High-Frequency Dielectric Measurementsr: Marco Vinicio Granizo Rodriguez

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1, APRIL 2014 1

High-Frequency Dielectric Measurementsr

Marco Vinicio Granizo Rodriguez

AbstractThis paper is on measurement techniques dielectric always possible or even preferable to measure in-plane field
materials with theoretical basis of the parameters and meth- orientations. However, measurements with the electric field
ods such as (The Split-Cylinder, Multiple Transmission Lines, perpendicular to the specimen face may suffer from the effects
Microwave Near-field Probe) flexible for full analysis, but not
accurate to see dielectric materials which has given rise to of air-gap or interface depolarization. The accurate measure-
the engineers and scientists to meet the needs of developing ment of low-loss and loss y dielectric materials is challenging
permittivity material characterization DC to millimeter wave because each frequency band and loss range usually requires a
frequencies. different method. Methods may be grouped into either discrete
Index TermsDielectric, open cavity, open resonator, weveg- frequency or broadband techniques. Each has strengths and
uide, microwave, permittivity. weaknesses.

I. I NTRODUCTION B. The Description of Three Dielectric Measurement Methods

1) The Split-Cylinder Resonator: Dielectric substrates
E VERY material has a unique set of electrical charac-
teristics that are dependent on its dielectric properties.
Accurate measurements of these properties can provide sci-
commonly need to be characterized over microwave to
millimeter-wave frequencies. Resonant methods have the low-
entists and engineers with valuable information to properly est uncertainties, usually less than one percent.
incorporate the material into its intended application for more
solid designs or to monitor a manufacturing process for
improved quality control. A dielectric materials measurement
can provide critical design parameter information for many
electronics applications.

April 11, 2014

Measurement of dielectric properties involves measurements
of the complex relative permittivity (Er) and complex relative
permeability (Ur) of the materials. A complex dielectric per-
mittivity consists of a real part and an imaginary part. The
real part of the complex permittivity, also known as dielectric
constant is a measure of the amount of energy from an external
electrical field stored in the material. The imaginary part is
zero for lossless materials and is also known as loss factor. It
is a measure of the amount of energy loss from the material
due to an external electric field. The term tan d is called loss
tangent and it represents the ratio of the imaginary part to the
real part of the complex permittivity. The loss tangent is also Fig. 1. A Split-Cylinder Resonator
called by terms such as tangent loss, dissipation factor or loss
factor. The procedure for a resonant system measurement such as a
measurement made with a split-cylinder resonator is: Measure
empty cavity resonance frequency and Q Determine the best
A. Measurement Parameters estimate for the specimen thickness across substrate Insert the
Dielectric properties depend on frequency, temperature, material and measure the loaded resonance frequency and Q
surface roughness, and in the case of ferroelectrics, applied Re-insert the material and measure again at various sample
bias field. Field orientation is important for measurements rotations Run software developed from theoretical model to
of anisotropic materials. Measurement instruments in which compute permittivity from Q and f0
the electromagnetic fields are tangential to the air-material
interfaces, such as in TE01 cavities, generally yield more C. Multiple Transmission Lines
accurate results than fixtures where the fields are normal to
the interface. Unfortunately, for many applications it is not The material permittivity of circuit-board substrates, poly-
crystalline, single crystal substrates, and thin films can be
measured through the application of the Multiline Method.

easily done by using the near field, because the resolution can
be much smaller than /2. A near-field probe can be used to
scan thin films or measure submicron materials. The technical
challenge for using

Fig. 2. A Printed Circuit Board Microstrip Multiline Test Structures

Fig. 4. Near-field Microwave Scanning Probe

this method is the development of a theoretical and numer-

ical model that relates shifts in the systems cavity resonator
to the material under test. The procedure is summarized as:
Measure resonance frequency and Q without specimen. Lower
probe close to specimen and measure the loaded resonance
Fig. 3. Broadband permittivity Er for circuit materials acquired using the
multiple transmission line method.
and QL . Run software developed from theoretical model to
compute permittivity from Q and f0.

Here, electrical transmission lines are patterned in metal layers III. C ONCLUSION
that are on one or both sides of a substrate or in a stack The measurement of dielectric materials have increased
of multiple layers of dielectric materials (Fig. 2). Coplanar as electrical components have been miniaturized device fre-
waveguide (CPW), microstrip, and stripline structures are quency bands have increased.
used. Good measurement in fine materials are needed for design
The method follows these general steps: Fabricate test decreasing interference and characterization of the speed of
structures with transmission lines that differ only in length Use propagation of the signal circuits.
a probe station or precision connectors and connect the lines to The development of more accurate methods for each ap-
a VNA Measure all four S-parameters for each line Compute plication requires exact accessory selection according to the
the propagation factor by use of the (VNA). Model conductor geometry of the field, accurate field models , and accurate
R and L behavior by use of a low frequency impedance measuring device
analyzer to guide the model values. Estimate C and G by
de-embedding R and L from the propagation factor. Compute
the permittivity using a field model and the C and G values
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smaller than /2. A near-field probe can be used to scan
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approaches a material, it shifts the cavity resonance. Near-field
Microwave Probe In order to measure the local properties of
thin materials, it is necessary to focus the fields. This is most

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