AB 02 Charakterystyki Tranzystora CB NPN
AB 02 Charakterystyki Tranzystora CB NPN
AB 02 Charakterystyki Tranzystora CB NPN
Analog Lab
Experiment Board
Ver. 1.0
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Table of Contents
LIST OF SERVICE CENTERS.........................................................................................................19
List of Accessories.............................................................................................................................20
AB02 is a compact, ready to use Transistor Characteristics experiment board. This is useful for students to plot
different characteristics of NPN transistor in common base configuration and to understand various region of operation
of PNP transistor. It can be used as stand alone unit with external DC power supply or can be used with SCIENTECH
Analog Lab ST2612 which has built in DC power supply, AC power supply, function generator, modulation generator,
continuity tester, toggle switches, and potentiometer.
List of Boards :
Model Name
AB01 Diode characteristics (Si, Zener, LED)
AB03 Transistor characteristics (CB PNP)
AB04 Transistor characteristics (CE NPN)
AB05 Transistor characteristics (CE PNP)
AB06 Transistor characteristics (CC NPN)
AB07 Transistor characteristics (CC PNP)
AB08 FET characteristics
AB09 Rectifier Circuits
AB10 Wheatstone Bridge
AB11 Maxwells Bridge
AB14 Darlington Pair
AB15 Common Emitter Amplifier
AB16 Common Collector Amplifier
AB17 Common Base Amplifier
AB18 Cascode Amplifier
AB19 RC-Coupled Amplifier
AB20 Direct Coupled Amplifier
AB21 Class a Amplifier
AB22 Class B Amplifier (push pull emitter follower)
AB23 Class C Tuned Amplifier
AB25 Phase Locked Loop (FM Demodulator & Frequency Divider / Multiplier)
AB28 Multivibrator ( Mono stable / Astable)
AB29 F-V and V-F Converter
AB30 V-I and I-V Converter
AB31 Zener Voltage Regulator
AB32 Transistor Series Voltage Regulator
AB33 Transistor Shunt Voltage Regulator
AB41 Differential Amplifier (Transistorized)
AB42 Operational Amplifier (Inverting / Non-inverting / Differentiator)
AB43 Operational Amplifier (Adder/Scalar)
AB44 Operational Amplifier (Integrator/ Differentiator)
AB45 Schmitt Trigger and Comparator
AB51 Active filters (Low Pass and High Pass)
AB52 Active Band Pass Filter
AB53 Notch Filter
AB54 Tschebyscheff Filter
AB56 Fiber Optic Analog Link
AB65 Phase Shift Oscillator
AB66 Wien Bridge Oscillators
AB67 Colpitt Oscillator
AB68 Hartley Oscillator
AB80 RLC Series and RLC Parallel Resonance
AB81 Kirchoffs Laws (Kirchhoffs Current Law & Kirchhoffs Voltage Law)
AB82 Thevenins and Maximum power Transfer Theorem
AB83 Reciprocity and Superposition Theorem
AB84 Tellegens Theorem
AB85 Nortons theorem
AB88 Diode Clipper
AB89 Diode Clampers
Transistor characteristics are the curves, which represent relationship between different dc currents and voltages of a
transistor. These are helpful in studying the operation of a transistor when connected in a circuit. The three important
characteristics of a transistor are:
1. Input characteristic.
2. Output characteristic.
3. Constant current transfer characteristic.
Input Characteristic :
In common base configuration, it is the curve plotted between the input current (IE) verses input voltage (VBE) for
various constant values of output voltage (VCB).
The approximated plot for input characteristic is shown in Fig. 1. This characteristic reveal that for fixed value of
output voltage VCB, as the base to emitter voltage increases, the emitter current increases in a manner that closely
resembles the diode characteristics.
Fig. 1
Output Characteristic :
This is the curve plotted between the output current IC verses output voltage VCB for various constant values of input
current IE.
The output characteristic has three basic region of interest as indicated in fig.2 the active region, cutoff region and
saturation region.
In active region the collector base junction is reverse biased while the base emitter junction if forward biased. This
region is normally employed for linear (undistorted) amplifier.
In cutoff region the collector base junction and base emitter junction of the transistor both are reverse biased. In this
region transistor acts as an OFF switch.
In saturation region the collector base junction and base emitter junction of the transistor both are forward biased. In
this region transistor acts as an ON switch.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Objective :
To study the characteristics of NPN transistor in common base configuration and to evaluate
1. Input resistance
2. Output resistance
3. Current gain
Apparatus required :
Fig. 4
Procedure :
Connect -5V and +12V dc power supplies at their indicated position from external source or ST2612 Analog Lab.
To plot input characteristics proceed as follows :
1. Rotate both the potentiometer P1 and P2 fully in CCW (counter clockwise direction).
2. Connect Ammeter between test point 2 and 3 to measure input emitter current IE(mA).
3. Short or connect a 2mm patch cord between test point 4 and 5
4. Connect one voltmeter between test point 1 and ground to measure input voltage VBE other voltmeter between test
point 6 and ground to measure output voltage VCB.
5. Switch ON the power supply.
6. Vary potentiometer P2 and set a value of output voltage VCB at some constant value (1V, 2V)
7. Vary the potentiometer P1 so as to increase the value of input voltage VBE from zero to 0.9V in step and measure
the corresponding values of input current IE for different constant value of output voltage VCB in an observation
Table 1.
8. Rotate potentiometer P1 fully in CCW direction.
9. Repeat the procedure from step 6 for different sets of output voltage VCB.
10. Plot a curve between input voltage VBE and input current IE as shown in Fig 1 using suitable scale with the help of
observation Table l. This curve is the required input characteristic.
Observation Table 1 :
Observation Table 2 :
Observation Table 3 :
1. 0.0 mA
2. 1.0 mA
3. 2.0 mA
4. 3.0 mA
5. 4.0 mA
6. 5.0 mA
7. 6.0 mA
8. 7.0 mA
9. 8.0 mA
10. 9.0 mA
Calculations :
1. Input resistance: It is the ratio of change in the input voltage VBE to change in the input current IE at constant
value of output voltage VCB or it is the reciprocal of the slope obtained from the input characteristic.
To calculate input resistance determine the slope from the input characteristic curve obtained from observation
Table 1. Reciprocal of this slope will give the required input resistance.
2. Output resistance: It is the ratio of change in the output voltage VCB to change in the output current IC at constant
value of input current IE or it is the reciprocal of the slope obtained from the output characteristic.
To calculate output resistance determine the slope from the output characteristic curve obtained from
observation Table 2. Reciprocal of this slope will give the required output resistance.
3. Current gain: It is the ratio of change in the output current IC to change in the input current IE at constant value of
output voltage VCB or it is the slope obtained from the constant current transfer characteristic. It is denoted by ac
ac = Slope of constant current transfer characteristic = IC
To calculate current gain, determine the slope from the constant current transfer characteristic curve obtained from
observation Table 3. This slope is the required current gain.
Input resistance Rin = ________________
Output resistance Rout = ________________
Current Gain ac = ________________
1) We guarantee the instrument against all manufacturing defects during 24 months from the date of sale by us or
through our dealers.
2) The guarantee covers manufacturing defects in respect of indigenous components and material limited to the
warranty extended to us by the original manufacturer, and defect will be rectified as far as lies within our
3) The guarantee will become INVALID.
a) If the instrument is not operated as per instruction given in the instruction manual.
b) If the agreed payment terms and other conditions of sale are not followed.
c) If the customer resells the instrument to another party.
d) Provided no attempt have been made to service and modify the instrument.
4) The non-working of the instrument is to be communicated to us immediately giving full details of the
complaints and defects noticed specifically mentioning the type and sr. no. of the instrument, date of purchase
5) The repair work will be carried out, provided the instrument is dispatched securely packed and insured with
the railways. To and fro charges will be to the account of the customer.
1) Before dispatching the instrument please write to us giving fully details of the fault noticed.
2) After receipt of your letter our repairs dept. will advise you whether it is necessary to send the instrument back
to us for repairs or the adjustment is possible in your premises.
Dispatch the instrument (only on the receipt of our advice) securely packed in original packing duly insured and freight
paid along with accessories and a copy of the details noticed to us at our factory address.
List of Accessories