Processing: Hot Forming Heat Treatments Machining

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The processing methods have a huge impact on both design of a product and the choice of

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Hot Forming
Processes Heat Treatments Machining
Die Casting Annealing Drilling
Sand Casting Tempering Reaming
Extrusion Direct Hardening Turning
Forging Selective Hardening Milling
Powder Diffusion Hardening Grinding
Metallurgy Stress Relieving Chip Formation
Centrifugal Overview Overview

Surface Treatments
Cold Prototyping
Forming Stereolithography
Electroless Plating
Processes Laser Sintering
Conversion Coating
Cold Rolling Fused Deposition
Thin-Film Coating
Staking Solid Ground
Thermal Spraying
Burnishing Curing
High Energy
Impact Ink Jet
Extrusion Rapid Tooling

Sheet Metal
Laser Cutting
Casting Processes
1. Die Casting - (or Pressure Die-casting)

The metal is injected into the mold under high pressure of 10-210Mpa (1,450-30,500) psi . This
gives a more uniform part, good surface finish and dimensional accuracy, (around 0.2 % of
casting dimensions). Can almost eliminate post-machining on some parts. Die casting molds
(called dies in the industry) are expensive as they are made from hardened steel and take a long
time to make. There are two types of die-casting - cold chamber or hot chamber process.

• Cold chamber process: The molten metal is ladled into the cold chamber for each shot.
There is less time exposure of the melt to the plunger walls or the plunger. This is particularly
useful for metals such as Aluminum, and Copper (and its alloys) that alloy easily with Iron at the
higher temperatures (which will wear out the plunger cylinder).

The pressure die casting sequence:

The largest die-castings are about 20 kg for Magnesium (35 kg for Zinc). Large castings tend to
have greater porosity problems, due to entrapped air, and the melt solidifying before it gets to the
furthest extremities of the die-cast cavity. Vacuum die casting redues porosity.

• Hot chamber process: The pressure chamber is connected to the die cavity is immersed
permanently in the molten metal. The inlet port of the pressurizing cylinder is uncovered as the
plunger moves to the open (unpressurized) position. This allows a new charge of molten metal to
fill the cavity and thus can fill the cavity faster than the cold chamber process. The hot chamber
process is used for metals of low melting point and high fluidity such as tin, zinc, and lead that
tend not to alloy easily with steel at their melt temperatures.
Common Alloys in Die Casting

High temperature metals such as iron and steel cannot be die-cast. Aluminum, Zinc and Brass
alloys are the materials predominantly used in die-casting.

Aluminum is cast at a temperature of 650 ºC. Pure Aluminum shrinks too much, and suffers hot
cracking. It is alloyed with Silicon, which increases melt fluidity, reduces machinability.
E.g. Silicon 9%, Copper 3.5%. Silicon increases the melt fluidity, reduces machinability, Copper
increases hardness and reduces the ductility. High silicon alloy is used in automotive engines for
cylinder castings - e.g.17% Silicon for high wear resistance. Common aluminum alloys for die
casting are summarized as follows:

Zinc can be made to close tolerances and with thinner walls than Aluminum, due to its high melt
fluidity. Zinc is alloyed with Aluminum (4%), which adds strength and hardness. The casting is
done at a fairly low temperature of 425 ºC (800 ºF) so the part does not have to cool much before
it can be ejected from the die. This, in combination with the fact that Zinc can be run using a hot
chamber process allows for a fast fill, fast cooling (and ejection) and a short cycle time. Zinc
alloys are used in making precision parts such as sprockets, gears, connector housings, and fine
detail such as carburettor bodies. Chrome plateable.

Copper alloys (brass) are used in plumbing, electrical and marine applications where corrosion
and wear resistance is important.

Design: The largest die-castings are about 20 kg for Magnesium (35 kg for Zinc). Large
castings tend to have greater porosity problems, due to entrapped air, and the melt solidifying
before it gets to the furthest extremities of the die-cast cavity. Vacuum die casting redues

Design: Keep uniform wall thicknesses. Avoid heavy sections, they cause cooling problems like
trapped gases and porosity. Use maximum radii on all corners to avoid stress concentration.
Allow draft - see table above. Keep core shapes simple.

Minimum wall thicknesses and minimum draft angles for die casting:

Min. Thickness Min. Draft

mm Angle (º)
0.9 mm
Aluminum alloys 0.5

0.6 mm
Zinc alloys 0.25

Copper alloys 1.25 mm


2. Permanent Mould Casting (Gravity Die Casting)

A metal mould, such as cast iron, with cores made from metal or sand. Cavity surfaces are coated
with a thin layer of heat resistant material such as clay or sodium silicate. Moulds are pre-
heated to 200 ºC before the metal is poured into the cavity. Good for production run of 1000 or
more parts. Materials include aluminum, magnesium and brass and their alloys. Typical parts
include gears, splines, wheels, gear housings, pipefittings, fuel injection housings, and
automotive engine pistons.
Design rules: Minimum wall thicknesses (e.g. 3mm for lengths under 75 mm), radius (inside
radius = nominal wall thickness, outside radius = 3 x nominal wall thickness), draft angles (1 to
3º on outside surfaces, 2 to 5º on inside surfaces). Typical tolerances are 2 % of linear
dimensions. Surface finish ranges from 2.5 µm to 7.5 µm. Typical part sizes range from 50 g to
70 kg.
 Slush Casting: Pour out the inner motlen metal before it hardens - leaves a hollow
casting. Common for ornamental objects such as candlesticks, lamps, statues etc.
 Low Pressure Permanent Mold Casting: Low pressure gas (up to 1 atmosphere)helps to
push the metal into the mould. Better quality.
 Vacuum Permanent Mold Casting: A vacuum sucks the metal into the mould. No risers
needed - so less wastage (better yield). Castings range in size from 200 g to 4.5 kg (6 oz
to 10 lb).

3. Sand Casting

Sand casting is used to make large parts (typically Cast Iron, but also Bronze, Brass, Aluminum).
Molten metal is poured into a mold cavity formed out of sand (natural or synthetic).

The cavity in the sand is formed by using a pattern (a slightly larger duplicate of the real part),
which are typically made out of wood, sometimes metal. Cores are for holes, made of sand -
often hardened by a binder. The riser tells you the mould is full (stop pouring!) and to supply
metal to the shrinking casting as it initially cools.
The drag is filled with sand around the pattern, and with the core print, the cores, and the gating
system (which are usually near the parting line). The empty cope is then assembled to the drag,
and the sand is poured on the cope half, covering everything, and compacted by vibration or by
flinging the sand. Next, the cope is carefully removed from the drag, and the pattern is extracted
without damaging the sand mould cavity. (Needs draft around 1° and a smooth pattern surface)

The molten metal is poured in the pouring cup connected by a vertical sprue to the horizontal
runner. This connect to the casting by gates - which need to be cut off later. vents are also needed
to allow air to escape.
The pattern is made oversize to allow for the metal contraction.
Pattern Oversize Finish Allowance
Metal Factor (each (smaller number for
direction) larger sizes)
Aluminum 1.08 - 1.12 0.5 to 1.0 %
Copper alloys 1.05 - 1.06 0.5 to 1.0 %
Gray Cast Iron 1.10 0.4 to 1.6 %
Nickel alloys 1.05 0.5 to 1.0 % N/A
Steel 1.05 - 1.10 0.5 to 2 % 5 (0.20)
Magnesium alloys 1.07 - 1.10 0.5 to 1.0 %
Malleable Irons 1.06 - 1.19 0.6 to 1.6 %

Sand castings generally have a rough surface sometimes with surface impurities, and surface
variations. A machining (finish) allowance is made for this type of defect.

The process can be used to make complex shapes becasue the sand cores are destroyed to remove
the casting. (e.g. Complex 3D shapes such as this automobile cylinder head). Also good for
large custom parts like large pump housings or ship propellors.
Sand cast cylinder head

4. Investment Casting (Lost Wax Process)

The Egyptians used it to make gold jewelry thousands of years ago. Intricate shapes can be made
with high accuracy, and it can be used for high temperature metals and alloys that are hard to

A wax pattern of the part is made, then dipped in refractory slurry, which coats the wax pattern
and forms a skin. This is dried and the process of dipping in the slurry and drying is repeated
until a robust thickness is achieved. After this, the entire pattern is placed in an oven and the wax
is melted away and the ceramic is baked at high temperature to harden it. This mould can be
filled with the molten metal. Since the pattern can be melted out, very intricate parts and
undercuts can be made. The wax pattern itself can be made by machining, casting, or rapid
prototyping. the pattern can also be made of thermoplastic foam.

Before casting, the mold is pre-heated to about 1000 ºC (1832 ºF) to remove any residues of wax,
harden the binder. The pour in the pre-heated mold also ensures that the mold will fill
completely. Pouring can be done using gravity, pressure or vacuum conditions.

View this animation: Flash Animation of Investment Casting Process

Tolerances of 0.5 % of length are routinely possible, and as low as 0.15 % is possible for small
dimensions. Castings can weigh from a few grams to 35 kg, although the normal size ranges
from 200 g to about 8 kg. Normal minimum wall thicknesses are about 1 mm, or even 0.5 mm
for easy casting alloys.

Metals include Aluminum alloys, Bronzes, tool steels, stainless steels, various cast irons and
steels and precious metals. Post machining can sometimes be avoided altogether because of the
close tolerances that can be achieved.

A turbine blade

5. Centrifugal Casting

This uses a permanent mold rotated about its axis at high speeds (300 to 3000 rpm) as the molten
metal is poured. The molten metal is centrifugally thrown towards the inside mold wall, where it
solidifies after cooling.
Only cylindrical shapes can be produced with this process. Size limits are upto 3 m diameter and
15 m long, wall thickness can be 2.5 mm to 125 mm. The tolerances on the OD can be as good as
2.5 mm and on the ID can be 3.8 mm.

Typical materials that can be cast with this process are iron, steel, stainless steels, and alloys of
aluminum, copper and nickel. Typical applications are pipes, boilers, pressure vessels,
flywheels, cylinder liners and other large round parts.

6. Casting Microstructure and Defects

When a liquid metal cools and begins to solidify in a mould, grains (crystals) of the metal start to
form, both on the mould walls and in the bulk of the liquid metal. The way they grow is shown
schematically in Figure 25(a). As the metal solidifies, it forms tree-like dendrites (from dendron:
the Greek for tree). This structure is maintained after the casting is fully solidified, as can be seen
from Figure 25(b), which shows a typical casting microstructure. (The image is created by
polishing the surface of the metal, immersing it for a short while in a dilute acid and viewing it
under an optical microscope.) In addition to the dendritic structure, there are two other common
defects that can be found in a cast microstructure: particles of impurities known as inclusions,
and porosity which is small holes in the casting.
Castings (a) dendritic formation (b) a typical cast microstructure

Some inclusions can be removed by heating the casting to a temperature somewhat below its
melting point to anneal it and ‘dissolve’ the inclusions in the metal; but the porosity is more
difficult to remove. The porosity occurs because the casting has shrunk on solidification. Most
materials contract on solidification (water is one of the few liquids that expands on solidification,
so that ice floats on water; bad news for the Titanic, but good news for polar bears) and this
shrinkage is not always uniform, so that substantial holes and voids can be left in the casting.
This reduces the load-bearing capability of the component, and in highly stressed products,
where the full strength of the material is being utilised, voids can lead to failure. The shrinkage
on solidification can be large, and is generally a greater effect than the thermal contraction of the
solid material as it cools to room temperature.
In many casting processes, runners and risers are used as reservoirs of molten metal to prevent
voids from developing in the casting as it solidifies and shrinks.A section through a gravity-die
casting (below) clearly shows the effects of this contraction. The chimney-like feature is the
runner, down which liquid aluminium alloy was poured into the mould. There is a hollow in the
top of the runner caused by liquid flowing from the runner into the mould as the casting
solidified. As well as the hollow at the top, you can see some holes in the runner and one hole
within the casting itself. The runners and risers will later be cut off and discarded.

Section though a gravity die-cast microscope body

Forming processes involve shaping materials which are solid - if the yield stress is low
enough. One way to lower a metal’s yield stress is to heat it up (e.g. blacksmith working on a

Stress-strain curves give indication of formability. This described two properties, yield stress (or
flow stress) and ductility. Remember that the yield stress is a good measure of the strength of a
ductile material.

The effect of progressively straining a material

The steel can be loaded elastically up to its yield strength, point A. Removing the load below this
level leaves no permanent extension, i.e. the steel can return to its original size and shape. If the
material is taken above its yield strength, say to point B, then even after unloading, the steel is
permanently deformed. What’s more, when the material is then reloaded, it has to be loaded to a
stress equal to point B – i.e. more than its original yield point at A – before it continues to flow.
This is called work hardening: the plastic deformation causes an increase in strength (and
hardness). But further plasticity is then limited. If the material is loaded to point C, where about
half the available plasticity has been ‘used up’, then on reloading only the remaining plasticity
from C to D is available before the material breaks.

However, all is not lost. The work hardening effect can be eliminated, and the original, softer,
condition restored, by annealing the metal. This involves heating to a temperature where the
atoms in the material become more mobile, so that the material softens. This type of process is
widely applied in manufacturing whenever a part-formed product has been worked so much that
it is in danger of cracking; and is why blacksmiths keep reheating a horseshoe during working.
The precise mechanism of softening varies from material to material but it occurs for most
materials at a high homologous temperature. Homologous temperature,T H, is the ratio of the
operating temperature of a material to its melting point (in kelvins, K).

In the context of forming, if a metal is ‘hot worked’, it is deformed at a temperature where there
is virtually no work hardening, and this resoftening effect carries on continuously. Very high
strains can be imposed during the forming process.

Conversely ‘cold working’ does result in work hardening, so that the material gets harder the
more it is deformed. ‘Cold working’ does not literally mean cold, though – it is all measured
relative to the homologous temperature. The rule of thumb usually employed is that cold forming
occurs at homologous temperatures below 0.3 and hot forming occurs at homologous
temperatures above 0.6. In between the two, there is a region known as warm forming. This
means that if tungsten is worked at 1000°C (1273K) it is being cold formed, as its melting point
is 3410°C (3683K). Conversely, at room temperature, solder can be hot worked! So working
temperature is all about being able to deform the metal without failure.

Forming v Casting
As the stresses needed to make solids flow are considerably higher than those required for
liquids, forming processes normally require a lot of energy and strong, resilient tooling. As a
result, forming is often economically viable only for production volumes large enough to justify
the high tooling costs.

So when do we use forming rather than casting? There are three reasons why, for many products,
forming is preferable to casting.

1. Geometry. Products with one dimension significantly different in size from the others are
most suitable for forming processes – ‘long’ products such as rails or ‘thin’ products such
as car-body panels are usually made by a forming process. Imagine trying to cast a 50
metre length of pipe; large forces would be needed to squeeze the metal down into the
mould, and it might be difficult to keep the metal liquid for long enough. There would
also be a lot of scrap to discard.
2. Microstructure. As noted earlier, the microstructure of the material has a direct bearing
on the properties of the final product. Controlling the microstructure is easier during
forming than during casting. Also, the type of microstructures produced by forming are
inherently stronger than those produced by casting, as the products of forming do not
contain the dendritic structure and porosity inherent to castings. We will return to this
point later.
3. Some materials are difficult to process as liquids, e.g. they may have high melting points
(Steel), or react with the atmosphere (titanium, magnesium).

Forming Processes
1. Extrusion
The principle of this process is very similar to squeezing toothpaste from a tube. Material is
forced through a shaped hollow die in such a way that it is plastically deformed and takes up the
shape of the die. The hole in the die can have almost any shape, so if the die is circular, for
example, a wire or rod is produced.
It is also possible to produce hollow sections using extrusion. In this case, the die contains a
short piece (or mandrel) in the shape of the hole. This mandrel is attached to the die by one or
more ‘bridges’. As the extruded material encounters the bridges it is forced to separate, but it
flows around the bridges and joins up again, much the same as water flowing around the piers of
a bridge. Figure 30 shows such a ‘bridge die’. This works successfully even for processing of
solid metals.

Extrusion bridge die making a hollow section product. Note that in the picture the die has been
split to show the material passing through it. In reality, the die and the ring fit together, with a
gap for the extruded material to flow through.

Extrusion can be used on most materials that can plastically flow as a solid, and solid metals and
alloys are frequently extruded. To reduce the stresses required, and therefore the size and cost of
the extrusion machine, and also to ensure hot working conditions, a metal is usually extruded at a
high homologous temperature, usually between 0.65 and 0.9. This allows large changes in the
shape of the material – and hence large strains – without fracture. During metal extrusion the raw
material in the form of a metal ingot, known as the billet, is heated and pushed through the die by
a simple sliding piston or ram.

2. Rolling
In rolling, material is passed through the gap between two rotating rollers that squeeze the
material as it passes between them. The rolled material emerges with a thickness roughly equal
to the gap between the rollers. When the rollers are cylindrical, rolling produces material in the
form of plate or sheet. Sheet steel and aluminium for the bodies of cars and domestic appliances
is made this way. Rolled sheet is often termed a ‘semifinished’ product, as it requires further
processing to shape it into the final product.


Rolling is not restricted to flat sheets, though. If the desired product has a contoured surface, then
by using profiled rollers the contour can be rolled on. If the surface pattern needs to be deeper
than is possible during one rolling pass then multiple rollers can be used; for example, railway
tracks are made by rolling between pairs of progressively deeper contoured rollers. The various
stages for rails are shown below.
Stages in rolling railway track

In common with other forming processes, metals may be hot or cold rolled. The significant
differences between hot and cold rolling are in the amount of energy needed to roll a given
volume of material and in the resulting microstructures. The cooler the metal, the higher its yield
stress and the more energy has to be supplied in order to shape it. As in extrusion, metals in large
lumps are often hot rolled at homologous temperatures above 0.6. At this temperature the yield
stress and work hardening are reduced. Railway lines require hot rolling in order to achieve the
large change in shape from a rectangular bar. However, a major disadvantage of hot rolling is
that the surface of the material becomes oxidised by the air, resulting in a poor surface finish.

If the metal is ductile then it may be cold rolled using smaller strains. This has some advantages:
the work hardening at these temperatures can give the product a useful increase in strength.
During cold rolling, oxidation is reduced and a good surface finish can be produced by using
polished rollers. So, cold rolling is a good finishing treatment in the production of plate and
sheet. The sheets of steel for car bodies are finished by cold rolling because a good surface finish
is essential in this product.

If metal was finished by hot rolling it is called "black" because it often looks black (which is a
layer of mill scale). When finished by cold rolling it is called "bright" and usually has a much
better accruacy and finish.
A=hot rolled (black), B=cold rolled (bright)

3. Forging
Forging is typified by countless generations of blacksmiths with their hammers and anvils.
Besides still being used for special ‘hand-made’ items, this type of forging is similar to that used,
on a somewhat larger scale, for the initial rough shaping of hot metal ingots.

Forging processes

In closed die forging components are made in one action, being squeezed between upper and
lower shaped dies There is usually a small amount of excess material which is forced out of the
die cavity as flash. This must then be removed from the component. The force needed to close
the dies together is dependent both on the size of the component and the temperature, since as we
noted earlier, the flow stress reduces as the forging temperature increases. The quality of the
surface finish of the forging decreases with temperature, however, because of increased surface

Sheet Metal Forming

Sheet metal forming of a car body panel

Forging and Grainflow

A cheap gear and the original.

An unused gear (on the right) showing the ring of teeth which were breaking off – the smaller
teeth at the top of the gear. The gear on the left was a used gear where the teeth have been worn
Sections etched to reveal flow lines: (left) original forged gear, inner teeth worn now; (right) new
gear, inner teeth full profile.

What difference is there in the flow lines in these two sections?

In the new gear they all run parallel to the axis and, if this were made of wood you would expect
them to break off easily. In the old gear the flow lines are in a looped, radial pattern tending to
run at right angles to the gear’s axis. If you look carefully at the small teeth you will see that they
run pretty well at right angles to the direction of the flow lines in the new gear.

The original gears had been forged before the teeth were cut, whereas the replacements had been
machined directly from round bar. The flow lines tell us that the old gears had started off as a
length of round bar about twice as long as the gear is thick, but of smaller diameter. This was hot
forged to squash it down, causing the outside to spread out so that the shape finished up with a
much larger diameter and shorter length than when it started. This was done specifically to
develop the flow line pattern you can observe. When the teeth were cut, the grain flow was
oriented at right angles to the applied bending stresses in service. The teeth were thus as tough as
they could be for this type of steel and the flow lines were oriented in directions which imparted
the maximum resistance to failure.

In contrast, the new gears had been machined from stock of the full diameter the gear required.
There was no forging, so the flow lines remained parallel to the gear axis.

The result was that the flow lines in the teeth were in the most unfavourable orientation to resist
fatigue and brittle fracture. This is why they broke off so quickly under service loads, despite
having the same hardness (and tensile strength) as the original gears.

4. Powder Metallurgy (PM)

Essentially all powder processing routes involve filling a mould with powder (this is similar to
filling the mould during casting, as powders flow as slurries), which is then compressed in
between dies to begin the process of reducing the space between the powder particles. The
powder compact produced is then heated to a high temperature to produce a solid component.

Powder processing

The process of sintering starts with the material in powder form and is used for a wide variety of
materials, especially those with properties which preclude shaping by melting and casting.
Examples are ceramics such as alumina and silicon nitride; brittle metals with high melting
temperatures (over 2300K), such as tungsten; and the polymer PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene),
which has a viscosity too high to suit other moulding methods.

The starting powder is mixed with a lubricant/binder and is then moulded to shape by
compressing it in a die to form what is called a ‘green’ compact. Although this is highly porous,
it has enough rigidity to support its own weight and permit gentle handling. The compact is then
sintered – that is, heated at a high temperature and sometimes under pressure – for a prolonged
time. During sintering, the powder particles coalesce (small particles join together to form larger
ones) and grow to fill the pore spaces. The compact shrinks correspondingly, forming a solid
homogeneous (uniform) mass in the shape of the original mould. Depending on the sintering
process used, the final component can have various degrees of porosity and therefore strength, as
any porosity can act as defects in the form of cracks. Very high temperatures and/or pressures
during sintering are used to minimise porosity.

In powder processing, the volume of the workpiece does not stay constant. As the powder fuses
together, most of the spaces between the powder disappear and the volume of the finished
component is considerably reduced.

Sintering is sometimes economically competitive with alternative methods of shaping; for

volume production of complex parts it is often cheaper than machining. A wide variety of
components can be manufactured using powder processing: these can range from processing
domestic ceramics for applications such as bathroom sinks to the insulating sleeve in a spark
Cutting Processes
Cutting is the most common manufacturing process. Cutting is often used as a secondary or
finishing process where the product to be cut will have been made by one of the processes
described earlier. This could be to;

 to improve dimensional accuracy;

 to improve the surface finish;
 to produce geometrical features such as holes and slots, which are difficult to produce in
the primary manufacturing process.

Many parts are produced entirely by machining - especially if the basic shape derives from solid
rod or plate. There is poor material utilisation of cutting processes, but this can often be tolerated
and automation can make cutting attractive at much higher production volumes.

In industry, cutting was traditionally performed on large machines with a whole host of specialist
names such as lathes, mills, broachers, shapers and many others. Each type of machine was
capable of one particular method of cutting. Somewhat confusingly, these cutting machines are
collectively known as machine tools and the processes are known as machining. The last few
decades have seen substantial growth in the use of flexible, computer controlled machining
centres (Figure 41) that incorporate both tool- and workpiece-changing facilities. The
introduction of such machines, together with their reduced need for a skilled workforce to
operate them, have reduced operating costs so that cutting can now be considered for production
volumes that would previously be considered uneconomic.
Typical computer-controlled machining centre

The mechanics of machining

During any machining operation, the cutting tool comes in contact with the material to be cut,
called the workpiece. The cutting machine has to hold both the tool and workpiece, and to move
one relative to the other for the cutting operation to be performed.

All cutting processes are essentially complex arrangements of a simple single-point cutting
operation: a saw blade is just a collection of single-point cutting tools; sandpaper is lots of
single-point cutting grits stuck onto a piece of paper.

When the cutting tool is brought into contact with the workpiece, it detaches a thin layer of
unwanted material (the ‘chip’). The tip of the tool is shaped like a wedge so that the faces of the
tool are always inclined to the machined surface of the workpiece in order to limit the area of
rubbing between tool and workpiece. This rubbing is undesirable because it wastes energy and it
causes the tool to wear at an increased rate.
Chip formation during machining

In deforming the chip, work is done by the tool on the workpiece and more than 90 per cent of
this energy is transformed into heat. This heat is concentrated in a small volume of the workpiece
near the tip of the tool. The actual temperature profile near the cutting point depends on the
thermal and mechanical properties of both the tool and workpiece but it is common for
temperatures to reach 700°C locally, even when liquid coolants are used.

At these temperatures, a state of partial seizure or bonding exists at the tool/workpiece interface,
as the chip starts to weld to the tool. This is highly undesirable, since it contributes both to wear
of the tool and to the consumption of energy during machining. Lubrication does help relieve the
situation, but the careful design of the cutting tool is of paramount importance. There are specific
tool geometries and cutting angles for different materials which help to keep temperatures and
energies to a minimum while they are being cut.

The main attraction of machining as a shaping process is its ability to produce almost any shape
accurately. However, machining requires expensive capital equipment and can also produce a lot
of waste material, and for large production volumes it often proves more expensive than
alternative methods of shaping.

Tool materials
There are basically three types of tool material:

 tool steels
 metal carbides
 ceramics, including diamond-like materials.

Tool steels have been available since the turn of the nineteenth century, and are still the mainstay
of tool materials. They are alloys of iron and carbon with additions of elements such as
chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, titanium and vanadium. These elements improve the cutting
properties of the steel and the response to heat treatment.

Metal carbide tools, which are also often called hard metal tools, are made by mixing together
powders of cobalt (chemical symbol Co) and a metal carbide (usually tungsten carbide, WC).
These are then sintered using powder processing techniques. The particles of carbide (which are
hard and very strong, even at machining temperatures) form the cutting surfaces of the tool and
the function of the cobalt is simply to hold together all the carbide particles. You can see from
Figure 44 that the microstructure consists of particles of metal carbide, embedded in cobalt. This
is a good example of how physically mixing two materials having differing property profiles can
produce a composite material which has more useful properties than either of its constituents.

Figure 44: Microstructure of a WC/Co hard metal tool

Finally, ceramic tools usually consist of aluminium oxide (Al2O3), sometimes with small
additions of magnesium oxide (MgO). They are also made from blended powders using the
sintering process. These tools retain good strength and chemical stability at high temperatures.
More specialist tools can also be made from ceramic composite materials (by mixing two or
more ceramic materials) and also diamond, which is used for machining non-ferrous and very
hard materials.

These ceramic materials are also used as the tooling in grinding processes. These use a high-
speed rotating wheel made of a porous abrasive material which removes a small layer of material
as it passes across the workpiece (Figure 45). In this case there are many thousands of small
cutting edges where the hard abrasive particles, such as diamond or aluminium oxide, protrude
from the surface of the wheel. Grinding is used to make surfaces (usually flat or cylindrical) with
a good finish on hard materials, as the size of cut and therefore the chip is very small. As the
amount of material removed during grinding is minor, grinding is normally considered as a
finishing process.
Figure 45: Grinding

Profile Cutting
This is for cutting sheet material. Usually CNC

 Laser. Fast, accurate, good finish, many materials

 Water jet: Almost any material
 Flame Cut (Gas): Cheaper system, good for thick steel plate
 Plasma: Cheap but better finish than flame cut

Joining Processes
In general terms, there are three basic methods of joining material together:

 Mechanical joints using fasteners where the elastic and/or frictional properties of a
material are exploited to hold two components together physically (rivets, nuts and bolts,
screws and so on). Known as fasteners.
 Gluing, where a layer of another material is introduced between two surfaces and later
solidifies to form a solid joint.
 Welding, where the aim is to create a joint between two surfaces which is similar to the
bulk material.

Mechanical joining
They are versatile, easy to use, allow dismantling of the product and permit different materials to
be joined with ease. Mechanical joining also allows movement of components relative to one
another, for example, by the use of hinges and bearings.

Mechanical joints do have disadvantages – the fasteners join at discrete points and do not, by
themselves, seal the joint against the passage of liquids and gases. The hole that the fastener
goes through in a mechanical joint is a potential weak spot and failure often occurs at these

Brazing and soldering

Brazing is defined as the joining of metals using a filler rod which melts at temperatures above
450°C but below the melting temperature of the metals being joined. Typical features of the
brazing process are:

 the brazing alloy can be significantly different from the base material because the base
material does not melt;
 the strength of the brazing alloy is substantially lower than the base metal;
 bonding requires capillary action, where the brazing liquid is drawn into the joint.

And because of these differences, the brazing process has several distinct advantages over

 virtually all metals can be joined by some type of brazing metal;

 the process is ideally suited for dissimilar metals;
 the lower temperature than that needed for welding (welding is discussed shortly) means
the process is quicker and more economical;
 the low working temperature reduces problems with distortion that can occur during
welding, so thinner and more complex assemblies can be joined successfully;
 brazing is highly adaptable to automation and performs well in mass production.

Soldering is defined as a brazing-type operation where the filler metal has a melting temperature
below 450°C. The bond strength is relatively low compared to brazing. The ‘traditional’ solder
alloy is based on a tin/lead mixture, but lead-free alloys are becoming more commonplace.
Adhesive joints
The essential feature of adhesive joining is that two parts are joined by placing a liquid between
them, which then solidifies. The strength of the joint depends both on the strength of bond
between the parts and the adhesive layer, and the strength of the adhesive layer itself.

The word ‘adhesive’ is usually taken to mean a type of glue. Adhesives now come in a vast array
of different types; some stick in seconds (cyanoacrylate – Superglue), some take a day or so to
cure (thermosetting epoxies), others stay permanently in a soft flexible state, like silicone
adhesives. Thermosetting glues, like thermosetting plastics, are made by mixing together two
ingredients, a ‘resin’ and a ‘hardener’, usually in liquid form, which react chemically to form a

The major advantages of adhesive bonding are:

 almost all materials or combinations of materials can be joined;

 for most adhesives the curing temperatures are low, seldom exceeding 180°C;
 a substantial number cure at room temperature and provide adequate strength for many
 heat-sensitive materials can be joined without damage;
 no holes have to be made as with rivets or bolts;
 large contact areas means high joint strength;
 the adhesive will fill surface imperfections.

The major disadvantages of adhesive bonding are:

 most adhesives are not stable above 180°C;

 surface preparation and curing procedures are critical if good and consistent results are to
be obtained;
 life expectancy of the joint is hard to predict;
 depending on the curing mechanism, assembly time may be longer than alternative
 some adhesives contain toxic chemicals and solvents.

For successful soldering or adhesion, the ‘glue’ material must ‘wet’ the surfaces of the two
objects to be joined. You can see the contrast between wetting and non-wetting when washing up
greasy breakfast plates. When the plates are covered with oil and fat, water just runs off without
sticking. This contrasts with what happens when the fat is removed with hot water and detergent:
the plate then retains a thin covering of water. We say that water is ‘wetting’ the clean glazed

Successful joining by solders or adhesives usually requires that the surfaces to be joined are
completely clean. This can be achieved by using either mechanical or chemical techniques. The
mechanical method uses abrasion to clean the surface, while the chemical methods for preparing
metals typically use acidic solutions which etch the surface, as well as degreasing it with
solvents. After cleaning the surface it is vital that recontamination does not occur from oxidation
and airborne pollution. In particular, when heat is applied during brazing and soldering,
oxidation can rapidly take place; in this case a flux can be applied which prevents oxygen from
reaching the prepared surface. Abrading also has the advantage that the surface is roughened,
thereby increasing the surface area which enhances the contact area of the joint.

Welding Processes
Solid-state welding
In highly deformable materials, such as metals and thermoplastics, the above aims can be
achieved by solid-state welding, that is, forcing the two surfaces together so that plastic
deformation makes their shapes conform to one another. At the same time the surface layers are
broken up, allowing the intimate contact needed to fuse the materials without necessarily melting
them. This was the principle of the first way known to weld metals – by hammering the pieces
together whilst hot. It is not always essential for the parts to be hot; ductile metals such as gold
can be pressure welded at ambient temperatures. Processes that join without melting the material
are called solid-state welding.

Solid-state welding can be carried out in various ways. For example, two metal sheets laid over
each other can be welded together by rolling – ‘roll bonding’. Bimetallic strips for thermostats
are made this way. Deformation of the surfaces can also be done in more exotic ways such as
rubbing the two surfaces against one another (friction welding) or by using explosives to fold
one sheet of metal against another (explosive welding).

In solid-state welding, there is a small melted zone, but the melted matter is usually ‘squeezed
out’ when the parts are pushed together, so the join is a solid-state one. Commonly polyethylene
gas pipes are welded using heat and pressure. In this case a heated plate is used to generate the
heat on the two surfaces. Once hot, the plate is removed and the pipes are forced together under
pressure, thereby forming a welded joint. The heat sealing of thermoplastics works on the same
principle. Two layers of plastic sheet that are to be joined are overlapped and compressed
between heated tools. This forces the materials together and the joint is made because of the
intimate contact between the surfaces.

Fusion welding
In fusion welding, the parts to be joined are brought together, melted and fused to each other. In
some processes the interface is filled with a molten substance, supplied by a filler rod that is
similar in composition to the materials being joined.

During fusion welding the areas that are being joined comprise an intimate mixture of parent
material, and filler rod (if one is used), within the welded zone. In all methods of fusion welding,
heat must be supplied to the joint in order to melt the material. Inevitably, temperature profiles
are created and the resulting differential expansions and contractions can cause distortion, and in
extreme cases, the formation of cracks, in the assembly. As welds are, in fact, small castings,
welds contain both the microstructure and porosity endemic in cast material.

Soldering and brazing can minimise some of these problems, as the parent material is not melted,
so temperature profiles are not as great. But in brazing and soldering there is a discrete join
between the materials as opposed to an intimate mixture of material in welding; welding is by far
the strongest of the processes.

TIG: (Tungsten Inert Gas) Used when more control is needed - esp stainless and aluminium,
thin materials, intricate joints etc. Argon is normally used, but sometimes mixed with Helium if
more heat needed. Generally considered to require more skill to hold the electrode correct
distance while controlling the filler wire and welding speed.

Other Processes
See my website here;
(This was written for students at University of Western Sydney during my involvement with
their Rapid Prototyping venture)

Electroplating, hot-dip plating, plasma spraying, mechanical coating, sputtering,
Surface heat treatment - carburizing, nitriding,
Other: titanium nitride etc.

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