L3 - Ey

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Lesson 3 - ey bait

To produce the /ey/ sound, the tongue is bunched forward and high. The tip of the
tongue is above and slightly behind the lower front teeth. Lips and teeth are wide apart as
in smile before it begins to close a little as the air stream moves through the mouth. At the
same time, the tongue moves forward and lower in the mouth.
The vowel sound is diphthong which means it has two vowel sounds but is
pronounced as one syllable. The first vowel sound is more stressed than the second
vowel. The sounds begin with /e/ gliding to /I/. the sound is more extended in the final
position as in tray. It is shorter before a voiceless consonant as in waif.


1. ay as in pay, day, bay

2. ey as in they, prey, obey
3. ei as in eight, sleight, weight
4. ea as in steak, break, great
5. a as in age, able, ape
6. ai as in pail, tail, nail


1. plague 13. cradle

2. stamen 14. beige
3. freight 15. reign
4. rampage 16. radar
5. great 17. waif
6. shake 18. faint
7. Asia 19. maid
8. whale 20. stay
9. strange 21. papacy
10. vacate 22. weigh
11. saut 23. paisley
12. neighbor 24. frail


1. a tray on the table 6. tornado in April

2. break the plates 7. a gracious alien
3. my favorite apron 8. daily mail
4. a beige negligee 9. the reign of the atheist
5. planes and trains 10.make the same mistake

1. The amiable lady paid my Mother a long awaited visit.

2. Shane ate a plate of baked macaroni and slice of raisin cake.
3. Clothes with shades of gray and beige suit the lady very well.
4. The speeding train hit the main gate of the Bayview Building.
5. Please dont waste your clay and crayons.


1. Stone walls do not a prison make.

Nor iron bar a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage.
-Richard Lovelace, To Althea From Prison

2. Hear the robin from the rain

Not a note doest he complain
But he fills the storms refrain
With music of his own.
-Charles Coke Woode

3. A bald man felt the suns fierce rays

Scorch his defenseless head;
In haste to shun the noontide blaze.
Beneath a palm he fled;
Prone as he lay a heavy fruit
Crash through his drowsy brain;
Whom fate was sworn to persecute
Finds every refuge vain.
-C. H. Tawny

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