432HZ-8HZ - The Sound of YOU !
432HZ-8HZ - The Sound of YOU !
432HZ-8HZ - The Sound of YOU !
432hz vibrates on the principals of natural harmonics and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. 432hz Natural Tuning has profound effects on consciousness and also on the cellu lar level of our bodies. Energy is a truly indestructible force. It never dies or diminishes, it merely transmutes form through rates of vibratio n and mediums. The energy that makes up you and I have always been, and always shall be present in the universal "all" of things. The energy in the form of atoms in your body was at one point, part of a star or galaxy and it is a scientific fact that you completely change all of your body's atoms every seven years, replenish ing the source from where you came from. This exchange of energy is in a constant inflow and outflow state throughout the "All" of creation both in the micro and macro planes of the universe. Everything is in electromagnetic vibration. Nothing escapes this basic universal law. The vast majority of what we understand as electromagnetic vibration is largely invisible and only accessible through the recent rediscoveries of the true natur e of energy on a quantum level. Of the measurable side of energy we can only perceive less than ten percent of t he electromagnetic spectrum in the form of Matter, sound, light and past our cru de senses, are the frequency realms of radio waves, ultraviolet light, gamma ray s and x-rays. The narrow band of visible light and audible sound are directly related in the f orm of frequency harmonics. Sound is measured in cycles per second (or hertz), which humans can perceive fro m around 20 cycles per second to around 20000 cycles per second. Light is measur ed in the trillions of cycles per second. From a theory standpoint, if you double the wavelength of sound by forty times y ou start to reach the vibrational frequencies of light. If you had a piano that was forty octaves long you could surpass tone and play t he visible colours of the spectrum. Like wise if you had a piano that moved in the opposite direction the slowest fr equency waves would form into matter. These are the extremes of visible electromagnetic vibration, which states that i f something moves fast or slow enough it can seem at rest. If I could spin a bicycle wheel fast enough, not even a bullet could penetrate t he space between the spokes of the wheel. The universe that we perceive is not really solid, it is only vibrational attrac tions of energy at their highest and lowest forms. Everything is in a constant cosmic dance from the smallest quantum sub particles to the majestic waltz of stars and galaxies. Thought plays an important role in the universe for it too, is also a measurable range of vibrational frequency. The body also is generating its own magnetic frequency fields, in the form of el ectrical energy. Each cell in your body is vibrating the electrical equivalent of 1.7 volts. When you add up how many cells are in the body you reach an estimated energy pot ential of seventeen trillion volts per person. Dr George W Crile from Cleveland discovered That small amounts of matter now cal led "radiogens" within protoplasm are producing light and heat in excess of 3,00 0 and 6,000 C There seems to be exhibiting the same behavior and groupings of star clusters an d galaxies within our bodies. This brings further solidity to the hermetic axiom "As above so below".
Thought can regulate how the rest of the body vibrates and subconscious thought pilots the spin of the body's energy chakras. There is a fundamental principal involved with vibration, which involves a corre spondence called sympathetic vibration. In other words a vibration wave when doubled or halved produces a sympathetic re sonance vibration in the medium.
Theta Brain Waves Information ( 4 to 8 Hz) : 4.5 Hz - Brings about Shamanic/Tibetan state of consciousness, Tibetan chants. 4.9 Hz - Induce relaxation and deeper sleep 4.9 Hz - Introspection. Relaxation, meditation 5 Hz - Reduces sleep required. Theta replaces need for extensive dreaming 5.35 Hz - Allows relaxing breathing, free and efficient 5.5 Hz - Inner guidance, intuition 6.5 Hz - Centre of Theta frequency. Activates creative frontal lobe 7.5 Hz - Activates creative thought for art, invention, music. Problem solving 7.5 Hz - Ease of overcoming troublesome issues 7.83 Hz - Schumann earth resonance. Grounding, meditative, Leaves you revitalized 3 - 8 Hz - Deep relaxation, meditation. Lucid dreaming 3 - 8 Hz - Increased memory, focus, creativity 4 - 7 Hz - Profound inner peace, emotional healing. Lowers mental fatigue 4 - 7 Hz - Deep meditation, near-sleep brainwaves ---------------- What are theta brainwaves? --------------Theta brainwaves are considered extremely relaxing brainwave activity that is co mmonly associated with sleep and dreaming. Theta brainwaves are high in amplitud e and cycle within the range of 4 -- 8 Hz and are usually generated in the brain s right hemisphere. Theta waves kick in when we feel emotional, relaxed, daydrea my, unfocused, or are asleep. Theta brainwaves are generally thought of as the b rainwaves that are dominant in people with A.D.D., high levels of relaxation, hi gh levels of creativity, and random thinking. The theta brainwave is considered the brainwave pattern that is dominant in deeply relaxed, dream sleep. Theta brain waves typically range from 4 Hz to 8 Hz. Theta brain waves are assoc iated with the "subconscious mind" and are usually produced in the right-hemisph ere of the brain - as opposed to beta brain waves, which are produced in the lef t-hemisphere and are associated with the "conscious mind." The brain creates the ta brain wave rhythms each time you are in "dream sleep." Also, during R.E.M. [R apid-Eye Movement] sleep, the brain is full of theta brain wave activity. Nearly 3/5 of your entire time spent sleeping at night involves the production o f theta brain waves in your brain. Many individuals also are able to access thet a brain waves when they are: driving for a long stretch on the highway, practici ng their meditation routine, using a self-hypnosis recording, or practicing othe r forms of deep relaxation. When you are able to consciously access the alpha br ain waves state, you are just one step away from accessing the depths of theta. What's cool about theta brain waves is the fact that they allow you to connect w ith your "subconscious mind." The subconscious mind is the place where all exper iences, long-term memories, natural creativity, powerful emotions, spiritual con nections, and inspiration are all stored. Think of the "subconscious mind" as on
e big, infinite storage space for "everything" in your life. The theta brain wav es are extremely helpful for healing the body of injury and the mind of diseased -states --------------Benefits of increasing theta brainwaves---------Deep levels of relaxation Bridges the spiritual connection O.O.B.E. , Astral Projection, Esp, Other related phenomenon Advanced intuition Subconscious connection Ability to program subconscious mind Emotional connection Peak levels of creativity Advanced problem solving skills Large boost in learning ability Improved long-term memory Ability to hyperfocus Lower anxiety, stress, and neurosis Healing of body and mind ------------------------------------------------------------------To find more detailed information on Binaural Beats and Brainwaves please visit http://www.scribd.com/doc/8179111/Binaural-Beats-Complete... All Information provided by above link. Please feel free to rip and use this video for whatever is needed. Thanks for li stening and enjoy ~