CO2 Injection For EGR and Storage
CO2 Injection For EGR and Storage
CO2 Injection For EGR and Storage
Dept of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
Clean Gas Technology Australia, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
School of Economics and Finance, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
KEYWORDS Abstract CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) had been broadly investigated both phys-
CO2 reinjection; ically and economically. The concept for enhanced gas recovery (EGR) is a new area under discus-
Methane recovery; sion that had not been studied as comprehensively as EOR. In this paper, the Tempest simulation
CO2 sequestration; software was used to create a three-dimensional reservoir model. The simulation studies were inves-
Net carbon credit; tigated under different case scenarios by using experimental data produced by Clean Gas Technol-
Economic evaluation ogy Australia (CGTA). The main purpose of this study is to illustrate the potential of enhanced
natural gas recovery and CO2 storage by re-injecting CO2 production from the natural gas reser-
voir. The simulation results outlined what factors are favourable for the CO2-EGR and storage
as a function of CO2 breakthrough in terms of optimal timing of CO2 injection and different injec-
tion rates. After analysing the results for each case scenario, it had been concluded that CO2 injec-
tion can be applied to increase natural gas recovery simultaneously sequestering a large amount of
the injected CO2 for this particular gas reservoir. In addition, various CO2 costs involved in the
CO2-EGR and storage were investigated to determine whether this technique is feasible in terms
of the CO2 content in the production as a preparation stage to achieve the economic analysis for
the model.
2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
1. Introduction
CO2 emissions from fossil fuel had strong impacts on the envi-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 421000308. ronment, and its amount in the atmosphere was far beyond to
E-mail addresses:, chawarwan_
be ignored [19]. Currently there is a rising global attention to (C. Khan). reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels burn-
Peer review under responsibility of Egyptian Petroleum Research ing. Conversely, there is a rising interest in petroleum compa-
Institute. nies to use CO2 as an approach for enhanced oil or/and gas
(EOR & EGR) relatively to deal with the rapid growth in
world energy demands [2]. These two concepts together are
promising through the application of CO2 injection for en-
Production and hosting by Elsevier
hanced hydrocarbon recovery and sequestration. The use of
1110-0621 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
226 C. Khan et al.
CO2 in enhanced oil recovery had proven to be a technical and conditions. In addition, CO2 had a lower mobility ratio com-
economic success for more than 40 years, but the same had not pared to methane, thus it was considered as a high viscosity com-
been applied for enhanced gas recovery and storage [18]. ponent [3]. Due to the favorability of these to two CO2
Although, the idea for EGR had been around for more than properties, CO2 would be migrated downwards and this relatively
10 years, meanwhile, it had not been well recognized yet and would stabilize the displacement process between the injected
also it has not been put into practice economically [9,5]. CO2 and methane initially in place [17]. Another attractive phys-
To obtain additional comprehension about these two ap- ical property of CO2 was the solubility factor. Carbon dioxide
proaches, current literature reviews had been studied, typically was potentially more soluble than methane in the formation at
about these two approaches for two similar processes such as reservoir conditions. Potentially, it would delay the occurrence
storage and enhanced recovery. As a result, there were some of CO2 breakthrough [3]. As a consequence of this, it had been
features of natural gas reservoirs well understood as oil reser- suggested to place or locate the injection wells at the bottom lay-
voirs [4]. In terms of geological carbon sequestration, natural ers of the reservoir. In addition, the production wells are placed
gas reservoirs are considered to be more preferable than oil res- at the upper layers of the reservoir to allow a gravity effect for
ervoirs (source). For instance, for both natural gas and oil res- CO2 injection [7]. Surface wise, it was helpful to situate the pro-
ervoirs two points of view could be demonstrated, natural gas ducer wells as far as possible away from the injectors to delay the
reservoirs were considerably able to store more quantities of occurrence of CO2 breakthrough for as long as possible before
CO2 than depleted oil reservoirs with the consideration of both mass transfer allowed gasgas mixing [16,7].
reservoirs with the same volume of hydrocarbon initially in In general, it was a fact that reservoir heterogeneity caused
place. First of all, ultimate gas recovery (about 65% of initial an increase in CO2 breakthrough to the production wells. On
gas in place) was almost about two times that of oil (average the other hand, reservoir re-pressurization could be considered
35% of initial oil in place). Second, gas was some 30 times as an additional support against CO2 breakthrough. The ben-
more compressible than oil or water [12]. Thus, natural gas res- et of reservoir re-pressurization was that it could happen
ervoirs came into view to be nearly more utilizable for this con- prior to CO2 breakthrough [18].
cept. However, displacement of natural gas by supercritical Clearly injection from the commencement of hydrocarbon
CO2 had not been properly investigated [20]. production was risky as the phase behaviour of the reservoir
was mostly unknown. By contrast, injection near the end of
2. Feasibility of CO2 for enhanced gas recovery eld life, when the reservoir was becoming depleted, was costly
due to high expenses associated with the eld rehabilitation [4].
In this section research studies had been reviewed to evaluate An optimal strategy was to take advantage of high CO2 viscos-
the feasibility of displacing natural gas with supercritical ity and density, reservoir re-pressurization and injecting CO2
CO2. The process of CO2 injection into natural gas reservoirs into lower portions of the reservoir to produce the maximum
was still at very early stage of development [16]. Economically, levels of methane and minimum levels of CO2 in the upper lay-
it was highly costly process and highly risky in terms of the ers prior to breakthrough [5].
outcome and the eld contamination [9]. The concern was Overall, CO2 characteristics compared to methane delayed
associated to that the initial gas in place was mixed with the CO2-breakthrough and made the process of CO2-EGR more
injected CO2 and will be degrading gas production [13]. Tech- attractive. This phenomenon of gasgas mixing could be super-
nically, the issues caused by mixing of CO2 and natural gas vised via good reservoir management and production control
were believed to be one of the reasons why the process of measures [9], because the physical properties of CO2 undergo
CO2-EGR had received far less attention [4]. Because under changes as the pressure was increased. Therefore, a good esti-
the case of gasgas mixing the injected CO2 made its way to mation of enhanced gas recovery was only preferable to be eval-
the production wells which is called CO2-breakthrough, at this uated by utilizing reservoir simulation software and modelling
stage, natural gas production started to drop noticeably and with the considerations of a substantial and wide range of data.
production rate of CO2 began to increase signicantly [7]. To accomplish this end, numerical simulations of CO2 injection
For those reasons, some barriers should be overcome to stim- and enhanced gas recovery were investigated using the Tem-
ulate favorability CO2 capture and storage (CCS) adoption under pest reservoir simulator, with input data based on experimental
the case of CO2-EGR. Reduction in the costs involved in the en- data produced by Clean Gas Technology Australia.
tire cycle of CCS, in particular cost of CO2 capture which is the
most costly part of the whole CO2 sequestration process [15]. 3. Reservoir simulation model
Technology wise, this achievement directly depends on a further
study and development in the procedures of CO2. In addition, The base reservoir model used in this study was based on a
another concept of CO2 reduction was the implementation of known eld in the North West Shelf. It was composed of sand-
the suggested statement by Kyoto Protocol [19]. If this concept stone which had homogeneous layer-cake geology and con-
were applied nationwide, carbon credit might partially or fully tained natural gas at a depth of 3650 m. Reservoir core
offset the costs of CO2 storage [8]. These two concepts technol- samples were studied experimentally to accurately estimate
ogy wise and carbon credit wise were the areas that potentially the general petro-physical characteristics of the reservoir.
hold the most promise in lowering the overall cost in terms of The physical properties for each one of the tested cores were
CO2 injection process as well as reducing CO2 emissions. used as the base assignment to represent the geological model.
Despite of the fact that CO2 and natural gas were mixable, The reservoir properties were then allocated throughout the
their physical properties were potential favourable for reservoir reservoir simulation based on the interpretations of each pore
repressurization without extensive mixing which was benecial plug. The gas reservoir model was created and controlled by
the process of CO2-EGR [16]. For instance, CO2 had density variousness of cell distributions in terms of width, length and
higher than methane by 26 times higher at all relevant reservoir thickness.
Carbon dioxide injection for enhanced gas recovery and storage (reservoir simulation) 227
The dimensions of the geological model, in the X-grid 17 production of gas. In addition, it was anticipated that the pro-
grid-blocks were used and 22 grid-blocks were used in the Y cess would improve displacement efciency and resulting in an
direction. The divisions in the Z directions vary by layers, with increased ultimate recovery factor [11]. In order to understand
4, 3, 6 and 5 grid-blocks were formed to represent layers L1, the impact of the reservoir geology on potential development
L2, L3 and L4, respectively. The parameter values are distrib- schemes, the initial composition, the development of rock lay-
uted in such a way, for closeness to reality. ers and properties were modelled using the tempest reservoir
Starting from the upper part of the geological model, thick- simulation software.
ness of the rst layer was 50 m, and it had a value of 0.04 The simulation process used the Solvent option of the res-
porosity, 0.05 for critical gas saturation and 0.120 for critical ervoir simulator, an extended black-oil model in which the
water saturation. The permeability values distributed as 6, 6 components coexisted. The simulation standard compositions
and 4 md for x, y and z directions, respectively. For the second (SCMP) were reservoir gas (RESV) and solvent gas (SOLV).
layer from the top of the reservoir, it had a thickness of 70 m. The reservoir gas depicted the mole fraction of the components
Porosity, critical gas and water saturations values for the exis- in the mixture of the gas reservoir, which originally represented
tence thickness were determined as 0.17, 0.03 and 0.175, the initial gas in place. The solvent gas specied the solvent
respectively. In addition, permeability values for this layer concentration in the injected gas (CO2). The initial pressure
were distributed as 390, 390 and 370 md for x, y and z. The of the reservoir model is set at 406 bar, and temperature of
third layer of the reservoir model was organized as porosity 160 C. PVT-Software was used to generate the necessary
of 0.14, gas critical saturation with a value of 0.04 and 0.145 PVT data for simulation. Table 1 shows the different porosity,
for critical water saturation with a thickness of 120 m. The absolute permeability, critical gas saturation (Sgcr) and critical
bottom layer was also characterized by a porosity of 0.09, a water saturation (Swcr) for each layer. Furthermore, the rela-
critical gas saturation of 0.04 and a water saturation of tive permeability curves are generated using Darcys Law to
0.100. Permeability for the three directions of the last layer achieve the displacement between the gases.
was presented as 8.5, 8.5 and 6 md for x, y and z respectively The development of the geological model was designed to
Thus, the arrangement of the layers from top to bottom of the illustrate optimization of the initial gas recovery in place. In
reservoir model starts as very low, high, medium and low qual- order to determine the optimal development plan and to test
ity rock, respectively. Each of the geological layers was repre- its robustness over the uncertainty range of reserves, a number
sented by different grid layers in the model, as shown in of dynamic reserve simulation models were constructed. Over
Table 1. all, for all scenarios the initial component names in the gas
In terms of gas/water contact, reference depth of the reser- mixture were listed as C1, C2, C3 and CO2. A mole fraction
voir, pressure and temperature at the reference depth and or initial composition of each one of the mentioned compo-
depth specifying the watergas contact were calibrated to nents was 0.9, 0.005, 0.005 and 0.09, respectively as shown in
achieve the equilibrium initialization. This provided indica-
tions of a transition zone between gas and water. As a result
the simulator would take these values into account and stabi-
lize the initial aquifer zone, which was allocated in depths of Table 2 Reservoir model parameters.
the bottom cells in the gas reservoir model. Beneath of this Property Value
aquifer zones was the target for drilling and completion at
the injector wells. Reservoir type Sandstone
Reservoir depth 3650 m
In general, the modelled aquifer in the subsurface of this
Area (XY direction) 1700 m x, 2300 m y
gas reservoir met the physical conditions of aquifers. First of Thickness (z direction) 300 m
all, the top layer of the aquifer was at a depth of 4400 m. Grids in X direction 17
Source [8] claimed that aquifer beyond the depth of 800 m Grids in Y direction 22
made CO2 to act as a supercritical uid and it would have den- Grids in Z direction 4, 3, 6 and 5 for L1, L2, L3 and L4
sity as high as that for water. In addition, CO2 density in aqui- Relative permeability JBN method and Darcys law
fers with a depth of greater than 3500 was higher compared to Initial reservoir temperature 160 C
that of sweat water. In addition to the aquifer, the location and Initial reservoir pressure 406 bar
depth completion of the injection wells might have sufcient Well injector pressure 450 bar
permeability and porosity to resist keeping the injected CO2 (maximum)
Well producer pressure 50 bar
in the aquifer.
CO2 injection at the gaswater contact of the reservoir CO2 injection rate 2422.5 and 1275 1000 m3/day
model had a potential to act as a substitute support for pres- C1 production rate 25,500 1000 m3/d
sure maintenance, thereby allowing simultaneously the
Figure 1 construction of geological model. a1: water and gas phase saturation b1: reference pore volume.
Carbon dioxide injection for enhanced gas recovery and storage (reservoir simulation) 229
sweep efciency of CO2 injection. Additionally, cumulative The produced CO2 would be disposed by means of a re-
methane and CO2 production lb-mole and bottom-hole pres- injection well down dip of the injectors. The principal aim of
sure bar was estimated for this case over the estimated the simulation is to illustrate a re-injection strategy of an opti-
20 years (Fig. 2). This case was intended to be the basis for com- mal CO2 injection for enhanced gas recovery and CO2 storage.
parison, to illustrate the acceleration of methane production, This purpose was investigated through determining the opti-
and lower CO2 production under a case of CO2 injection as a mum injection target rate, the time response of CO2 injection
function of given various rates and times of injection. The bot- and as a result, illustration of mixing rates between the gases.
tom-hole pressure BHP was measured in this case and under a The simulation model had been used to test whether the
late stage of CO2 injection, the measured BHP decline was used chosen development plan was optimal of the range of reserve
to determine the time start of CO2 injection as shown in Fig. 2. expected and robust under different assumptions for key
parameters in the reservoir description. Re-injection of the
3.2. Optimization of gas recovery and CO2 storage produced CO2 into a down-dip location of the gas reservoir
model had been established as the preferred disposal method.
The subsurface development plan had been designed to opti- The injected CO2 was expected to migrate to the bottom layers
mize the recovery gas in place and storage. The injection wells due to its high density. The location for the CO2 injectors
1 and 2 with vertical depths were 43944683 and 45544843 m, potentially was chosen to ensure both containment of injected
respectively and would be used to minimize drawdown and en- gas with the identied structure and a suitable delay time prior
sure good sweep. The production wells 1, 2 and 3 are also with to breakthrough at the production well location. Uncertainties
vertical sections at depths of 37164004, 36483924 and 3676 in this re-injection strategy were the timing of CO2 break-
3964 m, respectively in terms of the hypothetical reservoir through at the producing wells. Since the natural gas and the
model (Fig. 3). re-injected CO2 would not re-mix together with the initial
natural gas in place could over-run the re-injected CO2 to This potential allowed simultaneously enhancing the initial
reach the production wells [21]. gas production and maintaining initial reservoir pressure dur-
Accordingly, CO2 breakthrough at the producer wells was ing production. For this case the simulations were run with
not expected to occur until after the end of the plateau produc- and without considering solubility factor as shown in Fig. 4.
tion period, in this manner avoiding any impact on natural gas The results of the simulation suggest that without CO2 dis-
production. In addition, production was expected to be inu- solution in the formation water, Fig. 4 shows the CO2 break-
enced strongly by the aquifer zone and vertical completion through points to be in 30 December 2001 (Production Well
of the injector well in the lower layers of the zone potentially 1), 29 September 2002 (Production Well 2), 27 September
had impact on breakthrough and as a result sufcient recover- 2003 (Production Well 3). In comparisons to these dates with
ies are expected. the case of solubility, the simulation indicates breakthrough
The total reference pore volume had been estimated at on 30 March 2002, 29 December 20025 and 28 March 2004
1,439,786,000 rm3 by using a conditional simulation tool. for production wells 1, 2 and 3, respectively. This comparison
The recovery factor was based on selection of gas production demonstrated the maximum methane production and the frac-
from the wells. Based on variations in the structural and strati- tion of CO2 remaining in the reservoir.
graphic model range estimations of the recovery factor was dif- The comparisons between the scenarios indicated that the
ferent from one well to another. The recovery efciency ranges solubility of CO2 was greater than methane at all relevant pres-
were put together in order to establish the ultimate recovery sures and temperatures. This implied a reduction in the volume
over the life of the eld as reservoir producing. To achieve this of CO2 available in the gas reservoir to mix with methane,
task, different case scenarios were run for 20 years in order to which potentially delayed CO2 breakthrough. The effect of
investigate the case study where a miscible CO2 injection was CO2 solubility obtained in this study accords with [3]. Thus,
considered for enhanced gas production and storage from in the following cases only the scenario of solubility is taken
the gas reservoir model. into account.
The simulation results showed that after the CO2 started to
3.3. Case scenario one breakthrough, the CO2 production started to increase dramat-
ically to reach 536,373,000 lb-mole as compared to the initial
In this case, CO2 injection was modelled and potentially al- CO2 production of 526,961,000 lb-mole with no CO2 injection.
lowed signicant impacts on uid density such as temperature But before reaching to this stage, in the beginning of gas pro-
and pressure gradient in the injection system as a function of duction the total CO2 production rate was lower than the total
depth variation of reservoir and gravity effects. CO2 injection rates. Thus, further CO2 lb-mole/day was re-
Under the base-case, the initial gas production from this quired from a power plant nearby in order to reach the desired
gas reservoir model was started in January 2000 through Wells volume rate of CO2 injection. The additional required amount
1, 2 and 3. The pressure declined gradually from its initial of CO2 from the sources was declined with time after the CO2
pressure of 401 bar as a response to the gas production. breakthrough. Secondly, CO2 injection was simulated at a low-
Accordingly, two injector wells were used as disposal wells to er rate of 637.5 1000 m3/day for each injector while the gas
re-inject the initial CO2 production directly into the formation production rates for each producer were the same as for the
instead of being emitted into the atmosphere. Thus, CO2 was high injection scenario.
re-injected in a liquid-like state into the gas reservoir at a rate As a result of the simulation, time of CO2 breakthrough
of 1125 and 1125 1000 m3/day for each injector. was estimated. From this timing, the best injection rate of
The maximum gas production rates for each one of the pro- CO2 in terms of methane and CO2 production was determined
ducer wells was set as it was under the base-case. This case was over the estimated period of time. The average bottom-hole
tested through the reservoir simulation at different maximum pressure bar and total cumulative gas production rate lb-
injection rates for the simulation, as it is shown in Table 5. mole of the three production wells are illustrated for the
two different injection rates (in Fig. 5).
In terms of the enhanced gas recovery and the reservoir re-
Table 5 Production and injection rates of the case scenarios pressurization, a comparison between the two different injec-
1000 m3 =day. tion rates indicated the gas recovery factor in the rst scenario
Case scenario one at high injection rate is greater than that in case scenario 2 and the base-case. This
Well-1 7500 Well-1 1125
illustrated that, the higher was the rate of CO2 injection the
Well-2 8500 Well-2 1125 greater recovery efciency is achieved. On the other hand,
Well-3 9000 Fig. 6 demonstrated different times of CO2 breakthrough un-
Total production rate 25000 Total injection rate 2550 der different injection rates and indicate that the high injection
rate of CO2 the earlier breakthrough occurred.
Case scenario one at low injection rate
Well-1 7500 Well-1 637.5
As a result the, the simulation suggested that even though
Well-2 8500 Well-2 637.5 CO2 injection excessive gas mixing, at the same time it has po-
Well-3 9000 tential to increase the incremental gas recovery. It is worth
Total production rate 25000 Total injection rate 1275 mentioning that the initial gas reservoir pressure was high
and even though, the production wells were allocated at the
Case scenario two at high injection after conversion
Well-1 12250 Well-1 750
same layer, but their depth completions were different from
Well-2 1275 Well-2 750 each other. Therefore, we anticipated some compositional gra-
Well-3 750 dient due to gravity and temperature effects generated by the
Total production rate 25000 Total injection rate 2550 depth variation and high density contrast of CO2 as compared
to methane. Some evidence of compositional variation was
Carbon dioxide injection for enhanced gas recovery and storage (reservoir simulation) 231
observed between the producing wells in terms of CO2 content, shut-in at that time. When the concentration of CO2 in the
however this variation was very minimal as compared to the produced gas reached 20% in June 14, 2014, the shut-in pro-
fraction initially in place in the reservoir. Thus the produced duction well (Well 2) was converted to become Injector 3, this
fraction of CO2 in each well was seen as a straight line from was to accelerate methane production, with less CO2 produc-
the beginning of production (see Fig. 6). tion for the life of the reservoir. The converted well will have
a changed depth completion from the second layer to the bot-
3.4. Case scenario two tom layer of the reservoir.
In terms of the reservoir model under the second case sce-
This case scenario attempts to nd CO2 injection timing for nario, the maximum gas production rate was set at
comparison with the recovery factors in the above scenario 25000 1000 m3/day. In the beginning of gas production there
using the data obtained experimentally. In this case, reservoir were three gas producer wells. The maximum gas production
heterogeneity accelerated the CO2 breakthrough in the produc- rate of each producer well set at (7500, 8500 and
tion well, and of course reservoir re-pressurization was consid- 9000) 1000 m3/day for the gas producer wells 1, 2 and 3,
ered as additional support for mitigation against CO2 respectively. At the announcement stage of injection, the max-
breakthrough. Accordingly, CO2 was re-injected at the high imum injection rate of CO2 for the injector wells was
rate 2250 1000 m3/day based on the normal case, when the 2250 1000 m3/d as it was under the rst case scenario.
bottom hole pressure of the production wells decline to about After the conversion of the producer well, the gas produc-
280 bar in March 27, 2005 (see Fig. 2). tion rate of the producer wells was re-set at (11750, 0 and
That is, only a fraction of the methane was produced before 13250) 1000 m3/day for the well 1, 2 and 3, respectively
injection. However, after almost ve years of gas production, and the injection rate was re-set at a rate of 750 1000 m3/
CO2 was re-injected back into the reservoir at the high rate day for each one of the new and the old injector wells (Table.
to re-pressurize and increase incremental gas recovery, result- 5). In the year of 10 Jun 2017, the producer well 1 was also
ing in continuation of gas production for the wells. The rst stopped from production. After the cessation of producer 1,
production well that shows CO2 breakthrough is automatically natural gas will be produced only from well number 3 at a rate
Cumulative Production "lb-mole" in Millions
Figure 5 Bottom-hole pressure and cumulative gas production versus time at high and low CO2 injection rate.
232 C. Khan et al.
of 25000 1000 m3/day. Furthermore, the last production well results of the reservoir simulation. This method qualies the
and the other injectors were ceased on 11 March 2018. volume of CO2 initially in place and tracks the changes in
Fig. 7 shows the remaining production wells (1 and 3) the producible volumes as reservoir management techniques,
which will be shut-in during the years 2017 and 2018, respec- when CO2 injection is applied during the life of the eld. Esti-
tively when the CO2 production rate for each well reaches mation of CO2 storage was based on the idea of CO2 break-
30%, so as to reduce CO2 production as much as possible through for the production wells. It was assumed that 9% of
and achieve economic feasibility. CO2 was present in the reservoir and 90% for methane.
The total cumulative methane and CO2 production for the Fig. 9, depicts the produced CO2 fraction in the reservoir dur-
wells is illustrated in Fig. 8 in terms of 30% of CO2 produc- ing the process of production for producer well 1 under the
tion. The timing of the events had an important role in illus- base-case when there was no injection with and without con-
trating the optimum injection rate strategy. Higher and later sidering solubility. As it can be seen, the produced fraction
injection rates appeared to be near the optimum strategy. of CO2 was declining when solubility is taken into account.
First, the higher recovery factor was achieved in less time com- In addition, Fig. 9 also depicts the total produced CO2 frac-
pared to the base-case. Second, with late injection less CO2 w tion in the reservoir when there were different injections of
required compared to the second scenario, resulting in reduced CO2 at different stages only with consideration of CO2 solubil-
costs. Finally, the effects of the different scenarios on CO2 ity. As a result, when there was injection, the produced fraction
storage were demonstrated in the following sections. of CO2 is increased due to the produced fraction of injected
4. Dissolution of CO2 in formation and storage Under the case of late injection, the total CO2 fraction of
the wells uctuated at the end of the years due to cessation
Storage volumes of CO2 were documented by using a well of wells 1, 2 and 3 when CO2 concentration exceeded 30%
established mass balance method developed through the and 20% in 14-Jun-2014, 10-Jun- 2017 and 11-Mar-2018.
Fraction of CO2 Production
Figure 8 Bottom-hole pressure and cumulative gas production versus time at late stage of CO2 injection.
When the concept of CO2 breakthrough was illustrated, during plying the PFICO2 by the production rate of CO2 during
CO2 re-injection process the fraction of the produced CO2 that CO2 injection. In addition, a difference between the produc-
exceeds the CO2 fraction initially had been presented in the res- tion of the injected CO2 and the injection rate evaluated CO2
ervoir will represent the produced fraction of the injected CO2 storage of the injected CO2 for each one of the cases
(PFICO2) (Fig. 10). (Fig. 11). As it can be seen, the higher injection rate the higher
In addition, the higher CO2 injection, the more fraction of volume of CO2 storage was achieved.
the injected CO2 was produced. Thus, the more produced frac- During the CO2 injection process, a part of the injected CO2
tion of the injected CO2 the lower volume of the injected CO2 dissolves in the formation water. Therefore, an important con-
was stored. Fig. 11 shows different injection rates at different sideration was solubility of CO2, which was strongly associated
stages of injection for all the cases and also illustrates gradual with the pressure. Accordingly, to illustrate this concept, as an
increases in CO2 injection rates, until each case reaches the re- optimum case consideration, the rst case scenario with the
quired rate of CO2 injection. Under the stage of late injection, highest injection rate was demonstrated with and without con-
the injected CO2 reaches to the required rate of CO2 injection sidering the solubility factor.
faster than the other cases. This was due to the gas production To demonstrate the concept of CO2 dissolution in the for-
before the commencement of CO2 injection. Therefore, when mation water presented in the reservoir mode, a comparison
CO2 injection started, the injected CO2 displaced the natural of CO2 production with solubility factor was taken into ac-
gas already produced from the gas reservoir and after a few count as well where solubility is not considered (Fig. 12). This
months reached the desirable rate of injection. comparison was depicted in terms of re-production rate of the
CO2 storage was evaluated after when the concept of CO2 CO2 injection and CO2 storage (Figs. 13 and 14).
breakthrough was illustrated for the two case scenarios in Over all, Fig. 12 demonstrated CO2 production rates lb-
terms of the produced fraction of injected CO2 PFICO2 and mole/day and differences between the two cases. However,
CO2 component originally present in the gas reservoir. After there was a slight difference between these two scenarios which
the estimation of the PFICO2 for each one of the cases, the was almost indiscernible in a visual inspection of the plotted
production rate of the injected CO2 was calculated by multi- lines. Therefore, the difference curve in production rate was
234 C. Khan et al.
Figure 10 Total fraction of CO2 production and fraction of the injected CO2 under different case scenarios.
CO2 Injection and Storage Rates "lb-mole/day" in
Figure 11 CO2 injection rate and storage under different case scenarios.
Production Rate "lb-mole/day" in Thousands
Figure 12 CO2 production rate lb-mole/day at high injection rate based on solubility considered and not considered.
Carbon dioxide injection for enhanced gas recovery and storage (reservoir simulation) 235
Figure 14 CO2 storage at high injection rate based on solubility considered and not considered.
also plotted to highlight the difference in CO2 production due In particular, with solubility more injected CO2 was stored
to solubility. in the reservoir (Fig. 14). That is, the process of CO2 storage
Generally, the production rate will decline with a reduction remains attractive unless the production rate of the injected
in reservoir pressure. As shown in Fig. 12, the CO2 production CO2 remained below the CO2 injection rate. The higher the
rate was higher without solubility (red curve) compared with CO2 injection rate the greater volume of CO2 available in the
the solubility case (yellow curve) over the same estimated per- reservoir to be dissolved due to high potential for CO2 solubil-
iod of time. The blue curve represented the level of CO2 reduc- ity compared to that of methane. In addition, reasonable CO2
tion when solubility was considered, in other words it storage was achieved up to the point where the production
represented the production differential between the two above rates of the injected CO2 was still not equal to the injection
cases. The CO2 content in the production (yellow curve) rate. Thus, as the stored volume of CO2 declined the more
started to increase at a slower rate than the non-solubility case the production rate of the injected CO2 increases (Fig. 14).
(red curve). The differential started to decline due to saturation
of the formation of water with the injected CO2. 5. Introduction of carbon credits
Fig. 13 illustrates the production rate of the injected CO2
and the differences for the solubility and non-solubility cases. In order to make the process of CO2-EGR and storage eco-
In case there was solubility, during the process of CO2 injec- nomically more attractive the costs involved in the process
tion into the reservoir a smaller amount of the injected CO2 need to be lowered or carbon credit be taken into account.
was produced compared to the non-solubility case. For this Currently, the cost estimations of CO2 capture and the storage
case, the ratio of CO2 to initial methane in place was technology CCS is very high. This technology is unlikely to be
continuously increasing due to the re-injection of produced put into practice effectively without any nancial motivation
CO2 and the initial CO2 still unrecoverable in the reservoir. or Tax incentives. Economically it becomes more feasible if
236 C. Khan et al.
it is combined with the process of CO2 capture and storage, resents additional cost. We estimated that the difference
this is due to re-injection of the native CO2 production into between them represented net carbon credit.
the reservoir and may result in less CO2 requirement from If future CO2 markets involved effective payment for CO2
other source or producers [10]. storage compared to carbon tax for CO2 emission, the intro-
Overall, the concept of CO2 storage from the same source duction of a carbon credit scheme can be considered as addi-
potential provided a reasonable structure for carbon credit tional source of revenue or the re-injection cost recovery.
to be fully developed during the process of CO2-EGR and stor- Optimistically, the economic feasibility for CO2-EGR and
age. In particular, CO2 capture, separation systems and stor- storage became more attractive [18].
age (compression, transportation and injection) systems were
considered as an emission reduction approach [14]. A credit 6. Results and discussions
for this reduction is reduced by producing additional CO2
per ton injected; possibly released into the atmosphere during The base-case scenario was simulated to enable gas production
the CO2 storage process. continuously under normal production conditions. Vertical
This process CO2 for enhanced gas recovery and sequestra- production and injection wells allocated with different depths
tion (CEGRS) is likely to take place in the context of carbon with the consideration of aquifer zone beneath the gas reser-
credit schemes and development of low value emissions. How- voir. For the other two case scenarios, CO2 injection into the
ever, the idea of carbon credit had been around, but world lower portion of the reservoir technically re-pressurized the
widely had not been put into practice yet despite extensive cov- reservoir and efciently swept the natural gas from the bottom
erage and political positioning. Therefore, there was no stan- layers in the direction towards the production wells, while min-
dard method presented in the published studies for imizing contamination and gas mixing in the upper parts of the
calculating carbon credit [8]. So here, the concept was ex- reservoir.
pressed as a function of carbon credit and carbon tax. Accord- It is obvious that the higher CO2 injection rate in the layers
ing to the equation below, the rst part of the equation shows with high permeability, the higher portions of the injected CO2
the storage of the injected CO2 and multiplied by the carbon took place in the layers. In this case, the CO2 breakthrough oc-
credit. This will estimate the received price for per ton of curred faster at the production wells. The breakthrough time
CO2 storage. Accordingly, this part would be estimated in was dened as the time when the injected CO2 arrived to the
terms of the injection rate of CO2, production rate of CO2 production wells. The volume of CO2 breakthrough was deter-
and also production rate of the injected CO2. As a result, this mined as the volume that exceeded the initial volume of CO2
will be considered as the additional source of revenue for the that is supposed to be produced from the reservoir. Lower
process. The second part of the equation shows the released grids in the bottom layers of the reservoir showed that the fas-
amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. This section will be eval- ter increase in CO2 concentration was due to gravity, temper-
uated in terms of energy penalty during the process of CO2 ature and pressure effects generated by high density of CO2
storage as a function of the injected CO2. Once carbon tax is and depth variations. Technically the simulation results indi-
considered, this will represent a reduction in the additional cated that, the higher injection rate of CO2 can potentially en-
source of revenue. hance more incremental increases in gas production; however,
2h i3 " #
Mass PFCO 2 CO2 IIP it will lower the natural gas quality by excessive mixing and
PRCO2 1 EP Mass
Cp 4 5 early breakthrough creating more CO2 production.
n1 CC1 Ct1 n Geologically, injection of CO2 into the aquifer with the
depth of 3650 m had strong effects on methane production
Cp: net carbon credit $/tonne.N: the number of the project and CO2 storage due to CO2 density. At this depth, it acted
years.n: is the number of years.CC: carbon credit $/tonne.PF- as a supercritical uid and would have a density as high as
CO2: produced faction of CO2 fraction.CO2 IIP: initial CO2 water. As expected, the less volume of the injected CO2 was
in place fraction.PRCO2: production of CO2 tonne/year.EP: stored when the initial brine of the reservoir was saturated.
energy penalty %.Mass: mass ow rate of CO2 injectionCt: According to the simulation results, CO2 injection at a higher
carbon tax $/tonne injection pressure than the initial reservoir pressure increases
Fig. 11 shows CO2 injection rate and storage per tonne of stored volumes of the injected CO2 considerably, while less
CO2 under different case scenarios. Based on current literature methane was produced at the production wells. As a result,
studies, large variations in unit of CO2 energy penalty or the feasibility of CO2 injection is a function of aquifer depth,
energy burnt and released into the atmosphere were mentioned low permeability and brine saturation.
and ranged from 13.0% to 25.0% according to the imple- Fig. 15 shows the efcient tendency of CO2 ows down-
mented technology for CO2 separation and types of the power wards and stabilizes the displacement of the native gas due
plan [6]. As a result, with the consideration of the energy pen- to its physical properties as a function pressure gradient, grav-
alty % through Fig. 11 emission per ton of CO2 injection can itational effects.
be considered during the process of CO2 capture and Clearly it can be observed that after some period of injec-
sequestration. tion, the grids around the production wells were covered with
Where the result of the carbon credit markets come into the initial natural gas and the reservoir lower portion was
existence in any signicant way as a reduction of one ton of partially lled with the injected CO2. The heterogeneity of res-
CO2 fossil emissions by either preventing it from the atmo- ervoir preferentially ows CO2 from the bottom layer towards
sphere (natural gas reservoir) or by extracting it out of the the production wells as a function of permeability existence for
atmosphere (power plan). The storage site will represent addi- each layers, especially in the second layer from the top of the
tional source of revenue and the amount of CO2 emission rep- reservoir (high permeable). This preferential ow could be
Carbon dioxide injection for enhanced gas recovery and storage (reservoir simulation) 237
favourable for CO2 injection and allowed a greater amount of Under the optimum case, using CO2-EGR, methane and
CO2 to be injected. On the other hand, it will cause early CO2 recovery were around (2778 million lb-mole) and
breakthrough and detrimentally effects enhanced gas recovery. (526 million lb-mole), respectively, with CO2 injection of
Next we presented some results for the second case sce- (1402 million lb-mole) (see Figs. 4 and 10). For this case, esti-
nario, when CO2 injection commenced after 5 years of gas pro- mation of the total additional CO2 requirement for the injec-
duction under normal production conditions. The simulation tion was (875 million lb-mole). The additional CO2
indicated that the high rate and early stage of CO2 injection requirement at the commencement of injection was high, and
had the highest methane production and CO2 storage at the then started to decline after CO2 breakthrough. This addi-
same time it had the highest CO2 production. Time appeared tional CO2 was purchased from a gas red power plant, the
to have a signicant impact on the planned strategies. The high cost and carbon credit adjustment was taken care of in the
rate and late stage of CO2 injection appeared to be near the model.
optimum strategy, because the higher natural gas production In terms of cost, some capital expenditures associated
rate achieved within less time compared to the base-case and with drilling, completion and equipment have been extracted
less time of CO2 injection would have less costs of CO2 com- based upon recent published data [1]. The costs originally
pared to the rst case scenario. were produced by Joint Association Survey (JAS) and re-
In addition, the second case scenario came as the second cently been updated and published by Advanced Resource
best CO2 storage and it had lower CO2 production compared International (ARI). In general these costs had initially been
to CO2 production under the rst case scenario. But this case calculated with the consideration of a xed cost constant for
can only be considered when the project is proposed for en- site preparation and other xed cost items and a variable
hanced gas recovery because it has the highest CO2 emissions cost that are changed with increases exponentially with depth
due to late injection and releasing the production into the (Table 6).
atmosphere before the commencement of CO2 injection. Eco- All costs associated with injection wells were taken into ac-
nomically, this will affect the project when carbon tax is taken count during the cost preparation of CCS. Such as;
into account. As a result of comparisons between the case sce-
narios, high rate and early stage of CO2 injection is the opti- - Capital cost of site screening and evaluation.
mum and this case can be vital especially when the project is - Capital cost of injection well equipment.
planned for a sequestration. - Capital cost for drilling.
- Normal daily operating expenses.
7. Economics - Surface maintenance.
- Subsurface maintenance.
Calculations carried out using the model shown in the previous - Consumable costs.
section for base natural gas recovery combined with CO2
sequestration in a high CO2 gas reservoir (9%) had shown Normal cash ow was used as economic criterion to dem-
favourable economy in terms of gas recovery and Carbon onstrate a comparison between the base-case and the optimum
Credit. case. In addition, economic evaluation for CO2-EGR and stor-
Base recovery of methane with no enhanced mechanisms age was also assessed where the concepts of carbon tax and
totalled for about (2476 million lb-mole) recovery with CO2 carbon credit were implemented based on the scal and eco-
vented totalled around (247 million lb-mole) (see Fig. 2). nomic assumptions outlined in Table 7.
238 C. Khan et al.
A simple look at the economics of a base-case scenario, esti- nal cumulative cash ow with consideration of net carbon
mation of total cash ow was about 841 million US$. Paid credit was 224 million US$ (Fig. 17).
carbon tax for the vented CO2 was estimated at 47 million However the economic feasibility was most sensitive to
US$ as additional cost of CO2 where carbon tax was consid- wellhead natural gas price, carbon dioxide (separation, trans-
ered. It was estimated to be of 808 million US$ as nal cash portation and injection) costs, the ratio of carbon dioxide in-
ow for the project as shown in Fig. 16. jected to incremental methane produced seemed to be
Under the optimum case, the project had an estimated cash favourable in the cases presented in this paper. The results pre-
ow about 656 million US$. An additional cost due to released sented in this paper suggest that EGR is economically feasible
CO2 during the process of CCS was estimated around 54 mil- at carbon dioxide separation and capture on side or nearby
lion US$ as a carbon tax. Received price because of storage of quality CO2 supply. Although the analysis is based on a partic-
the injected CO2 totalled 278 million US$ as carbon credits. ular gas eld, the approach is general and can be applied to
Total additional source of revenue for the project is estimated other gas elds. This economic analysis, along with the reser-
with a value of 224 million US$ as a net carbon credit. The voir simulation and the laboratory studies demonstrate the
technical feasibility of EGR. The base reservoir model used
in this study was based on a known eld in the North West
Shelf. It was composed of sandstone which had homogeneous
Table 6 Wells capital expenditures. layer-cake geology and contained natural gas at a depth of
Inputs Equations Fixed cost constant 3650 m. Reservoir core samples were studied experimentally
to accurately estimate the general petro-physical characteris-
a1 a2
tics of the reservoir. The physical properties for each one of
Well D and C costs 2.7405 1.3665 the tested cores were used as the base assignment to represent
y a0 D a1 the geological model. The reservoir properties were then allo-
cated throughout the reservoir simulation based on the inter-
pretations of each pore plug. The gas reservoir model was
Production well y a0 a1 D 81403 7.033
created and controlled by variousness of cells distributions in
equipping costs
terms of width, length and thickness.
The dimensions of the geological model, in the X-grid 17
grid-blocks were used and 22 grid-blocks were used in the Y
direction. The divisions in the Z directions vary by layers, with
Table 7 Economic assumptions. 4, 3, 6 and 5 grid-blocks were formed to represent layers L1,
Economic assumptions L2, L3 and L4, respectively. The parameter values are distrib-
Methane wellhead price 69 $/tonne uted in such a way, for closeness to reality.
Carbon credit 25 $/tonne Starting from the upper part of the geological model, thick-
Carbon tax 23 $/tonne ness of the rst layer was 50 m, and it had a value of 0.04
Energy penalty 20% porosity, 0.05 for critical gas saturation and 0.120 for critical
CO2 capture 35 $/tonne water saturation. The permeability values distributed as 6, 6
CO2 transport 13 $/tonne and 4 md for x, y and x directions, respectively. For the second
CO2 injection 7 $/tonne layer from the top of the reservoir, it had a thickness of 70 m.
CO2 separation 5 $/tonne Porosity, critical gas and water saturation values for the exis-
Income tax 30%
tence thickness were determined as 0.17, 0.03 and 0.175,
Royalty 10%
respectively. In addition, permeability values for this layer
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Cumulative Cash Flow "$" in Millions
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[10] International Energy Agency, CO2 Capture & Storage Energy.
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