Unit: MSTEP Practice CCSS or State Standards: Lesson Title: Monthly MSTEP Practice Grade/Period: 7A &7B

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Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Jerrica Vanderkarr

Unit: MSTEP Practice Lesson Title: Monthly MSTEP Practice Grade/Period: 7A &7B

CCSS or State Standards:

RH-7.1, RH-7.9, W-7.2b, W-7.9

RH-1 Specific textual evidence to

support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.

RH-9 Analyze the relationship

between a primary and secondary
source on the same topic.

W-2 Informative/explanatory texts,

including the narration of
historical events, scientific
procedures/ experiments, or
technical processes.
b. Develop the topic with relevant,
well-chosen facts, definitions,
concrete details, quotations, or
other information and examples.

W-9 Draw evidence from

informational texts to support
analysis reflection, and research.
Resources and Materials:
(can be attached)

Objective: I can: select appropriate facts, definitions, concrete details,

What students will know and be able to do
stated in student friendly language (use
quotations and examples, develop the topic using facts,
Blooms and DOK levels for higher level definitions, concrete details, quotations, other
thinking objectives) information and examples, determine how to organize ideas,
concepts and information, write an informative/explanatory text
to examine a topic, convey ideas, concepts and information
through text selection, organization and analysis of
relevant content, organize ideas, concepts and information, and
draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.
Essential Question(s): Using various types of text references, how can I determine a) the
Over-arching questions of the lesson that will central idea of the text b) how the evidence supports the central
indicate student understanding of
concepts/skills What is it you want the idea?
students to learn/know? Why? How do I support my evidence through clear explanatory writing?
How do I analyze how an author distinguishes his/her position from
that of others?
How do I analyze the differences in how two authors approach the
same topic?
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Inclusion Activity: Do Now: On average how many hours of sleep do you get each
Describe an activity that will ensure that all night?
students and their voices are included at the
beginning of the lesson.
All students are expected to participate in the Daily Do Now.
Madison Academy has a no opt out policy, meaning students are not
allowed to refuse to participate in classroom activities
Sequence of Activities: 0:00 Students are invited into the classroom, subject notebooks and
Provide an overview of the flow of the lesson. collect their folders out of the bin in the classroom.
Should also include estimates of
pacing/timing. 0:01 Students will find their assigned seats.
0:02 Time allotted for Good News and student pledge.
0:10 Students will complete Daily Do Now.
- On average how many hours of sleep do you get each night?
0:15 Allow students to share their answers to share their response to
the Daily Do Now.
0:25 Hand out this month's MSTEP practice packet, and
0:27 Whole group instruction. As a class we will read the 3 sources
outloud. After reading each source we will stop and discuss what the
main idea is of each source as well as the supporting details.
0:47 After reading each source and determining the main ideas we
will turn to Part I of the assignment.
- Students will work independently to answer questions 1-3 on
Part I. This requires students to find supporting evidence
from all of the sources. (HIGHLIGHT YOUR
0:47 As students are working I will walk around the classroom and
formatively assess how they are doing with the material. This will
allow students to ask questions as they are working on the
assignment. Determine groups (highs, mediums, lows) Allow highs
to continue to work independently through the MSTEP practice
packet if time allows they can complete part II, assign mediums to
continue to work independently through the MSTEP practice packet,
lows will continue to work on the MSTEP practice packet,
encourage students to try using different strategies, and methods for
answering these questions.
0:60 Students will work independently to answer question 4 on Part
- Now that you have completed research on the topic of sleep,
the journalism club advisor has asked you to write an
explanatory article about sleep and naps for the next issue of
the school newspaper. The audience for your article will be
other students, teachers, and parents.
- Students will summarize what they have learned from the
three sources as well as use text evidence with proper
0:70 By the end of the class period students must have completed at
least questions 1-3 and have organized some thoughts about part II.
We will continue this lesson tomorrow.
0:75 Regroup the class. Allow students to ask any questions.
0:78 Students will pack up, push their chairs in and begin lining up
at the door in line order.
0:80 Class dismissal.
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Instructional Strategies: Whole group instruction, independent study, formative assessment,

Research-based strategies to help students targeted interventions based on student learning levels, identified
think critically about the concept/skill
possible at-risk population for further interventions.
Assessment: Formative: see lesson
List both formative and summative
assessments that you will use to assess student
Summative: Students will be taking the MSTEP in just a few
understanding. Formative assessments are short months.
given during instruction (check for
understanding), summative are after
completion of instruction (how will you grade
quiz, test, project, paper, presentation,
demonstration, etc.).

Differentiation: Highs to continue to work independently through the MSTEP

Describe who will need additional or different practice packet and continue working on part II.
support during this lesson, and how you will
support them. Differentiated instruction could Mediums to continue to work independently through the MSTEP
include testing accommodations, preferential practice packet.
seating, segmented assignments, a copy of the
teachers notes, assignment notebook, peer Lows will continue to work on the MSTEP practice packet, and will
tutors, etc. be encouraged to try using different strategies, and methods for
answering these questions.
Summary, Integration and Regrouping the class after independent practice.
List the way that you will bring students
together to integrate and reflect on their
learning from this lesson

Initial plans could also contain the following:

Accessing Prior Knowledge: What data do you have about what the students already know? What do
they need to know before they can learn this new information? What do the students know about this
topic prior to instruction? How will you engage the students, given what they already know about the
The MSTEP practice is review of reading comprehension skills and writing that students have learned. The
questions on the MSTEP tend to be more difficult for students. The sources are rather long passages, but
students have reading strategies that can help them succeed.

Anticipatory Set: What will you do to grab the students attention at the start of the lesson?
In the beginning of every class I set aside time for students to share good news. Once good news is
complete, students will move on to their Do Now.

Questions to Anticipate: What questions will students be asking you during the lesson? How will you
answer them?
MSTEP is a source of frustration for many students. Many students also suffer from test anxiety. For that
reason every month we complete MSTEP practice, sometimes on the computer and other times with
paper and pencil such as this month. Another issue is the length of the passages, students will be
intimidated by the sheer amount of material. We will therefore read these passages out loud together.

Wrap-up Activity and Closure: How will you bring your lesson to an end and tie it to previously learned
material? This is the summary at the end of the lesson. What did they learn?
Allow plenty of time for questions. Students will complete assignment independently, this assignment is
length and may take more than one class period to complete.
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Homework/ Independent Practice: Based on what they learned in class, what could they do on their
own to practice the skill they learned today? Examples include practice problems, an investigation, a
game, or any other activity to apply what they just learned.
Complete the MSTEP practice packets independently.

Adaptations: List alternative plans you will make during your lesson as you consider student strengths,
challenges, and possible misunderstandings. See lesson

Remediation: What else can you do/have prepared to do with the students who did not understand the
information you presented? See lesson

Enrichment: What else can you do/ have prepared for the student who totally understood what you
taught and needs to take it a step further and extend the information taught? See lesson

Changes to Future Lessons: Use your imagination- what do you think might be places in this lesson you
might want to change/ improve/ expand on in the future?
MSTEP practice packets for ELA always seem to take more than one class period. Unfortunately that
means that students will have to re-read or review what we have already read out loud today. Hopefully
students will have left themselves a good place to start back up again next class period.
Maybe working with the other middle school teachers to alter the schedule for the week in order to
ensure that there is enough class time to complete MSTEP practice.

For use in all Baker EDU courses: 4/13/16 per Dr. Schram

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