Consciousness and Brainwaves - Suzanne Lie - Arcturians

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Consciousness and Brainwaves Part One



The Arcturians advised me to present some information about

brainwaves and consciousness in preparation for exploring
Gamma W ave Consciousness. Gamma wave consciousness
allows us to consciously perceive the higher dimensional
realities. However, it is best to first pres ent some basic
information about consciousness and brainwaves.

Traveling in Consciousness

Traveling in our consciousness is like changing channels on a

radio or television. Our MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF is
the broadcast tower, which broadcasts messages to us
across many different frequencies .

Our CONSCIOUSNESS is the broadband radio or TV, which

receives messages from many different frequencies, and
allows us to choose a channel .

Our BRAINWAVES are the channels that calibrate the radio

or TV to the frequency of the desired station.

When we calibrate our consciousness (radio or TV) to the

different brainwaves (channels ), we set our expectation
to filter in the perceptions within the frequency range of that
filter/expectation. W e then experience the reality that vibrates
at that wavelength/brainwave .

When we dial the Beta Brainwave Channel, we calibrate our

consciousness to filter out the perceptions that do no pertain
to our external third dimensional world . On this channel, our
Multidimensional SELF gives us information regarding our
conscious ego self in our physical world. Our beta reality,
which is our individual consciousness , is filled with myriad
stimuli. It is directed towards survival, thoughts, decisions,
and actions. Our individual co nsciousness directs our
attention, and hence our perceptions, toward our individual
assessment of reality.

When we dial the Alpha Brainwave Channel , we calibrate our

consciousness to filter-out any extraneous, third -dimensional
perceptions that do not pertain to creative activity. On this
channel, our Multidimensional SELF gives us information about
our physical world from the perspective of our superconscious
fourth-dimensional self, as well as forgotten memories and
stimuli regarding our true potential, which we have formerly
filtered out. Our alpha reality, which is our collective
consciousness, is one of creativity, artistic focus,
relaxation, and imagination . Our collective consciousness
directs our attention, and hence our perceptions, to an
assessment of reality based on the consciousness of all

When we dial the Theta Brainwave Channel , we calibrate our

consciousness to filter-out all third-dimensional frequencies
except maintenance of our physical body. On this channel,
our Multidimensional SELF relays information from our
superconscious self regarding our fifth -dimensional world,
our fourth- and fifth-dimensional extra-sensory perceptions,
moments of illumination from th e past, and new ideas
regarding attaining our present goals . W e can also experience
euphoric feelings and moments of illumination on this channel .
Our theta reality, which is our planetary consciousness , is
deeply spiritual and introspective . Our planetary
consciousness directs our attention, and hence our
perceptions, to an assessment of reality based on the
multidimensional consciousness of all planetary life forms .

When we dial the Delta Brainwave Channel , we calibrate our

consciousness to filter-out all external, third-dimensional
frequencies. On this channel, our Multidimensional SELF
gives us information from our superconscious mind
regarding our fifth-dimensional self and beyond , as well as
information from our unconscious mind regarding our first-
and second-dimensional earth vessel. Our delta reality,
which is our galactic consciousness, is focused on our
cellular and subatomic reality and our inter -dimensional
self. Our galactic consciousness directs our attention, and
hence our perceptions, to an assessment of reality based on
the multidimensional consciousness of our planet, our
solar system, and our galaxy.

When we dial the Gamma Brainwave Channel, we calibrate

our consciousness to filter-out individual stimuli and move
beyond all time, space, and dimension to integrate the
information we have received on the other channels so that we
may be conscious of our process . Our gamma reality is
truly multidimensional, as it is ALL in ALL . This cosmic
consciousness directs our attention, and hence our
perceptions, to an assessment of reality based on
multidimensional consciousness of our universe .


Brainwaves, which are measured by an

electroencephalograph (or EEG) , represent the language
(ONE OF) of the brain. An EEG measures brainwaves of
different frequencies within the brain by placing electrodes on
specific sites on the scalp to detect and record the electrical
impulses of the brain.

Brainwaves, like all waves, are measured in two ways . The

first is frequency, or the number of times a wave repeats
itself within a second. Thus, frequency is measured in
cycles per second (cps, sometimes also called HZ ), ranging
from .5 cps to 38 cps.

The second measurement is amplitude, which represents the

power of electrical impulses generated by the brain . The
main categories of brainwaves are Gamma, Beta, Alpha,
Theta, and Delta. W hen we are accessing our
Multidimensional SELF we are able to use a combination of
all four brainwaves.

13 to 39 cps

Beta waves, in which our brainwaves pulsate at between 13

and 39 cps, are associated with day-to-day wakefulness.
These waves are the highest in frequency and lowest in
amplitude and are also more desynchronous than other
waves. That is, the waves are not consistent in their pattern .
This desynchrony is due to the daily mental activity of our
many cognitive, sensory, and motor activities and experiences.
Also, it is during Beta Consciousness that our focus is
desynchronous, as our daily life has many inner and outer
Beta waves are seen on both sides of the brain and are most
evident in the frontal lobe, where decisions and expressions of
our persona are initiated. Beta brainwaves stimulate
rational, analytical thinking and the consequent action . In
this state, our attention is focused on our external activities ,
and our brain is primarily accessing the logical, sequential
thoughts to process, organize , and act upon the myriad
stimuli that arrive through our five physical senses .

If all this information is not put into some kind of order, we will
become confused and overwhelmed . The voice of our inner
self can still be dimly heard, but as in talking to someone in a
loud and busy airport, we can he ar it, but we cant always
understand what it is saying. Beta waves are the predominant
brainwaves in our everyday life . Without Beta Brainwaves, it
would be difficult to function effectively in our daily world .

8 to 12 cps
Alpha waves, which are between 8 and 12 cps, are slower in
frequency, higher in amplitude, and more synchronized
than Beta waves. W hen we take time out of our busy day to
have a power nap, reflect, listen to music, read a poem, or
meditate, we go into Alpha Consciousness. W hen we
concentrate intently on ONE thought, emotion, or activity , we
have fewer stimuli to process and our brain can move into
the intense focus of Alpha waves .

Alpha waves will peak around 10 cps. Alpha wave thinking

promotes mental resourcefulness and aids in our ability to
mentally coordinate stimuli so that we can quickly and
efficiently accomplish whatever task is at hand. When Alpha
predominates, most people feel calm and at ease , which
serves to manage stress and benefit our health . The vivid
imagery and relaxed, detached awareness serves to create
conscious links to both our conscious and unconscious

Alpha is the major rhythm seen in normal, relaxed adults, and

it is present during most of life, especially beyond age 13.
Alpha waves are predominant in the white matter of the
brain, which is the part of the brain that connects all other
parts with each other. Alpha is a common state for the brain
and arises when a person is alert, but not actively processing
information. Alpha waves, strongest in the occipital lobe (at
the back of the head), cortex and also frontal cortex (the
forehead), have been linked to extroversion, active listening
and improved problem solving, and creative mental
Whereas Beta brainwaves are predominantly logical,
sequential thinking, Alpha brainwaves incorporate holistic,
creative functioning. Hence, when in Alpha Consciousness
we lose track of time and space . An hour feels like a minute
and a mile feels like a few blocks. With the concentrated focus
on a creative task in Alpha Consciousness, we experience
fewer distractions, and we hear our own inner voice more
easily. It is in this state of consciousness that we have our
moments of A-ha. Many performers, artists, scientists, and
athletes consciously or unconsciously put themselves into an
Alpha state to gain inspiration and to achieve their best

4 to 7 cps

Theta waves allow us to access our innate creativity,

inspiration, and spiritual connection . Theta waves, 4 to 7
cps, are even slower than Beta or Alpha waves and are
typically of even greater amplitude . W hen we narrow our
focus primarily on our inner self , we can go into Theta
waves, which are usually associated with deep meditation or
sleep. In this state it is difficult to maintain conscious contact
with the outside world. Our bodies need to be in a safe place
when we access Theta Consciousness , for to maintain this
state, our bodies must be still and our eyes closed .

Even then, the mere act of opening our eyes or listening to the
exterior world could bring in too much stimuli and shift our
consciousness back to the faster brainwaves , and our Theta
wave experiences are lost. In order to bring our Theta state
experiences into our conscious mind , we must be able to
communicate these experiences to our language centers
so that we can save them to our cerebral cortex .

Taking time to relax, write, and/or draw after sleep or deep

meditation will help us in translating our Theta wave
experiences into our Alpha and Beta wave thoughts . Even
then, our Theta experiences are usually retrieved by our
right brains symbolic, imagistic language and not by the
sequential language area of the left brain . Relaxing into an
Alpha state can translate these images onto our language area
where we can think about them or write them down .

Theta waves are abnormal in adults who are awake but are
perfectly normal in children up to 13 years old . They are
normal for all ages during sleep . The Theta state is believed to
reflect activity from the limbic system and hippocampus
regions deep inside the temporal lobe , which are related to
emotions, converting short -term memory to more
permanent memory, and recalling spatial relationships .
Theta Consciousness promotes adaptive, complex behaviors
such as learning and memory.
Theta brainwaves are conducive to profound inner peace,
knowing, feelings of oneness , mystical truths,
transformation of unconsciously held limiting beliefs ,
creating a better quality of life, physical and emotional
healing, and finding our purpose. Theta Consciousness
provides the peak in the peak experience .

.5 to 4 cps

Delta waves, usually ranging from .5 to 4 cps, are involved

with our empathy as well as with our interaction and
connection to our full multidimensional perception . These
brainwaves are involved with our ability to integrate and let
go. Delta waves are of the greatest amplitude and the
slowest frequency and are the dominant rhythm in infants
up to one year of age. Delta waves never go down to zero
because that would mean that we would be dead. In fact, Delta
waves are often associated with being in a coma .

In this state of consciousness, our bodies are in

hibernation mode . Practiced yogis can consciously
achieve this state. W hile in Delta Consciousness, they are
able to regulate their body temperature and heart rate .
They may even appear to be dead, but they are able to revive
themselves. Delta waves are the deepest level of dreamless
sleep in which our bodies shut down to completely focus on
healing and growing.

Peak performers decrease Delta waves when high focus and

peak performance are required. However, most individuals
diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
naturally increase rather than decrease Delta activity when
trying to focus. The inappropriate Delta response often
severely restricts their ability to focus and maintain attention.
It is as if the brain is locked into a perpetual drowsy state.
Going into Delta Consciousness is like driving a ca r and
shifting into first gear. W e cant go very fast in first gear
(Delta), we but have maximum control of the car.

Delta brainwaves are conducive to miracle healing, divine

knowledge, inner being and personal growth, rebirth,
trauma recovery, oneness with the universe, samadhi, and
near death experiences. Delta brainwaves provide profound
intuition, empathic attunement, and instinctual insight .

Changing Brainwaves

When we fall asleep, our brain shifts gears and our brainwaves
begin slowing down. W e start at Beta then go to Alpha, Theta,
and then Delta. W hen we move towards waking up, our
brainwaves move in the reverse order of Delta, Theta, Alpha,
and finally Beta. Just as we unconsciously change our
brainwaves in sleep, we can learn to consciously change our
brainwaves while we are awake .
To keep our brain in an effective Beta brainwave pattern,
we can determine to narrow our focus to a few things at a time
and choose not to allow ourselves to indulge in obsessive or
fearful thinking.
We can take time out to relax, contemplate our lives, and
enjoy our creativity to induce Alpha brainwaves.
We can meditate and/or pray and place our total focus
upon our inner Self on a regular rhythmic basis to
induce Theta brainwaves.
We can get plenty of sleep, let go, and surrender to
our Soul to induce Delta brainwaves.
It is important to set aside a time at least three to five days a
week to spend inside our SELF. If we can set aside that
special time, we can learn to gain conscious mastery over our
consciousness and realize that we choose our
consciousness by choosing the thoughts we allow to take
residence in our mind and the emotions we allow to linger
in our heart.
Posted by Sue at 9:52 PM
Floating Thoughtforms by the Arcturians (Part 2 of
brainwaves and consciousness)
January 4, 2015

Floating Thoughtforms

By The Arcturians

Night before last I stayed up late writing the blog about

Consciousness and Brainwaves. Then, in the middle of that
night, I awoke with the message:

Nothing in Nature travels alone. All Life is intertwined.

This message was so strong in my mind that it woke me up

and demanded that I write it down, so I did.

Then early in the next morning I received:

We all work on an elemental level. In this way we create the

New Year. The elementals are the foundation of all matter .
The elementals create the frequency of matter ,

Which is the frequency of our thoughtforms ,

Which is the frequency of our brainwaves,

Which is the frequency of our consciousness.

(I am not sure what the New Year part means. However, I

have been feeling that 2015 would be a special year.)

I will NOW post the Floating Thoughtforms article that I wrote

a while ago (who knows time these days?) I did not post it
then, as I felt it needed to be preceded with some information.
The above messages seem to be telling me that it is the NOW
to present that message.

Floating Thoughtforms
By the Arcturians

Floating thoughtforms flow through the air, float on the

water, dance in the fire and settle on the earth . These
thoughtforms are trying to enter the 3D Game . There are the
thoughtforms from the lost ones that saturate your world with
indoctrinations of anger and fear . Fortunately, there is an ever -
increasing amount of lovin g, multidimensional
thoughtforms that you, our volunteer away team, have
created while being grounded members of planet Earth.

In order to shift Earths 3D Matrix , a certain percentage of

Earth inhabitants must be willing to create the antidote to
the thoughtforms filled with anger and fear . Sending out
multidimensional thoughtforms that are filled with
unconditional love and multidimensional light create that

It is, of course, tempting to meet darkness with anger and fear.

However, that reaction only feeds the beast. Also, all fearful
thoughtforms can easily manipulate your third dimensional
brain. Hence, it is vital that you connect with your
multidimensional mind. Your multidimensional mind can
easily expand your consciousness beyond the reach of the
negative thoughtforms that can only survive in the third
and lowest fourth dimensions .

Unfortunately, many brainwashed humans are like children

sitting in front of their computer, television and/or newspaper
ready to soak in the daily reports from the dark ones. These
fear-filled messages invade their consciousness and cast them
into fear, anger and revenge.

You, our dear ascending ones, have the responsibility to

focus your unconditional love and Violet Fire onto the
lower frequency thoughtforms to love them free and
transmute them into light . Unconditional love and the
Violet Fire are your tools for the transformation of life on
planet Earth.

Unconditional love is NOT like conditional love. Conditional

love is easily influenced by d arkness because it wants
to get something. On the other hand, unconditional love only
seeks to give something. Conditional love creates a
thoughtform of fear wrapped in the illusion of love. On the
other hand, unconditional love creates a thoughtform of
selfless love wrapped in multidimensional light .

Those who have only received conditional love dont even

know that unconditional love exists. In fact, many humans
have even had the experience that spiritual love is filled with
fear, anger and revenge. Fortunately, many members of our
Galactic and Celestial Family have bi -located into human
forms to re-direct humanity back to the message of true,
unconditional love and multidimensional light.

Because conditional love often is manipulative, and seeks to

GET something, that thoughtform may look like love, but
if feels like anger or fear. On the other hand, unconditional
love is free of all manipulation because the giver only wants to
GIVE something. Thus that thoughtform makes you feel
confident and empowered.

You, our ascending ones, have returned to wear an earth

vessel to play out the 3D video game for each lesson that is
still uncompleted within your personal earth matrix . There are
also many of you who have volunteered to take an earth vess el
so that you assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension .

It is the NOW to finally win this video game . As you begin

to win your personal video game , you realize that this is a
unity game because an entire planet is ready to transmute
beyond the 3D Game of conditional love and into the fifth
dimensional reality of unconditional love.

This 3D video game has been playing too long and it has
become corrupted with conditional love, which has made many
humans very easy to manipulate. It is for this reason that we,
your galactic and celestial family, have sent the higher
expressions of your Multidimensional SELF to login to the
3D game.

Your human self is the videos avatar, and Y OU are you

in a higher frequency of reality guiding your avatar to win
the game by transmuting conditional love into
unconditional love . As you suddenly, or slowly, download
the unconditional love of your Higher SELF into your
personal 3D Matrix, you also download that unconditional
love into the planetary 3D matrix .

While you move through the process of transmutation from

conditional love to unconditional love, you also assist the
third dimension planet to transmute into a fifth dimension
planet. The key to transmutation is unconditional love because
as it fills the 3D Matrix, it transmutes that matrix into its higher

While you are logged into Earths 3D Matrix, you are

attached to that matrix. Hence, as you transmute your
personal energy fiel d into its higher dimensional
expression, you also transmute Gaias planetary energy
field. It is for this reason that we have asked you to, our
volunteers, to take a third dimensional earth vessel.
You see, as you expand into your personal higher dimensi onal
SELF, you facilitate Gaias ability to expand into Her planetary
higher dimensional SELF . Just as the third dimension is too
low of a frequency to maintain unconditional love, the fifth
dimension is too high a frequency to accept conditional love.

Also, the unconditional love of your fifth dimensional SELF

serves as a magnet to those who can contain that
multidimensional energy field while still wearing an earth
vessel. As this personal and planetary transmutation slowly
crosses the threshold of human ities conscious awareness,
each of you will have different signs of high frequency
overload. It behooves you to identify your personal symptoms .

When your recognize the feeling of the higher dimensions

entering your earth vessel, you can more easily identify
the components of your third dimensional thought,
emotions, actions, habits and indoctrinations that are
resisting that download. In this manner, you will discover
what component of your third dimensional self is blocking
your transmutation by put ting you into energetic overload .

Once you recognize your own inner saboteur, you can send
unconditional love to any components of your self that has
become lost in the third dimension . Sending unconditional
love to your wounded ego will expand your consc iousness
beyond the frequency of those old energy patterns and
reset your intentions from third dimensional to

However, somewhere in the flurry of 3D life, your Higher SELF

can get lost and your wounded ego can jump back in the
drivers seat. That is not bad, bad being a 3D term, but you
must keep checking in with your ego. Your third dimensional
self is basically your inner child , as it was the first vision of
you Multidimensional SELF who entered into the 3D

You could not understand as much language then, but you

could read thoughtforms much more proficiently than you can
as an adult. Unfortunately, most of you forgot your innate
ability to understand, read and enter thoughtforms
because you went to third -dimensional schools.

Fortunately you wrote into your pre -birth contract that you
are ready to expand beyond the third dimensional frequency of
the reality that you initially entered. Because of this
relocation you will need to remember whom you chose to
BE and what you will need to release in order to be that

In other earthly incarnations you could just store components

of your ego that were too difficult to change while in that
reality. Then you could pick them up and change them in
another incarnation. However, in the NOW of this incarnation
you will need to release and/or heal all versions of your ego
self, as the entire 3D Matrix is transmuting into the 5D Matrix .

There is a certain amount of time that you can ignore this

transmutation and release process, but eventually the process
will begin whether or not you are prepared . If you remain
attached to your many third dimensional habits, possessions,
desires, ambitions and even people, you will not be able to
Let GO of that which ties you to the i llusions of the third

By ascending you will not lose anything, as all life is

multidimensional. Thus you will only be releasing the third
dimensional versions of what you need to release so that
you can expand your consciousness into the higher
dimensional versions of those persons, places, situations
or things.

Likely you will begin by visiting the higher dimensional

realities while you live in the physical world . Then you
will incrementally begin to live in the higher dimensional
versions of reality while you briefly return to the third
dimension to assist. You will make these choices by
identifying the higher dimensional thoughtforms as they
flow into and through your reality .
Then, just as you experience the third dimensional
indoctrinations that constantly barrage you with fearful events,
you will increasingly experience multidimensional
thoughtforms entering the edges of your awareness .
Initially, you may not be able to see or hear them, but you will
be able to feel the unconditional l ove in which they are

However, if your consciousness is restrained to the third

dimension, you cannot even perceive the multidimensional
thoughtforms. On the other hand, as your consciousness
expands to encompass the higher states of consciousne ss,
your perceptions also expand to encompass higher
dimensional realities.

Within your Planetary Consciousness there is NO time

because the entire planet includes all the possible 3D
timelines. Once your consciousness resonates to the entire
planet, your awareness naturally expands to embrace
Planetary Consciousness .

Furthermore, as you begin to remember your true higher

dimensional SELF, your consciousness will expand to embrace
your galactic expression of SELF who volunteered to take your
current earth vessel. Then your consciousness will easily
expand into your innate, Galactic Consciousness ,
As you remember your own Multidimensional Self who is a
member of the Galaxy in the same way that your earth vessel
is a member of Earth, your consciousness will return to your
innate Galactic Consciousness. Within your higher
dimensional consciousness you can perceive both the
collective and the individual expressions that make up
your whole.

While resonating to a fifth dimensional, or b eyond, reality, you

experience the unity of the group while you can simultaneously
choose to visit the illusion of separation into an individual. Via
this higher consciousness you can see how all polarities
merge with that which was once in -between.

When you allow your consciousness to enter this in -

between, you will discover your voice of unity that is the
elixir that calls forth your unity with all collective,
planetary and galactic consciousness . If you can sing that
voice into your life, you will transmute your perceptions
beyond third dimensional separation and into higher
dimensional unity of your Multidimensional SELF .

Your Multidimensional SELF can easily perceive the

Multidimensional Matrix that glistens just beyond the illusions
of the 3D Matrix.

Can you see, hear, feel and unconditionally love the shinning
fifth dimensional thoughtforms into your life?
Can you recognize that more and more changes are occurring
within the NOW of your day?

Simultaneously, there are third dimensional tho ughtforms that

beckon you to return to that which is known and familiar.

Can you reach out into the unfamiliar feel of unconditional love
and trust that within that thoughtform there is a higher
dimensional reality?

If you make that choice, you will remember how to perceive the
multidimensional matrix in which each grid of the matrix is
connected via unconditional lov e. That one decision, that one
risk, expands your consciousness beyond the
manipulation of fear and expands it into the memory of
your innate Multidimensional Matrix of reality.

There are uncountable rungs within that matrix, and a

version of your SELF exists on many of them. Within that
reality YOU are all your expressions in ALL the frequencies
of every reality. Therefore, every action and reaction of
your 3D Self is echoed into ALL your myriad expressions
of SELF to be perceived and lived via differing frequencies
of reality.

All of these multidimensional versions of reality are

functioning within the same NOW . Every off shoot of every
reality is constantly spilling down into the lower dimensions to
be perceived by the frequency of consciousness that is the
resonating to each reality.

These realities are perceived in the third dimension as

separate multidimensional thoughtforms. However , your
physical self can still feel the resonance of unconditional love
and multidimensional light emanating from these
multidimensional thoughtforms. But how do you enter these
thoughtforms, which are also realities?

You can enter each thoughtform /possible reality by

matching your state of consciousness with the resonance
of that thoughtform .

In other words:

You live the reality that matches the resonance of

your consciousness,

Which is dictated by your brainwaves ,

Which are dictated by your consci ous,

Which is the result of your thoughts and emotions .


Your thoughts and emotions generate the

resonance of your consciousness

Which influences your brainwaves

Which effect your state of

Which creates the reality in

which you live

Remember, all your versions of reality are functioning

within the same NOW ! But, your third dimensional
perception experiences each resonance as a different
reality. Fortunately, different is just a third dimensional

Posted by Sue at 11:46 AM

Toughtforms as Portals -- Part 3 of Brainwaves and


The Arcturians

Thoughtforms are the combination of your thoughts and

emotions. It is this combination, packaged as a
thoughtform that begins the creation of your own reality .
The frequency of the thoughts is determined by your state
of consciousness, which is determined by your
brainwaves, which are largely determined by the frequency
of your emotions .

Your emotions interface with your body at all times and

influence the frequency wave of your thoughts . In the same
manner, you thoughts influence the frequency of your
emotion. Your thoughts can be filled with the resonance of
unconditional love or all the way down the spectrum to th e
emotions of fear.

Unconditional love feels like an emotion, as you

experience it through out your body. However, since it is a
fifth dimensional emotion, we will call it a resonance . In
order for a thoughtform to fully develop , the frequency of
the thoughts and emotions must be in synch .

Therefore, if you felt unconditional love and somehow had a

fearful thought (which is unlikely to occur while experiencing
unconditional love) the frequencies of your thoughts and
emotions would be too out of synch to c reate a

On the other hand, if you felt the emotion of fear and had a
fearful thought you would begin the process of creating a
feedback-loop of fearful emotion creating a fearful third -
dimensional thoughtform and visa versa .
You could also experience emotions of happiness, human love
and/or excitement, which would hang in your aura influencing
your thoughts. Then, when you had a happy, loving and/or
excited thought you could create a happy third -dimensional

At the higher dimensional aspect of the spectrum is

unconditional love, which is more of a resonance , as stated
above. This high frequency resonance calls in your
multidimensional mind to complete the thoughtform . In this
case the thoughtform serves as a portal into the higher
dimensions of reality.

All thoughtforms can only be perceived by your higher

perceptions such as clairaudience (hearing messages from a
higher dimensional source), clairvoyance (seeing light
configurations of a higher frequency) and clairsentience
(feeling the thoughtform with your body and aur a).

W hereas third dimensional thoughtforms assist you to be the

creator of your daily life, multidimensional thoughtforms
serve as portals through which you can receive messages
from your multidimensional mind, your Third Eye and your
High Heart.

These thoughtforms are primarily perceived by your Delta

and Gamma Wave consciousness . On the other hand, third
dimensional thoughtforms are usually perceived while you
are in alpha or theta wave consciousness .

Third dimensional thoughts are unconsciously entered

everyday. W hen your thoughts and emotions are in alignment,
you will be drawn in a manner that will direct you toward a
waiting thoughtform. Once you place your attention in that
direction, as you will not be aware that a certain energy
pattern, thoughtform, is influencing your daily choices .

A thoughtform is what you unconsciously, or consciously

if you are fully awakened, choose as an operating system
for that NOW of your time. When you are aware of the
energy patterns that surround you, you are aware of the
thoughtforms that are influencing you .

If you are unaware of the energy fields, thoughtforms, that you

walk through and are influenced by, you will likely feel out of
control in your life. On the other hand, when you consciously
choose to enter a thoughtform/energy field, you feel in
control of your daily life . In order to make these choices,
you will need to be consciously aware of the energy fields,
thoughtform, in your dai ly life.

In order to consciously enter a thoughtform you must first

perceive the thoughtform . In order to perceive the
thoughtform your consciousness, which is the combination
of your thoughts and emotions, need to be calibrated to
the frequency of that thoughtform.

You will likely only recognize an energy field/thoughtform, in

the same manner as you recognize how the different areas of
a lake or ocean may feel the waves of warm, cold, murky or
clear. The expression of it feels like someone is walking o n
my grave is an example of meeting a low frequency, fearful

On the other hand, you may suddenly feel filled with light,
happy and invigorated when you encounter a higher
frequency, loving thoughtform . This thoughtforms give you
an opportunity to calibrate your 3D brain, which rules your
physical body, with your multidimensional mind, which
rules your Light Body.

Your 3D brain gives you information about your outer

world, whereas your multidimensional mind gives you
information about your i nner world. You see your higher
dimensional realities are not UP above you. They are IN
within you. Your Source is within you, thus so is your
higher dimensional realities .

To merge your outer 3D brain with your inner

multidimensional mind, you will likely need to feel a sense
of personal control over what your outer reality . To
maintain personal control/mastery outer reality, you will
likely need to keep your inner world consciously open to
the higher dimensions.

When we can feel the safety of being the boss of your outer
world, you can expand your consciousness beyond the
surveillance mode of beta wave consciousness and into the
imagination mode of the alpha wave. To maintain this safety,
it is helpful to merge your beta/surveillance consciousness
with our alpha/imagination consciousness .

We are aware how challenging and fearful the physical world

can be within your NOW . Therefore, if you can keep the portal
to your inner world open, you can have a constant connection
with your own higher expressions of self who can comfort and
guide you.

If your physical world becomes too far out of your control,

and especially if you are in denial of any given situation,
the chaos of the outer physical will invade our inner , dream
world, as well as you daily life. Then you will get bad dreams
that are actually warnings form your inner world that your outer
world is swirling too deep into chaos.

You cannot avoid chaos in your world, especially within your

NOW , because chaos precedes change, and change is much
needed in your physical reality. Furthermore, most of your
ideas of how to create this change can only come into
your awareness via your higher states of alpha and theta
wave consciousness.

Also, higher states of consciousness greatly expand yo ur

creativity, which can present you with unique solutions to old
situations. By allowing your creativity to create a sense of
safety in your daily life, you move into the higher states of
consciousness. These higher states of consciousness will
create happier, more loving and multidimensional

These thoughtforms are your personal portals to the higher

worlds that YOU are creating with you own thought and
emotions. It is the joy and the responsibility of all the
awakened/ascending ones to crea te and, most important,
maintain your personal portals so that you can eventually
unite with other personal portals .

W hile you are in the learning process of keeping your

consciousness above beta, and into alpha and theta wave
consciousness, it is best to focus on your own personal
portal. W e say portal s because you all have more than one
portal. There are often portals, or you may call them
thoughtforms, that flow into many different versions of
Thus you all have to brush up on your multidim ensional
consciousness so that you can experience more than one
thing/reality at a time . At first, you can expand into multi -
tasking in your third dimensional world. Then you can allow
your fourth dimensional, alpha wave consciousness to weave
through your third dimensional world.

Once you have come to some degree of master of that ability,

you can begin to pull your fifth dimensional theta wave
consciousness into your waking, physical reality. It is at this
point that you will begin your assignment of b eing Portal
Openers into the higher realities.

However, theta wave consciousness is usually only accessible

while in meditation or during a creative act in which you feel
protected enough to loosen the anchor of beta wave,
surveillance consciousness. Th e physical world is NOT overly
safe in your present NOW .

Furthermore, since chaos always precedes change, you must

learn to clearly differentiate the chaotic 3D and 4D
thoughtforms from the flowing 3D, 4D and 5D thoughtforms.
Fortunately every thoughtform has a mental and emotional

Before you begin in earnest with your service of portal

opening, you need to remember how to discern the feel of the
resonance of every thoughtform that flows into your
consciousness. Some thoughtforms are beta wave reminders
of certain responsibilities to which you must attend.

You need to recognize the business feeling of these beta wave

thoughtforms and respond by opening that portal to attend to
the physical task that is calling you within that NOW. On the
other hand, if a beta wave thoughtform resonates to fear, it is
best to choose to send it unconditional love and excuse it from
your consciousness.

If there is a please attend to this 3D responsibility component

of this thoughtform, the unconditional love wil l detach it from
the habitual fear that surrounds the third dimension to reveal
the action to which you are called to attend. You can then say
thanks, do that mundane, yet necessary task, and send the
warning thoughtform off into the fifth dimension to be

It is important that you transmute your 3D thoughtforms once

you have attended to them. You will do this act in the same
manner that you recycle the wrappers of a present, the
envelope of a bill, and other third dimensional containers of
necessities for physical life. Once you have paid the 3D bill,
eaten the 3D food, or filled your 3D trashcan, you dispense
with the waste material in a transmutational manner that does
not litter Gaias planet.
In fact, more and more, bills are sent via em ail, you take our
own re-usable bags to the grocery story and you can find
outside containers where you can place unwanted clothing and
other material possessions. These things are signs of the fifth
dimension slowly creeping into your physical reality. In the
same manner as you will save an article you enjoyed to share
it with a friend, you can save your important
thoughtform/portals to share with others.

As you expand your beta wave consciousness into alpha wave

and theta wave consciousness, you are repl acing and/or
transmuting your 3D thoughtforms/portals into
multidimensional thoughtforms/portals. W hen you share your
experience with others you prove to your self that you ready to
BE your true Multidimensional SELF.

First you share your personal portals with those that you love
and trust. Then you may share your experiences anonymously
with others. Then, finally, when you KNOW the deep protection
that these portals offer, you will openly share your experiences
with a wider group of people. W hen you share , it is important
that you keep your consciousness above the often fear -based
beta waves and within the inspirational alpha wave and
multidimensional theta waves.

Your path to ascension begins with the mastery of your

thoughts and emotions. Being angry th at you have not
ascended yet, places you in victim mode, and lowers your
consciousness to the physical alternatives of your beta wave
consciousness. There is the same result if you are frightened
or impatient about your process, as each of these emotions
activate your beta, surveillance consciousness.

Gaia is indeed ascending, but a percentage of humanity will

likely remain on the deteriorating 3D Matrix. Ascension is not a
gift you receive. Ascension is a gift that you give to your self
by joining into th e Unity Consciousness with other humans who
desperately need your help.

It is partly through assisting others that you become masters

of your energy field. This mastery is not even vaguely possible
while living within the confines of beta wave consciousness,
and alpha consciousness will only extend your awareness into
the fourth dimension.

Therefore, you need to expand your consciousness into your

fifth dimensional theta wave consciousness and share the gift
of expansion with others. You may as k why you need to share
your gift of ascended awareness. The answer is
that individuality is a concept that only resonates to the third
and lower fourth dimensions.

No other species on Earth has individual consciousness in the

manner that humanity has cre ated. Gaias other creatures work
as ONE flock of birds, ONE school of fish, ONE pod of
cetaceans, ONE forest of trees and/or ONE bank of clouds.

Humanity is the drag on planetary ascension because just one

person, who is still pulling along his or her in dividual life
cannot gain the power of ascension. Each individual needs to
expand their consciousness into alpha, theta, delta and even
gamma wave consciousness.

Delta wave consciousness is involved with empathy as well as

interaction and connection to your multidimensional
perceptions. These brainwaves are involved with your ability to
integrate and let go. Going into Delta Consciousness is like
driving a car and shifting into first gear. W e cant go very fast
in first gear (Delta) we but have maximum c ontrol of the car.

Delta brainwaves are conducive to miracle healing, divine

knowledge, inner being and personal growth, rebirth, trauma
recovery, oneness with the universe, Samadhi, and near death
experiences. Delta brainwaves provide profound intuition,
empathic attunement, and instinctual insight.

As each of you merge your states of consciousness with

others, you share your higher state of resonance by the power
of entrainment. This merging will greatly assist your collective
consciousness to experience your delta and gamma wave
consciousness. In order to resonate to the full power of unity
consciousness it must expand from personal unity, to
collective unity, to planetary unity.

Can you imagine planetary unity encircling Gaias Earth, with

members of that planetary consciousness holding, maintaining
and sharing their multidimensional thoughtform/portals that
they opened with their higher states of consciousness? Now,
use your great power of imagination to perceive how these
myriad portals intertwine wi th each other and with Gaias
multidimensional matrix.

Then you, our ascending ones, can enter Gaias

multidimensional thoughtform/portal to begin to populate each
grid of Gaias newly opened multidimensional, planetary
matrix. In this manner, we can enli ven each frequency of the
planetary matrix with high frequency thoughtforms created by
the thoughts and emotions of Gaias ascending humanity.

Gamma waves allow you the greatest ability to perceive

and enter multidimensional thoughtforms/portals . But first,
you must resonate to gamma wave consciousness . W e will
return to discuss gamma wave consciousness.


We are your Galactic Family

W e are YOU

Gamma brain waves are a frequency pattern of normal brain

activity that measures between 25 and 100 Hz, with around 40
Hz being typical in humans. Gamma waves were essentially
unknown before the development of digital EEG
(electroencephalography) recorders , since analog
electroencephalography could not measure brain waves at that
high frequency (their upper limit is about 25 Hz).

Neuroscientists are beginning to discover the marvelous

properties of the brain when it produces the gamma frequency.
Gamma brain waves are the fastest brainwave frequency with
the smallest amplitude. They are associated with the feeling
of blessings reported by experienced meditators such as
monks and nuns, and withpeak concentration and extremely
high levels of cognitive functi oning.

Neuroscientists believe that gamma waves are able to link

information from all parts of the brain the gamma wave
originates in the thalamus and moves from the back of the
brain to the front and back again 40 times per second.
Therefore, the entir e brain is influenced by the gamma wave.
This rapid full sweep action makes the gamma state one of
peak mental and physical performance.

Gamma is the brainwave state of being in the Zone, which is

the feeling that you can do anything. Everyone has gamma
brainwave activity, but the amount of gamma waves produced
varies. Low amounts of gamma brainwave activity have been
linked to learning difficulties, poor memory and impaired
mental processing.

Gamma brainwaves (100 - 38 Hz) were detected later than the
other brainwaves, and less is known about them. They have
been seen in states of peak performance (both physical and
mental), high focus and concentration and during mystic and
transcendental experiences. A lot of research is currently
being done on gamma brainwaves in the 40 Hz range during
meditation. One of the characteristics of gamma waves is a
synchronization of activity over wide areas of the brain.
Gamma brainwaves are not easy to detect. Sometimes they
may be seen as a narrow frequen cy band at 38 Hz.


40Hz brainwaves are know as the sweet spot of lucid
dreaming. During episodes of lucidity these brain waves are
around 30 to 40 Hertz, which is much higher than is found in
typical REM sleep. The brainwaves are also focused in the
brain's frontal lobe area. Scientists do not know if the gamma
waves are a cause of the lucidity or a consequence of it. The
new study suggests the former.


The suggested mechanism is that gamma waves relate to
neural consciousness via the mechanism for conscious
attention. The proposed answer lies in a wave that, originating
in the thalamus, sweeps the brain from front to back, 40 times
per second, drawing different neuronal circuits into synch with
the persons perceptions, and thereby bringing them into the
foreground of their attention. If the thalamus is damaged even
a little bit, this wave stops, and the conscious awareness does
not form.

Scientists claim that is that when all these neuronal clusters

oscillate together during these transient periods of
synchronized firing, they help bring up memories and
associations from the visual precepts to other notions. This
synchronized firing brings a distributed matrix of cognitive
processes together to generate a co herent, concerted
cognitive act, such as perception. Gamma waves are observed
as neural synchrony from visual cues in both conscious and
subliminal stimuli.

You are probably wondering how you can experience
increased mental processing, happiness, better perception of
reality, incredible focus, better self -control and richer sensory
experience that comes with being in gamma? The answer is
simple: meditate.

Neuroscientists believe that people can train themselves to

produce more of the gamma frequency, and it is believed that
focusing on compassion and love is the way to do this. W hen
you look at elite athletes, you can see how love creates the
gamma state they love what theyre doing, and theyre
immersed in what they love so gamma is a natural state of
consciousness for them!
Meditation sharpens your mental abilities, but by learning to
produce more gamma brain waves, you will use your brain in
its greatest capacity. Many studies have been performed on
experienced meditators, most notably Tibetan Buddhist monks
and Celestine nuns. Both groups demonstrated the ability to
produce gamma waves during meditation.

These studies showed a significant increa se in brain activity in

the left prefrontal cortex (associated with self -control,
happiness and compassion) and greatly reduced activity in
the amygdala the brains fight or flight center . This suggests
that meditation can actually make you a happier and more
compassionate person!

Something remarkable happened when the monks in the study

were asked to focus on feelings of compassion. Their brain
almost immediately went into the gamma frequency in a very
rhythmic and coherent pattern. Food for thought pe rhaps
compassion meditation makes ones brain fire at the rhythm
of universal consciousness?

As you meditate with the help of meditation music and begin

feeling that wonderful warmth of one -ness where you lose the
sense of self and melt into universal consciousness, hang on
to that feeling. Focus on it. Expand on it. Embody it. Feel love
emanating from you and permeating you. Focus on loveand
you will soon feel the ecstasy and bliss of gamma!

These experiments have shown a correlation between

transcendental mental states and gamma waves. A suggested
explanation is based on the fact that the gamma is intrinsically
localized. Neuroscientists suggests that this very existence of
synchronized gamma indicates that something akin to a
singularity - or, to be more prosaic, a conscious experience -
is occurring.

A 2004 study took eight long -term Tibetan Buddhist

practitioners of meditation and, using electrodes, monitored
the patterns of electrical activity produced by their brains as
they meditated. The researchers compared the brain activity of
the monks to a group of novice meditators (the study had
these subjects meditate an hour a day for one week prior to
empirical observation).

In a normal meditative state, both groups were shown to have

similar brain activity. However, when the monks were told to
generate an objective feeling of compassion during meditation,
their brain activity began to fire in a rhythmi c, coherent
manner, suggesting neuronal structures were firing in

This was observed at a frequency of 25 40 Hz, the rhythm of

gamma waves. These gamma-band oscillations in the monks
brain signals were the largest seen in humans (apart from
those in states such as seizures). Conversely, these gamma -
band oscillations were scant in novice meditators. Though, a
number of rhythmic signals did appear to strengthen in
beginner meditators with further experience in the exercise,
implying that the aptitude for one to produce gamma-band
rhythm is trainable.
Such evidence and research in gamma -band oscillations may
explain the heightened sense of consciousness, bliss, and
intellectual acuity subsequent to meditation. Notably,
meditation is known to have a n umber of health benefits such
as stress reduction, mood elevation, and increased life
expectancy of the mind and its cognitive functions.

Gamma brain waves are the fastest documented brain wave
activity on an E.E.G. oscillating between 40 Hz and 100 Hz.
Because they are the fastest brain wave activity, they also
have the smallest amplitude on an E.E.G.
(electroencephalogram) in comparison to the other major
ranges of brain wave frequencies.

Gamma waves play a role in sensory -binding as well as

information processing within the human brain. They are able
to link and process information throughout the entire brain.
Individuals with healthy gamma wave activity have been
associated with having increased problem solving skills,
compassion, self-control, and intelligence.


People with very high levels of gamma activity are
exceptionally intelligent, compassionate, happy, and have
excellent memories and strong self -control. IQ scores of
people with high gamma wave activity are correspondingly
high. High gamma activity also corresponds to a state of peak
performance. Elite athletes, top -notch musicians and high
achievers in all fields produce far more gamma waves than
The benefits of producing the gamma frequency are:
Increased memory recall
The 40 Hz frequency is known to regulate memory processing.
People with high gamma activity have exceptionally vivid and
rapid memory recall.
Increased sensory perception
Senses are heightened when the brain produces gamma
waves. Food tastes better; vision and hearing sharpen; sense
of smell becomes more powerful; and your brain becomes far
more sensitive to all sensory input. This makes for a much
richer sensory experience and a better perception of reality.
Increased focus
but this enhanced focus is not necessarily aimed at one
individual object or task. In the gamma state, your brain is able
to process all sensory information faster and more fully with
greater sensitivity.

Gamma wave consciousness combines the w hole scenario into

a highly memorable experience. People with high gamma
activity can recall everything about any memorable event the
food they ate, the music they heard, the conversations, the
names of people they met, the air temperature, etc.

One of the most remarkable properties of the gamma state is

the processing speed: the brain is able to
process incredible amounts of information very quickly,
remember it, and retrieve that memory later.

People with high gamma activity are naturally happier, cal mer
and more at peace. This is Natures best anti -depressant
(people suffering from depression typically have very low
gamma activity). Gamma waves are present during REM sleep
and visualization.

Compassion comes from a feeling of one -ness with all

creation. This is the feeling of blessings and ecstasy that
accompanies high levels of gamma brainwave activity.

Attention: Gamma waves have been documented to help with
attention specifically attentive -focus. Specifically when the
brain increases the 40 Hz frequency various parts of the brain
are able to function with efficiency and unison.

Binding of senses: Gamma waves bind all the senses

together in the brain. In other words, they help your brain
process smells, sights, and soun ds simultaneously.

Focus: Individuals with high level mental processing and

functioning tend to exhibit greater gamma activity throughout
the brain.

Compassion: In a study with Buddhist monks, it was found

that gamma activity increased when they entered a meditative
state of compassion.
Consciousness: The gamma waves throughout your brain
help you understand your environment and dictate your
experience of consciousness.

Meditation: Advanced monks have been documented as

having increased amounts of gamma activity. This is a result of
their meditative practices.

Mental Processing: Your overall mental processing is

influenced by your gamma brain waves.

Perception: Gamma waves direct how you perceive reality

and how aware you are directl y tied to all life while in 40 Hz
gamma wave activity.

R.E.M. Sleep: Gamma brain waves play an important role in

the R.E.M. or Rapid-Eye Movement sleep stage.

Unity of consciousness: One popular theory suggests that

these brain waves contribute to unity of consciousness.

Arcturian summary notes ,

It is through your Gamma Wave consciousness that you can
combine your physical senses in such a manner that allows
you to experience the Oness of your daily life .

Furthermore, as you add the component of compassion for all

life and unconditional love, your perceptions of reality can
break free of the limitations of your 3D thinking to allow you
consciously perceive your reality via the innate gamma wave
consciousness of your Multidimensional Mind.
Maintaining Higher Consciousness -Part 5 of Consciousness
and Brainwaves

Maintaining Higher Consciousness

By The Arcturians

Our Dearest Ones,

Because of your need, and intension, to maintain a Higher

Frequency of Consciousness, you are being called to change
your lives in many ways. But, when you are in the midst of the
3D hustle/bustle, it can become very difficult to maintain that
higher consciousness.

Please remember that it is the frequency of your

consciousness that sets the frequency of your creation. You
are moving into the creation of New Earth, so the frequency of
your consciousness needs to as high of level as possible.

However, your habit of being third dimensional will pull on

you to get back to the real world and stop playing around.
Except, you are NOT playing, you are creating. You are
creating your life NOW .

It in with the NOW that our transmutation occurs as flash after

flash of Gamma W aves sweep across your brain. These
Gamma brainwaves are connecting your third dimensional
brain with your Multidimensional Mind. This process will as
slow or as quick as you choose.
However, to maintain some activation of Gamma W a ves, you
will need to meditate on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are
as many ways to meditate, as there are people. To our higher
dimensional perspective, your meditation is, Away Team
reporting in and to get our next assignment.

As you come to this juncture in your pathway there are many

things you may need to let go off. However, when you do so,
you will not have to deal with many of the things that pull your
consciousness down to 3D -based, beta waves.

Instead, you will increasingly look into yo ur 3D life from higher

and higher states of consciousness. From this higher
perspective, you will be able to see the parts of your higher
dimensional life that you can pull down into your earth -bound

You are NOW beginning to see your energy fields, which are
often called thoughtforms. They are called thoughtforms
because they are thoughts that are impregnated with emotion.
With the mating of your thoughts/masculine and
emotions/feminine you are able to perceive thoughtforms as
they flow through your reality.

These thoughtforms feel like a certain emotion and elicit

certain thoughts. Just as unseen currents in the water or in the
air fell differently, so do thoughtforms. W e speak to you now of
thoughtforms, for as begin your activate your alpha waves in
daily life, you will begin to consciously experience them.

One of the most important changes you will need to make in

your life if you chose the higher path is to make sure that you
fulfill your creati ve energies every day. Even if you have to
steal a few hours from W hat you HAVE to DO, you must
find time to be within the flow of your own creative energy

When you do not choose to do so, then you will become

addicted to your Beta W ave con sciousness. We say,
addicted because denying your self the wonderful emotional
feeling of being creative, it is because you have become
addicted to the 3D model of taking a long time and having
to work hard.

In the fifth dimension and beyond theres NO time and

NO hard work.

Fortunately, many of our away team is remembering to Bless

Free any lower frequency energy fields by sending them
unconditional love. Once you have blessed them free, you can
easily let them go. You will also be able to perceive the parts
of your life that make you feel wonderful.
Within the same NOW , you are remembering to remember that
your perceptions are dependent on the state of your
consciousness. From your higher states of consciousness, you
will begin to realize that YOU want to remember:

W hat specific components of your 3D life pull you down?

How you can release those components to create a more

peaceful and calm, life.

How you can activate your higher states of consciousness.

How you can connect with your Multidimensional Mind.

How you can understand your inner Kundalini energy.

How you can consciously accept the higher light entering

your Pineal Gland.

We highlight you, because YOU are the creator of your reality.

Therefore, whether you realize it or not, you have the immense
power to:

Chose to allow your higher, more creative, brainwaves into

your brain by

Choosing to dedicate your self to:

Activating your alpha brainwaves by the awareness of and

dedication to your o wn creative energy field.
To activate your theta brainwaves by meditation and active
communication with your Higher SELF.

To allow your delta brainwaves to integrate your


And take the responsibility of stimulating your gamma

brainwaves by dedicated meditation, compassion and
unconditional love.

The first thing your higher perspective self asks is, How do I
create a peaceful, calm and tranquil life? Deep inside you

1. I identify the components of my life tha t lower my state of


2. I identify the specific persons, places and things that lower

my consciousness and why.

3. I activate my higher states of consciousness to free my

creative force.

4. I create an open portal between my 3D brain and my

Multidimensional Mind.
5. Remember to consciously experience the higher light
entering your Pineal Gland.

Join us, your Galactic Family in the NOW , as we work as ONE

to create the thoughtform of New Earth. W e, the Galactics and
Celestials, will answer your call. How could we not, as W E are
YOU in a higher dimension/frequency of reality.


The Arcturians

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