Ex 9 G
Ex 9 G
Ex 9 G
tHinK Write
9g Capacity
inDiviDUAl flUenCY
1 We19a, b Copy and complete the following unit conversions.
eBookk plus a 2L= mL b 3000 mL = L
c 13 kL = L d 7000 mL = L
Activity 9-G-1
Capacity e 5500 mL = L f 260 L = kL
doc-1873 g 2 L= mL h 32 000 mL = L
Activity 9-G-2
More capacity
i 55 mL = L j 0.035 L = mL
doc-1874 k 420 L = mL l 0.99 kL = L
Activity 9-G-3 m 1 L= mL n 22 500 mL = L
Advanced capacity
doc-1875 o 350 mL = L p L= mL
q 25 L = kL r 0.007 L = mL
eBookk plus
2 We19c Copy and complete the following unit conversions.
Weblink a 750 cm3 = mL b 2500 m3 = kL
Jugs c 800 cm =
3 mL = L d 40 000 cm3 = mL = L
e 6L= mL = cm 3 f 5200 L = kL = m3
g 2.45 L = cm3 h 78 000 cm3 = L
3 MC A capacity of 25 L is equal to:
A 0.025 mL B 250 mL C 0.25 mL D 25 000 mL E 2500 mL
4 MC A capacity of 35 400 mL is equal to:
A 35 400 000 L B 0.354 L C 3.5400 L D 35.4 L E 35 L
5 Arrange in order from smallest to largest:
a 2 L, 25 000 mL, 1 L, 2.45 L b 760 mL, 0.765 L, 7.65 mL, 7.60 L
2 4
c 110 mL, 0.1 L, 0.011 L, 1.1 L
eBookk plus
7 cm
30 cm
75 cm 24 cm
19 Estimate how many litres of water each sink will hold if filled to the top. Use the
measurements shown. (Hint: First convert the measurements to centimetres.)
180 mm
430 mm
350 mm
20 To achieve a world record, a 16.4 kL strawberry milkshake was made in the UK in 1996. To
understand how large this is, consider the size of a rectangular prism that would have this
eBookk plus
capacity. Suggest three possible sets of measurements for this container.
Digital docs 21 One litre of paint covers an area of 20 square metres. How many millilitres of paint are
WorkSHEET 9.2
required to cover an area of 6 square metres?
How will you remember
conversion between units for
volume and units for capacity?