NDT Procedure Chemical

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lAamSsON : JOINT OPERATING COMPANY THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD BLOCK 01/97 - 02/97 -DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE (NDE) Document Number TLDD-9061-1AAG-Q02-0001 Le Trune 20.Aug2012 | _ Issued for Review Net _| LTQ Thuong Discipline Approved Date Purpose of Issue [Prepared by| Checked by | ¢ A NDT THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson Wiis! NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE _[['neae | “MOH TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 INTRODUCTION. 5 2.0 — SCOPE..... 5 3.0 REFERENCES ec cosne 5 4.0 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION. oa) 50 SAFETY... 2 Sect 6 60 RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION PROCEDURE. 6 6.1 RADIOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT. 6 6.11 Exposure Device... 6 6.1.2 Radiographic Film. : : 6 6.13 Penetrameter (Image Quality Indicator - IQN) 7 62 LOCATION AND FILM MARKER... 1 63 SOURCE TO SUBJECT DISTANCE... 8 64 BACK SCATTER RADIATION PROTECTION 8 65 GEOMETRIC UNSHARPNESS LIMITATION...0.sesnns 8 66 SURFACE PREPARATION... 0 6.7 USE OF IQI FOR RADIOGRAPHY... 9 6.8 RADIOGRAPH DENSITY... 69 QUALITY LEVEL OF RADIOGRAPH... 10 6.10 RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUE. 6.11 SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION 6.12 FILM PROCESSING..... 6.13. FILMS VIEWER. 6.14 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA... 6.15 REPORTING Appendix I - RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION REPORT 15 Appendix 2 - RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES... 16 7.0 ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION PROCEDURE. 1 ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT TL Ultrasonic set 142 113 714 7.2 EQUIMENT performance CHECK .... 721 Index point of angle probe 722 Beam angle of angle prob 723 ‘Time base linearity... 724 Linearity of gain control Document No: TLDD-001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 2 of 52 PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID. Ausases! ~— NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [fincas] 1unCMNT THANG LONG ~ DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT A NDT (Amson 725 Screen height linearity 1.26 Resolution. : 121 Profile of angle beam. 128 Probe Internal reflection check 7.3 TESTING PROCEDURE... 734 Range calibration ... " 132 Distance amplitude correction (DAC) curve and sensitivity setting 733 Transfer correction... 134 Surface preparation 135 Selection of angle probe. 73.6 Scanning patterns... 737 Scanning and defect evaluation... 738 Sizing of defect 739 Discontinuity Evaluation. 7.4 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA .. 7.5 RECORDS and REPORT ww Appendix 3 - ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE CHECK... Appendix 4 - ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION REPORT..... Appendix 5 - SKETCH - SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT. Appendix 6 - ULTRASONIC TECHNIQUE... Appendix 7 - DEFECT SIZING... dat 80 MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE. BL EQUIPMENT. 8.1.1 Magnetization Equipment 812 Calibration of Equipment. 813 Field Assessment... 8.2 CONSUMABLE... 821 Magnetic ink... 822 Dry Magnetic Particles. 823 Contrast Lacquer... 83 EXAMINATION 83.1 Surface Preparation... 832 Lighting. 833 Method of examination 834 Magnetizing technique... 835 Application of Detecting Medium 836 Inspection 837 Demagnetization 838 Post Inspection Cleaning. 84 INTERPRETATION OF INDICATIONS... 85 EVALUATION OF INDICATIONS .. 86 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA .. 8.7 RECORDS and REPORT... Appendix 8 - MAGNETIC PARTICLE FIELD INDICATOR... Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 3 of 52 NI) _PRovIsION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (AMsON ‘asaee!) NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE — [Peas] SOUTHER ¢ Anat THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT ‘Appendix 9 - MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION REPORT cess Appendix 10 - MAGNETIC YOKE DAILY CAPACITY CHECK Appendix 11 - MAGNETIC EXAMINATION TECHNIQUE SHEET....... 44 9.0 LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINATION PROCEDURE, 46 9.1 PROCEDURE REVISION Metattae Teall 4G 92 MATERIALS AND PRESERVATION 93 SURFACE PREPARATION...... 94 TESTING METHOD......... 95 ILLUMINATION REQUIREMENTS 95.1 Color contrast liquid penetrant examination 95.2 Fluorescent liquid penetrant examination... 96 EXAMINATION .. 9.6.1 Pre-cleaning 9.6.2 Penetrant Application. 9.63 Penetrant Removal Application .. 964 Drying... as 96.5 Developer Application... 9.6.6 Interpretation of indications. 96.7 Evaluation of Indications .. 9.6.8 Post-examination Cleaning 97 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ... 9.8 RECORDS and REPORT... Appendix 12 - RECOMMENDED DWELL TIMES .....ss0sssnss Appendix 13 - LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINATION REPORT... Document No: TLDD-9001-IAAG-Q02-0001 Page 4 of 52 CAN THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (AMsON NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE ——[finrcar] “MOWHE 1.0 2.0 3.0 Document Page 5 of. INTRODUCTION This procedure is developed to cover the non-destructive examination requirements for THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL. INJECTION SKID Project as carried out by CANDT. SCOPE This procedure covers the performance, evaluation and documentation of radiographic examination of materials and weld butt joints in metal products. This procedure defines the conditions for ultrasonic examination full or partial penetration welded joints in carbon and low alloy ferritic steel, 6.35mm or greater in thichness, using A-Scan presentation and employing four sensitivity level.And this does not cover the testing of stainless steels. ‘This procedure applies to the Magnetic Particle Examination methods use to detect cracks and other discontinuities on surface and subsurface of ferromagnetic materials. Also be carried out after removal of weld defect by gouging, all weld to fittings, fillet and other permanent attachment. This procedure applies to the Penetrant Examination methods for detecting discontinuities that are open to the surface such as crack and other discontinuities on surface of materials. And this defines the conditions of performing for ferrous and non-ferrous as well as for all repaired welds; all weld of fittings, fillet welds, finished welds and other permanent attachments. REFERENCES ‘The following Codes and Standards with the latest editions which are registered in CANDT's list shall be referenced: ASME Section V: Non-Destructive Examination. ASME Section VIII Division 1 & Division 2, 2010 edition; 2012 Addenda: Boiler And Pressure Vessel Code ASME Section IX: Welding and Brazing Qualifications. ASME SE 999: Guide for controlling the quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Processing ASME SE 142; Standard Method for Controlling Quality of Radiography Testing. ASME SE 1032: Method for Radiographic Examination of Weldments. ASME SE 1254: Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed Radiographic Films, ASME SE 94; Standard guide for Radiographic Testing, ASME SE 747: ASTM-A 578: Standard Specification for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special Application. ASTM E164-88: Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing Using Wire Penetrameters. Ni 52 DD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 CAM THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE eee 4.0 5.0 6.0 61 6.1L 6.1.2 Document ‘API 650: Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage AWS D1.1: Structure Welding Code Steel. ASME Code B31.3: Process Piping Code. ASME SE 709: Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination. ASME SE 165: Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Inspection. ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A: Personnel Qualifications, Safety Regulation for Ionization Radiation -TCVN4397-87. Health, Safety and Environment Management System. CA-30-01: CANDT's Written Practice. CA-50-02: Radiation Safety Procedure. PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION Personnel performing the inspection using this procedure shall be qualified and certified to SNT-TC-1A level II or level IIL in accordance with ASNT cettification program or to equivalent level of certification via internationally recognized independent organization in accordance with ISO 9712, EN 473 or certification schemes e.g, PCN or CSWIP. All personnel to be involved in the inspection according to this procedure shall be approved by Client and Owner prior using them for the job. SAFETY All technicians carrying out radiography shall hold current valid of radiation safety license. All radiographic work carried out by CANDT personnel will conform to CANDT safety procedures and local statutory safety equipment. CANDT Safety Officer will conduct periodic safety inspection at all work locations and will have the authority to suspend work if not satisfied with safety procedures adopted, Personnel found not adhering to the standard safety procedures may be subjected to disciplinary action, RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION PROCEDURE RADIOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT Exposure Device Gamma ray sources Iridium 192 shall be used. Maximum Source strength is 80 Ci; Maximum dimension 3x3mm. Radiographic Film Radiographic film used shall meet the requirements of ASTM - SE 94, Radiographic films shall be of industrial type and shall be free from inherent flaws that may interfere with the interpretation of radiographs. Radiographic film shall be processed to allow storage and ;out deterioration for a period of at least five (5) years, a) Intensifying screens Only lead screen can be used. It shall be placed intimately in elose contact at the front and back of the film. Fluorescent intensifying screens shall not be permitted. Minimum thickness of front and back lead screen is between is 0.02mm No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 6 of 52 THANG LONG ~ DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson CAN NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [Pincus] “NOM b) 9 d Cassettes ‘Cassettes shall be light-tight and constructed of a material which will not interfere with the quality or sensitivity of the radiographs. Adequate precautions are required to ensure good film-to-screen contact within the cassette. Films & + The recommended films as follows: ~ Fuji Industrial Film #100, #80, #50 or equivalent. — Agfa Structurix D7, D5, D4 or equivalent = The film shall be wide enough to ensure that the weld and the heat-affected zone adjacent to the weld are fully covered. Al! radiographic films shall have a minimum width of 70mm. * Overlapping Film. Welds longer than 14 in. [350 mm] may be radiographed by overlapping film cassettes and making a single exposure, or by using single film cassettes and making separate exposures. Minimum film overlap shall be 25 mm. on both side of each film Film shall be checked for Fog Density. In order to avoid unduly high fog densities arising from film ageing, development or temperature, the fog density shall be checked periodically on a non-exposed sample taken from the films being used, and handled and processed under the same conditions as the actual radiograph. The fog density shall not exceed 0,3. Fog density here is defined as the total density (emulsion and base) of a processed, unexposed film. Protection and care of unexposured film = Unexposured films shall be stored in such manner that they are protected from effects of light, pressure, excessive heat, excessive humidity fumes or vapors, penetrating radiation. Storage of film is on a "First in’, "First out" basis. + Films should be handled under safety light conditions in accordance with the film manufacturer's recommendation. = The loading bench, cassettes and screens shall be kept clean and free from dirt, which may cause exposure or processing artifacts in the radiographs. = Film shall be handled only at their edges. All sharp bending, excessive pressure and rough handling of any kind shall be avoided. 6.1.3 Penetrameter (Image Quality indicator - 1Q1) Penetrameter or Image Quality Indicator (IQI) shall abe made of a material, radiographically as dense as the material under examination. Wire type Image Quality Indicator shall be used. =) 6.2 LOCATION AND FILM MARKER Location marker of high atomic number metal such as lead in the form of Numeric shall be used. Location Markers, which are to appear as radiographic images on the film, shall be placed on the part, not on the exposure holder/cassette. Their location shall be permanently marked on the surface of the part being radiographed when permitted, or on a map, in a manner permitting area of interest on a radiograph to accurately traceable to its location on Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 7 of 52 DT CAM red Pr THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID LAMSON NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE Eee Eee 63 64 65 the part. Evidence shall also be provided on the radiograph that the required coverage of the region being examined had been obtained. To maintain trace ability of the defects in a weld for repair purposes, adequate markings shall be provided. These makings shall not be moved during radiography of the weld. A zero “0” marker shall identify the starting point at 12 o'clock position, clockwise when facing toward the bow and the direction on the weld and shall be marked with a permanent marker on the pipe surface as well as the film. Two type of identification are required base on the pipe weld diameter. Pipe welds having nominal diameter above 3 inches shall have a continuous marker band (metric) wrapped around the circumference of the pipe. Alternatively, two markers may be used at the ends of weld portion and they are represented for weld section in centimetre (from location ~ to location). Films for pipe welds with nominal diameter 2% inches or less, shall be identify with marker such as “A” for the first, “B” for the second and so on. The markers shall be lead type with approximate dimensions of 6 mm in height and 1.5 mm thick. SOURCE TO SUBJECT DISTANCE The source-to-subject distance shall not less than the total length of film being exposed in assingle plane. The source-to-subject distance shall not less than cight times the thickness of weld plus reinforcement and backing. BACK SCATTER RADIATION PROTECTION Where backscatter is likely to occur, lead shielding shall be placed behind the cassette to minimize scatter effects. Check on backscatter Radiation shall be as follows: ‘ad letter "B" (minimum dimension of 13 mm in height and 1.6 mm thickness) shall be iched on the back of the outer surface of each film holder or cassette. ight appearance of the letter "B" on the radiograph on a darker background is evident of insufficient protection from backscatter thus radiograph shall be considered unacceptable. A dark image of the letter "B" on the lighter background is not cause for rejection. GEOMETRIC UNSHARPNESS LIMITATION Geometric unsharpness (Ug) of the radiograph shall be determined in accordance with: Ug = Fa/D Ug = geometric un-sharpness F = source size, the maximum projected dimension of the radiating source (or effective focal spot) in the plane perpendicular to the distance D from the weld or object being radiographed, mm, d= distance from source of radiation to weld or object being radiographed, mm, D = distance from source, ey of weld or object being radiographed to the film. Maximum Ug limitation shall be 0.5 Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 8 of 52 ¢ NDT hienet THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Aamson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [fincas] “KO 6.6 6.7 SURFACE PREPARATION ‘Test shail be carried out only when the test specimen has been cooled down to ambient temperature. Surface preparation of welds for Radiography shall be as follows: Free from scale or weld slag. Surface irregularities whenever possible are to be removed or dressed such that the resulting radiographic image is not masked or confused with the image of any relevant discontinuity that may be present. Temporary tack welds to be removed and ground smoothly. ‘The finish surface may be flushed with the base material or may be have uniform crown. Methods of preparation shall be such that over heating or loss of material integrity does not occur. For the branch welds, access to surface in both sides in conformity of radiographic applicable techniques shall be free to be approached. Surface shall satisfy the requirements of the applicable materials specifications, with additional conditioning, if necessary, by any suitable process to a degree that surface irregularities cannot mask or be confused with discontinuities. USE OF IQI FOR RADIOGRAPHY Penetrameters shall be placed in contact with the piping or plate, across the weld and perpendicular to the weld length. Source-Side IQU(s): The IQK(s) shall be placed on the source side of the part being examined, except for the condition described in paragraph below. When, due to part or weld configuration or size, it is not practical to place the IQI(s) on the part or weld, the IQl(s) may be placed on a separate block. Separate blocks shall be made of the same or radiographically similar materials and may be used to facilitate IQI positioning, The IQI on the source side of the separate block shall be placed no closer to the film than the source side of the part being radiographed. The separate block shall be placed as close as. possible to the part being radiographed. The block dimensions shall exceed the IQI dimensions such that the outline of at least three sides of the IQI image shall be visible on the radiograph. Film-Side 1QI(s): Where inaccessibility prevents hand placing the IQI(s) on the source side, the 1QI(s) shall be placed on the film side in contact with the part being examined. A lead letter “F” shall be placed adjacent to or on the IQU(s). 1QI Placement for Welds - Wire IQIs. The IQI(s) shall be placed on the weld so that the length of the wires is perpendicular to the length of the weld. The identification numbers and, when used, the lead letter “F” shall not be in the ares of interest, except when geometric configuration makes it impractical. Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 9 of: 52 cam THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (amson 68 69 Document NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE eee Table: ASTM Wire Type IQI Designation, Wire Diameter and Wire Identity Wire a mm Identity Diameter, in. mm Identity (0.08) 1 0.010 (0:28) 6 (0.01) 2 0013 (0.93) 7 (0.13) 3 0.018 (041) a (0.18) 4 0.020 (051) 8 (020) 5 0.026 (06a) 10 (0.28) 6 0.032, (081) 1 mm teentty oat 1 400 es 18 (102) 12 0.126 60 17 (2n 13 0160 (40) 18 (1.99) 14 0.200 60) 18 203) 15, 0260 (63) 20 25) 16 0.320 ery at RADIOGRAPH DENSITY Optical density, D, expressed as. D= ogi” = logo Ir Where: Ipis the intensity of the incident light Iris the intensity of the transmitted light ‘The transmitted film density through the radiographic image of the adjacent to the designated wire of a wire IQI and the area of interest. Density minimum: + Gammaray source 2.0 For composite viewing of double film exposure, each film of the composite set shall have a minimum density of 1.3. The maximum density shall be 4.0 for either single or composite viewing. If the density of the radiograph anywhere through the area of interest varies by more than minus 15% or plus 30% from the density through the adjacent to the designated wire of a wire IQI, within the minimum/maximum allowable density ranges specified in above, then an additional 1QI shall be used for each exceptional area or areas and the radiograph retaken. The densitometer is available for density measurement. QUALITY LEVEL OF RADIOGRAPH All radiographs shall be free from mechanical, chemical or other blemishes to the extent that they do not mask and/or are confused with the image of any discontinuity in the area of the object being radiographed. Such blemishes include, but are not limited to: No: TLDD-9001-LAAG-Q02-0001 Page 10 of $2 THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CA NDT (Amson Akane’) NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE — [Frew | "UCM PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID. 6.10 6.11 Fogging. Processing defects such as streaks watermarks or chemical stains. Scratches, fingers mark, crimps, dirtiness, static marks, smudges or tears. False indications due to defective screens. Films, in which any of the prescribed symbols, number or datum point marks is lacking, mistaken, or retouched, shall be disqualified. RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUE, A single-wall exposure technique shall be used for radiography whenever practical. When it is not practical to use a single-wall technique, a double-wall technique shall be used. An adequate number of exposures shall be made to demonstrate that the required coverage has been obtained. @ingle-Wall Technique. In the single-wall technique, the radiation passes through only one wall of the weld (material), which is viewed for acceptance on the radiograph. Pouble-wall Technique. When it is not practical to use a single-wall technique, one of the following double-wall techniques shall be used. = Single-Wall Viewing: For materials and for welds in components, a technique may be used in which the radiation passes through two walls and only the weld (material) on the film-side wall is viewed for acceptance on the radiograph. When complete coverage is required for circumferential welds (materials), a minimum of three exposures taken 120° to each other shall be made. —Double-Wall Viewing: For materials and for welds in components 1'4 to 3Y% inches in nominal outside diameter, a technique may be used in which the radiation passes through two walls and the weld (material) in both walls is viewed for acceptance on the same radiograph. For double-wall viewing, only a source-side IQI shall be used. Care should be exercised to ensure that the required geometric unsharpness is not exceeded. If the geometric unsharpness requirement cannot be met, then single-wall viewing shall be used. + For welds, the radiation beam may be offset from the plane of the weld at an angle sufficient to separate the images of the source-side and film-side portions of the weld so that there is no overlap of the areas to be interpreted. When complete coverage is required, a minimum of two exposures taken 90°. to each other shall be made for each joint. + As an alternative, the weld may be radiographed with the radiation beam positioned so that the images of both walls are superimposed. When complete coverage is required, a minimum of three exposures taken at cither 60° or 120” to each other shall be made for each joint. + Additional exposures shall be made iff the required radiographic coverage cannot be obtained using the minimum number of exposures indicated in paragraph (1) and (2) above. SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION ‘The area to be examined shall be positively and unambiguously designated by Client prior to examination. Location on area examined shall be traceable precisely on the identifications on the radiograph. Lead Numeric and Alphabetic shall be used as markers and shall be placed in manner without obscuring the area of interest. Marking detail shall include: Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 11 of 52 THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Aamson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE, ee 6.12 a ‘=; Project's Name Contractor’s Name. Date of Radiograph taken. Drawing number for structural/ ISO. Line number for piping. Film location. Weld number. Welders stamp or stencil IQI on the source or film side (if IQI on the film side, a letter “F” will be added respectively) Pipe size ‘As welded or PWHT Repair number if applicable (R-1, R-2, etc). FILM PROCESSING: It will be carried out manually or in an automatic equipment in such manner that is in accordance with ASTM E-94, Part III Standard Guide for Radiographic Testing and the Manufacturer's Instruction. Process temperatures should be checked at least once per shift. Keep the temperature of the Stop-Bath (Rising), Fixer and Wash Water within + 3 °C of the developer temperature. ‘Manual processing: Recommended manual processing procedure: ©) Developer: AGFA GEVAERT G150 or equivalent Temperature 20 °C during 5 minutes. Agitate the chemicals in order to mix it The range temperature is 18 °C to 24°C. - With increase time 30 seconds by less degree - With decrease time 30 seconds by more degree insing: Film should be rinsed in the stopping bath during 1 to 2 minutes or follows manufacturer's recommendation. Acetic acid may be added to stop bath tank by an amount of 2% to enhancing Rinsing effect. g) Fixing: ‘The fixing solution G350. Temperature of 20°C +5 °C during 8 minutes and not excess 15 minutes. Agitating during the first two minutes. h) Washing Film should dip under running filtered water. General, film should washed at temperature from 16 °C to 30°C. Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 12 of 52 CAM THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE Pee 6.13 6.14 6.15 i) Drying Using drying machine, or appropriated with drying Cabinet. The drying can vary from still air drying at ambient temperature as high as 60 °C with air circulate by fan FILMS VIEWER The conditions under which radiographs are viewed are very important. ‘To achieve a luminance of the illuminated radiograph of 30 cd/m’, the luminance of the illuminator needs to be: 3,000 cd/m? for a film density at 2.0 sd/m? for a film density at 3.0 ‘The brightness of a viewing screen can be checked with ordinary photographic exposure meters, if a suitable light meter is not available. Film viewer will be equipped with an intemal fan to ensure the temperature within the housing of the film viewer does not exceed 60 °C, or viewer equipped both an intemal cooling system (fan) and an automatic cut off switch, which will switch the viewer off once the temperature within the housing of the viewer exceed 60 °C. It shall be carried out by using the VIEW-LITE 0417 or equivalent equipment sufficient to view a radiograph having 4.0 density maximum. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Interpretation of the radiographs and subsequence evaluation of any noted discontinuity for acceptance shall be made by CANDT personnel qualified to an ASNT Level II or a Level III certification or equivalent. In principle, all radiographs will be reviewed by Owner and/or Thirds Party. Acceptance Criteria used for evaluation of radiographs shall be as specified in the applicable referencing standards as designated in the Project Specification and Codes. For ASME Code Piping System: The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME B31.3 Table 341.3.2. For Welder Qualification: The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME ‘Section IX or ASME B 31.3 or AWS D1.1, whichever is applicable to the work involved. For pipeline: Criteria for acceptance or rejection of the weld shall be accordance with requirements of API -1104, For Pressure Vessel: The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME VIII ISSsion 1. REPORTING Report shall contain the following technique variable: Manufacturer/Client Project/Item Reference Identification No., Job Number, Weld Number, Welder ID., Dwg No., Isometric Number, etc. Source Type and Size Document No: TLDD-9001-1 AAG-Q02-0001 Page 13 of 52 CA ‘THANG LONG ~ DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT NDT. (non — ent ‘thawed PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE reas, Film Brand and designation Examination date Technique number Penetrameter used Material Type and Thickness range, diameter Welding Process/Acceptance Criteria Sensitivity Film Identification Judgment for Radiograph (Density, density variations...) Name of interpreter, Signature and Qualification Judgment result shall be describes as: + WD Kinds of defect + © Accept or reject ‘The results of radiographic evaluation shall be recorded on the “Radiographic Examination Report” form also attached in the appendix of this procedure. Document No: TLDD-900!-LAAG-Q02-0001 Page 14 of 52 THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CA NDT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (amson neo ict NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [wean ccc ca Appendix 1 - RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION REPORT Report No RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION REPORT Form No. CA-40-01.01 Rev. O18 asco Project Names Procedure Noe TobNoz ‘Gent Nemes ‘Acceptance Standard Welding Process Weld Groove Hem Material Type: Dwg. Nos Line Nox ot : " Technique Souree Fim type rortype | Sensitivity % | Density Range | SWSU/DWSY DWDUPANOR ClaAutomatie CManuat Dia. Thick | Welder | Film Defect ‘Accr ‘cam No. | Location | Pet Tre | eng | Teestion | ‘pry [Remark ACCA REG Rated WH: Rabo ct PRs {Stisome Sag tchsion EL tera Under [Piet et Peneeatin TE Laakof Fuster ABBREVIATION: = Corer Wines NSD iain Deft as Root CeCe Posy ‘BrBue Tues FSI Hong Sig lca ‘TeTungsen ston Cantera Conv ‘CANDT ‘coENT ca Braluated by Signanute Date Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 15 of S2 ‘THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID cA NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE eae | RC Appendix 2 - RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES, 191 Bxposure | Radiograph op Source-Weld-Film Arrangement Technique | Viewing Oy _| Placement Optional source location Double Wal cos Atleast ax lees3 one IQl Exposures at ae image 120 deg. t0 Hl stall | source Bin-or | achotier | Sine i appear | Sou for Complete |! : oneach Coverege 7 radio- (Contact Ah graph ‘Technique) fut i i a Film Exposure Arrangement - Source Dovble Wall Atleast atleast? | Double one 1Q1 Exposures at | Image image 90deg.to | (Ellipse): shall |g te | Sinaher | keaton ex | Sue for Complete | Source Size oneach Coverage | and Film radio (Elliptical | Size Images ‘graph Technique) Double Wall: ‘A I at least 3 Hy i Atleast Exposures at | Double idk ! ‘one 11 60 deg. or | Image: Read ? \ i image 120deg. to | Super shall a 1m wo | enoher | peed coe: |S 1® | for Complete | Source Size oneach Coverage and Film eI radio- (Superim- | Size Images eI graph posed A Technique) Eh "Film Exposure Arrangement -C Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 16 of 52 THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT | CA NDT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Gaver —— NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE roca) vai Expeure_Raulograph a on | Exgeare | Rauoea Source Weds Arangenen Sa sauce auwas | “Sie thee 1QIs, ot sy | enamel are feageo | I sacs ie apart Fin ie bsg Arangenest-D souce At least oe oat Long me Loa jingle Wal Pe appear plate | SirgleWall | tmmage re Butt radio: vis rp i Fim Sie espa Arangenet-B Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 17 of 52 . THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT cau wo PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID. NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE eee EEE TAA TAQ 7A 12 721 ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION PROCEDURE ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT Ultrasonic set ‘The ultrasonic portable flaw detectors for pulse echo technique with following characteristics shall be used: scan” presentation, ‘Working frequency from 1 - 6 MHz, Single/double probes mode. Adjustable gain control with step not more than 2 dB ‘The UT set such as USK 7S, USM 35, USN-52, Sonatest 110S, Epoch III or any similar set shall be used. All the functions of the UT set shall be checked in accordance with requirements of this procedure. Probes 0° probes: 2-5 MHz twin/single crystal longitudinal wave probes with nominal element size of 10 mm, 15 mm or 20 mm shall be used. Angle probes: The 45°/ 60° 70° single crystal shear wave probes with frequency 2 - 5 MHz shall be used. Generally for all circumstances probe size shall be 8 x 9 mm. If required by code/standard, large probe size shall be used SINGLE CRYSTAL PROBES OR DOUBLE CTYSTAL PROBES MAY BE USED. Couplants Couplants shall possess good wetting characteristics and be compatible with the steel under test. When establishing sensitivity, a couplant with similar sound energy transfer characteristics shall be used on the reference block as is used forthe test ‘The coupiant used is cellulose paste or petroleum grease. Reference blocks V1, V2, IOW and other blocks in compliance with applicable codes/ standards shall be used. Sensitivity setting: Side-drilled holes other than 1. 5 mm in diameter, or flat-bottomed holes may be used. In both cases care is necessary to ensure that the reflecting surface or the axis of the side- drilled hole is normal to the beam axis. EQUIMENT PERFORMANCE CHECK) The probes/flaw detector combination are checked in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.1 or ASME V. The results shall be recorded on form CA-40-02.02 Rev. 01E “Routine Operator Checks on the Performance of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector”. Index point of angle probe ‘The index point of angle probe shall be determined by using the IW V1, V2 blocks. ‘The index point of probe shall be marked on the probe side and used in subsequent defect plotting, Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 18 of 52 came 722 723 724 ‘THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE saree | Frequency of checking: will depend on the rate of probe wear. When a probe is in continuous use, daily check before the test and at least every four hours is required. Beam angle of angle probe The probe angle shall be determined by using IIW V1, V2 blocks. The determined angle should not vary more than + 2° from the nominal angle. Frequency of checking: will depend on the rate of probe wear. When the probe is in continuous use, check shall be carried out every four hours or daily before production test ‘Time base linearity Place the probe on position A, B or C of IIW: V1 block (Fig.1). Adjust the time base so that the first and fifth back wail echo indications coincide with the particular graticule line on the CRT screen. Bring successive back wall echoes, in turn, to approximately the same height (c.g. 80 Yfull screens), The leading edge of each echo should line up with the aporopriate graticule line, Record any deviation from the ideal positions. For range less than 250 mm, place the probe at B; for the range greater than 250 mm, place the probe at A or C. Tolerance: Deviation of the base line linearity shall be not exceeding + 2 % of the full time- base range, otherwise re-calibration is required, Figure 1. Frequency of calibration: Checks shall be carried out at least once per week if the unit is used daily or prior to production testing, Linearity of gain control Place the probe on position A (Fig.2) ‘Adjust the gain to set the signal to 80 % of full screen height (FSH) and note the value of the calibrated control (dB). Adjust the calibrated control to increase the gain by 2 dB. The signal should increase to full screen height (100 %). Restore the gain to its original value and then reduce it by 6dB. The signal should fall to 40 % of full screen height. Reduce the gain by a further 12 dB. The signal should fall to 10 % of full screen height. Reduce the ~ gain by 6dB. The signal should fall to 5 % of full screen height. The signal height should fall within the following tolerances: Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 19 of 52 cate! 128 126 a) THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID LAMSON NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE —_[fvcas] SOMO Gain | Expected screen 7 ‘Actual screen aB height (%) aes height (40) 2 101 Not less than 95% 0 80 (reference line) -6 40 37% - 43% -12 20 17% - 23% -18 10 to 8% - 12% = 24 5 Visible, below 8% a Figure 2 Screen height linearity Place the probe on position B (Fig.2). Adjust the probe position to give a 2 to 1 ratio of amplitudes between the first and the second back wall signal with the first signal set at 80 %FSH. Without moving the probe, adjust the gain control to successively set the first signal from 20 % to 100 %ESH, in 10% or 2 dB increments. Read the amplitude of the second signal at each setting. Record the amplitudes of both signals. Tolerance: Difference between smaller signal and ¥2 larger signal height to be better than 5 % FSH or 25 % smaller signal height whichever is the less. Frequency of Checking: Checks shall be carried out at least once per week if the unit is used daily or when maintenance service is carried out on the test equipment. Resolution Straight beam probes + At position A (Fig.3): The probe/flaw detector combination shall be able of resolving the 85, 91 and 100 mm steps in the IW V1 block. Echoes shall be considered resolved when they are observed to be separated by 60 % FSH when displayed at 80 % FSH. + Positions B and C is to determine near surface resolution and dead zone of the probe. If the reflection from the Perspex disc at 10 mm or 5 mm cannot be displayed, reflectors within the corresponding range shall not be detected (dead zone). Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 20 of 52 - \ = Bs THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT | PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE ibdamenhl b) 724 7.2.8 8s 100 | Figure 3 (TTL b- a Angle beam probes * The combination of search unit and instrument shall resolve three holes in the RC resolution reference test block. * Near surface resolution can be determined by using the block with side drilled holes ‘near to surface. = The signal amplitude of subsequent signals should be clearly separated, = Frequency of checking: The resolution check of probe-unit combined shall be carried out for a new probe, when the beam index/angle has changed or at least once a week. Profile of angle beam ‘The 20 dB beam profile in the vertical plane shall be determined for each angle probe using the 1.5 mm holes in the IOW block. Procedure is as following: Maximize the response from 15 mm SDH (side drill hole) at 12.5 mm depth and amplitude will be adjusted to 100 % FSH. “The distance between the hole index and the beam index will be measured and recorded. Move the probe forward until the response drops to 10 % FSH. The distance between the hole index and the beam index will be measured and recorded Move the probe backward until the response drops to 10 % FSH. ‘The distance between the hole index and the beam index will be measured and recorded Plot the three distances recorded on full - size graph. This procedure shall be repeated utilizing the responses from the two further reflectors at varying depths (as a minimum requirement) to provide a beam profile chart. Drawn a straight line through the center line points and extend the line to the probe. This indicates the beam centreline of the probe. Frequency of checking: The profile shall be checked on a daily basis and re-plotted when new probes are used, when there is a change of probe index, beam angle and when the probe shoe has worn down. Probe Internal reflection check Connect the search unit to be checked to the flaw detector and calibrate the time base for 0 100 mm. Maximize the signal from the 1.5 mm hole at a depth of 15 mm in the TW VI block. Use the gain control to bring this signal to 80 % FSH. Remove the search unit from Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 21 of 52 CAN THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE —|Preax | "NORM 13 731 732 the block and remove all traces of couplant from the probe. Increase the gain by 20 4B. The screen of the flaw detector beyond a range of 13 mm should be free from any indication TESTING PROCEDURE Range calibration Calibration blocks [IW V1, V2 shall be used. For normal probes the range shall be calibrated using dimension 12.5 mm or 20 mm of V2 or 25 mm of V1 to at least 2 times of wall thickness to be tested. For angle probes the range shall be calibrated using either the quadrant 100 mm of V1 or 25 mm, 50 mm of V2 to range of 100 mm or longer depending upon the task. ‘The range shall be re-calibrated at any time when in the opinion of the UT operator, there is doubt as to validity of calibration. Distance amplitude correction (DAC) curve and sensitivity setting DAC curve is the primary reference curve for equipment sensitivity setting which compensate for the loss of sound energy due to beam spread and attenuation. For the UT examinations, which are required to comply with AWS D1.1 then, IOW block shall be used. For ASME requirements then the ASME block shail be used as per ASME V article 4, Construction of DAC curve: 4 3 24 nnn — Cc ooo 1 2 34 Position the probe to receive the maximum response from the hole, which gives the highest amplitude. Bring this response to 80% FSH using the gain control. Note the dB value on the gain control. This dB value is the primary reference level. Mark the peak of indication on the screen. ‘Without changing the dB value, position the probe to receive the maximum response from the successive holes. Mark the indication peaks on the screen. ‘The DAC curve shall be received by connecting the peak marks. Correction for planar reflectors perpendicular to the examination surface or at near the opposite surface. Frequency of checking: The DAC curve shall be re-constructed if a point on the DAC has decreased or increased 20 % or 2dB of its amplitude Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 22 of 52 CAN “THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Aamson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE ere 133 134 Document Check of DAC curve shall be carried out at the beginning and the end of testing, every four hours. Or any time when in the opinion of the UT operator, there is doubt as to validity of calibration. A DAC is not required where the examination is limited to 1/2 skip in a material less than 1" thick in which case the amplitude level of a single calibration reflector at 15 mm depth, shall be used. Transfer correction There is difference in instrument sensitivity between the reference block and test component due to test surface roughness, contact area, component temperature and acoustical attenuation characteristic. A correction in instrument sensitivity is required to compensate for these differences and is described below: Evaluation level = Primary reference level + Transfer Correction a Relevant Callartion Block 2 40 «60 80 Additional =—§ ——— sensitivity 45° Na | ‘Actual Examination Material Sensitivity 2 4 880 from test block Surface preparation The tested surface shall be free from all scales, spatter, arc strikes or soiled areas to assure the continuous coupling during the examination, For the uniform thin film-coating surface, the test can be performed when using the transfer correction, Regardless of the quality of surface finish, it is recommended that the transfer correction shall be utilized in all cases. All surfaces over which probes are to be traversed shall comply with the following requirements: (a. The profile shall be sufficiently regular to permit uniform probe contact throughout the test. It is important that weld spatter and loose scale are completely re moved from the adjacent parent metal and the scanning surface. No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 23 of 52 CAN ena | THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE —[Prvcas | BHMEOW 13.5 136 (b) Any paint or other sur faq coating which interfere s with the test shall be removed. (c) The roughness of the te st surface shall not exceed 3.2 um R (d) When echoes from the reinforcement are likely to interfere with the test, the reinforcement shall be dressed to a smooth contour. (e.) Where scanning procedures require the probe to be traversed along the crown of the weld, the weld reinforcement shall be ground flat over an area of sufficient size to accommodate the probe NOTE: This is required when scanning the weld root using normal probes, or when using angle probes to detect transverse discontinuities (£) Where scanning procedures require the probe to be traversed across the weld, the weld reinforcement shall be ground flush (no underflush) with the parent metal. Selection of angle probe The choice of angle probe for different material thickness is as follows: 12 mm and below - 70°. Above 12 to 25 mm - 60° and 70°. Above 25 mm - 45° and 60°, supplemented by 70° for specific zoned like weld fusion zone and root. Scanning patterns 4 ml Movement A Ld Movement C Movement B Figure 4 Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 24 of 52 comet Sine! | NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE —_[Pineas | "OW THANG LONG ~ DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CAN (AMON PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID 737 ror Longitudinal Discontinuities Scanning movement A. Rotation angle a = 10°. Scanning movement B. Scanning distance b shall be such that the section of weld being tested is covered. Scanning movement C. Progression distance ¢ shall be approximately one-half the transducer width. Note: Scanning movements A, B, C is combined into one scanning pattern, For Transverse Discontinuities: Scanning pattern D is to be used when the weld is ground flush. Scanning pattern E is to be used when the weld reinforcement is not ground flush. ‘Scanning angle e = 15° Max. Note: The scanning pattern is to be used such that the full weld section is covered ing and defect evaluation a) Scanning of parents metal * Parent metal adjacent to weldment shall be checked by 0° probe for lamination discontinuities. = While performing this scan, a minimum of two back wall echoes must be displayed on the screen. Sensivity for this scan shall be second back wall echo to 80 — 100 % FSH. = Scanning speed <150 mmvsec. b) Scanning of weldment Root scanning: "For thickness < 50 mm: 70° probe shall be used. = For thickness > 50 mm: 70° and 45° probes shall be used. = Scanning speed <25 mm/sec Examination of weld root areas separately from the remainder of the weld is recommended. If the probe is moved parallel to the toe of the weld at the intercept distance to the root protrusion, any change in the root geometry can be ascertained by a lateral movement on the horizontal scale of the CRT. The generally continuous echo from the root protrusion indicates a sound weld-whereas, an interruption of shift in echo signal position indicates a change in root geometry and the presence of a discontinuity. Detection of the metal path distance shift is enhanced by expanding the horizontal scale to include only the region of interest. See picture below: Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 25 of 52 CA THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID 138 Document NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE, eee i 7 + 7 3 + bee e Ingestion o rot discontinuity position "AY Bonding strap a Scanning weld volume: At least 2 angle probes shall be used for checking. = Minimum Scanning sensitivity = Evaluation level +6 4B. * Scanning speed < 100 mm/sec Probe movement during scanning shall be a combination of rotational, orbital, lateral, and transverse actions with a minimum overlapping of 50% the probe dimension. Submerged arc welds shall be subjected to scan for possible chevron cracking at angle 5 - 10° to the weld axis. For manual metallic arc welds scans for transverse defects will be cattied out on a spot check basic unless otherwise required by the contract specification. Sizing of defect The cross-section of defect shall be sized with maximum amplitude technique or 20 dB drop technique. The length of defect shall be determined by 6 dB drop technique (see appendix 7). The shape and orientation of defect shall be determined by using the scanning techniques. Indication shall be evaluated, located by the probe angle, which given the highest response. ‘The position of the flaw in the weld profile shall be determined as follows: + Anactual size drawing of the weld profile will be produced. * The probe will be positioned to obtain the maximum response from the flaw. + The distance from the weld to the index point will be marked on the drawing of the weld profile. * At the angle of the probe being used, the beam path will be measured along a distance equal to that of the flaw indication from the zero on the flaw detector screen, and the point marked. The shape and therefore the possible type of flaw will be determined by the use of the scanning patterns Reporting of defective areas shall be referred to a datum and the defective area is physically marked adjacent to the defective joint. No: TLDD-9001-LAAG-Q02-0001 Page 26 of 52 cam THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID lAmson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [fincas | “eo” 139 14 18 Document Discontinuities shall be classified as planar or spherical, cylindrical or as per required by Codes/Standards. ‘The accumulated length of discontinuities shall referred to applicated Codes/Standards. Discontinuity Evaluation Discontinuity shall be evaluated by use of a combination of beam boundary and amplitude techniques. Sizes shall be given as length and height (depth dimension) or amplitude, as applicable. Amplitude shall be related to “Primary reference level”. Any discontinuity which is indicative of a planar defect (lack of fusion and cracks), shall be cause for a detailed evaluation of the discontinuity regardless of indication signal height, throat dimension and length. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Ultrasonic examination welds in structural shall comply with AW.aD1.1 Section 6, Part C. Acceptance criteria shall be as AWS D1.1 para Class R. For process Piping, Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with the requirement of ASME B 31.3. For Pressure Vessel: The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME VIII Division 1 For lamination check: acceptance criteria shall be based on ASTM AS78 level C. RECORDS AND REPORT The results shall be reported on the attached form by the certified personnel who perform the Ultrasonic Testing, (See Appendix 4: Ultrasonic Testing Report - Form No.: CA-40- 02.01 Rev. O1E). In additional, the report may be included mark-up drawings or sketches of detected defects (see Appendix 5). Identification of first repair on reports and weld identification shall be indicated, as ‘R1” and the subsequent weld repair shall be identified as ‘R2’ and etc... Joints that has been cut out and re-weld shall be denoted as ‘RW’. No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 27 of 52 PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID NDT THANG LONG ~ DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CA ca as NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE Appendix 3 - ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE CHECK ROUTINE OPERATOR CHECKS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF ULTRASONIC FLAW DECTECTOR Form No. : CA-40-02.02 Rev. Q1E. Project Name: Locations Dates Flaw Detector Makes Tyee Serial Nez Tnstrament Bquipment Certifications Date Calorateds pig Date Performance calibration date: For peredrom rest TOLERANCE RANGE TEST RESULT PASSIFAIL Tamawtinwy [22% ehllge ions be Attenuator Accuracy ‘£26B Not less than 95% FSH ‘Darim pint 878 F580 3 GB 35 HSH 18a8 8 19 24a Tobe vie above basin ae Diese —bevecn seal | Wain ial Amplifier Linearity signal ard 44 larger signal height = Meteuer don Pee 29% | cow Somer sigal high ehh a woetes) wom som ae 208 gupment Reston | A ee eto © Flay | ted Maximum Peerative | pimam of how Pover ‘Operator Name Ghecedy uation mincaton signature Slenatare Date Date 7 Document No: TLDD-9001-1 AAG-Q02-0001 Page 28 of 52 THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CA NDT|___ proviston or CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (AMsOn ihmwt| NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE | brese-] ™7onecone Appendix 4 - ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION REPORT : Report No ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION REPORT Form No. : CA-40-02.01 Rev. OE Page of Project Name: Procedure Naz ‘TobNos ‘Client Name: Wem: Drawing Now Acceptance Standard: law Detector: Calibration Blocks SINNo: DACHock Probes o 4s oo" om Weld Preparation: ‘Type Serial No, Size men) ‘Welding Process Frequency liz) Range (am) ‘Surface Condition: ‘Sensivity (AB) ‘Transfer (@B) | | Parent Metal Examined: Couplant : g N Detect" [ype of ‘Wel Wenicauon” | Walger No, eg pee ‘ACC: Accepted RELRejectedSHSIageluson__LP-Lack of Fenewaton ABBREVIATION : eeea aol Lis Lack of fusion F:Puwsity — CiCrck CE Cher Fo TANDT Tin ch Evahated by uatiies Signstire Dae Docament No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 29 of 52 PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID NDT THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT Sides! © NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE Appendix 5 - SKETCH - SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT # zB igi al = 5 & g @ a 3] 8 2/2 Bal s 5B 8 asl a Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 30 of 52 ‘THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT NDT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (AMson ones amroacrco NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [Peas Appendix 6 - ULTRASONIC TECHNIQUE Technique No. : UT 1 Application _: Butt weld in Plate and Pipe Thickness = :2.6.35 mm 0°, angle probes to one skip 0°, angle probes to one skip eee Fig. 14 For welds access ‘one side only Backing, if any angle probes to one skp —_ 0°, angle probes tone skip Forwelds access two sides < LU > 0°, angle probes to.one skip 0”, angle probes to one skip _g':anale probes to one skip 0 angle probes to one sip Fig. 1¢ a For welds access cone side only 0°, angle probes to one skip _0°, angle probes to one skip Fig. 1D = - For welds access f fro ee 0°, angle probes to one skip Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 31 of 52 THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CAN PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (AMsOn Geri titured! NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE meas] enc Technique No. : UT 2 Application: T, Y, K fillet weld on plates ‘Thickness 12635 mm Fig. 2 A: Single bevel T joint, full penetration / f 0°, angle probes to one skip ee 0°, 45° probe t-. if accessible ESSE angle probes to one skip nw Fig 2A: Double bevel T joint, full penetration angle probes to one skip 0°, 45° probe if accessible “4 | angle probes to one skip if accessible nu Document No: TLDD.9001-LAAG-Q02-0001 Page 32 of 52 THANG LONG DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT | CA NDT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson Gretin thinset) NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [faa] “uM Technique No. : UT 3 Application: Tubular Node welds Thickness :> 8mm anch member Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 33 of 52 THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT NDT|___ Provision oF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID ‘Tam NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE weunccoeut Appendix 7 - DEFECT SIZING Technique : 20 4B drop Application : Height of Defect sizing Vaviation on peak signal amplitude | a : along 20 dB beam edges. Echo A at 20 08 below ‘ | cho At at 20.48 below maximum height : {maximum height eee ee scan ) Asean » A 2048 edge cv Note: Defect edge A & At are plotted Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 34 of 52 PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID Genet! Aaet | NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT F ANSI (amnson maroc ‘Technique : Maximum amplitude Application : Height of Defect sizing Variation on peak signal amplitude Echo A at maximum height Echo A will be the first to appear when moving probe backward. Echo At will be the first to "appear when moving probe at forward. Note: Defect edges A and A1 are plotted along the beam axis when their individual echoes are at maximum height. Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 35 of S2 . THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CA NDT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID. (aMson ‘Atanet | NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE ee ‘Technique : 6 4B drop Application : Length of Defect sizing Measured relector length Variation in peak ' signal amplitude v 7b ae a H : Rellector ‘| fe (46) dB AveB All values are in decibels Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 36 of 52 CAN THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE — [Preas ] ™UUROWH 8.0 81 8.11 8.1.2 8.13 8.2 B21 8.2.2 8.2.3 MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE EQUIPMENT Magnetization Equipment Magnetization shall be induced by an AC electromagnetic yoke (from this point forward called yoke) having adjustable pole pieces. The type of used yoke shall be the MAGNAFLUX Y6 or NAWOO MY-2, but other similar equipment may be substituted. Calibration of Equipment Each Yoke shall have «tiie power of atleast 4.54 Ke (IOLbs) atthe maximum pole spacing that will be used Yoke mobilized for use on site shall have a current valid calibration, carried out by a recognized laboratory. Each magnet shall be identified by a serial number and Technicians will record each time any magnet is checked for conformance to calibration standard. Supervisors will verify checking of equipment by signing and dating the records. The calibration of the equipment will be carried out on a daily basis when the equipment is mobilized to site work. (Appendix 9 - MAGNETIC YOKE DAILY CAPACITY CHECK). Field Assessment For field strength assessment, a field indicator or Burmah castrol flux indicator with a thin layer of white contrast lacquer adhered on surface shall be used. The field strength is indicated when a clearly defined line of magnetic particles form across the Copper face of the indicator and when the magnetic particle are applied simultancously with the magnetizing force. When a clearly defined line of particle is not formed in the desired direction, the magnetizing technique shall be changed or adjusted (See Appendix 8: MAGNETIC PARTICLE FIELD INDICATOR in this procedure). CONSUMABLE, Magnetic ink and background contrast paint and solvent cleaner must meet the requirements of ASTM E 709. They must all be of the same manufacturer. Magnetic ink Black Magnetic Ink: NABAKEM SM-15 (Korea) or equivalent. Fluorescent Magnetic Ink: NABAKEM FM-25 (Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Spray) Dry Magnetic Particles Dry magnetic particles, which the type of Magnaflux #1 Gray or Magnaflux #8A Red shall be used. The color of the dry powder shall be chosen so that provides a best contrast to the surface being examined. Dry magnetic particles examination shall not be performed if the surface temperature of the part exceeds temperature range limitations set by the manufacturer of the particles. Contrast Lacquer Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 37 of 52 ‘thar! #| THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT (Anson PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE —[Prveas.| MOCO 83 8.3.1 8.3.2, 8.3.3 8.3.4 In order to improve contrast, a thin layer of a proprietary brand of rapid drying high opacity white contrast lacquer is applied. The lacquer must adhere firmly to the test surface in amounts sufficient to enhance particle contrast. Contrast paint: NABAKEM SP-35 (Korea) or equivalent. EXAMINATION Surface Preparation Surface preparation is critical to the integrity of the examination and shall be noted in report and conforming to the following: In general, surface of part is satisfactory as-welded, as rolled, as-cast or as forged conditions, All adjacent areas within at least 25 mm either side of weld, the surfaces shall be dry and free of contaminants such a oil, dirt, grease, loose rust, loose sand, scale, lint, thick paint, welding flux and weld spatter or other extraneous matter that could interfere with the examination Weld surfaces, upon removal of slag, shall be considered suitable. Grinding, machining, wire brushing, scrapping, or other methods may be necessary where surface irregularities could mask indications due discontinuities. Cleaning may be accomplished using detergents, organic solvents and desiccating methods. All examination surfaces shall be dry prior to examination. Dry time after solvent cleaning shall be 1 (one) minute as a minimum, When using wet magnetic non-fluorescent methods, surface areas to be tested shall be spray painted with a thin layer of white contrast background paint/lacquer and allow complete drying before commencement of testing. Drying time shall be a minimum of 2 minutes. In the area of weld repair, the excavated area and a minimum of 25mm adjacent material on each side of the repair area will be examined to ensure removal of defect to an adequate level. The surface temperature of the part being examined shall not exceed temperature range limitations set by the manufacturer of the particles. Lighting Bright daylight conditions shall be considered adequate. In other conditions, artificial lighting shall be used. In this case, a minimum light intensity of 100 FC (1000 Lx) is required to ensure adequate sensitivity during the examination and evaluation of indications. Method of examination Examination shall be done by the wet or dry continuous method, which is the magnetizing current remains on while the testing medium is being applied and while the excess of the testing medium is being removed. Magnetizing technique AC yoke shall be used to produce the longitudinal magnetic field in the part. Maximuri sensitivity will be to linear discontinuities oriented perpendicular to the lines of flux. Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 38 of 52 cam ‘THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [neue | KOH 8.3.5 8.3.6 8.3.7 8.3.8 84 ‘All tested areas shall be magnetized at least twice, with the second test the magnetic field shall be orientated approximately perpendicular to the first test. ‘The magnetized area shall be considered to be not larger than a circle described through the contact points with a pole spacing of maximum 150 mm (see Appendix 11 for details). All examinations shail be conducted with sufficient area overlap to assure 100% coverage at the correct sensitivity. Application of Detecting Medium The wet detecting medium shall normally be applied by spraying over the surface. ‘The dry detecting medium shall be applied in such a manner that a light uniform, dust- like coating settles upon the surface of the test part while the part is being magnetized. A powder blower (powder spray bulb) shall be utilized for powder application. The detecting medium shall be applied immediately prior to and during the application of magnetic field. The application is completed before the magnetization is terminated, Inspection Inspection shail commence immediately the detecting medium has been applied and shall continue during and for 2 short time after the application of the magnetic fiefd. All tested areas shall be examined in a minimum of two mutually perpendicular directions. See the technique sheets (Appendix 1) for details. Demagnetization Alternating - Current (AC) yokes shall be used for localized demagnetization by placing the poles on the surface moving them around the area, and slowly withdrawing the AC yokes while itis still energized. Care should be exercised to ensure that the partis entirely removed from the influenced of the AC yokes before the demagnetizing force is discontinued, Post Inspection Cleaning Post cleaning is necessary where magnetic particle materials could interfere with subsequent processing or with service requirements, Post cleaning techniques shall be as follows: ‘The drying of wet particle and subsequent removal by brushing of use of compressed air. Removal of wet particle by flushing with solvent. Any other techniques which may be used if they do not interfere with subsequent requirements. INTERPRETATION OF INDICATIONS Mlumination shall conform to the requirements detailed in Section 8.3.2 of this procedure. All valid indications formed by magnetic particle examination are the result of magnetic flux leakage fields. Indications may be Relevant or Non Relevant. Indications caused by particles being held by non magnetic force are false, examples include particles lying in the depression at the side of a weld, or particles wedged to the scale on the surface. Relevant Indications produced ‘by flux linkage fields which are the results of discontinuities that may or may not be acceptable and shall be evaluated with regards to the acceptance standard. Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 39 of 52 THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE — [Pea] “RY 8.6 8.7 Non Relevant Indications can occur singly or in pattern as a result of flux leakage fields created by conditions such as changes in section, inherent properties, etc., or may be associated with a discontinuity, which is not considered detrimental to the part. EVALUATION OF INDICATIONS Linear Indications are those in which the length is more than 3 (three) times the width. Only indications with a dimension greater than 1,6 mm shall be considered as relevant. Rounded indications, which are circular, elliptical or in any other shapes, with or without tail the length equal to or less than three times the width. Localized surface imperfections, which may occur from machining marks, surface conditions, or incomplete bond between base metal and cladding, may produce similar indications, which are non-relevant to the detection of unacceptable discontinuities. Any questionable or doubtful indication shell be reexamined to determine whether ot not they are relevant. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA For structural welds: acceptance criteria shall be based on AWS D1.1 Section 6.10, Table 6.1. For piping welds: acceptance criteria shall be base on ASME B 31.3 Chapter VI, Table 3413.2 For Pressure Vessel: The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME VIII Division 1. RECORDS AND REPORT The test results shall be reported on form “Magnetic Particle Testing Report” as formatted as in Appendix 9. In additional, the report may be included mark-up drawings or sketches of detected defects (see Appendix 10). Identification of first repair on reports and weld identification shall be indicated, as ‘R1* and the subsequent weld repair shall be identified as ‘R2’ and etc... joints that has been cut out and re-weld shall be denoted as ‘RW’ Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 40 of 52 cnet THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT. PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (AMmson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [reas] "KO" Appendix 8 - MAGNETIC PARTICLE FIELD INDICATOR Eight low carbon steel pie sections furnace brazed together and copper plated 4%, in. to Vin. (19.1 mm to 25.4 mm) Nonferrous handles of convenient length and shape Mag in. Nonferrous trunions (0.79 mm), max. Ygin, (3.175 mm) FIG. T-753.1.1 PIE-SHAPED MAGNETIC PARTICLE FIELD INDICATOR (Total Quantity... meter) Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 41 of 52 THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT _ PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE CAM Appendix 9 - MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION REPORT ‘State of Examination ‘Surface Preparation Bxamination Method “Magoetizing Method Currentiting Power Medium Equipment type: C1 Prepared edge CIBase Metal Dcringing Continuous CoPemmanent Yoke Dac camp) Opy Mode! MAGNETIC PARTICLE — [iewsiic— NOT EXAMINATION REPORT [© — Fra Name Tae Base Specification: Mom: Working Area: Welding Process Base materi Drawing No: C1 Brishing DAs weld Other Cater pwar Crepeie Cas weld 1 CResidual CD Yoke Cpe campy Owe C1 Lifting power Fluorescent Magnetic Particle (Brand): Batch No, Manufactured Date: Expiry Date: Contrast paint (Brand): Batch No, ‘Manufectured Date Expiry Date EVALUATION Weld Identification Joiny Weld No, Dia. x Thk Welder No. JUDGEMENT | ue of INTERPRETATION Inspection Accept | Reject ABBREVIATION: LP-Lack of Fusion Evaluated by: Signature Date; ‘CUIENT Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 42 of $2 IP-Incomplete Penetration UCUndercat S: Slag Inclusion CR: Crater Crack THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CA NDT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE, ae Appendix 15 TRING YOKE DAILY CAPACITY CHECK Cc AND MAGNETIC YOKE DAILY CAPACITY CHECK NDT Form No.: CA-40-03,02 Rev. OIE MONTH OF EQUIPMENT NAME, MODEL SERIAL NO. REF. BLOCK NO. LIFT CAPACITY DATE ‘CHECKED BY (WITNESSED BY REMARKS 10 LBS 40 LBS Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02.0001 Page 43 of 52 THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CA NDT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson tkinwsd | NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE —[nvcus_] "*™OwHE Appendix 11 - MAGNETIC EXAMINATION TECHNIQUE SHEET TECHNIQUE: MPI1L ‘Application: ALL WELD; EXCEPT I. Y.K JOINTS TECHNIQUE ILLUSTRATION: ‘position: Pole A at 1, Pole B ata 2 positon: Pole Aat2, Pole Bal 3 3% postion: Pole A at, Pole B at 8 4 positon: Pole Aat 4, Pole Bat 5 eR PoleB Pole A TEST SEQUENCE: «For Wet Method: ~ Visual inspection, clean the test surface; Spray the contrast paint on test surface. Wait until it dries; (not applied for fluorescent) Place Yoke across the weld and magnetize it; . Apply the MPI ink between the poles and magnetized the weld while the ink is flowing away from the surface; Inspection and evaluation of indications take place while magnetic field is being applied; 5. Reposition the yoke so that the magnetic field is perpendiculars that of step 3 above. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above. «For dry method: 1. Visual inspection, clean the test surface; 2. Place Yoke across the weld and magnetize it; 3. Apply the MPI powder between the poles by plastic powder container or blower. Magnetize the weld while the excess powder is blowing away; 4, Inspection and evaluation of indications take place while magnetic field is being applied; 5. Reposition the yoke so that the magnetic field is perpendiculars that of step 2 above. Repeat steps 3 and 4 above. Bene ae NOTES: © During subsequent magnetization an overlap of at least Linch over previous step is required. © Whenever possible, both surfaces of the weld will be tested. «If an indication is observed, determine whether the indication is cause by discontinuity or irrelevant indication. This can be done by removing the indication by light grinding, visual inspect and Re-MPI. Document No: TLDD.9001-LAAG-Q02-0001 Page 44 of 52 ‘THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CA NDT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (AMson ‘nance | | NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE rca | SC TECHNIQUE: MPI2 Application: T.Y.K JOINTS ON PLATES, TUBULAR. ‘TECHNIQUE ILLUSTRATION: Yoke First maqnetization/Cross view Second magnetization/Side TEST SEQUENCE: + For Wet Method: ~ Visual inspection, clean the test surface; Spray the contrast paint on test surface. Wait until it dries; (not applied for fluorescent) . Place Yoke across the weld and magnetize it; ‘Apply the MPI ink between the poles and magnetized the weld whil the surface; Inspection and Evaluation of indications take place while magnetic ficld is being applied; Reposition the yoke so that the magnetic field is perpendiculars that of step 3 above. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above. + For dry method: I. Visual inspection, clean the test surface; 2, Place Yoke across the weld and magnetize it; 3. Apply the MPI powder between the poles by plastic powder container or blower. Magnetize the weld while the excess powder is blowing away; 4. Inspection and evaluation of indications take place while magnetic field is being applied; 5. Reposition the yoke so that the magnetic field is perpendioulars that of step 2 above. Repeat steps 3 and 4 above. BEN the ink is flowing away from NOTES: © During subsequent magnetization an overlap of at least Linch over previous step is required. «Whenever possible, both surfaces of the weld will be tested. ‘+ Ifan indication is observed, determine whether the indication is cause by discontinuity or irrelevant indication. This can be done by removing the indication by light grinding, visual inspect and Re-MPI. Document No: TLDD-9001-1 AAG-Q02-0001 Page 45 of 52 cam THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE 9.0 91 92 93 LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINATION PROCEDURE PROCEDURE REVISION A revision of procedure shall be required whenever a change of substitution is made in: ‘The type of penetrant materials or in the processing technique. The type pre-cleaning material or processes. The cleaning processes that can close surface opening of discontinuities or leave interfering deposits, such as the use of grit blast cleaning or acid treatments. MATERIALS AND PRESERVATION A family of liquid penetrant materials consists of the followings: Penetrant Solvent remover Developer All penetrant materials shall include certificates of analyzed individually for sulphur and halogen contents (%). And, these chemicals shall not adversely affect the integrity of the part being examined, Intermixing within the family of penetrant materials from different manufacturers shall not be permitted. ‘The following table indicates proposed liquid penetrant materials. Visible Red Dye ‘Mega check 8001 NABAKEM or equivalent Penetrant Fluorescent Dye NABAKEM FP-20 Fluorescent Penetrant or equivalent penetrant Remover Mega check 8002 NABAKEM or equivalent Developer ‘Mega check 8003 NABAKEM or equivalent Table 1: Penetrant Material Penetrant systems from different manufacturers shall be stored separately. A record of the materials shall include chemical batch numbers and test result shall be maintained for certification. The manufacturers recommended safety precautions are to be strictly observed at all times during handling, storing and using materials. SURFACE PREPARATION Tn general, surface of part is satisfactory as-welded, as-rolled, as-cast or as-forged condition. Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 46 of 52 ‘heen ae] THANG LONG- DONG DO CAM ‘LD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID tamson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE [reas] "NO O48 95.2 In general, surface of part is satisfactory as-welded, as-rolled, as-cast or as-forged condition. Surface shall be free of any contaminant such as excessive rust, scale, welding flux. Spatter, grease, paint, oil films, dirt and etc. ‘That might interfere with the penetrant process. Surface shall be of a sufficiently nonporous nature so that excessive irrelevant indications are not produced, Approved cleaning methods shall include only methods that will not cause damage to or peen surface discontinuities. Grinding, machining, wire brushing, scraping or other methods may be necessary where surface irregularities could mask indications that may be present, Cleaning by shot blasting or sand blasting is not permitted. Solvent and detergent cleaning can be used whenever possible. Cleaning shall extend to a 25 mm whichever possible both side of the examination area. All examination surfaces shall be dry prior to examination. Drying time after solvent cleaning shall be 1 (one) minute as a minimum, For safety reasons, in confined areas where examination is to be conducted, adequate ventilation shall be provided where toxic or irritant chemicals are used. ‘The temperature of the penetrant materials and the surface of the part to be processed shall be between 10°C and 52°C. TESTING METHOD Visible Penetrant Examination and Fluorescent Penetrant Examination using Solvent Removable. Visible Penetrant Examination uses a penetrant that can be seen in visible light. ‘The penetrant is usually red, so that the indications produce a definite contrast with the white background of the developer. The visible penetrant process does not require the use of black light. However, visible penetrant indications must be viewed under adequate white light. “The Fluorescent Penetrant examination is performed by using an ultraviolet light in darked area, ILLUMINATION REQUIREMENTS Color contrast liquid penetrant examination Lighting shall be such that adequate condition exist for interpretation and evaluation and shall normally be either from Nature (day light) or Artificial (white) light to ensure that no loss of sensitivity in the examination. Minimum requirements shall be 100 fe (1000 Lux) at the inspection surface. Fluorescent liquid penetrant exarnination ‘The examination is performed by using an ultraviolet light (Black Light) for interpretation and evaluation, It shall be performed in dark area. Document No: TLDD-9001-1 AAG-Q02-000! Page 47 of 52 CAM THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT | PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (Amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE bedeaainat 9.6 9.6.1 9.6.2 9.6.3 9.6.4 9.6.5 Document Black light intensity shall be measured with a black light meter with a minimum of 1000 Wem? on the surface of the part being examined. The black light intensity shall be measured at least once every 8 hours and whenever the work station is changed. EXAMINATION All examination shall conduct with sufficient overlap to ensure 100 percent coverage. Pre-cleaning Surface shall be clean and dry prior to examination and as per section 9.3 of this procedure, The surface to be tested and adjacent areas within one inch (25 mm) shall be thoroughly cleaned with pre-cleaner to ensure any possible contaminants are removed. The inspection surface shall be wiped dry by lint free cloth or absorbent paper. It shall be ensured that cleaning solution has complete evaporated prior to the application of penetrant, Penetrant Application ‘Thoroughly shake the aerosol for 10-15 seconds, and apply the penetrant to the dry surface to be examined such that the entire part of area under examination area completely covered with penetrant. Penetration Time shall be in accordance to SE 165, Table 2. Recommended Dwell Time, see Appendix 12. ‘The Minimum Dwell Time shall be 10 minutes or as per the manufacturer's recommendations. The Dwell time shall be closely monitored. ‘Temperature range for conducting examinations shall be within 10°C - 52°C. When it is not practical to conduct a liquid penetrant examination within the temperatare range of 50°F to 125°F (10°C to 52°C), the examination procedure at the proposed lower or higher temperature range requires qualification. This shall require the use of a quench cracked aluminum block, which is designated as a Liquid Penetrant Comparator Block. The test shall be carried out using an Aluminum Sensitivity Test Block that compiles with ASTM and ASME codes. The test will be carried out in accordance with ASME V Article 6 Section T-653 and the test results shall be documented and approved by Client representative Penetrant Removal Application Upon achieving the required penetration time, excess penetrant shall be removed by wiping off with clean and lint - free cloth or tissues initially and then with a solvent dampened cloths and finally with a dry cloth Excess penetrant to be removed shall be such that removal of penetrant from indications is minimal. Direct spraying of solvent to the test surface is not permitted. Drying Drying shall be by exposure to ambient temperature under normal evaporation and shall be at a minimum of 1 (one) minute to a maximum of 5 (five) minutes. Excessive drying time can cause drying of the penetrant, which can impair the sensitivity of the examination. Developer Application No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 48 of 52 (CAN THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID (amson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE eee 9.6.6 9.6.7 9.6.8 Document ‘Thoroughly shake the aerosol for 10-15 seconds, and apply the developer to the dry surface to be examined such that the entire part of area under examination area completely covered with developer. Developer shall be applied evenly as soon as possible after removal of excess penetrant and drying of the test surface. Developer shall be applied (spray) at not less than 300 mm away from examination surface to obtain a thin even film and left to develop for a minimum of 10 minutes but not exceed 2 hours for aqueous and I hour for non aqueous developer. Insufficient coating thickness may not draw the penetrant out of the discontinuities but conversely, excessive coating thickness may result in pooling and thus mask indications. Interpretation of indications With a color contrast penetrant, the developer forms a reasonably uniform white coating, Surface discontinuities are indicated by bleed-out of the penetrant which is normally a deep red color that stains the developer. Indications with a light pink color may indicate excessive cleaning. Inadequate cleaning may leave an excessive background making interpretation difficult. A minimum light intensity of 100 FC (1000 Lx) is required to censure adequate sensitivity during the examination and evaluation of indications. Inspection will be carried out after the wet developer coating is dry. Final interpretation shall be made after allowing sufficient time for the penetrant to bleed-out, within 10 to 60 minutes. Defective areas shall be clearly identified. If the surface to be examined is so large as to preclude complete examination within the prescribed time, then only portions of the surface shall be examined at any one time. ‘The types of discontinuities are difficult to evaluate if the penetrant diffuses excessively into the developer. If this condition occurs, close observation of the formation of indications during application of the developer may assist in characterizing and determining the extent of indications. Discontinuities at the surface will be indicated by bleed-out of penetrant; however, localized surface irregularities due to machining marks or other surface conditions may produce false indications. Broad areas of pigmentation which could mask indications of discontinuities are unacceptable, and such areas shall be cleaned and reexamined Evaluation of Indications ‘An indication is the evidence of a mechanical imperfection. Only indications with major dimensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) shall be considered relevant. A linear indication is one having a length greater than three times the width, A rounded indication is one of circular or elliptical shape with the length equal to or less than three times the width. ‘Any questionable or doubtful indications shall be reexamined to determine whether or not they are relevant. Post-examination Cleaning Post cleaning is necessary in cases where residual penetrant or developer could interface with subsequent processing or promote corrosion. Post cleaning shall be by solvent cleaning, Flooding and wiping until all signs of penetrant and developers have been removed shall be required. No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 49 of 52 cau THANG LONG ~ DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID lamson NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE —[fnveas | MMO 9.7 98 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA For structural welds: acceptance criteria shall be based on AWS D1.1 Section 6.10, Table 6.1 For Pressure Vessel: The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME VIII Division 1. For piping welds: acceptance criteria shall be base on ASME B 31.3 Chapter VI, Table 3413.2 RECORDS AND REPORT “The test results shall be reported on form “Liquid Penetrant Testing Report” as formatted as in appendix 13. Identification of first repair on reports and weld identification shall be indicated, as ‘R1" and the subsequent weld repair shall be identified as “R2’ and etc... joints that has been cut out and re-weld shall be denoted as ‘RW’. Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 50 of 52 THANG LONG - DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT CA NDT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID vento ‘atanet| NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE Appendix 12 - RECOMMENDED DWELL TIMES Table 2: RECOMMENDED DWELL TIMES ‘Dwell Times (in minutes)* porosity, Material Form Type of Discontinuity | ean) | Developer Aluminum, Cast -castings | Cotd shuts, porosity, 10 10 magnesium, steel, | and welds brass and bronze, titanium and high | Wrought- Laps, cracks (all 15 10 temperature | extrusions, forms) alloys Lack of fusion, 10 10 a) For temperature range from 10°C to 52°C. b) All dwell times given are recommended minimums ) Maximum penetrant dwell time referred to manufacturer recommendation. 4) Development time begins directly after application or dry developer and as soon as wet developer coating has dried on surface of parts (recommended minimum) Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 51 of 52 THANG LONG — DONG DO FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF CHEMICAL INJECTION SKID CAND NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCDURE oy cco Appendix 13 - LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINATION REPORT Form No.: CA-40-04.01 Rev. OE LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINATION REPORT Project Report No. Request No. ‘Client “rea: Category: Base Specification TSODWG. No: [Page of Procedure No. WPS No. Material Piping Class: “Thickness: Diameter: ‘State of Examination Surface Preparation Ci Prepared edge Base Metal O Grinding DAs weld Other DBrushing DAs weld Date: PwHT Orepair Dotter PP-Consumables Red Penetrant Remover Developer Type Brand Dwell Time “Temperature Batch No. Mfg. Date Exp. Date EVALUATION Weld Identification Joiny/ Weld No. INTERPRETATION WolderNo. | Accept JUDGEMENT Date of ret, | Remarks Reject spection ‘ABBREVIATION: C-Crack P: Porosity LF-Lack of Fusion CP: Cluster Porosity IP-Incomplete Penetration CR: Crater Crack UC-Undereut S: Slag Inclusion ‘CANDT Evaluated by: Signature: Date LIENT Document No: TLDD-9001-1AAG-Q02-0001 Page 52 of 52

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