Cloud 9 Ranch Club Inc.: Horseback Riding Hours

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Cloud 9 Ranch Club progresses the Bylaw Forum will be

utilized for members to give continued

comments on Bylaw changes. Members
Inc. are encouraged to contact committee
chairman, Don Willis at

April 30, 2009 9 LINES Horseback Riding

*Attention Campers* Sat. – Sun. 9am;
If you have an emergency and 10:30am, 1pm
need first responders please
call 417-284-7321.
Sunday Services 10:00am

Fun addicts
Mon.-Thurs. 10am -4pm May 16 we will be having a garden planting
Fri.-Sat. 9am - 6pm party during meet the candidates.
Sun. 9am - 2pm May 23rd we will be hosting a cake walk fund
Accounting Office raiser at the Big-Top.
Mon. - Fri. 8am - 4pm May 24 we will be having a Pirate theme
Trading Post th
July 4 we will be hosting a Hawaiian Luau
Sun.- Thurs. 9am - 2pm
Fri. & Sat. 9am - 8pm during the poker run.
September 6th we will be having a Cowboy
RESTAURANT theme party during the poker run.
Mon.- Fri. 6am - 8pm
Sat. 6am – 3pm
Sun. 7am - 2pm (Times and Dates will be announced at a later
time so be sure to check the 9-lines.)
Preteen & Teen Center *Contributions are greatly appreciated.*
Ask for a Ranger to open for use & to close
when finished, adult supervision a must.

Firewood 5 sticks for $1.00

Available only at the Gatehouse Poker Run Dates
Activities Committee May 24, 2009
The Activities Committee would like to July 4, 2009
invite folks Young & Old to come & enjoy
our meeting for fresh new ideas. We meet
September 6, 2009
on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every
month at 10:00am in the Patio Room. Put
it on your calendar so you don’t forget. If
you need more information you can
contact anyone on the committee ask the
Office or Gatehouse where we are located
& stop in for a visit. Lynn Thomas, Chair
Fish Stocking Schedule 2009
Person; Doris Thomas; Fernita Harmon, Friday – May 8 – 750lbs
Chico Valencia, and Joe Miller & Pat miller. Friday – May 22 – 1,000lbs
Anyone of us would enjoy hearing your Friday – June 5 – 750lbs
ideas & comments. Friday – June 19 – 750lbs
Friday – July 2 – 1,000lbs
The Bylaws Committee invites members to Friday – July 17 – 750lbs
provide suggestions for revisions or Friday – July 31 – 750lbs
additions to the Ranch Bylaws. Friday – August 14 – 750lbs
Suggestions can be sent to the Ranch Friday – August 28 – 650lbs
office and marked: Attention Bylaws Friday – September 4 – 1,000lbs
committee or members can log onto Friday – September 18 – 750lbs and the designated
Bylaw Forum to post suggestions. As work
May 23rd - Flea market at T-top 8am
- 12pm. Bake Sale at the Craft
Coffee Club would like to remind House 12pm until sold out. (Baked
everyone to please pay your 75¢ for your goods are appreciated)!!
cup of coffee!!

Attention Members & School House

Guests The School House monthly meeting
Please help us will be held on the second Tuesday
of each month at 6:30pm in the
recycle your
Patio Room.
aluminum cans
by putting them The next meeting will be May 12th at
in the designated 6:30pm.
wire containers
that are sitting next to each The School House Committee will be
trash dumpster!! Thanks!! doing the Funnel Cakes this year.
(Watch the 9-lines for time and
AS OF April 30th On Memorial Weekend, May 23rd at
All ATV’S Need to have spark 6pm we will have a Flag Burning
arrestors. This will be Ceremony, By the Bakersfield
Mandatory!! American Legion, at the School
Volunteers please come and join the
School House Committee.
~2009 Campground Host~ A very big Thank You to all
*Lonesome Pines- Doris Thomas
*Foggy Hollow- Ruth Williams
volunteers at the Clean
*Melody & Trailer Row- Richard Up!!!
*Hill Country- Kadye Ward
*Wilder Springs- Cindy Kohlmiller
*Powder Mill- Marie Pilkinton Sealed bids for the Sale
Barn items listed in the
newsletter MUST be turned
in no later than 8am, May
Attention Brush Haulers there
20, 2009.
are tow straps at the Gate House for
your use. The Ranch Riders Club is
providing these to help clean the Ranch Riders Club
brush up. Thanks for all of your Do you have a trade, skill or talent?
help! Would you be willing to help the Ranch?
The Ranch Riders Club is creating a list of
individuals that can be utilized on projects
around the Ranch saving us all money.
If you would like to have your name added
CRAFT HOUSE to the list you can provide your contact
The Craft House will open for the information, trade, skill or talent using any
season on May 12th, 2009. Before of the following methods:
opening day we will have 2 cleaning • Go to
days, May 5th and May 6th at 10am. and select the Contact Us
page. Fill in your information.
• Send an e-mail to
On May 11th there will be a Craft
House meeting for the volunteers, containing your information.
so please come and join us.
• See one of the Ranch Riders
officers and give them your
We will share the list of contacts with the
Ranch Manager so he can utilize your
talents also.
Thank You and we appreciate your

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