Syscal Junior Standard Resistivitymeter

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Automatic current ranging
Compact yet powerful
400 V - 100 W - 1.2 A
Proven reliability


Microprocessor controlled measurement of electrical Resistivity sounding and profiling for:

resistivity and chargeability Pollution monitoring and mapping
Display of voltage, intensity, SP, standard deviation Salinity control
Computation of resistivity for most electrode arrays: Shallow groundwater exploration
Schlumberger, Wenner, gradient, dipole, resistance Depth-to-rock determination
Internal memory for more than 860 readings (2800 in Weathered bedrock localization
the multi-electrode mode), and data transfer to PC Depth and thickness of aquifers
through serial link
Capability to drive automatic multi-electrode
switching system (E-NODE & MULTINODE)

IRIS Instruments
1 avenue Buffon, B.P. 6007, 45060 Orlans Cedex 2, France
Phone: + 33 (0) 2 38 63 81 00 - Fax: + 33 (0) 2 38 63 81 82 - E-mail: - Web site:


Aim: imaging the underground geological structures through surface Intensity up to 1200 mA
electrical measurements Voltage up to 400V
Principle: transmitting a current I through two electrodes and (800V peak to peak)
measuring a voltage V with two other electrodes Power up to 100 W
Apparent resistivity: = K*V/I, K depending on the electrode Selectable cycle time of 0.5 , 1 or 2 s and
separation also programmable from 0.25 to 10 s
Electrical sounding: determining the depths and thickness of layers Current measurement precision:
through the variations of the electrical resistivity with depth 0,5% typical.
Electrical profiling: delineating anomalous areas through the lateral
variations of the resistivity INPUT VOLTAGE SPECIFICATIONS
Applications: environmental studies, groundwater investigation, civil
engineering, archaeology... Measuring process:
automatic ranging and calibration
EASE OF USE Input impedance : 10 M
Input voltage protection up to 1000V,
Taking a reading with the SYSCAL Junior is very easy: range from 5 V to +5 V.
Rejection filters for 50 Hz and 60 Hz
Strike SPACING to input spacing AB/2 et MN/2. Voltage measurement precision:
Press START : 0.5% typical
V et I are displayed while measurement is going on Noise reduction: continuous stacking
Press RESULT to read apparent resistivity and chargeability values. selectable from 1 to 255 stacks.
Press MEMORY for data storage. SP compensation through linear drift
Resistivity accuracy: 0,5% typical
ACCURACY Induced polarization (chargeability)
measurement over 4 predefined windows.
Noise monitoring before injection Chargeability accuracy: 1% of measured
SP compensation including linear drift value for input voltage higher than 10 mV.
Digital stacking for noise reduction
Standard deviation computation GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS

Operating temperature : -20 to +70 C

RELIABILITY Memory size : 860 readings with 20
parameters each : so 17 200 parameters.
Weather proof. 2500 readings with multi-electrode with 11
Wide operational temperature range from -20C to +70C. parameters each , so 30 800 parameters.
Shock resistant fiber-glass case. Dimensions : 31 x 21 x 21 cm.
Weight: 7 kg
Power supply:
ACCESSORY : MULTI-ELECTRODE SYSTEM internal rechargeable 12V, 7 Ah battery or
external 12V car battery.
The SYSCAL Junior can be connected to electrode switching nodes and Autonomy with internal battery: more than
drive automatic data acquisition (E-NODE or MULTINODE). 6000 readings at 20 mA output current and
10 k electrode resistance with 10 seconds
DATA INTERPRETATION SOFTWARE injection time for each reading.

RESIX or WINSEV (PC), for electrical sounding interpretation

(horizontally layered earth hypothesis).
RES2DINV or RESIX-2DI (PC), for pseudo-section inversion to true
resistivity 2D section.
RES3DINV (PC), for resistivity inversion of 3D surveys.

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