Consciousness and Brainwaves - Suzanne Lie - Arcturians
Consciousness and Brainwaves - Suzanne Lie - Arcturians
Consciousness and Brainwaves - Suzanne Lie - Arcturians
Traveling in Consciousness
13 to 39 cps
If all this information is not put into some kind of order, we will
become confused and overwhelmed . The voice of our inner
self can still be dimly heard, but as in talking to someone in a
loud and busy airport, we can he ar it, but we cant always
understand what it is saying. Beta waves are the predominant
brainwaves in our everyday life . Without Beta Brainwaves, it
would be difficult to function effectively in our daily world .
8 to 12 cps
Alpha waves, which are between 8 and 12 cps, are slower in
frequency, higher in amplitude, and more synchronized
than Beta waves. W hen we take time out of our busy day to
have a power nap, reflect, listen to music, read a poem, or
meditate, we go into Alpha Consciousness. W hen we
concentrate intently on ONE thought, emotion, or activity , we
have fewer stimuli to process and our brain can move into
the intense focus of Alpha waves .
4 to 7 cps
Even then, the mere act of opening our eyes or listening to the
exterior world could bring in too much stimuli and shift our
consciousness back to the faster brainwaves , and our Theta
wave experiences are lost. In order to bring our Theta state
experiences into our conscious mind , we must be able to
communicate these experiences to our language centers
so that we can save them to our cerebral cortex .
Theta waves are abnormal in adults who are awake but are
perfectly normal in children up to 13 years old . They are
normal for all ages during sleep . The Theta state is believed to
reflect activity from the limbic system and hippocampus
regions deep inside the temporal lobe , which are related to
emotions, converting short -term memory to more
permanent memory, and recalling spatial relationships .
Theta Consciousness promotes adaptive, complex behaviors
such as learning and memory.
Theta brainwaves are conducive to profound inner peace,
knowing, feelings of oneness , mystical truths,
transformation of unconsciously held limiting beliefs ,
creating a better quality of life, physical and emotional
healing, and finding our purpose. Theta Consciousness
provides the peak in the peak experience .
.5 to 4 cps
Changing Brainwaves
When we fall asleep, our brain shifts gears and our brainwaves
begin slowing down. W e start at Beta then go to Alpha, Theta,
and then Delta. W hen we move towards waking up, our
brainwaves move in the reverse order of Delta, Theta, Alpha,
and finally Beta. Just as we unconsciously change our
brainwaves in sleep, we can learn to consciously change our
brainwaves while we are awake .
To keep our brain in an effective Beta brainwave pattern,
we can determine to narrow our focus to a few things at a time
and choose not to allow ourselves to indulge in obsessive or
fearful thinking.
We can take time out to relax, contemplate our lives, and
enjoy our creativity to induce Alpha brainwaves.
We can meditate and/or pray and place our total focus
upon our inner Self on a regular rhythmic basis to
induce Theta brainwaves.
We can get plenty of sleep, let go, and surrender to
our Soul to induce Delta brainwaves.
It is important to set aside a time at least three to five days a
week to spend inside our SELF. If we can set aside that
special time, we can learn to gain conscious mastery over our
consciousness and realize that we choose our
consciousness by choosing the thoughts we allow to take
residence in our mind and the emotions we allow to linger
in our heart.
Posted by Sue at 9:52 PM
Floating Thoughtforms by the Arcturians (Part 2 of
brainwaves and consciousness)
January 4, 2015
Floating Thoughtforms
By The Arcturians
Floating Thoughtforms
By the Arcturians
This 3D video game has been playing too long and it has
become corrupted with conditional love, which has made many
humans very easy to manipulate. It is for this reason that we,
your galactic and celestial family, have sent the higher
expressions of your Multidimensional SELF to login to the
3D game.
Once you recognize your own inner saboteur, you can send
unconditional love to any components of your self that has
become lost in the third dimension . Sending unconditional
love to your wounded ego will expand your consc iousness
beyond the frequency of those old energy patterns and
reset your intentions from third dimensional to
Fortunately you wrote into your pre -birth contract that you
are ready to expand beyond the third dimensional frequency of
the reality that you initially entered. Because of this
relocation you will need to remember whom you chose to
BE and what you will need to release in order to be that
Can you see, hear, feel and unconditionally love the shinning
fifth dimensional thoughtforms into your life?
Can you recognize that more and more changes are occurring
within the NOW of your day?
Can you reach out into the unfamiliar feel of unconditional love
and trust that within that thoughtform there is a higher
dimensional reality?
If you make that choice, you will remember how to perceive the
multidimensional matrix in which each grid of the matrix is
connected via unconditional lov e. That one decision, that one
risk, expands your consciousness beyond the
manipulation of fear and expands it into the memory of
your innate Multidimensional Matrix of reality.
In other words:
The Arcturians
On the other hand, if you felt the emotion of fear and had a
fearful thought you would begin the process of creating a
feedback-loop of fearful emotion creating a fearful third -
dimensional thoughtform and visa versa .
You could also experience emotions of happiness, human love
and/or excitement, which would hang in your aura influencing
your thoughts. Then, when you had a happy, loving and/or
excited thought you could create a happy third -dimensional
On the other hand, you may suddenly feel filled with light,
happy and invigorated when you encounter a higher
frequency, loving thoughtform . This thoughtforms give you
an opportunity to calibrate your 3D brain, which rules your
physical body, with your multidimensional mind, which
rules your Light Body.
When we can feel the safety of being the boss of your outer
world, you can expand your consciousness beyond the
surveillance mode of beta wave consciousness and into the
imagination mode of the alpha wave. To maintain this safety,
it is helpful to merge your beta/surveillance consciousness
with our alpha/imagination consciousness .
First you share your personal portals with those that you love
and trust. Then you may share your experiences anonymously
with others. Then, finally, when you KNOW the deep protection
that these portals offer, you will openly share your experiences
with a wider group of people. W hen you share , it is important
that you keep your consciousness above the often fear -based
beta waves and within the inspirational alpha wave and
multidimensional theta waves.
W e are YOU
Gamma brainwaves (100 - 38 Hz) were detected later than the
other brainwaves, and less is known about them. They have
been seen in states of peak performance (both physical and
mental), high focus and concentration and during mystic and
transcendental experiences. A lot of research is currently
being done on gamma brainwaves in the 40 Hz range during
meditation. One of the characteristics of gamma waves is a
synchronization of activity over wide areas of the brain.
Gamma brainwaves are not easy to detect. Sometimes they
may be seen as a narrow frequen cy band at 38 Hz.
You are probably wondering how you can experience
increased mental processing, happiness, better perception of
reality, incredible focus, better self -control and richer sensory
experience that comes with being in gamma? The answer is
simple: meditate.
Gamma brain waves are the fastest documented brain wave
activity on an E.E.G. oscillating between 40 Hz and 100 Hz.
Because they are the fastest brain wave activity, they also
have the smallest amplitude on an E.E.G.
(electroencephalogram) in comparison to the other major
ranges of brain wave frequencies.
People with high gamma activity are naturally happier, cal mer
and more at peace. This is Natures best anti -depressant
(people suffering from depression typically have very low
gamma activity). Gamma waves are present during REM sleep
and visualization.
Attention: Gamma waves have been documented to help with
attention specifically attentive -focus. Specifically when the
brain increases the 40 Hz frequency various parts of the brain
are able to function with efficiency and unison.
You are NOW beginning to see your energy fields, which are
often called thoughtforms. They are called thoughtforms
because they are thoughts that are impregnated with emotion.
With the mating of your thoughts/masculine and
emotions/feminine you are able to perceive thoughtforms as
they flow through your reality.
The first thing your higher perspective self asks is, How do I
create a peaceful, calm and tranquil life? Deep inside you
The Arcturians