The document provides information about upcoming events at Zion Lutheran Church for the week of June 11th through June 18th. It lists the sermon topic and pastor for the upcoming Sunday as well as other weekly activities and volunteer opportunities. It also provides updates on shut-ins and names those in need of prayers. In addition, it includes announcements about worship services for shut-ins, donation opportunities, and contact information for the pastor.
The document provides information about upcoming events at Zion Lutheran Church for the week of June 11th through June 18th. It lists the sermon topic and pastor for the upcoming Sunday as well as other weekly activities and volunteer opportunities. It also provides updates on shut-ins and names those in need of prayers. In addition, it includes announcements about worship services for shut-ins, donation opportunities, and contact information for the pastor.
The document provides information about upcoming events at Zion Lutheran Church for the week of June 11th through June 18th. It lists the sermon topic and pastor for the upcoming Sunday as well as other weekly activities and volunteer opportunities. It also provides updates on shut-ins and names those in need of prayers. In addition, it includes announcements about worship services for shut-ins, donation opportunities, and contact information for the pastor.
The document provides information about upcoming events at Zion Lutheran Church for the week of June 11th through June 18th. It lists the sermon topic and pastor for the upcoming Sunday as well as other weekly activities and volunteer opportunities. It also provides updates on shut-ins and names those in need of prayers. In addition, it includes announcements about worship services for shut-ins, donation opportunities, and contact information for the pastor.
June 11th through June 18th Pastors email: Web Site: The Lutheran June 18, "Look Back, See What on Total Living Network tv on Cable or channel 377at God Has Done" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. 10:30 am Direct TV. Gregory Seltz. God not only kept His side of the bargain-- He kept our side of the bargain, too. Save the date July 10-14th Church (Exodus 19:2-8) or Listen at Picnic July 16th more details to come. 6:00 a.m. on WGN Chicago (720AM) and at 8:00 a.m. over WGFA, Watseka (94.1FM) or at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers are needed for, on WKAN (1320AM). Teaching, crafts helpers, snack helpers. If you can help with Please remember in your prayers, cards anything please let Laurie Swinford and or visits. Members not worshiping know. with us today, members in assisted living centers, and area nursing homes. Here is Please make sure you our Current list of Shut-ins and Nursing are signing a right of Home members, Homebound: are Mae friendship card in the Ader, William Fischer, Anita Giertz, Margaret Kroll, pews. This is the way Rose Perkins, Obert Hilgendorf, Pat Hendrickson, I get the information to Jerry Orr. Nursing Homes: Merkle, Susie Wilking, send reports to the Butterfield Court: Gary Bohlmann. Prairieview: district. I also go to Ruth Imhauser( Faith Place) Rita Baker. Harvest attendance for current Birthdays and Anniversaries that View Herscher: Ray Clausen. Our Lady of Victory: are posted in Newsletter , when someone has attended Betty Baker. Manteno Veterans Home: Bob Fisher. in the last year. And that information is gathered from Miller Care: Sandy Grob the Right of friendship cards. Please take a moment to fill the card out. Thank You. Life Quotes from Lutherans for life June 11 What do we say to women and men crushed in the aftermath of an abortion decision? They are created, redeemed, and called, and therefore NOTHING can Dont feel like cooking? Well separate them from the love of God in Christ Jesus. stop by the office and pickup a Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of couple gift cards for area Lutherans For Life A Life Quote from Lutherans restaurants. And you can even For Life get a gas card to get you to the Worship for Shut ins: June 18, Second Sunday restaurant. Call to see if we have one for after Pentecost. Psalm: 100; Epistle: Romans your favorite food place. 815-697-2212. 5:6-15; Gospel: Matthew 9:35-10:8 The Fathers Love - Sermon Text: Romans 5:6-15 by Rev. William Mueller, Suburban Bethlehem Reminder if you need to contact Pastor, Lutheran Church ~ Fort Wayne, IN How much do you love me? Thats a question that Please call or text his cell number 815-383- boyfriends and girlfriends ask of each other in an 1148 attempt to understand the measure of their love. What kind of an answer would we get if we asked God the same question? The answer reveals just how great and powerful is His love for us. Worship for Shut-ins can be seen on channel 138 at 11:30 a.m. c THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR c cSERVING THIS WEEK c Sunday 8:30 AM Worship Service Organ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:40 AM Bible Class Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Jensen 10:45 Prayer and Praise Service Guitar . . . . . . . . . . . . Warren Rahn, Mark Swinford 6:00 PM Worship Service Greeters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris and Missy Salazar Ushers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Swinford Tuesday 6:00 PM Parish Ed Elder:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louie Wolfe 6:00 PM Trustees