Impedance and Nonlinear Dielectric Testing at High AC Voltages Using Waveforms

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4, AUGUST 2005

Impedance and Nonlinear Dielectric Testing at High

AC Voltages Using Waveforms
Jan Obrzut, Member, IEEE, and Kenji Kano

Abstract—This paper presents the application of a waveform high dielectric constant is rather low, conventional measure-
technique that can determine the complex impedance and non- ment procedures are inadequate and may lead to ambiguous
linear response of dielectric composite films at high ac voltages results.
using a data acquisition (DAQ) card and virtual instrumentation.
The voltage waveforms are Fourier transformed from the time The conventional testing techniques use either dc or ac cur-
domain to the frequency domain to obtain the fundamental and rent [2]. However, ac testing voltage is preferred, especially for
higher order harmonic responses as complex phasor quantities. asymmetric metal-insulator configurations that may have rec-
The specimen impedance is determined by performing complex al- tifying characteristics and for high- composite materials that
gebraic calculations. It was found that the conventional fiber-glass exhibit dielectric saturation and/or polarization reversal. Under
reinforced epoxy resin laminates exhibit a flat impedance char-
acteristic, nearly independent of voltage, up to near breakdown ac high field, the dielectric response can be nonlinear.
conditions. At near breakdown conditions, the second-harmonic Monitoring and analysis of both the incident voltage and
response starts to decrease, indicating a dielectric softening of the resulting current waveforms is a more useful mean for
the material. At higher voltages, nonlinear dielectric behavior proper evaluation of the dielectric responsiveness. Venkatesh
is dominated by the third-harmonic response. In contrast, the and Naidu used a capacitance divider and a digital storage
impedance of dielectric hybrid materials made of organic resins
and high-dielectric constant ceramics decreases continuously with oscilloscope to capture waveforms [3]. Tanaka et al. developed
increasing voltage. The drop in impedance is accompanied by a a system that monitors the dissipation current waveforms for
reversible transformation from a dielectric to resistive character. a capacitive load using a capacitance bridge and a digital os-
The field-induced nonlinear dielectric effects are mainly due to cilloscope [4], [5]. The measurement of nonlinear dielectricity
polarization reversal of the high- filler, which is manifested by a in ferroelectric polymers using computerized DAQ and digital
large third-harmonic response. The near breakdown conditions
in such materials can be inferred from the second-harmonic Fourier transform techniques was described by Furukawa et al.
response, which diminishes when the ac electric field erases the [6]. To date, no published successful attempt has been made
residual static polarization. The presented testing procedure to measure complex impedance, the phase component of the
represents a compatible extension of the existing standard test dissipation current as a function of a high ac voltage.
methods for dielectric breakdown but is better suited for testing This paper describes a measurement technique for recording
thin-film materials with a high-dielectric constant. The results
demonstrate that the voltage withstanding condition can be and analyzing the incident voltage and the resulting dissipation
inferred from the impedance characteristic and the nonlinear current waveforms at fundamental frequency and higher order
dielectric response without ambiguity. harmonics using a multichannel DAQ card.1 This technique is
Index Terms—AC harmonics, complex impedance, dielectric applied to determine the complex impedance and nonlinear di-
breakdown voltage, dielectric hybrid materials, nonlinear dielec- electric response at high ac voltages. The effect of high voltage
tric response, waveform measurements. on the electrical performance of materials and nonlinear dielec-
tric response is demonstrated for conventional glass-fiber epoxy
resin laminates and for novel composites with enhanced dielec-
tric properties.

T HIN dielectric composite films with enhanced electrical

and mechanical properties are used in electronics as
building blocks of functional circuits and as the insulation

materials for power distribution. The electrical performance of The availability of computerized DAQ systems makes it con-
these materials can be evaluated by measuring the dissipation venient to record a digitized spectrum of the entire voltage wave
current, breakdown voltage, and/or dielectric loss tangent. The as a function of time. In contrast to the conventional proce-
conventional standard testing procedures that are currently in dures that utilize engineering notation, recording the voltage
use have been developed for thick high-impedance dielectrics waves and transforming the data from the time domain to the fre-
[1] and measure performance in terms of breakdown voltage. quency domain enables the determination of phase between the
Since the impedance of thin dielectric films and those with a voltage and the current waves and, consequently, the complex
impedance . Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the measure-
ment system. An IEEE 488.2 bus is connected to a computer

Manuscript received June 15, 2004; revised May 4, 2005. 1Certain equipment, instruments, or materials are identified in this paper in
The authors are with the Polymers Division, National Institute of Standards order to adequately specify the experimental details. Such identification does not
and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA. imply recommendation by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2005.851414 nor does it imply the materials are necessarily the best available for the purpose.

U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright.

Authorized licensed use limited to: NIST Research Library. Downloaded on August 25, 2009 at 15:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

time , can be expressed as a sum of the phasor

components and :


Using the discrete Fourier transform technique (DFT) [6], [8],

the wave can be transferred from the time domain to the fre-
Fig. 1. Measurement diagram. quency domain by calculating and from (2) and (3):

to control the instruments using standard command for pro- (2)

grammable instruments language. An IEEE 488.2-controlled
function generator (Agilent 33 250A) is used to source a sinu-
soidal voltage wave at a frequency . The source voltage wave (3)
is amplified by an operational voltage amplifier (Trek Model
610C), and a high ac voltage is applied to the specimen. The
specimen current is monitored using a standard reference re- where represents the normalization factor.
sistor as shown in Fig. 1. Separate channels of the DAQ The phasor amplitude and its initial phase angle in
card record the waveform of the monitoring signal (which is the frequency-domain representation of the waveform can be
proportional by a gain factor to the output voltage from the calculated from (4) and (5), respectively, as follows:
voltage amplifier), and the voltage wave at the reference resistor
(which is proportional to the specimen current). We used (4)
a two-channel 12-b analog–digital (A/D) converter (NI-6111)
clocked at a frequency of 20 MHz, which has the capability (5)
of simultaneously sampling both channels at frequencies of up
to 100 kHz. The sampling was assumed coherent, i.e., con-
The applied voltage can be expressed in exponential notation
taining an integer number of the sine-wave periods and an in-
teger number of the data points. In our experiments,
1000 and 50 Hz 0.001 Hz. The discrete quantization
time and amplitude errors [7], [9] were assumed to be within
the manufacturer’s specification for the NI-6111.
where the initial phase is given by (5).
The experimental uncertainty depends primarily on the
Similarly, the voltage can be determined using expres-
tolerance of the reference resistor and its phase characteristic.
sions (2)–(5) and represented in exponential notation
The combined relative uncertainty was 0.5% for the measured
voltage wave amplitude and 1.5% for the phase.
where is a phase shift between and . The complex
In the time domain, the voltage and the current alter- impedance of the specimen can be obtained from
nating at frequency are periodic functions of time that
can be expressed as waveforms and
, where is the voltage amplitude, (9)
is the current amplitude, , and is the phase
angle between the voltage and the resulting current flowing
One can perform further analysis of the material’s linear and
through a reference resistor . In engineering notation, the
nonlinear dielectric properties, such as the dielectric loss tan-
root-mean-square (rms) or effective voltage and current are
gent and the higher order harmonic component of the current
defined as and , respectively.
response wave as a function of the specimen voltage
However, in the case of complex loads such as capacitance
. The amplitude of the th-order harmonic response
or inductance , there will be a phase shift between
can be calculated from
and . In general, the alternating voltage and the current can
be expressed as phasor transforms from the time domain to
the frequency domain representing complex quantities, each
having an amplitude and phase. The quotient of the voltage
phasor and the current phasor represents the complex
circuit impedance . A waveform digitized to points, where (10)
represents an individual voltage data point recorded at the

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Fig. 2. Voltage waveforms for FR-4 specimens: (a) 0v (t) and (b) 0v (t) .
Fig. 3. (a) Impedance magnitude and (b) phase angle for FR-4 specimens.

where represents an individual data point of the spec-

imen current, , recorded at the time and
( ), is the harmonic order [9].
The DFT, and all the complex algebra calculations can readily
be accomplished within a framework of integrated virtual instru-
mentation software.


In order to verify the proposed procedure experimentally,
we implemented the experimental setup shown in Fig. 1 and
performed impedance measurements on several fiber-glass
reinforced epoxy resin laminates and on newly developed
hybrid materials with enhanced dielectric properties. Here,
we present results obtained for a 50- m-thick FR-4 epoxy
resin laminate and for a 40- m-thick dielectric composite
Fig. 4. Voltage waveforms for high-dielectric constant composites (k = 12):
made of an organic resin filled with ferroelectric ceramic 0 0
(a) v (t), (b) v (t), (c) first fundamental, and (d) third harmonic. The
submicrometer-size particles. Both materials are representative amplitude of the second harmonic is much smaller than the amplitude of the
of high-capacitance layers that are being used in advanced third harmonic and cannot be seen in the plot.
electronic circuits for power–ground decoupling. The test
pattern was made in accordance to the American Society for waveform can be represented as a superposition of the
Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard [1], with a diameter fundamental [Fig. 4(c)] and higher order harmonics, where the
of the top electrode of 14.1 mm. Fig. 2 shows an example of third-order harmonic wave [Fig. 4(d)] is the main nonlinear
typical waveforms obtained for the FR-4 samples at 50 Hz. The component in the total response. In comparison to FR-4, the
response waveform is a corresponding sinusoid of the impedance of the high- specimens decreases considerably
specimen voltage . Since the time lag between with increasing voltage, which leads to an increased specimen
and is about 5 ms, the phase shift is current. The impedance and phase plots obtained for high–
about 90 , indicating that the FR-4 sample has a capacitive materials as a function of the specimen voltage are shown in
character. The impedance and phase plots as a function of the Fig. 5. The drop in impedance is accompanied by a significant
specimen voltage are shown in Fig. 3. The impedance magni- change in phase. Under the applied electric field, the material
tude remains at a level of about 22.3 M up to 1.7 kV. Above undergoes an apparent transformation from dielectric to re-
1.7 kV, the impedance starts to decrease, which is accompanied sistive. A comparison of the specimen-equivalent impedance
by an increase of the phase factor. Such a change of phase indicates that the linear voltage range is much narrower for
indicates that above 1.7 kV, the leakage current increases, and the high- organic composites than that for the conventional
the character of the specimen changes from dielectric to more dielectrics, suggesting that these materials would withstand
resistive. The voltage withstanding condition may be attributed only a small fraction of the conventionally measured dielectric
simply to a voltage range, where the impedance characteristic withstanding voltage. At a sufficiently high power level, such
remains insignificantly affected by the applied voltage i.e., the behavior may lead to thermal run-away due to an excess of
specimen current is a linear function of the specimen voltage. dissipated current. This mechanism is fundamentally different
Fig. 4 shows voltage waveforms that are representative than the dielectric breakdown that occurs in typical dielectric
for the high- composite films. A distortion in the response materials, where the dielectric failure is due primarily to voltage
waveform indicates nonlinear dielectric effects. The excited avalanche ionization.

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harmonic are plotted as a function of the specimen

voltage. Since the fundamental is linearly dependent on
voltage, the slope of the plot is proportional to the
relative magnitude of the second-order dielectric susceptibility,
while the slope of the plot reflects the relative mag-
nitude of the third-order susceptibility [6]. In the case of FR-4
specimens, the normalized second-harmonic current
increases linearly with the specimen voltage, reaching a max-
imum at about 1.6 kV [Fig. 6(a)]. This second-order nonlinear
dielectric susceptibility, which originates from a residual static
polarization, disappears above 1.7 kV. Thus, the voltage range
where decreases can be attributed to a voltage-driven
molecular rearrangement process where the material ap-
proaches near-dielectric-breakdown conditions. In comparison,
the plot [Fig. 6(b)] changes slope at about 1.7 kV,
Fig. 5. (a) Impedance magnitude and (b) phase angle of high-dielectric
constant composites (k = 12). again indicating a voltage-induced molecular mobility, which
results in an increased third-order dielectric susceptibility
above 1.7 kV. Fig. 7 shows the corresponding amplitude of the
second-harmonic and the third-harmonic currents obtained for
the high- dielectric material. As shown, the third-order sus-
ceptibility dominates the overall nonlinear dielectric response
at all voltages. Such behavior can be attributed to the polariza-
tion reversal in a ferroelectric ceramics component dispersed
in the organic phase. Polarization reversal in ferroelectric
materials usually generates odd-order harmonics, where the
magnitude of the third harmonic is typically the largest. The
change in slope of the plot [Fig. 7(b)] at about 700
V indicates a change in the dielectric polarization mechanism
of the ceramic filler rather than a dielectric softening of the
organic phase. Initially large, the third-order susceptibility
tensor decreases above 700 V, due to ferroelectric saturation
in the ceramic filler. Consequently, the overall character of the
Fig. 6. Normalized amplitude of the (a) second-harmonic and
(b) third-harmonic current response for the FR-4 material as a function of the
third-harmonic response is fundamentally different than that
specimen voltage. shown in Fig. 6(b) for FR-4 specimens. Both the impedance
characteristic [Fig. 5] and the third-order nonlinear dielectric
response [Fig. 7(b)] reflect primarily the dielectric properties of
the ceramics rather than organic phase. However, in the back-
ground of the third-harmonic response, the second harmonic is
present [Fig. 7(a)]. The normalized second-harmonic current
decreases somewhat with the increasing specimen
voltage up to about 1.2 kV. The drops rapidly above
1.2 kV, which can be interpreted as near-dielectric-breakdown
conditions. Therefore, the dielectric-breakdown conditions are
initiated at about 1.2 kV for this material.
It should be noted that the presented procedure of recording
and analyzing waveforms allows the evaluation of specific char-
acteristics of materials that cannot be readily evaluated using
conventional techniques. This measurement procedure is espe-
cially suitable for detecting and analyzing nonlinear dielectric
effects that can result from polarization reversal, rectifying bar-
Fig. 7. Normalized amplitude of the (a) second-harmonic and
(b) third-harmonic current response for the high-dielectric constant composite
riers, and material degradation near-dielectric-breakdown con-
as a function of the specimen voltage. ditions. Such effects may appear at relatively low voltages in
nano-sized interfaces, composites, and submicrometer thin di-
To analyze the nonlinear dielectric effects in more detail, we electric films that are of interest to new technologies. The pre-
calculated the relative amplitude of the higher order harmonic sented results demonstrate that the dielectric-breakdown con-
currents , using (10). Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate these results ditions can be inferred from the impedance characteristic and
for both types of materials, where the relative amplitude of nonlinear dielectric response without ambiguity. In industrial
the second harmonic and the square root of the third practice, ac high voltage testing is performed at either 50 or

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60 Hz. Certain applications, such as switching power suppliers, REFERENCES

may require testing at higher frequencies. At higher frequen- [1] Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials
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[2] R. Reid, “High voltage VLF test equipment with sinusoidal waveform,”
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In general, the presented theoretical analysis is based on the as- [4] A. Tanaka, K. Tohyama, T. Tokoro, M. Kosaki, and M. Nagao, “High
sumption of quasi-static conditions, where the circuit consists field dissipation current waveform of polyethylene film obtained by new
method,” in IEEE Annu. Rep. Conf. Electrical Insulation Dielectric Phe-
only of lumped elements. Therefore, (9) is not valid at higher nomena, Oct. 20–24, 2002, pp. 610–613.
frequencies where the propagation effects may not be neglected, [5] A. Tanaka, K. Tohyama, M. Nagao, T. Tokoro, and M. Kosaki, “Im-
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i.e., the length of the propagating wave is comparable with the tion system,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM
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[6] T. Furukawa, K. Nakajima, T. Koizumi, and M. Date, “Measurement
of nonlinear dielectricity in ferroelectric polymers,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,
V. CONCLUSION vol. 26, pp. 1039–1045, 1987.
[7] IEEE Standard for Terminology and Test Methods for Analog-to-Digital
We demonstrated a waveform technique to measure complex Converters, IEEE Standard 1241-2000, 2000.
impedance of dielectric films at high ac voltages by recording [8] Theory of Discrete and Continuous Fourier Analysis, H. J. Weaver, Ed.,
Wiley, New York, 1989, p. 237.
and analyzing the incident voltage and the resulting dissipation [9] K. Hejn and S. Pacut, “Effective resolution of analog to digital con-
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instrumentation. This procedure is capable of resolving the
phase component between the specimen voltage and the spec-
imen current and is thus suitable for determining the specimen Jan Obrzut (M’00) received the Ph.D. degree in technical sciences from the
Institute of Physics, Cracov Polytechnic, Poland, in 1981.
complex impedance. It can also be utilized to analyze the After a postdoctoral appointment at the Polymer Science Department, Univer-
nonlinear dielectric response of materials and to determine sity of Massachusetts, Amherst, he was a Researcher at the Five College Radio
the mechanism of their dielectric breakdown. Conventional Astronomy Department, University of Massachusetts, working on microwave
dielectric waveguides. In 1988, he joined IBM as Advisory Engineer, where
dielectrics, such as FR-4, exhibit a flat impedance characteristic he conducted exploratory work on the application of polymer dielectrics in mi-
nearly independent of voltage up to the materials’ breakdown croelectronics. Since 1997, he has been with the Polymers Division of the Na-
conditions. In contrast, the impedance of dielectric hybrid tional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gathersburg, MD, where
he pursues research in metrology of dielectric films and hybrid materials for mi-
materials made of organic resins and high-dielectric constant crowave and electronic applications. His research interests include embedded
ceramics decreases considerably with increasing voltage, passive devices and organic electronic materials.
making it difficult to determine the dielectric withstanding
voltage. The results demonstrate, however, that the voltage
withstanding condition can be inferred from the second-order Kenji Kano received the Ph.D. degree in polymer chemistry from the Depart-
ment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo,
and third-order susceptibility characteristics. The presented Japan, in 2002.
testing procedure represents a compatible extension of the Since 2002, he has been a Guest Researcher at the Polymers Division, Na-
existing standard test methods for evaluating dielectric break- tional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. His
current research interests include ion-conducting mechanisms in polymers, the
down but is better suited for low-impedance thin-film materials ferroelectric switching process, broadband permittivity, and electrical proper-
and materials with a high-dielectric constant. ties of organic electronic materials.

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