Jambudwipa and The Sankalpa

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All of us would have probably heard the words,

".....Jambudveepe Bharatha Varshe Bharata Khande....."
during the sankalpa mantram which forms an integral part of
all Vedic rituals. However, most people in foreign countries
regularly come to our page with the doubt as to how they must
modify this sankalpa mantra to suit the etymology of those
countries. This post hopes to throw some light on this aspect.

What exactly is this "Jambudwipa"?

Jambudveepa consisted of modern Asia, Europe, Africa and

North America and not merely the Indian subcontinent.

This Jambudvipa was divided into nine varshas (geographical

regions) of which one was Bharatha Varsha. The other eight
varshas were:

2.Ketumula Varsha 3.Hari Varsha 4.Ilavrita Varsha 5.Kuru

Varsha 6.Hiranyaka Varsha 7.Ramyaka Varsha 8.Kimpurusha
Varsha 9.Bhadrasva Varsha.
(Refer to the picture to get a clear idea of this).

India which was then called Bharathavarsha extended in the

west including the regions of modern Egypt, Afghanistan,
Baluchistan, Iran, Sumeria upto Caspian Sea (which was called
Kashyapa Samudra in those days). Within this Bharata Varsha
was located the Bharata Khanda which was the heart of the
Vedic civilization & the place where we Indians currently
reside. This is one of the innumerous proofs that the Indo--
Aryan race theory is a conspiracy theory moulded by western
countries to show us in poor light. All of the regions so
mentioned in the race theory are a part of Bharata Varsha &
there was never a so called "invasion".

What is amazing is the fact that our ancestors had an excellent

overview of the geography of the world back then.

It can be observed that in those times, most of South American

continent, southern half of African Continent and entire
Australia were submerged under water. On the other hand
most of modern day Atlantic ocean and Pacific ocean, and the
entire Arctic ocean were above sea level.

This also proves the logical fallacy of the Western missionaries

which claim that the Vedic civilization is just 5000 years old,
Kurukshetra war took place just a few thousand years
back,etc. The vedic civilization existed at times when Australia
was submerged below the ocean! Imagine how long back that
must have been!

What is rather disappointing is the fact that our government to

this day teaches all sorts of disproved, anti-Indian & illogical
theories in our textbooks solely for "minority appeasement" &
to support the slow conversion on Hindus to Christianity, a
mission well sponsored by the missionaries of the West.

The credits for this discovery go to the great soul Lokamanya

Balagangadhar Tilak. More info can be found in his book The
Arctic Home in the Vedas.

Its disgusting that our government teaches our younger

generations to think how worthless our ancestors were rather
than teaching them about these great discoveries by such

I am reminded of the time when the Congress & other

pseudosecular parties cried about "Saffronisation of India!"
when LK Advani made a proposal to introduce lessons about
the great sages of our country. Its time we wake up &
understand who is ruling us & what their true agenda is. Are
our sages not Indians? Can you name one country which shows
its own personalities in poor light to appease its
minorities(although minorities are not at all benefitted by it!)?

Its not that we are siding with any political party, but we shall
certainly not accept those parties which intend to
slowly destroy Sanatana Dharma through covert means!


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