9 - Lines Newsletter - July 29 To August 5

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A Weekly publication
Gas Station
of cloud 9 ranch club, inc.
Now available online at our official website Pool Hours
http://www.cloud9ranchclub.com/ Sunday-Thursday
Friday & Saturday 10:30AM-

Big Top Concession Stand

July 29, 10-August 5, Friday & Saturday
10 10:30AM~10:30PM

Adult Pool Hours

Open Facilities & Hours of Monday~Sunday
Operation 10:30AM-12AM

Chapel Youth Center -There will no longer

Sunday Services 10 be access to the Youth Center when
AM unstaffed/closed.
Friday at 10 AM - Moving Forward Sunday -Wednesday
with Prayer. Come and join with fellow 1PM~9PM
owners in prayer and praise. Thursday ~Saturday
Accounting Office Children 5 and under must be
accompanied at all times by an adult or
Monday - Friday 8AM approved sitter by attending staff.
- 4PM
Saturday 8AM- Craft House
12PM Tuesday-Saturday 1PM-
Closed Sundays 4PM
Needed: The Craft House needs
Ranger Station people to come and work from 1:00
Thursday-Monday to 4:00 p.m.
8AM-12AM Come in and check out the Craft House!
Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays We have 5 rooms of merchandise to look
through. All merchandise moves in and
Trading Post out every day.
Sunday-Thursday CDs Needed
8AM -8PM If you have new or used CDs you no longer
want, please drop them off at the Craft
Friday & Saturday House to be made into sun catchers.
8AM -9PM Craft Classes: If there is anyone
who has a craft they would like to
Restaurant teach, please stop in.
The next Craft House
RESTAURANT meeting will be August 9,
2010 at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday 8AM-3PM *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
Pavilion Craft House Cookbook #4 Needs Your
Recipes. Send recipes for next edition
Sunday-Saturday of Craft House Cookbook (#4) to
2:30PM- 10:00PM Barbara Lawson, P.O. Box 235,
Arenzville, IL 62611, Marie Pilkinton
(PM#110), Doris Thomas (LP#75), or 4:00 p.m. on Thursdays, unless otherwise
Gale Dickens (LP#8). stated.
Cookbook #4 is expected to be out
spring of 2011.
*-*-* <><><><><><><><><>
Horseback Riding
5 sticks for $1.00
Available Only at the Gatehouse

Attention Campers Rides will be given every day. There will

be three-one hour rides with limited
If you have an emergency and need
medical assistance, please call 417-284- space. The rides cost $10.00 per person
7321. In case of extreme weather conditions, and you must sign up at the Trading Post
storm shelters are located at at least one hour before your scheduled
Pre-Teen (pets allowed) and Chapel basement. ride. You must wear long pants and
closed-toed shoes or you will not be
allowed to ride.
Horseback Riding Times:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9:30a.m.
~~~ 11:00a.m.

Quote of the <><><><><><><><><>

“Live by the RENTERS

sword die by the

sword.” The Maids would like to remind ALL

~Anonymous members that pets are not allowed in

any Ranch buildings, including stage
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ stops. They are only allowed in 17ft
rental trailers for a pet fee.

Friendly Reminder:

9- Lines Article
Submission Form
______________ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
______________ ATTENTION RENTERS:

All 9 Lines submissions must be legible

and written on the 9 Lines article
submission forms that are located at the
Office and Gatehouse. Articles WILL NOT
be accepted if written on scrap or Linens and dishes are no longer supplied
notebook paper. All submission forms in rental units of any size. Linens and
must be turned in to the Office NO LATER dishes will be available on request. Linens
than WEDNESDAY BY NOON, NO must be returned in good condition and
EXCEPTIONS. A form turned in at 12:01 dishes must be returned clean or a fee will
p.m. or later is considered a late entry and be assessed.
will be published until the following weeks ~Dishes are available upon request for
9 Lines. The 9 Lines will be released by every size trailer except 17 foot trailers.
~If extra linens are needed, they will cost ASSIGNED spaces when complete? You pay an
$5.00 per set. annual fee of $120 and receive a permanent
assigned parking space with your own compound
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& key (no more in/out fees or waiting for a Ranger).
&&&& You may schedule the Ranch to tow your RV, a
preferred tower or tow your own when needed.
Several spaces are already reserved and the
compound is expected to fill up quickly.

Call the Ranch Office Manager or send email to

reservations@cloud9ranchclub.com. Include your
name, membership number and contact
information with your request.
Youth Center News

Gatehouse Announcement
Regarding the Pay to Park
The Youth Center employees are working on
a special project to make the Youth Center a
better prepared storm shelter. They would
appreciate any help or donations of towels, blankets,
bottled water, and/or flash lights. The goal is to
make the visit more comfortable for all members and
guests during severe weather conditions. If you have a site in the new
Thank You, compound and you want your trailer
Mrs. Sally pulled in/out by the Ranch, please
make sure to notify the gate of your
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ site number.
~~~~~~~~~~ ######################

Coffee Club
Kitchen Items Needed

If you would like to donate an item

The Coffee Club is raffling an 8
to the Clubhouse kitchen please
drop it off at the Office or leave it in
piece Rada knife set with a
the Clubhouse kitchen area when butcher block rack.
the Office is closed. You can also Tickets cost $1.00 each or 6 for
draw for items needed for the $5.00
clubhouse kitchen at the Office
window. The Coffee Club is also selling
Also, needed are volunteers to shop Rada knifes and other Rada
and drop for kitchen items. products. Contact Zelda/Bill
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Huster (PM#106) or Pat/Joe
Miller (LP#11) for more
~~~~~~~~~~ information or to place an order.
Thanks for your support!

Scrabble Fun Run

NEW RV The Family “Fun Run” on Saturday,
COMPOUND July 17th was “Fun” and successful.
SPACE STILL There were 33 participants. We are
AVAILABLE planning a “Family Fun Run” for
Don’t delay – reserve your space sometime in August. WATCH FOR
today! DETAILS!!!
Are you interested in storing your RV in a new
compound that will have approximately 164
Thank you to everyone for
supporting Bingo. Proceeds from
Hey Ya Horse Owners Bingo can be used for repairs on the
Clubhouse and so far have bought
10 tables and 8 new chairs for the
Patio Room. So not only can you
enjoy playing Bingo, but you can
Would you be interested in forming also help the Ranch at the same
an equine Cloud 9 Club? I recently time.
became a member of Cloud 9 and a
frequent rider here at the Ranch. COMMITTEES AT WORK
Wrangler Billy has some great ideas
for horse activities in the future. If
you would like to communicate and
possibly plan some trail rides,
please contact me @ Activities Committee meets year-round on
p.k.climer1@juno.com or the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at
10 AM in the Clubhouse Patio Room. For
call 417-207-1533. more information on Activities Committee
Happy Trails events contact Lynn Thomas, Chairperson;
~Patsy Climer Doris Thomas (LP#75), Doris Hutto
(LP#159) & Zelda Huster (PM#106) or any
other committee members.

COME JOIN THE FUN AND BRING School House Committee

A FRIEND TO POKEENO & The School House will be open at least
CARD BINGO! one day a week during the summer.
Usually this will be Saturday or
sometimes Sunday from 2:00 p.m. -
Pokeeno 4:00 p.m. WATCH FOR SIGNS!!!!
Pokeeno will be held every Wednesday If you are willing to help make the
from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the
School House available for visitors
Clubhouse Patio Room.
please contact Barb Lawson or Ed
Horton. You may also leave contact
information with the Accounting Office.
CARD BINGO We’ll appreciate your help in making
Card bingo will be held every Thursday the Valley Star School House available
at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse Patio for interested visitors.
Room. Thank you.
Play 15 fun games at 25 cents per Ed Horton, Secretary.

HELP WANTED- Landscaping

10 Point Pitch Assistance
Every Tuesday @ The School House Committee would
6:30 p.m. Sign up in like to make contact with owners who
the Clubhouse Patio are landscapers for a possible project
Room to come join at the School House. Contact Ed
the togetherness. If you don’t know Horton,
how to play 10 point pitch please
Barb Lawson, or leave contact
come and learn how.
information at the Accounting Office.

Adult Bingo
When: Saturday, July 31st at 6:30
Where: Clubhouse Patio Room
A friendly reminder to those who use If you have purchased a sign we are
the shooting range that Pride-of- planning to have them put up by the End
Ownership extends to the range. It of August. Thank you for your patience
is part of Cloud 9 Ranch so PLEASE and support.
pick up all of your trash and shell
casings. Please pick up more than The Fun-Addicts Committee is sponsoring
you shoot until we get it cleaned up. a fundraiser to begin next year’s activities
Thanks! for our Cloud 9 Kids. You now have a
chance to name a road in all of the Ranch
Campgrounds. Each campground will
have a theme and the road name you
choose must fit the theme. Contact
Cheryll, Fern or Zaylor in the Ranch Office
Wii Bowling Tournament or email to
reservations@cloud9ranchclub.com. You
will be notified if your submission has
been approved and at that time the
payment of $25.00 per entry will be due.
When: Every Friday beginning Your entry is not official until funds are
Friday, July 23rd at 6:30 p.m. received. The following is the theme for
each campground and the number of
Where: Pavilion roads left to name:
Cost: $3.00 per person Hill Country – Mountain Ranges
All ages are welcome to participate. Powder Mill – Indian Chiefs
Money prizes will be paid for high Wilder Springs – Animals (ALL NAMED)
series, high game and lowest game. Lonesome Pines– Birds
Money amount depends on entries. Fogey Hollow –
Melody Lane – 1970’s Songs *
• Ranch established in 1972


If you’re riding down a road and see
Place your aluminum cans in the
designated wire containers that are next
The Fogey Helo Pad Ribbon Cutting
trash Ceremony was held on July 19, 2010
with the Air Evac Helicopter landing
on the pad at approximately 7:45
PM which was described as a
“perfect landing”. Some others
described the event as being so
excited it gave them “cold chills”
and “goose bumps“.
dumpster in all campgrounds!! Thanks!!


Don Scott, President of the Board of

Directors and Chuck Ruckdeschell,
Chairman of the Ranch Riders Club
Update on signs: cut the yellow ribbon marking the
Grand Opening of the Helicopter
Landing Pad.
A big thank you to Ron Roberts, a
Cloud 9 member and sales manager
of Air Evac for getting everything
arranged so the helicopter could do
this practice landing. Thank you to
Eric Brotherton, pilot, (Cloud 9
member) and also thank you to
Steven Huffine, Paramedic and
Felidra Hudspeth, Nurse. A good
turnout of Cloud 9 members also
Many pictures were taken and some
will be posted later on the
ranchriders.org web site. Thanks to
all who made this project complete.

We have a shipment of shirts for the

Labor Day Holiday. There will be a
raffle of the lawn furniture
consisting of a folding table and two
chairs and also the ATV Luggage
Box. The 50/50 raffle will be drawn
when we reach the goal of $1,200
which may be over the Labor Day

We appreciate all of your support

and look forward to seeing everyone
over the holiday. Please take note
of the new stream crossing signs
and please ride responsibly.

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