The Arup Journal Issue 2 1977

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The Truman brewery site has over 300 years of history of brewing and construction on the site in the Brick Lane area of London. By 1840, the complex covered 6 acres and many of the historic buildings still standing were completed.

The Truman brewery site has been in operation since the late 1600s. Over time, various buildings were constructed, including the Directors' House, Vat House, Engineers' House and stables. By the 1800s, the complex was quite large and urban in scale.

Prior to Arup's commission, Truman had already constructed a new bottling plant and cold lager store nearby. A new brewery was also under construction. Additionally, a warehouse was in planning.


THEARUP Vol. 12 No. 2 June 1977
Published by
Ove Arup Partnership
13 Fitzroy Street. London. W1 P 680

JOURNAL Editor: Peter Haggett

Art Editor: Desmond Wyeth FSIAD
Assistant Editor: David Brown

Truman 2
91 Brick Lane,
by J. Gray and J. Herbert

Clinker Wharf, 14
by D. Brunt

Lagoon Barriers 21
at Venice,
by A. Day and P. Rice

Credit Lyonnais: 23
Queen Victoria Street
by M. Courtney

Credit Lyonnais: 27
G RC cladding,
by B. Cole

Centre Pompidou 32

Front cover: Elevation of old and new building at Truman's, Brick Lane
Back cover: Centre Pompidou (Photo: Poul Beckmann)

91 Brick Lane, E1
Jonathan Gray
James Herbert
The history
Trumans the brewers have over more than
three centuries enjoyed a history of building
on their East End of London site. The lines of
Brick Lane and its adjoining streets were in
fact laid out between 1661 and 1670, and
within 10 years of that time Joseph Truman,
father of the more famous Sir Benjamin, was
actively engaged in brewing on the site. From
that small beginning, the brewery rapidly grew Fig.1
so that by 1840 the complex covered six Truman's brewery
acres, and the buildings which are now in 1760
scheduled by the Greater London Council, and
which so dominated our design ideas, were
all completed.
The Directors' House had been built in 1740
by Sir Benjamin Truman as his new city
residence, to be completed later with the
Adam drawing room which is now the board
room. The Vat House was also built in about
1740 on the east side of Brick Lane opposite
the Directors House, with the Engineers
House and the stables added to the north in
1830. The Brewers House had also been 1
completed before the turn of the century. It
was built on the west of Brick Lane to the
north of the Directors House and separated
from it by a cobbled courtyard. Records of the
time describe the brewery as having 'more the
appearance of a town itself than a private
manufacturing establishment.' It was this
essentially urban quality that we tried to
exploit in our design just 200 years later.
When Arup Associates were commissioned to
design the administrative offices for Truman
Ltd. in March 1972, major redevelopment and Fig.2
reorganization had already been initiated on Truman's brewery
the site some four years earlier. Indeed, in 1842
2 Trumans had already constructed a new
bottling plant in Hanbury Street and had been
given beneficial occupancy of a new brewery
building designed by a Bristol engineering
firm called Gordon Smith & Partners. This
firm was also just completing the design of a
cold lager store, and beginning the design of a
warehouse at the time we were appointed .
The area designated for the office building was
a flat site of about 3,200 m2 in area . It was
bounded by Brick Lan e to the east with the
scheduled frontag e of th e Stable Building,
the Engineers' House and the Vat House
facing the site, and the Brewers' House
standing on the site. To the north was Quaker
Street, separating the site from some dilapi-
dated tenement buildings which were shortly
to become the subject of a compulsory
Fig.3 purchase order. To the w est was Wilkes
Aerial vi ew of Street which form ed the major trucking access
Trum an's before to the new brewery building to its w est. To the
developm ent south was the proposed new cold lager store
on the west corner, and the Directors' House
on the east, with Dray Walk beyond.
In May 1972 Truman Ltd. instructed a
demolition contractor to clear the site of the
agglomeration of stores, production, and
offi ce buildings. The Directors' House, the
Brewers' House and th e two spent grain silos
which serve the brewery were all that was
left untouched on the site. An area for a
future tanker bay to the north of the cold fager
store was also designat ed as part of the
Beyond the southern boundary of the site
across Hanbury Street, the London Borough
of Tower Hamlets had affirmed a conservation
area which included Christ Church Spitalfields
designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor and
completed in 1727, his last London church
and perhaps his finest.

1 Brewers' House
2 Stable
3 Engineers' House
4 VAT Hou se
5 Directors' House
6 Conservat ion Ar ea

Truman's site in relation to conservation area

Expansion The brief
During initial discussions with Truman Ltd .
Finance >-- -~ -----. Production Marketing the following major elements of the brief were
established :
(1) An office element for 420 staff with the
maximum possible room for expansion
(2) A reception area for visitors to the
Amenity area Social club
Brewery connected to the main entrance

(3) An amenity area including cafeteria and

Storage H Workshops! Main entrance Director social facilities serving the complete site

Fig. 5
Diagram showing inter-rel ationship of spaces
(4) A storage and workshop area, which
would not only contain all the maintenance
workshops and storage for the brewery
complex, but would also contain all trucking
and storage facilities serving th e office and
amenity areas
New W ilkes Brewer s : Bric k Old
: brewery : street : house lane brew ery (5) The addition of cold lager tanker bays to
: I 1
the brief resulting from our initial proposals to
. I I
design the offices over the tanker bays
(6) An investigation of the available options
for treatment to the Directors and Brewers'
The idea
The problem of th e development th erefore
revolved around providing the maximum
amount of usable floor space, whilst at the
Fig.6 same t ime respecting the constraints imposed
Diagrammatic section on a site close to a conservation area, and
adja ce nt to a historic part of London. 3
d e


a and b Conference rooms within the f

refurbished Brewers' House

c View from Brick Lane

d Directors House partially rebuilt ;

north face viewed through new gated

e to i Views and reflections

of the new building


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Fig. 7
Wilkes Street elevation

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Quaker Street elevation

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Brick Lane elevation

From an analysis of the various functional appeared to be in contradiction to the brief which were further to influence the design .
requirements in the brief, it became clear that which asked for the maximum possible office Section 20 of the London Building Acts
there were two types of space; office space space for future expansion. operates only within the central London
which had a discrete activity, and the remain- Boroughs including Tower Hamlets, and
ing space whose function related very closely The London Borough of Tower Hamlets applies to buildings with a particular volume
to ground floor access, whether pedestrian or recommended a plot ratio of 2 :1 for the whole of high fire risk of space or to those that are in
vehicular. Truman complex. Examination of the total excess of 24 m high. Owing to the storage and
This functional separation could be aug- proposed brewery development suggested truck dock facilities requested in the brief, the
mented architecturally by expressing the two that a plot ratio of 2.2 :1 for the office and complete Truman building was subject to the
types of space as two separate buildings, one workshop building would enable an office
requirements of this section of the Act which
located on the top of the other; the lower one area to be built for expansion equal to a specifies more stringent control over the use
clad in London stock bricks and detailed to further 50% of the existing office needs. It of materials and the methods of fire protection.
relate to the adjoining historic buildings, and would also facilitate a degree of development During discussions with the GLC it was
the second building, containing the discrete behind the scheduled frontages of the Stable established that if the building were designed
office function, positioned on a newly Building at some future date and still maintain so that the top office floor were less than
created site at roof level to the adjoining the overall plot ratio below 2 :1. It was on this 24 m from street level, and there were
scheduled buildings, and detailed quite basis that an application for an office ad equate fire separation between areas of
differently. Such was the idea of the building . development permit was made to the high and low fire risk, then the GLC would
The success of this idea, however, relied on Department of the Environment. consider waiving the requirements of Section
making the mass of the office building Exploratory discussions with the Greater 20 for what amounted to the office and
6 visually unobtrusive from street level, and this London Council established certain criteria amenity areas. Thus if the building were kept
within the prescribed height, this would free The organization lowest levels was designed within the
money within the cost plan to improve In order to strengthen the design idea it was thickness of this wall and stepped back so
standards elsewhere. considered essential to rationalize the cir- that each level looked down on the one below,
The other bye-law that influenced the design culation and access to the building . the whole reflecting the stepped office
idea was one which stated that each and building above. The main entrance was
On the west of the site was Wilkes Street conceived as an extension of this circulation
every habitable space, including offices which had been closed to the public and had
within a building designed in central London, idea being a glazed conservatory and designed
been planned for the main vehicular access to as part of the external courtyard using walls of
should have a window area not Jess than the new brewery, the proposed cold lager
1/10th of the floor area of that space. London stocks and floors of Yorkstone.
store and tanker bays. It was decided to
It followed therefore that in order to benefit capitalize on th is situation, and formalize all The amenity floor was positioned at the
from the GLC's offer of a waiver under vehicular access to the office and workshop highest level of the brick podium with the
Section 20, the building should logically be building from the west off Wilkes Street, and principal circulation route of that level
designed to be less than 24 m in height. Due all pedestrian and visitor access would be overlooking the main entrance. The remaining
to the available site area this would result in gained from the east off Brick Lan e. This spaces were planned around a central kitchen .
three levels of offices each of about 2000 m2 approach minimized the amount of heavy London stock bricks were again used
The perimeter would therefore need to have trucks passing the historic buildings and also extensively to emphasize the essentially
a window area on each floor in excess of ensured that the visitors and the users of the external quality of these spaces, as well as to
200 m2 of glass. building would inevitably enter from Brick create a sense of permanence. Likewise on the
Lane, and would relate to and enjoy the three office floors circulation was planned
The further implication was that the office
historic buildings on its frontage . around the perimeter of the floor exploiting
would need to be essentially open plan,
the views of the historic surroundings. All the
because closed cell offices would rapidly use In open plan office design, the loss in privacy service spaces, including a coffee lounge on
up the allowance of perimeter glazing required for the individual using the building must be each floor, were grouped on the south end and
for the whole floor. replaced by a new sense of identity. The ideas built in stock bricks.
Since the conclusions from these discussions of change impl ied in open plan must be
It was also decided to house the reception
appeared to augment the ideas of what was balanced by a recognizable sense of perm -
area for the visitors to the brewery in the
needed architecturally for the site, it was anence. It seemed appropriate to establish the
refurbished Brewers' House. The southern end
decided that they would form part of the circulation patterns within the building for
of the building containing the domestic rooms
outline proposals. The idea of a brick podium Trumans in such a way as to exploit the unique
had been used as offices, and the northern end
designed to relate to the historic architecture qualities of the site, and so help to create such
had been the experimental brewery, contain-
of the street, and forming on its roof a new a situation. A new cobbled courtyard was
ing a four storey void full of brewing plant and
site for a glass clad office building was thus proposed, flanked by the scheduled buildings
conceived . This solution was accepted by on three sides and a new brick wall on the
Trumans. It enabled the complete production fourth. This wall would connect the Directors The proposals were to construct floors in the
department to be planned on the lowest office House to the Brewers' House and the cir - experimental brewery at the same level as
level and the complete sales department to be culation for the new building at every level those in the southern end of the building.
planned on the middle level. The top level would relate to it, and therefore to the new This gave sufficient space to house not only
could be planned for expansion. courtyard outside. The circulation at the three the visitors' reception area, but also a number
of conference rooms, the training facilities,

.,1,a;e and the personnel department .

Planning all these spaces which required
closed offices in the Brewers' House enabled
the number of partitions in the open plan
office of the new building to be minimized,
and thus strengthen the concept of open plan.
This principle was also used when we were
given the brief in August 1972 to replan the
scheduled Directors' House.
We proposed that the Directors' offices were
retained on the first floor related to the board
room, and the remainder of the building was
planned to contain closed offices, the medical
suite, the cashier's department, and other
small scale activities.
It is worth mentioning that we renovated all
the interiors of the Directors' House, except
the Adam board room and its associated
corridor, which sadly were omitted from our
Our proposals for both the Directors' House
- - - Vehicles and Brewers House were discussed with the
Pedestrians GLC Historic Building Division, on whose
Fig.10 consent planning permission was dependent.
Site circulation

East- west section
I Cold lager store

\ 0 0 0


Ground fl oor

Fig. 12
Ground floor plan

Wilk es street
I u..
[C 2
Lou ng e bar
6 Dining

7 Ki tchen
8 Wash-up
( I I ~
[ 9
Coffee lounge
Socia l club
11 Ga mes roo m
12 To ilets
13 Airwall
14 Plant space
15 Trade training

16 Meeting /
17 Ante -room

., 1 .
::, 18 Kitchen offices
19 Kitchen
chan g ing
20 PA8 X
21 Silos

- -
Bf\c\<. \ane _ _ - - - : - - ----

Fig. 13
A menities fl oor plan
\ =---ci=== =-
'' t I

: !~ r;
j +-
l Key
1 Lifts
2 Open plan
office area
3 Coffee bar
4 Coats/ lockers
5 Stores
.. 2 . . 6 Post room
7 Toilets
8 Plant

9 Hoist
10Air wall
11 Private offices
12 Roof terra ce
13 Planted
14 Spent
grain silos

Typical office floor plan

In parallel with this, an examination was being diffusers which only supplied air at below across one complete side of the building there
made of environmental servicing and the ambient room temperature were activated by should be vertical connecting ducts linking
location of the related plant. In an office thermostats mounted behind the open egg the air floors, as they were called, at each level.
building for Penguin Ltd., Arup Associates crate diffuser of the light fitting . These This became known as an air wall and was
had designed a coffer ceiling with a second thermostats controlled up to six diffusers and also to be constructed as a series of builders'
precast concrete slab on sleeper walls avoided the necessity of having protuberances work ducts, related to the principles of
constructed above to form a return air plenum . on the columns. builders work ducts established for the air
It was decided at an early stage in the design The success of an office space is to a large floor.
to adapt this idea to the different requirements extent dependent on the design of its ceiling . On the south of the site was the area design-
of Truman Ltd. These included the facilities The Trumans design embodied the benefits of ated for the cold lager store, with a related
for closed offices, in any location on an office establishing a strong concrete grid over the expansion zone for the construction of future
floor, and also the option of fixing future ceiling with low brightness lights set high in lager tanks. The Trumans brief required that a
services within the air void . the coffer, with a fully demountable ceiling. By 3 m space be left between the site designated
The system that was designed for Trumans using builders' work ducts, the air zone could for these tanks and the building designed by
consisted of a supply and extract formed from be reduced to only 300 mm high which gave Arup Associates. The conclusions reached
builders' work ducts. This was achieved within advantages in maintaining the building below were therefore to build a vertical builders'
the design of a 1.2 m deep, 1.5 m2 coffer in 24 m in height. Exposing a large amount of work plantroom through the full height of the
which a 300 mm deep air way was cast in one concrete to the office space made the building building separated from the office floor by the
direction only just below the slab, and at the more thermally inert, thus reducing the load vertical air wall to reduce sound transmittance.
top of the ribs. An airtight ceiling panel was on the air conditioning plant. Access doors opening out into the 3 m free
fixed below these air ways, and each row The design of the deep coffer form of the floor zone between the buildings were provided for
was connected to the supply and extract was based on re - usable GRP moulds, and it the plant at each level. By providing a lifting
system alternately. By connecting rows of was the contractor who took the initiative in beam on the roof, equipment could be
supply or extract diffusers in every alternate proposing permanent formwork in glass fibre lowered from each level to the ground. The
coffer, a system was developed that enabled reinforced cement. GRC, using Pilkington size of the plantrooms needed only to be large
any size of office to be planned in any part of Cem Fi/fibres, had been on the market for less enough to contain the equipment. The normal
the office floor with full environmental than two years at this stage, and a series of additional space required to manoeuvre
servicing. Complete separation between the studies was necessary to satisfy ourselves equipment for replacement was thus elimi -
supply and extract system was also achieved that the idea was feasible. We were grateful nated. The lifts, the lavatories, two of the four
by means of the concrete construction . A for the help our own R & D gave us, in escape staircases, and the 20 m high spent
limited number of additional services would be suggesting a series of studies to establish the grain silos were all located along the southern
fitted into the air voids as and when required. mechanical properties of the material, and face of the building to form a 7.5 m band
A light fitting set high in each coffer gave the quality control methods using different thereby servicing an unobstructed area of
lighting and spatial effect which had been production techniques. Its ability to withstand usable floor space immediately to its north.
exploited at Penguin Books office building. loads during construction, as well as its The service zone was constructed in brickwork
A variable volume air conditioning system behaviour when exposed to fire, was also without windows to avoid solar gain. The
was used in conjunction with this coffer examined. essential glazing for the office was therefore
designed to give winter conditions of 21 ' C at The inevitable logic of having alternate bands confined to the elevations with least solar
40% relative humidity and 23.5C at 55% of supply and extract air across the full width gain .
relative humidity in summer. The motorized of the building on each floor level was that The design of the curtain wall was also of 9
Continuous Unirax supports
Foam backed carpet carrying emergency cables Continuous Unirax support Carpet plug Outlet cap
fixed direct to screed and pneumatic control s carrying lighting cables in plastic in plastic ring

Air extract valve

ceiling Flaxboarct
panel ceiling panels
Foil backed
Permanent formwork of supports to
glass reinforced concrete light fittings
Typical coffers

Sprayed cooler
coil and

Filter eliminator

Louvred doors
Fixed activity zone on office flocrs


Zone for
8 Supply \'

Neuma valve
and fire damper
Continuous Unirax
supports carrying
cables & pneumatic
Continuou s header
with three
compartment /
buzz bar

lager tank
assembly and
plant removal

The air wall Air wall

111--ir-1i l V V V V V
Office floor

North -south section
critical importance to the air-conditioning
plant. The required proportion of glazing on
the three elevations amounted to 75% of the
cladding to each floor. The choice of systems
narrowed itself to:
(1) A double skin using dark glass and an
extract plenum system
(2) A double skin with blinds between
glazing or
(3) A double glazed sealed unit using
reflective glass.
Of these solutions the last option using
reflective glass proved to be the most
interesting. The performance of certain of
these glasses was such that 75% glazing in
reflective glass was equivalent to just over
20% in clear glass terms of summer cooling
load. The need for the use of blinds would also
be minimal in summer. This was considered
an added advantage in a building that was
45 m in width and enjoyed unique views over
the City and the East End of London. Since
the circulation was planned around the
perimeter of the office floor no blinds have
been needed.
Figs.18 & 19 The most exciting feature of the reflective
Interior views of the offices glass, however, was in the effect it had on the
architectural concept of the building. The
office floors had been stepped back at each
successive floor level with a sloping glass roof
connecting each floor. By using silver mirror
glass the sky would be reflected in these
different sloping planes to reduce still further
the viwal mass of the office building and
thereby strengthen the architectural idea.
The use of mirror glass also opened options
for the glazing of the main entrance area,
which had been planned as a link area
between the Brewers' House, the Directors'
House and the new building. By taking the
silver mirror glass down to the ground and
setting it back from Brick Lane, a new urban
courtyard could be formed contained by the
three scheduled frontages of the historic
buildings, with the fourth side of mirror glass
reflecting the Georgian Stable Building and
thereby completing the square.
During the construction of the Truman
building more than three quarters of a million
second hand London stocks were bought from
demolition contractors all over London. It
seems a paradox that the use of these bricks
which was so essential to our ideas of
conservation was only made possible through
the massive amount of destruction that was
taking place at the time the Truman building
was being designed and built.
Fig.20 It is important to acknowledge the particularly
Amenity area active role that Truman Ltd. played throughout
the design of the building. Before we had been
appointed they established a Design Group
with four representatives from different parts
of their organization and it was this group that
we met on a regular basis throughout the
design. It is fair to say that Trumans proved to
be an exacting client who insisted on formal
presentations of every aspect of the design.
We were, however, given the opportunity of
presenting our design at both outline
proposals and scheme design stage to their
Board of Directors as well as to a very large
representative body of people who are now
using the building. In retrospect it is satisfying
to note that through this degree of consulta-
tion the brief and the design solution have
become inextricably entwined.
Truman Ltd
Architects+ Engineers+ Quantity Surveyors:
Arup Associates
Main contractor:
Holland Hannen & Cubitts Ltd
Arup Associates, except where stated 13
Clinker Wharf 85" 90" 100 105"

David Brunt
I ntro duction
Towards the latter part of the 1960s Ove Arup
and Partners were appointed as engineering
design consultants for several industrial
projects in what was at the time East Pakistan .
As these projects reached the construction

stage resident engineers were sent out to the Bay of Bengal
respective sites and an Ove Arup and
Partners presence in the capital, Dacca, was

When local representation is set up and keen
interest in the local construction industry
maintained, opportunities for engineering 0
involvement usually present themselves and
so it was in the spring of 1969 when we were
Scale-miles I Bay of
appointed by a consortium of two local
construction companies, Stoneville Engineers
Ltd. and The Engineers Ltd., to provide a
design and supervision service within the
terms of a design and construct contract that
they had been awarded by the East Pakistan Fig.1a
Industrial Development Corporation (EPIDC) . Site location Chittagong

43 m 32 m 130 m 30 m

Line of I Wing wall

conveyor--, Anchor w ell s
bridge over 9 m deep
road & rail s

100 T

"' .;

E ....== "'



Karnafuli river

Plan of wharf
F ig.1 b
Above water
elevation on
tendering system
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 18 number linked
tendering panel s

This was for the provision of a wharf on the

banks of the Karnafuli river in Chittagong to
take 10,000 tonne vessels bringing in clinker
to feed an adjacent cement factory already
partially constructed under a separate contract.
The contract for the wharf included a
construction programme of 18 months tota l
duration with a requirement that approx - Rai l
imately one third of the wharf deck be 10 m
completed within nine months so that erection A irport Sm
of a large mechanical unloader, being 6m
provided under a separate contract by a
Anchor tie 2 m
French company, Fives Lille Cail, could be ,Datum 0
carried out simultaneously with construction - 2m
work on the remainder of the wharf. - 4m
- 6m
Anchor _ Bm
Design con siderations
' well - 1O m Well
Chittagong itself is several miles inland from 12 m pile
the Bay of Bengal and straddles the Karnafuli 14 m Inclined
16 m steel
river which meanders through alluvial deposits - fender
before reaching the sea. (See Fig. 1 ) . River 18 m I
pile layer of
training work downstream of Chittagong had dense sand
been commenced several years earlier, and the
contract for the clinker wharf included a require - Fig. 1 c
ment that a steel sheet pile river training wall Typical section through wharf
14 be included as an integral part of the wharf.
Vertical loading Horizontal fo rces ((!I 45 <;,, 90 i& 150
crane rai ls m.p.h. m.p.h . m.p.h.
live load 30 kn / m>, under un loader 10 kn/m>
on substructure 15 kn /m' 5 kn /m' on crane 164 kn 656 kn 1800 kn
Due to crane on wharf 155 kn 620 kn 1700 kn
These loads are infl uenced by on materia l on wharf 78 kn 312 kn 860 kn
i) position of unloader boom on sh ip 220 kn 880 kn -
ii) wind force and direction
Wind blowing along l ongitudinal axis of wharf
Wind blowing perpendicular to longitudinal axis of wharf
Light draught wind area = 220 m1
Height of top of cabin above M.S .L. = 50ft
ra 45 m.p.h. p = .33 kn / m> = 7 lb/ f t1 Forces @I 45 @ 90 @1 150
1a 90 p = 1.32 kn / ml = 28 lb/ ft1 m.p. h. m. p.h. m. p.h.
Plan of wharf ea 150 p = 3.63 kn/ml = 77 lb/ ft1
Note : bogie = 1 train of 6 wheels. on crane 230 kn 920 kn 2530 kn
on wharf 32 kn 128 kn 352 kn
on mat eria l on w harf 16 kn 64 kn 176 kn
Bogie loads (kn) Loading condition on shi p 53 kn 212 kn -
45 m.p.h. 90 m.p.h. 150 m.p.h.
Current loading
wind wind wind
M ax current according to Admira l!~ Bay o f Beng al Pilot
A B A B A B 1 0 knots = 5. 18 m/sec

boom exte nded Chittagong Port Authority Book let 8 knots= 4 .1 Orn/sec.
565 1240 565 1240 565 1240 no w ind Forces on piles are derived from the equation
EEEEEE EEEEEE 605 1200 725 1080 1000 800 w ind F = CeA v 1 where C is coeff icient wh ich vari es with the
IX?~..:i:V.!IX? 525 1280 405 1400 125 1680 wind - 2g
p ile layout.
2.8 m 6 m
6 m
2.8 m
470 1330
430 1490
470 1330
310 1770
boom retracted
no wind
wind - Longitudinal loading
1290 510 1 170 630 890 910 wind - Cd fo r pile A virtu all y

~ (_) 0
8 .8 m 8.Bm
boom constant (a; 1.17 for

Layout of bogies 555 1300

595 1260
515 1340
wind -

Wind blowing along l ongitudinal axis of wharf

extended working
no wind

Loads given are t he inc rease in load ing per bogie due to


d ,. X


d <
x/d > 3 (for x/d <
\. 1 0 \ - JrCd is less.)
Cdforpil e B virtuall y
constant .3.

For 10 knot current on 24 " pile vertica l loadin g F

the wind loading 9.6 kn /m on pile A.
Bogie load increase (kn) Loading condition
upwind bogie downwind bogi e - Cd vi rtually constant @J 1.1 8.

-98 98 45 m.p.h. wind

-394 394 90 m.p.h. wi nd
Lateral loading
-1090 1090 150 m.p.h . wind
Cd = 0. 13 Ref Apel! & lsaacs Journal A.S. C.E. Hydrauli cs
Worst load ing = 1 090 + 1330 = 2420 kn Div ision. J an. '68.
wi th boom retrac ted and wind along longi tu dina l axis. :. lateral force = 1.7 5 kn/m depth / m.

Wave f orces
H orizontal l oading
Assum ing tha t the wi nd speed wi ll not be consistently
Sh ip impact: greater th an 80 m.p.h. for one hour th en th ese f orces are
Assumed to be 2% of the shi p 's weig ht i.e. 200 tons = not significa nt. The most co nservative esti ma te show s
2000 kn . th ese f orces to be considerably less th an 120 t ons with
Wind loading th e ship t ied up.
Wind blowing perpendicular to longitudinal axis of
w harf
Sect ion A - A showing positio ns Heig ht of top of w harf + 2.5 m of stored materia l = 7.5 m.
of unloader @I 45 m.p.h. p = .238 kn/ ml = 5 lb/ft '
@I ~o p = .952 kn/ml = 20 lb/ft l
(!! 150 p = 2.63 kn/ml = 55 lb/f t>
Hei ght of ship = 13 m
(!!, 45 m.p.h. p = .238 kn/ m > = 5 lb/ ft l
Light draug ht wi nd area = 1 OOO f tl/ 1 OOO ton s
: . area = 930 ml

Loading conditions

The sheet piling was to be Larssen No. 5. a 10 knot current w as deemed for design concrete which involves the transportation of
provided by the cli ent on a free issue basis, purposes to be th e maximum flow nea r th e large river pebbl es from Sylhet some 200
with the contractor being responsibl e for bank wh ere th e wh arf is sited on th e outsid e mil es aw ay to the north east. (Sylhet is also
pile driving and protection against corrosion. of a large bend in th e river. renowned for its export of culinary skill and it
The wharf site is fortunately protected from A summary of the main design consid erations is said that over half of the Indian restaurants
the direct effect of tidal waves which have is given in Fig . 2. in the United Kingdom are run by people
caused devastation in the area on many from the town or its environs).
Other recently constructed wharves in the
occasions, but cyclones had to be tak en into vicinity of the site suggested that a reasonably Tests on site
account as well as tid al and seasonal convention al form of construction using steel
variations in river level. As a general rule The site investigation work consisted of
or precast concret e pil es, approxim ately 40m borehol es, Dutch cone penetrometer tests
shipping heads for the open sea wh en a long, might present th e best answer to the
cyclone is expected but it was decided that and the t est loading of a 215mm external
variou s requirements, but it was decided that diameter tubular steel pile with a conical head
the clinker wharf should be designed to we should await th e results of th e site
resist a peak wind force of 150 mph acting on of th e sam e diameter.
investigation before being influenced in any All of this work was carried out on the river
a berthed vessel without the assistance of the way despite th e consid erabl e pressure exerted
storm bollards which were to be provid ed as bank in mid-1969 and, from the results which
by the very tight programm e to get som e work are summarized in Fig. 3 developed the sub-
separate individual restraints beyond each under way immediately.
end of the wharf structure. structure scheme utilizing 610mm diameter
A refreshingly open -minded approach on the octagonal precast concrete piles 22m long
The normal berthing procedure is for a vessel part of th e consortium co ncerning th e typ e of under the river edg e of the wharf and well piles
to travel upstream on a high tid e past the substru ctu re th at co uld be used led to of 3m overall diameter under the bank edge. To
berthing point and then to turn around in particul ar interest in ca isso n co nstru ct ion resi st t he outward lateral loading, applied by
mid -river before travelling slowly downstrea m which had been successfu lly em pl oyed up th e bank on the ste el sheet pile wall, and the
to berth, the manoeuvre being norm ally country by Th e Engineers Ltd . fo r bridge piers, forces produ ced by berthing and wind, nine
achi eved with the assistance of tugs. th e materi al used being eith er bri ckw ork, of an chor w ells were introduced within the
River and tidal flows ca n be quite fierce and which th ere is a pl entiful supply, or shing le cement factory site with tie forces carried by 15
Blows/300 mm 010305070 steel cables running under the road and
Water l e v e l ~ - ~ - - - - - - railway to link the anchor wells to the
--~ -~ m substantial beam at the rear of the wharf
Karnafuli Depth Whereas local experience with well piles had
river bed 0
=---- proved their vertical load -carrying capacity
:c.\;. Grey fine there was no reliable information on their
;, ;~;: sand with
~:,::.~. silt and clay lateral anchor strength and we decided to
establish this by a full-scale test using two
Blue grey stiff clayey silt with medium
dense sand working anchor wells which would be
\':':;' Light grey medium 6m-
.'<~f~ dense sa nd with silt thrust apart by jacks in a direction parallel to
., .., .. Blue grey stiff clayey si lt with sa nd the wharf and hence at right angles to the
direction in which they would have to resist a
thrust when finally incorporated into the
12m- wharf construction.
The method of testing is shown in Fig. 5 and
the results obtained healthily confirmed the
Medium stiff clayey silt
design assumptions.
Blue grey stiff clayey silt with sand
1Bm- It was hoped to achieve a maximum horizontal
load of 400 tonnes during the test but
difficulties with the hydraulic jacks resulted in
a maximum applied load of 350 tonnes
Dark grey medium stiff causing a horizontal movement of 100mm at
to hard clayey si lt 24 m-
the top of the loaded anchor wells. Under
with lamination of
fine sand normal working conditions the applied
horizontal thrusts would be very much under
100 tonnes for which the load test gave a top
30m- horizontal movement of 5mm which would
not be achieved in practice as the wing walls
ir.i.~' Light grey dense
provided at the well tops to develop additional
.{t.''i fine to medium sand with clay and silt
passive pressure were facing in the wrong
.:t;;'> Very dense sand with silt
direction to make a significant contribution
Dense sand w ith clayey silt during the anchor well test. Under cyclone
Corrected cone resistance-Kg/cml Total skin friction tonnes loading the force would be just over 150
10 50 100 150 1BO 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 tonnes but this would not be sustained for a
y long period.
: The safe, sustained, vertical load-carrying
capacity of each well pile was calculated to be
520 tonnes and the maximum applied loading
including wind, 550 tonnes. The 550 tonnes
consisted of 258 tonnes dead load, 182 tonnes
5~ -- i live load and 110 tonnes from wind, most of
~ ~
the live load and wind coming from the
. moveable unloader. Fig . 4 shows the site after
, sinking of the caissons but before pile driving
- ). had started.
k - ',
In view of the fact that the length of the
precast concrete piles was much shorter than
piles previously provided in the vicinity on
-,.._ ) similar projects, we decided to test load one
"'t'! of the working piles supporting the outer edge
.; 15 I
of the wharf by using steel kentledge

E r- -_, supplemented by a limited amount of tension

ii r- ~-::
(15 tonnes) provided by the four adjacent
working piles .
~~ ~ The decision concerning the length of pile
-,. \ relied on the layer of sand at 20m depth and
\ (
the fact that going to twice that depth did not
K l lead to any worthwhile material by compari -
\.) son. The chosen pile arrangement of three piles
\ every 4m gives a maximum load per pile of
"t) 48 tonnes of which 23 tonnes is dead load.

, -. --
25 1--1--1--1--~-"'-:l->--t--t--t--t--t--t---+---+---+---+---+---+----i

} -. )
A 60 tonne test load on the 61 0mm octagonal
working pile gave 4mm settlement with a
residual settlement of 1.5mm and 100 tonnes

30>----1--+--+--~~e:...+----+--+-+--+--+--+-+--+--+-+-+- \
' ' '

Fig. 3a top left

Typical borehole log and standard
- -- , - - - - l'-r,.---.1.--,___- penetrometer test results
1 Omml-- - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - - l i - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - t - -="""'"""'-t-- --- ~t---
Fig. 3b centre left
i:Q) Typical and average results from
15mm 1-- - - - + - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - t - - - - - + - - - - + -t-
E Dutch cone penetrometer soundings

~ 20mm e-=c::...,:.....---J,- - - - + - - - - - + - - - --+--- - t - - - - - + - - - -+-t-

(Full line indicates typical result
- -- --- and dotted line indicates average result)

25mm1--- - -- + - -- - - + - - ----_-..::..:.a-+--~ - - - - , f - -- -- t - - - - - + - - - - - +-+-

--- --- -------- ------ Fig. 3c bottom left
215 mm diameter test pile -
30mm 1--_ _ ___.._ _ _ _...,__ _ ____._ _ _ __.__ _ _ _...__ _ __.__ _ _ _...__
load / settlement graph
gave 7mm and 2mm respectively so again we
felt reasonably happy about our selection of a
suitable pile.
To withstand impact from large tree trunks or
other objects swept down the river when in
flood, a cluster of three precast piles within a
large concrete tube was arranged at the
upstream end of the front row of outer piles.
The cavity between the three piles and the
outer concrete tube (formed from precast
Head of anchor well modified
ring units) was then filled with concrete to
for lateral load test
form a robust composite member.
At the mouth of a tidal river what goes down
can also come up, so an identical three pile
cluster member was also provided at the
downstream end of the outer row of piles.
Particular consideration was given to the

Fig. 4 right
The site after sinking of well piles
(Photo: Ove Arup & Partners) Typical head of anchor well
20 m

4.5 m 11 m 4.5 m
E Passive pressure on
Normal Oo wing wall not
Wing wall oo generated during test
ground M <D
Strut member provided
f> ~ no hydraulic
level for test purposes only
I, jacks E
E E 0
E Bedd ing layer N
~ Helical I of sand
reinforcement b, 3
s,x turns-12 mm Dowel connection
diameter bars at see section 4- 4
75 mm pitch and
300 mm outer

Elevation of test arrangement

r Well no 2 Passive

t : earing plates
cast into beams
during test

2.44 m
Bearing plates to 500 600 300
limit contact pressure Centroid 1.22 m
mm mm mm 32 mm diameter dowels 2 m long

i""~ ~{~~' -
at 225 mm pitch
>- >-..
I,.-t<... =_=_=~==!.,::!,===!'==-="'-.1
- "... 50mm
- - - -+100mm
300 600 300
Section 2 - 2 Section 3 - 3 mm mm mm
Figs. Sa top right & Sb centre Section 4 - 4
Lateral load test on anchor wells

stresses that could be induced in the piles 120
after driving, when they would be acting as
unrestrained cantilevers prone to oscillations
caused by and in the direction of the river 100
flow. At the time detailed research was being
carried out by CIRIA following surprise C:
damage to circular steel piles during con-

--- --- ----
struction of a major terminal at lmmingham,
but information currently available at the time :;::
indicated that this mode of action would be "O
within acceptable limits if tops of piles were
braced together temporarily whilst in the
cantilever condition. Deflection of
Deflection of
anchor well no 3
anchor well no 3
Steel sheet piling
The steel sheet piling developed into a more
10 - - - - - -
- - - : ; Q : ' Deflection of
-----Test 1-- - - - - ---
well no 2
complicated issue than was anticipated at the 0 I I , I I I
outset, as the client decided in the interests of 100 200 300 ' Tonnes
keeping imported steel to a minimum, to make Fig. Sc
Load test results Load
do with what was already available within the
eastern and western w ings of the country. 17
77m 110m 10m 21m
Type II Type VI Type V Type IV A

Fig . 6a
Arrangement for steel sheet piling indicating use of different profiles

This led to a nationwide search by the Chief

\o .r
Engineer of EPID C and our joint visit to
Type I Type II Type Ill
Karachi in December 1969 to seek out
suitable supplies. The official sources who
were approached were unable to provide any
sizeable tonnage to match the required
quantity of almost 1 OOO tonnes but several ~~
~ ~


hundred tonnes of a light section were offered
and accepted as it was clear that a fabricated Open section U- 22 Open section z Welded box section 2
ex wapd a ex barisal & F.S.P.V L ex bari sal
box section could be made up on site to give
the strength of walling required.
A further search in the metal merchants
quarter of Karachi, where scooter rickshaws Type IV A & B Type V Type VI
and taxis dart in between the came l-drawn

carts, was less successful but later on small
quantities were located in the eastern wing
and Fig. 6 illustrates how eventually a variety
of different sections was put together to form
a total wall length of over 250m.
Welded boxes from U22 & U23
Welded box from
section ex wapda two S type M .S. flats 5 " 2!" R.S.C.
The design of the wharf deck was influenced section ex khulma
Fabricated box
by the fact that normal formwork could be
using section
used on the bank side of the steel sheet pile ex Karach i
wall where land access was relatively
straightforward, whereas on the other side
F ig . 6b
of the sheet pile wall one would be working
Steel pile profiles
over swift flowi ng water of several metres
depth. This led to the use of precast pre-
stressed concrete beams supporting precast
requirement that the tendering system should panel for the tendering projecting out in front
concrete permanent formwork panels for the
prevent small vessels 6.1 m long from passing of the tendering line, where it would be
outer half of the deck, the topping being in
at all states of river level. particularly prone to berthing forces parallel
situ reinforced concrete.
These two factors led to a comparatively to the river . Restraint against this possible
Consideration was given early on in the movement was easily arranged by rebound
complicated system incorporating Goodyear
design stage to the choice of including or chains connecting the top reinforced concrete
cylindrical rubber fender units at both deck
excluding the steel sheet pile wall from fender beam to the deck itself and furthermore
level and some 4.5m lower down so that the
carrying vertical loads from the deck and, as by connecting the ends of each individual
main slightly raked fender piles of twin 300mm
the latter would have involved the complexity panel of tendering to its adjacent panels.
Universal Column Sections would not be
of a top connection detail capable of trans-
stressed to a permanent set condition under The final arrangement of the tendering and
mitting horizontal forces but not vertical ones,
vessel berthing impact applied when the river typical details are given in Fig . 9.
we decided to adopt a fixed connection and
was at its lowest level.
include the wall as a significant part of the
vertical load-carrying structure. Predicted Having then arrived at a system which to all
settlements could not be relied on to indicate obvious appearances seemed to provide a
what would happen under the highly variable soft berthing, we became mindful of the
live load conditions applied to three differing general rule that the care exercised when
types of piling, (610mm octagonal precast, berthing a vessel against a wharf tends to be
steel sheet and wells) each having a different inversely related to the resilience of the latter
length of embedment in a different part of because of the likelihood of damaging the
the cross-section of the river bank, so the in vessel. We therefore decided that it would be
situ beams on the bank side of the sheet wall wise to make some allowance for an occa-
and the precast beams on the other side were sional higher approach speed.
both designed as simply supported with We then reconsidered the permanent set
additional steel reinforcement placed in the condition of a raked fender pile and decided
tops of the beams over the central line of that it could still partly fulfil its purpose
support formed by the sheet pile wall. provided its deformed state did not result in a
This deck design also suited the construction
method of completing that half of the deck
nearest the river bank first so that it could
support the mobile crane to be used in
placing the precast units forming the first
stage structural elements on the other half.
A single expansion joint was provid ed in the
middle of the deck structure.

Fenderi ng
The design of the tendering system was also
primarily influenced by the clear-cut need to
utilize what rolled steel sections were available
in the east wing of the country at the time
and a 460mm deep beam section set the F ig. 7 Fig. 8
upper limit on bending strength . Pile casting yard adjacent to Kha I 7 Pile driving with pile-carrying pontoon
Some time after design work was under way (Photo: Ove Arup & Partners) in foreground (Photo: Dick Wright)
18 the Chittagong Port Trust laid down the
R.C. fender 80 mm diameter
capping beam 2.25 m 2.25 m 2.25 m 1.25 m
steel pin
Edge of 1.25 m "'
Mild steel Rebound chains Rubber fenders 600 mm O.D. ,Rebound chains
wharf deck
ve:-1gg 7~ 500 mm long j :
15 \ mmJ
_h_a-rf_..h---r..,..._,.___i_:ui_ ~
r-W J1
.... , front g
deck Rubber M
beam fender

Tubular I
II Hardwood wearing pieces
bracing " connector
450 mm 80 mm diameter 1.5 m 3.0 m 3.0 m 1.5 m
150 mm R.S.J. steel pin
0 connec ting
.,; View on B - B
ends of fender
1.25 m IA 3.0 m 3.0 m l .25 m Rubber

c: E
.0 0

300 mm 300 mm Raking pile

u.c. section formed from
2-R.S.J." s
! ,~
:~ ,'":~~~i
timber wearing
pieces countersunk

View on C - C
welded together bolted to steel
rake 1 :20 framework

Section A - A
Fig. 9
Detail of typical tendering panel

21 .342 m 600mm
( 250.
I ?,.;,

@ '~~~
Cylindrical void Pipe cast in to 325 mm diameter
form lifting point (3 N") void
Section A-A

~ ~ 6 mm diameter

' ,~.~111
.- ulf l.1.1 11 1/n1111llji\
n,1 111pr!1/\f
B ~
j IA q 11 ij ; j i ii I ; ), g 111\ b: fr 6 j d I ii j1 IX 11 ;. i
,,Hpp 1,1.l1 11I.\I.')fjlF(j
I It t I (_~~ f/(jj
jv 11 jiy 111 yUVH "UHI{ \[Jf J 1(1/ n llllh 1\l h ji yr v~riv , 11
""'" "'"""moo
u11p111\i 1inA /lJ1hiJU1\.\l.
t I I I It r .1' !.10,11 111 .u ,11<
r1) 1111 ldll
" mm
cover to
main bars
16-22 mm diameter steel bars
equally spaced around
helical reinforcement
5 turns .. It. I i. i ... t1 Ii li H \ II 11 Jt i , I I Iii. i., 1 , i Ii. 6 mm mild steel
(c, 25 mm pitch . 16 turns J 150 mm pitch J 16 turns ll~5m l helical reinforcement
Six links per pile
internal dimension a to be
bC ("
75 mm pitch ~B @. 75 mm pitch Section B - B
96mm 5 turns @.
134mm 25 mm pitch
172 mm 22 mm diameter bar
246 mm
10 mm diameter bar

Detail of links Pile toe steel Section C - C Location of lifting points
(reactions include 25% allowance
for impact as pile weight is 11 .7 tonnt:1s)
Fig. 10
Detail of 600mm octagonal reinforced concrete pile. Minimum crushing strength of concrete 35 N /mm 2 at 28 days

The design of the tendering assumed a timber piles into the stream bank to help form
maximum approach speed of 240mm per a level casting yard and to increase its plan
second, and an impact length of 22m of area . Brick soiling was then laid on the levelled
fender which results in energy absorption of ground to form a pavement and pile casting
16 tonnes m. for a deflection of 230mm commenced utilizing the purpose-made steel
exc luding the relatively insignificant effect moulds.
of hydrodynamic mass. The fender reaction
Raymond International were awarded the
was calculated to be 240 tonnes .
sub-contract for driving the steel sheet
piling and the 610mm octagonal precast
Construction stage
piles, and they mounted their rig on a barge
Once the decision on the type of precast having a 1 .2m draught, the hammer energy
concrete pile had been taken, preparation being 2,800 kgm. Once the piling rig was
work commenced on a pile casting yard ready to start driving, the first few piles were
adjacent to a stream known as Khal 7 feeding moved transversely one by one across to Fig.11
into the Karnafuli river just below the wharf Khal 7 where they were placed during high Barge mounted piling rig
site. tide on a buoyancy frame made up from empty (Photo: Dick Wright)
This preparatory work included driving oil drums. See foreground of Fig. 8 . 19
Fig.12 Fig.17
Assembling the rear beam reinforcement The mechanical unloader being
cage (Photo: Ove Arup & Partners) assembled (Photo: Geoffrey Wood)
Upstream pile cluster protection Fig.18
(collision damage to sheet piling on The wharf in use
right) (Photo: Donald Holliday) I Photo: Trevor Honybun)

Driving the steel sheet piling
(Photo: Ove Arup & Partners)
Fig.14 below Fig. 16 right
Fender panel steelwork Fendering after completing three panels
(Photo: Geoffrey Wood) (Photo: David Brunt)

This frame was then floated down into the pipes had been cast into the first few well contained a number of sunken wrecks but the
Karnafuli and towed upstream to the piling pil es constructed . clinker wharf was lucky to have sustained
barge where the pile was hoisted vertically by only slight damage, this being incurred by
At first the well piles tended to tilt slightly
the rig and positioned for driving . the upstream return length of the sheet piling
when sinking but very quickly this was
The first few piles driven during February 1971 which was parted at a point near the pile
controlled by excavating internally on the side
were intentionally driven well into the sand cluster by the impact from an uncontrolled
opposite the direction of tilt and applying
layer to test the strata, and from the blow ship. See right hand side of Fig . 13.
correcting forces externally at the top, using
count it was found that 1 - 1.2m penetration cables and either turnbuckles or a Spanish The consortium had lost a lot of vehicles and
into the sand gave the maximum resistance . windlass. plant during the conflict and a labour dispute
The sinking of the well piles was carried out also hampered an immediate resumption of
Then in November 1970 the country was hit work, but by mid-August 1972 all concrete
whilst the precast piles were being cast and
by a cyclone that killed many thousands and piles had been driven and, following the sub -
before any piles were driven, the caissons had
left millions homeless. Chittagong was given sequent monsoon season, steady progress was
reached formation level and the bottom warning in good time and in any case was not
concrete plugs had been cast in place. The maintained until all the work was substantially
close enough to the eye of the cyclone to completed in 1974. Installation of the system
major beam connecting the well piles was
sustain severe damage but in April 1971 all for the cathodic protection of the steelwork by
then cast on top using ground made up to the
work came to a halt as a result of the civil the sacrificia l anode method has been delayed
correct level as a softit shutter.
strife that led to the creation of Bangladesh .
Well piles were also sunk for the storm but should be completed by the time this
bollards as by this time the advantages of In February 1972 the Bangladesh Industrial article appears.
caisson construction were well proven on the Development Corporation, the government
site, the form of construction calling for very body that had taken over the client role, Credits
little equipment other than a simple trussed requested an early resumption of work because Client:
timber hoist, pumps and normal concrete of the vital need for dock facilities to handle Bangladesh Mineral, Oil and Gas Corporation
mixing plant. All excavation within the wells the priority material so desperately needed by Main contractor:
was carried out by hand and there was no the new nation . Joint Venture - Stoneville Engineers Ltd. and
20 need to resort to jetting for which vertical At the cessation of hostilities Chittagong port The Engineers Ltd.
Lagoon Barriers l
Maximum head 2 m
at Venice
Alistair Day Water retain ing
Peter Rice
The islands on which Venice was built are
very low lying and excessive extraction of Shock absorbers
water from aquafers below the islands has
caused a general lowering of the ground level,
to such an extent that there is serious flooding
of the city whenever a very high tide occurs.
The tides which cause the flooding occur
quite frequently and when we heard that a
competition had been organized to find a L Foundation 5m
scheme to prevent this flooding , the firm block
decided to work up an idea which had been
started in another context. Section of gate
Venice is in a lagoon formed by a string of Principle of the barrier
islands separating the lagoon from the
Adriati c. There are three passag es from it to
the sea and one of the objectives of the com-
petition was to find a proposal to control flood
30 m
waters passing into the lagoon from the sea .
The Venice idea was developed as a scheme I ~

for a competition but unfortunately we did not I II
know when we started that the competition I II
was more in the nature of a design and I II
construct tender, not a competition in the I :It
accepted sense. This meant that un less the I II
I II ,._ Main
scheme was taken up by an Italian contractor, II
I II Gate beam i:
there would be no chance of it progressing, so I unit
that it became necessary to attempt to discuss c::,
I\ Lateral
bea ms
it with some of them . Renzo Piano of Piano II
C: I
and Rogers very kindly arranged a discussion u" I
with a contractor and with Mr. David Trevisani 'o"' I II
of the firm of Trevisani Piling . We are very
grateful to Mr. Trevisani for his efforts on our
~III -
behalf but as far as we can tell the main reason I
we did not get anywhere is the fact that the
Italian contractors had been working on the
I r J I
scheme for a very long time, even before the I
competit ion had been started, and those who I
were going to enter had already decided on I Sill unit I
the designs they were going to submit. We I I
were in effect entering the competition far _ _ _J L __
too late.
Plan of gate and sill unit
The problem was unusual as the main opera- with gate lowered
tional requirement was the necessity to close Fig . 2
large gates in a rapidly flow ing waterway. Skin supported on two main beams
Normally large lock gates are positioned in
still water, for example in slack water at high
tide, or else there are a pa ir of gates which are
opened in turn to allow a ship to pass.
Being an unusual problem, an unconventional
solution may have been needed, wh ich was
Lateral beam
a possible reason for looking for alternative 550 x 50 mm flange
proposals from a competition. 1100 x 20 mm web

Development 250mm
The scheme which was developed is shown
on Figs. 1 and 2. Pressed steel troughing was
to form a skin which would be the water
Skin plate
12 mm thick
Ma in beam
500 x 40 mm flange
j ,
1OO mm
retaining member. The skin would span onto 1200 x 20 mm web
two lateral beams which were to be supported
Section A-A
on two main beams as shown on Fig . 2. The Fig.3
details on Fig . 3 show the member sizes which Detail showing member sizes required to resist maximum load
are requ ired to resist the maximum load which
can occur. When t he gate was closed the
horizontal load due to the differential water in use the gates would rest on the bed of the as this in th e bed of a channel tends to
level would be transferred to the found ation channel so that means of raising them to the ir promote scour, not silting . This is because it is
by the main beam acting as a strut held in operational position would have to be pro - smoother than the channel bed so that the
position by the tie member. The horizontal vided. Mechanical devices such as hydraulic water moves faster over it, picking up energy,
water force would act at a level above the rams were a possibility but a much more which then has to be dissipated by scouring
foundation block so that sufficient weight efficient and cheaper method would be to the rougher bed .
would have to be provided in the foundation raise the gate by providing buoyancy tanks in Compressed air would be used to dewater the
to make the resultant of the horizontal and it. Water is very heavy and by displac ing it tanks because it was found that standard air
vertical forces pass through the base of the large forces can be generated. By providing a compressors would provide the amount of
foundation . second skin below the beams a tank could be air needed to raise the gates in about 10
The main factors governing the development formed in the gate and, when emptied, the minutes. This means that no specialized
of the scheme were the operational require - buoyancy of the tank could easily lift the machinery would be required . The com -
ments and the cost, constructional and weight of the gate, together with a thick layer pressors could be housed on shore with the
maintenance considerations. of silt on it. It is highly unlikely that the silt air piped to the tanks, so that no piers are
First t he operational req uirements. W hen not would acc umulate, because a structure such req uired in the waterway. 21
The sequence of closing the waterway would
be as shown on Fig. 4. The buoyancy of the
gate would carry it to the surface if it were
raised at slack water. However, it was essen-
tial that th e gate could be closed at any state
of the tide, even at half tide, when the current
is at its maximum. In this case as soon as the
gate is partially raised and begins to affect
the current it would be lifted up and rapidly Fig. 4a (a) Start of dewatering
raised to the surface. By the time it reaches
the surface it would be moving at practically
the speed of the water and would pick up a
considerable amount of kinetic energy. In
addition when the gate stopped a hydraulic
jump would immediately form on both sides
of the gate, producing a differential head
wh ich could be a significant part of the full
design head.
Fig.4b (b) Tank half empty, gate just buoyant
The crux of the design lay in stopping the
movement of the gate. If the movement was
stopped abruptly wh en the links of the tie
straightened out. there would be a large
dynamic load factor producing excessive
forces in the structure. It was not possible to
make a viable design unless the maximum
force in the tie could be reduced to a value
comparable with the maximum static force
required to resist the differential head. It was
the discovery that there were commercially
available shock absorbers of just th e rig ht
capacity to produce a retarding force less than
the final load in the ti e, which established the
feasibility of the proposal.
To lower the gates the pipelines which supply
the compressed air to raise them would Fig.4c (c) Gate starting to rise
be opened to th e atmosphere. When the
water on the seaward side fell below that on
the landward side, the gates would begin to
sink with th e air in the buoyancy tank now
venting to the atmosphere. The gates would
be heavy so that a pressure would build up in
the buoyance tanks to drive th e air out. As
the gates approached the sill the water trapped
between the gate and the sill would be forced
out very rapidly causing a turbulent flow of
water which would lift any silt lying on the
sill and drive it clear. In effect the gate would
be self -clea ning when closing. However, to
ensure that there would be an adequate
outflow of water, supplementary cleaning
jets would be incorporated.
Factors in design Fig.4d (d) Gate at surface
One of the attractions of this configuration
was the fact that the water load would be
carried to the foundations by the most direct
path possible. This can be contrasted with a
gate between piers, where the force from the
water is first carried horizontally to the piers
and then down into the ground. For gates of
the size necessary to allow ship's to pass, the
span between the piers would be at least
60-70 m, and the bending moments set up
in the gate over this span, by the very large
forces, are one of the main factors in the
design . In the alternative proposal. the spans
where forces are carried in bending of
members are kept to an absolute minimum
and this has a significant effect on the amount
of material required in the gate. In addition,
the absence of piers appears to be a very
attractive feature . With a navigation channel
Fig.4e ( e) Shock absorbers closed
of 200 m and a total opening of about 1 km
in the largest of the entrances to the lagoon, Figs. 4a to 4e
there would be about 12 piers which would The sequence of closing the waterway
be a considerable hazard to shipping.
An important factor in the design of this
scheme was the fact that a barri er and not a units would not be critical because when the maintenance . With the number of gates
dam is required . The gates would only be gates were raised , if they were not exactly in which would be required it would be a prac-
raised for half a tide at most, and if during this line, the space allowed between the gates tical proposition to have a spare gate which
period a certain amount of water leaked would prevent them clashing. The consider- would replace the one which had just been
through the gates, it would have an insignifi- able latitude available on the non-alignment removed. This could then be maintained with -
cant effect on the level within the lagoon. would be very valuable in this type of marine out any urgency to replace it in case of another
This meant that the gates could be con- construction. high tide occurring.
sidered as independent units and a generous Making the gates as a series of independent When the tenders are finally awarded, it will
gap allowed between them, whi ch would units, would allow for very easy maintenance . be very interesting to see which of the many
have an important effect on th e cost of fabrica - Th e gate units would be att ac hed to the sill contending schemes will be chosen, and
tion as the tolerances would not be stringent. by only four pins and these could be easily whether any of the features in this scheme
22 In addition, the alignment of the sill and gate demounted and a whole gate removed for appear in it.
Credit Lyonnais: Cannon street
Queen Victoria
Street Development
Michael Courtney
Int roduction
By 1972 the London headquarters of the
French Government-controlled bank, Credit
Lyonnais, had been in Lombard Street for a
long time, but due to prospective redevelop-
ment they had to move by June 1976. It
seems incredible now, but at the time there
was an intense shortage of good office
accommodation in London and rents were
consequently high. Credit Lyonnais decided
that it would be advantageous to them to join
the property development boom and construct
their own building, provided they could
secure the right site in the City of London.
This they did by obtaining a lease from Wates
Property Company on part of a triangular
island site in the City by Mansion House
station between St. Paul's and the Bank of
England. Fig. 1
T he consultants Ground floor plan
It was at this stage, at the end of January
1973, that the architects, Whinney Son and
Austen Hall, were appointed by Credit
Lyonnais fol lowed by the appointment of the ~ . .... - ... . ... "JI, t ... ,. ...... t . ..... . ...... -, . . . . . ...... .. . .
professional advisers, Tilney, Simmons & I
Partners, service engineers; Wicksteed, Son
& Few, quantity surveyors, and Ove Arup &
i. I

Partners as structural engineers. i

I o
T he site I
Part of the site included that of the Wren II
Church, St. Mildred's; destroyed by bombs I
during the last war, and this section had been ~
cleared ready for development.
Another part of the site was occupied by a
fire station which was scheduled to move to
. ''
:,< .

occupy premises at Mondial House, the new

London Telecommunications Centre. The
timing of this move w as dependent on the
completion of Mondial House and the date
for this uncertain.

The third part of the site was owner/occupied
and Credit Lyonnais were trying t o buy the
freehold, but were find ing it difficult to reach
a reasonable price.
,. ,.. . ..;

The site had considerable environmental and

communication advantages and a building on Fig. 2
it would, if strongly modelled, be remarkable. Typical office floor plan
However, the largest possible development
on the site, in terms of plot ratio and the
existing office development permit, would be
much too large for Credit Lyonnais alone.
Banco di Roma and Commerz Bank, Stuttgart
were therefore invited and agreed to share the
space by renting part of the finished building.
Geological records indicated that the site had
some 4 m of uncertain fill overlying approxi -
mately 4 m of sand and gravel above a very
th ick layer of London clay, with a perched
water table in the gravel just above the clay.
A later site investigation confirmed this I
Constraints on design
Due to the proximity of St. Paul's there were ~
maximum height limitations on the building ;
not just one but a series of levels arranged on
- "' I
a square grid, which was not parallel to any
side of the site; and th e general level of the I
ground water was not allowed to be altered,
even t emporarily, because of the influence on
Fig. 3
the cath edral's foundations. Section A -A
London Transport also imposed constraints.
The M etropolitan and District underground Fig. 4 right
lines run in cut and cover construction just the Plate loading test on unconfined cube of
other side of Queen Victoria Street. British gravel cut from chemical grout treated zone
Rail's Waterloo and City tube line runs (Photo: Michael Courtney)
beneath the centre of Queen Victoria Street. 23
0 $~\
\ ~...,."'~\
\ \ ":>.,oo\
. \. L 1, '\ \\ j
\-i ._\- Fleet line area -,
I , -;~ \\ o.\ 1
Main sewer \ ".,., \ :I /
no . 2 A \

: \ '. '\ '

\ (38 1 oo),..- '( ~" \ . . J I
I ~\ \ Q
(38.100) ~ \
0~ \
o \
/Phase I_!_ (~~~-~~'\.-((\ "'"',- \
--+rPhase I ~ ' , 'i \
/\ i ""1
i/ ,<38.710) (~~ 35.7ly- f' .
,I n\
(38.110) \~><'\-:\ I \ \
I. I \ -"\\\ \ \ . I \
.; (39.01 ~ <~_5.t66) \ \ \
I a >,[fu1 9 i (36.211r _. , .. \ \ \ .
I C . . 13;.;~d ~t;eei-- . . -- \ \

:1] ii . " =:])'\'

Legend : figs. shown thus (36.271) are St. Paul 's height
line restrictions given ,n metres

Fig.5 Fig.6 Fig. 7

Phase 2 site after demolition of Plan of site with constraints Existing fire station building showing
fire station building in March 1976 steel tie back restraint at left corner
(Photo: Michael Courtney) (Photo: Michael Courtney)

Shear link reinforcement round column
heads (Photo: Michael Courtney)
Credit Lyonnais finished building from
east (Artist's impression 1975)

The deviation limits, within which no obstruc- produced by their architects. The agreement The problems of the sewers. the tube lines
tion may be placed to the future passage of Credit Lyonnais made with Wates Property and the water table restrictions were over-
the Fleet line, neatly encompass the site, Company placed restrictions on the develop- come by designing the building on a raft
bringing problems not only of foundation ment. Wates Construction Company had to foundation . allowing only a very sma II
but probable future settlement. construct the building, all details of the build- increase in the effective pressure on the
There is also one of the three main London ing had to be approved by Wates Property ground. The excavation was to be carried out
outfall sewers about 15 m directly below the Company, and the planning of the building within a bentonite-formed, diaphragm cut-off
site. These were designed in Victorian times had to provide the same net lettable area as wall so as not to affect the ground water. To
to run at 30% capacity. Now they always run the original speculative design . achieve speed of construction it was hoped
at 50% capacity and sometimes they run full to use ground anchors to stabilize the cut-
and under pressure. The first scheme off wall, but this proved impossible due to
A further complication was the necessity to The stipulation of minimum lettable area was congestion of services.
provide lateral support at all times to the unfortunate as the building for Credit The superstructure of the scheme envisaged
flank wall of the fire station building . Like so Lyonnais was intended to be more highly large prestressed precast beams on a 1.5 m
many crosswalls in London's old buildings, it serviced and with a greater headroom office module spanning from the central cores
had never been secured to the internal floors. between finished floor and ceiling than the to, and over, a perimeter edge beam. The
There were, of course, various other service speculative design . This meant that the storey central cores would be linked by two large
subways, ducts and passages in the pavement height had to be increased from 3.2 m to beams parallel to Queen Victoria Street and
and the roads. 3.5 m to provide a clear headroom of 2.8 m Cannon Street to form a continuous internal
with the consequent loss of a whole floor due support, and the oversailing of the pavement
to the St. Paul's height limitations. The short- was to be accomplished by the continuous
The design fall in lettable floor area was made up by precast beams. The hogging moments pro -
Wates Property Company had already, as allowing the upper floors to project over the duced by the oversailing areas were to be
prime lessees of the site from the freeholders, pavement. the projection increasing with each equalized by vertically linking the beams
the GLC, obtained an office development floor until the uppermost floor projected together within the stepped fac;:ade, thus
24 permit on the basis of a speculative design almost 4 m directly over the kerbline. reducing the largest moment to be carried.
The services would be zoned within the 1 .5 m
module formed by the precast beams, with the
flow and return pipes running between them
and passing through preformed holes in the
internal supporting beam. The central area
contained by the two cores and the two large
internal beams was beam-free to provide the
longitudinal service distribution area . The air-
co.nditioning chosen by the services engineer
was a variable volume, dual duct system,
although the possibility of using a fan coil
system was discussed .
At the end of February 1973 application for
plann ing approval was made for this scheme,
discussion with the planning officers having
indicated that the oversailing solution was
acceptable, provided the whole site was a
comprehensive development.
This scheme was developed during 1973 with
increasing difficulties in incorporating the air-
conditioning ducts and increasing need for
plant room space which meant that the
basement became deeper and deeper. By
October 1973, when the building was costed,
the spacing of the precast beams had been
increased to 2.1 m centres and there was
effectively a three-storey height basement
which was giving some concern due to the
proximity of the main sewer. The large projec -
tions over the pavement had also been lost as
Credit Lyonnais refused to pay the asking
price for the corner area, but a sloping fai;:ade
had been retained at the request of the
planning officers.

The second scheme

Late in November 1973 a consultants' meeting
was called in the architect's office following
his return after reporting to Credit Lyonnais in
Paris. The client had objected to the 2.1 m
module and the cost of the building; it had to
be revised on a 1.5 m module to a budget cost
reduced by 1 rn.

Fig. 10 right
Completed Phase I from north west,
Cannon Street/ Bread Street Junction
(Photo: Harry Sowden)

Fig. 11 below
Looking out of Credit Lyonnais
w indow towards St Paul's. GRC external
cladding unit and internal finishing unit
at left (Photo : Michael Courtney)

Fig. 12 below right

Phase I site from f ire station, temporary
works propping visible at right
(Photo:Tony Dixon)

A general discussion of design possibilities
showed that 1 m. could be cut from the cost
of the services, provided there was a services
distribution zone beneath the structural slab
completely free of any beams. The area of
service shafts required could also be reduced
and one of the basements removed . This
solution was based on the air- conditioning
system reverting to a general use of fan coil
A rapid calculation of storey heights, head -
room and required zones for services and
finishes showed that the structural zone was
limited to 200 mm adjacent to the perimeter
of the building and 250 mm in the centre. The
structure was therefore determined as flat slab
on columns on a raft foundation . The columns
were to be on a 4.5 m square grid for the
perimeter areas and on a 6 m square grid for
the central areas. The fa<;:ade support columns
were to be inclined to avoid excessive cant i-
levers of the slab.
It was also felt that the vertical circulation
shafts were too far from the centre of the total Fig.13
site development. A redesign sited the fire Phase I from south west corner Bread Street/ Queen Victoria Street Junction .
escape stairs on the perimeter of the building, Structure up to third floor, external GRC units being delivered, Wates Construction Limited
removing the need for protected passageways, gantry on the right (Photo: Tony Dixon)
and sited the lifts at what would become the
centre of the complete development, yet still
be a convenient place when Phase I only had
been completed. This developed into the
concept of a central shaft and wing walls in
reinforced concrete on the upper floors,
reflecting the shape of the site, and a circular
shape for the central lift shafts and service
shafts at the ground floor with the reinforced
concrete walls above spanning over onto
columns to form a circular banking hall with
the central shaft as an axis. The public
pedestrian area encircled this and the banking
counters of the three banks in turn formed an
outer enclosing circle, with the supporting
offices in the adjacent perimeter areas. All
parties and authorities gave their support and
consent to this unusual concept of a shared
banking hall.
The total net lettable office floor area was
made up by raising the ground floor 1.2 m
above the pavement so that natural light could
reach the perimeter of the lower ground floor
Phase I site during excavation seen from the top of offices across Bread Street. The temporary
which could then be used as offices.
propping to the perimeter underpinning 1s visible on the left, and the beam of retaining material
Phasing: general to the underpinning can be seen on the right. The flatjack thrust props to the sheet piling
The building was conceived as a unity are in the middle around the crane. (Photo: Tony Dixon)
although it had to be constructed in two
sections due to the continued presence of the
fire station .
The junction between the two phases posed
a serious structural question. It could be
solved simply by making a complete separa -
tion between the two phases and treating
them as separate build ings. This would have
necessitated a double structural support line
at or near the junction and did not seem to be
in sympathy with the structure or appearance
of the completed building . The simple struc-
tural form of the building, particularly the
two -way spanning flat slab, and the raft
foundations on a thick gravel layer over a
considerable depth of reasonably good
London Clay, did however allow the two
phases to be built separately and stitched
together to form one complete whole. An
extensive consideration of the flexibility of
the superstructure, the raft foundation and the
ground geology, together with calculations of
deflections and rotations, showed that elastic
differential settlement would not be a problem
provided the stitching of the joint was accom -
plished after the structure of Phase II was
complete. The study also showed that the Fig.15
rotations from the long -term consolidation The situation on site in March 1977 (Photo: Ray Beeney)
settlement would not create an unacceptable
situation for the limit state of serviceability.
The architects and servi ces engineers needed slabs would be supported by a brick wall where this was not possible (and th is was
all the space that was available in Phase I so which would form the temporary closure to generally the case) , the bars would project at
it was decided to build right up to the wall of Phase I. The Phase I reinforcement would least far enough so that lap bars could be
the fire station and achieve the in situ stitch project into the Phase II site as much as spliced on with clamped-on sleeves such as
26 in the Phase II area. The edge of the Phase I possible to try to achieve tension laps but CCL Alpha Splices.
Phasing: Construction phase I : temporary works Basement construction
lateral stability
Construction of Phase I started in January The excavation was carried out by leaving
during phased construction
1976. A major consideration for all temporary restraining berms against the underpinned
The lateral stability of the building is provided works was the short construction time and the perimeter, casting the central raft area,
by the reinforced concrete walls of the stair, restricted nature of the site. A prime objective installing props from this to the perimeter
services and lift shaft cores. The lateral forces was therefore to try to keep the temporary underpinning and carefully excavating the
are exerted by the wind and by the sloping works out of the site as much as possible and berms. Once this had been done, the rest of
fai;:ade columns. Compatibility of movement particularly in the central area next to the fire the raft area could be excavated and the raft
in regard to the latter showed that the outward station wall where the first tower crane was concreting completed. The retaining walls
tilt was mostly restrained by horizontal forces to be installed, on a base within the finished could then be concreted, leaving holes round
in the floor slabs, and very little by the bending raft foundation. the props from the underpinning . The props
stiffness of the columns. The planning of the could only be removed when the slab above,
The first operation was to tie large steel
floors did however result in these horizontal propping the top of the retaining walls. was
members to the fire station wall by rods
forces not being equal and opposite and the cast and cured.
anchored to the interior walls so that the exist -
resultant force had to be resisted by the core
ing buttresses could be removed . Secondly
walls. Superstructure: construction and
the whole road perimeter of the site was
There were three stages through which the underpinned down to formation level and the completion
building had to pass and in which the stress underpinning access pits refilled . A similar A superb effort by the contractor, backing in
levels and distortion effects in the cores had operation was not possible beneath the fire every way the hard work of the design team,
to be considered. There was firstly Phase I station wall due to the presence of stanchion ensured that Phase I was practically complete
with the Phase I cores; there was also Phase II bases which were not large enough for on time in April 1976 when the client moved
which was an independent building during practical underpinning operations. Many in, as planned.
the construction period and then finally the methods were considered for this temporary
combined building . The stress levels generated work, to try to keep as much of the Phase I Construction: present situation,
were not exceptionally high but twisting area as possible within the finished building Phase II
distortion could be a severe problem as the and to try to avoid temporary propping from The work on Phase II is very similar to that of
core walls had only small torsional stiffness. this area, which would seriously obstruct Phase I. The temporary works commenced
Very early, therefore, it was apparent that one the work. Eventually after advice from , and on site in April 1976 following demolition of
of the design constraints was that the analysis by, specialists, chemical injection the fire station building and work is now well
centroid of stiffness of the cores should be grouting was chosen to provide a mass gravity advanced . The superstructure will be complete
made to coincide, or very nearly coincide, retaining wall beneath the fire station wall and the link- up between the structure of the
with the centroid of the applied forces for footings. The work was carried out, but an phases will be made in July 1977.
each of the stages. Happily this proved not too unconfined plate loading test showed that
difficult to achieve even though it meant that the treatment was not successful and the Credits:
with every change of design to Phase II, the grouted gravel not strong enough . Part con -
whole stability calculations had to be revised, ventional underpinning and part propped Client:
to show that the new and the combined cores sheet piling were therefore used instead ; Credit Lyonnais
were still adequate. This applied even when unfortunately, the congestion of the propping Architect:
Credit Lyonnais purchased the corner site and from thrust blocks extended the time required Whinney, Son & Hall
this was added to a replanned Phase II after for construction of the superstructure by Quantity Surveyor:
Phase I was complete. approximately two months. Wicksteed, Son & Few

GR P could easily be moulded to the required material for commercial use and have invested
Credit Lyonnais: shape but was rejected for the normal reasons heavily in research and development. The BRE
of difficulty in obtaining Class O surface also continued independently to study the
GRC Cladding spread of flame and the required fire resistance . material characteristics of GRC.
And so the search naturally led to a relatively
new material, claimed to be the non- Composition and production methods
Brian Cole combustible alternative to GR P, Glassfibre GRC is a composite material usually compris-
Reinforced Cement. The apparent qualities of ing 5% by weight alkali-resistant, glass fibre,
Introduction GRC appeared to match exactly the list of manufactured solely by Pilkington Brothers
The building stands on an important island requirements for the cladding to this building : under the trade name Cem-FIL, and ordinary
site at the junction of Queen Victoria Street easily mouldable; non-combustible; smooth, Portland cement to BS12. Generally, for
and Cannon Street in the City of London . washable surface; off-white self-finish with commercial use, up to 30% dry sand is incor-
Though limited in height to six storeys by the little colour variation; impermeable. porated in the mix to act as a filler to reduce
St. Paul's height restrictions it was considered shrinkage strains.
essential that this prestige building be of What is GRC7 Three important factors affect the resultant
striking appearance and also easily discernible In early 1974 GRC was a relatively unheard-of material properties of the composite, namely
from a distance. building material. Its history of development, the water cement ratio, the orientation of the
To meet these requirements the architects composition and mechanical properties are glass fibres and the density. These factors are
proposed a highly modelled fai;:ade form, now generally well-known by those engaged dependent on the technique by which the
leaning out at 5 from the pavement level. The in the design of buildings but they will be GRC component is produced, of which there
colour generally was to be off-white, with briefly reviewed here. are three main methods : direct spray, spray
black granite bands between each storey, and dewatered and premix.
the whole fai;:ade was to be drained at each Historical development
In the direct spray method a cement slurry
level to prevent staining . A simple additive to cement to impart tensile (usually also containing fine sand) with a
and impact strength had been the dream of 0.3 water/cement ratio and a plasticizer, is
The choice of material many researchers for some time. Fibres of sprayed onto a mould usually made of steel,
The original material proposed for the cladding ordinary E glass had been one of the many timber or GRP. AR glass fibre strand is
was precast concrete but, in September 1973, materials tried, but they proved vulnerable to chopped into 38 mm lengths and directed
Wates Property Company, as site landlords, alkali attack by ordinary Portland cement into the slurry jet at the spray head. The
wrote to the client expressing definite reserva- (OPC) . E glass fibres combined with low - sprayed material thus combined is compacted
tions about the use of a material which was alkali high alumina cement was a logical pro- onto the mould, usually by means of a hand
not easily cleaned and which therefore, in the gression but this suffered other problems due roller, and the required thickness is built up in
City atmosphere, would eventually stain . An to 'conversion' of the cement paste. However, layers to ensure adequate compaction. Spray
alternative had to be found . in 1969 a major breakthrough was made when dewatered sheets are made by a similar
Enamelled pressed steel or cast iron were the Dr. A. J . Majumdar at the Building Research method but with a water/cement ratio of
first alternative materials to be considered. Establishment succeeded in developing a zir - about 0.5. The mould, which must be flat or of
M . Jean Prouve had speeialized in work of conium-rich, glass fibre resistant to alkali only low profile, is made of a permeable
this type in France, and was consulted, but attack which could therefore be used with material which, by applying a vacuum behind
preliminary investigations showed that no kiln OPC. In the same year the BRE laid down test the mould, enables the excess moisture
large enough to take the mullion units for boards made of this new composite material, required for spraying to be removed from the
enamelling existed in this country. Other AR glass and OPC, so that the short and long - G RC and achieves compaction. This reduces
metals, stainless steel, bronze and aluminium, term properties of G RC could be evaluated . the final water/cement ratio to about 0.3 and
were considered but were rejected either due The patents and rights of G RC are held by the thereby improves the mechanical properties
to the problem of oxidization prevention, or National Researc h Development Corporation . of the material. Spray production methods are
because they were simply too expensive. Pilkington Brothers are licensed to develop the normally used for producing flat sheets of the 27

1 30

~., 20
en 10

0.1 0.2 0 .3 0 .4 0.5 0 .6 0.7 0 .8 0.9 1 .0

% strai n

Typical modulus of rupture plot for GRC

Plaster model of cladding (Photo: Michael Courtney)

material, the resultant fibre orientation being material behaves elastically up to the LOP,
L 2- 2
a two-dimensional random array. By virtue of full recovery is obtained on removal of the
the cohesive nature of the material the load, and simple bending theory provides the
sprayed - up sheets can be subsequently cut tensile stress/strain relationship. In this linear ~
and folded to shape before the cement has set. region the fibres within the mix help suppress Rear elevation 1- 1
In the third method of production, premix, the the propagation of cracks due to flaws in the
fibres are added to the cement before mixing . matrix and thus allow the elastic region of the Fig.3
To prevent balling during mixing this method cement to be fully utilized. The LOP, though Typical GRC unit
requires shorter strand lengths, about 25 mm, essentially a matrix-dependent property, is
and the mixing process must be carefully consequently higher than for plain cement
controlled to avoid excessive abrasion of the and is usually within the range of 14- 17
glass fibre strands. After mixing, the GRC may N/mm 2 for fresh spray dewatered material.
be cast in open moulds and compacted by In addition the fibres increase the stiffness of
normal rolling techniques, which results in a the matrix and give a Young's modulus of
three-dimensional random fibre orientation. 15- 25 kN/mm 2 , the actual value depending
Alternatively, the mix may be extruded or slip- mainly on the composite density.
formed which tends to align the fibres in one The modulus of rupture is obtained from the
direction, thereby improving the mechanical four point bend test by dividing the ultimate
properties in that direction, or it may be press - bending moment by the elastic section
moulded, which removes excess moisture modulus. Typical 28-day MOR values for
and allows immediate demoulding . Generally spray dewatered material are within the range
speaking GRC manufactured by the premix 35- 50 N/ mm 2 but, because of the redistribu -
process exhibits inferior material properties to tion of stresses which takes place in the
that obtained by the spray dewatered and tension zone of the material, with a consequent
direct spray methods of production mainly shift in the position of the neutral axis, the
because of the variability in quality and higher MOR is an apparent stress rather than a true
water/cement ratios . stress value. The behaviour of the material in
As with all cement products, hydration of the the ductile region between LOP and MOR
cement in GRC takes some time and it is becomes essentially fibre-dependent as the
essential that GRC is adequately cured tension force is gradually transferred from the
immediately following production . matrix to the glass fibres. In this region the
fibres induce fine, well -distributed cracks
Composite properties throughout the matrix, unlike the gross defects
Much research into the compos1t1on and associated with reinforced concrete at yielding
related mechanical properties of GRC has of the steel.
been carried out by both the BRE and In spite of the difficulties experienced in
Pilkington Brothers. The ultimate tensile obtaining the direct tension values some
strength (UTS), bend - over point (BOP) , carefully controlled tests have been carried
strain -to-failure, fatigue life and Young 's out in order to correlate the material properties
modulus have been investigated by means of obtained from the direct tension and the
direct tension tests. Bending tests have been bending tests. These tests have shown the
used to establish the modulus of rupture bend over point (BOP) to be 70% of the Fig.4
(MOR), limit of proportionality (LOP) , creep corresponding value, the LOP, obtained from Original timber pattern from which GRP
strain and stress rupture behaviour. The shear the bending test, and in addition that this moulds were made ( Photo: Tony Read)
and impact strengths, thermal and perme- ratio increases in the ductile region until at
ability properties and the performance in fire rupture the MOR/UTS ratio is approximately
have also all been thoroughly investigated. 2.5. Durability
To establish the durability of GRC many tests The compressive stiffness of GRC is similar to The material values quoted above are generally
have been carried out on specimens of the that in tension up to the LOP b1Jt continues in 28 -day strength properties. The durability tests
material which have been stored for periods an elastic manner almost up to the failure load, have shown that significant changes occur in
of one to five years under the following about five times tension value. In the case of the mechanical properties with age and
conditions : dry air; water immersion and compression the fibres act to resist the exposure conditions. Obviously with a material
natural weathering. The direct tension test associated shearing and splitting forces. invented as recently as 1969, determination of
proved very difficult to carry out accurately the long-term properties is difficult and
on aged G RC due to its brittleness, so the four The resistance to shear of GRC is largely requires extrapolation from short -term test
point bend test has been round to give more dependent on the orientation of the fibres and results. This is an extremely difficult problem
consistent results. In this test the central varies between about 2 N/mm 2 where the as, while it is known that AR glass is alkali-
portion of a small flat plate of the material, fibres are inoperative, up to about 27 N/mm 2 resistent, the exact mechanism of the change
usually 150 mm long by 50 mm and known in where they are arranged so as to be fully with time of the composite properties is not
GRC technology as a coupon, is subjected to utilized to resist the applied shearing force. fully understood and is further complicated by
pure bending stress and the resultant deflec- As the high local stresses are distributed the difficulties in obtaining the direct tension
tions are relatively large and are therefore throughout the matrix by the glass fibres, GRC strengths of a material which becomes brittle.
easily measured. possesses a high resistance to impact, with For some time there was some disagreement
28 In the four point bend test on fresh G RC the strengths in the region of 20- 30 Nmm/ mm 2 between Pilkington Brothers and the BRE on
the matter of extrapolating the long-term The fixing details we proposed for the typical
strengths. Pilkingtons maintained that an panels were similar to those commonly used
exponential time / strength decay curve best for precast concrete panels: two stainless
fits the short -term test results. They felt that steel angles bolted to the slab and the beam
the material degradation eventually ceased soffit, with stainless steel bolts threaded into
with time and that the 20 year value estimated sockets cast into the rear of the panel.
by curve fitting was asymptotic to a stable Positional tolerance was obtained by slotted
value. However, the BRE suggested that holes in the angles and packing washers in
extrapolation on a log-time base, by which the the direction in which positive restraint was
decay curve is heavily influenced by changes required. It was essential that no vertical load
in early years which are assumed to continue was imparted by the structure to the panels so
at a reducing rate until a cut-off point, 'the vertical slotted holes were provided in the top
matrix level'. is reached, was the correct Fig.5 fixing angle with Teflon washers to allow for
method of determining the long-term material Spraying-up process relative vertical movement of the structural
properties. (Photo: Brian Cole) frame.
With the publication in 1976 of the BRE To prevent misuse of the material all manufac-
Current Paper CP38/76 this problem has been turers of components in GRC are licensed by
somewhat resolved. This document gives the Pilkington Brothers. One such licensee,
long -term properties for G RC according to an Portcrete Ltd . of the Bath and Portland Stone
exponential curve, and an alternative set Group, was nominated as sub contractor for
derived from a logarithmic decay curve, and the supply and fixing of the cladding in the
the final judgement is left to the designer. summer of 1974 and entered into the project
Eight years have now el apsed since the with much enthusiasm . Our early discussions
invention of the material and another set of with Portcrete Ltd. confirmed the feasibility of
points on the strength / time curve would our earlier scheme work and enabled us to
obviously help a great deal in determining the proceed further with the structural design.
correct curve to use, but unfortunately the As no codes of practice existed for design in
BRE is now running short of those original GRC we decided that a limit state approach,
1969 specimens and is anxious to save some taken from first principles, would give us a
for the 10 year results! Fig.6 better understanding of the finished product.
Our role in the cladding design Compacting GRC with hand roller Three basic parameters had to be established :
(Photo: Brian Cole)
Having selected G RC as the most suitable (a) The design load
material for the cladding, the architect asked (b) The mechanical properties of the material
us to provide him with a design service. This (c) Appropriate factors of safety.
service was to include th e following : general The applied loading on the cladding panels in
advice on G RC cladding panels; outline their final condition was confined to wind
scheme and structural design including fixing load ing and we were able to directly apply the
details for each specific panel type; assistance cladding pressures obtained from CP3: Chap -
in obtaining approval from the district surveyor ter V: Part 2. A consideration of the building
for use of this new material ; close liaison with form showed that there were unlikely to be
the manufacturer to establish final panel any localized high pressure areas.
details; assistance in preparation of a GRC
specification and assistance with quality The serviceability limit state was easily justi -
fied . Using the well-established value for the
Young 's modulus of the matrix we soon found
Our involvement in this project has been
that the lateral deflection and associated
described as somewhere between precast
cracking of the unit legs, even under maximum
concrete panel design, for which we normally wind loading, would be negligible. The critical
take full design responsibility, and the use of a
limit state was therefore that of collapse but
proprietary lightweight curtain walling system
the appropriate material values to be used for
for which the manufacturer would be this condition proved to be far more difficult
responsible for the design and detailing and to establish . The important material property
our involvement would be only marginal. In
Fig. 7 for this condition in the bending of a box
fact our design involvement was very much
Trowelling-off section is the long-term ultimate tensile
closer to the former than the latter in thi s case. strength. The nearest property to this for
(Photo: Brian Cole)
Structural design of the cladding which extensive test data were available was
At the time of the decision to use G RC for the the modulus of rupture obtained from a
cladding material, early 1974, there was four- point bend test on a flat coupon. This
sufficient information available within the information th erefore related to a cross-
R & D section to enable us to provide a very section different from the hollow box sections
preliminary scheme structural design for a proposed for the unit legs, was for a different
typical cladding unit. The panels are non-load- loading condition and, in addition, also dealt
bearing but must span between the concrete only w ith short -term test results. Both the
floors against wind loads. We worked within BRE and Pilkington Brothers were certain that
the constraints establ ished by the architect at the MOR value decays with time but neither
that time, the required external profile, the knew for certain to what extent. After much
inter-relationship with the load -bearing struc - deliberation we therefore decided to base our
ture (the sloping fai;:ade columns are wholly design on a specifi ed minimum LOP as this is
within the cl adding zon e) , the tolerances essentially matrix-dependent and therefore
requ ired between individual units, the water- less vulnerabl e to th e degradation of com -
proofing and drainage requirements and the posite properties.
implications of the design on the fixing det ails. 0 ur assessm ent of the factors of safety to be
The external panel whi ch evolved com prised used in the desi gn was based on papers on the
two hollow box section legs spanning be - subj ect written for the BRE, the Construction
tween the floors in simpl e bending, a top Industry Resea rch and Information Associa -
section cantilevered out beneath the project - tion (CIRIA) and the Institution of Structural
ing floor above, and a hollow base section, all Engineers. A list of relevant parameters was
forming a complete frame to contain the carefully drawn up and appropriate partial
double glazed window unit. A major advan- factors of safety were allocated to each as
tage of G RC is that with no steel reinforcement follows :
to protect from corrosion, coupled with the
fact that the material is very cohesive, very Loading 1.4
thin material thicknesses are possible. We Accuracy of analysis including
envisaged the direct spray method of produc - material strength 1.3
tion and proposed a G RC thickness of 10 mm
for the units but cautiously reserved th e right Fig.8 Workmanship 1.1
to amend this as we found out more about The curing enclosure Mode of collapse 1.1
acceptable long -term stress values for the (Photo: Michael Courtney)
Consequence of failure 0.9
final design. 29
These factors, when combined, give an overall The characteristic MOR (Mk) required in our structural 3 mm thick pre -formed GRC former
'global' factor of safety for the design of specification was 23 N/mm 2 at 28 days. The of inverted U section is placed on this, and the
approximately 2.0. preliminary tests were designed to ascertain spray-up is continued over this former. The
We therefore now had established our basic a realistic standard deviation and to enable us joint between the flange and side walls is
parameters for design - load, material strength to establish a relationship between the MOR effected by rolling projecting strands from the
and factors of safety, and we were able to and the LOP used in the design. lower portion into the new spray-up, forming
submit these to the local authority for approval. An important aspect of the specification is the the side legs.
During the development of the design requirements incorporated within it to reduce The results of this series of tests were most
approach we had many constructive meetings the possibility of surface crazing of the useful in that they confirmed our basic design
with the District Surveyor who was therefore material, a problem which had beset previous approach, they provided the relationship
fully conversant with our proposals and he projects in GRC. Discussions between between coupon and box-section behaviour
readily gave his approval to the use of G RC Pilkington Brothers and R & D had shown that which we could incorporate directly into our
for the cladding material. surface crazing could be significantly reduced design calculations and they proved the spray -
in three ways : by elimination of thick 'gel' up construction joint to be entirely efficient.
Specification layers of unreinforced matrix at the surface, by The fixing tests confirmed that the proposed
Together with Arups' R & D group, the using up to 30% of a particular sand filler and fixings would be entirely satisfactory in both
architect and the QS, we developed a detailed by controlling the curing process. These three the tension and shear conditions.
performance specification for GRC soon after factors were incorporated into the specifica- Later, during the production of the units,
the basic decision to use the material had been tion as follows : the unreinforced mist coat Pilkingtons were provided with the oppor-
made. sprayed on the mould before spray-up of the tunity to test a full-size unit to destruction . The
composite was limited to 0.5 mm, the mix unit was mounted horizontally, supported at
When Portcrete Ltd. were nominated as supply
proportions were set within limits and the fixing position, and loaded by means of
and fix sub-contractors we were able to
included a fine sand filler, and a strict curing bricks in a manner to represent wind suction.
involve them in the development of the
specification (10 days in a curing enclosure This test was very useful in that it provided us
specification to cover materials, workmanship,
at 95% RH) was included in the section on with information on the overall behaviour of
manufacture and quality control. Their
manufacture. a complete panel. The unit proved to be both
involvement proved invaluable in that they
were able to carry out tests to confirm that not strong and very stiff, the load at LOP being
Tests approximately 3.3 times the design wind
only could the design team get what it wanted
in terms of strength and quality, but also that In addition to the tests to be carried out under load, and the associated deflection was only
the required material properties were obtain- the specification we felt that, to economically 1.1 mm. The panel, which, it should be re-
able under normal manufacturing conditions and safely design the units, it would be useful membered, exceeded the specified minimum
by careful, but not excessive, quality control to carry out a further series of tests on a thickness and material strength requirements,
and testing. structural section similar to that proposed for sustained a maximum load of nearly nine times
the spanning mullions of the units. The pur - the design wind load for 42 hours without
The design for the GRC mix was included in
pose of these tests could be summarized as either material failure or excessive deflection.
the materials section by stating limits for the
follows :
mix proportions and allowing the manufac - Panel production
turer to propose a specific mix to fulfil the (1) To determine the relationship between the Immediately following receipt of the design
performance requirements. To prove that the properties of the flat rectangular section geometry from the architect, Portcrete Ltd.
proposed mix, equipment, personnel and of the quality control coupon and the produced a full-size timber mock- up of a
technique would produce the required rectangular hollow box section typical unit. The architects were able to
properties, a series of preliminary tests and inspect this mock-up and make one or two
samples were required. (2) To determine the efficiency of the GRC minor geometrical changes. The timber unit
For routine quality control during production spray-up construction joints between the was altered accordingly and four G RP moulds
we decided to use the well-established four- outer flange and the short webs of the box were produced from it. GR P is an excellent
point bend test, carried out on coupons cut section material for mould manufacture as it produces
from test boards sprayed up in step with the a dense, smooth, cast G RC surface. The first
first and last panels of each day's production. (3) To obtain further information about the panel was produced in December 1974 and
Although the LOP stress was used in the shear and torsion characteristics of GRC. delivered to site in February 1975. Production
design it was generally agreed that the MOR of 400 panels for Phase I took approximately
(4) Tests were also required to Justify the eight months and the last Phase I panels were
is the simplest and most consistent value
design of the proposed cast-in fixings, delivered to site in September 1975. The
obtained from this test and it was therefore
both for pull-out in the working condition maximum number of panels produced in one
decided to use this value for specifying and
and shear in lifting . day during this period was six.
checking the strength of the production GRC.
The approach to specifying the MOR was Pilkington Brothers agreed to carry out these Of the 400 panels produced, about six were
similar to that used in CPT 10 in that a tests in their laboratories on a series of box rejected at the factory. This was due either to
characteristic strength was specified, above sections, made specifically for the purpose by problems with curing or dimensional in-
which a certain acceptable percentage of Portcrete Ltd., of proportions similar to the accuracy outside the tolerance range . In the
quality control tests must fall, and by stating mid - height cross-section of the mullions of a design of the mould, Portcrete Ltd., using
a lower limit below which no single result may typical cladding unit. and also a series of tests their experience gained with sprayed-up flat
fall. Allowing 1 in 20 results to fall below the on some cast-in sockets of the type proposed sheets of GRC, had allowed 1 mm/metre for
characteristic strength, the target mean for the cladding fixing . The box sections were shrinkage. In the event the initial shrinkage
strength to be aimed at by the manufacturer constructed in a manner identical to that used proved much less than this, resulting in some
is : for the legs of the unit : the outer flange is oversize panels and Portcrete Ltd. subse-
MrM = Mk + 1.64 x standard deviation. sprayed up first against the mould, a non - sequently reduced the mould size.
Fig.9 The use of G RC provided a panel far lighter
Load test on a full-size panel (Photo: Pilkington Brothers) than a similar sized panel in precast concrete.
This aided the transportation and erection of
the panels; hoisting was simpler and cheaper
and storage problems were less. Care was
needed during transportation but generally
more units could be carried in each journey.
In addition, the ground floor units could be
made in far larger sections than co uld have
been handled in precast concrete and the
need for handling reinforcement was obviated.
The erection of the units was straightforward
and proceeded with only minor problems due
to the concrete support structure being, in one
or two instances, outsid e the tolerance limits.
However, during the course of the erection,
the BRE issued their conclusions on long -term
strengths of the material in the form of
CP38/76 mentioned earlier. The minimum
possible strengths quoted in this document
were slightly less than those used in our
30 design and a check on the design calculations
Internal view of south-west corner of Phase 1 (Photo: Michael Courtney)
Fig.11 below
External view of south-west corner of Phase 1 (Photo: Harry Sowden)
Fig.12 right
G RC cladding panel for the ground floor of Phase 2 being lifted from lorry
(Photo: Ray Seeney)

showed that some of our panels would need

strengthening to avoid exceeding the absolute
minimum strengths stated. We discussed this
information with the architect and we agreed
that, whatever the likely interpretation of this
new strength data, it was undesirable to take
a risk that further strengthening might be
required some time in the future. This was not
an engineering ai:ipraisal but an assessment of
the client's best interests. Additional restraint
to the critical units was provided by bracing
the units by a steelwork member located in
between the external and internal cladding

GRC has undoubtedly provided very distinc-
tive cladding on this ambitious project. The
design team have been extremely pleased
with the performance of both the material
itself and the organizations involved in its
production : Pilkington Brothers, who de-
veloped and supplied the AR glass fibre and
much of the research required for the initial
design, and Portcrete Ltd. who manufactured
the units to a consistently high standard on
programme, and who also readily produced
many of the samples and tests required during
the early development of the design and
specification. Portcrete were very much
assisted in their work by the skills, organiza-
tion and enthusiastic co-operation of the main
contractor, Wates Construction Ltd.
The light weight of the units made possible by
using GRC contributed not only in direct ways
to the successful completion of the building
on programme, but also in indirect ways by
reducing the structural support required and
foundation sizes. It is also doubtful that the
units could have been economically pro-
duced, in the time available, in any other
It is accepted that the stresses used in the
design are very low compared with the short
term data available for the material. The
material is not yet suitable for use for major
structural elements which must retain their
strength for a long period. Better use of its
strength properties can only be made in short-
term situations - shuttering, permanent
formwork and replaceable components. How-
ever, many of the other important qualities of
GRC: its mouldability, surface finish and
light weight, were successfully utilized to the
full on this project. 31

Centre Pompidou
A Special Award of The Institution of Struc-
tural Engineers has been made to Ove Arup &
Partners for 'their contribution to the creation
of the Centre Nationale d'Art et de Culture
Georges Pompidou, Paris.' (Architects: Piano
& Rogers.)
Only eight of these Special Awards have been
made in the last 10 years and the firm is the
first to receive a second one. Arups gained
their first in 1973 for their work on the Sydney
Opera House.

View of front fayade from the piazza
(Photo : Poul Beckmann)

Fig. 2
View from Rue St. Marie showing services on rear
fayade at right of photograph
(Photo : Martin Charles; courtesy of Architects' Journal)

Fig. 3
The Forum : ground floor entrance
(Photo: Martin Charles; courtesy of Architects' Journal)

Fig. 4
View of the Library
(Photo : Bernard Vincent)

Fig. 5
General view
(Photo : Bernard Vincent)

Fig. 6
Corner view from the piazza
(Photo: Poul Beckmann)

Fig. 7
The fayade showing escalators and tubular galleries
( Photo: Bernard Vincent)

Fig. 8
Interior of escalator
(Photo: Bernard Vincent)

Museum of Modern Art
( Photo: Martin Charles; courtesy of Architects' Journal)


5 8

6 9

Fig.10 13
Fifth floor exhibition area
(Photo : Martin Charles; courtesy of Architects' Journal)

An escalator and tubular gallery viewed from the
interior of the building
(Photo : Bernard Vincent)

Fig. 12
The front fa~ade and piazza
(Photo : Bernard Vincent)

Fig. 13
Escalator and walkways
(Photo: Martin Charles; courtesy of Architects' Journal)

View of rear of building in Rue St. Martin showing
(Photo : Bernard Vincent)

Close -up of the escalators and tubular galleries
(Photo: Bernard Vincent)

The Forum
(Photo : Bernard Vincent)

Fig. 17
Exhibition area
(Photo: Bernard Vincent)

Figs. 18 and 19
(Photos: Bernard Vincent)



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