BW Mid2017 Itinerary TLs

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Midyear 2017 Barriowork: Cabangan, Zambales

Team Leaders: Lorenzo M. de Vera, Emmanuel A. Espino, Mary Angelica Ordoez, Leanne
Feliz Pastorpide, Ernest Guiller S. Pineda, Darryll Dale Belongilot
Itinerary and Outline:
I. Pre-Barriowork
Date: May 28, 2017, Sunday
Venue: Delaney Hall, UP Diliman

Time Duration Topic Facilitators/Speaker(s)

8:00 AM 8:30 AM 30 minutes Morning Prayers and Expectation Team Leaders
8:30 AM 9:30 AM 1 hour Barriowork History Benedict Balderamma
9:30 AM 10:30 AM 1 hour Community Integration Csherina Sanchez
10:30 AM 11:30 AM 1 hour Social Analysis J Eduardo Sabat
11:30 AM 12:30 PM 1 hour Lunch

12:30 PM 1:30 PM 1 hour Interior Life Darryll Dale Belongilot

1:30 PM 2:30 PM 1 hour Spirituality of Barriowork Darryll Dale Belongilot
2:30 PM 3:30 PM 1 hour Review of Authentic Christian Lorenzo de Vera
Humanism, Personal, Structural Sin
/Active Non-Violence and Catholic Social
3:30 PM 4:30 PM 1 hour First Aid Training Friane Recie Gaitan
4:30 PM 5:30 PM 1 hour General Guidelines Ernest Guiller Pineda
5:30 PM 6:00 PM 30 minutes Question and Answer Ernest Guiller Pineda
6:00 PM 7:00 PM 1 hour Holy Mass
7:00 PM 12:00 AM Dinner and Sleep-over

II. Barriowork Proper

Date Time Activity Materials Needed Remarks/To Dos Persons

May 29 6:00 AM Wake-up Call 1. Barriowork Team
7:00 AM Logbook Leaders (TLs)

7:00 AM Breakfast and - Assembly at DH

9:00 AM Personal - Checking of Baggages,
Preparations Logistics, Other
Requirements, etc.
- Photo Opportunity
- Initial Entry (Team
Profile) to the BW
9:00 AM Travel: UP Diliman - UP Diliman to SM North
10:40 AM to Victory Liner, EDSA (Jeepney)
Inc. Caloocan - SM North EDSA to
Terminal Victory Liner, Inc.
Caloocan Terminal
10:40 AM Travel: Victory Money - Start filling-up the BW TLs
4:00 PM Liner, Inc. Logbook
Caloocan - Buy Lunch at Double
Terminal to Happiness, Lubao,
Cabangan, Pampanga (Stop-over)
Zambales - Walk to Cabangan
Market to Sitio Agoho
- Photo Opportunity at
Brgy. San Isidro Marker
- Surrendering Mobile
Electronic Devices,
Wallet, Money and
Start Praying of Rosary at Mangga
4:00 PM Orientation and 1. General - Proceed to Nanay
5:00 PM Assignment of Reminders Marlyns House
Families - Briefing with the Family
(What to Say, Dos and
- Send-off of participants
to Respective Families
- BW Logbook to be given
to the First Participant
5:00 PM Start of 1. - Participants are left to
onwards Community their families for the
Integration and rest of the day so that
Immersion they may begin to get to
know them.
Evening TLs Meeting Agenda: TLs
- Plans for Interview and
Food and Venue for
Mid-Immersion (Mid-
- Plans for BW Logbook
- Range of Community
Whole Day Catching-up - Catching-up with the TLs
Session Participants and with
their Families
- Get and Give BW
Logbook to Participant
for writing
- Note that when there is
no schedule involving
participants, they are
with their respective
foster families.
May 30 9:00 AM Interview - Interview with the TLs
11:00 AM Barangay Captain for
Upcoming Projects in
Sitio Agoho in 2018
11:00 AM Data Gathering - TLs
2:00 PM (Municipal
Office, Municipal
Agrarian Reform
2:00 PM Data Gathering - TLs
5:00 PM (Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources
Council and Local
Government Unit
of Cabangan)
5:30 PM Interview with the Community Interview Gather participants. TLs and
Community Questions Agenda: Participants
Orientation 1. Mid-Immersion on May
Mid-Imm 30
Announcement 2. Ask permission to the
foster families that they
will not eat dinner on
that day.
3. Bring the following:
Bible, Flashlight,
Pillow(s), Beddings and
4. Interview for the Sitio
- Give Materials to
- Let the Participants
Assign Tasks and Plan
Evening TLs Meeting 1. - Run-down of schedule
for tomorrow
Whole Day Catching-up 2. - Catching-up with the TLs
Session Participants and with
their Families
- Get and Give BW
Logbook to Participant
for writing
- Note that when there is
no schedule involving
participants, they are
with their respective
foster families.
May 31 8:00 AM - Ask prospect family for TLs
(Mid- the venue of Mid-Imm
Immersion) Dinner and their
specialty (1 viand, rice
and dessert (depending
on the funds))
- Ask Nanay Marlyn for
the venue of
Culminating Activity and
her specialty (1 viand,
rice and dessert
(depending on the
- Buy Ingredients for Mid-
Imm Dinner at
Cabangan Market (ask
- Give Ingredients to the
Foster Family that will
cook for the Mid-Imm
8:00 AM Interview with the - TLs and
12:00 PM Community Participants

2:00 PM Balisara Gathering Small Basin - Ask the participants to TLs

3:30 PM wear swimming attire
3:30 PM - Swimming TLs and
6:00 PM - Photo Opportunity Participants
- Ask the participants to take a
bath and bring bible, flashlight,
pillow, bedding and banig to
the venue for Mid-Imm Dinner
6:30 PM - - Ask Nanay Marlyn for TLs
the permission to use
the Multi-Purpose Hall
and her specialty dish
and its ingredients
8:00 PM Dinner - Plans and Task TLs and
9:30 PM Delegations for Selling Participants
Food for the benefit of
the Old Men in front of
Nanay Dangs House
(Who will buy, sell,
where to prepare)
8:30 PM Evening Praise - Bible Verse (Mt. - Brief Catching-up about TLs and
1:00 AM and Mid- 25: 31-46) the Foster Families and Participants
Immersion Proper - Bible Experience
- Flashlight - Group Processing
- Pillow(s) - Make TY Letter to foster
- Bedding(s) families
- Banig - One-on-one Processing
- Mid-Immersion
Art Materials
6:00 AM Wake-up - TLs and
June 1 Whole Day Catching-up - - Catching-up with the TLs
Session Participants and with
their Families
- Get and Give BW
Logbook to Participant
for writing
- Note that when there is
no schedule involving
participants, they are
with their respective
foster families.
8:00 AM Interview TLs
12:00 PM (Farmers
Association and
Fisher folks
1:00 PM Educational - Talk with the Pangisda TLs
5:00 PM Discussion about Zambales (Mr. Philip
Fisher folks Angel) about the
Peoples Fishing Situation in
Organization Zambales
6:00 PM Meeting Gather participants. TL and
8:00 PM Agenda: Participants
1. Prepare programme and
presentation for
Culminating Activity
2. Plans and Task
Delegation for
Culminating Activity
3. Invite their families.
Output: Programme and props if TLs
- Confirm to Nanay
Marlyn to use Multi-
purpose Hall
- Decide on what token to
give for foster families.
7:00 AM Buy tokens Put groceries and tokens to Nanay TLs and
8:00 AM (groceries and a Marlyns house Participants
material) for
Foster Families
and for the two
old men.
June 2 8:00 AM Preparations for - TLs and
10:00 AM Culminating Participants

10:00 AM Culminating 1. Food - Program care of TLs and

12:00 Activity and 2. TY Letters Participants Participants
PM Lunch Tokens - Photo-opportunity with
the family
- Giving of TY Letters
Inform participants to fix their
1:00 PM Final Goodbyes 1. Groceries - Fetch participants from TLs
2:30 PM Tokens their homes.
- Saying final goodbyes.
- Giving of tokens and
- Final Photo-opportunity
with the family in their
- Fixing and checking of
things, valuables, etc.
for departure.
- Giving of goods to the
two old men.
2:30 PM- Final Touches - Go to Nanay Marlyn for TLs and
4:00 PM Final goodbyes. Participants
- Final Photo-opporunity
with the Batch
Ask for a tricycle ride to Cabangan
4:10 PM Travel: Cabangan, 3. - Ride bus (going to TLs and
10:00 PM Zambales to Cubao, Quezon City) Participants
Quezon Avenue, - Buy food at Double
Quezon City Happiness, Lubao,
10:00 PM Sleep-over 2. - Sleep-over in the
Delaney Hall, UP

III. Post-Barriowork
Date: June 3, 2017
Venue: Delaney Hall, UP Diliman
Time Duration Topic Facilitators/Speaker(s)
8:00 AM 9:00 AM 1 hour Morning Praise Team Leaders
9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3 hours National Situation Talk Pablo Rosales
12:00 PM 1:00 PM 1 hour Lunch
1:00 PM 3:00 PM 2 hour Social Analysis J Eduardo Sabat
3:00 PM 4:30 PM 1 hour and 30 Alternative Lifestyle Teodoro G. Lopez
4:30 PM 6:00 PM 1 hour and 30 Revision of Life Msgr. Sabino Vengco, Jr.
6:00 PM 7:00 PM 1 hour Holy Mass

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