used to rectify, or detect,
the received radio signal. Dr. Lee DeForest also made an electrolytic detec-
tor for his wireless system, and there ensued a legal battle that was nally
resolved in Fessendens favor. All this predates the fleming valve of 1904,
which was the rst vacuum diode and was also used as a detector.
Electromagnetic Compatibility, or EMC Audio equipment that is designed
to be immune to electromagnetic interference is said to be electro-
magnetically compatible.
Electromagnetic Interference, or EMI A great many of the unwanted
noises heard in audio systems, such as hum, static, and buzz, are caused
by electromagnetic waves that are picked up and amplied by the audio
system. Common sources of EMI radiation are uorescent lamps, power
lines, computers, automobile ignition systems, solid-state light dimmers,
am and fm radio transmitters, and television transmitters. EMI caused by
very high frequency transmissions is called radio frequency inter-
ference (RFI) and television interference (TVI).
EMI can be a major problem under certain circumstances and is usually
very difcult to eliminate from audio equipment that is not designed to be
immune to it in the rst place. Properly designed equipment is said to pos-
sess electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
Methods of controlling EMI include shielding of audio wiring and
devices, grounding and elimination of ground loops, balancing of audio
circuits and twisting of the wires in a balanced line, transformer cou-
pling, and the use of bypass capacitors and ferrite beads in low-level
Electromagnetism The science of the interactions between electrical and
magnetic phenomena.
In the early days of physics, it was not known that there was any con-
nection between electricity and magnetism, and they were studied inde-
pendently. It was the brilliant Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell who
in 1873 rst postulated the quantitative relationship between electricity and
magnetism, and predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves. This the-
oretical understanding brought about by Maxwells famous equations led
to the development of all the electrical and electronic equipment we know
today. See also magnetism.
Electron The elementary particle that carries the smallest unit of electric
charge is the electron. An electric current normally consists of a ow
of electrons, although in some cases, a current could consist of a ow of
positive charges. In a vacuum tube, electrons are boiled off the hot cath-
ode and are attracted by the positively charged plate. They constitute the
current through the tube.
The theory of electrostatics says that like charges repel one another and
unlike charges attract. Any charge has an electric eld around it, and another
charge in this eld will feel a force. Electric elds in tubes or the semi-
conductors of transistors cause the charges to drift one way or the
other, and this constitutes the electric current. In transistors, the current is
sometimes thought of as if it consisted of positive charges, but normally it
consists of electrons.
Electronic Architecture The physical design of the various interconnections
of the components in a discrete or integrated circuit are sometimes
called its architecture. See also topology.
Electronic Crossover See active crossover.
Electrosonic See intensity stereo.
Elliptical Equalizer A special equalizer that causes the two channels of
a stereo signal to be more nearly in phase at low frequencies. The pur-
pose is to make the signal easier to cut onto a record.
Large out-of-phase, low-frequency stereo signals result in large vertical
motion of the recording stylus, sometimes to the extent that the stylus will
leave the surface of the record. This means the discontinuity in the groove
cannot be tracked by the playback stylus. The elliptical equalizer actually
works by introducing crosstalk between the channels at low frequen-
cies. Making the signals in phase only at the low end does not appreciably
reduce the apparent stereo separation, for our ears rely most on high-fre-
quency cues for the stereo effect.
The name comes from the path of the cutting stylus, which is more nearly
conned to the form of an ellipse than a circle. See also mono compatibility.
Elliptical Filter A multiple-element low-pass filter that has the steep-
est possible cutoff slope and a small amount of ripple in the passband.
Its name comes from the fact that elliptical functions are used in its design.
The elliptical lter is a low-pass or bandpass lter with one or more
notch lters added to it. The rst notch is just a little above the cutoff
frequency, reducing the response in this area. At higher frequencies
where the notch lter has less attenuation, another notch lter is
added, etc.
Energy Time Curve
Equalizer, Equalization
Epoxy Patent The epoxy patent is a clever method of avoiding the piracy
of proprietary circuit designs. When someone designs a particularly inno-
vative electronic circuit, it is likely that it will be copied by other design-
ers. To protect the circuit against this, it can be totally encased in opaque
epoxy plastic. Then, a would-be pirate would have to destroy the assem-
bly completely in order to get it apart. This procedure is called an epoxy
patent in the vernacular.
EQ See equalizer.
Equalizer, Equalization An equalizer, contrary to what its name implies,
alters or distorts the relative strength of certain frequency ranges of an
audio signal. In a sense, it should probably be called an unequalizer.
However, the rst equalizers were used to make the energy at all frequen-
cies equal, or to achieve at response, in telephone lines, and this is where
the term originated. Another early use of equalizers was in the motion pic-
ture sound industry, where they were used to improve intelligibility in lm
sound tracks. Later on, equalizers were found useful for creating special
sound effects in the early days of radio and movies, where they are exten-
sively used to this day. All equalizers are made up of various circuits
called filters, which are frequency-selective networks containing resis-
tors (R), capacitors (C), and inductors (L). Normally, lters attenu-
ate certain frequency ranges and do not boost them; however, some
equalizers that boost the signal are called lters.
The rst consumer-type equalizers were the tone controls on radios, the
rst one of which was simply a variable low-pass lter to reduce static
and other high-frequency noise. The familiar bass and treble tone con-
trols came later. Today, equalizers are also used in vast numbers in sound
reinforcement systems and in recording and broadcast studios for var-
ious purposes.
An equalizer can boost or attenuate a certain frequency band, but in com-
mon usage, equalize means to boost. The preferred terminology for the actual
process is boost/cut rather than equalize/attenuate. In Britain preferred
usage is lift/dip.
Equalizers that can have peaks in their response curves (such as para-
metric and graphic equalizers) are characterized by the relative sharpness
of the peaks. The q of a lter is a measure of this sharpness and is dened
as the center frequency divided by the half-power bandwidth. For
instance, a one-third octave lter centered at 1,000 hertz will be 232 Hz
wide at its half-power points. Its Q is thus 1,000/232, or 4.31. Filters with
Q values much higher than this tend to ring, distorting transients, and
call attention to themselves when used in sound systems. See also q.
Some equalizers, such as 13-octave graphics, have a constant Q regard-
less of the amount of boost or cut, and they are sometimes called constant
Q equalizers. Most parametrics, on the other hand, have higher Q values
with high boost or cut levels. These are called proportional Q equalizers.
All equalizers cause the signal to be selectively phase shifted, and the
more sharply dened the equalization, the steeper the phase shift curve will
Equalizer, Equalization
be. For instance, an octave-band lter will have about a 90-degree phase
shift spread over the octave band, while a 110-octave lter will have the same
90-degree phase shift occurring in the narrow 110-octave band. These
phase shifts distort transient waveforms, for they really are variable time
delays for different frequencies. In general, the more rapidly the phase is
changing as a function of frequency, the more audible the effect is.
Many equalizers are integral parts of audio components and are not
adjustable by the user. Such equalizers include de-emphasis, pre-
emphasis, riaa equalization, shelving, and nab equalization.
Many other equalizers exist as stand-alone devices, and they can be roughly
grouped as follows:
Active and passive equalizers: An active equalizer requires power to oper-
ate. It has active components in it such as transistors and integrated
circuits. A passive equalizer does not require any power to operate. Pas-
sive equalizers contain resistors, inductors, and capacitors, but no active
components. Passive equalizers are essentially noiseless in operation and
are very reliable and distortion-free, but they have insertion loss, which
sometimes has to be compensated for by an amplier. Active equalizers
are very popular but suffer from noise, reduced dynamic range, and sus-
ceptibility to rfi. Many of the following types of equalizers exist as active
or passive.
Rotary equalizer: An adjustable equalizer with several frequency bands
with stepped rotary knobs to select the frequency range and the degree of
boost or cut. The frequency bands are xed.
Parametric equalizer: Somewhat like the rotary equalizer but with added
control of the center frequencies and bandwidths of the frequency bands.
Boost and cut and the other parameters are generally continuously vari-
able rather than being stepped. An equalizer that does not allow variable
control of all the parameters is sometimes called a quasi-parametric, and
some units with slide controls rather than rotary are called para-graphic.
Some parametrics allow cut only and are then called notch equalizers, band-
reject equalizers, or cut-only equalizers. The Q values of most parametric
equalizers increase at high boost or cut levels. Sometimes these equalizers
are called proportional Q equalizers.
Graphic equalizer: A multiband variable equalizer that consists of a series
of parallel lters, usually of the same bandwidth, that are capable of boost-
ing the signal or cutting it. Each lter band is controlled by a slider knob,
and these are arranged on the front panel of the equalizer so their positions
show, at least approximately, the overall response curve for each setting.
The band center frequencies are xed for each band and are spaced pro-
portionally to the logarithm of frequency. In other words, each lter con-
trols a frequency span encompassing the same musical interval controlled
by every other lter, such as octave bands or one-third octave bands. Some
graphic equalizers do not have all the lter intervals equal, having the
low-frequency bands narrower than the high-frequency ones. This makes
a good deal of sense for applications such as the equalization of sound-
Equivalent Circuit
Erase Head
circuit. The important thing is that the behavior of electric circuits is well
predicted mathematically, and the equations can be used to analyze the
mechanical system. Generally it is easier to construct and analyze an elec-
trical analog of a mechanical system than to analyze the mechanical sys-
tem directly.
Erase Head A tape head that is used to erase, or demagnetize, the tape
before it reaches the record head in an analog audio or video tape
recorder. Some audio recorders allowed selective activation of individual
erase tracks, some merely erased the entire width of the tape. If erasing the
entire tape is acceptable, bulk erasing is usually more efcient and can leave
less noise on the tape, but to use this benet would require turning the erase
head off, which is possible but seldom done. Instead, bulk erasing ensures
an entirely blank tape, and users put up with the slight increase in erasure
noise from the erase head. Note that the r-dat needs no erase headdata
is simply overwritten. See also bulk eraser, degausser.
Error Concealment A technique to reduce the audible effect of a digital error
in a digital audio system when the error cannot be corrected by the tech-
niques of error correction. Error concealment usually consists of mak-
ing a smooth transition from the last good data block before the error to
the rst good data block after the error.
Error Correction In digital audio systems, the sampled amplitudes of
the signal waveform are expressed by digital codes in the binary num-
ber system. The codes are grouped into words of eight binary digits (bits)
each. If in the transmission of the digital words some bits are missing, or are
incorrect due to tape dropouts, etc., the result will be gross distortion of
that portion of the signal when it is reconstructed. Therefore, it is extremely
important to provide detection and correction of such digital errors.
In a digital system, error detection is possible if the number of allowed
words is less than the maximum. For example, in a two-bit transmission
system we might allow only 00 and 11 as possible words. If we receive 01
or 10 at the end of the transmission chain, we know there is an error. We
cant correct it, however, because we do not know whether a 00 or 11 was
Things are a little different in a three-bit system. Suppose we allow 000
and 111 as valid words. Then, we can say a received 110 should probably
be a 111, and a 100 should have been a 000. Thus we can make the substi-
tutions and correct the information. To enable this, we have added one bit
per word, and this is called a parity check bit.
compact discs are produced with two simultaneous schemes of
adding parity bits for error detection and correction. In this system, one set
of audio samples is grouped into 32 eight-bit words (or bytes), four of which
are added parity bytes. The second code has a word length of 28 bytes of
which four are parity bytes.
Although it is theoretically possible to correct up to four errors per word
by fully utilizing this method, it is not done in practice because of the very
large amount of hardware required to do it. Instead of error correction, the
Fade To gradually change the volume, or loudness level, of an audio sig-
nal. Fades are often done to end recordings of popular music. Also called
a fade out.
Fade In An inverse fade, starting from inaudibility and rising to full vol-
Fade Out A fade out is the gradual reduction to zero of the volume near
the end of a recording, often used to end popular songs.
Fader Another name for a variable attenuator, or volume control. pan-
pots are also sometimes called faders, used for fading a signal from
one channel to another.
Fanning Strip See terminal strip.
Fanout An end of an audio snake that has all of the loose, separate con-
ductors and connectors. Fanout also refers to how many electrical devices
a given device can effectively drive, or operate. An example is a digital logic
gate which can drive 4 other logic gates, has a fanout of 4.
Fantasound An early type of stereophonic motion picture sound devel-
oped jointly by RCA and the Walt Disney Studio for the Disney movie Fan-
tasia, which opened in 1940. Fantasound is often credited as the rst com-
mercial stereophonic motion picture sound system, but the Bell Telephone
Laboratories had publicly demonstrated a similar system in 1937 in New York
and again on a much larger scale at the 1939 New York Worlds Fair, where
Faraday Cage
the boundaries of the space. The increase will generally be 6 dB at the bound-
ary surface, and will decline to the reverberant level at a distance of one-
half wavelength of the sound. The reason for this is that the sound pressure
reected from the boundary adds to the incoming sound pressure, dou-
bling it at the boundary. The double pressure is a 6 dB rise in level. The
region in which this effect occurs is called the far-out eld, and its extent
depends on the frequency of the sound in question. It is important to take
care when measuring sound levels indoors to avoid taking measurements
in the far-out eld. See also far field and reverberant field.
Fat Wire System In telephone systems before the advent of digital multi-
plexing, where several incoming lines were available at one subscriber loca-
tion, the switching between the lines was done in the telephone itself, usually
by push buttons. This required that all the lines be routed to each phone
through a 25-pair cable. This is called a fat wire system, as opposed to a
slim wire system, in which the switching is done at a central location and
each phone has only three or four pairs of wires running to it. Today, it seems
that virtually all multiline systems in ofces use digital multiplexing.
Faulkner Microphones A pair of gure-8 pattern microphones about 8
inches apart and both facing the same direction. It would seem like the idea
was a modication of the classic x-y stereo pickup using coincident gure
8s angled 90 degrees apart, but the only difference between the two signals
is due to the time difference between a sounds arrival at the two micro-
phones. We suspect two omnidirectional microphones in the same con-
guration would sound much better because at least the deep bass would
be natural-sounding, and off-axis sounds would not be attenuated.
FCC The Federal Communications Commission is the government agency
that regulates all radio and television transmissions in the United States.
Broadcast stations are licensed by the FCC, including hobbyist or ham
stations, and the FCC maintains surveillance of all broadcast signals to be
sure they remain in their allocated frequency bands. Maximum power
output of transmitters is also regulated. Quality standards for broadcast
signals were set by the FCC, but in recent years enforcement has been
relaxed, to the detriment of the technical quality of broadcasting.
Feedback There are two types of feedback of interest to the audio person:
acoustic and electronic.
Acoustic feedback is the condition where a gain control is set too high
in a sound reinforcement system and the amplied sound enters the
microphone and is re-amplied until a steady howl or whistle is heard.
This is sometimes also called regeneration. The remedy is to reduce the vol-
ume control setting. Another way to reduce feedback is to equalize the sound
system so the response is smoother. The acoustic gain of a system is higher
at peaks in the response curve, and these are the frequencies where feed-
back occurs. Also, the phase shift in the entire system from microphone
through electronics, loudspeakers, and the room back to the microphone
is important. If this phase shift is a multiple of 360 degrees, the system will
be likely to regenerate.
equalization for feedback control is tricky, however. The best that one
can do is equalize the entire system for a specic microphone and micro-
phone location. The acoustic gain is dependent on the spatial relationship
between the loudspeakers and the microphone, and different microphone
locations require different equalization curves.
Devices such as the Sabine Feedback Eliminator have been developed
that constantly monitor the sound system and quickly activate a notch lter
if feedback is detected.
There are also automatic techniques by which a dual-channel fft ana-
lyzer is used to determine the system frequency and phase response
using live music as the test signal. Then the proper equalization is deter-
mined to optimize the response curve and the equalization is added while
the analysis is going on. In this way the system is continually updated and
changes in acoustics due to temperature or humidity variations are com-
pensated for in almost real time during the actual concert.
The other type of feedback important in audio is negative feedback
applied to amplifiers and some other audio devices. Negative feedback
is the insertion of a small portion of the output voltage of an amplier,
that is 180 degrees out of phase with the input, back to the input so as to
cancel part of the input signal. This reduces the gain of the amplier, but
also reduces the distortion and noise introduced by the amplier. The
lost gain must be made up, but the net effect of the feedback is still to reduce
distortion. Negative feedback also reduces the output impedance of the
amplier, improving its damping factor, and making it more suitable
to drive a loudspeaker. There is much controversy in audio design circles
about how best to apply negative feedback. It is widely thought that for
best results it should be used in small amounts, and around local gain stages
rather than globally around an entire device.
Negative feedback is of prime importance in electronic designs using
operational ampliers, or opamps, as they are commonly called. An opamp
is a device with extremely high gain, and its characteristics can be tailored
to various tasks such as microphone preamplifiers, voltage ampliers,
active equalizers, etc., by application of proper feedback.
Negative feedback as an improvement in audio ampliers was invented
by a Bell Telephone Labs scientist named Harold S. Black, and was rst
described in the Bell Labs Technical Review in 1934.
Feedforward A type of circuit to reduce distortion caused by an active
component. The feedforward amplies the signal at the input of the com-
ponent and adds this signal to the output signal of the device so as to can-
cel the distortion. Feedforward can only be used in conjunction with
feedback and is effective only when the distortion-creating mechanism
is well understood.
Feed-through Capacitor A special capacitor, usually of less than 50-pF
capacitance, designed to pass audio signals through metal partitions
or shields, but at the same time to shunt radio frequency (rf) energy to
the chassis. The purpose of using feed-through capacitors is to prevent
FFT Analyzer
Figure-8 Microphone
Field Recording Any recording not done in a studio. The resultant tapes
may be called eld tapes, although as tapes become obsolete, we may see
eld coherent laser cubes. See also location recording.
Figure-8 Microphone A microphone whose directional pattern resembles
the gure 8, meaning it is insensitive to the sides but has full sensitivity at
the front and back. The gure-8 pattern is the shape of the mathematical
cosine curve when plotted in polar coordinates, so a gure-8 microphone
is also sometimes called a cosine microphone. Historically, the only gure-
8 microphones available were ribbon microphones, but today many
condenser microphones are made that can be adjusted to provide the
gure-8 pattern. See also variable pattern microphone.
Filament The heater in a vacuum tube, which heats the cathode to induce
it to give off electrons, is sometimes called the lament. This is analogous
to the lament in a light bulb, although it usually does not get as hot. Typ-
ical tubes are heated until the cathode glows red. The major consumers of
power in vacuum tube equipment are the heaters, and a big advantage
of solid-state equipment is the reduced power consumption and reduced
heat output. It has been shown that the failure rate of electronic compo-
nents approximately doubles for each 10-degree Farenheit temperature rise,
and increased reliability is another advantage of the fact that solid-state
equipment requires no heaters.
Fill The ambient sound between words in a production track that is used
both to replace undesirable noises on the track and to create handles
extending the track at the beginning and end. Handles enable the re-
recording mixer to crossfade smoothly between shots with differing back-
ground tones.13
Film Chain A device consisting of a motion picture projector and video cam-
era, used to copy lms onto videotape or to broadcast them directly. To rec-
oncile the 24 frames per second of the movie to the ntsc television frame
rate of a little less than 30 frames per second NTSC video frame rate, some
chains use a projector with a ve-bladed shutter, which projects each frame
of lm ve times into the video camera. The resulting 120 frames per sec-
ond are regrouped four-at-a-time into 30 video images per second. See also
drop frame and 3:2 pull down.
The lm chain is nearly obsolete today, having been replaced by a sim-
pler device known as the ying spot scanner, wherein the lm moves con-
tinuously rather than intermittently and is scanned with a tiny spot of light.
Filter A lter is a type of equalizer that is designed to reduce the energy
at a certain frequency or in a certain frequency band. Filters always act
as subtractive devices, never adding anything to a signal; at least they should
not. The most common type of lters are analog lters, which operate on
signals directly.
An example of a lter is a subsonic or rumble lter found on some
record playing equipment. This lter attenuates the very low frequencies,
typically below 15 hertz or so, and this reduces the effect of noise caused
by the mechanical vibration of the turntable.
Analog lters come in many types, but they always use reactive ele-
ments in their design, such as inductors and/or capacitors. Perhaps
13. This entry is copyright 19992003 by Larry Blake and is reprinted with permission.
the simplest lters to build are made of resistors and capacitors, and
they are called R-C lters. Some lters use active components such as
amplifiers or gyrators in their design, and they are called active lters
as opposed to passive lters. Some lters use delay lines in feedback
circuits, and they are called recursive lters.
digital lters operate on signals that have been digitized. They are
purely mathematical, performing a series of arithmetic operations on the
digital words. In a sense, digital lters are synthesized lters; digital tech-
niques being used to emulate or simulate analog lters. Digital lters have
the advantage of being drift-free. They always do their job in exactly the
same way. They can be designed for nearly any desired characteristics in
the frequency domain and in phase response.
In some digital audio systems, notably some compact disc players,
digital lters are used as portions of the anti-imaging and anti-aliasing
lters. Of course a digital lter cannot work on an analog signal directly;
it must rst be converted into digital form. This means an analog anti-alias
lter is needed before the rst sampling of the signal. After this initial dig-
itization, digital lters can be used. See also oversampling.
FIR, Finite Impulse Response A commonly used type of digital lter. Dig-
itized samples of the audio signal serve as inputs, and each ltered output
is computed from a weighted sum of a nite number of previous inputs.
An FIR lter can be designed to have linear phase (i.e., constant time
delay, regardless of frequency). FIR lters designed for frequencies much
lower than the sample rate and/or with sharp transitions are computa-
tionally intensive, with large time delays.14
FireWire, IEEE 1394 A high-speed serial digital interface bus that supports
multiple data formats so that audio, video, MIDI, and control signals may
all be sent over a single cable. The fastest current data rate is 800 megabits
per second with a 100 meter cable limit, whereas the original FireWire was
400 Mbps with a 4.5m cable limit. Different connectors are used. FireWire
can distribute power as well as data, and the system is smart-conguring,
permitting hot-plugging of devices. IEEE 1394 is designed to be bidirec-
tional and with the ability to broadcast from a single source to multiple
receivers. One of FireWires important features is its ability to transmit
isochronous data such as digital video. FireWire has found wide use in
computer and digital audio-video devices. The term FireWire was coined
by Apple Computer, which invented it and submitted it to the IEEE where
it became standardized as IEEE 1394.
First Law of Acoustics A variation on Murphys law which can be stated,
Never make the same measurement twice, because you will not get the
same answer. The complexity and variability of acoustic phenomena make
it very difcult to make exactly repeatable measurements.
Fishpole Slang for microphone boom.
5.1, 6.1, 7.1
5.1, 6.1, 7.1 In soundtracks such as those on movies and dvds, 5.1 means
that the soundtracks are recorded with ve main channels: left, center, right,
left surround, and right surround, plus a low-frequency-effects (LFE) bass
channel (called a .1 channel because it covers only about 10 percent of
the frequency range of the main channels).
In his excellent book 5.1 Surround Sound (2000), Tomlinson Holman
states: In 1987, when a subcommittee of the Society of Motion Picture and
Television Engineers looked at putting digital sound on lm meetings were
held about the requirements of the system. In a series of meetings and doc-
uments, the 5.1-channel system emerged as being the minimum number
of channels that would create the sensations desired from a new system,
and the name 5.1 took hold from that time, In fact, this can be seen as a
codication of existing 70mm practice, which already had ve main chan-
nels and a low-frequency, high headroom channel.
Some movie soundtracks use a variation of 5.1 called Dolby Digital
Surround EX, which can be used via DVDs in home theaters. The Sur-
round EX format matrix encodes a third surround channel onto the left and
right surround channels of 5.1 soundtracks, and may be decoded or not at
the cinemas or home listeners option due to their inherent compatibility.
Because the extra surround information is carried on the left and right sur-
round channels, Dolby Digital Surround EX encoded soundtracks are still
regarded as 5.1 soundtracks.
With respect to home playback, the terms 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1 mean that there
are ve, six, or seven main speakers, plus a subwoofer, in the playback sys-
tem. (The subwoofer reproduces the LFE channel recorded on 5.1 sound-
tracks, plus any bass the main speakers cannot handle.) The difference is
in the number of surround speakers: two in a 5.1 system, three in a 6.1 sys-
tem, and four in a 7.1 system.
5.1-channel soundtracks can be played on a 5.1-speaker system, but they
can also be played on a 6.1- or 7.1-speaker system. To do this, the two sur-
round signals on the 5.1 soundtrack are spread across the three or four sur-
round speakers. This distribution can be accomplished by a Dolby Digital
EX decoder, a THX Surround EX decoder, or other proprietary methods
provided in home theater equipment by various manufacturers.
The number (i.e., 5.1) describing the soundtrack does not have to match
the number applied to the speaker system. It is even possible to play two-
channel stereo content over these multi-speaker systems by using a matrix
surround decoder such as Dolby Pro Logic II. The delivery format and
the speaker conguration are independent, and it is the decoders job to
bridge them effectively.
Fixed Bias A circuit arrangement where the bias of an active component
is supplied by a separate power supply and is thus constant even though
the current in the component may vary.
Flag A digital bit or group of bits that is inserted in a digital code to accom-
plish a specic task different from that which the code usually does. Orig-
inally, ags were put into computer programs at certain points to call the
Flatbed Editor
Flat Frequency Response
and picture lms are synchronized to run at the same speed, and this speed
is variable so the editor can hear the sound and see the picture at low speeds
and in forward or reverse to allow her to select the editing points. Both lms
are then cut and spliced to maintain synchronization of the sound and pic-
ture. Such an editor may be referred to by a brand name such as moviola
or Steenbeck, however, such manufacturers also make other editing prod-
ucts that may also be called by the brand name.
Flat Frequency Response An amplifier, loudspeaker, microphone,
etc., is said to have at frequency response, or at response, if its output
is at the same level for all frequencies of interest, provided its input also
has uniform amplitude over the same frequency range. In other words,
a at system has the same gain or sensitivity at all frequencies of inter-
est. A graph of the gain versus frequency will be a straight line, hence the
name. In reality, a tolerance is allowed, typically plus or minus 3 dB. See
also frequency response.
Fleming Valve A vacuum diode patented in 1904 as a detector for use
in wireless telegraphy by the English professor Ambrose Fleming. Flem-
ing did not build the rst diode; he made use of the edison effect bulbs
brought to England in 1884 by William Preece, who had obtained them from
Edison. Fleming was working with the Marconi Wireless Company and was
trying to nd a better detector than the coherers then in use. He realized
the Edison bulbs would rectify low-frequency AC signals, and he experi-
mented to verify that they could be used at radio frequencies.
When news of Flemings patent reached Edison, he immediately led
suit because of his 1884 patent of the Edison effect, but the courts ruled,
after a prolonged dispute, that Edisons patent did not cover the use of the
device as a detector.
It is interesting that Fleming resisted the use of the term diode (rst pro-
posed by Dr. Eccles of Manchester University in 1919) and insisted that it
be called an oscillation valve.
Fletcher-Munson Effect In the early 1930s, Fletcher and Munson under-
took to measure the sensitivity of the human hearing mechanism at dif-
ferent frequencies. They rst generated sounds at very low levels at many
frequencies over the audible range to determine the threshold of hearing,
or the softest sound that could be heard. They made a plot of these levels
versus frequency, and found the curve was not uniform, but varies dras-
tically with frequency. The most sensitive range of human hearing is
between 3 kilohertz and 4 kHz; the sensitivity falls off rapidly at lower
frequencies and somewhat more slowly at higher frequencies. In other
words, very soft sounds must be more powerful at frequencies lower and
higher than 3 to 4 kHz in order to be heard. This result was expected from
previous experience, but the effect had not been precisely measured before.
Next, the experimenters chose 1,000 hertz as a reference frequency and
increased the strength of the softest audible sound at that frequency by ten
times (10 decibels). They then generated other tones at lower and higher
frequencies and strengths and asked the subjects to judge when these other
tones were as loud as the reference tone at 1,000 Hz. The strengths of these
tones were plotted on the same graph as the threshold was plotted to form
a contour of equal loudness and the surprising result was that this curve
was not parallel to the threshold curve. It was not as steeply curved, indi-
cating that our ears hear different frequency tones more uniformly in loud-
ness when they are stronger than the threshold levels. The experiment was
repeated with 1,000-Hz reference tones in increments of 10 dB all the way
up to 120 dB above threshold.
These equal loudness contours become atter as the level increases, indi-
cating that our ears have much more uniform sensitivity at high levels than
at low levels.
The results of this experiment were widely reported and were thought
to be important in understanding how we perceive music. One outcome
of this was the so-called loudness control found in many music-repro-
ducing systems. The loudness control attempts to compensate for the
Fletcher-Munson effect by boosting the lowest and highest frequencies of
the music signal by an amount that increases as the volume is reduced.
Thus, as one turns down the volume control, the low and high frequencies
are reduced less than the frequencies between 3 and 4 kHz.
The loudness control, however, was not as great a success as the design-
ers expected it to be, and most music listeners ignored it, or used it very
The reason for this is a further complexity in the way we perceive com-
plex sounds. The Fletcher-Munson experiment used sine waves, or pure
tones, to measure the equal loudness contours, but music never consists of
pure tones. All music waveforms are complex in that they contain energy
at many frequencies in a harmonic series, and such complex sounds do
not obey the equal loudness contours, at least not the ones measured for
pure tones. Most rock listeners seem to love the loudness switch, as it greatly
boosts the bass and treble, which they associate with rock music.
Floating Floating is a circuit conguration in which neither wire carry-
ing the signal is connected to the system ground. See balanced;
Appendix 6.
Fluff Either a verb meaning to garble or miss a word or phrase when speak-
ing into a microphone or a noun meaning the result of this action. Some-
times the word blooper is used as a synonym for the noun, but uff is
more common.
Flutter In an analog tape recorder, if the tape speed varies, the pitch of
the recorded music will vary. If the rate of variation is fairly high, typically
above 5 hertz or so, it is called utter. If the speed varies at rates below
several hertz, it is called wow. Flutter is actually frequency modula-
tion and imparts a tremolo-like or vibrato-like character to the music.
It is very annoying with certain types of music, such as piano, which never
has any natural pitch variation. On the other hand, recordings of stringed
instruments are much more tolerant of utter, string players not being able
to sustain a steady pitch.
Flutter Echo
FM Stereo
been used in large quantities. Some relatively exotic materials such as samar-
ium cobalt and neodymium can produce extremely strong magnetic elds
and are sometimes used for high-frequency drivers.
FM See frequency modulation.
FM Stereo A method of FM broadcasting that allows stereo receivers to
receive the full stereo signal. It is also compatible with monaural FM
receivers, which simply sense the sum of the two stereo channels.
The system works by rst forming sum (L+R) and difference (LR) sig-
nals from the stereo input signals (L and R). This is sometimes called ma-
trixing. It can be shown that all the stereo information resides in the
difference signal; in other words, if the difference is zero, then the original
signals were identical, and it therefore was not stereo. The LR signal, which
is normally lower in level than the L+R signal, is used to modulate a 38-
kilohertz subcarrier, which is then added to the L+R signal and used to mod-
ulate the main FM carrier. In addition to this, a low-level 19-kHz pilot signal
is added to the composite signal. This pilot, at one-half the frequency of
the subcarrier, is used by the receiver to generate a 38-kHz subcarrier with
which to demodulate the LR signal. It is interesting to note that the stereo
indicator lights on most FM tuners use the existence of the 19 kHz pilot to
identify stereo broadcasts. If the station is broadcasting monaural source
material, but the pilot is still transmitted, the resulting audio signal will
still be monaural even though the stereo indicator will still light up.
A standard monaural receiver is not sensitive to the subcarrier and sim-
ply demodulates the L+R signal. A stereo receiver senses the pilot tone and
uses this to demodulate the LR signal, which is then matrixed with the
L+R to obtain the original L and R signals.
The advantage of this system is that it is compatible with existing mon-
aural FM receivers. Its disadvantage is that the subcarrier, which carries all
the stereo information, is much more sensitive to signal degradation from
multipath distortion and long-distance reception. This means that
good-quality stereo reception is limited to an area relatively near the
The 19-kHz pilot signal must also be ltered out of the signal, because
it will cause interference with the bias frequency of analog tape recorders,
causing audible whistles to be recorded. See also birdie. It can also confuse
noise reduction systems such as Dolby, which is why cassette decks with
Dolby NR must have a 19kHz, or multiplex notch lter switch.
Over the years, there have been many attempts to broadcast stereo pro-
grams, and they competed ercely for fcc standardization in the late 1950s.
Probably the rst of these was a system designed by Murray Crosby and
William Halstead and experimentally broadcast in 1950 under the call let-
ters KE2XKH in New York City. This system used a 35-kHz subcarrier that
was modulated by the second stereo channel, and then this signal was mixed
with the other channel, and the combination modulated the main carrier.
The system was called Stereosonic, from stereo using an ultrasonic sub-
carrier. (See stereosonic for another, more common use of the term.)
FM Synthesis
that an extremely wide variety of waveforms may be made this way. The
method also requires signicantly less hardware than other methods, such
as additive synthesis.
One of the rst commercial synthesizers to use FM synthesis was the
Synclavier, produced by New England Digital Corp. There are now many
other such units available.
FMX A proprietary system of FM transmission and reception to improve
the signal-to-noise ratio in stereo broadcasting. FMX was developed
by the now-defunct CBS Technology Center in the mid-1980s. It is well
known that FM stereo reception is much noisier than monaural recep-
tion in low-signal, or fringe, areas. This is a result of the method by which
the stereo information is encoded on the transmitted signal (see fm stereo).
CBS claimed that quiet FMX stereo reception extends as far from the trans-
mitter as quiet monaural reception of conventional FM. This more than dou-
bled the area in which stereo could be received from a given station.
FMX added another subcarrier to the transmitted signal that was 90
degrees out of phase with the stereo subcarrier. This new subcarrier was
said to be in quadrature with the main subcarrier. The stereo information
in the input signal, consisting of the LR, was compressed and used to mod-
ulate the new carrier. In the FMX receiver, the quadrature carrier was sensed
and demodulated, and the LR signal expanded to restore the dynamics
of the original signal. In order to properly restore the quadrature LR sig-
nal, the receiver used the level of the stereo LR signal from the standard
subcarrier as a reference. Even though this signal may be noisy, its level
was indicative of the amount of stereo separation in the original signal. The
quadrature LR signal was then used, after expansion, to restore the orig-
inal stereo signal.
FMX was compatible with regular FM stereo because a standard stereo
receiver does not detect the quadrature subcarrier. There was some con-
troversy over whether the FMX system would work properly in the pres-
ence of multipath reception. multipath distortion in FM is analogous
to ghosts on television, and is especially severe for stereo transmission.
FOH, Front Of House. The location within the audience area of an audi-
torium or arena for the mixing console and its operator that controls the
sound the audience hears, or the house sound. In many cases, especially
in large arenas, there will be another control console location at one side or
the other of the stage. This console is called the monitor mixer, and con-
trols the sound into the monitor speakers through which the performers
hear themselves. Both the FOH and the monitor mixer inputs will be con-
nected to all the microphones on stage for maximum exibility. The sig-
nal fed to the stage monitors is usually not the same as is sent to the house
sound reinforcement speakers. This is because the performers may want
to emphasize certain microphones, such as vocals, so they can better hear
Foil The copper conducting path on a printed circuit board.
Foldback Foldback is the general term for the part of a sound reinforce-
Folded Horn
Forward Voltage Drop
ity. This is often done for legal reasons, such as to determine if a wiretap
recording is genuine or altered. A famous instance of forensic audio was
the analysis of the gap in the Watergate tapes.
Formant A frequency band in the spectrum of a voice or musical instru-
ment that contains more energy or amplitude than the neighboring area.
Formants are the distinguishing characteristics of the vowel sounds of the
human voice and, for any vowel, are relatively xed in frequency, even
though the pitch of the voice may be changing, as in singing. The overall
shape of the spectrum of a musical or vocal sound is called the spectral enve-
lope, and may not change much as different pitches are sounded. The for-
mants determine this shape in large part.
A musical instrument has a denite set of formants, and it is they that
impart its tone color, or timbre. The fact that the timbre does not change
too much as the instrument sounds different notes allows us to recognize
the instrument regardless of the pitch being played. It is interesting that
our hearing mechanism is very sensitive to formants, no doubt because
speech intelligibility depends heavily on recognition of vowels. If the sound
of any musical instrument is prolonged without changing the pitchfor
instance, if it is recorded on a tape loopit soon begins to lose its subjec-
tive timbre and begins to sound like a buzzer. It is the unvarying formant
frequencies in the presence of the varying pitch of the instrument that allow
us to recognize the timbre.
If a sound-reproducing system has peaks in its frequency response, these
peaks will be heard in the presence of music as a denite timbre or col-
oration in the sound. Such a sound system can be said to have a tone color
of its own that it impresses on the music. The same thing happens with
many other audio devices, especially microphones and loudspeakers.
This is why peaks in the response curve of any device are to be avoided.
However, the great adaptability of the human hearing mechanism is such
that if one listens for a long time to a particular sound system, one will
become habituated to that particular sound. This is the reason so many
people put up with very poor quality sound systems and seemingly dont
mind. This is also the reason one should compare the reproduced sound
of a system with the actual sound itself, rather than trusting to memory,
when evaluating components such as loudspeakers.
Former See coil former.
Forward Resistance The actual resistance of a diode or other semi-
conductor junction when conducting current in its normal direction.
The forward resistance of a semiconductor junction is not as simple and
linear as normal, or so-called ohmic, resistance, but depends on the volt-
age across the junction and the current through it, especially at low values
of voltage and current. See also reverse resistance.
Forward Voltage Drop The voltage across a diode or other semicon-
ductor junction when it is passing a current in the normal direction.
Most solid-state junctions will have a nearly constant forward voltage
drop regardless of the current. For silicon junctions, it is about 0.7 volt.
Foster-Seeley Detector
Free Field
Free-Field Microphone
For certain small sound sources in large rooms, the sound eld fairly
close to the source will approximate a free eld, but as the distance
increases, the reverberation becomes relatively stronger. The sound eld
closer to the source than about one wavelength of the sound is not a free
eld, but is referred to as the near field; meaningful measurements this
close to a sound source are very difcult to accomplish. See also far field.
Free-Field Microphone A type of omnidirectional microphone that is
designed to have flat response when in a free field and pointed at the
source of sound, as opposed to a true pressure microphone, which will
have an increased high-frequency sensitivity under the same conditions.
The true pressure microphone has a rising high-frequency response
due to reection of sound from the microphone diaphragm, which causes
a pressure increase. The effect is due to the disturbance of the sound eld
by the microphone itself, and only occurs when the wavelength is short
compared to the diameter of the microphone. The free-eld microphone
corrects its response for the disturbance it introduces.
Free-eld microphones are useful when recording is done at close range
to the sound source, where they will give flat frequency response. Pres-
sure microphones are better suited to more distant pickups, where the rise
in high-frequency response helps to compensate for high-frequency losses
due to absorption by the air. Most measurement microphones, as found on
sound level meters, are of the free-eld type.
Free-Field Response The frequency response of a microphone in a free
acoustic eld. Manufacturers will make omni microphones with various
response curves at different angles of incidence to satisfy market demands.
The free-eld responses at different angles will accurately compare the
Frequency Frequency, in its simplest form, is a measure of how often (how
frequently) an event repeats itself. A sound source, such as a tuning fork,
which vibrates back and forth 1,000 times per second, is said to have a fre-
quency of 1,000 hertz.
Frequency used to be stated in cycles per second, or cps, but there has
been international agreement that hertz (Hz) will be used to indicate fre-
quency. The term is in honor of Heinrich Hertz, a German pioneer in the
transmission of radio waves.
Most sounds are complex and cannot be described by a single frequency.
The sound of a bell or a cymbal, for instance, contains very many frequencies
at the same time. The best we can do is to perform a fourier analysis
on the signal and thus determine what individual frequencies are present
in the complex sound.
Frequency of a signal in large part determines its subjective pitch,
although the correlation is not one-to-one, especially for simple tones. Com-
plex tones that are periodic, i.e., that repeat their waveform over and over,
do have a rather precise correlation between frequency and pitch although
the pitch will vary somewhat with the amplitude of the sound. Such a
sound will consist of many component frequencies arranged in a harmonic
Frequency Response
series, but it is usually said to have the frequency of the lowest, or fun-
damental, component. For instance, an oboe sounding a tone repeating
at 440 times per second will sound like A above middle C, and we say it
has a frequency of 440 Hz, even though it has energy at many higher (har-
monic) frequencies as well.
Frequency Deviation See modulation index.
Frequency Discriminator A type of FM detector. See discriminator.
Frequency Doubling An effect sometimes heard with low-frequency
loudspeakers where the second harmonic distortion becomes as
strong or stronger than the fundamental. The effect is that the bass sounds
an octave higher than it really is. Frequency doubling is usually the result
of overloading a speaker.
Frequency Extender A device used to extend the usable frequency range
of a telephone line by about two octaves. A standard telephone line has
a frequency response extending only from about 300 to 3,300 hertz. This
lack of low-frequency response can be troublesome and results in most
male voices sounding thin, or tinny. The frequency extender uses the
frequency shifter principle to shift all frequencies up by 250 Hz on the send-
ing end and back down at the receiving end. This extends the response
down to 50 Hz on the low end and sacrices only the upper 250 Hz on
the upper end.
Frequency Modulation, FM Frequency modulation is the instantaneous
changing of the frequency of a carrier in response to a modulating sig-
nal, usually an audio waveform. As the signal voltage varies up and
down as it follows the waveform, the frequency of the carrier varies up and
down from its nominal unmodulated value. In commercial FM radio
broadcasting, the carrier frequency is in the band from 88 MHz to 108 MHz.
The FM receiver is tuned to the carrier frequency, and the received signal,
after suitable conditioning, is applied to a special circuit called an FM
detector, or discriminator, which recovers the audio signal.
FM transmission is relatively quieter than AM transmission because the
discriminator is not sensitive to amplitude variations caused by atmos-
pheric interference, and it permits wider frequency response because
the FCC has allocated wider bandwidths to be transmitted in the FM band
than in the AM band. The bandwidth of AM transmission is limited to 10
kilohertz to prevent adjacent stations from interfering with one another,
whereas a bandwidth of 100 kHz is allocated in each FM channel.
In music, vibrato is a form of frequency modulation because it is a peri-
odic variation in frequency. FM is also used in the synthesis of musical tones
in some forms of electronic synthesizers. It is possible to achieve a very
wide range of harmonic and nonharmonic effects by this means.
Frequency modulation distortion is a type of distortion produced by
a loudspeaker. See doppler distortion.
Frequency Response Frequency response is a shortened way of stating the
amplitude response versus frequency characteristic. It is a complex func-
tion that describes the way in which the gain and phase of a system or a
Frequency Shifter
device vary with the frequency of the stimulus. Frequency response is usu-
ally presented as a graph or plot of the output of a device on the vertical
axis versus the frequency on the horizontal axis. In audio work, it is com-
mon to use the logarithm of frequency as the horizontal axis and to use the
decibel scale for amplitude in the vertical axis. This is sometimes called
a log-log plot, and it correlates better than a linear plot with our hearing
mechanism. The frequency response consists of two parts, called the mag-
nitude and the phase. The magnitude is the part most often seen.
Another way to graph the frequency response is to divide it into real
and imaginary parts. This presentation includes the phase information
as well as the magnitude. The real and imaginary parts are simply the pro-
jections of the complex function onto two orthogonal axes, which are arbi-
trarily called real and imaginary. There is nothing imaginary about the
imaginary part, and it is also sometimes called the quadrature part, indi-
cating that it is a projection on an axis 90 degrees (a quarter circle) from the
real part. The magnitude is the square root of the sum of the squares of the
real and imaginary parts.
It is important to realize that frequency response is dened to be a char-
acteristic of a system or a device, not a characteristic of a signal.
Frequency Shifter A device that linearly shifts all the frequencies of a com-
plex input signal. The amount of shift can be varied, and the shift can be
up or down in frequency. Also sometimes called a spectrum shifter.
The key word here is linear, which means all the frequency components
are shifted by the same number of hertz, in contrast to a pitch change
caused by changing the speed of a tape-recorded signal. In such a pitch
change, all the frequency components are shifted by a constant percentage,
and therefore, high frequencies are shifted proportionally more than lower
ones. A pitch shift by speed change thus preserves all the musical intervals
between the components. A true frequency shifter, on the other hand,
destroys the harmonic relation between the components. The sound of a con-
sonant musical tone becomes dissonant or bell-like or harsh, depending on
the amount of shift. Frequency shifters are used in electronic music synthe-
sizers for special effects that would be almost impossible to attain otherwise.
Some years ago, it was conjectured that if a small amount of frequency
shift was added to the amplied signal in a sound reinforcement system,
the result would be a reduction in the tendency for acoustic feedback,
because the amplied sound picked up by the microphone comes out of
the loudspeaker at a higher frequency. Small amounts of frequency shift,
about 4 or 5 hertz or so, are not very audible with speech sounds. Frequency
shifters for this use were made and sold in the 1960s. Unfortunately, the
theory did not hold in practice, and where there was feedback before, there
were little chirps at the ends of the words instead. This proved to be about
as annoying as the feedback!
Frequency-to-Voltage Conversion See pitch tracking.
Fringe Area A location, remote from the transmitter, where radio or tele-
vision reception is marginal due to low signal strength and high noise level.
Fundamental Tracking
Gain Riding
Gaffer An electrician working on a lm or video stage is called a gaffer.
Gaffers Tape A very strong cloth adhesive tape used to temporarily secure
things such as cables to the oor. Gaffers never refer to this as duct tape.
There are a surprising number of opinions about the best characteristics of
such tape.
Gain The amount of increase in the power of a signal by an amplifier is
called the power gain. It is simply the ratio of the output power to the input
power and is conveniently expressed in decibels.
An amplier also usually increases the voltage and/or the current
of a signal, and these increases are called voltage gain and current gain,
respectively. They should be expressed in decibels only if the input and out-
put impedances of the amplier are the same, but this is seldom the case
in practice. Voltage and current gains should properly be referred to as sim-
ple numbers, that is, a voltage gain of 10 or 100, etc. Nevertheless, most engi-
neers express voltage gains of various types of ampliers in decibels
regardless of the fact that the input and output impedances are very differ-
ent. As long as they understand that the true power gain cannot be expressed
this way, no confusion seems to result. For more information, see decibel.
A passive device, such as a transformer, can have voltage gain or
current gain (but not both), even though it cannot amplify the signal.
Gain Bandwidth Product A gure of merit for certain active electronic
devices such as opamps. It is a numerical multiplication of the gain times
the bandwidth.
Gain Riding Gain riding is the variation in the volume control setting while
making a recording in order to prevent overload and distortion at loud
levels and to avoid noise problems at low levels.
If the gain is adjusted to maintain the signal level near the top of the
dynamic range of the recording device, the signal-to-noise ratio will
be maximized, but the dynamics, or loudness variations naturally present
in the signal, will be minimized. For most music, this is undesirable, but gain
riding still must be done to some extent in order to avoid overloads.
Gain Structure
Golden Ear
Gassy A condition resulting from an imperfect vacuum that can afict vac-
uum tubes, reducing their performance. When operating, a gassy tube will
usually show a purplish glow in the neighborhood of the plate. A gassy
tube is also said to be soft or at.
Gate A circuit that performs like a switch, allowing a signal either to
pass or not, is called a gate. The position of the gate (open or closed) is con-
trolled by an applied voltage, which can come from a number of differ-
ent places. If the level of the signal itself determines the gate opening, it is a
noise gate, closing when the signal level is so low that the noise would be
One of the three terminals of the field effect transistor is also called
the gate. The voltage on the gate acts as a control and determines the cur-
rent through the fet.
Gauss Aunit of magnetic ux density, equal to one ten-thousandth of a tesla.
Many loudspeaker manufacturers use this unit in their specications, but
the tesla is more often used by the scientic community. The gauss was named
in honor of the famous eighteenth-century German mathematician and physi-
cist Karl Friedrich Gauss, who investigated magnetism.
Getter A small metal tray or cup placed inside a vacuum tube and containing
a small quantity of metallic barium. When the tube is evacuated, the bar-
ium is heated and it quickly combines with the residual oxygen to make
barium oxide. This prevents the oxygen from gradually oxidizing the hot
elements in the tube, especially the heater.
Gibson Girl See splicer.
GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage Out A slang term meaning defective or noisy
data sent to the input of a device will result in defective or noisy output
from the device.
Glass Master A glass disc with a light-sensitive coating, whose surface is
to be etched with pits by a laser beam that is modulated by digital data that
represents the audio signal. This surface is then plated with a coating of
silver, and is then used as a master for the stampers from which cds are
eventually pressed.
Glitch An undesired voltage excursion found in a dac. See deglitcher.
Gnats Nut A vanishingly small distance or quantity.
GND Abbreviation for ground.
Gobo A movable panel or bafe used in a recording studio to isolate cer-
tain instruments from others in a group. The gobos are usually about three
or four feet high and may be made of wood with berglass on the surfaces,
or sometimes they are of solid foam polyurethane plastic.
Golden Ear A so-called Golden Ear is a person to whom is ascribed (usu-
ally self-ascribed) the ability to discern and appreciate subtleties and to iden-
tify defects in recordings and sound systems that ordinary people nd
elusive. Generally, Golden Ears are forever modifying and changing their
sound systems, much to the delight of the equipment industry. We have
been in search of the true Golden Ear for many years, and numerous can-
didates have come to light. Alas, they have all come up short when put to
Good Acoustics
the test. For instance, many such have failed to tell the difference between
stereo and monaural, or failed to detect when the channels were
reversed in a stereo presentation, etc.
This is not to denigrate the importance of careful and critical listening,
for our ears are truly marvelous measuring instruments when properly
trained and accustomed to evaluating sound. For instance, it has long been
known that objective measurements on sound systems may not correlate
with what one hearsan amplifier may seem nearly perfect when
measured and still sound faulty. Also, components that look identical to
measuring instruments often sound quite different. For this reason, mea-
surement techniques are constantly being rened, and new types of dis-
tortion are being discovered all the time. It is generally agreed that no
measurement technique thus far discovered can match the well-trained ear
in sensitivity to certain types of distortions.
The human hearing mechanism operates quite differently from micro-
phones and signal analyzers, and its physiological and psychological
aspects are far from being fully understood.
Good Acoustics See Appendix 4.
Gooseneck A exible, spiral, metal pipe about 14 inches long used to attach
a microphone to a microphone stand. The gooseneck allows the micro-
phone to be oriented in almost any direction. It would be nice if goosenecks
would allow the microphone to be moved without introducing any noise,
but they generally squeak when bent.
Gradient Microphone A gradient microphone is sensitive to the pressure
gradient (or variation in pressure over a distance) of a sound eld. The rib-
bon microphone is an example. Gradient microphones have a polar
pattern resembling a gure 8. This curve is the polar plot of the math-
ematical cosine curve, and gradient microphones are sometimes called
cosine microphones. See also figure-8 microphone.
Grain A subtle type of distortion found in some audio devices, mostly
digital devices but sometimes also power amplifiers. See also
Grammy A recording industry award presented by the Recording Acad-
emy, also known as the National Association of Recording Arts and Sci-
ences, NARAS.
Gramophone The Gramophone was the rst recorder-reproducer to use a
at disc rather than a cylinder as the medium. It was invented by Emile
Berliner and commercially produced in 1893.
The Berliner disc introduced important differences from the Edison cylin-
der phonograph. It used lateral rather than vertical modulation, and the
discs were recorded with a stylus scratching through a soft wax layer on
a zinc disc, reducing the work the stylus had to do. The groove in the disc
was then formed by acid etching. These techniques increased the ampli-
tude of modulation, making the records sound louder than Edisons. The
introduction of the disc meant also that records could be easily mass-
produced by stamping, which was much cheaper than the complex mold-
Ground Lifter
Haas Effect
Haas Effect The Haas effect, also called the precedence effect, is related to
the localization of the apparent sonic image when the same signal is pre-
Half Normalled
sented to the two ears at slightly different times. If a short signal such as a
click is presented over earphones to one ear and then to the other ear a few
milliseconds later, the human hearing mechanism will judge the sound to
be coming from the side of the head where the earliest sound arrived. For
no delay between the sounds reaching the ears, the sound is localized
straight ahead, or sometimes within the head itself, and as the delay is
increased, the image moves farther and farther to the side where the earli-
est sound occurred. This is true up to about 25 to 35 milliseconds, after which
more delay will result in two distinct sounds being heard.
The Haas effect also means that if a sound arrives at a listeners ears from
two locations, as is the case with sound reinforcement systems with sev-
eral loudspeakers, the sound will be localized at the loudspeaker that pro-
vides the earliest arriving sound, and the other speaker will not be heard
at all. This is true even if the delayed sound is stronger than the rst sound.
The difference in level may be as much as 10 decibels, and the delayed
sound will still be inaudible.
The Haas effect is an example of sensory inhibition, where the response
to a stimulus causes the response to another stimulus to be inhibited. Sen-
sory inhibition, as the name implies, is a characteristic of other senses besides
hearing. The science of psychophysics deals with these phenomena.
Half Normalled See patch bay.
Half-Power Bandwidth A standardized method of stating the band-
width of a bandpass or band reject filter. The half-power bandwidth
is the higher frequency where the response is 3 dB lower than the max-
imum minus the lower frequency where the response is 3 dB lower than
the maximum. A 3-dB reduction in level is, of course, a power reduction
of one-half. See decibel.
Half-Step The musical interval of a minor second in a diatonic scale. In
just intonation, the minor second has a frequency ratio of 15/16, and
in the equal tempered scale, the minor second has a frequency ratio of the
12th root of 2, or about 6%. See Appendix 8.
Half-Track An analog tape head conguration that assigns half the tape
width to each audio channel. In monaural recorders, the single chan-
nel uses one-half the tape width, allowing the other half to be recorded when
the tape reels are ipped over and reversed. Strictly speaking, the track
widths are a little less than one-half the tape width. There is a narrow band
down the center of the tape that is not recorded in order to reduce
crosstalk. This is called a guard band.
Handshaking The initial exchange of binary data between two digital
devices or systems that establishes proper communications between them.
A common example is the noises made by the computer modem when rst
establishing a link with another modem.
Hamster Switch A control found on professional disk jockey performance
mixers that reverses fader action. For example, if a fader normally is off
at the bottom of its travel and on at the top of its travel, then activating the
hamster switch reverses this, so off is now at the top and on is at the bot-
Harmonic Distortion
Hard Clipping clipping where the edges of the waveform are very sharp,
producing the maximum amount of high harmonic content.
Hardware Key See dongle.
Hard-Wired Permanently connected with wire, rather than being connected
by a removable cable or plugs and jacks.
Harmonic Distortion In a perfect audio device, such as an amplifier or
Harmonic Series
tape recorder, the output signal would be a replica of the input signal with
no changes except maybe power level. The perfect device does not exist, how-
ever, and the output signal will always have some distortion when com-
pared to the input signal. The simplest form of this distortion consists of
harmonics of the input signal being added to the output signal. This is called
harmonic distortion, and is caused by the system not being perfectly linear.
Harmonic distortion is usually measured as a percent. An amplier put-
ting out 10 volts at 1,000 hertz and adding 1 V of 2,000 Hz is said to have
10 percent of second harmonic distortion. Harmonic distortion is best mea-
sured with a spectrum analyzer, where the amounts of the various har-
monics are shown. The summed levels of all the added harmonics is called
the total harmonic distortion, or thd, and is usually expressed as a percentage
of the level of the signal being measured. This signal is typically a sine wave.
The percentage of one harmonic, typically the third, may also be reported
by itself, and would be denoted as HDL3 for 3rd harmonic distortion level.
Various devices contribute different types of harmonic distortion; for
instance, an analog tape recorder adds odd-order harmonics (primarily
third) almost exclusively, while a typical amplier will add both even- and
odd-order harmonics. tube-type ampliers add lower-order harmonics,
and transistor-type ampliers tend to add higher-order harmonics. This
is at least partially responsible for the differences in sound between dif-
ferent types of audio devices. When the THD consists of second harmon-
ics, the sound is loud and brassy. Some ampliers and preamps cause
this type of distortion when overloaded, and this has often been deliber-
ately exploited to increase the punch of certain recordings.
Third harmonic distortion, on the other hand, creates a somewhat cov-
ered sound, generally considered undesirable. See also aphex aural
Harmonic Series A harmonic series is a group of frequencies, each one of
which is an integral multiple of the frequency of the lowest one, or fun-
damental. See also overtones.
Head Bump
HATS Head And Torso Simulator, or a dummy head but with the torso.
It is used to more accurately simulate the acoustics near a human upper body.
HDCD High Denition Compatible Digital. An encode/decode system for
music cds and dvds that encompasses up to 176.4-kHz sampling rate and
24-bit resolution. The system was introduced by Pacic Microsonics, before
it became a subsidiary of Microsoft, and it is compatible with standard red
book CDs. HDCDs can thus be played on conventional CD players and
are claimed to attain lower noise levels and somewhat less distortion.
It is also claimed that conventional CDs can be played on HDCD players
with improved noise and distortion gures.
HDR Hard Disc Recorder. An audio recording device that digitizes the
audio and records directly onto a computer-type hard disc. Several
congurations are available, usually with multichannel capability. HDRs
are often included in Digital Audio Workstations, daws.
HDTV, High Denition Television Television that has about twice the res-
olution or more of the original analog systems like ntsc, pal, and secam,
with multichannel audio. HDTV could theoretically be analog, but consumer
HDTV systems are digitally transmitted. Display of the picture can be ana-
log (similar to a computer CRT display) or digital (similar to a digital at
panel computer display). The analog NTSC system transmits pictures of
525 interlaced scan lines, of which about 480 are visible. The ATSC HDTV
system has several modes, and includes 1080 interlaced scan lines (or
vertical pixels), called 1080i, and 720 progressive scan lines (720p). ATSC
can also transmit non-HDTV at 480 lines.
Head See tape head.
Head Amplier, Head Amp Synonymous with pre-preamplifier; mostly
British usage.
Head Bump A series of irregularities, or bumps, in the low-frequency
response of analog tape recorders sometimes can be over 2 decibels in
amplitude and are worse at higher tape speeds. They are essentially non-
existent in cassette recorders because of the low tape speed.
Head bumps are caused by the fact that the playback head as a whole
responds to very long wavelengths recorded on the tape, while only the
gap in the head responds to the shorter wavelengths. At certain frequen-
cies (corresponding to specic recorded wavelengths), the overall head
response will be in phase with the gap response, and the overall response
is increased. At other frequencies, the two responses will be out of phase
and will partially cancel, causing a dip in the overall response. As frequency
increases, the effect becomes less and less, and the bumps fade into a smooth
frequency response curve.
The effect is actually dependent on the recorded wavelength rather than
the absolute frequency, and since low tape speeds mean short recorded
wavelengths, the effect is only apparent below the audible frequency
range. As tape speed increases, the effect occurs at higher and higher fre-
quencies, and can be a real problem at 30 ips.
Careful head design and attention to the amount of tape wrap around
the head can reduce the effect.
Headphones Headphones are miniature loudspeaker-like sound repro-
ducers designed to be worn over the ears for private listening to audio
signals. Also known as earphones and headset.
There are many types of headphones, but probably the most common
is the dynamic headset, which is similar to a dynamic loudspeaker in oper-
ation. Another type is the electrostatic, which is basically similar to the elec-
trostatic loudspeaker. A newer type is the planar dynamic, which uses a
perforated magnet assembly and a diaphragm with a metallic conductor
embedded in it. It is similar to the leaf tweeters in operation and can
provide very extended, smooth response. Unfortunately, the planar type
of headset is seldom seen today, probably because it is expensive to man-
Some headphones require a good seal between the earpiece itself and
the head to achieve good bass response. Such a headset is called circum-
aural, meaning it ts over the ear. Dynamic headsets are usually in this
category. Other units, sometimes called open air phones, are designed
to rest on the outer surface of the ears and do not require a seal for at bass
response. These sets are often very light in weight and can be of the planar
type, or dynamic. This category of headset is called supra-aural, mean-
ing upon the ear. They do not reduce the interference from ambient noise
as do the circumaural units.
It is an unfortunate fact that the frequency response of a headset is
a function of the anatomy of the ear on which it rests due to reections in
the ear and variations in the volume of the cavity between the ear and phone.
This means each person hears a different tonal balance when listening to
the same headset. The effect is measured by inserting a tiny probe micro-
phone next to the eardrum of the listener and performing a frequency sweep
with various headphones. The variations in frequency response can exceed
Heads Out
Head Stack
Heyser Spiral
in cycles per second. It is named after Heinrich Hertz, the famous nineteenth-
century German physicist who rst investigated radio waves.
In 1935, the iec proposed that hertz (Hz) be used instead of cycles per
second or cps, and some European countries did so. In 1948, the Gen-
eral Conference on Weights and Measures adopted the term into the si met-
ric system. Many people continued to use cps into the 1960s.
Heterodyne Another name for amplitude modulation. The process of
amplitude modulation is actually the instantaneous multiplication of one
signal by another. This results in the formation of sidebands that con-
tain the same information as the original signals but translated upward and
downward in frequency.
The term heterodyne is used for a frequency translation circuit in am
and fm receivers. The signal from the station is amplied and multiplied
by a signal from a local oscillator, and this translates the received fre-
quency down to a relatively low frequency called the intermediate fre-
quency, or IF. This signal is amplied and detected to recover the original
audio. By varying the local oscillator frequency, any radio station signal
can be translated, or heterodyned, to the IF, meaning the amplifiers and
detector need to operate only at this frequency. A receiver using this prin-
ciple is called a supersonic heterodyne, or superhet, receiver. The prin-
ciple was patented in 1920 by Edwin Armstrong, who also invented the fm
Heterodyning is also used in some spectrum analyzers and to a cer-
tain extent in electronic music, where it is called frequency shifting.
Heyser Spiral Named for Richard Heyser (19311987), who rst used time
delay spectrometry (TDS) for analysis of audio signals. The Heyser Spi-
ral is a graphic representation, or plot, of a so-called analytic signal,
which is one result of a tef measurement. The three dimensions of an ana-
lytic signal are time, the real part, and the imaginary part of the amplitude
in a three-dimensional curve. The Heyser Spiral plot of an analytic sine wave
or cosine wave is a constant-diameter spiral, shown below.
High-Cut Filter
The same type of plot is often used to visualize the electrical imped-
ance of audio devices such as loudspeakers. The impedance of most
audio devices produces phase shift of the audio signal that varies with
frequency, and the actual phase shift angle is decomposed into two parts,
the so-called imaginary (or quadrature) component and the real (or in-
phase) component. The Heyser Spiral of an impedance is usually a two-
dimensional polar plot of the real amplitude versus the imaginary
amplitude as a function of frequency. The frequency axis goes through the
origin of the plot and is 90 degrees from the plane of the paper. If an audio
device has a resonance at a particular frequency, the spiral will show a
circle, and if several resonances exist, they will each have a circle in the plot.
The size of the circles indicates the strength of the individual resonances.
High-Cut Filter A low-pass filter, according to Dennis Bohn, of the Rane
High End, The The segment of the consumer audio/video industry directed
to hard core audiophiles and videophiles is called the high end, pos-
sibly in reference to the prices asked for the equipment.
High Fidelity, Hi-Fi A term that became popular in the 1950s meaning a
relatively high quality sound system for consumer use. The term stereo
started to supplant it in the late 1950s.
High-Pass Filter A high-pass lter uniformly passes signals above a cer-
tain frequency, called the cutoff frequency. The cutoff frequency is where
the lter response is 3 decibels below the nominal response. The response
rolloff in the stopband may be gradual or sharp.
The rumble lter found in many record player systems is a high-pass
lter. Another example is the bass cut lter on mixing consoles, used to
reduce boomyness in certain mics and low-frequency room noise.
High-Pass Filter
Horn Loudspeaker
area that increases in a linear fashion with distance. Conical horns were
sometimes used in old acoustic phonographs. Exponential horns are much
more efcient and uniform in their characteristics than conical horns, and
although they are more difcult to build, they are the type generally used.
The theory behind the exponential horn was rst expounded by J. P. Max-
eld and H. C. Harrison of Bell Telephone Labs, and was rst used in the
Orthophonic Victrola in about 1925.
High-frequency loudspeakers benet from the use of horns because the
horn acts as an acoustical transformer, coupling the relatively high mechan-
ical impedance of the diaphragm to the low acoustic impedance of the
air. The horn, by improving the coupling of the diaphragm to the sur-
rounding air, greatly improves the efciency of the loudspeaker. Such a horn
operates well over a frequency range above a certain frequency called
the cutoff frequency, where the horn no longer presents an acoustic
load to the diaphragm. Without an acoustic load the diaphragm cannot
transfer any energy to the horn, and it is free to move without restriction.
The lower the cutoff frequency, the longer and larger the horn must be. This
means that for low-frequency loudspeakers (below 300 hertz or so) horn
loading is seldom used, except in large theater systems. In some cases, the
horn may be folded, or coiled around itself to make it more compact. Var-
ious ingenious designs of this type have been introduced over the years,
and some are still in use.
Because a horn usually is called upon to radiate frequencies whose wave-
length is short compared to the dimensions of the mouth of the horn, its
radiation will be quite directional at high frequencies. This characteristic
is desirable in sound reinforcement systems, where the energy must be
aimed, or beamed, at the audience to increase efciency and to reduce
the excitation of the reverberation in the room.
For home use, the high efciency of horns is seldom needed, and their
directionality is usually undesirable, so their use is somewhat limited,
although this point is hotly debated by some sound system acionados.
High-frequency horns also do not have quite as smooth a frequency
response as do direct radiators, and they produce signicantly
greater distortion as well, especially at high sound levels.
Another use of the term horns is in connection with the making of phono-
graph records. When the master record is cut into the soft acetate of the
disc by the hot cutting stylus, the slight melting of the acetate gives rise to
tiny mounds, or horns, along the sides of the groove. These horns are usu-
ally curved over at the top, and they cause difculty in separating the acetate
from the plated metal master or, in the third step, separating the stamper
from the mother. If left on the stamper, the pressings retain them to some
degree. They then often break off, causing debris to be left in the groove,
which makes for noisy playback of the record.
There has been a mild controversy going on about what to do about
horns. It is possible to remove the horns from the mother by carefully pol-
ishing with a cotton ball and a mild polishing agent, but some people in
House Mix
the industry say that a high-frequency loss is the inevitable result. Reduc-
ing the cutting stylus temperature will reduce the formation of horns in
the acetate, but this also increases the noise. The making of records is as
much an art as it is a science.
House Mix An output on a sound reinforcement control console that is
used to feed the power ampliers for the loudspeakers in the main audi-
torium, or house. The house mix will typically be quite different from
the signal used to feed the stage monitors, or foldback speakers. See also
monitor mix.
House Mixer See foh.
House Synch A master timing reference signal used to ensure synchronized
operation of timing-sensitive devices such as television equipment and dig-
ital audio. Original analog television facilities realized that unless cam-
eras, switchers, effects generators, and so on were all synchronized from a
common signal, switching the video signal around between devices would
cause a glitch. The solution is a precision signal used by all devices so they
all know exactly when the video frame starts, and this is called House Synch
because it is used by all devices in the facility, or house. The format of
signal used in the U.S. is usually black burst, which is a composite video
(meaning it contains picture, horizontal and vertical sync signals, and the
color burst or reference waveform) with a black picture.
In the digital world there can be a similar need for synchronization of
multiple devices in a facility, as well as more accurate clocking. Audible
pops and clicks can result from transfering digital data among devices whose
clocks are not quite in sync, and many feel that distortions from clock jit-
ter are exacerbated by multiple reclockings at slightly varying rates. Digi-
tal clock devices usually offer several options, such as word clock (the same
rate as the sampling frequency in use) and integer multiples of word clock.
The old standby, black burst, can also be used.
There is a mild controversy about the term sync versus synch, and both
spellings are seen.
Howlback, Howlround British terms for acoustic feedback.
HPS-4000 A multichannel high-powered sound system custom-designed
and installed in theaters by John Allen. The system is said to use three-way
horn-loaded loudspeakers exclusively and many more surround speak-
ers and subwoofers than are commonly used. The HPS-4000 specications
state each screen speaker will produce 112 dB Sound Pressure Level at 35
feet from the speakers.
HRTF Head Related Transfer Function, a mathematical model of the acoustic
response of the human head. It is used for research in sound elds, often
using dummy heads or hats.
HT Acronym for high tension, which is British usage for high voltage.
Hub The circular center section of the reel on which magnetic tape is wound;
the remainder of the reel consists of the anges. In recording studios, tape
was often purchased wound on hubs without the anges, resulting in
signicant savings. See also pancake.
Hum Bucking
Hum Switch
erated the magnetic eld in the magnet assembly. The current in the eld
coil was not perfectly smooth due to power supply ripple, hence the need
for hum bucking.
Hum bucking is often used today in magnetic pickups for electric gui-
tars, and is used in some telephone lines to reduce 60-Hz noise.
Hum Switch A switch found on some audio equipment, such as ampli-
fiers for musical instruments, which reverses the neutral and hot leads
of the power cord. The ground lead of the power cord remains connected
to the chassis.
There is no agreement among manufacturers on which wire is consid-
ered the neutral, and in general the circuits are not perfectly symmetri-
cal with respect to capacitive and magnetic coupling from the two sides
of the power line. Sometimes reversing the leads on one or more of a series
of interconnected pieces of equipment will reduce the noise level, especially
hum. See also isolation transformer.
Hum Tone The sound produced by large, traditional tower bells, such as
church bells, consists of many overtones. The lowest, caused by vibration
of the whole bell, is called the hum tone and is one octave below the fun-
damental or prime tone for which the bell is named. It is interesting that
the hum tone of a bell is generally not audible at allthe perceived pitch
of the bell (called the strike tone) is one octave higher than the hum tone,
and there is no component in the sound spectrum of the bell correspon-
ding to the strike tone.
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. HVAC systems can be
major contributors to noise in auditoriums, churches, and other large pub-
lic spaces.
HX A circuit developed by Dolby Laboratories for use in cassette recorders
to reduce the effects of self-erasure of high-level high-frequency sounds.
It involved the reduction of the record bias and a change in the high-
frequency pre-emphasis dependent on the signal level. HX has been super-
seded by hx pro, which is more effective and simpler.
HX Pro A clever circuit, developed by Dolby Laboratories, found in some
cassette recorders. It varies the high-frequency bias signal in the record
mode to reduce the tendency toward self-erasure. In magnetic tape
recording, loud high frequencies in the signal look like bias to the tape
and will tend to erase the signal as it is being recorded. The effect is called
high-frequency compression and is a fault of magnetic recorders in gen-
eral and cassette recorders in particular. The HX Pro system senses the level
of the high frequencies and reduces the level of the bias accordingly. It oper-
ates only in the record mode, and cassettes recorded with HX Pro can be
played on a non-HX machine without any degradation.
Hybrid Amplier An amplier that uses a combination of transistors
and tubes, supposedly combining the best characteristics of each.
Hybrid Transformer A special transformer with the windings con-
nected in such a way that a receiver can accept signals from and a trans-
mitter can send different signals down a single transmission line without
the signals interfering with each other. If the impedances of the circuits
and the transmission line are properly balanced, there is a high degree of
attenuation between the two local circuits. Because the hybrid allows one
pair of wires to simultaneously carry independent signals in both directions
without interference, it is sometimes called a two- to four-wire converter.
The induction coil in a standard old-fashioned telephone is actu-
ally a hybrid transformer, but it is deliberately unbalanced a little to pro-
vide side tone. Side tone is the sound of ones own voice one hears in the
receiver when speaking on the telephone. The induction coil in modern
phones has been replaced by electronic circuitry.
Hyper-Cardioid The hyper-cardioid is a microphone with a pattern some-
what like a cardioid, but less sensitive at the sides. It is used when it is
desired to minimize the reverberant sound picked up when some distance
must be maintained between the microphone and the sound source.
The hyper-cardioid will pick up the same direct-to-reverberant sound
ratio as an omnidirectional microphone at twice the distance from the
source. Examples of its use are in television and motion pictures, where the
microphone must be kept out of sight.
Hysteresis When a device or a system is presented with a stimulus that is
increasing in value, the response typically also increases. Then, if the stim-
ulus is gradually decreased, the response also decreases. Ideally, the
response at a given stimulus level would always be the same, but in most
real systems the response to a rising stimulus is different from the response
to a falling stimulus for the same value of stimulus. This effect is called hys-
teresis and is very common in mechanical, magnetic, and electrical systems.
If a graph of response versus stimulus is plotted for a rising stimulus and
the plot is continued as the stimulus falls, the resulting curve will be a loop
called the hysteresis loop. The area of the loop is a measure of the amount
of hysteresis. Friction causes hysteresis in mechanical systems. In analog
audio, by far the most important hysteresis effect is that of magnetic mate-
rials. In a magnetic tape head, the magnetizing force is the current in
the coil, and the amount of magnetization accepted by the tape is always
a little lower when the current is increasing than when it is decreasing. The
audio signal should magnetize the tape in a pattern that matches that of
the coil current, but due to hysteresis, the match is not perfect and the result
is distortion of the recorded waveform. bias is used in magnetic record-
ing to reduce the effect of hysteresis. See also anhysteretic.
If the magnetization of the tape is plotted against the coil current, the ideal
curve would be a straight line. The actual curve is somewhat S-shaped, and,
moreover, it has a slightly different shape when magnetizing in the positive
direction than when magnetizing in the negative direction. This difference
causes the hysteresis curve to have an enclosed area, and hence it is some-
times called a hysteresis loop. The most desirable magnetic materials have
a very small area within the loop, and this area is a measure of the quality
IBOC In-Band On-Channel, a system of digital am and fm radio broad-
casting developed by iBiquity Digital Corporation. On October 10, 2002,
iBiquity announced that the Federal Communications Commission (fcc)
approved the IBOC system for immediate implementation, and the Inter-
national Telecommunications Union (itu) has approved In-Band On-Chan-
nel (IBOC) as a worldwide digital radio system.
iBiquity calls their version of the system HD Radio, and on April 24,
2003, Harris Corporation, presumably a licensee of iBiquity, announced that
it sold transmitting equipment to ten radio stations in the U.S. under the
name of DEXSTAR AM/FM High Denition (HD) Radio exciters.
It is interesting to note that HD radio is broadcast by existing AM and
FM transmitters using existing rf spectrum allocations, and the conven-
tional analog AM/FM signals are also broadcast at the same time, mak-
ing the system compatible with existing AM/FM receivers.
IC See integrated circuit.
Idler Any small rotating guide in a tape transport.
Idler Wheel A small wheel made of rubber or similar material that is used
in a friction drive system for turntables and some tape recorders. Some-
times also called a puck, due to its slight resemblance to a hockey puck.
IEC The International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) is an organization
based in Europe that is involved in the setting of standards. The IEC has rec-
ommended pre-emphasis and de-emphasis curves for tape recorders, and
most European models follow the recommendations. See also ccir.
IF Intermediate Frequency. See heterodyne.
IFB Interrupt Foldback. An addressable, listen-only intercom, often seen
as an earpiece worn by television newscasters, that can play the program
audio and be interrupted with comments or cues from the director or other
off-camera personnel. Also known as a cue system.
IFPI International Federation of the Phonographic Industry is a nonprot
association based in Switzerland that internationally promotes the rights
and interests of producers of phonograms and videograms (music videos).
IGFET Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor, preferred term for the MOS-
FET. See also field effect transistor.
IHF, The Institute of High Fidelity The IHF was an organization of U.S.
manufacturers engaged in the setting of standard measurement techniques
for audio equipment. The IHF merged with Electronic Industries Associ-
ation (eia, which is now called the Electronic Industries Alliance) in 1979.
The setting of standards in audio has largely been taken over by the Audio
Engineering Society (aes).
IIR Filter Short for Innite Impulse Response Filter. A type of digital lter
frequently used in audio applications. It requires fewer DSP calculations
than an equivalent Finite Impulse Response (fir) lter, but is more difcult
to design.
IM See intermodulation distortion.
Imaging The ability to localize the instruments when listening to a stereo
recording is called imaging, and a great deal of nonsense has been written
about it. Accurate imaging of musical instruments on a stage by use of two-
channel stereo has been shown to be difcult at best even under the most
ideal laboratory conditions. To achieve any kind of accuracy, the channels
must have precisely the same gain, the frequency response of each
loudspeaker must be identical within 1 decibel or less, and the phase
response of the two channels must be identical. The listener also must be
precisely between the loudspeakers. These conditions are impossible to meet
in practice.
Three independent channels have been shown to be the minimum
number required for any kind of consistently accurate imaging. The fact is
that for most stereo systems, imaging consists of localizing the instruments
at one loudspeaker position or the other.
One must take care, however, to discriminate stereo spread from accu-
rate imaging. Most stereo systems provide an impression of diffusion and
spread of the sound, which can be pleasing to the ear and can lead the lis-
tener to think he is correctly imaging the sound sources. The reverberant
sound in stereo recordings can sound quite diffused and spacious, but
again this is a far cry from imaging in the true sense.
Impedance In an electric circuit containing direct current, the mag-
nitude of the current is determined by the voltage across the circuit
divided by the resistance of the circuit. This is known as ohms law.
In a circuit containing alternating current, the situation is more
complex; the resistance presented to the current is a function of fre-
quency. This AC resistance is called impedance and is also measured
in ohms. Impedance is the sum of resistance, capacitive reactance,
and inductive reactance. (See Appendix 11 for more information on
the denition of impedance.) Alternating currents are affected by resistance
the same way as direct currents, and Ohms law can be used for AC if the
reactances are zero, that is, if there are no capacitors or inductors in
the circuit.
In audio circuits and components, many different impedances are
encountered. A loudspeaker, for instance, is a low-impedance device, usu-
ally about 8 ohms. This means that a given voltage across it will result in
relatively large amounts of current in it. The power accepted by the
speaker is equal to the voltage multiplied by the current. A condenser
microphone, on the other hand, is a very high-impedance device, gen-
erally several billions of ohms. The voltage generated by a condenser micro-
phone results in vanishingly small amounts of current because of the high
impedance. In general, impedances are relatively low where large amounts
of power are being transferred, and are relatively high when power levels
are low. An exception to this is found in low-impedance microphones, such
as dynamic microphones, where power levels are also very low.
Low-impedance circuits are less susceptible to electrical interferences
such as 60-hertz hum than are high-impedance circuits, and they are used
to transmit audio signals over cables. Most audio transmission lines used
in the broadcast industry are of 600 ohms impedance, except for speaker
lines, which are much lower in impedance. It is interesting that 600 ohms
would be chosen as a working impedance for commercial sound and broad-
cast work.
Four reasons can be stated:
1. Shunt capacitance found in long cables has negligible effect on
high-frequency response.
2. Line resistance in long lines is not an appreciable fraction of 600
ohms, so losses are low.
3. Higher impedances are much more sensitive to electrostatic
interference, and lower impedances are more susceptible to mag-
netically induced interference.
4. The capacitors and inductors needed for building equalizers at
600 ohms are of modest size and low cost.
There is a common misconception that impedances of interconnected
audio equipment must be matched, and one is constantly hearing about
Impulse Response
In-Band Gain
Impulse Response
In general, such impulses are not very good for measuring audio devices
because they are so short they contain very little energy, and the signal-
to-noise ratio is quite poor when making measurements.
The dual-channel FFT analyzer is able to calculate the impulse response
of a system from the spectrum of the system input and the spectrum of the
system output regardless of what the input signal consists of, and this tech-
nique is generally better than true impulse testing because of the improved
signal-to-noise ratio. Sometimes music is used as a test signal for this type
of measurement. The impulse response can also be calculated by a process
called deconvolution using a small computer program, if the input sig-
nal is a perfectly known signal, such as pseudorandom noise. See also
maximum-length sequence.
In-Band Gain The gain, or amplication factor, in the passband of a
device, such as a subwoofer. For instance, in multichannel movie theater
sound systems, the standard for adjusting subwoofer response is such that
the low-frequency output of the speaker within its operating range is
higher in level than a full-range screen speaker in the same frequency range.
The reason for this is to increase the subjective loudness of the subwoofer,
Inductive Reactance
whose low frequency output is in the range where human hearing is not
very sensitive. All modern digital lm sound formats use 10 dB of in-band
gain for the subwoofer.
lnductance Inductance is the quantitative measure of the effect of an induc-
tor. The unit of inductance is the henry, after Joseph Henry, a nineteenth-
century American physicist. An inductor allows constant electric current
to exist through it, but it resists any change in current in proportion to the
value of its inductance. The voltage across an inductor is equal to its induc-
tance in henrys multiplied by the rate of change in current through it. The
current is measured in amperes. Since high-frequency signals have cur-
rents that are changing faster than low-frequency ones, an inductor has an
increasing impedance as frequency rises.
Many types of inductors are used in audio circuits, including equal-
izers, crossover networks, and filters. Sometimes inductors are
called chokes, especially when they are used to lter out unwanted high-
frequency interference. Many interconnecting cables used in computer and
some audio equipment have small ferrite beads resembling little dough-
nuts around them near the connectors. They increase the inductance of the
cable, reducing the transmission of radio-frequency interference into the
equipment and the transmission of rf energy produced inside the equipment.
Induction The electromagnetic process by which a varying magnetic eld
causes an electric current to exist in a conductor. The current is called
the induced current, and its strength is proportional to the rate of change
of the magnetic eld. Induction is the basic principle by which magnetic
transducers, such as dynamic microphones and magnetic phono car-
tridges, operate. It is also the process by which electricity is generated
and by which transformers operate.
Magnetic induction was extensively studied by James Clerk Maxwell,
an English scientist of the nineteenth century. He was the rst to formulate
the precise relationship between electricity and magnetism in his famous
Maxwells equations, which stand as a major scientic discovery.
Induction Coil See hybrid transformer.
Inductive Reactance Inductive reactance is that portion of impedance
which is due to inductance. Examples of inductors are coils of wire and
transformer windings. The inductor behaves as if it had inertia with
respect to electric current. A current in an inductor resists changes in its
magnitude, and to make rapid changes in the current requires rather large
voltages across the inductor.
The dening equation of an inductor says the voltage across the induc-
tor is equal to the inductance times the rate of change of current. An induc-
tor will have resistance, which behaves in accordance with ohms law,
but with alternating currents, the inductance must be taken into
account. Inductive reactance is measured in ohms and is numerically equal
to 2 times frequency times the inductance in henrys.
The impedance of an inductor rises with increasing frequency, so with
a constant AC voltage across it, the current will fall as frequency rises. There-
fore, it can be used (and is used) as a frequency-dependent element in
equalizers. An example of this use is in crossover networks.
An inductor also establishes the condition whereby the current and volt-
age are out of phase by 90 degrees. The current lags behind the voltage by
90 degrees; therefore, circuits containing inductance exhibit phase shift,
which can be an unfortunate consequence. In a way this is the opposite of
a capacitor, in which the current leads the voltage by 90 degrees.
Inductor See inductance; inductive reactance.
In-Ear Monitors Musicians performing on stage may use earplug-style ear-
phones instead of stage monitor speakers. They have the advantage of
excellent sound isolation, no possibility of acoustic feedback, and lower
sound pressure levels for the performer than monitor speakers. The dis-
advantage is that the performer is completely dependent upon the mon-
itor mix and must adapt to performing this way. The system can be
damaging to the performers ears unless careful limiting is used.
Innite Bafe Theoretically, the innite bafe is a loudspeaker mounted
in a wall of innite extent. In practice, it is an enclosure that is totally sealed,
so that it completely separates the front sound produced by the speaker
from the rear sound. In theory, such an enclosure would have to be innitely
large if it were not to inuence the operation of the loudspeaker itself. For-
tunately, this is not a requirement, for the inuence of the enclosure on the
speaker can be benecial to its operation.
When a loudspeaker is placed in a closed box, its resonant frequency
is raised due to the stiffness of the air in the box. The speaker cone must
alternately compress and rarify this air as it moves in and out. Therefore,
a speaker designed for use in an innite bafe must have a very low reso-
nant frequency in free air.
The design of innite bafes was revolutionized in 1954 with the advent
of the AR-1 made by Acoustic Research, Inc. This unit was based on an early
idea by Harry Olson of RCA Research Laboratories. See also woofer; baf-
fle; bass reflex.
Infrasonic Refers to sounds or signals whose frequencies are below the
normal human hearing range, generally considered to be 20 hertz and
The lowest audible frequency is not easy to dene, for it depends
strongly on level. Some experiments have found that hearing can extend
to 10 Hz and below at very high sound pressure levels. It is a common
misconception that infrasonic signals can be ignored because they are
inaudible. See bass intermodulation.
Sometimes the term subsonic is wrongly used to mean infrasonic.
Initialization The process of reading the table of contents from a compact
disc after it is inserted into a CD player. The player then displays the track
numbers recorded on the disc. Also, most digital recording processes
require an initialization step before actual recording can commence. This
is somewhat like formatting a disk for storing les in a computer.
Intensity Stereo
on the carrier by the process of modulation was called the intelligence. Per-
haps the term was more appropriate then than now; in any case, today it
is usually called the information.
Intensity Stereo Intensity stereo is an unfortunate linguistic misnomer that
has come to mean the recording of stereophonic signals that are distin-
guished only by level differences. These level differences have been called
intensity differences, but sound intensity is a specically dened quan-
tity and cannot be sensed by a simple microphone, nor would it be valu-
able in music recording if it could.
The term coincident microphone stereo would be a better choice, the two
microphones being very close together. This is also called x-y stereo, with
X and Y representing the left and right channels. In X-Y stereo, the signals
in the two channels are in phase because the two microphones used are
coincident or very nearly so.
In localizing sound sources, the human hearing mechanism uses level
differences, spectral differences, and time (phase) differences between the
signals heard by the two ears. X-Y stereo deprives the listener of spectral
and time differences, and results in a sound eld that is less spacious and
more compact than what other stereophonic methods provide.
The rst investigator into X-Y stereo was Alan Blumlein, an Englishman
who conceived the idea in the early 1930s. He postulated that two figure-
8 microphones angled at 90 degrees to each other and 45 degrees to the
centerline of the stage would allow localization of the individual instru-
ments on playback. (See also blumlein, alan.) At present, there are at
least two microphone congurations that qualify as X-Y stereo. One is the
classic Blumlein method with two gure-8 microphones; the other is two
cardioids, each angled at 45 degrees from the centerline. The dual car-
dioids result in a less reverberant, or drier, sound because of reduced
pickup from the rear of the room. The gure-8 method results in more
ambience from the room. The gure-8 method is also sometimes called
the electrosonic method, and some people prefer to restrict the term X-
Y to crossed cardioids.
Incidentally, Blumlein recorded his two signals on discs in the 1930s,
using the same groove format as is used today in stereo records. His tech-
nique was all but forgotten when modern stereo records were introduced
in 1958. The Bell Telephone Labs also experimented with a similar type of
stereo record in the 1930s, but made no attempt to commercialize it.
It has been said that X-Y stereo is easier to cut into a record because there
is no out-of-phase information in the signal, resulting in less vertical
motion of the stylus. This is true, although modern mastering and play-
back equipment can easily handle signals that are out of phase, except per-
haps at the lowest frequencies.
It has also been said, mostly by broadcasters, that X-Y stereo is prefer-
able for fm stereo broadcasters because of mono compatibility. The
argument goes that since the two signals are in phase, they will combine
with each other without cancellation to form a monaural signal when
Intermodulation Distortion
Intermodulation Distortion
noise will appear in the 0 to 10 kHz band, and can be measured with a high-
resolution spectrum analyzer such as an FFT analyzer.
IM specications of audio equipment are meaningless unless the method
used is stated. There is no universally agreed-on method, but the SMPTE
method is generally regarded as obsolete.
International System of Units, SI In 1960, an international meeting called
the Eleventh General Conference on Weights and Measures was held; some
small adjustments to the metric system were agreed upon and it was given
the new name Systme Internationale, abbreviated SI (the abbreviation
was to be used in all languages). In the SI, all physical units are derived
from seven primary standards. All electrical units are derived from the
meter, the kilogram, the second, and the ampere.
In addition to standard measurement units, the SI also recommended a
great many other standards, such as nut and bolt diameters, numbers of
threads per centimeter, wire sizes, etc.
Perhaps someday the United States will cease to be the last holdout for
the picturesque English system and will seriously adopt the SI.
Interpolating Response A term adopted by Rane Corporation to describe
the summing response of adjacent bands of variable equalizers using
buffered summing stages. If two adjacent bands, when summed together,
produce a smooth response without a dip in the center, they are said to inter-
polate between the xed center frequencies, or combine well. [Historical
note: Altec-Lansing rst described their buffered equalizer designs as
combining and the terminology became commonplace. Describing how well
adjacent bands combine is good terminology. However, some variations of
this term confuse people. The phrase combining lter is a misnomer, since
what is meant is not a lter at all, but rather whether adjacent bands are
buffered before summing. The other side of this misnomer coin nds the
phrase noncombining lter. Again, no lter is involved in what is meant.
Dropping the word lter helps, but not enough. Referring to an equal-
izer as noncombining is imprecise. All equalizers combine their lter out-
puts. The issue is how much ripple results. For these reasons, Rane adopted
the term interpolating as an alternative. Interpolating means to insert
between two points, which is what buffering adjacent bands accomplishes.
By separating adjacent bands when summing, the midpoints ll in smoothly
without ripple.]17
Interpolation Mathematically, interpolation is the estimation of the
unknown values of some variable quantity from the known adjacent val-
ues. This is done when plotting a smooth curve from a set of discrete points,
for example. In audio, it is the estimation of erroneously read digital sam-
ples in a digital audio system from the adjacent correct samples. See error
Interval The difference in pitch between any two musical notes. The inter-
18. This entry is copyright 19992003 by Larry Blake and is reprinted with permission.
Jack A female connector, frequently mounted on the chassis of an audio
device, that serves as a receptacle for the male connector on the end of an
audio cable, such as a microphone cable, etc. Most commonly used for
the one-quarter-inch classic telephone-type receptacles, which are called
phone jacks. One may wonder why it is not called a Jill.
Jackeld A patch bay in England. See also patch cord.
JAES Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. A technical journal published
by the Audio Engineering Society, which contains research papers on all
aspects of the science of audio.
JASA Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. A respected technical jour-
nal, which publishes the latest research papers on all types of acoustical
Jewel Box The original hinged plastic container for cds.
Jitter In an analog-to-digital converter, jitter is uncertainty in the
exact timing of the sampling of the signal. It is also called sampling off-
set uncertainty. Jitter introduces some distortion to the sampled signal.
See also aperture time errors.
JND See just noticeable difference.
Johnson Noise Johnson noise, named after John Bernard Johnson of Bell
Laboratories, also called thermal noise, is random white noise produced
by thermal agitation of the charges in an electric conductor. The noise is
proportional to the absolute temperature of the conductor. Johnson noise
manifests itself in the input circuits of audio equipment such as micro-
phone preamplifiers, where the signal levels are low. The noise power
is independent of the resistance of a component, and this means that noise
voltage is proportional to its resistance, and low-impedance circuits are
thus quieter than high-impedance ones. The Johnson noise level is the lim-
iting minimum noise any circuit can attain.
Jolly Green Giant Effect See proximity effect; Appendix 3.
Joystick Sometimes a special type of panpot that divides one input sig-
nal among four output channels is called a joystick. In a quadraphonic
sound system, a joystick could move the apparent position of a sound from
front to back and side to side and in combinations of these moves, all with
a single control. The usage probably stems from the control stick used to
y an airplane.
Jug Slang for vacuum tube, mostly used by amateur radio operators in ref-
erence to power output tubes. See also bottle; beam bottle.
KDKA Generally credited as being the rst commercial radio station in the
U.S., KDKA was built by Dr. Frank Conrad of Westinghouse in Pittsburgh
in 1920. Its studio and transmitter were in the upper oors of the Westing-
house building. KDKA was a very innovative and inuential station and
was the rst to broadcast a church service, a presidential inauguration, a
remote broadcast of any sort, baseball scores, stock market reports, and time
KEMAR Acronym for a dummy head and torso simulator made by
Knowles Electronicsthe Knowles Electronics Mannequin for Acoustics
Key In music, the key is the pitch of tonic of the musical scale used. In
equal temperament, which is almost universally used today, the same music
played in different keys has a different pitch level but all the same inter-
vals. Nevertheless, many musicians, especially those who possess absolute
pitch, claim that the various keys have quite different characters, some
sounding bright, some somber, etc.
Key West Audion An early vacuum diode detector, essentially the same
as the fleming valve, independently invented by Lee DeForest about
1906. The name audion was given to it by DeForests assistant C. D. Bab-
cock. The audion was rst used in the Navys wireless station at Key West,
Florida. It was in the same year that DeForest patented the rst triode
and called it the audion detector. DeForest did not realize at rst that the
triode could be used as an amplifier; when he showed it to the engineers
at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, they immediately recognized its poten-
tial as an amplier and licensed the rights to use it from DeForest. See also
Kilocycle, kc Before 1948, an accepted term for frequency, representing
1,000 cycles per second. Since 1948, the term kilohertz (kHz) has replaced
it. See also hertz.
Kilohertz, kHz frequency is measured in cycles per second, and the units
are hertz, abbr. Hz. One thousand Hz is one kilohertz, abbr. kHz. Some-
times the k is capitalized, but lowercase is correct. Note that it is exactly
1000 Hz, whereas a kilobyte of data is 1024 bytes due to binary counting.
A recent accommodation for binary counting is reected in the term
Kibibyte. See Appendix 10.
Kintek A company afliated with the dbx company that marketed movie
theater sound equipment, and was involved in motion picture sound track
experiments including comtrak and colortek/quintophonic. Some-
times seen as Kintek/Cinesonics.
Klangfarbe Literally, tone color in German. This can be considered a syn-
onym of timbre.
Klipschorn A famous design for a full-range loudspeaker system
invented by Paul W. Klipsch in 1941. The low-frequency section of the Klip-
schorn was an ingenious design for a relatively compact, folded horn that
used the corner of the listening room as an extension of the horn itself. It
was capable of low-distortion, low-frequency output down to about 30 Hz,
which was nearly unprecedented in those days
The Klipsch company was probably the oldest continuously operating
audio manufacturer in the country when Paul Klipsch retired in 1989. He
died in 2002, but the company lives on.
Kludge Slang for a poorly executed solution of a problem. It typically refers
to a hardware design of any sort that is not very elegant or well constructed
and may be composed of oddly designed or thrown together subsystems.
Sometimes spelled kluge, and usually pronounced klooge.
L The symbol for inductance or inductor, usually used in combination
with R and C (for resistance and capacitance), as in RLC lter. The
unit of inductance is the henry, abbr. H.
Labels Special non-audio information encoded along with the audio in
digital recording systems. They may be used to encode information about
the recording session, number of microphones used, dates, etc. See also
control and display symbols.
Labyrinth See acoustic labyrinth.
Lacquer Master See acetate.
Land The area between the grooves on a phonograph record and between
the pits in a compact disc is called the land. (Actually, there is only one
groove on one side of a record.) The name probably comes from analogy
with the land between the plowed furrows in a eld.
Lapel Microphone See lavalier.
Laser The light source used in the compact disc system to read the pat-
tern of pits in the surface of the disc is an aluminum gallium arsenide semi-
leader is timed, that is, it has marks every 7.5 inches and 15 inches to allow
the tape editor to insert the desired time between selections.
Leaf Tweeter The leaf tweeter is a miniature version of a planar loud-
speaker. Its diaphragm is a small sheet of plastic lm (the leaf), and it
has a ne grid of wires embedded in it. These wires form the voice coil
of the tweeter. There is an array of small high-strength magnets in front
of and behind the lm to provide the magnetic eld for the coil to react
The leaf tweeter has very extended high-frequency response, some-
times to 40 kilohertz with very little rolloff, and its response is uni-
form and smooth over its range of operation. It is not effective below 5 kHz
or so, and must be crossed over at or above this frequency. Today, it is one
of the highest-quality, high-frequency drivers in existence. See also
crossover frequency.
Leakage The pickup of unwanted off-axis sounds by a directional micro-
phone due to the fact that its directional pattern is not ideal, or the pickup
of unwanted sounds by microphones that are supposed to be isolated from
one another, as in a multitrack studio recording. See also room leakage.
Leclanche Cell The cheapest type of cell. It is used for powering ashlights,
radios, small cassette recorders, and so on. It uses a carbon anode and a
zinc cathode with an electrolyte of ammonium chloride and is com-
monly called a zinc-carbon cell. Its output voltage is 1.5 V. It does not have
a very long shelf life or capacity, especially with heavy loads. Its capacity
is greater when used with an intermittent duty cycle. It is capable of lim-
ited recharging, but care must be used not to overcharge it or it can explode.
The Leclanche cell is essentially obsolete, having been replaced by the alka-
line cell.
LED Short for Light-Emitting diode, which is a solid-state diode that
glows a certain color when a current is passed through it. The emission
may or may not be visible light; many LEDs operate in the infrared region
of the spectrum. So-called white LEDs actually activate a chemical uores-
cence that emits a broad spectrum of light. LEDs are fairly efcient, rugged,
and long-lived, and most are inexpensive. Much research has been per-
formed to achieve different color outputs and light levels.
LEDs are frequently used as indicator lights. They can, for instance, be
arranged in a series with varying sensitivity so that they will glow in
succession as the audio level varies. This assembly can then be used as a
substitute for a vu meter or modulometer.
Infrared LEDs are used in a novel system pioneered by Sennheiser to
transmit stereo signals from a transmitter panel to battery-powered
receiving headsets in a room such as an auditorium. This permits partially
deaf persons to hear a performance at an amplied level and still be free
to move about the room with no wires attached.
An example of an LED is the laser diode that provides the beam of light
that reads the pattern of the pits in the compact disc system. See also ded.
LEDE Short for Live End, Dead End, which is a commercial trademark
Light-Dependent Resistor
Leyden Jar
octave of music. The channel is not capable of full range sound, having only
about one tenth of full-range bandwidth.
LFO Low-Frequency oscillator.
Life A spiritual pickle preserving the body from decay. We live in daily
apprehension of its loss, yet when lost, it is not missed.Ambrose Bierce
Lifter See tape lifter.
Light-Dependent Resistor, or LDR A type of photocell that has a resist-
ance that varies with the amount of light striking it. The active element in
such a cell is usually cadmium sulde. LDRs have been used in some audio
control consoles as components of attenuators, which are then called
light-dependent attenuators (LDAs). The LDA is operated by a standard
potentiometer, which controls the current through a light bulb that illu-
minates the LDR. This type of circuit is suited to remote control, where the
audio signal does not have to be routed over long cables to the attenuator,
and contact noise in the control pot is seldom a problem.
LDAs have some disadvantages, including fairly slow response time. It
is also difcult to make them track so that several of them controlling var-
ious signals provide the same attenuation at all positions of the control
potentiometers. To control a stereo signal the channels must track in gain
very accurately to preserve the stereo image as a function of volume. The
LDR is essentially obsolete. See also opto-isolator.
Lightpipe A serial eight-channel multiplexed interface for digital audio
transmitted by a single ber-optic cable, terminating in a proprietary con-
nector. The Lightpipe was invented by Alesis to connect its ADAT modu-
lar digital multitracks.
Light Valve One type of device used for printing optical soundtracks on
movie lm. Pairs of metal ribbons in a magnetic eld are modulated by
the audio signal, which open and close to vary a light beam which exposes
the optical soundtrack on the lm. Care must be taken to avoid valve
clash, when overmodulation causes distortion in the valves as the rib-
bons hit. Another kind of light valve may also be used in additive color
lm printers. Several types of video projectors often describe their tech-
nology as light valve type if it involves some sort of transmissive con-
trol of a light source.
Limiter A special type of compressor that prevents the signal from
exceeding a certain preset level, no matter what the input signal level may
be. Limiters are sometimes used for special effects in popular recordings,
especially vocals. A vocal with limiting will be essentially at the same level
regardless of the effort put out by the singer, from a soft voice to a shout.
The shouting will sound subjectively louder, however, because of the
increased harmonic content of the sound. The dynamic range of a singer
at close range to a microphone is far greater than that of any instrument
or musical ensemble, and when recording a vocal with an ensemble with-
out limiting, a great deal of gain riding must be done to maintain musi-
cal balance.
Limiters are sometimes used in front of power amplifiers in sound
reinforcement systems or radio transmitters to prevent unexpected high-
level signals from causing overloading and large amounts of distortion.
Line Amplier Originally, a line amplifier was a special amplier
designed to amplify telephone signals for transmission over telephone lines.
The term is now used to indicate any amplier with a line level output
and an output impedance of 600 ohms or so.
Line ampliers are used in the broadcast industry for sending signals
from place to place and in recording studios to send signals between audio
devices such as reverberators.
Linear A system, circuit, or component is said to be linear if it meets the
conditions of proportionality and additivity, that is, if its output level
changes smoothly in proportion to input level changes, and if input x causes
output X and input y causes output Y, then x + y at the input must cause
Line Array
Lip Synch
repeaters. The audio and video signals are usually sent over separate chan-
nels, and because the distances between the satellites are quite large, the
video and audio sometimes arrive at the destination at different times, caus-
ing loss of lip synch. The serious viewer is often able to detect this timing
problem, much to his discomfort.
Lissajous Jules Antoine Lissajous was a French mathematician of the nine-
teenth century who described what happens when a graph is created with
sinusoidal waveforms acting at 90 degrees from each other. See also
If two signals are sent to the horizontal and vertical inputs of an oscil-
loscope, the resulting pattern will be a Lissajous pattern. If the two sig-
nals are periodic and the periods are an integral multiple of one another,
the pattern will have certain symmetries that can be visually recognized.
One application of Lissajous patterns, and probably the most common,
is in determining relative phase between two signals. Aligning a multi-
track analog tape head is almost always done this way. Some home-type
amplifiers and fm tuners have small oscilloscopes built in for checking
phasing. In general, the Lissajous pattern caused by the two channels of
a stereo signal will look like a pulsating round ball of string, while a mon-
aural signal will look like a straight line at a 45-degree angle from ver-
tical. Stereo signals with crosstalk between the channels will be some-
where between these two extremes, looking like an ellipse tilted at about
45 degrees. The eccentricity of the ellipse determines the stereo separa-
tion. This separation is measured in the electrical sense, and may not pre-
dict the audible separation because high-frequency signals are most impor-
tant in subjective stereo separation, but the oscilloscope is more sensitive
to low frequencies. Most digital oscilloscopes are usually not very good
at displaying a simple Lissajous gure.
Litz Wire A special type of copper wire that consists of many small strands,
each insulated from the others. It has a large surface area and presents rel-
atively low resistance to very high frequency signals because of the
skin effect.
Live-to-Two-Track A method of recording in which the instruments and
vocals are mixed and recorded directly onto a two-channel stereo recorder.
No remixing is possible; however, the fidelity can be excellent since no
overdubbing or duplication of recorded tracks is needed. The relatively low
cost of direct-to-two-track digital recording has revived the popularity of
this medium for making master tapes, especially those intended for release
on CDs. Also called direct-to-two-track. See also direct-to-disc.
Load, Loading An impedance connected to the output of an audio device
is said to load the source. The load is that which accepts the power from
the source. Without a load, there can be no power transferred. Thus, it fol-
lows that the amount of power transferred depends on the impedance of
the load. The power is actually absorbed by the real, or resistive, part
of the impedance, and not by the reactive part.
This is true of mechanical and acoustical systems as well as electrical
The reason we use log scales in audio is because the response of our hear-
ing mechanism is proportional to the logarithm of frequency and approx-
imately proportional to the logarithm of amplitude. As frequency is varied,
we perceive the pitch interval of a sound as being proportional to the fre-
quency ratio. For instance, if the frequency is doubled, the pitch rises one
octave. If the frequency is doubled again, the pitch rises another octave,
and so on. A frequency ratio of 2 is always a pitch interval of one octave.
In the case of amplitude versus loudness, we perceive a doubling of loud-
ness for each amplitude ratio of about 3. This is a ratio of 10 in power, or
10 decibels. The decibel scale is a logarithmic scale of power ratios. Thus
it takes a tenfold increase in power for us to perceive a doubling of loud-
ness, but another tenfold power increase doubles the perceived loudness
19. This entry is copyright 19992003 by Larry Blake and is reprinted with permission.
Lo-Pass Filter
traverse the sheet in a grid-like pattern. Many small magnets in front and
behind set up a magnetic eld around the sheet, so current in the wires causes
a force on it and it moves as a unit, similar to the motion of the electrostatic.
Planar speakers suffer from the same directional problems as electro-
statics, but their impedance is more like that of dynamic speakers. See also
Low Bit Rate Coding Digital audio with any data reduction scheme such
as MP3. The denition of low is not given.
Low-Pass Filter A filter that uniformly passes frequencies below a cer-
tain frequency called the cutoff frequency. Usually this is dened as
the frequency where the amplitude response of the lter is 3 decibels
below its nominal value.
Many early tone controls were variable low-pass lters.
Low-Pass Filter
Magnetic Distortion
LTC Longitudinal Time Code, as opposed to vitc. smpte time code that
is recorded linearly like an audio track, although the data is digital. Some-
times spoken as lit-see.
Lt-Rt Left totalRight total. A 2-track stereo signal that has been matrix
encoded with surround channels. See also Lo-Ro.
Machine Room The room in a motion picture sound mixing facility that
held many audio recorders and players using sprocketed magstock. Multi-
element sound tracks would be produced in a mixing or dubbing theater
with sounds delivered from the machine room.
Macintosh, McIntosh McIntosh is the name of a respected hi- manufac-
turer and the name of an apple variety. Apple Computer calls their com-
puter the Macintosh, a name that originally required permission to use from
McIntosh Laboratory, as noted on the Macintosh Plus computer product
label of 1986.
MADI Multichannel Audio Digital Interface. A digital audio transmission
standard proposed by the aes and standardized by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI S4.43-1991) specifying and controlling the
requirements for digital interconnection between multitrack recorders and
mixing consoles. The standard provides for 56 simultaneous digital audio
channels that are conveyed point-to-point on a single coaxial cable tted
with BNC connectors along with a separate synchronization signal. Basi-
cally, the technique takes the standard aes3 (formerly called AES/EBU)
interface and multiplexes 56 of these into one sample period rather than
the original two. See also aes3.
MAF See minimum audible field .
Magic Eye A small cathode ray tube in which the illuminated area of
a uorescent screen varies with the level of an applied voltage. Magic eyes
were introduced in the 1930s by RCA for use as tuning indicators in some
of their radios. Some inexpensive tape recorders have also used them as
volume indicators.
Magnet Something acted upon by magnetism. Magnetism Something
acting upon a magnet. The two denitions immediately foregoing are con-
densed from the works of one thousand eminent scientists, who have illu-
minated the subject with a great white light, to the inexpressible advance-
ment of human knowledge.A. Bierce
Magnetic Distortion A type of distortion in dynamic loudspeakers
caused by nonlinearities in the interaction between the magnetic eld in
the gap and the voice coil. Magnetic distortion arises because the voice
coil moves in the gap and, in so doing, does not always encounter the same
magnetic eld strength, causing the force it experiences to vary with its
excursion. See also overhung coil and underhung coil.
Magnetic Tape
but the phase curve also contains much information about the performance
of the device.
Strictly speaking, the term only applies to complex quantities, i.e., quan-
tities characterized by a magnitude and a phase. For noncomplex quanti-
ties, the term amplitude is used. See also Appendix 11.
Mag-Optical Print A motion picture lm that has both optical and mag-
netic sound tracks so it can be reproduced in conventional theaters with
optical sound equipment and also in houses equipped with stereo mag-
netic sound. It is now obsolete, with the advent of digital motion picture
Magstock See fullcoat.
Mains In Britain, the power line has traditionally been called the mains,
and the usage is gradually migrating to the United States. In the U.S., mains
refers to the 60-hertz 115-volt power available at wall sockets.
Sometimes the primary output channels of a sound reinforcement sys-
tem control console are called the mains, as opposed to the monitor out-
put channels.
Make Before Break A type of selector switch that momentarily connects
the moving contact, or wiper, to two of the xed contacts as it is moved
from one position to the next. This is also called a shorting type of switch.
Most multiposition switches used in audio for step attenuators or for switch-
ing between various signal sources, etc., are shorting switches because the
output circuit is never left completely disconnected from an input, and no
clicks or other noise are induced in the output circuit as the switch is moved.
Marry Unlike videotaping, motion picture sound and picture editing are
handled separately. Synchronized viewing during editing is handled by
devices that synchronize picture and sound elements. When both elements
are done, they are both copied onto lm prints that combine the picture
and sound into the single lm format playable in theaters. It is said that
the elements have been married into the release print. See also double sys-
tem sound; moviola.
Masking Masking is a subjective phenomenon wherein the presence of one
sound will inhibit our ability to hear another sound. We all know that we
usually dont hear softer sounds in the presence of louder ones, but the pre-
cise description of how our ears perform masking is very complex.
At mid-frequencies, a loud pure tone of a particular pitch is much
more effective in masking softer high-pitched tones than it is in masking
lower-pitched tones. However, at very low frequencies (30 Hz to 60 Hz
approximately), such as those produced by certain pipe organ pedal stops,
very little masking occurs even though the level of the fundamental may
be very high. These stops must be very strong to be heard at all because
our hearing threshold is so high at these low frequencies, and this seems
to affect the masking phenomenon.
Almost all experimental studies of masking have used pure tones as test
signals, and the masking of complex tones by other complex tones is a
much more difcult and complicated study. It is not necessarily true that
one can extrapolate, or sum up, the pure tone masking data and come up
with meaningful complex tone masking information. The study of the mask-
ing of musical instruments by one another is a wide open eld that should
be addressed more fully.
It is also possible for a sound to be masked by a sound that occurs slightly
earlier than the masked sound, and this is called forward masking, or for-
ward auditory inhibition. The existence of auditory backward inhibition,
where an earlier sound is masked by a later-arriving sound, has been
reported by Georg von Bksy, but others have had difculty in reproducing
his results.
Master A gain control on a sound reinforcement or recording console that
controls the level of a mixture of signals whose levels have been controlled
by the mixing pots (See potentiometer). A console will have a master
gain control for each output signal. The control itself is actually an atten-
uator, so it really can only decrease the level of a signal fed into it. The
gain, or amplication, occurs before it goes through the control.
Mastering During the time when the vinyl phonograph disc was king, mas-
tering was the common term used for the process of transferring the musi-
cal signal from a magnetic tape (usually called a master tape) to an
acetate master disc. It is the rst step in the manufacture of phonograph
records from tapes. Mastering is fraught with pitfalls and complications,
and is thought by many to be as much an art as it is a science. The edited
tape from which the acetate is cut is called the master tape. It could be an
original recording, but more often it is a copy of original tapes. The person
performing the task is called a Mastering Engineer.
The advent of the cd has changed the technology and techniques used
to record, edit, and make recordings. The work of the modern mastering
engineer consists of completing the nal changes to the elements in a record-
ing to make a nished product. This can include anything from taking raw
separate tracks and mixing, equalizing, limiting, adding reverberation, com-
pressing, etc., into the nal product, usually a CD. Many artists rely on
famous mastering engineers to create their nished recordings, consider-
ing them the nal golden ears. See also editing.
Mastering Lathe A precision turntable and cutting head assembly for the
cutting of audio signals onto an acetate disc, even though the disc is
not made of acetate. The movement of the cutting stylus over the acetate
determines the groove spacing or pitch of the disc. Most records are cut
with variable pitch in order to squeeze more time on the record. The pitch
is larger when loud bass-heavy music is being recorded, and is smaller in
softer passages. The depth of the groove on the disc is also adjustable. These
functions are performed by the pitch and depth control computer that con-
trols the depth, width, and spacing of grooves being cut. The nished acetate
is also sometimes called a lacquer master, even though it is not made of
lacquer either.
Master Tape In the audio business, the master tape is the original medium
the signal is recorded on, while video editors call the master tape the com-
posite edited video, made by intercutting the video from multiple source
tapes. It has been said that this is not the only mysterious behavior prac-
ticed by video editors.
Matching When one audio device, such as a preamplifier or equal-
izer, is connected to another, they are said to be matched if the resistive
part of the output impedance of the rst is equal to that of the other. More
correctly, the impedances, not the devices, are matched. (Strictly speaking,
it is only the real, or resistive, parts of the impedances that are matched,
but in common parlance, the impedances are said to be matched.)
Much confusion exists about impedance matching. While it is true that
from a theoretical standpoint the power transferred in a circuit is maxi-
mized if the impedances are matched, there are many reasons why this is
not desired in practice. The main reason is that efciency is more impor-
tant than maximum power transfer.
Consider the ashlight battery, which is not a battery at all, but a cell.
It can be thought of as a voltage source in series with a resistor; in other
words, it has resistance, just as any electrical conductor has. If a resistor
equal in value to the batterys internal resistance (probably less than 1 ohm)
is connected across the battery, the power transfer will be maximum. This
means the energy per unit time will be maximized. But one-half of the power
will be wasted in heating up the battery because of its internal resistance.
This means that only one-half of the energy in the battery can be extracted.
If, on the other hand, a much larger resistor is placed across the battery, most
of the power will be dissipated in the resistor and only a little in the battery
because power equals the square of current times the resistance. Thus, if
the resistance ratio is 100, there will be 100 times more energy extracted from
the battery than will be wasted in heating the battery. This is the reason bat-
teries are made with the lowest possible internal resistance and they are not
designed to have matched loads connected to them. The same argument
applies to most audio equipment, especially power amplifiers.
There are instances where impedances in audio circuits should be
matched, but they are relatively uncommon. One example is the trans-
mission of audio over very long lines, such as long-distance telephone lines.
The reason is not to maximize the power, but rather to prevent reections
from the ends of the line. If a signal traveling down a line many hundreds
of miles long meets a sudden change in impedance, part of it will be
reected, just as light is partially reected when it encounters a pane of glass.
The reected signal is then heard at the other end of the line as an echo.
The signal travels down the line at a speed less than the speed of light, but
is still very fast. At audio frequencies, if the line is short, the reection occurs
so near to the time the signal left the source that it cannot be heard or mea-
sured at all.
The situation is different with very high frequencies such as television
signals. Here, the wavelength is short compared to the distance traveled,
and reections cause the visual ghosts familiar to television viewers. The
wavelengths of audio signals on transmission lines are many miles long,
so no trouble exists until the lines get comparably long.
In almost all audio equipment, the output impedances are made much
lower than the corresponding input impedances, and efciencies are high.
There is no valid reason for matching impedances when the distances
between devices are short, but there exist engineers (usually from the broad-
cast or telephone industry) who insist otherwise.
The term matching is also used as a descriptor for the pairing of micro-
phones or loudspeakers with nearly identical characteristics. The pairs are
then called matched pairs, and in many instances are available from man-
ufacturers already matched. Monitoring loudspeakers used in mastering
studios should be matched and microphones used for stereo recording
should also be matched.
Matrix, Matrixing The linear mixing of two or more signal channels at
specic amplitudes and phases to form two or more new signals is called
matrixing. These new signals can be combined in similar ways to recover
the original signals. The circuit topology used for matrixing is called a
It is important to note that matrixing is a linear addition, or mixing, of
signals, and is not the same as modulation. There are many ways in which
audio signals are matrixed. One of the most common is the way stereo sig-
nals are broadcast over fm radio: the two stereo channels, L and R (for left
and right), are added together to form a sum signal L + R. Then they are
subtracted to form a difference signal L R. The sum signal is the mon-
aural or in-phase part of the stereo signal, while the difference is the
stereo or out-of-phase portion of the signal. All the directional information
is in the difference signal.
In the stereo FM transmitter, the sum signal is used to modulate the
carrier directly. The difference signal is used to modulate a 38-kilohertz
subcarrier, which is then mixed with the sum signal before it modulates
the carrier. Thus the carrier is actually modulated with a combination of
the sum signal and the 38-kHz subcarrier. If this FM transmission is
received by a monaural FM set, the 38-kHz carrier is ignored, while the sum
signal (L + R) is recovered. The listener then hears the summation of the
two stereo channels. The FM stereo receiver, on the other hand, also recov-
ers the 38-kHz subcarrier and demodulates it to recover the difference sig-
nal (L R), which contains the stereo information. Then, to recover the
original stereo signals, the sum and difference signals are matrixed:
(L + R) + (L R) = 2L, and
(L + R) - (L R) = 2R
Maximum Output Level
signals with two front channels for quadraphonic recording. The two rear
channels are phase shifted, respectively, plus 90 degrees and minus 90
degrees, and are then mixed with the left and right stereo signals. This com-
posite signal is then recorded onto the stereo disc. On playback, the signals
are matrixed again with proper phase shifting to recover the rear channels.
This technique was used in the so-called QS and SQ quadraphonic systems.
Incidentally, the demise of quadraphonic sound had little if anything
to do with the matrixing of the signals and consequent lack of discrete-
ness of the four signals. See also ambisonics.
Matrixing is also used to obtain left and right stereo signals from the
mid and side channels of the m-s stereo recording system. A common mis-
conception is that the M-S technique is the only one in which the width of
the stereo image can be varied. (This is done by controlling the level of the
M (mid) signal compared to the S (side) channel.) Any stereo signal, regard-
less of which microphone technique is used, can be manipulated the same
way. The sum and difference signals are obtained as in FM broadcasting,
and the level of the difference signal is varied before being rematrixed to
obtain the left and right signals. As the difference is reduced, the stereo sep-
aration, or width of the stereo image, will decrease, and vice versa. Inci-
dentally, a circuit that does this double matrixing and level controlling
is sometimes called a shufer circuit, and it was rst described by Alan
In three-step processing in the manufacture of records, the mother
is sometimes called the matrix.
Maximum-Length Sequence, MLS An electronically generated test signal
that has a at energy-versus-frequency curve over a wide frequency
range. The signal resembles white noise in this respect, but it is actually
periodic, with a relatively long period, or a very slow repetition rate. The
period may be as much as several seconds, and in general, the longer the
period, the more uniformly the energy in the signal will be distributed in
frequency. Because the signal looks and sounds like random noise, it is some-
times called pseudorandom noise. True random noise has a random dis-
tribution of amplitudes as well as frequency, but pseudorandom noise does
not; that is, it has a low crest factor. The maximum-length sequence is
generated by a digital process, and the signal looks like a square wave
with a random placement of the zero crossings. The name maximum-length
sequence is a bit of a misnomer, because the actual length of the sequence
can be just about anything.
The maximum-length sequence, in conjunction with a two-channel fft
analyzer, is often used as a test signal for measuring the frequency
response of various devices such as loudspeakers and other transducers.
See also deconvolution.
Maximum Output Level, MOL For an audio device such as an analog
tape recorder or cassette recorder, the MOL is generally taken to mean the
output signal level that results in 3% harmonic distortion at low fre-
quencies and usually 3% intermodulation distortion at high fre-
MC Phono Input
quencies. Any higher signal output than the MOL will result in rapidly
increasing distortion. The MOL is not an absolute level in the sense of
a known voltage or power level but is a function of the device itself and
also a function of frequency. The MOL of a recording device is dependent
on the type of tape used, and frequently different tapes are evaluated by
comparing their MOLs when used on a particular machine. The shape of
the curve of the MOL plotted against frequency is a meaningful characteristic
of a device such as a tape recorder, and it depends on many factors, includ-
ing pre-emphasis and de-emphasis. To achieve maximum signal-to-
noise ratio, a device or system should have an MOL curve with the same
shape as the curve of the maximum peak voltage level versus frequency of
the signal it passes. The maximum peak voltage level of a music signal
depends on the music but generally is lower at high frequencies than at
mid and low frequencies. See also nab equalization.
MC Phono Input A set of input terminals of a preamplifier designed to
accept the signal from a moving coil phono cartridge is called an MC
phono input. This distinguishes it from the previously established ordi-
nary phono input designed for a moving magnet cartridge, which
takes a much higher input voltage and has a different input impedance
and capacitance.
MDM See modular digital multitrack.
Mel The mel is the psychological unit of pitch. One thousand mels is
dened as the pitch of a 1,000-hertz pure tone whose loudness level
is 40 phons. A pitch judged twice as high would be 2,000 mels, and a
pitch three times as high would be 3,000 mels, etc.
This unit is completely foreign to musicians, to whom the concepts of
twice as high, etc., are meaningless, and it is seldom used, even by the
Mercury Cell A type of dry cell using zinc, mercury, and potassium hydrox-
ide as the active elements. It has a fairly long shelf life and very good volt-
age regulation, that is, its voltage remains high until it is exhausted.
It is likely to explode if recharged.
Metadata Parameters sent along with a particular data transmission, as
opposed to the actual data carried in the transmission. These data param-
eters usually include type of codec being used, number of channels, chan-
nel format, type of data encryption, etc. In dolby digital, metadata
specically refers to the parameters that travel alongside the audio in the
Dolby Digital stream as auxiliary data. The metadata here provide scala-
ble decoding information about the audio that can be interpreted in dif-
ferent ways by different receivers, allowing a producer to tailor a programs
mix to the playback environment without requiring the medium to store
multiple versions, e.g., a 5.1 mix and a stereo mix. Not to be confused with
Metadata, a trademark owned by the Metadata Corp.
Metal Particle Tape A type of magnetic tape, mostly used in the better qual-
ity cassettes, that uses microscopic particles of iron rather than iron oxide
as the magnetic medium. Metal tape is capable of much better performance
Microphone Cable
expensive, and usually not worth it, so commercial grade parts are more
commonly used. There are Mil Specs for everything the military uses, from
toothbrushes to cheese.
MiniDisc, MD A digital format developed by Sony that uses a 64-mm
diameter, magneto-optical rewritable disc in a thin rectangular plastic car-
rier. Their so-called ATRAC codec (Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding)
samples at 44.1 kHz but compresses the data to t up to 80 minutes of stereo
audio onto the small disc. The codec has continued to evolve and is now
at ATRAC3-plus, which also includes reduced fidelity LP2 (2X long play,
or 160 minutes) and LP4 modes (320 minutes). The format was apparently
intended to replace the analog cassette tape. U.S. consumers do not seem
to have completely embraced the format, although it is popular in the legit-
imate theater for sound effects and radio stations. Commercial prerecorded
MD releases (rare in the U.S.) use an optical-only playback format and are
not recordable. See also codec.
Minimalist Techniques Term applied to selection of microphones for
classical stereo recording. A minimalist, or purist, will always use the
smallest possible number of microphones to make a recording; this means
only two, if at all possible.
The use of multiple microphones for stereo recording has become stan-
dard for popular music when there is no desire to reproduce in the listen-
ing room the sonic event that happened in the recording studio. The
recording is the musical event, and the mixing of microphones and signal
processing techniques is justied.
But for classical music, it is usually desirable to reproduce the sound of
a concert hall in the listening room, and this is best done without complex
mixing and signal processing. The most natural sounding recordings are
usually the ones made with the simplest microphone conguration.
This is not to imply that minimalists agree on what the simplest setup
consists of, however. Some recording engineers insist on coincident
microphones and some swear by spaced-apart microphones. Some insist
on directional microphones, whether or not they are coincident or spaced,
and some will only use omnidirectional microphones.
Minimum Audible Field, MAF The same as the threshold of hear-
ing when measured under free-field conditions. The threshold of hear-
ing is traditionally measured by presenting the subject with the test sounds
via earphones, but it has been found that the differences in the physiology
of different subjects result in differing sound pressure levels at the
eardrum due to unpredictable reections within the ear canal, pinna, and
earphone. Thresholds measured under free-eld conditions are considered
more accurate, although much more difcult to determine because of the
extremely quiet surroundings required.
Miniplug A common audio plug 3.5 mm in diameter, used for portable
stereo headphones and other consumer audio connections. It is a smaller
version of the common 14-inch phone plug. The trs form is the most com-
mon, used for stereo, but TS versions exist. It mates with the minijack.
Modulation Wheel
Modulation Noise
Mono Compatibility
nals at low frequencies, and stereo broadcasts are seldom heard over mon-
aural radios, especially where high quality of low-frequency reproduction
is attained.
Monotic Literally, with one ear. Generally refers to a sound presentation
where only one ear hears the sound (e.g., sound through a headphone).
MOS Film or video being shot without sound. Legend has it that it stands
for Mit Out Sound, which was supposedly spoken by early German
moviemakers in Hollywood. Pronounce each letter separately, EM-O-ESS.
MOSFET See field effect transistor.
Mother In the three-step processing technique for making phonograph
records, the mother (a metal replica of the acetate) is the second step, from
which the stampers are made. See processing.
Motional Feedback A type of mechanical negative feedback where the
actual motion of the cone of a low-frequency loudspeaker is used to
generate a signal that is fed back to the amplifier. The motion of the cone
itself is then inside the feedback loop, and distortion can be signif-
icantly reduced. The technique was rst described and patented by the Eng-
lishman P. G. A. H. Voight in 1924. This actually predates the invention of
electrical negative feedback in ampliers by H. Black of Bell Telephone Lab-
oratories. Motional feedback is suited for use only at low frequencies, usu-
ally below 500 hertz.
For motional feedback, some method of sensing the cone motion must
be used, and this motion must be converted or transduced into a voltage
fed to the amplier. There are many possibilities here, and many different
systems have been tried over the years. Suitable transducers can sense
the displacement, the velocity, or the acceleration of the cone. One of the
simplest is simply another coil next to or on top of the voice coil. This
coil will have a signal induced in it proportional to the velocity of the cone,
but it will also have another signal induced in it by transformer action from
the voice coil itself. Various schemes have been devised to separate these
two components electrically.
Another possibility is the use of a piezoelectric accelerometer
attached to the cone. This provides a signal proportional to the accelera-
tion of the cone, and this can be converted to a velocity signal by electri-
cal integration. This method is relatively costly and complex, but it has
been used commercially.
In all motional feedback schemes, great care must be exercised to ensure
that the system is stable. This means that phase shift between the drive
signal and the feedback signal must be accurately controlled.
Motional Impedance The impedance of a dynamic loudspeakers voice
coil is made up of two parts: the electrical impedance of the coil of wire
itself (the blocked impedance) and the impedance caused by the motion
of the moving parts of the speaker, or motional impedance. As the coil moves
in response to an applied voltage, it will have induced in it a back emf,
which opposes the applied voltage. This back EMF effectively increases
the electrical impedance, especially when the coil is free to move easily,
such as at resonances. It is thus possible to learn a good deal about the
moving parts of a loudspeaker by studying the curve of impedance versus
Motor Boating A low-frequency oscillation caused by certain types of insta-
bility, usually in a power amplifier. The name comes from the charac-
teristic plop-plop sound it produces when heard on a loudspeaker.
Moving Coil Cartridge A phonograph cartridge that uses two tiny coils
of wire connected to the stylus assembly as signal generating elements
is a moving coil cartridge. The coils are in a magnetic eld, and are caused
to move by the motion of the stylus in the groove, this motion inducing the
signal voltage in them.
Some of the earliest types of phono pickups were of the moving coil
design, but the moving magnet types almost completely replaced them
when stereo records were introduced. Moving coil cartridges are charac-
terized by very high price, very low output voltage, low distortion, and
extended high-frequency response resulting from a very high reso-
nant frequency due to light weight of the moving parts. Sometimes this
high-frequency response is a negative quality factor because the resonant
peak in the response, usually at from 30 to 50 kilohertz, effectively
amplies the ultrasonic noise present in the record groove.
Although the noise is above audibility in frequency, intermodulation
distortion in the preamplier will result in added noise in the audible
range. For this reason, moving coils generally sound worse than other types
when used with less than excellent-quality preamps. The old adage that
the most money should be spent on the transducers in a sound system
is contradicted in this case.
The sensitivity of MC cartridges is usually less than 200 microvolts
rms per centimeter per second of recorded velocity. They should be ter-
minated in less than 10,000 ohms, sometimes much less.
Moving Magnet Cartridge The most common type of phonograph car-
tridge is the so-called moving magnet type. It has a small magnet con-
nected to the stylus assembly, and motion of this magnet causes a
voltage to be induced in coils of wire that are nearby. This voltage con-
stitutes the signal output of the cartridge.
Moving magnet cartridges are relatively inexpensive, and have accept-
able frequency response and output signal level, and they have been
very popular for many years. Their high-frequency response is somewhat
sensitive to the electrical input impedance of the preamplifier they are
connected to. Long cables between the cartridge and the preamp should
be avoided also because cable capacitance will affect high-frequency
response as well. MM cartridges usually have a sensitivity of from 0.5 to 2
millivolts per centimeter per second of recorded velocity, and they are meant
to be terminated with more than 10,000 ohms impedance.
Moviola The trademarked name of a company that manufactured lm
M-S Stereo
output. The M-S system also assumes that the cardioid and gure-8 micro-
phones have identical frequency responses and polar patterns that are
constant at all frequencies. Neither assumption is true.
M-S recording has always been more popular in Europe than in the
United States, but it seems to be declining in popularity compared to other
intensity stereo techniques in both places. See also blumlein, alan; in-
tensity stereo.
MTS, Multichannel Television Sound The method used for broadcasting
stereo sound and alternate language channels with ordinary analog NTSC
television broadcasting. Added on to the format in 1984, MTS is built into
almost all analog ntsc television sets and receiving devices such as VCRs
(Video Cassette Recorders).
Muddy A subjective term that describes a type of distortion that reduces
the clarity or transparency of the sound of a musical instrument, particu-
larly transients. For instance, the reproduced sound of a collection of
sleigh bells should allow the listener to detect the individual bells, each with
its sharp attack intact. intermodulation distortion will add new fre-
quencies among the rich collection of natural harmonics of the bells and
will also add low-frequency components not originally present. The bells
sound thick.
The sound of massed string instruments is extremely complex, for the
many harmonics of each instrument are greatly enriched by the fact that
all the instruments are not in perfect tune with each other, giving rise to an
overall spectrum that is smeared in frequency rather than consisting of
only discrete harmonics of the fundamental frequency. We perceive this
smearing as a chorus effect, and we say it adds richness to the tone. Inter-
modulation greatly complicates this spectrum by adding new frequencies
that bear no harmonic relation to any of the frequencies originally present.
This confuses our ears pitch-sensing mechanism, and we say the sound is
Mu-law A nonlinear codec, often used for telephone-grade digital audio.
It is logarithmic instead of linear in its quantizing, putting more accu-
racy into the lower level signals and reducing the word size of samples.
Previously supported on many computer platforms, it seems to have been
superceded by current popular digital audio compression schemes such as
AAC, mp3, RealAudio, and Windows Media. Sometimes seen as u-law.
Mult A connection, usually in the form of an auxiliary box, that shorts two
or more signals together. If one or the other or both of the signals are at a
low impedance, the mult will cause distortion and a reduction in level.
The mult must be used with care and should not be used as a substitute
for a mixer. Likely derived from the term, multiple.
Multi-Effects Processor An audio signal processing unit that combines sev-
eral different audio effects. Originally, effects devices would only have one
or two functions such as reverb, phasing, anging, de-essing, limiting, etc.
Modern dsp meant that many effects could be economically done in one
Multipattern Microphone
device. Some detractors argue that the effects are seldom as good as the
best separate units.
Multimeter A piece of test equipment that measures several electrical
parameters such as resistance and AC and DC voltage and current.
The original multimeter is thought to be obsolete by many technicians due
to the introduction of digital multimeters, but there are many die-hards
who still like analog multimeters better because when measuring a volt-
age or current that is varying with time, you can see the variations in real
time on the meter. Digital meters present you with a blinking display of
different numbers that are not as convenient to interpret. See also vom;
dmm; vtvm.
Multipath Distortion Multipath distortion is a type of distortion afict-
ing fm and television broadcasting. It is the receipt of the transmitted sig-
nal over more than one path due to reections from hills, buildings, etc.
Because the path lengths are different, there is a delay between the various
signal arrival times. In analog television, this causes the familiar ghosts, or
multiple images, on the screen.
In FM radio, multipath manifests itself as an undesirable distortion of
the high frequencies. The effect is most noticeable in a car FM receiver, where
the signal will fade in and out very rapidly as the car moves among the
reected signals. This is sometimes called picket fencing. The effect does
not occur in am broadcasting because of the relatively much longer wave-
lengths of the transmitted carrier signals.
Multipattern Microphone A microphone that can be adjusted to have sev-
eral different polar patterns is sometimes called a multipattern micro-
phone. Some of the rst microphones of this type were the RCA ribbons
designed by Harry Olson in the late 1930s. While a ribbon microphone has
inherently a gure 8 pattern, Olson was able to modify the design to effec-
tively change the pattern from figure 8 to cardioid, and even to omni-
directional. These microphones enjoyed a long life in radio broadcasting,
recording, and motion picture sound applications, and many are still in use
The most common multipattern microphone found today is a type of
condenser microphone based on a German design by von Braunmuhl
and Weber. The active element in this microphone is the cardioid condenser
capsule, which is a condenser microphone with a perforated back plate
and a sound entrance to the back plate. Sound reaching the microphone
from the rear is delayed by the back plate on its way to the back of the dia-
phragm. The same sound is delayed by diffraction on its way to the front
of the diaphragm, and therefore the pressure on the diaphragm is the same
on each side, and no output results. This means that the microphone is dead
for sounds coming from behind. Sounds from the front reach the front of
the diaphragm unimpeded, but are delayed rst by diffraction and then
by the delay in the back plate so that they arrive at the rear of the diaphragm
out of phase, causing a greater differential pressure on the diaphragm. This
Multipattern Microphone
Multipattern Microphone
results in a relatively large output signal for sounds coming from the front.
(This is a renement of the design of the dynamic unidyne microphone
invented by Benjamin Bauer much earlier.)
A double microphone can be made by mounting a diaphragm on each
side of the back plate, resulting in two cardioids back-to-back. When the
output signals are added, the result is an omnidirectional. If the outputs
are added out of phase (i.e., if they are subtracted), the response will be a
gure 8. If only one output is used, it is a cardioid. Thus, three patterns are
available from a single unit, or, if the responses of the two microphone ele-
ments are adjustable in sensitivity, the pattern can be continuously var-
ied from one shape to another.
This type of microphone was introduced commercially by Neumann in
1953 as the model M-49. Other manufacturers have taken up the idea, and
the microphone is very popular in recording studios. Its primary disad-
vantage is that its active elements are somewhat large, causing problems
in uniformity of output due to diffraction effects. The ideal microphone
would be small compared to the shortest wavelength of sound it is to
reproduce. The wavelength of a sound of 20 kilohertz is about 0.5 inch,
and it is difcult to make a microphone this small with sufcient sensitiv-
ity to ensure a good signal-to-noise ratio.
Multiple Pass In error correction in digital audio devices, the mul-
tiple pass scheme uses the same hardware many times.
Multiplex Adapter An external device used with a monaural fm tuner
to allow it to demodulate fm stereo broadcasts, common in the early 1960s
when stereo broadcasting was getting started. The device that decodes an
sca broadcast is also sometimes called a multiplex adapter.
Multiplex Graphophone Grand A special type of cylinder record player
built by the Columbia Phonograph Company around 1898. It had three sep-
arate styli and three separate reproducing horns. It therefore was undoubt-
edly the rst pseudo-stereophonic record player, although it was not
advertised as such. Its advertising brochure extolled its intensity of vol-
ume and sweetness and richness of tone which seem almost beyond belief.
This is probably also the rst use of the term multiplex in reference to audio,
although with a different meaning than it has today.
Multiplexing When signals are combined in such a way that they can later
be separated, they are said to be multiplexed together. A multiplexing device
is called a multiplexer, abbreviated mux. There are many schemes for mul-
tiplexing. Probably the most common is the frequency multiplexing used
for broadcasting stereo signals over fm. In this technique, the signals are
added together to form a sum signal, and are subtracted to form a dif-
ference signal. The sum signal is used to modulate the FM carrier, and
this is what is heard if a monaural receiver is used. The difference signal
is used to modulate a 38-kilohertz subcarrier, and this modulated car-
rier is mixed with the sum signal so it also modulates the FM carrier. A mon-
aural receiver is not sensitive to the difference signal because it is translated
in frequency above the audible range by the 38-kHz subcarrier.
Multitrack A recorder, usually a tape recorder (either analog or digital) hav-
ing more than two independent recording tracks. Two-track recorders are
merely considered stereo recorders. Multitracks generally must have the
capability to enable and disable recording on any track, and to perform selec-
tive synchronization. The rst multitrack tape machines were analog
recorders, and had three tracks using 12-inch-wide tape, and it was not long
before 4- and then 8-track machines using 1-inch-wide tape were available.
The introduction of the Dolby A noise reduction system allowed the track
widths to be narrower without too much penalty in signal-to-noise
ratio. This brought forth machines with 24 and 32 tracks on 2-inch-wide
tape and 4-tracks on 14-inch tape.
It is interesting to note that the rst multitrack audio recorders were
optical recorders on motion picture lm. The Bell Laboratories produced
a 4-track optical sound system using 35-mm lm in the mid-1930s, and
NAB Equalization
NAB The National Association of Broadcasters is an American trade asso-
ciation representing over-the-air radio and TV broadcasters. Formed in 1922,
TV interests were included in 1951 with a name change to NARTB (National
Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters). In 1958, they changed
their name back to NAB. They established various standards for radio and
television broadcasting, analogous to the bbc in England. The rst stan-
dards for magnetic tape recorders were established by NAB/NARTB, and
they included tape speed standards (15 ips for commercial and broadcast
use and 7.5 ips for less demanding requirements), and the equalization
curves for the recording and playback circuits of the recorders. See nab
NAB Equalization In 1954, the National Association of Radio and Television
Broadcasters (NARTB) established a standard de-emphasis curve for use
in professional tape recorders operating at 15 inches per second, and it is still
in use today. A few years after the 15 ips standard, tape recorders had
improved enough to allow the 7.5 ips tape speed to achieve high-frequency
response to 15 kHz, and the same de-emphasis was adopted as the stan-
dard reproduce curve. This equalization curve was designed to take advan-
tage of the tapes existing at the time, but tape has undergone much
improvement, especially in high-frequency signal handling capacity, since
1954. The standard, therefore, does not exploit the capabilities of modern tape;
on the other hand, if the standard were changed, a great many existing tape
recordings would be obsolete. If a new standard were adopted, there could
be at least a 10-decibel improvement in high-frequency signal-to-noise
ratio, meaning a 10-dB reduction in tape hiss. See also nagramaster.
NC Curve
NC Curves
520 nWb per meter as a reference for 0 VU. The higher the reference level,
the greater the signal-to-noise ratio will be, but the distortion will
also be greater and the headroom will be reduced, so a compromise is
required. The exact measurement of tape uxivity is somewhat complicated,
so many variations of these numbers are seen for various reasons.
Narrowband A relatively short frequency span, dening a signal or fil-
ter that encompasses a small bandwidth. Filters sharper than one-third
octave are generally considered narrowband lters.
NARTB Short for National Association of Radio and Television Broad-
casters, and was the name for the nab from 1951 to 1958.
NBS Short for the U.S. National Bureau of Standards, whose name was
changed in 1988 to the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
abbreviated nist.
NC Curve, NC Contour NC stands for Noise Criterion, and refers to the
ambient or background noise in an auditorium or room.
Because our ears are relatively insensitive to low levels of low-
frequency noise due to the fletcher-munson effect, relatively greater
amounts of low-frequency noise are allowed in auditoriums and record-
N Curve
ing studios, etc. In an attempt to relate the apparent noisiness of such a room
to an objective measure, the NC curves were developed. These curves are
essentially contours of equal loudness; they are spaced apart by about 5
decibels (they are not quite parallel due to the complex response curves
of our hearing mechanism); and they are numbered. NC-15 represents a
very quiet environmentso quiet that the average person would not be
aware of any background noise at all. NC-20 is noticeably noisier, and NC-
25 is considered about the limit for a good auditorium for music listening,
although many think NC-25 is too noisy.
To determine the NC value of a room, it is only necessary to measure
the background noise with a sensitive sound level meter that has an
octave band filter, and plot the measured levels on a graph of NC
curves. If the measured points are all below the NC-20 curve, for example,
the room is said to meet the NC-20 requirement.
Most of the noise in an auditorium, assuming adequate isolation from
external noise sources such as airplanes and freeways, etc., is caused by the
ventilation system, and, unfortunately, the cost of such systems rises dra-
matically with decreases in noisiness. Low-frequency noise is the most
difcult to control, so it is somewhat lucky that our ears are not very sen-
sitive to it at low levels.
N Curve See academy curve.
Near-Coincident Pair A spaced-pair microphone set-up that uses direc-
tional microphones placed approximately 7 inches apart, or the aver-
age spacing between ears on a human head. This allows for some amount
of phase difference in the two signals, but not enough to lose mono com-
patibility. ortf is the most common near-coincident arrangement, but oth-
ers include nos, and the faulkner microphone array.
Near Field The sound eld very close to a source of sound is called the near
eld. By very close is meant less than one wavelength at the frequency
of interest. It is difcult if not impossible to make meaningful sound pres-
sure level measurements, such as with a sound level meter, in the
near eld because the nature of the eld itself is very complex. Frequently
the acoustic energy is moving across the surface of the source, or maybe
there is a large air velocity near the source. standing waves are also
present in many cases if the source is deeply convoluted. In any case, it is
not possible to predict the sound level in the far eld from measurements
in the near eld, so when measuring sound pressure level, a sound level
meter must always be at least one wavelength of the lowest frequency of
interest from the source.
Near-Field Monitor A loudspeaker designed to be heard relatively
close, such as a person sitting at a mixing console with monitors on the other
side of the console.
Necessory An indispensable, or needed accessory, such as an audio cable
between a preamp and an amplifier.
Needle-Drop A recording of a music passage usually purchased from a
music archive that will be used in a movie or video production soundtrack.
The name comes from the prior use of phonograph records to archive musi-
cal selections.
Needle Scratch Synonymous with needle talk.
Needle Talk The direct acoustic output of the stylus assembly of a phono-
graph cartridge is called needle talk, from the days when the stylus was
called the needle.
Modern cartridges, which use very low tracking forces, produce very
little needle talk, but in the days of the 78-rpm record, the needle talk could
often be heard in the room above the sound of the loudspeaker.
Negative Feedback If a portion of the output signal of an amplifier is
mixed with the input signal in an out-of-phase condition, it will partially
cancel the input signal and the gain of the amplier will be reduced. This
is called negative feedback, and its amount is measured by the amount of
gain reduction. If the gain is reduced by 10 decibels, then it is said to have
10 dB of feedback.
It so happens that distortion (both harmonic and intermodula-
tion) caused by the amplier will be reduced more than the signal will
because they are not in the input signal in the rst place. The feedback has
the effect of reducing anything that the amplier adds to the signal, which
is a reduction of distortion, or in other words an improvement in linear-
ity. Feedback also reduces the ampliers output impedance, increas-
ing its damping factor. The frequency response of an amplier can
be made atter with proper feedback.
If care is not taken in the design of a feedback amplier, serious prob-
lems can occur. If the amplier has large amounts of phase shift at some
frequency, the feedback becomes positive rather than negative, and the
amplier will become unstable and will oscillate. Also, large amounts of
feedback can cause transient intermodulation distortion (TIM).
Neodymium A rare-earth metal element, atomic number 60, used in mak-
ing strong magnets. Such magnets are often used in dynamic micro-
phones and loudspeakers.
Neopilot A system for the synchronization of a motion picture camera with
the tape recorder recording the sound. The Neopilot system uses a clever
way to superimpose a 60-hertz signal generated by the camera or by a
crystal-controlled oscillator on the full-track tape in such a way that it
is not sensed by the normal full-track playback head, and so is not heard
with the recorded sound. This is done by using a special record head with
two narrow tracks near the center of the tape. One track records the 60-Hz
signal with one polarity, and the other track records the same signal with
inverted polarity. These two low-frequency signals cancel each other out
in the full-track playback head. The 60-Hz pilot signal is played back by a
narrow-track head that encompasses just the width of one of the recorded
60-Hz tracks. The recovered signal is used to control the speed of the tape
recorder in playback so the sound remains in synch with the picture. This
process is called resolving.
The Neopilot system was developed by Stefan Kudelski for his famous
Noise Cancelling Microphone
Noise Figure
Normalled Connection
inserted in the jack. Usually normalled connections are made via trs jacks.
The use of normalized patch panels reduces the number of patch cords one
has to have on hand if they represent the most often used connections. A
disadvantage of normalized patch bays is that it is not intuitively obvious
what the normalization connects. See also patch bay.
Norvalizing Hollywood slang for the act of playing a sound effect at a lower
level in a vain attempt to hide the fact that it is not in sync.21
NOS Acronym for Nederlands Omroep Stichting, which is the Netherlands
Broadcasting System. The NOS has developed a method for stereo record-
ing that uses two cardioid microphones placed 30 cm apart and angled
at 90 degrees from one another. The method is said to provide more ambi-
ence than coincident microphone techniques and fewer phase prob-
lems than widely spaced microphones. See also a-b stereo; ortf; m-s
stereo; and intensity stereo.
NOS also refers to New Old Stock, i.e., a replacement part that is old,
but unused and in new condition. Similar to NIB, New In Box.
Notch Filter A filter that rejects a narrow band of frequencies; also some-
times called a band-reject lter, although a notch lter usually has maxi-
mum attenuation at one frequency only.
Notch lters are used to remove specic frequencies, such as 60-hertz
line-induced hum from audio signals. If a notch lter is sufciently
sharply tuned, it will have minimal effect on the signal, other than remov-
ing the offending frequency. The maximum attenuation of a notch lter
can be quite large, typically 60 decibels or more.
One example of a notch lter is the whistle lter in some am tuners.
This lter is tuned to reject 10 kilohertz, which is the frequency that sep-
arates AM stations on adjacent channels. This puts an effective limit on the
frequency response of AM broadcasts at a little below 10 kHz.
When the fcc allocated frequencies for AM broadcasting many years
ago, they never anticipated the requirement for frequency response
above 5 kHz, and they spaced the allowed carrier frequencies 10 kHz apart.
Noy One noy is the noisiness of a noise for which the perceived noise level
is 40 PNdB (PN stands for perceived noise). The noisiness of a noise that
is judged by a subject to be n times that of a 1-noy noise is n noys.
This denition is from psychoacoustics, and practitioners of this dis-
cipline seem to be the only ones who use it, let alone understand it. The noy
is the result of an attempt, rst by psychologists and later by psycho-
acousticians, to establish a simple scale of perceived noisiness. See also mel.
NPN Short for Negative-Positive-Negative, which refers to a type of tran-
sistor that is constructed of three layers of semiconducting material. The
type of impurity doping in the semiconducting materials determines
whether the resulting semiconductor is P or N type. In a circuit, the
21. This entry is copyright 19992003 by Larry Blake and is reprinted with permission.
NPN Transistor
Null Test
OE, Operator Error
OBU Outside Broadcast Unit. A British term for a team of technicians
responsible for remote recording or broadcasting. Also known as on loca-
tion production.
Octave An octave is a frequency ratio of 2 to 1. An octave band consists
of all the frequencies within an octave. There is one octave between 100
hertz and 200 Hz, and also between 1,000 Hz and 2,000 Hz. Octaves are
perceived as equal pitch intervals, even though the true bandwidth in
hertz varies with the frequency level of the octave.
The name arises from the musical practice of dening the eight notes of
the scale within a doubling of the frequency. To our ears, two frequencies
an octave apart sound like the same note.
It is interesting that our ears obey a precisely logarithmic law when
assigning subjective pitches to frequencies. Even though an octave is
strictly speaking a subjective judgment, it is so closely equal to a frequency
doubling (no matter where one is in frequency) that it has been dened as
an objective measure. (With sine waves, or pure tones, the ear does not
have this precision of assigning subjective octaves to frequency doublings,
but pure tones are never found in nature.) filters having one octave of
bandwidth are called octave-band lters. See also Appendix 8; one-third
octave filter.
Octothorpe According to our friend Dennis Bohn of Rane Corp., the ofcial
name for the symbol # is octothorpe. The name was coined by the Bell Tele-
phone Laboratories when they added the # and the * symbols to telephone
keypads and the octo comes from the eight points the symbol has, and
Thorpe is the name of an engineer who was instrumental in getting the
# on the telephone keypad. Of course, in musical notation the # means
sharp and in common English # represents number or pound sign.
Octothorpe is only proper usage in regard to telephone keypads.
OE, Operator Error A failure in any mechanical or electronic system caused
by inappropriate action on the part of the humans setting up or operating
OED, Oxford English Dictionary
the system. Also known as cockpit trouble and a short between the head-
OED, Oxford English Dictionary The unimpeachable source of several
denitions found herein.
Oersted The oersted is the unit of magnetic eld strength (abbreviated Oe)
and is named for Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish physicist born in 1777.
Oersted discovered the relationship between electric current and a mag-
netic eld by noting that a compass needle will be deected when near a
wire carrying a current.
Off Axis Not directly in front of a microphone or a loudspeaker.
Off-Axis Coloration A dull or colored effect on sound sources that are not
placed within the acceptance angle of the microphone. To avoid off-axis
coloration, the user places mics so that they are aimed at sound sources that
put out high frequencies, such as cymbals, when miking a large source. In
addition, one should use a microphone that has a flat frequency re-
sponse over the recording eld, i.e., has similar polar patterns at mid-range
and high frequencies. In general, large-diaphragm mics have more off-axis
coloration than smaller mics with 34-inch diaphragms or under.
Offset Angle In a record playing system, the angle that the cartridge
head shell makes with the tonearm is called the offset angle, and it is
designed to minimize the angular tracking error of the stylus in the record
groove. The optimum offset angle is dependent on the length of the ton-
earm, and the tonearm pivot must be the correct distance from the center
of the record as well.
Ohm The ohm (abbreviated , the Greek letter capital omega) is the unit
of electrical resistance; it is that which opposes an electric current in a
conductor. See also ohms law.
Ohms Law The mathematical relationship between electrical voltage,
current, and resistance was rst formulated by the German scientist
Georg Simon Ohm, and it is named after him. Ohms law says the current
in an electric conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it and
inversely proportional to its resistance. In other words, the voltage and cur-
rent in a conductor exhibit a linear relationship.
Ohms law works for direct voltages and currents, and also is correct
for alternating currents if the resistance is a pure resistance. How-
ever, if the resistance has any reactive components (inductance or
capacitance), the current depends on the frequency as well as the volt-
age. See also impedance.
Most electrical conductors obey Ohms law very precisely for small cur-
rent levels, but some materials, most notably the semiconductors used
in transistors and diodes, have a much more complex nonlinear volt-
age versus current relationship.
An easy way to remember Ohms law is illustrated in the gure, where
V indicates voltage in volts, I indicates current in amperes, and R indi-
cates resistance in ohms. To nd the value of any quantity in terms of the
others, simply cover its symbol up with your nger. For instance voltage
On Axis
Ohms Law
One-over-f ( 1f ) Noise
Operating Level
Operational Amplier
1960s, often called low noise/high output, could use a reference level of
250 nWb/m with the same distortion as the old tape, and enjoy a 3 dB
improvement in signal to noise ratio. This was called a +3 or elevated
operating level. More tape improvements led to +6 dB (370 nWb/m) and
even +9 dB (520 nWb/m) operating levels. If you had a 185 nWb/m test
tape and wanted to have a 250 nWb/m operating level, the recorder would
be adjusted so that the test tape would play at an indicated 3 dB on the
VU meter. Engineers were certainly free to trade signal to noise improve-
ment for less headroom and use a +6 reference level on a tape designed for
+3, or do the opposite and reduce signal to noise for more headroom. The
electronics in some tape recorders were not designed to handle elevated
levels and would produce unacceptable distortion. Some other recorders,
such as the Swiss Nagra, used special circuitry to cancel third harmonic
distortion to allow very high operating levels with good headroom and low
VU meters are only marked 3 dB above 0, so some signals may still be
recorded with reasonable distortion even though the meters are pegged.
The skillful operator can juggle various factors such as the spectral content
of the signal, musical dynamics, tape speed, and recorder characteristics to
achieve a good balance between low distortion and low noise.
European methods for measuring uxivity differ from the American,
so the numbers will be slightly different. A standard European (IEC/DIN)
test tape at 320 nWb/m is about equal to the American (ansi) uxivity of
290 nWb/m at mid-frequencies, thus about 1.3 dB higher than an Amer-
ican 250 nWb/m tape. Research by John McKnight in 1998 indicated that
this difference was due to measurement errors and is not real.
Because there are so many variables, uxivities may vary a bit in
specications. Carefully recorded test tapes can be purchased with known
uxivities to enable adjustment of a recorders operating level. When
exchanging tapes with others, it is important to note the reference level used
along with the other tape data. With analog cassettes, operating levels are
not well standardized, although 0 dB levels of 145200 nWb/m are com-
mon. The lack of standardization is likely due to wide variations in cas-
sette tape and recorder performance and the desire to simplify operation
for consumers. See also reference level.
Operational Amplier See opamp.
Optical Sound Track The method for photographically recording sound
on lm for reproduction in the theater. Optical sound tracks were introduced
in theaters in the United States about 1930. See variable area, variable
density, and sva for details. With the introduction of digital sound in
motion pictures, Dolby developed a system of optical printing of the dig-
ital code beside the existing optical analog sound track. At about the same
time, DTS (Digital Theater Systems) was introduced and uses a relatively
simple code printed with the optical sound track to synchronize the lm
motion to the multitrack digital sound that is recorded on a CD-ROM to
be played in concert with the lm.
which pick up little ambient room sound. Because of the close spacing of
the microphones and the resultant similarity in phase, ORTF does provide
mono compatibility, that elusive quality broadcasters are forever seeking.
Orthogonal Two phenomena are said to be orthogonal to each other if they
can exist in the same medium at the same time and not interfere with one
another. The two motions of the stylus in a stereo record groove are an
Orthophonic Victrola The Orthophonic Victrola was a new type of acoustic
phonograph introduced by the Victor Company in 1925. This was the year
that Victor introduced the rst electrically recorded records, and the new
player was sold as the ideal reproducer for them. The Orthophonic Victrola
had many design innovations, and surely was the best acoustic phonograph
ever produced. Its design was based on research conducted at Bell Tele-
phone Labs, and it contained the rst exponential horn, which was
folded in the lower part of the cabinet. The horn mouth was about 18 inches
by 30 inches, and the low-frequency reproduction from it was much better
than any player made earlier.
The stylus-diaphragm assembly was also very different from traditional
designs, having much greater exibility and introducing the spider to
couple the stylus lever to the diaphragm at several points instead of just at
the center. This also improved the bass response. The Orthophonic Victrola
used a spring-wound turntable motor, although many other phonographs
had electric drive motors by this time.
It is interesting that the rst electrical recordings sounded worse than
the current acoustic ones. In several cases, an acoustic and an electrical
recording were made of the same performance, and the listener could choose
(as is sometimes the case today, when we can choose between a stereo
record and a compact disc of the same performance). An example we
have heard is Paul Whitemans orchestra playing Gershwins Rhapsody in
Blue. The acoustic recording sounds less distorted and generally smoother
than its electrical counterpart.
The Orthophonic Victrola sold for $350 in 1925. It greatly outsold the
contemporary Brunswick Panatrope, which was the rst all-electrical
Oscar The name of the rst binaural microphone system, made in about
1932 by Harvey Fletcher and the other engineers at the Bell Telephone Lab-
oratories. The original Oscar was a tailors dummy head with microphones
where the ears would normally be, and it was used in experiments in bin-
aural transmission of music in the Academy of Music in Philadelphia.
Oscillator An electronic device that generates a periodic signal of a par-
ticular frequency, usually a sine wave, and sometimes a square wave
or other waveform. Oscillators are common in audio devices, and are also
extensively used as test signal generators.
Oscilloscope The oscilloscope (scope, for short) is a common instrument
that displays the instantaneous voltage of a signal versus time on the
face of a television-like screen. In other words, it displays the waveform
Output Impedance
Output Transformer
but it will be reduced under load because the current causes a voltage drop
across the resistance in accordance with ohms law. The same thing hap-
pens with an audio amplifierthe lower the output impedance, the less
the output voltage will vary with load.
A power amplifier may have a rated impedance of 4 or 8 ohms, but
this does not mean the true output impedance is that value. The rated imped-
ance is simply that impedance into which the amplier will deliver its great-
est power. The amplier is capable of a certain maximum voltage output,
determined by the internal power supply. It also has a certain maximum
current output, usually determined by the output transistors. This
maximum voltage at the maximum current can only be delivered to a
specic impedance, according to Ohms law, and this is the rated impedance
of the amplier. See also damping factor.
Output Transformer A type of audio transformer mostly used in tube-
type power amplifiers that couples the output tube plates to the
loudspeaker load. The output transformer in such a power amplier is
a very important and critical part of the amplier, and much effort has been
expended over the years to perfect its design.
Outro The opposite of intro, used in popular music to designate the end-
ing of the piece.
Outtake In a recording session where several takes of each selection are
recorded, the ones not used in the nal master tape are called outtakes.
Overbias The use of more bias current in an analog magnetic recorder
than is required for maximum sensitivity. Normally, the bias is adjusted
so that a test tone will be recorded at maximum level as read on the out-
put vu meter. If the bias is increased above this value, the recorded level
will go down. If the gain reduction amounts to, say, 2 dB, the recorder is
said to have 2 dB of overbias. The overbias will reduce the distortion
and the sensitivity to dropouts but will also reduce the high-frequency
response, so the record equalization control must be adjusted to com-
pensate. The frequency of the test tone depends on the tape speed and the
record head characteristics and typically is 5 kHz at 712 ips tape speed and
10 kHz at 15 ips.
The proper adjustment of the bias in a tape recorder is a compromise
because bias affects the noise, distortion, frequency response, and dropout
sensitivity in a complex way.
Overdrive To input a signal to an audio device in such magnitude that
an overload occurs is to overdrive it.
Overdub In analog tape recording, if a tape is copied from one machine to
another and if another signal is added to the copy at the same time, then
the copy is called an overdub, and the process is called overdubbing, or
Successive overdubbing can create the effect of a great many different
musical lines all playing simultaneously. One disadvantage of overdubbing
is that it involves repeated copying of the various tracks as new ones are
added, and this adds noise at the rate of 3 decibels per copy. A better,
although more expensive, way to achieve the same effect is to use a multiple-
track tape recorder, and record the tracks one at a time, each time while lis-
tening to the previous tracks. This is called sel-sync in Ampex parlance,
although it is still informally referred to as overdubbing.
Overdubbing can also be performed in the digital domain in an editing
work station or DAW, and this does not add the 3 dB of noise with each
successive addition of another track. The repeated digital mixing and pro-
cessing does add some distortion, although probably not very much.
Overhung Coil In a dynamic loudspeaker, the voice coil can be made
to be longer than the magnetic gap in which it resides. It is then called an
overhung coil, because the ends of the coil overhang the gap. The raison
dtre of the overhung coil is to decrease the nonlinear distortion of the
loudspeaker for a given power output. This is accomplished because the
coil, as it moves in and out of the gap, maintains a constant number of turns
of wire in the magnetic eld, so the force on the cone is not dependent on
the position of the cone.
There is a trade-off, however, for the turns of the coil that are not in the
gap do not result in any force on the cone, and they simply add resist-
ance to the voice coil impedance, which wastes amplier power. This
reduces the efficiency of the speaker, but many designers, especially of
small bookshelf systems, believe the lower distortion is more valuable
than high efciency. See also underhung coil.
Overload An overload is said to occur when the input signal level in an
audio device is so large that it drives the device out of its linear range
and into distortion or clipping. Overload may be continuous or may
occur only on short peaks in musical waveforms. The latter condition is
common with certain waveforms, such as sharp percussive sounds that have
a peak value much greater than their average value. This peak clipping,
as it is called, must be avoided for true high-fidelity recording and repro-
duction, although a small amount of it may be quite difcult to hear in
Overmodulation A situation that occurs when the amplitude of a sig-
nal exceeds the limits of the broadcasting transmitter system. Broadcast
stations almost always have limiters in the signal path to prevent over-
modulation at the transmitter. The opposite of undermodulation.
The term only actually applies when true modulation of a carrier is
involved; sometimes it is also used to mean overloading or clipping,
which is not correct usage.
Overs The overloading of peaks in a digital audio signal, producing clip-
ping of the signal and, if severe, bursts of noise. Some software will
attempt to count overs, and some CD replicators will reject masters that
have excessive overs. In any event, an over in a digital system means dis-
tortion, whether plainly audible or not.
Oversampling In reading or copying digital audio data, the signal may be
sampled at a higher sampling frequency than was used in generating the
digital signal in the rst place. For instance, in some compact disc play-
The Greek letter phi, pronounced fee in Greek and usually fye in
English. It is often used as an abbreviation for phase. Some control con-
soles have a small switch on their input modules labeled that inverts the
polarity of the signal in that channel. This is to allow all the signals being
Parabolic Microphone
Parabolic Microphone
out the need for a patch cord. However, inserting a plug into the upper jack
disconnects the prewired connection through a switching mechanism,
sending the upper jack signal only to the inserted cord. Similarly, inserting
a plug into the lower jack would disconnect the prewired connection, and
allow only the inserted cord to be connected to that lower jack. This is called
a normalled pair of jacks. Another conguration of jack pairs is called half-
normalled. In this case, inserting a plug into the top jack does not discon-
nect the normalling, so that the output can be routed to 2 placesthe normal
jack below, and the inserted patch cord. However, inserting a plug into the
lower jack does disconnect the normalling. Usually there are also provi-
sions to have no normalling at all between jacks, and some designs allow
easy changes between congurations. Although most patch bays present
1 -inch phone jacks on the front, the rear connections may be 1 -inch phone
4 4
jacks, RCA jacks, punchdown terminals, or solder lugs. Many large mix-
ing consoles use a smaller jack and patch cord known as the Tini-Tel. Tele-
vision signal patch bays may look similar, but use a special high-frequency
connector. See also patch cord.
Patch Cord A relatively short audio cable with connectors on each end is
commonly called a patch cord. It is used for interconnecting various devices
where the conguration must be changed from time to time. Recording stu-
dios make good use of patch cords.
The most common type of patch cord is probably the one using quarter-
inch phone plugs on each end. This connector was rst used by the tele-
phone exchanges, hence the name. The telephone patch cord contains three
conductors: two for the signal and a shield. The connector also has three
contacts, called tip, ring, and sleeve (thus, called trs). The tip is always the
hot side of the signal, the ring is the low side, or ground, and the sleeve
is the shield. There also exist phone plugs that have only two conductors:
tip and sleeve. They are common in nonprofessional audio equipment.
microphone signals should not be patched with phone plugs because
the shield, or ground connection, is the last one to make contact, and loud
pops and 60-Hz hum can result if a live microphone preamp input is
patched with a TRS plug; rather, three-pin XLR-type plugs and jacks
should be used. Pin number 1 in the XLR plug is always connected to the
shield. The reason is that the connectors are so designed that pin 1 makes
contact rst, ensuring that the ground connection is made before the sig-
nal connection. This greatly reduces the transient thumps and pops that
occur when a circuit is patched with the power turned on. A group of
similar receptacles (or jacks) in an audio system is called a patch bay,
and the act of plugging and unplugging the cords is called patching. Record-
ing consoles used in studios make extensive use of patch bays for ease of
rerouting signals, especially microphone signals. See phone plug; trs; xlr.
Patch Panel Another name for patch bay.
PC Board See printed circuit board.
PCM Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) refers to any type of digital encod-
ing and decoding of a signal. Some types of PCM are:
22. This entry is copyright 19992003 by Larry Blake and is reprinted with permission.
the movie projector, with the lm going through it before entering the pro-
jector itself. Most digital readers now reside in the penthouse. There are a
few readers called basement readers that are retrots in the optical
sound head.
Pentode A vacuum tube containing ve active elements: the cathode,
control grid, screen grid, suppressor grid, and plate. The pentode has high
gain and high efciency and is used as a voltage amplier stage in audio
ampliers. It has greater distortion than the triode, however.
The name comes from the Greek hodos, meaning path, and penta mean-
ing ve. Early pentodes were called pentahodos.
%AlCons Percentage Articulation Loss of Consonants, a gure of merit for
speech intelligibility in a room. A value of 10% loss or less is typically con-
sidered acceptable. In the 1950s, V. M. A. Peutz of the Netherlands conducted
research using taped spoken words and human listeners, and determined
that articulation loss of spoken vowel sounds did not correlate to intelligi-
bility like consonants did. He determined a formula that correlated the
%Alcons to measured room characteristics. Instruments such as the TEF
analyzer can also calculate the %Alcons. %Alcons is popular in the U.S.,
but has shortcomings such as being limited to the 2-kHz band if the TEF
analyzer is used. See also rasti.
Perceptual Coding The digital audio coding scheme used on compact
discs (CDs) yields an amount of data often too immense to store or trans-
mit economically, especially when multiple channels are required. As a
result, new forms of digital audio coding, often known as perceptual cod-
ing, have been developed to allow the use of lower data rates with a min-
imum of perceived degradation of sound quality. Perceptual coding
schemes are lossy, meaning the decoded signal is not identical to the orig-
inal signal that was encoded because some of the data is discarded. But the
losses are carefully designed so that they are essentially not audible. To per-
form this trick, the coder analyzes the input music signal and decides not
to encode certain parts that would be inaudible due to masking in the ear,
where loud sounds drown out softer sounds that are also present in the
music. In a sense, a perceptual coder fools the ear into thinking it is hear-
ing the entire music signal in its original form, and some are better than
others at doing the job. Of course the acuity of the ear listening to the result
varies also, adding to the complication. Dolbys audio-coding algorithm
AC-3 is such a coder. See also codec.
Perfect Pitch See absolute pitch.
Perfs Slang for perforations in motion picture lm, also called sprocket
holes. Dolby Digital sound data on 35-mm lm is located between the perfs.
Period In a waveform that repeats a particular pattern over and over, the
time required for one repetition is called the period. The waveform is then
called periodic, and can be expressed as the summation of a series of sine
waves called harmonics. See also fourier analysis.
Periodic When the waveform of a signal repeats the same shape over
and over, the waveform is said to be periodic, and the period is the time
Perspecta Sound
Periodic Waveform
required for one repetition. The repetition rate is called the fundamen-
tal frequency, and is equal to the reciprocal of the period, or F = 1 T. If
the period varies from repetition to repetition but still has the same gen-
eral form, the signal is quasi-periodic. If there is no discernable repetition
period, the signal is aperiodic. white noise and pink noise are exam-
ples of aperiodic signals.
Most musical instruments produce periodic, or nearly periodic, sounds,
but some do not. Many percussion instruments produce sounds resembling
random noise. See also fundamental.
Permalloy Permalloy is a special metallic alloy that has a very high mag-
netic permeability. In other words, it is easy to establish a magnetic eld
in it. It is used in the pole pieces of analog tape heads and for the cores
of some audio transformers.
Permeability The relative ease with which a magnetic eld can be estab-
lished in a medium is the mediums magnetic permeability. Of the com-
mon metals, iron has a high permeability; mumetal is a special alloy with
very high permeability. Magnetic tape heads are designed with high-
permeability cores to increase their sensitivity, and magnetic shields
are designed to have high permeability. The units of permeability are hen-
rys per meter (H/m), and its symbol is the Greek letter (mu).
Perspecta Sound A type of single-channel magnetic sound recording sys-
tem for motion pictures that used three subaudible tones (30, 35, and 40
hertz) mixed with the audio signal as control tones for varying the volume
and placement of the sound image reproduced through three loud-
speaker systems behind the screen. The tones were separated by band-
pass filters and fed into the control inputs of variable gain ampliers.
You might well ask why the tones were considered subaudible; the reason
was that the theater loudspeakers of the day were not able to reproduce
such low frequencies at audible levels.
Perspecta sound was introduced in 1954 by the respected recording engi-
neer Robert Fine, and was essentially an updated hi- magnetic version of
the old vitasound optical system of the 1930s. Like Vitasound, it was com-
patible in that a standard projection system with no control circuitry would
Phase Linear
Phase-Locked Loop
Phone Plug
the image is diffused and smeared, and nally the sound becomes unpleas-
ant to listen to.
It is said that certain intensity stereo recordings and the ambison-
ics system sound less phasey than other types of stereo recording.
Phasing See phaser.
Phasing Plug See compression driver.
Phlogiston A hypothetical substance formerly supposed to exist in com-
bination in all combustible materials and to be released in the process of
combustion; the element re, conceived as xed in ammable substances.
(OED) See also smoke.
Phon The phon is the psychological unit of loudness level and is
dened as the sound pressure level (SPL) of a 1,000-hertz pure tone
that is judged to be the same loudness as the sound in question.
Because of the ears complicated response versus frequency charac-
teristics, it is no good to try to relate the perceived loudness of sounds
directly to their sound pressure level as read on a sound level meter.
The phon is therefore an attempt to relate perceived loudness to objective
measurements of the sound. See also fletcher-munson effect;
Phonautograph The phonautograph was a device invented by Leon Scott
in 1857 that recorded the waveform of sounds with a stylus on a rotat-
ing glass disc coated with soot by holding it over a smoking ame. It used
a short horn coupled to a diaphragm which in turn moved the stylus,
and it is surely the most important precursor to the phonograph. The sur-
prising thing is that it took Edison another twenty years to take the step
from just recording the sound to being able to reproduce it.
Phone Patch A direct connection from an audio device to a telephone line
is called a phone patch if the audio signal is sent directly to the line. An
example of the use of the phone patch is the sending of program from the
studio to a remote transmitter in radio broadcasting. In order to prevent
extraneous noise and to avoid system damage due to component failure,
the analog signal is sent through a telephone hybrid rather than being
directly connected to the telephone line. If the signal is digital data, a
modem is used to interconnect with the telephone line.
Phone Plug One of the most used of audio connectors is the quarter-inch
phone plug, which gets its name from its origin in the old telephone switch-
boards. Phone plugs come in two main varieties, the three-conductor type
known as tip, ring, and sleeve (TRS), and the two-conductor tip and
sleeve (TS). The sleeve is always the shield or ground connection. When
used on stereo headphones, the TRS plug may be called a stereo plug. There
are several other smaller phone plugs common in audio. A .173-inch diam-
eter version is often used in patch bays and is typically called by any of
several trademarked names such as Bantam, TT, Tini-Telephone, Tini-Tel
or miniature. Most references to a miniplug refer to a smaller plug used for
audio circuits and in portable stereo headsets in the TRS version. The Amer-
Pilot Tone
Pink Noise
Pinch Effect
quency of the band, as frequency rises, the critical bands become wider and
wider in frequency. A third octave centered at 1,000 Hz is 230 Hz wide, but
a third octave centered at 100 Hz is only 23 Hz wide. Our ears integrate the
energy in these bands to determine perceived loudness. Therefore, pink
noise, which has constant energy per percentage bandwidth, sounds as if
it has relatively uniform loudness at all pitches. (It would sound equally
loud at all pitches if it were not for the fletcher-munson effect.) This
also means that white noise sounds very bright and lacking in low-frequency
Pink noise is a useful test signal for measuring frequency responses of
audio equipment if the detecting instrument is a real-time analyzer
(RTA) with octave band or one-third octave band response. The noise sig-
nal is input to the device under test, and the output is plugged into the real-
time analyzer. Because the RTA has octave or one-third octave lters, it will
show flat response for pure pink noise. Any irregularities caused by the
dut will show up as deviation from at response.
Pinna The outer ear, the visible part of our hearing mechanism. The shape
of the pinna has a great deal to do with our ability to determine where a
sound is coming from. See also binaural.
Pirate Recording An unauthorized recording of a musical performance.
Pirate recordings were often made with home-type equipment under poor
conditions and the resulting quality was bad enough that it posed no threat
to commercial recordings. On the other hand, with the advent of very small
battery-operated DAT, MiniDisc, and MP3 recorders, pirate recordings can
be made with great care and attention to quality. Even though unautho-
rized, sometimes these recordings can be of commercial value. There are
reportedly some people who simply enjoy the challenge of planning, set-
ting up, and doing pirate recordings of famous musicians without being
detected, and would not sell the recordings or otherwise prot from the
Pi-Section, -Section A three-pole filter consisting of two shunt reac-
tances and one series reactance. It is so called because of its schematics phys-
ical resemblance to the Greek letter . The section has a at frequency
response in its passband and an 18 dB per octave slope in its stopband.
Pitch The pitch of a musical sound is a subjective quality relating to where
on a musical scale the sound is perceived to be. Pitch is closely related to
timbre, another subjective attribute of a musical sound.
Pitch is related to the frequency of a sound, but not in a simple way.
In general, perceived pitch increases as the frequency rises, and the pitch
will increase by one octave if the frequency is doubled. This is true for
complex sounds that are not too close to the upper or lower frequency lim-
its of our hearing. At frequencies above 4,000 hertz or so, the perceived
pitch changes very little with frequency; and with sine wave tones rather
than complex tones, pitch perception is very inaccurate. It has been
shown that at certain frequency ranges, two tones of different timbre can
be two octaves apart in frequency and still have the same pitch. This effect
Pitch Control
Monty Pythons Matching Tie and Handkerchief album. One side has two inter-
laced grooves, so you hear one of two programs on that side depending on
how you hit the lead-in grooves.
Pitch Control A control that can vary the speed of a turntable or analog
tape machine. Some digital devices, such as CD players, also have pitch
control. See also varispeed.
Pitch Tracking A slightly misleading term meaning frequency-to-voltage
conversion. pitch is a subjective term, whereas frequency is a purely
objective measure of a signal.
A pitch tracker will accept a complex periodic signal and extract from
this the fundamental frequency. It will then convert this frequency into
a direct voltage output that can be used as a control voltage in an elec-
tronic music synthesizer. Pitch tracking becomes more difcult as the input
waveform becomes more complex, but practical devices are made that
can handle most musical instruments, including the voice.
PIV Acronym for Peak Inverse Voltage, which is the maximum voltage
a semiconductor diode can withstand in the reverse direction without
damage. Also called PRV, or Peak Reverse Voltage.
Planar See loudspeaker.
Plate In an electron tube, the anode, or positive electrode, is called the
Plate Dissipation The maximum power that the plate of a vacuum tube
can dissipate without permanent damage to the tube. It is equal to the plate
voltage times the plate current and is measured in watts. Some high-power
tubes are so designed that the plate may be operated continuously in a red-
hot condition without damage.
Plate Resistance The internal resistance of a vacuum tube, measured
by the change in the plate voltage divided by the change in the plate cur-
rent. The plate resistance depends on the potential of the control grid and
is usually expressed as a family of curves taken at various values of grid
bias. These are called characteristic curves.
Plate Reverberation One of the rst synthetic reverberation devices uses
a steel plate that is under tension supplied by springs at the corners. The
plate is vibrated in accordance with a signal from a loudspeaker-like
device, and the vibration is sensed at another place on the plate with a con-
tact microphone of one type or another.
Plate reverberation has been used a great deal in the recording industry
over the last forty years, even though it sounds very little like natural rever-
beration. The advantage of the plate is its small size and low cost compared
to a reverberation room.
The advent of digital reverberation simulators has doomed the plate,
even though they dont sound like real reverberation either.
PLL See phase-locked loop.
Plosive A sudden puff of air emitted by the voice when pronouncing words
containing the letter p and, to a lesser extent, t. See also pop filter.
Plug-in A piece of software designed for a specic audio task and designed
Point Source
to work from within another piece of software. For example, many com-
panies produce plug-ins for Digidesigns ProTools editing program.
PM Permanent Magnet, normally an adjective, as in PM speaker for a
loudspeaker with a permanent magnet.
PMCD Pre Master Compact Disc. Originally, master recordings for com-
pact discs were submitted on specially formatted 34-inch U-Matic
videocassettes made on Sony 1610 or 1630 digital recorders. With the
advent of CD-R, the Sonic Solutions and Sony companies came up with
an equivalent master format on a CD-R, which not only contained the
audio but also special data tracks and special cues for the laser beam
recorder (lbr). A special hardware/software combination was required
for creating the CD-R, but an ordinary player could reproduce the audio
for testing purposes. One could submit either a 1610/1630-style tape or
a PMCD to be replicated into CDs.
The system has fallen by the wayside and today PMCD generally de-
notes an ordinary red book compliant audio CD-R that is ready for dupli-
cation exactly as is.
P-Mount A P-mount is a universal standard mounting arrangement for
installing a phono cartridge in a tonearm. In the P-mount system, the
headshell is not neededactually it is a part of the cartridge. P-mount
cartridges are simply plugged into the end of the arm and are easily inter-
The P-mount ensures the correct placement of the stylus in relation
to the record groove by using a standardized distance from the end of the
arm to the stylus tip, and the angle of the stylus cantilever is accurately
PNdB Perceived Noise decibel, which is the unit of perceived noise level.
It is equal to the spl of the 1,000-hertz octave band of pink noise, which
is subjectively judged to be equally noisy as the noise under consideration.
The PNdB is seldom used outside the psychology laboratory.
PNP Short for Positive-Negative-Positive. PNP refers to a type of tran-
sistor that is constructed of three layers of semiconductor material that
are positive-negative-positive. The manner of atomic doping of the semi-
conductor material determines whether it is P or N type. The emitter is
a lead attached to a P layer, and in a circuit, its voltage is positive with respect
to the collector lead, which is attached to other P layer. Signals to the base
lead, attached to the N layer, control current ow. See also npn.
Point Source A hypothetical sound source that is very small compared to
the wavelengths of sound it is radiating, and that is radiating into free
three-dimensional space.
True point sources do not exist, but some sound sources approximate
point sources, especially if the listener is some distance away. A point source
would radiate sound equally in all directions; it would be completely omni-
directional. One school of thought says that a loudspeaker for music
reproduction should behave like a point source, so it would radiate sound
equally in all directions in the listening room. Such a loudspeaker would
excite all the reverberation in the room and would give the listener a
maximum sense of envelopment in the sound eld. This assumes good
acoustics in the listening room.
Musical instruments, especially large ones like pianos, are far from point
sources, and they radiate sound very nonuniformly into space, sending high
frequencies in some directions and mid and low frequencies in other direc-
tions. This makes life difcult for the poor recording engineer, especially
if he chooses to use close miking, for there is no one place that will pick
up a representative sound of the entire range of the instrument. This is one
reason that very close miked recordings do not sound the way the instru-
ments actually sound in a room. For a more natural sound, the microphone
must be at least one wavelength away from the instrument at the lowest
frequency of interest. A room with good acoustics is required, however,
because at the increased distance, the reverberation of the room becomes
a more signicant part of the sound that the microphone hears.
Polarity If the two wires to a loudspeaker are reversed, the signal is
turned upside down, that is, points on the waveform that moved the
loudspeaker cone outwards now move it inward. This is called a polarity
reversal. It also is equal to a 180-degree phase shift.
Many times, the term out of phase is used when a polarity reversal is
meant. Out of phase is a matter of degree, whereas polarity denes the
Recently there has been renewed interest in the absolute polarity
of an audio signal. It is thought that there should not be a polarity rever-
sal anywhere between the microphone and the loudspeaker. In other
words, sound pressure in a positive direction at the microphone should
result in a positive-going sound pressure at the listeners ears. Some exper-
iments have been conducted to determine the ears sensitivity to this polar-
ity reversal, and indeed it seems that it is possible to tell the difference
between a signal and its inverted brother. It is a different matter, however,
to tell which one has the correct absolute polarity, and the matter has not
been conclusively proven.
Polarize To place a constant (static) voltage across a device or circuit
element is said to polarize it. An example is the condenser microphone,
which requires a polarization voltage to charge the capacitive element. Some
electronic circuit elements, such as electrolytic capacitors, require a
polarization voltage to allow them to operate in a linear fashion.
Polar Pattern See polar response curve.
Polar Response Curve The polar response curve, sometimes called the polar
pattern, is a plot of the sensitivity of an audio device as a function of
angle around the device. Thus, the polar response of a loudspeaker tells
one the relative strength of signals radiated in various directions. To be
meaningful, polar response plots must be measured at many frequencies,
for no device will have the same polar curve over a wide frequency band.
Polar response curves of microphones are especially important because
they tell the user how to point the microphone to optimize the frequency
Polar Pattern
Pop, Popping
Mylar that has been prestretched, or tensilized, and they are much less
likely to cause trouble.
Pop, Popping When a microphone encounters air currents, its diaphragm
is jostled and the result is either a rustling noise or, if the wind is strong
enough, explosive sounds called pops. Needless to say, this is not good for
the microphone and thus must be avoided. Some microphones, especially
ribbon types, are very sensitive to damage by air currents.
Most directional microphones will pop when a singer or speaker is at close
range and utters plosive sounds, especially the letter p. See also pop filter.
Popcorn Noise A type of intrinsic noise produced by a defective piece of
solid-state electronics. It resembles the sound of popping corn. Also a
slang term in the motion picture sound world that refers to the ambient
background noise in a movie theater. The audience eating popcorn is only
one contributor to this kind of popcorn noise.
Pop Filter An acoustically transparent (transondent!) plastic foam mate-
rial placed over a microphone that will reduce the effect of air currents
and plosives (pops) from the voice at close range. Such foam must be
open-cell or reticulated, that is, all the foam bubbles are open to each other.
Closed-cell foam would block much of the sound. Some forms of pop lters
are screens made of a metal ring several inches in diameter with a very ne
nylon gauze (commonly made of panty hose material) stretched over it and
placed in front of the microphone. Pop lters are sometimes built into the
mesh ball in the business end of a vocal microphone. The pop lter also
acts as one type of windscreen.
Port The opening below the loudspeaker in a bass reflex system is
sometimes called a port. See also ducted port.
Portamento A musical technique of sliding between two pitches. Sometimes
called glissando. Synthesizers can make use of this under midi control.
Portastudio A trade name by the Tascam company for a small tape recorder
that recorded four tracks on compact cassettes. The unit would also
provide basic studio functions such as overdubbing and mixing. The track
format and speed was not compatible with regular stereo compact cassettes.
Port Noise At very low frequencies, the air movement in a bass ducted port
of a loudspeaker cabinet makes a distinct sound or distortion. Of course,
if you speak negatively about it, this is known as a port noise complaint.
Post Simply means after as opposed to pre. In recording studio parlance it
is used to indicate that the signal has already had the designated effect
added, such as postequalization, posteffects, or postfader. Also used as an
abbreviation for postproduction.
Post Echo See print through.
Postfader In a mixing console, sends are either prefader or postfader. Post-
fader sends are affected by the position of the input fader, whereas prefader
sends are not. An effects send is often postfader, so the level of the send to
the effects device reects the relative position of the input fader. In some
cases, a send can be switched to be either pre- or postfader.
Postproduction Any work on a recording, lm, or video that is done after
Power Amplier
Power Amplier
The four key parts of a power amplier are the input stage, driver stage,
output stage, and power supply. The power supply provides the electrical
power to drive the loudspeaker. Most modern ampliers use solid-state
electronics, and have a dual, or bipolar, power supply, one side providing
positive voltage at fairly high current and the other side providing nega-
tive voltage at fairly high current.
The output stage, which is also usually bipolar, or push-pull, acts as
a controller and connects the positive and negative power supply outputs
to the load in response to the audio signal. In a sense, the output stage acts
as a pair of variable valves, gradually turning on and off the currents as
required to duplicate the waveform of the signal. The British term valve
for our vacuum tube is quite descriptive here. In actuality, it is the effec-
tive resistance of the output devices that is varied. One undesirable con-
sequence of this state of affairs is that the output devices, which must pass
all the current that enters the load, will dissipate heat because of their inter-
nal resistance. This heat is wasted energy and can cause problems such as
premature failure of components.
The function of the driver stage is to control the output devices and usu-
ally to split the signal into two parts with opposite polarity, which is nec-
essary to drive the positive-going and negative-going output devices. This
function is also called phase splitting.
The input stage of the amplier provides the needed voltage gain for
the amplier.
The design of the output stage has traditionally attracted the most atten-
tion, and many different designs have been developed to increase its
efciency and reduce its distortion. Ampliers can be categorized into
several different classes as follows:
Class A: This was the rst type of amplier, and it is in theory the most
linear of the many types. Class A operation means the output devices are
always conducting current, even when the signal level is zero. The instan-
taneous signal level modulates the current up and down, but the current
never reaches zero. In fact, the average current is almost constant in a class
A amplier, regardless of the signal level. This means it is always dissipating
a good deal of heat in the output stages, and it is therefore very inefcient.
Efciency is dened as the amount of power consumed by the amplier in
relation to the amount of power it delivers to the load.
The class A amplier is capable of low distortion, even with small
amounts of negative feedback, but its low efciency relegates it to fairly
low output power capabilities. There are some people, however, who insist
that the only amplier t for music is a class A amplier, and some high-
power class A ampliers have been built that are so inefcient that they
could be used as electric heaters.
Class B: The class B amplier was developed to improve the efciency
of the class A designs. In it, each output device conducts current for only
half of the waveform. One device handles the positive-going parts of the
waveform while the other device handles the negative parts. In effect, the
Power Amplier
signal is handed off to each output device in turn. This can work well
from an efciency standpoint, but there is a problem with the switching
from one device to the other at very low signal levels. If switching is not
done absolutely smoothly, a type of distortion called crossover distor-
tion occurs.
Power Amplier
Precedence Effect
echo, but it has been shown to be clearly audible. It seems that the dual-
channel fft analyzer is the best instrument to measure it, for it can pro-
duce a picture of the magnitude of the impulse response of a system.
Pre-Emphasis Pre-emphasis is a type of high-frequency boost applied to
signals about to be broadcast on fm stations, or which are about to be
recorded on tape or a phonograph record. The reason for the boost is to
increase the level of the higher frequencies so they are well above the high-
frequency noise generated by the transmission medium (i.e., radio broad-
casting) or the recording medium (i.e., tape recorder or vinyl disc) to increase
the apparent signal to noise ratio.
The long-term averaged spectrum of most music has a maximum at
about 500 hertz, and falls off above and below this range. In other words,
there is much more energy in a music signal in the mid-range than at the
high and low frequencies. This means that the full dynamic range of the
recording medium is not used at the extremes of the frequency range, and
the signal-to-noise ratio is poorest there. The ear is much more
sensitive to high-frequency noise than low-frequency noise due to the
fletcher-munson effect. Pre-emphasis brings the high-frequency con-
tent of the music up to a level further above the ambient noise level of the
recording medium.
In order to restore the proper balance of high and low frequencies to
the reproduced music signal, the boost added by pre-emphasis must be
removed by a complementary cut. This is called de-emphasis, and is
applied to the signal when reproduced from the recording medium or
received with an FM receiver. The de-emphasis reduces the strength of the
high-frequency noise, just as if the treble tone control is turned down. In
other words, the noise reduction takes place in the de-emphasis, and the
pre-emphasis is added to make the de-emphasized signal have flat fre-
quency response.
Pre-emphasis combined with de-emphasis is a very effective noise reduc-
tion technique, and has been in use for many years. Its effectiveness
depends on the high-frequency signal handling capability of the medium,
i.e., the greater the capacity of the medium, the greater the amount of pre-
emphasis that can be used without adding too much distortion.
In the case of early monaural phonograph records, various manu-
facturers did not agree on the optimum amount of pre-emphasis, and pre-
ampliers had several different settings of high-frequency rolloff to
accommodate different records. The advent of the stereo record in 1958
heralded the establishment of the riaa standard pre-emphasis curve, and
all records made after that date had the same pre-emphasis. At last, any
phono preamp with the RIAA playback curve could play any record with
correct equalization. In a way, it is unfortunate that the RIAA standard
calls for so much pre-emphasis, for the result is a very greatly exaggerated
high-frequency signal on the record. This signal is difcult to track with
the stylus, causing undue distortion and placing heavy demands on the
rst stage of the preamp, which must linearly amplify this signal. It is not
feasible now to change the standard because of the great number of records
and players in existence.
The opposite effect exists in the case of tape recorders. When the nab
set the standard pre-emphasis curve for tape recorders in 1954, the best tapes
available then had relatively poor ability to accept strong high-frequency
signals, and the amount of pre-emphasis was quite conservative. In the
meantime, tape quality has increased markedly and much greater pre-
emphasis could be used with no signicant added distortion and with con-
comitant further reduced noise on playback.
An attempt was made by the Ampex company in the 1960s to introduce
a more suitable curve, called the AME curve (for Ampex Master Equaliza-
tion), but it was not universally adopted and fell into disuse. Stefan Kudel-
ski introduced a different curve (the nagramaster curve) in his Nagra
recorders in the 1970s, and it has enjoyed relative success in recording mas-
ter tapes.
All this points up the complex problems entailed in standardization in
disciplines where improvements in quality are constantly being made.
DAT and CD also have an optional pre-emphasis, with a signal bit (ag)
to activate it or not. Unfortunately, not all devices have the deemphasis (par-
ticularly computer CD drives), so it is possible to have a DAT or CD with
preemphasis and hear it undecoded on your system. However, it seems the
vast majority of these tapes/CDs appear to be non-preemphasized.
Prefader In a mixing console, sends are either prefader or postfader. Pre-
fader sends are unaffected by the position of the input fader, whereas post-
fader sends are. A monitor send is usually prefader, so the monitor
continues to operate when the input fader is down.
Prepolarized Condenser Microphone See electret microphone.
Pre-Preamplier A pre-preamplier, in addition to being linguistically ques-
tionable, is a very low-noise amplifier designed to operate at extremely
low signal levels.
Some modern moving coil cartridges have such low output voltages
that standard phono preamplifiers have too little gain to achieve
enough playback volume. moving magnet cartridges have several mil-
livolts of output while moving coils may have only a few tenths of a mil-
livolt. A step-up transformer can be used between the cartridge and
preamp to increase the voltage gain, but transformers are difcult to shield
against hum, can cause distortion, and may not have perfect transient
The pre-preamplier is usually preferred in this application. It is a lin-
ear amplier (i.e., it has at response with no equalization), and is
designed to operate into the input of a standard riaa preamplier.
Presence Quite a few years ago, many home sound systems had a pres-
ence switch as a part of the preamplifier or amplifier. It caused a rise
in level in the frequency range between about 1 and 3 kilohertz, which
purportedly increased the illusion that the music was actually present
Printed Circuit Board
Print Through
tronic components were mounted to the board through small holes for the
lead wires, which were then soldered to the conductors. Today most cir-
cuit components are surface mounted, and holes in the board are only used
to establish electrical connections from one side of the board to the other.
The term printed circuit is a misnomer because the boards are not
printed, but rather etched. Sometimes the correct term, etched circuit
board, is heard.
Print Through When analog tape recordings are wound tightly on the reel,
the adjacent layers of tape sometimes inuence one another so that the sig-
nal from one layer will magnetize or print onto the next layer. This causes
a faint echo of the signal that may be heard as a pre-echo, audible before
the main signal. Print through is sometimes also called interlayer transfer.
Print-through is worse at high recorded signal levels, and some tape
types are much more susceptible to it than others. Thin tapes are more prone
to it than thick ones.
It is surprising, but print-through is much less obvious if the tape is not
rewound after recording or playing, and is stored in a tails out condi-
tion. Print through on a tails out tape exhibits Post Echo, since the
printed signal is played after the fact instead of before. This may be the rea-
son it is less audible and therefore, commercial and master analog tapes
are stored tails out. Another reason for storage tails out is that the tape pack
on the reel is very smooth and uniform, while it is quite ragged when fast
rewound on most machines, making rewound tapes more susceptible to
damage by abrasion or bent reels.
Processing In the manufacture of phonograph records from the master
acetate, several steps are taken, and they are collectively called process-
ing. In one-step processing, the acetate is rst silvered and then electro-
plated with metallic nickel. When this plating is stripped away from the
acetate, it is called a matrix and is a negative of the record, having hills
where the record has valleys, etc. This matrix can be used to press records
simply by using it as a mold in a record press. It is then called a stamper.
About 500 to 1,000 records may be pressed from a stamper, after which it
is worn to the point where high-frequency response will suffer and the noise
level will increase.
If more records are required to be made from the same acetate, the neg-
ative of the master is again electroplated with nickel and the plating is
stripped away. The result is a positive, or a replica of the acetate, which can
be played like a regular record. It is called a mother, and it is in turn
electroplated and stripped. This nal plating is then used as the stamper.
The mother may be repeatedly plated, making as many stampers as
required. Also, the original negative can be replated to make more moth-
ers. This whole procedure is called three-step processing.
ProDigi A digital audio format used in stationary-head multitrack digital
tape recorders, similar to the dash system. There were two formats, one
for 14-inch tape (up to 8 audio channels) and one for 1-inch tape (up to 32
audio channels). Various sampling rates were accommodated, and the for-
Pro Logic II
Pro Logic II surround sound in game software. Pro Logic II encoding can
be decoded by virtually every dolby digital home theater system and
is backward compatible with Dolby Pro Logic receivers and decoders.
Proscenium The part of the stage of a modern theater between the curtain
or drop-scene and the auditorium, often including the curtain itself and
the enclosing arch.
When the curtain is closed, the proscenium in a theater acts as a sepa-
ration between the audience and the goings-on on the stage. The opening
in the proscenium is called the arch, even though it may be rectangular
rather than arched. The part of the proscenium at the sides of and above
the arch is frequently used for the installation of sound reinforcement speak-
ers, usually without regard to their appearance. In new theaters, the speak-
ers are usually recessed behind the surface of the proscenium walls.
ProTools A trademark for a family of software and hardware for audio
production from the Digidesign company. The products so named have
evolved over many years but essentially provide for multitrack recording
and editing. Often referred to as PT.
Proximity Effect Proximity effect is the increase in low-frequency sensi-
tivity of a microphone when the sound source is close to the microphone.
It is a characteristic of directional microphones, and some are much worse
than others.
Proximity effect is a shortcoming, but sometimes it can be used to advan-
tage. If a directional microphone is placed close to a bass instrument, the
low tones will be enhanced, which could be advantageous for some music.
A singer placed close to a directional microphone will sound much bassier,
an improvement in some voices, we suppose. Some of the early radio croon-
ers and radio announcers used proximity effect to deepen and enrich their
voices, and many frequently still do.
Proximity effect comes about because of the nature of the sound eld
close to a sound source. The magnitude of the velocity component of the
sound wave near a sound source is a function of the wavelength as well
as the distance from the source. At low frequencies, where the wavelength
is long compared to the dimensions of the source, this velocity component
rises as the distance decreases faster than the inverse square law would
predict. Thus, any microphone that senses the velocity component (or the
pressure gradient) will have increased low-frequency output compared to
high frequencies.
The effect is described in mathematical detail in Leo Beraneks book
Acoustics, which has been reprinted in paperback by the asa (1986).
Pseudostereo The idea of multichannel listening has been around since
at least 1881 (see ader, clement), and many experiments since the 1920s
have been conducted in stereophonic and binaural broadcasting and
recording. It is surely inevitable that there would be many ideas put forth
that attempted to realize similar results with only one transmission chan-
nel. F. M. Doolittle suggested in 1925 that a stethoscope could be substi-
tuted for the conventional earphones and that if one of its rubber tubes was
Public Address System
longer than the other, a time delay would be introduced to one ear, pro-
viding a binaural effect. The effect was certainly audible but was hardly
binaural. Then, also in 1925, the Kluth system from Berlin used an elec-
tric network to change the phase response in one ear, providing the lis-
tener with plastic radio, as it was touted.
Then, the advent of commercial stereo recordings caused another urry
in the pseudostereo camp, avowedly for the purpose of updating the now-
obsolete monaural recordings, which were so numerous. The stereo-
phoner of Hermann Scherchen was one result, as was the 3D converter
of Chernov. Holger Lauridsen of the Danish National Broadcasting System
also worked on a pseudostereo system, as did Paul Weathers in the United
States. All these systems rely on short time delays and/or phase shifts and
equalization to achieve their effects.
Another idea for improved spaciousness in monaural recordings was
the addition of synthetic reverberation, and one of the earliest devices
for this purpose was the xophonic built by Radio Craftsmen in the mid-
1950s. The Xophonic contained a small loudspeaker connected to a
coiled tube with a microphone in the other end. The delayed sound was
then amplied and reproduced through another loudspeaker in the same
cabinet. Used in conjunction with a conventional single-loudspeaker sound
system, the Xophonic added a reverberant sound from another location.
The coiled pipe had many resonances, and the frequency response of the
system was far from uniform. The Xophonic died in the marketplace soon
after its introduction. Nevertheless, there were several other synthetic
reverberation devices soon placed on the market for home and automobile
use, most of them using the spring reverberator patented in the 1930s by
Laurens Hammond for the Hammond organ.
Psophometer A specialized instrument that measures noise in telephone
circuits, radio transmissions, and other audio-frequency communi-
cation systems. The thing that distinguishes it from a simple voltmeter is
the addition of weighting filters, which are designed to allow meas-
urements that correlate well with subjective perception of noise. The ccir
(now ITU-R) formulated the applicable specications for the psophome-
ter, and the rst commercially available psophometer was made by the Brel
& Kjaer company of Denmark.
Psychoacoustics Psychoacoustics is that discipline that treats the subjec-
tive, or psychological, aspects of acoustic phenomena. It is a branch of the
larger eld called psychophysics.
Psychoacousticians investigate such things as the ears ability to local-
ize sounds, the perception of phase shift in audio signals, the sensi-
tivity of the ear to various types and amounts of distortion, etc. The
eld is relatively young, and a great deal remains to be learned in it.
Public Address System An old term, abbreviated PA or P.A., coined in the
1930s, probably by somebody at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, for sound
reinforcement system. The term sound reinforcement was introduced in the
1960s to imply high quality and absence of distortion compared with
put tubes connected in such a way that while the current in one is increas-
ing, it is decreasing in the other. In a sense, one tube pushes and the other
pulls the current. The signals from the two tubes are combined in the out-
put transformer. The solid-state analog of the tube push-pull circuit
is the complementary symmetry circuit, where two transistors oper-
ate in a similar manner.
There are several classes of operation of push-pull circuits. In class a,
both devices carry signal all the time, and there is no transition of the sig-
nal from one device to the other. This conguration produces relatively lit-
tle distortion. In class b operation, one device is turned completely off
during part of the cycle, and the other one carries the entire signal. The sig-
nal is thus traded back and forth between the tubes or transistors as it goes
through the zero voltage point. This produces more distortion, but is more
efcient, permitting more audio power output from the given devices than
class A operation. To reduce the distortion in class B operation, relatively
large amounts of negative feedback are used. The different classes of
operation are obtained by the amount of bias applied to the stages.
Because push-pull circuits are symmetrical with respect to the signal volt-
age and current, the distortion they generate has a symmetrical waveform,
which means it consists only of odd-numbered harmonics. One difculty
in designing such circuits is to ensure that the signal is smoothly passed
from one device to the other as it goes through zero. Otherwise, crossover
distortion is introduced, which is worse at low signal levels, where it
represents a larger proportion of the signal. See also harmonic distor-
tion; power amplifier.
PWM Pulse Width Modulation. PWM is a method of encoding a signal
by using the length of a pulse as a measure of the height of a sample of the
waveform. PWM is not a digital encoding at all, but is all analog. Some
digital encoding systems use PWM as an intermediate stage between sam-
pling and analog-to-digital conversion. The video laserdisc system
uses PWM coding of the video signal, and thus is not a digital system.
PZM A registered trademark for a type of commercial microphone,
PZM stands for Pressure Zone Microphone. The PZM is a small electret
condenser microphone that is mounted very close to a small aluminum
plate. It is meant to be placed on a large at surface such as the oor or a
wall. The PZM is 6 decibels more sensitive than the same microphone
would be if it were in free space. This is due to the pressure doubling, which
occurs at a boundary when a sound wave is reected from it.
This increase in sensitivity is an advantage because it increases the
signal-to-noise ratio of the microphone by the same amount. How-
ever, the primary advantage of a microphone at a surface is that it is not
sensitive to phase cancellation of sound reected from the surface and inter-
fering with the direct sound. A free-standing microphone should never be
placed closer than 5 or 6 feet from a surface to avoid this effect, which is a
broad dip in the frequency response curve at a frequency whose wave-
length is twice the distance to the surface. Thus, a microphone 1 foot from
a surface will have a dip centered at about 500 hertz, which is right in the
middle of the audible range.
The PZM has hemispherical coverage if mounted on a surface large com-
pared to the longest wavelength to be picked up. If it is mounted on a small
surface, such as a square piece of plexiglass, the sensitivity will drop by 6
dB at low frequencies because the sound wave is simply diffracted around
the barrier rather than being reected from it. This results in an apparent
treble boost.
PZMs are also somewhat sensitive to the vibration of the surface they
are mounted on, causing nonuniform frequency response. A good close-
miked piano sound can be obtained by placing such a microphone on the
underside of a raised grand piano lid. (PZMs are excellent at picking up
the sound of tap dancing.)
Although PZM is a recently introduced term, the technique of placing
microphones very close to surfaces has been used for many years, espe-
cially by laying microphones on the lip of a stage for unobtrusive rein-
forcement of musicals, etc. If a cardioid microphone is laid on a oor, its
directional pattern will be preserved, but with 6 dB greater gain. The true
PZM always has a hemispherical pickup pattern and 6 dB higher gain than
the microphone alone would have.
Q In reference to a resonant mechanical or electrical circuit or a capac-
itor, Q stands for quality factor. In the case of a resonant system, Q is a
measure of the sharpness of the resonant peak in the frequency response
of the system and is inversely proportional to the damping in the system.
equalizers that contain resonant circuits are rated by their Q value: the
higher the Q, the higher and more well-dened the peak in the response.
In a capacitor, Q is a measure of its efciency and is dened as the ratio of
its capacitive reactance to its resistance at some specied high fre-
quency. The Q of a capacitor is also called the power factor, and is the recip-
rocal of the dissipation factor.
In loudspeaker systems, Q is a measure of the directivity of the sound
output. A Q of 1 means the system radiates energy equally in all directions,
or into 360 degrees of solid angle. A Q of 2 means the speaker radiates only
into a hemisphere, or 180 degrees of solid angle. Higher values of Q mean
the speaker radiates into smaller and smaller angles, or in other words
becomes more and more directional. Q is an important characteristic of
sound reinforcement loudspeakers because the more directional the speak-
ers, the less room reverberation will be excited by the sound system,
increasing the clarity of the perceived sound.
Unfortunately, the Q of a speaker depends on frequency. It always
increases at higher frequencies and is always near 1 at the lowest frequen-
Quadraphonic Sound
cies. This must be carefully considered by the sound system designer. See
also directivity index.
QAVC Quiet Automatic Volume Control. A type of agc introduced about
1934 in radio receivers that reduced the sensitivity nearly to zero when no
carrier was received, resulting in the squelching of interstation noise.
Q-Biphonic See biphonic.
QS See quadraphonic sound.
Quadlet A 32-bit digital data quantity.
Quad Microphone Cable A superior type of microphone cable consisting
of four signal conductors and a shield. The four signal wires are twisted
together and opposite wires are connected together at each end of the cable,
giving a double twisted pair conguration. Quad cable has signicantly
better rejection of 60-Hz hum interference than conventional twisted pair
Quadraphonic Sound A stereophonic system consisting of four chan-
nels, usually two in the front as in conventional two-channel stereo, and
two in the rear, purportedly for the reproduction of reverberant sound.
Quadraphonic sound, or quad, enjoyed a brief period of popularity in
the early 1970s and has experienced a gradual but inevitable death since
then. The reason for its demise is that it did not provide the listener a con-
vincing illusion of being immersed in a reverberant eld; in short, it did
not work. Perhaps any system that mixes Latin and Greek to invent its name
is doomed from the start.
Throughout the history of audio, there have been many techniques put
forth that attempt to acoustically transport the listener to the room where
the recording was made. Even in the earliest days of the cylinder phono-
graph, multiple reproducers were sometimes used to introduce small time
delays when playing a record in an effort to produce greater reverbera-
tion. Articial reverberation has been added to recordings for many
years, and synthetic reverberation devices have been promoted for home
use to enhance the spaciousness of recordings. It has long been known
that two channels are not sufcient to convey a realistic sound perspective
to a listener-to-loudspeaker reproduction. Three-channel stereo, for instance,
is much better at simulating the positions of instruments across a stage. See
also stereophonic.
The advent of home-type, four-channel tape recorders helped to encour-
age the industry to produce four-channel recordings, and this was proba-
bly responsible for the birth of quadraphonic sound. Then someone
discovered that four channels of audio could be combined in a special way
(called matrixing) and recorded onto a two-channel disc. The composite
signal, containing the four channels, is fed into a de-matrixing network,
which recovers a reasonable facsimile of the original four channels. Thus,
the matrixed format of recording quadraphony on discs was born. The ini-
tials QS and SQ referred to competing schemes, each requiring its own type
of decoder, which the hapless consumer was expected to buy. Then, a multi-
plexing technique that used a high-frequency carrier modulated with
the two rear channels and recorded on the disc along with the two stan-
dard stereo channels was born. This was called CD-4 and was advertised
as discrete rather than matrixed quadraphony. Of course, a special de-
modulator was required to play it, not to mention a special cartridge and
stylus assembly. The CD-4 system was too expensive and suffered from
far too much background noise and distortion to be considered high-
fidelity, and it was short-lived in the marketplace.
Probably, if P. T. Barnum had lived in the 1970s, he would have promoted
a quadraphonic technique.
All these systems were rushed to the market, very often without suf-
cient engineering having been done. It was as if the manufacturers were
using the public as a testing agency for the technology, constantly coming
out with new improved models and expecting to sell them. Finally, the
long-suffering public gave up in disgust. Who was it who said you cannot
fool all the people all the time?
However, it must be said that todays multichannel surround sound sys-
tems found in most motion picture houses and many home theater setups
are really a logical outgrowth of the now obsolete quadraphonic systems
of the past. Of course, the systems of today are far more sophisticated and
the construction of the multichannel sound tracks used with them is an art
form in itself.
Quadrature Two signals which are 90 degrees out of phase with one
another are said to be in quadrature. Also, a signal or a function such as
impedance will have a phase angle that varies with frequency or with
time. This phase angle can be resolved into two components called the real
and imaginary parts, which have a 90-degree phase difference. They are
said to be in quadrature; or more commonly, the imaginary component is
called the quadrature part. See also Appendix 11.
Quad Track Optical soundtrack negative, and release print made therefrom,
which contains all three digital sound formats (dolby digital, DTS, and
SDDS) plus a standard sva analog track.23
Quantization The representation of a continuous voltage span by a num-
ber of discrete values. Quantization is inherent in any digital audio sys-
tem, and it adds quantization error, noise, and distortion to the signal.
The signal after quantization has a staircase shape rather than a con-
tinuous curve, and the difference between this and the original signal is
quantization error. The amount of error will always be within one lsb; there-
fore, the smaller the LSB, the better. In the quantization of a sine wave,
whose frequency is a submultiple of the sampling frequency, the error will
have a denite pattern that repeats at the frequency of the signal. Thus,
it will have a frequency content consisting of multiples of this frequency,
and it can be considered harmonic distortion rather than noise.
For music, however, the signal is constantly changing, and no such reg-
23. This entry is copyright 19992003 by Larry Blake and is reprinted with permission.
ularity exists. The quantization error is then wideband noise, and is called
quantization noise. Quantization noise is difcult to measure because it does
not exist without a signal. A sine test signal is not good because sometimes
this results in distortion, not noise. If the sine wave frequency is chosen so
it is not a submultiple of the sampling frequency, the quantization errors
will be more nearly randomized and will resemble random noise.
Quantization Error See quantization.
Quantizing Step See lsb.
Quarter-Track Quarter-track, sometimes called four-track, refers to most
home-type, reel-to-reel analog tape recorders, which use one-fourth the
width of the tape for each recorded track. This allows stereo signals to be
recorded in both directions, effectively doubling the recording time. The
technique is simply to record two tracks in one pass of the tape, and then
reverse the tape reels and record the other side on another pass of the tape.
Professional stereo tape recorders use one-half of the tape for each track,
which results in better quality and reduced noise level. Quarter-track tapes
with both sides recorded cannot be edited by splicing the tape as can two-
track tapes. Four-track usually refers to an open reel format with all four
tracks recorded in one direction.
Quartz Control See servo.
Quiescent Current In transistor and tube circuitry, the direct bias cur-
rent is sometimes called the quiescent current because it still exists in the
absence of a signal.
Quiescent Noise The residual noise produced by an audio device at its
output terminals when no signal is present.
Quieting The decrease in the noise level at the output of an fm receiver or
tuner when tuned to an unmodulated carrier, as opposed to being tuned
between stations. The quieting, expressed in decibels, is one measure of
the performance of the receiver or tuner.
Quintophonic An unusual surround-sound system for motion picture use
devised in Britain by the late John Mosely. It used both magnetic and opti-
cal sound tracks. Quintophonic sound never became a commercial success.
See also colortek.
Rack Many years ago, a standard method for mounting telephone equip-
ment was devised that used steel frames spaced 19 inches apart. They were
perforated with many tapped holes along the vertical axis, and equipment
with flanges 19 inches apart could be bolted in place. These frames were
originally called relay racks. The same design is still widely used to mount
commercial electronic equipment, including audio components. Even
some home-type components such as amplifiers and tuners are designed
Rack Space
for rack mounting. Some components are adapted for rack mounting by
the addition of rack anges, or rack ears.
Rack Space See u.
Radiation Impedance The acoustic impedance that acts as a load on a
loudspeaker, opposing the motion of the cone. The acoustic power out-
put of a speaker, especially a low-frequency speaker, is greatly affected
by the radiation impedance, and this depends on where the speaker is
placed. In free space, with no nearby reecting surfaces, the speaker will
see the highest impedance and will radiate the least amount of power. If
placed next to a large wall, it radiates into a hemisphere rather than a full
sphere, cutting its radiation impedance in half and doubling its power out-
put. The more restricted the volume the speaker sees, the more power it
will radiate. This is the reason a loudspeaker system has such an increase
in bass response when placed in the corner of a room. The radiation imped-
ance is also reected back to the electrical input impedance of the speaker
terminals, so the amount of power the speaker draws from the amplier
also varies with the speakers location.
Radiation Pattern The graph of a loudspeakers directional characteris-
tics, usually plotted for several specic test frequencies. Also called the polar
pattern. The term radiation pattern also applies to sound radiation of musi-
cal instruments.
Radio Frequency, RF An alternating current or voltage having a
frequency above about 100 kilohertz. It is so called because these fre-
quencies are radiated as electromagnetic waves by radio (and now televi-
sion) stations. Theoretically, RF could extend down into the audible range,
and some special-purpose radio transmissions are at about 20 kHz, but RF
is usually considered to be at least 100 kHz.
In radio and television broadcasting, the actual signal broadcast by the
station is called the radio frequency, as opposed to the audio frequency (AF)
or video frequency, which modulates it. The signal present at the receiv-
ing antenna terminals is also RF and remains so in the receiver until it is
heterodyned or detected.
Radio Frequency Interference, RFI The noise that can be induced in audio
systems due to radio and television broadcasting stations is called radio
frequency interference. One might think that the extremely high fre-
quencies radiated by broadcast stations would not cause problems at audio
frequencies, but most audio circuits are nonlinear at these high fre-
quencies, and this causes the interfering signals to be rectied, or
detected. The envelope of the RF signals can then be heard as the inter-
ference. RFI is a type of electromagnetic interference. See also
television interference.
Radiogram British terminology for radio-phonograph.
Radiophonics A term, coined by the BBC, referring to a type of electronic
music made up of multiple recordings of natural sounds that have been
copied and manipulated in various ways and spliced back together to make
a collage of sound. The more usual term for this is musique concrte.
Rayleigh, Lord
Recording Lathe
Recording Horn
Recording Lathe The recording lathe is the turntable assembly that is used
in the recording of the acetate master, which is the rst step in the mak-
Recording Lathe
Re-entrant Horn
mission. These transcriptions were used until the advent of the tape
recorder in the early 1950s.
A third speed of 45 rpm was introduced about 1948 by RCA for their
new microgroove records. One wag has suggested that the speed was a log-
ical choice, since 78 less 33 equals 45.
Recordist A person (presumably) procient in the art of making record-
ings of music. The person who operates the recording device during a
recording session, who may also be called the machine operator.
Rectication The conversion of an alternating current to a direct
current. The AC of the power line is rectied in the power supply to pro-
vide DC for active circuit devices. Rectication is also used to recover
the signal from an amplitude modulated waveform. See also detec-
tion; detector.
Rectify See rectification.
Red Book A comprehensive manual published by Philips and Sony that
sets out the complete standards dening the compact disc format. When
buying a license to make CD players, a manufacturer obtains the rights to
the applicable patents and also a copy of the Red Book. This ensures that
all CD players will be compatible.
In like manner, the cd-rom standards are contained in the Yellow Book,
also published by Philips and Sony, but the le structure is not the same as
in the Red Book CD. The CD-ROM le structure conforms to the ISO 9660
specications, and this allows the CD-ROM to be read by many computer
operating systems. The Orange Book covers CD-R. The Blue Book is the
specication for CD-Plus, a multisession audio and data disc. The Green
Book covers the cd-i standards and the White Book covers Video CD. The
colors ostensibly come from the colors of the covers on the books.
Redundancy The transmission of more information (in a digital system,
this means more bits) than is necessary in order to improve the reliability
of the transmission. It must, of course, be accompanied by appropriate
decoding. error correction bits are examples of redundant information.
Human speech is highly redundant by nature. This is the reason it is
possible to understand what is said in the presence of large amounts of
noise or distortion. Music is also very redundant.
Reel Idler A rotating metal cylinder between the supply reel and the heads
of a magnetic tape recorder. It is usually connected to a ywheel under the
tape deck and thus serves to smooth out any irregularities in the tape motion
caused by tape sticking in the supply pack.
Re-entrant Horn A type of horn loudspeaker, usually made of metal,
in which the sound path is folded back on itself to make the overall horn
less bulky. Re-entrant horns (or re-entrant trumpets, as they are sometimes
called) are characterized by poor low-frequency response, poor very high-
frequency response, and many resonances in the audible range, making
them sound metallic or tinny. Their sole advantage is high efciency,
producing a lot of sound for a little input power. They are used only for
low-cost paging systems. See also folded horn.
Reference Level
Re-entrant Horn
Reference Level The reference level in an audio device is a signal level near
the maximum possible that the device can handle but low enough to ensure
low distortion. This difference is known as headroom. In audio devices,
it is desirable to attain the maximum signal-to-noise ratio, and to do
this, one needs to know the signal level in the device in comparison to the
maximum level possible without distortion. If the operator keeps the sig-
nal level as high as possible, the signal to noise ratio is maximized. Many
devices will show the reference level as 0 dB with an LED or on a mechan-
ical meter, and mark the onset of the maximum signal possible with a sep-
arate LED labeled clip or overload. Meters are usually inadequate to
show the maximum with any accuracy on program material because they
are too slow in response. It is up to the operator to determine if factors such
as the metering characteristics, or crest factor, dynamic range and
spectral content of the audio signal warrant adjusting the signal level above
or below the reference level. Operators may also interconnect devices and
use each devices reference level indication to estimate these optimal oper-
ating conditions. Unfortunately, devices seldom agree on the desirable head-
room, and this must be taken into account. See gain structure. Headroom
in many devices may be 24 dB or more, but you can get better signal-to-
noise ratio numbers by reducing headroom.
In the case of digital devices, the important reference level is the maxi-
mum, known as 0 dBFS for decibels full scale. Program should be recorded
to come as close to 0 as possible without ever going over. This is difcult
to achieve in practice, as even peak reading meters cannot always display
a brief level that is actually going over 0. Again, the operator must judge
how far below 0 dBFS to adjust her program level to avoid ever going over
and causing distortion. Some controversy exists over how many dB below
0 dBFS to record test tones intended to help subsequent analog equipment
users set their levels. An accepted gure is 1218 dB, but since there is no
standard, a notation should be made for the benet of the next user. Any
decibel measurement requires a reference level that is 0 dB by denition.
This reference level is typically not chosen for any reason involving opti-
mizing signal to noise ratio as above.
In the case of analog tape recorders the term operating level is used.
Reex An early type of radio set that passed the rf signal through several
amplier tubes and then passed the audio signal after detection through
the same amplier tubes again. In effect each tube does the work of two.
Such sets usually had only one tuned circuit and were not very selective,
that is, they were likely to receive several strong stations at the same time.
See also bass reflex.
Regeneration A type of positive feedback in radio receivers invented and
patented in 1913 by Major Edwin Armstrong. Lee DeForest contested the
patent, claiming to have invented the same thing in 1912, although he didnt
publicize it. There was a great court battle, and several decisions each way
until nally the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in DeForests favor and awarded
him the patent in 1934.
The purpose of regeneration was to increase the gain of the RF ampli-
fier in the receiver and thus increase the sensitivity of the receiver. Arm-
strongs patent used a tickler coil inside the main tuning coil and con-
nected to the RF amplier. The tickler could be rotated by a knob, varying
the coupling between it and the coil and thus varying the feedback and the
resultant gain of the stage. Too much regeneration would cause the set to
oscillate, turning it into a miniature transmitter, to the consternation of the
neighbors who might be trying to listen to their radios! One method of oper-
ation, called dead beat tuning, was to increase the regeneration to get the
set to howl and then tune to a station. As the station was tuned in, the howl
frequency would fall, and there would be a bloop sound when it was
tuned in exactly. For this reason, these sets were also called bloopers.
Other methods of adding positive feedback were developed by differ-
ent makers in order to get around Armstrongs patent, but most were infe-
rior to the tickler coil. At least one maker built a set with a tickler coil that
was short-circuited by a heavy wire. Attached to the wire was a large red
tag cautioning the purchaser not to remove the wire under any circum-
stances, for this would result in patent infringement. However, the tag went
on to extol the improved reception that would result if the wire were
Regulation The ability of a power supply to maintain a constant volt-
age as varying current is being drawn from it. A regulated power sup-
ply is one that has a circuit specially designed to control the output voltage
as the current drawn varies. A conventional power supply, without a reg-
ulator circuit, can have good regulation, in which case it may be called a
brute force supply.
Relap To reshape analog tape recorder heads after they wear. For proper
Release Agent
operation, a tape head should have a smoothly curved surface where the
tape makes contact with it. As the head wears with use, the surface will
develop a flat, and this reduces the pressure of the tape against the gap
of the head, causing nonuniformity of the output.
The head can be restored to original performance by reshaping the curve
by a process called relapping. This is another word for a very ne-grain
grinding and polishing operation. Usually this can only be done once
because the pole pieces in the head will wear too thin and the gap will
increase in length. See also edge slotting.
Release Agent A chemical additive to the vinyl compound used for
pressing vinyl phonograph records to prevent them from sticking to the
Remote A recording session that occurs at a location other than a record-
ing studio, such as a concert hall or church.
Most classical music recordings are remotes, for the acoustics of the
recording space are an important part of the musical experience. A remote
recording requires a good deal of planning and a large amount of work com-
pared to a studio recording, and unforeseen problems are always cropping
up. An example of such a problem occurred in Seattle about forty years
ago when a record company set out to record a large theater organ. micro-
phone cables were strung, all the equipment was brought in and set up,
and microphones were positioned for the rst test recording. The techni-
cian, needing AC power, pulled the end of his long extension cord back-
stage and plugged it into what looked like a standard power outlet. The
problem was that the theater was powered with DC rather than AC, and
all the equipment instantly failed, some by blown fuses and some by burned-
out power transformers.
Repeat Coil, Repeater Coil Another name for a one-to-one turns ratio trans-
former used in telephone and broadcasting applications in order to eliminate
the requirement for the ground connection between two audio devices
or systems. ground loops are thus eliminated, and certain noises such as
hum can be greatly reduced.
The repeat coil is typically designed for input and output impedances
of 600 ohms. It is also sometimes called an isolation transformer,
although some isolation transformers are designed for use in the power line
input of audio devices. These isolation transformers, however, are never
called repeat coils.
Reproduce Alignment Tape See alignment tape.
Resampling In digital audio systems, the changing of a signal encoded
at one sampling rate to a different sampling rate is called resampling. The
brute force way of doing this would be to convert the signal back to ana-
log with a dac and then re-encode it with an adc using a different sam-
pling rate. This, however, subjects the signal to distortions in the dual
conversion processes, so it is much better to do the job completely in the
digital domain.
If the two sampling rates are in a simple arithmetic ratio, it is relatively
ducers so the resonances are outside the audible range, and this is done
in the case of most microphones. It is not possible, however, for loud-
speakers, so the resonances are damped so that they will contribute as lit-
tle distortion as possible. Resonances in tweeters are probably the most
insidious because the higher frequencies are where the ear is most sensi-
tive to tone color, or timbre, changes.
Some other mechanical resonances that cause problems are associated
with record players. The resonance between the tonearm mass and the sty-
lus stiffness can cause low-frequency distortion and mistracking.
Resonator An acoustic device that has a resonance. The most common
acoustic resonator is the helmholtz resonator. Virtually all musical
instruments have some sort of resonator as part of their tone-producing
Return See send.
Reverb Chamber Short for reverberation chamber or room. A specially
designed room whose surfaces are all carefully designed with regard to
placement and reectivity, into which a speaker and microphone are
placed for the purpose of creating controlled reverberation for adding to
recordings. Dry recordings are played through the speaker and the micro-
phone picks up the result created by the room, which can be judiciously
mixed back into the original dry recording. The reverberation chamber pre-
ceded purely electronic devices, and is thought by some to still sound the
best. Capitol Records in Hollywood has several famous reverb chambers
under their parking lot. Curiously, a concrete stairwell can sometimes serve
as a decent reverb chamber with the addition of the speaker and micro-
phone, so long as no one uses the stairs.
Reverberant Field In a room with reverberation, if a listener is close to
a source of sound, the direct sound will predominate, and the listener is
said to be in the direct eld of the source. At greater distances, the rever-
berant energy will predominate, and this region is called the reverberant
In general, the purpose of sound reinforcement systems is to send direct
energy into the reverberant eld to increase intelligibility.
Reverberation The remainder of sound that exists in a room after the source
of the sound is stopped is called reverberation, sometimes mistakenly called
echo. The time of reverberation is dened as the time it takes for the
sound pressure level to decay to one-millionth of its former value. This
is a 60-decibel reduction in level.
All rooms have some reverberation, and an important subjective qual-
ity of a room is its reverberation time, although other factors, such as ratio
of direct to reverberant sound, are probably more important. In a real room,
the sound heard by a listener is a mixture of direct sound from the source
and reverberant sound from the room. Reverberant sound is diffuse, com-
ing from random directions, and the direct sound allows us to localize the
source of the sound. As we move farther from the source, the direct sound
becomes weaker and the reverberant sound is relatively stronger. At a cer-
tain point, the two will be equal in strength, and this is sometimes called
the critical distance. This distance is surprisingly small for most
rooms. Even when we listen from distances greater than the critical dis-
tance, we can localize the sound because our hearing mechanism can dis-
tinguish the direct sound in the presence of stronger reverberation by
binaural hearing.
For good speech intelligibility, too much reverberation is a hindrance,
and can be considered noise, although some reverberation helps intelli-
gibility if the reverberation time is not too long. The objectively measured
reverberation time of a room is not necessarily heard by a listener, for the
reverberant sound may be high or low in level compared to the direct sound.
For instance, a large cathedral with six seconds reverberation time does not
sound reverberant to two people casually speaking inside it, but their speech
in a small chamber, say twenty feet on a side, with six seconds reverbera-
tion would be inarticulate. In the large space, the reections from the walls
are much later in arriving at the listener, and are at a lower level than in
the small rooms. For this reason, longer reverberation time is better toler-
ated in large buildings than in small ones; this also points up the fact that
the reverberation time alone does not give very much information on how
a room will sound to a listener.
Most music recordings have some reverberation recorded on them
along with the direct sound, and this causes a sensation of room ambi-
ence to be present. Usually, recording studios are lacking in reverbera-
tion, and so synthetic reverberation is mixed with the music signal when
making the master recording. This synthetic reverberation seldom sounds
the same as real reverberation, but the music consumer seems to have got-
ten used to it.
Reverberator A device for the generation of synthetic reverberation. See
also plate reverberation; spring reverb.
Reverse Current The current in a diode or other semiconductor junc-
tion that is opposite to the normal direction. Reverse current is sometimes
called leakage current and is usually extremely small, except in the case of
the zener diode.
Reverse Resistance The actual resistance of a diode or other semi-
conductor junction when conducting current in the direction opposite to
normal. Reverse resistance is normally very high, which causes reverse cur-
rent to be very low. But when the reverse voltage reaches the breakdown,
or avalanche, voltage, the resistance suddenly falls and the current increases.
Some diodes have a very nonlinear reverse resistance when operating in
the avalanche mode such that the voltage across them remains essentially
constant regardless of the current. Such a diode is called a zener diode.
Reverse Voltage See reverse resistance.
RF, or R.F. See radio frequency.
RFI See radio frequency interference.
Rhythmicon A clever musical keyboard instrument built in 1930 by Leon
Theremin, n Termen, the inventor of the theremin, at the request of com-
poser/theorist Henry Cowell. Each key of the Rhythmicon played a
repeated tone, proportional in pitch and rhythm to the overtone series
(the second key played one octave higher in pitch [double the frequency
of the rst key] and twice as fast as the rst key. The third key played three
times higher in frequency and repeated three times faster then the rst
key, etc.). The instrument used electronic oscillators to produce the
tones and a rotating disc with rows of holes in it at various spacing. The
rhythm was generated by photoelectric cells on one side of the disc and
neon light bulbs on the other side. When a hole let the neon light strike
the photocell, a sound was produced, and the keyboard determined
which lights were activated.
RIAA Short for Recording Industry Association of America. A long time
ago, the RIAA was active in setting standards for recording and playback
equalization of phonograph records. The universally used de-emphasis
curve for stereo record playback was standardized by the RIAA, and is often
Ringing Out
Ring Modulator
for switching digital audio and video signals as well as computer network
RPM Revolutions per minute, the standard unit for measuring rotation
RTA See real-time analyzer.
Rub and Buzz Distortion A type of distortion found in some dynamic
loudspeakers caused by the voice coil assembly rubbing against one
of the magnetic pole pieces. The detection of rub and buzz is one of the
quality control test procedures used by loudspeaker manufacturers. It is
more likely to occur in high-efciency speakers, where the distance between
the coil and pole pieces is very small to maintain a strong magnetic eld
in the gap.
Rumble Turntables for the making and playing of phonograph records are
designed to operate as smoothly and noiselessly as possible, but no mat-
ter how careful the design, the unit will exhibit some noise, caused by bear-
ing irregularities, shaft and pulley eccentricities, belt inconsistencies, etc.
This noise is mostly low-frequency, and is called rumble. The frequency
content affects the audibility of rumble, higher frequencies being more
annoying than lower ones.
The advent of direct drive turntables did not eliminate rumble, but sub-
stituted a different kind, caused by motor vibration and irregularities, or
cogging, of the drive system. Rumble is measured by playing back a silent
groove record, supposedly recorded without rumble, and measuring the
low-frequency noise output of the phono cartridge. It is expressed as an
rms value in decibels below a reference level.
Sabin The unit of acoustical absorption, equivalent to 1 square foot of a
perfect absorber. An open window of 1 square foot would have 1 sabin of
absorption. There are no perfect sound absorbers (other than open win-
dows), and sound absorbers are rated in terms of their absorption as a per-
cent of a theoretically perfect absorber. The sound absorption coefcient is
actually this ratio. For instance, an absorber with a coefcient of .5 will
absorb 50 percent of the sound that reaches it. Two square feet of this mate-
rial will have a total absorption of 1 sabin. One square meter of absorption
is called a metric sabin.
Absorption coefcients are used in the calculation of reverberation
times in rooms. The absorption of any material will differ at different fre-
quencies, and acoustical materials are measured at many frequencies to
determine their absorption characteristics.
The sabin is named after Wallace Clement Sabine, a Harvard professor
of physics in the early 1900s. He is credited as being the rst scientic acousti-
cian. He dened reverberation time, developed methods to measure and
Sampling Rate
Sanders Theater Seat Cushion The rst unit of acoustic absorption used
by Wallace Sabine in his experiments in auditorium acoustics at Harvard
University. He used the seat cushions from the Sanders theater to reduce
the reverberation in the Fogg Art Museum and, along with organ pipes as
sound generators and his ears as microphones, determined the reverberation
time as a function of frequency and the amount of added absorption. Later,
he dened the unit of absorption as 1 square foot of complete absorption,
and this has become known as the sabin in his honor.
Sand Filling A technique for increasing the mass and damping of the pan-
els of loudspeaker cabinets by forming the sidewalls from two panels
separated by about an inch or so and lling the interior space with dry sand.
It greatly reduces the amount of energy the sides of the cabinet radiate,
reducing the coloration of the output sound. The technique was rst
used by Gilbert Briggs of Wharfdale Wireless Works in England. In recent
times, other methods have been developed to add damping to the cabinet
SAP Acronym for Second Audio Program in the ntsc analog TV standard.
SAP is a monophonic audio signal broadcast by a television station in addi-
tion to the standard television sound. One use is to broadcast the same
program in a second language.
The SAP signal is frequency modulated onto a 78.67-kilohertz sub-
carrier that is then added to the TV sound signal before the subcarrier
modulates the 4.5-megahertz sound carrier. To receive the SAP, the TV
receiver must be equipped with a device to select and demodulate the sub-
carrier. SAP is part of mts, added to NTSC television in 1984.
Satellite Radio Systems that transmit radio-like channels of digital audio
programming via satellites to receivers in automobiles or homes. In 1992,
the fcc (Federal Communications Commission) allocated a spectrum in
the 2.3-GHz band for nationwide broadcasting of satellite-based digital
audio; CD Radio (now Sirius Satellite Radio) and American Mobile Radio
(now XM Satellite Radio) are the two systems in operation in the U.S. Pro-
grams are beamed to three Sirius satellites and two XM satellites, which
then transmit the signals to the ground, where your radio receiver tunes in
to one of the channels within the signal. Signals are also beamed to ground
repeaters for listeners in urban areas where the satellite signal cannot be
received directly.
A third system called Worldspace is broadcasting now in Africa and Asia,
and is planning to begin broadcasting in South America. All three systems
require a subscription fee. See also dab.
Saturation In magnetic tape recording, saturation is the maximum mag-
netization that a tape can attain. In analog audio recording, actual recorded
levels are less than saturation because distortion is introduced if satu-
ration is approached, especially at low frequencies. At high frequencies, it
is not possible to reach tape saturation because the signal itself acts to par-
tially erase itself as it is being recorded. This is called self-erasure, and
limits the maximum level attainable in a tape recorder at high frequencies.
SAW Filter
cially Macintosh users, used SCSI hard drives for mass storage for many
years because of its high performance. SCSI has since been eclipsed by other,
cheaper systems such as firewire.
S-DAT Acronym for Stationary-head digital Audio Tape. See dat; dash;
SDDS Sony Dynamic Digital Sound is a motion picture digital sound sys-
tem capable of eight discrete digital channels. The sound track is on both
edges of the lm and is read optically by a device using a CCD (charge
coupled device) such as used in the late 1970s in the ill-fated colortek
4-track optical lm sound system. The soundtrack consists of an array of
microscopic dots (or pixels) much like those recorded on a CD. Both edges
are used to provide two continuous streams of data interleaved using a
cross-redundant error correction technique to further prevent drop-
outs from lm damage or scratches. The atrac technique is used to
reduce the bit rate of the digital data by as much as ve to one. As the lm
runs, red leds are used to illuminate the SDDS soundtrack. CCDs read the
SDDS data and convert the stream of dots on the lm into digital informa-
tion. This information is preprocessed in the reader and passed on to the
SDDS decoder.
SDIF-2 Short for Sony Digital Interface-2. This is an interface format devel-
oped by Sony for digitally transferring audio signals between different Sony
professional audio products. Each audio channel is transmitted over its own
SDMI Secure Digital Music Initiative. A working group formed by the riaa
to develop a voluntary method for protecting copyrights of music distrib-
uted on the Internet. The SDMIs mandate is to legitimize music distribu-
tion and prevent copyright infractions. It is backed by the major labels. The
similar group in England is called the Creative Industries Taskforce (CIT).
See also drm.
SDTV, Standard Denition Television Several formats for digital broad-
cast television have been put forth by atsc, the Advanced Television Sys-
tems Committee. SDTV standards include 480 lines interlaced scan and 480
lines progressive scan, as compared to 1080 lines for high denition.
SECAM Systme En Coleurs Mmoir. The French standard for color tel-
evision transmission. Sometimes it is referred to as System Essentially Con-
trary to American Methods, which it is. The SECAM system is used in
Hungary, Algeria, and the former USSR, besides France. It uses 625 lines
in the picture and a frame rate of 25 per second.
Secondary In a transformer, the winding that supplies the output signal
or current is called the secondary, whereas the input signal or current
enters the primary winding. There is sometimes no fundamental differ-
ence in the two windings; either one can be used as a primary or secondary.
Secondary Emission In a tetrode vacuum tube, the high-speed electrons
striking the plate dislodge other electrons, which interfere with the action
of the screen grid. This is called secondary emission, and its effect is
reduced or eliminated by placing a third grid between the screen and plate.
central magnetic pole piece to increase these eddy currents and further
reduce the high-frequency impedance. This works because copper and sil-
ver are much better electrical conductors than the iron of the pole piece.
However, the conductive ring displaces some iron, and the magnetic eld
the voice coil sees is reduced, so the overall sensitivity of the speaker is
reduced somewhat.
Semiresonance See semicapacitor.
Semitone The musical interval one note in the chromatic scale. The inter-
val from C to C sharp is a semitone, as is the interval between C sharp and
D, etc. In the equal temperament system of tuning, all semitones are exactly
the same interval, with a frequency ratio of the twelfth root of two, or slightly
less than six percent in frequency. Equal temperament is almost universally
used in the tuning of pianos world wide, but some instruments, such as
harpsichords and organs, may be tuned to one of several systems of
unequal temperament. These tuning schemes have interesting effects on
the music being played. For instance, a selection played in the key of C will
sound different than if it is played in the keys of D or G sharp. There is
much discussion and sometimes even gnashing of teeth and wringing of
hands among certain musicians over the desirability of using these tem-
peraments, but that is another story. See also Appendix 8.
Send An output on a recording or sound reinforcement console for a sig-
nal to be sent to another device, such as a reverberator or equalizer.
The signal is returned to the console via the return connector. Typical con-
soles will have several sends and returns.
Sensitivity The minimum required signal at the input of an audio
device in order to produce the rated output is generally called the sensi-
tivity of the device. The higher the sensitivity, the lower the signal required
at the input.
The sensitivity is usually specied for a particular output. For instance,
the sensitivity of a power amplifier is that input voltage that will result
in the rated output power. In an fm tuner, the sensitivity is the input sig-
nal level which will result in a specied signal-to-noise ratio of the
output signal.
Sometimes sensitivity is used in a relative way. A microphone may
be said to be very sensitive, or a phono cartridge might have low sensi-
tivity, without reference to numbers.
Sensurround A now obsolete motion picture sound system that used very
strong, very low frequencies to simulate the effects of explosions, earth-
quakes, etc. Sensurround was developed by the sound engineers W. O.
Watson and Richard Stumpf of Universal Studios in 1974 for the movie
Earthquake. Sensurround essentially created subsonic, low-frequency
vibrations between 5 and 40 hertz at sound pressures of 110120 deci-
bels, causing the audience to feel low vibrations during the main earth-
quake and dam collapse. The process was used for two subsequent lms,
Rollercoaster and Midway. The rst lm simply triggered a noise genera-
more stops on, causes the bellows to fall a little, opening the valve more,
restoring the pressure.
What has all this to do with audio, you ask? Servos are used to control
speeds in tape recorders and record turntables, and are used to position
the laser beam in compact disc players. Some speed servos use a vibrat-
ing quartz crystal as a reference, and they are often advertised as being
quartz controlled or some other catch phrase. The quartz oscillator
is very stable over long periods, and makes a good reference for speed control
under varying loads.
The tape tension in some tape recorders is servo-controlled also, usually
by means of a mechanical linkage that uses a spring tension as a reference.
These servos prevent the tape recorder from running at different speeds
with different amounts of tape on the reels.
Negative feedback in an amplifier is an example of an electronic
ServoDrive A registered trademark for a novel subwoofer system orig-
inally sold by Intersonics, and now by Sound Physics Labs and ServoDrive,
Inc., which uses small rotary DC electric motors to drive the loudspeaker
cones rather than voice coil and magnet assemblies. The rotary motion
of the motor is coupled to two cones by a system of small belts in such
a way that the cones move in opposite directions, canceling any recipro-
cating force on the motor shaft. The two cones are disposed on opposite
sides of a closed cabinet so they radiate low-frequency sound in phase with
each other. The motor is specially designed to have very little inertia and
very high torque. The motor is driven directly by the amplifier output,
and its alternating clockwise and counterclockwise motion follows the
audio waveform; the belts resolve this motion into back and forth motion
of the cones.
The advantage claimed for this system is an increase in linearity for very
large cone excursions, allowing very high sound level output with low dis-
tortion. The frequency response extends uniformly from 25 to 100 hertz.
The name ServoDrive suggests that a servomechanism is used, which
implies motional feedback in the system. This is in fact not the case,
for the designers believe the system is sufciently linear that it does not
need the feedback to reduce distortion. In any case, this is an unfor-
tunate and somewhat misleading choice of words (but not unprecedented
in the audio business!).
SFX Shorthand for sound effects.
Sharp Higher in pitch, as opposed to flat, which means lower in pitch.
In reference to musical scales, sharp indicates one-half step higher; for
example, F sharp is one-half step higher than F.
In high-pass, low-pass, and bandpass filters, sharp refers to the
rapidity with which the response of the lter falls off in the lter stopband.
Very sharp lters have a very steep slope of decline in response. In gen-
eral, the sharper the lter, the greater will be its phase shift. The sharp-
ness of a lter is commonly described in decibels per octave. Six dB per
Shock Mount
but are nearly straight lines in the vertical axis. This makes the area of con-
tact almost a line along the groove wall, which reduces the wear on the
groove as well as the stylus.
The shape was developed by the Japanese designer Shibata. It can be
said to be a logical extension of the elliptical stylus shape.
Shield, Shielding A shield is an enclosure that protects its contents
against the inuence of magnetic elds or electrostatic elds or both. Some
audio circuit elements, such as transformers and tape recorder
heads, are sensitive to magnetic elds. A varying magnetic eld induces
currents in wires, and especially in coils of wires, at the frequency at
which it is varying. The most common magnetic elds found in house-
holds are caused by the 60-hertz power line, and they are responsible
for most of the 60-Hz hum heard in audio systems. Some components,
most notably power transformers, generate 60-Hz hum elds, and if
a shield of soft iron, or other metal of high magnetic permeability, is placed
around them, the elds are greatly reduced. This is one common type of
magnetic shielding. The other type of shielding is placed around the sen-
sitive circuit element. Thick shields are placed around tape heads to reduce
induced hum.
Audio circuit elements are also sensitive to electric elds. The 60-Hz
power lines also produce strong electric elds. Any electric conductor may
be used as an electrostatic shield, and copper is generally used. One place
where electrostatic shields are used is in signal cables between audio
devices, such as microphone and phono cartridge cables and cables
between preamps and power amplifiers. These shields are usually of
braided copper wire, and do not reduce magnetically induced hum. To
reduce magnetic induction, the shields would have to be of iron, and it is
difcult to make such shields exible. Other techniques such as twisting
the signal wires together and using differential input ampliers are used
to reduce magnetic interference.
In general, all the chassis and shields in any given audio system are
connected together and sometimes are grounded to earth through a water
pipe or other suitable connection. The actual connection to earth is not as
effective an interference reducer as is generally supposed. More important
is the integrity of the shield between devices and in cables. Sometimes con-
nection to earth will cause a ground loop, which can increase induced
noise rather then reduce it. See also balanced line.
Shift Register A type of integrated circuit time delay device in which
a small quantity of electric charge is transferred, or shifted, along a series
of small capacitors in response to a timing signal. The charges usually rep-
resent digital binary bits rather than analog signal levels. See also bucket
Shock Mount A exible mounting arrangement for placing a microphone
on a stand such that tapping or kicking the stand will not transmit mechan-
ical shocks to the microphone, which would cause noise in the output. Shock
mounts are made of rubber or some similar material or sometimes springs.
Shock Switch
Some microphones are much more sensitive to shocks than others. omni-
directional ones generally are much less sensitive than cardioids and
velocity microphones.
Vibration isolators used to reduce acoustic feedback in record-
playing turntables are also sometimes called shock mounts.
Shock Switch A special switch found on some compact disc players that
makes the unit less susceptible to losing the track in the disc due to mechan-
ical shocks.
It is possible, with the formidable low-frequency performance of the com-
pact disc system and some woofers, that the vibration of the player caused
by the reproduced sound itself can cause the laser to lose its place while
tracking the series of pits on the disc. The shock switch tightens up the laser
servo, making it stiffer. It will then be less apt to lose track, but then if
a sufciently strong shock does occur, it will take a longer time to re-establish
This phenomenon is largely taken care of now by larger data buffers,
such that some portable CD players can hold nearly a minute of sound dur-
ing mistracking.
Short Abbreviation for short circuit, which is a direct connection between
two points in an electric or electronic circuit. Shorts are usually unde-
sirable and inadvertent, but sometimes a purposeful connection is called
a short. A defective component, such as a transistor or capacitor, etc.,
is said to be shorted if its terminals are directly connected internally. Short-
ing is a common failure mode for many components.
Short Line An audio line, such as a telephone line, whose electrical length
is shorter than the shortest audio wavelength to be transmitted. See also long
Shotgun Microphone See line microphone.
Shot Noise A type of random noise generated in nonmetallic media such
as active devices like transistors or vacuum tubes. It is proportional to the
current in the device and its load resistance. Shot noise arises because cur-
rent in the device is made up of discrete charges and is thus somewhat
grainy and not continuous and smooth. The total noise in the output of
an active device is the sum of the shot noise of the device and the thermal
noise, or johnson noise, at its input. It is useless to reduce the input ther-
mal noise if the shot noise overwhelms it. It turns out that different devices
have different optimum input impedances: for vacuum tubes, about 1
megohm, and for most bipolar transistors, about 500 or 1,000 ohms.
Shufer Circuit A type of matrixing circuit that includes equalization
of the sum and difference components. It allows the apparent width of a
stereo image to be varied as a function of frequency. It works on almost
any stereo signal. Its invention is credited to the multitalented British engi-
neer Alan blumlein in the 1930s, and was recently revived by Richard
Kaufman and David Griesinger in the United States. See also m-s stereo;
blumlein, alan.
Shuttle To wind the tape on a tape recorder back and forth in order to locate
a specic selection.
SI Systme Internationale, or the international system of units.
In the eld of architectural acoustics, SI is also used, by Barron and
Ando, among others, to indicate spatial impression, which is similar to
envelopment. SI is correlated with iacc.
Sibilance Vocal recordings, especially if made with very close micro-
phones, are often characterized by excessive loudness of the voice sibi-
lants, and this effect is sometimes called sibilance. The most difcult
sibilants to reproduce accurately are the sounds s and sh. The effect is
accentuated by high-frequency peaks in microphones and in many loud-
speakers; it is reduced by the use of a de-esser.
Sibilant See sibilance.
SID Short for Slew Induced Distortion. See transient intermodula-
tion distortion.
Sidebands When a signal of frequency F amplitude modulates a car-
rier of frequency C, the resultant waveform consists of the carrier and
other frequency components at C minus F and C plus F. These added fre-
quency components are called sidebands because in a graph of the spec-
trum they appear on the left and right sides of the carrier frequency.
The sum of the two sidebands and the carrier looks like a single frequency
that is changing in amplitude at the modulation rate; however, it is actu-
ally the simple addition of the sidebands and carrier, with the carrier
unchanged in any way. This means in an am broadcast station, all the broad-
cast information is contained in the sidebands and none in the carrier. To
maximize efciency, the carrier can be suppressed and not transmitted at
all, although it is much easier to recover the modulating signal in the receiver
if the carrier is present.
The upper and lower sidebands of standard AM transmission contain
the same signal information, but it is possible to modulate a carrier so that
the upper and lower sidebands carry the left and right stereo channels.
This is the principle of one type of AM stereo broadcasting.
In the case of frequency modulation (fm), the situation is somewhat dif-
ferent. The FM sidebands extend farther from the carrier frequency and dif-
fer in phase from AM sidebands. In commercial FM transmission, only
sidebands extending plus and minus 75 kilohertz from the carrier are
transmitted in order to prevent the transmissions from overlapping and
interfering with each other. Thus more transmitters can operate within a
given frequency band.
Side Tone See hybrid transformer.
Siemens The si unit of conductance.
Sigma-Delta Modulation See delta-sigma modulation.
Signal A signal is an electrical phenomenon, usually a voltage but some-
times a current, that contains desired information, as opposed to noise,
which is undesired. Audio signals are generally electrical analogs of the
Signal Processing
Single-System Sound
Single-Ended Amplier
Skating Force
also much less exible and of much poorer quality than double-system
Sinusoid See sine wave.
Sirius Satellite Radio See satellite radio.
Skating Force The force on the stylus of a record player that causes the
tonearm to move toward the center of the record. The skating force is caused
by friction between the record and the stylus and is a result of the fact that
the end of the arm is offset at an angle to the arm itself. Therefore, placing
the stylus on a smooth surface to adjust anti-skating force is not quite right.
The Johnny Winter LP Second Winter is somewhat famous for having a blank
side 4, often used for this purpose. See also anti-skating device; off-
set angle.
Skew Skew is the motion of recording tape past a record or reproduce head
at an angle different from 90 degrees. Tape skew can be caused by loose or
poorly adjusted tape guides, or it can be caused by the tape itself having
been improperly slit during its manufacture. It causes high-frequency loss.
See also azimuth.
Skin Effect The tendency of high-frequency current to travel near the out-
side of an electric conductor rather than all through its cross section. Skin
effect increases the effective resistance of a wire at high frequencies. It
is not noticeable at audio frequencies but becomes troublesome at radio
frequencies. There are certain people who believe the skin effect is actu-
ally audible at audio frequencies, but this has not been proven to be true.
Skirt The slope of a filter response curve outside its passband is some-
times called a skirt, especially in the case of a bandpass lter.
Slap Echo The single repetition of a signal at a xed time delay to simu-
late an echo from a single reecting surface, as opposed to a multiple echo
from a time delay, where the delayed signal is repeatedly fed back into the
Slew Factor
delay input. Under certain acoustical conditions, a room can exhibit a sim-
ilar sounding phenomenon when two walls are parallel and spaced apart
by about ten to thirty or so feet apart. This is called a utter echo.
Slate To identify the various takes in a recording session by announcing
the take numbers and recording them on one track of the tape. Slating and
the notes taken at the time of recording are important once tape editing
begins; it would be almost impossible to nd any particular take otherwise.
Sometimes a low-frequency, high-level tone is recorded on analog
tapes before each take to aid in nding the beginning of the take when spool-
ing the tape past the heads. The low frequency is heard as a beep even
though the tape may not be contacting the playback head. This tone is called
a slate tone and is usually about 20 or 30 Hz.
The term originated from motion picture usage, where a small chalk-
board was photographed to identify the beginnings of various takes when
lming. With the advent of motion picture sound, the slate became a clap-
board when it acquired a hinged and striped appendage that is clapped
against the board itself at the beginning of the take. During lm editing,
the sound of the clap is synchronized with the image of the clapper mak-
ing contact. A slate at the beginning of a take is called a headslate. Some-
times another slate will be added at the end of a take to verify that sound
synch has been maintained. This is called a tailslate and is made with the
clapboard held upside down. In this way, the lm editor can tell the begin-
ning of a shot from the end. The advent of smpte time code has made
the clapboard nearly obsolete, however its modern variant is still used to
identify takes visually with written data, and to generate and display the
timecode for the camera and sound recorders. In an emergency, the clap-
stick can still be used to synch sound and picture.
Slew Factor Dened originally by the ihf as the ratio of the highest fre-
quency that can be applied to the input terminals of an amplifier at a
signal level that produces rated output at 1 kilohertz, and that can be
reproduced at the output with acceptable linearity to 20 kHz.
SMPTE Time Code
Sounding Vessels
Sound Intensity
ing vessels. Also, in Saint Sophias cathedral in Kiev, Ukraine, which dates
from the thirteenth century, there are many Helmholtz resonators embed-
ded in the interior walls, which were placed there to amplify sound,
according to the local tour guide.
Of course the resonators, which are really resonant absorbers, cannot
amplify sound but merely absorb energy at well-dened frequencies and
then reradiate the energy later, effectively increasing the reverberation time
of the room. Vitruviuss account of them implies that they were tuned to
several notes of a musical scale, which would cause a musical chord to sound
after being excited by a loud noise. If some sound-absorbing material is
inside the resonator, it becomes a strong absorber at its resonant frequency.
This type of specic absorber has been used in some modern auditoria.
An interesting use of Helmholtz resonators is in the assisted resonance
system installed in the Royal Festival Hall in London. Many resonators,
tuned to a broad range of frequencies in the lower musical registers, are
placed above the ceiling of the auditorium. Each resonator has a small loud-
speaker in it and a microphone associated with it. The microphone picks
up sound at the resonant frequency and amplies it into the speaker, pro-
longing the reverberation time of the resonator and thus prolonging the
reverberation time of the auditorium itself. This is one of the few musically
successful attempts to electronically alter the acoustical properties of an
auditorium. A similar system was installed in the Hult Center auditorium
in Eugene, Oregon.
Sound Intensity Sound intensity is dened as a measure of the net ow
of acoustic energy in a sound eld. The units are watts per square meter.
Because the energy moves in a particular direction, sound intensity is a vec-
tor quantity, i.e., it has magnitude and direction. Sound intensity cannot
be measured directly, and it should not be confused with sound pressure
level, which is what a sound level meter measures.
Some confusion exists about sound intensity because it used to be dened
in terms of the energy content of a sound eld, without regard to the move-
ment of the energy. A much better concept for this is sound power.
It is interesting and important to note that there may exist a large sound
pressure at a point, but the sound intensity may be very small, or even zero.
This is the case for instance in standing waves, where the energy is slosh-
ing back and forth within a distance of a half-wavelength or so, but does
not progress through the medium.
A microphone always measures sound pressure, or sometimes it may
measure the particle velocity, but it can never measure sound intensity
Sound Level Meter A meter that measures sound pressure level. It con-
sists of a pressure microphone, an amplifier, an rms detector, a
logarithmic amplier, and a meter or other indicating device. It is battery-
powered for portable use. Usually, it will contain at least one weighting
filter to make its response more or less conform to the sensitivity of the
human ear. See also a-weighting.
Sound Reinforcement
Sound Stage
speakers. The old term for such a system is pa system, standing for pub-
lic address, and it is still in common use.
Traditionally, sound systems have been monaural, i.e., they have had
only one independent channel of audio. In recent years, there has been a
strong interest in stereophonic sound reinforcement, and when prop-
erly designed and operated, these systems offer a large degree of natural-
ness. The best stereo reinforcement systems have three or ve independent
channels or more. It is possible to perform multichannel stereo reinforce-
ment of classical music programs for very large audiences in such a way
that the reinforcement itself is not noticed by the audience, although this
is rarely attained in practice.
The advent of large rock concerts has spawned the development and
renement of very high power sound reinforcement systems, and they can
be extremely complex and expensive, in addition to being very loud. Such
systems are really part of the musical ensemble, and the operator often has
as much musical talent as the performers.
The primary problem that has to be overcome in any sound reinforce-
ment system is acoustic feedback, which is an oscillation of the sys-
tem due to the microphone picking up the amplied sound and the system
amplifying it again into a continuous howl. To minimize feedback, direc-
tional microphones and loudspeakers are used, and much attention is paid
to their placement in the room and their proximity to the performers.
equalization is often used to reduce the system gain at frequencies
where the acoustic gain may be high due to peculiarities in the room
acoustics, the loudspeakers, and/or the microphones. See also sound sys-
tem equalization.
Sound Stage A theatrical stage for lming motion pictures or video pro-
ductions that is specially treated for the simultaneous recording of dialogue
or music. A sound stage must have a low level of background noise and a
low reverberation time. The cameras and other equipment used must be
specially designed for quiet operation.
Sound Stripe A narrow strip of magnetic sound recording material
applied to motion picture lm for recording of the sound track, in the man-
ner of a tape recorder. In the case of Super-8 and 16-mm lm, two stripes
were used, one for the sound and one just to balance the thickness so the
lm would wind smoothly on the reels. 35-mm magnetic stripe prints
could have multiple tracks and stripes on both sides of the lm, as well
as the traditional optical sound track. 70-mm release prints of motion pic-
tures exclusively used magnetic sound tracks until recent digital systems
became available. 35-mm mag prints are essentially obsolete and are
rarely seen.
Sound System Equalization The equalization of a sound rein-
forcement system, either to increase its amount of gain before feed-
back, or to make its overall frequency response more nearly flat.
Sound system equalization is a complex and tricky business, because the
acoustics of the room, as well as the frequency responses of all the audio
devices, are involved, in addition to the characteristics of the microphone
being used. Actually, it is only possible to attain a given frequency response
curve at one place in an auditorium and for a narrow range of microphone
locations at a time. Therefore, many curves are measured and an average
is made to represent the best compromise to the desired curve. Equaliza-
tion requires measuring the frequency response while the equalizer is being
adjusted, and this requires the use of a real-time analyzer (RTA) or an
fft analyzer.
Some years ago, it was thought by some audio people that if a sound
system had a series of very narrow band notch filters, each tuned to a
frequency at which the system would be likely to go into acoustic feed-
back, the available gain would be increased. This is true to a certain extent,
but it would only work for a single microphone location, and also the dis-
tortion of the tonal quality by the phase shift introduced by the lters is
disturbing to many listeners.
Quite a few years ago the idea of putting a frequency shifter that in-
creased the frequency of the signal by a few hertz in the sound system
was tried to reduce the tendency for feedback. The theory was that the
amplied sound picked up by the microphones would not be at the same
frequency as the original sound that was being amplied, and therefore,
with repeated trips through the microphones, ampliers, and speakers,
would not build up energy in the room at a specic frequency. Unfor-
tunately, it was soon found that instead of conventional feedback, the
sound system would emit chirps when the gain was increased to high
levels. This was as obnoxious as feedback, and these systems met a rapid
Today the narrowest frequency band in common use for xed sound
system equalization is one-third octave, or about 23 percent of the cen-
ter frequency. There is a relatively new technique, however, which uses a
dual-channel FFT analyzer to continuously measure the frequency response
of the entire system, including the room, and using live music as the test
signal. Equalization in narrow bands can be performed in real time dur-
ing the progress of a concert without the audience knowing about it. The
advantage of this is that no matter where the system is used, and no mat-
ter where the microphones are, the optimum equalization is rapidly
achieved. An example of this real-time approach is the popular Sabine FBX
Feedback Eliminator See also feedback.
Source One terminal of a field effect transistor, the other two of
which are the gate and the drain. Also, some tape recorders with 3
heads or condence heads have a switch labeled Source/Tape for
switching the output between the source of the signal and the playback
from the recorded tape. Source is sometimes labeled input in that you
monitor the input signal, as opposed to the recorded playback. Video people
refer to source as EE for Electronics to Electronics.
Source Follower
Spectral Recording
nal, these effects are reversed in order to restore the original dynamics to
the signal.
For the system to operate properly, the signal levels in the encoding and
decoding sections must be matched, and this is cleverly accomplished by
the encoder generating a calibration tone for signal level and a band of pink
noise for frequency response matching. The SR system is very well
conceived and engineered, and probably represents the state of the art in
compander systems.
Spectrum When a time-varying signal is subjected to frequency analy-
sis, it is transformed from the time domain to the frequency domain.
The frequency-domain representation of the signal is called the spectrum,
and the time-domain representation is called the waveform. The two
quantities contain the same information, and one can be converted into the
other by a mathematical operation called the fourier transform.
Spectrum analysis, frequency analysis, and Fourier analysis are
Spectrum Shifter See frequency shifter.
Specular According to the OED, Having the reecting property of a
mirror; presenting a smooth, polished, reective surface; of a brilliant glassy
or metallic luster. In acoustics, specular reection is a discrete reection of
a sound where the angle of reection is equal to the angle of incidence. An
example is an echo reected off a large plane surface like a wall. In gen-
eral, specular reections are avoided in rooms designed for music listening
or recording. See Appendix 4 for more details. The opposite of specular
reection is diffuse reection, where the reected sound is scattered in all
Speech Coil The same as voice coil. This is primarily British usage.
Speech-Music Switch A special type of equalizer that adds a low-
frequency reduction to the signal when in the speech position. The rea-
son is that most broadcast and recorded speech has too much low-frequency
content because of too-close microphone position and proximity effect
when directional microphones are used.
Speech-music switches are often found on sound reinforcement sys-
tem preamplifiers. The low-frequency cut usually amounts to 6 deci-
bels per octave below 100 hertz or so.
Speed Word yelled by the production sound mixer when the production
recorder is in record and up to speed (indicated by ags on a Nagra),
indicating to the camera crew and the assistant director that he or she is
recording. While Nagras get up to speed quickly, and digital machines are
always at speed, the term derives from older Hollywood technology in
which a common motor system drove cameras and lm sound recorders
(originally optical, and later either 1712-mm or 35-mm mag) and sometimes
even turntables for music playback.25
25. This entry is copyright 19992003 by Larry Blake and is reprinted with permission.
Spider The assembly that holds the voice coil of a dynamic loud-
speaker centered in the magnetic gap. The spider is a corrugated circular
piece of specially treated fabric. The name comes from the early days of
loudspeakers when it was made of a plastic material that resembled the
legs of a spider.
SPL Common abbreviation for sound pressure level.
Splatter A type of distortion of an audio signal caused by hard clip-
ping of the waveform, usually because of the overload of a device. The
term splatter is most often used for the distortion caused by overmodula-
tion of am transmitters. See also asymmetrical limiter.
Splice In reference to magnetic recording tape, a splice is a discontinuity
in the tape itself occasioned by cutting the tape and pasting it back together
with thin adhesive splicing tape in a different sequence. If carefully done,
splices can be inaudible.
Splicer A mechanical device for cutting and taping together magnetic
recording tape. Many designs have been produced, some with various
attachments for cutting the tape and applying splicing tape. There was a
guillotine-type tape splicer on the market for quite a few years that had a
pair of curved blades that trimmed the tape on both sides at the vicinity of
the splice to make the spliced tape a little narrower than 14 inch. The pur-
pose of this was to assure that no sticky splicing tape would overlap the
tape edges and gum up the guides and heads in the tape recorder. The splicer
was called the Gibson Girl, by analogy to the hour glass gure of the Gib-
son Girl style. The OED denes Gibson Girl as follows: A girl typifying
the fashionable ideal of the late 19th and early 20th cents. as represented
in the work of Charles Dana Gibson.
While splicing analog audio tape is quite effective and was essential until
computer editing, it doesnt work very well on videotape due to the way
the signal is recorded and the nature of the video signal.
Splicing Block A small rectangular block of aluminum, or sometimes
plastic, which has a shallow groove designed to hold magnetic tape while
it is being cut and spliced. The splicing block also has a slot to guide the
razor blade used to cut the tape.
Splicing Tape Sticky tape for holding together splices in analog audio tape.
Splicing tape comes in different widths to accommodate tapes of 2-inch, 1-
inch, 12-inch, 14-inch, and 18-inch widths. Splicing tape is slightly narrower
than the tape it is designed to join, and has a special adhesive that is designed
not to slide or bleed out of the area where it is applied. This is very impor-
tant; it is not advisable to use standard Scotch tape for splicing magnetic
tape for this reason. Unfortunately, over decades, all splicing tape seems
either to dry up or ooze anyway.
Splitter A small device used in recording studios to accept a signal from
one device, usually a microphone, and split the signal and feed it to
two or more other devices. Splitters are also used for connecting several
television sets to a single coaxial cable. The simplest type of splitter is
the so-called Y-cord, but most splitters contain series resistors in the signal
Spot Microphone
paths to avoid excessive loading of the device being split. This causes the
split signals to be about 6 dB lower in level than the signal being split.
Spot Microphone A microphone purposely aimed toward a certain sub-
ject, like a spotlight. Usually the spot mic augments a stereo microphone
array such as when recording an orchestra. A soloist or soft instrument may
get a spot mic. The concept is essentially foreign in the multitrack, close
microphone world.
Spring Reverb A type of synthetic reverberator that uses a vibrating
spring as the reverberating element.
The rst commercial articial reverberator was introduced in the late
1930s by the Hammond Organ company. It used a somewhat complex series
of springs that were driven by the vibration of a loudspeaker voice coil
that was connected to the organs preamplifier output. This vibration was
sensed by a transducer similar to a phonograph cartridge whose out-
put was mixed with the organ signal as it entered the power amplifier.
The reverberation of the springs was thus added to the organ signal. The
vibration of the springs was damped by their ends being submerged in a
bath of oil.
This system was improved over the years by the Hammond Organ com-
pany, and was the subject of several patents. Later spring reverberators
applied a twisting, or torsional, motion to the springs, which made them
much less sensitive to external vibrations.
Springs are among the least expensive types of synthetic reverberators,
and they do not sound very much like real reverberationbut no synthetic
reverberation really does. See also plate reverberation.
Sprocket A toothed wheel found in motion picture cameras and projectors
to control the motion of the lm. The teeth in the sprocket interlock with
holes in the lm in the manner of a sprocket and chain of a bicycle. At one
time, audio portions of a lm soundtrack were transferred to sprocketed
audio lm known as fullcoat or magstock. This allowed editing while
keeping synch with the picture. Sprocketed magstock players were used
for the sound in theater systems such as Cinerama. Occasionally a sprock-
eted audio recorder would be used just for audio recording, a technique
championed and used by the late recording engineer Bert Whyte, owner
of Everest Records.
Sprocket Run Sometimes the lm in a motion picture projector can become
misaligned such that the sprockets punch a series of holes in the lm along-
side the sprocket holes, damaging the optical sound track. The audible result
of this is a 96-Hz buzz superimposed on the sound. Such a lm is beyond
SPST Single Pole Single Throw. This describes a switch that has only one
current path through itself and only on or off positions.
Sputter Microphone diaphrams are often made of polyester (trademarked
Mylar by DuPont) coated with gold a few molecules thick. Gold is used
because of its inert nonoxidizing character and its ductility. The coating
Square Wave
Square Wave
harmonics, the phase accuracy can also be determined. The square wave
is a good test signal because it exercises the device at many frequencies at
the same time, as does music.
Squawker An unattering name sometimes given to mid-range loud-
speaker units in three-way or more systems.
Squelch A circuit, commonly found in two-way radio systems, that mutes
the audio signal when the RF carrier is not present. This prevents noise
from being received when the transmitter is not operating. Squelch circuits
are also used in some audio devices to reduce the output noise in the absence
of an input signal. See also muting.
SR See spectral recording.
SRC Stereo Reception Control, a proprietary system used in Mitsubishi FM
car radios in which the stereo separation is reduced in response to noise
and distortion caused by multipath reception.
Because of the short wavelengths used in FM broadcasting, and the fact
that radios in cars are in motion, reected signals cause rapid variations in
received noise, or picket fencing. The SRC circuit senses the noise level
and gradually blends the stereo channels into monaural as the noise
increases. Several other manufacturers use somewhat similar techniques.
See also sampling rate converter.
SSFS Stereophonic Sound Film System, developed during the 1930s by Har-
vey Fletcher and others at the Bell Telephone Laboratories and rst pub-
licly demonstrated in New York in 1937 and 1939. See also fantasound.
The SSFS was an extremely innovative experimental system, using four
optical tracks on a separate 35-mm lm. Three of the tracks carried
stereophonic sound. The fourth, or control, track controlled the gain in
the sound tracks. This was done by recording a mixture of different-fre-
quency tones on the control track and, in playback, separating these tones
with lters and using their individual levels to vary the amplication in
the appropriate channel. The system was thus a three-channel compan-
der and was able to deliver a dynamic range of 80 dB. The optical track
itself was only capable of about 50-dB dynamic range. The original stereo
tracks were compressed in the recording process to compensate for the
later expansion.
SSFS was a remarkably good system considering when it was developed.
It was capable of 20 Hz to 14 kHz response with quite low distortion.
Stage In an amplier circuit, a unit of amplication, such as provided
by a transistor or vacuum tube, is called a stage, or sometimes a gain
stage. There is no xed amount of amplication provided by a single stage;
some stages may provide 40 decibels of gain, while others may provide
less than 1 dB.
Stamper The stamper is the master record from which records are pressed.
The stamper can be made by direct plating onto the acetate master but
is usually made from a mother in the technique known as three-step
processing. About four or ve hundred records can be pressed with one
stamper if it is not damaged. After this number, wear on the stamper
Standard Tuning Frequency
Standing Wave
places where the sound pressure level (SPL) is high and another series
of places between them where the SPL is very low. It is as if a sound wave
were stationary in the space between the surfaces.
A standing wave exists between surfaces only when the frequency is
such that the distance between the walls is an integral multiple of one-half
the wavelength. For a given distance, there will be many frequencies that
will generate standing waves, each an integral multiple of the lowest, or
fundamental, frequency. Standing waves are created by room modes,
which are modes of vibration of the air in a room.
Standing waves are always detrimental to the acoustics of a room, and
are avoided by careful design in music listening rooms. They are the cause
of irregularities in the bass response of most home sound systems. In record-
ing studios, special constructions called bass traps are sometimes used
to add low-frequency absorption in order to prevent or reduce the forma-
tion of standing waves. See also eigentones.
All musical instruments with strings or columns of air operate on the
principal of standing waves. They set up standing waves that cause vibra-
tions of the instruments and radiation of sounds at all the resonant fre-
quencies of the standing waves.
State-Variable Filter A type of active lter that uses resistors, capac-
itors, and three opamps to provide simultaneous low-pass, high-pass, and
bandpass functions of the input signal. The state-variable lter has the
advantage that the q and the cutoff frequency are independently adjustable
by varying resistance values in the circuit. It is a simple matter to arrange
voltage control of these two parameters, and this is often done. The state-
variable lter exactly simulates the response of an equivalent RLC lter and
has been used for some time in analog computer circuitry.
Static Any high-frequency intermittent noise is called static. The term comes
from the early days of radio broadcasting when distant lightning strokes
caused such noise in reception.
Static is distinct from such continuous noises as hum or buzz, and can
be difcult to diagnose because of its intermittent quality. It can be caused
by loose or oxidized connections in audio devices as well as from rfi.
It is curious that it was called static in as much as it is a dynamic type
of noise.
Stems The three or more nal components of a stereo lm mix, usually
comprising three multichannel mixes, one each of dialog, music, and
sound effects that, combined, make up the nal mix of a lm. Minimal
(hopefully no) additional level changes, equalization, etc., should be
needed to create a printmaster, although of course a 6-track printmaster
will sometimes have different requirements than a print master for stereo
analog uses.
The separation of elements afforded by stems allows Music and Effects
(M&E) mixes to be easily derived from the original stereo mix. For this rea-
son, dialog stems are sometimes comprised of multiple centers.
The word stem should not be used for any other element prior to the
26. This entry is copyright 19992003 by Larry Blake and is reprinted with permission.
ers at the Bell Telephone Labs in 1933. In this historic experiment, the
Philadelphia Orchestra, playing in Philadelphia, was picked up by three
microphones carefully placed in front of the proscenium. The microphone
signals were amplied and sent over telephone lines to Constitution Hall
in Washington, D.C., where they were further amplied and sent to three
specially designed high-power loudspeaker systems on the stage. Leopold
Stokowski was the conductor of the orchestra, but on this occasion, he was
in Constitution Hall, where he controlled the volume of the three repro-
duced channels. In this way he controlled the musical dynamics of the
performance in a way he could not do simply by conducting the orchestra.
As part of the demonstration, a number of experiments were performed
by Dr. Harvey Fletcher, who had charge of the development work. On the
stage in Philadelphia, a carpenter hammered and sawed, while conversing
with his helper; a soloist sang as she walked across the stage; and nally a
trumpeter in Philadelphia played antiphonally with another trumpeter on
the opposite side of the stage in Washington. It was only when the curtain
that hid the loudspeakers was raised that the audience in Washington could
believe that what they had heard had not happened on the stage before them.
To present this demonstration in 1933 was a monumental task, for suit-
able amplifiers and loudspeakers did not exist, and had to be designed
and built just for the event. Great care was taken to ensure high-quality
reproduction, and I am sure the standards of excellence set then are sel-
dom equaled today. In any event, the experiment established the fact that
three independent microphones, ampliers, and loudspeakers are sufcient
to provide a convincing illusion of spatial perspective.
So successful was this production that when a few years later Dr. Sto-
kowski was asked to direct a local orchestra in the Hollywood Bowl, he
insisted that a stereophonic system be installed to reinforce the music. The
Bell Laboratories had pioneered the development of sound reinforcement
systems and, with the assistance of Electrical Research Products, Inc., un-
dertook this project as a further research in that art. Again, the results were
successful; some 25,000 people in the open air were able to hear a program
of vocal and instrumental music with ease.
The fact that present-day stereo consists of only two channels is simply
due to cost considerations and the relative ease of recording two channels
of sound in the single groove of a record. With the advent of the digital
compact disc, there is no such theoretical limitation, and the design could
have been done so that three channels rather than two could be recorded.
This would have resulted in a true improvement in the realistic reproduc-
tion of music in the home, rather than the marginal improvement provided
by using digital technology with only the two channels of conventional
Stereophonizer A device introduced by Kintek that converts a monaural
signal into a 3-channel stereo effect. It is used in certain movie theater sound
systems to add width and depth to the sound eld in the theater.
Stereophony A term coined by Western Electric Corporation, rst used in
the 1920s to mean the transmission of sound from one place to another by
a stereophonic system. Stereophonic audio transmission actually dates
from 1881. See also ader, clement.
Stereosonic A term, mostly used in Britain, for intensity stereo, espe-
cially the technique of using two coincident figure-8 microphones.
The term was also used in 1950 by Murray Crosby for a multiplex FM-
stereo system of broadcasting. See also fm stereo.
Sticky Shed A malady that affects certain magnetic tapes, especially those
with back coatings and urethane binders. When stored for many years,
the binder that holds the magnetic oxide material together becomes soft
and sticky, and when the tape is played, some of the oxide rubs off onto
the tape recorder tape guides and heads. The oxide adhering to the heads
prevents the tape from contacting the head near and over the gap causing
the high-frequency response to be degraded and the tape to squeal, and
leaving the sticky material on everything that touches the tape. The prob-
lem has been studied for some years, and luckily, it was discovered that
if the tape is roasted in a 130-degree oven for several hours, the binder
regains its integrity and the tape behaves almost as if it were new for a
month or so.
Stinger In motion picture music, a short emphasized passage that calls atten-
tion to an important event in the story.
Stomp Box A oor-mounted effects device for use in the cable between a
guitar and an amplifier. It has foot-operated switches to turn the effects
on and off.
Stopband The frequency band that is not passed by a filter is called
the stopband, as opposed to the passband. A lter can have more than
one stopband; for instance a bandpass lter will have a high stopband
and a low stopband, above and below the lters passband, respectively.
Storage Cell Any type of electric cell that can be recharged after being
discharged. Examples are the nickel-cadmium cell and the lead-
acid cell.
Strapping The interconnection of transformer windings is often referred
to as strapping. In many audio and some power transformers, there
are several primary and secondary windings. They can be connected in
series to increase the impedance or they can be connected in parallel
to reduce the impedance. These connections are frequently made by short
pieces of wire between the screw terminals of a terminal strip. The wires
are called straps, hence the term strapping.
line level inputs and outputs of professional audio devices often have
transformers with two windings. When connected in series, the impedance
is 600 ohms, and when connected in parallel, the impedance will be 150
ohms. This offers the user the choice, depending on application. Power trans-
formers sometimes have a similar arrangement so they can be strapped for
120 volts or 240 volts input.
Streaming Transmission of digital audio or video data to a client (the lis-
tener or viewer) in a way that requires it to be monitored in real time as it
claiming to be the best compromise for low distortion, low wear, and
best frequency response. One of these that was popular was known as the
Van den Hul stylus after its inventor.
There is a certain (small) group in the audio eld who insist the old con-
ical stylus is best.
Subcarrier In multiplex radio broadcasting, the subcarrier is an ultra-
sonic signal modulated by another signal and then used to modulate
the transmitted carrier along with the main modulating signal. The sub-
carrier is normally frequency modulated, but could also be amplitude mod-
ulated. See also fm stereo.
Subcode In digital audio systems, particularly cd and r-dat, additional
data are interleaved with the audio information, which carry synchroniza-
tion and user information such as tags and comments that are independent
of the audio data. CD subcodes consist of digital data included on the CD
that contains such information as track numbers, track playing times, copy-
right information, and copy inhibit codes, etc. In the compact disc for-
mat, eight additional bits (one byte) containing no audio information are
added to each frame of data. This means a byte of information is available
from the disc every 136 microseconds. Each bit in the added byte is given a
one-letter name: P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W. Thus eight separate subcodes can
be recorded on and recovered from the CD. So far, only subcodes P and Q
are used; the P subcode is used for the pause signal between musical tracks
and at the end of the last track and the Q subcode tells the player if the record-
ing is two- or four-channel. (No quadraphonic player is yet available,
however.) The Q subcode also contains timing information about the tracks
and identies the country of origin and date of the recording. The P and Q
control bytes also contain the timing information that allows the CD player
to cue instantly to the beginning of each selection, display the selections
number and running time, and provide a continuous display of elapsed time.
No standard has been dened for the use of the other six sub codes.
The three main types of dat subcodes are Start IDs that mark the begin-
ning of each song, Program Numbers that are the ordinal numbers assigned
to each Start ID, and Skip IDs that cause a player to skip the current Start
ID and go to the next one.
Subgroup A term used in mixing consoles where several input channels
can be grouped together and their output levels controlled by one gain con-
trol that is called a Submaster.
Subharmonic A submultiple, usually one-half, of a fundamental fre-
quency. Sometimes subharmonics are produced by loudspeakers that
have poorly controlled cone resonances. The audible effect is a distor-
tion component one octave lower than the input signal frequency.
Submaster A control on a recording or sound reinforcement console that
controls the level of a mixture, or subgroup, of signals. Several submas-
ters may be fed into a master control for nal level control of the console
output signal. The use of submasters makes it easier to handle a large num-
ber of input signals.
Submini Plug A very small version of the phone plug, with a diameter of
2.5 mm. It is commonly seen on cellular phone earsets and some other audio
and control devices where space is at a premium.
Submix The mixture of signals fed into a submaster control in a record-
ing or sound reinforcement console. The submix is usually a mix of signals
that remains constant over a period of time, and it is convenient to control
it as a single signal.
Subsequent Reverberation Time Similar to the classic reverberation
time except it is measured from the time of arrival of the rst reected sound
rather than from the time the sound source is stopped.
Subsonic Literally, under sound. Actually, subsonic means slower than
the speed of sound, but it is often misused to mean sound having frequencies
below the human hearing range. The proper term for this is infrasonic.
Subtractive Synthesis The technique of generating a desired musical tim-
bre by ltering complex signals generated electronically. Typical wave-
forms used in this way are the square wave and the sawtooth wave, both
of which sound bright and raucous before ltering to subtract, or attenu-
ate, some of the upper harmonics.
Subwoofer A loudspeaker system designed to reproduce the very low
frequencies from about 16 hertz to 100 Hz or so. A subwoofer must be
capable of large amounts of power output because of our ears relative
insensitivity to low frequencies. Use of a subwoofer also allows using stereo
speakers with modest bass response, and our insensitivity to directional-
ity of low bass means only one subwoofer is needed and placement is not
stereophonically sensitive.
Super-Cardioid A modication of the cardioid microphone to reduce
sensitivity to sounds coming from the sides. It is something like a cross
between a cardioid and a figure 8 in that it has a somewhat large rear
lobe. Its advantage is that it reduces the apparent reverberation by about
1.3 decibels if placed at the same location as a true cardioid. It will pick
up the same direct-to-reverberant ratio as an omnidirectional micro-
phone when it is 1.9 times as far away from the source.
Like all directional microphones, it suffers from proximity effect.
Superheterodyne A revolutionary type of radio receiver, invented in the
late 1920s by Major Edwin F. Armstrong, who also developed fm broad-
casting much later. Superheterodyne is a contraction of supersonic heterodyne,
which is actually a misnomer; it should have been called ultrasonic hetero-
dyne. In the standard AM superheterodyne (superhet) receiver, the radio
frequency signal is combined with a local oscillator signal in a
mixer to produce a beat frequency of 455 kHz. The 455-kHz signal is
called the intermediate frequency (IF) and is always the same regardless
of the station being tuned in. This is because the local oscillator is tuned
such that the difference frequency between it and the indicated broadcast
frequency is 455 kHz. The IF is then amplied through several stages and
is detected by a standard detector of one sort or another. The mixer stage
(also call the rst detector) is not a linear mixer as is implied but actu-
ensued a battle for market dominance, which VHS nally won, even
though the Betamax system was believed to have superior quality by many
S-VHS tape has slightly different magnetic characteristics than ordinary
VHS tape and has a sensing hole in the bottom of the cassette which S-VHS
machines use to determine standard or S-VHS mode. The popular ADAT
mdm recorders use S-VHS tape for digital audio. All S-VHS machines
include the vhs hi-fi FM analog audio system as well as a linear audio
track. Ordinary VHS machines can use S-VHS tape to no detriment, how-
ever they cannot play back an S-VHS tape unless specially equipped with
a special conversion circuit and then, only at standard resolution.
Swarf British usage for the chip of acetate material removed from the sur-
face of the acetate disc during the cutting process.
Sweep When a test tone (usually a sine wave tone) is smoothly varied in
frequency from low to high, or vice versa, it is called a frequency sweep
or simply a sweep.
The use of the sine sweep is the classical method for measuring the fre-
quency response of a device.
Sweepable EQ An equalizer section whose center frequency can be
adjusted. See also equalizer; parametric equalizer.
tic sound. It is still used by some composers to write serious music. It was
donated by RCA to the Columbia-Princeton electronic music laboratory in
New York many years ago, where it still resides.
Modern solid-state synthesizers are seldom used to imitate natural
sounds; it has been demonstrated adequately that in most cases, synthetic
imitations of musical instruments are rarely convincing. Synthesizers are
used much more for generating special musical sounds that could not be
made by conventional instruments. They are also used to modify the tim-
bre of existing instruments, for instance the singing voice.
digital audio technology has been applied to synthesizers, and some
of these units are able to sample or digitize the sound from an actual
instrument by use of an analog-to-digital converter. In digital
form, the sound can then be manipulated in a great many ways, which
would be impossible in the analog domain. Digital synthesizers are very
popular, and have essentially replaced analog models.
Syntony The principle of tuning a radio receiver to the same frequency
as that of the transmitter. The concept of syntony was rst explained by Sir
Oliver Lodge before 1900, but Guglielmo Marconi perfected and patented
the technique in 1900 for use in wireless telegraphy, as radio was called then.
This is one of the most important patents in the history of radio. It may
seem obvious now, but it was a revolutionary idea at the time, for it allowed
a receiver to select between several transmitting stations. Up to that time,
all stations broadcasting were received at once!
Tails Out A tape that has not been rewound after being played is said to
be tails out. In general, it is a good idea to store tape recordings tails out
and rewind them just prior to playing them. This helps to reduce the effects
of print-through.
Take A recorded performance, or part of a performance, that is to be kept
for possible use rather than being recorded over is a take. The various takes
are then edited into a complete composite performance. In the case of solo
performers, it is not unusual to record several hundred takes during the
course of a single piece of music.
Take Sheet A sheet of paper on which the recording engineer makes notes
about each take as it is recorded. The notes are useful to speed up the edit-
ing process.
Take-up Reel On a reel-to-reel tape recorder, the tape moves from the left-
hand reel, called the supply reel, to the head stack to the capstan and
pinch roller and then onto the take-up reel.
Talkback Microphone A microphone in the control room of a recording
studio or by the control console in a sound reinforcement system to allow
the engineer to talk to the performers.
Tape Head
Tangency The orientation of an analog magnetic tape head such that the
tape contacts the head for an equal distance on either side of the gap. Poor
adjustment of tangency causes uneven head wear on the sides of the gap.
Tape See magnetic tape.
Tape Head In an analog tape recorder, the transducers that magnetize
the tape in response to the input signal and reconvert the magnetization
into an electrical signal are called the tape heads. For each track, a tape head
consists of a small two-part core of soft iron or other suitable ferro-mag-
netic material with a coil of wire wound around it. Between the two parts
of the core is a very short gap, over which the tape is moved. current in
the coil causes the tape near the gap to be magnetized in proportion to its
strength. Record and reproduce heads are similar in construction, except
that the reproduce head has a narrower gap and many more turns of wire
in the coil. This increases the sensitivity of the head in picking up sig-
nals recorded on the tape.
Another type of tape head is the erase head, which is similar to a record
head, but has a wider gap. The erase head is fed with a very high fre-
quency, high-amplitude signal, usually derived from the bias oscilla-
tor, which effectively demagnetizes the tape just before it reaches the record
head. This eliminates any previously recorded signals from the tape.
Some early tape recorders used a permanent magnet as an erase head,
and although it did a good job of erasing the signal on the tape, it left the
tape in a magnetized condition that greatly increased the noise level of the
subsequent recording. Some inexpensive small portable cassette recorders
still use permanent magnet erase heads.
Helical-scan recorders such as video, adat and r-dat have several small
heads placed near the surface of the rotating aluminum head drum. These
small heads, or pole pieces, write and read the magnetization on the
Tape Head
Tape Hiss
tape in slanted tracks. Digital recorders have no erase heads, merely over-
writing old data at tape saturation level. Video recorders usually have a
very traditional analog erase head, but some have a so-called ying erase
head that is mounted in the rotating head drum and allows accurate eras-
ing and editing.
Tape Hiss The residual noise of a blank tape being played; also the tape
noise of a recorded tape.
In general, the tape hiss of a blank tape will be less than that of a recorded
tape because the recording process, including bias and erase, adds some
noise to the tape. Tape hiss is distinguished from modulation noise. The
primary cause of tape hiss is the barkhausen effect.
Tape Lifter A device in an analog reel tape recorder that lifts the tape from
the heads during rewind and fast forward to decrease the head wear and
sound output. The magnetic coating on tape usually consists of iron oxide,
which is an abrasive and will wear the tape heads, especially at high
speeds. Audio cassettes move an assembly of all heads and the pinch roller
away from the tape during the fast wind modes. r-dat type recorders
dont bother lifting the tape, leaving it on the head drum (with a bit less
tension) to enable enough data pickup to provide timecode or ABS time
Tape Pack The smoothness with which magnetic recording tape is wound
onto the hub of a reel is called the tape pack, or simply the pack. If the tape
wanders around when being wound, the exposed edges of tape are sub-
ject to damage, especially if left in this condition for an extended time. This
is one reason it is desirable to store tapes tails out without rewinding.
Most poor tape pack occurs with high-speed winding.
Tape Speed In analog tape recorders, the velocity with which the tape
moves across the tape head is the tape speed. It is measured in inches per
second (ips) in English-speaking countries, and in centimeters per second
elsewhere. Quite important for analog recorders, the actual tape speed is
often obscured to the consumer for digital devices in preference for run-
ning time.
It is interesting that the tape speed in the rst successful commercial tape
recorder, the German Magnetophon from the 1930s, used a tape speed of
78.5 centimeters per second, which is close to 30.9 ips. This came about by
the use of a capstan motor turning 1,500 rpm (a four-pole motor operat-
ing at 50-hertz line frequency), and a capstan diameter of 1 centimeter.
(According to Friederich Karl Engel, of BASF AG in Germany, the Magne-
tophon motor was not synchronous, and its actual speed was about 1,470
rpm. This gave an actual tape speed of about 30.2 ips.) When Ampex made
the rst American-built tape recorder (the model 200, introduced on April
25, 1948), they chose 30 ips in order to use English units and still be close
to the German practice, which was known to work well. In a similar situ-
ation, the German machine used tape of 6.5 millimeters width, and this is
very close to 14-inch, so Ampex and the 3M company chose 14-inch as a
standard width, and it has remained so ever since.
Telephone Hybrid
3:2 Pulldown
ode, which contains three. The extra element in the tetrode is a screen grid
placed between the control grid and the plate. The screen has a high pos-
itive voltage on it, and it increases the efciency of the tube, but at the
expense of higher distortion and a higher plate impedance. Most
modern power output tubes used in audio ampliers are tetrodes with
added beam-forming plates. See beam power tube.
THD See harmonic distortion.
Theremin An unusually clever electronic musical instrument invented in
1919 by Leon Termen, a Russian migr and engineer living in New York.
He changed his name to Leon Theremin in the 1920s. The Theremin had two
antennas, and it was played by moving ones hands nearer to and farther
from them. One antenna controlled the volume of the sound produced by
the instrument, and the other varied the musical pitch. The pitch was contin-
uously variable, and the sound had a somewhat eerie, other-worldly character.
It attracted the attention of a few serious performers for a while, and the idea
was brought up to date by Robert Moog with his modular synthesizer.
The Theremin was the subject of a fascinating documentary movie titled
Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey made in 1993, directed by Steven Martin.
Mr. Theremin lived into his nineties and died shortly after the documen-
tary was released.
Thermal Noise See johnson noise.
Thermionic Emission The process by which the cathode in a vacuum
tube emits electrons by being heated to a red-hot temperature. In Britain,
tubes are sometimes called thermionic valves.
Thiele-Small Parameters Characteristics of direct radiator loud-
speakers that can be used to predict the low-frequency performance of the
loudspeaker under various conditions of bafing (see baffle).
Australian researchers Neville Thiele and Richard Small identied
several parameters that can be used in the analysis of both closed-box and
ported loudspeaker systems. These parameters can be deduced from two
impedance measurements of the loudspeaker itself, one in open air and
one with the driver mounted in a closed box of known volume.
The Thiele-Small parameters are: DC resistance of the driver, resonant
frequency of the driver, the impedance at resonance, the mechanical
q of the driver, the electrical Q of the driver, the total Q of the driver, the
equivalent volume of the compliance of the driver, the acoustic compliance
of the driver suspension, the acoustic mass of the driver diaphragm assem-
bly, the acoustic resistance of the driver suspension, the product of the mag-
netic ux density and coil length, and the acoustic efciency.
Third Octave Filter Commonly heard corruption of one-third octave
Three-Step Processing See processing.
3:2 Pulldown A clever method of matching the 24 per second frame rate
of motion pictures to the 30 per second frame rate of ntsc television. Sim-
ply put, 24 frames of lm must be stretched out to ll 30 frames of video.
This is equivalent to stretching 4 frames of lm onto 5 frames of video. This
Threshold of Hearing
3:2 Pulldown
that if studios used THX dubbing stages to mix their movies, and consumers
heard them in THX-approved theaters, everyone would hear the same high
quality sound. The letters ostensibly stand for Tom Holmans eXperiment,
but note also that one of George Lucass early lms was titled THX-1138.
THX Ltd. was spun off into its own company in 2002, although reportedly
a majority of it is still owned by Lucaslm.
THX has expanded into activities such as certifying home audiovisual
equipment and car audio systems, quality control of commercial laserdiscs,
videotapes, and DVDs, cinema and studio consulting, and studio mixing
equipment. They market no hardware of their own except for the loud-
speaker crossover network in the commercial movie theater system. THX
is not a form of encoding or a delivery system. A THX theater can play ana-
log, digital, mono, stereo, Dolby, dts, etc., to their quality specications.
In order to be licensed as a THX theater, special care must be taken in all
aspects of the sound system design and installation, including such things
as the acoustics of the room and even the building materials used in the
space behind the screen.
Tight The low-frequency performance of a loudspeaker is said to be
tight if it is relatively free of hangover, or in other words, is well
damped. A recording using close miking is described as tight. Con-
versely, sometimes poorly damped systems are said to sound loose.
TIM See transient intermodulation distortion, also called
Dynamic Intermodulation (dim).
Timbre Timbre, pronounced tamber, refers to the subjective quality or tone
color of a sound. It is not related to pitch or loudness. It is timbre that
allows us to tell the difference between musical instruments. The timbre of
a sound depends on many factors, including the strength and number of
partials present.
The character of the beginning and ending transient sounds of a tone
has more to do with the timbre of the tone than its harmonic content. For
instance, if a tape recording of a piano is played backward, it sounds very
much like a harmonium, although the overtone structure is unchanged.
This illustrates the importance of the shape of beginning transients, or
attacks, of the sound. A harmonium recording played backwards does
not sound like a piano, but still sounds like a harmonium. There have been
experiments performed where the attack of one instrument is spliced onto
the steady-state sound of another instrument, and in almost all cases, the
sound is identied as the instrument that supplied the attack. For instance,
an oboe attack spliced onto a violin steady-state sounds much more like
an oboe than a violin.
It is commonly said that the piano gets its characteristic timbre from the
fact that its partials are all out of tune with the fundamentals, an effect
called stretching. If this were the case, it would still sound like a piano
when played backward, for the tuning of the partials is the same each way.
There are many unanswered questions about timbre. For example, the
Time Alignment
ute sounds as if it has a simple tone with few if any harmonics, but a spec-
trum analyzer shows the ute to produce a complete array of harmon-
ics. It is the attack which determines the timbre of the ute, for even if a
ute attack is spliced onto a clarinet steady-state, the resulting timbre is
very much like the ute.
Some instruments produce a pitch one would not expect from the fre-
quencies of the sounds produced. For instance, the bass recorder sounds
an octave lower than it should, and the human whistle sounds one or even
two octaves lower that its frequency would indicate. See also pitch; fun-
damental tracking.
Time Alignment In a multiple-driver loudspeaker system, it is impor-
tant that the time delay of each driver and its associated crossover net-
work be the same to preserve accurate transient response. In other
words, the high frequencies and the low frequencies must reach the listeners
ear at the same time. A system that meets this criterion is said to be time
Unfortunately, drivers differ in their time delays, woofers generally hav-
ing more than tweeters. Crossover networks also have different delays
depending on the frequency range they cover. One way to correct this is
to place the tweeter farther from the listener than the woofer, and this is
done in some systems. Another way is to specially design the crossover net-
work to add suitable electrical delay to the high-frequency signal.
The term time-align in this regard is copyrighted as a trademark by
Edward Long.
Time Code A special nonaudio signal used to record elapsed time on a
tape track. A time code is useful in allowing later synchronization of the
audio tracks with another tape recording or with a motion picture that was
shot at the same time as the recording was made. See also smpte time code.
Time Constant In an equalizer circuit consisting of a resistor and a
capacitor, the time constant is the product of the two values, or RC. The
time constant determines the frequency response of the equalizer, even
though the values of the R and C may be different in different circuits. It is
only the product of the two that determines the cutoff frequency.
Many pre- and de-emphasis circuits are specied in standards by their
time constants because this is simpler than specifying the frequency
response curve. Thus, a 70-microsecond curve in a tape recorder species
a certain de-emphasis curve, and the manufacturer can choose his Rs and
Cs at will in order to attain it.
Time Delay Spectrometry, or TDS A method for measuring the fre-
quency response of a device. In essence, TDS is the measurement of the
response of a device over a certain time interval after the excitation of the
device occurs. This allows measurement of such transducers as loud-
speakers in real rooms, excluding from the measurement the sound reec-
tions from the rooms surfaces. The basic technique has been around for
many years, but the late Richard Heyser resurrected it and greatly rened
it for use in audio testing.
Tone Control
line, so that it makes a constant angle with the surface of the record and
with the groove itself. The pivoted arm causes the playback stylus angle
to vary constantly as the record is played, and this causes a certain amount
of record wear and a small amount of distortion as well. Some tonearms
are designed to move the cartridge in a straight line to match that of the
cutter in order to eliminate these effects. Some such designs work very well,
while others introduce other problems such as mechanical resonance
and/or more friction. See also tonearm resonance.
Tonearm Resonance The stylus of a phono cartridge is fastened to a
springy cantilever, and the tonearm-cartridge assembly has mass. This forms
a spring-mass resonance system similar to a weight hanging on a spring.
The stiffness of the cantilever is directly proportional to the resonant fre-
quency: the greater the stiffness, the higher the resonant frequency. The
mass of the system is inversely proportional to the frequency: the greater
the mass, the lower the resonant frequency. (The stiffness of the cantilever
is seldom specied, but, instead, the compliance is usually specied by the
cartridge manufacturer. The compliance is the reciprocal of stiffness, or 1
divided by the stiffness.)
If the frequency of the resonance in question is in the audible range, it
will be excited by the motion of the stylus as it traces the groove, and an
increase in output at that frequency will occur, resulting in a peak in the
response curve. If the resonance is very strongly excited, it can result in the
stylus leaving the groove entirely, causing skipping. For this reason, the res-
onance is kept below the lowest frequency recorded on the record. But it
should not be so low that it would be excited by other disturbances, such as
eccentricity of the record or warps in the record. The best frequency for the
resonance to have is about 10 hertz. To attain this with high-compliance
cartridges requires arms with very low mass. Unfortunately, the needed
information to determine the resonance frequency is usually not available
to the consumer, complicating the selection of tonearms and cartridges.
In some tonearm systems, attention is paid to the damping of this res-
onance, and this is a good idea. Tonearm damping acts like the shock
absorbers on a car, reducing the amount of motion at the resonance and
making the entire system more stable, especially from oor vibrations, etc.
Tone Burst A test signal composed of several cycles of a sine wave. The
tone burst is a transient signal, with frequency content above and
below the frequency of the sine wave itself.
Tone bursts have been used as test signals for loudspeakers for many
years, where they show the effects of hangover. The frequency of the burst
can be chosen to match that of a mechanical resonance, and the amount of
hangover is a measure of the damping of the resonance.
Tone Control One or more knobs on an audio amplifier or preampli-
fier that modify the relative balance between the treble (high-frequency)
tones and the bass (low-frequency) tones. Tone controls are actually
equalizers, and they change the frequency response curve of the
Tone Burst
device containing them. Mixing consoles will refer to the tone controls col-
lectively as eq.
Tone controls vary a great deal in their design and in the effects they
have on the signal. The earliest tone controls were simply variable low-
pass filters, designed to reduce the effect of noisy 78-rpm records and
noisy am radio reception.
By far the most common conguration today is the familiar bass and treble
controls. They are designed so that in midrotation they have no effect, yielding
flat frequency response. Leftward rotation reduces the bass or treble,
and rightward (clockwise) rotation increases the level of the applicable fre-
quency range. The ostensible purpose of tone controls is to compensate for
minor irregularities in individual loudspeaker systems, or to compensate for
less than ideal placement of the loudspeakers. Some designs work very well
for this, causing only subtle changes in the sound of the system, while other
designs allow gross distortion of the frequency response to be made. Some
home-type equipment even contains graphic equalizers for tone con-
trols, and they must be used with discretion to avoid such distortion.
Because of the prevalence of the exaggerated effects mentioned above,
some audio acionados have come to believe that no tone controls are any
good, and they refuse to use them at all, thinking any modication of the
tonal balance must be a distortion. This, however, is wishful thinking, for
there is no such thing as a perfectly at recording/reproducing chain, espe-
cially when microphones, records, ampliers, cartridges, compact
disc players, and loudspeakers, etc., are available from such a great num-
ber of different manufacturers, each deciding what the optimum tonal bal-
ance is.
We have rarely heard a sound system that did not benet from at least
the subtle application of tone controls.
Tonic The reference pitch on which a musical scale is built; the do of the
familiar do-re-mi-. . . . It is dened in terms of the musical note rather
than in terms of absolute frequency. If one changes the key of a musical
Total Difference Frequency Distortion
selection from C to A at, this is a change of the tonic from the note C to
the note A at.
Top A term for the uppermost octave or so of the response of a loud-
speaker or other audio device. The term is used more in Britain than in
the United States.
Top Hat A plastic disc about 1012 inches in diameter with a 516-inch hole
and a handle in the center, designed for placing over a pancake of audio
tape on a tape recorder. The top hat takes the place of the upper reel flange
and allows the smooth winding of tape. Sometimes called simply a hat.
Topology Topology is a branch of geometry that deals with the way points
in a plane or in space are connected to each other, without regard to the
actual distances or angles between them. It is sometimes called rubber sheet
geometry. In topology, a circle and an ellipse are equivalent, a sphere and
an ellipsoid are equivalent; but a plane, a Mbius strip, and a torus (donut)
are very different from one another.
In an electronic circuit containing resistors, capacitors, and
transistors, etc., the actual geometry of the circuit is less important than
the topology; the order in which the components are connected is much
more important than their physical layout. (The physical layout can also
be very important in some circuits because of capacitive and magnetic cou-
pling, and this must be taken into account when designing the circuit.)
Circuit designs are thus sometimes called topologies.
Toroidal Sometimes transformers are wound on cores shaped more or
less like donuts (or toroids, as the mathematicians would have us call them).
Toroidal transformers are very efcient because they retain almost all the
magnetic eld inside the toroidal shape. There is little leakage of the eld
away from the assembly, and therefore toroidal power transformers cause
less induced 60-hertz hum in nearby circuits. They are difcult to wind,
however, and are more expensive than conventional E-core transformers.
TOSLINK A consumer ber-optic connector used to convey an optical
S/PDIF digital audio data stream. It is short for Toshiba Link, for the com-
pany that invented it.
Total Difference Frequency Distortion, TDFD A method of measuring
nonlinear distortion proposed by the iec in 1982 and based on a sug-
gestion rst published in JAES by A. N. Thiele in 1975.
The test is a type of intermodulation measurement scheme where
two low-distortion sine tones of frequencies F1 and F2 are passed through
the device under test (dut), and the amount of energy at the intermodu-
lation frequencies is measured. The tones are almost but not exactly a musi-
cal fth apart (a frequency ratio of 2:3). The IEC recommendation is 8
kilohertz for F1 and 11.95 kHz for F2. This gives rise to two intermodu-
lation products, F2 F1 and 2F1 F2, which lie 100 hertz apart in frequency
about an octave below F1 on a piano. These tones are quite easy to iso-
late from the test tones with a filter. The total energy in these tones is
expressed as a percentage of the energy in the parent tones, something like
the way total harmonic distortion (THD) is expressed. One advan-
Total Harmonic Distortion
tage of TDFD is that it is much more sensitive than THD and much lower
quantities of distortion can be measured. This is because THD measure-
ments are contaminated by wideband noise in the DUT output; whereas
with TDFD, all the distortion is in the two closely spaced components, and
it is measured through a narrowband lter that discriminates against the
noise. It is said that distortion of less than 0.0001 percent (one part per mil-
lion) can be measured accurately with this technique.
The method is applicable to measurements on preamps, amplifiers,
loudspeakers, and tape recorders.
Tracking Error
cutter is moving sideways the fastest, and will be wider when the cutter is
at the extremes of its motion. The groove thus will become narrower in its
midpoints and wider at its extremes. The playback stylus will be forced
upwards in the narrow parts and will fall downwards at the wider parts.
In other words, it is pinched out of the groove periodically. This is some-
times called the pinch effect.
Because the stereo cartridge is sensitive to vertical as well as horizontal
motion, this pinched motion adds to the signal, and is manifested as har-
monic distortion. The smaller the tip radius, the smaller the effect; and
an elliptical stylus, with smaller side radii, minimizes it. There are other
special stylus shapes designed to have even smaller side radii than an ellip-
tical, and they do reduce tracing distortion.
It is possible to pre-distort the signal fed to the cutter in such a way
as to cancel out tracing distortion, but it can only work for one playback
tip radius. Because these tip radii exist in many different sizes and shapes,
this is only a compromise at best.
Track and Hold See sample and hold.
Track-at-Once, TAO A CD-R production method in which one or more
tracks are recorded at a time and a link is written between the tracks. This
method is often used to create multisession cd-rs. A disadvantage of track-
at-once recording is that gaps between tracks must be at least two seconds
in length. See also disc-at-once.
Tracking When producing a modern multitrack recording, the rst step is
usually to record the separate instruments and vocals on their own audio
tracks, but with less regard to the later mixdown. This is called tracking.
Many types of tape transports using rotary head technology, such as dat,
videotape, and adat, must control the tape motion and synchronization
of the rotating head with the track location in the tape. This is also called
tracking. In most such systems a servo system detects tracking pulses re-
corded on the edge of the tape and automatically makes required small
adjustments in the tape speed. In most video recorders, there is also a knob
labeled tracking that adjusts for differences in the machine geometry of dif-
ferent machines when playing a tape made on another machine. Once
adjusted manually the servo will take over and maintain alignment.
Tracking Error Because the tonearm of a record player is pivoted at the
stationary end, the stylus moves across the record in an arc and meets
the groove at an ever-changing angle. The cutting stylus, however, moves
in a straight line, always 90 degrees to the groove direction. This condition
is called tracking error. If the cartridge is mounted to the end of the arm
at a suitable angle (called the offset angle), the error can be made to be zero
at two places on the record and only a few degrees in the worst case. Sev-
eral schemes for straight-line tracking have been developed over the years,
some with greater success than others. Some of these tangential track-
ing arms are quite complex, with motor-driven servo systems moving the
cartridge across the record. Most people consider the slight improvement
in tracking to be not worth the effort and expense involved.
which has energy spread over at least a 90-decibel range. This is a factor
of 1 billion in power!
Transformer A transformer is a device consisting of two or more coils of
wire wound on a common core of soft iron or other magnetically perme-
able material. The number of turns in one coil divided by the number of
turns in the other one is called the turns ratio. An alternating voltage
across one coil will appear across the other coil multiplied by the turns
Some transformers are designed to operate at 60 hertz and to handle
a large amount of current. They are called power transformers, and are
found in almost all electronic equipment to change the 110-volt line volt-
age to suitable values. A large version of this type of transformer is found
on utility poles by your house.
Audio transformers are designed to operate at audible frequencies, and
are used to step audio voltages up and down and to send signals between
devices such as microphones and tape recorders, etc., while maintaining
electrical isolation. See also balanced line.
The turns ratio of a transformer always determines the relative voltages
at the input (primary) and output (secondary) terminals, but the imped-
ance ratio of a transformer is equal to the square of the turns ratio because
the inductance of a coil is proportional to the square of the number of
turns. Because the power in the signal is conserved between the input and
output of a transformer, it can be shown that a 2:1 step-up transformer will
have a 4:1 impedance ratio. A 100-ohm resistor across the secondary of a
2:1 transformer will be reected at the primary as 25 ohms. Usually, audio
transformers are rated by their impedance ratios rather than their turns
ratios. A microphone input transformer might be rated as 150 ohms to 15,000
ohms. Such a transformer will have a turns ratio of the square root of 100:1,
or 10:1. One millivolt generated by the microphone will be transformed into
10 millivolts at the secondary, and a 15,000-ohm impedance connected to
the secondary will look like 150 ohms to the microphone.
Transformers are nice because they can provide voltage gain without
board when any key is depressed. The trigger is used to initiate the action
of some other device, such as an adsr.
In analog CRT oscilloscopes, the horizontal sweep is initiated at a
particular instantaneous signal level, and this is called a triggered sweep.
Trim Generally refers to a small adjustment, analogous to tweak. Small con-
trols such as gain controls operated by screwdrivers are called trimpots
or trimmers, and are used for such things as adjusting pre-emphasis
and de-emphasis in tape recorders, etc. Some recording consoles label the
ne-adjust microphone preamplier gain control a mic trim.
Trimmer A variable capacitor whose value can be adjusted by means
of a small screwdriver. Trimmers are meant to be adjusted only rarely and
are commonly found in equalization circuits, where they are nely
tuned to achieve a particular frequency response characteristic. See also
Also, a control knob that has a relatively subtle effect, such as the ne
volume control on a recording console input module, is called a trimmer
or a gain trimmer.
Trimpot A small potentiometer whose setting is usually adjusted by a
small screwdriver. Trimpots are designed to be adjusted only rarely and
are used in sensitive circuits such as equalizers, where they can be nely
adjusted and left for long periods. See also trim.
Triode The three-element vacuum tube in which the elements are the cath-
ode, the grid, and the plate. The triode is probably the most common
type of tube and is used primarily as an amplifier stage and as a cath-
ode follower. The triode was invented and patented by Lee DeForest in
1906, and this is one of the fundamental patents in the history of electron-
ics. It is interesting to note that DeForest thought of the triode as a detec-
tor of radio signals, not an amplier. As a detector, it was inferior to other
detectors of the time, including the fleming valve, which was the rst
diode detector. It was the quick-witted engineers at the Bell Telephone Lab-
oratories who rst hit on the idea of using the triode as an amplier, and
they obtained a license to build it from DeForest very early and immedi-
ately started using it as an amplier in long-distance telephone circuits. They
also started manufacturing triodes for commercial sale under the Western
Electric brand.
TRS See tip, ring, and sleeve.
T-Section A lter, or part of a lter, that has two series and one shunt reac-
tive components. Its name derives from its schematic resemblance to the
letter T. The T-section has a at response in its passband and an 18 dB per
octave slope in its stopband.
TTS See temporary threshold shift.
Tube Short for vacuum tube. The tube is the forerunner of the transis-
tor. The rst tube used for amplication of signals was the audion
invented by Lee DeForest. In England, tubes are called valves, a carry-
over from the fleming valve, which was the rst two-element tube, or
diode. In actuality, Edison invented the diode but did not exploit it for any
practical use. Fleming, an Englishman, used it as a detector of radio sig-
nals, and patented it for this use.
Tubes generally contain the cathode and anode of the diode, with
the addition of one or more grids that control the current between cath-
ode and anode, and are relatively linear in their amplication of signals.
The primary disadvantages of tubes compared to transistors is that they
are much larger and they generate much more heat. They are thus much
less efcient. Some applications require tubes, such as X-ray equipment and
high-power radio and television transmitters.
The natural linearity of tubes, as compared to transistors, is much ad-
mired by some audio people, who insist that tube equipment sounds more
musical than equipment using transistors. Although a great deal of non-
sense has been written about this subject, sometimes by people who ought
Tuchel Connector
trol the resultant musical effect; a highly specialized Disk Jockey. One tool
used by turntablists is the cross-fader, a type of mixer that fades from one
stereo source to a different one.27
TVI See television interference.
Tweak, Tweak Up Tweak is technicians slang for a delicate adjustment
procedure. Often the performance of audio components can be improved
over the original manufacturers specications by judicious tweaking up
of the adjustments, or by making small changes in certain component values.
Some audio buffs spend a good deal more time tweaking up than lis-
tening to their sound systems. See also alignment.
Tweek A trade name of Sumiko for an electrical contact enhancer uid sold
to the home audio market, much praised by some audiophiles. It is other-
wise known as Stabilant 22 from D. W. Electrochemicals, Ltd., of Canada.
Tweeter In a multiway loudspeaker system, the small speaker that
emits the high frequencies is sometimes called a tweeter.
Twin-Tone Intermodulation Distortion A method of measuring inter-
modulation distortion by passing two sinusoidal tones of equal
amplitude through the dut and examining the output signal to see the
amplitude of the difference frequency. The two tones, which differ in fre-
quency by a xed amount, usually 50 hertz, are swept through the audi-
ble range and often into the ultrasonic range. Even though the ultrasonic
signals themselves are not audible, the difference frequency is in the audi-
ble range.
Twist-Lock A trademark of the Hubbell Corporation for a family of lock-
ing AC power connectors. For years, many sound companies used them
for loudspeaker to amplifier connectors, but since they were also often
used for mains power distribution, the obvious disaster often occurred.
Recently, the Neutrik Speak-On connector has become popular for loud-
U Abbreviation of unit, as in modular unit or rack unit, which is the stan-
dard unit of height measurement of rack-mounted equipment. One mod-
ular unit is 134 inches, and all rack-mounted components measure an
integral number of modular units high. Thus, a device might be described
as occupying 3U of rack space, or 5 14 inches. The standard width of 19
inches is assumed. The Modular Unit standard was agreed upon by the
eia and ansi.
UDF, Universal Disk Format A trademarked name for an optical disc
Variable Area
VA Short for Volt-Ampere, or the product of the voltage times the current.
In a resistive circuit, the VA will be equal to the wattage, for a watt is 1 volt
x 1 ampere. In an inductive circuit, or device such as an electric motor, how-
ever, the current will not be precisely in phase with the voltage, and the
average current times the average voltage will be greater than the actual
power absorbed by the device. Also short for variable area.
Vacuum Tube See tube.
Valve British terminology for vacuum tube. The rst tube was a diode
introduced by Ambrose Fleming in 1904, and he called it the fleming
valve. It was used as a detector of radio signals. See also edison effect.
Van den Hul A specially shaped stylus tip for reduced distortion and
wear and increased high-frequency performance in playing phonograph
records. See also stylus.
Varactor A special semiconductor diode used as a variable capacitor.
The capacitance varies as a function of an applied DC potential. Varactors
are sometimes used as tuning condensers in certain radio receivers.
They are also sometimes called varicaps.
Variable Area The most common type of analog optical sound track
used in motion pictures. The variable area track is a transparent line in a
Variable Area
Variable Area
Variable Pattern Microphone
Variable Pitch
other than the normal 60 Hz. The exact term vari-speed was trademarked
by Superscope (Superscope distributed Sony recorders in the U.S. at the
time) in the 1970s.
Varistor A semiconductor circuit component whose resistance is a function
of the voltage applied across it. Its resistance drops nonlinearly with
increasing voltage, with a steep decrease at its rated voltage. Varistors are
used as surge protectors in equipment sensitive to overvoltage conditions.
VCA See voltage-controlled amplifier.
VCF See voltage-controlled filter.
VCO See voltage-controlled oscillator.
Velocity Microphone A type of microphone that has a polar pattern
shaped like a figure 8. This pattern is also called a cosine pattern
because the cosine function gives this curve when plotted in polar coor-
dinates. The rst velocity microphone was the ribbon microphone, invented
about 1931 by Harry F. Olson of RCA Research Laboratories.
The ribbon microphone uses as an active element a small corrugated strip
of very thin aluminum ribbon hanging loosely in a strong magnetic eld.
The ribbon is moved by the action of air molecules, which are set in motion
by the sound wave. The resonant frequency of the ribbon is very low,
below the audible range, so the motion of the ribbon is mass controlled,
or is proportional to the velocity of the air particles. For this reason, it is
called a velocity microphone.
The ribbon is most sensitive to sound approaching it either at normal inci-
dence or perpendicular to the plane of the ribbon because this causes it to
execute maximum motion. As the angle of incidence of the sound changes,
the motion of the ribbon is reduced and the output voltage from the micro-
phone is reduced, until it is zero when the angle of incidence is 90 degrees.
This is like a window shade, which is easily moved by air currents perpen-
dicular to it, but is not moved by wind blowing across its surface.
The ribbon was the rst commercially successful directional microphone,
and found instant acceptance in the motion picture and radio broadcast-
ing industries. It is still in use for many purposes, although it has numer-
ous disadvantages compared to modern microphone types, especially
condenser microphones. It is characterized by very smooth sound,
much appreciated by brass players for recording. It suffers from proxim-
ity effect, however, making it less than ideal as a vocal microphone. It is
also quite sensitive to air currents and wind, making it useless outdoors,
unless a good windscreen is used.
In recent years, special condenser microphones have been designed with
the cosine pattern. They are compound microphones, consisting of two
cardioid microphones placed back-to-back and connected in phase
VF-14 A vacuum tube made in the 1950s by Telefunken in Germany. The
VF-14 was used as a preamplifier in the famous U-47 condenser
microphone. The U-47 has a pronounced high-frequency peak, and
projector would sense only the standard sound track and ignore the con-
trol tracks.
Vitruvius A Roman architect who lived about 50 b.c. He is the earliest
known writer about acoustics, having described in some detail the
acoustical characteristics of Greek and Roman theaters. Among other
things, he said that theater acoustics would be improved if sounding ves-
sels tuned to the pitches of the musical scale were placed around the seat-
ing area. His Ten Books on Architecture has been translated and is fascinating
to read today.
Vocoder An electronic device similar to a music synthesizer that is used to
synthesize the human voice and modify a voice spoken or sung into it. It
is used for special effects like changing the pitch of a voice, adding
vibrato, replacing the voiced pitch with a noise signal, etc.
Voice Coil In a dynamic loudspeaker, the cone is caused to move by a
coil of wire which is wound around a cylindrical former attached to its
center. The coil is called the voice coil, a quaint reminder of the early days
of audio.
The voice coil is immersed in a strong magnetic eld emanating from a
permanent magnet. current in the coil causes another magnetic eld to
be developed, and the two elds interact to cause the force on the coil. Cur-
rent in one direction moves the coil one way, and current in the other direc-
tion moves it the other way. Thus, the coil (and attached cone) will move
in a way analogous to the waveform of the signal applied to it.
Voice coils may be wound with relatively more or less wire of any of
several diameters. In this way, the impedance of the coil is determined.
The impedance is a combination of the resistance of the wire and the
inductance of the coil. The motion of the coil in the magnetic eld cre-
ates another component of the impedance, called the motional impedance.
This reects the dynamic characteristics of the moving system, including
the mass of the cone assembly, the springiness of the suspension of the cone,
and the acoustic load on the speaker. It is possible to determine a great
deal about the loudspeaker itself by examining and testing the impedance
versus frequency.
It is desirable to minimize the resistance of the coil because it wastes
energy, simply turning it into heat. Therefore, the more copper that can be
placed in the magnetic gap, the more efcient the unit will be, with less
power lost to heat. Sometimes voice coils are wound with at wire placed
edgewise on the former in order to get more copper in the gap.
The Voice of the Theatre, VOTT A trademark of the Altec Lansing com-
pany for their family of horn-loaded loudspeakers used in movie theatres.
Their popularity was unmatched for many decades, and they were widely
used for music and sound reinforcement.
Voice-Over A voice sometimes present in motion pictures and video pre-
sentations without the person speaking being visible, i.e., a narration.
Voice Processor, Vocal Processor A device that includes several audio
processors designed to economically replace a battery of outboard proces-
Voltage Gain
sors commonly used to record a human voice or vocal signal, although any
signal can be used. It may include a mic preamp with phantom power,
a compressor/limiter, a de-esser, a multiband equalizer, and other
processors in one small package.
Volt, Voltage The voltage is the electrical potential difference between two
points; it is dened in terms of the work required to move a unit charge
(1 coulomb) from one point to the other. The unit of voltage is the volt,
named after Alessandro Volta, and is numerically equal to 1 joule per
The voltage of an audio signal is usually measured in terms of the rms
value of the signal, but sometimes the peak or average voltages are mea-
sured. The rms voltage squared is proportional to the amount of power
the signal carries.
Voltage-Controlled Amplier, VCA An amplifier whose gain is
adjusted, or controlled, by the application of an external direct voltage.
One of the most common uses of VCAs is in electronic music synthe-
sizers, where they are used to generate the envelope of generated sig-
nals. They are also used in compressors, limiters, and companders.
Voltage-Controlled Filter, VCF A filter whose frequency is controlled
by the application of an external direct voltage. VCFs exist in many forms,
including low pass, high pass, bandpass, and band reject. Not only the
tuning of the lter but also its q can usually be voltage controlled. VCFs
are very important components of electronic music synthesizers, where
they offer amazing control over the timbre of signals passed through them.
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator, VCO An electronic oscillator whose out-
put frequency is controlled by the application of an external direct volt-
age. VCOs are used extensively to generate musical signals in electronic
music synthesizers. The ease with which their frequency can be controlled
makes them very suitable for frequency modulation and the genera-
tion of very complex sounds. See also phase-locked loop.
Voltage Gain The output voltage of a device divided by its input voltage.
Most passive devices have a negative voltage gain, and most active
devices, especially amplifiers, have a positive voltage gain. A negative
voltage gain is sometimes called a loss or an insertion loss. Voltage gain,
by denition, is a ratio of two voltages and is therefore a dimensionless
It is common practice to express voltage gains, especially of ampliers,
in terms of decibels, using the following formula:
Vout put
Gain = 20 log10
However, this formula is valid only if the input and output impedances
are the same, and this is seldom true in practice. The problem arises
because the decibel is dened as 10 times the logarithm of a power ratio.
The square of a voltage ratio is a power ratio if the impedances across which
the voltages of the numerator and denominator are measured are the same,
Voltaic Cell
Wall Wart Slang for a power transformer/power supply that plugs directly
into the power outlet on the wall, usually covering both outlets.
Warp Wow If the vertical pivot of a tonearm is above the surface plane
of the record being played, a warp in the record that causes the stylus to
move up and down will also cause it to move a little forward and back-
ward along the groove. Sometimes this motion along the groove is called
scrubbing. This motion is added to the relative velocity of the groove
with respect to the stylus, and it causes a small variation in frequency
that is called warp wow. Longer tonearms have less of a problem than
shorter ones, and the closer the vertical pivot to the plane of the record,
the better.
Watermarking The addition of unique digital data to an existing digital le,
in order to identify it. The user need not be aware at all of the extra data,
but it can identify les such as photos or music and would be used to detect
piracy. The term comes from the paper industry technique of embossing a
unique design into moist paper during manufacture.
Watt The watt is the metric unit of power and is dened as 1 joule per sec-
ond. The joule is a unit of energy, so power is the rate of energy transfer,
or the rate of doing work. In electrical circuits, power can be calculated
in three ways: current squared times the real part of impedance, volt-
age squared divided by the real part of impedance, or voltage multiplied
by current.
The unit is named for James Watt, the developer of a practical steam
engine and inventor of the speed governor. Incidentally, it is commonly
thought that Watts speed governor was the rst feedback control system,
but this is not true. Organ builders have been using a feedback control mech-
anism to regulate wind pressure since the thirteenth century.
WAV The Windows le extension that indicates Microsofts audio le for-
mat. .WAV les can include mono or multichannel audio at 8-bit or 16-bit
resolution at several sampling rates up to 48 kHz.
Waveform The waveform of a signal is a graph of the instantaneous volt-
age versus time. The familiar sine wave is an example. The picture seen
on an oscilloscope is a waveform.
Wavelength In a sound wave in air, the distance between two successive
pressure maxima or minima is called the wavelength, and it is equal to the
speed of sound divided by the frequency. In air at standard conditions
of temperature and pressure (STP), sound travels at about 340 meters per
Wavelet Transform
Williamson Amplier
devised by other designers, probably the most famous of which was David
Haers Ultra Linear conguration, which used a different output trans-
former with taps on the primary winding being returned to the output tube
screen grids. This increased the power output and efciency with not too
much penalty in added distortion.
Winding The wire coils that compose the primary and secondary of a
transformer are called windings.
Windscreen Although most microphone diaphragms are protected by
perforated metal or a mesh of some sort, these do little to prevent a blast
or wind or breath from overloading the diaphragm. Therefore, various
devices can be added to a microphone to prevent this. The rst level of pro-
tection may be built into the structure of the microphone, especially a hand-
held vocal microphone, as a pop or breath filter, and is usually a piece
of open-cell foam. A ball of such foam can be tted over most mics if needed.
Another tactic, especially with studio mics, is to place a ring with gauze-
like material stretched over it between the vocalist and the microphone.
Recording outdoors is especially tricky from a wind standpoint, and a device
resembling, and called, a blimp or zeppelin is tted over the entire micro-
phone, with several inches of airspace between the mic and the blimp shell.
The blimp may be lined with acoustic foam and mesh, and for very seri-
ous air movements, the blimp may be covered with a porous synthetic fur.
See also pop filter.
Wiper The movable contact in a potentiometer is called the wiper or,
sometimes, the arm.
Wireless Microphone A microphone with a miniature radio transmitter
built in. The wireless is used with a remote receiver that picks up the sig-
nal. Wireless microphones are a good choice when a cable would be trou-
blesome, such as when performers must move over a considerable area, or
when the microphone must be concealed.
The quality of wireless systems is improving, but there are still problems
with their use. Interference with other broadcast signals, such as citizens
band equipment and radio-dispatched taxicabs, can be an embarrassment.
Also, the signal is subject to multipath distortion in some cases where
the radio frequency can be reected around inside a building. Many of
these problems are much improved by the use of a diversity receiver.
Woofer The woofer is the low-frequency loudspeaker, or driver, of a
multiway loudspeaker system. Sometimes if frequencies below 30 or 40
hertz are to be produced, it is called a subwoofer. Woofers generally are
quite large, usually 12 or 15 inches in diameter, or sometimes 18 or even 24
inches. At one time, Electro-Voice made a giant woofer of 40-inch diameter.
Sheer size, however, is not the most important attribute of a woofer. A
loudspeaker cone does not vibrate as a simple piston at all frequencies;
it breaks up into several modes of vibration, each one associated with
a different frequency. Normally, the cone would not be operated at fre-
quencies above the second mode of vibration, because its frequency
response and directional characteristics are quite irregular and unpre-
dictable in this region. The larger the cone, the lower the frequency of the
second mode and the lower the upper cutoff frequency must be to avoid
these problems.
One of the most important developments in low-frequency reproduc-
tion with low distortion was the acoustic suspension principle invented
by Harry Olson of RCA Research Laboratories and rst commercialized in
1954 by the Acoustic Research company. This system uses a relatively small
woofer cone (8 to 12 inches in diameter) with the capability of very large
amplitude of vibration. The cone is made quite massive and very loosely
suspended. The box behind the cone is sealed, and the springiness of the
air in the box is the major contributor to the force that returns the cone to
the rest position. This air spring is linear, and allows the cone to move
relatively great distances without distortion. The box is lled with a
damping material such as berglass or mineral wool, partly to damp inter-
nal reections of sound and partly to further linearize the air spring.
This invention was the rst to permit excellent low-frequency perfor-
mance from relatively small enclosures. The compromise in this type of sys-
tem is that the efficiency is reduced from that of larger systems, meaning
that more amplifier power is needed for the same output sound level.
See also bass reflex.
Word Clock The digital timing reference signal that is the same frequency
as the sampling rate being used. In digital audio and video facilities with
many digital devices, a single master word clock generator may be used
as the timing reference for all devices, minimizing timebase jitter that might
occur if the separate digital devices all used their own clocks for timing ref-
erence. There are also digital system clocks that are multiples of word clock,
with claims for higher accuracy. See also house synch.
Wow Wow is a relatively slow variation in frequency of reproduced sound
caused by slow speed variations in records, tape recorders, etc. pitch uctu-
ations of one or two per second or fewer are classed as wow, while faster
variations are called flutter.
The term was rst used during the early days of sound motion pictures.
When threading a movie projector with the sound head activated, mov-
ing the lm by hand makes a sound something like the word wow.
Wrap In an analog magnetic tape recorder, the tape wrap angle is the angle
made by the tape as it approaches and leaves the tape head. Wrap is actu-
ally a measure of the distance along the face of the head where the tape
makes contact. This distance has an effect on the low-frequency response
of the playback head. See also head bump.
X-Copy An identical copy of pre-existing audio or video material used in
movie editing.
X curve
X curve Extended curve. In the motion picture sound industry the X curve,
also known as the wide-range curve, is a specication for the acoustic
response curve of a movie theater. It is dened by ISO Bulletin 2969, which
species at the listening position in a dubbing situation or two-thirds of
the way back in a theater that the acoustic frequency response be at
to 2 kHz, rolling off at 3-dB/octave above that. The input signal is
specied as pink noise. The small-room X curve is designed to be used
in rooms with less than 150 cubic meters, or 5,300 cubic feet. This standard
species at response to 2 kHz, and then rolling off at a 1.5 dB/octave rate
of roll off. Some people use a modied small-room curve, starting the
roll off at 4 kHz, with a 3-dB/octave roll-off rate. The X curve replaced the
old Academy Curve, and the X curve is meant to be used for monaural and
Dolby Stereo analog sound tracks. The X Curve must be met in all theaters
that are certied to the thx specication.
Xformer Abbreviation for transformer.
XLR Connector In its three-conductor form (XLR-3), a common audio con-
nector, widely used in balanced professional audio applications and for the
aes3 (AES/EBU) digital interface. The XLR connector was a trademark of
the Cannon company, but usage has made it a generic term and an inter-
national standard (as IEC 268-12), and many manufacturers make such con-
nectors. Pin number 1 in the XLR plug is always connected to the shield.
The reason is that the connectors are so designed that pin 1 makes contact
rst, ensuring that the ground connection is made before the signal con-
nection. This greatly reduces the transient thumps and pops that can
occur when a circuit is patched with the power turned on. IEC standards
now specify that pin 2 is wired to the high or plus (+) wire of a balanced
pair, and pin 3 to the low or minus () wire. Unfortunately, there was no
standard several years ago, and one still nds items wired with pin 3 hot.
The XLR connector is called a QG connector by one manufacturer, for Quick
XM Satellite Radio See satellite radio.
Xmtr Short for transmitter.
Xophonic An articial reverberation device for the home made by Radio
Craftsmen in the 1950s. The Xophonic was a box that looked about like a
bookshelf loudspeaker. It contained an analog time delay device in the
form of a small loudspeaker connected to a coil of tubing about 50 feet
long with a microphone in the other end, producing a time delay of about
50 milliseconds. The incoming signal from the amplifier of the sound
system was fed to the time delay unit and to a mixer, which combined it
with the delayed signal from the tube microphone. A power amplier and
loudspeaker were included to amplify and radiate this combined signal
into the listening room.
The Xophonic was probably the rst signal processing device intended
for home use. It enjoyed a brief popularity, and then quietly fell into obliv-
ion, aided by the advent of the stereophonic record.
Yagi An early type of directional receiving antenna, mostly used for tele-
vision reception, invented by Hidetsugu Yagi in 1928.
Y-Cord A Y-cord consists of two short audio cables with similar connec-
tors on one end that are joined to a single connector, usually of similar type
but different gender. The Y-cord, or Y-connector as it is sometimes called,
is used to create split feeds, where the same signal is sent to two differ-
ent places at the same time. Sometimes a Y-cord is used as a mixer to short
the two channels of a stereo signal together to make a monaural sig-
nal. This can lead to problems in low-impedance circuits, because each
output circuit loads the other one. The solution is to place a series resis-
tor in each signal path.
Also, a Y-cord can never be used to connect two channels of digital
data together!
Yellow Book See red book.
YL Amateur radio operator slang for girlfriend; YL stands for young
Z The symbol for impedance.
Zener Diode The zener diode is a solid-state silicon diode that is
reverse biased to such an extent that it conducts current backward. It
is then said to be operating in the avalanche mode, and is sometimes called
an avalanche diode. Under these conditions, the voltage across it will be
very nearly constant over a range of current values. This constant voltage
property is exploited by using it as a voltage regulator or voltage reference
in power supply circuits. Zener diodes are available in a wide range of volt-
age values.
Zenith The angle that the face of the tape head in an analog tape recorder
makes with the top plate of the machine. The zenith should be 90 degrees,
and if it is not, the head will not wear uniformly. Zenith angle is adjustable
on some machines.
Zero Reference
Appendix 1
The Art and Science
of Good Acoustics
The systematic study of musical acoustics existed as early as the rst century
b.c., as documented by Vitruvius in his Ten Books on Architecture. Great strides
in understanding were achieved in the nineteenth century, especially with
the work of Hermann Helmholtz. The twentieth century has spawned a near
explosion in the eld, as witnessed by the great number of recent publica-
tions on all elds of acoustics.
Research in physical acoustics has produced theories leading to improve-
ments in the design of musical instruments and has greatly inuenced the
design of concert halls built in the last 100 years. Research in psychoacoustics
has likewise inuenced instrument design and auditorium acoustics.
One might expect that all this activity would have produced better instru-
ments, better music, and happier musicians. This appendix attempts to show
that this has not always happened. Some observations on the reasons for this
are presented, along with some suggestions for further research. The areas
considered are (1) auditorium acoustics, (2) psychoacoustics, and (3) musical
instrument design.
The rst truly scientic architectural acoustician was Wallace Clement Sabine,
professor of physics at Harvard University. He is credited with the acousti-
cal design of Symphony Hall, built in Boston in 1900. Sabine investigated the
measurement of reverberation time and devised the rst formula to predict
reverberation time from the dimensions of a room and the amount of sound
absorption in it. He invented the concepts of acoustical absorption coefcients
and absorption units, now called sabins. (One sabin is dened as one square
foot of total sound absorption. The absorption of a given area of a material
may be predicted by multiplying its absorption coefcient by its area in square
feet.) Sabine also did much work on the measurement of absorption coefcients
of many materials. He was probably the rst to suggest that materials be man-
ufactured for the express purpose of sound absorption, in effect making him
the father of acoustical tile.
Symphony Hall has been universally claimed by musicians and audiences
to possess superlative acoustics. Many would agree with the 1950 opinion of
Rudolf Elie, music critic of the Boston Herald, It is very clear to me now that
Symphony Hall is the most acoustically beautiful hall in the United States. It
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
much of Bksys research spanning many years. There are some strong clues
to why the clouds at Lincoln Center did not behave as expected. Bksy points
out that an array of acoustical clouds will reect high frequencies while
permitting low frequencies to pass through and be reected from the true
ceiling above. This means the high frequency portion of complex musical
sounds reach the listener earlier than the lower frequency components of
those sounds. Bksy had established earlier that sounds arriving in quick
succession at the ear result in complex nervous system processing whereby
a part of the response is inhibited. He called this phenomenon auditory inhi-
bition. He states, In the concert hall the low frequencies will lose their effec-
tiveness in brief pulses of sound heard by a listener. These tones are physically
present but are inhibited because they are delayed in arrival at the listeners
ears. This type of distortion may be called room acoustics phase distortion
and represents an interesting new eld. The construction of auditoriums and
the subsequent discovery of these distortions represent very expensive
experiments on inhibition. Bksy then points out that this type of phase
distortion is not noticed if it is slight, but when it is increased, a threshold is
reached where suddenly the unexpected happens. Such thresholds exist also
for other sensory phenomena. These sensory thresholds present barriers
that often prevent technical extensions into what otherwise might be unlim-
ited elds.
The lesson from this is that architectural acousticians must be mindful of
psychoacoustics and sensory inhibition and must be wary of extrapolating
known designs into larger scales. Also, perhaps a different point of view should
be sought. Siegmund Levarie and Ernst Levy bemoan the fact that architec-
tural acoustics is still thought of in terms of reverberation and absorption of
sound. In other words geometrical acoustics, or ray acoustics, has been used
because of its ease of theoretical simplication and measurements. When
addressed from the standpoint of volume resonance and wave theory, room
acoustics measurements seem much better correlated to what a person hears
with his complex auditory mechanism. There has been recent work, much of
it instigated by Manfred Schroeder of Gottingen, on the importance of strong
side wall reections and diffused ceiling reections in concert halls; this work
appears promising. New auditoriums designed to provide strong reection
from the side walls across the audience have been designed recently by some
acousticians, notably Paul Veneklasen of Los Angeles; these rooms are praised
by musicians and audiences alike. The Japanese acoustician Yoichi Ando, in
collaboration with Manfred Schroeder, has done much work to place a rm
theoretical formulation under this concept. In this work the somewhat sim-
plistic ITDG is being replaced by the IACC, or Interaural Cross Correlation
function, which is a mathematical measure of the sameness of the sounds
reaching the two eardrums. Ando has been able to establish a connection
between the IACC function and the degree of preference expressed by listeners
to different sound elds. Perhaps this will allow innovative concert halls to
be designed and still attain acceptance by musicians.
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
hearing thresholds of the subjects! In other words, adding certain sounds that
are so low in intensity that they are inaudible by themselves to a piano record-
ing will result in a detectable difference in the piano sound. Clearly more work
needs to be done in audibility of low intensity sounds, and the Fletcher-
Munson curves do not predict the audibility of some complex sounds.
Generally, psychoacoustic testing is performed with earphones rather than
loudspeakers in order to facilitate exact control of the signals reaching the ears.
Audiometric testing is always done with earphones, presumably for the same
reason. But earphones present formidable problems in standardizing sound
levels at the eardrum and in attaining standardized frequency response with
different listeners. The seal between the phone and the head greatly affects
the low frequency response and the shape of the listeners pinna greatly affects
the middle and high frequency response. Greater than 10 dB frequency
response discrepancies between subjects using the same earphones have been
reported (Sank, op. cit.). Also the presence of the earphone on the ear increases
the audibility of the listeners own physiological processes. This is somewhat
akin to hearing the ocean roar when holding a seashell to ones ear. Those
extraneous noises can act as masking signals and could, it would seem, inval-
idate audiometric testing. Is it possible that critical bands and loudness con-
tours are artifacts caused by using earphones? In any case it is obvious that
earphone listening is an unnatural condition for our hearing mechanism, and
it seems that insofar as possible, psychoacoustic testing should be done under
free eld conditions using both ears.
Problems can occur when trying to apply the results of psychoacoustic
testing to musical experiences. Most experiments aimed at investigating our
hearing ability have used sine waves (pure tones) as independent variables.
One phenomenon that was noticed early is that the perceived pitch of a tone
varies with intensity and is not directly correlated with its frequency (Stevens,
op. cit.).
Low pitches are made subjectively lower with increasing intensity and high
pitches are made subjectively higher with greater intensity. One might expect
this to explain out-of-tune playing among orchestra members, but it happens
that according to some researchers the effect disappears with complex tones!
However, this has not been shown to be true under all conditions and more
studies need to be done. In summary we think it would be desirable if psy-
choacoustic research could be conducted with sounds that more clearly imi-
tate natural sounds, and the use of earphones should be approached with
It has been known for many years that the overtones present in the sound of
the piano are not accurately tuned to the frequencies of the harmonic series,
but are in fact higher in frequency. This sharpening of the overtones increases
with the order of the overtone. Because the piano is tuned in octaves up and
Appendix 1
down from a central temperament octave, the piano will be tuned progres-
sively sharp in the treble octaves and progressively at in the bass. On the
surface it would appear that this is a defect in the piano. As long ago as 1949,
F. Miller proposed that if small masses were applied to the strings near their
ends, the inharmonicity could be cancelled. He proposed that the piano could
be improved by this method, but there seemed to be essentially no interest
among piano makers to adopt the improvement. Then in 1962, Harvey
Fletcher, et al., reported that synthesized piano tones without inharmonicity
were not preferred by listeners over synthetic tones that did contain inhar-
monicity. The non-stretched tones were described as dull, uninteresting, and
not piano-like. After a series of similar listening experiments, the Conn com-
pany came to a similar conclusion. Thus it turns out that a defect in the piano
tone, as discovered by physical measurement of the sound, is actually an
important factor in the quality of the instrument.
Stringed instruments such as the violin, viola, cello, and bass viol have been
built for so many years that one would expect their design to have been opti-
mized by now. Many people have studied most aspects of stringed instru-
ments and the consensus has been that the violin has been optimized insofar
as its size and shape in relation to its pitch are concerned. Acoustically the
violin has its resonances properly placed to ensure a uniform tonal output
and its size allows relative ease of playing. The cello is also close to an ideal
size for its pitch range. The viola and string bass, however, are too small phys-
ically to radiate optimally in their pitch range. Carleen Hutchins of the Cat-
gut Acoustical Society has studied this situation and has proposed new designs
for the viola and bass that nearly optimize their size and shape to their respec-
tive ranges. Because of its larger size, the Hutchins viola must be played ver-
tically in the manner of the cello. According to one violinist who has mastered
the instrument, this is not an important advantage. The so-called Great Bass
is signicantly larger than its double bass cousin, making it somewhat awk-
ward to play, at least by persons of normal size. These instruments are char-
acterized by a greater production of the fundamental frequencies, especially
in the lower register. The difference is quite striking.
Hutchins envisioned the use of the new instruments in orchestras where
their greater strength in the low register would be welcome. Perhaps at last
the viola section could compete on a more equal basis with the violins, and
perhaps the Great Basses would nally provide the rich, strong support in
the low frequencies that has been lacking in symphony orchestras. However,
sufcient time has passed that these instruments should have made denite
inroads in orchestra makeup if they are going to do so. The Great Bass in par-
ticular was praised by Leopold Stokowski; this alone should have encour-
aged its introduction and use, but no such revolution has occurred. The initial
interest and excitement has seemingly dissipated.
Can this fact be attributed to a simple inertia and unwillingness on the part
of musicians to try something new? Is it simply a matter of time before we
see vertical violas and Great Basses in all our symphony orchestras? We think
not. We believe that even though the new instruments may be optimized from
Appendix 1
Beranek, Leo. Music, Acoustics, and Architecture. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
Fletcher, Harvey, et al. Quality of Piano Tones. Journal of the Acoustical Soci-
ety of America, Vol. 36.
Hutchins, Carleen. Founding a Family of Fiddles. Physics Today, Vol. 20, Feb-
ruary 1967.
Levarie, Siegmund, and Ernst Levy. Tone: A Study in Musical Acoustics. Kent,
OH: Kent State University Press, 1968.
Miller, F., Jr. Proposed Loading of Piano Strings for Improved Tone. Jour-
nal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 21, 1949.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Some Frequently Used
Symbols and Units
Table 1
Appendix 2
Table 2
kilogram mass kg
meter length, distance m
second time s
ampere electric current A coulombs/s
coulomb electric charge C
farad capacitance F
henry inductance H
hertz frequency Hz cycles/s
joule work, energy J newton-meters
newton force N
pascal pressure Pa newtons/m2
siemens electric conductance S
tesla magnetic ux density T
volt electric potential V
watt power W joules/s
weber magnetic ux Wb
ohm electric resistance volts/ampere
Appendix 2
Table 3
Decibel Values
1 1 0 dB
2 1.4 3 dB
4 2 6 dB
10 3.16 10 dB
100 10 20 dB
1,000 31.6 30 dB
10,000 100 40 dB
100,000 316 50 dB
1,000,000 1000 60 dB
Appendix 3
How to Subdue a Hi-Fi Salesperson
Who has not innocently walked into a stereo store to listen to certain com-
ponents in a leisurely manner, only to be inundated with technical jargon (or
pseudo-technical jargon) by a salesperson who is seemingly intent on mini-
mizing the contents of your pocketbook, with apparent disregard for your
sonic requirements and desires? What is the best way to handle such a situa-
tion? How can one make meaningful comparisons of loudspeakers, ampliers,
record players, etc., in the presence of such a confusing array of equipment,
almost each component of which represents a breakthrough in technology?
Well, we believe it is possible to make some sense out of a seemingly hope-
less situation.
Appendix 3
sound of his voice to match the loudness of the live voice. This is
important. You will very quickly nd that almost none of the speak-
ers sound natural.
Listen particularly to the low-frequency tones and note the res-
onant boominess projected by many systems. Then listen to the
sibilant sounds, and note the great differences in the way they are
handled by the various speakers. At the start of the test, the tone con-
trols in the amplier should be set for at response, and you can
experiment with different settings to increase the naturalness of the
sound. You will nd, however, that many speaker systems will not
sound natural, no matter what the tone control settings are.
While it may seem that a voice will not exercise the full frequency
range of a loudspeaker system, and this is true in the strict sense,
the male voice does cover the part of the frequency range most impor-
tant to music. It is interesting to note that this is a much more severe
test than simply to tune in a radio announcer you may be used to
hearing and use this voice as a test signal. The latter is not good for
two reasons: you are familiar with the sound of the voice heard over
the radio and not in person; and radio broadcasters nearly always
use directional microphones at short range to pick up announcers,
causing very large increase in bass response due to proximity effect.
Some have called this the Jolly Green Giant effect, and it makes
this a hopeless test signal.
If you are not able to do this test, another simple experiment is
enlightening. Simply tune an FM tuner in the store to a point
between stations and listen to the random noise thus produced. (Be
sure the tuner used does not have interstation muting, or turn the
muting off.) This random noise is devoid of any musical pitch, being
made up of a collection of all frequencies mixed in a completely
chaotic manner. It exercises the loudspeaker in all frequency ranges
simultaneously, allowing you to hear anomalies over the whole audio
range. The noise should have no perceived musical pitch at any pitch
level. Switching between speakers will immediately show up those
that have peaks, or resonances, in the audible range. Listen especially
at very high frequencies and very low frequencies. It takes practice
to learn how to listen to random noise. (It always must be reproduced
by some sort of loudspeaker to be heard, and none are perfect.) Nev-
ertheless, this is a very easy task to perform, and it will tell you a
great deal about the frequency responses of loudspeakers. Also, it
is fun to watch the expression on the salespersons face.
Appendix 3
Appendix 3
sound from them. Be sure to compare the same data rates or disc
play times. Like most digital systems, it is usually in the softest
sounds where these systems show weakness.
By the time these tests are completed, the salesperson may be stunned into
silence, or possibly will have understood what you are doing and have helped
you through the process, thereby learning something as well.
Appendix 4
Good Acoustics in
Small Rooms and Auditoria
In this section, we will try to demystify the subject of the acoustical proper-
ties of a small room, and we will offer suggestions on how to optimize the
performance of the loudspeakers in your listening environment. Information
presented here will be useful to recording engineers, but should be of inter-
est to serious audiophiles as well.
We will study some of the acoustical principles involved and the behav-
ior of sounds of different frequencies in small rooms in order to get a better
understanding of what we hear. By a small room, we mean a room the size
of a typical recording studio control room or a home living room. (By this
denition, a shower stall is a very small room, albeit one with interesting
acoustical properties. We will return to the shower stall a little later.)
It is interesting that the acoustics of a small room are quite different from
the acoustics of a large room such as an auditorium. It is also quite well known
that a given loudspeaker will sound very different in a small room compared
to how it would sound in an auditorium.
We will look into the reasons for these differences, and will explain the
principles at work in such a way that you can understand them, even if you
do not happen to have a Ph.D. in acoustical engineering. With these general
facts in mind, you will be able to make valid decisions about the placement
of the speakers, the placement of the listeners, and the adjustment of the speak-
ers in order to achieve the most agreeable listening experience. We will try to
inform you what to do if your room seems to be impossible to congure for
good sound, even if, in the extreme case, only a stick of dynamite will serve
to correct the situation. Fortunately for all involved, this extreme case is sel-
dom encountered in practice.
It will be interesting to think about the philosophy of loudspeakers record-
ing engineers use in recording studio control rooms for evaluating microphone
types and placement and the monitoring of the nal mix of recordings. After
all, the recording engineer makes his living with his ears, and they must not
deceive him. (The serious but nonprofessional music listener will also benet
from this.)
There is a long history of the various types of speakers used in monitor-
ing recordings. In former times, very large theater speakers were often used,
the idea being that everything should be accentuated and reproduced bigger
than life so the slightest defect in the recording would be painfully obvious.
Appendix 4
The sound levels used in monitoring often came close to deafening the engi-
neer, making him insensitive to the subtleties in the reproduced sounds.
Today, we know better. We understand the effect of very high-intensity
sounds on human hearing, such as threshold shifts and auditory fatigue. We
believe the monitoring levels should not be much greater than the levels that
will be used in the nal reproduction in the users environment. We believe
the monitor speakers should be as neutral sounding as possible, that they
should have no discernable acoustic character or tone color. Simply put, they
should just convert the electrical signal fed to them into sound without adding
or subtracting anything. All the sounds that emanate from the monitor speak-
ers have their origin elsewhere in the recording chain. If the engineer hears
something he does not like, he knows that it is not a distortion or coloration
introduced by the speakers. He is therefore able to track it down and correct
it and then be able to hear the difference.
However, speaker systems are not used in a vacuum. They must be
located in rooms that will modify their sounds in complex ways, as we shall
see shortly. Therefore, we must nd the best way to see to it that the place-
ment in the room and the characteristics of the room itself do not destroy the
purity and linearity of the sounds the loudspeakers are capable of producing.
The typical small room is unfortunately not ideal for listening to live music,
and is also not ideal for listening to reproduced music. There are many rea-
sons for this, and most of them boil down to the fact that the wavelengths of
the sounds produced by music vary from about 40 feet for the lowest bass
notes to about 12 inch for the highest notes in the treble. The wavelengths of
the sounds of the fundamental pitches of a piano are shown in gure 1, below.
(The harmonics of these pitches extend to much higher frequencies and much
smaller wavelengths.) Large auditoriums that are designed for listening to
music can handle this huge range of sound wavelengths well, mostly because
even the longest waves are short compared to the dimensions of the room.
The large room swallows up these long waves, and allows them to bounce
Figure 1
Appendix 4
around freely and to be diffused by the reections from the distant walls so
they can attain a proper balance with the higher pitched tones. The small room,
however, is not able to cope with these long sound waves in a manner that
satises the musical ear.
The typical small room does not have enough space to permit this diffu-
sion of the longer waves, and they bunch up, interfere with one another, and
generally raise havoc with the musical balance. This is bad enough when real
musicians with conventional instruments are performing in a small room, but
the situation is worse when you try to reproduce the music with loudspeak-
ers. This is because the speakers are the sources for all the musical sounds,
rather than having the music come from many different locations in the room.
Sound waves are actually pressure disturbances that travel at a nearly con-
stant speed (the speed of sound, about 1,100 feet per second) through the air.
They carry energy as they travel, or in other words they convey power from
the sound source to the sound receiver. The molecules of the air do not travel
from the source to the receiver but simply vibrate, transmitting energy from
one to another, somewhat analogous to a series of upright dominoes each one
of which will fall due to being pushed by its neighbor. Each domino does not
move very far, but the energy it took to topple the rst one is transmitted all
along the path of the domino wave. See gure 2.
Figure 2
Appendix 4
Figure 3
True free-eld conditions are almost never met in practice since there are
always barriers and objects in the path of the sound waves, but under certain
conditions, there can exist a good approximation of a free eld. We will return
to this concept a little later.
When a sound wave encounters a large barrier, such as a wall, part of it
will be reected from the wall and the wall will absorb part of it. The amount
of the energy in the wave that is absorbed is dependent on how much the
wall moves in response to the pressure exerted by the wave. If the wall is very
solid, i.e., made of concrete or solid uranium a foot thick, the wall will not
move appreciably and almost all of the energy in the wave will be reected
back into the room. The amount of energy reected by the wall also depends
on the surface condition of the wall, and on the wavelength of the sound. If
the wall is covered with a soft material, such as egg cartons, berglass, cloth
tapestries, or old undershirts, sounds with short wavelengths will be absorbed
more efciently than sounds with long wavelengths. This is the reason that
most rooms will have a longer reverberation time at low frequencies than at
high frequencies. Of course most rooms are not made of uranium and they
do ex when they are struck by sound waves, and this absorbs energy, reduc-
ing the strength of the reected sound.
In large rooms where the smallest dimension is about 50 feet, the waves
from the sound sources expand in spheres as if in a free eld until they meet
the surfaces. Then they are reected in such a way that they continue to spread
out after they are reected. This allows the reected sounds to become ran-
domized on multiple reections, and the interference patterns are so com-
plex and overlapped that they are scarcely noticeable.
In a large room, the sounds of all wavelengths get reected many times
and in all directions as they meet the surfaces of the room. They nally reach
a condition called diffusion, which means the waves are moving in unpre-
dictable directions as they gradually die away from being partially absorbed
Appendix 4
at each reection. In a diffused sound eld, you are not able to tell where a
sound is coming from. You are immersed in an ocean of uniform sound com-
ing from all directions at once. Complete diffusion is not possible in practice,
but in some very reverberant spaces, it is approached. For listening to music,
however, you do not want the sound eld to be too diffuse, since the musi-
cal line would be blurred, and the structure of the melody and harmony would
be difcult to discern at best. For this reason, concert hall designers strive to
achieve a pleasing balance between the diffuse reverberation in the room and
the direct sounds coming from the musical instruments.
The acoustics of large rooms can be wonderful for live music, but they often
present problems for amplied sound. The sound system designer must be
careful to see that the speakers direct the amplied sounds to the listeners
ears before they reect from the walls or other surfaces. Otherwise, the sound
heard by the listener would be too reverberant and muddy. Also, the micro-
phones used in sound reinforcement systems must be close to the perform-
ers so they dont pick up the reverberant sound of the room.
In a small room, the situation is different. The small room has reecting
surfaces that are close enough to the source of sound that there is not sufcient
space for the long-wavelength sound waves to diverge, and they strike the
surfaces almost as plane waves rather than spherical waves. Therefore the
long wavelengths of the lower frequencies prevent them from being able to
diffuse smoothly throughout the room. The main reason for this is the phe-
nomenon called interference. Interference is a condition where two sound
waves occupy the same space; their sound pressures add together when they
are in phase with each other and they subtract (partially cancel) when they
are out of phase with each other. This is called constructive and destructive
A special case of constructive and destructive interference is the dreaded
standing wave, sometimes called the stationary wave. A standing wave
occurs when two large parallel surfaces have a sound source between them
operating at certain specic frequencies. To form a standing wave, the sound
waves must be of a frequency where one half a wavelength is a submultiple
of the spacing between the surfaces. In other words, an integral number of 12
wavelengths of the sound must t between the two surfaces.
In the example shown in gure 4, there are ve 12 wavelengths between
the wall surfaces. As the sound energy bounces back and forth between the
walls, the sound pressures successively add together and cancel, causing a
series of locations of maximum loudness and minimum loudness to exist. (This
example shows complete cancellation and zero sound pressure at the min-
ima, but this never happens in practice.) Note that there is always a pressure
maximum at the wall surfaces. The locations of maximum sound pressure
are called antinodes, and the locations of minimum sound pressure are called
nodes. Of course, the locations of the nodes and antinodes depend on the
wavelengths involved and the spacing between the walls. The two surfaces
will generate standing waves at every frequency at which the wall spacing
is divisible by 12 of the wavelength. Each of these standing wave patterns is
Appendix 4
Figure 4
Appendix 4
persons voice and ears are near the upper end of the enclosure, which is close
to the upper antinode, so the room mode is heard as a strong reinforcement
of the voices fundamental tone. This is no doubt the reason that men, espe-
cially basses, often are pleased by their own performance of singing in the
Since parallel surfaces are a major source of standing waves, designers have
learned that it is not a good idea to design music rooms with parallel walls,
oors, and ceilings. This is not as easy as it sounds, because you still have to
have corners (unless the room is round), and they will generate their own
standing wave pattern. Not only that, but the walls have to be very signi-
cantly out of parallel to prevent standing waves to build up between them.
The walls would have to be at fairly large angles to appear nonparallel to a
sound wave with a 10- or 20-foot wavelength. Nonparallel walls do prevent
standing waves from being much of a problem at higher frequencies, i.e., at
frequencies above 200 Hz or so.
Another thing that has been tried is to treat the wall surfaces with suitable
materials that absorb the sound rather than reect it. This is also easier said
than done, for long wavelengths are notoriously difcult to absorb. It takes
very thick layers of absorptive material (about 14 of the wavelength you want
to absorb) in order to be effective. This is not only unsightly and expensive,
but it reduces the useful size of the room. Another way to reduce the strength
of the room modes is to make the walls exible rather than massive. A room
lined with 12-inch sheet rock on 2x4 studs spaced at 16 inches is quite exi-
ble at low frequencies, and it absorbs these frequencies much better than a
solid wall of brick or concrete. However, thin exible walls will also let more
sound pass through them, possibly waking up Aunt Minnie, or worse.
Resonant Absorbers
Appendix 4
Figure 5
Appendix 4
Figure 6-A
Figure 6-B
general guideline, you do not want different modes to produce nodes and
antinodes that are in the same location in the room at the same frequencies.
These are called overlapping modes. Therefore, the room should not have
dimensions that are simple multiples of each other. For instance, the room
height and width should not be multiples of each other, or multiples of any
common factors. Ideally, the ratios of height, length, and width should be irra-
tional, like the square root of three (1.73 . . . ), or the Golden Mean.1 It is impor-
1. The Golden Mean, also called the golden ratio, is a relationship discovered by the
ancients that occurs frequently in nature, and has a numerical value of about 0.618. It was
intensely studied by many people involved in number theory and artistic endeavors. It has
been said that a rectangle with length and width proportional to the golden mean is more
pleasing to the eye than any other rectangular shape. An ordinary 3 x 5-inch card conforms
very closely to the golden mean.
Appendix 4
tant that the ceiling height of the listening room not be too low, as discussed
in the section on stereo imaging.
If at all possible, the walls should not be simple plane surfaces, but should
be broken up with furniture, windows, tapestries, paintings, etc. to reduce
the efciency of the standing wave patterns. The walls should not be paral-
lel if possible for the same reason, and they should not be extremely rigid,
such as concrete or brick. A good compromise construction is 12-inch gyp-
sum wallboard (sheet rock) on 2x4 wooden studs. The ceiling should not be
parallel to the oor, or else should be deeply coffered or have irregular sur-
faces on it.
Carpeted oors are in general good for listening rooms because they reduce
reverberation and also tend to break up oor-to-ceiling standing waves.
The room where you will install your monitor speakers will have a series
of room modes that will be more or less severe depending on the shape and
construction of the room. Placing a loudspeaker in the room will not affect
the pattern of room modes, and moving the loudspeaker around to different
locations in the room will not change the room modes either. However, dif-
ferent locations of the speaker will affect how strongly the speaker will excite
the various modes. This means the room will affect the perceived frequency
response of the loudspeakers, as discussed next.
While frequency response problems may not generally be considered dis-
tortion in the strict sense of the word, the frequency response produced by
a sound system is extremely important in the perceived tone quality of the
reproduced sound. Poor frequency response is a linear type of distortion rather
than a nonlinear distortion, but it still is distortion and is annoying like any
other type of distortion.
When different frequency components of a reproduced sound are produced
at sound pressure levels different from the levels that existed in the record-
ing venue, the result is frequency response distortion. If all frequencies are
reproduced at their original relative levels, the frequency response of the sys-
tem is said to be at. Irregularities in frequency response cause the tone
color, or timbre, of the sound to be different from the original sound, and this
is probably the most common and noticeable problem heard in music repro-
ducing systems.
The frequency response of a music system is a curve that plots frequency
versus the sound pressure level, or response, produced by the system. The
response is normally scaled in dB, and the frequency is normally plotted on
a logarithmic scale, where octave bands all span the same distance on the hor-
izontal axis. The ideal frequency response curve is a straight horizontal line,
indicating no accentuation of sound pressure level at any frequency, nor any
attenuation at any frequency. This is why it is called a at response.
It is possible to have a great many different types of variations in frequency
response, and they have quite different effects on the perceived sound. Prob-
ably the most disagreeable type of irregular frequency response is the exis-
tence of peaks. High frequency peaks sound harsh and bright, while
low-frequency peaks will sound boomy or honky, depending on the fre-
Appendix 4
quency where the peaks occur. Your loudspeakers are generally designed to
produce the most at and uniform frequency response possible when radi-
ating sound into a free eld, i.e., into a eld where there are no standing waves.
However, the monitors are at a loss to correct for frequency response anom-
alies contributed by the room.
For instance, if there were a prominent room mode between the front and
rear walls at 50 Hz, this mode would result in a maximum in sound pressure
at both wall surfaces when a 50 Hz tone was sounded in the room. It will also
produce a minimum in sound pressure at 14 wavelength away from the walls.
Now, if you place the speaker against the front wall where the sound pres-
sure from that mode is a maximum, the speaker will excite that mode to its
maximum degree. Only a small amount of acoustic energy at 50 Hz will pro-
duce very strong sound levels at all the antinodes. If, on the other hand, you
move the speaker out from the wall and place it in the location of a node (min-
imum) of the 50 Hz mode, that mode will not be excited to any great degree.
It is as if the room will not accept any energy at this frequency at that partic-
ular location. Of course, there may be other modes near 50 Hz that exist
between the side walls or the oor and ceiling that would not have minima
at that same location, and these modes would be excited by the speaker, pro-
ducing signicant sound pressure at that point.
The whole process of determining the best location for the speakers and
the listeners in a room is simply to nd the location where the speakers are
placed so they do not excessively accentuate any room modes that are in the
musical range. Also, the listeners must not be located at minima of these
modes. In other words, the most prominent room modes must not be excited
to a large degree, and the other modes should be excited to the same mod-
erate degree.
If the room is quite reverberant (live), the listener should be fairly close to
the speakers for increased clarity of the sound. For critical monitoring of music
sources in most typical medium-sized rooms, a good speaker to listener dis-
tance would be somewhere around 4 to 6 feet. For dead rooms this could be
a little farther, and for very live rooms, a little closer.
It might seem intuitive to most people that the loudspeakers in a stereo
listening set up should be symmetrically disposed with respect to the center-
line of the room. This, however, is frequently not the case. If you are listen-
ing to stereo in a small room, and if the room is symmetrical and the speakers
equidistant from the side walls your two ears essentially hear similar sounds.
A sound that comes from both speakers equally, i.e., from an instrument cen-
tered in the stereo eld, will be reected from the sidewalls, and the reections
will arrive at your ears with the same delay time. It has been shown that under
these conditions, the stereo balance is less pleasant to the listener than if there
is some asymmetry in the acoustic eld. This increases the complexity and
subjective spaciousness of the sound eld. So, dont worry about exact sym-
metry in the setup. You may be happier being a little to the left or right of
center. (Of course, for proper stereo imaging you must be located at the same
distance from each speaker.)
Appendix 4
Appendix 4
Figure 7
Appendix 4
be found that reduced high-frequency levels will be required for closer lis-
tening than for more distant listening. This is because most rooms have a
greater amount of high-frequency absorption than low-frequency absorption.
The level of the highs will also be affected by the presence of reecting
surfaces near the speakers. In general, there should be no hard at surfaces
near the speakers (within several feet or so) to prevent sounds reected from
them from reaching the ear. This not only would change the balance of the
high-frequency energy, but also would compromise the stereo imaging pro-
duced by the speakers.
In recording studios, it is not uncommon to nd that high-frequency
reections off the mixing console adversely affect the tonal balance and stereo
imaging heard by the mixing engineer. To avoid, or at least minimize this effect,
the speakers should be placed so the working surface of the console is at least
a few feet from the tweeter, and that the console work surface does not pro-
duce a reected image of the speaker that can be heard by the listener. The
angle of reection of the sound is equal to the angle of incidence. See gure
8 for more detail.
Figure 8
It has been known for a long time that precise imaging of the location of
the musicians in a two-channel stereo sound system is difcult at best and
even impossible under some conditions. For good imaging, the phase and
amplitude vs. frequency characteristic of each channel must be very closely
matched, and this includes the entire recording chain from microphones
through recording consoles and speakers. At the playback end of this chain,
the loudspeakers must be matched in frequency response, sensitivity, and
phase. These characteristics are accurately controlled in the high-quality stu-
dio monitors, so you shouldnt worry about that.
Stereo imaging is almost totally controlled by high-frequency cues that the
ear interprets as source location information. The high-frequency amplitude
and phase response must, at all costs, be identical in the two speakers, and
the acoustic paths between the speakers and the ears must also have identi-
Appendix 4
Figure 9
Appendix 4
2. Auditorium Acoustics
Among the denitions presented in this book are several references to good
acoustics. Although many people seem to be able to tell good acoustics from
bad acoustics, it is quite another matter to adequately describe what actu-
ally constitutes acceptable acoustics, especially in any quantitative way. It is
always risky to try to relate subjective impressions to objectively measured
data, as has been abundantly proved by some acousticians who thought they
designed the perfect concert hall only to have it condemned wholesale by
the public and critics.
Charles Garnier, the architect for the Paris Opera, wrote a book in 1871 on
theater design titled Le Theatre. Here are some excerpts from the chapter on
For two years at least, I kept this question of the elements of acoustics
before me. I read all the books dealing with it; I looked over almost all
the theaters built, hoping to discover for myself some clear rules which
the literature failed to reveal. In short, I left no stone unturned to nd
a way, a means, a bit of factual, helpful information. . . .
But what can we conclude? Halls almost identical in shape, arrange-
ment, and dimensions vary a great deal. This one is good; that one is
bad. One hall quivers at the slightest sound from a stringed instrument.
This is an excitable, nervous hall. Another doesnt even vibrate under
the inuence of the entire orchestra. That is a lifeless, soulless hall. Then,
an echo may be heard during the day which disappears in the evening,
or one is heard in the evening but disappears during the day when the
hall is empty. And the notes one takes on these observations, the com-
parisons, the thorough researchall these data tend to merge into an
endless mass, an inextricable maze where the end of the string cannot
even be located.
Dissatised, one then inquires of others. Buildings are examined and
other works are consulted with the hope of at least nding someone to
guide, but none turns up. The terrain is unknown, the guides do not
know the way, and each one goes on blindly in his own way. This one
wants a long hall; that one a wide hall. This one a low ceiling; and some-
one else a lofty one. . . . The end result is simply confusion with noth-
ing converging toward the adoption of any xed rules. . . .
After sound quality, the matter of resonance again emerges to com-
plicate matters. The walls of the hall for some writers must be con-
structed of stone and have rigid partition walls. Following the direction
of others, it should be made of wood or of a light elastic material. One
German wants a dome of masonry; another German might want it
padded with wool.
And Lord knows what else! In the nal analysis everybody wants
something, but nobody agrees on the choice. Reconciling all these par-
Appendix 4
In view of the spotty track record of certain modern halls, it seems that Gar-
niers tristesse might be echoed by contemporary theater architects and that
his conclusions are basically as valid today as they were in 1871.
But all this notwithstanding, let us at least take a cursory look at some of
the acoustical measurements we can perform and try to correlate them with
our aesthetic senses.
Reverberation time is probably the most discussed acoustical parameter
and, as we shall see, is also probably the most misunderstood. The concept
of reverberation time was developed by Wallace Clement Sabine, of Harvard
University, around 1900. He called it the duration of audibility of residual
sound. Reverberation is easily heard and its concept is easy to grasp. Sabine
quantized the measurement and prediction of reverberation time by dening
it as the time in seconds it takes for a sound to decay in level by 60 decibels
after the source of the sound is stopped. He also developed a formula for pre-
dicting what this value will be based on: the volume of the room, the surface
area of all the boundaries, and the amount of sound absorption these bound-
aries provide. It should be clear that for most materials the absorption of
sounds of different frequencies will not be the same, leading to a reverbera-
tion time that varies with frequency.
It is generally recognized that long reverberation times cause musical
phrases to overlap and become indistinct; in other words, clarity, or intelli-
gibility, suffers. On the other hand, short reverberation times allow excellent
intelligibility and very little blurring of musical passages while at the same
time sounding dry and lifeless. Thus one might think that it would be easy
to dene an optimum reverberation time that would be acceptable for all
rooms. This, however, is a gross oversimplication.
Consider the subjective impression of being in a very large reverberant
space, such as Chartres cathedral in France, which has a reverberation time
at midfrequencies which exceeds 10 seconds. Two people engaged in con-
versation in such a building are scarcely aware of any reverberation at all.
Only if they suddenly raise their voices to a shout or loudly clap their hands
do they consciously hear the sound die away after what seems a very long
time. Intelligibility between them is excellent so long as they are relatively
close together. This is because the reverberation, although very long-lasting
at 10 seconds, is very low in level compared with the direct sounds of the
voices, and the individual sound reections that make up the reverberation
are quite late compared with the direct sound because of the large distances
to the walls and ceiling.
Now, consider a small room, say 20 feet square, which has very hard walls
and a 10-second reverberation time. The reverberation versus frequency curve
of this room could be made to be the same as the large cathedral if desired.
Would the two spaces sound the same? Decidedly not! The small room would
Appendix 4
have nearly zero intelligibility because the reverberation would start out at
almost the same level as the direct sound, and the reections would be much
more densely spaced in time. The result would be extensive masking of the
direct sound.
From this we see that a large space can have much more reverberation than
a small space for the same perceived acoustical clarity. In fact the apparent
reverberation time will depend on the level of the reverberant sound imme-
diately after the arrival of the direct sound, and it decreases with room size
for a given reverberation time.
The variation in decay time for different frequencies is also very impor-
tant. Most intelligibility is transmitted by the high-frequency content of a
sound, the lower frequencies contributing to the timbre, or tone color, of the
sound. Therefore, one can tolerate much longer reverberation time at low
frequencies than at high. Real rooms naturally provide this, for high frequen-
cies are much more readily absorbed than low, especially in large rooms. If
a room is constructed so it does not have this reduction of decay time as
frequency rises, it will denitely sound strange and will be shunned by
Another acoustical parameter related to reverberation is diffusion, which
is a measure of the randomness of the directions in which reverberant energy
is moving. In a perfectly diffuse space, the sound at any point is equally likely
to come from any direction; in other words, sound is arriving from all direc-
tions at once, and a listener cannot localize a sound source. (The degree of
diffusion is independent of the reverberation time and cannot be inferred from
reverberation measurements alone.) The opposite extreme is no diffusion at
all, which is the condition in a free eld, such as out of doors or in an ane-
choic chamber. In a free eld, all the energy is moving in the same direction,
and source localization is easiest. A free sound eld would be described by
a listener as completely dead and lifeless.
How much sound diffusion is desirable in a room? This is a very good
question. The Hungarian physiologist and acoustician Georg Von Bksy has
shown that the human hearing mechanism is somewhat directional and that
sounds arriving from the frontal angles of less than 60 degrees from straight
ahead attract much more attention from us than sounds coming from the sides
and rear, and we are much more able to ignore sounds coming from the sides
and rear. The Japanese acoustician Yoichi Ando has conducted experiments
to show that listeners prefer reected sounds to come from within this plus
and minus 60-degree angle. In other words, our preference is for reected
sounds to come from the direction in which we pay the most attention. Ando
also found that our preference is for directions that maximize the difference
in the sounds heard by the two ears. In other words we prefer to listen to
sounds that have a maximum of stereophonic information. The objective mea-
sure of this difference in sounds is the so-called interaural cross-correlation
(IACC), which can be found by using a dummy binaural head and suitably
analyzing the signals from the two microphones.
From all this, it can be determined that in a music-listening room, the rever-
Appendix 4
beration decay curve must be steep enough and the reverberant level must
be low enough so as not to obscure the clarity or intelligibility of the music.
Also, and even more important, the reections that make up the early rever-
beration should come from fairly wide horizontal angles, preferably about
60 degrees off axis, and there should not be strong reections from the ceil-
ing. Ceiling reections result in increased IACC and are not preferred. This
means the reection from the ceiling should be diffuse, and reections from
the sidewalls should be discrete and should be aimed laterally across the room.
A room meeting these criteria is said to have a large degree of envelopment.
An excess of diffusion of the early sound is undesirable because it reduces
our ability to localize sources. For this reason, it is not desirable to place
strongly diffusing surfaces near the performers in an auditorium.
It is important that the early reections reaching the ear contain the full
frequency range, which means reecting surfaces must be quite large. Other-
wise only high frequencies will be reected and the tone quality will be per-
ceived as thin. Some music auditoriums have been designed with small
reecting surfaces spaced out from the walls or hung some distance from the
ceiling, and they distort the tonal balance by their frequency-selective
In a music room, it is important to avoid echoes, which are discrete strong
reections occurring at times later than about 60 milliseconds or so after the
direct sound reaches the listener. Echoes can be difcult to avoid in large rooms.
A similar problem, but one that occurs more often in small rooms, is that of
standing waves, which are the result of sound bouncing back and forth
between two parallel surfaces. Standing waves accentuate certain frequen-
cies and distort the tonal balance of music as well as alter the uniformity of
decay of the reverberant energy in a room.
Most of these comments apply to rooms for listening to recorded music
as well as to rooms for live music, although such rooms will be relatively small
and consequently less reverberant.
Appendix 5
Some Notes on Audio Measurements
In order to improve and rene the performance of audio equipment, the engi-
neer must undertake considerable research and development and, in so
doing, has a vast array of measuring instruments available. This instrumen-
tation for audio measurements has become very sophisticated in recent
years, drawing on the discoveries and techniques of many scientic disciplines.
In a way, it is surprising that the 1920s through 1940s brought forth so many
audio inventions when one considers how primitive most of the measuring
techniques and instruments were. For instance, measurements of distortion
and frequency response were difcult and time-consuming and were of neces-
sity of limited range. But this preWorld War II era saw the invention of all
the microphone types in use today, as well as the exponential horn with com-
pression driver, the introduction of negative feedback in ampliers, and the
development of stereophonic recording and reproduction. Most of the impe-
tus for all this invention came from the motion picture industry. In Alan Blum-
leins famous 1933 patent disclosure, where he puts forth the ideas of intensity
stereo and the stereophonic record, he never mentions commercial products
for home use, but discusses in detail the applications of his invention to motion
picture sound. The same may be said of the many inventions by the Bell Tele-
phone Laboratories of the period.
In this section, we would like to review the measurement techniques in
use today in an attempt to demythologize them, if our editor will let us get
away with this word. But rst, a word about the philosophy of audio testing:
Our friend Henning Mller likes to make an analogy between listening to a
sound system and looking at an attractive work of art such as a statue. When
listening to reproduced music, the mind integrates the sensory input from
the ears into a global experience; the sum of the parts is appreciated at once
without reference to the various local parts such as frequency response,
stereo imaging, distortion, etc. Similarly, when rst looking at the statue, it
takes only a few seconds to sense its overall beautywe do not consciously
(at least at rst) evaluate its individual features and textures in order to reach
the conclusion.
Now, suppose we wish to describe the beautiful statue to someone
objectively, and do so in such a way that the person could sense the global
effect we experienced on seeing it. The key word is objectively, for it is
easy to fall into subjective descriptions of local details, but they would not
help if the person were trying to build up analytically a total image of the
work of art.
The audio designers plight is similar, for he must assemble his transis-
tors, voice coils, styli, capacitors, etc., to optimize their performance in repro-
Appendix 5
Appendix 5
observer another level of abstraction away from the actual device under obser-
vation, and this contributes to the sense of mystery that the uninitiated feel.
A true understanding of instrumentation and what it can and cannot do is
probably the most important body of knowledge the electronics person can
The most fundamental of audio measurements is frequency response, or
more accurately, amplitude response versus frequency. Electronic device fre-
quency response is measured in a straightforward manner to be sure that all
frequencies are amplied by the same amount. The frequency response of
transducers is quite another matter, for here the environment in which the
measurements are made inuences the result, requiring much more sophis-
ticated techniques.
The next important measurement to be made is phase response, for fre-
quency response alone does not tell us much about the handling of transients.
Frequency and phase response together allow us to predict the transient
response of any device or system.
The third class of measurements is of distortions and noise, of which there
are a great many. Some are far more detrimental to reproduced sound than
others, and some are very difcult to measure.
The fourth class of measurements is of those applicable to the evaluation
of digital audio systems and devices. Digital systems produce different types
of distortions than analog systems do, and their measurement can be tricky.
Many audio measurements use a sine wave as a test signal, but the sine
wave does not occur naturally in music, and it does not resemble music in
any statistical or spectral way. Statistically, the sine wave spends much more
time at the upper and lower extremes of its voltage swing than does music,
which spends most of the time nearer to zero voltage. The sine wave thus does
not exercise the dynamic range of an audio device the same way a musical
signal does. Spectrally, the sine wave consists of a single frequency with zero
bandwidth. Music is always a broadband signal, consisting of many frequency
components at once. Moreover, it is almost always characterized by a con-
tinuous spectrum, where energy is distributed over a frequency band, rather
than by a discrete spectrum, where energy is concentrated at specic fre-
quencies. Pink noise has a much closer resemblance to music from a techni-
cal standpoint (and maybe to some music from the aesthetic standpoint also)
than does a sine wave, and therefore it is in some cases a more appropriate
test signal for audio devices.
Appendix 5
ble range may be from 20 hertz to 20 kHz, but response curves are usually
made over a much wider frequency range, sometimes up to 200 kHz or so.
This is because the out-of-band response affects other parameters such as
Figure 1 shows a typical classical frequency response measurement setup.
Measurements of this type are time-consuming to perform because the fre-
quency must be slowly swept over a wide range for each measurement. The
measurements are repeated at various levels to evaluate the amplitude lin-
earity of the device under test (DUT).
Figure 1
Appendix 5
the output spectrum be averaged over a time period. This allows the uc-
tuations in the signal to be smoothed out. The FFT analyzer does this time
A newer faster method for doing the same test is to use a dual-channel
FFT analyzer (gure 2). This unit looks at the input and output signals at the
same time and calculates the frequency response by dividing the output spec-
trum by the input spectrum. This allows much shorter averaging times to
achieve accurate results. An added advantage is that this analyzer also cal-
culates the phase angle of the output versus the input at all frequencies and
displays a phase versus frequency plot. Also, the noise generator is built into
the analyzer, making the setup quite simple.
Figure 2
Signal-to-noise ratio is also measured with the setup of gure 1. First, the
output level is measured with the voltmeter at a mid-frequency, and the input
level is adjusted until the output begins to show an overload. This is the max-
imum output level, and it is noted. Then, the input signal is removed and the
residual noise at the output is measured with the voltmeter. The ratio of the
two measurements, expressed in decibels, is the signal-to-noise ratio. The FFT
analyzer also can measure S/N ratio and has the advantage of showing the
frequency distribution of the noise.
Appendix 5
Figure 3
Appendix 5
Figure 4
and it ignores signals arriving later. The length of this time window is a
function of the lter bandwidth. The room reections reaching the micro-
phone are at different frequencies because of their time delays, and so are
not measured.
TDS is a powerful and complex technique that can be used to separate sig-
nals closely spaced in time. For example, the sound reected from the rear of
a loudspeaker cabinet and coming through the speaker cone a little later can
be measured. The dual-channel FFT analyzer is able to do a similar mea-
surement by gating the signal to the loudspeaker; in other words by using
short bursts of random noise and opening the time window of the analyzer
so as to hear the direct sound and ignore the reected sounds. The impulse
response of the speaker is also measured with this instrument. This mea-
surement will show that sounds from the loudspeaker do not all arrive at the
listener at the same time, there being various reections from parts of the cab-
inet, and there being frequency-dependent time delays in the loudspeaker
drivers and crossover.
Harmonic Distortion
In the classic technique for measuring harmonic distortion, a single-frequency
signal is input to a device and the output signal is passed through a notch
lter tuned to that test frequency. The notch eliminates the input frequency
from the measurement, and all that is left are the harmonics and any resid-
ual noise. This residue is measured with a voltmeter and expressed as a per-
centage of the input signal level.
Appendix 5
Figure 5
Appendix 5
Intermodulation Distortion
Figure 6
From Fourier analysis we know that the performance of any linear system is
completely described by its frequency and phase responses, provided they
are measured over a wide enough frequency range. Unfortunately, this is only
true for linear systems, and it is nonlinearities that create distortion. Transients
can drive an otherwise linear system into a nonlinear range, and the behav-
ior of the system is not predicted by classic theory.
The cause of TIM is the nite time delay inherent in an electronic circuit
that has feedback around it. This time delay means the feedback arrives at
the input too late to reduce the distortion of very high frequencies. The slew
rate of an amplier, or how fast its output will move from one voltage to
another, is related to its susceptibility to TIM.
There is no generally agreed-upon method for quantitatively measuring
TIM, although several schemes have been proposed. One of these is to use
a test signal consisting of a band of pink noise with a one-third octave wide
notch in it. The notch is placed in the mid-frequency range, where our hear-
Appendix 5
ing is most acute. When the signal is passed through the DUT, any residual
signal in the notch is due to TIM. The problem with this method is that inter-
modulation and harmonic distortion will also result in energy in the miss-
ing band.
Another suggested approach is to use a square wave mixed with a high-
frequency sine wave as a test signal. TIM will cause the high-frequency part
of the signal to be amplitude modulated at twice the square wave frequency
because of ineffective feedback while the device is slewing from one side of
the square wave to the other. A spectrum analysis of the signal will reveal
sidebands around the high-frequency signal caused by the modulation. There
is no standard that species the frequencies or their levels or how to state the
result in numbers.
A third method of measurement is to use the previously discussed twin-
tone intermodulation test at very high frequencies, above the audible range.
Again, there is no standard procedure.
We do not know the complete answer to TIM problems, but we do know
that listening tests conrm its audibility. It seems safe to say that measure-
ments in the past were conned to too narrow a frequency range to adequately
investigate TIM.
As was mentioned before, the acoustics of the listening room will inuence
the frequency response of loudspeakers. If a playback system is to be opti-
mized, then this inuence must be measured. One of the best ways to do this
is to play a test recording that has one-third octave bands of pink noise
recorded on it. The recording is played and the sound pressure level (SPL) is
measured with a sound level meter at the listening position. Ideally, if the over-
all frequency response is at, all the bands of noise will be at the same SPL.
This is a simple test to conduct and involves a minimum of instrumentation.
It might seem that third octaves are too broad in frequency to give adequate
resolution to the measurement. It has been shown, however, that the ear is not
very sensitive to deviations in frequency response as long as they are less than
one-third octave apart and if they are not too extreme in amplitude.
This is a good test to perform to determine the best loudspeaker position
in a room. Large changes in low-frequency performance will be seen for dif-
ferent locations, and the one giving the most uniform response can be cho-
sen (consistent with domestic harmony, of course). Most listening rooms will
be plagued with standing waves, which result in uneven distribution of low
frequency level around the room. Moving the loudspeaker to various places
will not change this, contrary to some opinions; but moving the loudspeaker
will change the relative level at which the standing wave pattern will be excited,
and can result in more uniform response in at least one listening position.
This test will also allow one to adjust the tone controls of the sound sys-
tem for optimum performance, but some care must be exercised. It is not true
Appendix 5
All the techniques discussed above can be and are used to evaluate digital
audio systems. However, digital systems frequently produce noise and dis-
Appendix 5
tortion in such small amounts that conventional instruments may not be able
to measure them. For instance, to measure harmonic distortion of a device
down to .001 percent requires a sine-wave test generator with signicantly
less distortion than that. Such generators are rare.
In the measurement of digital systems, sometimes the frequency of the test
signal will inuence the measured result. If the test signal is a submultiple of
the sampling frequency, or is related to the sampling frequency by a rational
factor, quantization noise (or quantization error) will be added to it in exactly
the same phase each cycle of the signal. The output waveform will be peri-
odic, and the error will show up as harmonic distortion. If, on the other hand,
the test frequency is not related to the sampling frequency, the quantization
error will show up as broadband noise because the individual cycles of the
signal will be sampled at random times. These two types of quantization error
will sound very different, even though the only difference in the input sig-
nal is a slightly different frequency.
For measurement of noise, harmonic, and intermodulation distortion of
digital systems, some sort of DSP (digital signal processing) device is proba-
bly best. An example of such a test device is the high-resolution FFT analyzer.
But the analyzer itself, being also a digital device, suffers from the same types
of limitation that the devices under test exhibit. An example is phase shift in
the anti-aliasing lters. It so happens that these lters are not needed if the
input signals are band-limited to below the Nyquist frequency of the analyzer
and so they may be switched out. This is normally possible when measuring
digital devices, for the anti-imaging lter in the device under test will effec-
tively band-limit the output signal.
The FFT analyzer, however, analyzes signals of different frequencies in dif-
ferent ways. If an integral number of periods of the test signal t into the time
window of the analyzer, the analysis will be correct. But if the period of the
test signal is such that the analyzer time window truncates part of the signal
waveform, the phenomenon of leakage will occur, and the frequency res-
olution of the analyzer will be reduced. Therefore, test signal frequencies, such
as are found on compact discs designed for testing CD players, should be cho-
sen carefully and the type of analyzer to be used kept in mind.
A test signal suitable for measuring the response and phase characteris-
tics of the anti-aliasing and anti-imaging lters of CD players is the impulse.
An impulse can be made by setting all the bits of the PCM code to 1 (maxi-
mum amplitude) for one sample, and thereafter setting all the bits to 0 (no
signal amplitude). The spectrum of such an impulse is perfectly at in ampli-
tude and phase over the entire bandwidth of the CD player, so a measurement
of the output spectrum of the player will be the response of the system, includ-
ing the anti-imaging lter. The impulses on the test disc should be spaced far
enough apart so that the lter will stop ringing from one impulse before the
next one arrives. This allows evaluation of the time response of the lter.
When digital audio signals are recorded on videotape recorders or com-
pact discs, the PCM code is arranged into frames occurring at 30 per sec-
ond in order to simulate a video signal, and 1 every 136 microseconds in the
Appendix 5
case of the compact disc. On playback, the frames of data must be put back
together into a continuous code so the audio signal will be continuous. Because
of uncertainty in the timing of the beginning of each frame, there will be a
time jitter introduced onto the signal. This is like a high-speed utter, or phase
modulation, and cannot be easily measured with conventional utter meters.
But it is still a type of distortion of the signal, and is thought to be audible
under certain conditions. (It could be the cause of the roughness or grain-
iness some people say they hear in digital systems.) It should be measured,
although no standard method is available.
Appendix 6
The Balanced Line
In order to transmit power from one place to another by electrical means, two
conductors are required; e.g., a light bulb needs two wires, one for the cur-
rent to enter and one for the current to leave. Likewise, in order to send sig-
nals, which are alternating electric currents, two conductors are also required.
It was found in the early days of the telegraph industry that the earth could
be used as one of the conductors, meaning that only a single wire was needed
to send telegraph signals. See gure 1.
Figure 1
The use of the earth as a conductor is only useful if small amounts of power
are to be transmitted, because the high resistance of the ground results in large
power losses and low efciency. This is the reason your electric utility runs
two wires to your house rather than using the earth as a return path.
In electronic equipment, such as audio ampliers, it is convenient to con-
nect one terminal of the power supply to the chassis of the device. This sim-
plies internal wiring somewhat. The chassis is called the ground side of
the power supply, in keeping with the telegraph tradition.
As can be seen from gure 2, one terminal of the signal is common to one
terminal of the power supply. By connecting this terminal to the chassis, the
chassis is made to act as a shield around the circuits and thus reduce the inter-
ference due to external elds, such as 60-Hz hum from the power lines. In nearly
all audio circuits, this chassis connection is continued in the form of a shield
in the cables which interconnect devices. The shield isolates the inner conductor
from electrostatic hum elds and also serves as one of the conductors for the
audio current. This type of interconnection, where the shield carries signal cur-
rent, is called single-ended or unbalanced. Single-ended circuits are ne
for almost all short cable runs that carry relatively high signal voltages.
Appendix 6
Figure 2
Appendix 6
Figure 3
Appendix 7
Some Notes on Digital Audio
Appendix 7
last word in quality, the ultimate state of the art in sound reproduction beyond
which there can be no improvement. This, of course, is nonsense. While dig-
ital systems do offer much reduced noise and distortion compared to ana-
log systems, they still do have noise and distortion. The types of distortion
are quite different from those of analog systems, and their objective mea-
surement and subjective evaluation are difcult. For instance, certain digi-
tal systems usually had large amounts of high-frequency phase shift and
group delay distortion, but this has been much improved in much of todays
The nonlinear distortion in digital systems tends to increase as the signal
level decreases, meaning soft passages are more distorted than loud ones.
As signals become very small, the energy in the fundamental components
of the sounds becomes distributed into the harmonics, and this is a timbre
change. This also amounts to dynamic expansion, for the level of the fun-
damentals is proportionally too small as signal levels are reduced. There is
good reason to question the 44.1-kilohertz sampling rate used in the CD sys-
tem, which was chosen for easy compatibility with already-existing video
tape recorders. A higher sampling rate, such as the 48 kHz chosen for pro-
fessional digital tape recorders, would allow less steep anti-alias and anti-
image lters, with consequently reduced phase distortion. The problem is
that it would be very difcult to change now, for compatibility with discs
and players in present use would be destroyed. This is the universal prob-
lem with early standardization.
There is no doubt that digital audio systems sound different from the best
analog systems, and it is easy to convince most people that they sound bet-
ter. However, quite a few listening tests where digital and high-quality ana-
log master tape recordings of the same performance are played side by side
to a panel of listeners have been conducted, and in many of these the analog
recordings are judged as being more musical and pleasant, even though
they are admittedly a little more noisy. Extended critical listening of CDs
reveals that there are certain problems in some areas, such as tonal balance
and a sense of ambience or spaciousness.
Appendix 8
Musical Scales and the Tuning
of Musical Instruments
The tonal space in which music exists is dened by the subjective pitches of
the notes of musical scales, which are almost exclusively determined by the
objective frequencies of these pitches. If one examines the musical scales that
are used in various cultures around the world, a large variety is found, con-
sisting of quite distinct pitch intervals. However, there is one universal inter-
val that is always recognized as a fundamental basis for musical expression,
and that interval is the octave. It seems that a part of being human is the
recognition of the octave not as an interval like any other but as an over-
riding sense of pitch or tonality. Octave transpositions are frequently unno-
ticed by musicians, as if all the notes spaced apart by octaves have the same
The familiar do re mi fa sol la ti do notes of the diatonic scale arise nat-
urally from the fact that the overtones of musical instruments consist of fre-
quencies that are integral multiples of their fundamental frequency. Let us
investigate this situation and attempt to understand how this musical scale
is logically built.
The octave, the most musically consonant interval, is simply a frequency
ratio of 2 to 1. The second harmonic of a musical sound has a frequency and
a pitch one octave above that of the fundamental. Two simultaneously sound-
ing notes one octave apart blend together extremely well, for the higher one
has the same frequency as the second harmonic of the lower one. Each har-
monic of the lower one will have a harmonic of the higher one at the same
The next most consonant interval is the perfect fth, which has a frequency
ratio of 1.5 to 1, or 3 to 2. The second harmonic of the higher tone will have
the same frequency as the third harmonic of the lower tone, and the two tones
blend together extremely well. The musical interval between the second and
third harmonics of a musical sound is a fth.
The musical interval between the third and fourth harmonics is a perfect
fourth, with ratio of 3 to 4, and the interval between the fourth and fth har-
monics is a major third, with a ratio of 5 to 4. The next two harmonics, num-
bers ve and six, span a musical interval of a minor third.
All these harmonic frequencies can be transposed downward in octaves until
they are in the octave just above the fundamental, or tonic. If this is done,
and if we consider the tonic to be C, the third harmonic becomes G, called the
dominant. The transposed fourth harmonic is F, the subdominant, and
the fth harmonic becomes E, or the mediant. The C-E-G together form the
Appendix 8
major triad, a very important chord in music. If we start from G and form
another major triad above it, the notes are G-B-D, giving us the leading tone
B and the second D. In like manner, we can start from the subdominant F
and build a major triad on it. This produces the submediant A and brings
us back to C. All eight notes of the diatonic scale in the key of C are now present,
and they are tuned to the perfect intervals known as just intonation. These
intervals produce chords that have no beats and sound perfectly smooth.
This construction of a just scale by taking various harmonic frequencies
of the tonic C is illustrated in musical terminology in gure 1.
Figure 1
It is tempting to think that the just system of tuning the scale would be an
ideal basis for music and that if a musician had a free choice of frequency for
each note, she would always play in just intonation. Surprising as it may seem,
however, this is impossible, for the diatonic scale and these perfect intervals
are not compatible. To illustrate this, consider the sequence of chords shown
in gure 2, which contains ascending intervals of a sixth and a fourth, and
then descending intervals of two fths. Refer to the black notes in gure 2.
Let f be the frequency of the tonic C. The rst sixth produces A, with a fre-
quency of (53)f. In going to D, an interval of a fourth is required, and this is a
frequency ratio of 43, so its frequency will be 43 of A, which is 53 of f, or (43)(53)f,
which is (209)f. The descending fth gives G, at a frequency of (23)(209)f = (4027)f.
The last fth brings us back to the tonic C, with a frequency of (23)(4027)f =
(8081) f. But this is not the same frequency f we started with. This error inter-
val, with a frequency ratio of 8081, is called the syntonic comma, and amounts
to about one fourth of a semitone. This means that after this simple ve-chord
progression, our tonic is no longer at the same frequency at which it started.
Many players, especially string and brass players, think that when play-
ing together without keyboard instruments, they play all perfect beatless inter-
vals in just intonation. As we have just seen, this is impossible without allowing
the pitch of the tonic to wander aboutand this is never allowed in music.
Another way to look at this situation is to consider twelve ascending per-
fect fths (the circle of fths), followed by seven descending octaves. The
pitch discrepancy between the starting note and the ending note is called the
Appendix 8
Figure 2
diatonic comma or the comma of Pythagoras, after its most famous investi-
gator, and amounts to a little over 1%, or about one sixth of a semitone.
It is surprising that this state of affairs should exist, for it seems that since
our basis for musical harmony is the naturally occurring harmonic series of
overtones consisting of simple frequency ratios of small integers, they should
all be commensurate with each other, and there shouldnt be such glaring
errors as the syntonic and diatonic commas. It seems that the octave, which
is really a single pitch percept, is incompatible with the simple frequency ratios
of the intervals of the diatonic scale. Another way of saying this is that the
following integer equation must be false for all integers:
YX f = 2mf
where X, Y, n, and m are integers, and f is the frequency of the tonic. The left-
hand side of the equation represents successive steps of musical intervals, and
the right-hand side represents octave transpositions.
It can be shown with elementary number theory that this equation can-
not in fact ever be satised, except for the trivial case where the left-hand side
also represents an octave, and therefore, it is true that the octave percept is
not a subset of the harmonic, or intervalic, percept. The two percepts are inde-
pendent of one another, like the X and Y coordinates of the Cartesian plane.
Moreover, it can also be easily shown that intervals of major thirds are not
commensurate with perfect fths, the difference being the syntonic comma.
Any system of tuning a musical scale, especially in the case of a keyboard
instrument or fretted instrument, must contend with this basic difference
between the concept of the octave and the noncommensurability of musical
intervals with respect to the octave. We must introduce some sort of com-
promise in tuning, and this compromise is called a temperament, of which
there are theoretically an innite number.
One of the earliest known schemes used for tuning keyboard instruments
was the so-called Pythagorean intonation. Strictly speaking, this is not a tem-
perament, for it is based on pure perfect fths. It consists of eleven perfect
fths starting on E at and ending on G sharp. The fth between these last
two notes is one comma too small, and the interval is so discordant as to be
unusable. This poorly tuned fth is called the wolf, presumably because it
howls so.
Appendix 8
Pythagorean tuning also has very poor thirds, most of which are too wide.
It sounds better when used melodically rather than harmonically, and those
keys must be avoided where the wolf would occur. Pythagorean tuning was
probably used for keyboard instruments until near the end of the fteenth
An early attempt to improve Pythagorean tuning was the so-called mean-
tone temperament, in which the thirds are tuned pure, and all the fths are 14
comma too narrow. The circle of fths cannot be closed, and the wolf, between
E at and G sharp, amounts to 134 comma and is even worse than the wolf in
Pythagorean tuning. Meantone temperament produces very rich and satisfy-
ing harmony in keys near C major because of the pure thirds. All the whole
tones are equal and are precisely half a major third, hence the name meantone.
Much effort was expended in trying to modify meantone tuning to reduce
the size of the wolf in order to make more keys available and still keep most
of the beautiful pure thirds. This led to hybrid Pythagorean-meantone, or
baroque, temperaments. One such system tunes four of the fths 14 comma
narrow and all the others pure, eliminating the wolf by spreading the comma
over four fths. The thirds range from pure to Pythagorean. Andreas Wer-
ckmeister designed several such tunings around 1690, his number III being
the best known. In this variation, the keys with the fewest accidentals have
the best thirds and sound the purest, whereas keys with the most accidentals
sound the wildest or most brutal. Incidentally, Werckmeister said this
shouldnt be a problem because the ordinary organist cant play in those keys
anyway(!). Nevertheless, it was theoretically possible to play in all keys, and
this led to these temperaments being called wohl temperirt, or well tem-
pered, and it is probable that J. S. Bach wrote his famous Well-Tempered Clavier
with one of these tunings in mind, although there are those who believe that
he favored equal temperament.
From about 1800, the most used type of tuning has been equal tempera-
ment, in which the comma of Pythagoras is evenly divided among the twelve
half-steps of the octave. Although the idea of equal temperament predates
Bach, it was not generally used in the baroque era because it was thought to
be boring. All the half-steps are of equal size and are exactly one twelfth of
an octave. They span a frequency ratio of the twelfth root of 2, which is about
6 percent. In equal temperament, all the intervals are the same regardless of
the key in which one is playing, and none except the octave is perfectly tuned.
This makes it very easy to modulate from one key to another, although the
keys lose their individuality because they all have equal intervals.
Many theorists complain about the fact that the intervals in equal tem-
perament are all impure, but in fact the fourths and fths are within 0.001%
of just intervalsso close that most musicians have a hard time telling them
apart. The thirds, however, are not very satisfying, being about 0.01% away
from pure thirds, and they have annoying audible beats. And of course all
the thirds in all keys are equally bad.
With the advent and almost universal use of equal temperament, music
today lacks the variety and richness that it had when many different systems
Appendix 8
of tuning were in common use. Of course, we must live within the capabili-
ties of the musical instruments we have, such as the piano with only twelve
keys per octave and its equal temperament. But electronic music has no such
tuning limitations. A composer could dene any number of intervals within
an octave, even one thousand or more, and this is within the range of even
relatively simple synthesizers. One can only hope that the vast variety and
richness of intonation that is readily available to us will be recognized more
fully and exploited by our musicians. They have only to look into the past
for countless inspirational examples.
Appendix 9
Some Notes on the History
of High Fidelity
The roots of high-quality sound reproduction lie not in the early days of radio
broadcasting and receiving but in the sound motion picture industry, which
has its beginning about 1930. A great many of the principles that govern music
recording and reproduction today were discovered and developed in the thir-
ties, with World War II putting an effective damper on further exploitation
during the decade of the forties. Most of the breakthroughs that occurred in
this fertile decade were the direct result of research at the Bell Telephone Lab-
oratories under Harvey Fletcher and at the RCA Research Laboratories under
Harry Olson. It was Fletcher and Munson who discovered and quantized the
very nonlinear behavior of the human hearing mechanism about 1933 (the
famous Fletcher-Munson effect), and this represents the beginning of psy-
choacoustic research, at least in this country.
The Bell Labs had an interest in this type of research and development
partly because they were interested in the perfection of the telephone and
partly because the manufacturing arm of the Bell company (Western Electric)
was interested in building sound systems for movies and also for public
address use. The equipment built during this time by Western Electric in-
cluded microphones, ampliers, preamps, phonograph reproducers, radio
broadcasting equipment, and loudspeakers, and was of excellent quality. In
fact much of this venerable gear is in great demand today and is eagerly sought
after by many acionados. The feedback amplier, the moving-coil phono
cartridge, the exponential horn loudspeaker, the compression driver for high-
frequency loudspeakers, the crossover network, the compander, SVA sound-
on-lm recording, stereophonic recording and reproduction, and many more
techniques and devices were introduced by Western Electric and the Bell Tele-
phone Laboratories people in the thirties.
Alan Blumlein, chief engineer at EMI in England, carried out much re-
search in audio and also developed a two-channel stereo system for motion
picture sound. It seems that he and Bell Labs were unaware of each others
Harry Olson, the director of the RCA acoustics research laboratory for many
years, was responsible for over one hundred patents relating to audio, most
notably pertaining to directional microphones and many improvements to
loudspeaker designs, including acoustic suspension.
The consumer began to get interested in high delity after World War II,
but had very little to choose from because the major radio manufacturers paid
no attention to what they thought was far too small a market. An interesting
Appendix 9
Appendix 9
tonearm made by Livingston. It was not commercially viable, for it was impos-
sible to preserve anything like correct phase relationships between the two
The stereophonic LP record was introduced in 1958, and it was again an
outgrowth of stereophonic experiments conducted in the 1930s by Western
Electric. About this same time, FM stereo broadcasting began. These devel-
opments of course made existing sound systems obsolete, for now two pre-
amps, ampliers, and loudspeakers were needed; so another revolution in
components was born.
In the eld of loudspeakers, one notable development was the introduc-
tion of the Bass Reex principle by the Jensen company in the 1930s. This was
the rst of the vented loudspeaker systems and resulted in extending the
low-frequency limit about one-half octave below what was common for that
day. Another signicant loudspeaker development was the Klipschorn,
patented by Paul W. Klipsch in 1941. This system had a folded low frequency
horn designed to t into the corner of a room so that the walls and oor of
the room effectively extended the horn. It was characterized by prodigious
low-frequency output for its day and also had very high efciency. Its high-
frequency section was a straight horn coupled to a high-efciency compression
driver. Even though the Klipschorn was good at radiating low frequencies,
it also had a series of resonances in the mid-bass range, causing it to sound
hollow and cavernous, especially on voices. A true revolution in loudspeaker
design occurred in 1954 when Edgar Villchur introduced the acoustic sus-
pension principle in the form of the AR-1. This bookshelf-sized system was
capable of smooth, highly damped, and extended low-frequency response,
and it outperformed almost all other speakers of the day. Villchur had tried
to interest several speaker makers in his idea, but none would accept it, so he
and three other people started the Acoustic Research Corp. It is interesting
that in the late 1950s, the courts ruled that Villchurs patent on acoustic sus-
pension was invalid because of a disclosure by Harry Olson much earlier. Had
RCA elected to commercialize the idea in the thirties, the course of future loud-
speaker development would have been far different! Today, a great many loud-
speaker systems use the acoustic suspension principle or variations of it to
attain good low-frequency performance from relatively small boxes. In the
1970s, Thiele and Small undertook a theoretical analysis of the vented loud-
speaker box, greatly adding to the understanding of the principles involved.
This work led to the ability to optimize the performance of systems of dif-
ferent sizes and further led to the introduction of many small-sized systems
with excellent low-frequency performance by many different manufacturers.
While the principle of magnetic recording was described as early as 1888
by the American Oberlin Smith, the professional tape recorder as we know
it today was developed by the Magnetophon company in Germany just before
World War II. John Mullin brought back two of these machines after the war,
and he, along with promised nancing by Bing Crosby, convinced Alexan-
der M. Poniatoff of the Ampex Electric company to build the rst commer-
cial American machine. Col. Richard Ranger built a copy of the Magnetophon
Appendix 9
in 1947, which he then used for motion picture sound recording. He had devel-
oped a synchronizing technique, called Rangertone, which allowed the tape
to run in synch with the movie camera.
The rst commercial Ampex machine was the model 200, and it outper-
formed the Magnetophons. It gained instant acceptance as a recorder for delay-
ing radio broadcasts. The Brush Development company had in 1946 made a
home-type tape recorder called the Soundmirror, which used DC bias. Tape
for the machine was being made by the Minnesota Mining and Manufactur-
ing company (3M). The German machines used tape made by the Bayrische
Analin und Soda Fabrik (BASF), some of which was brought back by John
Mullin and used by Ampex in the development of their machine. From this
point, the development of the reel-to-reel tape recorder progressed rapidly.
But the audio compact cassette is by far the most important tape medium for
the consumer. It is the noise reduction systems that have made the cassette
format acceptable for recording music. When originally conceived by Philips
in the 1950s, the audio cassette was never meant to be anything more than a
format suitable for voice dictation, and the strict standards under which Philips
licensed manufacturers prevented true high-delity response. This was espe-
cially true of stereo, where the two tracks are side by side, very narrow, and
very close together.
Although the compander principle of noise reduction had been used much
earlier in motion picture sound, it was Ray Dolby who introduced the Dolby
A noise reduction system for master tapes in the 1960s and who deserves credit
for its modern exploitation. Henry Kloss, one of Edgar Villchurs original part-
ners, who started KLH Corporation and Advent Corporation, convinced Ray
Dolby to let him market a simplied Dolby compander for use with audio
cassette machines. Dolby has been modifying and improving companders for
many years, and his company produces Dolby A and SR for professional use
and Dolby B, C, and S for home use. Other manufacturers of compander sys-
tems have come forward, but the Dolby systems are dominant.
The compact disc system, jointly developed by Philips and Sony, is unques-
tionably the highest quality sound reproduction system for the consumer for
a long time, but improvements have become recently available. The Super
Audio Compact Disc (SACD), introduced by Sony and Philips, is noticeably
better in reproducing stereo music and DVD Audio, derived from the video
DVD system can present music in a variety of formats, from two or three-
channel stereo to 5.2 channel with surround sound.
Appendix 10
Some Notes on Decimal
and Binary Arithmetic
as Used in Computer Terminology
Computers and data processing machines use binary numbers in their cal-
culations rather than decimal numbers because it greatly simplies the han-
dling of data. The binary number system uses only 0s and 1s to represent
numbers of any size. The 0s and 1s are the bits (short for binary digits)
of information. When talking about computer data quantities, memory sizes,
and storage medium capacities, many thousands, millions, or trillions of bits
are involved.
The International System of measurements (SI) long ago standardized arith-
metical prexes to indicate multiples of numerical quantities. For instance, it
is well known that kilo means a multiple of 1000 and that mega is one million
times, etc. The SI prexes most commonly used in computerese are these
two plus giga, standing for one billion, and sometimes tera, for one trillion.
So, according to the SI, one kilobit is 1000 bits, and a megabit is 1,000,000 bits.
So far, so good.
Binary arithmetic, which is used in computers almost exclusively, is based
on powers of 2, contrasted with the decimal system, which is based on pow-
ers of 10.
Computer professionals realize that 210 is equal to 1024, which is only about
2% greater than 1000, and since this is quite a small error, they started calling
210 bits (1024 bits) a kilobit and calling 220 bits (1,048,576 bits) a megabit.
This was acceptable practice before the advent of data storage for gigabytes,
and even terabytes, but the storage devices were not constructed on binary
arithmetic, which meant that, for many practical purposes, binary arithmetic
was less convenient than decimal arithmetic. When discussing computer mem-
ory, most manufacturers use megabyte to mean 220 = 1,048,576 bytes, but the
manufacturers of computer storage devices usually use the term to mean
1,000,000 bytes. Some designers of local area networks have used megabit per
second to mean 1,048,576 bit/s, but all telecommunications engineers use it
to mean 1,000,000 (10 6) bit/s. The result is that today everybody does not
know what a megabyte is.
Floppy disk manufacturers are even more confusing. The prex M means
(1000 1000) in SI, and (1024 1024) in standard computing. However, the
standard 1.44 MB oppy holds (1.44 1000 1024) bytes.
In 1999, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) published
Amendment 2 to IEC 60027-2: Letter symbols to be used in electrical
Appendix 10
As of 2004 this naming convention has not yet gained widespread use. The
IEC did not give names for the prexes beyond exa-, but if they had given
them names, they would probably be zebi and yobi.
Appendix 11
Some Notes on Impedance
and Frequency Response
Appendix 11
Appendix 11
The Nyquist plot does not identify the frequency of resonances; in a sense
it is like looking at the three-dimensional impedance curve by sighting down
the frequency axis.
The phase of the current will be shifted either positively or negatively
depending on whether the impedance is capacitive or inductive. If the phase
is not shifted, the impedance is said to be resistive. The phase of the imped-
ance of a real circuit or device will generally vary from positive to negative,
and it is called inductive if the current lags the voltage and capacitive if the
current leads the voltage.
As mentioned above, mechanical impedance can be treated in a manner
similar to electrical impedance, and is often used in loudspeaker analysis. The
excitation can be a sinusoidal force, and the response can be a resulting motion.
In a dynamic loudspeaker, inductive motional impedance means the cone
motion lags behind excitation and acts like a mass (or is mass-controlled),
whereas capacitive motional impedance means the cone motion leads the exci-
tation and acts like a spring (or is stiffness-controlled). If the impedance
looks resistive (zero phase angle), it means the system is controlled by fric-
tion. At resonance, the mass and stiffness effectively cancel each other and
the phase angle is 90 degrees and the impedance magnitude is controlled by
the damping (friction) of the system.
Another type of mechanical impedance is the so-called acoustic imped-
ance, which is dened as the complex ratio of the sound pressure at a point
in a medium to the complex acoustic volume velocity at the same point.
Acoustic impedance is thus a complex quantity, meaning it can be resistive
Appendix 11
and reactive, having phase angles between pressure and velocity that are zero,
leading, or lagging. Acoustic impedance considerations are important in loud-
speaker design, for the impedance is what provides the loading for the speaker.
For instance, the horn in horn-type loudspeakers acts as an impedance trans-
former to better match the driver impedance to the impedance of the air in
the room.
Impedance is expressed as the symbol Z and has units of ohms.
The frequency response function is closely related to the impedance func-
tion; in fact they are reciprocals, for frequency response is dened as the com-
plex ratio of the output signal of a device or system to the input signal. It is
also a three-dimensional quantity, having magnitude, phase, and frequency,
and it is often displayed in the same ways as impedance, such as in Nyquist
plots or real and quadrature parts versus frequency.
In audio devices, such as ampliers, sometimes it is useful to dene two
types of impedanceinput impedance and source impedance. If measured
at the input terminals of the device, it is dened as input impedance, and if
measured at the output terminals, it is source impedance, or sometimes out-
put impedance. However, output impedance usually means the impedance
the output of the device is designed to be connected to. An example is the
output of an audio power amplier that is labeled 8 ohms or 16 ohms.
This means the amplier will work best whan connected to speakers with
input impedances of 8 or 16 ohms, respectively. The source impedance of the
amplier, however, will be very much lower than the speaker impedance, usu-
ally in the neighborhood of less than a tenth of an ohm. This is to increase the
efciency of the power transfer to the speaker.
Some of the books listed here are out of print and may be difcult to obtain,
even in public libraries, but we have included them because of their impor-
tance at their time of publication. Many of them offer valuable practical infor-
mation today, and all are of historical interest.
Ando, Yoichi. Concert Hall Acoustics. New York: Springer Verlag, 1985.
A very detailed mathematical study of concert-hall acoustics, this book
represents a distillation or summary of Andos considerable research into
the subject. In many ways, it represents the state of the art, but it is not easy
reading. The introduction by Manfred Schroeder is well written and enter-
taining. Andos discussion of the interaural cross-correlation function and
its importance is rst-rate.
Ballou, Glen, ed. Handbook for Sound Engineers. Boston: Focal Press, 2002.
This very large (1,552 pages) book is the replacement for the similar-sized
Audio Cyclopedia of Howard Tremaine, which has been out of print for many
years. The third edition drops the Audio Cyclopedia part of the title. It cov-
ers many subjects, such as acoustical design, transducers, audio electronic
circuits, sound system design, electronic components, and audio measure-
ments. It is primarily for the audio professional but contains plenty of infor-
mation of interest to the hobbyist.
Blesser, Barry; Bart Locanthi; and Thomas Stockham. Digital Audio. Collected
papers from the premier conference of the Audio Engineering Society, June
A very advanced volume of 270 pages dealing with basics, converters,
measurements, rate conversion, recording formats, error correction, manu-
facturing, and applications.
Bohn, Dennis. Rane Pro Audio Reference. Mukilteo, Wash.: Rane Corp., 2002.
A 320-page large-format paperback with a large glossary and several good
technical tutorials; with CD-ROM.
Eargle, John. Sound Recording. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1976.
A good book covering most aspects of sound recording from a somewhat
theoretical viewpoint, although it does not rely heavily on mathematics.
There is a good chapter on psychoacoustics. Digital recording and signal
processing are not covered.
Eargle, John, ed. Stereophonic Techniques. New York: Audio Engineering Soci-
ety, 1986.
This anthology of reprints of articles on stereophonic techniques is
divided into ve parts: historical papers, analysis and experimentation, stu-
dio technology, broadcasting, and the consumer interface. The historical sec-
tion begins in 1881, which actually seems to be the rst time a stereophonic
sound was transmitted. The writings of many famous people are to be found
here, and it is enlightening to read about key audio developments in the
words of the developers themselves.
Fletcher, Harvey. Speech and Hearing. New York: Van Nostrand, 1929.
This is a classic work on speech and hearing by one of the most impor-
tant investigators in psychoacoustics.
Helmholtz, Hermann von. On the Sensations of Tone. New York: Dover, 1974.
This is a reprint of an English translation of the monumental German
publication of 1863. Helmholtz was an accomplished scientist and also a
physician, and he performed many truly ingenious experiments in the inves-
tigation of the human hearing mechanism. He was one of the rst to show
that complex sounds are made up of component parts, or harmonics, and
he devised a method for hearing these partials via special resonators of his
design. He also made a mechanical model of the human speech mechanism,
and it was able to intone vowel sounds. Today, the book is of historical inter-
est and is a good source for anyone interested in the scientic method and
its application to basic research. His sections on music and harmony are
very well done.
Isom, Warren Rex, ed. The Phonograph and Sound Recording After 100 Years.
New York: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Centennial Issue, Octo-
ber 1977.
This greatly expanded issue of the AES journal commemorates the 100th
anniversary of the invention of the phonograph and is full of historical
information on all aspects of phonograph record production and record-
Olson, Harry F. Modern Sound Reproduction. 1972. Reprint, New York: Robert
E. Krieger, 1978.
An interesting book by one of the giants of electroacoustics, who headed
the RCA Research Laboratories for many years. The book is outdated now,
but contains much historical information.
Philips Technical Review. Vol. 40, No. 6, 1982, published by Philips in the
A very good and extensive (180 pages) general description of the tech-
nical aspects of the compact disc format.
Pierce, John R. Almost All about Waves. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1974.
While not specically directed toward audio, this well-written little
book describes waves in a good deal more detail than almost any other. It
is not for the beginner, requiring as it does an understanding of mathematics
through calculus, but it offers the careful reader a most clear and penetrating
insight into wave motion, vector and complex notation, polarization, dif-
fraction, and radiation, etc.
Pierce, John R. The Science of Musical Sound. New York: Scientic American
Library, 1983.
This is a fascinating book from John Pierce, who consistently addresses
technical subjects with fresh insight and penetrating powers of observa-
tion. The book comes with two small phonograph records that illustrate
various topics that are discussed.
His chapter on sound reproduction has some interesting history, but it
is not very complete. The sections on the ear and hearing are detailed and
rst-rate, and are written in a way that makes this difcult subject easy to
Pohlmann, Ken C. Principles of Digital Audio. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-
Hill Professional, 2000
This is one of the rst popular books on digital audio by a well-known
columnist on the subject. Pohlmann writes in an amusing and easy-to-read
style, and the book is well illustrated. The rst chapter, on the basics of sound
and acoustics, has some inaccuracies, but the rest of the book is very inform-
ative and quite complete.
Read, Oliver, and Walter L. Welch. From Tin Foil to Stereo. 2d ed. Indianapo-
lis: Howard W. Sams, 1976.
This fact-lled book is the most complete history of the acoustic phono-
graph from its invention by Edison up through the development of stereo-
phonic recording. It is biased heavily toward acoustic recording, and
perhaps reveres Edison unduly, but it is a fascinating anecdotal history of
the many events, inventions, patent ghts, etc., that constituted the devel-
opment of audio recording and reproduction.
Sinclair, Ian R., ed. Audio Electronics Reference Book. Boston: BSP Professional
Books, 1989.
This interesting technical book from Britain includes 20 chapters written
Woram, John M. The Recording Studio Handbook. Commack, N.Y.: Elar Pub-
lishing Co., 1983.
An interesting, quite well-illustrated book covering most aspects of
recording studio operations. It is detailed and accurate in its descriptions
of audio equipment, although it does not cover digital equipment.
Audio Media. IMAS Publishing Group, 5827 Columbia Pike, Third Floor, Falls
Church, VA 22041 (monthly).
A magazine with several world region editions, it aims for sound pro-
fessionals in various elds, especially recording studios. Many reviews of
equipment, facility showcases, and general articles of audio production top-
ics. It is free to qualied individuals.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES). 80 East 42nd Street, New York,
NY 10165 (monthly).
A technical journal, containing detailed articles on all aspects of audio
engineering. Many of the articles are manuscripts of papers presented at
the semi-annual Audio Engineering Society conventions and represent the
most up-to-date information available. The journal is intended for the pro-
fessional in audio, and the articles are on an advanced technical level, with
a good deal of mathematics included. The AES also publishes occasional
anthologies or collections of papers on various subjects such as loudspeaker
design and digital audio. The journal is included with paid membership
in the AES.
Mix. Mix Publications, Inc., 6400 Hollis Street, Suite 12, Emeryville, CA 94608
This relatively large magazine is somewhat similar to RE/P and db, but
reects a more popular approach. It includes semi-technical articles on most
aspects of audio and studio techniques, some articles on video, and reviews
of studio equipment. Like S&VC, it is heavily supported by advertising. It
is free to qualied individuals.
Sound & Video Contractor (S&VC). Primedia, Inc., 6400 Hollis Street, Suite 12,
Emeryville, CA 94608 (monthly).
Distributed free to qualied professionals in sound reinforcement and
closed-circuit video system contracting. There are articles on theater sound,
signal processing equipment and techniques, digital equipment for sound
reinforcement and semi-technical articles on the operation of audio devices
such as loudspeakers. The magazine is heavily supported by advertisers.
The following periodicals all ceased publication since the last edition. Many
issues contained articles of merit and still make good reading when taken in
historical context
db, The Sound Engineering Magazine. Sagamore Publishing Co., Plainview, L.I.,
NY (bi-monthly).
An interesting magazine for the recording engineer and studio operator,
including reviews of professional and semi-professional audio products.
The continuing column on digital audio by Barry Blesser was very well writ-
ten and informative.
The Internet
One should approach information on the internet with caution, as much advice
is ill-informed. One should seriously evaluate the authority of the source of
information. It is, however, a practical form of give and take communication.