SD SM SDB SDE Brochure Dessicant Dryers

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The key takeaways are that moisture in compressed air systems can cause corrosion, damage to equipment, and increased maintenance costs. Sullair desiccant dryers address this issue by using a bed of desiccant to adsorb water from the compressed air, providing clean and dry air downstream.

The main issues caused by moisture in compressed air systems are corrosion of piping and equipment, formation of acidic sludge that abrades components, and bacterial growth. Moisture can also lead to freezing in outdoor lines.

Sullair desiccant dryers use a bed of activated alumina desiccant that adsorbs water from the compressed air as it passes through. One bed dries the air while the other is regenerated. This allows for continuous drying with no interruptions or spikes in dew point temperature.

Sullair Regenerative

Desiccant Dryers
3 to 12,000 SCFM

SD Dryer
100-3400 scfm

SM Dryer
3-1650 scfm

SDB Dryer
1200-12000 scfm

SDE Dryer
400-3500 scfm

60 HZ Models

Solving the Problems of

Moisture Contamination
The importance of clean, dry
compressed air.
problem Water jeopardizes everything you want your
compressed air system to do. It ruins product and
fouls processes. Heres how:
In addition to water, compressed air can also contain dirt, wear particles,
bacteria and lubricating fluid.

Water mixes with these This sludge, often acidic, Sludge corrodes piping
pollutants to form an rapidly wears tools and and can foul product and
unwanted abrasive sludge. pneumatic equipment. air-operated devices.

Sludge blocks valves and orifices, causing high maintenance and costly air leaks.

How much water is too much?

Any amount of water is too much.

Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in air relative to what it could
hold at a given temperature.
Moisture in compressed air remains in a vapor state through the compression
cycle, so it is not a problem until it leaves the compressor.
Air discharged from a compressor is approximately 150F to 450F.
At 75F and 75% relative humidity, a 75 HP compressor takes in 46 gallons of
water vapor in 24 hours. When this air is cooled to approximately 35F at 100
psig, the water vapor condenses into 46 gallons of liquid!

Clean, dry compressed air is essential
to your production or process.
solution Sullair Desiccant Dryers provide clean, dry air by
removing the water. The result: corrosion and
damage are eliminated. Production
Productivity improves and maintenance costs are reduced.
The service life of air tools, motors and cylinders is extended.
The life of your entire compressed air system is prolonged.
Eliminates freezing in outdoor compressed air lines.
Eliminates corrosion in compressed air lines. Maintenance
Reduction or even elimination of bacterial growth.

The benefits of Sullair Regenerative Desiccant Dryers:

Clean, dry compressed air
Sullair desiccant air dryers use a bed of high quality activated alumina desiccant to
adsorb water from compressed air providing a continuous dewpoint as low as -
40F (standard) or -100F (optional). While one tower is drying the air the other is
being regenerated. The dryer operates continually and automatically with no
interruption of flow and no dewpoint spikes.

Reliable operation.
Conservative design limits, high quality valves, fail safe controls and attention to
detail assure long, trouble-free service life.

Sullair Series SD-100 to SD-3
Sullair Heatless Regenerative Dryer
100 to 3400 scfm up to 140 psig*
Dry air to -40F pressure dew point

Standard features Designed for Sub-freezing

ASME coded pressure vessels and These regenerative dryers are ideal for
installations with outdoor compressed air
piping. piping, and for processes that require an
Durable, low maintenance valves. extremely low dew point to -40F as
standard or optional -100F .
NEMA 4, CSA approved electrical
Tower and purge pressure gauges.
Efficient, abrasion resistant
activated alumina desiccant.
Moisture indicator or optional
digital dewpoint readout.
Depressurization mufflers for noise
Fail safe PLC controls.
No interruption of flow.
No dewpoint spikes.
* For higher pressures, contact Sullair or
your Sullair Distributor.

Sullair SD dryers use activated Easy Installation High strength nylon control lines
alumina desiccant to adsorb water Sullair dryers are prepackaged feed filtered control air to high
vapor from compressed air. By requiring only air inlet/outlet and quality solenoids. (Copper or
combining the proven benefits of single point power connections. Sullair stainless steel optional.)
desiccant drying with the most recommends the use of a Sullair Heavy duty inlet and exhaust valves
advanced designs, Sullair offers an MPH/PH coalescing pre-filter to have stainless steel internals and
extremely compact, reliable system to ensure long desiccant life and MPR/PR Teflon valve seats for reliability and
clean and dry compressed air for the particulate after-filter to catch any long service life.
most critical applications. desiccant dust. Repressurization circuit for smooth
change over and long desiccant life.
Wide Range of Operating
Conditions Options
The Sullair SD dryers can operate with Dewpoint Dependent Switching
inlet temperatures from 80F to 120F, (DDS). If the hygrometer senses
inlet pressures from 80 to 140 psig and that there is moisture-adsorption
flows from 100 to 3400 scfm. They capacity available in the on-line
can be sized to provide either a -40F desiccant bed before the tower
or -100F outlet pressure dewpoint. reaches the end of its cycle, a signal
is sent to the controller to delay the
Market Leading Design changeover and utilize the spare
Towers are built in accordance with desiccant capacity. Dryers with
ASME Section VIII Div 1. DDS can achieve energy savings
Desiccant is a high quality activated from 30% to as much as 80%.
alumina with high adsorption and Mounted filters with bypass
abrasion resistance. arrangements.
Towers and piping are shot blasted -100F dewpoint.
and then protected with an anti-
corrosive acrylic polyurethane.
Depressurization mufflers offer
reduced noise levels

Sullair Series SM-3 to SM-16
Sullair Heatless Regenerative Dryer
3 to 1650 scfm up to 232 psig
Dry air to -40F pressure dew point

Standard features
Small footprint, lightweight,
advanced design.
High tensile extruded aluminum
Alocrom and dry epoxy powder
corrosion protection.
Snowstorm desiccant filling provides
greater efficiency and less attrition.
Modular design allows flexibility to
meet any flow requirements.
Efficient abrasion-resistant activated
alumina desiccant.
Depressurization mufflers mounted in
an acoustic shroud for optimum noise
Fail safe electronic solid state timer
controls (SM-24 through SM-1650).
No interruption of flow.
No dewpoint spikes.

The SM modular desiccant air dryers Wide Range of Operating Modular Capabilities
combine proven traditional twin-tower Conditions Buy only what you need, pay only
dryer principles with the latest The Sullair SM dryers can operate for what you use... bank multiple
technology to provide unsurpassed with inlet temperatures from 41F to dryers for greatest flexibility.
efficiency, flexibility and reliability for 122F, inlet pressures from 58 to 232 100% standby with just one
critical dry air applications. psig (may be lower on some models) additional bank.
and can be banked to meet any flow. Isolate individual units for service
Easy to Install They can be sized to provide either a or maintenance while maintaining a
Sullair SM dryers are less than half the -40 or -100F outlet pressure continuous supply of dry air.
weight and size of a traditional twin dewpoint. Add additional banks (dryers) when
tower package allowing even the needed to meet future air
largest models to be moved through a Market Leading Design requirements.
standard doorway. They are High tensile extruded aluminum Turn banks on and off to meet
prepackaged requiring only air towers, alocrom treated and changing air flow requirements.
inlet/outlet and single point power externally coated in a dry epoxy Maximum parts commonality.
connections. Sullair recommends the powder for optimum corrosion
use of a Sullair MPH/PH coalescing protection. Options
pre-filter to ensure long desiccant life Snowstorm filled activated alumina Dewpoint Dependent Switching
and MPR/PR particulate after-filter to desiccant for the highest possible (DDS). If the hygrometer senses
catch any desiccant dust. efficiency and reduced channeling. that there is moisture-adsorption
Dual depressurization mufflers capacity available in the on-line
mounted in an acoustic shrouding desiccant bed before the tower
offer the lowest noise levels. reaches the end of its cycle, a signal
Electronic solid state timers with is sent to the controller to delay the
LED power and fault indication changeover and utilize the spare
(SM-24 through SM-1650). desiccant capacity. Dryers with
Modular aluminum extruded valves DDS can achieve energy savings
with stainless steel stems and from 30% to as much as 80%.
polystone valve seats (SM-106 -100F dewpoint.
through SM-1650).
Optimum parts commonality
through modular design.

Sullair Series SDB and SDE
Sullair Externally Heated and Externally Heated
Blower Purge Regenerative Dryers
400 to 12,000 scfm at up to 140 psig*
Dry air to -40F pressure dewpoint
Standard features
Temperature dependent heating
and cooling cycles for optimum
energy savings and reliability.
Fail safe, fully automatic
interlocked PLC controls.
Nema 4, CSA approved high and
low voltage electrical panels.
Digital text display with numerous
alarms and indicators.
High quality solenoid valves and
control tubing.
Efficient, abrasion-resistant
activated alumina desiccant.
Moisture indicator or optional
digital dewpoint readout.
Depressurization mufflers for noise
No interruption of flow.
Cooling cycle to eliminate
dewpoint spikes.
* For higher pressures, contact Sullair or
your Sullair Distributor.
Clean Dry Compressed Air Reliable Operation Low watt density incoloy sheath
Sullair SDE Externally Heat Reactivated Conservative design limits, high quality heater elements for long element life.
desiccant air dryers use a bed of high valves, fail safe PLC controls and Low noise, reliable centrifugal blower
quality activated alumina desiccant to attention to detail assure a long trouble with direct mounted long shaft motor
adsorb water from compressed air free service life. and intake filter (SDB only).
providing continuous dewpoints as low Desiccant is a high quality activated
as -40F (standard) or -100F (optional). Designed for Critical Dewpoint alumina with high adsorption and
While one tower is drying the air the Applications abrasion resistance.
other is being regenerated using heated Sullair SDE and SDB heated desiccant Towers and piping are shot blasted
dry air reducing purge requirements to air dryers combine proven dryer sizing and then protected with an anti-
only 7% of the rated flow of the dryer. parameters with high quality components corrosive silicone acrylic.
Sullair SDB Blower Purge desiccant air and technologically advanced controls to Depressurization mufflers offer
dryers use a bed of high quality activated provide reliable dry air for even the most reduced noise levels.
alumina desiccant to adsorb water from critical applications. High strength copper and nylon
compressed air providing continuous control lines feed filtered control air
Easy to Install
dewpoints as low as -40F (standard) or - to high quality solenoids. (All copper
Sullair dryers are prepackaged requiring
65F (optional). While one tower is or stainless steel optional.)
only air inlet/outlet and single point
drying the air the other is being Heavy duty inlet and exhaust valves
power connections. Sullair recommends
regenerated using heated have stainless steel internals and
the use of a Sullair MPH/PH coalescing
ambient air through an Teflon valve seats for reliability and
pre-filter to ensure long desiccant life and
external blower reducing long service life.
MPR/PR particulate after-filter to catch
purge requirements to Cooling and repressurization circuit
any desiccant dust.
only 2-3% (average for smooth change over, long
over time). Wide Range of Operating desiccant life and steady dewpoint.
Conditions Options
The Sullair SDE and SDB dryers can
Dewpoint Dependent Switching
operate with inlet temperatures from (DDS). If the hygrometer senses that
50F to 120F, inlet pressures from 60 to there is moisture-adsorption capacity
140 psig. The SDE dryers can handle available in the on-line desiccant bed
flows from 400 to 3500 scfm and before the tower reaches the end of its
provide a steady outlet dewpoint of - cycle, a signal is sent to the controller
40F (standard) or -100F (optional). The to delay the changeover and utilize
SDB dryers can handle flows from 1200 the spare desiccant capacity. Dryers
to 12,000 scfm and provide a steady with DDS can achieve energy savings
outlet dewpoint of -40F (standard) or - from 30% to as much as 80%.
65F (optional). Mounted filters with bypass
Market Leading Design arrangements.
Towers are built in accordance with -100F dewpoint (SD and SDE only).
ASME Section VIII Div 1.

SD and SM specifications
SD Heatless Regenerative Air Dryers
Model Max Inlet Inlet/Outlet Required Dimensions4 Total Standard
Flow Connection Pre and Height Width Depth3 Weight4 Voltage
SCFM1 After Filter2 (in) (in) (in)
SD-100 100 1" NPT MPH/MPR-170 68 41 26 850 115/1/60
SD-160 160 1" NPT MPH/MPR-170 71 41 26 900 115/1/60
SD-220 220 1 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-300 82 41 22 950 115/1/60
SD-300 300 1 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-300 71 47 28 1185 115/1/60
SD-400 400 1 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-420 83 51 28 1300 115/1/60
SD-500 400 1 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-420 83 51 28 1300 115/1/60
SD-600 400 1 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-420 83 51 28 1300 115/1/60
SD-820 820 3" FLG MPH/MPR-910 106 60 45 2920 115/1/60
SD-1050 1050 3" FLG MPH/MPR-1315 106 60 48 3400 115/1/60
SD-1200 1200 3" FLG MPH/MPR-1315 118 60 56 4150 115/1/60
SD-1450 1450 4" FLG PH/PR-1600 119 64 58 4610 115/1/60
SD-1710 1710 4" FLG PH/PR-2100 119 64 58 5104 115/1/60
SD-2000 2000 4" FLG PH/PR-2100 128 80 45 5600 115/1/60
SD-2350 2350 4" FLG PH/PR-2750 119 80 45 6300 115/1/60
SD-2750 2750 4" FLG PH/PR-2750 130 89 52 7500 115/1/60
SD-3400 3400 6" FLG PH/PR-4200 132 93 58 9300 115/1/60
Maximum rated inlet flow at CAGI conditions of 100 deg. F and 100 psig.
Filters are sold separately unless 3V option is purchased.
Depth does not include mounted mufflers which may project beyond the dryer skid on some models.
Weights and dimensions are approximate and do not include 3V option. Contact Sullair for drawings.

SM Modular Heatless Regenerative Air Dryers

Model Max Inlet Inlet/Outlet Required Dimensions3 Total Standard
Flow Connection Pre and Height Width Depth Weight3 Voltage
SCFM1 After Filter2 (in) (in) (in)
SM-3 3 1/4" NPT MPH/MPR-20 15 7 4 12 115/1/60
SM-6 6 1/4" NPT MPH/MPR-20 19 7 4 15 115/1/60
SM-13 13 1/4" NPT MPH/MPR-20 28 7 4 20 115/1/60
SM-24 24 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-65 33 12 12 70 115/1/60
SM-32 32 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-65 40 12 12 81 115/1/60
SM-42 42 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-65 46 12 12 92 115/1/60
SM-53 53 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-65 53 12 12 103 115/1/60
SM-65 65 1/2" NPT MPH/MPR-65 59 12 12 114 115/1/60
SM-88 88 3/4" NPT MPH/MPR-125 69 12 12 132 115/1/60
SM-106 106 1" NPT MPH/MPR-170 57 9 23 176 115/1/60
SM-129 130 1" NPT MPH/MPR-170 63 9 23 198 115/1/60
SM-175 176 1" NPT MPH/MPR-170 73 9 23 229 115/1/60
SM-160 160 2" NPT MPH/MPR-470 63 10 28 298 115/1/60
SM-240 240 2" NPT MPH/MPR-470 63 10 32 397 115/1/60
SM-320 320 2" NPT MPH/MPR-470 63 10 36 485 115/1/60
SM-400 400 2" NPT MPH/MPR-470 63 10 40 551 115/1/60
SM-480 480 2-1/2"NPT MPH/MPR-850 63 10 45 650 115/1/60
SM-560 560 2-1/2"NPT MPH/MPR-850 63 10 49 761 115/1/60
SM-640 640 2-1/2"NPT MPH/MPR-850 63 10 53 882 115/1/60
SM-800 800 2-1/2"NPT MPH/MPR-850 63 10 62 1146 115/1/60
SM-1100 1104 3" NPT MPH/MPR-1315 71 22 75 1683 115/1/60
SM-1350 1380 4" NPT MPH/MPR-2120 71 22 88 1969 115/1/60
SM-1650 1656 4"NPT MPH/MPR-2120 71 22 101 2255 115/1/60
Maximum rated inlet flow at 95 deg. F and 102 psig.
Filters are sold separately.
Weights and dimensions are approximate. Contact Sullair for drawings.

SDE and SDB specifications
SDB Blower Purge Desiccant Air Dryers
Model Max Inlet Connection Required Dimensions 4 Total Standard Heater Blower
Flow Size Pre- and Height Width Depth Weight Voltage kW HP
(scfm)1 After-Filter2 (in) (in) (in)3 (lbs)4
SDB-1200 1200 3" FLG MPH/MPR 1315 113 102 60 5060 460/3/60 26 7.5
SDB-1600 1600 3" FLG PH/PR 1600 125 102 60 6450 460/3/60 30 7.5
SDB-1900 1900 4" FLG PH/PR 2100 119 120 61 7900 460/3/60 36 10
SDB-2200 2200 4" FLG PH/PR 2100 119 120 61 8940 460/3/60 43 10
SDB-2700 2700 4" FLG PH/PR 2750 130 120 62 10050 460/3/60 51 10
SDB-3700 3700 6" FLG PH/PR 4200 140 131 72 12750 460/3/60 75 15
SDB-4300 4300 6" FLG PH/PR 7000 153 131 72 14700 460/3/60 86 20
SDB-5600 5600 6" FLG PH/PR 7000 154 156 84 19050 460/3/60 120 25
SDB-7000 7000 8" FLG PH/PR 7000 160 188 95 24150 460/3/60 CF CF
SDB-8700 8700 8" FLG PH/PR 11000 168 188 95 29850 460/3/60 CF CF
SDB-10500 10500 CF PH/PR 11000 CF CF CF CF 460/3/60 CF CF
SDB-12000 12000 CF PH/PR 16500 CF CF CF CF 460/3/60 CF CF
Maximum rated inlet flow at CAGI conditions of 100 deg F and 100 psig.
Filters are sold separately unless 3V option is purchased.
Depth does not include mounted mufflers which project beyond the dryer skid in some models.
Weights and dimensions are approximate and do not include 3V option. Contact Sullair for drawings.

SDE Heat Reactivated Desiccant Air Dryers

Model Max Inlet Connection Required Dimensions 4 Total Standard Heater
Flow Size Pre- and Height Width Depth Weight Voltages kW
SCFM1 After-Filter2 (in) (in) (in)3 (lbs)4
SDE-400 400 2" NPT MPH/MPR 470 88 62 34 2244 230/3/60 6
SDE-500 500 2" NPT MPH/MPR 700 88 62 34 2500 230/3/60 6
SDE-650 650 2" NPT MPH/MPR 700 100 62 34 2862 230/3/60 8
SDE-820 820 3" FLG MPH/MPR 910 100 62 48 3728 460/3/60 12
SDE-1000 1000 3" FLG MPH/MPR 1315 112 62 48 4137 460/3/60 17
SDE-1225 1225 3" FLG MPH/MPR 1315 124 62 48 4558 460/3/60 21
SDE-1500 1500 3" FLG PH/PR 1600 113 71 51 5150 460/3/60 25
SDE-1800 1800 4" FLG PH/PR 2100 127 71 51 6520 460/3/60 28
SDE-2100 2100 4" FLG PH/PR 2100 128 71 51 8442 460/3/60 30
SDE-2500 2500 4" FLG PH/PR 2750 119 84 50 11078 460/3/60 36
SDE-3500 3500 6" FLG PH/PR 4200 139 81 62 16178 460/3/60 50
Maximum rated inlet flow at CAGI conditions of 100 deg F and 100 psig.
Filters are sold separately unless 3V option is purchased.
Depth does not include mounted mufflers which project beyond the dryer skid in some models.
Weights and dimensions are approximate and do not include 3V option. Contact Sullair for drawings.

Sullair is committed to a program of continuous improvement. Features and specifications may change without notice. Consult your Sullair representative or authorized Sullair distributor.

Sullair air quality guarantee
an air quality guarantee thats as good as gold.

Sullair assures that its Systemcompressor, dryer and filterwill meet

specific performance levels throughout its operational life. We offer a
one-year test/review period, backed by a purchase refund guarantee, to
verify the performance of the Sullair System.
The Sullair System. The Sullair System matches a Sullair compressor, a
Sullair dryer and Sullair filters. Dry air is filtered to remove atmospheric
particulate, aerosols and other pollutants to provide compressed air for general
purposes to the most critical application.

Two levels of air quality. Sullair recognizes that the requirements for
air quality vary according to each compressed air application. For this reason,
we provide Systems that achieve two distinct levels of air quality.
Level 1 consists of a Sullair compressor, Sullair dryer and Sullair MPF
and MPH or PF/PH filters. The compressed air from this System contains
particulates no larger than .01 micron, including coalesced liquid water
and lubricants. Maximum remaining oil aerosol content is 0.01 parts per
million by weight (ppm/w) @ 70F, including oil vapor. The air from this
Sullair System meets the most stringent ISO standard
(ISO 8573.1, Class 1) for air quality.
Level 2 offers the highest quality compressed
air for critical applications. The air from this Sullair DELIV
System exceeds the ISO standard (ISO 8573.1, Class 1) for air quality with the
use of the MPC or PC filter. The System includes a Sullair compressor, Sullair
dryer and Sullair MPF, MPH and MPC or PF, PH and PC filters. The odor-free
compressed air from this system contains particulates no larger than 0.01 micron,
including water and oil aerosol content of 0.01 ppm/w @ 70F. The remaining oil
vapor content is less than 0.003 ppm/w.

Select the System. Select the air quality level to meet your plant air or
process requirements. You can be assured that the quality of air from the Sullair
System you specify will remain consistent for the life of the equipment. Sullair
guarantees it. And thats as good as gold.
These Systems are not intended to remove carbon monoxide, methyl isocyanate or other noxious, corrosive or toxic gases, vapors or fumes. The system does not provide breathing air.
SULLAIR CORPORATION, 3700 E. Michigan Blvd., Michigan City, IN 46360 Telephone: 1-800-367-6737 or 219-879-5451
SIP-14090 Specifications subject to change without notice. Copyright 2003 Sullair Corporation. All rights reserved. EA/10/04/2
Printed on recycled paper
The color green is a registered trademark of Sullair Corporation.

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