9 - Lines Newsletter - July 29 To August 5
9 - Lines Newsletter - July 29 To August 5
9 - Lines Newsletter - July 29 To August 5
A Weekly publication
Gas Station
of cloud 9 ranch club, inc.
Now available online at our official website Pool Hours
http://www.cloud9ranchclub.com/ Sunday-Thursday
Friday & Saturday 10:30AM-
“Live by the RENTERS
Friendly Reminder:
9- Lines Article
Submission Form
______________ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
______________ ATTENTION RENTERS:
Gatehouse Announcement
Regarding the Pay to Park
The Youth Center employees are working on
a special project to make the Youth Center a
better prepared storm shelter. They would
appreciate any help or donations of towels, blankets,
bottled water, and/or flash lights. The goal is to
make the visit more comfortable for all members and
guests during severe weather conditions. If you have a site in the new
Thank You, compound and you want your trailer
Mrs. Sally pulled in/out by the Ranch, please
make sure to notify the gate of your
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ site number.
~~~~~~~~~~ ######################
Coffee Club
Kitchen Items Needed
Adult Bingo
When: Saturday, July 31st at 6:30
Where: Clubhouse Patio Room
A friendly reminder to those who use If you have purchased a sign we are
the shooting range that Pride-of- planning to have them put up by the End
Ownership extends to the range. It of August. Thank you for your patience
is part of Cloud 9 Ranch so PLEASE and support.
pick up all of your trash and shell
casings. Please pick up more than The Fun-Addicts Committee is sponsoring
you shoot until we get it cleaned up. a fundraiser to begin next year’s activities
Thanks! for our Cloud 9 Kids. You now have a
chance to name a road in all of the Ranch
Campgrounds. Each campground will
have a theme and the road name you
choose must fit the theme. Contact
Cheryll, Fern or Zaylor in the Ranch Office
Wii Bowling Tournament or email to
reservations@cloud9ranchclub.com. You
will be notified if your submission has
been approved and at that time the
payment of $25.00 per entry will be due.
When: Every Friday beginning Your entry is not official until funds are
Friday, July 23rd at 6:30 p.m. received. The following is the theme for
each campground and the number of
Where: Pavilion roads left to name:
Cost: $3.00 per person Hill Country – Mountain Ranges
All ages are welcome to participate. Powder Mill – Indian Chiefs
Money prizes will be paid for high Wilder Springs – Animals (ALL NAMED)
series, high game and lowest game. Lonesome Pines– Birds
Money amount depends on entries. Fogey Hollow –
Melody Lane – 1970’s Songs *
• Ranch established in 1972